KontakTUM Magazine - Properly connected An issue on dialogue and interdisciplinarity at TUM - TUM Community

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KontakTUM Magazine - Properly connected An issue on dialogue and interdisciplinarity at TUM - TUM Community
For alumni of the Technical University of Munich
Autumn/Winter 2016

                                              Properly connected
                                                     An issue on dialogue and
                                                     interdisciplinarity at TUM

                                                                  Nominal fee

Campus . Commitment . Network
KontakTUM Magazine - Properly connected An issue on dialogue and interdisciplinarity at TUM - TUM Community

Dialogue starts                                                                What holds the
when different                                                                 world together

generations meet.
For Dr. Daniel Tomic, one of the reasons for the success of his                very day, I deal with people from different scientific disciplines.
                                                                               I meet engineers, mathematicians, and economists at TUM
family company is his training at TUM. As one of the donors of
                                                                               network events as well as in the context of career counseling –
the TUM University Foundation, he would now like to express his                and I talk to journalists, photographers, and graphic designers
thanks. Please support your alma mater as well!                                about the layout of the alumni magazine. I cherish the variety,
www.tum-universitaetsstiftung.de                                               and it really can’t get too diverse for me. What’s exciting is        KontakTUM Editor
                                                                               that all these people have their very own way of speaking and         Sabrina Eisele

                                                                               To me, interdisciplinarity means willingness to enter a dialo-
                                                                               gue: we can only be able to gain knowledge and become more
                                                                               communicative if we go along with our counterpart’s way of
                                                                               thinking and speaking. With every specialist field I get to know,
                                                                               every work area that “crosses my path”, I learn more about the
                                                                               commonalities between the individual disciplines, about the
                                                                               distinctive patterns of thought. Sometimes, at least, it feels like
                                                                               – in a Faustian sense – getting a glimpse of “whatever holds the
                                                                               world together in its inmost folds”. From page six onwards, you
                                                                               can find out more about the opinions of socially and politically
                                                                               active alumni on the topic of a successful dialogue.

                                                                               This edition of the alumni magazine initiates a dialogue between
                                                                               different scientific disciplines and generations: In an extensive
                                         At TUM, I learned what Ger-           interview featuring student representative Nora Pohle and TUM

                                         man engineering expertise
                                                                               President Prof. Dr. Wolfgang A. Herrmann, they discuss their
                                                                               views on the role of the university in society as well as their own
                                         really means. That’s why I            commitment in the scope of university politics during the past

                                         promote research projects
                                                                               years (page 14). In the series “Back to the Lecture Hall”, stu-
                                                                               dent representative Philipp Rinner meets AStA-veteran Manfred         Nowadays, you can still be
                                         and young talents.“                   Färber, who – in the mid-sixties – held a blazing speech in front     properly connected using
                                                                               of 10,000 students from Munich on the “Königsplatz”, following        a tin can telephone:
                                                                               a demonstration against a higher education act that was sup-          In the TUM Community News, you
                                                                               posed to be adopted by the Landtag (page 30). In the middle of        can read about how a tin can
                                         Dr. Daniel Tomic MBA                  this magazine, you can also read about what TUM now has to            telephone was used to raise donations
                                         TUM Alumni, entrepreneur, and donor   do with the training of political scientists (page 26).               and what the TUM Network has to
                                         on the TUM’s rooftop with the clock   Wishing you an invigorating and dialogue-stimulating read,            do with that: www.community.tum.de
                                         tower in the background

KontakTUM Magazine - Properly connected An issue on dialogue and interdisciplinarity at TUM - TUM Community
Table of Contents

                                                                                                                IN          I

                                                                                                                                          Table of Contents

                                                                                                                                ING A
                                                                                                            I          AL

                                                                                                                                          03 Editorial                                                       26 How TUM promotes...
                                                                                                                                               KontakTUM editor                                                   …dialogue and interdisciplinarity
                                                                                                                                               Sabrina Eisele on the basic                                        Plus: The new Bavarian School
                                                                                                                                               idea of this issue                                                 of Public Policy at TUM

                                                                                                                                          06 Voices of TUM                                                   30 Back to the lecture hall
                                                                                                                                               TUM Alumni and students talk about their                           Student representative Philipp Rinner
                                                                                                                                               personal views about the prerequisites of a                        meets AStA-veteran Manfred Färber

                                                                                    Interview: Student
                                                                                                                                               successful dialogue

                                                                                                                                          14 “As president, I am
                                                                                                                                                                                                             34 We belong together

                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Professor Gerald Thurner, his daughter
                              Voices of TUM:                                        representative Nora Pohle                                responsible for everyone”                                            Professor Veronika Thurner, and her
                              How to bring about a successful dialogue              meets President Herrmann                                                                                                      husband Michael Arbesmeier are a
                                                                                                                                              TUM President Wolfgang A. Herrmann
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  family of TUM Alumni
                                                                                                                                              and student representative Nora Pohle
                                                                                                                                              talk about commitment in the scope of
                                                                                                                                              university politics                                            38 Noticeboard
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  News from the TUM Network
                                                                                                                                          20 Leaving the ivory tower:
                                                                                                                                             Dialogue and interdisciplinarity                                46 Greetings from…
                                                                                                                                              Why dialogue and interdisciplinarity are so                         Engineer Carlos Munoz sends greetings
                                                                                                                                              important at TUM                                                    from Brazil, his adopted home country

                                                       20                                                30
                                                                         Back to the lecture hall: Commitment in the
                                                                                student council, yesterday and today

                                                                                                                                          Imprint KontakTUM is published twice a year; circulation: 50,000.
                Leaving the ivory tower:                                                                                                       Contact                                                            send/group); Andreas Heddergott: 27, 28; iuvas: 42; Magdalena
                                                                                                                                               Technical University of Munich                                     Jooss: 3, 4 (Ferber, ASHAD project, alumni in the lecture hall),
                Dialogue and interdisciplinarity                                                                                               Corporate Communications Center                                    6-7, 23, 24, 31-32, 35-36, 48; KONUX: 43; NavVis: 4, 40; Privat:
                                                                                                                                               Alumni & Career                                                    8, 9 (Tausend/portrait), 10-11, 12, 13 (Alfreider), 33, 39 (books), 40
                                                                                                                                               80290 München                                                      (accu:rate), 43 (Olympia), 46; ProGlove: 41; Fred Schöllhorn: 13
                                                                                                                                               Tel. +49 89 289 22563                                              (Bock); SimScale: 41; TUM Asia: 39 (Herrmann); Shutterstock
                                                                                                                                               Fax +49 89 289 22870                                               VERSUSstudio: 1 (Cover)

                KontakTUM digital
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Graphic design
                                                                                                                                               Published by                                                       Pixelperfektion, Munich
                                                                                                                                               The President of the Technical University of Munich
                in English and German                                                                                                          Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Wolfgang A. Herrmann                      Printed by

                www.together.tum.de/epub                                                                                                                                                                          Druckerei Joh. Walch www.walchdruck.de
                                                                                                                                               Gerlinde Friedsam (in charge), Sabrina Eisele                      All rights reserved. Reprinting, also in excerpt, only with
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  permission of the editors.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Pursuant to Art. 3 (2) of the Basic Law, men and women have
                                                     Noticeboard: News from the TUM Network                                                    Dr. Andreas Battenberg, Dr. Sabrina Eisele, Beatrix Köber
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  equal rights. All terms referring to persons or functions refer
                                                                                                                                               Photos                                                             equally to men and women. The use of the male term only serves
                                                                                                                                               Günther Anthuber: 25; BayStartUP / Andreas Schebesta: 38;          purely to make reading easier.
                                                                                                                                               Astrid Eckert: 2, 4 (Herrmann), 14-18, 29; Peter Finger: 9 (Tau-   ISSN 1868-4084

