LEONIA 2021-2022 - Borough of Leonia

Page created by Kent Morrison
LEONIA 2021-2022 - Borough of Leonia
LEONIA 2021-2022 - Borough of Leonia
While the coronavirus created unprecedented challenges and transformed life as we                                                               Dates and events in this calendar may be subject to
know it, school, sports, recreation and borough activities managed to continue, with                                                            change. Please check contact information provided.
modifications. We look forward to a better year ahead.
Some images in this calendar were reproduced from online videos viewable on the School,                                                         On the cover: LHS Senior Awards on the new turf field
Library and Recreation Department websites and social media. Video craft instructions, virtual                                                  Photo: www.twitter.com/leonia_schools
graduation ceremonies and access to a great deal of information was the norm in the past year
of cyber meetings and cyber learning.

                                                                                                  Top Left: Leonia Borough PRIDE flag raising
                                                                                                  hosted by The Mayor’s Advisory Committee on
                                                                                                  Racial Equity (MACORE) followed by speakers &
                                                                                                  entertainment in Wood Park. Photo: Jacqueline Kim
                                                                                                  Above: Foil Fencing outdoors with Instructor Jared
                                                                                                  Kirby Photo: Aviva Djiji-Levy
                                                                                                  Top Right: Leonia Vaccine Clinic at the Recreation
                                                                                                  Center Photo: Aviva Djiji-Levy
                                                                                                  Right: The Library offers many virtual projects, book
                                                                                                  clubs and online story time including online instruction
                                                                                                  for making a rice-crispie in the shape of a lawn mower.
                                                                                                  Photo: Leonialibrary.org
                                                                                                  Left: Girl Scout Troop 96940 raised money to install an
                                                                                                  adaptive swing in Wood Park.
                                                                                                  Photo: www.facebook.com/LeoniaRecreation

                                                                                  Top Left: The Leonia Academy of Hospitality & Culinary Arts state of the art kitchen was used twice by the Food
                                                                                  Network during the pandemic Photo: Aviva Djiji-Levy.
                                                                                  Top Center: Leonia High School Fountain in the Peace Garden: Photo: Aviva Djiji-Levy
                                                                                                                          Top Right: Leonia Music Conservatory, Piano Lab Photo: Kerry Dunn
                                                                                                                          Photos Left: • Construction is underway at LMS where grade 5 students
                                                                                                                          will enjoy beautiful new classrooms in September. • ACS 4th and 5th
                                                                                                                          grade students were “honked out” as they move up to the Middle
                                                                                                                          School. • ACS music faculty performs virtually for Moving Up day.
                                                                                                                          Bottom Left: Grade 4 students doing a STEM challenge for the 100th
                                                                                                                          Day of School to create a structure using 100 index cards that was at
                                                                                                                          least two feet tall and could hold the weight of a small stuffed animal.
                                                                                                                          ACS photos: www.leoniaschools.org.
                                                                                                                          Bottom Right: LMS Rowing at Overpeck Creek Photo from LMS
                                                                                                                          Graduation Video on www.leoniaschools.org.

This calendar was compiled and designed by Aviva Djiji-Levy. It was jointly
funded by the Leonia Board of Education and the Borough of Leonia.
Additional funding was provided by:

ACS, LMS & LHS Home & School Assoc.     Players Guild of Leonia
American Legion                         Rotary of the Palisades
Community Chest of Leonia               Sculpture for Leonia
Knights of Columbus                     St. John Leonia Phil-American Community
Leonia Sports Boosters                  Summerstage at Leonia
LEONIA 2021-2022 - Borough of Leonia
S E P T E M B E R                                                                                                                                                                                       2021
        SUNDAY                            MONDAY                         TUESDAY                         WEDNESDAY                        THURSDAY                            FRIDAY                           SATURDAY
     A U    G U S    T                                                                                   TO JOIN SCOUTS                                                  Rotary Club of The Palisades
 S M T       W T      F    S               DATES AND EVENTS                            Scouts BSA Boys Troop 71 (ages 11–17)
1		 2 3      4 5      6    7                 MAY CHANGE                                email troop71@gmail.com                                           Meet most 1st Thursday of the month           OKTOBERFEST- SEP 26
8		 9 10    11 12     13   14                                                          NEW! Scouts BSA Girls Troop 71G (ages 11-17)                      6:30pm SEP-JUN, Library or Virtual            The Rotary Club fundraiser
                                        Please consult www.leonianj.gov                                                                                  Meet most 2nd, 3rd, & 4th Fridays
15 16 17    18 19     20   21                                                          email leoniatroop71G@gmail.com                                                                                  for The Schools’ Weekend
                                      for Mayor & Council meetings and                                                                                   7:30am Gotham City Diner, 550 Bergen          Snack Pack Program
22 23 24    25 26     27   28                                                          Cub Scouts Family Pack 71 (Boys & Girls Grades K-5
                                      each organization’s website for event            email leoniapack71@gmail.com                                      Blvd., Ridgefield or Virtual Meetings         www.palisades-rotary.org
29 30 31                               changes, cancellations and updates              Girl Scouts (ages 5 – 17) visit www.gsnnj.org
    O C T O B E R
 S M T W T F               S
						1                     2         August 23                       August 24                         August 25                       August 26                        August 27                          August 28
3		 4 5 6 7 8               9          H Senior Photos                 H Senior Photos                                                   H Senior Photos                  H Senior Photos
                                                                                                         H Senior Photos                                                                                    SAT & Subject Testing
10 11 12 13 14 15          16                                                                                                                                                                                  LIB Closed
17 18 19 20 21 22          23
24 25 26 27 28 29          30     Yard Waste                      Garbage Collection                Mixed Paper Collection                                           Garbage Collection

 August 29 August 30 August 31 1                                                                           Teacher Prof. Day        2 Teacher Prof. Day              3                                   4
                                                                                                                                                                                                          LIB Closed
                                                                                                    Schools Closed for Students     Schools Closed for Students      Schools Closed
                                        New Employee                    New Employee
                                         Orientation                     Orientation                German-American Heritage
                                                                                                                                    H Grade 9 Orientation
                                                                                                    REC Fall Registration Begins    H Grade 10 Orientation

                                                                                                                                    Sports Boosters 8:00pm Virtual
                                  Trash North of Fort Lee Rd      Garbage Collection                Comingled Containers            Trash South of Fort Lee Rd       Garbage Collection

5                                 6      LABOR DAY                7 Rosh Hashanah Day 1             8     First Day All Schools     9                                10                                  11    ACT Testing
                                       Legal Holiday              Schools Closed                         Single Session
                                  Schools Closed                                                    Rosh Hashanah Day 2                                                                                  *Household Hazardous
                                  Borough Hall Closed                                                                                                                                                     Waste Collection
                                  REC & LIB Closed
                                                                                                    E H&S Breakfast &                                                                                    Campgaw Mountain Res.
                                                                                                      Public Meeting 8:45am                                                                              200 Campgaw Rd., Mahwah
                                  REC Pool Last Day                                                                                                                                                      9:00am - 3:00pm

                                                                                                                                                                                                         American Legion Post 1
                                                                                                                                                                                                         911 Ceremony 11:00am
                                                                                                                                                                                                         Bell ringing at 8:46am

                                                                                                    Mayor & Council 7:30pm TBD                                                                           AYSO Fall Core Prog. starts
                                                                                                    Library Board 7:30pm LIB                                         Jazz Jam Session 7:45pm
                                                                  Environ. Comm 7:30pm virtual      Shade Tree Comm 7:30pm TBD                                       Presbyterian Church of Leonia
                                                                  Garbage Collection                Mixed Paper Collection          Yard Waste                       Garbage Collection

12                                13                              14                                15      Yom Kippur Eve          16       Yom Kippur
                                                                                                                                             All Schools Closed
                                                                                                                                                                     17                                  18
                                                                                                    Hispanic/Latino Heritage                 REC no classes
                                                                                                    Month Begins
                                                                                                                                    Mexican Independence Day

                                  M H&S Meeting 7:30pm
                                                                                                                                                                                                         American Legion Post 1
                                                                                                                                                                                                         POW/MIA 12-hr vigil
                                                                                                                                                                                                         8:00am - 8:00pm

                                                                                                                                    Woman’s Club 1:00pm LSC
                                  Historic Preserv. 7:30pm TBD                                                                      PGL Meeting 8:00pm DHT
                                  Court 5:00pm TBD                Board of Ed. 7:30pm ACS           Board of Health 7:30pm BH       or Virtual -leoniaplayers.org    Rotary 7:30am Gotham City Diner
                                  Trash North of Fort Lee Rd      Garbage Collection                Comingled Containers            Trash South of Fort Lee Rd       Garbage Collection

19                                20                              21                                22                              23                               24                                  25
UN International Day
of Peace 4:30-6:00pm
Lawn of Leonia United
Methodist Church
                                  H Senior Photos -Little Thtr.   H Senior Photos -Little Thtr.                                     H Back to School Night           H Early Dismissal 12:15pm
                                                                                                                                    6:30pm                           H Summer Reading Chats
                                                                  H Financial Aid Night
                                                                  (Virtual) 6:00-8:00pm             Leonia Chamber Musicians
                                                                                                    12:00pm at the Sculpture                                         PGL Songs of America                PGL Songs of America DHT
                                                                                                    Garden Gazebo                                                    Drill Hall Theater Info &
                                                                                                                                                                     Tickets leoniaplayers.org
                                  Mayor & Council 7:30pm TBD
                                  Court 5:00pm TBD                Recreation Comm 7:00 LSC          Planning Board 7:30pm TBD
                                  Yard Waste                      Garbage Collection                Mixed Paper Collection                                           Garbage Collection

26      Oktoberfest               27                              28                                29       Start Strong Testing   30                                     AYSO American Youth Soccer Organization
Rotary Club Fundraiser                                                                                       SEP 29 to OCT 13                                         A quality youth soccer program run by volunteers begins
for Schools’ Weekend Snack                                                                          ELA Gr. 4-10, MATH Gr. 4-8,
                                                                                                                                                                        August & April. For details visit www.AYSO1089.org
Pack Program 4:00-10:00pm                                                                           ALG. I, ALG. II, GEO., SCI.     M Back to School Night
American Legion Hall                                                                                Gr. 6,9,12                      6:30pm
                                  H H&S Meeting 7:00pm
                                  Media Center - Welcome
www.palisades-rotary.org          Freshman Parents                                                                                                                             FLU IMMUNIZATION CLINICS
PGL Songs of America DHT                                          Board of Ed. 7:30pm ACS                                                                                         In September and October
                                  Trash North of Fort Lee Rd      Garbage Collection                Comingled Containers            Trash South of Fort Lee Rd                Check www.leonianj.gov for details
                                                                                                                                                                                Free for Seniors with Medicare Part B
                                                                       * Bergen County Hazardous Waste Collection
 DPW       All collectables must be at the curb by 7:00am,
           but not before 5:00pm on the preceding day.
 YARD WASTE: branches, brush, clippings. No plastic bags!
                                                                          Free of charge for Bergen County Residents —
                                                                      ID Required. Additional information, lists of acceptable
 MIXED PAPER: newspaper, cardboard, magazines. No plastic bags!         materials, directions, and dates after November are          ACS:                              (201) 302-5200 ext. 3              Borough Hall Hours
 COMINGLED CONTAINERS: bottles, cans, plastic. No plastic bags!           available at www.bcua.org or www.njhazwaste.com            LMS:                              (201) 302-5200 ext. 2              MON, WED, THU
 WHITE GOODS: Call DPW for pickup. (201) 592-5790                          or call the BCUA Hotline at (201) 807-5825.               LHS:                              (201) 302-5200 ext. 1                     8:30am - 4:30pm
 White goods are metal Items only.                                                                                                   LHS Annex:                        (201) 302-5200 ext. 4              TUE 8:30am - 7:00pm
 ELECTRONIC GOODS: Like PCs, TVs & Stereos will not be                                                                               Board of Education:               (201) 302-5200 ext. 5              FRI 8:30am - 1:00pm
 picked up curbside due to recent State Legislation.               E = Elementary School                  E                          www.leoniaschools.org                                                Visit www.leonianj.gov
 They must be brought to a special container at the                M = Middle School                      M                                                                                               for meeting dates and
                                                                                                                                     Borough Hall:                     (201) 592-5780
 DPW yard Tues-Thurs from 8:00am to 3:00pm.                        H = High School                                                   www.leonianj.gov                                                     times or updates.
LEONIA 2021-2022 - Borough of Leonia
O C T O B E R                                                                                                                                                                                        2021
        SUNDAY                            MONDAY                          TUESDAY                          WEDNESDAY                         THURSDAY                            FRIDAY                     SATURDAY

