MARCH AND APRIL EVENTS - Reading Public Library

Page created by Irene Hall
MARCH AND APRIL EVENTS - Reading Public Library

                            Therapeutic Program for Adults: Nature Connection*
                            Thursdays, March 24, April 28, 4:00-5:00 pm
                            Community Room
                            Join the Nature Connection for therapeutic and educational
                            nature-based programs. Participants will engage with plants,
                            small animals, natural materials, and expressive arts.

                            Each month, we’ll explore natural elements that tie to the
                            season. This series of programs is designed for adults
                            ages 22+ with disabilities, including autism spectrum
                            disorder, and intellectual and developmental disabilities.
                            All adult participants must be accompanied by a caregiver.
                            The Massachusett Tribe: Life and Land*
                            Saturday, April 16, 10:00-11:30 am
                            Community Room
                            Discover Reading’s indigenous community- past and
                            present! Join Thomas Green, Vice President of the
                            Massachusett Tribe, to learn about Nanepashemet’s
                            Pawtucket band of the Massachusett who lived in what is
                            now called Reading as well as a broader history of the
                            Massachusett people and their relationship to the land.

                            Mindfulness for Kids*
                            Tuesdays, March 1-15, 4:00-5:00 pm
                            Children’s Program Room
                            Join Megan for this relaxing program series for kids. Each
                            session will have an introduction and discussion, practice,
                            and time for journaling/drawing/reflection.
                            Grades 3 through 5.

                            How to Be an Activist: Combating Censorship*
                            Friday, March 11, 3:30-4:15 pm
                            Children’s Program Room
                            Join our RPL Children’s Librarians in a discussion of book
                            challenges, bans, and censorship. We invite anyone in
                            grades 4-6 to join us as we look at books that are currently
                            being challenged across the United States. We will also
                            prepare for any challenges students might face in their
                            own schools or libraries. This program is designed for
                            elementary and middle school students because
                            censorship affects even the youngest of readers.
                            Grades 4 through 6.

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MARCH AND APRIL EVENTS - Reading Public Library
ADULTS                     BOOK DISCUSSIONS                                        Virtual: All About Birds: Warblers - The Avain
                                                                                   Jewels of Spring!*
                 Virtual: Pints+Pages Book Group*                                  Tuesday, March 22, 7:00-8:30 pm
                 Thursday, March 3, 7:00-9:00 pm                                   The Spring migration is right around the corner and now
                 Featured Book: My Monticello by Jocelyn Nicole Johnson,           is the time to learn about the avian jewels that will be
                 available on Libby as an ebook and audiobook, or place a          pouring through our area starting in April. This
                 hold on a print copy. Pints+Pages is a social book group          presentation will explore the more than 25 species of
                 designed for 20 & 30 somethings. Meet up to talk about this       Warblers that pass through our area on their northward
                 month’s book with host librarians from Reading and                journey. The All About Birds Series with Dave Williams will
                 Wilmington!                                                       wrap up in April, stay tuned!

