March 28, 2021 -

Page created by Dave Navarro
March 28, 2021 -
March 28, 2021

  346 NW First St, Gresham OR. 97030           Ph. 503-665-9129 / Fax 503-665-8238
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   The Office of St. Henry is closed at this time. Staff is available by appointment.
  Please call the office Monday - Thursday at 503-665-9129 to make an appointment
March 28, 2021 -
Calendar for - March 28 - April 4                   Mass Intentions March 29 - April 4

               Palm Sunday                           M -SVDP Volunteers and Benefactors               (SVDP)
                  March 28                             +Julia Luna Vargas                             (Family)
      All Masses in the Church Today                 T +Obdiel Saavedra                    (V. Franceschi)
      Masses: 8:30am & 11am English                    +Joseph Hong Pham          (Hoanny Nguyen & Family)
             & 1:30pm Spanish                          +Julia Luna Vargas                         (Family)
               Monday March 29                       W -Helena                                 (V. Franceschi)
      Mass: 8am English in the Fireside room           +Julia Luna Vargas                             (Family)
                Tuesday March 30                     T +Julia Luna Vargas                             (Family)
       Masses: 8am English, 7pm Spanish                -Men of Meadows/Huachuca                   (Ron Welsh)
       Both Masses in the Fireside room                +Aida de Castillo                       (V. Franceschi)
        St. Vincent de Paul 10am (SVDPP)
             Spanish RICA 7pm (Rm 6)                 F -William Cordoba                        (V. Franceschi)
                                                       +Julia Luna Vargas                             (Family)
              Wednesday March 31
         Mass: 8am in the Fireside room              S -Kimberly Russell                      (V. Franceschi)
                                                       +Carita Wagner                             (Julie Nack)
         Spanish Bible Study 7pm (Rm 6)
                                                       +Julia Luna Vargas                              (Family)
          YM 7th Grade 4:30pm (ZOOM)
      YM Confirmation 1 & 2 6:30pm (ZOOM)            S -Vielka Franceschi                      (V. Franceschi)
       YM Post Confirmation 6:30pm (Rm 8)              +Elizabeth Kaiser                     (Gerald McAfee)
                                                       End to Abortion                      (Susanna Perletti)
             Holy Thursday April 1                     +Julia Luna Vargas                             (Family)
        Mass 7pm Bilingual in the Church               Joseph Chu & Maria Pham                 (Lucy Nguyen)
           Day Shelter 1:30pm (GYM)
               Good Friday April 2                                       Prayer List
             The Church will be open
         from 12noon to 3pm for private reflection      “What you ask in my name, I will do” John 14:13.
       Service 5:30pm English & 7pm Spanish          Every January we start our list over, please call the of-
                   in the Church                     fice if you would like to be included on this list. Please
                                                         pray for... Janell Beaudry, Tyler Bourgo, Imelda
              Holy Saturday April 3
                                                      Broyles, Stephanie Burton, Pete Clark, Angela Don-
        Mass 8pm Bilingual in the Church
                                                     nelly, Bryan Donnelly, Lee Eberhardt, Michael Dennis
      St. Vincent de Paul Pantry 10am (SVDPP)
                                                        Farrell, Mary Pat Giglotti, Bill Hay, Mary Hay, Amy
             Easter Sunday                           Jameson, Dawn Martian, Duane Martian, Dr. Richard
                April 4                              H. Miller, Karyn ML., Patricia Mulkey, Connie Ostlund,
          Masses in the Church                          Lori Scienski, Joi Shervey , Sisters of Our Lady of
 8:30am & 11am English, 1:30pm Spanish                        Peace Retreat, Mari Spring, Leah Trice
                                                     Out of respect for an individuals privacy, we print only
           9am English Live stream                   the names of those who give their permission to have
                                           their names published.