   S E P T E M B E R
                       COMMUNITY CHEST
 S 					1
    M T W T F S                                                                           OCTOBER                                                                                                     2      SAT & Subject Testing
                            OF LEONIA
				 1 2 3 4           Annual Fund Driv e Star ts                                 Filipino-American
                                                                                  Heritage Month
5		 6 7 8 9 10 11    www.communitychestofleonia.org     2ND FRIDAY JAZZ
12 13 14 15 16 17 18                                      JAM SESSION             Italian-American  M Early Dismissal 12:51pm
19 20 21 22 23 24 25                                Presbyterian Church in Leonia Heritage  Month                                                                                                     American Legion Post 1
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Pumpkin & Mum Sale
26 27 28 29 30                                            181 Fort Lee Rd                                                                                                                             10:00am - 6:00pm
   N O V     E M B     E R                     NHS BLOOD                          Doors Open 7:45pm
                                                 DRIVE                            Music Begins 8:00pm                           Halloween Treat Street
 S M T        W T       F S
                                                October 26                  Bring your instrument. Audience                          Leonia Recreation
		 1 2        3 4       5 6                                                 Participation Welcome. For more                         October 30 10:00am
7		 8 9       10 11     12 13               Leonia High School
                                                 Gymnasium                    information contact Mike Ito,
14 15 16      17 18     19 20                                                    Mike.Ito@verizon.net                      Halloween Haunted House
                                            All invited to donate                                                                  Players Guild of Leonia
21 22 23      24 25     26 27                                                         201.679.6616
28 29 30                                                                                                                        check www.leoniaplayers.org             Garbage Collection

3 Natl. Fire Prev. Week           4                                 5                                 6 National Walk to               7                                8      E School Photo Day     9
BCUA Paper Shredding                                                                                  School Day / Crossing
200 Campgaw Rd., Mahwah                                                                               Guard Appreciation Day
9:00am - 2:00pm (www.bcua.org)

American Legion Post 1
Pumpkin & Mum Sale                                                  .
10:00am - 6:00pm                  H H&S Ed. Comm. 7:00pm                                                                               H Underclassmen & Staff          H Underclassmen & Staff
                                                                                                                                       Photos, LHS Gym                  Photos, LHS Gym

Start Strong Testing
SEP 29 to OCT 13
ELA Gr. 4-10, MATH Gr. 4-8,
Gr. 6,9,12                        Mayor & Council 7:30pm TBD
                                  Court 5:00pm TBD                  Environ. Comm 7:30pm Virtual                                       Sports Boosters 8:00pm Virtual Jazz Jam Session 7:45pm PCL
                                  Yard Waste                        Garbage Collection                Mixed Paper Collection                                          Garbage Collection

                                  11 Columbus Day/                  12 E ACS Book Fair                13 E ACS Book Fair               14 E ACS Book Fair               15 E ACS Book Fair            16
                                         Indigenous Peoples                                                Family Night                E Back to School Night 6:30 pm   E Early Dismissal 12:50pm
                                         Day LIB Closed
                                                                                                      E School Photos “B”Day
                                                                                                                                                                        Hispanic/Latino Heritage
                                  E ACS Book Fair                                                                                                                       Month Ends

Start Strong Testing                                                                                  H PSAT Testing at LHS                                             H HASA Pocketbook Bingo
                                                                    Community Chest of Leonia            Gr 10 + 11 at 8:00am                                           7:00 pm
SEP 29 to OCT 13                                                    Dante’s Place Fundraiser
                                                                    11:00am - 8:00pm

                                                                                                      Library Board 7:30pm LIB
                                  Historic Preserv. 7:30pm TBD                                        Shade Tree Comm 7:30pm TBD PGL Meeting 8:00pm TBD
                                                                                                                  Loose Leaves Collection - CURBSIDE
                                                                    Garbage Collection                Comingled Containers           Trash Entire Town                  Garbage Collection

17                                18                                19                                20                               21                               22                            23 ACT Testing
Household Hazardous                                                                                                                                                     E H&S Pumpkin Carving Night   E Fall Family Fundraiser
Waste Collection
Bergen Community College          M Photo Day                                                         M/H High School I.E.P.
400 Paramus Rd., Paramus                                                                              Transition Night 6:30pm                                                                         American Legion Post 1
9:00am - 3:00pm                                                                                       Little Thtr.                                                                                    Pumpkin Sale
                                                                                                                                                                        H Senior Photos - Last        9:00am - 4:00pm

                                  Mayor & Council 7:30pm TBD        Board of Ed. 7:30pm ACS                                         Woman’s Club 1:00pm
                                  Court 5:00pm TBD                  Recreation Comm 7:00 LSC         Board of Health 7:30pm BH      American Legion
                                                                                                  Loose Leaves Collection - CURBSIDE
                                  Yard Waste                        Garbage Collection               Mixed Paper Collection                                             Garbage Collection

24                                25                                26                                27                               28                               29                            30
Rotary - World Polio Day
                                                                                                                                                                        E ACS Halloween Parades       REC Halloween Treat Street
                                                                                                                                                                        PreK - Gr 2 9:00am            10:00am
                                                                                                      E/M Middle School I.E.P.                                          Gr 3-5 2:20pm
                                                                                                      Transition Night 6:00pm
Leonia Chamber Musicians
Concert at 3:00pm,                H H&S Meeting 7:00pm              H NHS Blood Drive at LHS          H LAHCA Cupcake Wars #1          H SAT School Day Test
Presbyterian Church of            Media Center                      Gym - All invited to Donate       Grade 11 & 12                    Grade 11 & 12
Leonia, 181 Fort Lee Rd.                                                                                                                                                PGL Haunted House             PGL Haunted House DHT
                                                                                                                                                                        Drill Hall Info & Tickets

                                                                                                      Planning Board 7:30pm TBD
                                                                                                   Loose Leaves Collection - CURBSIDE
                                   Trash North of Fort Lee Rd       Garbage Collection                Comingled Containers            Trash South of Fort Lee Rd        Garbage Collection

                                                                            FLU IMMUNIZATION CLINICS                                           LEONIA CHAMBER MUSICIANS
                                                                                In September and October                                     For current information please check
PGL Haunted House DHT
                                                                            Check www.leonianj.gov for details                               www.leoniachambermusicians.org
                                                                              Free for Seniors with Medicare Part B                        www.facebook.com/leoniachambermusic

                                                                                  LOOSE LEAVES PICKUP                                    E = Elementary School                 E
                                                                         Starts October 12th Loose leaves must be                        M = Middle School                     M
                                                                                20 feet from all catch basins.                           H = High School                       H
 DPW       All collectables must be at the curb by 7:00am,
           but not before 5:00pm on the preceding day.
 YARD WASTE: branches, brush, clippings. No plastic bags!                                          Catch Basins - Storm                 ACS:                              (201) 302-5200 ext. 3
 MIXED PAPER: newspaper, cardboard, magazines. No plastic bags!
 COMINGLED CONTAINERS: bottles, cans, plastic. No plastic bags!
                                                                                                   Water Regulations                    LMS:                              (201) 302-5200 ext. 2
 WHITE GOODS: Call DPW for pickup. (201) 592-5790                                                  Keep all items for collections       LHS:                              (201) 302-5200 ext. 1
 White goods are metal Items only.                                                                 and debris away from the catch       LHS Annex:                        (201) 302-5200 ext. 4
 ELECTRONIC GOODS: Like PCs, TVs & Stereos will not be                                             basins in town per Storm Water       Board of Education:               (201) 302-5200 ext. 5
 picked up curbside due to recent State Legislation.                                               Regulations to help keep these       www.leoniaschools.org
 They must be brought to a special container at the                                                                                     Borough Hall:                     (201) 592-5780
                                                                                                   items out of the borough’s
 DPW yard Tues-Thurs from 8:00am to 3:00pm.                                                                                             www.leonianj.gov
                                                                                                   Storm Water Outflows.
LEONIA 2021-2022 - Borough of Leonia
N O V E M B E R                                                                                                                                                                                          2021
       SUNDAY                           MONDAY                            TUESDAY                         WEDNESDAY                       THURSDAY                          FRIDAY                               SATURDAY

                                 1   Real Estate Taxes Due         2     ELECTION DAY                3                               4   DIWALI                     5                                     6       SAT & Subject Testing
                                                                         Legal Holiday
                                 Native American Heritage          Polls open 6:00am-8:00pm                                          NJEA CONVENTION                NJEA CONVENTION
                                 Month                             LIB Closed                                                            All Schools Closed              All Schools Closed
    SCOUTS BSA                                                     REC No Classes                                                        REC No Classes                  REC No Classes
     November 13
                                 H H&S Ed. Comm      7:00pm

                                 Court 5:00pm TBD                  Environ. Comm 7:30pm Virtual                                      Sports Boosters 8:00pm Virtual
                                 Loose Leaves Collection                                                                          Loose Leaves Collection- CURBSIDE
                                 Garbage Collection                                                  Mixed Paper Collection          Yard Waste                     Garbage Collection

7      Daylight Savings          8                                 9      World Freedom Day          10                              11    VETERAN’S DAY            12                                    13       Scouts BSA
Time Ends at 2:00am                                                                                                                        Borough Hall Closed                                                     Food Drive
Turn clocks back 1 hour                                                                                                                    REC & LIB Closed
Change Smoke Detector                                                                                                                      Schools Open                                                   *Household Hazardous
and CO Detector Batteries                                                                                                                                                                                  Waste Collection
                                 M H&S mtg.    7:30pm                                                                                American Legion Post 1                                               Bergen County Utilities
Rotary - Film Fundraiser                                                                             H Underclassmen & Staff         Veteran’s Day Ceremony         H Early Dismissal 12:15pm             Auth., Foot of Empire Blvd.
                                                                                                     Photo Retakes - LHS Gym         11:00am                                                              Moonachie 9:00am - 3:00pm
                                                                                                                                                                    H Homecoming Dance 7:00pm
                                                                                                     H Senior Paw Print Photo        M/H Open House                                                       LEONIA officially named
                                                                                                                                     Gr. 7 & 8 Parents & Students                                         in 1865
                                                                                                                                     LHS 6:00pm
                                                                                                                                                                    PGL MTI Cabaret                       PGL MTI Cabaret
                                 Mayor & Council 7:30pm TBD                                          Library Board 7:30pm LIB
                                 Historic Preserv. 7:30pm TBD                                        Shade Tree Comm 7:30pm TBD                                     Jazz Jam Session 7:45pm PCL
                                                                Loose Leaves Collection - CURBSIDE                                                                  Loose Leaves Collection
                                 Trash Entire Town                 Garbage Collection             Comingled Containers                                              Garbage Collection

		                               15                                16   International Day            17                              18                             19                                    20
                                                                        for Tolerance
American Education Week                                            E American Ed. Week Visits