                 KidLit Fans Book Meet-Up: Virtual Edition*                                 PERFORMANCES & SPECIAL EVENTS
                 Monday, March 7, 7:00-8:00 pm
                 Adult fans of children’s and young adult books sign up for a
                 virtual book discussion about all things KidLit! We are going     Virtual: Women in Jazz with Galen
                 to read whatever we want and discuss the titles we choose!        Abdur-Razzaq*
                 The Children’s Librarians have curated a list of                  Sunday, March 6, 3:00-4:30 pm
                 recommendations, but you can read anything and share              Join Master Flutist, Galen Abdur-Razzaq, a riveting
                 with the group!                                                   speaker to gain an understanding of women in jazz,
                                                                                   their ability to read music, perform and survive in a time
                 RPL Book Group*                                                   when jazz was considered “a man’s world.” This program
                 Tuesdays, March 8, April 12, 7:00-8:30 pm                         also includes live performances by Galen. This program
                 Community Room                                                    is being offered in partnership with the Abbot Public Library of
                 March Featured Book: The Pull of the Stars by Emma                Marblehead and the Beverly Public Library and is generously
                 Donoghue. In an Ireland ravaged by war and disease,               co-sponsored by The Friends of the Reading Public Library.
                 expectant mothers quarantine together. Discussion Leader:
                 Susanne Sullivan. April Featured Book: Walk with Me: A            Walk with Me: A Biography of Fannie Lou Hamer
                 Biography of Fannie Lou Hamer by Kate Larson. Author Kate         with author Kate Larson*
                 Clifford Larson shares the story of Civil Rights leader Fannie    Tuesday, April 12, 7:00-8:30 pm
                 Lou Hamer. These titles can be picked up in the holds             Community Room
                 pick-up area or as an eBook and eAudiobook.                       Acclaimed historian and author Kate Clifford Larson
                                                                                   returns to RPL to share the story of Civil Rights leader
                 Word of Mouth Book Discussion*                                    Fannie Lou Hamer. Her new book Walk With Me: A
                 Tuesdays, March 29, April 26, 10:30 am-12:00 pm                   Biography of Fannie Lou Hamer offers an inspired
                 Community Room                                                    account of Hamer’s contributions and a compelling
                 Have you read any good books lately? Stop by and share!           account of the post-World War II civil rights movement.
                 Join us for an informal monthly discussion of what people         Book sale and signing to follow.
                 are currently reading. It’s a great way to learn about new
                 books and authors.                                                The Massachusett Tribe: Life and Land*
                                                                                   Saturday, April 16, 10:00-11:30 am
                            CLASSES & WORKSHOPS
                                                                                   Community Room
                                                                               Discover Reading’s indigenous community- past and
                 Virtual: Age Well: Fitness at Home*                           present! Join Thomas Green, Vice President of the
                 Thursday, March 31, 7:00-8:00 pm                              Massachusett Tribe, to learn about Nanepashemet’s
                 Keeping active and staying fit is invaluable for your health! Pawtucket band of the Massachusett who lived in what
                 Join Carla Nazzaro and Pat Agostino from Peoplefit to learn is now called Reading as well as a broader history of the
                 about staying fit when it’s harder to get out and about.      Massachusett people and their relationship to the land.
                 Peoplefit is an award winning Health and Fitness Center
                 owned and operated by physical therapists.
                 Disasterology: Dispatches from the Frontlines of “
                 the Climate Crisis*                                               Virtual Writers’ Group*
                 Tuesday, March 15, 7:00-8:30 pm                               Wednesdays, March 2, April 6, 10:00-11:30 am
                 Join Professor Samantha Montano, an emergency                 Join this drop-in community of writers to share ideas,
                 reponse researcher at the Massachusetts Maritime              drafts, and cheer each other on.
                 Academy and author of Disasterology: Dispatches from the
                 Frontlines of the Climate Crisis as she talks about how to    Virtual Poetry Share*
                 prepare for a disaster, how climate change magnifies it, and Wednesdays, March 9, 23, April 6, 20, 6:30-8:00 pm
                 how justice in disaster response is more important than ever. Join us for an hour or two of poetry sharing. This is
                                                                               for those who write poetry and want to share their
                 Retirement Checklist: A Financial Planning                    writings with other writers.
                 Tuesday, April 5, 7:00-8:00 pm
                 Community Room
                 Join John Foley from New England Investment & Retirement
                 Group in this presentation pertaining to six areas of financial
                 planning. He will identify key risks and answer your specific
                 financial planning questions.

