Key Success Factors for Fan Zones in International Ice Hockey Events - Preview of the IIHF World Championships 2022

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Key Success Factors for Fan Zones in International Ice Hockey Events - Preview of the IIHF World Championships 2022
Key Success Factors for Fan Zones in
International Ice Hockey Events
Preview of the IIHF World Championships 2022
Juuso Holtari

Bachelor’s thesis
November 2021
Business, Administration and Law
Degree Programme in Business Management
Key Success Factors for Fan Zones in International Ice Hockey Events - Preview of the IIHF World Championships 2022

Holtari, Juuso

Key Success Factors for Fan Zones in International Ice Hockey Events: Preview of the IIHF World
Championships 2022

Jyväskylä: JAMK University of Applied Sciences, November 2021, 67 pages.

Business, Administration and Law. Degree Programme in Business Management. Bachelor’s thesis.

Permission for web publication: Yes

Language of publication: English


Increased visibility and internationalization of sporting events has escalated the demand of providing
alternative ways for sport consumers to be involved in unforgettable customer experiences, in the form of
fan zones. Since the mid-2000s, temporary public viewing areas known as fan zones have become a central
part of major sporting events and commenced to be a concept of increasing research attention in mega-
events such as the 2008 UEFA European Football Championships. However, transpired research problem
was that the context of fan zones in ice-hockey events has previously been an unstudied field in sport event
research. Therefore, a research on the key success factors for fan zones in international ice hockey events
was commissioned by the Finnish Ice Hockey Association, with focus on upcoming IIHF World
Championships in host cities Tampere and Helsinki.

Objective for the study was to examine pre-event perceptions of potential World Championship fan zone
visitors to maximize the visitor attractiveness of public viewing areas in international ice hockey event
context, while also setting the precedence and act as future reference on ideal content that a successful ice
hockey fan zone should consist of by answering to the research question “What are the perceived key
success factors for potential fan zone visitors in 2022 IIHF World Championships and international ice
hockey events?”. Data collection for the quantitative research included a sample of potential fan zone
visitors that were gathered from the mailing list (population) of Finnish Ice Hockey Association by utilizing
simple random sampling. Subsequently, a standardized survey to 270 respondents and additional cross-
tabulations on key background variables were conducted to establish comprehensive view on areas
affecting the success factors of individuals experiencing sport-events through fan zones.

Results indicated that atmosphere was considered as the most important success factor for fan zones in
international ice hockey events. Other notable success factors identified were services, accessibility,
security, and sustainability, whereas social capital and legacy and volunteers were recognized as less
important success factors from the viewpoint of potential fan zone visitors. Interdependencies between
background variables such as age, gender, place of domicile, and previous fan zone experience to key
success factors were identified on several atmospheric, accessible, sustainable, and service-related
features. Acknowledging the perceived order of importance regarding fan zone success factors and specific
attributes that potential spectators embody from the results enables the event-organization to establish an
all-encompassing fan zone experience for the World Championships.

Keywords/tags (subjects)

Sport event, fan zone, public viewing, ice hockey, customer experience

Miscellaneous (Confidential information)

Holtari, Juuso

Fan zone -alueiden menestystekijät kansainvälisissä jääkiekkotapahtumissa: Jääkiekon MM-kisat 2022

Jyväskylä: Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulu. Marraskuu 2021, 67 sivua.

Kauppa-, hallinto- ja oikeustieteiden ala. Liiketalouden tutkinto-ohjelma. Opinnäytetyö AMK.

Julkaisun kieli: englanti

Verkkojulkaisulupa myönnetty: kyllä


Urheilutapahtumien lisääntynyt näkyvyys ja kansainvälistyminen ovat luoneet kuluttajien tarpeen
vaihtoehtoisille asiakaskokemuksille, joita tarjotaan muun muassa otteluiden julkisten katselupaikkojen eli
fan zone -alueiden muodossa. Fan zone -alueet ovat vapaapääsyisiä ja julkisia otteluiden katselupaikkoja,
joista on tullut keskeinen osa suuria urheilutapahtumia 2000-luvun ensikymmenellä. Fan zone -alueita on
aikaisemmin tutkittu erityisesti suurissa jalkapallotapahtumissa, kuten vuoden 2008 jalkapallon EM-
kisoissa. Tutkimusongelmaksi on muodostunut aiempien tutkimusten vähäisyys jääkiekkotapahtumien fan
zone -alueisiin liittyen, jotka ovat kuitenkin olennainen osa kansainvälisiä jääkiekkotapahtumia. Tämän
vuoksi Suomen Jääkiekkoliitto ry on toimeksiantanut ennakkotutkimuksen fan zone -alueiden
menestystekijöistä kansainvälisissä jääkiekkotapahtumissa, keskittyen tuleviin jääkiekon MM-kotikisoihin.

Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli tutkia potentiaalisten fan zone -kävijöiden ennakkonäkemyksiä
menestystekijöistä alueiden houkuttelevuuden maksimoimiseksi ja toimiakseen akateemisena mallina
menestystekijöille jääkiekkotapahtumien kontekstissa, vastaten tutkimuskysymykseen ”Mitkä ovat fan zone
-alueiden menestystekijät MM-kisoissa ja kansainvälisissä jääkiekkotapahtumissa potentiaalisten fan zone -
vierailijoiden näkemysten mukaan?”. Kvantitatiivista tutkimusta varten kerättiin yksinkertaisella
satunnaisotannalla otos potentiaalisista fan zone -vierailijoista Suomen Jääkiekkoliiton postituslistalta, joka
toimi tutkimuksessa perusjoukkona. Tutkimus toteutettiin hyödyntämällä standardisoitua kyselylomaketta,
joka mahdollisti 270 vastaajan näkemysten ja keskeisten taustamuuttujien vaikutuksen analysoinnin