                                                                                                     M/H Academy Open House
PGL MTI Cabaret                                                                                      LHS Little Theater, 6:00pm      H College Planning Night-      H LHS Beat Night, Little
                                                                                                                                     Little Theater 7:00pm          Theater 7:00-9:30pm

                                                                                                                                                                    American Legion Post 1
                                                                                                                                                                    Scholarship Fund Raiser
                                                                                                                                                                    Pasta & Meatball Dinner
                                                                   Board of Ed. 7:30pm ACS                                          Woman’s Club 1:00pm LSC         6:30 - 8:30pm
                                 Court 5:00pm TBD                  Recreation Comm 7:00 LSC                                         PGL Meeting 8:00pm TBD
                                                                                                  Loose Leaves Collection - CURBSIDE
                                 Yard Waste                        Garbage Collection                Mixed Paper Collection                                         Garbage Collection

21                               22                                23                                24     Single Session           25    THANKSGIVING DAY         26     Thanksgiving Break             27
                                                                                                            All Schools                    Legal Holiday                   Schools Closed
                                                                                                            LIB Closes 5:00pm              Schools Closed                  Borough Hall Closed
Knights of Columbus                                                                                                                        Borough Hall Closed             REC & LIB Closed
Shield Awards Breakfast                                                                                                                    REC & LIB Closed         Native American Heritage Day

                                                                   Community Interfaith
                                                                   Thanksgiving Service
                                                                   8:00pm at Adas Emuno

                                 Mayor & Council 7:30pm TBD        Planning Board 7:30pm TBD
                                                                Loose Leaves Collection - CURBSIDE                                                                  Loose Leaves Collection
                                 Trash Entire Town                 Garbage Collection             Comingled Containers                                              Garbage Collection

28    HANUKKAH 1st night         29    HANUKKAH Day 1              30                                                     LEONIA LIBRARY                            hotspots or SPHERO droids. From our Seed Library,
                                                                                                                                                                    you can plant vegetables or flowers for your garden!
                                                                                                       Lending: With your Leonia Public Library Card, you           We also have board games, STEAM kits, and Classic
                                                                                                       can borrow from our growing collection of 50,000+            NES & SNES game systems to choose from. More
                                                                                                       books, DVDs, audiobooks, music, and more for all             items are being added all the time, so check in
                                                                                                       ages. We have an extensive Korean Language section,          frequently!
                                 H H&S Meeting 7:00pm                                                  with books in Spanish and Russian as well. Your LPL
                                 Media Center                                                          card also gives you access to 76 other BCCLs member          Space: Enjoy free WiFi, comfortable study & reading
                                                                                                       libraries throughout NJ.                                     spaces, or use our public computers to print and scan.
                                                                                                       Unique Lending & Services: With your Leonia                  Events & Classes: No matter your age, Leonia
                                                                                                       Library card you can access tons of interesting items        Library has programs for you, like ESL classes, take-
                                                                                                       & activities! From museum passes to 3D printing,             and-make craft kits, and summer reading!
                                                     Loose Leaves Collection                           from Ancestry.com to the New York Times Online,              Stay Informed: Check out our website,
                                 Yard Waste                      Garbage Collection                    there’s something for everyone! In our Library of            leonialibrary.org, and sign up for our newsletter!
                                                                                                       Things, you can borrow technology such as WiFi               Or visit us on Facebook / Instagram @leonialibrary.

                                                                                                                                   Catch Basins - Storm                                YARD WASTE PICKUP
                                                                                                                                   Water Regulations                                    Last Day—November 29
    O C T O B E R                                                                                                                  Keep all items for collections
                                  E = Elementary School                  E
 S M T W T F                S                                                                                                      and debris away from the catch
                                  M = Middle School                      M
						1                      2                                                                                                     basins in town per Storm Water
                                  H = High School                        H                                                                                                           LOOSE LEAVES PICKUP
3		 4 5 6 7 8                9                                                                                                     Regulations to help keep these                   Last Day — December 17
10 11 12 13 14 15           16                                                                                                     items out of the borough’s            Loose leaves must be 20 feet from all catch basins.
17 18 19 20 21 22           23
                                 DPW       All collectables must be at the curb by 7:00am,                                         Storm Water Outflows.
24 25 26 27 28 29           30             but not before 5:00pm on the preceding day.
31                               YARD WASTE: branches, brush, clippings. No plastic bags!                ACS:                            (201) 302-5200 ext. 3                               * Bergen County
                                 MIXED PAPER: newspaper, cardboard, magazines. No plastic bags!          LMS:                            (201) 302-5200 ext. 2                    Hazardous Waste Collection
   D E C E M B      E R          COMINGLED CONTAINERS: bottles, cans, plastic. No plastic bags!
                                                                                                         LHS:                            (201) 302-5200 ext. 1            Free of charge for Bergen County Residents —
 S M T W T            F S        WHITE GOODS: Call DPW for pickup. (201) 592-5790                                                                                               ID Required. Additional information,
				 1 2              3 4        White goods are metal Items only.                                       LHS Annex:                      (201) 302-5200 ext. 4
                                                                                                                                                                          lists of acceptable materials, directions, and
5		 6 7 8 9          10 11       ELECTRONIC GOODS: Like PCs, TVs & Stereos will not be                   Board of Education:             (201) 302-5200 ext. 5
                                                                                                                                                                               dates after November are available at
                                 picked up curbside due to recent State Legislation.
12 13 14 15 16       17 18                                                                                                                                                  w w w. b c u a . o r g o r w w w. n j h a z w a s t e . c o m
                                 They must be brought to a special container at the                      Borough Hall:                   (201) 592-5780
19 20 21 22 23       24 25       DPW yard Tues-Thurs from 8:00am to 3:00pm.                                                                                                o r call the BCUA Hotline at (201) 807-5825.
26 27 28 29 30       31
LEONIA 2021-2022 - Borough of Leonia
D E C E M B E R                                                                                                                                                                                 2021
       SUNDAY                        MONDAY                           TUESDAY                      WEDNESDAY                        THURSDAY                           FRIDAY                       SATURDAY

			 1                                                                                                                         2       E Winter Concert        3                               4      SAT & Subject Testing
                                                                                                                                       and H&S Bake Sale,
        SPORTS BOOSTERS                                                                                                       Gr 3 - 6:00pm, Gr 4 - 7:00pm
      at Broad Avenue on the                                                                                                  H Leonia Limelighters           H Leonia Limelighters           H Leonia Limelighters
                      t Ch urc h Lawn
      United Methodis                                                                                                         Fall Play Little Thtr. 7:00pm   Fall Play Little Thtr. 7:00pm   Fall Play Little Thtr. 2:00pm
                                                                                                                                                                                              & 7:00pm
             December 3 to 19
         Every Friday 6:00-9:00                                                                                                                               Town Tree Lighting              Community Menorah
            Saturday & Sunday                                                                                                                                 at Triangle 7:00pm              Lighting & Hanukkah
              9:00am - 9:00pm                                                                                                                                 Sports Boosters
                                                                                                                                                                                              Celebration Adas Emuno
                                                                                                                                                              Xmas Tree Sale Starts
                                                                                                                              Sports Boosters 8:00pm Virtual                                  SB Xmas Tree Sale
                                                                                                                           Loose Leaves Collection - CURBSIDE
                                                                                              Mixed Paper Collection                                         Garbage Collection

5                            6 HANUKKAH Day 8                  7                              8                               9                               10                              11      ACT Testing
LEONIA incorporated as a     E H&S Wellness Food Drive         E H&S Wellness Food Drive      E H&S Wellness Food Drive       E H&S Wellness Food Drive       E H&S Wellness Food Drive
Borough on this day, 1894
                                                                                                                              M Photo Retake Day
                             H H&S Ed. Comm 7:00pm                                                                            H LAHCA Cupcake Wars #2
                                                                                                                              Grade 9 & 10
                                                               American Legion Post 1
                                                               Pearl Harbor Remembrance
SB Xmas Tree Sale                                              Ceremony 2:00pm                                                                                SB Xmas Tree Sale               SB Xmas Tree Sale

                             Mayor & Council 7:30pm TBD                                       Library Board 7:30pm LIB
                             Court 5:00pm TBD                  Environ. Comm 7:30pm Virtual Shade Tree Comm 7:30pm TBD                                        Jazz Jam Session 7:45pm PCL
                                                                                           Loose Leaves Collection - CURBSIDE
                             Trash North of Fort Lee Rd        Garbage Collection             Comingled Containers            Trash South of Fort Lee Rd      Garbage Collection

12                           13                                14                              15                             16      SIMBANG GABI            17                              18

                                                                                                                              M Winter Concert 7:00pm
                                                                                                                              Grade 7 & 8
                                                                                                                                                                                              H NORJAC Academic
                             Leonia Chamber Musicians                                                                                                                                         Competition at LHS
                             Holiday Concert 7:00pm,
                             Leonia Library, 227 Fort Lee Rd
SB Xmas Tree Sale                                                                                                                                             SB Xmas Tree Sale               SB Xmas Tree Sale

                                                                                             Board of Health 7:30pm BH      Woman’s Club 1:00pm LSC
                             Historic Preserv. 7:30pm TBD      Board of Ed. 7:30pm ACS       Planning Board 7:30pm TBD      PGL Meeting 8:00pm TBD
                                                                                    Loose Leaves Collection - CURBSIDE. LAST WEEK
                                                               Garbage Collection             Mixed Paper Collection                                          Garbage Collection

19                           20                                21                              22                             23     Single Session           24     CHRISTMAS DAY            25     CHRISTMAS DAY
                                                                                                                                     Schools Closed                  OBSERVED                 `      REC & LIB Closed
                                                                                                                                                                     Legal Holiday
                                                                                                                                                                     Schools Closed
                                                                                                                                                                     Borough Hall Closed
                                                                                                                                                                     REC & LIB Closed

                                                                                              H Winter Concert   7:00pm       H Mini Concerts                 SIMBANG GABI Ends
                             SIMBANG GABI 7:00pm
                             St. John Church, Leonia
SB Xmas Tree Sale            Christmas traditon

                             Mayor & Council 7:30pm TBD
                             Court 5:00pm TBD                  Recreation Comm 7:00 LSC
 Comingled Containers        Trash Entire Town                 Garbage Collection              Comingled Containers            Garbage Collection

26         Kwanza Begins     27     Holiday Break              28     Holiday Break            29    Holiday Break            30     Holiday Break            31     NEW YEAR’S DAY
                                    Schools Closed                    Schools Closed                 Schools Closed                  Schools Closed                  OBSERVED
                                                                                                                                                                     Legal Holiday
                                                                                                                                                                     Schools Closed
                                                                                                                                                                     Borough Hall Closed
                                                                                                                                                                     REC Closed
                                                                                                                                                                     LIB Closed 1:00pm

                                                               Garbage Collection             Mixed Paper Collection          Garbage Collection

