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LEAD SPONSOR SUPPORTING SPONSORS - Review of Optometric Business
MAY 2020

                                                    SPECIAL REPORT

                    Telemedicine: The Time for
                           Optometry is Now

Choosing the Right Platform

Technologies for Optometry

Getting Paid

The American Telemedicine


LEAD SPONSOR SUPPORTING SPONSORS - Review of Optometric Business
Telemedicine: The Time for Optometry is Now


                    What Will “Normal” Look Like? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
                    Mike Rothschild, OD, Professional Editor

                    Telehealth, Telemedicine, or Teleoptometry – Which Term Should We Use?  . . . . . . . .  2
                    Mark R. Wright, OD, and Carole R. Burns, OD

                    The American Telemedicine Association Focuses on Ocular Telehealth . . . . . . . . . . .  4
                    Yao Liu, MD, MS

                    PRACTICE MANAGEMENT
                    Getting Paid for Telemedicine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  6
                    Brett M. Paepke, OD

                    Finding the Right Telemedicine Platform . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
                    Mike Rothschild, OD, Professional Editor

                    Telemedicine Technologies for Optometry  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
                    Robert Burke

                    Telemedicine Glossary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
                    Our Commitment to Telemedicine for Optometry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
                    Uprise by VisionWeb, Compulink, EyeCareLive, Eyefinity, ICare USA/CenterVue, Solutionreach, 2020NOW

                                         Al Greco, Publisher                                       Robert Burke, Contributing Editor
                                         John Sailer, Content Director                             Bill Scott, Jobson Research
                                         Mike Rothschild, OD, Professional Editor

   Copyright © 2020 Jobson Medical Information LLC. The reproduction, distribution, and/or display of the material in this report without permission is
   expressly prohibited. For permission, contact Marc Ferrara, CEO, Information Services Division, Jobson Medical Information, mferrara@jobson.com

   The content contained in this Special Report is for informational purposes only. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional advice.
   Reliance on any information provided in this Special Report is solely at your own risk.
LEAD SPONSOR SUPPORTING SPONSORS - Review of Optometric Business
Telemedicine: The Time for Optometry is Now

Introduction and Overview
What Will “Normal” Look Like?
There is no arguing that COVID-19 has changed             Quality care always
the world. Whether or not the changes are per-            wins in the end.
manent is yet to be seen. I like to think about how
this pandemic has impacted us in three stages.            This Special Report
                                                          on Telemedicine for
Before COVID-19: Review of Optometric                     Optometry is com-
Business was in the planning stages for a                 pletely different from
Special Report on Telemedicine for Optometry.             the one we were plan-
We were lining up writers, making outlines,               ning to bring you
doing research, and gearing up for a mas-                 this summer. This            Mike Rothschild
ter publication on a controversial topic.                 is a more focused view       Leadership OD
                                                                                       Professional Editor
                                                          of the current land-
During COVID-19: During the national emer-                scape of telemed-
gency related to the COVID-19 pandemic,                   icine with an eye on the future.
our offices reduced services or closed, we’ve
been offered opportunities for financial assis-           It includes a letter from Dr. Yau Liu, who I have
tance, and we have urgently learned how to                the pleasure of working with on the Ocular
provide (and bill for) telemedicine services.             Telehealth Special Interest Group of the American
                                                          Telemedicine Association. She is a dedicated
Following COVID-19: No one knows if we will have          ophthalmologist who serves the eye care indus-
another shutdown, but I will be prepared for one,         try as a whole. Dr. Brett Paepke understands
and I encourage you to be ready too. The time             regulations and rules more than any other op-
for a fire drill is before there is a fire. I know that   tometrist I know. He gives you the most up-to-
some optometrists who were opposed to telemed-            date billing information in this ever-changing
icine services are using them today because of            field. We also solicited a great deal of insight on
this emergency. I believe many will see the value         available platforms that are being used today
and the opportunity to properly care for patients.        to deliver telemedicine services for optometry.

When providers who genuinely care about pa-               Please enjoy this Special Report on Telemedicine
tients are providing care in innovative ways, the         for Optometry and send us your feedback for
telemedicine devices that take shortcuts and              Volume 2 as we continue to cover this evolv-
are driven by financial gain will lose their power.       ing field and the way we practice optometry.

LEAD SPONSOR SUPPORTING SPONSORS - Review of Optometric Business
Telemedicine: The Time for Optometry is Now

Telehealth, Telemedicine, or Teleoptometry
– Which Term Should We Use?
Many people tend to use the terms telehealth,            subset of the patient’s
telemedicine, and teleoptometry interchange-             overall health record
ably. As part of the medical system of care of           from all practitioners.
our patients, we need to conform to the accept-
ed medical system of terminology. Since we are           CONSIDERATION 2:
at the beginning of the use of remote health care        NATIONAL
services, we are at a place where we should de-          ORGANIZATIONS
fine terms. Here are three considerations that the       GIVE GUIDANCE
best term to use is telemedicine when an indi-           The U.S. Department
vidual doctor is delivering remote diagnosis and         of Health and Human          Mark R. Wright, OD
treatment services to an individual patient.             Services (HHS) identifies
                                                         telehealth’s definition
CONSIDERATION 1: THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN                  as broader in scope
EHR & EMR GIVES GUIDANCE                                 than that of telemedi-
This discussion began a long time ago with the           cine. According to the
difference between electronic health records             HHS, telehealth cov-
(EHR) and electronic medical records (EMR).              ers remote health care
                                                         services that are both
An EMR is the digital record of a patient’s medi-        clinical and non-clin-
cal information primarily obtained in the individu-      ical. Telemedicine re-
al practitioner’s office. The EHR is much more. The      fers just to remote          Carole R. Burns, OD
EHR contains the entire universe of all of each in-      clinical services.2
dividual patient’s health information. The EHR for
an individual patient contains all clinicians’ records   Medicaid uses the telemedicine termi-
involved in the care of that patient plus any per-       nology to define the local doctor’s re-
sonal health information about the patient, includ-      mote examination and treatment.3
ing wellness and lifestyle data as well as data from
their FitBit or their 23andMe report.1 The local doc-    The American Telemedicine Association
tor’s EMR is a subset of the patient’s total EHR.        gives the following definition:

This leads us to the understanding that the local doc-     “Telehealth and Telemedicine: Telemedicine
tor’s telemedicine exam and treatment would be a           is the use of medical information exchanged

