Mitochondrial Dysfunction: A Common Denominator in Neurodevelopmental Disorders? - Karger Publishers

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Models and Mechanisms: Mini Review

                                                     Dev Neurosci 2021;43:222–229                                            Received: February 15, 2021
                                                                                                                             Accepted: June 12, 2021
                                                     DOI: 10.1159/000517870                                                  Published online: August 3, 2021

Mitochondrial Dysfunction: A Common
Denominator in Neurodevelopmental
Xilma R. Ortiz-González
Division of Neurology, Department of Pediatrics, The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and Department of
Neurology, Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA

Keywords                                                                      Introduction
Neurodevelopmental disorders · Mitochondria ·
Neurodegeneration · Intellectual disability · Epilepsy                       Although mitochondria are well known as the main-
                                                                          stay of energy production via oxidative phosphorylation,
                                                                          they also play a role in a plethora of crucial cellular func-
Abstract                                                                  tions. These include regulation of calcium homeostasis,
Mitochondria, the organelles classically seen as the power-               initiation of apoptosis, thermoregulation, maintaining
house of the cell, are increasingly associated with a wide va-            red-ox balance, and generating bioactive metabolites that
riety of neurodevelopmental disorders. Although individu-                 mediate epigenetic regulation by means of methylation,
ally rare, a myriad of pediatric neurogenetic disorders have              acetylation, or phosphorylation [1, 2]. More recently, sig-
been identified in the last few years, thanks to advances in              naling from the mitochondria to the nucleus has been ex-
clinical genetic sequencing and data analysis. As this expo-              plored in cancer and inflammatory disorders [3, 4].
nential growth continues, mitochondrial dysfunction is in-                   Genetic variants in either nuclear DNA or mitochon-
creasingly implicated in childhood neurodevelopmental dis-                drial DNA can clinically present with primary mitochon-
orders, with clinical presentations ranging from syndromic                drial disorders [5]. Usually, these molecular defects affect
autism, intellectual disability, and epileptic encephalopa-               proteins known to be critical for mitochondrial function,
thies to childhood onset neurodegeneration. Here we re-                   such as those comprising the electron transport chain, in-
view recent evidence demonstrating mitochondrial involve-                 volved in mitochondrial import/transport/solute ex-
ment in neurodevelopmental disorders, identify emerging                   change, or mtDNA translation and maintenance. Mito-
mechanistic trends, and reconsider the long-standing ques-                chondrial disease can be clinically heterogeneous, pre-
tion of the role of mitochondria in light of new evidence:                senting with a broad range of systemic involvement and
causation versus mere association.          © 2021 S. Karger AG, Basel    variable age of onset and severity [6]. Most often in the       © 2021 S. Karger AG, Basel                        Correspondence to:                                                        Xilma R Ortiz-González, ortizgonzalez @
pediatric realm, we consider mitochondrial disorders in         chondrial morphology and electron transport system ca-
children with progressive neurologic decline in the set-        pacity [14]. The concept of a pathological mitochondrial
ting of systemic manifestations, such as sensorineural          proton leak as a unifying hypothesis in FXS is recently
hearing loss, failure to thrive, hepatopathy, or cardiomy-      emerging. In mouse neuronal models, FMRP was shown
opathy. Nevertheless, as our understanding of the genetic       to regulate closure of the ATP-synthase c-subunit leak. In
underpinnings of many neurodevelopmental symptoms               isolated forebrain mitochondria derived from Fmr1 mice,
continues to grow, genes encoding proteins with mito-           inefficient respiration and an abnormal “proton leak”
chondrial localization or function are increasingly associ-     were found, which lead to ineffective oxidative phosphor-
ated with clinical manifestations such as epileptic en-         ylation [15]. Further studies with primary mouse neurons
cephalopathy (EE), intellectual disability, or autism spec-     derived from Fmr1−/y mice suggest that mutant FMR pro-
trum disorders. On the other hand, recent data are              tein is unable to close the developmental c-subunit leak,
connecting to mitochondria well-known genes associated          impairing oxidative phosphorylation and disrupting
with intellectual disability, which were not previously         stimulus-dependent synaptic maturation [16]. Recent
suspected to be implicated or remotely linked to mito-          studies also suggest that Fmr1 knockout mouse astrocytes
chondrial function. This review will address the emerging       also exhibit mitochondrial dysfunction, including re-
role of mitochondrial dysfunction in neurodevelopmen-           duced membrane potential and mtDNA content. Taken
tal disorders, from the most common causes of syndrom-          together, current evidence suggests that bioenergetic de-
ic autism to recently identified ultra-rare pediatric neuro-    fects in fragile X may involve both neurons and astrocytes
degenerative disorders. As emerging data accumulate             [16, 17]. Therefore, not only has mitochondrial dysfunc-
linking mitochondrial dysfunction to neurodevelopmen-           tion emerged as a key to unravel the pathophysiology of
tal disorders, a provoking question arises: if all roads lead   FXS, but these recent studies also open the possibility for
to Rome, can the mitochondria relay signals that impact         new druggable therapeutic targets. Repletion of mito-
the cell’s ultimate fate? From cancer to inflammation, a        chondrial coenzyme Q levels was able to block the patho-
recent explosion in the literature points to mitochondrial      logical proton leak in isolated Fmr1 knockout mice fore-
retrograde signaling as a key regulator of cell signaling in    brain mitochondria and rescue some autistic phenotypes
health and disease [7–10]. Neurologic disorders are likely      in vivo [15]. The same group also reported that a different
no exception [11] as we will address in the context of pe-      approach with Fmr1−/y mice treated with the ATP syn-
diatric neurodevelopmental disorders.                           thase modulator, dexpramipexole, showed amelioration
                                                                in some behavioral measures of autistic behaviors [16].