4              KontakTUM Autumn/Winter 2016                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                5
KontakTUM Magazine - Properly connected An issue on dialogue and interdisciplinarity at TUM - TUM Community
KontakTUM Thema   Unternehmen

          Voices of TUM                    Markus Ferber (Electrical and Computer Engineering 1990) has been involved in party politics for the
                                           CSU since he was at school – and he has been a member of the European Parliament for more than
                                           20 years. He was able to benefit from the interdisciplinary way of thinking he acquired during his enginee-
                                           ring-oriented university education at TUM. “You don’t even have to bother about becoming involved in
                                           politics if you’re not able to enter a dialogue” says Markus Ferber. For him, the most exciting kind of
                                           dialogue is to exchange views with the public: “We have to give the people an understanding of what
                                           we do at European level.” Read more about Markus Ferber from page 22 onwards.

           How to bring about …

...a successful dialogue!                  TUM Alumni and students talk about their personal
                                           views on the prerequisites of a successful dialogue.

6           KontakTUM Autumn/Winter 2016                                                                                                                 7
KontakTUM Magazine - Properly connected An issue on dialogue and interdisciplinarity at TUM - TUM Community
Voices of TUM

                                                            Peter Pernsteiner
                                                            „“Dialogue means being open for reaso-
                                                            ning that is relevant to the case – regard-
                                                            less of party-political differences, across
                                                            generations and company hierarchies.
                                                            You have to be prepared to drop your
                                                            own opinion if there are more convincing
                                                            solution approaches. In a successful
                                                            dialogue, a problem should be addressed
                                                            step by step. You have to be prepared
                                                            to take time and to postpone an issue

       Peter Pensteiner (Electrical and Computer Engineering 1987) has been chairman of his local
     FDP-branch since 2003. Since 2007, he does voluntary work in municipal council of Zorneding
    near Munich – trying to keep the municipality debt-free, among other things. During his studies,
                                      he was a member of the faculty council and the TUM Senate.

                                                                                                          Claudia Tausend (Geography 1992) became chairperson of the SPD in Munich in 2004. From 1996 until she
                                                                                                          was elected to join the German Bundestag in October 2013, she was a member of Munich’s City Council,
                                                                                                          spokeswoman of the planning committee, and deputy chairperson of the City Hall faction. In addition to party
                                                                                                          politics, she is involved in the tenants’ association, the IG Metall, the workers’ welfare organization, and even
                                                                                                          a men’s choir. In summer, the TUM: Junge Akademie – the TUM’s support program for the especially talented
                                                                                                          and dedicated students – invited her to give a lecture on the political situation in Europe.

                                                                                                                                                                                               Claudia Tausend
                                                                                                                                                          “I have now been actively involved in politics for over twenty
                                                                                                                                                    years; first in Munich’s City Council and later, from 2013 onwards,
                                                                                                                                                          in the German Bundestag. In this field, you can’t be successful

                                                            Rupert Heindl                                                                            without the ability to communicate at eye level with various interlocu-
                                                                                                                                                       tors, and it is important to respect the other, even if there are oppo-
                                                            „Dialogue should be                                                                            sing opinions. Politics is always about being open to alternative
                                                            about a mutual exchange                                                                              options and about the willingness to find a compromise in
        Rupert Heindl (Bachelor Vocational Education in     of views. Democracy, for                                                                              difficult situations. This can only work out if I really try to
           Metal Engineering and Religious Studies 2015)
                                                            example, can only work out                                                                                               understand the viewpoint of the other.”
        is the regional chairperson of the Catholic youth
      organization in Bavaria – and as the UN Youth De-     if everyone, especially the
     legate for Sustainable Development, he addresses       younger generation, is taken
      the United Nations with the concerns of the youn-     seriously. This is the case if
       ger generation. With his commitment, he aims to      the individual opinions and
          motivate others to work towards a sustainable
                                                            concerns are heard. In my
         future. Together with one of his colleagues from
       the youth delegation, he met German Chancellor       opinion, a successful dia-
      Angela Merkel at an official reception in New York    logue is first and foremost
               at the sidelines of a UN General Assembly.   about listening properly.”

8       KontakTUM Autumn/Winter 2016                                                                                                                                                                                                9
KontakTUM Magazine - Properly connected An issue on dialogue and interdisciplinarity at TUM - TUM Community
Voices of TUM
                                                                                                             Dr. Thomas Theil
                                                                                                             “A dialogue can also be a con-
                                                                                                             troversy. I repeatedly notice that
                                                                                                             many people are not aware of the
                                                                                                             fact that our way of thinking could
                                                                                                             not work out without language. The
                                                                                                             necessity to be able to express
                                                                                                             one’s opinion in a dialogue shapes
                                                                                                             our thoughts directly. Again and
                                                                                                             again, I experience that issues can
                                                                                                             be solved and solutions can be
                                                                                                             found through dialogue – especially
                                                                                                             in the engineering sciences.”

                                                         Dr. Thomas Theil (doctoral degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering 1990) and
                                                         his business partner in an inventor’s enterprise hold about 50 patents in the field of
                                                         distance and angle measurement technology. He is also district spokesman for the
                                                         local council in Feldafing. In addition to all these activities, his family is very im-
                                                         portant to him. The photo shows Dr. Thomas Theil with his wife in a hot air balloon
                                                         during their last vacation in Cappadocia.

                                     Ingrid Pongratz
                                     “Part of my work is to treat people respectfully and to keep personal contact. It is
                                     important to acknowledge other people’s concerns and needs. Most conflicts between people
                                     arise because we tend to put ourselves first, our own needs. The big trick is to always be aware
                                     that other people will think differently. A dialogue is the only way to resolve such conflicts.”

                                     In 2003, Ingrid Pongratz (Mechanical Engineering 1982) became first mayor of the district town
                                     Miesbach in Bavaria – and the first woman to hold the position. She was already interested in
                                     politics during her time at the grammar school in Miesbach. In 1995, the mayor of Miesbach
                                     asked her whether she would like to show political commitment and become a member of the
                                     city council. Following thorough considerations and consultations with her family – her sons
                                     were aged 14 and 11 at that time – she decided to run for an office.

10    KontakTUM Autumn/Winter 2016                                                                                                                 11
KontakTUM Magazine - Properly connected An issue on dialogue and interdisciplinarity at TUM - TUM Community
Voices of TUM                                                                                                          Gisela Bock
                                                                                                                                      “If you want to communicate with peo-
                                                                                                                                      ple and help them, dialogue is essential.
                                                                                                                                      This means that you have to listen to the
                                                                                                                                      concerns of the people and take them
                                                                                                                                      seriously. It is important to communicate
                                                                                                                                      at eye level and to show respect.”