LEAD SPONSOR SUPPORTING SPONSORS - Review of Optometric Business
Telemedicine: The Time for Optometry is Now

  from one site to another via electronic com-              the medical standard of CPT and ICD codes. The
  munications to improve patients’ health sta-              mere absence of COIT and VOIT today informs
  tus. Closely associated with telemedicine is the          us how successful the approach of going out-
  term ‘telehealth,’ which is often used to encom-          side standard medical terminology turns out.
  pass a broader definition of remote health care
  that does not always involve clinical services.           CONFUSION
  Videoconferencing, transmission of still imag-            There is a lot of confusion that currently exists.
  es, e-health (including patient portals), remote          Many people continue to use the terms telehealth
  monitoring of vital signs, continuing medical             and telemedicine interchangeably. One of the most
  education, and nursing call centers are all con-          common examples of this confusion is when it
  sidered part of telemedicine and telehealth.” 4           is written as “telehealth/telemedicine services.”
                                                            Rather than choose, both terms are used to cover
CONSIDERATION 3: NO THIRD PARTY PAYS FOR                    all bases.
As far as we are aware, teleoptometry is not                You will also see other professions struggling with
a paid service by any medical third party.                  the same issues this article discusses by calling
                                                            what they do as telepsychiatry5 or teleradiology.6
Imagine what would happen to medical third par-
ty payments if optometrists stopped billing for             CONCLUSION
medical eye examinations and started billing for            Looking at how long the confusion between the
“optometric medical eye examinations.” Since                use of the terms EHR and EMR has existed, the
no such code exists, payments would stop im-                confusion between telehealth, telemedicine, and
mediately. This suggests we should use the tele-            teleoptometry is not going to go away quick-
medicine terminology versus teleoptometry.                  ly. We can help this situation by being clearer on
                                                            our use of the term telemedicine when referring
This is not a new idea. Many years ago, optom-              to the remote examination and treatment of an
etry thought it was a good idea to create its own           individual patient by an individual practitioner.
codes to use (COIT and VOIT) instead of using


Telemedicine: The Time for Optometry is Now

The American Telemedicine Association
Focuses on Ocular Telehealth
By Yao Liu, MD, MS

Focused on accelerating the adoption of tele-        ramps up the ATA’s work providing infor-
health, the American Telemedicine Association        mation around telehealth in general.
(ATA) is in the spotlight as the coronavi-
rus pandemic has overburdened health                 Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Ocular
care providers and sent them quickly seek-           Telehealth SIG was actively sharing ideas and
ing telehealth solutions. Through its Special        collaborating on the many issues facing our pa-
Interest Groups (SIGs), the ATA address-             tients’ eye care needs. With an aging U.S. popula-
es specific areas of telehealth care, and one        tion and a limited supply of health care providers,
of those areas is the field of eye care.             we have an opportunity to leverage technology
                                                     to ensure that people have access to care when
SIGs are organized around clinical specialties       and where they need it and further expand the ca-
and unique topical areas within telehealth. SIG      pacity of our providers to care for more people.
members network with peers, promote and sup-
port telehealth applications within their spe-       SIG members are able to share unique perspec-
cialty, and provide authoritative guidance and       tives in monthly, interactive calls and webi-
information to the wider ATA membership.             nars to learn about a wide variety of innovative
                                                     ocular telehealth initiatives. Our discussions
The Ocular Telehealth SIG of the American            throughout the year have included telehealth
Telemedicine Association promotes the develop-       low vision services through the VA, a mobile
ment and advancement of the use of telemedicine      glaucoma screening unit, diabetic retinopathy
in fields related to ophthalmology, optometry, and   screening in primary care, artificial intelligence
optical engineering. Our members include indi-       algorithms, and refractive ocular telehealth.
viduals from academia, industry, government, and
health care with an interest in providing ocular     We consistently strive to challenge each oth-
care through telecommunications technology.          er to provide the safest and most effective
                                                     eye care using telehealth tools based on cur-
The ongoing work of the Ocular Telehealth            rent scientific knowledge and technological re-
SIG continues as the coronavirus pandemic            quirements to meet the needs of our patients.

Telemedicine: The Time for Optometry is Now

For example, the ATA’s Ocular Telehealth SIG          of a telehealth “tipsheet" to guide practitioners
published the 3rd American Telemedicine               as we work together to develop best practices.
Association Telehealth Practice Guidelines for
Diabetic Retinopathy along with new appendi-          As we move forward, we expect to see a wide va-
ces containing information regarding the tele-        riety of new direct-to-consumer devices as well
health management of glaucoma, retinopathy            as expanded interest from providers to explore
of prematurity, and macular degeneration, as          options for providing telehealth services to our
well as the application of artificial intelligence.   patients. We will continue to work together to
                                                      stay informed and maximize the impact of tele-
As the COVID-19 pandemic created an urgent in-        health advances. Our priority remains ensuring
terest in providing eye care to patients at home,     the highest quality, accessible care for all pa-
the Ocular Telehealth SIG shared best practices       tients by leveraging telehealth to build and main-
for delivering high-quality care during these un-     tain strong relationships with eye care providers.
precedented times. This led to the rapid creation

                                   YAO LIU, MD, MS,
                                   is chair of the Ocular Telehealth Special Interest
                                   Group of the American Telemedicine Association
                                   and assistant professor of ophthalmology of
                                   the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine
                                   and Public Health in Madison, Wisconsin.

Telemedicine: The Time for Optometry is Now

Getting Paid for Telemedicine
By Brett M. Paepke, OD, Director of ECP Services, RevolutionEHR

There’s an adage in some parts of the country that says if you don’t like the
weather now, wait a few minutes. This, of course, is based on the idea that me-
teorological conditions can change fast. That same logic applies to coding prin-
ciples surrounding telemedicine. Beginning in mid-March and in less than three
weeks’ time, CMS offered five separate updates on telemedicine policies, testing
the limits of even the most enthusiastic coding and policy student.

With that in mind, here is a brief summary of the most commonly used telemed-
icine codes in optometry along with guidance current through the updates of
                                                                                                Brett M. Paepke, OD
April 23.