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MARCH AND APRIL EVENTS - Reading Public Library
Babies & Toddlers                                                 School Age
  KIDS           Toddler Time: Storytime for 1s and 2s                             Kids Measure!*
                                                                                   Friday, March 4, 1:30-2:30 pm
                 Tuesdays, March 1-April 12, 9:15-9:45 am or 10:00-10:30 am
                 Children’s Program Room                                           Children’s Program Room
                 Join us for a fun half-hour of stories, songs and other           Measure, weigh, time, and estimate at this program for
                 learning activities! This weekly class is designed to             kids. Grades 1-4 This program is part of the Kids Can! series.
                 jump-start early literacy skills for walkers and “wobblers.”      Kids Paint!*
                 No registration is necessary. Pick up tickets at the              Friday, March 18, 1:30-2:30 pm
                 Children’s Room Desk that morning. Ages 12-24 months.             Children’s Program Room
                                                                                   Wear something you can get messy to this paint party for
                 Preschoolers                                                      kids. Grades 1-4. This program is part of the Kids Can! series.
                 Preschool Stories: Storytime for 3s, 4s, and 5s                   Plant Lab: Terrariums*
                 Thursdays, March 3-April 14, 1:30-2:00 pm                         Friday, March 25, 2:00-3:00 pm
                 Children’s Program Room                                           Children’s Program Room
                 This series is filled with rollicking stories, songs, felt boards Terrariums are small enclosures to keep live plants (and
                 and other visual methods of storytelling! No registration sometimes animals!) for observation and enjoymet. Learn
                 necessary. Pick up a ticket at the Children’s Room desk           about different types of soil and succulents, and how
                 starting at 1 pm the day of the program. Ages 3-5.                to care for them at home. Each child will get to create
                                                                                   their own terrarium to take home. We’ll be using messy
                                                                                   materials, so make sure to wear clothing you won’t mind
                 Virtual: Night Lights: Storytime for All Ages*                    getting dirty! Ages 8 and up. If you have a child under age
                 Tuesdays, March 1-April 26, 6:30-7:00 pm                          8 who would enjoy this program, please contact
                 Wear your PJs for bedtime stories and nighttime                   Lisa ( to discuss options.
                 lullabies. This online storytime program is for the whole
                 family! Registration is required and a Zoom link will be sent Kids Jam!*
                 to registrants on the afternoon of the program.                   Friday, April 1, 1:30-2:30 pm
                                                                                   Children’s Program Room
                 Virtual Storytime-Facebook Live                                   Kids can make an instrument and jam at their own Tiny
                 Thursdays, March 3-31, 10:00-10:30 am                             Desk! Grades 1-4. This program is part of the Kids Can! series.
                 Join your favorite Children’s Librarians for virtual storytime
                 via FB live. We’ll sing some songs and read a silly story         Kids Collect!*
                 together!                                                         Friday, April 15, 1:30-2:30 pm
                                                                                   Children’s Program Room
                 Pride Storytime with Drag Friends*                                Kids can bring their own collectibles and set up a
                 Saturday, March 5, 10:00-11:00 am                                 “museum” for library visitors to enjoy. Grades 1-4.
                 Community Room                                                    This program is part of the Kids Can! series.
                 This storytime ”is just what it sounds like—drag queens
                 (and kings) reading stories to children. Kids are able to see Reading Rockets*
                 people who defy rigid gender restrictions and imagine a           Thursday, March 17, April 14, 7:00-8:00 pm
                 world where people can present as they wish, where dress Children’s Program Room
                 up is real.” Please call 781-942-6705 to register. All ages. This discussion group is designed for students and their
                                                                                   caregiver. Together we’ll talk about characters, setting,
                 Hula-La Concert*                                                  language, art and much more. March’s title: Breaking
                 Tuesday, April 19, 11:00- 12:00 pm                                Stalin’s Nose and The Genius Under the Table: Growing Up
                 Community Room                                                    Behind the Iron Curtain by Eugene Yelchin. April’s title:
                 Aloha! Celebrate island life with Hula-La, an interactive         TBD. Copies of the book will be provided to participants.
                 concert for the whole family. Tropical tunes, limbo dancing, Grades 5-6.
                 and stay-cation fun perfect for all ages! This program is
                 generously funded by a grant from the Reading Arts Council, a     Special thanks to the Friends of the Reading Public Library
                 local agency supported by the Massachusetts Cultural Council in   for sponsoring many of our programs.
                 collaboration with the North Suburban Child & Family Resource
                 Network. All Ages.

  			                                        *Registration required.
                                             Register online or call
                            Library Hours    781-944-0840.