                                                                                                                                      Gisela Bock (Chemistry 1965) was a
                                                                                                                                      member of the Bavarian parliament for
               Sascha                                                                                                                 the FDP. Today, she is involved in an
               Kienzle                                                                                                                association she founded herself, as a
                                                                                                                                      means to keep senior citizens from
                                                                                                                                      becoming lonely in old age. In 2011, she
              Sascha Kienzle (Political Science 2010) is a consultant at the German Embassy                                           was awarded the Bavarian Order of Merit
              in Singapore and Bangkok. As Head of the Department of Science and Techno-                                              for her longstanding commitment. She
              logy, his duties include science policy, welcoming and accompanying scientific                                          got involved in politics through her
              delegations, as well as providing information about the research landscape in                                           volunteer work as head of different
              Singapore and Germany.                                                                                                  parent committees (kindergarten, primary
                                                                                                                                      and secondary school) during her sons’
              “Kurt Cobain once sang: “Who needs action when you got words?” This                                                     years of school.
              describes what dialogue in the field of foreign policy means to me: It’s about
              communicative action. In diplomacy, a dialogue serves to solve problems in a
              conversation and, thus, to avoid harsh measures. It is the essence of trying to
              settle disputes peacefully and a central element of foreign policy and diplomacy.
              A dialogue can only be successful if it takes place purposefully and at eye level.
              All parties must be given the opportunity to participate in the dialogue, as listeners
              or as speakers. Further, arguments should be based on truth – otherwise,
              a dialogue will not be able to reach its full potential.”

     Dr. Carlos Chiu Fu (Electrical and Computer Engineering 1982) is the international person of contact for the TUM
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Daniel Alfreider
     Network in Peru, and he recently opened up a school in his hometown of Huanuco in the Peruvian Andes. The aim
                                                                                                                                                                                            “For me, dialogue is about having an opinion,
     is to teach young people a way of thinking that focuses on technology, the engineering sciences,
     and sustainability.                                                                                                                                                                   about developing it, and about putting it to the
                                                                                                                                                                                           test in a societal context, in a circle of friends,
                                                                                                                                                                                      as well as in the field of work. However, there seems
                                                                                                                                                                              to be a dangerous tendency that more and more people inter-
                                                 Dr. Carlos Chiu Fu                                                                                                             pret dialogue as an opportunity to trumpet their own – often
                                                                                                                                                                                unfounded – opinion, without taking the time question one’s
                                                 “From my point of view, dialogue is more than just a conversation between                                                         own viewpoint in order to either substantiate or adjust it.”
                                                 two or more people. It is about interpersonal interaction, enabling people to
                                                 learn from each other – about specific topics or about the people participating                     Daniel Alfreider (Civil Engineering 2005) is a member of
                                                 in the dialogue. When trying to solve a problem, a dialogue can function as a                       the South Tyrolean People’s Party in the Roman
                                                 kind of brainstorming. In order to bring about a successful dialogue, all partici-                  Parliament, where he represents the interests of South
                                                                                                                                                     Tyrol at national level. As a civil engineer, he is involved
                                                 pants should be as open as possible. Listening is just as important                                 in the Brenner Base Tunnel project, where he is
                                                 as speaking.”                                                                                       responsible for cost and risk management. In the TUM
                                                                                                                                                     Network, he is the person of contact for Italy.

12                KontakTUM Autumn/Winter 2016                                                                                                                                                                                                    13
KontakTUM Magazine - Properly connected An issue on dialogue and interdisciplinarity at TUM - TUM Community
Focus   Dialogue and Interdisciplinarity

                                                             “As president,
                          IN                   I

                                                             I am responsible
                                                   ING A     for everyone.”
                      I               AL

                                                             Student representative Nora Pohle meets TUM President Wolfgang A.
                                                             Herrmann – a dialogue on commitment in the scope of university politics

14              KontakTUM Autumn/Winter 2016                                                                                           15
KontakTUM Magazine - Properly connected An issue on dialogue and interdisciplinarity at TUM - TUM Community
Focus   Dialogue and Interdisciplinarity

