March 2021 - Your Steyning

Page created by Lonnie Watkins
March 2021 - Your Steyning
March 2021
       Your Steyning March 2021 • Follow us   YS 1
March 2021 - Your Steyning
MARCH CONTENT                                                            USEFUL NUMBERS
                                                           4 PCC launches public survey on dog 		                                       Steyning Library:
                                                              thefts                                       Opening Hours: Monday - Friday: 10:00 - 5:00pm
                                                           5 Front Cover: Fay Bishop                                              Saturday: 10:00 - 2:00pm
                                                           5 Local Elections May 6th
                                                                                                                                           T: 01903 812751
                                                           6 Calming Traffic in Steyning: The case
                                                              for a 20 MPH Zone                                                        Steyning Minibus:
                                                           10 Community Orchard. News: March 		                              Sherie Knight on 01903 815433
                                                              2021: Memorial Playing Field
                                                                                                                        Rural Henfield & Steyning Children
                                                           14 Steyning Festival News
                                                                                                                                           & Family Centre
                                                           18 Local Business Focus: How far down                                      Cowfold Village Hall,
                                                              the line are you?                                                               Bolney Road,
                                                           22 March 2021: Steyning for trees                                            Cowfold RH13 8AA
                                                                                                                                             01903 270444
                                                           26 Diary Events
                                                           26 Prime Minister sets out road map for                         The Steyning Health Centre:
                                                              easing coronavirus restrictions                            Tanyard Lane, Steyning, BN44 3RJ
                                                           28 ‘I just want my old classroom’                      Telephone Appointments: 01903 843400
                                                           30 Sussex Wildlife Trust: Brimstone 		                Out of Hours/Emergencies: 01903 843400
                                                                                                                                          Surgery Hours:
                                                              butterfly                                     Mon: 8:00am, - 8:00pm, Tues 8:00am - 6:30pm
                                                           31 Types of test for COVID-19                    Wed 8:00am - 8:00pm, Thur 8:00am - 8:00pm
                                                           32 Carry a Knife? End a Life                          Fri 8:00am - 6:30pm, Sat and Sun: Closed
                                                           34 Local Business Focus: March 2021:
                                                              Book Reviews                                       Steyning & District Good Neighbours
                                                           36 INDEX of CLUBS and SOCIETIES
                                                                                                                                            T: 01903 816181
                                                           38 Plant Based Ground Beef
                                                           40 Local Business Focus: Could Your 		                               Steyning Parish Council:
                                                              Sleep Time Be Affecting Your Back?                           
                                                           44 March 2021: Gardening Journal                   T: 01903 812042 - E:
                                                           46 Steyning Museum Archives: King
                                                                                                                                   The Steyning Centre:
                                                              Charles II in Steyning                       
                                                           49 INDEX                                                                         T: 01903 812042
                                                                                                                         Opening Hours 9:00am to 5:00pm
                                                                                                             The Steyning Centre, Fletcher’s Croft, Steyning

                                                                        SUBSCRIBE TO
                                                                      OUR MAILING LIST

                                                           The Steyning Health Centre:
                                                           Tanyard Lane, Steyning, BN44 3RJ
                                                           Telephone Appointments: 01903 843400
                                                           Out of Hours/Emergencies: 01903 843400

                                                                For up-to-date news and information about what’s going on in Steyning visit our
                                                            Website: - Subscribe to our mailing list at

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March 2021 - Your Steyning
COMMUNITY NEWS                                                                                                                                                COMMUNITY NEWS

