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Materials Express - Ingenta Connect
Materials Express
               Copyright © 2021 by American Scientific Publishers
               All rights reserved.                                                                          doi:10.1166/mex.2021.2043
               Printed in the United States of America                                               

Treatment of ectomesenchymal stem
cells-conditional medium in ulcerative colitis
Wenjing Yang∗, † , Zhe Wang† , Yao Wang, Fei Mao, Chen Chen, Weijiang Wu, Xiaodong Lu, Qian Chen,
Jingjing Liu, Wentao Shi, Sucheng Cao, and Qianzhe Li
School of Medicine, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang 212013, P. R. China

The experiments in this paper was to investigate the effect of ectomesenchymal stem cells-conditional medium
(EMSCs-CM) in DSS-induced ulcerative colitis (UC) which is expected to provide a therapeutic treatment for
DSS-induced UC. Herein, EMSCs were isolated from the nasal cavity of mice and its supernatants without FBS

were collected as conditioned medium for EMSCs (EMCSs-CM). The concentrated EMCSs-CM was further
prepared by dissolving freeze-dried  CM with PBS.On:    Tue, 30 Nov
                                                      Depending        2021 19:06:36
                                                                  on different treatments, C57 mice was classified
                                    Copyright:  American  Scientific  Publishers
into normal group, DSS model group and EMSCs-C group. To build model mice, DSS at 3% concentration
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was accepted. The effects of intervention were assessed on the basis of body weight changes, disease activity
index (DAI) score, colon length, pathological variations and colitis biomarkers. Results revealed that EMSCs-CM
could express TGF-, SHH and Laminin in vitro, respectively and significantly reduce the disease activity index
and alleviate the severity of mice in vivo. a low level of inflammatory cytokine expression was also monitored
in the EMSCs-CM group. In conclusion, EMSCs-CM is conducive to improve the DSS-induced UC, owing to
multiple factors secreted by EMSCs.
Keywords: Ectomesenchymal Stem Cells-Conditional Medium (EMSCs-CM), DSS-Induced Ulcerative Colitis,
Inflammatory Cytokines.

1. INTRODUCTION                                                              Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are famous for their
Ulcerative colitis is a chronic multifactorial disorder of                immunoregulation in the public eye [5–7]. Many attempts
the gastrointestinal tract affecting millions of people.                  in reducing the burdens of immunosuppression after allo-
Four basic clinical regimens: aminosalicylates (5-ASA),                   transplantation and promotion of durable graft tolerance
steroids, immunosuppressants and biologic therapies are                   has made a good progress [8, 9]. Even if MSCs ther-
available in current treatment for ulcerative colitis [1]. In             apy achieved promising results in inflammatory disorders,
recent years, some papers have reported that the introduc-                the source of MSCs remains a problem in the dimen-
tion of anti-TNF therapy was an important achievement in                  sion of morality and ethics [10]. A peculiar stem cell
the medical treatment of patients with UC [2, 3]. Although                population emanating from neural crest was reported in
substantial progress in the past several decades brings us                this paper [11]. These cells are easily collected from the
many therapeutics especially in the field of immunology,                  nasal cavity of mammals without any ethical or technical
a complete cure for this disease remains a problem [4].                   issues [12–15]. Same with other types of MSCs, EMSC
Efficient and patient-friendly cures are then highly needed               has also been shown to possess potent immunosuppres-
to replenish it.                                                          sive functions, which provides a new possibility in cur-
                                                                          ing disorders [16–19]. Moreover, several studies reported
     Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.                   that EMSCs own a more excellent capacity for produc-
     These two authors contributed equally to this work.                  ing NO, IL-10, TGF- and PD-L1 when compared with

                                                            Mater. Express, Vol. 11, No. 8, 2021                                1339
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Materials Express                                               Treatment of EMSCs-conditional medium in ulcerative colitis
                                                                                                                           Yang et al.

