MINUTES Regular Meeting August 25, 2021 6:00 PM Page 1 of 12 - Capital Region Water

Page created by Carlos Robertson
MINUTES Regular Meeting August 25, 2021 6:00 PM Page 1 of 12 - Capital Region Water
                                                                   Regular Meeting
                                                                    August 25, 2021
                                                                           6:00 PM
                                                                       Page 1 of 12

Regular Meeting (Conducted In-Person and via GoToMeeting)

In Person Attendance:
       J. Marc Kurowski, P.E., Chairperson
       Crystal A. Skotedis, CPA, CFE, Vice Chairperson/Treasurer
       Garvey Presley, Jr., Secretary
       Andrew Enders, Assistant Secretary/Treasurer
       Charlotte Katzenmoyer, Chief Executive Officer
       Douglas E. Keith, Chief Financial Officer
       Michelle Bethel-Miller, Director of Shared Services
       David W. Stewart, P.E., Director of Engineering
       Jess Rosentel, Director of Wastewater Operations
       Tanya Dierolf, Director of Strategic Initiatives
       Tammie Sheaffer, Office Manager
       Karen McKillip, Archivist
       Tom Czyzykowski, Information Technology Manager
General Counsel:
       Scott Wyland, Esquire (Salzmann Hughes, P.C.)
Virtual Attendance:
       Julie Peters, Controller
       Jeff Bowra, P.E., Lead Engineer
       Steven Early, Community Relations Manager
       Rebecca Laufer, External Affairs Manager
       Jarvis Brown, Diversity Program Manager
       Kendrick Maholtz, GIS Data Analyst
       Matt Crow, P.E. (Hazen and Sawyer)
       Caleb Krauter, P.E. (HRG)
       Herb Higginbotham (HDR Engineering)
       Sarah Ehrman, EIT (Gannett Fleming)
       John Hammell, P.E. (CDM Smith, Inc.)
       Jeff Thompson, P.E., (WRA)
       Courtney Accurti (Ceisler Media & Issue Advocacy)
       Holly Douglas (Cosmos Technologies, Inc.)
       Donald Barnett (Community Ambassador)
                                                                        Regular Meeting
                                                                          August 25, 2021
                                                                                 6:00 PM
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I.    Call to Order – Pledge of Allegiance – Roll Call

The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Kurowski at 6:07 PM.

Chairperson Kurowski stated that all four board members were present.

General housekeeping items were addressed by the chairperson advising that with the
Governor's lifting of Act 15, CRW began meeting again in-person as of July 28, 2021.

Board meetings are open to the public to attend in-person and for convenience purposes,
we will continue to offer virtual access to these meetings for the remainder of 2021. All
meeting location and virtual access information is available on CRW's website. Public notice
was published in the Patriot-News on Thursday, July 22, 2021.

We are now using the GoToMeeting platform for virtual meetings for the public. Under
CRW's rules of decorum, all persons participating virtually must sign in with their name to
properly identify themselves. Instructions for adding your name are provided on the website
under the meeting link. If you have signed into the meeting as a guest only, you will be
dismissed from the meeting until you have identified yourself by name.

All attendees’ microphones are muted to enhance sound quality and reduce feedback. If
anyone participating wants to provide a public comment during the two public comment
periods, please unmute your microphone to speak, and then mute it again when you are
finished speaking.

CRW posted the agenda five days in advance on the website and accepted public comments
via email until 4:00 PM the day of the Board meeting. The chairperson reported that CRW did
not receive any emailed comments, therefore, no comments were read into the record. The
chairperson advised that public comments made during the open public comment periods
should be kept to no more than three minutes.

The chairperson advised that the meeting was being recorded and will be posted on CRW’s
website at https://capitalregionwater.com/meetings-reports/ on Thursday, August 26, 2021.

II.   Chairperson’s Announcements

A.    An executive session under Section 708(a) of the Sunshine Act was held at 5:00 PM
      today to discuss personnel matters and potential claims against Capital Region Water
      with General Counsel.
                                                                       Regular Meeting
                                                                         August 25, 2021
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B.   Today's Regular Meeting was advertised in accordance with the Sunshine Act.