Tutkimustulokset osoittivat, että tunnelmaa ja ilmapiiriä pidettiin merkittävimpänä fan zone -alueiden
menestystekijänä kansainvälisissä jääkiekkotapahtumissa. Tunnelman ja ilmapiirin lisäksi tärkeitä fan zone -
alueiden menestystekijöitä olivat palvelut, saavutettavuus ja esteettömyys, turvallisuus, sekä
ympäristöystävällisyys ja kestävä kehitys. Vastakkaisesti sosiaalista pääomaa ja perintöä sekä vapaaehtoisia
pidettiin vähemmän merkittävinä fan zone -alueiden menestystekijöinä potentiaalisten kävijöiden
näkökulmasta. Taustamuuttujien kuten iän, sukupuolen, asuinpaikan, sekä aiemman fan zone- kokemuksen
tunnistettiin vaikuttavan vastaajien henkilökohtaisiin menestystekijöihin erilaisten tunnelmaan ja
ilmapiiriin, saavutettavuuteen ja esteettömyyteen, ympäristöystävällisyyteen ja kestävään kehitykseen,
sekä palveluihin liittyvien tekijöiden osalta. Tutkimuksen avulla selvitetyt fan zone -alueiden
menestystekijät ja eri vierailijaryhmiin vaikuttavat ominaisuudet mahdollistavat tapahtumaorganisaatiolle
kokonaisvaltaisten fan zone -kokemusten luomisen vuoden 2022 MM-kisavierailijoille.

Avainsanat (asiasanat)

Urheilutapahtuma, fan zone, jääkiekko, asiakaskokemus

Muut tiedot (salassa pidettävät liitteet)


1       Introduction ..................................................................................................................3
2       Ice Hockey .....................................................................................................................5
    2.1 Finnish Ice Hockey Association ......................................................................................... 6
    2.2 IIHF World Championships 2022 ...................................................................................... 7
3       Customer Experience in Sport Events .............................................................................8
4       Fan Zones .................................................................................................................... 11
    4.1 Key Success Factors for Fan Zones ................................................................................. 12
    4.2 Atmosphere .................................................................................................................... 13
    4.3 Accessibility .................................................................................................................... 15
    4.4 Sustainability .................................................................................................................. 17
    4.5 Security ........................................................................................................................... 19
    4.6 Volunteers ...................................................................................................................... 21
    4.7 Services ........................................................................................................................... 23
    4.8 Social Capital and Legacy ................................................................................................ 24
    4.9 Importance of Fan Zones in IIHF World Championships 2022 ....................................... 27
5       Research Methodology ................................................................................................ 28
    5.1 Research Methods .......................................................................................................... 31
    5.2 Analysis ........................................................................................................................... 33
    5.3 Reliability and Validity .................................................................................................... 34
    5.4 Research Implementation .............................................................................................. 36
6       Results......................................................................................................................... 38
7       Conclusion ................................................................................................................... 45
8       Discussion.................................................................................................................... 47
References .......................................................................................................................... 50
Appendices ......................................................................................................................... 57
    Appendix 1. Fan Zone Questionnaire ...................................................................................... 57
    Appendix 2. Appearance of the Questionnaire ....................................................................... 66
    Appendix 3. Survey Cover Letter ............................................................................................. 67


Figure 1. Customer Experience in Spectator Sports ................................................................... 10
Figure 2. Multiple Indicator-Multiple Cause Model for Sport Stadium Atmosphere ................. 14

Figure 3. Overall Legacy Framework for Major Sport Events ..................................................... 25
Figure 4. Stages of Quantitative Research ................................................................................. 36
Figure 5. Survey Respondents' Place of Domicile....................................................................... 39
Figure 6. Key Success Factors for World Championship Fan Zones ........................................... 41
Figure 7. Unimportance of Food Services if in Vicinity of the Area ............................................ 44


Table 1. Age of Survey Respondents .......................................................................................... 39
Table 2. Interest Towards Fan Zone Locations ........................................................................... 40
Table 3. Importance of In-game Events to Atmosphere ............................................................ 42
Table 4. Importance of Spectator Participation to Atmosphere ................................................ 42
Table 5. Unimportance for Sponsors to Follow Sustainability Values ........................................ 43
Table 6. Impact of Fan Zone Experience on Required Parking Space......................................... 44

1 Introduction

The modern form of ice hockey has been played since the 1800s. Subsequently, the sport has
developed into being the most popular, followed, and professionalized sport in Finland. This has
generated the need to offer unique and exciting sport spectator experiences for ice hockey fans at
both domestic and international level. Customer experiences in sport spectator context is
considered as a hedonic type of consumption that includes a high level of emotional involvement
and specific meaning that effects the spectators’ perception of an event. The increased visibility
and internationalization of sporting events has escalated the demand of providing alternative
ways for sport consumers to be involved in unforgettable customer experiences, for example in
the form of fan zones.

Since the mid-2000s, temporary public viewing areas known as fan zones have become a central
part of major sporting events and commenced to be a concept of increasing research attention.
Thereby, areas that have been recognized as the foundation for fan zones include success factors
such as atmosphere, accessibility, sustainability, security, volunteers, services, and social capital
and legacy, that enable a platform for the event organizers to create all-encompassing experiences
to fan zone visitors. The research subject of this thesis is commissioned by the Finnish Ice Hockey
Association, and it concentrates on the key success factors for fan zones in international ice
hockey events with focus on the upcoming 2022 IIHF World Championships in host cities Tampere
and Helsinki.

