JET Belonging Calendar - Phenom

Page created by Benjamin Harmon
JET Belonging Calendar - Phenom
JET Belonging
JET Belonging Calendar - Phenom
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                                                                         The JET Belonging Calendar brings together cultural,
                                                                         wellbeing and religious holidays from all over the world.
                                                                         Let’s celebrate together and be mindful about these days
                                                                         while planning events and meetings.

                                                                         We are aware that the calendar is never complete, and it
                                                                         will be updated annually by the ID&B team. If there is a
                                                                         holiday that you celebrate and would like to add to the
                                                                         2023 JET Belonging Calendar, feel free to contact us at:

           January                            February                                    March                                  April

S    M    T    W     T    F    S    S    M    T     W     T    F    S       S   M     T     W     T    F    S     S    M    T       W    T    F    S

26   27   28   29    30   31   1    30   31   1     2     3    4    5      27   28    1     2     3    4    5     27   28   29      30   31   1    2

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9    10   11   12    13   14   15   13   14   15    16    17   18   19     13   14   15     16    17   18   19    10   11   12      13   14   15   16

16   17   18   19    20   21   22   20   21   22    23    24   25   26     20   21   22    23     24   25   26    17   18   19      20   21   22   23

23   24   25   26    27   28   29   27   28   1     2     3    4    5      27   28   29    30     31   1    2    24    25   26      27   28   29   30

30   31    1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8     9     10   11   12     3    4     5     6     7    8    9     1    2    3       4    5    6    7

               May                                 June                                   July                                  August

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          September                           October                                November                               December

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25   26   27   28    29   30   1    23   24   25    26    27   28   29     27   28   29    30     1    2    3    25    26   27      28   29   30   31

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JET Belonging Calendar - Phenom
S    M    T     W     T    F    S
                                     01            Saturday                     07              Friday                     16              Sunday

26   27   28    29    30   31   1
                                                 New Year’s Day                      Eastern Orthodox Christmas                      World Religion Day
2    3    4     5     6    7    8                   General                          Religion, Orthodox Christian                        Religion

9    10   11    12    13   14   15   The first day of the Gregorian calendar,   Orthox Christians celebrate Christmas        Observed in over 80 countries, the
                                       New Year’s Day is often celebrated          on this day, in line with the Julian     aim of World Religion Day is to foster
16   17   18    19    20   21   22    by fireworks and parades. New Year          calendar. Many people fast the day       interfaith understanding and harmony
                                        Resolutions are a popular way to        before, and then break their fast on 7th   by emphasising the elements different
23   24   25    26    27   28   29        establish good habits for the            Janurary with friends and family.              religions have in common.
                                                   coming year.
30   31   1     2     3    4    5

                                     17             Monday                      17             Monday                      25             Tuesday

                                           Martin Luther King Jr. Day                        Blue Monday                                 Burns Night
                                           Culture, Black Community                           Wellbeing                                Culture, Scottish

                                         A federal holiday in the United          Blue Monday is one of the toughest          Burns Night is an annual celebration
                                      States marking the birthday of civil      days of the year for mental health. The        in Scotland, commemorating the
                                      rights activist Martin Luther King Jr.    day focuses on bringing cheer and little       Bard (poet Robert Burns) and his
                                       Individuals and organisations often      acts of kindness at a time when people     contribution to Scottish culture. It often
                                      undertake volunteer work in honour                   often need a boost.              includes feasting, poetry and dancing.
                                                      of MLK.

                                     26          Wednesday                      30             Sunday

                                                 Australia Day                                  Sadeh
                                             National Day, Australia                        Culture, Iranian

                                      A day celebrating the day European           A midwinter Iranian festival that
                                      settlers reached Australia. Festivities      celebrates the fact that this date
                                      include outdoor concerts, fireworks       marks only 100 days and nights to the
                                      and parties, but also rememberance        beginning of spring. Celebrations often
                                        services by groups of Indigenous         involve the lighting of fires, dancing
                                                   Australians.                              and feasting.
JET Belonging Calendar - Phenom
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                                     All month                                  All month                                    01             Tuesday

30   31   1     2     3    4    5
                                      Black History Month (CA and USA)                  LGBTQ+ History Month                 Chinese New Year - Year of the Tiger
6    7    8     9     10   11   12        Culture, Black Community                            LGBTQ+                                  Culture, Chinese