PCC launches public survey on dog thefts                                                  Front Cover: Fay Bishop
Sussex Police & Crime Commissioner Katy Bourne, in partnership with the
Association of Police & Crime Commissioners (APCC) has launched today                     Since moving to West Sussex, I have been quite active exhibiting with
a national survey, designed to understand public perception of dog theft,                 Steyning Arts and the Henfield Art Club, where I am a committee member.
enforcement and the prosecution of offenders.                                             Like everyone else I have found lockdown quite hard but I am lucky enough to
                                                                                          have a large garden so I have thrown myself into gardening and taking photographs
The Home Secretary is currently             could be done to respond to their             which will inspire my art. I also enjoy walking my dog in our beautiful surrounding.
reviewing the issue of pet theft and        concerns or for more preventative             Love the variety in the landscapes of our area from the South Down to the beach
what future enforcement may look like       measures to be put in place to better         but can’t wait for life to return to normal so I can return to workshops, lectures, art
with potentially tougher penalties for      protect their pets.                           trails and meeting up with friends.
                                            I’m pleased to see the Home Secretary         I particularly love painting flowers, I am excited by the colours, shapes, variations,
The responses to this survey will help      recognising the devastating impact of         textures and tones that I see in their petals and leaves. Also enjoy painting natural
inform the discussions that PCCs will       this crime and I hope that the results of     scenes and I feel this translates well to water colour, suiting the transparency of
have on this issue nationally and allow     this survey will give the Government the      the medium. The lightness of these scenes would be lost using other mediums.
police forces to better understand the      evidence it needs to take more robust         Capturing the sense of light is so important. I enjoy emphasising the sense of tone,
public’s views on this crime and how        action against perpetrators.’                 hard and soft edges and particularly love watercolours because of the ability to do
they might improve their response to                                                      wet in wet. I love the way the colours flow and merge creating their own magic.
those concerns.                             Sussex Police recorded 31 dog thefts
                                            in 2020 but at least 12 of those were         Fay Bishop -
Demand for dogs as pets has increased       disputes over dog ownership between
during the coronavirus pandemic. The        known parties.
cost of some puppies, on Pets4Homes,                                                      Local Elections May 6th
is currently as high as £3,000, making      Inspector Andrea Leahy from the Sussex
them a valuable commodity to criminals.     Police Rural Crime Team said: ‘We             It’s been a particularly difficult and strange year for everyone,
According to Dog Lost, the UK’s             support this national survey and the          however it does at last feel as if we have turned a corner with
largest lost and found dog service, it is   team are working tirelessly to collate        the vaccine roll out and Spring finally here.
estimated thefts have risen by 250 per      information and intelligence on this
cent, with criminal gangs involved.         worrying crime. We have dedicated             For much of the year the Steyning Centre has been closed,
                                            officers covering the county who review       the Council has had to move to on line Zoom meetings and
Sussex Police & Crime Commissioner          every report that comes into us. We           our work has been hampered somewhat by the lockdown
Katy Bourne is spearheading the first       would like to encourage the public to         restrictions. As a Parish Council we are here to serve the community and although
national conversation with the public on    report all suspicious circumstances and       we are constrained by both the limits of our responsibility and finances we are
this issue as public perception and fear    read our crime prevention advice on our       always looking for innovative ideas and contributions from residents. We have
is growing to an all-time high. She says:   website. We are dedicated to keeping          a number of projects in the pipeline but there’s always room for more and we
‘Pet theft, dog theft in particular, is a   your pets safe and target any persons         welcome any thoughts on how we might meet the oncoming challenges.
growing concern for the public and their    believed to be involved in this distressing
fear has been perpetuated over the last     crime.’                                       The local elections are going ahead on May 6th and there are two vacancies within
couple of weeks with shocking reports in                                                  the Council. This is an opportunity for anyone wishing to stand as a Councillor to put
the media of more dogs being snatched The 60-second survey will be open until             themselves forward and of course for you to cast your vote.
by criminals.                               17:00 on Friday 12th March.
                                                                                               If you are interested in standing as a Councillor please contact the Clerk:
I am incredibly eager to get more detail     HAVE YOUR SAY TODAY: https://www.                       John Fulbrook via to discuss further.
around this issue and understand                                      Joanna Norcross: Chair Steyning Parish Council
residents’ views and if they feel more
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March 2021 - Your Steyning
                                                                                        making the High Street a ‘shared space’.    roads around you would
Calming Traffic in                                                                      It also asks for your views on how we can   be an improvement?
Steyning: The case for a                                                                encourage cycling and walking, electric     Would it encourage you
                                                                                        vehicle charging and public transport       to ride a bike or walk?
20 MPH Zone                                                                             links. Greening Steyning is right behind    Would your children feel
                                                                                        the idea of introducing a 20 mph Zone       safer on the streets, and
Last year, during the first lock down, we all enjoyed a bit of calm and peace           as we see it as a powerful first step in    would you allow them
on the roads. It took us back to a bygone era, for those of us old enough               reclaiming our streets. We’re launching     more independence to
to remember, when there were fewer traffic accidents and less air and                   a ‘20’s Plenty Campaign’ to rally public    walk to school or play outside?
noise pollution from vehicles. It was safer for children to play on the streets         support and encourage a strong and
and for everyone to cycle and walk on them. We were reminded that our                   supportive response to the public            Make sure you use this opportunity to
streets were once perceived as a space that was shared, and not totally                 consultation.                                           have your say!
dominated by motor vehicles.
With this in mind, and with the          pedestrians and cyclists. In those places      On March 30th it is hosting an online       Dawn Daniel is Coordinator of Greening
knowledge that many of our local roads   where this limit has been established,         seminar to publicise the campaign. You’ll     Steyning’s Transport Action Group.
could be made safer and healthier,       there are less car accidents and fatalities,   be able to hear all about the plans for
Steyning Parish Council convened a       as well as less noise pollution. Air           Steyning, as well as the national 20’s       To find out more about the campaign
Working Party to consider how we could   quality is improved as cars accelerate         Plenty campaign. It is at 19:30 and you     and launch event, and link to the online
calm the traffic locally.                less to reach 20 mph. But perhaps              can book tickets using the link below.            survey when it goes live, visit:
                                         most importantly, people also perceive         So how do you find your local roads? Do
Greening Steyning was invited to join,   the roads as being safer and this has          you think a 20 mph speed limit in the
along with representatives from Bramber increased active travel by foot or bicycle
Parish Council, the District and County  across all ages, so there are health
Councils, Steyning & District Business   benefits too.
Chamber, and Steyning & District
Community Partnership. Having looked     Later this month, all residents of Steyning
at different options, the Working Party  and Bramber will have an opportunity to                 Sign up for our newsletter
agreed that the most effective and       have their say in a survey produced by
affordable way to improve our roads for the Working Party. Any proposals will be                 to receive community news,
everyone was to introduce a 20 mph       need to be developed and approved by
speed limit for the whole of Steyning,   West Sussex County Council. Evidence                    events and business information.
and adjoining areas of Bramber. Across   of strong local backing for any scheme is
the UK, over 20 million people live in   essential, so a wide-ranging community
local authorities that are adopting, or  consultation is being held.
have adopted, a 20 mph speed limit on
their residential or urban streets.      By the end of March, every household                    Click on the link below to be taken to our
                                         in the affected areas of Bramber and
‘20’s Plenty’, a national charity, which Steyning will be getting a survey leaflet
                                                                                                 web site ‘Sign Up’ page.
supports campaigns for the 20 mph        through the door asking for their views.                Enter your Name and Email address then
speed limit, has now gathered much       You can fill this in and drop it off at the
evidence of the benefits of this to      Post Office or Steyning Centre. Or you                  click on ‘Sign Up’
everyone. This is also reinforced by the can also respond online, once the survey
World Heath Organisation who endorse goes live. The online version will include
20 MPH speed limit as best practice      some important additional questions
where motorised traffic mixes with       on future traffic calming measures like
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March 2021 - Your Steyning
COMMUNITY NEWS                                                                                                                                             COMMUNITY NEWS
                                                                                          mostly disappeared with few of the old      might next be able to h old events, event
Community Orchard. News: March                                                            apple trees remaining. But it still has the outside, for the hundreds of people
2021 Memorial Playing Field                                                               character of an old established orchard     we normally get for our Apple Day and
We planted a further 5 apple trees in the orchard last month.                             with long grass and scrub surrounding       Wassail events.
Unfortunately, we had to do this ourselves, rather than include                           the orchard trees, and as such has
the donors of the trees as we have done in previous years.                                ‘Traditional Orchard’ Priority Habitat status But it is not all doom and gloom; we have
Hopefully once the Covid restrictions are eased, we will be                               on Natural England’s database                 more plantings planned for the Memorial
able to invite the donors to celebrate the planting of their                                                                            Playing Field Orchard and a small orchard
trees with a tree dedication ceremony. We will look forward to that!                      Bramber Brooks Orchard.                       at the Abbey Road Open Space.
                                                                                          We help advise and plant the trees
The 5                                                                No further           here with Nick Mills who owns Bramber         If anyone has any other ideas of where
trees were                                                           plantings            Brooks.                                       we might plant a few (or even a lot of)
Blackjack                                                            here in the                                                        fruit trees, do let us know.
and Nanny,                                                           last year, but       Last month we planted the final 3 trees
both heritage                                                        all 14 recently      in this orchard. This is now an Orchard
Sussex apple                                                         planted              with 18 trees all growing on vigorous
varieties; John                                                      apple, plum          rootstocks. So far, the trees seem to be                     SUBSCRIBE TO
Ashdown                                                              and pear             thriving in the damp conditions here.                      OUR   MAILING LIST
Pippin, a                                                            trees are                                                             
locally grown                                                        growing and          As with most other organisations we face
variety;                                                             maturing             an uncertain future regarding events.
Steyning                                                             well.                It still seems a long way off when we
Scarlet, our
very own                                                             We believe
Steyning                                                             the orchard
apple; and                                                           was originally
                              The Downland Orchard.                  planted in
Pineapple an old apple from 1785 with      the 1940s by Dr Wheeler-Bennet who
a honey/pineapple flavour. We will         owned the house before the local well-
describe these in more detail in a future known doctor, Dr Dingeman bought it in
Your Steyning article.                     1955.