   New Twist to an Old Story: Mitochondrial                        Angelman Syndrome
   Dysfunction in the “Classic” Syndromic Autism                   Angelman syndrome is another well-known and com-
   Disorders                                                    mon autism and intellectual disability syndrome, associ-
                                                                ated with chromosomal deletions of maternal chromo-
   Fragile X                                                    some 15 including the UBE3A gene. Early studies exam-
   Fragile X syndrome (FXS) is one of the most common           ining mitochondrial function in hippocampal neurons
causes of syndromic intellectual disability and autism, but     from a UBE3A mouse model found abnormal mitochon-
only recently the idea that mitochondrial dysfunction           drial morphology and oxidative phosphorylation defects
may have a significant role in the pathogenesis of this dis-    [18]. Mitochondrially derived oxidative stress, particu-
order has been entertained. Early hypothesis (reviewed in       larly superoxide levels, was found to be elevated in UBE3A
[12]) pointed to a role of the FMRP protein as an RNA-          hippocampal neurons, and mitochondria-targeted anti-
binding protein regulating the expression of mitochon-          oxidants could rescue behavioral impairments in mice
drial and cytosolic Cu/Zn superoxide dismutase (SOD1),          [19, 20]. More recent transcriptome data also suggest that
suggesting increased mitochondrial oxidative stress could       Ube3a deletion in mouse cellular models results in differ-
lead to secondary mitochondrial dysfunction. Fast for-          ential gene expression profiles of mitochondria-associat-
ward 10–-15 years and the total number of publications          ed pathways [21].
for “fragile X and mitochondria” has increased 10-fold.
Using drosophila models, it has been shown that altera-           Tuberous Sclerosis Complex
tions in fragile X mental retardation (FMRP) can alter            Tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC) is caused by patho-
axonal transport of mitochondria [13], as well as mito-         genic variants in the genes TSC1 and TSC2, which are

