July 2018 Additional Mental Health related articles and videos from around the nation.

Page created by William Williamson
July 2018 Additional Mental Health related articles and videos from around the nation.
July 2018 Additional Mental Health related articles and videos from around the nation.
How Schools Can Help Students Respond to Suicide
"13 Reasons Why" shows all the wrong ways a school can respond to suicide. Read how schools should support students
after a suicide loss. READ MORE »

Iowa’s Suicide Rate Increased More than 35 Per Cent in 17 years.

California Healthline: When Erratic Teenage Behavior Means Something More - Mary Rose O’Leary has shepherded
three children into adulthood and teaches art and music to middle-school students. Despite her extensive personal and
professional experience with teens, the Eagle Rock, Calif., resident admits she’s often perplexed by their behavior. “Even
if you have normal kids, you’re constantly questioning, ‘Is this normal?’” says O’Leary, 61. (Bazar, 6/11)

USA Today: Suicide and Depression Need To Be Understood To Help Those Hurting - How could Anthony Bourdain
have possibly felt like his life of adventure was not worth living, that suicide was his only option? How could Kate Spade,
one of the most beloved and influential fashion designers on earth, have felt that way? Or not so long ago, Robin
Williams, who made us all laugh out loud as he silently suffered. How? Why? We helplessly ask and then we ask again. A
few months ago, my congregation was asking those very questions when First Presbyterian Church of Bethlehem, Pa.,
where I am the senior pastor, lost one of our teenagers: a boy named Sam Plank, who died by suicide. Sam’s parents,
Andy and Tina, want people to know about what happened to their son so that others can be educated about
depression and suicide, now at epidemic proportions among young adults. (J.C. Austin, 6/13)

Allen Frances, MD, and Mark L. Ruffalo, LCSW, published an insightful piece in Psychiatric Times that traces the historical
debate concerning mental illnesses and civil liberties. They argue that involuntary treatment may seem unsavory to
some, but it is a necessary tool that "is very far preferable to homelessness and imprisonment--the heartbreaking
consequence of our society's longtime neglect of the seriously mentally ill."

USA Today story highlights the case of Richard Lee Quintero, a man who suffers from chronic paranoid schizophrenia.
The manifestation of his untreated illness -- he broke into a Pizza Hut and reported to a 911 operator that he was Jesus -
- struck some as funny. His story is anything but. Jailed, and then isolated, Quintero amputated his tongue. He was
ultimately moved to one of North Carolina's three psychiatric hospitals, but the damage was done.

This article from northeastern Oklahoma's The Claremore Daily Progress reports on a new assisted outpatient treatment
program funded through the Oklahoma Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services and enabled by The
Mark Castello Act.

Reuters: National Basketball Players Association Adds First Director Of Mental Health The National Basketball Players
Association named Dr. William D. Parham its first director of mental health and wellness on Thursday. In his role,
Parham will oversee the development and management of the newly launched NBPA Mental Health and Wellness
Program designed to assist all members of the union in addressing any mental health challenges or issues they face.

Des Moines Register: Broadlawns 'Psychiatric Urgent Care' Clinic Will Take Walk-In Patients - A Des Moines hospital is
offering an alternative for Iowans who have had to wait weeks or even months for initial appointments for depression,
anxiety or other common mental health issues. Broadlawns Medical Center will open its new “psychiatric urgent care”
clinic Monday. Leaders of Polk County's public hospital say the clinic, which will accept walk-in patients, will help address
the area’s shortage of services for people with mental health issues. (Leys, 5/31)

Reuters: Special Report: In Louisiana Jail, Deaths Mount As Mental Health Pleas Unheeded
The East Baton Rouge Parish Prison, a squat brick building with low-slung ceilings and walls sometimes smeared with
feces, is the face of a paradigm shift: penitentiaries as mental health care providers. Across the United States thousands
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July 2018 Additional Mental Health related articles and videos from around the nation.
of jails are sheltering a wave of inmates accused of crimes and serving time while suffering from illnesses ranging from
depression to schizophrenia. (Fares and Levinson, 5/31)

Bloomberg: All Roads Still Lead To Medicaid Expansion - Medicaid expansion is still going strong. And Virginia may have
just given us a preview of another wave. The Virginia Legislature on Wednesday, despite very narrow Republican
majorities in both chambers, voted for the piece of Obamacare that the Supreme Court had made optional for the
states. After Virginia, there are only 17 holdouts — including Texas and Florida. What’s really important is that no state
has gone in reverse, even those states that switched from Democratic to Republican governments after implementing
expanded Medicaid. I’m going to take a short victory lap on my prediction from five years ago. (Jonathan Bernstein,

New England Journal of Medicine: Preserving Access for People With Disabilities -A bill passed by the U.S. House of
Representatives in February would have a significant adverse effect on the accessibility of public accommodations for
people with mobility impairment. (Laura Rothstein, 5/31)

Los Angeles Times: There Are Fewer Homeless People in L.A. County — But The Problem Remains Grim And
Unacceptable - For the first time in four years, the number of homeless people in Los Angeles County has decreased. It
went down by just a modest 3% (and 5% in just the city of L.A.), but that is still a significant reversal of the shocking
double-digit increases of recent years. The dip, reported in the official 2018 “homeless count,” was welcome news. The
Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority, which administers the count, says that about 16,500 homeless people were
housed over the last year, which is the highest number ever. It’s a sign that city and county officials are finally treating
homelessness as the crisis it is and directing more time, money and resources into housing, services and outreach. (6/1)

It Saves Lives. It Can Save Money. So Why Aren’t We Spending More on Public Health?" According to the article, health
protection interventions save $34 per every $1 spent on long-term costs.

Deaths of Despair and Building a National Resilience Strategy -Trust for America's Health President and CEO John
Auerbach and Well Being Trust Chief Strategy Officer Benjamin F. Miller authored this article on deaths of despair and
the need for a national resilience strategy in the Journal of Public Health Management & Practice.
"These trends should be a wake-up call that there is a serious well-being crisis in this country. In stark terms, they are
signals of serious underlying concerns facing too many Americans—about pain, despair, disconnection, and lack of
opportunity—and the urgent need to address them. And let us not forget that projections are indeed just that,
projections, as we can prevent these avoidable deaths through thoughtful planning and strategy."