     Wolfgang A. Herrmann, who is a
     chemical scientist, has now been
                                                 Nora Pohle: Professor Herrmann,
                                                 often, the people are skeptical about
                                                                                             expert in his scientific discipline, but
                                                                                             also a human being with interests
                                                                                                                                          “You always have
                                                 technical innovations, such as auto-
                                                                                                                                          to follow through
     President of the Technical Univer-                                                      beyond the facts and figures. I can
     sity of Munich for more than 20 ye-         nomous cars, for example. Should a          tell you how I used to address issues
     ars – but he was already involved in        university try to do educational work       like this: When I held lectures in the
     university politics as a spokesman
     of his student dorm. By vote of her
     fellow students, Nora Pohle (23) –
                                                 in this respect? Or is this an issue that
                                                 should be addressed in the scope of
                                                                                             era of the conflict between the che-
                                                                                             mical industry and the early “green
                                                                                             movement”, I took some of the indi-
                                                                                                                                          with whatever
     who is a Master’s student of Elec-
     trical Engineering and Information
                                                 Wolfgang A. Herrmann: Both, in my
                                                 opinion – mutually! A university must
                                                                                             vidual topics that were discussed in
                                                                                             the media and – together with the            satisfies you.”
     Technology – was recently elected           be “ahead of its time”.                     students – tried to develop a fact-ba-
     as student representative in the                                                        sed and accurate but, nonetheless,
     TUM Senate for the third time. For          Nora Pohle:                                 comprehensible approach. Then,
     KontakTUM, the two of them met              What do you mean by that?                   we discussed what consequences
     to talk about their commitment to           Wolfgang A. Herrmann: For a universi-       an event such as the industrial acci-
     shaping the university during the           ty, it is important to try and understand   dent in Bhopal, India, could have for
     past years.                                 what is not yet known – and, secondly,      our future, and how expertise could
                                                 to evaluate the issue. Scientific rese-     help to avoid incidents like this. The
     Nora Pohle, the budding engineer,           arch has become increasingly complex        students were rather enthusiastic,
     tends to think across the scientific        and sophisticated, too complicated for a    because the example showed them
     disciplines. Alongside her engineering      growing number of people. And even I        that our scientific discipline is not iso-                                                                      As a student, President Herrmann showed commitment
     studies, she also studies Philosophy        first have to gather information on, for    lated from the rest of the world, but to                                                                          as his student dorm’s speaker. Master’s student Nora
     with a minor in Psychology at the Lud-      example, the meaning of “Big Data” –        the benefit of the people.                                                                                         Pohle was recently elected as a member of the TUM
     wig-Maximilians-Universität. It was her     whether it’s really a distinctive term,                                                                                                                                                   Senate for the third time.
     involvement in the student body of the      what kind of data it is about and what      Nora Pohle: As you just mentioned
     Department of Electrical Engineering        the possibilities are. Thus, how must       – learning by practical examples can
     and Information Technology – which          the people feel if they are constantly      of course best be achieved by actively
     she joined in her third semester – that     confronted with scientific catchwords       joining in. I think it is an important
     laid the basis for her commitment           in the context of spending a lot of mo-     task for the university to show the
     in the Senate. “I quickly noticed that      ney in order to stay competitive? In my     students how they can take over so-          young talents, but it also contributes    dures we introduced 20 years ago.          any advice? How do you stay motiva-
     there is a culture of openness here at      opinion, science is nowadays obliged to     cial responsibility themselves, to get       to the expansion of their educational     From my experience, being the one          ted yourself, even being as involved as
     TUM. You can make a lot of differen-        provide our society with comprehensible     involved alongside their studies and         horizon. That is why, for example, we     who finally has to deal with the ap-       you have been for the last 20 years?
     ce, and many opportunities are simply       information. We must be able to express     beyond their textbooks. What are the         promote music events, sports offers,      pointments, the completely honest          Wolfgang A. Herrmann: If I have to
     missed because there’s no one who is        ourselves adequately.                       TUM’s initiatives to encourage the           student-organized events such as          statements have helped a lot. This is      prepare for a difficult discussion, I
     prepared to take care of an issue.” She                                                 students to get involved, and where do       GARNIX and TUNIX, as well as –            due to the fact that the viewpoint of      always say to myself that I’ll surely
     had so much fun in the course of her        Nora Pohle: If you were to hold a           you see room for improvement?                of course – the work of the student       the students is uninhibited and un-        survive this tough hour as well, like
     commitment that she wanted to conti-        lecture series in order to draw the         That’s an appropriate but difficult          council. At the same time, the univer-    biased, because it is based on tea-        so many before, no matter what the
     nue automatically.                          students’ attention to their societal       question. The first thing would be to        sity management and the professors        ching skills.                              outcome is (laughs). But every hour
     From personal experience, President         responsibility, how would you try to        hope that more students would follow         must accept the students’ aspira-                                                    is precious! Freely adapted from Go-
     Herrmann is aware of how “conta-            ensure that this would be about more        the example of their representatives         tions to participate and express cri-     Nora Pohle: On the other hand, com-        ethe: A conversation is more preci-
     gious” commitment can be, and he            than just memorizing certain ethical        who – like you, Mrs. Pohle, and seve-        ticism. They must be sure that their      mitment also means to explore fields       ous than light. Actually, the biggest
     would be glad if more students were         theories?                                   ral others – show commitment for the         concerns are taken seriously, that a      you didn’t know much about before.         motivation is the realization that all si-
     to follow Nora Pohle’s example. For         Wolfgang A. Herrmann: My advanta-           whole community. Then, when you              lot depends on the students. They         All the legal provisions – especially in   tuations you’re in – especially sur pri-
     the alumni magazine, the two of them        ge would be that I don’t really know        realize that tasking over responsibi-        are part of our success or our failure.   the field of higher education policy, as   ses – mean a gain of experience for a
     discussed the importance of the uni-        any ethical theories, so there wouldn’t     lity will make you grow with the chal-                                                 you will know – can be very, very dry.     lifetime. When it was my job to select
     versities in society, the need to think     be the danger of becoming too theo-         lenge, you just carry on. When I was         Nora Pohle: Can you give an example?      You have to get used to that in order      postdoc candidates for scholarships
     interdisciplinarily, and the challenge of   retical (laughs). For the young peop-       young, it was the same for me. The           Wolfgang A. Herrmann: Let’s take a        to achieve other goals, so you always      at the Alexander von Humboldt Stif-
     motivating yourself again and again to      le, I find it is most convincing if they    university is a living environment and       look at the opinions of the students      have to try and focus on the actual        tung – which, incidentally, was also
     be able to pursue important tasks.          notice that a lecturer is not only an       a development space. It promotes             regarding the appointment proce-          goal to motivate yourself. Do you have     volunteer work – I could personally be-

16                KontakTUM Autumn/Winter 2016                                                                                                                                                                                                                              17
KontakTUM Magazine - Properly connected An issue on dialogue and interdisciplinarity at TUM - TUM Community
Focus   Dialogue and Interdisciplinarity

                                                                                                        nefit from getting to know the entire        at eight o’clock. Before the lecture       course of Political Science from a
                                                                                                        range of scientific disciplines in qui-      began, I took a seat in the first row      technological point of view, which we
                                                                                                        te a short time. All in all, we were 42      and had a look at the blackboard to        are all excited about. In my opinion,
                                                                                                        evaluators. I represented Inorganic          think through the order of the topics to   this could turn out to be a very suc-
                                                                                                        Chemistry, but there were applica-           be addressed. At the end, when you         cessful course of studies. Will there
                                                                                                        tions from a wide range of disciplines,      leave the auditorium, it is important      also be a Master’s course of Politics
                                                                                                        from Christology to Restoration, and         that the blackboard shows a compre-        for natural scientists, similar to the
                                                                                                        from Conservation Sciences to Ast-           hensive overview – not only for the        Master’s course of Management &
                                                                                                        rophysics: an opportunity to gain in-        sake of completeness, but also to en-      Technology?
                                                                                                        sight about the current “hot topics”         sure that the students are aware that      Wolfgang A. Herrmann: Sure, there
                                                                                                        of the scientific community. I can still     you’re making an effort. You always        are such plans. If the faculty manages
                                                                                                        draw on that experience today. Back          have to follow through with whatever       to lay a sound basis in the field of Po-
                                                                                                        then, I really started to get interes-       satisfies you. That’s how I developed      litical Science – which is, of course,
                                                                                                        ted in other specialist                                                                                really important – and
                                                                                                        fields. In my current                                                                                  to include the tech-
                                                                                                        position, that’s a ba-                                                                                 nological aspect, this
                                                                                                        sic necessity: I’m not                                                                                 will be a great benefit

                                                                                                                                           “The closer
                                                                                                        in this position as a                                                                                  for the students. If we
                                                                                                        chemical       scientist                                                                               succeed in getting the
                                                                                                        – as President, I’m                                                                                    students involved with

                                                                                                                                           you cooperate,
                                                                                                        responsible for ever-                                                                                  such topics, for examp-
                                                                                                        yone.                                                                                                  le in the form of group
                                                                                                                                                                                                               discussions, they will
                                                                                                        Nora Pohle: Would

                                                                                                                                           the deeper the
                                                                                                                                                                                                               be able to learn more
                                                                                                        you say that you are                                                                                   than in the scope of a
                                                                                                        more the type of uni-                                                                                  “standard” course of
                                                                                                        versity president that

                                                                                                                                                                                                               Political Studies.
                                                                                                        focuses on social and
                                                                                                        on university politics,                                                                                Nora Pohle: Is that
                                                                                                        or are you primarily                                                                                   something that distin-
                                                                                                        a scientist?                                                                                           guishes TUM Alumni
                                                                                                        Wolfgang A. Herr-                                                                                      from other alumni?
                                                                                                        mann: It’s difficult to                                                                                Wolfgang A. Herrmann:
                                                                                                        keep those things                                                                                      It’s like always in life:
                                                                                                        apart. Life has become really inte-          various skills I could use on behalf of    The closer you cooperate, the more
                                                                                                        resting for me due to the variety of         TUM, for the past 31 years.                interest you show – in a family or wi-
                                                                                                        activities. I am also a father, which is                                                thin a university context – the deeper
                                                                                                        very important to me. Science meant          Nora Pohle: Meanwhile, TUM has             the relationships. I think that’s great,
          President Wolfgang A. Herrmann and student representative Nora Pohle regularly come           a lot to me for quite a while. I was on      quite a lot of interdisciplinary cour-     a unique characteristic of our uni-
          across each other at the meetings of the TUM’s Senate. Nevertheless, they had a lot to talk   fire for scientific research, but I didn’t   ses to offer – Management and Tech-        versity. The other aspects – that the
                                                                                                        neglect teaching either. When I was          nology for example or, vice versa, the     people are good at what they do in
          about during their meeting in the Café of the Vorhoelzer Forum – and they enjoyed to be       responsible for an experimental lec-         BA Master’s course for the natural         terms of science and research – can
                                                                                                                                                     scientists and engineers, but also So-
          able to hold a conversation without a specific agenda, among other things about how to        ture series for the freshers, I was in                                                  be expected, right? But the way the
                                                                                                        the preparation room at six o’clock in       ciology in Science and Technology          people stick together, that’s special
          motivate one’s peers to get involved in volunteer work.                                       the morning – and the lecture started        as well as the brand new Bachelor’s        about our TUM.

