MEMBERS' BULLETIN Thursday, 26 August 2021/Issue No. 2021/34 - Basildon Council

Page created by Lonnie Burgess
MEMBERS' BULLETIN Thursday, 26 August 2021/Issue No. 2021/34 - Basildon Council

          Thursday, 26 August 2021/Issue No. 2021/34

For enquiries regarding The Members Bulletin, please call 01268 207934
The Basildon Centre, St Martin’s Square, Basildon, Essex SS14 1DL
           This is a list of meetings to be attended by Councillors.
           Please note that meetings marked with an asterisk are
                              not open to the public.
                               Week Commencing 30th August 2021

                COMMITTEE, CONFERENCE, ETC                     VENUE           TIME
Mon 30                              BANK HOLIDAY
Tue 31
Wed 1     Scrutiny Committee                              St. George’s Suite   7.00pm
Thur 2
 Fri 3

                               Week Commencing 6th September 2021

                COMMITTEE, CONFERENCE, ETC                     VENUE            TIME
Mon 6     Extraordinary Council Meeting                   St. George’s Suite   7.00pm
Tue 7     Audit and Risk Committee                        St. George’s Suite   7.00pm
Wed 8     Planning Committee                              St. George’s Suite   7.00pm
Thur 9    Licensing Committee                             St. George’s Suite   7.00pm
Fri 10

                           Week Commencing 13th September 2021

                COMMITTEE, CONFERENCE, ETC                     VENUE           TIME
          All Member Briefing – Boundary Commission
Mon 13                                                     Remote Meeting      6.30pm
          Regeneration and Economic Development
Tue 14                                                    St. George’s Suite   7.00pm
Wed 15    Bus Forum                                        Remote Meeting      6.00pm
          Joint Standards Committee                       St. George’s Suite   7.00pm
Thur 16
Fri 17

                           Week Commencing 20th September 2021

                COMMITTEE, CONFERENCE, ETC                     VENUE           TIME
Mon 20
Tue 21    Scrutiny Committee                              St. George’s Suite   7.00pm
Wed 22    Planning Committee                              St. George’s Suite   7.00pm
Thur 23   Leisure and Environment Committee               St. George’s Suite   7.00pm
Fri 24

               (Please note that these lists are correct at the time of
                   being printed and do not take account of any
                        subsequent changes to the diary.)

  Friday 3rd September            Raising of the            Basildon Centre
          11am                     Pride Flag

  Friday 3rd September          The Next Chosen               ECO House,
          6pm                    Generation CIC                Basildon
                               Annual Conference

  Friday 3rd September       Photofold Camera Club          Chantry Centre,
          8pm                      Exhibition                 Billericay

 Saturday 4th September         Basildon Pride –          Basildon Town Centre
         11am                  Parade to Festival        Leaving from Toys’R’us


                      GENERAL INFORMATION


For detailed information regarding Roadworks in your Ward, go to:-



For up to date information on changes to bus timetables within the Essex area, go to
the link below and sign up to the Essex County Council’s Transport and Travel Update
Electronic Newsletter, which includes the contents of Bus Passenger News, as well as
Travel News, Offers and other information.

The following sections provide information on planning applications and other Ward
specific information which will be of interest to Members in their community leadership
role. Members are reminded that further details on planning applications can be
viewed on the Public Access for Planning pages of the Council’s web-site, This includes associated documents,
case officer details and the expiry date for consultations. Any written comments
submitted by Members in respect of specific applications will be taken into
consideration as part of the decision making process.

All letters received in response to the Council’s consultations on planning applications
are available for viewing by Members by contacting Planning Technical Support
Officers, Suzanne Spears (6861) or Amanda Ficken (6858).

Please note these sections will now include planning application information for the 2
weeks prior to the distribution of each Bulletin, in order to avoid backdated
applications being omitted. Therefore, some information may be duplicated.

                         LICENSING APPLICATIONS
The Licensing Authority have received (19/8/2021) an application for a Pavement licence outside,

Blue Boar
39 High Street
CM12 9BA

Ward: Billericay East

The Application requests the use of an outside area at the front of the premises for tables and chairs.

Hours requested for the area to be used          Monday -Sunday 09:00hrs -2100hrs

Any representations must be received by the Licensing Authority by. 25/8/2021. If you have any
questions, please contact Licensing Officer Roy Robinson on 01268-208260.

                   Planning Applications Submitted:

     APPLICATION              ADDRESS                        DESCRIPTION

21/01219/FULL      5 Henham Close Billericay      Proposed two storey rear extension

21/01236/FULL      411 Outwood Common Road        Proposed garage conversion into
                   Billericay                     self-contained annex (revised

21/01245/COND      Land Rear Of 117 Norsey Road   Application for approval of details
                                                  reserved by Condition 6 (Electric
                                                  Vehicle Charging) and Condition 8
                                                  (External Lighting) of consent
                                                  reference 20/01256/FULL

21/01251/FULL      28 Hillside Road Billericay    Single storey rear extension on two
                                                  split levels with two storey side
                                                  extension, loft conversion and roof
                                                  extensions with front and rear
                                                  dormers and new porch to front