C.   The next Regular Meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, September 22, 2021, at 6:00 PM
     and is open to the public for attending in-person and virtually. Visit our website at
     capitalregionwater.com or call 888-510-0606 for in-person location and virtual meeting
     access details.

III. Committee Reports

Budget and Finance: Ms. Skotedis reported that the committee met on August 17, 2021,
and highlighted the items listed below.
•     A presentation of the 2020 Financial Audit was provided by Maher Duessel, a WBE firm
      in Harrisburg.
•     CRW's 2020 Financial Statements were found to be in order and will be presented by
      Maher Duessel at the September 22, 2021 Board meeting.
•     The Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED) report will be
      issued in compliance.
•     Audits of the Water and Wastewater Covenants were also conducted and found to be
      in compliance.
•     The 2020 Audit was performed virtually and went very smoothly.

Mr. Keith presented an overview of the July financial reports, along with a slide outlining
CRW's financial position on CRW's accounts receivable balances and outstanding delinquent

There were no questions from the Board.

Personnel and Shared Services:          Ms. Skotedis reported the committee met on
August 24, 2021, and highlighted the items listed below.
•   Liz Gonzalez was recognized as Employee of the Month for August.
•   All office employees' computers and devices have been converted to multi-factor
    authorization (MFA). Field employees will be next.
•   Cameras have been installed in accordance with CRW's Emergency Response Plan.
•   Customer Service reported significant collection improvements over the past month.
    They reported handling 2,800 calls in June and 4,300 calls in July. Average wait times
    have increased due to call volumes from 30 seconds to six-minute wait times.
•   Welcome to Maribet Maldonado, our new Spanish speaking customer service
                                                                       Regular Meeting
                                                                          August 25, 2021
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•    The credit assistance, under the Customer Assistance Program, has had an increase in
     applicants. To date, $26,000 has been provided in support.
•    CRW will begin accepting customer payments at our new location sometime in
     September, so stay tuned. As of today, physical payments must still be made at
     100 Pine Drive, Harrisburg, PA 17103 until the 3003 North Front Street location is open
     to the public.
•    Joseph Ritchey is retiring on October 1, 2021, and we are welcoming our new employee
     John Rathfon, as our new Risk and Safety Officer.
•    There are currently four employment opportunities available. Check our website for
     more details.
•    Negotiations continue for a new Collective Bargaining Agreement with AFSCME.
•    On September 23, 2021, CRW will open its new fitness center for our employees as part
     of our Wellness Program at the 3003 North Front Street facility, in partnership with
     Capital Blue Cross.
•    One agenda item regarding the destruction of records is on tonight's agenda coming
     out of committee. This item was vetted, and it is the committee's recommendation for
     those documents to be destroyed in accordance with CRW's Record Retention Plan.

There were no questions from the Board.

Operations and Engineering:           Mr. Kurowski reported the committee met on
August 13, 2021, and highlighted the items listed below.
•   An update on current construction projects was heard. All change orders, task orders
    and procurement items appearing on tonight's agenda were vetted during the
    committee meeting, and it is the committee’s recommendation that these items be
•   An update to the Board was provided by Mr. Kurowski on the status of the Joint
    Pollution Reduction Plan with Lower Paxton and Susquehanna Township (Resolution
    No. 2021-059) and explained how this Amendment No. 1 continues the collaborative
    efforts between the three municipalities to work with PennDOT for the most
    cost-effective way for CRW to achieve our obligations for sediment removal.
•   Engagement of consultants, Brown and Caldwell and WRT regarding CRW's Asset
    Management Program. The team responsible for the Asset Management Program at
    CRW is doing a great job. Thanks to Sheri Berilla and her team!
•   Construction activity at 3003 North Front Street is wrapping up and there are some
    change orders on tonight's agenda.
•   The roof at the DeHart Tower has been replaced.
•   The contractor for the Front Street Pump Station continues to close out the project.
•   Primary Digester rehabilitation project is expected to be completed by the end of 2021.