If you would like any help in choosing,      Norman Dingeman (son of Dr Dingeman)
ordering or planting fruit trees, we would   has told us ‘There were some 50 trees
be delighted to assist. Just contact us on   all of different varieties that ripened at           different times and produced more apples
                                             than we could possibly eat, so in the
Update on our other Orchards.                autumn a wheel barrow full of apples was
Downland Orchard on the Steyning             always left by the waiting room door for
Downland Scheme.                             patients to help themselves.’
This orchard planting was completed
last month with a further 3 trees added.     Primrose Court was built on the site of
There are now 18 fruit trees here; 13        the original house in the late 1980’s,with
apples and 1 each of Pear, Plum, Gage,       the large garden left mostly untouched.
Damson and Medlar.                           Unfortunately, over the last 40 years, the
Primrose Court in Goring Rd                  orchard had become overgrown and has
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March 2021 - Your Steyning
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March 2021 - Your Steyning

What a year it has been! I do hope that you have all managed to stay well
and keep relatively sane.

We at Steyning Festival have been thinking long and hard about what we can
do to cheer us and everyone else up and we are very pleased to announce
we are going to hold a Mini-Steyning Festival between the 3rd to 5th
September 2021.

The Steyning Festival team recognises it has been a difficult year for
everyone and we plan to hold a low-key socially distanced weekend of fun
on Fletchers Croft.

The theme for the mini festival is

    For the Community, By the Community, Thanking the Community!

We want you to be able to thank YOUR unsung heroes over the last year. It
will also be an opportunity to meet up with old friends and make new ones.

We also have exciting news about Steyning Festival 2022

        Steyning Festival 2022 will be between 27th May to 5th June.

Save the dates in your diary now! Look out for more details in the new year;
plans are already underway for a Street Party to celebrate the Queen’s
Platinum Jubilee!

Looking forward to seeing you all.

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March 2021 - Your Steyning
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March 2021 - Your Steyning

How far down the line are you?
Working alongside my sister company Nsure Financial Services means
that I can ensure that my clients receive expert advice tailored to their
individual needs. Between us we alleviate most of our clients worries and
find solutions to their problems saving them and their estate both time and
money, but not always how you would expect.

We don’t tell people that the best thing to do is to put their house into a Trust to
avoid care home fees or an IHT bill, as we know that this rarely works. Trying to hide
your property from the tax man or in the case of care fees, the local authority can
mean that you are essentially committing benefit fraud as you would have to hide
the existence of these Trusts at the point of assessment.

We don’t advise signing over your home to your children with you continuing to live
in the property as rather than avoiding an inheritance tax bill it often creates one,
with the only way around this being you paying your children as the new owners
the full market rent. If you don’t, this then becomes a gift with reservation and can
be considered as deliberate deprivation and your children may find that capital
gains tax kicks in at a level that it probably wouldn’t have been if the property hadn’t
been signed over.

So, if we don’t do any of those things, what do we do?

For home owning couples, we may advise you to sever the tenancy on your
property changing the ownership from joint tenants to tenants in common. We
can then create a Life Interest Trust (LIT) within your Will leaving your half of the
property to a person/s other than your partner- often your children. What this
means is that if on second death, the remaining partner goes on to require care
that only half of the value of the property can be assessed for care fees, which
whilst it may still sting, does mean that there will be funds for private quality care
as well as a legacy for your family. It is also means that the remaining partner can
stay living in the property, sell it and downsize should they wish with their needs
always taking precedence until stipulated within your Will. A LIT also protects your
children’s inheritance from being wholly swallowed up by second marriage hence it
sometimes being referred to as a ‘Blood Line Will’.

The other crucial thing we do is to get a clear overview from you as to your current
financial situation and if it looks as though there will be inheritance tax to pay, a
financial services advisor may give you proper guidance on how to minimise this.
They can also talk you through the different ways you can properly fund later life
care should you ever need it.

        To talk about the options that are available to you please contact me
                   on 01903 821010 or
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COMMUNITY NEWS                                                                                                                                                   COMMUNITY NEWS

March 2021 - Steyning for trees                                                             Sir Partha Dasgupta, Emeritus Professor at
                                                                                            Cambridge has just released his report ‘The
                                                                                                                                             C as 40 oranges.
                                                                                                                                           • Ivy has the same calorific value as
                                                                                            Economics of Biodiversity’ commissioned          chocolate - Ref: Winterwatch.
Winterwatch have been emphasising the importance
                                                                                            by the last government.Basically saying        • 178 million hectares of the world`s forests
of bio-diversity for well-being. Listen to their                                            “we are trashing our home”, echoing and          have been lost since 1990.
SOUNDSCAPES FOR WELL-BEING via their website                                                supporting Greta`s “Our house is on fire” He   • WWF estimates 50% of species are at risk
and fill in the questionnaire about how you feel before and after.                          says “Nature is our home - good economics        of local extinction if no action is taken.
An enormous                                                            Sir Charlie          demand we manage it better”)                   • Climate change could force more than
thank you to                                                           Burrell`s (the                                                        140 million people from their homes by
the WILSON                                                             owner of Knepp)      Why plant trees and hedges?                      2050.
MEMORIAL                                                               inspirational        • 80% of birds rely on hedgerows for their     • Trees reduce flooding.
TRUST for their                                                        talk on `Wilding`      food in winter.                              • Trees help to cool cities and urban areas
generous grant                                                         produced by the      • Rosehips has the same amount of vitamin
which will help                                                        Friends of the       New Projects for 2021:
us and the                                                             South Downs,         We hope to be able to work with the following organisations and individuals in 2021,
community                                                              attracted an
                                                                                            Covid-19 allowing, and thank the people involved who are going to make all this
to plant even                                                          audience of
more trees and                                                         nearly 500 local
hedges this year                                                       people.
where they want,                                                                            The Football Club Chair and General. Manager.
to help fight                                                           He said that        The Steyning and District Commercial Partnership: Russell Barnes
against climate                                                         after only 15       Planting on Verges in Rosemary Avenue (WSCC scheme): Russell Barnes
change – and for                                                        years there was     Steyning Parish Churchyard working alongside other organisations
biodiversity.                                                           an amazing          helping to reduce their carbon footprint: Christine Aubrey etc.
                                                                        increase in         Shooting Fields (WSCC scheme + other): Marianne Drake
We also want                                                            mammals and         South Downs National Park Authority planting on farm: Craig Daters/Mark
to thank the                                                            species and         Stenning
STEYNING                                                                radical recovery    Penlands Vale WSCC Scheme: Phil Knights
SOCIETY to                                                              of the soil. They   Andrews Close: Linda Wakeford
whom we are                                                             reached a record    Kingstone Avenue: Anne Oxley Vice Chair Steyning Society
affiliated for all                                                      for breeding        Newham Close: Mary McFarlane, Chair U3A Garden Club
their invaluable                                                        songbirds in        Mary has spoken to all her neighbours and is funding it with some others. They are
help and                                                                the UK. He          now in the process of choosing their trees.
knowledgeable                                                           spoke about         Planting a copse: off Kings Barn Lane: Shona & Richard Halsall
support. The Chairman, Tom Aubrey, has        the importance of green bridges over
now arranged for SFT to have a permanent Motorways, Climate Corridors and
                                                                                            This is, in addition to all our supporters in the areas already planted, who worked so
slot for a talk in May each year. They helped especially hedges and how more trees can
                                                                                            hard last year to get us started.
us get our constitution and charity status.   be created by natural renewal.

