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Page created by Tina Dean
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June 19, 2022
June 19, 2022 - cloudfront.net

                        Room Key: St. Anne Room = Rose Rm | St. Clare Room = Whittier Rm | St. Michael Room = Teen Room

          Start Date                 Start Time Subject                                                     Location
         Monday                        7:30 AM Monday Morning Confession                                    Church
       June 20, 2022
                                       8:00 AM Monday Morning Mass & Devotion to                            Church
                                               Our Lady of Perpetual Help
         Tuesday                       4:00 PM Tuesday Meditation                                           Rectory Chapel
       June 21, 2022
                                       6:00 PM Tuesday Evening Confession                                   Church
                                       6:30 PM Tuesday Evening Mass & St. Michael                           Church
                                                 and Angels Devotion
                                       7:00 PM Volunteer Appreciation BBQ                                   Gazebo
                                                (following 6:30 pm Mass)
        Wednesday                      7:45 AM Wednesday Morning Confession                                 Church
       June 22, 2022
                                       8:15 AM Wednesday Morning Mass                                       Church
                                       4:30 PM Intercessory Prayer                                          Rectory Chapel
                                       6:00 PM Adoration                                                    Church
                                       8:30 PM Wednesday Evening Rosary (FB LIVE)                           Rectory Chapel
         Thursday                      7:30 AM Thursday Morning Confession                                  Church
       June 23, 2022
                                       8:00 AM Thursday Morning Mass                                        Church
          Friday                       7:30 AM Friday Morning Confession                                    Church
       June 24, 2022
                                       8:00 AM Friday Morning Mass & Divine Mercy Devotion                  Church
                                       9:00 AM Friday Faith Formation                                       St. Clare Room
                                      12:00 PM Blood Drive                                                  Church Social Hall
         Saturday                      2:00 PM Wedding: Maria Fernanda & Dylan Chandler                     Church
       June 25, 2022
                                       4:00 PM Saturday Mass                                                Church
          Sunday                    Knights of Columbus Sunday Social - After 9 & 11 am Mass
       June 26, 2022
                                       9:00 AM Sunday Mass                                                  Church
                                     11:00 AM Sunday Mass                                                   Church

         Hospitality                                                                                  PARISH CALENDAR
      Greeter Schedule                                                                            Please visit the Ministry Resources
                                                                                                  page to submit upcoming events,
     Weekend of June 25-26, 2022                                                                  meetings, etc… We are currently
4:00 PM        Becky McCoy                                                                        scheduled through the end of
               Fiona Parker                                                                       June. If you have July/August
               Carol Romano                                                                       events please get those submit-
9:00 AM                                                                                           ted ASAP. If it’s not on the parish
         John & Michelle VanCamp
         Kate Vandelinder                                                                         calendar it won’t be listed on the
         Chee Chee Williams                                                                       bulletin calendar.
         Liz Zatina
         Wendy Bruetsch                                                                              https://stclarem.org/ministry-
11:00 AM Evelyn Cotter                                                                                          resources
         Lou DiIorio                                                                                 Thank you for submitting your
         Danusia Fadanelli
                                                                                                            event online!

Corpus Christi                                                       Page 2                                               June 19, 2022
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                Blessed Corpus Christi!                      brating the weekend of July 16/17. Please keep my
                                                             family in your prayers.
                 This weekend is a great festival of the
                 Eucharist. What a mystery of God’s          Feasts of the week
                 presence in our midst. We are invited       •  Thursday 6/23 – Solemnity of the Nativity of St. John
                 to reflect on the sacredness of the            the Baptist
                 Eucharist. The Body and Blood of Christ     •  Friday 6/24 – Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of
                 is broken and poured out for us each           Jesus
time we celebrate the Mass – what a gift. We have an         •  Saturday 6/25 – Memorial of the Immaculate Heart
opportunity through this celebration to give thanks for         of the Blessed Virgin Mary
this gift. As we receive His sacrifice for us today in the
Eucharist, may our hears be filled with gratitude and        Wishing you Blessed week
reverence. Be Bold. Be Holy. Be Catholic.