21/01261/FULL      126 High Street Billericay     Change of use of vacant, former
                                                  betting shop (sui generis use) to a hot
                                                  food takeaway (sui generis use),
                                                  incorporating a replacement
                                                  shopfront and the installation of plant
                                                  and an extraction system to the rear

21/01262/ABAS      126 High Street Billericay     Externally illuminated fascia signage
                                                  and an externally illuminated
                                                  projecting sign

21/01272/FULL      20 Hillside Road Billericay    Single storey side and rear extension

21/01276/TPOBAS    5 Sadlers Close Billericay     TPO/6/73 Oak (T3) - Reduce crown
                                                  by 30% and lift crown to 5m due to
                                                  excessive shading, potential damage
                                                  to parked cars from acorns, falling
                                                  branches, potential damage to
                                                  surrounding properties due excessive
                                                  water loss from soil around

21/01304/NMABAS    35 Wheatear Place Billericay   To establish whether fenestration
                                                  changes including enlargement of the
                                                  bedroom window and reduction of
                                                  door opening on rear elevation can
APPLICATION               ADDRESS                      DESCRIPTION

                                                 be considered a non-material
                                                 amendment of granted consent


                        Planning Applications Decided:

          APPLICATION              ADDRESS         DESCRIPTION           DECISION

21/00943/FULL                 4 Felsted Road    Single storey rear      Granted
                              Billericay        extension

21/00944/FULL                 2 Felsted Road    Single-storey rear      Granted
                              Billericay        extension and
                                                change of external
                                                finishes to side &
                                                rear elevations.

21/00948/FULL                 124 Norsey Road   Revised replacement Granted
                              Billericay        dwelling design
                                                following previous
                                                basement and front
                                                garage projection to
                                                footprint as
                                                approved, with
                                                changes proposed to
                                                the appearance and
                                                design of the
                                                external elevations
                                                within a new
                                                mansard roof

21/00960/LDCP                 10 The Grove      To establish the      Granted
                              Billericay        lawfulness of a
                                                proposed single
                                                storey rear extension

21/00961/FULL                 80 High Street    New roof                Refused
                              Billericay        incorporating dormer
                                                windows, first and
                                                second floor
                                                alterations to ground
                                                floor to form 3 x 1
                                                bed flats and 1 x 2
                                                bed flats between 80
                                                to 82 High Street,


21/00969/TPOBAS         118 Norsey Road      T1 (Oak) of            Application
                        Billericay           TPO/02/78 Section      Permitted
                                             fell to ground level

21/00972/LDCP           21 Smythe Road       To establish the      Granted
                        Billericay           lawfulness of a
                                             proposed single
                                             storey rear extension
                                             and porch enclosure

21/00992/FULL           107 Norsey Road      Proposed single       Granted
                        Billericay           storey rear extension

21/00994/FULL           5 Highland Grove     Part single and part   Granted
                        Billericay           two-storey rear
                                             extension and
                                             alterations to front

21/01006/FULL           20C The Rising       Proposed 2 dormers     Refused
                        Billericay           in roof of flank
                                             elevation, new
                                             detached single
                                             garage and sliding
                                             vehicular access
                                             gate (Revised

21/01009/FULL           16 Headley Road      Garage Conversion      Granted
                        Billericay           with New Pitch Roof
                                             Over to Replace
                                             Existing Flat Roof

21/01034/LDCP           17 Smythe Road       To establish the        Granted
                        Billericay           lawfulness of a
                                             proposed single
                                             storey side extension
                                             with sloped tiled roof.

21/01040/LDCP           Nutwood Stock Road   To establish the       Granted
                                             lawfulness of a
                                             proposed rear
                                             dormer window and
                                             rooflights to front
Licensing Matters:

The Licensing Authority have received (19/8/2021) an application for a Pavement licence outside,

Blue Boar
39 High Street
CM12 9BA

Ward: Billericay East

The Application requests the use of an outside area at the front of the premises for tables and chairs.

Hours requested for the area to be used          Monday -Sunday 09:00hrs -2100hrs

Any representations must be received by the Licensing Authority by. 25/8/2021. If you have any
questions, please contact Licensing Officer Roy Robinson on 01268-208260.


                             BILLERICAY WEST WARD

                              Planning Applications Submitted:

       APPLICATION                        ADDRESS                            DESCRIPTION

21/01193/FULL                  98 Upland Road Billericay          Loft conversion incorporating hip to
                                                                  gable end roof alteration and front
                                                                  and rear dormers

21/01218/FULL                  21 The Copse Billericay            First floor front and rear extensions
                                                                  incorporating dormer window
                                                                  remodelling and alterations to

21/01223/FULL                  10 Lisa Close Billericay           Garage conversion to habitable
                                                                  space and raise garage roof

21/01231/FULL                  229 Stock Road Billericay          Single storey garage extension,
                                                                  conversion of existing garage to
                                                                  habitable space and infill extension to
                                                                  front elevation

21/01244/FULL                  22 Perry Street Billericay         Front dormer window and rooflights
                                                                  to rear elevation

Planning Applications Decided:

