Learning at Home Guide for Parents - Coorparoo Secondary ...

Page created by Keith Nguyen
Learning at Home Guide for Parents - Coorparoo Secondary ...
Learning at Home Guide for Parents.
      Welcome to term 2! This term we are saving lives by doing our learning a little
       differently. The message is very clear – stay home! Some of our students have
       parents or caregivers who are still required to attend their workplace so the
       students of essential worker will attend CSC campus for supervision of their
       online learning.
      All students will be learning online from the same resources organised by your
       teachers. The teachers will provide the work and activities for supervision by
       the parents and caregivers.

Who can attend onsite at CSC?

From the start of Term 2 until 22 May 2020 inclusive, all students will be learning from home, except for students in
the following categories:
                    • Children of essential workers on days when they are not able to be supervised at home and no
                      other arrangements can be made. Essential worker means any worker who must continue to
                      attend their workplace for essential business during this time.
                    • Vulnerable children include children identified by schools or who:
                      – are currently receiving services from Child Safety, including children who are subject to a
                          child protection order
                      – are subject to a youth justice order.
                    • Children in designated Indigenous communities.
If your student does NOT meet one of the categories listed above they are to be supervised at home.

School Hours

The school office will be open from 8:15am to 3:30pm Monday to Friday.
The number for general enquiries is: 3394 8888
The email address for enquiries is admin@coorparoosecondarycollege.eq.edu.au
Form class will start at 8:50am every day.
The school day finishes at 2:50pm.

Timetables and Routines

      We will email you a copy of your student’s timetable on Monday morning (20th of April). Students will be
       familiar with their timetables from Term 1.
      If your student is in Senior School (years 10 to 12) there will be blank spaces where sport and access were
      If your student is in Junior Secondary (years 7 to 9) there will be blanks where your student was previously
       doing elective classes, access and sport. Our focus for week one is establishing a routine with our core
       subjects of English, Maths, Science and HASS (Humanities). From week 2 we will offer students options in
       the Arts and HPE.
      Each subject is accessed via The Learning Place using their EQ username and password. The work will be
       uploaded for completion each week.
      It is essential to ensure that time is provided at frequent intervals for handwashing and for activities away
       from the laptop.
Learning at Home Guide for Parents - Coorparoo Secondary ...
At the start of each day – form class

       The school day starts at 8:50am each day.
       The first action every day is for your students will log on and check their email.
       Every morning the students will receive an email from the principal. This email will contain notices for the
        day and a survey link for students to record their attendance. Students will need to complete this survey by
        9:15am every morning.
       We will still be tracking attendance whether it be online or at school. If your student is unwell and will be
        absent from their learning, please let the school office know wither by phone or email.
       Every Monday from week 2, our students will do a wellbeing check in via a survey.

At the end of each day – checking out and finishing on a positive note

       At the end of each day, make sure that you are prepared for the following day by preparing your equipment
        – notebooks, textbooks and laptops.
       Think about what worked well for that day.
       Consider if you need to email a teacher or someone at CSC to resolve any issues from the day.
       Do a final check of your emails for the day.


       The students of essential workers who will be in attendance at CSC will wear their formal uniform daily.
        Sports uniforms can be worn on Wednesdays.
       For students learning at home, student do not need to wear their uniforms.


 CSC Schoolwide expectations for ICT USE and Learning @ Home
 I am safe                            I am respectful                           I am responsible
    • Use my device for learning         • Use the device                           Report any issues to your
       when I am in class at home.          appropriately.                            teacher or parent.
    • Use the appropriate                • Consider the tone and                    Use the internet safely.
       program.                             manner in your                          Protect your username and
    • Do not share my username              communications online.                    password.
       or password.

Our students are familiar with our school wide expectations. I am safe, I am respectful and I am responsible on my
way to school, at school and on my way home from school. We will continue to use these expectations as they can
also guide our online behaviour.

At School we guide our behaviour when we are learning through three zones – green, yellow and red. This is what
it will look like for term 2.