13   14   15    16    17   18   19     A nationwide celebration of Black         LGBTQ+ History Month is an annual               Chinese communities celebrate
                                     History, Arts and Culture. The focus on    month-long celebration of lesbian, gay,       Chinese Lunar New Year as the start
20   21   22    23    24   25   26   the month is about raising awareness        bisexual and transgender history. In          of the traditional lunisolar Chinese
                                     and encouraging individuals to further     recent years the scope has expanded          calendar. Celebrations include religious
27   28   1     2     3    4    5             their own education.                 to include asexual, intersex and           worship, feasting, parades and family
                                                                                         nonbinary histories.                              gatherings.
6    7    8     9     10   11   12

                                     01             Tuesday                     01              Tuesday                      03             Thursday

                                       Tet (Vietnamese Lunar New Year)             Seollal (Korean Lunar New Year)
                                               - Year of the Tiger                                                            Setsuban-sai (Japanese New Year)
                                                                                           - Year of the Tiger
                                              Culture, Vietnamese                                                                    Culture, Japanese
                                                                                             Culture, Korean
                                        Tet, short for Tet Nguyen Dan, is        Seollal is the Korean Lunar New Year            Setsubun is the day before the
                                       Vietnam’s Lunar New Year. Both a           celebration. It’s typically three days     beginning of spring, according to the
                                        celebration of the new year and          long and celebrations include eating          old calendar in Japan. Celebrations
                                      the arrival of spring, it’s aone of the   traditional Korean food, visiting family       include throwing roast soya beans
                                      most important public holidays for                and playing folk games.              around the home and visiting temples
                                           Vietnamese communities.                                                                         or shrines.

                                     03            Thursday                     06              Sunday                       14              Monday

                                                Time to Talk Day                      New Zealand National Day                           Valentine’s Day
                                                   Wellbeing                          National Day, New Zealand                              General

                                         Time to Talk Day promotes the           Waitangi Day, the national day of New       A day devoted to celebrating romanic
                                       importance of talking about mental        Zealand, marks the anniversary of the        and platonic love, Valentine’s Day is
                                       health. The day aims to break down       initial signing of the Treaty of Waitangi.   usually celebrated with the giving of
                                     taboos and barriers, while encouraging       Celebrations include speeches and              flowers, cards and small gifts.
                                      people to reach out when they need             education about Māori culture.

                                     15             Tuesday                     15              Tuesday                      21              Monday

                                               Parinirvana Day                       Yuan Xiao (Lantern Festival)             International Mother Language Day
                                              Religion, Buddhism                          Culture, Chinese                                  Culture

                                      A day commermorating the death of          A traditional Chinese festival, during          The United Nations’ International
                                     the Buddha (in the Mahayana Buddhist        the Lantern Festival houses are often           Mother Language Day celebrates
                                      tradition). Many celebrate Parinirvana        decorated with colourful paper           linguistic and cultural diversity. The day
                                        Day by meditating or by going to         lanterns. The lanterns feature riddles      started in Bangladesh and has become
                                        Buddhist temples or monasteries.        and solving the riddle earns a small gift.          a world-wide celebration.
JET Belonging Calendar - Phenom
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                                     01             Tuesday                       01              Tuesday                      03            Thursday

27   28   1     2     3    4    5
                                                 St David’s Day                           World Compliment Day                       Losar (Tibetan New Year)
6    7    8     9     10   11   12               Culture, Welsh                                 Wellbeing                                Culture, Tibetan

13   14   15    16    17   18   19   St David is the patron saint of Wales.       A global initiative to spread joy through         Losar is the Tibetan New Year
                                      St David’s Day has been a national          compliments. In a professional setting,       celebration. It’s an occasion to dispel
20   21   22    23    24   25   26      day of celebration for the Welsh              compliments can focus on skill-             the obstacles and negativities of
                                      community since the 18th century,            level, hardwork, innovation and how           the previous year and is marked by
27   28   29    30    31   1    2      featuring parades, festivities and           someone demonstrates leadership.            activities that symbolise purification.
3    4    5     6     7    8    9

                                     08             Tuesday                       17             Thursday                      17            Thursday

                                           International Women’s Day                          St Patrick’s Day                     Phalguna Chaumasi Chaudas
                                                     Gender                                    Culture, Irish                           Religion, Jainism

                                       A global holiday to celebrate the          St Patrick is the patron saint of Ireland.   One of the most important festivals of
                                     cultural, political, and socioeconomic       The day is celebrated across Ireland and     Jainism. Phalguna Chaumasi Chaudas is
                                      achievements of women. In recent            by Irish communities around the world.             devoted to the principle of
                                      years the holiday has expanded to           Festivities involve parades, singing and            non-violence and charity.
                                       include nonbinary and generfluid                  celebrations of Irish culture.

