Kinzua Heritage Festival Grounds 4047 Fox Hill Rd. Russell, PA

Page created by Sergio Price
Kinzua Heritage Festival Grounds 4047 Fox Hill Rd. Russell, PA
Kinzua Heritage Festival Grounds
                             4047 Fox Hill Rd. ~ Russell, PA
                            Chief Cornplanter Council, BSA             316 Fourth Avenue

Scouts ~ find the hidden Cub Scout symbol   hidden on this page, bring it to Cub Camp and show the Camp Director and win a prize!
Kinzua Heritage Festival Grounds 4047 Fox Hill Rd. Russell, PA
   Submit the enclosed registration form to your Cubmaster. Be sure to sign the form and
        indicate your Scout’s T-shirt size. If your Pack isn’t participating as a group,
  but your Scout is still planning to attend Cub Camp, please submit your registration to:
             The Betts Scout Service Center, 316 Fourth Avenue in Warren by
                                    Friday, May 13th, 2022
                          Scouts may stay overnight with a guardian ~
                      Webelos /AoL Scouts with two-deep leadership,
                       all others must stay with one adult per each Scout.
Tigers at day camp MUST have a parent or guardian with them each day at all times.
        All registrations should be made through your Cub Scout Pack, if possible.
                    For more information call the Betts Scout Service Center
                                  at 814-723-6700.
Kinzua Heritage Festival Grounds 4047 Fox Hill Rd. Russell, PA
Early Bird Fee:                                 $160.00                    $120.00
                      (Paid in full by May 13th)

                      After May 13th:                                 $210.00                    $170.00
      Additional adults (non-Staff) and youth (non-Scouts) who attend each day are welcome at $20.00 per
     person total. This includes Tiger Adult Partners. For additional guests who stay for the day                    over-
     night, a fee of $45. total per person will be charged. Non-staff adults and siblings who are only staying
     overnight will be charged $5.00 per evening to camp overnight.
     (Does not include Sunday — no charge to visit camp on Sunday. Sunday’s meal is charged separately.)
             Adults who volunteer their time to serve on Staff are eligible to receive a discounted campership for
     their Cub Scout — $50 for day campers and $65 for overnight campers                                     We
     will accept the              who apply to take advantage of this offer. Pack leadership will still be needed
     during camp.

                   *Wolves and Bears may stay overnight with one adult parent or guardian per Scout.
                      Webelos/AoL can stay overnight with two-deep Pack leadership or one adult.
                                  Tiger Scouts MUST be accompanied by an adult at all times.

   ~ Families and Packs are responsible for their Scout’s arrival at the
Kinzua Heritage Festival Grounds, 4047 Fox Hill Rd. in Russell.
   ~ On Thursday, June 16th ONLY, we will follow a staggered
registration and check-in schedule to avoid congestion. This schedule
will be sent to you prior to the first day of camp. Please arrive ON
TIME at your Scout’s scheduled arrival time. We ask that you do not
arrive early to avoid confusion and congestion during the registration
process. Please do your best to arrive on time, as late arrivals disrupt
our schedule.
   ~ Our day will start each morning at 9:00 A.M. with a flag ceremony.
   ~ We will conclude each day at 4:00P.M. at which time those
participating for the day only will return home.
   ~ The Cub Scout Summer Adventure will conclude on Sunday                  Each family or Pack staying overnight needs to
afternoon after the closing program and luncheon.                            bring their own tent. Only family members are
     ~ Scouts may not check-out or leave our event at any time with          permitted to sleep in the tents with their own
anyone but their parents unless we have written permission given to          Scouts. You are welcome to bring cots, air
us before the day they will be picked up. Visitors arriving with verbal      mattresses and other bedding material. Restrooms
permission to take Scouts from camp will not be permitted to do so.          are located next to the Pavilion. Shower facilities
Please do not disappoint the Scout by making such arrangements.              will also be available. Adults may bring other
                                                                             camping supplies such as lanterns and dining flies.
   ~ In the event of an emergency, families may leave our event at any         NO cook stoves or campfires are permitted without
time, but must check-out with the Camp Director before leaving.                  expressed permission from the Camp Director!
 It is our #1 goal to keep everyone as safe as possible during their stay.
Kinzua Heritage Festival Grounds 4047 Fox Hill Rd. Russell, PA
hief Cornplanter Council, BSA                                                                                  NON-PROFIT
       America’s Oldest Council                                                                                      ORGANIZATION
                                                                                                                     U.S. POSTAGE
 316 Fourth Avenue
 Warren, PA 16365                                                                                                         PAID
                                                                                                                      WARREN, PA
                                                                                                                      PERMIT #291