Father’s Day
This weekend we honor and celebrate our fathers. We
pray for God’s blessings on our earthly fathers for the
many times they reflected the love, strength, generosi-
ty, wisdom, and mercy that is shown in God’s relation-
ship with us, His children. We pray for those who died
that they may be welcomed into the heavenly king-
dom. A special Rosary for the fathers is prayed every
Wednesday of June at 8:30 pm via parish Facebook.

Last Sunday evening we hosted our first Encounter
event at St. Clare. I want to thank Melanie Mebus, and
her group for hosting this event. It was a beautiful
evening of praise and worship, Adoration of the
Blessed Sacrament and a healing service led by Fr.
Patrick Gonyeau. Thank you to all who participated in
this service.

Volunteer appreciation Mass and BBQ
All volunteers are invited to the outdoor Mass on June
21 at 6:30 pm and appreciation BBQ to follow by the
gazebo (weather permitting) organized by the Hospi-
tality Committee. Let’s celebrate our community and
the great work so many parishioners are doing in God’s
Vineyard of St. Clare. Bring a lawn chair of blanket if
you like. EVERYONE is welcome for Mass.

Our Missionaries
Remember to keep our missionaries who are assisting
at the border in Poland with the refugees in your pray-
ers. The current group, led by Mike McDevitt and John
Schrage return on Thursday, June 23. Thank you for
your time in Adoration supporting this mission.

Visiting Priests
I will be away from June 26 until July 20 to assist in the
care of my parents. The Capuchin Friars will be cele-
brating liturgies here at St. Clare. Fr. Thomas Quirk from
Arizona, who is originally from St. Clare, will be cele-

St. Clare of Montefalco, Grosse Pointe Park, MI         Page 3    The Congregation of Saint Michael the Archangel
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                         St. Clare Christian Service                           St. Clare Faith Formation
                         From the Desk of Mike McDevitt                        From the Desk of Sr. Kathy Avery
                    Can you give blood? Please consider                        Happy Feast of the Body and Blood of
                    scheduling an appointment to donate                        Jesus. I pray that we may always be in
                    blood. Every pint helps support area                       awe of the sacrifice Jesus made on
                    hospitals. During the month of June,                       the cross and the gift he gave us in the
                    you will be entered into a contest to                      Holy Eucharist. Let us learn to be
                    win a trip to Graceland. They also are                     grateful.
offering everyone a $5 e-certificate. Click here for de-
tails: Click here for details: //rcblood.org/elvismovie Sign   I have given you this quote in the past but I repeat it
up today!                                                      here. It is from Venerable Fulton J. Sheen. “The Great-
                                                               est Love Story of all Time is Contained in a TINY white
Mike McDevitt                                                  HOST.” Yes because, Jesus comes to us, Body, Blood,
Christian Service Coordinator                                  Soul and Divinity, and chooses to be physically present
mmcdevitt@stclarem.org |313-647-5025                           when we receive Him in the Eucharist. Alleluia. Thank
                                                               you God for Jesus.

                                                               Sr. Kathy Avery
                                                               skavery@stclarem.org | 313-647-5015

                                                                          MEET OUR NEW
                                                                        STEPHEN MINISTER
                                                                                       My name is Steve Zaranek and
                                                                                       I recently became a Stephen
                                                                                       Minister. It was an incredible
                                                                                       journey training for this ministry
                                                                                       with such a devoted group of
                                                                                       loving and caring individuals. It
                                                                                       is a journey such as this that
                                                                                       strengthens faith in the Holy
                                                                                       Spirit and our dedication to
                                                                                       helping each other.