         Staff: Pastor...Fr. Charles Zach, Parochial Vicar / Habla Español...Fr. Julio Torres,
Deacon...Larry Loumena, Deacon / Habla Español...Lou De Sitter, Business Manager…Claire Clow ,
           Administrative Assistant…Terri Heitzman, Maintenance / Grounds…Ed Kurtz,
       Youth Ministry / Young Adults…Emma Bavarskas, Liturgy / Sacraments…Sara Wise,
    Faith Formation…Jeanne Chambers, Music...Barbara Adams, Bookkeeper… Anita Weber,
                                   Project Manager...David Mastroieni

  Pastoral Council: Don Schantz; Chair, Juan Avila; Vice Chair, Art Abbott, Guillermina Hernandez,
     Doug Klein, Marcy Marlow ,Gerald McAfee, Cristino Pina, Terry Tygielska, Sharon Williams
 Administrative Council: Robert Ferek, Dan Troglin, Claudia Lorena Marron, Deacon Larry Loumena,
Pg 2                  Cecilia Pelayo, Tom Barrie, Randy Shearer, Jesus Torres
March 28, 2021 -
Pastor’s Note ~ Palm Sunday 2021

Our Palm Sunday liturgy is only theater if it has no effect on our Christian
commitment to follow Jesus in our own world so marked by violent threats
to anyone foolish enough to speak truth to power. Riding on a donkey in-
stead of a white horse! We have enough examples of prophets killed for
challenging the status quo: What social justice issues await new leaders in
our own time?
This year we read Mark’s Passion, a straightforward account of the final
hours of Jesus’ life, from his anointing in Bethany to his entombment. By
participating in the Palm Sunday procession and listening actively to the
Passion, we are invited once again to review our own place within the real
liturgy of the world — the “work of the people” that makes us the church in
the modern world, witnesses to Christ, advocates for all those in need.
The body of Christ that dies on the cross is all of us. The body of Christ that is raised from the
dead to new life is all of us. Our solidarity in suffering becomes our shared resurrection.
So extravagant since a simple pin prick of the Son of God could have accomplished it all! What
love and understanding of our human condition that he chose this life and Holy Week. So we get
the message.
Monday, Tuesday, and Spy Wednesday of Holy Week were quiet days for the Nazarene.
Wednesday is so called because, according to Matthew, Judas sold Jesus out that day for chump
On Holy Thursday, our sanctuary becomes the Upper Room. Its altar becomes the long narrow
table where Jesus sat. When He whispers, "This is my body" and "This is my blood." On Holy
Thursday late, our church becomes the Garden of Gethsemane. There the Nazarene undergoes
the dark night of the soul. Before Him is a cruel death. Good Friday is a day that will live in infamy.
We shall crowd into our church for services. The side aisle becomes Jerusalem's Via Dolorosa. We
follow Christ in the Stations of the Cross. We dwell on Sydney Carter's words: "I danced on Friday
when the sky turned black. It's hard to dance with the devil on your back. They buried my body and
they thought I'd gone."
On Holy Saturday, we come mourning to church but full of hope. Emerging from the church on
Easter Sunday, we shout Christ's empty tomb because our hope in the resurrection is actualized.
                                        WE ARE PART OF THAT CROWD. The African-American
                                        song asks the question, "Were you there when they crucified
                                        my Lord? Were you there when they nailed him to a tree?"
                                        The answer is yes, a definite yes. We may not have been
                                        there physically but it was our sin that nailed him to the cross.
                                        It was because of our sin that he endured so much suffering.
                                        Not only was he rejected by the crowd that day, but he was
                                        also abandoned by the heavenly Father. It was bad enough
                                        being rejected by his fellow Jews, the people whom God had
taken special care of over the centuries, but to be rejected by the Father. We can’t begin to imag-
ine how Jesus must have felt when he called out, "My God, My God why have you forsaken me?"
Palm Sunday and Passion Sunday are two sides of the same coin. They are two sides of the faith
God wants you to have in your life. Rejoice and sing as Jesus comes into your life! Weep and
mourn as his death confronts you with your sin. Yes, we were there in the crowd on both days,
shouting ‘Hosanna!’ and later ‘Crucify!’ Because of what Jesus has done for us and our faith in
him, one day we will be in that great crowd gathered around the throne of God, and there everyone
will shout words of praise, heavenly hosannas, that will ring through all eternity, "To him who sits
on the throne and to the Lamb be praise and honor and glory and power, for ever and ever!" Rev
(5:13). Amen.                                                                                        Pg 3
March 28, 2021 -
Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion

First Reading                           They bound Jesus, led him away,        They clothed him in purple and,
The Lord GOD has given me               and handed him over to Pilate.         weaving a crown of thorns, placed
   a well-trained tongue,               Pilate questioned him,                 it on him.
that I might know how to speak to       “Are you the king of the Jews?”        They began to salute him with,
the weary                               He said to him in reply, “You say      “Hail, King of the Jews!”
   a word that will rouse them.         so.”                                   and kept striking his head with a
Morning after morning                   The chief priests accused him of       reed and spitting upon him.
   he opens my ear that I may hear;     many things.                           They knelt before him in homage.
and I have not rebelled,                Again Pilate questioned him,           And when they had mocked him,
   have not turned back.                “Have you no answer?                   they stripped him of the purple
I gave my back to those who beat        See how many things they accuse        cloak,
me,                                     you of.”                               dressed him in his own clothes,
   my cheeks to those who plucked       Jesus gave him no further answer,      and led him out to crucify him.
my beard;                               so that Pilate was amazed.             They pressed into service a passer
my face I did not shield                Now on the occasion of the feast       -by, Simon,
   from buffets and spitting.           he used to release to them             a Cyrenian, who was coming in
The Lord GOD is my help,                one prisoner whom they requested.      from the country,
   therefore I am not disgraced;        A man called Barabbas was then in      the father of Alexander and Rufus,
I have set my face like flint,          prison                                 to carry his cross.
   knowing that I shall not be put to   along with the rebels who had com-     They brought him to the place of
shame.                                  mitted murder in a rebellion.          Golgotha
Is 50:4-7                               The crowd came forward and be-         —which is translated Place of the
Second Reading                          gan to ask him                         Skull
Christ Jesus, though he was in the      to do for them as he was accus-        They gave him wine drugged with
form of God,                            tomed.                                 myrrh,
   did not regard equality with God     Pilate answered,                       but he did not take it.
   something to be grasped.             “Do you want me to release to you      Then they crucified him and divided
Rather, he emptied himself,             the king of the Jews?”                 his garments
   taking the form of a slave,          For he knew that it was out of envy    by casting lots for them to see what
   coming in human likeness;            that the chief priests had handed      each should take.
   and found human in appearance,       him over.                              It was nine o’clock in the morning
   he humbled himself,                  But the chief priests stirred up the   when they crucified him.
   becoming obedient to the point       crowd                                  The inscription of the charge
of death,                               to have him release Barabbas for       against him read,
   even death on a cross.               them instead.                          “The King of the Jews.”
Because of this, God greatly ex-        Pilate again said to them in reply,    With him they crucified two revolu-
alted him                               “Then what do you want me to do        tionaries,
   and bestowed on him the name         with the man you call the king of      one on his right and one on his left.
   which is above every name,           the Jews?”                             Those passing by reviled him,
   that at the name of Jesus            They shouted again, “Crucify him.”     shaking their heads and saying,
   every knee should bend,              Pilate said to them, “Why? What        “Aha! You who would destroy the
   of those in heaven and on earth      evil has he done?”                     temple
and under the earth,                    They only shouted the louder,          and rebuild it in three days,
   and every tongue confess that        “Crucify him.”                         save yourself by coming down from
   Jesus Christ is Lord,                So Pilate, wishing to satisfy the      the cross.”
   to the glory of God the Father.      crowd,                                 Likewise the chief priests, with the
Phil 2:6-11                             released Barabbas to them and,         scribes,
Gospel Reading                          after he had Jesus scourged,           mocked him among themselves
As soon as morning came,                handed him over to be crucified.       and said,
the chief priests with the elders and   The soldiers led him away inside       “He saved others; he cannot save
the scribes,                            the palace,                            himself.
that is, the whole Sanhedrin held a     that is, the praetorium, and assem-    Let the Christ, the King of Israel,
council.                                bled the whole cohort.                 come down now from the cross
Pg 4
Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion                    (Con’t)

