Latest technology for supplementary air quality monitoring - Page 4 Efficient transformer monitoring improves power industry performance - Vaisala

Page created by Hugh Ray
Latest technology for supplementary air quality monitoring - Page 4 Efficient transformer monitoring improves power industry performance - Vaisala
Latest technology for
supplementary air quality
/ Page 4

Efficient transformer
monitoring improves power
industry performance
/ Page 12

The role of weather sensors
in intelligent traffic
/ Page 14
Latest technology for supplementary air quality monitoring - Page 4 Efficient transformer monitoring improves power industry performance - Vaisala
Vaisala in Brief
                                                       Vaisala is a global leader in
                                                       environmental and industrial
                                                       measurement. Building on 80 years
                                                       of experience, Vaisala contributes to
                                                       a better quality of life by providing a
                                                       comprehensive range of innovative
                                                       observation and measurement
                                                       products and services for chosen

                                                       weather-related and industrial

                                     198/2016          markets. Headquartered in Finland,
                                                       Vaisala employs approximately 1,600
                                                       professionals worldwide and is
                                                       listed on the NASDAQ Helsinki stock

    3    Breaking New Ground – Again                   Events & Webinars
    4    Taking a Step towards Improving Air Quality

    6    Cleanroom Expertise Makes Sensors             Publishing Information
         Stable Enough for Space                       Published by: Vaisala Oyj
                                                       P.O. Box 26
    8    To Mars and Beyond:                           FI-00421 Helsinki
         A History of Vaisala in Space                 FINLAND
                                                       Phone (int.): + 358 9 894 91
    11   RainMiner Helps Harvest Rainwater
                                                       Editor-in-Chief: Tiina Kiianlehto
    12   Efficient Transformer Monitoring Improves     Contributors: Katri Ahlgren, Anne
         Power Industry Performance                    Hänninen (CoComms), James Martin
                                                       (Axonn Media), Olli Ojanperä, Riika
    14   Moving You Forward                            Pikkuvirta, Tomi Salo, Jon Tarleton,
                                                       Ryan Turpin (Constant Content)
    17   Free Access to Wind and Solar Resource Data   Cover photo: Shutterstock
                                                       Design, Layout: Grapica Oy
                                                       Printed in Finland by: Grano Oy
    18   Increased Efficiency with Network Manager
                                                       ISSN 1238-2388
    20   What Does Total Lightning Mean Anyway?
    22   Superior Wireless Monitoring                  For subscriptions,
                                                       cancellations, feedback
         for Indoor Environments
                                                       and changes of address,
                                                       please email:
    22   Measuring Carbon Dioxide in Agriculture

    23   Yokoso, Vaisala e! – Welcome                  Disclaimer and Copyright
         to the New Tokyo Office!                      This publication may include forward-
                                                       looking statements or other explicit or
                                                       implied statements on future expecta-
                                                       tions, results or performance. Such
                                                       statements may materially differ from
                                                       actual future results or performance
                                                       and, being subject to certain risks and
                                                       uncertainties, are not to be relied on.

                                                       The copyright of this publication is
                                                       reserved by Vaisala. This publication
                                                       may not be reproduced in whole or
                                                       in part in any form or by any means
                                                       without the prior written consent of

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Latest technology for supplementary air quality monitoring - Page 4 Efficient transformer monitoring improves power industry performance - Vaisala
President’s Column

Breaking New Ground – Again
For us at Vaisala, exploring new areas
and looking for new opportunities has
always been in our DNA. Ever since
Professor Väisälä designed the first
radiosonde, we have strived to push
the envelope and break new ground.
    This innovation spirit is also
evident in the light of our recent
    One of the biggest R&D projects
in Vaisala’s history has led to the
development of a new dissolved gas
analysis monitor, which we launched
this spring. This exciting new product
is vital for energy transmission as
it helps detect developing faults in
power transformers, and even helps in
preventing total failures.
    In our life science business, the new
viewLinc system makes it possible to
monitor conditions at considerable dis-
tances, in spaces where wireless con-
nections have been impossible so far.
    Recently, we have also introduced
new products and technology to
expand our offering in the growing air
quality monitoring market. With the
help of affordable technology, more
dense measurement networks can be
built, and authorities, businesses and
citizens will be able to get local, real-
time information on air pollution.
    And we are looking into connected
cars to see how our weather sensors             This requires genuine interest and      the electrical grid working, or keeping
could be utilized in the intelligent        enthusiasm, in addition to expertise.       art treasures in good condition for
traffic of the not too distant future.      Magic happens when this sentiment is        future generations.
                                            shared with customers and research              Making a better world – one mea-
                                            partners. At Vaisala, we are fortunate      surement at a time!
What do these achievements
                                            to have demanding customers, who
have in common?
                                            often use our products in mission criti-
In each case, we have found a possibil-     cal parts of their operations.
ity to exert our cutting-edge expertise         And behind all this, is our desire to
to solve a real-world problem. We have      make the world a better place for all of
listened to our clients to find out their   us – by providing snowfall information
needs and wants, and done our best to       for airports to keep runways safe, by       Kjell Forsén
meet and surpass them.                      monitoring transformers and keeping         President and CEO

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Taking a Step
    Improving Air
    To mitigate the effects of air pollution, and to                                      This has created a need for
                                                                                      supplementary air quality monitor-
    forecast it, it has to be measured first. Affordable                              ing: dense but cost efficient mea-
                                                                                      surement networks that increase
    instruments are needed to make the observation                                    the number of measurement points
                                                                                      and improve the access to real-time
    networks comprehensive enough to make a real                                      air quality.

                                                                                      Enabling New Applications
    Pollution and particles in the air are       “Air quality is an area where        The dense networks can provide
    a growing concern and a real health      observations can truly improve the       information not only to the authori-
    risk, leading to millions of premature   lives of all people. Without reliable,   ties and decision-makers, but also
    deaths each year.                        affordable, accurate and extensive       businesses and citizens. This infor-
        In western industrialized            measurement networks it is difficult     mation can be used in the develop-
    countries, air quality has improved      to improve the situation,” says          ment of new services.
    consistently in the last decades,        Erkki Järvinen, Head of Vaisala’s            For example, once the networks
    but at the same time, awareness of       air quality business.                    are dense enough, it would be easy
    health risks related to air quality          “Without local information,          to create an application for bike
    has grown. In emerging countries,        people cannot have real-time vis-        commuters, telling them which
    pollution is unfortunately still on      ibility to their exposure to polluted    route to take to keep their exposure
    the rise.                                air and to make real-time decisions      to air pollutants to a minimum.
                                             regarding it,” he continues.             Or ventilation in offices could
                                                 Traditionally, air quality           be adjusted according to the air
    Real-time Information
                                             monitoring has been the domain           quality outdoors. Such dense grid
    from Denser Networks
                                             of the authorities and has required      would enable citizens to evaluate
    To do its part in mitigating the         regulatory measurement stations.         and also minimize their daily dose
    problem, Vaisala launches new            These, however, are quite costly,        for pollutants. The possibilities are
    affordable products that will help       so the networks built with are too       exciting.
    build denser observation networks,       sparse to indicate local pollution           For Vaisala, expanding its offer-
    to provide more comprehensive            levels accurately. In a city the size    ing on the air quality monitoring
    and accurate information about air       of Beijing, there are only about 50      market is a natural extension to its
    quality.                                 air quality measurement stations.        weather business. The new prod-
                                                                                      ucts can be connected seamlessly