              STEWARDSHIP THOUGHTS                           My job as a Stephen Minister is to listen and care, to
The Eucharist is a fitting theme for today’s Scripture really try to empathize and understand what someone
readings. In the Book of Genesis, we learn that the priest in need is going through, and leave the fixing up to
and ruler of Salem, Melchizedek, brings out bread and God.
wine to share with Abram (later Abraham). St. Paul, in his
First Letter to the Corinthian community, describes Jesus’ I would encourage anyone going through difficult times;
institution of the Eucharist at the Last Supper. In his Gos- divorce, loss of a job, death of a loved one, financial
pel, the evangelist St. Luke retells of Christ’s miraculous difficulties, a serious illness, to be open to having a
healing of the sick and feeding the 5,000. At every Mass, Stephen Minister. Your Stephen Minister is going to
through the power of the Holy Spirit, the priest conse- respect you. Your minister will not tell you what to do, will
crates common bread and wine into the true Body and not judge you, will listen, and will walk alongside you.
Blood, Soul and Divinity of Christ for the forgiving of sins God will help you take hold of what’s buried deep in-
and strengthening in holiness. As faith-filled partakers, side, bring it out, and relieve you of the burden.
we are in complete awe of this tremendous gift and, in Stephen Ministry is here for you. You are never alone.
heartfelt gratitude, let us give back to God a generous
portion of our many gifts to our parish and to those in Steve Zaranek
need. On this Solemnity, participate in the Eucharistic

                                                                   BOLD | HOLY | CATHOLIC
celebration of the Mass, partake of Holy Communion,
and spend time in Eucharistic Adoration.

Corpus Christi                                            Page 4                                         June 19, 2022
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St. Clare of Montefalco, Grosse Pointe Park, MI   Page 5   The Congregation of Saint Michael the Archangel
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                          St. Clare School
                          From the Desk of Ann Crowley
                     This week without students was busier
                     than when they were present the last
                     week of classes. The last week of clas-
                     ses was filled with celebrations for
                     school wide academic performance,
retirements and educators taking on new challenges,
ice cream socials, picnics, and a final school Mass to-         St. Clare would like to congratulate the following
gether. This week teachers calculated final grades and          students who graduated from Detroit Cristo Rey High
updated student records. The office mailed report cards         School this month. congratulations to you and your
and Star Parent Reports home. St. Clare of Montefalco           families!
Tuition Assistance notifications were announced to re-
turning and new families. Classrooms were straightened          Class of 2022
and materials were organized for the movement of                   •   Candace Jones
grade levels to other parts of the school. Archaic elec-           •   Joseph Willis
tronic devices were collected for removal from the
school. Smart Boards were waiting for installation as de-       Detroit Cristo Rey High School is currently enrolling
livery of final materials to hang the boards is running be-     students for the Fall. If you have an interested student,
hind. EANS II meeting occurred which will fund a few            please email admissions@detroitcristorey.org or text
staff positions this upcoming Fall and will provide for staff   313-570-4411 for more information.
development around use of the Smart Boards. New prin-
cipal, Ms. Sarah Hensien was present a lot of the week                      Visit St. Clare School
as she was getting her bearings around her massive un-                          https://stclareschool.net
dertaking as the new leader of this beautiful school.

Parishioners I ask that you please look at the Grosse
Pointe News that came to all of your homes for free this
week. Our school shines its light brightly in this edition.
Our graduates are celebrated along with all the stu-
dents in a full page congratulatory piece for the
2021/2022 graduates as they go on to an assortment of
mostly Catholic high schools and a few public high
schools. Another page in this edition has a quarter page
ad sharing a data chart as to the academic success of
our students across grades as determined by the Renais-
sance testing company. The data compares St. Clare
of Montefalco students to students in Michigan and Na-
tional public schools as well as how they measure up
against the students in our Archdiocese of Detroit
schools and all Catholic/Private schools in the nation.
The students measure up against the best of the Catho-
lic and private schools and way out perform the Nation-
al and Michigan Public Schools. It took a village during
COVID and parishioners you were a large part of the
village that provided for the teachers and students that
made them soar to the success they attained academi-
cally and spiritually. Thank you all for your relentless sup-