     APPLICATION           ADDRESS                     DESCRIPTION              DECISION

21/00876/FULL      247 Perry Street Billericay Part single, part two storey  Granted
                                               side/front extension
                                               incorporating a garage plus a
                                               new additional side dormer

21/00913/FULL      40 Hillhouse Drive           Remove roof, convert chalet    Granted
                   Billericay                   into house with additional
                                                accommodation in new roof
                                                space, construct first floor
                                                front extension over garage
                                                and construct single storey
                                                rear extension

21/00937/FULL      14 Pleasant Drive            Proposed single storey rear  Refused
                   Billericay                   extension, garage conversion
                                                and loft conversion
                                                incorporating a rear dormer
                                                and roof overhang to front

21/00939/FULL      16 Pleasant Drive            Proposed loft conversion       Refused
                   Billericay                   incorporating a rear dormer
                                                and roof overhang

21/00956/TPOBAS    37 Norsey View Drive         T6 and T7 (Oaks) of            Application
                   Billericay                   TPO/03/83 Crown Thin by        Permitted
                                                20% and Crown Lift by 3-4

21/00959/FULL      31 Marlborough Way           First floor side extension     Refused

21/00964/FULL      3 Arundel Close Billericay   Part single and part two       Refused
                                                storey rear extension

21/00973/LDCP      46 Perry Street Billericay   To establish the lawfulness of Granted
                                                a proposed loft conversion
                                                incorporating a hip to gable
                                                end roof extension, rear
                                                dormer and front rooflights

21/00975/FULL      137 Stock Road Billericay    Proposed side conservatory     Granted

21/00976/LDCP      195 Mountnessing Road        To establish the lawfulness of Granted
                   Billericay                   a proposed rear facing
                                                dormer and loft conversion
                                                incorporating rooflights to
APPLICATION           ADDRESS                     DESCRIPTION              DECISION

21/00979/FULL       16 Upland Close Billericay Proposed single storey rear     Granted

21/01002/FULL       1 Forester Court Billericay Single storey rear extension   Granted

21/01022/LDCP       324 Mountnessing Road       To establish the lawfulness of Granted
                    Billericay                  a proposed single storey rear
                                                extension with a parapet roof
                                                and lantern


                          BURSTEAD WARD

                    Planning Applications Submitted:

      APPLICATION               ADDRESS                            DESCRIPTION

21/01224/FULL        187 Noak Hill Road Great          Provision of 8no. lodges for 11 month
                     Burstead                          occupation for occupants aged 50
                                                       years and over, together with
                                                       alterations to the existing club house
                                                       at Noak Hill Golf Course

21/01256/TPOBAS      26 Beams Way Billericay           T1 (Oak) of TPO/13/74 Crown
                                                       Reduction back to previous pruning
                                                       points, this is a reduction of 2-3
                                                       metres. Lateral reduction of
                                                       branches over the rear garden up to
                                                       3 metres and a crown lift of epicormic
                                                       growth to 5 metres. Tree to the rear
                                                       of 26 Beams Way.

21/01259/TEL         Proposed Monopole Noak Hill       Proposed 20 metre Phase 8 telecoms
                     Road                              Monopole with wrapround cabinet at
                                                       base together with 2no. additional
                                                       cabinets and associated ancillary

21/01264/FULL        1 Brook Cottages Laindon          Reconstruction of former outhouse
                     Common Road                       (amended scheme to 21/00853/FULL
                                                       new fenestration to be wood)

21/01270/OUT         Land At Blackmore Farm Noak       Erection of 2 no. dwellings with
                     Hill Road                         associated parking and landscaping

21/01303/NMABAS      The Rectory Rectory Road          To establish whether changing the
                                                       side windows on rear elevation to full
                                                       height side lights can be considered a
APPLICATION                ADDRESS                          DESCRIPTION

                                                      non-material amendment of granted
                                                      consent 20/01086/FULL.


                    Planning Applications Decided:

     APPLICATION            ADDRESS                   DESCRIPTION             DECISION

21/00489/FULL      6 Margeth Road Billericay    Proposed single storey rear Refused
                                                extension with pitch roof
                                                over, a loft conversion
                                                including box dormers to
                                                side elevations and raising
                                                the existing roof line

21/00687/FULL      21 Fieldfare Billericay      Garage and single storey     Granted
                                                side extension

21/00756/FULL      Land Between The Willows     Construction of 3/4 bed      Granted
                   And Cranbourne Broomhills    detached dwelling over two
                   Chase                        floors within basement and
                                                ground floor storeys

21/00766/FULL      Sleepy Willows Laindon       Proposed garage/cart lodge Granted
                   Common Road                  to front

21/00780/TPOBAS    8 The Avenue Billericay      Oak (T6 of TPO/12/87) -      Application
                                                remove dead limbs and        Permitted
                                                crown height reduction 3m
                                                and group of five Ash (G1
                                                of TPO/12/87). Height
                                                reduction of 3m.