that we may see and believe.”          forsaken me?”                                Here all kneel and pause for a
Those who were crucified with him      Some of the bystanders who heard it    short time.
also kept abusing him.                 said,                                  The veil of the sanctuary was torn in
At noon darkness came over the         “Look, he is calling Elijah.”          two from top to bottom.
whole land                             One of them ran, soaked a sponge       When the centurion who stood facing
until three in the afternoon.          with wine, put it on a reed            him
And at three o’clock Jesus cried out   and gave it to him to drink saying,    saw how he breathed his last he
in a loud voice,                       “Wait, let us see if Elijah comes to   said,
“Eloi, Eloi, lema sabachthani?”        take him down.”                        “Truly this man was the Son of God!”
which is translated,                   Jesus gave a loud cry and breathed     Mk 15:1-39
“My God, my God, why have you          his last.

                                          Mark Your Calendars!

                           Pray for our Candidates and Catechumens

                         Father of love and power, It is your will to establish everything in Christ
                                       And to draw us into his all-embracing love.
                                Guide the Candidates and Catechumens of your Church:
                      Strengthen them in their vocation, build them into the kingdom of your Son,
                                      and seal them with the Spirit of your promise.
                 We ask this through with the Spirit of your promise. We ask this through Christ our Lord,

 Camille Guerrero                              Kimi Loren                                April Hayes         Pg 5
Doming de Ramos “De la pasión del Señor”

