Making Your Gallery Inclusive - Professional Development Program 2018 Semester 1, Session 5 - Public Galleries ...

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Making Your Gallery Inclusive - Professional Development Program 2018 Semester 1, Session 5 - Public Galleries ...
Making Your
Gallery Inclusive
When: Tuesday 22 May 2018
Where: Abbotsford Convent
1 St Heliers Street
Abbotsford VIC 3067

Professional Development
Program 2018
Semester 1, Session 5

                            BOOKINGS CLOSE MIDDAY 17 MAY 2018

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Making Your Gallery Inclusive - Professional Development Program 2018 Semester 1, Session 5 - Public Galleries ...
Making Your                                                                                              Presenter

Gallery Inclusive
                                                                                                         The Public Galleries Association of Victoria is the peak body for public galleries,
                                                                                                         and is proud to deliver an enhanced Professional Development Program in 2018
                                                                                                         as part of its commitment to facilitating capacity building across the sector.

Tuesday 22 May 2018

When:          10.30am - 3.30pm,
		             Tuesday 22 May 2018                                                                       Presentation Partners
Where:         Abbotsford Convent
		             1 St Heliers Street                                                                       The PGAV wishes to thank the following Making Your Gallery Inclusive
                                                                                                         Presentation Partners.
		             Melbourne VIC 3067

Latest ABS research reveals diversity in the Australian community is flourishing:
almost one in five Australians (4.3 million people) reported living with a disability;
around 15% of the population (3.7 million Australians) were aged 65 and over;
and Australians identify with more than 270 ancestries, with over a quarter of the
population born overseas.

Making Your Gallery Inclusive will feature a range of presenters who will provide
insights into exhibitions and programs they’ve designed to engage, include, and
celebrate diverse audiences.

                                                                                                         Organisation Supporters
                                                                                                         The PGAV is supported by the Victorian Government through Creative Victoria
                                                                                                         and receives significant in-kind support from the National Gallery of Victoria.

                                          Cover Image: Fiona Taylor
                                          Fiona and Nicole Livingstone [detail] 2017
                                          linocut, 20.5 x 30 cm
                                          Copyright the artist
                                          Represented by Arts Project Australia, Melbourne
                                          Courtesy of the artist and Arts Project Australia, Melbourne
Tuesday 22 May 2018
Abbotsford Convent: 1 St Heliers Street, Abbotsford VIC 3067 | Community Room

        Registrations and Morning Tea:                           Lunch:                                                 Networking:
        10.30 am                                                 12.30 pm - Lentil as Anything                          3.20 pm - Cam’s

    TIME                                            SESSION                                                           PRESENTERS
    10.50 am   WELCOME                                                                                 ERIC NASH, PGAV

     11 am     PRESENTATION: All welcome at the Abbotsford Convent                                     COLLETTE BRENNAN, Abbotsford Convent

                                                                                                       MADÉ SPENCER-CASTLE,
                                                                                                       Centre for Contemporary Photography
                                                                                                       VICTOR GRISS,
    11.25 am   A range of leading industry speakers provide short case studies detailing exhibitions
                                                                                                       Counihan Gallery in Brunswick
               and programs that have engaged specific community groups, or the broader public
                                                                                                       JULIE McLAREN,
                                                                                                       Art Gallery of Ballarat

               PRESENTATION:                                                                             VERONICA PARDO and JANICE FLORENCE,
    1.30 pm
               How to make your gallery more accessible and inclusive for those living with a disability Arts Access Victoria

               PRESENTATION:                                                                           DR DAMIAN SMITH and SNEHA VARMA,
    2.10 pm
               Providing opportunities to Victorian artists from diverse cultural backgrounds          Words for Art and Multicultural Arts Victoria

                                                                                                       BERNADETTE FITZGERALD,
    2.45 pm    Democratising the curatorial process in FCAC gallery with a focus on the Creatively
                                                                                                       Footscray Community Arts Centre
               Ageing exhibition 2015

    3.20 pm    Panelists and participants are invited to continue discussions from the day during an
               informal networking session at Cam’s Kiosk (cafe and bar)
Notes and Questions
Use this space to record any notes from the session, or to write down questions you would like to raise during the panel discussion.