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to the WXT weather transmitter to             AQT410 AND AQT420
get a more comprehensive picture              AQT410 and AQT420 are both cost effective
of the situation.                             solutions to monitoring air quality. They are the first
     Weather effecting the air quality        air quality transmitters for ambient air. As compact
is a well-known matter. Dependence            and stylish devices, they blend in well in urban
works also to the other direction:            environments, or they can be used in industrial areas.
air quality affects the weather.
If, for instance, sunshine cannot             The devices measure up to four most common air
penetrate a layer of air pollutants,          pollutants. These can be volatile organic compounds,
temperature will not rise as high as          carbon monoxide or dioxide, nitric or nitrous oxide,
the weather forecast indicated.               sulfur dioxide or ozone,
     This is one of the reasons why
                                              The AQT420 also includes a particle counter.
the trend is towards micro weather
forecasts that can detect fluctua-
                                              The measurement data is sent wirelessly to a web-based
tions between different parts of a
                                              database, or accessed locally via a serial interface.
                                              Their applications include e.g.:
Proprietary Technology                        • urban air quality measuring networks
                                              • smart building automation
Vaisala acquired proprietary technol-         • roadside monitoring
ogy and products in August. The               • monitoring point emission sources
products measure pollution gases,             • industrial emission monitoring
like carbon monoxide, nitrous oxides,         • research applications
sulfur dioxide, hydrogen sulfide and
ozone, as well as particles in the air.
    The gas measuring is based on             LASER PARTICLE COUNTER AQM100
advanced technology that enables              AQM100, one of the smallest particle counters, is designed primarily
parts per billion measuring at an             for indicative particle matter measurements.
affordable price. The gas analysis
module compensates the impact                 In the standard setup, the device measures particles of under 2.5
of internal and ambient condi-                micrometers and under 20 micrometers in size, but other particle
tions on the sensor elements with             sizes are available on request.
sophisticated algorithms and active
environmental control to achieve
performance that is far better than
that of competitors.
    The operating principle of the
particle sensor is based on scat-
tering caused by particles moving
past a laser beam; the particles are
detected with the help of optics
and photosensitive sensors. The
method allows simultaneous mea-
surement of two particle sizes.
    The products can be built into
comprehensive air quality monitor-
ing networks which provide specific
information on where pollution is
generated and which areas are influ-
enced by it. They can also be used
as instruments that supplement the
data provided by reference mea-           Jarkko Sairanen, Eero Alkkiomäki and Erkki Järvinen are ready to enable real-time visibility to
surement stations.                        exposure to polluted air, and to help make real-time decisions regarding it.

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Careful design, process controls, and
                                                                                       the expertise of the cleanroom personnel
                                                                                       makes Vaisala’s cleanroom operation

    Cleanroom Expertise
    Makes Sensors Stable
    Enough for Space
    by Tomi Salo, Principal Scientist in Vaisala

    Producing sensors that can pass the extremely                                      ESA, uses a suite of sensors to monitor
                                                                                       systems on the module and gather
    rigorous tests space exploration equipment is                                      data on environmental conditions,
                                                                                       such as wind speed and direction,
    subjected to is no easy task. For Vaisala, this                                    humidity, pressure and surface tem-
                                                                                       peratures. Sensors used to gather data
    is business as usual.                                                              include humidity and pressure sensors
                                                                                       designed and manufactured by Vaisala.

    On March 2016 the European Space             The landing module of the space-
                                                                                       From Earth’s Cleanroom
    Agency (ESA), in cooperation with        craft carries a small environmental
                                                                                       to Interstellar Study
    the Russian Federal Space Agency         observation station. The sensing
    Roscosmos, launched a new mission to     instrumentation is provided by the        Typically used for industrial or meteo-
    Mars. It is estimated to reach Mars in   Finnish Meteorological Institute (FMI).   rological applications to measure a
    October 2016.                            The station, designed and tested by       range of parameters, Vaisala sensors

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measure dew point, humidity, pres-             Manufacturing low volumes in                     Vaisala may be rare among
sure, temperature, and gas concen-         small batches also allows staff to               manufacturers in that most of its
trations. The pressure and humidity        continually learn from processes,                cleanroom personnel have fifteen
sensors currently used in space            making tools like Statistical Process            to twenty years’ experience. A
exploration can function under the         Control more meaningful. In the case             relatively small group, the clean-
harsh conditions in large part because     of the capacitive thin-film polymer              room operators overlap in their
of their stability.                        humidity sensors, manufacturing the              competencies, allowing them to shift
    Along with sensor design and           chips takes a few weeks, whereas                 roles when needed. This keeps skills
calibration, the most important factor     other sensors can take up to several             sharp and the work dynamic and
to ensuring sensor stability is the        months. Statistical Process Control              interesting.
quality of the cleanroom facilities in     ensures high quality over long lead                  The majority of the processes
which the sensors are manufactured.        times, and sensor materials and struc-           have been automated. However, as
Like all cleanrooms, the efficacy of       tures undergo dozens of tests.                   Vaisala sensors are manufactured
Vaisala’s cleanroom depends heavily                                                         in small batches, there are also
on careful design, process controls,                                                        several manual processes as part of
                                           The Key: Longstanding,
and the expertise of the cleanroom                                                          production. For instance, operators
                                           Expert Cleanroom
personnel.                                                                                  manually load wafers into a machine,
                                                                                            or perform time-based etchings; a
                                           Highly motivated and well-trained                skill that takes time to learn and
Cleanroom Design Aided
                                           people are probably the single                   refine. This sort of manual work in
by In-house Equipment
                                           most important factor to Vaisala’s               combination with long experience
There are several factors in the           cleanroom effectiveness. With many               has endowed the staff with instincts
cleanroom that contribute to sensor        different cleanroom technologies                 that allow them to spot even minute
robustness and stability. Cleanroom        available, the human element can                 changes in output. Experienced oper-
design is the first, most obvious fact.    be forgotten. But, in Vaisala’s case,            ators train new staff on the “silent
However, unlike most cleanroom             expertise has been critical to the               knowledge” of their cleanroom pro-
facilities, and by virtue of the sensors   company’s ability to create pressure             cesses. With the human element, the
it manufactures, Vaisala can use its       and humidity sensors that can with-              cleanroom work is in many ways as
own devices to measure its cleanroom       stand the conditions of space travel             much craftsmanship as science.
conditions. Vaisala’s other cleanroom      and exploration.
equipment is also designed fit for
purpose; tightly specified for how it
is used. A feedback control system
ensures the environment is reliably
     Along with measuring cleanroom
conditions with its own measurement
devices, Vaisala has another special
feature that allows the company
to customize sensors for space
exploration: low volume. Vaisala
manufactures about 1.5 million chips
annually. The production equipment
is intended for high mix – low volume
manufacturing, meaning smaller wafer
size and smaller batches than volume-
based cleanroom facilities. Thus,
small changes and variations can be
applied to standard processes and
products to tailor sensors for very        Vaisala’s humidity sensors. Similar sensors are used in space research by NASA and European
limited limited purposes.                  Space Agency ESA.