Peace and God’s blessing,

Corpus Christi                                            Page 6                                            June 19, 2022
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St. Clare of Montefalco, Grosse Pointe Park, MI   Page 7   The Congregation of Saint Michael the Archangel
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Corpus Christi                                              Page 8         June 19, 2022
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           Weekly Mass Intentions                                    Please Remember In Your Prayers
Saturday, 6/18/2022                                                 Christine Abdenour                   Josephine Marino
                                                                    Michael Anderanin II              Gayle Megge-Impastato
      4:00 PM         + Tom Sicklesteel                                Sr. Kathy Avery                  Mary Ann McLaughlin
                      + John (Jack) McCrea                           Patricia Barszenski                   Steve McMillan
                      St. Clare Parishioners                            Ken Biernacki                  William B. McNanney
                                                               Elizabeth Ralstrom Blanchard                Beatrice Nunez
Sunday, 6/19/2022 - Father’s Day Novena                                 Karen Bolton                        Sarah McPharlin
      9:00 AM         + Emanuel Buhagiar                               Walter Bozman                       Kyle McPherson
                                                               Henry & Charles Brenneman              Dr. Tony R. R. Middleton
                      + Mary Rose Weckerle
                                                                         John Brock                            Lynn Miller
                      + Thomas Chaplow
                                                                       Maura Caplice                     Jo Ann Morandini
      11:00 AM        +   Bernard O'Rourke                               Susan Cervi                    Maryann O'Connor
                      +   Pietro Catalfo                               Phyllis Chesney                      Kathy Overton
                                                                     Marie Ciaramitaro                      Wilberto Pablo
                      +   Ray Barth
                                                                       Glenn Closurdo                     Katerina Palucaj
                      +   George Regner
                                                                          Jean Curry                         Dennis Panas
                      +   Duane Depue                                     Roy Davin                       Mary Beth Panas
                      +   Al Depue                             Baby Ermias Mathias Dejene                  Marge Paulsen
                      +   Robert Gregory                              Camille DeMario                     Carol Provencal
                                                                         Rick Demers                          Bob Phillips
Monday, 6/20/2022 - Father’s Day Novena
                                                                    Kathie DeMumbrum                          Anne Purvis
Devotion to our Lady of Perpetual Help                                 Nicole DeRosa                   Lawrence Radgowski
      8:00 AM         For all priests and in increase in                Terry DeRosa                         Bob Radnick
                      vocations to the priesthood.                     Donna Dettmer                         William Rigg
                                                                        Helen Fildew                      Larry Rochwalski
Tuesday, 6/21/2022 - Father’s Day Novena                                Scott Fischer                         Kathy Root
Devotion to St. Michael and the Angels                                 Deanna Fischer                    Kathleen Ruggero
                                                                        Sonia Grospe                    Charles Rutherford
      6:30 PM         + James Knaus, Sr.                            Michael Guadagnoli                        Karen Sapp
                      + John Griffin                                      Laura Hall                          Julie Sexton
                                                                        John Hepper                     Margaret Jo Shubel
Wednesday, 6/22/2022 - Father’s Day Novena
                                                                 Maricela Huidor-Figueroa                   William Shubel
      8:15 AM         For all those who have died that               Daniel Headapohl                       Sharon Slezak
                      they may be untied with our Lord                     Betty Irvin                 Father James Smalarz
                      for eternal life.                               Dennis Janeczko                     Dolores Stefanski
                                                                     Christine Kahanak                       Joe Stelmark
Thursday, 6/23/2022 - Father’s Day Novena                           Eleanora Kowalczyk                     Neal Steinmetz
                                                                           Ted Kirles                          Ross Stone
      8:00 AM         For the Watta Family and Friends                 Ashleigh Kohlitz                      Barry Sullivan
Friday, 6/24/2022 - Father’s Day Novena                                 Scott Kooken                         Diane Sullivan
                                                                       James Lavigne                          Brian Tague
Divine Mercy Chaplet
                                                                      Mary Ellen LeRoy                Patricia Tocco-Majewski
      8:00 AM         In thanksgiving for our many                       Anita Leisen                      Jeffrey P. Valentic
                      blessings                                       Carol Levasseur                      Paul Werthman
                                                                         Joseph Lisy                       Robbie Williams
Saturday, 6/25/2022 - Father’s Day Novena                              June Mabarak                       Debra Wolfslayer
                                                                    Wolfgang Maennle                        Helen Zeedan
      4:00 PM         + Peter Owen (52nd anniv.)
                      + Dolores Kozemchak                                      ADD / REMOVE FROM PRAYER LIST
                      + Raymond and Julia Cotter
                                                                                  Weekly Collection Report
Sunday, 6/26/2022- Father’s Day Novena
                                                                         Parishioner Envelopes                                     $6,187
      9:00 AM         St. Clare Parishioners                             Online Giving                                             $2,037
                                                                June 12,
                                                                         Total Collection:                                         $8,224
      11:00 AM        + John Griffith                             2022
                                                                         Goal                                                      $9,423
                                                                         Under for the week by:                                  ($1,199)
  Bulletin Deadline & Guidelines
         https://stclarem.org/bulletin-guidelines                   WeShare Online Giving: https://stclarem.churchgiving.com/