                                                           Live Patient                             Informed
                                  Communication            Interaction    New Patients Patient Must Consent
 Service            Code(s)       Method(s)                Required?      Allowed?     Initiate?    Required?
 Remote Image / G2010             clinician response via   no             yes             yes             yes
 Video Evaluation                 wide range of options

 Virtual Check-In   G2012         telephone, interactive   yes            yes             yes             yes
                                  audio & video system

 E-Visit            99421-99423   patient portal, se-      no             yes             yes             yes
                                  cure e-mail

 Telephone          99441-99443   telephone                yes            yes             yes             yes
 Telemedicine       99201-99205   interactive audio        yes            yes             no              no
 Visit              99212-99215   & video system

REMOTE IMAGE / VIDEO EVALUATION                                  Approximate Reimbursement: $15
Code: G2010
Description: Remote evaluation of recorded video                  Example: A patient is told by a coworker that
and/or images submitted by an established pa-                     her right eye is bloodshot. She takes a pic-
tient (e.g., store and forward), including interpre-              ture of her eye and sends it to her optometrist.
tation with follow-up with the patient within 24                  Her optometrist lets the patient know that he’s
business hours, not originating from a related E/M                happy to provide care through discussion rath-
service provided within the previous seven days nor               er than an office visit and that she will likely
leading to an E/M service or procedure within the                 be responsible for a co-pay through her insur-
next 24 hours or soonest available appointment                    ance. The optometrist asks if she agrees to the

Telemedicine: The Time for Optometry is Now

 service. The patient provides consent. The doc-         99421: Online digital evaluation and manage-
 tor sends a message back to the patient ex-             ment service, for established patient, for up to
 plaining the condition and management plan.             seven days, cumulative time 5-10 minutes
                                                         99422: Online digital evaluation and manage-
VIRTUAL CHECK-IN                                         ment service, for established patient, for up to
Code: G2012                                              seven days, cumulative time 11-21 minutes
Definition: Brief communication technology-based         99423: Online digital evaluation and manage-
service, e.g. virtual check-in, by a physician or oth-   ment service, for established patient, for up to sev-
er qualified health care professional who can report     en days, cumulative time 21 or more minutes
evaluation and management services, provided to          Approximate Reimbursements:
an established patient, not originating from a relat-    99421: $15
ed E/ M service provided within the previous sev-        99422: $30
en days nor leading to an E/M service or procedure       99423: $50
within the next 24 hours or soonest available ap-
pointment; 5–10 minutes of medical discussion               Example: A patient notices that her left eye has
Approximate Reimbursement: $15                              been red since the morning. She logs into her
                                                            patient portal and sends her optometrist a se-
   Example: A patient is told by a coworker that            cure message. Her optometrist lets the patient
   her right eye is bloodshot. She’d rather not go          know that he’s happy to provide care through
   to the office if she doesn’t have to, so she de-         discussion rather than an office visit and that she
   cides to call her optometrist. The optometrist           will likely be responsible for a co-pay through
   lets the patient know that he’s happy to provide         her insurance. He asks if she agrees to the ser-
   care through discussion rather than an office            vice. The patient provides consent. The optom-
   visit and that she will likely be responsible for a      etrist spends 15 minutes in total over two days
   co-pay through her insurance. The optometrist            discussing the condition and codes 99422.
   asks if she agrees to the service. The patient
   provides consent. The doctor and patient dis-         TELEPHONE SERVICES
   cuss the case and agree to a management plan.         Codes: 99441, 99442, 99443
Note that a key difference between G2010 and             99441: Telephone evaluation and management of
G2012 is that the latter requires live interaction       established patient by physician - 5-10 minutes
between doctor and patient. It doesn’t need to be        99442: Telephone evaluation and management of
video based, but the two must be interacting in          established patient by physician - 11-20 minutes
real-time. G2010, on the other hand, provides flex-      99443: Telephone evaluation and management of
ibility for situations where real-time communica-        established patient by physician - 21-30 minutes
tion is not possible instead expecting the doctor to     Approximate Reimbursements:
provide a response to the patient within 24 hours.       99441: $15
                                                         99442: $30
E-VISIT                                                  99443: $40
Codes: 99421, 99422, 99423
Descriptions:                                               Example: A patient notices that her left eye

Telemedicine: The Time for Optometry is Now

    has been red since the morning. She calls                   and then bill the patient or their insurance.
    her optometrist’s office and asks to discuss          •     Finally, only G2010 and G2012 can be
    the situation with him. Her optometrist lets                billed by the same doctor for the same pa-
    the patient know that he’s happy to provide                 tient on the same day provided require-
    care through discussion on the phone rath-                  ments for both codes have been satisfied.
    er than an office visit and that she will likely
    be responsible for a co-pay through her in-           TELEMEDICINE VISITS
    surance. He asks if she agrees to the service.        Codes: 99201-99205, 99212-99215
    The patient provides consent. The optome-             Approximate Reimbursements:
    trist spends 15 minutes in total discussing the
    condition with the patient and codes 99442.
                                                              New Patients             Established Patients
Important notes about each of the previous services:          Code    Reimbursement    Code        Reimbursement
• Per April 3 guidance, all claims for services list-
                                                              99201   $47
   ed above provided to Medicare Part B patients
   should carry a place of service of 11: Office              99202   $77              99212       $46
• By definition, “telemedicine” describes ser-                99203   $109             99213       $76
   vices that are inherently face-to-face/in-per-             99204   $167             99214       $110
   son but are taking place in a different man-
                                                              99205   $211             99215       $148
   ner. Since none of the services above are ever
   provided in office, none are truly considered
   telemedicine. As such, no additional mod-                    Example: A patient experiences the onset of sea-
   ifiers should be required by the payor.                      sonal allergies and associated eye symptoms.
• While official CPT descriptions limit the codes               Remembering that her optometrist now offers
   to “established patients,” CMS has added flexi-              virtual visits, she uses the OD’s interactive audio
   bility during the current public health emergen-             and video system of choice to be seen. The OD
   cy to allow “new” patients to also be eligible.              takes a case history, evaluates specific aspects
• CMS approval for telephone services was an-                   of the eye to the best of her ability through vid-
   nounced on April 2, 2020. Since CMS has not                  eo and initiates a treatment and management
   traditionally paid for telephone calls it stands             plan. The OD codes the encounter at the lev-
   to reason that some early claims for tele-                   el that best represents the elements addressed
   phone visits could be incorrectly rejected.                  within the case history and physical exam along-
• Note that each of the above requires patient con-             side the degree of medical decision making.
   sent. This consent is intended to make the pa-
   tient aware of the limitations of virtual care and     Important notes about Telemedicine Visits:
   the fact that it will be a fee-based service. Verbal   • Per April 3 guidance, all claims for services list-
   consent is okay at the present time in the inter-         ed above should carry a place of service of 11:
   est of removing obstacles to accessing care.              Office. Payors outside of Medicare might prefer
• Related, note that each of the above requires              a place of service of 02 to indicate telemedicine.
   the patient to initiate the visit. In other words,     • Telemedicine Visits require live audio and vi-
   an OD cannot call a patient out of the blue               sual interaction between doctor and patient.