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To Mars and Beyond:
    A History of
    Vaisala in Space
    Space continues to fascinate the human
    consciousness, you only have to look at the
    success of 2015’s Star Wars: The Force Awakens
    for evidence of that. Here at Vaisala, our interest
    in space extends beyond science fiction.

    Vaisala sensors are currently being       a number of factors that make             discovery of water on the planet -
    used in the European Space Agency’s       investigating planets such as Mars        aided by Vaisala technology - has a
    ExoMars Mission that was launched         worthwhile. Exploring space fosters       significant bearing on the possibil-
    in 2016, which has sent spacecraft to     innovation and international collabo-     ity that it once, or perhaps even
    Mars in order to assess the planet’s      ration, brings us closer to knowing       still does, support life. It has also
    environment and pave the way for          whether life away from Earth and          been revealed that radiation levels
    future exploration, and the Mars          satisfies human’s innate desire to        on Mars do not pose a significant
    Curiosity Rover, which has already        explore and understand the world          health threat to humans, keeping
    made a number of groundbreaking           around us.                                the possibility of manned explo-
    discoveries on the Red Planet.                Investigating Mars is particularly    ration of the planet open in the
        These are not the only occa-          important, as the planet’s similarities   future.
    sions on which Vaisala technology         to Earth could help us better under-
    has gone into space, as we have a         stand the challenges we face here on
                                                                                        Vaisala on the Red Planet
    long history of providing sensors for     Earth such as climate change.
    space exploration, dating all the way         This has been highlighted by          How exactly is Vaisala helping to
    back to the 1950s.                        Ari-Matti Harri, head of the radar        explore space? Since the 1990s, our
                                              and space technology research divi-       barometric pressure and humidity
                                              sion at the Finnish Meteorological        sensors have been used in mis-
    Why Go to Mars?
                                              Institute (FMI) - a long-term partner     sions to Mars and beyond, helping
    ExoMars is the 44th attempted Mars        of Vaisala - who stated: “By studying     scientists gain insight into the
    Mission, with the first a failed Soviet   the simplified, dynamically Earth-        atmosphere to better understand
    attempt back in 1960. Since then,         like, atmosphere [on Mars] we can         outer space and whether planets
    23 missions have reached the Red          potentially learn something that we       like Mars have ever, or still do,
    Planet successfully, with Vaisala         might miss on Earth because of the        support life.
    technology used in several of these.      effects of water systems, vegetation,         Why is Vaisala technology
    For example, our sensors were part        and high humidity levels.”                utilized in space exploration? Our
    of the Mars Rover Curiosity mission,          Missions to Mars have already         technology is extremely stable and
    which discovered the first evidence       yielded a number of important             this is vital due to the extreme envi-
    of liquid water on Mars in 2015.          discoveries. We now know that             ronmental conditions that are expe-
         What do we stand to gain from        the planet’s climate has altered          rienced in space. Vaisala sensors
    investigating space? There are            dramatically over time, while the         are able to withstand extreme heat

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and cold and are highly tolerant of
shaking and vibration. It is this high
level of stability that ensures they
can deliver accurate readings of          organizations first partnered in        on Vaisala sensors to the University
the real changes taking place in the      1998. In 2015, the Rover Curiosity      of Arizona-led Phoenix Mars Lander
environment on other planets.             found the first evidence of liquid      mission. The project was the first
                                          water on Mars, representing one         successful landing in a Martian polar
                                          of the most significant discoveries     region and provided scientists with
From Sputnik to Saturn
                                          made on Mars to date. The mission       a number of insights into the climate
At Vaisala, we are proud to have been     has also discovered that Mars once      and geology of this part of the planet.
involved in space exploration since       contained the chemical elements,            Among Phoenix’s discoveries
its beginnings in the 1950s. Back in      such as sulfur, nitrogen, oxygen,       were the presence of snow and ice at
1957, we converted the frequency          phosphorus and carbon, needed to        Mars’ pole and the presence of the
of a radiotheodolite to help track        sustain life as we know it. Further-    chemical perchlorate, which is used
Sputnik I, the world’s first artificial   more, it has provided details of        as food by some bacterial lifeforms
satellite, the launch of which repre-     the planet’s radiation levels, which    on Earth. Such discoveries provided a
sented a pivotal point in the history     will prove vital information for any    more detailed understanding of Mars’
of space exploration.                     future manned missions.                 climate and weather, and further
    Since then, we have been                  The rover is still active on the    evidence that the planet may have
involved in a number of fascinating       Red Planet and the mission, which       supported life at some point.
missions, providing technology to         was originally scheduled for just
help understand the universe around       two years, has been extended
                                                                                  Cassini Mission to Titan
us.                                       indefinitely, with NASA saying it has
                                          the potential to continue providing     Mars is not the only planet visited
                                          data for 55 years. The launching of     by Vaisala technology. Our pressure
Mars Rover Curiosity
                                          another rover is planned for 2020.      sensors were part of NASA’s Cassini
Vaisala provided the FMI with                                                     mission which was launched in 1997,
pressure and humidity sensors for                                                 and in 2005 achieved the first ever
                                          Phoenix Mars Lander
the Mars Rover Curiosity that was                                                 landing on a moon in the outer solar
launched in 2011, representing the        In 2007, the FMI contributed a pres-    system: Titan, the largest moon of
fifth venture into space since the        sure measurement instrument based       Saturn. This is one of the most ambi-