   N O V   E M B    E R
 S M T      W T      F S                   Keep Fire Hydrants
		 1 2      3 4      5 6                clear of snow accumulation                                         LOOSE LEAVES PICKUP
7		 8 9     10 11    12 13                                                                                  Last Day — December 17
14 15 16    17 18    19 20                                                                       Loose leaves must be 20 feet from all catch basins.              SCHOOL EMERGENCY CLOSINGS
                                                                                                                                                               If school is cancelled due to inclement weather students
21 22 23
28 29 30
            24 25    26 27
                             DPW       All collectables must be at the curb by 7:00am,
                                       but not before 5:00pm on the preceding day.
                             YARD WASTE: branches, brush, clippings. No plastic bags!
                                                                                                                                                               will receive a phone call using the reverse 911 system.
                                                                                                                                                               WINS (1010 am) broadcasts school closings between
                                                                                               ACS:                             (201) 302-5200 ext. 3
     J A N U A R Y           MIXED PAPER: newspaper, cardboard, magazines. No plastic bags!                                                                    6:45 and 8:30 a.m. News 12 New Jersey, News Channel
                                                                                               LMS:                             (201) 302-5200 ext. 2          4, News Channel 7, and FOX 5 NY will announce Leonia
 S M T W T F S               COMINGLED CONTAINERS: bottles, cans, plastic. No plastic bags!
                             WHITE GOODS: Call DPW for pickup. (201) 592-5790
                                                                                               LHS:                             (201) 302-5200 ext. 1          school closings, or log onto www.leoniaschools.org.
							1                                                                                       LHS Annex:                       (201) 302-5200 ext. 4
                             White goods are metal Items only.
2		 3 4 5 6 7 8              ELECTRONIC GOODS: Like PCs, TVs & Stereos will not be             Board of Education:              (201) 302-5200 ext. 5
9		 10 11 12 13 14 15        picked up curbside due to recent State Legislation.               www.leoniaschools.org                                            E = Elementary School                E
16 17 18 19 20 21 22         They must be brought to a special container at the                Borough Hall:                    (201) 592-5780                  M = Middle School                    M
23 24 25 26 27 28 29         DPW yard Tues-Thurs from 8:00am to 3:00pm.                        www.leonianj.gov                                                 H = High School                      H
30 31
LEONIA 2021-2022 - Borough of Leonia
J A N U A R Y                                                                                                                                                                                       2022
      SUNDAY                        MONDAY                            TUESDAY                      WEDNESDAY                           THURSDAY                            FRIDAY                          SATURDAY

   D E C E M B E R
 S						1
                                                                                   New Year’s Day
   M T W T F S
				 1 2 3 4
                                 FREE   RABIES     CLINIC                          REC & LIB Closed
                                                                                   Kwanza Ends
5		 6 7 8 9 10 11                DATE TO BE ANNOUNCED
                           Vaccines issued for all dogs and cats
12 13 14 15 16 17 18                                                     LEONIA
                      Any  resident with a current dog or cat license
19 20 21 22 23 24 25
                     will be notified when licenses must be renewed,
26 27 28 29 30 31                                                               AY
                                           and of rabies clinic date.
                                                                                                            WINTER PL
    F E B R U   A R Y                                                                                        January 27-29
                                  Check www.leonianj.gov for more details
 S M T W        T F     S                                                                                   LHS Little Theater
			 1 2         3 4     5                All dog & cat licenses must
6		 7 8 9       10 11   12                be renewed by January 31
13 14 15 16     17 18   19        Late fees: March 1st • Summons: April 1st
20 21 22 23     24 25   26
27 28
2                            3     All Schools Reopen          4                               5                                 6     Three Kings Day             7                                 8

                             REC Winter Registration Begins

                                                               Board of Education 7:30pm
                             Mayor & Council 7:30pm TBD        ACS Reorganization Meeting
                             Court 5:00pm TBD                  Environ. Comm 7:30pm Virtual                                   Sports Boosters 8:00pm Virtual
                                                                                 Christmas Tree Collection - CURBSIDE - NO PLASTIC BAGS!
                             Trash North of Fort Lee Rd        Garbage Collection               Comingled Containers          Trash South of Fort Lee Rd           Garbage Collection

9                            10                                11                              12                                13                                14                                15

                                                                                                                                 M   H&S mtg. 7:30pm

                             H H&S Ed. Comm. 7:00pm            Leonia Community Chest                                                                              H Pre-Exam Day
                                                               Fontana Tritone Fundraiser
                                                               11:00am - 8:00pm

                                                                                               Library Board 7:30pm LIB
                             Historic Preserv. 7:30pm TBD                                      Shade Tree Comm 7:30pm TBD    PGL Meeting 8:00pm TBD                Jazz Jam Session 7:45pm PCL
                                                                                Christmas Tree Collection - CURBSIDE - NO PLASTIC BAGS!
                                                               Garbage Collection              Mixed Paper Collection                                              Garbage Collection

16                           17     MARTIN LUTHER              18                              19                                20                                21 E ACS Global Feast             22
                                    KING DAY                                                                                                                             at LMS 6:30pm
                             Legal Holiday
                             Schools Closed
                             Teacher Prof Day                                                                                    M Winter Concert 7:00pm
                             Borough Hall Closed                                                                                 Grade 5 &6
                             REC & LIB Closed
                                                               H Mid-term Exams                H Mid-term Exams                  H Mid-term Exams                  H Mid-term Exams
                             H H&S Teacher
                             Appreciation Luncheon

                                                               Board of Ed. 7:30pm ACS         Mayor & Council 7:30pm TBD
                                                               Recreation Comm 7:00 LSC        Board of Health 7:30pm BH       Woman’s Club 1:00pm LSC
                                                                                                Christmas Tree Collection - CURBSIDE - NO PLASTIC BAGS!
                                                               Garbage Collection              Comingled Containers            Trash South Entire Town             Garbage Collection

23                           24                                25                              26                                27     International Holocaust    28 E ACS Global Feast             29
                                                                                                                                        Remembrance Day                   at LMS - Snow date

                                                                                                                                 H Leonia Limelighters             H Leonia Limelighters             H Leonia Limelighters
                                                                                                                                 Winter Play Little Thtr. 7:30pm   Winter Play Little Thtr. 7:30pm   Winter Play Little Thtr. 7:30pm

                                                                                                Planning Board 7:30pm TBD
                                                                                 Christmas Tree Collection - CURBSIDE - NO PLASTIC BAGS!
                                                                Garbage Collection              Mixed Paper Collection                                             Garbage Collection

30                           31

                                                                                                                                                                    ACS:                               (201) 302-5200 ext. 3
                                                                                                                                                                    LMS:                               (201) 302-5200 ext. 2
                                                                                                 E = Elementary School                  E                           LHS:                               (201) 302-5200 ext. 1
                             H H&S Meeting 7:00pm                                                M = Middle School                      M                           LHS Annex:                         (201) 302-5200 ext. 4
                             Media Center                                                        H = High School                        H                           Board of Education:                (201) 302-5200 ext. 5
                                                                                                                                                                    Borough Hall:                      (201) 592-5780
                             Trash North of Fort Lee Rd
                                                                                                DPW       All collectables must be at the curb by 7:00am,
                                                                                                          but not before 5:00pm on the preceding day.
                                                                                                YARD WASTE: branches, brush, clippings. No plastic bags!

                                                            Catch Basins - Storm
        Keep Fire Hydrants                                  Water Regulations
                                                                                                MIXED PAPER: newspaper, cardboard, magazines. No plastic bags!
                                                                                                                                                                       SCHOOL EMERGENCY CLOSINGS
                                                                                                COMINGLED CONTAINERS: bottles, cans, plastic. No plastic bags!
       clear of snow accumulation                           Keep all items for collections      WHITE GOODS: Call DPW for pickup. (201) 592-5790                    If school is cancelled due to inclement weather students
                                                            and debris away from the catch      White goods are metal Items only.                                   will receive a phone call using the reverse 911 system.
                                                            basins in town per Storm Water      ELECTRONIC GOODS: Like PCs, TVs & Stereos will not be               WINS (1010 am) broadcasts school closings between
     CHRISTMAS TREE PICKUP                                  Regulations to help keep these      picked up curbside due to recent State Legislation.                 6:45 and 8:30 a.m. News 12 New Jersey, News Channel
            in January only!                                                                    They must be brought to a special container at the                  4, News Channel 7, and FOX 5 NY will announce Leonia
                                                            items out of the borough’s Storm    DPW yard Tues-Thurs from 8:00am to 3:00pm.
       NO PLASTIC BAGS PLEASE!                                                                                                                                      school closings or log onto www.leoniaschools.org.
                                                            Water Outflows.
LEONIA 2021-2022 - Borough of Leonia
F E B R U A R Y                                                                                                                                                                                2022
       SUNDAY                         MONDAY                       TUESDAY                         WEDNESDAY                         THURSDAY                            FRIDAY                      SATURDAY

     J A N U A R Y
 S		M T W T F S             FEBRUARY                         1   Lunar New Year -              2                               3                                4                               5
                                                                 Schools Closed
							1              Black History Month                                                      E H&S Talent Show at LHS
2		 3 4 5 6 7 8                                              Chinese New Year                  7:00pm
                      Ethnic Equality Month
9		 10 11 12 13 14 15                                        Real Estate Taxes Due
16 17 18 19 20 21 22
23 24 25 26 27 28 29
30 31
       M A R C H                                             E H&S Talent Show Rehearsal                                                                        PGLTheatre on the Edge          PGLTheatre on the Edge DHT
 S M T W T F S                                                                                                                                                  Drill Hall Info & Tickets
			 1 2 3 4 5
6		 7 8 9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16 17 18 19
20 21 22 23 24 25 26                                         Environ. Comm 7:30pm Virtual                                      Sports Boosters 8:00pm Virtual
27 28 29 30 31                                               Garbage Collection                Comingled Containers            Trash South of Fort Lee Rd       Garbage Collection

6                             7                              8                                9                                10                               11                              12    ACT testing
                                                                                              E H&S Talent Show at LHS
                                                                                              7:00pm Snow date

PGLTheatre on the Edge DHT    H H&S Ed. Comm.      7:00pm                                                                      H LAHCA Cupcake Wars
                                                                                                                               #3 Winners Showcase &
                                                                                                                               Community Entries
                                                                                                                                                                PGLTheatre on the Edge DHT      PGLTheatre on the Edge DHT

                              Mayor & Council 7:30pm TBD                                      Library Board 7:30pm LIB
                              Court 5:00pm TBD               Board of Ed. 7:30pm ACS          Shade Tree Comm 7:30pm TBD                                        Jazz Jam Session 7:45pm PCL
                                                             Garbage Collection               Mixed Paper Collection                                            Garbage Collection

13                            14     Valentines Day          15     LIB Closed                 16                              17                               18 Valentines Day               19
                                                                                                                               E Kindergarten Registration      E Kindergarten Registration
                                                                                                                               9:00-11:00am, 12:30 - 3:00pm     9:00 -11:00am
                                                                                                                                                                E Family Game Night
                                                             H JV Debate Tournament at        H NHS Blood Drive at LHS
 PGLTheatre on the Edge DHT                                  LHS 3:00pm                       Gym - All invited to Donate

                                                                                              Mayor & Council 7:30pm TBD       Woman’s Club 1:00pm LSC
                              Historic Preserv. 7:30pm TBD   Recreation Comm 7:00 LSC         Board of Health 7:30pm BH        PGL Meeting 8:00pm TBD
                              Trash North of Fort Lee Rd     Garbage Collection               Comingled Containers             Trash South of Fort Lee Rd       Garbage Collection

20     World Day of           21     PRESIDENTS DAY          22    WINTER BREAK                23                              24                               25                              26
       Social Justice                Legal Holiday                 Schools Closed
                                     Schools Closed                REC No Classes                                                                               E Family Game Night
                                     Borough Hall Closed                                                                                                        Snowdate
                                     REC & LIB Closed

                                                                                              Mayor & Council 7:30pm TBD
                                                                                              Planning Board 7:30pm TBD
                                                             Garbage Collection               Mixed Paper Collection                                            Garbage Collection

27                            28

                                                                                                                                                                                              February 17
                                                                                                                                          NHS BLOOD                                           9:00-11:00,
                                                                                                                                            DRIVE                                             12:30 - 3:00
                              H H&S Meeting 7:00pm                                                                                         February 16
                              Media Center                                                                                              Leonia High School                                    February 18
                                                                                                                                             Gymnasium                                        9:00-11:00
                                                                                                                                        All invited to donate                                   at ACS