Des Moines Register: Grassley: 'We've Got To Give Up' On Repealing, Replacing Obamacare
Republican Sen. Chuck Grassley this week told people gathered at an Iowa town hall that politicians should "give up" on
repealing and replacing the Affordable Care Act. During the meeting Thursday in Orange City, Grassley started answering
a question about bipartisan efforts to improve the legislation before saying, "Oh, by the way, we've got to give up on
repeal and replace." A video of his answer was posted online by American Bridge 21st Century, a Democratic
organization. (Nozicka, 6/1)

Chicago Tribune: Legislature Passes Bill To Improve Insurance Coverage For Mental Health, Addiction -State
lawmakers passed a bill late Thursday meant to make it easier for patients with mental health and addiction issues to
get insurance coverage for treatment. Advocacy and other groups pushed the bill in response to concerns that
treatments for mental health and substance use disorders are not being covered at the same level as those for physical
medical conditions despite a federal law prohibiting such disparities. Advocates considered the issue especially pressing
given the epic of opioid addiction that has gripped the U.S. and Illinois. (Schencker, 6/2)

The Star Tribune: 'Invisible Workforce' Of Caregivers Wearing Out With Age - Growing numbers of Americans face the
immense and often overwhelming challenge of caring for an aging parent or other loved one, a burden that will
skyrocket as 76 million baby boomers move into their 80s and need help coping with dementia, cancer, heart disease or
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July 2018 Additional Mental Health related articles and videos from around the nation.
just plain frailty and old age. Social trends and medical progress are working against each other. Half of the 35 million
family caregivers who now assist older adults have full-time jobs. Families are more geographically dispersed. Adult
children are squeezed between raising their own families and managing a dizzying array of housing needs, health care,
insurance, finances and supportive services for their elders. (Crosby, 6/2)

WBUR: Witnessing Violence When You're A Child Can Have A Lifelong Impact, Study Finds
The Boston Reentry Study looks at whether witnessing deadly violence as a child can have a lifelong impact, tracking 122
men and women released from prison in Massachusetts between 2012 and 2014 to see how they're adjusting to life
outside. Researchers found that 42 percent of people they spoke to had seen someone killed during their childhood.
(Young, 6/1)

The New York Times: The Crazy Talk About Bringing Back Asylums - When President Trump mused that the mass
shooting at a high school in Parkland, Fla., in February might have been prevented if the United States had more mental
institutions, he revived a not-quite-dormant debate: Should the country bring back asylums? Psychiatric facilities are
unlikely to prevent crimes similar to the Parkland shooting because people are typically not committed until after a
serious incident. Still, a string of news articles, editorials and policy forums have noted that plenty of mental health
experts agree with the president’s broader point. (6/2)

San Antonio Press-Express: Wait List For State Mental Hospital Beds Troubling - The newly appointed Judicial
Commission on Mental Health has its work cut out. There are simply not enough beds at the state hospital level to
accommodate all the people who need that level of service. The state is working to address the problem by adding more
beds, but its pace is not fast enough to meet the demand. (6/2)

For Some With Autism, Stopping Seizures May Aid Development - Many children with autism also have seizures.
Scientists now say that rapid treatment during these episodes may prevent kids from moving into a more severe range
of the spectrum. Read More >

After 42 Years In Institutions, A Home Of Her Own A woman with intellectual disability who has been housed in state
institutions for over four decades may finally get a chance to live in the community after a judge ordered her release.
Read More >

KQED: Why Young Brains Are Getting Big Attention In The Governor's Race - One million neural connections are made
every single second of life until the age of 3, according to current research, and the preschool years have a long-term
influence on outcomes in health and education. ... But during the recession, state funding for programs like infant
toddler care and preschool was severely cut -- and those funds have not been restored under Gov. Jerry Brown. (Neely,

The New York Times: She Went to Jail For A Drug Relapse. Tough Love or Too Harsh? - As soon as Julie Eldred was
granted probation for stealing jewelry to buy drugs, she got busy fulfilling the judge’s conditions. She began an intensive
all-day outpatient treatment program. She even went an extra step and started daily doses of Suboxone, a medication
that can quell opiate cravings. Then she relapsed and snorted her drug of choice — fentanyl. To stop from plunging into
free fall, she asked her doctor for a stronger dose of Suboxone. She stayed clean the next day. And the next. (Hoffman,

ProPublica: Hundreds Of Illinois Children Languish In Psychiatric Hospitals After They’re Cleared For Release - These
unnecessary hospitalizations are another failure for a state system that has frequently fallen short in its charge to care
for Illinois’ most vulnerable children, who suffer from conditions such as severe depression or bipolar disorder. Though
statistics to compare how states handle children in psychiatric hospitals are scarce, and other states also experience
similar challenges, psychiatrists and mental health experts say circumstances in Illinois are among the most dire in the
nation. (Eldeib, 6/5)

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July 2018 Additional Mental Health related articles and videos from around the nation.
July 2018 Additional Mental Health related articles and videos from around the nation.
                                       Preventing Parent Burnout
                                       Meeting the emotional challenges of caring for children with mental health
                                       issues. READ MORE ▸

                                       Supporting vs Enabling
                                       What helps and what hurts a child with emotional and learning challenges.
                                       READ MORE ▸

                                       Finding a Babysitter for Challenging Children
                                       One mom's tips for hiring (and keeping) a good sitter.
                                       READ MORE ▸

                                       Why Self-care Is Essential to Parenting
                                       Caring for children with intense needs can take an emotional (and physical)
                                       toll. READ MORE ▸

                                       How Mindfulness Can Help Caregivers
                                       Parents of children with special needs find these techniques reduce stress and
                                       READ MORE ▸

The Science Behind Suicide Contagion
Publicity about suicides, especially those of celebrities, has been linked to an increase in suicides, especially among
young people.