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Vaisala humidity and pressure sensors are
    fitted on the small weather station onboard
    the landing module, Schiaparelli.
    Picture: Thales Alenia Space/Imag[IN]

    tious missions ever launched into
    space and is still ongoing.
         A number of fascinating discover-
    ies have been made, including the
    presence of frozen water on Ence-
    ladus (another of Saturn’s moons),
    the possible birth of a new moon
    orbiting Saturn and the existence of
    geologic processes similar to that of
    Earth on Titan. As the first mission of
    its kind, lessons learned from Cassini
    will have a huge influence on future
    attempts to explore the outer solar

                                                  have not reached their destinations       tures of the spacecraft’s design have
    Space Life Science Research
                                                  or the goals of the missions. In 1996,    since been proposed for a number of
    Since 1992, scientists at BioServe            several Vaisala sensors were included     other potential Mars missions.
    Space Technologies at the Univer-             in a Russian mission Mars96, which
    sity of Colorado have been using              launched unsuccessfully. Highly
                                                                                            What Might the
    Vaisala’s carbon dioxide, humidity,           ambitious at the time, Mars 96 aimed
                                                                                            Future Hold?
    and temperature sensors to control            to assess the evolutionary history of
    life science experiments both                 Mars’ surface, atmosphere, and inner      At Vaisala, we are proud to have sup-
    onboard space shuttle flights and at          structure. The technology used in the     ported space exploration efforts for
    the International Space Station. This         project has influenced a number of        the past 50 years. A number of mis-
    allows for the regulation of plant            subsequent missions, including the        sions are planned between 2018 and
    growth and animal habitat environ-            ongoing Mars Express, which is the        2020, including the second stage of
    ments and the study of how they               second longest surviving, continually     ExoMars, but what might the future
    are influenced by microgravity. The           active spacecraft in orbit around a       hold for the science? It is hoped that
    findings of such research is vital in         planet other than Earth.                  these projects will pave the way for
    determining if food and life support              Three years later in 1999,            eventual manned missions to the Red
    consumables, such as water and                four pressure sensors and Vaisala         Planet, which would then open up
    oxygen, can ever be produced on               thermocaps were included in NASA          a whole host of new opportunities
    board space shuttles, which is neces-         Mars Polar Lander. It reached Mars        ranging from establishing a perma-
    sary if manned flights to Mars and            successfully, but failed on landing.      nent colony to mining the planet’s
    long-distance space exploration are           Several of the instruments developed      mineral resources for use on Earth.
    to become a reality.                          for this mission were later utilized in       Whatever the future holds for
         Over the years, Vaisala’s legacy         the Phoenix Mars Lander mission.          space exploration, Vaisala will con-
    sensors have been replaced with                   In 2003, a mission called British     tinue lending our expertise and pro-
    GMM220 series CO2 modules and                 Beagle 2 had Vaisala’s pressure           viding sensor technology that helps
    HMP110 humidity and tempera-                  sensor, thermocap and Capic circuit       to unlock the secrets of the universe
    ture probes. However, the original            onboard. It reached Mars, but suf-        around us.
    sensors continue to deliver reason-           fered a communications failure. Fea-
    able readings, which is testament
    to their stability and durability in
    extreme conditions.
                                                       ExoMars to Reach Mars in October 2016
                                                       The latest Mars mission is called ExoMars, and it is realized
                                                       jointly by European Space Agency (ESA) and Russia’s
    Sometimes Learning                                 Roscosmos. Launched in March 2016, it has already travelled
    is All You Get                                     a majority of its nearly 500 million km journey to Mars. It
                                                       should reach its destination on October 19, 2016.
    Vaisala sensors have also been
    included in several missions that

10 198/2016
RainMiner Helps
Harvest Rainwater
Rainwater goes down the drain even in places
where water is scarce. With their RainMiner
solution, Vaisala’s Weather Data Challenge
winners want to help change this.

Many places around the world do not       Water Center, and Ennenbach works
have ready access to water, but have      at Citigroup as an Environmental Risk
a lot of rain. This rainfall could be     Analyst.
harvested and put to good use.                 Vaisala’s Open Weather Data
    The RainMiner tool can be used        Challenge started in November
to assess the availability of rainwater   2015 and ran till the beginning of
at a given place with the help of open    March 2016. Out of 23 entries,
data from precipitation datasets.         RainMiner won the 20,000 euro
Moreover, RainMiner provides advice       first prize.
on what kind of a system is best
suited to harvesting rainwater and        More information:
how much it would cost to set up
and run.
    “In places like Mexico City, where
water scarcity is a growing issue,
the plentiful local rainfall could be
used to cover the water demand of
millions of people at least partially,”       Tapping into the Power of Community
says Paulina Concha Larrauri from             Arranging the Open Weather Data Challenge has given Vaisala a unique
the winning team.                             opportunity to see how people around the world would tap into open
    Another good example are the              weather data.
favelas in Brazil, which may not be
connected to water mains at all.              Students, meteorologists, software developers, weather enthusiasts
Favela Moros dos Cabritos in Rio              and other companies were invited to share their solutions for some of
de Janeiro has been one of the Rain-          the issues facing society. The entries were judged based on novelty,
Miner testing sites.                          potential for impact on weather-related issues and their feasibility.
    “Our goal was to look at rainwa-
ter harvesting from a regional per-
spective by exploring its applicability       “The challenge has made us better known in the start-up community,
as a water resource, similar to the           raised our profile among software developers and provided a good
way that solar and wind energy are            understanding of ideas around the open weather data. The experiences
disrupting the standard electricity           have been so good that we will utilize open innovation also in the
grid,” explains Mounir Ennenbach.             future,” says Ilkka Mannonen, the Head of Weather Offering.
    The two Columbia University
graduates are both from dry areas:            The Challenge also goes to show that open data and the power of
Larrauri from Guanajuato in Mexico            community can create feasible concepts, like the RainMiner, that have
and Ennenbach from Jordan. Larrauri           the potential for true impact on business and on our lives.
currently works at the Columbia