Public viewings have previously been studied in other international sporting events, such as the
2008 UEFA European Football Championships. The framework of this thesis focuses on sport event
experiences through the perspective of fan zones, which is approached by adapting the results
from Schnitzer and Stickdorn’s (2012) research on key success factors for UEFA EURO 2008 fan
zones in Austria that identified areas such as comfort (toilets, seating, accessibility of food and
beverages), pre-match entertainment, atmosphere, and feeling safe to be important contributors
for the success of fan zone areas among spectators. However, the transpired research problem is
that the valuable information on fan zone success factors in international ice hockey event context
has not previously been studied.

Schnitzer and Stickdorn (2012, 33) affirms the need for further research from comparable events
to identify the impact of differing venues and respective cultures as well as the alteration of
success factors over time. On the verge of 2022 IIHF World Championships this relevant subject is
crucial to get acquainted with through the research of this thesis, and from the viewpoint of
developing the events of Finnish Ice Hockey Association, World Championships, and the entire
business management field of international ice hockey events. Therefore, this thesis provides
valuable knowledge for ice hockey event management field and fulfills the necessity for fan zone
success factor literature in ice hockey context.

Additionally, the results of this research are presenting crucial information to the event
organization for establishing attractive and all-encompassing fan zone areas for the 2022 IIHF
World Championships by enabling the organizers a platform to utilize information in planning
stages of fan zone services, entertainment, sustainable solutions, and their relations and
experiences provided to the co-operative partners of World Championships. The goal of this pre-
event study is to examine the perceptions of potential 2022 IIHF WC fan zone visitors to maximize
the visitor attractiveness of fan zones in international ice hockey event context, while also setting
a precedence for future event management professionals on the ideal content that a successful ice
hockey fan zone should consist of by answering to the research question of “What are the
perceived key success factors for potential fan zone visitors in 2022 IIHF World Championships
and international ice hockey events?”.

The research material to this study was collected by conducting a standardized quantitative survey
to potential fan zone visitors through the mailing list (population) of Finnish Ice Hockey
Association, which consisted of ice hockey fans that had given consent to receive marketing
communications regarding the World Championships. The research implementation included a
sample of survey participants that were gathered from the population by utilizing simple random
sampling. Existing public viewing and sport event literature from the theoretical framework were
utilized in conducting this research and thus, creating a holistic overview of perceived key success
factors for fan zones. Additionally, a qualitative semi-structured interview of an ice hockey event
management professional was conducted. The information gathered from the interview on the
key success factors for fan zones in 2022 IIHF WC was utilized in this thesis as a pre-material to

familiarize with the previously unexamined topic of public viewings in ice hockey event

This thesis observes the subject of fan zone success factors in 2022 IIHF World Championships
through the lens of different areas and factors that have influence on the conducted research and
further knowledge on the topic. Therefore, the structure of this thesis progresses from ice hockey
and its representatives in chapter 2, sport event customer experience in chapter 3, fan zones and
its success factors of atmosphere, accessibility, sustainability, security, volunteers, services, and
social capital and legacy in chapter 4, research implementation in chapter 5, results gathered from
the quantitative research in chapter 6, and conclusions and discussion derived from the results in
chapters 7 and 8, to create an profound overview of the research topic to the reader,
commissioning party, and every other person interested or involved in building fan zones in the
context of international ice hockey events.

2 Ice Hockey

According to Jozsa (2009, 150), historians have provided different theories for the emergence and
early beginning of ice hockey as a popular activity, competitive game, and sport event. Jozsa
(2009) affirms, that the modern era of ice hockey began during the late 1800s in Canada, when
students at McGill University in Montreal played ice hockey games indoors together with other
persons from the area. These matches resulted in the establishment of rules for the sport that
influenced several aspects of ice hockey and had a long-lasting impact on the game throughout
the 20th century. (153.) Ice hockey in Finland is considered to have started in 1899 at a skating
rink in Helsinki. The game was a mixture of ice hockey and bandy, which failed to become popular
until it was modified and then appeared as a sport in the 1920 Winter Olympic Games. This
increased the attention towards ice hockey in Finland and contributed to the foundation of Finnish
Ice Hockey Association in 1929. Thereafter, the Finnish national Men’s team began to play abroad
against other countries and competed in the IIHF World Championships. (Jozsa 2009, 167.)

Isotalo (2016, 70–71) states that the development of Finnish ice hockey into today's most popular
sport has been strongly attached to the availability of comprehensive playing and training
possibilities, which is visible in Finland having the second largest number of indoor ice rinks in the
world per capita. In the present day, ice hockey is also the most professionalized sport in the

nation and accumulating the most media coverage and spectators compared to other sports. The
professionalization of the game and diminished financial support from the public sector have
contributed to the overall development of Finnish sport business industry by the establishment of
limited, financially driven companies in the field of ice hockey. (Ahonen 2019, 1–2.) The annual
Sponsor Navigator study by sponsorship research provider Sponsor Insight indicates that ice
hockey maintains its position as Finland’s number one sport in 2021 in terms of interest among
people over 18 years old (Sport Navigator 2021).

International Ice Hockey Federation (IIHF) describes World Championship ice hockey to be played
on a rink measuring 60 meters by 30 meters with goals at either ends of the ice. The players on the
ice typically consist of three forwards, two defensemen and a goaltender. To protect themselves
from injury, players wear extensive padding, helmets, visors, and gloves. The face-off is used to
restart the game after stoppages and teams can substitute players at any time during play. When
in possession of the ice hockey puck, teams attempt to score by shooting the puck into their
opponent’s goal. The defending team will attempt to intercept the puck, body check the attacking
players, and protect the goal from opposition advances. An ice hockey game endures for three
periods of 20 minutes, where the winning team is determined by the number of goals scored. If
the teams are tied after three periods, a possible overtime period or a shootout takes place. (IIHF
Intro to Ice Hockey 2020.)