                              Trash North of Fort Lee Rd

                                                                 SCHOOL EMERGENCY CLOSINGS
                                                              If school is cancelled due to inclement weather students
            Keep Fire Hydrants                                will receive a phone call using the reverse 911 system.
          clear of snow accumulation                          WINS (1010 am) broadcasts school closings between                            STAY INFORMED ABOUT COMMUNITY & SCHOOLS
                                                              6:45 and 8:30 a.m. News 12 New Jersey, News Channel
                                                              4, News Channel 7, and FOX 5 NY will announce Leonia                          • Follow Leonia Schools on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter,
 E = Elementary School               E                        school closings or check www.leoniaschools.org.                                 YouTube & edlio https://www.leoniaschools.org/apps/links/
 M = Middle School                   M                                                                                                      • Sign up for town Emergency Alerts on www.leonianj.gov
 H = High School                     H                                                                                                        or visit https://local.nixle.com/city/nj/leonia/
                                                              DPW       All collectables must be at the curb by 7:00am,
                                                                        but not before 5:00pm on the preceding day.
                                                              YARD WASTE: branches, brush, clippings. No plastic bags!                      Join these on-line discussion groups
 ACS:                             (201) 302-5200 ext. 3
                                                              MIXED PAPER: newspaper, cardboard, magazines. No plastic bags!
 LMS:                             (201) 302-5200 ext. 2
                                                              COMINGLED CONTAINERS: bottles, cans, plastic. No plastic bags!
                                                                                                                                            • Leonia Talks to subscribe send an email to
 LHS:                             (201) 302-5200 ext. 1       WHITE GOODS: Call DPW for pickup. (201) 592-5790                                LeoniaTalks+subscribe@groups.io
 LHS Annex:                       (201) 302-5200 ext. 4       White goods are metal Items only.
 Board of Education:              (201) 302-5200 ext. 5       ELECTRONIC GOODS: Like PCs, TVs & Stereos will not be
                                                                                                                                            • Leonia Mom to Mom Network go to https://ca.groups.
 www.leoniaschools.org                                        picked up curbside due to recent State Legislation.                             yahoo.com/neo/groups/leoniamomtomomnetwork/info
 Borough Hall:                    (201) 592-5780              They must be brought to a special container at the                              and click on the Join Group button
 www.leonianj.gov                                             DPW yard Tues-Thurs from 8:00am to 3:00pm.
LEONIA 2021-2022 - Borough of Leonia
M A R C H                                                                                                                                                                                           2022
        SUNDAY                            MONDAY                           TUESDAY                          WEDNESDAY                      THURSDAY                            FRIDAY                      SATURDAY

    F E B R U A R Y
 S		M T W T F S              MARCH         1                                                           2                              3                                4                             5
			 1 2 3 4 5        Women’s History Month REC Pool & Camp
6		 7 8 9 10 11 12                         Discount Period Begins
                     Gender Equality Month
13 14 15 16 17 18 19
20 21 22 23 24 25 26
27 28
                     Heritage Month        M Scholastic Book Fair                                     M Scholastic Book Fair          M Scholastic Book Fair
      A P R I L                     Heritage Month                                                    M/H Gr 8 Scheduling
                                                                                                      Night for Gr 9 Little Theater
 S M T W T F                 S                                                                        6:00pm
						1                       2
3		 4 5 6 7 8                 9
10 11 12 13 14 15            16
17 18 19 20 21 22            23                                      Environ. Comm 7:30pm Virtual                                     Sports Boosters 8:00pm Virtual
24 25 26 27 28 29            30                                      Garbage Collection                Comingled Containers           Trash South of Fort Lee Rd       Garbage Collection

6                                 7                                  8                                 9                              10                               11                            12     SAT Testing at LHS

                                                                                                                                                                       M Wellness Fair

                                  H H&S Ed. Comm. 7:00pm
                                  Main Office

                                  Mayor & Council 7:30pm TBD                                           Library Board 7:30pm LIB
                                  Court 5:00pm TBD                   Board of Ed. 7:30pm ACS           Shade Tree Comm 7:30pm TBD                                      Jazz Jam Session 7:45pm PCL
                                  Yard Waste                         Garbage Collection                Mixed Paper Collection                                          Garbage Collection

13                                14      Teacher Prof. Day          15                               16                              17     St. Patricks Day          18                            19
Daylight Savings Time              Schools Closed for Students                                                                               Purim
Begins at 2:00am                                                                                      E-M-H District-wide
Turn clocks forward 1 hour                                                                            Strings Concert 7:00pm
Change Smoke Detector                                                                                 Little Theater
and CO Detector Batteries
                                                                                                                                                                       H Senior Class Card Party,
                                                                                                                                                                       Tricky Tray LHS Gym
                                  M    H&S mtg. 7:30pm                                                                                                                 Doors open 6:00pm

                                                                                                                                      Woman’s Club 1:00pm LSC
                                  Historic Preserv. 7:30pm TBD       Recreation Comm 7:00 LSC          Board of Health 7:30pm BH      PGL Meeting 8:00pm TBD
                                  Trash North of Fort Lee Rd         Garbage Collection                Comingled Containers           Trash South of Fort Lee Rd       Garbage Collection

20                                21                                 22                                23                             24                               25                            26

                                                                                                                                      M   International Potluck
                                                                                                                                      Dinner, LMS Cafeteria 6:30pm
                                                                                                                                      M Drama Club Play 7:30pm         M   Drama Club Play 7:30pm

                                                                                                       H    Music Trip Concert        H Student Loans Overview
                                                                                                                                      7:00pm Virtual
                                                                                                       Leonia Community Chest                                                                        PGL Civil War Program
                                                                                                       Agency Night - 7:00pm                                                                         Drill Hall Info & Tickets
                                                                                                       Leonia Methodist Church                                                                       leoniaplayers.org
                                  Mayor & Council 7:30pm TBD
                                  Court 5:00pm TBD                   Board of Ed. 7:30pm ACS           Planning Board 7:30pm TBD
                                  Yard Waste                         Garbage Collection                Mixed Paper Collection                                          Garbage Collection

27      PASSOVER                  28                                 29                                30                             31
        FIRST DAY
                                                                                                                                      REC Camp Discount Period
Knights of Columbus
Shield Awards Breakfast                                                                                                               M Gr 6 Science Fair 6:00pm
                                  H Music Trip - Mandatory                                                                            H Music Trip Williamsburg,
                                  Parent Mtng. Little Thtr 6:30 pm                                                                    VA Mar 31 - Apr 3
PGL Civil War Program DHT         H H&S Meeting 7:00pm
                                  Edgewater Community Center

                                  Trash North of Fort Lee Rd         Garbage Collection                Comingled Containers           Trash South of Fort Lee Rd                               SENIOR CLASS
                                                                                                                                                                                            Card Party/Tricky Tray
                                                                                                                                                                                              at Leonia High School
                                                                      ACS:                                 (201) 302-5200 ext. 3
                                                                                                                                                                                                    March 18
                                                                      LMS:                                 (201) 302-5200 ext. 2
                                                                                                                                                                                                Doors open 6:00pm
  E = Elementary School                  E                            LHS:                                 (201) 302-5200 ext. 1                   RECREATION
  M = Middle School                      M                            LHS Annex:                           (201) 302-5200 ext. 4                   Camp Discount
  H = High School                        H                            Board of Education:                  (201) 302-5200 ext. 5                 March 1 to March 31
                                                                      Borough Hall:                        (201) 592-5780
                                                                                                                                                  Pool Membership
 DPW       All collectables must be at the curb by 7:00am,
           but not before 5:00pm on the preceding day.
 YARD WASTE: branches, brush, clippings. No plastic bags!
                                                                                                                                                   March 1 to April 29

                                                                                                    Catch Basins - Storm
 MIXED PAPER: newspaper, cardboard, magazines. No plastic bags!
 COMINGLED CONTAINERS: bottles, cans, plastic. No plastic bags!
                                                                                                    Water Regulations                                                             LEONIA MAKES MUSIC
 WHITE GOODS: Call DPW for pickup. (201) 592-5790                                                   Keep all items for collections
                                                                                                                                                                         Supports the High School Music Department
 White goods are metal Items only.                                                                  and debris away from the catch
 ELECTRONIC GOODS: Like PCs, TVs & Stereos will not be                                              basins in town per Storm Water
                                                                                                                                                                         by procuring funding and product donations
 picked up curbside due to recent State Legislation.                                                Regulations to help keep these
                                                                                                                                                                                     For more details visit
 They must be brought to a special container at the
                                                                                                    items out of the borough’s
 DPW yard Tues-Thurs from 8:00am to 3:00pm.                                                                                                                             Contact info: leoniamakesmusic@gmail.com
                                                                                                    Storm Water Outflows.
LEONIA 2021-2022 - Borough of Leonia
A P R I L                                                                                                                                                                                             2022
        SUNDAY                          MONDAY                          TUESDAY                      WEDNESDAY                           THURSDAY                           FRIDAY                           SATURDAY

Let 's keep
					1         LEE CLARK                   APRIL                                                                                                                         Ramadan Eve                   2 RAMADAN BEGINS
                  O L A R S H IP                                                                                                                                                                       LIB Closed
             SCH                  Arab-American
            Final 4 FundGreen     Heritage Month

                                                                                             Catered by S
                                                                                                           edonas                   Scottish-American
                                                                                                                                    Heritage Month
                                                                                                                                                                    REC Spring Reg. Begins
                                                                                                                                                                                                       ACT Testing

                                                                                                            ion Hall                                                                                   Scouts BSA Food Drive
                       SHADE TREE ORDINANCE                                                  American Leg
                                                                                                              pm                                                    H Music Trip Williamsburg, VA
    Please visit the Shade Tree Commission page on leonianj.gov to find                         April 2, 5:00
    the Tree Removal Permit, Tree Ordinance & FAQ. Any healthy tree on                                                                                                                                 H Music Trip Williamsburg, VA
    private property with a diameter >8” should not be cut down without
       a Tree Removal Permit or the homeowner is at risk to be fined.                                                                                                                                  Lee Clark Scholarship
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Final 4 Fundraiser 5:00pm
                 PRIVATE PROPERTY TREE PLANTING                                                 SCOUTS BSA                                                                                             American Legion Hall
     Please contact the Shade Tree Commission to have a Shade Tree                                                                                                                                     Catering by Sedonas
             planted in your front yard. Partner with the STC                                   FOOD DRIVE
                to keep Leonia streets green and healthy.                                             April 2
                                                                                                                                                                    Garbage Collection

3                                4                              5                                6                                7                                 8                                  9
                                                                                                                                  International Day of Reflection                                      REC Spring Celebration
                                                                                                                                  on the 1994 Rwanda Genocide                                          Wood Park, 10:30am

H Music Trip Williamsburg, VA    H H&S Ed. Comm. 7:00pm                                         H Science Natlonal Honor          H Business Honor Society
                                                                                                Society Induction Ceremony        Induction Ceremony
                                                                                                Little Theater 7:00pm             Little Theater 7:00pm

                                 Mayor & Council 7:30pm TBD     Board of Ed. 7:30pm ACS
                                 Court 5:00pm TBD               Environ. Comm 7:30pm Virtual                                      Sports Boosters 8:00pm Virtual Jazz Jam Session 7:45pm PCL
                                 Yard Waste                     Garbage Collection               Mixed Paper Collection                                          Garbage Collection

10      PALM SUNDAY              11 SPRING BREAK                12 SPRING BREAK                  13SPRING BREAK                   14 SPRING BREAK                   15 GOOD FRIDAY                     16
                                      Schools Closed                 Schools Closed                   Schools Closed                    Schools Closed                    Legal Holiday
                                      REC No Classes                 REC No Classes                   REC No Classes                    REC No Classes                    Schools Closed
                                                                                                                                                                          Borough Hall Closed
                                                                                                                                                                          REC & LIB Closed

                                                                                                                                                                    Ecumenical Good Friday
                                                                                                                                                                    Walk 12:00-2:00 pm
                                                                                                                                                                    Begins at Mount Zion
                                                                                                                                                                    Baptist Church,
                                                                                                                                                                    124 Schor Ave check with