Telemedicine: The Time for Optometry is Now

      This is noted on the claim via use of -95 mod-        •    Why is the visit taking place?
      ifier (“Synchronous Telemedicine Service              •    What was performed?
      Rendered via Real-Time Interactive Audio              •    What is the management plan?
      and Video Telecommunications System”)
•     In the interest of making telemedicine as ac-         It’s also good practice to include key de-
      cessible as possible during this time, the            tails related to the provision of tele-
      Department of Health and Human Services an-           medicine and the specific service:
      nounced on March 18 that traditionally non-HI-        • Who initiated the discussion?
      PAA compliant platforms such as FaceTime and          • What communication method was used?
      Skype could be used to accomplish real-time           • How much time was spent in pro-
      interactive audio and video communication.                 viding the service?
      Additionally, the Office for Civil Rights announced   • Was informed consent obtained?
      that they would not impose any HIPAA penal-
      ties as a result of the use of these systems.         Ultimately, opinions abound regarding the role tele-
•     Incorporating ideas from CPT plans for the 2021       medicine plays in optometric practice. Importantly,
      calendar year, CMS clarified on April 7 that code     the clinician gets to make the decision about the
      selection for telemedicine visits during the pub-     degree to which they are comfortable practic-
      lic health emergency can be based on either:          ing telemedicine. So, while this article seeks to
          • Medical decision making (MDM) alone; or         serve as a foundation for what’s possible, none
          • Time alone                                      of it is a formal recommendation as the read-
                • If time alone is used, all physician      er is ideally positioned to make decisions in the
                   time associated with the service that    best interest of their practice and patients.
                   day should be considered, and the
                   following thresholds should be used:

    New Patients            Established Patients                REFERENCES
    Code    Time            Code        Time                    Physicians and Other Clinicians: CMS Flexibilities
                                                                to Fight COVID-19, Centers for Medicare
    99201   10 minutes                                          & Medicaid Services (March 30, 2020)
    99202   20 minutes      99212       10 minutes
                                                                CMS Telemedicine Fact Sheet (March 17, 2020)
    99203   30 minutes      99213       15 minutes
                                                                Notification of Enforcement Discretion
    99204   45 minutes      99214       25 minutes              for Telehealth Remote Communications
    99205   60 minutes      99215       40 minutes              During the COVID-19 Nationwide Public
                                                                Health Emergency (March 30, 2020)

                                                                CMS-1693-F: Revisions to Payment Policies
Questions will naturally pop up regard-                         under the Medicare Physician Fee Schedule,
ing how to document telemedicine services,                      Quality Payment Program and Other Revisions
and it can be helpful to apply the same princi-                 to Part B for CY 2019: https://www.gov-
ples as in-person care. For example, the med-                   pdf/2018-24170.pdf (November 28, 2018)
ical record should answer the following:

Telemedicine: The Time for Optometry is Now

Finding the Right Telemedicine Platform
By Mike Rothschild, Leadership OD

The use of telemedicine has radically expand-                           technology, half are ready and some are still
ed since the COVID-19 outbreak. The expansion                           not sure they will being jumping in at all.
has been at near-panic levels due to the extent
of our world-wide “shutdown.” Optometrists are                          The same survey asked which platform was be-
generally careful and thoughtful in our move                            ing used to see patients using Virtual, At-Home
to change, but this warranted swift action.                             Visits (VAHoV). It is clear that we are gravitating
                                                                        toward three distinct providers during this time:
Our offices were closed to routine patient
care, telemedicine services were expand-                                    Doxy.me: 27.3%
ed, and HIPAA restrictions were given a break.                              Zoom: 26.1%
With all of this momentum, optometrists                                     EyecareLive: 12.5%
jumped into the realm of telemedicine with-                                 Other: 11.4%
out any time to prepare or plan or analyze.                                 22.7%% say they “Do Not Know” what platform
                                                                            they will be using to connect with patients.
A recent survey polled eyecare practices
around the world about our plans and expe-                              During the continuing social distancing directives
rience with Virtual, At-Home Visits (VAHoV)                             and persistent risk to patients and staff, we must
and shows that less half of us have al-                                 be able to provide a communication platform with
ready begun seeing patients utilizing virtual                           our patients to stay in touch and provide quality

       Have you conducted any Virtual At-Home Visits?                         What Platform Do (Will) You Use to Perform VAHoV’s?

                     49%                 43%


                                                                                    I don’t know          Doxy.me           EyecareLive
     Not yet, but ready    Haven’t, Not Sure I will     Have Done It
                                                                                                   Zoom             Other

                                               Survey Source: TheTeleOp.com sign up data. N=103

Telemedicine: The Time for Optometry is Now

care. A multitude of potential solutions exist, but     That's it! It keeps a tidy log of all the calls made,
knowing who to go with can be a challenge.              when they were made, and how long they last-
                                                        ed.” However, she is still working on getting it
As you consider utilizing a platform, it is important   fully implemented into her day, “I have not found
to consider three scenarios where you may use it:       a way to schedule patients in the virtual waiting
  1. During the current COVID-19                        room. In the future, I would like to be able to have
     related emergency                                  a list of expected patients at expected times.”
  2. During the next potential national “shutdown”
  3. Providing ongoing ancil-                           Zoom.us is being used almost as much by op-
     lary care to your patients                         tometrists to perform VAHoV’s, probably due to
                                                        its enormous popularity as a COVID-19 commu-
According to the survey, most doctors perform-          nication tool. It seems that most schools have
ing VAHoV’s have elected to utilize Doxy.me             adopted Zoom to teach classes to remote stu-
primarily due to its ease of use for the patient        dents. All sorts of groups are utilizing the ro-
and the provider. Keshav Bhat, OD, from North           bust, reliable, easy-to-use platform to stay con-
Carolina said, “Doxy.me is a web-based plat-            nected. I haven’t heard of a Zoom Zumba class
form where I simply share my personalized room          yet, but I think that’s a golden opportunity.
URL with patients to start a meeting. The URL
is all that is required for the patient. A custom-      Zoom has been a telemedicine provider for sev-
izable waiting room welcomes and engages the            eral years with a strong presence in the American
patient until I am ready. It is very reassuring to      Telemedicine Association. It has an established
the patient seeing and listening to you, but I'm        HIPAA-compliant service with a BAA and oth-
left with a lingering question about the nature         er safety protocols, and it is available for a fee.
of my diagnosis until I follow up in 24 hours.”
                                                        With the relaxation of the HIPAA restrictions
Doxy.me requires a BAA and is HIPAA compli-             during the COVID-19 national emergency, Zoom
ant. There is a free version, and upgrades are          users can be confident without the health care
available to unlock more premium features               agreement. Communications are encrypted on
such as photos and payment processing.                  both ends of the connection, so privacy be-
                                                        comes the responsibility of the end users. Zoom
Brittany McMurren, OD, in California enjoys the         allows staff members to attend the VAHoV as
simplicity of the program. “It is very simple for       well to take care of any documentation, pay-
the patients to interact with. You literally click      ment information, or demographic confirmation.
the link on your device and type your name.