                                     18              Friday                       18               Friday                      20              Sunday

                                                       Holi                                  World Sleep Day                    Nowruz (Persian/Kurdish New Year)
                                                 Religion, Hindu                               Wellbeing                            Culture, Persian/Kurdish

                                      Holi is a brilliantly boisterous festival      A day to promote awareness of the           Nowruz has been celebrated as the
                                      where people cover each other with           importance of sleep. Particularly when        beginning of the New Year for over
                                      coloured water and bright powders.          it comes to mental and physical health.       3,000 years. It marks the first day of
                                     The result is a technicolous celebration        While a lie-in is not mandatory, it’s     spring and, in 2010, the United Nations
                                      of the end of winter and the start of                definitely encouraged.                proclaimed 21 March International
                                                        spring.                                                                              Nowruz Day.

                                     20              Sunday                       21              Monday                       27              Sunday

                                        International Day of Happiness             International Day for the Elimination
                                                                                                                                         Mother’s Day (UK)
                                                                                         of Racial Discrimination
                                                  Wellbeing                                                                                  General
                                                                                               National Day
                                          A day to celebrate happiness                In 1960 police violence in South         Mother’s Day is a celebration honoring
                                           and take practical steps to              Africa sparked an international day           mothers, as well as motherhood,
                                           bring more happiness into               of rememberance and action against          maternal bonds, and the influence of
                                            the world. The day often               racial violence. Events often focus on      mothers in society. Recent years have
                                            focuses on self-care and              education and platforming anti-racism         expanded to include all parents who
                                             mental wellbeing tips.                             campaigners.                                 give birth.
JET Belonging Calendar - Phenom
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                                                    All month                                   01              Friday                      02            Saturday

27       28     29     30       31    1         2
                                                           Stress Awareness Month                  Kha b-Nisan (Assyrian New Year)                 Austism Awareness Day
3        4       5      6       7     8         9                 Wellbeing                               Culture, Assyrian                            Neurodiversity

10       11     12      13      14   15     16      A month dedicated to increasing public        Assyrians and Chaldeans mark their         A day for raising awareness of issues
                                                     awareness about both the causes and        New Year at the beginning of (northern       and discrimination faced by autistic
17       18     19     20       21   22     23       cures for our modern stress epidemic.         hemisphere) spring. Celebrations            people, understanding how to be
                                                    Mindfulness techniques, education and        include the gathering of fresh herbs,      better allies and platforming the voices
24       25     26     27      28    29     30      creating safe spaces are the main focus.     parades, parties and poetry readings.        of people on the autistic spectrum.

1        2       3      4       5     6         7

02                   Saturday                       05             Tuesday                      10              Sunday                      13-15
              First Day of Ramadan                            Qingming Festival                              Palm Sunday                          Songkran (Thai New Year)
                  Religion, Islam                              Culture, Chinese                            Religion, Christian                          Culture, Thai

   Ramadan is the month in which the                  Also known as Tomb-Sweeping Day,          The final Sunday before Easter Sunday,      Songkran, the Thai New Year and Water
first verses of the Qur’an were revealed               Qinming Festival is a day to visit the    Palm Sunday marks the beginning of         Festival, is one of Thailand’s oldest and
   to the Prophet Muhammad. During                  graves of family. Celebrated by Chinese     Christianity’s Holy Week. Palm branches      favourite festivals. Thai communities
  Ramadan Muslims around the world                      communities all over the world, it          are often distributed, alongside        around the world celebrate this festival
       fast from sunrise to sunset.                  includes the burning of joss sticks and        blessings and religious services.        with food, crafts and entertainment.
                                                                   joss paper.

14                   Thursday                       14            Thursday                      14             Thursday                     14-16
                   Vaisakhi                                    Mahavir Jayanti                      Sinhalese and Tamil New Year               Pi Mai/Songkran (Lao New Year)
                 Religion, Sikh                                Religion, Jainism                       Culture, Sinhalese / Tamil                      Culture, Laotion

    Baisakhi, also known as Vaisakhi, is an           A celebration of the birth of Mahavir,    This new year is traditionally celebrated     On the Lao New Year, water is used
     ancient harvest festival which marks            the twenty-fourth and last Tirthankara     by Sinhalese and Tamils in Sri Lanka and     to wash homes, Buddha statues and
    the beginning of a new solar year and           of present Avasarpilī. Mahavir Jayanti is     Tamils in India. Celebrations include       people. Celebrations often include
     harvest season. Celebrations include           a Jainism holiday that involves religious     women gathering to play Robana (a         people covering each other with white
      bathing in holy waters and charity               services and charitable donations.        kind of drum), feasting and fireworks.     powder, collection of fresh flowers and
                   donations.                                                                                                                          beauty pagents.