Collette Brennan                                                                 Bernadette Fitzgerald
CEO, Abbotsford Convent                                                          Program Manager,
                                                                                 Footscray Community Arts Centre
Collette Brennan joined the             Director of Circa Contemporary
Abbotsford Convent as CEO in            Circus; founding Creative Director       Spanning over more than two           She will speak to the Centre’s
late September 2016. Collette’s         of The Edge, the State Library of        decades, Bernadette has had           Creatively Ageing program, an
expertise spans performing arts,        Queensland’s program for children        producer and management               artistic and cultural platform for and
festivals, youth arts, arts education   and young people; and General            experience in community arts,         by seniors and elders in Melbourne’s
and public programming, with senior     Manager of the Queensland                community cultural development and    west. Creatively Ageing challenges
roles based in Brisbane, Sydney and     Performing Arts Centre’s Out of the      arts education, ranging across many   stereotypical perceptions of ageing
now Melbourne, with national and        Box Festival for 3- to 8-year-olds, to   areas of contemporary practice in a   and explores models of communal
international remits.                   name a few.                              community context.                    authoring of content and co-
                                                                                                                       curation, opening up the curatorial
Collette is passionate about            When asked to name a favourite           During her time at Footscray          process to the community and
connecting the arts to diverse          space at the Abbotsford Convent          Community Arts Centre , she has       artists to inform a curatorial practice
audiences through curated               Collette, like most, finds it hard to    worked across numerous roles          and model in a Community Arts and
programs, and via strategies which      choose just one! However, among          including, Arts and Learning          Cultural Development organisation.
advance and promote the arts locally,   Collette’s favourite spaces are the      Producer, Creative Producer,
nationally and internationally.         Convent Studios, which house an          Exhibitions and Festivals, and is
                                        inspiring community of artists, arts     now Program Manager continuing
Most recently, Collette held a number   and cultural organisations, wellbeing    the responsibility of managing and
of roles with the Australia Council     practitioners, educators and             curating two gallery spaces and a
for the Arts, including: Director of    broadcasters who are the heart and       ‘Paste Up’ wall space.
International Development. Other        soul of the Convent.
previous roles include: Executive

Janice Florence                                                                  Victor Griss
Access Development Officer,                                                      Curator, Counihan Gallery in
Arts Access Victoria                                                             Brunswick

Janice Florence has trained in          researched and performed with a          Victor Griss is currently the Gallery   His next project, the exhibition Video
teaching, librarianship and dance.      focus on improvised dance forms.         Curator at the Counihan Gallery in      Echoes: Waves from the Eastern
She completed an Arts degree                                                     Brunswick, City of Moreland. Since      Mediterranean featuring the work of
and teaching, library and dance         Since 1998 she has been the Artistic     2005 he has curated exhibitions         8 international video artists will show
qualifications at the University of     Director of Weave Movement               by Australian contemporary artists      at the Counihan Gallery throughout
Melbourne.                              Theatre, an inclusive dance theatre      including Angela Cavalieri, Rona        September 2018.
                                        company comprising performers            Green, David Harley, Peter Lyssiotis,
As a librarian she has worked in        with various disabilities. Weave         Helen Maudsley, Adrian Mauriks,
a secondary school library and          has been in existence for 20 years,      Louise Rippert, Brian Robinson, Lisa
in public and TAFE libraries. As a      collaborating with respected local       Roet, and Jan Senbergs.
disability advocate she has worked in   artists and exploring an evolving
a number of disability organisations,   style of inclusive physical theatre      In addition to the group exhibition
before starting work at Arts Access     to accommodate the talents and           Leather Poisoning: Football
Victoria.                               aspirations of performing artists        Possessions, he has also
                                        with a wide range of disability. Weave   collaborated on a number of co-
Parallel to this aspect of her life     aims to create high quality, original    curated projects such as In Your
she has been involved in the arts,      performance to an ever-expanding         Dreams (with Edwina Bartlem),
especially dance for many years. For    audience.                                Landmarks (with Sim Luttin) and
10 years in the 90s and early 2000s,                                             Is This Thing On? (with Catherine
she was a member of State of Flux, a                                             Connolly).
company that taught,