They host our website and give us technical His wife, Isabella Tree`s book `Wilding`        They are all on our ‘Roll of Honour’ which we will have at the Market on 1st May.
support and even help with funding          is available from our excellent Steyning
applications when we are snowed under.      Bookshop – much better than Amazon!             Many thanks to all the people promoting tree planting, this is a great community
                                                                                            effort. It is good to be co-operating with so many Steyning groups and individuals
The Good News:                               GREENING STEYNING is starting a GREEN          who are keen to see more trees and hedges in and around Steyning to help in the
The Woodland Trust has pledged to plant      Books Bookclub with some interesting           fight against climate change.
50 million trees by 2025 – LET’S HELP        subjects to be covered.

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Diary Events:
The following non recurring events are also in the What's On section on the Your
Steyning website at: NOTE: Post non recurring events
before 10th of the month prior to the print month.

Thursday 4th March                         support the work of Greening Steyning.
Green Books, Greening Steyning             You can find out more and book your
Zoom 19:30 - 20:30                         ticket here: https://greeningsteyning.
Dave Gould - Gardening to Save the         Sign up via Eventbrite using the link
Planet.                                    below, and we’ll forward you the Zoom
                                           login details.
We have another top author lined up for
our second Green Books: wildlife guru
Dave Goulson. He’ll be talking about his
latest bestseller ‘The Garden Jungle or,   Sunday 28th March
Gardening to Save the Planet.’             Steyning Cricket Club
                                           19:30 - 21:00
The book is a wonderful introduction
to the hundreds of small creatures with    Monthly Quiz Night.
whom we live cheek-by-jowl and of the
myriad ways that we can encourage          Steyning cricket club Club House
them to thrive.                            memorial fields. Charlton St. Steyning
Dave Goulson is great speaker, and         Join us for our monthly Quiz Night, new
has been described as ‘the kind of         teams welcome.
humorous, knowledgeable and bubblingly     We hold a quiz on the last Sunday of
enthusiastic teacher anyone would want.’   every month 19:30 for 20:00 start.
You can either book a free ticket or
choose to make a small donation            NOTE! the quiz will be repeated on April
(minimum £1) to cover costs and help                25th, then May 30th.