                                                                              Current Resident or:

                                                                                                   Overnight Campers
 On Saturday, June 18th, all Scouts are encouraged to invite a friend to camp for the                   All Cub Scouts who camp
   day! Guests will be able to participate in all camp activities along with their Cub              overnight will be treated to special
 Scout friends! Why not invite your best friend to the Enchanted Forest Cub Scout                    rank-specific programs, evening
Summer Adventure and show him or her just how FUN and EXCITING camp can                             snacks, movies, campfire cooking,
   be! Cost is only $10.00 per guest, to cover meals and supplies. Guests must be in                games, demonstrations, and more!
    1st through 5th grade (their grade in school this coming fall), and all first-graders
 MUST be accompanied by a parent or guardian. Guests must register prior to the                     On Saturday evening, we’ll enjoy a
  first day of camp (see enclosed registration form). All guests must also complete                     closing campfire program.
    Parts A and B of the BSA Health Forms, and bring these with them to camp.                         Parents, guardians, and Pack
          Guest registration is DUE no later than Friday,                                               Leaders MUST supervise
                                                                                                       overnight Scouts

          Please see the Chief Cornplanter Council website for the latest COVID-19 guidelines.
                      NON-DISCRIMINATION POLICY                                                      Use of Photographs/Videos
Rules for acceptance and participation in the Cub Scout Summer Adventure program are the           The Chief Cornplanter Council, BSA
 same for anyone without regard to race, color, national origin, religion, age, or disability.   reserves the right to use photographs or
 To file a complaint of discrimination, write to:                                                  videos of campers for the purpose of
   USDA Director, Office of Civil Rights,                                                          future promotion and advertisement.
   Room 326-W                                                                                              TRANSPORTATION
   Whitten Building                                                                                Transportation to and from Cub Scout
   1400 Independence Avenue, SW,                                                                 Summer Adventure is the responsibility of
   Washington, DC 20250-9410                                                                     the parents and/or guardians of the Scouts.
or call 202-720-5964 (voice and TDD).USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer.          Please drive safely and observe all laws.
Refund Policy - Fees for the Cub Scout Summer Adventure are NON-REFUNDABLE, unless written notice is received in the
Betts Scout Service Center two (2) weeks prior to the start of the activity. Emergency cancellations (less than two weeks) due to
death in the family, illness, severe injury, or other unforeseen circumstances will be handled on a case by case review. No refund
requests will be considered after the Cub Scout Summer Adventure has begun. Fees may be transferred to another Scout
(camper) within the same unit. No refunds will be made for early check-out or non-participation. Staff members who do not fulfill
their required staff duties must pay full camp fees for their Scout’s participation. A 25% administrative fee will be deducted from
all refund requests. Please contact the Betts Scout Service Center at (814) 723-6700 with any questions, or for more information.
Kinzua Heritage Festival Grounds 4047 Fox Hill Rd. Russell, PA
2022 CUB  SCOUT SUMMER ADVENTURE                                            Registration form and payment DUE
                th  th
             June 16 - 19 , 2022 YOUTH REGISTRATION FORM                              in full by Friday, May 13th, 2022!
           Please fill out the entire form below and return to your Cubmaster before Friday, May 13. (PLEASE PRINT!)