Primera Lectura                            pleno, para deliberar. Ataron a           repartieron sus ropas, echando
En aquel entonces, dijo Isaías:            Jesús, se lo llevaron y lo entregaron     suertes para ver qué le tocaba a ca-
"El Señor me ha dado una lengua            a Pilato. Éste le preguntó: “¿Eres tú     da uno.
experta,                                   el rey de los judíos?” Él respondió:      Era media mañana cuando lo crucifi-
para que pueda confortar al abatido        “Sí lo soy”. Los sumos sacerdotes lo      caron. En el letrero de la acusación
con palabras de aliento.                   acusaban de muchas cosas. Pilato          estaba escrito: “El rey de los judíos”.
Mañana tras mañana, el Señor des-          le preguntó de nuevo: “¿No contes-        Crucificaron con él a dos bandidos,
pierta mi oído,                            tas nada? Mira de cuántas cosas te        uno a su derecha y otro a su izquier-
para que escuche yo, como discípu-         acusan”. Jesús ya no le contestó          da. Así se cumplió la Escritura que
lo.                                        nada, de modo que Pilato estaba           dice: Fue contado entre los mal-
El Señor Dios me ha hecho oír sus          muy extrañado.                            hechores.
palabras                                   Durante la fiesta de Pascua, Pilato       Los que pasaban por ahí lo injuria-
y yo no he opuesto resistencia             solía soltarles al preso que ellos pi-    ban meneando la cabeza y gritándo-
ni me he echado para atrás.                dieran. Estaba entonces en la cárcel      le: “¡Anda! Tú que destruías el tem-
Ofrecí la espalda a los que me gol-        un tal Barrabás, con los revoltosos       plo y lo reconstruías en tres días,
peaban,                                    que habían cometido un homicidio          sálvate a ti mismo y baja de la cruz”.
la mejilla a los que me tiraban de la      en un motín. Vino la gente y empezó       Los sumos sacerdotes se burlaban
barba.                                     a pedir el indulto de costumbre. Pila-    también de él y le decían: “Ha salva-
No aparté mi rostro de los insultos y      to les dijo: “¿Quieren que les suelte     do a otros, pero a sí mismo no se
salivazos.                                 al rey de los judíos?” Porque sabía       puede salvar. Que el Mesías, el rey
Pero el Señor me ayuda,                    que los sumos sacerdotes se lo hab-       de Israel, baje ahora de la cruz, para
por eso no quedaré confundido,             ían entregado por envidia. Pero los       que lo veamos y creamos”. Hasta
por eso endurecí mi rostro como            sumos sacerdotes incitaron a la gen-      los que estaban crucificados con él
roca                                       te para que pidieran la libertad de       también lo insultaban.
y sé que no quedaré avergonzado”.          Barrabás. Pilato les volvió a pregun-     Al llegar el mediodía, toda aquella
Is 50, 4-7                                 tar: “¿Y qué voy a hacer con el que       tierra se quedó en tinieblas hasta las
Segunda Lectura                            llaman rey de los judíos?” Ellos gri-     tres de la tarde. Y a las tres, Jesús
Cristo, siendo Dios,                       taron: “¡Crucifícalo!” Pilato les dijo:   gritó con voz potente: “Eloí, Eloí,
no consideró que debía aferrarse           “Pues ¿qué mal ha hecho?” Ellos           ¿lemá sabactaní?” (que significa:
a las prerrogativas de su condición        gritaron más fuerte: “¡Crucifícalo!”      Dios mío, Dios mío, ¿por qué me
divina,                                    Pilato, queriendo dar gusto a la mul-     has abandonado?). Algunos de los
sino que, por el contrario, se ano-        titud, les soltó a Barrabás; y a Jesús,   presentes, al oírlo, decían: “Miren,
nadó a sí mismo,                           después de mandarlo azotar, lo en-        está llamando a Elías”. Uno corrió a
tomando la condición de siervo,            tregó para que lo crucificaran.           empapar una esponja en vinagre, la
y se hizo semejante a los hombres.         Los soldados se lo llevaron al inter-     sujetó a un carrizo y se la acercó
Así, hecho uno de ellos, se humilló a      ior del palacio, al pretorio, y reunie-   para que bebiera, diciendo: “Vamos
sí mismo                                   ron a todo el batallón. Lo vistieron      a ver si viene Elías a bajarlo”. Pero
y por obediencia aceptó incluso la         con un manto de color púrpura, le         Jesús, dando un fuerte grito, expiró.
muerte,                                    pusieron una corona de espinas que           Aquí todos se arrodillan y guardan
y una muerte de cruz.                      habían trenzado y comenzaron a            silencio por unos instantes.
Por eso Dios lo exaltó sobre todas         burlarse de él, dirigiéndole este salu-   Entonces el velo del templo se rasgó
las cosas                                  do: “¡Viva el rey de los judíos!” Le      en dos, de arriba a abajo. El oficial
y le otorgó el nombre que está sobre       golpeaban la cabeza con una caña,         romano que estaba frente a Jesús,
todo nombre,                               le escupían y, doblando las rodillas,     al ver cómo había expirado, dijo: “De
para que, al nombre de Jesús, todos        se postraban ante él. Terminadas          veras este hombre era Hijo de Dios”.
doblen la rodilla                          las burlas, le quitaron aquel manto       Mc 15, 1-39
en el cielo, en la tierra y en los abis-   de color púrpura, le pusieron su ropa
mos,                                       y lo sacaron para crucificarlo.
y todos reconozcan públicamente            Entonces forzaron a cargar la cruz a
que Jesucristo es el Señor,                un individuo que pasaba por ahí de
para gloria de Dios Padre.                 regreso del campo, Simón de Cire-
Flp 2, 6-11                                ne, padre de Alejandro y de Rufo, y
Evangelio                                  llevaron a Jesús al Gólgota (que
Luego que amaneció, se reunieron           quiere decir “lugar de la Calavera”).
los sumos sacerdotes con los ancia-        Le ofrecieron vino con mirra, pero él
nos, los escribas y el sanedrín en         no lo aceptó. Lo crucificaron y se
Pg 6
╬     Anuncios del Ministerio Hispano             ╬
Entrada a la Iglesia en las Misas Dominicales. Se ingresa al Templo por la parte de atrás, en la par-
te cubierta y también por la Puerta de la Capilla del Santísimo. Pedimos que también al Salir lo
hagamos siguiendo las instrucciones de los Servidores.