21/00800/FULL      36 The Avenue Billericay     Demolition of existing       Granted
                                                conservatory and
                                                construction of a single
                                                storey rear extension

21/00845/FULL      119 Grange Road Billericay   Conversion of existing       Granted
                                                garage into living
                                                incorporating external

21/00897/FULL      72 Trinity Road Billericay   Proposed hip to gable loft Granted
                                                conversion with box dormer
                                                to rear
APPLICATION           ADDRESS                      DESCRIPTION               DECISION

21/00925/FULL      42 Church Street Billericay    Conversion and change of       Refused
                                                  use of two outbuildings
                                                  within the curtilage of a
                                                  dwelling house to form
                                                  personal training studios.

21/00963/FULL      St Margarets Farm Botney       Erection of single storey   Granted
                   Hill Road                      side extensions, two storey
                                                  rear extension, side dormer
                                                  and front porch

21/00998/FULL      9 Frithwood Close Billericay Hip to gable roof alteration     Granted
                                                with rear dormer and
                                                associated works and
                                                rooflights to front (Revised

21/01000/FULL      18 Highfield Road Billericay   Erection of single storey      Granted
                                                  side and rear extensions

21/01005/LDCP      5 Scrub Rise Billericay        To establish the lawfulness Granted
                                                  of a proposed single storey
                                                  rear extension and rear roof
                                                  dormer extension

21/01012/LDCP      55 Kennel Lane Billericay      To establish the lawfulness    Granted
                                                  of a proposed loft
                                                  conversion incorporating a
                                                  hip to gable roof extension,
                                                  rear dormer with rooflights
                                                  to front elevation

21/01027/PIP       Lyndhurst Broomhills Chase Permission in Principle for        Refused
                                              a single dwelling

21/01045/LDCP      13 Home Meadows                To establish the lawfulness    Granted
                   Billericay                     of a proposed loft
                                                  conversion incorporating
                                                  rear dormer and rooflights
                                                  to front


                    Planning Applications Submitted:

      APPLICATION               ADDRESS                           DESCRIPTION

21/01233/FULL        Land At Christchurch Avenue      Erection of new dwelling with
                                                      associated access, parking and
                                                      amenity space

21/01243/FULL        2 Littlehurst Lane Noak Bridge   Proposed dwelling house on
                                                      front/side garden of 2 Littlehurst Lane

21/01273/S211        2 Kimberley Drive Noak Bridge    Section 211 Notice - T1 = TO
                                                      REDUCE OVERHANG FROM
                                                      NEIGHBOUR IN NO 4s CONIFER
                                                      BY 1.5/2.0MTRS

                                                      COMMON LAW RIGHTS TO
                                                      REMOVE OVERHANG

21/01275/FULL        Endeavour Ramsden Park Road Proposed single storey detached
                                                 garage to front of property


                     Planning Applications Decided:

     APPLICATION            ADDRESS                   DESCRIPTION               DECISION

21/00089/FULL       Holly Lodge Church Road     Conversion of stables to a 4   Refused
                                                bedroom dwelling

21/00857/FULL       Reflections Newhouse        Proposed single-storey rear    Granted
                    Avenue                      extension

21/00919/FULL       The Willows Crays Hill      Construction of a four         Granted
                    Road                        bedroom dwelling
                                                (Amendments to design
                                                previously approved by
                                                planning consent

21/00952/FULL       1 Hill Farm Cottage         To demolish existing garage, Refused
                    London Road                 outbuilding, single storey
                                                side and rear extensions.
                                                Replace with a two storey
                                                side and part single/part two
                                                storey rear extensions,
APPLICATION          ADDRESS                    DESCRIPTION              DECISION

                                               together with dormer
                                               windows/rooms in the roof

21/00995/TPOBAS    Magdalene Lodge Wash        T1 (Oak) of TPO/12/01         Application
                   Road                        Prune back lateral branches   Permitted
                                               by 3 metres that are
                                               touching the roof of


                         FRYERNS WARD

                   Planning Applications Submitted:

     APPLICATION              ADDRESS                           DESCRIPTION

21/01268/REM        Craylands Estates And Former     Appearance in relation to West
                    Fryerns School Site Craylands    Phase development plots 46-55 and
                                                     63, of the West Phase of the
                                                     Beechwood development, approved
                                                     under reference 16/00898/OUT.

21/01282/FULL       Gateway Park Christopher         Realignment of the existing car
                    Martin Road                      parking area, and the erection of a
                                                     smoking shelter, a cycle shelter,
                                                     proposed gates, fencing and
                                                     associated works.


                    Planning Applications Decided:

     APPLICATION          ADDRESS                    DESCRIPTION              DECISION

21/00918/FULL      Rodwell-Powell              Single-storey rear workshop   Granted
                   Engineering Group           extension
                   Chester Hall Lane

21/00987/FULL      32 Norwood End Basildon     Construction of a new out     Refused
                                               building with minor


                   Planning Applications Submitted:

     APPLICATION             ADDRESS                        DESCRIPTION

21/01252/FULL      39 Hoover Drive Laindon       Single storey rear extension


                   Planning Applications Decided:



                   LANGDON HILLS WARD

                   Planning Applications Submitted:

     APPLICATION             ADDRESS                        DESCRIPTION

21/01229/FULL      10 Heathleigh Drive Langdon   Dormer extensions

21/01257/FULL      Eldorado Thames View          Demolition of existing building and
                                                 the construction of a detached four-
                                                 bedroom chalet style dwelling.