There were no questions from the Board.
                                                                      Regular Meeting
                                                                        August 25, 2021
                                                                               6:00 PM
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Legal and Risk Management: Mr. Enders reported the committee met on August 5, 2021,
and highlighted the items listed below.
•    Thanks to Joseph Ritchey for his service to CRW. Looking forward to working with
     John Rathfon who immediately must work on the renewal of CRW's broker agreement.
•    Claims continue to be low, although the Harrisburg area recently experienced record
     rainfall that has not been seen in this area for many years. Because of that, several
     claims have been made with CRW.
•    Mr. Enders encouraged customers who experience problems to (1) notify their
     homeowner insurance carrier; and (2) contact CRW in order that we are made aware
     and can track trouble areas and make necessary corrections, so the problems do not
     continue into the future.
•    Settlement of a billing issue is on tonight's agenda and the committee recommends the
     settlement agreement with Blackberry, LLC.

There were no questions from the Board.

Public Outreach and M/W/DBE: Mr. Enders reported the committee did not meet on
August 11, 2021, due to scheduling conflicts and lack of agenda items.

There were no questions from the Board.

IV.   Management Report

The monthly Management Report was provided to the Board in advance of the meeting and
posted on CRW’s website. Ms. Katzenmoyer provided additional highlights listed below.
• Thank you to CRW's field and operations personnel who worked tirelessly through the
   heavy rainfall last week to keep things running for our customers. Thank you for your
   dedication and patience.
• Commended the Finance Department for conducting a clean 2020 Audit, while
   conducting the audit in a virtual setting.
• She welcomed John Rathfon as our new Risk and Safety Officer. Mr. Rathfon started on
   Monday, August 23, 2021. Mr. Rathfon comes to CRW from Pfizer with a stellar
   background. We look forward to working with him.

There were no questions from the Board.
                                                                       Regular Meeting
                                                                         August 25, 2021
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V.     Minutes of Previous Meeting

A motion was made by Mr. Enders, seconded by Ms. Skotedis, and approved by majority
vote, that the Minutes of the July 28, 2021, Regular Meeting be entered into the record as

VI.    Modifications or Deletions to the Agenda

The following motion was removed from tonight's agenda.


C.     Resolution No. 2021-060 - Easement Agreement for Stormwater Facilities with
       Bellevue Park Association
       Motion: The Board adopts Resolution No. 2021-060 which authorizes the Chairperson
       and Secretary to execute the Easement Agreement for Stormwater Facilities between
       Bellevue Park Association and Capital Region Water, which shall be attached as
       Exhibit "A". Funding Source: N/A.

VII.   Public Comment – Agenda (3 Minutes) None.

VIII. Old/New Business


A motion was made by Ms. Skotedis, seconded by Mr. Presley, and the Board unanimously
resolved, that the following item be adopted, Administration Item A.

A.     Resolution Nos. 2021-052 through 2021-056 - Destruction of Records
       Motion: The Board adopts Resolution Nos. 2021-052 through 2021-056 which
       approves destruction of records, as detailed in “Exhibit A” attached hereto. Funding
       Source: Admin #10101510-51020 - Adm Document.
                                                                       Regular Meeting
                                                                         August 25, 2021
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A motion was made by Ms. Skotedis, seconded by Mr. Kurowski, and the Board unanimously
resolved, that the following item be adopted, Administration Item B.

B.   Resolution No. 2021-057 - Power Kunkle Consulting Agreements for Employee
     Motion: The Board adopts Resolution No. 2021-057 which ratifies and approves that
     the Power Kunkle Benefits Consulting Business Associate executed Agreement, be
     ratified as being effective January 1, 2015, for the purposes as outlined within, and
     attached as Exhibit "A"; and that the Power Kunkle Consulting executed Agreement, be
     ratified as being effective August 1, 2017, and that these Agreements are still the
     current agreements in place effective August 25, 2021 and attached as Exhibit "B".
     Funding Source: N/A.

A motion was made by Mr. Kurowski, seconded by Mr. Presley, and the Board unanimously
approved, that the following item be approved, Administration Item C.