2.1 Finnish Ice Hockey Association

The Finnish Ice Hockey Association (FIHA) is a member of the IIHF and its official representative in
Finland. FIHA is responsible for its 190,000 active members that operate among the most popular
sport in Finland and the association is responsible for organizing the 2022 IIHF World
Championships in Tampere and Helsinki. (Suomen Jääkiekkoliitto ry [The Finnish Ice Hockey
Association] n.d.) FIHA aims to increase the number of sport participants with their values of
respect, community, fun, and the pursuit of excellence. The official values of the upcoming IIHF
WC determined by the 2022 IIHF Ice Hockey World Championship Organization follow similar
values of sustainability, fun, and community that guides the organizer throughout the event
management process. (Suomalaisen jääkiekon strategia [The strategy of Finnish ice hockey] 2018;
Values – sustainability, fun, and community 2021.)

FIHA is an experienced organizer of all-encompassing international ice hockey events, which is
reflected in the IIHF’s confidence to permit Finland their ninth Men’s World Championship games
in their homeland. The association states to have “set the bar high” in all their operations and
organize events that Finnish people can be proud of (Organization of 2022 Worlds progressing
2021). This notion becomes distinct by the actions of attending fans, who have applied for more
than 1.6 million combined tickets in advance for the upcoming games held in Tampere and
Helsinki, and fully booking all games played in the new Tampere Deck Arena (More than 1.6
million tickets applied for in draw 2021).

2.2 IIHF World Championships 2022

The IIHF has 82 national associations members that participate in the various levels of IIHF World
Championships in Men’s, Women’s, and Under-20 and Under-18 junior levels. The upcoming 2022
World Championships in Tampere and Helsinki represent the highest tier of Men’s annual
tournament, that includes the participating nations of Belarus, Canada, Czech Republic, Denmark,
Finland, Germany, Great Britain, Italy, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Norway, Russian Olympic Committee
(due to ban given by World Anti-Doping Agency on competing under the name of Russia), Slovakia,
Sweden, Switzerland, and the United States. (IIHF Member National Associations n.d.;
Tournaments n.d.)

Tampere and Helsinki are the two host-cities of the 2022 IIHF Worlds, and each of them has their
unique characteristics in terms of urban areas, fan zones, and sporting venues. Tampere is
described to be known for its stunning views and being surrounded by beautiful lakes and eskers,
which composes a city that is simultaneously traditional, dynamic, and relaxing. The new Tampere
Deck Arena is the main stage of the World Championships, and it is in the vicinity of the city center
together with Tampere’s official fan zone area. Helsinki is the capital of Finland and among
Europe’s fastest growing and developing cities, that is described to provide the event visitors an
extensive offering of contrasts and surprises, science and arts, and urban nature. Helsinki Arena is
located few minutes away from the city center and it has been the main venue for multiple
National Hockey League (NHL) games and the IIHF World Championships. (Fan Guide – Helsinki
2021; Fan Guide – Helsinki Arena 2021; Fan Guide – Tampere 2021; Fan Guide – Tampere Deck
Arena 2021.) One of the fan zones in Helsinki is in the vicinity of the Helsinki Arena. The other fan
zone in Helsinki is merged into the infrastructure and services of Mall of Tripla, which is stated to

be the largest fan zone in the world by the event organization. Tripla is also described as “the new
heart of Helsinki” and with 250 shops and over 60 cafés and restaurants, it is the biggest shopping
center in the Nordic countries. (Maailman suurin Fan Zone [World's Largest Fan Zone] 2021; Mall
of Tripla n.d.)

3 Customer Experience in Sport Events

Sport event experiences are considered as a hedonic type of consumption correlated with a high
level of emotional involvement and specific meaning that effects the spectators’ perception of an
event (Gârdan, Gârdan, Andronie, & Dumitru 2020, 26). The industry of professional sport events
has increasingly become a competitive environment, where the providers of sporting services are
targeting customers to attend games as spectators and purchase memberships, products, and
services. This generates a need for event organizers to place a significant emphasis on service-
management concepts of customer retention and repurchase intentions, which are positively
impacted by the improved service quality from the event organization. (Theodorakis, Koustelios,
Robinson, & Barlas 2009, 457.)

According to Theodorakis and colleagues (2009), customer retention is proven to have a positive
effect on the long-term profitability of services in studies conducted by Fornell and Wernerfelt
(1987), McIlroy and Barnett (2000), and Zeithaml and others (1996) due to the costs of obtaining
new customers being greater than retaining existing customers. Theodorakis and colleagues
(2009) continues, that Ganesh and others (2000), Söderland (2006), and Selin and others (1987)
state the repurchase intentions are increased by establishing loyalty among consumers, which
requires creating customer experiences that develops loyalty, repeat purchases, and
recommendation to other customers. (458.)

Gârdan and colleagues (2020) affirms that strong emotional states like suspense, arousal, or
excitement are generally experienced among individuals involved in sport spectator experiences.
In customer’s experience of sport event consumption, the potential for meaningful experiences
and self-actualization of emotions are the main motivational factors for attending the event. (34.)
Also, spectator co-creation has been acknowledged to be essential for meaningful spectator
experiences in sport events. The distinctive co-creation behavior of sport fans, for example waving
flags, singing songs, and performing different forms of choreography, are recognized as important

elements in sport event experiences. (Theodorakis 2014, 210.) Major sport events can also be
experienced in a variety of ways outside of attending the sporting venue. These consumption
contexts involve different resources and a unique set of actors such as other spectators and
providers of food and drink, that influence the value experienced by the customers in sport event
environment. (Horbel, Popp, Woratschek, and Wilson 2016, 511.)