          bone marrow-derived MSCs (BM-MSCs) [20–22]. Among             group was then treated daily by intragastric administration
          these cytokines, IL-10 was considered to have a crucial       of 1000 L prepared EMSCs-CM/mouse.
          role in regulating inflammation by most of scholars [23–
          25]. Based on this evidence, we examined whether the          2.5. Disease Activity Index (DAI) and Colon Length
          treatment of conditional medium from (EMSCs-CM) could         As mentioned earlier, a daily Disease Activity Index
          induce beneficial effects in UC in this study, hoping to      was performed including body weight changes, stool
          develop an effective treatment for UC caused by DSS.
                                                                        examination and general bleeding [29]. Also, the
                                                                        length of colon was also measured for further
          2. MATERIALS AND METHODS                                      evaluation.
          2.1. Isolation and Culture of EMSCs
          EMSCs were isolated from the nasal cavity of mice as          2.6. Hematoxylin and Eosin (H&E) Staining
          previously reported [26]. The nasal mucosae were cut into     Entire colon fixed in 4% paraformaldehyde was stained
          pieces which were then digested by Pancreatic enzyme          (HE). The histopathological scores were calculated follow-
          at 37  C for 10 min. After centrifugation removes the        ing previous report [30].
          trypsin, the cells cultivated in the Dulbecco’s modified
          Eagle medium/HAM’S F12 (DMEM/F12) containing 15%               2.7. Western-Blot Analysis
          foetal bovine serum (Gibco, Thermo Fisher Scientific).
                                                                         Colon was extracted with RIPA buffer containing
          The cells were digested and dilated after merging 80% in
                                                                         PMSF and analyzed with Western-blot as previously
          the petri dish.
                                                                         described [31]. In short, the protein moved in an elec-
                                                                         tric current via SDS-polyacrylamide gel and transmitted
          2.2. Preparation of EMSCs-CM
                                                                         to polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) membranes. The mem-
          Briefly, when the culture dish was covered with EMSCs
                                                                         brane was sealed with 5% BSA at 37  C for half an hour.
          around 80%, the medium with less fetal bovine serum
                                                                         Antibodies against IL-1, IL-10, MPO, TNF, Collagen II,
          was gradually replaced in future days, avoiding the oxida-

          tive stress-related changes caused by serum-free medium.       Villin, and Laminin, Actin (BOSTER Biological Technol-
          The supernatant of EMSCs wasIP:
                                             then                 On: Tue,ogy
                                                  collected as condi-       30 Co.
                                                                                    2021were  used to incubate membranes at 4  C
          tional medium (CM) of EMSCs (EMCSs-CM) Copyright: and
                                                             American    overnightPublishers
                                                                  cen- Scientific   and then HRP-conjugated secondary antibod-
          trifuged to purify it. To achieve a good efficiency of       by  Ingenta
                                                                         ies  combined  (BOSTER Biological Technology Co. Ltd).
          medium, 50 mL EMSCs-CM was made into freeze-dried              Finally, the bands were detected by Fusion Solo S (Vilber
          powder after being dialyzed with 3500 D dialysis mem-          lourmat).
          brane (Solarbio). To prepare the specimen, 50 mL EMSCs-
          CM powder was dissolved with 3 ml of PBS prior to ani-         2.8. Immunohistochemistry Analysis
          mal experiments and components analysis.                       Colon tissues were embedded by paraffin in a form of
                                                                         5 m thick and. And then tissue sections were deac-
          2.3. Analysis of EMSCs-CM                                      tivated and rehydrated in xylene and graded alcohols.
          A cocktail of protease inhibitors was added to protect spec-   After the pretreatment with 3% of H2 O2 for 10 min at
          imens. 12% acrylamide gel was used for effective sepa-         4  C, 10% normal goat serum was made to block sections
          ration of SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE).       at room temperature for 30 minutes. Anti-IL-10 (Pro-
          Following that, proteins were transferred into cellulosic      teintech 20850-1-AP), Anti-TNF (Boster, BA0131) and
          nitro membrane. According to antigen-antibody reaction,        Anti-Mucin (Boster, A00187) were used to incubate the
          primary antibody and secondary antibody bonded proteins        samples. Following that, parts were stained with biotiny-
          in order after blocking with 5% milk.
                                                                         lated secondary antibody for one hour, and then treated
                                                                         with streptavidin-peroxidase complex for another hour.
          2.4. Induction of Colitis and Treatment
                                                                         Immunohistochemical staining was carried out using a
          Seven-week-old male C57 mice were purchased from Nan-          DAB kit (Boster, AR1027). Between each of the steps
          jing Qing Longshan company. Mice were kept at 23 ±2  C
                                                                         above, PBS was taken to wash for 5 min three times.
          degrees Celsius and humidity at 45–55%. All experimental
                                                                         Finally, working solution of diamino biphenylamine as a
          protocols on animals were approved by the regional com-
          mittee for the study of animals and followed guidelines for    chromogenic reagent was used.
          the correct use of animals in biomedical research. Mice
          was distributed randomly into three groups: Control group     2.9. Statistical Analysis
          with a normal diet, DSS group without treatment, EMSCs-       The statistic was analyzed based on Single factor ANOVA.
          CM group with lavage therapy. Colitis was induced by          (SPSS23.0 software, Chicago, IL, USA). All above data
          3% DSS (molecular weight 36000–50000, MP Biomedi-             shall be presented with a mean ± standard deviation. p <
          cals, LLC) for 7 days as before [27, 28]. The EMSCs-CM        0.05 meant a statistically significant level.

