Lavender gLazed duck with fenneL and peaches

Page created by Nancy Yang
Lavender gLazed duck with fenneL and peaches
daniel humm's RECIPES

glazed duck
with fennel and
PHOTOGRAPHY BY Francesco Tonelli

Serves 8


Duck jus
26kg duck carcasses, cut into 5cm pieces
4tbsp duck fat
900g sliced onions
450g diced carrots
450g diced celery
450g diced leeks
450g diced celery root
5tbsp tomato paste
16oz port
24oz red wine
10 sprigs thyme
2 bay leaves
25 peppercorns
1.36kg chicken feet
10l chicken stock

Duck spice
227g Szechuan peppercorns
227g dried coriander seeds
113g cumin seeds
113g dried lavender flowers

Roasted ducks
2 Muscovy ducks, head on
450g lavender honey
Salt, to season
Duck spice

Duck sauce
3 lemons
4 limes
2 oranges

                                                   FOUR 1
Lavender gLazed duck with fenneL and peaches
daniel humm's RECIPES

1kg sugar                                        wine and reduce to syrup consistency. Make           Peach Confit
3 pods star anise                                a sachet by tying the thyme, bay leaves,             Preheat the oven to 93C. Cut each peach
1 tbsp butter                                    and peppercorns in cheesecloth. Add the              into quarters. Slice cut each quarter into
450g duck Jus                                    chicken feet, carcass bones, and sachet              3 ½-moons. You should have 12 wedges
½ tsp raspberry vinegar                          to the stockpot and cover with the chicken           per peach. Dress with olive oil, lime juice,
½ tsp salt                                       stock. Bring to a simmer over medium heat            and salt. Line a rimmed baking sheet with
                                                 and skim the stock of all impurities and fats        parchment paper. Arrange the wedges on
Compressed peaches                               that rise to the top. Simmer, uncovered, over        the parchment and sprinkle with pepper
3 very firm but ripe peaches                     low heat for 5 hours, skimming every 30              and the confectioners’ sugar. Bake for 45
59ml sauternes                                   minutes. Strain through a fine-mesh chinois          minutes.
                                                 and reduce to 1l. Strain again and chill over
Peach confit                                     ice.                                                 Fennel Tears
8 large peaches                                                                                       Pull apart the fennel petals and trim the tops
2 tbsp olive oil                                 Duck spice                                           and the bottoms to make even widths. Cut
2 tbsp lime juice                                In a spice grinder, grind the Szechuan               them into 3.8x1.9cm isosceles triangles.
Salt                                             peppercorns, coriander, and cumin until              Using a paring knife, round of the bottoms to
Black pepper                                     roughly ground. Transfer to a bowl and stir in       form tear shapes. Trim them to ¹/8” thickness.
1 tbsp confectioners’ sugar                      the lavender flowers.                                Combine the white wine, Pernod, star anise,
                                                                                                      fennel seeds, and lemon peel in a small
Fennel tears                                     Roasted ducks                                        saucepan over medium heat and reduce by
2 fennel bulbs                                   Dry the ducks completely with paper towels.          half. Add ¼ cup water and the salt. Place the
118ml white wine                                 Use meat hooks to hang them by their necks           Fennel Tears and ¼ cup of the cooking liquid
2 tbsp Pernod                                    in a refrigerator with good air circulation. Allow   in a SousVide bag. Vacuum-seal and steam
3 pods star anise                                to age and dry for a minimum of 8 days and           at 90C for 35 minutes. Transfer to a bowl of
¼ tsp fennel seeds                               a maximum of 14 days. When ready to cook,            ice water. Once cool, remove the fennel tears
4 pieces lemon peel                              preheat a convection oven to 190C. Remove            from the bag.
½ tsp salt                                       and discard the neck, feet, and wing tips, and
                                                 truss the ducks with butcher’s twine. Rub            Fennel and Potato PurÉe
Fennel and potato purée                          thoroughly with honey, being sure to coat all        Bring a saucepan of salted water to a boil.
57g fennel fronds                                of the skin. Season with salt, then coat evenly      Add the fennel fronds, cooking for a few
2 tbsp butter                                    with the duck spice. Place on a roasting rack        seconds, until just wilted. Transfer to a bowl
450g fennel, diced (¼ inch)                      and roast for 8 minutes. Rotate the duck and         of ice water and, once cold, drain. Melt the
450g La Ratte fingerling potatoes, peeled        return it to the oven for another 8-9 minutes.       butter in a medium saucepan over medium
and diced (¼ inch)                               Remove from the oven, and rest for 12-15             heat. Add the diced fennel and potatoes and
1½ tsp salt                                      minutes before carving.                              sweat until soft and translucent, about 15
                                                                                                      minutes. Add 2 ½ cups water and simmer
To Finish                                        Duck Sauce                                           for 25 minutes. Purée the cooked fennel and
Brown butter                                     Zest and juice the lemons, limes, and                potatoes in a blender until smooth. Blend in
Fleur de sel                                     oranges. Combine the juices in one bowl              the blanched fennel fronds and season with
                                                 and the zests in another. Place the sugar            the salt. Pass the purée through a fine-mesh
METHOD                                           in a medium saucepan over medium heat.               tamis and chill over ice.
                                                 Caramelise to a very deep amber colour. Add
Duck jus                                         the star anise and the citrus juices to stop         To finish
Preheat the oven to 190C. Line 2 large           the cooking. Reduce by ¾, or until thick and         Warm the fennel and potato purée in a small
rimmed baking sheets with parchment              syrupy. Add the zest and butter and chill. In a      saucepan over low heat. Carve the breasts
paper. Spread the duck bones in a single         separate pot, heat the duck jus and add 1½           off of the roasted ducks. Slice into even
layer on the baking sheets and roast the         tablespoons of the citrus syrup. Season with         pieces and brush with brown butter and
bones in the oven until golden brown,            the vinegar and salt.                                season with fleur de sel. Put 2 duck slices
1-1hour 15 minutes, turning the bones over                                                            on a plate. spoon the fennel and potato
once after 20 minutes. Melt the duck fat in      Compressed Peaches                                   purée onto the plate and garnish with the
a 22l stockpot over high heat. Sautée the        Cut the peaches into quarters and slice              compressed peaches and peach confit and
onions, carrots, celery, leeks and celery root   each quarter into thin half-moons. Arrange           the tears. Finish with the duck sauce. Repeat
in the duck fat until they caramelise, about     the peaches in a SousVide bag and add the            with the remaining ingredients, to serve 8.
7-10 minutes. Add the tomato paste and           Sauternes. Vacuum-seal and allow them to
sautée until caramelised, 5-7 minutes. Add       marinate. Remove them from the bag when
the port and reduce by half. Add the red         ready to serve.