                                           the rules
Prime Minister sets out                    and stay at
road map for easing                        home. By
coronavirus restrictions                   together
Yesterday (22 February), the Prime
                                           following the rules at each stage, we
Minister announced a phased plan to lift
                                           can help make this road map become a
national lockdown restrictions.
                                           reality. Read the road map:
Over the coming months the lockdown
rules will be lifted in stages, starting on
8 March. Before taking each step, the
Government will review the latest data
on the impact of the previous step.
For the time being, we are still in national
lockdown so please continue to follow
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‘I just want my old classroom’
Children at Sompting Abbotts Prep School have put
their feelings of frustration about lockdown into their
video performance of their class poem Lockdown,
lockdown, tell me when?
The words talk about ‘feeling stranded’,        Stuck inside with brain all wired
missing friends and hugs, going ‘cross-
                                                Home school’s making me cross-eyed
eyed’ over Zoom and how COVID words
like ‘ventilators and flattening curves’        Virtual lessons all by Zoom,
makes them scared. They talk of ‘tempers
flaring behind closed doors’ and how they       I just want my old classroom,
dream of playing football, flying abroad        Lockdown, lockdown, tell me when …
and making sandcastles.
The Year 4 children practised their poem        … this will all, finally, end.
in their virtual English lessons with their
                                                Behind closed doors, tempers flare
teacher Mr David Buckingham and their
parents recorded them all saying their          When can I go out somewhere?
lines for their video performance.
                                                If only I could play football
Headmaster Mr Stuart Douch said: ‘It’s          Fly abroad, make a sand-castle …
a brilliant poem and they’re saying what
children everywhere must be feeling. This       Lockdown, lockdown, tell me when …
winter lockdown has been doubly hard for        … this will all, finally, end.
children cooped up with the cold and the
dark evenings. We’ve all been applauding        Now the news makes me so scared,
our wonderful NHS and keyworkers.
                                                Ventilators, flattening curves,
Maybe we should be clapping our children
too. I think they’ve been superheroes           Bubbles, face masks, Covid rules,
coping with confinement, isolation and
such a huge change in their normal lives        Stay at home and stay indoors
and routines.’                                  Lockdown, lockdown, tell me when …
Here are the poem words.                        … how I long for this to end.
Lockdown, lockdown, tell me when …              When the virus has been quelled
Lockdown, lockdown, tell me when …              When the vaccines keep us well,
… this will all, finally, end.                  Friends I miss I’ll get to hug
All my friends are kept away                    And I’ll see the ones I love
Grounded, stranded, banned from play            Lockdown, lockdown, tell me when …
Lockdown, lockdown, tell me when                … this will all, finally, end.
… this will all, finally, end.
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LOCAL ENVIRONMENTAL NEWS                                                                                                                          LOCAL ENVIRONMENTAL NEWS
                                                                                             District Council on an innovative five-
Brimstone butterfly                                                                          year partnership project called Wilder                By Michael Blencowe:
This winter lockdown has certainly felt harder because of the winter. Don’t                  Horsham District.                                 Learning & Engagement Officer,
                                                                                                                                                    Sussex Wildlife Trust
get me wrong, I’ve enjoyed the bleak beauty of winter: bare trees, frosted
landscapes. But now I need something to get my heart racing. I need a sign                      We’ll be working closely with local
                                                                                             communities and landowners to reverse         Sussex Wildlife Trust is an independent
– some hope in these challenging times, a promise of those dynamic spring                                                                  registered charity caring for wildlife and
                                                                                              the decline in species and habitats and
months ahead, a flash of colour. In March my light at the end of the tunnel is                                                              habitats throughout Sussex. Founded
                                                                                               enrich the natural environment for all
an oncoming butterfly.                                                                                 residents and visitors.               in 1961, we rely on the support of our
                                                                                                                                          members to help protect our rich natural
On sculpted, vibrant yellow wings the       worst winter weather they always emerge
                                                                                             I’ll keep you updated with opportunities        heritage. Please consider supporting
Brimstone butterfly makes his elegant       immaculate in the spring. They must be
                                                                                                 for you to get involved and help the          our work. As a member you will be
entrance into the New Year on those         made of Teflon.
                                                                                                       wildlife around Steyning.           invited to join Michael Blencowe on our
bright March days when you feel the
                                                                                                                                          regular wildlife walks and also enjoy free
warmth of the sun on your face.             When they awake the (bright yellow)
                                                                                               events, discounts on wildlife courses,
                                            males search for a mate, they mate,
                                                                                                       wilderhorshamdistrict                Wildlife magazine and our guide book:
Its distinctive yellow wings have given     the (pale yellow) females lay eggs and
                                                                                                                                                 Discovering Wildlife in Sussex.
birth to a legend – that this ‘butter-      then both die. Still, an adult life of over
coloured fly’ was the inspiration for the   ten months earns them the title of our
                                                                                                                                                 It’s easy to join online at:
word butterfly.                             longest-lived butterfly. An insect OAP.
                                                                                                                                                     or T: 01273 497532.
This claim may be a myth and it’s also      My first Brimstone sighting each year
untrue that these March Brimstones are      doesn’t exactly mean that spring is
                                                                                                                                           Brimstone by Bob Eade Sussex Wildlife Trust.
the first signs of the year’s new life.     starting but it’s certainly a sign that winter
                                            is starting to end. And, after the tough
By the time Brimstones appear in March      winter that we’ve all just suffered, that’s
they are already on their last (six) legs.  good enough for me.
                                                                                             Types of test for
Fresh Brimstone butterflies emerged                                                          COVID-19
from their chrysalises in late summer, so Either way this beautiful yellow butterfly
by February they could be seven months is a welcome messenger of what’s to                   There has been a lot of
old – and in                                                          come – the             confusion about the types
butterfly years                                                       first sulphurous       of test for COVID-19 and                     The guide also provides an overview of
that’s ancient.                                                       spark to ignite                                                     antibody testing for COVID-19.
                                                                                             when they should be used.
                                                                      the blaze of
Admittedly                                                            spring.                                                             Visit - New guide to COVID-19 tests for
                                                                                             The Royal College of Pathologists has
almost all                                                                                                                                the public.
                                                                                             published a new, user-friendly guide
of that time                                                          Let’s hope that
                                                                                             to COVID-19 tests for patients and the
they’ve been                                                          with the spring                                                     Link:
                                                                                             public. People working in sectors such as
asleep in                                                             comes hope                                                          coronavirus-resource-hub/guide-to-
                                                                                             social care, child care and teaching may
a hedge,                                                              for a brighter                                                      covid-19-tests-for-members-of-the-
                                                                                             also find it helpful.
sheltered from                                                        for us all.                                                         public.html
the storms
                                                                                             The guide covers the most widely used
under Holly and                                                       Sussex Wildlife
                                                                                             diagnostic tests for COVID-19, PCR and
Ivy.                                                                  Trust have
                                                                                             lateral flow, exploring their accuracy and
                                                                      started working
                                                                                             when they should be used.
Yet despite the                                                       with Horsham
YS 30                   Your Steyning March 2021 •                                Your Steyning March 2021 •                         YS 31
COMMUNITY NEWS                                                                                                                                          LOCAL ENVIRONMENTAL NEWS
                                                                                               to promote the West Sussex Climate              highly articulate, innovative, energised group
Carry a Knife? End a Life                                                                      Conversation survey for their 			               of young people who have achieved an
                                                                                               environment campaign                            incredible amount throughout 2020 with many
The West Sussex Youth Cabinet                                                                • Are working with the council’s                  more plans for 2021.’
have been rewarded for their tireless                                                          education team to engage young
campaigning during lockdown with a                                                             people in a review of the way the 		            ‘Most importantly they play a vital role in
nomination for a national award.                                                               curriculum is taught                            helping us to hear the views of young people
                                                                                             • Are hosting three webinars for their 		         in West Sussex and it is important that we
The High Sheriff of West Sussex Dr Tim                                                         Youth Cabinet Political Engagement              nurture this aspect as I have no doubt some
Fooks has put their ‘Tackling knife crime in                                                   Campaign to help young people to                will step into our shoes in local government in
West Sussex and beyond’ campaign forward                                                       learn and understand more about 		              the future.’
for a National Crimebeat Award. Youth                                                          politics.
Cabinet members designed and created                                                                                                           The 35 West Sussex Youth Cabinet
a series of posters to deter young people                                                    The first is on 16 February with MP Tim           members are between 14-17 and represent
from knife crime, with the support of Sussex                                                 Loughton.                                         every area of West Sussex, meeting once
Police and West Sussex County Councillors.                                                                                                     a month virtually. There are currently
They have been sent to schools to display                                                    Jacquie Russell, Cabinet Member for               vacancies and anyone interested in
and encourage discussion as well as posted                                                   Children & Young People said: ‘I have a           becoming a youth cabinet member should
on social media.                                                                             regular catch up with our Youth Cabinet chair     email
                                                                                             each month where we share information and
Dr Fooks said: ‘I have been greatly impressed                                                continue to look for opportunities through
by the WSCC Youth Cabinet’s poster                                                           which the youth cabinet can raise their profile
campaign on knife crime - an issue which                                                     and promote their campaigns. They are a
has been recognised nationally as one of the
most important concerns for young people.        Tackling Knife Crime is one of no fewer
The posters are well-designed and thought-       than eight campaigns the West Sussex
provoking so I am delighted to submit them       Youth Cabinet has continued to champion
for a National Crimebeat Award.I very much       throughout the pandemic.
hope they will be successful.’
                                                 Among the notable recent achievements
Youth Cabinet Chairperson Daisy Watson-          the Youth Cabinet:
Rumbold said: ‘The knife crime campaign is       • Hosted a debate on racial inequality
very close to the Youth Cabinet’s heart. A lot     with County Councillors and MPs and
of effort went into formulating the posters,       put on three webinars on the topic
and the positive effects they’ve had on our      • Helped West Sussex to first place in
communities has made it all worthwhile. They       the UK for the number of votes cast
serve as a reminder that there are always          in the 2020 Make Your Mark, an annual
support provisions available for young people,     national ballot open to all 11-18 year
countywide, and that the youth cabinet is          olds to vote on the biggest issues
actively representing the youth of West Sussex     facing young people
in every issue. We are immensely proud           • Started a weekly podcast discussing
of both the campaign and the incredible            the topics that affect young people,
nomination.’                                       complementing their regular online
The campaign promotes - the         • Promoted wellbeing help and
youth service of the charity Crimestoppers         resources for their better health
where young people can report crime                awareness campaign
completely anonymously.                          • Worked closely with the council