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known to modulate the mechanistic target of rapamycin          [34], prompting the testing of free radical scavengers in
complex (mTORC). Given the myriad of known bidirec-            animal models [35]. Although significant evidence for a
tional interactions between mTORC signaling and mito-          role of disrupted redox homeostasis in Rett syndrome has
chondria [22–24], it is perhaps unsurprising that mito-        been building (for dedicated reviews, refer to [36, 37]),
chondrial alterations have been found in TSC disease           the larger question remains of whether mitochondrial
models. Mitochondrial quality control via autophagic           dysfunction constitutes cause or effect in the pathogene-
degradation of dysfunctional mitochondria (mitophagy)          sis of neurodevelopmental disorders in the Rett spec-
is also long known to be linked to mTORC1 (mTOR com-           trum. Nevertheless, convergence of current evidence to-
plex 1) signaling [25]. In primary hippocampal Tsc2-de-        ward a model of altered redox homeostasis may be worth
ficient neurons, mitochondria were progressively accu-         exploring as it may open therapeutic avenues in the fu-
mulated in cell bodies but depleted in axons. Mitochon-        ture.
dria from Tsc2-deficient neurons had impaired                      MECP2 is thought to be a transcription factor, and
respiratory chain function and reduced membrane po-            there is some evidence that it regulates a gene encoding a
tential. Upon conditions that should stimulate mitophagy       protein essential for mitochondrial ADP/ATP exchange,
(inhibiting the electron transport chain with antimycin        the adenine nucleotide translocator (SLC25A4 or ANT1)
A), Tsc2-deficient neurons had a blunted mitophagy re-         [38]. ANT1 mRNA levels were found to be increased in
sponse. Alterations in autophagy and mitochondrial re-         human and mouse cell lines with MECP2 deficiency and
active oxygen species (mitoROS) were also observed in a        in Rett patients’ fibroblasts. To understand the potential
human iPSC-derived Purkinje cell model of TSC [26]. In-        consequences of ANT1 upregulation in cellular function,
terestingly, gene expression data on this study also re-       the physiological roles of ANT1 must be considered. In
vealed downregulation of several components of the             addition to ADP/ATP exchange, recent studies suggest
FMRP protein targets in TSC2-deficient human Purkinje          additional intriguing physiological roles for this protein,
cells. Overall, these studies have raised the potential of     including regulating mitophagy [39] and mitochondrial
targeting mitochondrial quality control as a therapeutic       uncoupling via proton transport [40]. Perhaps due to its
target for tuberous sclerosis, as enhancing mitochondrial      multiple roles, mutations in SLC25A4/ANT1 are clinical-
quality control via mTOR-independent autophagy may             ly fascinating because of their heterogenous mode of in-
rescue the mitochondrial phenotype [27]. Furthermore,          heritance and divergent phenotypes. Dominant variants
the same group has speculated whether induction of au-         present with severe neonatal encephalopathy, while re-
tophagy to improve mitochondrial quality control could         cessive loss-of-function variants leads to progressive car-
be a therapeutic target for other mTORopathies in addi-        diomyopathy mostly in adults. In addition to the variable
tion to TSC [28].                                              age of onset and target organ affected, even with domi-
                                                               nant variants the neurologic involvement ranges from fa-
                                                               tal encephalopathy [41] to isolated gross motor delay
   Rett Syndrome Spectrum Disorders                            [42]. Therefore, the effects of ANT1 dysregulation in the
                                                               context of Rett syndrome are unclear and should be fur-
   Classic Rett syndrome is the result of mutations in the     ther examined. In particular, it may be relevant to recent
X-linked gene MECP2, but other phenotypically overlap-         observations suggesting defective mitophagy in Rett syn-
ping neurodevelopmental disorders are caused by vari-          drome. Impaired autophagosome biogenesis and reten-
ants in FOXG1 and CDKL5, for instance. Patients with           tion of mitochondria in peripheral RBCs were also ob-
these disorders often have autistic behaviors, intellectual    served [43]. Additional recent studies from fibroblast
disability, and epilepsy, all of variable severity. In MECP2   proteomic profiling have identified differential expres-
mouse models of Rett syndrome, several altered mito-           sion of mediators of mitochondrial dynamics and mi-
chondrial parameters have been identified. Changes in          tophagy, and apparent failure of induction of mitophagy
mitochondrial morphology have been reported in hippo-          upon FCCP stimulation [44].
campal neurons [29]. Isolated mitochondria from hippo-             In addition to MECP2-associated Rett syndrome, mi-
campi of Mecp2 knockout mice showed increased oxygen           tochondrial dysfunction has also been identified in other
consumption and generated higher ROS levels [30]. Mul-         genetic disorders within the same phenotypic spectrum.
tiple reports converged on decreased ATP levels and in-        Although less data are available, both CDKL5 and FOXG1
creased oxidative stress [31, 32], which have been found       have been linked to mitochondrial dysfunction. In cdkl5
across brain regions in neurons [33] as well as astrocytes     null mice, in vivo proton NMR spectroscopy was used to