The consumption logics of the sport spectator demographic operates with diverse possibilities to
experience the event, for instance through stadiums, public viewing areas, televisions, computers,
and mobile devices. Today’s sporting events constitute a social theatre where the spectators play
a public role and their experience is influenced by diverse types of identification such as the social
background, age, gender, and ethnic, regional, national, and continental affiliations. (Bouchet,
Bodet, Bernache-Assollant, & Kada 2011, 42.) Hallmann, Zehrer, and Rietz (2020) have previously
studied the customer experiences of IIHF World Championships visitors according to the spectator
experience dimensions of entertainment, esthetics, escapism, and education. The authors
concluded that entertainment is the defining factor for the customer’s experience in the context
of ice hockey events. Various types of entertainment should be included in the event e.g., in the
form of pre-match ceremonies and event-specific theme songs. The study indicated that
educational aspects were also considered important in World Championships, which could be
provided to spectators by a mobile application for up-to-date statistics of the games. (773–774.)

In recent years, the understanding of an all-encompassing customer experience in sport events
has expanded and thus increased the importance of cognitive, affective, emotional, social, and
physical responses to the sports event and the event organization (Theodorakis 2014, 210–211).
Therefore, Theodorakis (2014) has developed a “Model of Customer Experience in Spectator
Sports” (see Figure 1), that considers the holistic and somewhat complex nature of the
determinants in sport event spectator experience. The functional elements are generally
described to be controlled by the event organization, whereas outcome elements and social
elements are not directly controlled by the organizer. Pricing as a determinant considers e.g., the
price of tickets, products, concessions, transportation, accommodation, and parking in sport
events. These aspects are influenced by both consumer-based and situational factors that
moderate the relationship between the overall customer experience and its determinants. (212–

Figure 1. Customer Experience in Spectator Sports (Theodorakis 2014, 212)

Theodorakis (2014, 216) also recognizes the high demand for providing sport event customer
experiences in alternative channels, due to the emergence of new technology and the ambitions
of professional sport organizations to expand their fan base. Consequently, Bouchet and
colleagues (2011) agree with this notion and state that Perez (1998) describes the globalization
and multidimensionality of spectator participation behavior to be impacting the methods of
following sporting events and the meaning of social belonging and identification. Therefore, the
increased attendance and diversification of sporting events has generated alternative televised
viewing contexts in the form of public viewing areas, known as fan zones. (42.)

4 Fan Zones

The increased public and media visibility of sporting events has brought in many visitors to the
destination country of the event, who are seeking a meaningful sports spectating experience also
on the outside of the event venues. The number of available tickets at major sporting events is
limited and thus cannot respond to the demand of customers, which is why event organizers need
to develop alternative ways to provide unforgettable fan experiences to sport consumers, such as
organizing fan zones for thousands of spectators. (Schnitzer & Stickdorn 2012, 19–20.)

Fan zones are temporary public viewing areas for fans who do not have match tickets to enter the
venue. They also serve as popular pre- and post-match locations for supporters with match tickets
who will attend the stadium for the sporting event. Fan zones are designed as places that allow
passionate expressions of fans’ involvement. While not only being an alternative place for
attending events, but fan zones have also broken boundaries between urban space and the
sporting event for the eventization of host cities. Fan zones have become a central part of major
sporting events since the mid-2000s with the first official fan zones being created for the 2006
FIFA World Cup in Germany. Regardless of public viewings becoming more common in recent
years, the number of studies on fan zones from sport marketing perspective has remained
relatively low compared to other sporting event publications. (Hautbois, Djaballah, & Desbordes
2020, 574; Ludvigsen 2021a, 233.)

Hautbois and others (2020) continues to describe the fan zone experience being unique with its
own factors of satisfaction and not comparable to the spectator experience gained in stadiums or
via television. This experience can be also provided outside of the host cities by expanding and
setting up fan zones at other locations in the host country to achieve better economic impact with
generating tourism revenues while having lower public expenses and valorizing the city image by
accommodating a much larger audience compared to the actual sporting venues. (580–581.) Fan
zones create a bridge between traditional fan practices and family or community-oriented culture
for the fans, enabling an alternative match-day atmosphere and experience with inclusive culture.
Therefore, organizing fan zones can create alternative inclusive environments for the sport
spectator experience with their own norms and boundaries. (Richards & Parry 2020, 658.)

Fan zones in 2022 IIHF World Championships are a free-access meeting and public viewing areas
for fans interested in World Championship ice hockey and its festive atmosphere during the event.
The public viewing venues organized in Tampere and Helsinki aim to reach pre-match visitors with
game tickets and fans who do not have tickets themselves, but still want to be a part of this
unique event experience. The goal of 2022 World Championship fan zones is to build venues that
are accessible for the entire nation and perceived as valuable experiences from the visitor’s
viewpoint. The open access of fan zones enables opportunities for the official partners of 2022
IIHF World Championships to reach a wider target group instead of traditional ice hockey fans, as
the area also attracts people who may not regularly attend hockey events.

4.1 Key Success Factors for Fan Zones

This literature review comprises from existing studies on fan zones which have previously focused
on football mega events and sport event management success factors, and qualitative semi-
structured interview on fan zones in 2022 IIHF World Championships to gain a viewpoint of public
viewings in international ice hockey event context. To date, several studies by Berthoud and
others (2009), Dickson and colleagues (2016), Hagemann (2010), Hautbois and others (2020),
Klauser (2011b), Lauss and Szigetvari (2010), Ludvigsen (2021a), McGillivray (2019), and Richards
and Parry (2020) have investigated fan zones from different perspectives that contribute to
identifying the key success factors in this literature review. Nevertheless, the existing information
on fan zone success factors by Schnitzer and Stickdorn (2012) will act as the foundation for this
thesis and the experiences the 2022 IIHF WC fan zones can offer to its visitors during the event.