Los Angeles Times: Designer Kate Spade's Death Renews Conversation About Mental Health Awareness - The death of
Kate Spade has renewed discussions of mental health awareness, with celebrities mourning the fashion designer’s death
with missives about depression and suicide prevention. Spade, whose colorful handbags, bold prints and cheerful
sayings once dominated American fashion, was found dead on Tuesday in her New York apartment in an apparent
suicide, according to the Associated Press. A former accessories editor at the now-defunct magazine Mademoiselle,
Spade founded her fashion label in 1993 with her husband, Andy, who was involved with his own fashion label, Jack
Spade, and now has the branding venture, Partners & Spade. (Saad and Paniogue, 6/5)

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July 2018 Additional Mental Health related articles and videos from around the nation.
Austin American-Statesman: State Spends $30M On Overtime, Staffing At Disabled Care Homes
Texas Health and Human Services spent almost $30 million in seven months on overtime and contract labor at its
institutions for people with disabilities because the state can’t find enough people to work at them. The cost of overtime
pay and contract labor will likely hit $50 million this fiscal year, for the third year in a row. (Ball, 6/5)

Pain & Profit, a multipart Dallas Morning News investigation into the way Texas treats fragile people who rely on
Medicaid, the government insurance program for the poor and disabled.
Pain & Profit – Part 1 – The Preventable Tragedy of D’ashon Morris –
Pain & Profit – Part 2 - As Patients Suffer, Companies Profit - https://interactives.dallasnews.com/2018/pain-and-
Pain & Profit – Part 3 – Texas Companies Pay Billions for Sham Networks of Doctors -
Pain & Profit – Part 4 – Gloss-over of the Horror https://interactives.dallasnews.com/2018/pain-and-profit/part4.html
Pain & Profit – Part 5 – Parents vs. the Austin machine https://interactives.dallasnews.com/2018/pain-and-

Kate Spade dealt with depression and anxiety, her husband says, but her death ‘was a complete shock’ - Andy Spade
said his wife was actively seeking help and working closely with doctors to treat her disease at the time of her death. By
Eli Rosenberg • Read more »
Kansas City Star: Sister: Kate Spade Had Mental Illness Years Before Suicide
Grieving deeply, Kate Spade's older sister told The Star on Tuesday that her famous designer sister suffered debilitating
mental illness for the last three or four years and was self-medicating with alcohol. Spade's apparent suicide on Tuesday,
at age 55 inside the bedroom of her New York Park Avenue apartment, "was not unexpected by me," Reta Saffo, Spade's
older sister by two years, told The Star by email from her house in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Family members struggled
mightily to help Spade but to little avail, she said. "Sometimes you simply cannot SAVE people from themselves!" she
wrote. Spade seemed concerned how hospitalization might harm the image of the "happy-go-lucky" Kate Spade brand,
she said. She saw how her sister seemed fixated on Robin Williams on the day, in August 2014, that he committed
suicide by hanging. (Eric Adle, 6/6)

The Washington Post: Kate Spade’s Husband, Andy, Says Her Death Came As ‘A Complete Shock’
Spade, who said that he and his wife had been living in separate apartments for the past 10 months, added that the two
had spoken the night before her death and that “she sounded happy.” “There was no indication and no warning that she
would do this,” he said. “It was a complete shock. And it clearly wasn’t her. There were personal demons she was
battling.” (Rosenberg, 6/6)

The Wall Street Journal: Kate Spade’s Father, Husband Discuss Her Private Troubles
The 55-year-old designer’s troubled inner life contrasts with the image she presented to the world. She was a fashion
icon. She and her husband had sold their company for enough money to live a luxurious life. She had taken a decade off
from the fashion business to raise a daughter and recently returned to the work she loved, designing sleek yet cheerful
handbags and shoes. “Sometimes you know how people visually never grow old? She was one of those people,” said
Stan Herman, a New York fashion designer and longtime friend of Ms. Spade. (Kapner and Kanno-Youngs, 6/6)

The New York Times: Medicaid’s Nickel-And-Dime Routine - D’ashon, a Texas toddler with severe birth defects, needed
24/7 nursing care to keep his breathing tube clean and to prevent him from pulling it out. His foster mother asked
Superior HealthPlan, the insurance carrier that provides Medicaid services to the state’s 30,000 foster children, for
additional nursing hours, according to a Dallas Morning News investigation. Superior said no, even after D’ashon’s
doctors and nurses said that it was a matter of life or death. ...As a wealthy and politically powerful company gambles
lives for profit, Texas officials look the other way, the Morning News reporters tell us. This is the sorry state of what
passes for good-enough care for patients who depend on Medicaid, among the most vital safety nets for the American
poor and disadvantaged, in the second most populous state. (6/6)
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July 2018 Additional Mental Health related articles and videos from around the nation.
Kansas City Star: Kate Spade's Life, And Her Suicide, Resonated With Women - In much of the commentary, you can
hear the myths that many Americans tell themselves about depression, manic behavior and suicide — that it only
happens in some families, that it can be fought off by sheer will and that it is the juice fueling so many creative talents.
The Star published a difficult-to-read interview with Spade’s older sister, Reta Saffo. Her voice is virtually screaming in
pain, anger and frustration. It is the voice of someone who has struggled with a mentally ill family member for years. “I’d
come so VERY close to getting her to go in for treatment,” Saffo wrote in an email. She discussed the pressure of keeping
up the Kate Spade image, admitting that it was part of the reason that her sister was reticent to seek treatment. Doesn’t
society own a bit of that response? After all, it’s fed by a reluctance to understand mental illness, to see its treatment in
the same light as we do physical ailments, like breast cancer. (Mary Sanchez, 6/6)

The Hill: Kate Spade’s Apparent Suicide Demonstrates US Needs A Mental Health Care Overhaul
The apparent suicide of fashion designer Kate Spade shows that untreated mental illness can affect anyone — regardless
of their gender, the color of their skin, or the size of their bank account. Many news reports found that Spade had been
suffering with her mental health for a long time. According to the Kansas City Star, Spade’s older sister said that her
suicide was, “was not unexpected by me.” As a practicing psychologist, I find that most people with mental health
disorders do not seek out or receive effective health-care services and treatments. (Joan Cook, 6/6)

US suicide rates increased more than 25% since 1999, CDC says – CNN - Suicide rates increased by 25% across the
United States over nearly two decades ending in 2016, according to research published Thursday by the CDC. Twenty-
five states experienced a rise in suicides by more than 30%, the government report finds. Read the full story

Suicide rates rise sharply in most states, CDC report shows - Suicide rates increased in 49 states between 1999 and
2016, according to a report released Thursday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The increases were
seen across sex, age, race and ethnicity. In half of all states, the increase was 30 percent or more. By Amy Ellis
Nutt • Read more »

Hospitals address social determinants of health through community cooperation and partnerships - Hospitals are
increasingly opting to partner with community-based groups to help address non-medical, social factors that impact
health. READ MORE