15                    Friday                        15               Friday                     15               Friday                     15-23
             Lord’s Evening Meal                     Pohela Boishakh (Bengali New Year)                       Good Friday                             Pesach / Passover
         Religion, Jehovah’s Witness                           Culture, Bengali                            Religion, Christian                         Religion, Jewish

     A day for Jehovah’s Witnesses to                  Marks the first day of the Bangla            Good Friday is a Christian day of        A Jewish holiday that celebrates the
    commemorate the death of Jesus                   Calendar. People clean and decorate           remembrance of the suffering and          exodus of the Israelites from slavery
    Christ. Memorial services are held              their houses to welcome the New Year.         crucifixion of Jesus Christ. Hot cross       in Egypt. Passover last for seven
 after sunset and include unadulterated              They visit temples and pray for good         buns are traditionally eaten on Good      nights and is devoted to spring, birth,
   red wine and unleavened bread, to                 fortune and prosperity in the coming        Friday and many countries have street        renewal, community and personal
         symbolise Jesus Christ.                                     year.                                     processions.                              responsibility.

17                   Sunday                         18             Monday                       21             Thursday                     22               Friday

                Easter Sunday                                   Easter Monday                             Groundation Day                                 Earth Day
               Religion, Christian                                 Culture                               Religion, Rastafarian                           General, CSR

             A Christian celebration,                 Alongside its religious significance,        An important Rastafari holy day,         Earth Day is celebrated by over 1 billion
        commemorating the return of                 Easter in many countries is enjoyed as      celebrated in honour of Haile Selassie’s       people around the world. The day
      Jesus Christ following his death by            a holiday weekend starting on Good             1966 visit to Jamaica. The day is        focuses on environmental protection
     crucifixion. Festivities include sunrise        Friday and ending on Easter Monday.         marked by a Nyabingi session which            and raising aware around climate
       services, midnight vigils and the            Celebrations include competitions and        includes music, chanting and prayer.       change. Activities include concerts and
      breaking of chocolate Easter eggs.                          gift-giving.                                                                          demonstrations.

23                   Saturday                       24              Sunday                      27           Wednesday

                St George’s Day                            Pascha (Easter Sunday)                           Dutch Kingsday
                Culture, English                         Religion, Orthodox Christian                        Culture, Dutch

        St George is the patron saint of            The oldest and most important festival       A national holiday in the Netherlands.
     England and 23rd April is also William            in the Orthodox Christian church,        Celebrated on 27 April, the date marks
      Shakespeare’s birthday. As a result,          celebrating Jesus Christ’s resurrection       the birth of King Willem-Alexander.
     the day has become a national day in            from the dead. The day is celebrated       Celebrations include canal parades, live
     England. It’s celebrated with parades              with dyed red eggs and special                music and wearing orange.
                  and dancing.                                  tsoureki bread.
JET Belonging Calendar - Phenom
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                                     01              Sunday                     04           Wednesday                    04            Wednesday

24   25   26    27    28   29   30
                                        Last day of Ramadan & Eid-Al-Fitr             Israel Independence Day                    Dutch Remembrance Day
1    2    3     4     5    6    7                 Religion, Islam                        National Day, Isreal                      National Day, Dutch

8    9    10    11    12   13   14         The Islamic month of fasting,               The national day of Israel,          in the Netherlands, people pay their
                                     Ramadan, ends with the festival of Eid     commemorating the Israeli Declaration      respects to soldiers and civilians who
15   16   17    18    19   20   21    al Fitr. A celebratory meal breaks the     of Independence in 1948. Homes are       lost their lives during World War II and
                                     fast and at this time charity and good      decorated with Israeli flags and there    other military conflicts. A two minute
22   23   24    25    26   27   28       deeds have special significance.           are often picnics or barbeques.       silence is held at 8pm (local time) and
                                                                                                                              wreaths are laid at various places.
29   30   31     1    2    3    4

                                     05             Thursday                    08             Sunday                     08              Sunday

                                              Dutch Liberation Day                    Vesak Day or Buddha Day                          Mother’s Day
                                               National Day, Dutch                       Religion, Buddhism                              General

                                           A day marking the end of the               Commemorates the birth,                  Mothers day for many countries
                                         Netherlands occupation by Nazi            enlightenment and death of the          including Australia, Denmark, Finland,
                                          Germany during World War II.          Buddha. The date varies by region and     Italy, Switzerland, Turkey and Belgium.
                                      Celebrations include veterans parades,     tradition. Some Countries celebrate       Celebrations include gift-giving, fresh
                                       military displays and music festivals.   Vesak Day one or two days either side        flowers and specially baked goods.
                                                                                              of this date.