The previous research conducted by Schnitzer and Stickdorn (2012) has established that the key
success factors for public viewings consists of the comfort, pre-match entertainment, feeling of
safety, and atmosphere in fan zones. The authors also acknowledge the need for further research
on the key success factors for fan zones from comparable events to UEFA Euro 2008 that will help
event organizers to recognize the impact of the ongoing development of sport events together
with the effects that environmental and cultural differences have on the key success factors for
fan zones. (32–33.) Regardless of the study conducted by Schnitzer and Stickdorn (2012), fan zones
remain as an understudied area in the sport business industry. McGillivray (2019, 196) argues, that
the low academic attention can especially be seen in the urban policy or planning fields despite

their surge in popularity at major sport events and established position as a key factor for the
success of the whole event.

Based on the information from existing publications and the semi-structured interview with an
experienced international ice hockey event manager, the literature on fan zone success factors in
this study has highlighted several areas such as atmosphere, accessibility, sustainability, security,
volunteers, services, and social capital and legacies, that have distinguished as the foundation of
key success factors for fan zones. These categories are including the social construct, emotion,
inclusiveness, and entertainment that will eventually contribute for an all-encompassing fan zone
experience for the spectators. At the time of the interview the fan zone areas were still in their
planning stages, but the information gathered from the interview was comprehensive and
valuable for determining the key success factors for fan zones in 2022 IIHF World Championships.

4.2 Atmosphere

Schnitzer and Stickdorn (2012, 21) described public viewings in sport events to be based on
watching the competition on large screens in a social atmosphere. According to Schnitzer and
Stickdorn (2012), Mazoll (2009) states that fan zone spectators value the social atmosphere more
in their experience as opposed to attending the sporting event or being informed for the match
results. Fan zone is primarily a social environment, where the experiences gained are not as strong
to the ones received in the sporting venue. (21–22.) Horbel and colleagues (2016) agree with these
findings by stating that in a public screening context, the performance of the team only makes a
minor contribution to the overall event experience of spectators. Areas such as fun and
entertainment, atmosphere, and social contacts and interaction are experienced as crucial factors
for visitor satisfaction. (524.) Generally, the atmosphere of an event consists of stimuli created by
the active participation of spectators, which eventually constitutes an inspiring atmosphere in the
venue (Uhrich & Koenigstorfer 2009, 70).

In many instances, comprehensive understanding of the sport event atmosphere increases the
ability to create experiences that match the preferences of fans attending the event, which makes
it vital for event managers to develop a deeper understanding on the subject (Uhrich &
Benkenstein 2010, 230). The results from a study conducted by Charleston (2008) indicate that the
two most important for factors for atmosphere at sport events are crowd noise and crowd size.

Crowd noise in this case indicates cheering and chanting, whereas crowd size is elaborated to be
the density of the fans at the venue. Additionally, the history between the club’s participating and
the feel of connection between fans have a major impact on sport event atmosphere. (320.)

Uhrich and Benkenstein (2010) identifies four different dimensions of sport stadium atmosphere
stimuli (see Figure 2) that are also applicable to large public viewing venues: stimuli generated by
the spectators and their behavior, stimuli relating to the architecture of the venue, stimuli created
by the organizers, and stimuli caused by the action of the game. Stimuli generated by the
spectators include e.g., chants, enthusiasm when the home team scores, the wearing of club
apparel, and the exchange of chants between the opposite sides of the venue. Stimuli relating to
the architecture of the venue includes the possibility to watch the game accordingly, which
creates a feel of being an integral part of the action for the fans. Stimuli created by the organizers
constitutes of having an enthusiastic event announcer and playing sport event anthems at games.
The final dimension of stimuli caused by the action of the game is important in stadium
environment. (226.) As Schnitzer and Stickdorn (2012, 22) aforesaid, the final dimension of
atmosphere stimuli is not relevant in fan zones when compared to the stadium environment.
According to Chen, Lin, and Chiu (2013, 209), the dimensions of sport event atmosphere stimuli
can be subject to variation caused by different host regions and cultures e.g., such as their four
dimensions of entertainment, electronic device, professional staff, and team competition in Asian

Figure 2. Multiple Indicator-Multiple Cause Model for Sport Stadium Atmosphere (adapted from
Uhrich & Benkenstein 2010, 225)

Overall, the role of the spectators in creating a better event experience is vital in the sport
business industry. Sport fans favor hedonistic group consumption settings and act as the
motivating factor for each other in enabling a more enjoyable and satisfying sport event
experience. (Uhrich & Benkenstein 2012, 1742.) The atmosphere generated in the fan zone is not
built on history, memory, or tradition. It originates from fans engaging with activities and
entertainment, commercial products, and technology-based artefacts and practices at the public
viewing venue. (Richards & Parry 2020, 656.) Therefore, successful fan engagement can lead to
increased event atmosphere, which according to Theysohn, Hinz, Nosworthy, and Kirchner (2009,
37), Hill and Green (2000) state to have a significant impact on the promotion of sales in the event

The feel of togetherness gained in the IIHF 2022 WC fan zones is connected to the atmosphere.
Fan zones in Tampere and Helsinki strive to depict an authentic sport event atmosphere by
offering everyone the opportunity to be a part of the spectator experience through public viewing
areas. Well-executed fan zones play a significant role in creating a festive atmosphere throughout
the host cities, which is largely contributed by the fans that are visiting in these areas. It is
challenging for organizers to create event atmosphere artificially if the visitors are not sharing the
festive atmosphere with the event organization, which is why fan zones require thorough planning
and successful executing. To create successful public viewing areas for the 2022 IIHF Worlds, the
event organization needs to utilize preliminary research to find out the preferences, key contents,
and interests of the fans who would visit fan zones in the upcoming World Championships. These
areas enable fans to unite and collectively enhance a positive and entertaining atmosphere around
the fan zones. Other methods of engagement that are utilized for attracting spectators to fan
zones in Tampere and Helsinki, are artist performances, fan meetings, and the quality of
communication and marketing by the event organization.