Auditor to Review Iowa Medicaid Program https://qctimes.com/news/iowa/auditor-to-review-iowa-medicaid-

The New York Times: Justice Dept. Says Crucial Provisions of Obamacare Are Unconstitutional -The Trump
administration told a federal court on Thursday that it would no longer defend crucial provisions of the Affordable Care
Act that protect consumers with pre-existing medical conditions. Under those provisions of the law, insurance
companies cannot deny coverage or charge higher rates to people with pre-existing conditions. The Justice Department
said the provisions were part of an unconstitutional scheme that required most Americans to carry health insurance.
(Pear, 6/7)

The Associated Press: Justice Department Takes Aim at Heart of Health Law - The decision, announced in a filing in a
federal court in Texas, is a rare departure from the Justice Department's practice of defending federal laws in court.
Texas and other Republican-led states are suing to strike down the entire law because Congress recently repealed a
provision that people without health insurance must pay a fine. The repeal takes effect next year. Texas says that
without the fine in place the requirement to have health insurance is unconstitutional and that the entire law should be
struck down as a result. (Sherman, 6/8)

Modern Healthcare: Justice Department Won't Defend Obamacare In GOP States' Lawsuit -It will be up to several
Democratic state attorneys general to defend the law, and they have already received permission to intervene in the
case. A core group of blue state attorneys general are also fighting the federal government to revive cost-sharing
reduction payments for insurers. (Teichert, 6/7)
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July 2018 Additional Mental Health related articles and videos from around the nation.
The North Carolina Farm Bureau has looked to Iowa and Tennessee organizations to model their requests to skirt health
law regulations. The bureau's pitch to state lawmakers comes after the Trump administration in January proposed a rule
to allow more small businesses and self-employed workers to band together to buy insurance through association health
plans. Meanwhile, although there are some bright spots, it looks like premiums will skyrocket again next year.

Modern Healthcare: N.C. Farm Bureau Asks State Lawmakers To OK Coverage That Skirts ACA -The North Carolina
Farm Bureau is hoping to follow Tennessee and Iowa organizations in creating a cheaper health plan that eschews
Affordable Care Act rules by varying the price of coverage based on a person's health status. Larry Wooten, president of
the Raleigh-based North Carolina Farm Bureau, asked a state Senate healthcare committee on Thursday to pass
legislation allowing the organization to launch an association health plan that bypasses ACA rules. (Livingston, 6/7)

CDC researchers emphasized in their report that more than half of those suicides were committed by people who had
not been diagnosed with a mental health disorder. Noting that suicide is “very rare” among those with chronic
depression, they said friends, families and co-workers should not overlook the risk of self-harm among those who have
never been diagnosed with mental illness.
Reuters: U.S. Suicide Rates See Sharp Increase From 1999 To 2016: CDC - Suicide rates rose in nearly every U.S. state
from 1999 to 2016, with the rate spiking by more than 30 percent in half of the country, the Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention (CDC) reported on Thursday. Though mental health is often blamed for suicides, more than half of the
people who took their own lives in 27 states in 2015 had not been diagnosed with a mental illness, the CDC said. (Brice,

The New York Times: Defying Prevention Efforts, Suicide Rates Are Climbing Across The Nation - The new analysis
found that nearly 45,000 Americans aged 10 or older died by their own hand in 2016. The increase varied widely by
state, from a low of 6 percent in Delaware to more than 57 percent in North Dakota. The rate declined in just one state,
Nevada, where it has historically been higher than average. Social isolation, lack of mental health treatment, drug and
alcohol abuse and gun ownership are among the factors that contribute to suicide. Suicide is the tenth leading cause of
death in the United States, and one of three that is increasing. The other two are Alzheimer’s disease and drug
overdose, in part because of the spike in opioid deaths, said Dr. Anne Schuchat, principal deputy director of the C.D.C.
(Carey, 6/7)

Los Angeles Times: Suicides Have Increased By More Than 30% Since 1999 In Half The States, CDC Says - In a closer
look at suicides in 2015, CDC researchers found that 29.4% took place within two weeks of a crisis — most commonly a
breakup or other problem related to an intimate-partner relationship. Among the less-common factors presumed to
have contributed to the suicides studied were physical health problems, legal difficulties, a family relationship issue or a
job-related problem. (Healy, 6/7)

The Washington Post: Suicide Rates Rise Sharply Across the United States, New Report Shows - “The data are
disturbing,” said Anne Schuchat, the CDC's principal deputy director. “The widespread nature of the increase, in every
state but one, really suggests that this is a national problem hitting most communities.” It is hitting many places
especially hard. In half of the states, suicide among people age 10 and older increased more than 30 percent. “At what
point is it a crisis?” asked Nadine Kaslow, a past president of the American Psychological Association. “Suicide is a public
health crisis when you look at the numbers, and they keep going up. It’s up everywhere. And we know that the rates are
actually higher than what’s reported. But homicides still get more attention.” (Nutt, 6/7)

The Wall Street Journal: CDC Finds Rise In Suicide Rates Across The U.S. - “We have a long way to go to strengthen our
community and health systems to make sure when someone is at risk we get them to care,” said Jerry Reed, an
executive committee member of the National Action Alliance for Suicide Prevention. The alliance is working with more
than 250 hospitals to ensure that someone brought in after a suicide attempt is connected to long-term mental-health
care, Dr. Reed said. Churches, schools and police also need to get better at recognizing people at risk for suicide and
helping them get treatment or feel less isolated, he said. Limiting access to guns for people who are unwell is also a
priority, he said. “We have to ask people who are at risk if they have a firearm, and while they’re in recovery or
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July 2018 Additional Mental Health related articles and videos from around the nation.
treatment, recommend safe storage of that firearm,” he said. “It might be a good idea while they’re in treatment if
someone could hold onto that firearm.” (Whalen, 6/7)

NPR: U.S. Suicide Rates Rise By More Than 30 Percent In Half Of States Since 1999 -"So it's not just about firearms, it's
also about other methods of suicide such as hanging, suffocation, poisoning and the like," she said. "We are concerned
with all aspects of suicide prevention, including access to lethal means, and so we do include that in a comprehensive
approach to suicide prevention." But Anestis believes that it's important to not beat around the bush when it comes to
guns and to talk about the importance of things like setting waiting periods for purchase, and storing guns locked and
unloaded. (Greenfieldboyce, 6/7)