Working in the green zone:

       Logging on to the Learning Place during your assigned lesson time.
       Being prepared with the equipment that might be needed for each subject
       Making contact with your teacher at the designated time and using the correct protocols

Heading to the yellow/orange zone:

       No contact made with teacher after the teacher has requested or followed up on lack of engagement.
       Work not completed
       Work not completed to the required expectation
       Work or assessment deadlines missed
       Breach of student online learning protocols and routines
Learning at Home Guide for Parents - Coorparoo Secondary ...
The following behaviours will be considered in the red zone:
     use the IT resources in an unlawful manner
     download, distribute or publish offensive messages or pictures;
     insult, harass or attack others or use obscene or abusive language;
     deliberately waste printing and Internet resources;
     commit plagiarism or violate copyright laws;
     use unsupervised internet chat during a collaborate session;
     send chain letters or Spam e-mail (junk mail) using your EQ account;
     knowingly download viruses or any other programs capable of breaching the Department’s networks
IT Support

If you require IT support (e.g. to reset your password) please email admin@coorparoosecondarycollege.eq.edu.au

Please make the subject line of your email: Attention Mr Carter. In your email state your issue, the student’s name
and year level.


Keeping your child safe online is a priority.

The eSafety Commission has prepared some great resources to support parents in keeping their kids safe online.
You can access those resources here.

What is The Learning Place?

       eLearn is a virtual classroom which is accessed via The Learning
        Place and it will open on Monday 20th April. It will not be available
        before this date.
       The web address to access The Learning Place is:
       Your student can access their learning by clicking on the STUDENT
       To access the virtual classroom students will need their school
        username and password. This is the same user name and password
        used to access their emails.
       Teachers will also email information to your student about accessing
        their learning.

How to Access your Emails

You will need:

       student username
       student password
        to open up use a Browser like Chrome or Firefox and go to http://outlook.office365.com

CSC Online Etiquette

Even when we are learning online we aim to work in the green zone at all times.

I am safe, I am respectful and I am responsible on my way to school, at school, on my way from school and when I
am learning online.

Student safety online is very important:

       Do not share their user name or password with anyone
       What if something is not working?
   If you have any issues email admin@coorparooSecondarycollege.eq.edu.au and we will provide assistance.
        This email is accessed during school hours only. We will try to answer your question or provide assistance as
        quickly as we can but it could take up to 24 hours. If you email on the weekend or out of school hours you
        will need to be patient for a reply.

Email Etiquette for Students

     I have used a polite tone and have explained the reason for my email.
     I have included a greeting and the name of the recipient e.g. Dear Mrs Coogan
     If I have included an attachment I have clearly labelled it and explained the reason that I include the
     I will not type in ALL CAPITALS – this is considered to be shouting.
     I have included a salutation and my name at the end of the email. E.g. Kind regards Jack Black
     In my emails I am safe, respectful and responsible.

Online Collaborate Lesson Etiquette for Students

Some of your teachers might use Blackboard collaborate and invite you to attend a live lesson.

       I will be courteous and work in the green zone.
       Online I am safe, responsible and respectful.
       I will greet my teacher at the start of the lesson.
       I will be at my online lesson on time. If I am late I must provide my teacher with an email after the lesson to
        explain why I was late.
       I will use the participant tools as my teacher instructs me to do.
       I will listen to the teacher respectfully and follow instructions.
       I will not write or draw on the whiteboard unless I am instructed to do so.
       I will raise my digital hand to indicate that I have a question. I can type my question in the chat space.
       I will politely say goodbye at the end of the lesson through the chat function.
       If I have technical issues I will contact the teacher via email after the lesson.

Learning@Home Additional Resources

Website: https://education.qld.gov.au/curriculum/learning-at-home

This site, like our CSC curriculum is based on the Australian Curriculum. It will be useful if students are working on an
ICP (Individual Curriculum Plan) OR if your student has completed all of their designated work and are looking for
additional learning.

Student Wellbeing and Support

Student Management Team Support - our team is ready to support our
students through this new way of doing school. Our team consists of:

       Guidance Officer
       Youth Support Worker
       Community Education Counsellor
       Chaplain
       School Based Health Nurse

Our Inclusive Education Centre Support provides additional support for
students with a disability.
Frequently Asked Questions

The Department of Education has prepared a list of frequently asked questions that you might also find useful. You
can find this list by clicking here.

With my Mum hat on, I thought that this was some awesome advice – click here

Take care

Chrissie Coogan
Coorparoo Secondary College
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