                                                                                                      198/2016 11
Efficient Transformer
    Monitoring Improves
    Power Industry
    Power transformers are critical in the energy                                   Reducing the Probability
                                                                                    of Error with Online DGA
    generation and transmission, but also one of the                                Especially online DGA condition
                                                                                    monitoring is becoming standard
    key vulnerabilities. A transformer downtime will                                practice for aging transformer fleets.
                                                                                    It enables proactive diagnosis and
    lead to substantial financial losses and to energy                              mitigation of developing faults before
                                                                                    they lead to costly downtime.
    shortfalls for national grids. Furthermore, cutting                                  However, there is still scope for
                                                                                    improvement to their reliability and
    costly false alarms and increasing the reliability                              cost-effectiveness. Streamlining mon-
                                                                                    itoring procedures and reducing the
    of dissolved gas analysis (DGA) will be crucial to                              probability of errors is highly impor-
                                                                                    tant. False alarms from on-site DGA
    tackling long-term maintenance budget overruns                                  systems and errors during routine
                                                                                    oil inspections still pose challenges
    and boosting asset performance. Optimus™ DGA                                    for utilities, disrupting maintenance
                                                                                    schedules and generating unfore-
    Monitor is Vaisala’s latest invention, answering                                seen costs. In addition, the need
                                                                                    to validate on-site data via regular
    to the measurement challenges in transformer                                    laboratory sampling increases the
                                                                                    complexity and duration of the
    monitoring.                                                                     testing process.
                                                                                          “The advantage with online DGA
    Power transformers play a vital             The financial severity of trans-    monitoring is that it can immediately
    role in electric energy transmission,   former failure is well known to the     detect any abnormal gas formation.
    stepping up the electricity voltage     industry. An extensive service costs    While it is more expensive in the
    for transmission, and respectively      more than €100,000, while a replace-    short term, in long-term it is cheaper,
    stepping it down at the receiv-         ment transformer can cost up to €4      compared to manual sampling, since
    ing end. Like any electric devices,     million. Associated loss of produc-     it can more efficiently detect failures
    which are subjected drastic voltage     tion can further increase these         before they occur, especially when
    changes, harsh weather conditions       figures.                                using monitors of the multi-gas type,”
    and general wear and tear, they             Efficient condition monitoring is   said Dr Michel Duval, a world-
    also need maintenance to be kept        one of the only means of proactively    renown leader in the field of DGA,
    in shape. Sudden breaks, repairs        mitigating the risk of transformer      speaking to Vaisala about trans-
    and replacements can take months,       downtime. One of the methods is         former monitoring procedures.
    greatly increasing business inter-      dissolved gas analysis (DGA), which          “Rigorous condition monitoring
    ruption costs caused for the utility    is commonly used for assessing large    via online DGA is the only way to
    companies.                              power transformers.                     proactively keep on top of trans-

12 198/2016
The advantage with online
                                                    DGA monitoring is that it can
                                                   efficiently detect failures before
                                                     they occur, especially when
                                                   using multi-gas type of monitors.

former performance – particularly
as the operational transformer fleet
ages,” said Juhani Lehto, Product
Manager at Vaisala. “However, the
data collected must be dependable,
if we are to detect all potential faults
in advance, or reliably determine
whether it is worth sending out a
maintenance and inspection team.”

Fully Dependable
Real-time Monitoring
Vaisala’s plug-and-play OptimusTM
DGA monitor can be installed in two
hours, and uses partial vacuum gas
extraction to provide a fully repre-
sentative sample of all dissolved
gases in the transformer oil. Read-
ings taken by the built-in infrared
sensor are unaffected by oil tem-
perature, pressure or type, and the
system regularly auto-calibrates to
provide fully consistent and depend-
able data. This data is available via
an online interface, allowing continu-
ous, reliable, real-time analysis of       equipment on all large transformers.   Vaisala OptimusTM DGA Monitor was
                                                                                  installed in the sunny California, USA,
transformer performance – without          That, in turn, will open the door to   in under two hours.
false alarms.                              automated monitoring of the grid
    Dr Michel Duval sees that in the       and, ultimately, the development of
not-so-far future, online DGA moni-        smart grids with computer-assisted
tors will be deployed as standard          decision-making.

                                                                                                                 198/2016 13
    You Forward
    The role of weather sensors in intelligent
    traffic and the roads of the future

    The world is becoming increasingly connected.                                          While connected cars will provide
                                                                                      numerous features for improving
    Thanks to advances in information and                                             in-car entertainment and safety, their
                                                                                      biggest contribution to the develop-
    communications technology, the cities we live                                     ment of truly smart cities will be
                                                                                      intelligent traffic. Road congestion is
    in are becoming ‘smart’, with everything from                                     a problem in urban areas the world
                                                                                      over, creating pollution, damaging
    education to law enforcement managed by                                           the environment and generally incon-
                                                                                      veniencing people’s daily lives. Cars
    integrated tech solutions in a bid to improve                                     with in-built connectivity will help
                                                                                      to alleviate this issue by interact-
    quality of life.                                                                  ing with intelligent transportation
                                                                                      systems that provide drivers with
                                                                                      real-time information. These vehicles
                                                                                      will not only be able to receive
    Changes to transport and the way         is helping to shape the cities of the    data, but share it too, facilitating
    we get around will be a pivotal part     future.                                  an exchange of data that allows
    of the development of true smart                                                  city roads to become much more
    cities. From cars that exchange                                                   efficient. For example, in the US,
                                             Intelligent Traffic and
    information about traffic to vehicles                                             technology has been trialed that will
                                             Connected Cars
    that drive themselves autono-                                                     prompt drivers with the option of
    mously, the roads in the cities of the   According to Gartner, there will be      paying to enter a carpool lane if they
    future could be quite different to       250 million connected vehicles on the    are about to drive into a congested
    those we see today.                      road globally by 2020. The organiza-     area. Meanwhile, in China, there
        For this future to become a          tion defines a connected car as a        are plans to develop a system that
    reality, the collection of accurate      vehicle that has some form of in-built   can monitor the number of vehicles
    weather data collection will be key.     wireless network connectivity, which     in one area and divert cars away if
    Aside from human behavior, weather       can be used for functions as diverse     capacity is close to being exceeded.
    is the single most import factor that    as streaming music online to provid-     This way, traffic jams are avoided
    influences traffic and road safety,      ing drivers with real-time traffic and   before they occur.
    meaning this information will be a       congestion information. This technol-         If traffic is to be successfully
    fundamental part of the develop-         ogy is already available, with figures   managed in this way, access to
    ment of smart cities.                    from Statista showing connected cars     accurate weather data will be pivotal.
        With more than 40 years’             currently account for 12 per cent of     Research from the US Federal
    experience of fixed and mobile road      total vehicles. This share is expected   Highway Administration (FHWA)
    weather data collection, Vaisala is at   to almost double to 22 per cent by       shows light rain or snow can reduce
    the forefront of the ongoing progres-    2020, as connected vehicles become       traffic flow by as much as 13 per
    sion of this exciting technology that    more affordable in the next few years.   cent, while the figure is up to 17 per

14 198/2016
If traffic is to
be successfully
managed in this way,
access to accurate
weather data will
be pivotal.