Telemedicine: The Time for Optometry is Now

A recommended Zoom protocol is to schedule            features such as medication reminders.
a Zoom Meeting with a patient and communi-
cate the meeting for an agreed-upon time. Upon        “I can see us using it as a long-term extension of
connecting, a staff member can confirm priva-         our clinic to add an extra personal touch to pa-
cy, verify any needed information, and discuss        tients who may need it or to stay in touch with
the payment arrangements for today’s visit.           patients who are in situations that can limit their
Providers can then activate their camera and be-      ability to be seen in our office,” said Dr. Robben.
gin the consultation. At the end, the staff mem-
ber can re-engage, make any needed orders,            EyecareLive requires a subscription and is
take payment, and schedule any follow care.           HIPAA compliant.

With a cloud-based record-keeping system,             NOW WHAT? BACK TO THE
all scheduling, documentation, communica-             THREE CONSIDERATIONS:
tion, and billing can be done as if in the office.    1. During the current COVID-19 related emergency
                                                         – Just do something. TheTeleoptometrist.com
EyecareLive is built specifically for eyecare and        is a free tool available and is designed for the
ranks third on the survey. Jerry Robben, OD, is the      sole purpose of converting patients on your
chief optometrist for Bowen Eye and Associates           schedule to Virtual, At-Home Visits. Pick a
in Jacksonville, Florida. He says, “EyecareLive          solution that works for now and get to it.
has allowed me to care for patients that we, oth-     2. During the next potential national “shutdown” –
erwise, likely wouldn't have been able to see,           This time, we were all caught off guard. It is up
due to the restrictions we are all currently un-         to us to be ready next time. Some predict it will
der. For those patients, they have thoroughly            be this fall. It is critical that you have a plan.
appreciated our ability to see them in this way,      3. Providing ongoing ancillary care to your
young and old alike.” To communicate the avail-          patients – Most who are trying to deliver tele-
ability of the service, Dr. Robben explained, “We        medicine services are realizing the value it
also provide them with a written overview, in            can have under “normal” circumstances. Take
that email or on the social media post, of how           notes so you don’t lose the lessons, and con-
to go about using it. We also encourage inter-           sider long-term use of telemedicine services.
ested patients to contact our office for assis-
tance with getting started with the platform.”        Speaking to doctors who are incorporating this
                                                      technology into their practices all agree that
EyecareLive has built-in vision-specific test-        flexibility and improvising are key. If your pa-
ing including Visual Acuity, Dry Eye survey, and      tient is having difficulty connecting, don’t be
a contact lens survey. It solicits a chief com-       hesitant to try something else. (Right now,
plaint that the patient is able to enter direct-      even FaceTime works!) The more you keep
ly into the app and guides them on taking and         trying, the easier and the better it gets.
uploading photos or videos of their eyes. The
downloadable app allows patients to sched-            That’s why we call it “practice.”
ule a consultation with their provider and has

Telemedicine: The Time for Optometry is Now

Telemedicine Technologies for Optometry
Here is a selection of some of the companies               their exam. The exam includes having an ophthalmic
providing telemedicine technologies (this list is not      technician handling autorefraction, take photos of
comprehensive):                                            the eyes and determines a patient’s current prescrip-
                                                           tion, while conversing with the patient via live remote
20/20NOW provides optometrists with telemedicine           video. The information is then sent to an optome-
capabilities to care for patients both in and out of the   trist who will discuss the results via remote video.
office. ODs can more safely see patients, add exam
capacity, extend practice hours and locations, and in-     Doxy.me is a telemedicine system that requires no
crease their ODs’ productivity by conducting remote        downloads for patients, who can create a synchro-
comprehensive digital eye exams. An in-office tech-        nous connection with their ECP via a specific URL.
nician does pretesting while the rest of the exam is       There is a free version available; the paid accounts
performed by a remote technician and the optometrist       offer extras such as text and email notifications and
followed by a video conference to discuss the exam         the ability to receive payments. The communications
results and prescription. The optometrist can conduct      are encrypted, and the service is HIPAA compliant.
the exam remotely or use a 20/20NOW doctor to fill
in when needed. The company has recently launched          EyecareLive offers a digital platform that allows ECPs
a HIPAA-compliant telemedicine program that lets           and patients to access each other online, any time.
ODs conduct eye care consultations with patients at        Patients can download the app and reach out to their
home. There are no minimum exam requirements,              ECP from home, send images of their eyes, and ar-
and currently ODs can acquire any needed diagnostic        range a live video chat, making it both synchronous
and telemedicine equipment with no upfront cost.           and asynchronous. A patient with dry eye can take an
                                                           in-app SPEED test, and the results can be reviewed
Compulink’s Eyecare Advantage offers a num-                online by the ECP. Plus, a myopic child can use the
ber of practice-management tools, such as its              EyecareLive app to take an at-home screening test
OneTab EHR software that lets ECPs document                and let an ECP review the status of their myopia.
and exam from a single screen. Its telemedicine
function supports synchronous video and au-                EyecarePro has a telemedicine platform called
dio chat with patients. MyEyeStore lets a practice         GetSetCare that practices can use for synchronous
sell products through online ordering. Its telemed-        emergency consults, dry eye check-ins, vision ther-
icine software lets ECPs connect remotely with             apy sessions, and ongoing appointments for pa-
patients via real-time video and audio chat.               tients with chronic ocular diseases or conditions.
                                                           GetSetCare allows practices to set their telemedicine
Digital Optometrics offers a synchronous digital plat-     schedules, and patients can book through the prac-
form that connects patients and ECPs using video-          tices’ own websites. GetSetCare is HIPAA compliant.
conferencing and remotely performed eye exams.
The service requires patients to come to an opto-          Eyefinity EHR has fully integrated telehealth capa-
metric location, and the company emphasizes the            bilities. Providers can leverage their cloud-based
convenience to patients, who can walk in and have          optometric software to provide remote care for
Telemedicine: The Time for Optometry is Now