St. Clare of Montefalco, Grosse Pointe Park, MI            Page 9     The Congregation of Saint Michael the Archangel
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       St. Clare of Montefalco                           St. Clare of Montefalco Parish
            Catholic School                              1401 Whittier Rd., Grosse Pointe Park, MI 48230
 16231 Charlevoix, Grosse Pointe Park, MI 48230          Phone: (313)647-5000 Fax: (313)647-5005
  Phone: (313) 647-5100 | Fax: (313) 647-5105
                                                         Mission Statement
              Religious Education Office
       Ph. (313) 647-5056 | Fax (313) 647-5055           “We bring together and welcome into our Catholic
           School Administrative Assistant               Community a richly diverse people to pray, to serve, and to learn
             Valerie Albright - (647-5102)               in the name and presence of Jesus Christ.”
      St. Clare of Montefalco Catholic School            Pastor                                      Permanent Deacon
 Is a Gospel Presence in our diverse community.          Rev. Andrew Kowalczyk, CSMA                 Rev. Mr. Richard P. Shubik
       We are dedicated to educating and                 647-5000                                    586-215-1247
          empowering children of all faiths              andrewk@stclarem.org                        rshubik@stclarem.org
           By providing a quality Catholic
     Education Focused on Faith, Academics,              Principal                                   Director of Religious Education
                 and lifelong Service.                   Ann Crowley                                 Sr. Kathleen Avery, OSM
                                                         647-5129                                    647-5110
                                                         acrowley@stclarem.org                       skavery@stclarem.org
                                                         Business Manager
                                                                                                     Christian Service
                                                         Marion Fikany                               Maintenance Coordinator
                                                                                                     Michael McDevitt
  Committee Chairpersons                                 mfikany@stclarem.org
Parish Council                                                                                       mmcdevitt@stclarem.org
                                                         Parish Administrative Assistants
Linda Hazlett
                                                         Cathie Schneider                            Minister of Music
parishcouncil@stclarem.org                               Tracy Schaller                              Dr. David Troiano
                                                         Jozefa Chmielewski                          647-5064
Finance Council                                          secretary@stclarem.org                      dtroiano@stclarem.org
Rick Berg                                                647-5000
                                                         Athletic Director                           Media Coordinator
                                                         Robert Conway                               Colleen Keelan
Christian Service
                                                         647-5170                                    647-5072
Cathie Schneider                                                                                     ckeelan@stclarem.org
christianservice@stclarem.org                            bconway@stclarem.org

                                                         Director of Ministry of Care                Sacristans
Faith Formation Commission                               Patricia Radnick                            Joan Louwers
Tom Warnez                                               885-5210                                    Margaret Platz
faithformation@stclarem.org                              patradnick@gmail.com                        882-9167

Marriage Preparation Coordinator                         St. Vincent de Paul Society                 Stephen Ministry Message Line
Mary Wolking                                             Assistance Line                             647-5000 x5054
marywolking@gmail.com                                    647-5062                                    stephenministry@stclarem.org

Athletic Committee                                       St. Clare Little Lambs                      Intercessory Prayer
                                                         Jessica Smihal                              647-5000 #9
Bob Conway
                                                         littlelambs@stclarem.org                    intercessoryprayer@stclarem.org

Hospitality Committee                                                                                             Parish
David Bodien
                                                           BULLETIN DEADLINE                                  stclarem.org
hospitality@stclarem.org                                             Monday at 11am                      facebook.com/stclarem
                                                                Please send all requests to:           facebook.com/scmathletics/
           PRAYER REQUEST                                     Please review the guidelines for                   School
               313-647-5000 #9                                          submission at:                     stclareschool.net
   https://stclarem.org/make-a-prayer-request             https://stclarem.org/bulletin-guidelines    facebook.com/stclarefalcons

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