                                     17             Tuesday                     17            Tuesday                     19             Thursday

                                     International Day Against Homophobia,            Norway Consititution Day             Global Accessibility Awareness Day
                                           Transphophia and Biphobia                    National Day, Norway                           Dis(ability)
                                      International events raising awareness     Commemorating the signing of the         A day to promote conversations around
                                          of LGBTQ+ rights violations and          constitution of Norway in 1814.        digital access and inclusion, particularly
                                         stimulating interest in LGBT+ civil      This national day has turned into a      for disabled people. Companies often
                                       rights. Companies often celebrate by     country-wide party, with appearances        host speakers and conduct learning
                                        engaging LGBT+ speakers and make           by the royal family, parades and          sessions around accessibility best
                                               statements of support.                          feasting.                                  practise.

                                     25           Wednesday                     29             Sunday

                                                   Africa Day                          Ascension of Bahá’u’lláh
                                                 Culture, African                          Religion, Baha’i

                                        The annual commemoration of the          Commermoration of the anniversary
                                         foundation of the Organisation of        of the death in 1892 of Baha’u’lláh,
                                       African Unity on 25 May 1963. Events      the founder of the Baha’í faith. Often
                                          focus on building awareness and       observed by reading or chanting from
                                       connection between African nations.         the scriptures and pilgrimages to
                                                                                           the Baha’í shrines.
JET Belonging Calendar - Phenom
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                                     All month                                   05              Sunday                       05              Sunday

26   27   28    1     2    3    4            LGBTQ+ PRIDE Month                        Denmark Constitution Day                      Pentecost / Whit Sunday
                                                  LGBTQ+                                 National Day, Danish                           Religion, Christian
5    6    7     8     9    10   11

12   13   14    15    16   17   18
                                        LGBTQ+ History Month is an annual         This day honors the Constitution of             Pentecost is the festival when
                                        month-long observance of lesbian,         Denmark and it’s widely considered            Christians celebrate the gift of the
19   20   21    22    23   24   25    gay, bisexual and transgender history.       to be a day for celebrating Danish           Holy Spirit. In Western Europe it is
                                     It includes the history of the gay rights   democracy. Celebrations include both            often celebrated by wearing and
26   27   28    29    30   1    2      and related civil rights movements.           religious and secular services.           displaying the colour red (the colour
                                                                                                                                             of rebirth).
3    4    5     6     7    8    9

                                     06             Monday                       10                Friday                     14             Tuesday

                                                  Whit Monday                                Portugal Day                                  Saka Dawa
                                                Religion, Christian                      National Day, Portugal                        Religion, Buddhism

                                     The second day of Pentecost, it falls on     Portugal Day is commemorates the            Saka Dawa represents the holiest and
                                      the Monday, seven weeks after Easter        death on 10th June 1580 of Luís de          most sacred days in Tibetan Buddhism.
                                     Monday. A very popular day especially        Camões, a poet and national literary         Celebrations include lighting butter
                                          in the Netherlands for outdoor          icon. People all over the world have           lamps, pilgrimages, donations to
                                       activities, markets and other sports.       adopted this as a day to celebrate           charity and abstaining from meat.
                                                                                           Portugese culture.

                                     19              Sunday                      19              Sunday                       20-26
                                                   Juneteenth                                  Father’s Day                       Learning Disability Week (UK)
                                            Culture, Black Community                             General                                   Dis(ability)

                                         A holiday in the United States            A celebration of fatherhood and the          Raising awareness about the issues
                                     commemorating the emancipation of            influence of fathers in society. Recent        that are important to people with
                                     African-American slaves. Celebrations           years have expanded to include             learning disabilities, as well as their
                                           usually involve a mixture of          everyone who fulfills a father figure role   families and carers. Celebrations often
                                     educational and awareness sessions,                 and nonbinary parents.               include picnics, speeches and learning
                                         picnics, fireworks and parties.                                                                     sessions.
JET Belonging Calendar - Phenom
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                                     01               Friday                      01               Friday                       3-11
26   27   28    29    30   1    2
                                                  Canada Day                                     Keti Koti                                 NAIDOC Week
3    4    5     6     7    8    9             National Day, Canada                           Culture. Suriname                            Culture, Australia