          1340                                                                      Mater. Express, Vol. 11, pp. 1339–1346, 2021
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Treatment of EMSCs-conditional medium in ulcerative colitis
Yang et al.
                                                                                                 Materials Express
3.1. Morphological Characterization of EMSCs
As presented in Figure 1(A), EMSCs were isolated from
the substantia propria and after the cell passage cultiva-
tion, EMSCs spread into fusiform shape at high prolif-
eration rate (Fig. 1(B)). Moreover, Immunofluorescence
results showed that 90% of EMSCs expressed neural crest
marker Nestin (Fig. 1(C)) and mesenchymal stem cell
marker Vimentin (Fig. 1(D)).

3.2. Analysis of EMSCs-CM
We detected that the concentrated EMSCs-CM had a stable
expression of IL-10 and TGF-, which indicated their anti-
inflammatory capacity. Laminin was also detected, which                  Fig. 2. The components of EMSCs-CM were analyzed by Western-
was derived from cell-extracellular matrix and thought to                blotting. Two types of important factors: SHH, Laminin and two anti-
be essential for storing small molecules for the distribu-               inflammatory cytokines: IL-10, TGF- were tested.
tion, activation, and presentation to cells [32]. Further-
more, sonic hedgehog, one of nutritive factors that could                significantly. (Figs. 3(A, B)). The average length of colon
promote the repair of injured tissues, was also verified in              in the EMSCs-CM group was longest among all of the
EMSCs-CM (Fig. 2) [33].                                                  groups. (∗∗ P < 0.05) (Figs. 3(C, D)).

3.3. EMSCs-CM Ameliorated DSS-Induced Acute                 3.4. Histopathological Alteration
     Colitis in Mice                                        To determine whether the administration of EMSCs-CM
Serious colitis with progressive weight loss, diarrhea      had a good effect on colitis, H&E staining was performed.

and hematochezia occurred in mice after drinking 3%         Mice given DSS alone sustained serious colonic damage,
DSS water. However, the EMSCs-CM      group relievedOn:
                                                     the Tue,including
                                                               30 Nov large
                                                                       2021 amounts
                                                                             19:06:36of inflammatory cells immersion
symptoms of colitis and decreased disease       American
                                          activity index Scientific   Publishers
                                                            and structural damage in Figure 4(A). Results also clearly
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Fig. 1. Morphology of EMSCs under the microscope. (A) Image of primary EMSCs grown on a cell culture dish; (B) EMSCs of passage 3 grown
on a cell culture dish; (C) Immunofluorescence staining shows the EMSCs marker Nestin; (D) Immunofluorescence staining shows the EMSCs marker
Vimentin. (Bar = 200 nm).

Mater. Express, Vol. 11, pp. 1339–1346, 2021                                                                                            1341
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Materials Express                                                             Treatment of EMSCs-conditional medium in ulcerative colitis
                                                                                                                                                  Yang et al.