224                  Dev Neurosci 2021;43:222–229                                  Ortiz-González
                     DOI: 10.1159/000517870
characterize metabolic brain activity. Their data suggest-      cient in SPATA5 (by shRNA knockdown) showed abnor-
ed mitochondrial dysfunction, based on reduced ATP              mal mitochondrial dynamics and decreased ATP levels,
levels and reduction of complex IV expression [45]. This        suggesting that indeed there may be a yet-to-be-identified
study is consistent with reduced ATP brain levels assayed       mitochondrial function for this protein [51].
ex vivo with traditional biochemical assays using cdkl5             Defects affecting mitochondrial metabolite exchange
null mice, where mitochondrial respiratory chain defects        pathways are also critical for neurodevelopment. Bial-
were identified in complexes III–V [46]. Regarding              lelic variants in mitochondrial solute carriers, such as
FOXG1, recent studies suggest a fraction of the protein         the mitochondria glutamate carrier (SLC25A22), can
localizes to the mitochondrial matrix, and its localization     present with EE of variable severity, from the spectrum
is membrane potential dependent [47]. Overexpression            of Ohtahara syndrome (EE with burst suppression) [54]
of the full length and the mitochondria-localized portion       to migrating partial seizures of infancy- or childhood-
reduced mitochondrial respiratory function in a mouse           onset absence seizures [55, 56]. Mechanistically, it is
neuronal cell model.                                            worth nothing that reduced levels of glutathione (GSH)
                                                                have been reported in SLC25A22 as well as with loss of
                                                                function of SLC25A10. SLC25A10 transports dicarbox-
   Mitochondrial Disorders Presenting as EEs                    ylates and phosphate across the inner mitochondrial
                                                                membrane and is linked to EE with complex I deficiency
    As our understanding of human genetic disorders             [57]. Reduced GSH is a key free radical scavenging com-
continue to expand, and novel disease genes are identi-         pound in the nervous system and can attenuate the ef-
fied, our understanding of the strong genetic basis of EEs      fects of oxidative stress. Interestingly, previous data
continues to grow. Most of the genes initially linked with      measuring in vivo GSH brain levels in adult patients
EE, such as SCN1A and KCNQ2, encode for ion channels            with focal epilepsy via (1)-H MRS suggested that pa-
expressed in the brain. We are now well past the “chan-         tients with epilepsy have reduced GSH levels, regardless
nelopathy era” [48] and are increasingly finding genes          of seizure burden, relative to healthy controls [58]. As
that are associated with medication refractory epilepsy         our imaging capabilities evolve and new in vivo tech-
that are not obviously linked to neuronal excitability. In      niques allow for monitoring of GSH [59] and other oxi-
fact, it is not uncommon to find variants in novel disease      dative stress markers [60], we are poised to further probe
genes that have little to no known previous data to inform      the role of mitochondrial oxidative stress and its poten-
their physiologic function. Such is the case for multiple       tial as a therapeutic target in a wide range of neurode-
genes that encode proteins localized to the mitochondria        velopmental disorders. In particular, it deserves further
but have unclear functions or that are found to alter mi-       exploration the question of whether the beneficial ef-
tochondrial homeostasis by unknown mechanisms.                  fects from the ketogenic diet in the management of sei-
    Given that mitochondrial disorders are traditionally        zures could be at least in part due to elevated GSH levels
thought to be clinically distinct from EEs, it is particu-      in vivo. Although these have been reported in animal
larly interesting to note an increasing number of genes         studies earlier, the first human studies showing that the
encoding mitochondrial proteins and carriers causing            ketogenic diet can elevate GSH levels in children with
EEs. Mutations in mitochondrial transport machinery             epilepsy were recently reported with in vivo imaging
proteins such as TIMM50 [49], and proteins implicated           techniques [61].
in mitochondrial fission/fusion control such as DNM1L
[50] have been found in patients clinically presenting
with EE. In fact, it is not uncommon that patients with a          Mitochondrial Dysfunction: A Unifying
previous clinical diagnosis of mitochondrial disease are           Element in Genetically Heterogenous Pediatric
found on whole-exome sequencing to carry variants in               Neurodegenerative Disorders?
genes associated with EE, but that may have yet unclear
physiologic function [51]. Such is the case of SPATA5,             As the number of ultra-rare neurogenetic syndromes
initially identified as causative of microcephaly, intrac-      that manifest with pediatric-onset neurodegeneration
table generalized epilepsy, and intellectual disability [52].   expands, so does the evidence that many of these disor-
Although little is known of the function of the protein it      ders, from the novel to the well-known, share an ele-
encodes, previous studies have suggested a mitochondri-         ment of mitochondrial dysfunction. From aberrant mi-
al localization sequence [53]. Cortical rat neurons defi-       tophagy and mitochondrial respiratory defects in a