cent and 64 per cent for heavy rain
and heavy snow respectively. With
weather conditions having such a sig-
nificant impact, any intelligent traffic
solutions will be reliant on accurate
weather data if they are to predict
and manage traffic flow accurately.
    Most modern cars already
contain basic weather sensor tech-
nology that allows for the measure-
ment of temperature and for traction
control. More advanced sensors are
only currently seen in commercial
fleet and government vehicles, but,
as connected cars become common-
place and the drive towards smart
cities continues, such technology
may become readily available in
consumer cars, allowing for the
exchange of reliable baseline weather
data needed to manage traffic intel-
ligently and efficiently. Should this      each passing year, driverless cars are   a sense of the cars around it and
be the case, the highly accurate           coming closer to reality.                a map of the area it is traveling
data provided by roadside weather              A number of companies are            through. Other companies, such as
stations will remain key, with the         investing heavily in this space. Tesla   Google, are focused on delivering a
added data provided by connected           has already its ‘autopilot’ software     fully autonomous car from the start.
cars helping to fill in the gaps that      update, which uses cameras, radar,       The tech giant’s autonomous cars
currently exist.                           ultrasonic sensors and mapping data      have already covered more than 1.5
                                           to allow cars to “automatically steer    million miles in test runs in the US,
                                           down the highway, change lanes,          although safety drivers have always
Autonomous Cars:
                                           and adjust speed in response to          been aboard to date.
the Next Step
                                           traffic”. Tesla’s approach to autono-         While there are exciting develop-
Connected cars will be just the start.     mous vehicles is a gradual, aiming to    ments taking place, there has, so
The next step in the evolution of          steadily introduce new features that     far, been limited discussion about
our roads is autonomous vehicles           remove the need for drivers to carry     the role weather sensors will play,
- cars that are capable of driving         out certain functions. The autopi-       other than admissions that bad
themselves. For a long time, such          lot function can only be engaged         weather presents one of the main
technology has been limited to the         once the car is already moving at        obstacles autonomous vehicles will
realms of science fiction, but, with       a relatively constant speed, has         need to overcome. This technology is

                                                                                                              198/2016 15
                                                                                            vehicles will require
                                                                                            the ability to assess
                                                                                            and adapt to
                                                                                            conditions if they
                                                                                            are to navigate our
                                                                                            roads safely.

                                                                                            real-time data allows for traffic flow
                                                                                            to be better managed and for drivers
                                                                                            to make more informed choices. This
                                                                                            could deliver wide-reaching benefits
                                                                                            ranging from reduced pollution and
                                                                                            energy use to providing people with
                                                                                            more free time and generally making
                                                                                            them happier. Should autonomous
                                                                                            cars become the norm, the extent of
    essential if self-driving cars are to ever   to be provided in the British city of      these benefits may be even greater.
    become a reality on our city streets.        Exeter. In December 2015, Vaisala          With the growing popularity of
    With weather having such a dramatic          joined forces with Exeter City Council     services such as Uber, it has been
    impact on traffic - 22 per cent of road      and Devon County Council as part           suggested that car ownership may
    accidents are weather-related, accord-       of a consortium led by NTT DATA to         be greatly reduced in the future, with
    ing to the FHWA - autonomous vehicles        help implement a ground-breaking,          people instead embracing ‘mobility
    will require the ability to assess and       two-year intelligent transport initia-     as a service’ and sharing self-driving
    adapt to conditions if they are to navi-     tive. Drawing on real-time traffic and     vehicles to fulfill their transport
    gate our roads safely.                       weather sensor data, as well as other      needs. This would reduce the
         A human driver is able to observe       data sources such as eyewitness and        number of cars on the road further,
    weather conditions and adapt                 behavioral information, the Engaged        delivering environmental and health
    their driving behavior accordingly,          Smart Transport project will identify      benefits, freeing up space that is no
    although this often isn’t enough to          where and why congestion occurs            longer needed for parking and, ulti-
    avoid accidents, as the FHWA figures         and help to come up with solutions         mately, making cities happier, better
    show. If autonomous vehicles are to          to tackle the issue. It is hoped this      places to live.
    be able to do the same, accurate and         will help Exeter’s transport infra-             According to the United Nations,
    reliable weather data will be key. Cars      structure cope with a growth plan          the world’s urban population will
    will require the ability to receive and      that will see 12,000 new homes, 60         have almost doubled to around six
    process data and then interpret it to        hectares of new business land and          billion by 2050. The development of
    ensure they are driving safely. Only         40,000 square meters of new retail         connected and autonomous vehicles
    with reliable and accurate weather           space added to the city by 2026.           and intelligent traffic will play a vital
    sensors that can work alongside highly           While projects such as this            role in ensuring the cities of the
    accurate roadside technology will fully      represent the first step towards truly     future are able to manage this growth
    autonomous cars become a reality.            smart cities, what might the urban         and represent a better environment
                                                 environments of the future look like       in which to live than those of the
                                                 once the full potential of the tech-       past. Vaisala will continue to lead
    The Cities of the Future
                                                 nologies of the future are unlocked?       the way in developing the weather
    What will the cities of the future           The possibilities are endless. At first,   sensor technology needed to help
    look like should connected and               the rise of connected cars could lead      make this happen.
    autonomous cars become a reality?            to traffic congestion becoming sig-
    A glimpse of what is possible is set         nificantly reduced as the exchange of

16 198/2016
Free Access to
Wind and Solar
Resource Data
As insecurity over our traditional        decisions about renewable energy               Vaisala’s Global Manager of Energy
energy economy deepens, the global        projects that incorporate a large         Services, Pascal Storck, expressed
level of support for a new energy         amount of consistent, high-quality        similar optimism for outcomes related
paradigm continues to rise. Sustain-      data from all over the world.             to the company’s partnership with
ing the momentum of this worldwide             It will assist developers by         IRENA, saying that making resource
shift requires more than a vision for     improving their knowledge of how          data publicly available is “an essential
the future - it requires constantly       renewable energy infrastructure           first step when it comes to supporting
pushing ideological, technologi-          should be designed, and where it          global renewable energy expansion.”
cal, and informational boundaries.        should be placed, in order to maxi-       By making the data free to access,
A great stride has recently been          mize yield. Legislators, meanwhile,       Vaisala is demonstrating a strong
made in the latter of these, when         will be benefitted by the additional      commitment to the international com-
environmental measurement and             insight that the data provides into       munity surrounding renewable energy
consultancy firm Vaisala teamed           how regional governments can              sources, with Storck describing it as
up with the intergovernmental             support the expansion of renewables       symbolic of the company’s “responsi-
group known as IRENA (Interna-            through policy setting. Perhaps the       bility to minimize investment risk for
tional Renewable Energy Agency) to        significance of this data becoming        the industry.”
provide free public access to global      publicly accessible is most obvious,
wind and solar data. These records,       however, in terms of the advantage it
                                                                                    Long Term Benefits
which include average annual solar        offers researchers, who now have a
irradiation and average annual wind       vast collection of records, statistics,   For now, the benefits of this coopera-
speed, will effectively reduce a major,   and samples with which to compare         tion will mostly be experienced by
longstanding barrier of entry into        results, modify projections, and          professionals and organizations
renewable energy markets: a lack of       enhance their analyses of ongoing         within the renewable energy indus-
accessible and reliable resource data.    studies.                                  try. In the big picture, however, it
                                               The effect that the data will have   represents a potential leap forward
                                          on investments within the renew-          for all consumers. Making data open
How, and Who,
                                          able energy sector will be less direct,   and accessible paves the way for it to
Will This Help?
                                          but just as important. In the words       become meaningful on a much larger
Vaisala’s extensive datasets will         of Nicolas Fichaux, IRENA’s Senior        scale, providing innovators a founda-
now be available to download using        Programme Officer, it should serve to     tion for future applications, which
IRENA’s Global Atlas program, a free      “...increase the confidence of govern-    Vaisala is well positioned to support
online tool which makes it possible       ments, investors, and the supply          through observations, services,
for users to integrate data directly      chain in new and emerging renewable       and consulting. While resource data
into their own modeling or research       energy markets,” by providing a trust-    by itself will not unlock an endless
software. For the first time, develop-    worthy source of detailed global maps     supply of energy, it does enable us to
ers, policy makers, investors, and        showing exactly where the resources       envision and ultimately create such a
researchers will be able to make          are.                                      future together.