21/01258/FULL      Eldorado Thames View          Replacement dwelling with detached
                                                 garage. Proposed glazed porch and
                                                 rear gable.

21/01271/LDCP      8 The Lindens Langdon Hills   To establish the lawfulness of a
                                                 proposed loft conversion, together
                                                 with rear dormer and three skylights.

Planning Applications Decided:

     APPLICATION          ADDRESS                   DESCRIPTION                DECISION

21/00770/FULL      8 The Lindens Langdon     First floor front extension and Granted
                   Hills                     loft conversion with alterations
                                             to roof.

21/00804/FULL      70 Berry Lane Langdon     Loft Extension with front        Refused
                   Hills                     bonnet dormers and rear box

21/00946/FULL      159 Great Berry Lane      Demolition of existing          Granted
                   Langdon Hills             conservatory and construction
                                             of single-storey rear extension

21/00953/FULL      15 Mahonia Drive          Single-storey rear extension     Granted
                   Langdon Hills

21/00974/FULL      7 Westley Road Langdon Construct block paving with    Granted
                   Hills                  Aco Drain to drive way,
                                          removal of hedge at front of
                                          site, erection of 1.2 metre
                                          brick wall with metal railing
                                          and metal gate and addition of
                                          3 metre high x 5 metre length
                                          x 3 metre deep timber pergola
                                          in garden (additional works to
                                          granted consent

21/00977/FULL      2 Lake View Langdon       Proposed single storey rear      Granted
                   Hills                     extension

21/00997/LDCP      35 Pittfields Langdon     To establish the lawfulness of   Granted
                   Hills                     a proposed rear dormer and
                                             roof lights


                   LEE CHAPEL NORTH WARD

                    Planning Applications Submitted:


Planning Applications Decided:

     APPLICATION          ADDRESS                  DESCRIPTION                 DECISION

21/01003/LDCP      59 Sellars Way Basildon   To establish the lawfulness    Granted
                                             of a proposed loft conversion
                                             to habitable space with rear
                                             facing dormer and rooflight to
                                             front elevation; insertion of
                                             opaque side window;
                                             erection of single storey rear

21/01004/LDCP      61 Sellars Way Basildon   Conversion of loft to          Granted
                                             habitable space with rear-
                                             facing dormer and rooflight to
                                             front elevation; insertion of
                                             opaque window to side



                   Planning Applications Submitted:

     APPLICATION              ADDRESS                           DESCRIPTION

21/01188/FULL       Land To Rear (south) Of The     Proposed new part single/part two
                    Knares Medical Practice The     storey building forming medical
                    Knares                          treatment and training facility (Use
                                                    Class D1) to rear of existing surgery.

21/01221/FULL       108 Clay Hill Road Basildon     Single storey rear extension and front

21/01225/VAR        Land At Nether Mayne            Variation of condition 2 (approved
                                                    plans) of Reserved Matters consent
                                                    reference 20/00616/REM, pursuant to
                                                    Outline Planning Permission
                                                    12/01080/OUT to accommodate a
                                                    revised layout in the northeast corner
                                                    of Phase 3C.

21/01246/FULL       239 Great Gregorie Basildon     Proposed first floor extension and
                                                    internal alterations to existing building
                                                    to allow change of use into two
                                                    dwellings (resubmission of approval
                                                    18/01690/FULL following expiry).
APPLICATION               ADDRESS                          DESCRIPTION

21/01263/FULL        13 Hawksway Kingswood          Two storey front, side and rear


                     Planning Applications Decided:

     APPLICATION           ADDRESS                  DESCRIPTION               DECISION

21/00832/FULL       10 The Vale Vange        Proposed single-storey side     Granted

21/00932/LDCP       3 Linnets Kingswood      To establish the lawfulness  Granted
                                             of a Proposal to convert
                                             existing connected garage to
                                             habitable room. Existing
                                             garage door to be removed
                                             and replaced with brickwork
                                             wall to match existing, and
                                             the inclusion of a new UPVC
                                             window. Installation of new


                   PITSEA NORTH WEST WARD

                    Planning Applications Submitted:

     APPLICATION               ADDRESS                          DESCRIPTION

21/01260/TPOBAS      46 Nevendon Road Basildon      Pollard to approx. 4 metres in height
                                                    of Lime Tree (T5 of TPO/06/90)
                                                    (Marked as T1 on supporting


                     Planning Applications Decided:

     APPLICATION           ADDRESS                  DESCRIPTION               DECISION

21/00786/FULL       59 Chalvedon Avenue      Retrospective application for   Granted
                    Pitsea                   single storey rear extension
                                             and outbuilding.
APPLICATION           ADDRESS                   DESCRIPTION              DECISION

21/00942/FULL       Gilbert Barker House      Installation of mezzanine     Granted
                    Burnt Mills Road          floor to be used as offices,
                                              insertion of windows on the
                                              western elevation, removal of
                                              the roller shutter door and
                                              replacement of facade.