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Table 1. Neurodevelopmental disorders with evidence of mitochondrial dysfunction [74–85]

Neurodevelopmental disorder/         Genetic etiology        Mitochondrial data                                                       References

FXS                                  FMR1                  Impaired OXPHOS, abnormal proton leak, abnormal mito ­morphology,          [13–17]
                                                           and axonal transport
Angelman syndrome                    15q11.2-q13 deletion/ Increased mitoROS, altered hippocampal CA1 mito morphology, and            [18–21]
                                     UPD, UBE3A            reduced complex III activity
Tuberous sclerosis                   TSC1, TSC2            Impaired mitophagy, impaired respiration, and membrane p  ­ otential       [27, 28]
Rett spectrum disorders              MECP2, CDKL5, FOXG1 Increased mitoROS, hippocampal morphological changes, and i­ mpaired         [29, 33–38,
                                                           mitophagy                                                                  43–47]
EIEE31                               DNM1L                 Impaired mitochondrial fission                                             [50]
Epilepsy, hearing loss, and ID       SPATA5                Abnormal mitochondrial dynamics and decreased ATP levels                   [51]
Hypotonia, ataxia, and               CTBP1                 Reduced respiratory chain activities (complex I and complex IV)            [68]
developmental delay
TBCK encephaloneuronopathy           TBCK                    COX negative fibers, decreased respiration, and impaired mitophagy       [71, 72]

Noteworthy but not covered in this review
Phelan-McDermid syndrome               22q13deletion         SHANK3 interactome data suggest interaction with mitochondrial           [74, 75]
                                       SHANK3                proteins, low complexes I and IV in PMS patients
Other 15q11 CNVs/Prader-Willi          15q11.2-13                                                                                     [76, 77]
Down syndrome                          Trisomy 21            Reduced respiration, decreased membrane potential, and lower ATP levels [78–82]
                                                             (see [80] for review)
DiGeorge/22q11.2 deletion            22q11.2 del             Altered mito interactome, impaired mito calcium buffering, reduced      [83–85]
                                                             OXPHOS (complexes I and IV), and reduced ATP levels