                                                                     FOUR 2 I
Lavender gLazed duck with fenneL and peaches
daniel humm's RECIPES

                                            John Dory
                                    Poached with citrus, daikon
                                     radishes and olio nuovo
                                         PHOTOGRAPHY BY Francesco Tonelli

Serves 8                                 Dried Citrus                       1 tbsp chicken stock
                                         2 pink grapefruits                 1 tbsp butter
INGREDIENTS                              2 navel oranges                    ½ tsp salt
                                         2 blood oranges
Chicken Stock                            2 tbsp confectioners’ sugar        Pickled Daikon
26kg chicken backs and necks                                                227g white balsamic vinegar
39kg ice cubes                           Citrus Beurre Blanc                57g sugar
227g diced leeks, white part only        470ml grapefruit juice             2oz salt
113g diced celery                        235ml orange juice                 1 jumbo daikon radish, about 3 inches in
113g diced celery root                   354ml lemon juice                  diameter
113g sliced shallots                     5.2kg cold butter, cubed
113g diced fennel                        1½ tsp salt                        Daikon Vinaigrette
5 white peppercorns                                                         354ml cups chicken stock
1 bay leaf                               Edamame                            118ml daikon pickling liquid (from pickled
1 sprig thyme                            450g shelled edamame               daikon recipe)