Confesiones. Son los días Sábados, y empiezan a la 3 de la tarde. No es necesario y llamar o
hacer una reservación.

Platicas para Bautizos en Español. Las pláticas para los Bautizos son los Primeros Sábados de
Mes. mes; de 9:00a.m. a 1:00 p.m. PERO PRIMERO DEBEN REGISTRAR EL BAUTIZO EN LA
SI no se registra en la oficina no pueden ingresar a la plática.
Recuerden que los Padrinos, que son pareja, deben estar casados por la Iglesia, si no, NO PUE-
DEN SER PADRINOS; los padrinos solteros, bien solteros.
Los Papás deben estar registrados en esta parroquia.
Traer la Copia del Acta de Nacimiento del Nino, y de la Boleta de la Boda de los padrinos.

El Horario de la Oficina Parroquial. Es el Lunes a Jueves de 9:00 a.m. a 3:00 p.m. Favor

Hora Santa – Noches de Adoración. Tendremos una Noche de Adoración al Santísimo (en la Igle-
sia) en los Últimos Sábados de Mes (por lo regular), a las 7:00 p.m. Algunas FECHAS: 20 de Mar-
zo, 24 de Abril, y 29 de Mayo (para Pentecostés). ** Les pedimos que si traen niños y si son un po-
co inquietos favor de usar el salón que está destinado para los niños.

                  Meditación del Evangelio 28 de marzo de 2021                   ©LPi

En este Domingo de Ramos, mientras se bendicen las palmas cantamos con gusto: “¡Hosanna al
Hijo de David! ¡Bendito sea el que viene en nombre del Señor! ¡Hosanna en lo más alto de los cie-
los! (Mateo 21:9). Toda la ciudad estaba de fiesta, estaba alborotada por Jesús. La alegría de esta
celebración queda también plasmada en la liturgia de hoy. La oración de la bendición de las palmas
ayuda y aumenta el gozo en nuestros corazones: “Aumenta, Señor Dios, la fe de los que esperan
en ti, escucha con bondad las suplicas de quienes te invocan, para que, al presentar hoy nuestros
ramos a Cristo victorioso, demos para ti en él frutos de buenas obras. Él, que vive y reina por los
siglos de los siglos. Amén.
También, escuchamos la Pasión del Señor de acuerdo a San Marcos. Así, da comienzo la Semana
Santa o Semana Mayor. Toda la celebración nos prepara para el Triduo Pascual. Nuestros catecú-
                                                menos serán bautizados y daremos comienzo a la
                                                cincuentena Pascual. Tomemos conciencia de los
                                                dos triunfos de Jesús --- La entrada triunfal a la Ciu-
                                                dad de Jerusalén y su triunfo de la resurrección ---
                                                En esta semana vamos a conocer la gran capaci-
                                                dad del amor de Dios, al ver de lo que es capaz
                                                Jesús por todos nosotros. El reto, es de qué somos
                                                capaces nosotros por demostrar el amor a los de-
                                                más, especialmente en este tiempo tan incierto que
                                                  vi mos.
                                                vivimos.s. Reflexionemos, en la palabra “triunfar”, ana
                                                        licemos   lo que significa el triunfo de Jesús en
                                                           la cruz. Pidámosle al Señor fortaleza para
                                                        se fuertes en los momentos de prueba.
                                                                                                     Pg 7
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