YS 32                    Your Steyning March 2021 •                                Your Steyning March 2021 •                              YS 33
LOCAL BUSINESS FOCUS                                            Steyning Bookshop - 01903 812062        their incredible innocence makes the reader         One day, gazing out of the classroom window,
                                                                  Monday - Saturday: 9:30 - 17:30       fiercely protective.                                Maggie sees her arch-nemesis - privileged,
Book Reviews March 2021                                            Claire’s gently poetic descriptions of rural life   perfect Ida, vanish into thin air! Turns out
                                                                                                        find beauty in even the grimmest, cobwebby          Ida has been kidnapped by an evil, shape-
                     The Wild Isles edited by        There are one-tray dinners, quick dishes like      corners, and her sharp observations of the          shifting wolf masquerading as a teacher...
                     Patrick Barkham                 tahini broccoli on toast, one-pot soups and        twins’ well-meaning but meddling neighbours,        and taken to a parallel dimension. Maggie
                     Head of Zeus, £25               stews like Persian noodles as well as one-pan      and wealthy landlord add touches of                 discovers that she alone has the power to
                     What a treat! A beautifully     fritters and pancakes such as golden rosti with    unexpected humour throughout the story. An          pass through this portal, and bravely sets out,
                     produced new collection         ancho chilli chutney.... yum!                      absorbing and delicately-nuanced novel.             reluctantly accompanied by Hoagy, to put
                     of the best of British          Anna also usefully adds 100 recipes for using                                                          their differences aside and rescue Ida.
                     and Irish nature-writing,       up any amount of your most-eaten veg, and                               The Last Bear by Hannah        Maggie and Hoagy encounter all manner
                     lovingly selected by Patrick    ideas to help you use the foods that most                               Gold                           of unearthly creatures and must ward off a
                     Barkham, one of our             often end up being thrown away. For all the                             Harper Collins £12.99          powerful enchanter, until finally the horrific
                     favourite nature-writers,       recipes out there on the internet, for me,                              hardback.                      truth is revealed.
author of ‘The Butterfly Isles’ and ‘Coastlines’,    nothing beats the simple, thoughtful pleasure                           A warm-hearted story for       Echoes of Narnia, the darkness of Coraline,
who has visited us for events several times.         of browsing a cookbook to find inspiration for                          animal-lovers aged 7-11,       and the weirdness of Spirited Away combine
In ‘The Wild Isles’, Patrick has arranged his        next week’s meals!                                                      would also be a perfect        in this dreamy, yet excitingly inventive story for
choices according to theme; ranging from                                                                                     read-aloud chapter book,       older, braver children.
birds, woods and coastlines to childhood,                               Unsettled Ground by                                  which is attracting rave
the seasons and urban nature. He juxtaposes                             Claire Fuller                                        reviews.                                           When We Went Wild by
extracts from much-loved classics with                                  Published 25th March            There are no polar bears left on Bear Island.                           Isabella Tree Published by
passages by contemporary writers such as                                Penguin £14.99 hardback         At least, that’s what April’s father tells her                          Ivy Kids £7.99.
Robert Macfarlane, James Rebanks and Helen                              The stunning new novel          when his scientific research takes them to this                         The first picture book from
Macdonald. From the bleak heights of the                                from one of our Steyning        remote Arctic outpost for six months. But one                           local rewilding pioneer
Cairngorms, the ancient woodlands of Essex,                             Bookshop favourites, Claire     endless summer night, April meets one. He                               and bestselling writer,
the storm-lashed islands of Ireland’s west                              Fuller, is a heart-rending      is starving, lonely and a long way from home.                           Isabella Tree, introduces
coast and the lush fields of Devon, The Wild                            story of betrayal, resilience   Determined to save him, April begins the most                           young children to the
Isles highlights nature’s capacity to terrify and                       and survival, amidst rural      important journey of her life...                  concept of rewilding via a simple, sweet story,
to delight, to soothe and to heal, to surprise,                         deprivation.                    I must say, I would have LOVED this book as a     loosely based on Isabella and her husband’s
inspire and bring wonder.                         ‘Unsettled Ground’ is a beautifully-observed          child, but reading it as a grown-up I can’t help  experiences at Knepp Estate.
A perfect appetiser of the best nature-writing    portrait of lives lived at the fringe of society,     thinking ‘don’t try this at home, kids’. However, Nancy and Jake are farmers. They raise their
has to offer, ideal for dipping into, and with itsand what happens when those edges fray.               the lovable character of Bear and his journey     cows and pigs, and grow their crops.
stunning cover design, a wonderful gift, too!     The central characters, 51 year-old twins,            towards trust with April is genuinely moving,     They use a lot of big machines to help them,
                                                  Julius and Jeanie, have lived a sheltered rural       and the book is stunningly illustrated with       and spray a lot of chemicals to get rid of the
                    One Pot, Pan, Planet by       existence with their mother, Dot, surviving           detailed, dreamy pencil drawings by Levi          weeds and the pests. And yet, there is no
                    Anna Jones                    hand-to-mouth on what they can earn from              Pinfold.                                          wildlife living on their farm. The animals look
                    Harper Collins £26            their garden produce and odd farming jobs.                                                              sad. Even the trees look sad! One day, Nancy
                    If you’re thinking of gifting When Dot dies suddenly, the twins are forced                               Maggie Blue and the Dark has an idea... what if they stopped using all the
                    a recipe book for Mothers     to confront the outside world, and long-kept                               World by Anna Goodall        machines, and all the chemicals, and instead
                    Day (fast-approaching!)       secrets begin to surface, casting doubt on                                 Guppy Publishing £12.99      they went wild?
                    look no further!              family truths and shattering their precarious                              hardback                     With pretty, watercolour illustrations, and
                    Award-winning food writer existence.                                                                     A debut novel from a fresh printed in the UK on recycled paper, this
                    Anna Jones had a big hit      Brooding tension builds as Julius and                                      new children’s publisher,    lovely nature book practices what it preaches.
with her previous cookbook ‘The Modern            Jeannie’s situation spirals into desperation                               this is a thrilling, bizarre Will turn your little ones into eco-warriers!
Cook’s Year’ which was Winner of the Guild        - they are almost destitute, and unsavoury                                 and twisty middle-grade
of Food Writers Cookery Book Award and            characters circle like vultures, ready to                                  fantasy adventure, perfect
OFM Best New Cook Book 2018. Her new              take advantage of their unworldliness. The                                 for 9+ readers.                               SUBSCRIBE TO
cookbook collects over 200 delicious recipes, twins are unforgettable characters, equally                                    Dreamy Maggie Blue                         OUR MAILING LIST
with the focus on simplicity and sustainability: endearing and infuriating - Jeannie struggles          is stuck living with her eccentric aunt, her          
she limits the pans and limits the ingredients    with literacy and Julius cannot travel in motor       school-mates think her odd, and her only
for all-in-one dinners that keep things fast and vehicles, and they are both deeply proud               confidante a grump fat cat called Hoagy -
easy.                                             and reluctant to accept help, but ultimately          who talks to her!
YS 34                       Your Steyning March 2021 •                                        Your Steyning March 2021 •                                  YS 35
The following pages list Steyning Clubs and Societies. Once the current situation changes,
no doubt, all will likely review their individual operations and meeting schedules to deliver
their contributions to Steyning village life. Your Steyning Village online magazine will advise
changes, as these are advised, on our web site:
NOTE: For changes kindly advise these before 10th of the month prior to the Your Steyning
Village online magazine issue month. Corrections:
CHARITIES:                    Downland Women’s Institute. Steyning Parish Church.
Cancer Research Steyning.     01903 812570.                 steyningparishchurch@gmail.                                    com
                              Steyning Horticultural
Steyning & Ashurst Friends of Society. 01903 814049.        Steyning WEA Day School.
St. Barnabas House.                                         01903 816190/07713 270806.
01903 814337                  Steyning Museum.
                              01903 813333.
The Friends of Steyning                                     SOCIAL:
Parish Church. 01903 813232 Steyning HF Ramblers.           Cheqoutz Cribbage Team.
                              01903 813460.                 01903 815471.
The Steyning Society.
01903 879305                  Sugar and Spice Sugar Craft Knit and Natter. 01903 812751.
                              Club. 01903 695700.
The Steyning Friends                                        Singability. 07845 546365.
of Chestnut Tree House        The Arts Society Steyning.
Children’s Hospice.           01903 812752.                 Steyning & District Good
01903 814819.                                               Neighbours Association.
                              Vintage Years Club.           01903 816181.
The Royal British Legion      01903 813012.
Steyning & District Branch.                                 Steyning Downland Scheme
01903 815176.                 West Chiltington Bridge Club. Group. 01903 812404.                         Give us a call:
                              01903 742674 / 01798 813626.
CLUBS AND SOCIETIES:                                        Friends of Steyning
                                                                                                         01903 812062
Chanctonbury Quilters.        West Sussex Decorative &      Downland Scheme. www.
01903 812171.                 Fine Arts Society.  
                              01903 411086.                 support-us/friends-scheme/                   or visit online:
Steyning Art Group.                                                                     
01903 815096.                                               Special Task Force.
                              GENERAL:                      01903 765340.
Steyning Bellringers.         Cadet Centre. 01903 813113.
01903 813653.                                               Steyning & District U3A.
                              Cadet Centre - Steyning       www.steyninganddistrictu3a.
Steyning Bridge Club.         Army Cadets. 07737931010.     org
01903 814726.
                              Steyning, Beeding and         Steyning for Trees.
Steyning Camera Club.         Bramber Trefoil Guild.        01903 816726.        01903- 812622.
                                                            Steyning Greening Campaign.
Steyning & District Flower    Steyning Litter Pickers.      01903 813232.
Club. 01903 815803  
                                                            Steyning in Bloom.
                                                            01903 812317.