   FXS, fragile X syndrome; OXPHOS, oxidative phosphorylation; mitoROS, mitochondrial reactive oxygen species; EIEE31, early infantile epileptic en-
cephalopathy 31.

classic lysosomal disorder, Niemann-Pick disease [62–                      CTBP1 [68]. Similarly, patients diagnosed with the re-
64], to the recent elegant work showing that mechanis-                     cently described TBCK encephaloneuronopathy syn-
tically several of the NBIA (neurodegeneration with                        drome [69, 70] also exhibit what appears to be second-
brain iron accumulation) disorders converge on the mi-                     ary mitochondrial dysfunction [71], perhaps due to ly-
tochondrial acyl carrier protein [65], evolving mecha-                     sosomal dysfunction compromising mitochondrial
nistic insights implicate mitochondria. In terms of                        quality control [72].
more recently discovered neurogenetic disorders, often                        Although we often think of mitochondrial disorders as
patients were clinically suspected to have mitochondri-                    a separate entity clinically, it is also worth noting that the
al disorders, and variants were found in genes of un-                      majority of patients with primary mitochondrial disor-
clear function, but no previous data are available to sup-                 ders also exhibit neurodevelopmental symptoms such as
port a mitochondrial connection. Nevertheless, inte-                       delayed milestones, seizures, and intellectual disability.
grating this clinical insight may reveal that indeed,                      Many of them go on to develop frank neurodegenerative
despite no yet clear connection to mitochondria, func-                     features, such as seen in the mitochondrial depletion syn-
tional studies may reveal mitochondrial dysfunction.                       drome associated with variants in POLG [73], or the pro-
This is the case, for instance, for CTBP1 neurodevelop-                    gressive ataxia, neuropathy, and dementia seen in Ke-
mental disorders, which can present with developmen-                       arns-Sayre syndrome.
tal delay (and sometimes regression), ataxia, and spas-                       The question then becomes, are mitochondria just an-
ticity [66]. Pathogenic variants were found to alter tran-                 other subcellular victim of divergent pathways leading to
scriptional regulation of pathways linked to apoptosis                     neurodegeneration or are they a common denominator,
[67] in cellular models. Interestingly, a patient with                     a crucial stepping stone in the path that culminates in
known complex I and complex IV deficiency presumed                         neurodegeneration?
to have a mitochondrial disorder was instead found to                         The implicated pathways to date vary but all lead to
have the same recurrent de novo pathogenic variant in                      disrupting mitochondrial homeostasis, from altering re-

226                       Dev Neurosci 2021;43:222–229                                               Ortiz-González
                          DOI: 10.1159/000517870
spiratory chain function to mitochondrial morphology,                           maintaining mitochondrial homeostasis will illuminate
dynamics, transport, and quality control (mitophagy for                         the pathways critical in disease pathogenesis but open
instance) (Table 1). One of the challenges in establishing                      new venues for therapeutic target development.
strong common underlying mechanisms is the lack of
systematic mitochondrial characterization across differ-
ent neurodevelopmental disorders. Some studies may ex-                              Acknowledgments
amine mitophagy, others may look at respiratory capac-
ity, while others may report mitochondrial network. This                            X.R.O.-G. is supported by NINDS (1K02NS112456-01A1), and
makes it challenging to address the causality question,                         by the Department of Pediatrics and the Center for Mitochondrial
                                                                                and Epigenomic Medicine at the Children’s Hospital of Philadel-
and the field may benefit from more comprehensive and                           phia.
consistent bioenergetic characterization across various
disorders in order to examine if common mechanisms
exist. As we continue to expand our understanding of the                            Conflict of Interest Statement
molecular basis of a growing number of neurodevelop-
mental disorders, perhaps deciphering the critical role of                          The author has no conflicts to declare.

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