                                                                                                Library Board 7:30pm LIB
                                 Historic Preserv. 7:30pm TBD                                   Shade Tree Comm 7:30pm TBD         PGL Meeting 8:00pm TBD
                                 Trash Entire Town              Garbage Collection              Comingled Containers               Garbage Collection

17      EASTER SUNDAY            18     SPRING BREAK            19                               20                               21     Earth Day                  22                                 23
                                        Schools Closed
                                        REC No Classs           E Kindergarten
NJSLA Testing                    Tax Day                        Visitation & Orientation
Gr 3-8 & High School
April 19 - May 27

                                                                                                H Music Honor Society                                                                                  H DECA Nationals
                                                                                                Induction Little Theater 7:00pm                                                                        Atlanta, GA

                                 Mayor & Council 7:30pm TBD
                                 Court 5:00pm TBD               Recreation Comm 7:00 LSC        Board of Health 7:30pm BH         Woman’s Club 1:00pm LSC
                                 Yard Waste                     Garbage Collection              Mixed Paper Collection                                              Garbage Collection

24    ORTHODOX EASTER            25                             26                              27 Yom HaShoah                    28                                29                                 30
                                                                                                Holocaust Remembrance Day                                           REC Pool Registration
                                                                                                                                                                    discount ends. Camp
                                                                                                                                                                    Registration Ends.
NJSLA Testing
Gr 3-8 & High School
April 19 - May 27

H DECA Nationals                 H DECA Nationals               H DECA Nationals                H RHO KAPPA History Honor         H Spring Musical                  H Spring Musical                    H Spring Musical
Atlanta, GA                      Atlanta, GA                    Atlanta, GA                     Society Induction 7:00pm          Little Theater 7:30pm             Little Theater 7:30pm               Little Theater 2:00 & 7:30pm
                                 H H&S Meeting 7:00pm
                                 Media Center

                                                                Board of Education Special
                                                                Closed Meeting 5:00pm           Planning Board 7:30pm TBD
                                 Trash North of Fort Lee Rd     Garbage Collection              Comingled Containers               Trash South of Fort Lee Rd       Garbage Collection

                                                                                                                                                                                   LEONIA HIGH SCHOOL
                                                                                                                                                                                     SPRING MUSICAL
      M A R     C H                                                                                                                                                                     April 28-29 7:30pm
 S M T W         T     F    S                                                                                                                                                         April 30 2:00 & 7:30pm
			 1 2          3     4    5     E = Elementary School               E                                                                                                                 LHS Little Theater
6		 7 8 9        10    11   12    M = Middle School                   M
13 14 15 16      17    18   19    H = High School                     H
20 21 22 23
27 28 29 30
                       25   26
                                                                                                 DPW       All collectables must be at the curb by 7:00am,
                                                                                                           but not before 5:00pm on the preceding day.
                                                                                                 YARD WASTE: branches, brush, clippings. No plastic bags!
                                  ACS:                           (201) 302-5200 ext. 3                                                                                                              Catch Basins - Storm
        M A     Y                                                                                MIXED PAPER: newspaper, cardboard, magazines. No plastic bags!
 S M T W          T    F    S
                                  LMS:                           (201) 302-5200 ext. 2
                                                                                                 COMINGLED CONTAINERS: bottles, cans, plastic. No plastic bags!
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Water Regulations
                                  LHS:                           (201) 302-5200 ext. 1           WHITE GOODS: Call DPW for pickup. (201) 592-5790                                                   Keep all items for collections
1		 2 3 4         5    6    7
                                  LHS Annex:                     (201) 302-5200 ext. 4           White goods are metal Items only.                                                                  and debris away from the catch
8		 9 10 11      12    13   14
                                  Board of Education:            (201) 302-5200 ext. 5           ELECTRONIC GOODS: Like PCs, TVs & Stereos will not be                                              basins in town per Storm Water
15 16 17 18      19    20   21
                                  www.leoniaschools.org                                          picked up curbside due to recent State Legislation.                                                Regulations to help keep these
22 23 24 25      26    27   28                                                                   They must be brought to a special container at the
                                  Borough Hall:                  (201) 592-5780                                                                                                                     items out of the borough’s
29 30 31                          www.leonianj.gov                                               DPW yard Tues-Thurs from 8:00am to 3:00pm.
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Storm Water Outflows.
M A Y                                                                                                                                                                                               2022
       SUNDAY                           MONDAY                          TUESDAY                       WEDNESDAY                           THURSDAY                           FRIDAY                         SATURDAY

      A P R I L
   M T W T F S
						1 2            ARBOR / EARTH                                             SENIOR CITIZENS
3		 4 5 6 7 8 9       LEONIA DAY                                                      DINNER
10 11 12 13 14 15 16   in Wood Park                                              All Seniors Invited
                                                                                Leonia High School   Mental Health Month
17 18 19 20 21 22 23      May 15      MEMORIAL DAY                               May   11  6:00pm
24 25 26 27 28 29 30  12:00 - 4:0 0pm
                                            PARADE         LEONIA SWIM CLUB                          Asian American and
                                                                                                     Pacific Islander
                                         Begins 11:30am     Opens Memorial Day                       Heritage Month
       J U N E                                                 to Labor Day
 S M T W T F S                        Followed by Ceremony                                           Haitian Heritage Month
                                           in Wood Park       Check hours on
				 1 2 3 4                                                    leonianj.gov                         Jewish-American
5		 6 7 8 9 10 11                                                                                    Heritage Month
12 13 14 15 16 17 18                                                                                 South Asian
                                                                                                     Heritage Month
19 20 21 22 23 24 25
26 27 28 29 30

1 RAMADAN ENDS                  2   Eid al-Fitr Begins           3     Eid al-Fitr                4                                5       Cinco de Mayo            6                                  7     SAT & Subject testing
                                                                       Schools Closed
E H&S Teacher Appreciation                                                                                                         E H&S Mother’s Day Plant Sale    E H&S Mother’s Day Plant Sale
Week— May 3-7                   Real Estate Taxes Due
                                                                                                                                   E Spring Concert
                                                                                                  M/H The Rowena Gianfredi         Gr 3 - 6:00pm, Gr 4 - 7:00pm     M Jogathon
NJSLA Testing                                                                                     MBLA Induction & Graduation
Gr 3-8 & High School                                                                              Ceremony 7:00pm
April 19 - May 27                                                                                 LHS Little Theater
H   AP Exams May 2-13           H H&S Ed. Comm      7:00pm                                                                         H Photography Expo     7:00pm
                                                                                                                                                                    PGL Follies                       PGL Follies DHT
                                                                                                                                                                    Drill Hall Info & Tickets
                                Mayor & Council 7:30pm TBD
                                Court 5:00pm TBD                 Environ. Comm 7:30pm Virtual                                      Sports Boosters 8:00pm Virtual
                                Yard Waste                       Garbage Collection               Mixed Paper Collection                                            Garbage Collection

8     MOTHER’S DAY              9                                10                               11                               12                               13                                 14
NJSLA Testing
Gr 3-8 & High School            M/H The Leonia Academy
April 19 - May 27               for Hospitality & the Culinary
                                Arts Graduation Ceremony                                                                                                            M Jogathon Raindate
                                Little Theater 7:00pm
H   AP Exams May 2-13
                                M H&S Meeting 7:30pm                                              H Senior Citizens Dinner         H Math Honor Society
                                                                                                  All Invited LHS, 5:30pm          Induction 7:00pm
NJSLA Science Gr 8 & 11
May 9 - June 3
                                                                                                                                                                    PGL Follies DHT                   PGL Follies DHT

PGL Follies DHT
                                                                 Board of Ed. 7:30pm ACS
                                Historic Preserv. 7:30pm TBD     Shade Tree Comm 7:30pm TBD       Library Board 7:30pm LIB                                          Jazz Jam Session 7:45pm PCL
                                Trash North of Fort Lee Rd       Garbage Collection               Comingled Containers             Trash South of Fort Lee Rd       Garbage Collection

15    Arbor Day / 		            16                               17                               18 E Field Day Pre-K-Gr 3 19 E Field Day Gr 4                     20                                 21    World Day for Cultural
      Leonia Day                                                                                                                                                                                             Diversity for Dialogue
at Wood Park 12:00 - 4:00pm                                                                                                                                                                                  and Development
                                M/H Marketing & Business         M/H The Leonia Academy           M Spring Concert Gr. 7 & 8       M/H Leonia Music & Arts          M Music in The Park Trip
NJSLA Testing                   Leadership Academy Capstone      for Hospitality & Culinary       7:00pm                           Conservatory Capstone
Gr 3-8 & High School            Presentation Little Theater      Arts Capstone Presentation                                        Presentation Little Thtr.
April 19 - May 27               8:00am - 3:00pm                  Little Theater 8:00am - 3:00pm   M/H Leonia Humanities            8:00am-3:00pm                    M/H Leonia Academy of
                                                                                                  Academy Capstone Presentation                                     STEM Capstone Presentation
NJSLA Science Gr 8 & 11
                                M/H Marketing & Business                                          Little Theater 8:00am-3:00pm     M/H Leonia Music & Arts          Little Thtr. 8:00am-3:00pm
May 9 - June 3
                                Leadership Grad. & Induct.       H World Language Honor                                            Conservatory Grad. & Induct.
                                Ceremony Little Thtr. 7:00pm     Society Induction Ceremony                                        Ceremony Little Thtr. 7:00pm
                                                                                                                                                                    PGL Follies DHT                   PGL Follies DHT
AYSO Spring Core Prog. starts                                    Little Theater 7:00pm

PGL Follies DHT                 Mayor & Council 7:30pm TBD                                                                         Woman’s Club 1:00pm LSC
                                Court 5:00pm TBD                 Recreation Comm 7:00 LSC         Board of Health 7:30pm BH        PGL Meeting 8:00pm TBD
                                Yard Waste                       Garbage Collection               Mixed Paper Collection                                            Garbage Collection

22                              23                               24                               25 E Field Day rain date         26 E Field day rain date         27                                 28
                                                                                                          Pre-K-Gr 3                       Gr 4                                                        REC Pool Opening Day

NJSLA Testing                                                                                                                                                                                          American Legion Post 1
Gr 3-8 & High School                                                                                                                                                                                   Grave Decoration 8:30am,
April 19 - May 27                                                                                                                                                                                      Madonna Cemetery Lower
                                H H&S Meeting - Media Ctr.                                        H Spring Concert Little Thtr.    H National Honor Society         H “We Are All Americans” Day
NJSLA Science Gr 8 & 11         7:00pm                                                                                             Inductions Little Thtr. 7:00pm
May 9 - June 3

PGL Follies DHT

                                                                 Board of Ed. 7:30pm ACS          Planning Board 7:30pm TBD
                                Trash North of Fort Lee Rd       Garbage Collection               Comingled Containers             Trash South of Fort Lee Rd       Garbage Collection

29                              30     MEMORIAL DAY              31
                                      Legal Holiday
                                Schools Closed                                                                                                                       ACS:                               (201) 302-5200 ext. 3
                                Borough Hall Closed                                                                                                                  LMS:                               (201) 302-5200 ext. 2
NJSLA Science Gr 8 & 11
                                REC & LIB Closed                 M/H Leonia Humanities                                                                               LHS:                               (201) 302-5200 ext. 1
                                                                 Academy Graduation &              E = Elementary School                  E
May 9 - June 3                  Memorial Day Parade              Induction Ceremony                                                                                  LHS Annex:                         (201) 302-5200 ext. 4
                                on Broad Avenue                                                    M = Middle School                      M                          Board of Education:                (201) 302-5200 ext. 5
                                                                 Little Theater 7:00pm
                                Begins at LMS at 11:30am                                           H = High School                        H                          www.leoniaschools.org
                                Ceremony Wood Park 12:00pm
                                                                                                                                                                     Borough Hall:                      (201) 592-5780