YS 36                     Your Steyning March 2021 •                             Your Steyning March 2021 •   YS 37

Plant Based Ground Beef
1 250g (.5 Lb) white button or baby portobello mushrooms.
2 about 250g (.5 Lb) carrots, peeled and chopped into large pieces.
3 about 800/900g (1.75 Lb) of cauliflower, broken into large florets.
4. 2-3 tsp chopped garlic.
5 about 250g (.5 Lb) onion, peeled and chopped into large pieces.
6. 1 cup raw pumpkin seeds (alternate walnuts
7. 1/4 cup sun-dried tomatoes (if in oil chop finely and mix into shredded vegetables).

Instructions:                                                                                         Ingredients needed
1. Place pumpkin seeds and sun-dried tomatoes into your food processor with ‘S’ blade
in place. Pulse repeatedly to reduce these to a fine bread crumb ‘meal’ taking care not to
                                                                                                                                                    Utensils needed
2. Split into two equal amounts into bowels and set aside.

3. Change the s-blade for the shredding disc and shred some of each; cauliflower,
mushrooms, carrots, onions to make a mixture of all (Note: no shredding disc the ‘S’
blade, pulsing, until finely chopped but not a puree.

5 Mix the chopped garlic evenly into the shredded vegetables.

6 Place a large nonstick skillet (pan) on the largest heating plate or gas burner split the
vegetable mix in two and heat over medium-high heat for 7 to 8 minutes gently stirring
all the time to reduce moisture.

7. Scatter one bowl of pumpkin seed ‘meal’ evenly over the hot mixed vegetables - mix              Ingredients evenly mixed
thoroughly and heat for another minute. Repeat with the other half of the vegetable mix.

8. Use in place of ground beef with the ratio of 2 cups of plant based ground beef for                                                  Ingredients defrosted and ready to cook
500g (1 pound) of cooked ground meat.

Notes: Cooking Instructions
We simply treated as mince - cooked in a large pan with 3 x chopped onions and
zucchinis - can of chopped tomatoes (could add one or 2 grated carrots some spinach/
kale instead).