                   PITSEA SOUTH EAST WARD

                    Planning Applications Submitted:



                     Planning Applications Decided:

     APPLICATION           ADDRESS                   DESCRIPTION              DECISION

21/00419/FULL       Buers Cottage London      Single-storey extension to     Refused
                    Road                      annex

21/00759/FULL       119 Kenneth Road Pitsea   Erection of a 3 bedroom        Refused
                                              house attached to east side
                                              of 119 Kenneth Road,
                                              together with detached
                                              garage and associated
                                              garden area.

21/00792/FULL       The Guard House Pitsea    Change of use from             Granted
                    Hall Lane                 residential (Class C3) to
                                              charity centre (Class E(e)),
                                              entrance porch, boundary
                                              fence, gates, new access,
                                              resurfacing and change of
                                              use of adjoining land


                       ST. MARTIN’S WARD

                    Planning Applications Submitted:


Planning Applications Decided:

       APPLICATION             ADDRESS                 DESCRIPTION                DECISION

21/00954/LBBAS             Brooke House Town Renewal and repairs to roof.       Granted


                               VANGE WARD

                       Planning Applications Submitted:

     APPLICATION                  ADDRESS                           DESCRIPTION

21/01213/FULL           1 Swan Mead Basildon             Conversion of outside sheds into
                                                         kitchen extension


                        Planning Applications Decided:

     APPLICATION            ADDRESS                    DESCRIPTION                 DECISION

21/00967/FULL          15 Furlongs Vange       Single storey side extension      Granted

21/00986/TPOBAS        96 Luncies Road         Crown reduction of 2m             Application
                       Basildon                reduction or a crown reduction    Permitted
                                               to previous pruning points of
                                               Oak (T3 of TPO/40/97)


                     WICKFORD CASTLEDON WARD

                       Planning Applications Submitted:

     APPLICATION                  ADDRESS                           DESCRIPTION

21/01217/COND           1 Bromfords Drive Wickford       Application for approval of details by
                                                         Condition 3 (materials) Condition 5
                                                         (refuse and recycling facilities) of
                                                         consent reference 21/00369/FULL
APPLICATION               ADDRESS                         DESCRIPTION

21/01220/FULL       41 Charlotte Avenue Wickford    Single storey side extension

21/01242/FULL       173 Castledon Road Wickford     Raise and extend roof to form first
                                                    floor accommodation with dormer
                                                    windows to front and construct two
                                                    storey front, side and rear extensions
                                                    incorporating carport to front


                    Planning Applications Decided:

     APPLICATION           ADDRESS                  DESCRIPTION                  DECISION

21/00883/VAR       7 - 8 St Peters Terrace   Variation of condition 2    Granted
                   Wickford                  (approved plans) of consent
                                             reference 19/01480/FULL by
                                             substituting with revised
                                             drawings to increase the
                                             ridge heights of the
                                             approved dwellings on plots
                                             1 & 2 by 250mm, and amend
                                             the design of the front and
                                             rear dormers

21/00930/LDCP      25 Laurel Avenue          To establish the lawfulness   Granted
                   Wickford                  of a proposed loft conversion
                                             incorporating a hip to gable
                                             roof extension and rear box

21/00970/FULL      11 Brockwell Walk         Proposed front porch            Granted


                   WICKFORD NORTH WARD

                   Planning Applications Submitted:

     APPLICATION               ADDRESS                         DESCRIPTION

21/01179/FULL       20 West Beech Avenue            Erection of a front porch

21/01230/FULL       19 Athelstan Gardens Wickford   First floor rear extension
APPLICATION              ADDRESS                             DESCRIPTION

21/01234/FULL        30 Oak Crescent Wickford          First floor rear extension over existing
                                                       sun room and alterations to loft
                                                       including provision of rooflights

21/01240/FULL        36 Runwell Road Wickford          Two storey part single storey
                                                       side/rear extension.


                     Planning Applications Decided:

     APPLICATION         ADDRESS                    DESCRIPTION                  DECISION

21/00700/FULL       107 Station Avenue     Proposed 3 bedroom bungalow          Granted
                    Wickford               and associated facilities in rear
                                           garden of 107 Station Avenue

21/00915/FULL       Beauchamps High        Retention of a temporary modular Granted
                    School Beauchamps      building and external canopy for
                    Drive                  an additional five years

21/00955/FULL       129 Southend Road      Retrospective single-storey rear     Granted
                    Wickford               extension (between and abutting
                                           previous single-storey rear

21/01007/FULL       78 Bruce Grove         Demolish existing front extension    Granted
                    Wickford               and replace with a new pitched
                                           roof front extension

21/01077/TEL        Land At The Junction   Proposed 18 metre Phase 8            Prior
                    Of Haslemere Road      Monopole cabinet warehouse           Approval
                    And Alderney           wrapround, cabinet at base and       Refused
                    Gardens                associated ancillary works.