C.   Basic Ordering Agreement and Task Order 2021-11-01: Asset Management
     Professional Services, Program Roadmap Update - Recommendation of Award to
     Brown and Caldwell
     Motion: The Board authorizes the issuance of a Notice of Intent to Award, subsequent
     to the Director of Engineering’s execution of a Basic Ordering Agreement, and Task
     Order 2021-11-01, for Asset Management Professional Consulting Services, dated
     August 25, 2021, from Brown and Caldwell for the Asset Management Program
     Development with scope of work as outlined in Brown and Caldwell’s Proposal
     Documents, dated August 4, 2021, in an amount of $93,950. M/W/DBE Commitment:
     $6,500 / 6.9% MBE and $7,700 / 8.2% (WBE) for a total of 15.1%. Funding Sources: 50/50
     Split, Water #60504541-54104 – Wtr Engineering Services and Wastewater #80504541-
     54104 – Ww Engineering Services.

A motion was made by Mr. Kurowski, seconded by Mr. Presley, and the Board unanimously
approved, that the following items be approved, Administrative Items D. and E.

D.   Change Order No. 4 - General Construction with Lauer Construction - 3003 North
     Front Street Renovations Project
     Motion: The Board authorizes the Director of Engineering to execute Change Order
     No. 4 with Lauer Construction Services in the total not-to-exceed amount of $330 with
     no increase to the contract time. M/W/DBE Commitment: $0.00 / 0.00%. Funding
     Source: Water #60800804-80400-00500 – Administrative Building.
                                                                       Regular Meeting
                                                                         August 25, 2021
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E.   Change Order No. 4 - Electrical Construction with Lauer Construction - 3003 North
     Front Street Renovations Project
     Motion: The Board authorizes the Director of Engineering to execute Change Order
     No. 4 with Lauer Construction Services in the total not-to-exceed amount of $6,528.65
     with an increase of 14 days to the contract time. M/W/DBE Commitment: $0.00 / 0.00%.
     Funding Source: Water #60800804-80400-00500 – Administrative Building.

A motion was made by Mr. Enders, seconded by Ms. Skotedis, and the Board approved by
majority vote, with Mr. Kurowski abstaining from the vote since he is a Board member
affiliated with an entity of Blackberry, LLC regarding Administration Item F. (See attached
Exhibit "A").

F.   Settlement Agreement with Blackberry, LLC
     Motion: The Board authorizes the Chief Executive Officer to execute the settlement
     agreement with Blackberry, LLC, as outlined in Blackberry, LLC's letter, dated
     August 23, 2021, and directs the Finance Department to issue a refund in the amount
     of $117,842.76 to Blackberry, LLC. Funding Source: Wtr #60000453-45518 – Wtr
     Customer Refunds.

A motion was made by Ms. Skotedis, seconded by Mr. Presley, and the Board unanimously
approved, that the following item be approved, Administrative Item G.

G.   Engagement of Randstad/Tatum Staffing for Accounting Manager - Revenues &
     Capital Assets
     Motion: The Board authorizes the Chief Executive Officer to execute the two contracts
     between Capital Region Water and Randstad Professionals US, LLC, d/b/a Tatum. One
     contract is for Direct Placement Services, and the other is for Contract-to-Hire and
     Temporary Positions. M/W/DBE Commitment: $0.00 / 0.00%. Funding Source: Admin
     #10100503-50307 – Adm Recruitment.

Drinking Water

A motion was made by Mr. Kurowski, seconded by Mr. Presley, and the Board unanimously
approved, that the following item be approved, Drinking Water Item A.
                                                                    Regular Meeting
                                                                       August 25, 2021
                                                                              6:00 PM
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A.   Professional Services Agreement with Echologics LLC - Contract Technology
     Vendor for Water Main Condition Assessment Project
     Motion: The Board authorizes the Director of Engineering to execute a Professional
     Services Agreement with Echologics LLC, as outlined in Echologics LLC’s Proposal
     42221133, dated July 23, 2021, in an amount not to exceed $92,847.33. M/W/DBE
     Commitment: TBD. Funding Source: Water #60800801-80100-00016 – Wtr Water Main
     Condition Assessment.

A motion was made by Mr. Kurowski, seconded by Mr. Presley, and the Board unanimously
approved, that the following item be approved, Drinking Water Item B.