10   11   12    13    14   15   16   A federal statutory holiday, celebrations        Celebrating Emancipation Day in           A week of celebration, focused on the
                                       include parades, carnivals, fireworks,      Suriname, when slavery was abolished          history, culture and achievements of
17   18   19    20    21   22   23       air displays, concerts, citizenship      in 1863 (although it would not fully end       Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
                                          ceremonies and rememberance              until 1873). Celebrations include street       people. Companies often organise
24   25   26    27    28   29   30    services for victims of anti-indigenous         parties, live music and speeches.         speakers and awareness sessions for
                                                      violence.                                                                                employees.
31   1    2     3     4    5    6

                                     08               Friday                      09             Saturday                       13          Wednesday

                                                  Day of Arafah                                 Eid-al-Adha                                  Dharma Day
                                                  Religion, Islam                              Religion, Islam                           Religion, Buddhism

                                         It is the holiest day in the Islamic          The Eid al Adha means Feast of           Marking the beginning of the Buddha’s
                                       calendar, the second day of the Hajj          Sacrifice, and commemorates the             teaching. After hearing his teaching,
                                     pilgrimage, and the day after is the first     ordeal of Ibrahim who was asked to            the Buddha gained his first follower
                                      day of the major Islamic holiday of Eid      sacrifice his only son to prove his faith.   and the religion of Buddhism was born.
                                                        al-Adha.                  The day is often marked by the sacrifice         The day symbolises hope and new
                                                                                                  of an animal.                               beginnings.

                                     14             Thursday                      20           Wednesday                        21           Thursday

                                                   Bastille Day                        Colombia Independence Day                        Belgium National Day
                                               National Day, French                      National Day, Columbia                         National Day, Belgium

                                     A celebration of the anniversary of the       In 1810 that the residents of Bogotá              A public holiday marking the
                                      storming of the Bastille in 1789 and        began protesting in the streets against        anniversary of the crowning of King
                                     commemorating the official beginning            Spanish rule. Today Colombians             Leopold I, the country’s first monarch,
                                      of the French Revolution. Festivities        celebrate Independence Day on the             in 1831. Contemporary celebrations
                                       include family activies and military          anniversary of the protests with            include military parades, live music
                                                    parades.                              parades and marches.                              and fireworks.

                                     23             Saturday

                                            Birthday of Haile Selassie
                                               Religon, Rastafarian

                                         The birthday of Haile Selassie is
                                     celebrated with Nyahbinghi drumming,
                                         hymns and prayers. Rastafarians
                                        consider this day to be one of the
                                               holiest of the year.
JET Belonging Calendar - Phenom
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                                     01             Monday                      09            Tuesday                   11            Thursday

31   1    2     3     4    5    6                                                 International Day of the World’s
                                              Swiss National Day                Indigenous People (United Nations)                 Raksha Bandhan
7    8    9     10    11   12   13            National Day, Swiss                                                                   Religion, Hindu
                                                                                        Culture, Indigenous

14   15   16    17    18   19   20    The national holiday of Switzerland,         A day designed to awareness and      Raksha Bandhan is a Hindu festival that
                                      this day is the only day it’s possible        protect the rights of the world’s    honours the bond between brothers
21   22   23    24    25   26   27   for see the Rhine Falls lit up at night.    indigenous population. Events often    and sisters. It’s marked by sisters tying
                                     Other celebrations include fireworks         focuses on how indigenous people      rakhi threads around the wrists of their
28   29   30    31    1    2    3    and specially baked August Weggen          are impacted by and continue to fight                    brothers.
                                                      buns.                                 climate change.
4    5    6     7     8    9    10
S    M    T     W     T    F    S
                                     01            Thursday                    07          Wednesday                     10            Saturday

28   29   30    31    1    2    3
                                           Slovakia Constitution Day                 Brazil Independence Day             Mid-Autumn Festival (Mooncake Day)
4    5    6     7     8    9    10           National Day, Slovakia                     National Day, Brazil                Culture, East & South East Asian

11   12   13    14    15   16   17   Marking the anniversary of the signing     Known as Sete de Setembro, Brazil          Popular across East and South-East
                                         of the Constitution of Slovakia,      Independence Day celebrates Brazil’s       Asia, the Mid-Autumn or Mooncake
18   19   20    21    22   23   24   Constitution Day is a national holiday.     Declaration of Independence from        Festival is a celebration of abundance
                                      Celebrations include visiting cultural    Portugal. Festivities include military   and togetherness. After sunset amilies
25   26   27    28    29   30   1      sites and discussing the country’s         parades, live music and cultural        gather to share mooncakes beneath
                                                     future.                                 showcases.                                  the moon.
2    3    4     5     6    7    8