consultations, supervision, and medication man-             percent or 200˚ of the retina in a single image. Its de-
agement. Auto-coding helps ensure accurate billing          vices are meant for use in a professional setting but
and claims management. Soon, users will have the            capture images that can be shared in a digital format
ability to expand practice reach and deliver person-        to an ECP. Some of its devices are designed to help di-
alized care with secure, HIPAA-compliant video chat         agnose specific conditions, such as diabetic eye dis-
functionality. Doctors who wish to perform a video          ease, uveitic conditions and other choroidal pathology.
visit are able to connect with their patient and docu-
ment an exam simultaneously on the iPad app. With           SolutionReach offers SR Telehealth, which is a se-
Eyefinity EHR, users can extend care with confidence        cure, high-resolution video tool for telemedicine
using professional-grade, high-resolution video tech-       that is launched directly from a text conversa-
nology. This complete, all-in-one telehealth solu-          tion. Visits using SR Telehealth can be pre-sched-
tion is patient friendly, making it easy to offer virtual   uled, and instructions can be sent in the text or
patient visits while practicing within the Centers for      email appointment reminder. Then, a link can be
Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) regulations and          sent a few minutes before the visit through text
state guidelines, during the pandemic and beyond.           to launch the secure visit. Solutionreach lets
                                                            ECPs deliver instructions and links to a third-par-
Icare Home sells a range of tonometers for tracking         ty telehealth solution or through SR Telehealth.
intraocular pressure. Its handheld ic200 device, for
example, is designed for professional use in a clin-        Topcon Healthcare is focused on smart design and
ic and requires no eyedrops or air. Its Icare HOME          developing technologies and products that integrate
device is designed for patients to use according to         for a more proactive approach to patient diagnosis
their doctor's prescription. The results are then avail-    and treatment. Keeping pace with the ever-chang-
able online asynchronously for access by an ECP.            ing landscape of the eye care industry, especially
                                                            the now urgent need for telehealth, Topcon’s smart
NovaSight offers two systems. One is the portable           devices help optimize quality, speed, and reach of
Eyeswift vision assessment system, which provides           care. With Topcon’s automated OCTs and new re-
11 different asynchronous vision exams and does             motely controlled diagnostic instruments, doctors
not require an ECP to be present. The system was            can engage with patients, diagnose conditions,
found to provide precise detection and measure-             and recommend treatment through our connect-
ments of ocular misalignment in children aged 3 to          ed ecosystems. The potential for remote diag-
15. Its second device is the CureSight eye-tracking         nostics is urgent and tremendous, and Topcon’s
based system for lazy eye treatment. The treatment          technology is well positioned to meet these grow-
is carried out using real-time 3D image processing          ing needs as the eye care landscape evolves.
algorithms and monitors the progress of the treat-
ment automatically, providing feedback to caregiv-          Uprise Telehealth Essentials, is Uprise by VisionWeb’s
ers through a telemedicine cloud-based application,         newest software offering to assist ODs in their
and it automatically adjusts the treatment protocol.        management of remote patient visits with cus-
                                                            tomizable video and audio appointments, image
Optos offers its Optomap technology with its ul-            and video storage and access, a HIPAA-compliant
tra-widefield (UFW) that captures more of the retina        patient portal, automated telemedicine bill-
than traditional equipment, covering more than 80           ing, and electronic patient education content.

Telemedicine: The Time for Optometry is Now

Telemedicine Glossary
asynchronous: term describing “store and forward”           digital signature: hardware or device not part of
transmission of medical images and/or data because          the central computer that can provide medical
the data transfer takes place over a period of time         data input to or accept output from the computer
and typically in separate time frames. The transmis-
sion typically does not take place simultaneously.          distance learning: incorporation of video and
                                                            audio technologies, allowing students to “at-
authentication: method of verifying the identity of         tend” classes and training sessions that are
a person sending or receiving information using             being presented at a remote location
passwords, keys, and other automated identifiers
                                                            distant provider: telehealth service where pro-
bandwidth: measure of the information-carrying ca-          vider giving care is not physically on site but
pacity of a communications channel; a practical limit       is communicating directly with the patient
to the size, cost, and capability of a telehealth service   and seeing live data. Provider may be a spe-
                                                            cialist remoting or the primary caregiver
Bluetooth wireless: industrial specification for
wireless personal area networks (PANs) that pro-            distant site: site at which the physician or oth-
vides the means to connect and exchange in-                 er licensed practitioner delivering the ser-
formation between devices such as mobile                    vice is located at the time the service is pro-
phones, laptops, PCs, printers, digital cameras,            vided via telecommunications system
and video game consoles over a secure, glob-
ally unlicensed short-range radio frequency                 Electronic Data Interchange (EDI): allows one
                                                            company to send information to another com-
data compression: a reduction in the number of              pany electronically rather than with paper
bits needed to represent data to save storage ca-
pacity, speed up file transfer, and decrease costs          encryption: mathematical system for authenticat-
for storage hardware and network bandwidth                  ing digital messages or documents; valid signatures
                                                            give the recipient evidence that the message was
digital camera (still images): camera that stores im-       created by a known sender and not altered in transit
ages digitally rather than recording them on film, al-
lowing data to be downloaded to a computer system           kiosk: self-service device that can function
                                                            as patient check-in stations at clinics or doc-
Digital Imaging and Communication in Medicine               tors' offices; more advanced kiosks can per-
(DICOM): A method to reduce the volume of data              form basic diagnostic tests on patients
using encoding that results in the data having fewer
bits of information than the original dataset to re-        local area network (LAN): network set up to serve as
duce image processing, transmission times, band-            few as two or three users in a home office or sever-
width requirements, and storage requirements                al hundred users in a corporation's central office