B.   Procurement of Two Soda Ash Volumetric Dry Feeder Systems from
     Environmental Service & Equipment Company through COSTARS
     Motion: The Board authorizes the Director of Operations to procure two Soda Ash
     Volumetric Dry Feeder Systems from Environmental Service & Equipment Company in
     the amount of $107,545. There is no M/W/DBE participation due to purchasing through
     the COSTARS (Commonwealth of PA's Cooperative Purchasing Program). M/W/DBE
     Commitment: $0.00 / 0.00%. Funding Source: Water #608008036-80300-00301 – Wtr
     Soda Ash Feeder Replace.

A motion was made by Mr. Kurowski, seconded by Mr. Presley, and the Board unanimously
approved, that the following item be approved, Drinking Water Item C.

C.   Procurement of Fourteen Rosemont Scalable Transmitters from Control System
     21 through COSTARS
     Motion: The Board authorizes the Director of Operations to procure fourteen
     Rosemont Scalable Transmitters from Control Systems 21 in the amount of $40,504.85.
     There is no M/W/DBE participation due to purchasing through the COSTARS
     (Commonwealth of PA's Cooperative Purchasing Program). M/W/DBE Commitment:
     $0.00 / 0.00%. Funding Source: Water #60800804-80300-00323 – Wtr Motor Disconnect

A motion was made by Mr. Kurowski, seconded by Mr. Enders, and the Board unanimously
approved, that the following item be approved, Drinking Water Item D.
                                                                       Regular Meeting
                                                                         August 25, 2021
                                                                                6:00 PM
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D.   Procurement of Flow Point Systems Dual Potable 3-Inch Bulk Water Station from
     Enginuity through COSTARS
     Motion: The Board authorizes the Director of Operations to procure a Flow Point
     Systems Dual Potable 3-inch Bulk Water Station from Enginuity in the amount of
     $66,727. There is no M/W/DBE participation due to purchasing through the COSTARS
     (Commonwealth of PA's Cooperative Purchasing Program). M/W/DBE Commitment:
     $0.00 / 0.00%. Funding Source: Water #60800801-80100-00101 – Wtr Bottle Filling


A motion was made by Ms. Skotedis, seconded by Mr. Enders, and the Board unanimously
approved, that the following item be approved, Wastewater Item A.

A.   Authorization to Open Bank Account at First National Bank
     Motion: The Board authorizes the respective officers’ execution of the Bank Resolution
     and Signature Cards to open a bank account with First National Bank, titled CRW Sewer
     2021A PENNVEST, effective, August 25, 2021.


A motion was made by Mr. Kurowski, seconded by Mr. Enders, and the Board unanimously
resolved, that the following item be adopted, Stormwater Item A.

A.   Resolution No. 2021-058 - Stormwater Operation & Maintenance Agreement with
     Tri-County HDC, LTD
     Motion: The Board adopts Resolution No. 2021-058 which authorizes the Chairperson
     and Secretary to execute the Stormwater Facilities and Best Management Practices
     Operations and Maintenance Agreement with Tri-County HDC, LTD for the Hummel
     Street Townhomes, in the City of Harrisburg, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania. Funding
     Source: N/A.

A motion was made by Mr. Kurowski, seconded by Ms. Skotedis, and the Board unanimously
resolved, that the following item be adopted, Stormwater Item B.
                                                                        Regular Meeting
                                                                          August 25, 2021
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B.    Resolution No. 2021-059 - Joint Pollutant Reduction Plan – Intergovernmental
      Cooperation Agreement – Task Order 2020-01 Amendment No. 1 – Contribution to
      Motion: The Board adopts Resolution No. 2021-059 which authorizes the Chairperson
      and Secretary to execute Task Order 2020-01 Amendment No. 1 under the
      Intergovernmental Cooperation Agreement for an additional contribution of Two
      Hundred Thousand, Six Hundred and Seventy-five Dollars ($200,675) towards the
      Paxton Creek Watershed Sediment Reduction Project. The cost for implementation
      associated with these BMP Projects shall be shared pursuant to the allocation provided
      in Task Order 2020-01 Amendment No. 1 by Capital Region Water - $32,108; Lower
      Paxton Township - $114,384.75; and Susquehanna Township - $54,182.25, which shall
      be attached to the Resolution as Exhibit "A". Funding Source: Stormwater #90800801-
      80100-00091 – Paxton Crk TMDL Joint PRP MS4.