Will keep for up to a week in the refrigerator, or 3 months in the freezer.
Sun-dried tomatoes packed in liquid are simply cut finely and mixed directly to the
vegetable mix before heating.
Make about 1200g (1 pound 9 oz) monthly divided into 4 zip bags - One bag sufficient for 2 x
mince and pasta servings and a cottage pie of 2 servings.
                                                                                               Spaghetti with Bolo   gnese sauce
Feed Back: Let us know how the recipe turned out: E:
                                                                                                                                                  Pasta sauce all ready
YS 38                     Your Steyning March 2021 •                           Your Steyning March 2021 •                    YS 39
LOCAL BUSINESS FOCUS                                                                                                                                            LOCAL BUSINESS FOCUS
                                                                                               How insufficient sleep affects the spine -    the amount of blood that circulates around
Could Your Sleep Time Be Affecting                                                             At the other end of the scale, insufficient   your spine and impair the body’s ability
Your Back?                                                                                     sleep can also lead to back pain. The most
                                                                                               common reasons why this occurs include:
                                                                                                                                             to repair injuries. The simplest solution
                                                                                                                                             to this issue is to incorporate a lot more
Mark Jones from Well Adjusted Health advises that many of the                                                                                fruits, vegetables, healthy fats, complex
clients that visit his chiropractic clinic suffer from lower back pain                         Muscles do not have time to recuperate:       carbohydrates, and lean protein into your
when they wake up in the morning. This may be caused by their                                  Failure to get enough sleep can mean that     diet. Also, reduce or eliminate your intake of
sleeping position or the poor quality of their mattress. However,                              your muscles don’t have sufficient time to    sugar, alcohol, caffeine and tobacco.
morning back pain can also be associated with how long a                                       recover from the day’s activities. This can
person sleeps each night.                                                                      lead to muscle stiffness and back pain.       Lack of exercise - Failing to get enough
                                                                                                                                             exercise will result in stiffness that can lead
There is a growing body of evidence to         that oversleeping is                            Poor sleep causes higher inflammation         to back pain upon waking. Incorporating
suggest that sleep duration has an impact      linked to several chronic health conditions     levels:                                       more exercise into your lifestyle including
on the health of the spine — with too          including heart disease, depression and         A lack of sleep can mean that your body       walking, bike rides, and swimming can help
much or too little sleep potentially causing   diabetes.                                       does not have time to produce essential       deal with this issue.
back pain. This post will share some more                                                      anti-inflammatory compounds. This
information about the importance of sleep      There is also some evidence to suggest          can worsen back pain, particularly if it is   An old or low-quality mattress - Many
and how it relates to back pain.               that people who oversleep are more likely       associated with tissue inflammation.          people “solider on” with a poor mattress
                                               to experience back pain. There are several                                                    for many years. Unfortunately, this can
What happens when you sleep? - Your            possible reasons why this occurs:               The brain feels more pain:                    damage the health of your spine. If your
body will perform several important                                                            Several studies have linked sleep             mattress is a old or in poor condition,
biological processes when you sleep,           A bad mattress:                                 deprivation with chronic pain. Researchers    consider upgrading to a high-quality
including:                                     If you oversleep on a bad mattress, your        believe that a lack of sleep causes certain   mattress that provides your back with
                                               body will be exposed to uncomfortable           parts of the brain to be more receptive to    plenty of support.
  •   Regeneration of tissue.                  sleeping conditions for a longer period. This   pain signals. This can cause you to notice
  •   The production of important 		           can affect the natural curve of your spine      your back pain much more than normal.          How we can help at Well Adjusted Health
		    hormones                                 and lead to back pain.                                                                         - Chiropractic care can be used to identify
  •   Formation of neuronal connections 		                                                     Other common causes of morning back            and remedy common musculoskeletal
		    in the brain.                            Muscle fatigue:                                 pain - If you believe that you are getting the issues that cause back pain. We can help
  •   The production of compounds that 		      Laying on your back for long periods can        right amount of sleep, your morning back       you identify the root cause of any back
		    reduce inflammation in the body          cause the muscles that support the normal       pain may be the result of another issue like: pain you are experiencing and devise a
  •   Replenishment of energy reserves         curvature of your back to become fatigued.                                                     treatment plan to address it. For more
                                               When you wake up with muscle fatigue,           Stress - Stress can cause muscular             information contact our clinic today If you
Sleep also gives your spine time to            you will experience tight muscles and back      tension and back pain. Reduce your stress are concerned about your back or any
recuperate from the previous day’s             pain.                                           levels by eating a healthy diet, exercising,   other pain and would like an expert opinion,
activities. It also helps the spine                                                            meditating, listening to music, spending       please contact Well Adjusted Health on
decompress after many hours of sitting,      Poor sleeping position:                           time outdoors, and spending more time          01903 892171
running, walking, and lifting objects.       When you oversleep, the likelihood of             with loved ones.
                                             spending time in an awkward sleeping                                                                  You can also book a Free 15 minute
Failure to get enough sleep will mean your position is increased, increasing the               A sedentary lifestyle - If you spend a lot of consultation for you or your family. Full PPE
spine doesn’t have time to fully regenerate. likelihood that you will experience back          time sitting each day, it can compress your     worn and thorough sanitisation of practice
However, there is also some risk associated pain.                                              lower back and cause back pain. The pain                    between every patient.
with getting too much sleep.                                                                   from spinal compression is often felt first      For more information on simple stretches
                                             If you experience back pain after sleep for       thing in the morning after you have been            and exercises you can do at home,
How oversleeping affects the spine - Sleep more than 8 hours, consider shortening              lying down all night. The best solution for         visit:
is important for maintaining good health     your time in bed to see if it reduces your        this issue is to stand more often during the                  straighten-up-uk/
— but it is possible to get too much of a    back pain.                                        day and exercise more often.
good thing. Researchers have discovered                                                        Poor diet - A poor quality diet can reduce
YS 40                    Your Steyning March 2021 •                                  Your Steyning March 2021 •                          YS 41
Steyning Library Book Group. Steyning Rugby Club.              MAC Playgroup.
01903 270330.                07719 153971.           

Steyning Probus Club.          Steyning Town Community         Steyning Library. –
07733 435662.                  Football Club. 07713 628053.    Rhymetime

The Steyning Downland          The Table Tennis Club.
Young People’s Sunday          01903 815396.                   THEATRE:
Conservation Group.                                            Milestones Theatre and
07791 437790.                                                  Supper Club. 07500 478097.
The Steyning Downland          West Sussex Downs               Steyning Drama Club.
Conservation Volunteers.       Diabetes UK Group.              07905 451684.
                               groups/938854172796096/         Steyning Youth Theatre.
Time Travellers Cafe in                                        01903 602 815/07788 497 779.
Steyning. 01903 817144.        Know Dementia - Green
                               Moments. 01273 494300.
Volunteering in the Horsham
District. 01403 273985.        Parkinson Support Group.        Chanctonbury Chorus.
                               01273 969603.                   01903 815467.
Young People’s Sunday
Conservation Group.            Pilates Personal Training.      Kaleidoscope Singers.
07791 437790.                  07941 078 091.        

                               Steyning Healthy Walks.         Sandgate Singers.
SPORTS:                        Health Centre, Tanyard Lane.    01903 743345.
Friday Evening Badminton
Club. 01903 815396.            Steyning Patients               Sing Out Sister Ladies Choir.
                               Participation Group. Steyning   07730 373142.
Short Mat Bowls.               Health Centre, Tanyard Lane,
01903 816474.                  Steyning.                       Steyning Jazz Club.
                                                               01273 430311.
Southdown Gliding Club.        YOUTH:
01903 742137.                  1st Steyning Rainbows.          Steyning Library.
                               1ststeyningrainbows@gmail.      Saturday Sing Along.
Steyning Athletic Club.        com                                           Steyning Live Lounge Music
                               1st Steyning Brownies.          Club.
Steyning Scuba Club.           1ststeyningbrownies@gmail.      team@steyninglivelounge
07786 243763.                  com
                               1st Steyning Guides.            Steyning Parish Church Choir.
Steyning Stars Gymnastic          01903816008.
01903 800024.                  2nd Steyning Scouts.            Sussex Harmonizers
                               Beavers, Cubs. 815807.          Barbershop Chorus.
Steyning Tennis Club.                                          01444 553102.
01903 814890/01903 815862.     Sussex Clubs for Young
                               People.                         Vocal Fusion a capella.
Steyning Ladies Table Tennis        01444 482183.
Club. 01903 810085.

YS 42                     Your Steyning March 2021 •                    Your Steyning March 2021 •   YS 43
You can also read