                                                          FOUR 3    I
Lavender gLazed duck with fenneL and peaches
daniel humm's RECIPES

1½ tsp honey                                      Place in the oven overnight to dehydrate.            ice. With a hand blender, slowly emulsify the
236ml canola oil                                  Cool to room temperature. Trim the citrus            canola oil into the reduction and gradually
0.3g xanthan gum                                  into 1.3cm pieces and store in an airtight           sprinkle in the xanthan gum. The vinaigrette
1 tsp salt                                        container.                                           should be white and slightly thickened.
1 pinch cayenne pepper                                                                                 Season with the salt and cayenne and store
                                                  Citrus Beurre Blanc                                  in a squeeze bottle at room temperature until
Poached John Dory                                 Combine the juices in a medium straight-             ready to use.
1.8l chicken stock                                sided saucepan and reduce to 2 cups over
5 cloves garlic, peeled and cut in half           high heat. Lower the heat to medium and              Poached John Dory
5 sprigs thyme                                    whisk in the cubed butter, little by little, until   Preheat the oven to 150C. To make the
1½ tbsp plus 1 ½ teaspoons salt                   all the butter is fully emulsified. Remove from      poaching liquid, combine the chicken stock,
113g cornstarch                                   the heat and season with the salt. Keep warm         garlic and thyme in a large pot and bring to a
8 John Dory fillets                               until ready to use.                                  rolling boil. Season with the 1½ tbsp salt. In
                                                                                                       a mixing bowl, whisk together ½ cup water
To Finish                                         Edamame                                              and the cornstarch. When the chicken stock
4 spring onions                                   Bring a pot of salted water to the boil. Add         is at a full boil, whisk in the cornstarch mixture
Fleur de sel                                      the edamame and cook for 2 minutes.                  and boil for 3 minutes to cook out the starch.
32 sprigs petite Spanish tarragon                 Transfer to a bowl of iced water, and once           Strain into a deep baking dish and allow to
4 tsp olio nuovo                                  cold, drain. Gently peel the outer membrane          cool to 60C. Place the baking dish in the oven
                                                  off of the edamame. Heat the edamame and             to keep the poaching liquid warm. Season the
METHOD                                            chicken stock in a large sautée pan over             John Dory on both sides with the remaining
                                                  medium-high heat. Once warmed through,               1½ tsp salt. Place the fillets in the poaching
Chicken stock                                     add the butter and reduce to glaze, about 1          liquid and poach until the fish can be easily
Rinse the bones well under running water for      minute. Season with the salt.                        pierced with the tip of a knife, 6-7 minutes.
5 minutes. Place the bones in a 22l stockpot,                                                          Using a fish spatula, remove the fillets from
top with the ice and bring to a simmer over       Pickled daikon                                       the poaching liquid and drain them on paper
medium heat. Skim all of the impurities and       Make a pickling liquid by heating the vinegar        towels. Rest the fish for 1 minute.
fats off the top as it simmers. After the stock   with the sugar and salt in a small saucepan
is skimmed, add the leeks, celery, celery         over medium heat. Thinly slice the daikon            To Finish
root, shallots and fennel. Make a sachet by       on a Japanese mandoline and cut the slices           Trim off the green tops of the spring onions
wrapping the peppercorns, bay leaf and            with a ring cutter that is 4.5cm in diameter.        so that 7cm remain on the bottom. Shave
thyme in a piece of cheesecloth. Add the          Place the daikon slices and 3tbsp of the             the spring onions on a Japanese mandoline,
sachet to the stock. Simmer, uncovered, for 3     pickling liquid in a SousVide bag, making            starting with the root end, about 15mm thick.
hours, skimming every 30 minutes. Strain and      sure that the slices do not overlap. Vacuum-         Reserve the spring onion shaves in ice water
chill over ice.                                   seal. Alternatively, bring the pickling liquid to    until ready to serve. Spoon 2 tbsp of the
                                                  a simmer in a small saucepan over medium             citrus beurre blanc on top of each John Dory
Dried citrus                                      heat. Place the daikon slices in a large bowl        fillet to coat evenly. Season with fleur de sel.
Preheat the oven to 80C. Cut off the top          and pour the hot liquid over them. Cool to           Place the glazed poached John Dory in the
and bottom of the citrus fruits. Remove the       room temperature.                                    centre of a plate. Arrange 6 Daikon pickles
rind, along with any white pith. With a paring                                                         and 2tbsp edamame on and around the fish.
knife, cut between the membranes to yield         Daikon vinaigrette                                   Garnish with 2 spring onion shaves, 4 petite
individual segments of fruit. Line up the         Combine the chicken stock, daikon pickling           Spanish tarragon sprigs and 1 tbsp dried
segments on an acetate-lined baking sheet         liquid and honey in a small saucepan and             citrus. Finish with 1tsp the daikon vinaigrette
and sprinkle with the confectioners’ sugar.       reduce by half over medium heat. Chill over          and ½tsp olio nuovo.