                                                                                                                197/2016 17
Increased Efficiency
    with Network Manager
    by Olli Ojanperä, Product Manager, Vaisala, Finland

    Automated and centralized remote monitoring and control of weather
    observation networks increases operational efficiency, improves safety
    and reduces lifetime costs.

    Weather observations are the start-                                   place is the new industry standard.         operations, improved safety and
    ing point for weather forecasting,                                    Today, economical and more reli-            easier operation in remote locations.
    services and operations. Thus, taking                                 able hardware and communications
    good care of the observation network                                  through secure Internet Protocol
                                                                                                                      Continuous, Reliable
    is vital. It ensures the continuous                                   networks are enabling fundamental
    high-quality performance of the pro-                                  changes in how agencies and coun-
    vided weather services and weather                                    tries manage their individual weather       Vaisala Observation Network
    critical operations.                                                  observation sites. Integrating              Manager NM10 connects individual
        The initial investment in weather                                 weather observation sites using the         systems, sensors and devices, allow-
    observation systems and sensors                                       communication protocols right for           ing customers to monitor and control
    can seem high, but the lifetime cost                                  the agency’s needs make it possible         their weather observation sites from
    of managing and maintaining all of                                    to monitor and control everything           one location. Using one platform,
    these assets can far exceed the initial                               from one centralized office.                users can collect high-quality data
    investment. So finding the right solu-                                    Implementing a scalable, flexible       from multiple observation sites. As
    tion that can be adapted and scaled                                   and open management solution with           the system is accessed through a
    in step with changes in the operating                                 support for various different autono-       web browser, 24/7 monitoring is pos-
    environment is essential.                                             mous observation systems and                sible from any device or location.
        Having access to all weather                                      intelligent field devices will enable           High-quality observations are
    observation data from all sites in one                                optimization of observation network         crucial when the data is used in

    NM10 enables horizontal
    integration of variety of dif-
                                     SEAMLESS VERTICAL INTEGRATION

    ferent observation systems                                        Weather        Airport       Soundings       Intelligent    Weather        Lightning
                                                                      Stations      Systems         Systems         Sensors        Radars        Detection
    and devices with efficient                                       Management    Management     Management      Management     Management      Systems
    capabilities to centrally                                                                                                                   Management
    operate, maintain and
    diagnose the network via
    browser-based tools.

                                                                                  HORIZONTAL INTEGRATION TO LEVERAGE ONE SCALABLE PLATFORM

18 198/2016
decision-making in critical operations
and public safety. Active monitoring
of the weather observation sites pro-
vided with automatic real-time data
quality control capabilities ensures
and increases the volumes of reliable
observations and high quality data. It
also improves significantly the ability
to react immediately when issues
need to be solved.

Optimized Lifetime Support
Perfect for both small and large
networks, the NM10 is fully scalable
to make extending the system quick
and easy with an affordable price
tag. Extensive support together with
proven performance and functional-
ity significantly reduce the implemen-
tation time and total lifetime costs,
helping to stretch the budget further.
With real-time, continuous monitor-
ing of the entire network, customers
can make informed decisions based
on the best possible data. Alongside
network monitoring, the NM10 pro-
vides alerts and notifications as well
as remote diagnostics and control
services which help in reducing
maintenance and operational costs.
     Continuous support services,
modernization and efficient upgrades
provided by a global market leader
and trusted partner for years to
come will help the end users to
utilize the most advanced technolo-
gies available to improve their per-
formance both now and in the future.

Shorter Site Visits and
Correct Actions
With remote access and continuous
monitoring, the NM10 can help cut
the number of maintenance visits to
remote sites. Having received infor-
mation about the fault in advance,             Moreover, by having the possibil-   To achieve improved oversight of
decision-makers can make sure the         ity, for example, to remotely give       network performance and weather
                                                                                   conditions detailed views of surface
issue at hand will be addressed effi-     permission to launch a radiosonde        weather observations, data quality
ciently: the most competent staff will    balloon from Vaisala AUTOSONDE®          and network status are provided on
                                                                                   wind rose, chart, text, GIS map, list and
be alerted to the site and they will be   system can significantly increase the    report widgets on the fully configurable
equipped with the correct tools and       efficiency of daily routine tasks as     web user interface.
spares to remedy the issue.               well as convenience in operations.

                                                                                                                196/2016 19
What Does
    Total Lightning
    Mean Anyway?

    You have probably heard the term “total lightning,”                             between these two types of lightning
                                                                                    is extremely important in certain
    but do you know what it really means? In short,                                 critical operations. For example, reli-
                                                                                    able identification of cloud-to-ground
    it means the detection of both cloud lightning                                  lightning is essential in electric-
                                                                                    power transmission management.

    and cloud-to-ground lightning, giving us a more                                     In addition to differentiation,
                                                                                    uniform detection capability is key
                                                                                    to assessing storm development and
    complete view of the activity in a storm. The                                   the potential for severe weather,
                                                                                    where the rate of total lightning and
    study of cloud lightning is bringing scientists new                             the ratio of cloud lightning to cloud-
                                                                                    to-ground lightning are thought to be
    research data, and is allowing meteorologists                                   key factors.