The Star Tribune: Suicide Rates Rise Sharply In Minn., Across Country, Report Shows -The suicide rate in Minnesota
jumped 40.6 percent over 18 years, part of a nationwide trend that saw increases in all but one state and prompted
public health officials to urge people to get help when facing a crisis. The findings, released Thursday by the Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention, confirm what Minnesota officials had already been tracking. Between 1999 and 2016,
suicide rates in Minnesota increased across age, sex and racial groups, but lately the rates have been going up the most
in rural parts of the state. (Howatt, 6/7)

New Orleans Times-Picayune: Suicide Rates Climb In Louisiana And In 48 Other States, Report Says - Since the year
2000, suicide rates in Louisiana have risen by more than 29 percent among both men and women. Our state wasn't
alone, according to a report released Thursday (June 6) by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Suicide rates
rose in 49 states between 1999 and 2016 across all age groups, ethnicities, gender and race. (Clark, 6/7)

Boston Globe: Suicide Rates Rise Sharply Across The US, New Report Shows - Thomas Delaney, a faculty member at the
University of Vermont’s Larner College of Medicine who studies suicide, said Thursday that several aspects of Vermont
life have been linked to higher rates of suicide. The state is rural, and studies show a connection between suicide and
living in rural areas. (The state with the highest suicide rate is Montana.) Vermont is home to a high proportion of white
people, and whites as a group have higher suicide rates than ethnic groups. The population is also older, and suicide is
more common among older people. Firearm ownership is common, and Delaney said “the literature is getting pretty
strong” that states with easier access to guns have higher suicide rates. (Freyer, 6/8)

Meanwhile, Kate Spade and Anthony Bourdain's deaths shine another spotlight on the issue —
The New York Times: Kate Spade’s Suicide Prompts Self-Disclosure And An Outpouring Of Empathy - When news of
Kate Spade’s suicide broke Tuesday morning, many readers responded with an outpouring of empathy and support for
both Ms. Spade and her family. The death also prompted several Times commenters to reflect on how their own lives
had been touched by a similar experience. Many of those readers discussed their personal experiences with suicidal
depression and stories of relatives and friends who had taken their own lives. (Moore, 6/7)

The New York Times: What To Do When A Loved One Is Severely Depressed - Reports of Kate Spade’s suicide and
struggle with depression have transformed her from symbol of polished prep to a blunt reminder that suffering affects
all types. Her death has inspired hundreds to tweet some version of the same message: Mental illness is nothing to be
ashamed of. (Murphy, 6/7)

Kaiser Health News: Kate Spade’s Death Ignites Concern About Rising Suicide Rate - Fashion designer Kate Spade’s
death Tuesday has reminded Americans of the enormous toll of suicide, a growing problem that claims nearly 45,000
lives a year. Suicide rates in the U.S. have risen nearly 30 percent since 1999, according to a report released Thursday
from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Suicides increased in both men and women, in all ethnic groups
and in both urban and rural areas. Suicide and “self-harm,” a category that includes attempted suicides, cost the nation
$70 billion a year in medical care and lost work time. (Szabo, 6/7)

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July 2018 Additional Mental Health related articles and videos from around the nation.
CNN: CNN's Anthony Bourdain Dead At 61 - Anthony Bourdain, a gifted storyteller and writer who took CNN viewers
around the world, has died. He was 61. CNN confirmed Bourdain's death on Friday and said the cause of death was
suicide. "It is with extraordinary sadness we can confirm the death of our friend and colleague, Anthony Bourdain," the
network said in a statement Friday morning. "His love of great adventure, new friends, fine food and drink and the
remarkable stories of the world made him a unique storyteller. His talents never ceased to amaze us and we will miss
him very much. Our thoughts and prayers are with his daughter and family at this incredibly difficult time." (Stelter, 6/8)

The New York Times: Depression In Older People Tends To Be More Severe - Depression in older people tends to be
more severe, last longer and be less likely to remit than the same disease in younger people, a new study concludes. The
reason remains unknown, but it is apparently unconnected to known risk factors like social isolation or the chronic
diseases of old age. In a study published in Lancet Psychiatry, Dutch researchers followed 1,042 people ages 18 to 88
with diagnoses of major depression. They tracked four indicators of disease over two years: the likelihood of still having
the diagnosis at the end of the study, how persistent symptoms were over time, the likelihood of reaching remission and
the degree of improvement in depression severity. (Bakalar, 6/7)

The Hill: Virginia Governor Signs Medicaid Expansion Into Law -Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam (D) on Thursday signed a
budget that includes Medicaid expansion, making Virginia the 33rd state to expand the program under ObamaCare. The
signing caps a years-long battle in the state over Medicaid expansion, which Democrats have pushed for but Republicans
long resisted. After Democratic gains in the state legislature and Northam’s victory last year, enough Republicans got on
board with Medicaid expansion for it to pass the General Assembly. (Sullivan, 6/7)

ProPublica: First Responders Speak Out About PTSD, Two Years After Pulse Nightclub Shooting - Nearly two years after
the tragedy, Delgado and other first responders who were on the scene at Pulse shared their consequent struggles with
post-traumatic stress disorder at an event co-hosted by ProPublica, 90.7 WMFE and the Orlando Public Library on
Wednesday night. Held at the Orlando Public Library’s Melrose Center for Technology, Innovation and Creativity, the
event also featured family members of first responders, advocates, mental health counselors and elected officials. (6/7)

Pediatrics: Hospitalization For Suicide Ideation Or Attempt: 2008–2015 Encounters for SI and SA at US children’s
hospitals increased steadily from 2008 to 2015 and accounted for an increasing percentage of all hospital encounters.
Increases were noted across all age groups, with consistent seasonal patterns that persisted over the study period. The
growing impact of pediatric mental health disorders has important implications for children’s hospitals and health care
delivery systems. (Plemmons et al, 6/1)

Des Moines Register: Returning Medicaid To State Management Will Not Take 'Years' - During a recent gubernatorial
debate, Democratic candidates all said they supported repealing the privatization of Iowa’s Medicaid program. They also
advocated exercising caution in bringing it back under state control. One called it a “process” that should involve
lawmakers. Another suggested it could take as long as three years.“I’m not going to do what the Republican governors
have done and do something behind closed doors and do it instantaneously and without a plan," said candidate Ross
Wilburn. While such prudence seems reasonable, overthinking a transition back to state-controlled Medicaid could
cause unnecessary delays. It will not take years unless a new governor hems and haws. Iowa already has a clear “plan”
to provide health insurance to 600,000 low-income and disabled Iowans. (6/7)