18              KontakTUM Autumn/Winter 2016                                                                                                                                                                                               19
                                    Focus   Dialogue and Interdisciplinarity

                                    Automated driving or working with robots: To
                                    ensure that graduates will be able to address the
                                    important technological innovations of our time,

                                    there are several initiatives to promote contacts
                                    between engineers and other disciplines at TUM.
                                    Sociology, Cognitive Science and other scientific
                                    fields can help our society to assess the oppor-
                                    tunities and risks of new technologies, and these
                                    fields of study can provide guidance in terms of
                                    developing specific fields of activity. Thus, inter-
                                    disciplinary exchange is an essential characte-
                                    ristic of numerous working groups and institu-
                                    tions at TUM.

20   KontakTUM Autumn/Winter 2016                                                          21
Focus   Dialogue and Interdisciplinarity

                       n the debate about the future               systems into their vehicles? In addition, the       Genuine interdisciplinarity: doctoral candidates of the ASHAD project
                       of the automobile, one trend                project focuses on developing methods of risk       (left to right): Johannes Klepsch (Chair of Mathematical Statistics and Chair
                       is especially prominent: It is              assessment and early warning systems in             of Philosophy and Philosophy of Science), Jan Gogoll (Chair of Business
                       supposed to operate auto-                   order to lay a basis for a dialogue in a social,    Ethics), Christopher Kohl (Chair of Information Systems), Anna
                                                                                                                       Feldhütter (Chair of Ergonomics), Ulf Steinberg (Chair of Research and
                       matically. “There will be significant       ethical, and cultural context.
                                                                                                                       Science Management) and Christoph Hohenberger (Chair of Strategy and
                         changes in the field of individual
                         mobility, simply due to demographic       “In this project, researchers from various dis-
                         factors,” says Prof. Dr. Klaus Bengler    ciplines – with their different scientific appro-
                         of the TUM Chair of Ergonomics,           aches – meet up to think about and discuss
               who mainly works on designing and evalua-           technological innovation,” says Klaus Bengler.
               ting human-machine interaction. According           Sometimes, this leads to a “cognitive disloca-
               to Bengler, autonomous driving will cons-           tion”, when everyone tries to understand each
               titute a real turning point. “Traveling by car      other and to find common solutions. “In the
               could become much safer and much more               end, it is exactly this interdisciplinary exch-
               comfortable – especially for elderly drivers.       ange that makes the project so promising,”
               When driving in convoy, autonomous cars are         Bengler says. While the computer scientists
               quicker and more efficient. This helps to save      collect data about how the Internet will be
               time and fuel, especially in city traffic.” Thus,   involved in autonomous driving, for example,
               there are many benefits. However, as with           the Chair of Ergonomics is already carrying
               every new technology, there are also risks –        out experiments with small samples of sub-
               and new challenges for the users and society        jects. In a simulator, they can experience what
               as a whole. Recently, the news featured             it is like to sit back and let the car drive and
               reports about the first fatal accident involving    navigate all by itself.
               an autonomous car. “We, the developers,
               must therefore carefully consider the effects       “TUM is clearly in the lead!”
               of technological innovations and, accordingly,      According to its guidelines, TUM strives to
               ask ourselves how we want to shape them for         prepare the students to take over responsi-
               the benefit of the people,” says Klaus Bengler.     bility in societal transformation processes.
                                                                   The interdisciplinary Master’s program
               At TUM, the so-called ASHAD project at the          “Human Factors Engineering” at the Chair of
               Munich Center for Technology in Society             Ergonomics, for example, aims to teach the
               (MCTS) addresses issues like this, among            students how to work out, implement, and
               other things. The acronym stands for “Au-           evaluate future concepts of human-machine
               tomation and Society: Highly Automated              interaction in various application fields. Since
               Driving”. In the scope of the project, doctoral     2002, the TUM School of Management aims
               candidates from seven different departments         to teach Economics with a distinct focus on
               – from Ergonomics and Business Information          the interfaces of management and techno-
               Systems to Philosophy – are trying to find          logy, the natural sciences and life sciences.
               out more about the factors of success and           The Munich Center for Technology in Society
               about possible problems in the realization          (MCTS) is the TUM’s center for technology
               of major projects in the area of mobility, in       research – with a particular interest in modern
               particular regarding autonomous cars. An            technology-oriented science, such as the life
               important issue in the scope of automated           sciences and engineering sciences, as well
               driving is the aspect of decision-making: when      as the interdependencies with society. Here,
               would users actually be willing to turn on an       sociologists, historians, and philosophers
               automated system? Under what conditions             work on common topics, together with natural
               would entrepreneurs decide to put automated         scientists and engineers. Their research is

22             KontakTUM Autumn/Winter 2016                                                                                                                                                            23
Focus   Dialogue and Interdisciplinarity