Scout’s Name: First ___________________ M.I.                    ____       Last ___________________________

Street Address:      ___________________________________________________________
City:   _______________________________                           State:   ____      Zip:   _______ - ______
Pack #    _______              Phone: Day   (____) _____________
                                                   _____ - _______                  Evening(____)
                                                                                   Evening  (____)_______________
                                                                                                   _____ - _______
Date of Birth:    ____ / ____ / ____                Age:   ______            Grade completed by summer: ________

Home email ______________________________ Is Scout staying overnight or days only?                                        _________
Will Scout be accompanied by an adult? _______              If yes, Adult’s Name: _______________________

Adult’s Cell Phone: (____)      _____ - _______              Is adult a Staff member? ______        (See below for discounted fees)

Relationship to Scout ______________ Will non-Scout siblings be attending? _____ If yes, how many? ____

        Scout will be attending camp as a: _____Tiger _____Wolf _____Bear _____Webelos _____AoL
              ***The rank the Scout will be beginning this September, NOT the rank s/he is now!***
             (Example: If your Scout is currently a Wolf, he or she will be a Bear at Cub Scout Camp this summer)

                              SCOUT T-SHIRT ORDERS                                              TOTAL CAMP FEES:
Scout T-Shirt Size:  Youth S         Youth M      Youth L      Adult S        Adult M Scout Registration Fee $ _______
                                                                                           Days only — $120.00
Extra T-Shirt(s) & Quantity (@ $15 per shirt): ___Youth S ___Youth M ___Youth L              (Parent on Staff — $50.00)
                                                                                             Overnight Camper — $160.00
                                                                                             (Parent on Staff — $65.00)
___ Adult S      ___Adult M   ___Adult L    ___Adult XL    ___ Adult 2XL   ___ Adult 3XL
                                                                                             Extra Adult/Siblings— DAYS ONLY
                                                                                             (includes Tiger Partners)
                                                                                             @ $20.00 per person, total:
                                                                                             (No. of guests X $20.00)
                                               00                            00
Early Bird Fee:                       $160.                          $120.                   __________ X $20.00 = $ _______
(Paid in full by May 13th)
                                                                                             Extra Adult/Siblings— OVERNIGHT
After May 13th:                       $210.00                        $170.00                 ONLY (camping with Scout)
                                                                                             @ $5.00 per person, per night:
         Additional adults (non-Staff) and youth (non-Scouts) who attend each day are
welcome at $20.00 per person total. This includes Tiger Adult Partners. For additional (No. of guests X no. of nights X $5. )
guests who stay for the day     overnight, a fee of $45.00 total per person will be        _____ X _____ X $5.00 = $ _______
charged. Non-staff adults and siblings who are only staying overnight will be charged
$5.00 per evening to camp overnight.                                                       Extra Adult/Siblings — DAYS AND
                                                                                           OVERNIGHT CAMPING
         Adults who volunteer their time to serve on Staff are eligible to receive a dis-  @ $45.00 per person, total
counted campership for their Cub Scout — $50 for day campers and $65 for overnight         (No. of guests X $45.00)
campers —                             We will accept the                 who apply to take
                                                                                           __________ X $45.00 = $ _______
advantage of this offer. Pack leadership will still be needed during camp.
                                                                                             Extra T-Shirts @ $15.00 each
  *Wolves and Bears may stay overnight with one adult parent or guardian per Scout.          MUST BE PRE-ORDERED!
     Webelos/AoL can stay overnight with two-deep Pack leadership or one adult.              (No. of shirts X $15.00) = $ _______

              Tiger Scouts MUST be accompanied by an adult at all times.                     TOTAL AMOUNT DUE: $ _______

Parent/Guardian Signature __________________________________________________________________
Kinzua Heritage Festival Grounds 4047 Fox Hill Rd. Russell, PA Kinzua Heritage Festival Grounds 4047 Fox Hill Rd. Russell, PA Kinzua Heritage Festival Grounds 4047 Fox Hill Rd. Russell, PA
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