Bloomberg: To Reduce Suicide In The U.S., Regulate Guns - In its alarming new report on America’s fast-rising suicide
rate, the Centers for Disease Control cites many pressures that might lead people to take their own lives: problems with
relationships or work, substance abuse, money troubles, or housing insecurity. No doubt all such stresses can drive some
people to the brink. The report also offers several strategies to prevent suicide. States can promote employment and
tackle housing shortages, for example, and health-care providers can offer treatment online and by phone. Employers,
schools and communities can help people feel supported and unashamed to seek help. And everyone can become alert
to warning signs. All such changes would reduce the suffering that leads to suicide. But there’s another prevention
strategy, and the CDC ignores it: stronger gun laws. (6/7)

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July 2018 Additional Mental Health related articles and videos from around the nation.
July 2018 Additional Mental Health related articles and videos from around the nation.
The New York Times: Kate Spade And The Illness Hidden With A Smile - Suicide, no matter how well we know a person,
usually comes as a shock, even a violation, putting the lie to our conviction that existence is to be cherished. ...But there
is no starker reminder of that truth than suicide. Serious depression, which almost always precedes suicide, retains not
only the stigma of mental illness and is thus often undisclosed even to one’s nearest, but is also a fairly disguisable
illness. Most often, it leaves no track marks. It comes without benefit of casts or bandages. It can be covered up with a
smile and denied even by the one enduring it. (Daphne Merkin, 6/7)

Sacramento Bee: Ending Prison Contract Will Put Disabled Out Of Work - The Legislature should reject a troubling
proposal by the governor to end a state prison's janitorial contract with PRIDE Industries in favor of hiring unionized
state employees. A failure to do so will result in a loss for taxpayers, for a vital part of the state's prison health care
system and, most importantly, for hard-working people with disabilities. (Patricia Bataes and Jesús Andrade, 6/6)

The Crazy Talk About Bringing Back Asylums - Mental institutions won’t meet the need for community care, better
coverage and sensible commitment standards.

Mental health professionals fear ‘contagion’ effect - In the wake of the deaths of Kate Spade and Anthony Bourdain,
how the media covers suicides can cause further trauma or publicize resources. Continue reading →

Local chefs mourn Bourdain, hope his death can serve as wake-up call in a stressful industry - Bourdain’s death brings
into focus the brutalizing disconnect between the supposed glamour of restaurant life and the despair that often
simmers beneath the surface: long hours, easy access to drugs and alcohol, the constant pressure to succeed. Continue
reading →

‘You’ve handed us an issue’: Democrats pounce on Trump administration’s health-care move Republicans were caught
off guard by the administration’s decision to abandon a popular element of the Affordable Care Act — protections for
people with preexisting medical conditions. By Erica Werner and Amy Goldstein • Read more »

From the archives: Suicide is tragic. But mostly, it is a bloody mess. - Roxanne Roberts’s father killed himself when she
was 21. Twenty years later, in 1996, she exp - lained the legacy of a brutal act. By Roxanne Roberts • Read more »

Re-Thinking Rural Healthcare – Reinventing a Hospital, Refocusing on the Population, Re-Examining Policy, and
Rebuilding a Community http://modernhealthcare.pressreader.com/modern-healthcare

A family was separated at the border, and this distraught father took his own life - Marco Antonio Muñoz was found
dead May 13 in a padded jail cell in south Texas. By Nick Miroff • Read more »

Please don’t give up - Depression lies to those who have it. By Stephanie Chandler -Read more »

BP Magazine - Accepting My Beautiful 'Bipolar Brain' -Read more >>
BP Magazine - Succeeding in STOPPING Hard-to-Break Habits - https://www.bphope.com/bipolar-stories-video-
BP Magazine - Know The Symptoms: One-Size Does NOT Fit All - Read more >>
BP Magazine - 5 Tips for Summer Success for Kids With Mental Health Challenges - Read more >>
BP Magazine - How Horses Help Addiction Recovery - Read more >>
BP Magazine - Marilyn Monroe: What We Can Learn From Her Life and Struggles - Read more >>
BP Magazine - How Your Hands Can Help with Symptoms - Watch Julie's video >>
BP Magazine - Helping Kids with Mental Health Challenges Make Friends - Read more >>
BP Magazine - Supportive Suggestions When Your Child is Hospitalized- Read more >>

                                                                                                                  Page 10 of 35
July 2018 Additional Mental Health related articles and videos from around the nation.
A leading psychiatrist’s history of depression helps shape his treatment of young people -
Mike Shooter was in medical school when he suffered the first of what he calls “thunderous depressions.”
By Anthea Rowan • Read more »

Rethinking rural healthcare: Health systems pitch in to protect rural providers - In the in-depth report, "Rethinking
rural healthcare," reporter Alex Kacik looks at how more than 40% of hospitals in rural America have been operating in
the red as they try to manage care for a declining rural population that is often older, sicker and poorer than their urban
counterparts. READ MORE

Guest Commentary: Team-based healthcare offers proven path to improving Americans' mental health - Combining
mental health services with primary care can save lives while decreasing costs and increasing quality of care. The
passage of the Affordable Care Act opened the door to new patient-centered models of care. As a result, the number of
mental health providers participating in integrated... READ MORE

— Officials say a Honduran migrant separated from his wife and child under the Trump administration’s new “zero
tolerance” policy was found dead in his Texas jail cell of an apparent suicide

Backlash Against Disciplinary Action Turns Focus to School Counselors

Rethinking rural healthcare: Health systems pitch in to protect rural providers -In the in-depth report, "Rethinking rural
healthcare," reporter Alex Kacik looks at how more than 40% of hospitals in rural America have been operating in the
red as they try to manage care for a declining rural population that is often older, sicker and poorer than their urban
counterparts. READ MORE

The Washington Post: ACA Lawsuit Could Jeopardize 52 Million Americans’ Access To Health Care - An obscure district
court lawsuit over the Affordable Care Act became a potent threat to one of the law's most popular provisions late
Thursday, when the Justice Department filed a brief arguing that as of Jan. 1, 2019, the protections for people with
preexisting conditions should be invalidated. The Justice Department argued the judge should strike down the section of
the law that protects people buying insurance from being charged higher premiums because of their health history.
(Johnson, 6/8)