                                                                                                                                                                                   vehicles on
                                                                                                                                                                                   Campus Garching
                                                                                                                                                                                   If it were up to the “German Innovation Lab”
                                                                                                                                                                                   (GIL), TUM Campus Garching could become one
                                                                                                                                                                                   of the first public test fields for autonomous dri-
                                                                                                                                                                                   ving cars in Germany during the next few years.
                                                                                                                                                                                   Autonomous cars – also from German manu-
                                                   Politician Markus Ferber                                                                                                        facturers – have been driving around on closed
                                                  (Electrical Engineering and                                                                                                      off areas for quite a while already. On public
                                               Information Technology 1990)                                                                                                        roads in Germany, however, there must always
                                                    was often able to put his                                                                                                      be a driver who can take over in an emergency,
                                              engineering training at TUM to                                                                                                       for insurance reasons. Currently, the German
                                              good use while working at the                                                                                                        Innovation Lab is looking for a suitable public
                                              European Parliament – even in                                                                                                        test field where it would be possible to test cars
                                              the scope of economic policy.                                                                                                        without a driver. For several reasons, the think
                                                                                                                                                                                   tank is of the opinion that the Research Cam-
                                                                                                                                                                                   pus Garching would be ideal. “Autonomous or
                                                                                                                                                                                   automated driving is one of the most important
                                                                                                                                                                                   challenges of traffic engineering, in addition to
                                                                                                                                                                                   the propulsion systems. This is also a scientific
             geared towards the TUM’s areas of research,              decisions. Apart from the scientific expertise, this   can live with it.” For him, it was fascinating, to    subject, because autonomous driving can only
             such as energy, robotics, and mobility, as well as       is also a matter of exchange between different         apply his knowledge of control engineering to         be accomplished with the help of sophisticated
             to fundamental questions about risk, knowledge           scientific disciplines.                                different subject fields: “My colleagues were but     and reliable sensor and information systems,”
             gaps, or digitization. The research groups of the                                                               a bit frustrated because they didn’t understand       says TUM President Wolfgang A. Herrmann. “We
             MCTS are striving to enter a dialogue with the           “Just like the control technology of a                 what I was talking about,” Ferber laughs. All the     are in the midsts of a global competition for the
             public, with politics, and the economy – based on        complex machine”                                       better that TUM recently expanded its portfolio       best solutions, so it is high time to really focus
             lectures, themed days, expert workshops, and             Markus Ferber can confirm this himself: in the         when taking over the sponsorship of the Bava-         on the issue. Our Research Campus Garching is
             other events. This is of great importance for TUM:       eighties, he studied Electrical Engineering and        rian School of Public Policy (p. 26). As of this      able to meet all the requirements.”
             “Society should know what we are working on in           Information Technology at TUM, and he comple-          winter semester, students of Political Science will
             science and technology for our future, and how           ted his course of studies with a diploma in 1990.      be able to learn more about different aspects of
             we are preparing young people for tomorrow’s             He has now been a member of the European               the technical and the natural sciences, the life
             challenges“, says the mission statement. “At             Parliament for over 20 years, and he was able          sciences, and Medicine that are of high politi-
             TUM, we are clearly ahead of other universities,         to benefit from his engineering training a lot.        cal and social relevance. With the Institute for
             because we consistently try to create opportuni-         Especially in his current main field of activity –     Advanced Study (TUM-IAS, founded in 2005),
             ties for interdisciplinary exchange,” Bengler prai-      economic policy – his technical focus often helps      TUM strives to follow through with the idea of an
             ses. Engineers should get a feeling for attempts         him to find solutions.                                 interdisciplinary collaboration that does not only
             to address and answer the really relevant ques-                                                                 involve politics and science, but also the com-
             tions before and during the development process.         “In the scope of my work, I have to ask myself         panies. As so-called “fellows”, leading scientists
             “How, for example, should we decide when it is           how it is possible to regulate the stock markets,      from universities and research institutions as
             better – from the aspect of safety – to monitor          for example. That’s something I didn’t really learn    well as high-profile experts from the industry can
             the traffic while traveling in an automated vehicle,     a lot about during my training,” says Markus Fer-      spend an extended research stay at TUM-IAS.
             than to use the free time to do something else,”         ber. Ultimately, however, stock markets can also       Together with the TUM scientists, they pursue
             says Bengler. In his opinion, it is one of the most      be seen as a system with an input and an output:       interdisciplinary projects in new and especially
             important tasks of a modern university to enable         “Just like the control technology of a complex         future-oriented areas of research.
             the students – whether they are deeply rooted in         machine: If I want a system to become stable, I
             their scientific field of engineering, social science,   have to take care of the outside influences and
             or psychology – to be able to make the according         regulate the output in such a way that everyone                                                              Autonomous vehicles aren’t new to Campus Garching. In
                                                                                                                                                                                   the scope of the DFG special research area “Kognitive
                                                                                                                                                                                   Automobile”, there had already been tests with an
                                                                                                                                                                                   autonomous Audi Q7.

24             KontakTUM Autumn/Winter 2016                                                                                                                                                                                              25
Focus   Dialogue and Interdisciplinarity

             How TUM promotes
             dialogue and
                                                                                                            By taking over responsibility for the Bavarian School of Public Policy, TUM is able to expand its portfolio.
                                                                                                                               Future students can benefit from the TUM’s facilities and services without limitations.
             The Technical University of Munich bears responsibility for a social dialogue.
             The aim is to prepare the students for the responsibility of accompanying
             processes of social change. With a diverse portfolio – involving the TUM                       the effects of technological progress – for           of the highest political and societal rele-
                                                                                                            example in the fields of energy, environ-             vance from the TUM portfolio, in the way
             School of Education, the TUM School of Management, and the Munich Center
                                                                                                            ment, climate change, big data, data se-              of the technical and natural sciences, the
             for Technology in Society – TUM offers a unique structure for holistic                         curity, and mobility – will be of increasing          life sciences, and Medicine. The students
             assessment and control processes.                                                              importance in society, the new Bachche-               can choose modules from these fields
                                                                                                                                                                  and, thus, start to sharpen their personal
                                                                                                                                                                  profile during their basic studies already.
                                                                                                                                                                  This also applies to the work experience
                                                                                                                                                                  phase, during which – over the course of
                                                                                                            A   P RODUCTIVE                                       several months – they will get to know a
             From October 2016 onwards, the Bavari-        mann. “The interdisciplinary nature of the                                                             political actor in Germany or abroad.
             an School of Public Policy (HfP) and TUM      program aims to enable the graduates to
             will be training future political scientist   analyze the interdependencies between                                                                  “We managed to reorganize the Bavari-
             – according to the motto “A Fresh Take        society, politics, and technology, and to        The Bavarian School of                                an School of Public Policy in record time,
             on Political Science” – thereby exten-        shape the political framework of these           Public Policy is now a                                and the Landtag provided generous re-
             ding the portfolio once again. In July        fields accordingly.” The Bavarian School         university hosted by TUM                              sources,” says TUM President Herrmann.
             2014, the Bavarian Parliament decided         of Public Policy is already located near its                                                           “Against the background of policy shifts in
             that the HfP should be associated to TUM      new supporting university since mid-2016,                                                              times of profound technological and soci-
             as the supporting university. Its excellent   in the “Brienner Forum” at Königsplatz.                                                                al changes, the HfP and its internationally
             scientific environment will open up new       The future students of the HfP will also be      lor’s students of the HfP will be able to get         experienced researchers will continue to
             perspectives at the interface between the     enrolled at TUM, giving them access to           to know technological innovations during              set standards in the fields of research,
             social sciences and the fields of enginee-    all the facilities and services, just like the   their studies already. The new course of              teaching, and policy advice.” Markus Blu-
             ring or the natural sciences. “The rapid      other TUM students. Further, the existing        studies covers the classical topics of poli-          me, Chairman of the Reform Committee, is
             development of technology has led to a        and the future alumni of the HfP can take        tical science, and the students will acqui-           confident as well: “The result will be an in-
             situation in which technological issues       full advantage of the TUM Network. They          re basic knowledge in related fields such             stitution of political science that is unique
             come to play an important, even crucial       can attend networking events and make            as economics and law. An interesting and              in Germany – with its very own high-profi-
             role in almost all policy areas,” says TUM    use of career offers as well as the online       unusual feature of the new study course of            le features and a fantastic symbiosis with
             President Professor Wolfgang A. Herr-         network (www.together.tum.de). Because           Political Science is that it involves topics          the TUM University of Excellence.”