          Fig. 3. EMSCs-CM prevented progression of ulcerative colitis effectively. (A) Body weight; (B) DAI scores in the EMSCs-CM group lower than
          that in the DSS group (∗∗ P < 0.05) (C) The picture of colonic length; (D) The length of colon in EMSCs-CM group longer than that in DSS group.
                                             IP: On: Tue, 30 Nov 2021 19:06:36
                                                  Copyright: American Scientific Publishers
          showed that there was a vast improvement that Delivered
                                                             occurred by3.5.
                                                                             EMSCs-CM Decreased Occurrence of
          in mice under the treatment of EMSCs-CM. A scoresheet              Inflammatory Cytokines and Enhanced
          was prepared in accordance with the evaluation criteria for        Intestinal Regeneration
          the evaluation criteria [30]. Obviously, EMSCs-CM group       The effects of EMSCs-CM on expression of cytokines
          decreased the colonic inflammation score of mice promi-       were detected by Western-blotting. We observed that the
          nently. (∗∗ P < 0.05) (Fig. 4(B)).                            colon from DSS group had highest expression of IL-1,

          Fig. 4. Microscopic findings of colonic inflammation. (A) Images of microscopic colon (bar = 200 nm); (B) Histological scores. (∗∗ p < 0.05).

          1342                                                                                      Mater. Express, Vol. 11, pp. 1339–1346, 2021
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Treatment of EMSCs-conditional medium in ulcerative colitis
Yang et al.
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IL-6, TNF-, and MPO among all the groups. Interest-         However, the mechanism for MSCs in colonic tissues
ingly, the expression of these inflammatory cytokines sig-   remains largely uncertain. Ample studies reported that
nificantly decreased in the group treated with EMSCs-CM.     MSCs owned potent immunosuppressive function and
However, there was enhanced expression of IL-10 promi-       a good capacity to release trophic factors favor tissue
nently as compared to DSS group (Figs. 5(A–B)) (∗∗ P <       repair [21, 37]. Therefore, many scholars believed that the
0.05). IL-10 is an important anti-inflammatory factor that   therapeutic effects of MSCs depend largely on its paracrine
was available in large quantities in colon from the EMSCs-   effect. Based on the above findings, recent studies princi-
CM group. Moreover, the EMSCs-CM group had better            pally focused on the factors secreted by MSCs, especially
regeneration than DSS group by analysis of villin, laminin   on exosomes or microvesicles [38, 39]. These are nano-
and collagen II. (Figs. 5(C–D)) (∗∗ P < 0.05).               sized extracellular vesicle that contain MSC-derived bioac-
                                                             tive molecules to modulate immune function and regulate
3.6. EMSCs-CM Against DSS-Induced Colitis                    survival and proliferation of cells [40]. In a word, the fac-
                                                             tors secreted by MSCs could play a major beneficial effect
Immunohistochemistry staining was used to further
                                                             on experimental colitis.
explore the efficiency of EMSCs-CM. As expected, the
                                                                IL-10, as an essential regulatory cytokine in the
EMSCs-CM had satisfactory effect on DSS-induced colitis
                                                             mucosal immune system [41, 42], was reported that pro-
through analysis of IL-10 and Mucin (Fig. 6). Except for
                                                             inflammatory cytokines like TNF-a IL-1b, IL-6 and IL-
the high expression of IL-10, the EMSCs-CM group had
                                                             8 can be largely suppressed [43]. Moreover, mediating
a high term of mucin. At the same time, the expression of
                                                             mucosal repair is another important function [44]. Inter-
TNF was also identified. Excitedly, a low level expression
                                                             estingly, we found that both EMSCs-CM and the mice
of TNF in the EMSCs-CM group caught our sight. These
                                                             treated with EMSCs-CM had high expression of IL-10,
results indicated that there was impressive improvement in
                                                             while proinflammatory factors in the EMSCs-CM group
the EMSCs-CM group.
                                                             decreased significantly. Many papers reported that TGF-
                                                             could contribute to an immunosuppressive Milieu [45, 46].
3.7. Discussion