                     Monday 		      9am-9pm
                     Tuesday		      9am-9pm
   64 Middlesex Ave Wednesday       9am-9pm
   Reading, MA 01867
                     Thursday        1pm-9pm
   781-944-0840      Friday		       9am-5pm
                     Saturday       9am-5pm          @ReadingPubLib Sunday		        1pm-5pm

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MARCH AND APRIL EVENTS - Reading Public Library
School Age                                                      TBW: Creative Writing for Teens!*

    KIDS         The Scribble Society*
                 Wednesdays, March 9, 23, April 6, 20, 4:00-4:45 pm
                                                                                 Wednesdays, March 9, 23, April 13, 27, 3:30-4:30 pm
                                                                                 Join TBW: To Be Written, our creative writing group
                 Children’s Program Room                                         for teens! Teens will participate in creative writing
                 Formerly the Literary Magazine Group, The Scribble              exercises and hands on activities. They can
                 Society is a club made just for kids! Join RPL Children’s       also earn service hours by collaborating with the

                 Librarians for a bi-weekly writing/art workshop to get          children’s writing group, The Scribble Society!
                 your creative juices flowing! Each week we will work on a       Grades 6-12. This program is part of the Reclaiming Your
                 project together and then have 15 minutes of ”free creative” Story grant, graciously funded by the Library Services &
                 time where you can work on something you’re excited             Technology Act (LSTA) Direct Grant Program.
                 about! With permission, masterpieces will be displayed in
                 the library. Grades 3-5. This program is part of the Reclaiming
                 Your Story grant, graciously funded by the Library Services &
                 Technology Act (LSTA) Direct Grant Program.

                 Adaptive Stories & Art
                 Saturdays, March 19, April 2, 10:30-11:00 am
                  Children’s Program Room
                 This program is designed for children with autism
                 spectrum disorders, sensory integration issues, other
                 intellectual and developmental disabilities, and their
                 typically developing siblings. If your child has difficulty
                 sitting through one of our other storytimes, this program
                 of stories, songs, and art experiences with visual supports     Teen Talks: Bracelet Activity with NAGLY*
                 might be just what you are looking for. Ages 4-8.               Thursday, March 10, 4:30-5:30 pm
                 Contact our children’s librarians (       Teen Area
                 with any questions.                                             Stop by the Teen Room for a fun beading activity
                                                                                 with our community partner the North Shore
                                                                                 Alliance for LGBTQ+ Youth, otherwise known as
                 Circuit Lab*                                                    NAGLY.
                 Saturday, March 5, 2:00-3:30 pm
                 Children’s Program Room                                     TAG: Teen Advisory Group*
                 Kids can make a flashlight at this Make-a-Circuit Workshop Thursdays, March 17, April 14, 3:30-4:30 pm
                 with Circuit Lab! Circuit Lab workshops give creative kids Conference Room
                 a chance to make a fun electronics project in a structured, Students can make a difference by volunteering
                 supportive setting. Grades 1-3.                             their time, creativity and enthusiasm to make the
                                                                             library a better place for teens! Plus earn
                                                                             volunteer/community service hours for your time.
                 Circuit Lab*                                                Visit the online application to learn more and
                 Saturday, March 12, 2:00-3:30 pm                            apply. Applications are accepted throughout the
                 Children’s Program Room                                     school year! Grades 6-12.
                 Kids can make brush bots at this Make-a-Circuit Workshop
                 with Circuit Lab! Circuit Lab workshops give creative kids Virtual: Mosaic Sun Catcher Craft*
                 a chance to make a fun electronics project in a structured, Monday, March 28, 4:00-5:00 pm
                 supportive setting. Grades 1-3.                             Explore the art of stained glass mosaics with this
                                                                             fun program. Teens will get to make their own
                                                                             mosaic sun catcher with Leslie Doherty of Ways of
                 Circuit Lab*                                                Color. You’ll be notified when to pick up the craft
                 Saturday, March 19, 2:00-3:30 pm                            kits and sent the Zoom link on the day of the event.
                 Children’s Program Room                                     This program is graciously funded by The Friends of
                 Kids can make a blinky bug at this Make-a-Circuit           the Reading Public Library.
                 Workshop with Circuit Lab! Circuit Lab workshops give       Grades 6-12.
                 creative kids a chance to make a fun electronics project in
                 a structured, supportive setting. Grades 1-3.

                 Circuit Lab*
                 Saturday, March 26, 2:00-3:30 pm
                 Children’s Program Room
                 Kids can make a light-up greeting card at this Make-a-
                 Circuit Workshop with Circuit Lab! Circuit Lab workshops
                 give creative kids a chance to make a fun electronics
                 project in a structured, supportive setting. Grades 1-3.              *Registration required.
                                                                                       Register online or call

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