26             KontakTUM Autumn/Winter 2016                                                                                                                                                                                27
Focus     Dialogue and Interdisciplinarity

                                                                                                                              Seven new professorships at
                                                                                                                              the Bavarian School of Public Policy
                                                                  Professor Eugénia da Conceição-Heldt is Re-                 In order to reach the most important goal of the reform
                                                                  form Rector of the Bavarian School of Public                effort – namely focusing on the interdependencies between
                                                                  Policy and Professor at the Department of                   technological progress, social change, and political action
                                                                  European and Global Governance. Previously,                 – seven new professorships were established at the HfP. An
                                                                  she held the Chair of International Relations               appointment committee, consisting of renowned political
                                                                  at the Technical University of Dresden, where               scientists, technical scientists and social scientists – selected the
                                                                  she was also Executive Director of the Institu-
                                                                                                                              candidates. The seven new faculty members will shape out the
                                                                  te of Political Science. Before that, she con-
                                                                                                                              new Bachelor’s course of Political Science, which starts in the
                                                                  ducted research at Harvard University and the
                                                                                                                              winter semester 2016/17. In addition, some of the lectures will
                                                                  Freie Universität Berlin, among others. She
                                                                  was granted a Heisenberg scholarship from                   be given by other TUM professors. At the same time, TUM will
                                                                  the DFG in 2010, and a research award of the                benefit from a more diverse curriculum in the field of Politi-
                               QUESTIONS                          European Research Council (ERC), worth 1.3
                                                                  million Euros, in 2012.
                                                                                                                              cal Science, as the new professors will be holding lectures
                                                                                                                              there as well.

        for Prof. Dr. Eugénia da Conceição-Heldt

        Why is the Bavarian School of Public Policy un-           blic acceptance, there will be problems – at the
        dergoing a content-oriented realignment in the            latest when it comes to introducing a new tech-
        course of being associated to TUM? It is our aim          nology. Thus, it is important that engineers learn
        to rethink political science by covering the dimen-       the basics of political science. We can teach them
        sion of technology as well. At the new HfP, we will       about the principles of decision-making processes
        therefore not only teach the classical canon of po-       in a federal state such as Germany – or beyond.
        litical science, but we will also try to take technolo-   Nowadays, many of these processes take place at
        gical innovations and the challenges of governan-         EU level or globally.
        ce in the digital age into account. The question is:
        What is currently changing for the actors and the         Where can the HfP graduates go after comple-
        institutions? A good example: Nowadays, political         ting their training? I think there are three major
        actors must respond to events much more quickly,          areas in which our graduates can be employed:
        since communication is not limited to the traditio-       Firstly, as civil servants in the field of politics. Sin-
        nal media any more, but also takes place via social       ce its establishment, the HfP has distinguished its-
        media platforms such as Facebook or Twitter. This         elf as a cadre factory for the political landscape
        can be seen as a digital revolution, because the          of Bavaria. We want to go further and prepare our
        relations between the institutions and the struc-         graduates for the federal level, or even for the Eu-
        tures are becoming more transparent. This leads           ropean or global level. Secondly, our graduates are
        to faster changes. A transdisciplinary approach is        well prepared to venture into the economic sec-
        the only possibility to face these challenges in the      tor. They can, for example, focus on areas such
        future.                                                   as public relations, where political acceptance of
                                                                  corporate decisions play a major role. The third
        To what extent can the engineering sciences               component of the program is of course our aim
        benefit from political science – and vice versa?          to train researchers and scientists. Therefore, we
        Synergy effects might arise for both disciplines,         will introduce a Master’s degree and a long-term            Prof. Dr. Jürgen Pfeffer, Prof. Dr. Lisa Herzog, Dr. Hannemor Keidel (Commissioner of the President of the
        especially with respect to the development of new         graduate school in about a year. Our approach of            Bavarian School of Public Policy), Prof. Dr. Eugénia da Conceição-Heldt (Rector of the Bavarian School
        technologies. Usually, technical innovations are          covering politics as well as technology is really so-       of Public Policy), Dr. Claudia Höfer-Weichselbaumer (Managing Director of the Bavarian School of Public
        dependent on public acceptance. If there is no pu-        mething new in Germany.                                     Policy), Prof. Dr. Stefan Wurster, Prof. Dr. Tim Büthe, and Prof. Dr. Simon Hegelich (from left to right)

28                KontakTUM Autumn/Winter 2016                                                                                                                                                                                             29
Network    Back to the Lecture Hall

                                                                                                  TUM Alumni Manfred Färber and
                                                                                          Ulrike Irmscher visited their alma mater,
                                                                                              where they met student representative
                                                                                                                     Philipp Rinner.

                            H AV E A S AY          &      JOIN IN!

          Should students also be involved in university politics alongside their cour-
          se of studies? According to three TUM Alumni who should know, the answer
          is “Yes”. Manfred Färber (Mechanical Engineering 1969) was Chairperson
            of the AStA in 1966; Ulrike Irmscher (Mathematics 1968) was one of the
            first female semester spokespersons, and Philipp Rinner (Sports Sciences
                  2015) is currently a student representative in the TUM’s Senate.

30              KontakTUM Autumn/Winter 2016                                                                                           31
Network    Back to the Lecture Hall

                                                          “Back then, there was a widespread
                                                        atmosphere of departure. The students
     "Those were the days”: Manfred Färber
     took along his old photo album, which
                                                        banded together and campaigned for a
     immediately brought back memories of his                        better education policy,”
     student days.                                                   Ulrike Irmscher explains.

                                                “Back then” – meaning the mid-60s – Manfred Fär-
                                                ber and Ulrike Irmscher were students at TUM. One
                                                of the first demonstrations took place in June 1965,
                                                when Klaus Irmscher (Electrical Engineering and
                                                Information Technology 1967), Ulrike Irmschers late
                                                husband, was Chairman of the General Student
                                                Committee (AStA). The students took to the streets,
                                                demanding a restructuring: “One of the demands            ample, the importance of the “soft skills”, the social      A student demonstration
                                                was that more young people should be able to study,       and personal skills, for the field of business and the      on the “Königsplatz” in