                                     11             Sunday                     20            Tuesday                     20             Tuesday

                                           Nayrouz (Coptic New Year)                     Dutch Prince’s Day                             HeForShe
                                           Religion, Coptic Orthodox                      Culture, Dutch                                 Gender

                                     As one of the oldest Christian churches    Dutch Prince’s Day marks the official       Grounded in the idea that gender
                                       in the world, the Coptic Orthodox        opening of the parliamentary year in       inequality is an issue that affects all
                                       community have been celebrating         The Netherlands. Traditionally the King   people, HeForShe seeks to involve men
                                      New Year for over 1700 years. Feasts       delivers a speech, mapping out the       in achieving equality by taking action
                                     honour religious martyrs and celebrate     government’s key plans for the year       against negative gender stereotypes.
                                                  the new year.                                ahead.

                                     22            Thursday                    23             Friday                     26             Monday

                                          Bulgaria Independence Day            International Day of Sign Languages                  Rosh Hashanah
                                             National Day, Bulgaria                        Dis(ability)                             Religion, Jewish

                                       Celebrating the anniversary of the      23rd September is the same date that        Rosh Hashanah is the Jewish New
                                      day in 1908 when Bulgaria liberated       the World Federation of the Deaf was     Year. It begins at sundown on Monday,
                                        themselves from the rule of the        established in 1951. Today celebrations     lasting for two days. It celebrates
                                     Ottoman empire. Celebrations include          focus on education and raising         the birth of the universe, and more
                                      reading the names of the fallen and                    awareness.                     specifically: the day God created
                                               firework displays.                                                                     Adam and Eve.

                                     26            Monday

                                              First day of Navrati
                                                Religion, Hindu

                                     Beginning on the first day of the Lunar
                                     month of Ashwin, Navratri is a nine day
                                      festival dedicated to the Hindu deity
                                       Durga. The first day celebrates the
                                                Goddess Shailputri.
                                     All month                                 All month                                  All month
S    M    T     W     T    F    S

25   26   27    28    29   30   1
                                             Black History Month                 Global Diversity Awareness Month           Breast Cancer Awareness Month
2    3    4     5     6    7    8          Culture, Black Community                           General                                  General

9    10   11    12    13   14   15     A nationwide celebration of Black           Global Diversity Awareness Month        October is Breast Cancer Awareness
                                     History, Arts and Culture. The focus on   takes place throughout October, paying      Month, an annual campaign to raise
16   17   18    19    20   21   22   the month is about raising awareness      tribute to the diverse minds and beliefs   awareness about the impact of breast
                                     and encouraging individuals to further     held by all cultures around the world.       cancer as well as raise funds for
23   24   25    26    27   28   29            their own education.                                                             research. Pink ribbons are
                                                                                                                                   traditionally worn.
30   31   1     2     3    4    5

                                     03            Monday                      04             Tuesday                     10             Monday

                                        World Dyslexia Awareness Day                        Yom Kippur                          World Mental Health Day
                                               Neurodiversity                             Religion, Jewish                            Wellbeing

                                       Part of Dyslexia Awareness Month,          Yom Kippur is the holiest day of        The overall objective of World Mental
                                     World Dylexia Awareness Day focuses        the year in Judaism. Jewish people          Health Day is to raise awareness of
                                     on empowering dyslexic people. This         traditionally observe this holy day      mental health issues around the world
                                        done by raising awareness of the        with a day-long fast, confession, and      and to mobilize efforts in support of
                                     issues they face and celebrating their               intensive prayer.                           mental health.

                                     10            Monday                      11             Tuesday                     12           Wednesday

                                            Canadian Thanksgiving                         Coming Out Day                           Spain National Day
                                               Culture, Canada                               LGBTQ+                                National Day, Spain

                                       Thanksgiving has been an annual          National Coming Out Day is an annual        A day celebrating the contribution
                                       Canadian holiday since 1957, held         LGBTQ+ awareness day to support          Spain has made to the world. Spanish
                                      on the second Monday in October.          and celebrate lesbian, gay, bisexual,     people also often take the opportunity
                                      It celebrates the harvest and other       transgender and nonbinabry people          to confirm their commitment to the
                                           blessings of the past year.          who feel safe enough to come out of             future of Spain as a nation.
                                                                                             the closet.