                                                                      FOUR 4 I
daniel humm's RECIPES

                        tenderloin with
                        bone marrow
                        crust, Swiss
                        chard and
                        PHOTOGRAPHY BY Francesco Tonelli

                        Serves 8


                        Chicken stock
                        4.5kg chicken backs and necks
                        6.8kg ice cubes
                        227g diced leeks, white part only
                        113g diced celery
                        113g diced celery root
                        113g sliced shallots
                        113g diced fennel
                        5 white peppercorns
                        1 bay leaf
                        1 sprig thyme

                        Veal jus
                        9kg veal knuckle bones, cut into 5cm
                        2kg veal feet, cut into 5cm pieces
                        59ml canola oil
                        907g sliced onions
                        907g diced carrots
                        907g diced celery
                        907g diced leeks
                        907g diced celery root
                        113g tomato paste
                        950ml red wine
                        10 sprigs thyme
                        25 black peppercorns

        FOUR 5
daniel humm's RECIPES

2 bay leaves                              Bordelaise sauce                                    5 minutes. Place the bones, veal breast, and
13kg ice cubes                            950ml veal jus                                      veal feet in a 22l stockpot. Cover with the
                                          1tbsp olive oil                                     ice and bring to a simmer over medium heat.
Veal stock                                1tbsp minced shallots                               Skim all of the impurities and fats off the top
2kg veal bones                            1tbsp thyme leaves                                  as it simmers. After the stock is skimmed,
2kg veal breast, cut into 2-inch pieces   56g rendered marrow fat                             add the onion, celery, celery root, and leeks.
1.3kg veal feet, cut into 2-inch pieces   ½ tsp salt                                          Make a sachet by wrapping the peppercorns,
9kg ice cubes                                                                                 thyme, and bay leaf in a piece of cheesecloth.
227g sliced onion                         To finish                                           Add the sachet to the stock. Simmer,
113g diced celery                         112 small chanterelles                              uncovered, for 4 hours, skimming every 30
113g diced celery root                    16 large Swiss chard leaves                         minutes. Strain and chill over ice.
113g diced leeks, white part only         2 tbsp butter
473ml white wine                          5 sprigs thyme                                      Braised oxtail
10 white peppercorns                      1 clove garlic, crushed but kept whole              Place the oxtails in a nonreactive container
5 sprigs thyme                            Salt, to taste                                      with the onions, carrots, celery and celery root.
1 bay leaf                                Fleur de sel                                        Add the red wine, cover, and refrigerate for
                                          16 sprigs baby yellow chard                         48 hours. Preheat the oven to 135C. Remove
Braised oxtail                                                                                the oxtails from the marinade and pat them
1.3kg beef oxtail                         METHOD                                              dry. Season with salt. Strain the marinade,
3 white onions, diced                                                                         reserving the liquid and the vegetables
2 carrots, diced                          Chicken stock                                       separately. In a large saucepan, bring the
2 stalks celery, diced                    Rinse the bones well under running water            liquid to a simmer, skimming off any fats and
½ celery root, diced                      for 5 minutes. Place the bones in a 22l             impurities that rise to the top. Heat the oil in
3.75l red wine                            stockpot, top with the ice and bring to a           a large straight-sided pan. Add the reserved
Salt, to season                           simmer over medium heat. Skim all of the            vegetables and sweat over medium heat. Add
59ml canola oil                           impurities and fats off the top as it simmers.      the tomato paste and sweat for 2 minutes.
59g tomato paste                          After the stock is skimmed, add the leeks,          Deglaze the pan with the simmering liquid. Add
1.9l veal stock                           celery, celery root, shallots, and fennel. Make     the veal stock, thyme, and bay leaves, bring
4 sprigs thyme                            a sachet by wrapping the peppercorns, bay           to a simmer, and return the oxtails to the pan.
2 bay leaves                              leaf, and thyme in a piece of cheesecloth.          Bring to a simmer, skimming the liquid. Cover
                                          Add the sachet to the stock. Simmer,                and braise in the oven for 4 hours or until
Beef                                      uncovered, for 3 hours, skimming every 30           the meat is tender and falling from the bone.
900g beef tenderloin                      minutes. Strain and chill over ice.                 Remove the meat from the braising liquid and
Salt, to season                                                                               pick the meat from the bones. Strain the liquid
1 sprig thyme                             Veal jus                                            and reduce to a glaze. Add the picked meat
                                          Preheat the oven to 190C. Spread the veal           back to the liquid and glaze. Chill.
Thyme and garlic butter                   bones and feet in a single layer on 2 large
4 tbsp butter                             rimmed baking sheets and roast in the oven          Beef
5 sprigs thyme                            until golden brown for 45 minutes to 1 hour,        Season the beef with salt and place in a
2 cloves garlic, crushed but kept whole   turning the bones and feet after 30 minutes.        SousVide bag with the thyme. Vacuum-seal
                                          Heat the oil in a 22l stockpot over high heat.      and cook in a water bath maintained at 63C
Bone marrow crust                         Sautée the onions, carrots, celery, leeks, and      by an immersion circulator for 25-30 minutes.
1 tbsp plus 1 cup butter, softened        celery root until they caramelize for 10-15         Chill in an ice-water bath, remove from the
2 tbsp minced shallots                    minutes. Add the tomato paste and sautée            bag and cut into 8 portions.
59g thyme leaves                          until caramelized for 5-7 minutes. Add the
59g chopped parsley                       red wine and reduce to a syrup consistency.         Thyme and garlic butter
450g brioche breadcrumbs                  Make a sachet by tying the thyme,                   In a small saucepan over medium heat, warm
170g diced bone marrow                    peppercorns, and bay leaves in cheesecloth.         the butter until the milk solids begin to brown.
1tsp salt                                 Add the bones and feet to the stockpot with         Add the thyme and garlic, remove from the
                                          the sachet and cover with the ice. Bring to         heat and cool to 65C.
Crushed potatoes                          a simmer over medium heat and skim the
900g fingerling potatoes, peeled          stock of all impurities and fats that rise to the   Bone marrow crust
Salt, to season                           top. Simmer over low heat, uncovered, for           Heat 1 tbsp of the butter in a sautée pan.
113ml extra virgin olive oil              5 hours, skimming every 30 minutes. Strain          Add the shallots and sweat for 5 minutes over
113g sliced chives                        through a fine-mesh chinois and reduce to           low heat. Add the thyme and parsley and mix
                                          1l. Strain again and chill over ice.                thoroughly. Remove from the heat and cool.
Rendered Marrow Fat                                                                           Combine with the breadcrumbs and then fold
12 6.5cm thick beef marrow bones          Veal stock                                          in the remaining 1 cup butter. Fold in the bone
59ml water                                Rinse the bones well under running water for        marrow and season with the salt. Place