                                                             Supporting by the analysis of EMSCs-CM, TGF- was
Recently, the effectiveness of bone marrow stromal stem      proven to exist in the EMSCs-CM group. Some proteins
cells (BM-MSCs), adipose-derived  IP:
                                       MSCs (AD-MSCs) On: Tue, 30 Nov 2021 19:06:36
                                                             such as SHH
                                       Copyright: American Scientific        and Laminin, supporting the regeneration
and umbilical cord-derived MSCs (UC-MSCs) has         been byofIngenta
                                                  Delivered      cells and promoting the recovery of colitis, were also
reported in animal models for colitis. The therapy of        tested and detected in the EMSCs-CM group. As expected,
stem cells in colitis brought an active effect on weight     the EMSCs-CM group relieved colonic tissue destruction
loss, inflammatory response, survival rate, etc. [34–36].    in the DSS models, and also decreased the DAI scores

Fig. 5. The expression of inflammatory factors and associated proteins in colitis. (A–B) Compared with that in the DSS group, the EMSCs-CM group
had lower expressions of IL-1, MPO, TNF. (∗∗ P < 0.05) (C–D) Expression of IL-10, Laminin, Collagen II, and Villin 1 was increased significantly
in EMSCs-CM group. (∗∗ P < 0.05).

Mater. Express, Vol. 11, pp. 1339–1346, 2021                                                                                               1343
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Materials Express                                                        Treatment of EMSCs-conditional medium in ulcerative colitis
                                                                                                                                        Yang et al.

          Fig. 6. Immunohistochemistry staining. These images showed that the IL-10 and Mucin in EMSCs-CM group were highly expressed but TNF kept
          a low level expression.

                                            IP: On: Tue, 30 Nov 2021 19:06:36
          and preserved intestinal microstructure   to a largeAmerican
                                                 Copyright:               4. CONCLUSION
                                                                extent. Scientific  Publishers
          Western-blotting and immunohistochemistry analysis       also byIn
                                                             Delivered     Ingenta
                                                                              this paper, we assessed the effects of EMSCs-CM on
          revealed intuitively that the EMSCs-CM group had low            DSS-induced colitis in mouse model with some funda-
          expression of inflammatory cytokines. Collectively, the         mental experiments. Our findings indicated that a great
          EMSCs-CM had a compound effect in improving the                 improvement of clinical symptoms and positive histo-
          ulcerative colitis through multiple factors secreted by the     logical changes occurred with treatment of colitis using
          EMSCs.                                                          EMSCs-CM. As far as we known, this is the first study
             Although EMSCs-CM have positive effect on ulcera-            to examine the effects of EMSCs-CM on DSS-induced
          tive colitis, we still face many challenges and confusions.     UC in mice. However, the use of EMSCs-CM active con-
          To relieve pain of patients, oral gavage was performed.         stituents with different dosages and times will provide a
          Whereas, we noted that the dose of EMSCs-CM required            better understanding of the effects of this substance, and
          to achieve the therapeutic effects was significantly large in   the mechanism for IL-10 in colitis will be a great chal-
          this study because of gastrointestinal wastage. Without any     lenge for us to overcome in the future research.
          protective measures to resist gastric acid, the EMSCs-CM
          accounted for 500 g concentration was used once a day          Ethical Compliance
          against DSS-induced colitis. It will therefore be necessary     Animals or humans mentioned in this paper were approved
          in the future to focus on improvement in bioavailability        by the medical ethics board of School of Medicine of
          of therapeutic EMSCs-CM. Moreover, we only verified             Jiangsu University and the authorized department, experi-
          the improvement of EMSCs-CM on experimental colitis             ments followed all guidelines, regulations, laws, and ethics
          in this research. The details on mechanism of EMSCs-CM          standards as required.
          were still unclear. Accordingly, the findings from study
          showed that the EMSCs-CM increased IL-10 production                   Conflicts of Interest
          and suppressed secretion of inflammatory factors in coli-             There are no conflicts to declare.
          tis. We can speculate that IL-10 may play a crucial role on
          intestinal tract by reducing the levels of inflammatory fac-          Acknowledgments: This study was done by finan-
          tors. Nevertheless, this conjecture needs further confirma-           cial supports from National Science Foundation of China
          tion and the mechanism for IL-10 remains to be invested               (51403086), Jiangsu natural science foundation of China
          in the following study.                                               (BK20140544), Youth Talent Cultivation Program of

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