                                                not just a small elite,” Ulrike Irmscher recalls. When    industry could not be stressed enough. “Studies in          1966: Later on, Manfred
                                                                                                                                                                      Färber held a passionate
                                                Manfred Färber took over presidency of the student        Business Administration can tend to bring about lots
                                                                                                                                                                      speech in front of 10,000
                                                council, the students had started to push through         of lone wolves. There must be more awareness for
                                                                                                                                                                      listeners to protest against
                                                with changes to the university laws. In a passionate      the fact that commitment in the field of university po-
                                                                                                                                                                      a planned university
                                                speech in the course of the demonstration on July         litics can help to acquire negotiating and teamwork
                                                                                                                                                                      law reform which would
                                                6, 1966 – on behalf of about 10,000 students – he         skills, as well as a leadership personality,” says Phil-    have limited academic
                                                demanded more freedom within the university ad-           ipp Rinner. In his work-life, Manfred Färber was able       autonomy.
                                                ministration: “For example, it was the responsibility     to benefit from his time as a student representative
                                                of the Ministry of Education and Cultural Affairs to      as well. “Thanks to my disputes with presidents and
                                                appoint the professors – and we wanted more say,”         ministers, I learned to emphasize my point of view
                                                Färber recalls. “The initiative was successful, and the   and not to be afraid of the top brass.” Commitment in
                                                benefits can still be experienced today,” says Philipp    university politics has the advantage of direct exch-
                                                Rinner. “There is at least one student representative     ange with the decision-makers: “Where else can a
                                                with voting rights in every appointment committee at      student experience that nowadays?”
                                                TUM.” Philipp Rinner, who is currently in his Master’s
                                                course of Economics, has been showing commit-             A lot has changed during the last 50 years – the to-
                                                ment for the students in several positions during the     pics of university politics as well as the willingness to
                                                last three years. In October 2015, he was elected         become involved. But there seems to be a revival of
                                                to join the TUM’s Senate and the University Coun-         some aspects: “We wanted to focus on university po-
                                                cil. With his interest in the AStA, he can be seen as     litics alone, not on political issues on state level. We
                                                an exception among his fellow students. A possible        made this clear at a meeting of the German student
                                                explanation is that most of the students are not inte-    bodies in Heidelberg. The students from Berlin and
                                                rested in political commitment at the university due      Hamburg thought quite differently about that,” Färber
                                                to the prevailing pressure to perform and because         recalls. “That’s really interesting”, says Philipp Rin-
                                                of being pressed for time. “Students tend to concen-      ner. “It’s still like that. We quit the ‘Deutschlandver-
                                                trate on the actual course of studies. Some of them       band’ two years ago, because we thought there was
                                                have to work part-time as well.” But the students still   too much discussion about federal politics.” Another
                                                take to the streets if they are concerned about an is-    thing that TUM students tend to be very interested
                                                sue that affects them directly. “Until 2013, there were   in is the aspect of international exchange. While the
                                                concerns about the topics of tuition fees and the in-     students of the sixties organized the first Czech-Ger-
                                                troduction of the semester ticket by Munich’s public      man student exchanges, the students of today show
                                                transport company. There were demonstrations, and         commitment to ensure that refugees are able to take
                                                the students were also involved politically,” says Phi-   up a course of studies. Currently, there are about
                                                lipp Rinner. In his opinion, it is important to empha-    200 young refugees enrolled as guest students at
                                                size the benefits of university commitment. For ex-       TUM.

32               KontakTUM Autumn/Winter 2016                                                                                                                                                     33
Network   We Belong Together

             1 Family
                                                                                                                                                                                                         Prof. Dr. Gerald Thurner
                                                                                                                                                                                                         studied civil engineering
                                                                                                                                                                                                         at TUM und later worked
                                                                                                                                                                                                         here as a professor. His
                                                                                                                                                                                                         daughter Prof. Dr. Veroni-

             3 TUM
                                                                                                                                                                                                         ka Thurner followed in the
                                                                                                                                                                                                         footsteps of her father and
                                                                                                                                                                                                         became also a professor.
                                                                                                                                                                                                         This was after she studied
                                                                                                                                                                                                         computer science at
                                                                                                                                                                                                         TUM, where she met her
                                                                                                                                                                                                         later husband Michael

             “Do you remember...?” They all have diffe-          there in summer,” Michael Arbesmeier recalls.         young when she got acquainted with university         on technical knowledge in combination with di-
             rent memories connected to their alma ma-           During the visit to their alma mater, they recall     life. As a child, she visited her father at TUM,      dactic and pedagogical aspects is exceptional.
             ter, as they were students or lecturers here        memories of the lecture halls, the former pro-        and she can still recall memories of his office: “I   Thus, the Bavarian State Ministry of Education
             at different times – but the three of them are      fessors and the time they spent together during       remember there was a rubber tree standing in          and Culture, Science and Art presented her with
             closely connected to TUM. Professor Gerald          their course of studies. “The main auditorium         my father’s office,” the 46-year-old laughs. Ho-      an award for her commitment to didactics. This
             Thurner, his daughter Professor Veronika            in the old building was very important for us,        wever, the fact that her father was a professor       year, the professor received the “Award for Out-
             Thurner, and her husband Michael Arbes-             because there were regular film evenings,” says       did not have much influence on her decision to        standing Teaching” for the second time. “She’s
             meier are a family of TUM Alumni.                   Michael Arbesmeier. “We didn’t have that when         take up a course of studies, nor on her career        much more skillful than I am – especially in the
                                                                 I was a student,” Gerald Thurner laments. His         choice. Ever since her school days and a year         field of didactics. I didn’t pay so much attention
             Gerald Thurner did not only study at TUM, he        career path took him back to TUM via a detour.        abroad in the United States, she had been inte-       to that back then,” Gerald Thurner admits. “It is a
             was also a professor here. After almost 40 years,   He started his first job at a company in Essen in     rested in computer science. For Veronika Thur-        basic characteristic of her work to discover and
             he almost felt at home on the premises where        1956, right after graduating. “I was supposed to      ner, it was not a problem that her father was a       to promote potentials,” her husband Michael Ar-
             he enrolled for Civil Engineering in 1951. Back     act as a representative of the company, to visit      professor at the university where she wanted          besmeier agrees. In 1993, when his wife was
             then, TUM was still called “Technische Hoch-        the different railway administrations in Germany.     to study herself. “I enrolled for a different area    still a student, he founded his own company –
             schule”. “At the end, we were 140 graduates –       I would not have been working as an engineer,         of studies – and the university is huge, so the       ARS Computer und Consulting – together with
             and only one girl,” the 86-year-old recalls. His    but as a merchant. I didn’t like the idea,” says      name Thurner didn’t really come to attention.” In     his fellow students Kai-Uwe Rommel (Computer
             daughter Veronika, who studied at TUM almost        Gerald Thurner. Nine months later, he quit the        1995, after completing her studies in Computer        Science 1992) and Roland Schock (Computer
             40 years later, vividly remembers the beginning     job. Shortly after, he heard that the Chair of Tun-   Science with a minor in Mathematics, she mar-         Science 1992).
             of her course of studies in the winter semes-       neling and Construction Management in Munich          ried Michael Arbesmeier in the premises of the
             ter 1989/90, when about 500 students put their      was looking for a young engineer as an as-            Catholic Student Group. She graduated in 2004,        What about becoming a professor, like his wife
             name down for a beginner’s course in Computer       sistant. “I was really happy about the opportuni-     following the birth of their two children. She        and her father? Michael Arbesmeier decided
             Science. During the holidays, after her fourth      ty! And here I am today,” laughs Gerald Thurner.      didn’t follow her father’s choice of field of stu-    otherwise: “I think I might have been good at
             semester, she first met her fellow student and                                                            dy, but she was inspired by his choice of career      teaching. However, it would have been a night-
             husband-to-be, Michael Arbesmeier. “We met          1969 was an important year for Gerald Thur-           path. “Similar to my father’s career, I was able to   mare for me to work on a doctoral thesis and
             in the southern section close to the corner of      ner: He completed his doctoral studies, and           rely on chances as well,” Veronika Thurner says.      the habilitation.” Nonetheless, he is still connec-
             Gabelsberger Straße and Arcisstraße, where          his daughter Veronika was born in December.           Today, she is Professor of Software Enginee-          ted to TUM. “We are always looking for talen-
             the Chair of Applied Engineering in Information     “Three years later, it was time for the habilita-     ring at the Department of Computer Science            ted young computer scientists to join our com-
             Technology and Numeric Programming had 15           tion – and I became a professor of Construc-          and Mathematics at the Munich University of           pany – and talents from TUM are more than
             computers in the attic. It was always very hot      tion Management.” Veronika Thurner was quite          Applied Sciences. Her commitment for passing          welcome!”

34            KontakTUM Autumn/Winter 2016                                                                                                                                                                                             35
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