Kate Spade and Anthony Bourdain's deaths came just days before the CDC released startling statistics about the rate of
suicide in the country. Experts are left trying to figure out what has gone wrong.
The New York Times: How Suicide Quietly Morphed Into A Public Health Crisis - The deaths of the designer Kate Spade
and the chef Anthony Bourdain, both of whom committed suicide this week, were not simply pop culture tragedies.
They were the latest markers of an intractable public health crisis that has been unfolding in slow motion for a
generation. Treatment for chronic depression and anxiety — often the precursors to suicide — has never been more
available and more widespread. Yet the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention this week reported a steady,
stubborn rise in the national suicide rate, up 25 percent since 1999. (Carey, 6/8)

The New York Times: Can One Suicide Lead To Others? - The death of famed chef Anthony Bourdain, who apparently
killed himself in a hotel room in France, caps a week of unnerving news about suicide. Rates are climbing across the
United States, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported on Thursday — in some states, by as much as 30
percent since 1999. Prevention remains an elusive goal. Just days earlier, Americans were stunned to learn the designer
Kate Spade had hanged herself in her New York apartment. (Carey, 6/8)

The New York Times: 5 Takeaways On America’s Increasing Suicide Rate - In a week when two celebrities, first the
designer Kate Spade and then the chef and television host Anthony Bourdain, took their own lives, new federal data was
released showing that suicide rates have been increasing for years in almost every state and across demographic lines.
The escalating crisis has affected nearly every group and place, but the study from the Centers for Disease Control and
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July 2018 Additional Mental Health related articles and videos from around the nation.
Prevention showed that some parts of the country have been hit especially hard. Here’s a closer look at the study and
the stories behind some of the data. (Smith, 6/9)

Reuters: Rise In U.S. Suicides Highlights Need For New Depression Drugs - A spike in suicide rates in the United States
has cast fresh light on the need for more effective treatments for major depression, with researchers saying it is a tricky
development area that has largely been abandoned by big pharmaceutical companies. U.S. health authorities said on
Thursday that there had been a sharp rise in suicide rates across the country since the beginning of the century and
called for a comprehensive approach to addressing depression. The report was issued the same week as the high-profile
suicides of celebrities Anthony Bourdain and Kate Spade. (Steenhuysen, 6/9)

The Associated Press: Celebrity Suicides Highlight Troubling Trend In Midlife - The deaths of celebrity chef Anthony
Bourdain and fashion designer Kate Spade highlight a troubling trend — rising suicides among middle-aged Americans.
Mental health problems, often undiagnosed, are usually involved and experts say knowing warning signs and who is at
risk can help stop a crisis from becoming a tragedy. (Tanner, 6/8)

The Wall Street Journal: After Celebrity Deaths, Suicide Hotline Calls Jump 25% - As the world learned the news Friday
that renowned chef and food writer Anthony Bourdain had died by apparent suicide, the same phone number flooded
the internet. The number for the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline—1-800-273-8255—was pinned to the bottom of
memorial Instagram posts, shared in tweets and ran alongside news obituaries. Whenever a notable person commits
suicide, calls to the hotline spike, said Director John Draper. Just days before Mr. Bourdain’s death, news of another
famous person had spread: handbag designer Kate Spade, whose apparent cause of death was also suicide. Calls jumped
25% in the two days after her death, compared with the same period the previous week, Mr. Draper said. (Korte, 6/10)

The Hill: Bourdain, Spade Deaths Shine Spotlight On Growing Number Of Suicides - The suicide deaths of fashion
designer Kate Spade and celebrity chef Anthony Bourdain this week have heightened public awareness of what experts
describe as a growing, and often overlooked, public health issue in the U.S. The news Friday of Bourdain’s death
prompted tributes from President Trump and former President Obama, and cries of grief and surprise on social media.
(Hellmann, 6/9)

Chicago Sun Times: For Women, The Stigma Of Depression, Anxiety Can Become Too Much To Bear - The stunning
death by suicide of designer Kate Spade, followed just days later by the death of celebrity chef and author Anthony
Bourdain, highlights the lingering stigma of anxiety, despair and depression, even among the seemingly most upbeat and
successful among us. Chicago experts say the tragedy also points to women’s and middle-age people’s increasing rates
of suicides. Suicide rates for U.S. adults ages 45-64 had the largest absolute rate increase (to 19.2 per 100,000 people in
2016 from 13.2 per 100,000 in 1999), and the greatest number of suicides (232,108) during the same period, according
to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention data released Thursday. (Guy, 6/8)

Minnesota Public Radio News: Farmers Already At Higher Risk Of Suicide Face Pressure From Tariffs - Research shows
that people in rural areas are much more likely to take their own lives. And a study of suicide in 17 states found people
whose occupation involved farming, fishing or forestry were over five times more likely to take their own lives than
people in all occupations combined. (Moini, 6/8)

NPR: How To Dial Back Stress For High-Achieving Kids - On New Year's Eve, back in 2012, Savannah Eason retreated into
her bedroom and picked up a pair of scissors. "I was holding them up to my palm as if to cut myself," she says. "Clearly
what was happening was I needed someone to do something." Her dad managed to wrestle the scissors from her hands,
but that night it had become clear she needed help. "It was really scary," she recalls. "I was sobbing the whole time."
(Aubrey and Greenhalgh, 6/11)

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July 2018 Additional Mental Health related articles and videos from around the nation.
The invisible, psychological injuries to the first responders who helped in the aftermath of the mass shooting at the
nightclub are another toll of the catastrophe.
ProPublica/WMFE: Five First Responders To The Pulse Massacre. One Diagnosis: PTSD. - Pulse was one of the nation’s
largest mass shootings, where 49 people died and at least 53 others were wounded. The invisible injuries to first
responders represent another toll of the catastrophe. (Aboraya, 6/11)

Modern Healthcare offers a series looking at the threat to rural health care and how millions of patients could be left
vulnerable as facilities shutter across the country.
Modern Healthcare: Rethinking Rural Healthcare: How To Improve Healthcare In Rural Areas - More than 80 rural
hospitals have shuttered since 2010 and hundreds more are in danger. Millions of patients are at risk of being without a
community hospital and providers in metropolitan areas could see an influx of patients with significant, untreated