Due to the modification of the agenda, the item previously identified as Stormwater Item D.
is now Stormwater Item C.

A motion was made by Mr. Kurowski, seconded by Mr. Enders, and the Board unanimously
approved, that the following item be approved, Stormwater Item C.

C.    Task Order 2021-08-02: Engineering Services for CBH2OPP Phase 4 PENNVEST SW
      Pro-Fi Design with WRT, LLC – Amendment No. 1
      Motion: The Board authorizes the Director of Engineering to execute Task Order
      2021-08-02 for the Phase 4 PENNVEST SW Pro-Fi Design to WRT, LLC in an amount not
      to exceed $32,200, as outlined in WRT’s Proposal, dated July 26, 2021. M/W/DBE
      Commitment: $13,900 / 43.0% for DBE. Funding Source: Stormwater #90800801-80100-
      00124 – Sw PENNVEST Pro-Fi Phase 4.

IX.   Public Comment – Non-Agenda Items (3 Minutes) None.

X.    Board Member Comments

Ms. Skotedis provided the comments listed below.
•    Advised the public of upcoming budget meetings.
•    Thank you to everyone for their commitment to this Board. It is an honor to work with
                                                                        Regular Meeting
                                                                          August 25, 2021
                                                                                 6:00 PM
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Mr. Presley provided the comments listed below.
•    Congratulated Liz Gonzalez for being Employee of the Month.
•    Thank you to our Drinking Water staff members Damon Clowe, Jason Miller, Cody
     Trostler-Weber and Rodney Bebenek for their efforts in getting Customer Service
     moved to their new location. These guys worked in very hot conditions and never
     complained. Shout out for your hard work. CRW appreciates you!

Mr. Enders provided the comments listed below.
•    He echoed Mr. Presley's comments for a shout out to our CRW staff for doing a great
     job moving Customer Service very efficiently.
•    Remember when you are out in the community and see our staff working in your
     neighborhood, say hello and acknowledge them. Good morning and friendly hellos go
     a long way out to our field staff.
•    Mr. Enders demonstrated an indoor water conservation kit that are available through
     the Customer Service Center to all applicants of the Customer Assistance Program. If
     you would like an indoor water conservation kit, call Customer Service at 888-510-0606.

Mr. Kurowski provided the comments listed below.
•    He continues to be impressed by our staff on how smooth our Board meetings are
     going. It goes without saying because there is a lot of work going on behind the scenes
     prior to the Board meetings. CRW's staff does a great job at providing relevant
     information to Board members in advance of the meeting through the committee
     review processes.
•    In follow-up to last month's comments, CRW submitted a letter to the City of Harrisburg
     administration and Harrisburg City Council about the American Rescue Plan (ARP)
     funding that is coming through the City of Harrisburg. CRW is excited to have those
     conversations with City leadership and City Council once they return from their summer
     recess. CRW believes we have many opportunities for some of those funds to be
     appropriated to our projects to reduce the burden on our ratepayers, so stay tuned!

XI.   Adjournment

A motion was made by Mr. Presley, seconded by Mr. Enders, for the Board to adjourn the
meeting at 7:00 PM. The motion was unanimously approved.

                                             CAPITAL REGION WATER

                                             Garvey Presley, Jr.
Karen McKillip

From:                 Marc Kurowski 
Sent:                 Thursday, August 26, 2021 1:38 PM
To:                   Karen McKillip
Cc:                   Scott Wyland
Subject:              RE: 8/25/2021 Board Meeting Abstention - Blackberry LLC Settlement (Approved 8/25/2021)

CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the
sender and know the content is safe.


Sure thing…as a Board member and Vice Chair of Harristown Enterprises, Inc, which is the sole owner of South Third
Development, LLC, which is the managing member of Blackberry LLC, I abstained from any discussion or action on that
agenda item. Thanks!

J. Marc Kurowski, PE – President and CEO
P: 717.635.2835 x 1002 C: 717.919.5330

                                                               Exhibit "A"
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