Telemedicine: The Time for Optometry is Now

mobile telehealth: delivery and facilitation of health   and care management and delivery sys-
and health-related services including medical care,      tems that extend capacity and access
provider and patient education, health informa-
tion services, and self-care via telecommunica-          router: connects multiple networks and for-
tions and digital communication technologies             ward packets destined either for its
                                                         own networks or other networks
noise canceling: method for reducing un-
wanted sound during videoconferencing                    Rural Health Care Division (RHCD): primari-
or other electronic audio transmission                   ly engaged in furnishing outpatient services
                                                         with one or more physicians and one or more
originating site: location of the patient in a           physician assistants or nurse practitioners en-
telehealth visit                                         gaged in providing primary medical care

patient exam camera (video): devices that do not re-     teleconferencing: companies can conduct meet-
cord video but serve as a conduit for video signals      ings, customer briefs, training, demonstrations, and
                                                         workshops by phone or online instead of in person
peripheral devices: internal or external device
that connects directly to a computer but does not        teleconsultation: health care consultation car-
contribute to the computer's primary function            ried out remotely using audiovisual telecom-
                                                         munications between doctor and patient
personal area network (PAN): a comput-
er network that enables communication be-                virtual, at-home visit (VAHoV): health care vis-
tween computer devices near a person                     it delivered to a patient who is at home or oth-
                                                         er private location by a health care profession-
personal health record (PHR): electronic, universal-     al via an audiovisual connection in real time
ly available, lifelong resource of health information
needed by individuals to make health decisions           wide area network (WAN): computers con-
                                                         nected to a wide-area network are often con-
router: connects multiple networks and for-              nected through public networks such as
ward packets destined either for its                     the telephone systems or satellites
own networks or other networks
                                                         WiFi: technology that allows computers, smart-
teleconferencing: companies can conduct meet-            phones, or other devices to connect to the
ings, customer briefs, training, demonstrations, and     internet or communicate with one anoth-
workshops by phone or online instead of in person        er wirelessly within a particular area

teleconsultation: health care consultation car-
ried out remotely using audiovisual telecom-
munications between doctor and patient

telemedicine: technology-enabled health

Telemedicine: The Time for Optometry is Now

Uprise EHR and Practice Management Helping You
Manage Remote Visits With Your Patients
Since its inception, Uprise by VisionWeb has been securely cloud-
based, remotely accessible for patients and doctors, and designed
to reduce data entry during exams. Given that a robust and inte-
grated online patient portal, custom EHR templates, and 24/7 re-
mote access to patient data are necessary to provide telehealth
services, Uprise already has the tools to support practices that are
implementing remote care during these unprecedented times of so-
cial distancing. The newest software offering, Uprise Telehealth
Essentials, is offered month-to-month without a long-term con-
tract for practices that need an EHR software that allows them to
test out telemedicine and monitor how their patients respond.

•   Customizable appointment types to help manage video or two-way audio appointments
•   Easy storage and access of images or videos from patients
•   An integrated patient portal allowing HIPAA-compliant messaging with patients
•   Automated required billing codes during telehealth exams
•   Patient education content sent directly to their patient portal or email
•   Customizable exam content that supports documentation of remote visits
•   Code modifiers reviewed by our team of billing experts if
    bundled with VisionWeb’s Revenue Cycle Management Services
Founded in 2000, VisionWeb helps all eye care practices boost practice effi-
ciency, maximize claim reimbursements, and allows ODs to focus on their pa-
tients. VisionWeb is constantly optimizing its industry-leading online ordering plat-
form, Uprise EHR & Practice Management, and Revenue Cycle Management services.

VisionWeb keeps a pulse on industry updates and creates content that fills important informa-
tion gaps for optometrists. Especially during times of uncertainty, it can be helpful to view a broad-
er perspective on the eye care industry, including emerging technology, business strategy, and
interviews with prominent ODs. VisionWeb regularly produces free educational webinars, busi-
ness management ebooks, and blogs to further its mission of supporting profitable practices.

Check out VisionWeb’s products and services at www.visionweb.com

Telemedicine: The Time for Optometry is Now

All-In-One EHR Solution Includes
Integrated Telemedicine
In today’s uncertain times, it is no secret that telemed-   They can then register ahead of time before their virtual
icine has become more of a necessity than ever be-          exam or their in-office visit. During the encounter, you
fore. Compulink’s Eyecare Advantage SMART Practice®         can document the entire exam on a single tab custom-
all-in-one EHR solution includes integrated telehealth      izable to your needs. This allows you to see all the in-
and online services to keep your practice operating         formation you need at any given time. Once the exam
both in-office and via virtual exam. Integrated tele-       is coded, Compulink’s Revenue Cycle Management
health allows you to easily document an exam on one         team can handle any insurance claims on your behalf,
tab while speaking directly with the patient via their      work denials and provide you with detailed reporting.
phone or computer. Not only that, but this solution has     Next, your patients can pay their bill through the in-
much more to offer including PracticeWatch®, Virtual        cluded Online Bill Pay. With both RCM and Online Bill
Assistant, online patient registration, automated bill-     Pay, you no longer need in-house billers to run your
ing, and e-commerce. With this full suite of technology,    business. Lastly, you can sell contact lenses, solu-
you are able to run your practice with automation, effi-    tions, and other products online via subscriptions
ciency, and minimal human contact like never before.        and have them delivered directly to your patient with
                                                            our integrated e-commerce solution, MyEyeStore.
From the beginning to the end of the patient experi-
ence, Eyecare Advantage leverages technology in the         Eyecare Advantage SMART Practice® gives you the
pursuit of efficiency. This solution allows the patient     tools you need to run your business… with the ef-
to conveniently schedule an appointment online, com-        ficiency, functionality, and automation to thrive.
plete with automated text reminders and confirmations.

By Eye Doctors for Eye Doctors, EyecareLive
Extends Your Practice
EyecareLive is a HIPAA-compliant and secure tele-           take in-app eye tests and questionnaires to better as-
medicine platform, built by eye doctors for eye doctors.    sess their eye health and/or monitor disease states
Helping optometrists and ophthalmologists improve           over time, quickly and easily connect with their doctor
efficiency, enhance patient engagement, and increase        via live video chat to triage care, and much more. Our
revenue, the EyecareLive platform extends care be-          validated and registered visual acuity test provides pa-
yond the four walls of the practice and enhances the        tients and doctors with real time feedback and results,
doctor-patient relationship while providing patients        aiding in better care and increased reimbursement.
with greater access to their own eye care provider.
                                                            Post-pandemic, telemedicine will have a perma-
Designed and built using AOA and AAO guidelines for         nent place in health care. EyecareLive can help you
responsible telemedicine, EyecareLive does not re-          create a hybrid clinic that functions alongside your
place an in-office eye exam, but rather it connects         in-office care. Start maximizing your revenue and im-
ECPs with their own patients and re-establishes the         proving your operational flow. It’s time to take your
ECP as the primary resource for eye-related concerns.       practice to the next level. It’s time for EyecareLive.
Using EyecareLive technology, patients can interact
with their doctor through HIPAA-compliant messaging,

Telemedicine: The Time for Optometry is Now

Integrated, HIPAA-compliant Telehealth Capabilities
in Eyefinity EHR
Deeply rooted in optometry and backed by VSP®,              ensure accurate billing and claims management. Soon,
Eyefinity is the leading provider of practice manage-       users will have the ability to expand practice reach and
ment and electronic health record solutions, custom-        deliver personalized care with secure, HIPAA-compliant
ized for the eye care industry. The company offers          video chat functionality that can be launched direct-
an array of integrated solutions that strengthen the        ly from Eyefinity EHR. This provides a complete, all-
patient experience and increase practice revenue.           in-one telehealth solution that is patient friendly.