                                                                                                  DPW       All collectables must be at the curb by 7:00am,
                                                                                                            but not before 5:00pm on the preceding day.
                                                                                                  YARD WASTE: branches, brush, clippings. No plastic bags!                                          Catch Basins - Storm
                                                                                                  MIXED PAPER: newspaper, cardboard, magazines. No plastic bags!
                                                                                                  COMINGLED CONTAINERS: bottles, cans, plastic. No plastic bags!
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Water Regulations
                                                                 Garbage Collection                                                                                                                 Keep all items for collections
                                                                                                  WHITE GOODS: Call DPW for pickup. (201) 592-5790
                                                                                                  White goods are metal Items only.                                                                 and debris away from the catch
                                                                                                  ELECTRONIC GOODS: Like PCs, TVs & Stereos will not be                                             basins in town per Storm Water
                                                                                                  picked up curbside due to recent State Legislation.                                               Regulations to help keep these
                                                                                                  They must be brought to a special container at the
                                                                                                                                                                                                    items out of the borough’s
                                                                                                  DPW yard Tues-Thurs from 8:00am to 3:00pm.
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Storm Water Outflows.
J U N E                                                                                                                                                                                          2022
        SUNDAY                         MONDAY                           TUESDAY                   WEDNESDAY                           THURSDAY                           FRIDAY                         SATURDAY

			                JUNE      1                                                                                                  2                                3     National Gun Violence      4      SAT & Subject Testing
                                                                                                                                                                       Awareness Day
                                                                                                                                                                       Wear Orange Weekend        Wear Orange Weekend
   DATES                                                        Caribbean-American                                                                                                                Moms Demand Action
         will be                                                Heritage Month                                                                                                                    Wear Orange Family Day
       announced                                                                              M Awards Night 6:00pm             M National Junior Honor          M Field Day Gr 7                 Location TBD
     once confirmed
                                                                                                                                Soceity Induction 6:30pm         M/EVG Field Day Gr 6
                                                                                              H Senior Week - Poetry Bash       H Senior Academic Awards         H Pre-Prom 6:00-8:00pm           REC Swim Team, Lesson
                                                                                                                                  8:00-10:30am                      LHS Peace Garden              Sign-up at Pool 8:30-10:30am
                                                                                                                                H Senior Class Pool Party        H Senior Prom, Woodcliff
                                                                                                                                 12:30am-3:00pm                  Lake Hilton 8:30pm - 2:00am
NJSLA Science Gr 8 & 11
May 9 - June 3
                                                                                                                                Sports Boosters 8:00pm Virtual
                                                                                              Mixed Paper Collection            Yard Waste                       Garbage Collection

5                               6                              7 Primary Elections            8 Race Unity Day                  9                                 10                              11    ACT Testing
Wear Orange Weekend             E ACS Book Fair                E ACS Book Fair                E H&S Elections 8:45am            E H&S Elections 8:45am            E ACS Book Fair
                                                                                              E ACS Book Fair Family Night      E Instrumental Concert LMS 7:00pm
                                M H&S Meeting and
                                Elections 7:00pm
                                M /EVG Field Day Gr.                                          M Spring Concert Gr. 5 & 6        M Gr 8 Experience                M Gr 8 Experience
H Senior Week -Sunday Night     H Senior Week - Lavish         H Cabaret Night 7:00pm         H Senior Wk BBQ -Edgewater        H Senior Week Dorney Park
in the City 4:00-10:00pm          Breakfast 8:00am             H Senior Week Ice Cream        Community Center 11:30 - 3:00
                                H Senior Week - Athletic       Social
                                  Awards at Fiesta 6:00pm

                                                               Board of Ed. 7:30pm ACS        Library Board 7:30pm LIB
                                Court 5:00pm TBD               Environ. Comm 7:30pm Virtual   Shade Tree Comm 7:30pm TBD                                         Jazz Jam Session 7:45pm PCL
                                Trash North of Fort Lee Rd     Garbage Collection             Comingled Containers              Trash South of Fort Lee Rd       Garbage Collection

12                              13    Flag Day                 14                             15                                16                               17                               18

                                M Gr 8 Experience              M/H The Leonia Academy         M/H H&S Meeting Gr 8
                                                               of STEM Induction & Gradu-     parents invited , LHS Media
                                                               ation Ceremony, Little Thtr.   Center 7:00pm                     H Pre-Exam Day                   H Final Exams

                                Mayor & Council 7:30pm TBD                                                                     Woman’s Club 1:00pm LSC
                                Historic Preserv. 7:30pm TBD                                  Board of Health 7:30pm BH        PGL Meeting 8:00pm TBD
                                Yard Waste                     Garbage Collection             Mixed Paper Collection                                             Garbage Collection

19 FATHER’S DAY                 20                             21                             22     Single Session
                                                                                                     Leonia Schools
                                                                                                                                23     Single Session            24    Single Session             25
JUNETEENTH                                                                                                                             Leonia Schools                  Leonia Schools
                                                                                                                                                                 Last School Day - Tentative

                                                                                                                                                                 M/H Moving up day
                                                                                                                                                                       Gr 8, 9, 10 & 11

                                H Final Exams                  H Final Exams                  H Final Exams                     H Exam Review Day

                                                               Board of Ed. 7:30pm ACS
                                Court 5:00pm TBD               Recreation Comm 7:00 LSC       Planning Board 7:30pm TBD
                                Trash North of Fort Lee Rd     Garbage Collection             Comingled Containers              Trash South of Fort Lee Rd       Garbage Collection

26                              27      Summer Break           28                             29                                30
                                        Leonia Schools

                                 REC Summer Camp Begins

                                                                                                                                                                             Leonia Action Alliance
                                Mayor & Council 7:30pm TBD                                                                                                              Residents of Leonia sharing ideas and
                                Yard Waste                     Garbage Collection             Mixed Paper Collection                                                  taking action to protect human rights and
                                                                                                                                                                              stand up against injustice.
                                                                                                                                                                     Check the website for events like Community
                                                                                                                                                                     Bike Ride, Leonia Organic Garden Tour, etc.
                                                                                                                             SPORTS BOOSTERS
                                                                                                                              CARNIVAL IN JULY                                    National Gun Violence
                                                                                                                                                                                 Awareness Day June 4
        M A Y                                                                                                                Leonia Overpeck Park
 S M  T W T F              S
                                                                                                                                  Dates TBD                                 Wear Orange Weekend June 4-6
1		 2 3 4 5 6              7     E = Elementary School                  E                                                                                            Moms Demand Action, Bergen County Chapter
8		 9 10 11 12 13          14    M = Middle School                      M                                                                                                 Wear Orange Family Day June 4
15 16 17 18 19 20          21    H = High School                        H
22 23
29 30
      24 25 26 27
                                                                                              DPW       All collectables must be at the curb by 7:00am,
                                                                                                        but not before 5:00pm on the preceding day.
                                                                                              YARD WASTE: branches, brush, clippings. No plastic bags!
                                 ACS:                           (201) 302-5200 ext. 3                                                                                                          Catch Basins - Storm
       J U LY                                                                                 MIXED PAPER: newspaper, cardboard, magazines. No plastic bags!
 S M T W T F               S
                                 LMS:                           (201) 302-5200 ext. 2
                                                                                              COMINGLED CONTAINERS: bottles, cans, plastic. No plastic bags!
                                                                                                                                                                                               Water Regulations
                                 LHS:                           (201) 302-5200 ext. 1         WHITE GOODS: Call DPW for pickup. (201) 592-5790                                                 Keep all items for collections
						1                    2
                                 LHS Annex:                     (201) 302-5200 ext. 4         White goods are metal Items only.                                                                and debris away from the catch
3		 4 5 6 7 8              9
                                 Board of Education:            (201) 302-5200 ext. 5         ELECTRONIC GOODS: Like PCs, TVs & Stereos will not be                                            basins in town per Storm Water
10 11 12 13 14 15          16    www.leoniaschools.org                                        picked up curbside due to recent State Legislation.                                              Regulations to help keep these
17 18 19 20 21 22          23                                                                 They must be brought to a special container at the
                                 Borough Hall:                  (201) 592-5780                                                                                                                 items out of the borough’s
24 25 26 27 28 29          30    www.leonianj.gov                                             DPW yard Tues-Thurs from 8:00am to 3:00pm.
                                                                                                                                                                                               Storm Water Outflows.
J U L Y                                                                                                                                                                            2022
       SUNDAY                   MONDAY                         TUESDAY                      WEDNESDAY                      THURSDAY                            FRIDAY                    SATURDAY

        J U N E
              ANNUAL RUN        SUMMERSTAGE                  SPORTS BOOSTERS                                                                               French-American          2
				 1 2 3 4
                FOR FUN  at the Civil War Drill Hall Theater    CARNIVAL
                                                                                                                                                           Heritage Month

5		 6 7 8 9 10 11
                              July 4 at 8:30am                      For Tickets Call 201-944-4300                    Leonia Overpeck
12 13 14 15 16 17 18
                              begins in front of                    www.leoniasummerstage.org                           Park in July
19 20 21 22 23 24 25         Leonia Senior Center                                                                    To be announced
26 27 28 29 30                                                                                                                                        Garbage Collection

3                        4    Independence Day          5                               6                            7                                8                             9
                              Borough Hall Closed
                              REC & LIB Closed
                              REC No Camp

                         RUN FOR FUN                                                    Mayor & Council 7:30pm TBD
                                                                                        Court 6:00pm Fort Lee        Sports Boosters 8:00pm Virtual Jazz Jam Session 7:45pm PCL
                                                        Garbage Collection              Comingled Collection         Trash Entire Town              Garbage Collection

10                       11                             12                              13   SummerStage             14     SummerStage               15    SummerStage             16   ACT Testing
                                                                                             8:00pm Drill Hall              8:00pm Drill Hall               8:00pm Drill Hall            SummerStage
                                                                                                                                                                                         8:00pm Drill Hall

                         Historic Preserv. 7:30pm TBD   Environ. Comm 7:30pm Virtual    Shade Tree Comm 7:30pm TBD
                         Yard Waste                     Garbage Collection              Mixed Paper Collection                                        Garbage Collection

17 SummerStage           18                             19                              20   SummerStage             21    SummerStage                22 SummerStage                23 SummerStage
                                                                                                                                                                                       8:00pm Drill Hall
     3:00pm Drill Hall                                                                       8:00pm Drill Hall             8:00pm Drill Hall                8:00pm Drill Hall

                                                                                                                                                      Kulite Semiconductor
                                                                                                                                                      Products, Inc. Day
                         Mayor & Council 7:30pm TBD                                                                                                   Declared in 2019
                         Court 5:00pm TBD               Recreation Comm 7:00 LSC                                      Woman’s Club 1:00pm LSC
                         Trash North of Fort Lee Rd.    Garbage Collection              Comingled Collection          Trash South of Fort Lee Rd.     Garbage Collection

24   SummerStage         25                             26                              27   SummerStage             28    SummerStage                29 SummerStage                30   SummerStage
     3:00pm Drill Hall                                                                       8:00pm Drill Hall             8:00pm Drill Hall                8:00pm Drill Hall            8:00pm Drill Hall

                                                                                        Planning Board 7:30pm TBD
                         Yard Waste                     Garbage Collection              Mixed Paper Collection                                        Garbage Collection

31 SummerStage
     3:00pm Drill Hall

  A U G U S T                                                                                                                                                                        2022
      SUNDAY                    MONDAY                         TUESDAY                      WEDNESDAY                      THURSDAY                            FRIDAY                    SATURDAY

                         1                              2                               3                            4                                5                             6     LIB Closed
                                                                                                                                                      REC Summer Camp Ends