4.3 Accessibility

According to Lee, Kim, and Kim (2021), International Paralympic Committee describes a truly
accessible environment to enable everyone the free express of their independence and
simultaneously excluding the factors that might interfere with a person’s social inclusion. The
beneficiaries of this environment are those who have a wide range of disabilities and needs. (391.)
Service providers in tourism have insufficient awareness of the importance of accessible tourism

and therefore sport event visitors with access needs constantly encounter problems in their sport
spectatorship experience. An accessible event for all needs a proper infrastructure, services, and
attitudes towards accessibility. Accessibility can also be an important competitive tool for sport
organizations due to the extensive demand for fully accessible sport events. (Li, Eichhorn, Miller, &
Chen 2014, 466–467.)

The development of accessible experiences needs to be put in context of the destination
management processes that integrate the overall information and marketing for the event.
Accessible destination experiences need organizations who seek to create experiences that are
accessible for all and positioned to be more socially sustainable. (Darcy & Dickson 2009, 41.)
According to Dickson, Darcy, and Walker (2021, 15), accessible tourism enables visitors to the
event venue to benefit from the growing supply of sports products and services, which may also
support the development of new products and services that host-city residents could benefit from.
Cultures and environments that are designed to be inclusive of residents with disabilities and
access needs are good environments for tourists, and these environments may be leveraged for
ongoing event development and appeal from the perspective of destination competitiveness
(Dickson, Misener, & Darcy 2017, 941).

Coordinating fans efficiently on event days increases group dynamics, the visibility of supporter
products, and engagement to surrounding activities, thus improving the atmosphere of the event.
(Theysohn et al. 2009, 37.) The attractiveness of fan zones is enhanced by their strong integration
with the urban public areas outside of the traditional event venue (Klauser 2011b, 3204).
Altogether well-organized fan zones are a determining factor on the success of an entire event.
Accessibility in the form of spectator information and enabling comprehensive public
transportation to the fans are basic principles for high-quality fan zones and simultaneously crucial
factors for its success. (Schnitzer & Stickdorn 2012, 30–32.) According to Pereira (2018, 47),
Pereira, Schwanen, and Banister (2017) argue that transport has an important role in reducing the
inequality of opportunities by improving the accessibility of disadvantaged groups, such as the
low-income and transit-dependent people, the elderly, and the disabled. Zarei, Holmes, and Yusof
(2018, 688), states that convenience and accessibility are one of the most important attributes for
domestic sport tourists to attend an event.

A successful fan zone should be accessible to everyone, enabling sports fans with limitations the
possibility to access all dimensions of social participation in major sport events. Accessible tourism
pays attention to diverse sport travelers regardless of their age, family size, or disabilities.
Accessibility is also noted in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with
Disabilities, which seeks to provide basic citizenship rights to people with disabilities e.g., access to
goods and services such as sport events. (Dickson, Darcy, Johns, & Pentifallo (2016, 532–533.)
Dickson and colleagues (2016, 550) also emphasize on the fact that addressing accessibility in
sport event service delivery is an integral part of fan zones and the reason why event managers
need to consider these aspects for consumers with disabilities in more detail for the success of the
whole event. Richards and Parry (2020, 647) argue that the fan zone experience is centered on a
family friendly or at least family inclusive culture, which gives even the youngest fans a platform to
access public viewings.

Location and accessibility were pivotal aspects in the early planning process of Tampere and
Helsinki fan zones. The event organization had an aim to find a central location for the fan zones
that is well-connected to public transport and reasonably accessible to non-arena attendance as
well. The location selection process also emphasized on the key services available for fans near the
areas. In Tampere, the fan zone in the city center is in the vicinity of a train station and the newly
wed Tampere Deck Arena, which is the main stage of the 2022 IIHF World Championships. One of
the two fan zones organized in Helsinki is in the vicinity of Helsinki Arena, and the other fan zone
in the Mall of Tripla is described as the “world’s largest fan zone”, where the shopping center
offers a large variety of different services to fan zone visitors. that also acknowledges accessibility
features. Mall of Tripla has existing accessibility architecture that can also be utilized for the fan
zone area. The reachability of the fan zones is improved through active communication and
effective visitor coordination prior to spectators’ entrance to the fan zones. Information desks and
volunteers are placed in the surrounding areas of these public viewing locations to enhance
accessibility, and fan zone information will be provided by email to all fans that have purchased a
match ticket for 2022 IIHF World Championships.

4.4 Sustainability

According to Shipway and Kirkup (2012, 294), Smith (2009) emphasizes the importance of
sustainable event planning and the efficient post-event utilization of facilities to manage the risk

of a neglected legacy from the event. Shipway and Kirkup (2012) continues that Girginov (2008)
describes sustainable sport development not to be a static goal achieved but rather an ongoing
process of involvement resulting in social learning and change. Therefore, the success of
sustainable development goals in sport events is made possible by involving stakeholders that can
enable change to sustainability in all event-organizing stages. (296.)