21/01105/DEMBAS     Unit 1A Bruce Grove    Prior notification for the           Granted
                                           demolition of 1A-6A Bruce Grove


                    Planning Applications Submitted:

      APPLICATION              ADDRESS                              DESCRIPTION

21/01171/FULL        149A Nevendon Road Wickford        Proposed first floor extension to
                                                        existing hair salon and alterations to
                                                        the shopfront

21/01237/FULL        66 Muir Place Wickford             Single storey rear extension with flat
                                                        roof and roof lantern

21/01269/FULL        Patricia Meadow Way                Erection of 2no dwellings on land
                                                        adjacent to Patricia, Meadow Way,

21/01293/TEL         Land Adjacent Roundabout At        Installation of 15 metre monopole
                     Cranfield Park Road                with wraparound cabinet at base,
                                                        3no. additional ancillary equipment
                                                        cabinets and associated ancillary


                     Planning Applications Decided:

     APPLICATION          ADDRESS                     DESCRIPTION                 DECISION

21/00771/FULL       Rogate The Chase          Construct detached outbuilding     Granted
                                              at end of rear garden for use as
                                              a home office and gym with
                                              toilet/shower room

21/00985/FULL       3 Robertson Drive         First floor front extension, single Granted
                    Wickford                  storey rear extension, and
                                              garage conversion with internal


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                                 Councillor Call in form – Planning Committee

All call ins must be made within 28 days from the date of validation of a planning application (as set
out in the Member Bulletin).

     I wish to call-in the following application for determination by the Planning Committee.

             Application Number:

             Application Site Address:

My reasons for requesting call-in are as follows. Please tick appropriate box(es):

             Impact on neighbouring properties

             Impact on character of the street scene

             Residential amenity

             Car parking

             Highway issues

             Impact on trees and landscaping

             Impact on Listed Building/Conservation Area

             Other reasons (please specify below):

Name:                                                                                         Date:

This form should be emailed to the Development Team Manager
and to the Technical Support Team

If you have not received acknowledgement within 1 working day please contact the Technical
Support Team at

                                                       OFFICIAL USE ONLY

Authorised: Yes [           ]            No [      ]

Signature of the Chairman of Committee………………………………………………………..

Date signed………………………………………

̽In calling an application to the Planning Committee the Councillor is not pre-determining the planning application. Rather the Councillor is
 expressing a legitimate concern about an application and will reach a final conclusion, having considered all of the matters presented at the
 meeting and being genuinely open to persuasion on the merits of the application when a decision comes to be made by the Committee.
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Appeal Decision
Site Visit made on 12 July 2021

by M Chalk BSc (Hons) MSc MRTPI
an Inspector appointed by the Secretary of State
Decision date: 23rd August 2021

Appeal Ref: APP/V1505/W/21/3268385
Land Rear Of The Hyde, Glebe Road, Ramsden Bellhouse, Billericay, CM11
•   The appeal is made under section 78 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990
    against a refusal to grant planning permission.
•   The appeal is made by Mr D Webb against the decision of Basildon Borough Council.
•   The application Ref 20/00502/FULL, dated 5 May 2020, was refused by notice dated
    7 October 2020.
•   The development proposed is described as “6 No Bespoke Chalet Bungalows”.


1. The appeal is dismissed.

Preliminary Matters

2. The Council’s Emerging Local Plan has been submitted for examination.
   However, based on the evidence before me it is some distance from adoption,
   and therefore its policies carry limited weight in the determination of this

3. The Government released a revised National Planning Policy Framework in July
   2021. The main parties were invited to comment on the revised document as
   part of their submissions on this appeal.

Main Issues

4. The site is in the Green Belt, and therefore the main issues are:

     •    Whether the development proposed would constitute inappropriate
          development in the Green Belt, having regard to the National Planning
          Policy Framework and any relevant development plan policies,

     •    The effect on the openness of the Green Belt,

     •    The effect on the character and appearance of the area,

     •    Whether the development would make acceptable provision for surface
          water management; and,

     •    Would the harm by reason of inappropriateness, and any other harm, be
          clearly outweighed by other considerations so as to amount to the very
          special circumstances required to justify the proposal.

Appeal Decision APP/V1505/W/21/3268385


Whether inappropriate development

5. The National Planning Policy Framework (the Framework) states that the
   construction of new buildings in the Green Belt should be regarded as
   inappropriate development, other than for certain exceptions, and should not
   be approved except in very special circumstances. The appeal proposal does
   not conform with any of the identified exceptions set out in the Framework.

6. The Ramsden Bellhouse area has been set a target of 39 new homes in the
   emerging Local Plan. The intention is that these will be delivered on sites
   identified within a Neighbourhood Plan (the NP) for the area. However, there is
   no existing NP so there are no development plan policies relating to the
   provision of housing in this location.

7. The appeal proposal would therefore be inappropriate development in the
   Green Belt, contrary to the requirements of the Framework set out above.


8. As the appeal proposal would be inappropriate development, it is necessary to
   also consider the effect it would have on the openness of the Green Belt.

9. The main part of the appeal site is a field lying to the rear of a predominantly
   linear row of houses. While there are houses immediately next to the site, they
   are separate from it. The site is otherwise bordered by trees and a low post
   and rail fence and is an open and undeveloped piece of land.