Julie McLaren                           Eric Nash                                 Veronica Pardo
Curator, Art Gallery of Ballarat        Professional Development Officer,         Executive Director,
                                        Public Galleries Association of           Arts Access Victoria
Since being appointed as the            Victoria
Curator, Art Gallery of Ballarat in                                               Veronica is the Executive Director        She has a long track record of
2016, Julie McLaren has delivered       Eric joined the PGAV having served        of Arts Access Victoria, the              leading research programs aimed at
a series of ambitious and inclusive     as Curator, Gallery Services at           State’s leading arts and disability       addressing barriers to participation.
exhibitions, including the acclaimed    Perc Tucker Regional Gallery and          organisation. In this role, she has led   Veronica currently holds positions
2017 Romancing the Skull which          Pinnacles Gallery in Townsville from      an ambitious agenda of social and         on the boards of the Arts Industry
explored our fascination with           2013 to 2016. In this role Eric was       artistic transformation for people        Council and VicHealth.
the skull and how it is used as a       responsible for the development           with a disability and the communities
symbol across genres, mediums           and delivery of exhibitions, festivals,   in which they live.
and traditions. Julie’s previous        and programs, and significantly
experience includes as the Art          contributed to the creation and           With a passion for social justice
Gallery of Ballarat’s Registration      implementation of a visual arts           and equity, she has spearheaded
Assistant, the Fringe Coordinator       strategy and business plan, as            campaigns relating to the inclusion
with the Ballarat International Foto    well as professional development          of people with a disability in arts and
Biennale, and roles with the National   programs. More recently Eric served       culture, as audiences and cultural
Museum of Australia and National        as the Arts and Culture Officer at        innovators.
Film and Sound Archive.                 Melton City Council, and is currently
                                        the General Manager - Operations          Veronica has a successful history of
Julie completed her Bachelor of         at the Centre for Contemporary            employment at senior levels in the
Arts (Honours) from The Australian      Photography.                              not for profit sector, with a major
National University in 2006.                                                      focus on policy and advocacy.

Dr Damian Smith                                                                                                            Madé Spencer-Castle
Director, Words For Art                                                                                                    Curator, Centre for Contemporary
Curator (Australia), Bienal de la Habana, Cuba                                                                             Photography
Curator, Geoff Raby Collection, Beijing
Tutor, Art History VCA/MCM University of Melbourne                                                                         Madé Spencer-Castle recently
Lecturer, Museum and Gallery Management, RMIT                                                                              joined the Centre for Contemporary
Member, International Association of Art Critics, Paris                                                                    Photography, having previously been
                                                                                                                           the Gallery Curator at Bus Projects.
Dr Damian Smith is a curator, arts      ‘Barefoot Curating’, being a practical   Archive, which houses copies of his       He is an interdisciplinary artist,
writer and academic with extensive      and philosophical approach to            essays and articles on contemporary       curator and occasional writer, was
international experience in the         developing art projects in remote,       art, including more than 150              a founding Director of DUDSPACE,
arena of contemporary art and           unusual and under-resourced              exhibition catalogues as well as          and was a committee member of
culture. He is currently curating       locations. The model is derived from     artworks and ephemera. He is a            Kings Artist-Run from 2012–14.
Australian participation in the         experiences in contexts ranging          former Vice-president of the PGAV         Madé has recently completed a
Bienal de la Habana, Cuba and is        from Mexican cities impacted by          and was curator of the Heartlands         major curatorial project with the
writing a monograph on the Beijing      the so-named ‘war on drugs’, to the      Refugee Art Prize, a national award for   Queen Victoria Museum and Art
based Geoff Raby Collection of          contemporary art scenes of Lhasa,        artists from refugee backgrounds.         Gallery, and is steering the Centre
Contemporary Chinese Art.               Istanbul, China, London and Australia                                              for Contemporary Photography’s
                                        and the production of more than 40                                                 exhibition programming, including a
In 2016 he was an invited guest         exhibitions in Australia, Asia and the                                             major survey exhibition with Sonia
speaker at the UNESCO-sponsored         Pacific, Europe and the Americas.                                                  Leber and David Chesworth. Madé is
International Association of Art                                                                                           a Masters of Fine Arts by Research
Critics (AICA) where he presented an    In 2016 The State Library of Victoria                                              candidate at Monash Art Design and
overview of his doctoral research,      established the Damian Smith                                                       Architecture.