    to understand better the relationship between
                                                                                    Detecting Cloud and Cloud-
    lightning and severe weather.                                                   to-Ground Lightning
                                                                                    Lightning detection systems detect
    Cloud-to-ground lightning has been      and operate weather critical business   electro-magnetic pulses emitted by
    extensively studied for decades, and    efficiently during adverse weather.     lightning discharges. Vaisala’s LS7000
    private companies like Vaisala are           Through the study of lightning,    series sensors are engineered to
    continuing to perfect the accuracy of   lessons have been learned that there    detect the Very Low Frequency (VLF)
    location and timing of these strikes.   is an association between cloud         and Low Frequency (LF) signals
    After all, cloud-to-ground lightning    lightning and severe weather, includ-   emitted by cloud-to-ground lightning
    directly affects the places where       ing the threat of high winds, hail      strikes and cloud pulses. Vaisala’s
    we live and work – from disrupting      and wind-shear. Also, as forecasting    LS7000 series sensors are engineered
    electric power systems to impacting     techniques evolve, there is increas-    to detect the Very Low Frequency
    recreation and travel. Accurately       ing value in detecting both cloud and   (VLF) and Low Frequency (LF)
    detecting cloud-to-ground lightning     cloud-to-ground lightning with higher   signals emitted by cloud-to-ground
    allows us to be prepared, stay safe,    quality. However, differentiating       lightning strikes and cloud pulses.

20 198/2016
This frequency range is optimal for      is important to make sure you are           than any other method. The third is
detecting and classifying these light-   getting accurate information, not just      proper classification of lightning – was
ning discharges over long distances,     “dots on a map”. High data quality          it cloud lightning, or cloud-to-ground
which allows Vaisala to design net-      ensures you have a trustworthy              lightning? It is well known that most
works that have 70% fewer sensors        source of information for weather           of the lightning occurring in a storm
than required with any other technol-    models, forecasting, advance warn-          is cloud lightning, and while detecting
ogy and, at the same time, provide       ings, safety, operational efficiency        both types is readily accomplished, it
industry leading performance and         and asset monitoring.                       is much more challenging to provide
uniform coverage over wide areas.             There are three important perfor-      a clean dataset with a high degree of
     Vaisala’s approach to detecting     mance considerations when selecting         classification accuracy. Any lightning
lightning is to develop technol-         a lightning network. The first is to        network can claim to provide total
ogy that delivers only data that         detect as much lightning as possible        lightning, but what are you really
is assessed, with a high degree of       within the network and in the immedi-       getting? Total lightning counts alone
certainty, as being either cloud-        ate vicinity. This capability is known as   do not provide the best or most com-
to-ground or cloud lightning, and        high detection efficiency. A cloud-to-      plete information. Proper classifica-
Vaisala is the first company to          ground or cloud flash is said to be         tion requires using sensor technology
resolve the problem of properly          “detected” if one or more of the pulses     that intelligently detects and filters
classifying cloud lightning and          in the flash are detected and reported      the signals, together with advanced
cloud-to-ground lightning. Using         by the lightning network.                   algorithms that properly differentiate
technology developed for the Vaisala          The second is to determine the         cloud lightning and cloud-to-ground
Thunderstorm Advanced Total              positions of individual lightning           lightning.
Lightning Sensor LS7002, Vaisala is      discharges as accurately as possible,            In lightning detection, as in all
able to bring accurate total lightning   or in other words, ensure location          aspects of weather observation, it is
to its users with improved sensitivity   accuracy is at the highest level. The       of utmost importance to Vaisala that
to detect weaker cloud pulses. This      location accuracy of a network is           customers are always getting the
technology furthers the capability       particularly important for cloud-to-        most accurate weather information
to discriminate correctly between        ground strikes. Vaisala uses Combined       in a timely and cost effective manner,
cloud-to-ground and cloud lightning,     Technology - magnetic direction             weather information that can be
while significantly increasing the       finding and advanced time-of-arrival -      relied on.
amount of cloud lightning reported.      to provide accurate locations of both
                                         cloud-to-ground and cloud lightning.
                                         This patented approach to lightning
Correct Classification of
                                         detection provides the major benefit
Lightning is Important
                                         of delivering accurate lightning loca-
Where lightning data plays a role        tions, while maintaining a high detec-
in your decision making process it       tion efficiency, with far fewer sensors

                                                                                                                198/2016 21
Superior Wireless Monitoring
    for Indoor Environments
    Vaisala has launched a new envi-        as air temperature or humidity. It is
    ronmental monitoring system with        used in museums, galleries, and in IT
    wireless signal that travels over 100   server rooms,” says Vaisala Product
    meters indoors. The totally rede-       Manager Jon Aldous.
    signed viewLinc monitoring system           viewLinc provides trends, alarm-
    now offers long-range wireless          ing, and customizable reporting that
    communication, ease of use, and fast    ensures accurate environmental
    deployment.                             information via a wide selection of
        “The previous version of the        Vaisala devices that monitor tem-
    viewLinc system has long been           perature, humidity, CO2, and other
    used by pharmaceuticals, but it         variables.
    is also ideal for monitoring other
    high-value assets that are affected     Read more:
    by environmental conditions, such

                               Measuring Carbon Dioxide in Agriculture
                                            Vaisala introduces a                     Helping Plants to Grow
                                                                                     “Greenhouses often have high
                                            new carbon dioxide                       humidity levels and lots of chemicals
                                                                                     present. Carbon dioxide fertilization
                                            probe for agriculture,                   helps plants to grow, accelerating
                                                                                     photosynthesis. Vaisala measure-
                                            greenhouses,                             ment devices are very accurate,
                                                                                     need minimal maintenance, and
                                            refrigeration and                        have minimal long-term drift. Stabil-
                                                                                     ity is an important feature, since a
                                            demanding HVAC                           drifting measurement might result
                                                                                     in over-using carbon dioxide. That
                                            applications.                            is expensive for the farmer and can
                                                                                     even be harmful for the plants,” says
                                                                                     Maria Uusimaa, Product Manager at
                                            Agriculture either uses or produces      Vaisala.
                                            carbon dioxide in many places: CO2            The GMP252 uses Vaisala’s
                                            is used as a fertilizer e.g. in green-   proprietary CARBOCAP® technology
                                            houses or needs to be controlled and     and has a microglow light source.
                                            ventilated at mushroom farms. Stable     “The microglow chip is a silicon
                                            and accurate performance is essen-       MEMS emitter infrared source, which
                                            tial in these types of wash-down and     improves the reliability and stability
                                            humid environments.                      of the probes. Using this light source
                                                 The Vaisala CARBOCAP® Carbon        instead of traditional filament lamp
                                            Dioxide Probe GMP252 measures            brings better accuracy and stability
                                            from 0 to 10 000 ppmCO2, and with        of the CO2 measurement and pro-
                                            slightly reduced accuracy even up        longed lifetime of the product,” says
                                            to 30 000 ppmCO2. The operating          Uusimaa.
                                            temperature ranges from -40 to +60
                                            °C, and the probe has IP65 classified

22 198/2016
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