Des Moines Register: Iowa Auditor To Examine Estimated Savings From Privatized Medicaid Iowa's state auditor has
agreed to look into the see-sawing estimates of how much Iowa taxpayers are saving by having private companies run
the state's $5 billion Medicaid program. Department of Human Services leaders last month abruptly tripled their
estimate of those annual savings, from $47 million to $140.9 million, without explanation. (Leys, 6/8)

Richmond Times-Dispatch: A Place To Sleep: Many Of Virginia's Mentally Ill Caught In Cycle Of Housing Instability -
For some of those people, lacking a safe place to call home means intermittent care at best. But most likely, it means
months or years without adequate mental health treatment, and the ramifications can be far-reaching. (O'Connor, 6/10)

The Washington Post: A Wake-Up Call For New Approaches To Suicide Prevention -Days after the suicide of renowned
fashion designer Kate Spade, chef and world-traveling TV storyteller Anthony Bourdain was found dead in a hotel room
in France, another apparent suicide. Ms. Spade was 55, Mr. Bourdain was 61, and the tragedy of their lives cut short by
their own hands was difficult for many of their admirers to accept or comprehend. But their deaths should serve to
highlight suicide as a serious and growing public-health problem that demands attention and action. (6/10)

USA Today: Suicide Risk Jumps With Psychiatric Problems And Substance Abuse - How can it be that people as
accomplished, famous, wealthy, and popular as Anthony Bourdain and Kate Spade would take their own lives? This was
the question on many minds as the country was rocked by the two celebrity suicides and a devastating report by the
Centers for Disease Control that suicide rates are up yet again. Some of the puzzlement has to do with a misunder-
standing about what leads to suicide. Most people think of suicide as a catastrophic reaction to a stressful event.
Whether it is a marital, financial, legal or academic problem, the lore goes, the person cannot deal with it and takes their
own life. But that is far from accurate. After all, most of us are beset by stressors. Often. And while suicide rates conti-
nue to climb at an alarming pace, the vast majority of people do not turn to suicide when faced with a problem, no
matter how devastating or overwhelming. (Maria A. Oquendo, 6/10)

Boston Globe: Sobering News On Spiking Suicide Rates Reveal A Public Health Crisis That Cannot Be Ignored - In
Massachusetts, middle-aged men from 35 to 65 account for the largest number of suicide deaths, in part because
they’re less likely to seek help. State health officials have set up massmen.org and stocked it with tools allowing
“working-age men” to share stories and take a self-assessment test. The breakdown by race highlighted by the CDC also
cries out for further study. By far the highest rate of self-inflicted deaths per capita occurs among non-Hispanic whites.
At the same time, the rate for Hispanics and non-Hispanic blacks also rose in 2015 and 2016.These numbers should
serve as a warning for states, which administer public health programs, and for the federal government, which funds
them. Precision medicine has transformed cancer research. A precision approach to mental and behavioral health, which
matches people at risk with treatment targeted to their needs, is a necessary next step in suicide prevention. (6/8)

The Wichita Eagle: Suicide Prevention Needs Country’s Attention - A bipartisan, apolitical task force should start
looking more deeply into ways in which our country can better support those who are suffering from depression. In
January, President Trump issued an executive order directing the VA, Department of Defense and Department of
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July 2018 Additional Mental Health related articles and videos from around the nation.
Homeland Security to collaborate to provide access to mental health care and suicide prevention resources for Veterans,
particularly during the first year after separation from service.This will assist one important segment of our population in
battling the ill effects of depression, but the rest of the country needs assistance as well. Voids in health insurance
policies continue to prevent people from obtaining the specific mental health treatment they need. (Blake Shuart, 6/11)

Kansas City Star: Why Missouri And Kansas Are Lousy Places To Live If You're Poor - Missouri’s Medicaid income cutoff
of 22 percent of the federal poverty line (Kansas sets it at 38 percent) was deemed “ridiculous.” That’s even lower than
the cutoffs in the three worst states for the poor, the study found. (6/8)

Outagamie Mental Health Court Celebrates Six Years of Cross-System Collaboration Benefitting Participants,
Community “Part of the success of this has been an openness to identifying how we can do things differently in our
community when it comes to mental health care and the criminal justice system,” said Paula Verrett, a NAMI recovery
specialist who has worked directly with the mental health court since its inception. Read more.

Opinion: If Addiction Is a Disease, Why Is Relapsing a Crime? The New York Times–May 29 | National

Opinion: ‘Stepping Up’ for Pacific County - Chinook Observer–May 29 | Washington

Camden County Jail Inmates Get Jump-Start on Reentry Help - WHYY–May 24 | New Jersey

Mental Health Co-Responder Program Earns National Award Echo-Pilot–May 24 | Pennsylvania

Opioid Data Analysis Points to Trends, Populations at High Risk Telegram & Gazette–May 25 | Massachusetts

School-Based Mental Health Centers Play Vital Role for Hispanic and Black Students - C-HIT–May 21 | Connecticut

Those Facing Incarceration Who Have a Mental Illness Need ‘Treatment Instead of Punishment,’ Advocates Say
Tulsa World–May 17 | Oklahoma

A Combination of Approaches Helps Local Governments Tackle the Opioid Crisis - The Pew Charitable Trusts–May 17 |

We Really Do Have a Solution to the Opioid Epidemic — and One State Is Showing It Works - Vox–May 10 | Virginia

Police Undergo Training for Mental Health Crises - Corvallis Gazette-Times–May 9 | Oregon

Rethinking rural healthcare: Rural hospitals look for help to survive-The gulf between rural hospitals' available beds
and daily hospital admissions widens every year, causing rural providers to scale down. Without help from the
government or larger providers, many more rural hospital closures are expected. READ MORE

Rethinking rural healthcare: Rural hospital closure in Tennessee leaves town scrambling -A rural hospital closure in
Tennessee has a town feeling the downstream effects of its sole community healthcare provider shutting its
doors. READ MORE

Commentary: Rural hospitals need new approaches to care delivery, payment - Since January 2010, 83 rural
hospitals have closed and two more are likely soon. Another 673 additional facilities are vulnerable. Now, more than
ever, we need new delivery models and new payment methodologies for rural providers. READ MORE

Drones hold promise to save lives and improve rural healthcare- Things are looking up: Drones could soon start
delivering medications in rural medical deserts in the U.S. READ MORE

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