                                                             FOUR 6  I
daniel humm's RECIPES

the mixture between 2 sheets of parchment             completely rendered, strain through a fine         the butter, tossing to glaze. In another sautée
paper and roll to 32mm thick. Keep cool.              mesh chinois, reserving only the liquid fat.       pan, melt the remaining 1 tbsp of butter. Add
Punch out 8 crust disks to fit the top of the                                                            the chanterelles, thyme and garlic, sweating
beef tenderloin portions.                             Bordelaise sauce                                   until the chanterelles are tender. Add the
                                                      In a small saucepan over medium heat,              remaining 1 tbsp chicken stock, reducing
Crushed potatoes                                      reduce the veal jus to 2 cups. Heat the oil in     until almost dry. Season with salt and discard
Put the potatoes in a medium saucepan and             a small saucepan over medium heat. Add             the thyme and the garlic. Lay out 8 glazed
cover with cold water. Season with salt and           the shallots and sweat. Add the reduced jus,       Swiss chard leaves and place 1 ½ tbsp of
bring to a simmer over medium heat. Simmer            bring to a simmer and add the thyme leaves.        the warm braised oxtail in the centre of each
until tender for about 30-35 minutes. Strain.         Break the sauce with the rendered marrow fat       leaf. Wrap the leaf around the oxtail to create
Return the potatoes to the saucepan and               and season with the salt.                          a small bundle. Roll each piece of beef in
crush with a fork, adding in the extra-virgin                                                            the thyme and garlic butter. Top with a bone
olive oil. Stir in the chives and season with salt.   To finish                                          marrow crust disk. Broil on high for 1 minute
                                                      Clean the chanterelles of all dirt with a paring   until golden. Slice the beef in half lengthwise.
Rendered marrow fat                                   knife and scrape any discoloration from the        Brush the cut sides of the beef with thyme
Soak the bones in water for about 30                  stems. Trim the bottoms and rinse thoroughly.      and garlic butter and sprinkle with fleur de sel.
minutes. Once the marrow is soft, carefully           Spread the chanterelles on paper towels            Spoon the 1 tbsp of crushed potatoes on a
push it out of the bone. Cut the bone marrow          to dry. Bring a pot of salted water to a boil.     plate. Place the bone marrow crusted beef on
cylinders into 1.3cm pieces. Place the bone           Add the large Swiss chard leaves and cook          top. Spoon the chanterelles around the beef
marrow and ¼ cup water in a medium pot                for 15-20 seconds. Transfer to a bowl of ice       and place a Swiss chard bundle and a glazed
over low heat. Render the marrow, making              water, and, once cold, strain. In a sautée pan     Swiss chard leaf above the beef. Finish the
sure not to brown it. Once all of the water           over medium heat, warm 1 tbsp of chicken           plate with the bordelaise sauce and garnish
has been cooked out and the marrow is                 stock with the Swiss chard. Add 1 tbsp of          with 2 baby yellow chard sprigs.