Eyefinity EHR, the company’s cloud-based electron-          Eyefinity EHR leverages the most advanced, se-
ic health record software, is used by more than 4,500       cure technology. Data is accessible anytime,
doctors nationwide practicing in a variety of settings—     anywhere there is internet access with unlimit-
from independently owned to subleased and corporate.        ed secure, HIPAA-compliant cloud storage.
The platform enables staff to stay connected in real
time, whether in the practice or operating remotely.        Together, Eyefinity and VSP are working to provide
                                                            immediate, interim, and long-term solutions to help
With integrated telehealth capabilities in Eyefinity EHR,   practices continue seeing patients in new ways. VSP
providers can offer virtual patient visits while practic-   has a dedicated telemedicine resource portal that in-
ing within the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services     cludes FAQs, reference guides, and marketing ma-
(CMS) regulations and state guidelines, during the          terials. Click here for more information about tele-
COVID-19 pandemic and beyond. The technology offers         health in Eyefinity EHR, or contact an Eyefinity Account
a way to boost convenience and accessibility of eye         Executive at 800.269.3666, option 2, to schedule a
care, especially for at-risk patient populations. Doctors   one-on-one walkthrough. For additional VSP tele-
using Eyefinity EHR can efficiently document and code       medicine resources, visit The VSP Provider Hub.
remote patient consultations, with auto-coding to help

The Next Generation in Retina and Glaucoma Diagnostics
Icare USA, Inc. and the recent merger with CenterVue        the U.S. and internationally to monitor IOP fluctuations
Inc. has enhanced its line of advanced diagnostic sys-      at HOME. Patients can easily take their pressure and
tems. Our innovative devices deliver objective, repeat-     transfer it digitally to their doctors via a web platform.
able, and accurate measurements of IOP, visual fields,
and retinal imaging in the clinic and at home. We have      Our portfolio includes the tonometry line with the
become a leader in the telemedicine space for both ret-     Icare TAO1i, ic100, ic200 and HOME tonometers.
inal imaging and IOP measurements thanks to the ease        The Automated TrueColor Confocal Fundus im-
of use and the automation of our devices.                   aging systems include the DRS, DRSplus, EIDON
                                                            Wide-Field system (with AF and FA options), as
With over 5,000 units installed, CenterVue DRS has          well as the MAIA Microperimeter and COMPASS
been a key component in several large diabetic retinal      Fundus Perimeter with fundus imaging.
screening programs. The new line of products has im-
proved its capabilities with small pupil, media opacities   Thanks to the constant investment in R&D and prod-
and field of view.                                          uct development, Icare is on the front edge of innova-
                                                            tion and ready to provide products that adapt to the
The Icare HOME has also helped patients and doctors in      new needs and business models of your practice.

Telemedicine: The Time for Optometry is Now

“We’re Here to Help”
For 20 years, Solutionreach has been in the game of           By expanding your virtual offices and services, you’ll
helping practices create stronger patient relation-           ensure your patients have access to the care they
ships and become more profitable. We are a com-               need. We understand that telemedicine is more than
pany founded on a strong belief in the impact we              just a virtual visit—it includes the entire patient jour-
can make and the hard work required to make it                ney. That’s why at Solutionreach, we offer practic-
happen. This is personal to us. The success of the            es the tools for a complete digital patient experience
practices we work with doesn’t just impact us—it              from the initial patient intake to post-appointment fol-
impacts our families and our friends as well.                 low-up. These tools include telemedicine visits, digi-
                                                              tal intake forms, text-to-pay for touchless payments,
That has never been truer than it is now. As prac-            telephone check-ins, two-way texting, and more.
tices continue to navigate the current challenges of
COVID-19 and beyond, we are here to help practices            With strong patient relationship management, prac-
use the digital tools that will help them stay safe and       tices will not only survive this challenging time…
stay open. It’s important that as practices are making        but thrive going forward. To learn more about
changes, these changes lead to a better patient ex-           our digital tools and telemedicine services, you
perience while also maintaining their levels of care.         can visit www.solutionreach.com/telehealth.

Telemedicine Solutions for Now and In the Future
20/20NOW provides optometrists with telemedicine              For patients who are unable to come to the office,
solutions to better deal with the COVID-19 recovery peri-     20/20NOW has expanded its capabilities to allow op-
od, while positioning their practice to grow in the future.   tometrists to teleconference directly with their pa-
                                                              tients for acute eye care needs and provide eye care
As offices re-open, 20/20NOW’s team of certified              consultations.
technicians and optometrists can work in conjunc-
tion with your optometrists to clear up patient back-         20/20NOW’s solution works with diagnostic instru-
logs and/or service patients whenever the optometrist         ments from most OEMs. As a result, the needed equip-
isn’t available. This allows optometrists to focus on         ment investment is lowered.
medical services and to expand their exam capacity
through an additional exam lane and expanded hours.           To help support optometrists during the COVID-19
                                                              recovery period, special bank financing is being of-
Optometrists can also see patients themselves                 fered, which allows optometrists to acquire diag-
without face-to face-contact by conducting in-office          nostic equipment with no up-front cost at extreme-
comprehensive eye exams remotely from their home or           ly low interest rates. Initial software fees are also
adjacent office.                                              waived, and there’s no minimum exam commit-
                                                              ment, so customers pay only for what they use af-
It may seem counterintuitive to consider opening a sat-       ter the equipment is in place. 2020NOW will even
ellite location with two months of lost business this         provide an optometrist at no extra charge to fill in
year, but by implementing 20/20NOW’s remote eye               for practice doctors when they’re not available.
exam system, a streamlined satellite location becomes
financially attractive. Practice owners can maximize          With 20/20NOW’s telemedicine capabilities and doc-
the efficiency of their current ODs by having them see        tor support, any eye care provider can serve pa-
patients in two places at once. You’ll be able to see         tients any time of day, any day of the week
more patients without sacrificing time with your family.

You can also read