                         Mayor & Council 7:30pm TBD     Board of Ed. 7:30pm ACS
                         Court 5:00pm TBD               Environ. Comm 7:30pm Virtual                                 Sports Boosters 8:00pm Virtual
                         Trash North of Fort Lee Rd.    Garbage Collection              Comingled Collection         Trash South of Fort Lee Rd.      Garbage Collection

7                        8                              9 International Day of the      10                           11                               12                            13    LIB Closed
                                                        World’s Indigenous People

                         Historic Preserv. 7:30pm TBD                                   Shade Tree Comm 7:30pm TBD                                    Jazz Jam Session 7:45pm PCL
                         Yard Waste                     Garbage Collection              Mixed Paper Collection                                        Garbage Collection

14                       15                             16                              17                           18                               19                            20    LIB Closed

                         Mayor & Council 7:30pm TBD
                         Court 5:00pm TBD                                                                            Woman’s Club 1:00pm LSC
                         Trash North of Fort Lee Rd.    Garbage Collection              Comingled Collection         Trash South of Fort Lee Rd.      Garbage Collection

21                       22                             23 International Day            24                           25                               26                            27    LIB Closed
                                                        for the Remembrance of the
                                                        Slave Trade and its Abolition

                                                                                        Planning Board 7:30pm TBD
                         Yard Waste                     Garbage Collection              Mixed Paper Collection                                        Garbage Collection

                                                                                                                                                                                      S E P T E M B      E R
28                       29                             30                              31
                                                                                                                                                                                     S M T W T           F S
                                                                                                                                                                                    					 1              2 3
                                                                                                                                                                                    4		 5 6 7 8           9 10
                                                                                                                                                                                    11 12 13 14 15       16 17
                                                                                                                                                                                    18 19 20 21 22       23 24
                         Trash North of Fort Lee Rd.    Garbage Collection              Comingled Collection                                                                        25 26 27 28 29       30
LEONIA                      SCHOOL                     SERVICES

SPECIAL SERVICES                                                             Culinary Arts (LAHCA); the Marketing and Business Leadership          HEALTH SERVICES
A full-time Supervisor of Special Services oversees the district’s Special   Academy (MBLA) with two specific majors: Economics/Finance            School nurses in each school conduct screenings for vision,
Education programs. Education and related services are provided by           and Marketing; the Leonia Humanities Academy (LHA) with two           hearing and scoliosis (curvature of the spine); maintain health
professional staff members: teachers, school psychologists, school           schools, the School for Literature and Language and the School of     records; record height and weight and blood pressure; administer
social workers, learning consultants, speech language pathologists,          Social Sciences; The Leonia Music Conservatory (LMAC-Music),; the     medications (if a note from the doctor has been provided); and
occupational and physical therapists. The Child Study Team evaluates         Leonia Fine Arts Conservatory (LMAC- Fine Arts) and our newest        provide emergency care. The school nurse may also make referrals
students based on presenting needs. An Individual Education Program          academy, the AVT- the Academy for Vocational and Trade. For more      regarding possible emotional or physical difficulties. If a child
(I.E.P.) is developed, implemented and monitored for students found          information please go to leoniaschools.org and then to the high       becomes ill during school, he/she will be sent to the nurse’s office.
eligible for services. Special instruction is provided for students with     school home page.                                                     If, in the opinion of the school nurse, the child is unable to remain
learning, emotional, developmental and/or physical disabilities.                                                                                   in school, a parent will be contacted and asked to pick up his/her
Resource Centers in each school provide replacement instruction              STUDENT SERVICES                                                      child to take him/her home. A complete physical is required for
and/or assistance with academic subjects and the development of              A guidance staff that includes one counselor in the Elementary        children in kindergarten, fourth, seventh and tenth grades.
organization and study skills. Self-contained classrooms at all three        School, three at the Middle School and four at the High School
schools provide individualized instruction for students with learning        supports the academic program. At ACS, the guidance counselor         AFTER SCHOOL CHILD CARE
and multiple disabilities.                                                   provides advice, support, and help in educational and personal        Leonia School Age Child Care (SACC), an organization run by an
                                                                             development for the students at ACS. This is accomplished by          independent board, provides child care services for students
ENRICHMENT PROGRAMS                                                          meeting students in both the group setting and individual             in grades Pre-K to 6 at Anna C. Scott School. Students can be
Our district offers enrichment services at each grade level for              meetings where topics such as peer pressure, tolerance and study      dropped off as early as 7:00am and picked up no later than
students who possess or demonstrate high levels of ability, in               skills are discussed.                                                 6:00pm. SACC can be reached at (201) 944-6715.
one or more content areas, when compared to their chronological              The school counselor is also available as a resource to parents who
peers in the district. At ACS, our Kindergarten through Second                                                                                     AFTER SCHOOL ENRICHMENT
                                                                             may have questions or concerns about their child. At the middle       Our district offers after school enrichment classes for ACS
Grade students have a Math Enrichment period for students to                 school, counselors provide counseling services, both individual
engage in problem-based math problems designed to extend their                                                                                     students in grades 1 to 4. A variety of courses are offered for a fee.
                                                                             and group, monitor student achievement, maintain open lines           Please keep an eye out for more information from ACS school.
thinking as they analyze and apply various mathematical concepts.            of communication between parents and staff and oversee
Our students in Grades 3-5 participate in a Global Citizens unit             standardized testing. At the high school, the guidance counselors     COMMUNICATIONS WITH THE PUBLIC
that provides students with the opportunities to develop their               provide career and college counseling, as well as support services    More information on our district and schools can be found at our
interdisciplinary problem-solving abilities. Students in grades 6-8          for youths at risk.                                                   district website: https://www.leoniaschools.org/
are identified and enrolled in portfolio classes in Language Arts,
Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies.                                    I&RS COMMITTEE                                                        For parents/guardians, please register for our school Remind
                                                                             The Intervention & Referral Services (I&RS) Committee is made up      accounts to receive text updates, alerts, and information.
At the high school, students are identified and enrolled in Advanced
Placement and Honors courses in a number of subjects. High school            of school administrators, teachers, counselors, child study team
                                                                                                                                                   HOME AND SCHOOL ASSOCIATION
students can also participate in Dual Enrollment classes to receive          members, and parents. The I&RS committee meets to discuss
                                                                                                                                                   Each school has an active Home and School Association. Members
college credits, while completing their high school requirements.            strategies and resources for faculty and parents to employ within
                                                                                                                                                   raise funds for special programs and trips, for teacher wish-list
                                                                             the general education curriculum to better support the individual
                                                                                                                                                   items, and for scholarships. Volunteers are always needed to help
ENGLISH LANGUAGE LEARNERS                                                    student’s needs.
                                                                                                                                                   on field trips, to assist in the library, to perform at assemblies, to
Leonia is a diverse community with over 40 languages spoken in
                                                                             FOOD SERVICES                                                         contribute to bake sales, to help at special events, to translate, to
our homes. The ESL program serves students who are limited in
                                                                             All three schools have a cafeteria and provide low cost,              participate in career days, and much more. If you have a special
their ability to speak English. ESL courses are available at each
                                                                             nutritionally balanced hot and cold breakfast and lunch service       talent you’d like to share, please contact the Home and School
grade level and help our English Learners develop and improve oral
                                                                             daily. Free or reduced price breakfast and lunch are available to     chair at your school or attend one of their scheduled meetings
communication, reading, and writing skills in English.
                                                                             students who qualify under state and federal programs.                listed in this calendar.
HIGH SCHOOL ACADEMY PROGRAM                                                  Applications are available electronically on the district website:    In addition to the regular H&SA monthly meetings, the high
LHA hosts seven academies, the Leonia Academy of STEM with                   https://www.leoniaschools.org/apps/pages/lunchapplication.            school H&SA Education Committee meets monthly with the
six concentrations (LAS); the Leonia Academy for Hospitality and                                                                                   principal to share curriculum topics.

 AC S E LE ME N TARY S CHOOL                                                      L EO N IA M ID D L E SC H O O L                                           LE O N IA H IG H S CH O O L

 100 Highland Street                                                           500 Broad Avenue                                                       100 Christie Heights Street
 (201) 302-5200 FAX (551) 307-1640                                             (201) 302-5200 FAX (551) 307-1642                                      (201) 302-5200 FAX (551) 307-1646

 Principal		            Dr. Maria Martinez Ext. 2200                           Principal          Mr. David Saco           Ext. 3200                  Principal              Mr. Charles Kalender           Ext. 5200
 Vice-Principal         Mr. Erich Breyer Ext. 2201                             Vice-Principal     Ms. Aprel King           Ext. 3201                  Vice-Principal         Mr. Mark Sernatinger           Ext. 5201
                                                                                                                                                      Director of Student Services & Testing

                                                                                                                                                                             Ms Adrienne Stein              Ext. 5210
 CONFERENCES & REPORT CARDS                                                    REPORT CARDS AND CONFERENCES
                                                                                                                                                      Athletic Director      Mr. Steve Perrotta             Ext. 5208
 Conferences are held with parents at least once a year.                       Grades are available on the parent portal in Genesis. Parents
 Report cards are available electronically through our                         can login at any time to view current grades. Parents are              REPORT CARDS
 Parent Portal website. If you do not have a Parent Portal                     welcome to arrange conferences with individual teachers.               Report cards are available online and can be accessed at any time.
 account, please contact your school’s main office. Here is                    These can be scheduled via the teacher’s email.
 the link to access our Parent Portal website: https://parents.                                                                                       EXAMS AND PROFICIENCY TESTS
 genesisedu.com/leonia/sis/view?gohome=true                                    EXAMS AND PROFICIENCY TESTS                                            Final exams and midterm exams of 90 minute duration are
                                                                               Students in grades 5-8 participate in the state-mandated               given in all classes. Advanced Placement tests are required
 CURRICULUM                                                                    assessments, usually done in May. Our students also                    for any student enrolled in an advanced placement course.
 Students receive instruction in language arts, math,                          participate in Renaissance Learning STAR testing for Math              The Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT), which is required by
 science, social studies, world languages, computers, art,                     and Language Arts, three times a year.                                 most colleges for admission, is administered at LHS.
 music, physical education, library, and science lab.
                                                                               LMS REQUIRED COURSES                                                   GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS
 KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION                                                     Each grade is required to take a full year of Science, Math,           Satisfactory completion of 130 credits.
 All children who are five years old on or before October                      Social Studies, Language Arts, and Physical Education. Each            • 4 years of English
 1 are registered and developmentally screened for the                         grade participates in a different cycle experience, which              • 4 years of Physical Education and Health
 full-day kindergarten program. Registration takes place in                    changes with each marking period.                                      • 3 years of Social Studies
 the spring at ACS (see calendar for dates) and orientation                                                                                           • 3 years of Mathematics
 programs are provided.                                                        NOTICES SENT HOME                                                      • 3 years of Science (including Biology and Chemistry)
                                                                               Our district uses Remind to communicate important
                                                                                                                                                      • 1 year of World Language
 NOTICES SENT HOME                                                             information, notices, and updates. Please contact your
                                                                                                                                                      • 1/2 year Financial Literacy
 Our district uses Remind to communicate important                             school’s main office for more information.
                                                                                                                                                      • 5 credits of Fine or Performing Arts
 information, notices, and updates. Please contact your
 school’s main office for more information.                                                                                                           • 5 credits 21st century

          EDGEWATER SCHOOLS                                                                                                                           LEONIA HIGH SCHOOL ANNEX

 (201) 945-4106 FAX (201) 945-4109                                                                                                                    542 Grand Avenue
 www.edgewaterschools.org                                                                                                                             (201) 302-5200 Ext. 4200
 Superintendent Mrs. Siobhan Tauchert                                                                                                                 Supervisor of Special Services Mr. Anthony Servis
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