One of the major challenges of event organizing in the future will be in events that need reliable
environmental conditions to run the event e.g., in terms of managing the impact of gas emissions
from festivals, which often utilize similar type of venues with fan zones. The key governance
stakeholders, sponsors and all the other event industry stakeholders need to work together to
establish well informed sustainability policies and procedures for the event. (Dickson & Arcodia
2010, 11–12.) According to Hall (2012, 129), the combined external pressures of biodiversity loss,
climate change and peak oil as well as financial and economic crisis and lack of equity are the key
determinants to this policy paradigm change in creating sustainable events.

With sustainability being the ability to meet the needs of today and simultaneously protecting and
enhancing opportunities for the future, it requires a further focus from the event industry to
achieve more sustainable practices in event organizing. One way to achieve increased emphasis on
sustainability in event management is to specify the information, rules and regulations on
sustainability goals given by the event association and differentiate the guidelines for each event
management sectors for more efficient implementation. (Arcodia & Dickson 2009, 100.)
Nevertheless, the trend for sport organizations is to increasingly implement more and expand on
current environmental initiatives. This strong focus on environmental aspects will continue to be
the goal of various sport organizations not only because of the change in social values and
attitudes, but also because of new expectations from a variety of stakeholders. Shifting to more
sustainable and environment-friendly operations allow venues to save money and reduce the
ecological footprint of sport with partnerships in the fields of solid waste management and the
development of energy and water-efficient technologies. (Trendafilova, McCullough, Pfahl,
Nguyen, Casper, & Picariello 2014, 12–13.)

The values of the 2022 IIHF World Championships are community, fun, and sustainability, which
are also visible on the two official fan zones established for the tournament. Hall (2012, 127)

determines the four Rs of steady-state sustainability as reduce, reuse, recycle, and regulate. The
official partners of 2022 IIHF WC are committed to supporting these values, which will actualize in
these public viewing areas in the form of renewable energy, reusable materials, public transport,
and responsible spatial planning.

4.5 Security

The ability of fan zones to gather spectators to one controlled area during major sporting events is
viewed as a positive factor for organizing events and it also increases the general safety of the
public. Directing spectators to pre-determined fan zones during the event will reduce other
restrictive measures around the host city and thus provide a platform for effective law
enforcement. (Ludvigsen 2021a, 240–241.) Well-organized fan zones have a comprehensive setup
of emergency and first aid personnel, law-enforcement, private security services, and several
barriers and fences that isolate the area from the surrounding city (Hagemann 2010, 731).
Combining security and branding, fan zones are supposed to provide a safe space for the fans to
efficiently experience the commercial spheres of emotion and interact with the official partners of
the event (Klauser 2011b, 3204).

Large sport events have entered a new phase of development and growth, which is also visible
through the increased securitization around the event. Especially after the 9/11 terrorist attacks,
security issues related to large sport events has become a central point of development around
the world. This can be seen with more personnel, money and resources being allocated to security
and risk management, and in the planning and the execution of a sport event with increasing
amount of transnational public–private partnerships. Security threats can exist in diverse ways,
such as supporter violence, terrorism, and other threats such as crime and discrimination.
Unsecure fan zone experiences differentiate from the general picture of public viewings that the
media presents, even creating chaotic attributes without proper securitization. (Giulianotti &
Klauser 2010, 58; Klauser 2011a, 149; Ludvigsen 2018, 8–9.)

Therefore, fan zones require a strong element of security with thorough pat-downs at the
entrance area, the presence of surveillance cameras, and plain-clothed police officers on the
lookout for potential disruptors. The strict level of security measures is not intended to limit the
atmosphere at public viewings, but rather enable fans a protected area from dangerous

individuals to maintain the celebratory spirit of the event. (Berthoud, Pattaroni, Viot, & Kaufmann
2009, 12.) Hagemann (2010, 733) states that the militarization of an event can draw negative
attention to the existing strict security measures of fan zones, which can also negatively affect the
basic civil rights of the visitors.

Fan zones are also considered as tools for event security through the opportunities that urban
public space offers at sport mega-events. Event organizations need to consider the perspectives of
both the policymakers and law enforcement that emphasize the importance of fan zones and
stadium security rings in the securitizing of an event. The multiple actors, needs, and interests
involved in creating fan zones requires consideration on the perceived benefits of the restructured
event-city. (Klauser 2012, 1049.) There is a need to put security policies into action that bring
various local, national, and transnational actors together to create a comprehensive set of ideas
and things that increase security e.g., in the form of handbooks, guidelines, legal documents, and
plans. The importance of local expertise and authority is highlighted in the security governance of
large sport events. (Klauser 2011b, 3215–3216.) According to Ludvigsen (2021b), Hutchins and
Andrejevcic (2021) describe COVID-19 having added new elements to the securitized consumption
surrounding large sport events in the form of public health and hygiene. Ludvigsen continues that
sport governing actors have emphasized their turn towards externalized expertise with health
experts and international organizations that provide guidance in responding and eventually trying
to resolve the problem of global pandemic and sport events. (13–14.)

The personnel play a major role in the fan zone implementation, ensuring the smooth running,
safety, and guidance for the public viewing area. The 2022 IIHF World Championships ensures
safety for the visitors with subcontracting a security organization with their own safety managers
that oversee the practicalities regarding fan zone areas. Fan zones held in Tampere and Helsinki
have the necessary security, surveillance, access control, and first aid personnel together with
volunteers to secure the success of the areas. Both fan zone locations include unique features that
require special attention from security standpoint. Mall of Tripla fan zone area requires security
coordination with the Mall’s own security personnel and the Tampere fan zone and its proximity
to the train track is a security risks which needs to be considered with access control, barriers, and
area restrictions. Restricting nearby areas for the fan zones include closing certain streets during
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