10. The introduction of six houses on the main part of the site would result in a
    substantial encroachment of built development onto this piece of land, causing
    a harmful loss of both spatial and visual openness in this location. The houses
    would be chalet bungalows and similar in size to the immediately neighbouring
    houses, but the development would conflict with one of the main Green Belt
    purposes of safeguarding the countryside from encroachment and the
    fundamental aim of Green Belt policy to prevent urban sprawl by keeping land
    permanently open. The extension of the access road serving the existing
    houses across undeveloped greenfield land would also result in the loss of
    spatial openness in this location.

11. The appeal proposal would therefore result in harm to the openness of the
    Green Belt.

Character and appearance

12. The appeal site is undeveloped greenfield land beyond the existing built up
    area of the settlement and contributes to its rural setting. There are houses
    immediately adjacent to the site, between it and The Hyde. However, there is a
    clear boundary to the rear of properties on Glebe Road, and the appeal site lies
    beyond this.

13. There are houses on Orchard Avenue beyond the mature treeline to one side of
    the site, but these are barely visible due to the screening effect of the trees.
    The appeal site borders open countryside on the remaining two sides, with a
    railway embankment some distance away having little effect on the essentially
    open character of the site.       2
Appeal Decision APP/V1505/W/21/3268385

14. The proposed development would result in the loss of this open character and
    be harmful to the character and appearance of the area. It would therefore
    conflict with Policy BAS BE12 of the Basildon Local Plan 2007, which requires
    amongst other criteria that development be refused if it causes material harm
    to the character of the surrounding area.

Surface water management

15. The Framework requires that flood risk is not increased elsewhere because of
    proposed development. A Flood Risk Assessment has been submitted with the
    appeal which confirms that the predominant geology in the area is
    impermeable clay conducive to large amounts of surface water runoff. It also
    states that a sustainable drainage strategy should be developed for the site for
    effective management of surface water over the lifetime of the development.

16. The proposed development would result in a significant increase in hard
    surfacing, and while flood relief is proposed in the form of a lake on site and a
    storm drain feeding to an offsite lake it is not clear that this would be sufficient
    to control surface water at the site without an increase in the risk of flooding on
    neighbouring land. The appeal proposal therefore conflicts with the relevant
    requirement of the Framework.

Other considerations

17. The appellant has identified considerations that they contend weigh in favour of
    the appeal proposal. The development would deliver six new chalet bungalows,
    supporting the Government’s objective of significantly boosting the supply of
    homes and contributing to the target of 39 new homes projected to be required
    in the area in the emerging Local Plan. The Council can currently demonstrate a
    2.4 year supply of deliverable housing lands, a substantial shortfall on the
    expected provision of five years’ supply. The proposal is wholly for self-build
    housing, and the Housing and Planning Act 2016 places a duty on local
    authorities to give suitable development permission in respect of enough
    serviced plots of land to meet the demand for self-build and custom
    housebuilding in the authority’s area arising in each base period. The
    development would connect Glebe Road and Orchard Avenue, restoring a
    previous connection that was lost and providing improved public access to the
    countryside. The site is available for development and is accessible, and its
    development would not result in disruption to residents. Development of the
    site would support the village infrastructure. Cumulatively, these benefits
    attract considerable weight, especially given the shortfall in housing land.

18. The appellant states that as the proposal does not involve frontage
    development it would have no impact on the look and feel of Ramsden
    Bellhouse. They also contend that landscaping of the site would be a benefit.
    However, the development would cause harm to the character and appearance
    of the area, so this does not weigh in favour of the development.

19. My attention has been drawn to the conclusions of the Council’s housing land
    assessments as part of their preparation for the emerging Local Plan. The
    Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment 2015 considered the site
    as part of a larger area of land comprising the open fields between Glebe Road
    and the railway line and found it to be suitable for development. The Serviced
    Settlements Review 2017 found that development of the larger area would
    extend Ramsden Bellhouse into the Green Belt in a manner inconsistent with       3
Appeal Decision APP/V1505/W/21/3268385

     the existing pattern of development but suggested that the western half of the
     site could be developed. However, notwithstanding these findings the site was
     not ultimately allocated for development in the emerging plan and remains in
     the Green Belt. The findings of these assessments therefore carry limited

20. The appeal proposal would be inappropriate development in the Green Belt that
    would also cause harm to its openness, as well as to the character and
    appearance of the area. In addition, the development fails to demonstrate that
    the proposal would not result in an increased risk of flooding elsewhere. The
    Framework states that substantial weight must be given to any harm to the
    Green Belt, and the other identified harm carries further weight in addition to

21. While the considerations identified by the appellant weigh in favour of the
    development, in this instance they would not clearly outweigh that substantial
    weight and the weight attached to the other identified harm. Consequently,
    very special circumstances do not exist in this case.

Other Matters

22. The site falls within the zone of influence for the Essex Coastal Recreational
    Avoidance and Mitigation Strategy. If I had been minded to allow the appeal it
    would have been necessary to carry out an appropriate assessment to
    determine whether the appeal proposal, either alone or together with other
    development, would be likely to have a significant effect on the features of
    interest of protected habitat sites. However, as the appeal is being dismissed
    for other reasons, it is not necessary to consider this matter further.


23. There are no material considerations to indicate that this appeal should be
    determined other than in accordance with the development plan.

24. Therefore, for the reasons set out above, the appeal fails.

M Chalk
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