Sneha Varma
Marketing, Development and
Communications Officer,
Multicultural Arts Victoria

Originally from India, Sneha            With a strong passion for
has previously worked in event          multicultural arts activities, Sneha
management, celebrity management,       has proven skill and ability to
and social media management. She        develop and implement effective
has also performed and worked for       communication strategies to
over five years as a professional       connect and engage with community
contemporary dancer in an all-girls     members from diverse backgrounds.
dance ensemble. She has completed
her Bachelors of Science in Visual      And now, she continues to be
Communication with a specialisation     inspired and is looking forward to
in film production.                     work with great people in her new
Sneha moved to Australia to
complete her Masters in Arts and
Cultural Management and has
simultaneously volunteered at the
Melbourne Fringe Festival, Indian
Film Festival, and Multicultural Arts
Victoria as well.

Abbotsford Convent
1 St Heliers Street, Abbotsford VIC 3067
Community Room
Just four kilometres from Melbourne’s CBD and spread over 16 acres, the Abbotsford Convent – with its 11 historic buildings and gardens – is
Australia’s largest multi-arts precinct. There are many ways to get to the Abbotsford Convent. From experience, bike or public transport are always
the best options; you can avoid the ever-increasing traffic on the roads, it’s the most sustainable way to get around and, to be honest, street
parking is limited and on busy days the car park fills quickly.

For detailed information about how to get to Abbotsford Convent by bike, bus, train, tram or car, and parking, please visit:
The Abbotsford Convent Foundation (ACF) is committed to improving access within the Convent precinct for everyone. The ACF acknowledges
that there are access challenges inherent in the Convent’s heritage buildings and gardens and remedial work is being undertaken as funding
permits. For information regarding navigating the Abbotsford Convent grounds and the location of the Community Room, please see map below.

For full detail about Universal Access at Abbotsford Convent, visit:

Registration Details
Participants Bring
Notepad, pen, ideas and questions.

•   PGAV Member $330 / Non-Member $440
•   PGAV Members can also access exclusive 2018 Professional Development Program Four Session Packages. Packages cost $1122, delivering a 15%
    saving, and provide our Member galleries with flexibility – pick any four sessions throughout the year for one of your staff to attend! For info or to purchase a
    Professional Development Four Session Package, visit:
•   All costs are GST inclusive.

Registrations close Thursday 17 May 2018 at 12 noon.

Cancellation and Refund Policy

•   Registered participants that are no longer able to attend may nominate a substitute up until the starting time. Where possible, please notify the PGAV of
    substitutions and cancellations by email, up until Thursday 17 May 2018 at 12 noon.
•   Cancellations received before Thursday 17 2018 at 12 noon will be refunded, less an administration fee of $55 including GST.
•   Cancellations received after Thursday 17 2018 at 12 noon are not refundable.
•   Exceptions are at the discretion of the PGAV.

                          The PGAV wishes to thank all of the Presentation Partners for Making Your Gallery Inclusive:
           Abbotsford Convent, Art Gallery of Ballarat, Arts Access Victoria, Arts Project Australia, Centre for Contemporary Photography,
                  Counihan Gallery in Brunswick, Footscray Community Arts Centre, Multicultural Arts Victoria and Words for Art.
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