                                                                         FOUR 7 I
daniel humm's RECIPES

                           Variation with Slow-Cooked Char
                              and Smoked Crème Fraîche
                                  PHOTOGRAPHY BY Francesco Tonelli

Serves 8                          2 tbsp sesame seeds                              415ml white balsamic vinegar
                                  2 tbsp poppy seeds                               3 tbsp salt
INGREDIENTS                       1 tbsp salt
                                  283g butter, room temperature                    Cucumbers
Smoked crème fraîche              113g dried caramelized onions                    2 Persian cucumbers
225g crème fraîche                                                                 5 lemon cucumbers
2 tbsp lemon juice                Arctic char                                      White balsamic pickling liquid
2 tsp salt                        7.8g arctic char, filleted, pin bones and skin   8 cucamelons (Mexican gherkins)
1.36kg applewood chips            removed
1.8kg charcoal (not briquettes)   Salt, to season                                  To Finish
                                  237ml extra virgin olive oil                     Extra virgin olive oil
Everything crumble                                                                 16tsp char roe
450g bread flour                  White balsamic pickling liquid                   16 sprigs bronze fennel
57g sugar                         415ml water                                      40 sprigs salad burnet

                                                     FOUR 8I
daniel humm's RECIPES

8tbsp freshly grated horseradish                   transferto an airtight container or vacuum-seal   White balsamic pickling liquid
                                                   in a SousVide bag. Keep in the refrigerator for   In a medium bowl, stir together the water
METHOD                                             2-3 days.                                         and the vinegar. Add the salt, stirring until it
Smoked crème fraîche                               Everything crumble
In a small bowl, whisk together the crème          Preheat the oven to 160C. Line a rimmed           Cucumbers
fraîche, lemon juice, and salt. Transfer to        baking sheet with parchment paper. Combine        Cut 1 Persian cucumber in half lengthwise
a small pan over ice. Soak the applewood           the flour, sugar, sesame seeds, poppy             and slice on a Japanese mandoline into
chips in cold water for 5-10 minutes. Line         seeds, and salt in the bowl of a stand mixer.     32mm thick strips. Cut the other in half and
the cooking surface of a large cast-iron skillet   Incorporate the butter, mixing at medium-high     slice into rounds. Store in ice water. Cut
with aluminum foil. Place the charcoal in the      speed. Spread the mixture onto the prepared       the lemon cucumbers in wedges and place
pan and set over high heat until the coals         baking sheet and bake for 20 minutes. Cool        in a SousVide bag with the pickling liquid.
are white-hot. Remove from the heat. Drain         to room temperature. Pulse briefly in a food      Vacuum-seal. Cut the cucamelons in half,
the applewood chips. Place ¾ of the soaked         processor until pea-sized. Add the dried          lengthwise, and store in ice water.
chips on top of the coals and return the skillet   caramelised onions.
to the burner until the chips begin to smoke.                                                        To Finish
Place the skillet in the oven on the lowest        Arctic char                                       Add 2 tsp smoked crème fraîche on a plate
rack. Place the bowl of crème fraîche on top       Place the char in a plastic container. Cover      and 1 tbsp of everything crumble between
of a tray of ice and place in the oven as far      completely with salt and let cure in the          them. Break the arctic char up with a fork
away as possible from the skillet. The crème       refrigerator for 1 hour. Rinse thoroughly in      and arrange it on and around the crumble.
fraîche should stay as cold as possible during     cold water and pat dry. Preheat the oven to       Garnish with the cucumbers, 2 tsp char
the smoking process. Smoke for 2 hours,            140F. Place the char in a roasting pan, skin      roe, 2 bronze fennel sprigs, 5 salad burnet
checking the smoke level every so often;           side down, and brush with olive oil. Bake         leaves, and 1 tbsp grated horseradish.
the smoke should be heavy and constant. It         for 15 minutes. Brush with olive oil again        Repeat with the remaining ingredients, to
may be necessary to add more wood chips.           and return to the oven for another 15 to 20       serve 8.
Remove the crème fraîche from the oven and         minutes, or until the fish begins to flake.

                                                                      FOUR 9I
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