                                     18            Tuesday                     20             Thursday                    24            Thursday

                                      World Menopause Awareness Day                       World Values Day                               Diwali
                                                 Gender                                       General                             Religion, Hindu/Jains

                                          World Menopause Day is held            An annual campaign to increase the            Also known as The Festival of
                                         every year on the 18th October.          awareness and practice of values         Lights, Diwali is a celebration of new
                                       The purpose of the day is to raise          around the world. These can be          beginnings and the triumph of good
                                       awareness of the menopause and           personal, societal or corporate values.      over evil and light over darkness.
                                       the support options available for          Such as our commitment at JET to            Celebrations last for five days.
                                        improving health and wellbeing.                   Lead, Deliver, Care.

                                     24           Thursday                     26            Wednesday                    31             Monday

                                              Bandi Chhor Divas                         Austria National Day                            Halloween
                                                Religion, Sikh                          National Day, Austria                            General

                                      Celebrates the release from prison of     Commemorating the adoption of the           Although Halloween is celebrated
                                       the sixth Guru Hargobind Ji in 1619.       Federal Constitutional Law on the       across much of the world, it’s origins
                                        Parades are often a feature of this      Neutrality of Austria. Celebrations      are shrouded in mystery. Is it a pagan
                                        day, alongside fireworks, singing       include rememberance services and           festival? A religious holiday? A fun
                                              and religious services.                free entrance to museums.              chance to get dressed up and eat
                                                                                                                                    candy? You decide!
S    M    T     W     T    F    S
                                     All month                                     01              Tuesday                   02          Wednesday

30   31   1     2     3    4    5
                                                 Movember (UK)                                All Saints’ Day                           Day of the Dead
6    7    8     9     10   11   12                 Wellbeing                                 Religion, Christian                        Culture, Mexico

13   14   15    16    17   18   19        An annual event for growing                 The day on which most Christian           A Mexican day of celebration and
                                       moustaches to awareness of men’s             churches commemorate their saints.       remembrance of loved ones who have
20   21   22    23    24   25   26   health issues, such as prostate cancer,          Unlike the fun, chaotic nature of      passed away. Families will often gather
                                      testicular cancer, and men’s suicide.          Halloween, All Saints Day is a day of     to feast and decorate family graves
27   28   29    30    1    2    3         Fundraising is often a focus.              quiet worship and rememberance.                    with fresh flowers.
4    5    6     7     8    9    10

                                     08              Tuesday                       11              Friday                    13             Sunday

                                              Guru Nanak Gurpurab                        Poland Independence Day                  Remembrance Sunday (UK)
                                                 Religion, Sikh                             National Day, Poland                       National Day

                                      Celebrates the birth of the first Sikh         Commemorating the anniversary of           Remembrance Sunday is held in
                                     guru and the founder of Sikhism, Guru         the restoration of Poland’s sovereignty     the UK as a day to commemorate
                                       Nanak Dev Ji. Celebrations include           as the Second Polish Republic in 1918        the contribution of British and
                                       hymns, processions and religious              from the German, Austro-Hungarian        Commonwealth military and civilian
                                      services. At sunset prayer sessions          and Russian Empires. Including parades     servicemen and women in the two
                                                     begin.                                     and fireworks.                   World Wars and later conflicts.

                                     13              Sunday                        19            Saturday                    24            Thursday

                                          Start of Interfaith Week (UK)                   International Men’s Day                      USA Thanksgiving
                                                     Religion                                     Gender                               Culture, American

                                         The aim of Inter Faith Week are to         An opportunity to raise awareness of       A day celebrating the day European
                                     strengthen good inter faith relations at      men’s health and wellbeing, and to call    settlers reached the U.S.A. Festivities
                                     all levels. It’s a UK event that focuses on    out positive and diverse role models.    include eating, fireworks, football and
                                      bringing together people of different        Recent celebrations have expanded to         rememberance services by Native
                                       faiths and hosting learning sessions.             include nonbinary people.             Americans for those lost to colonial

                                     30            Wednesday

                                                 St Andrew’s Day
                                                 Culture, Scottish

                                        St Andrew is the patron saint of
                                     Scotland. The day is usually celebrated
                                      with a parade, traditional recitations,
                                     food, dancing, singing and showcases
                                           of Scottish arts and crafts.
S    M    T     W     T    F    S
                                     01            Thursday                      03             Saturday                    10            Saturday

27   28   29    30    1    2    3                                                    International Day of Persons
                                               Great Union Day                             with Disabilities                   International Human Rights Day
                                             National Day, Romania                                                                         General
4    5    6     7     8    9    10                                                            Dis(ability)

11   12   13    14    15   16   17
                                         A major event in the history of         Celebrated worldwide since 1992, the         Marking the UN General Assembly’s
                                      Romania, Great Union Day marks the         United Nations IPDP aims to increase       adoption of the Universal Declaration of
18   19   20    21    22   23   24   unification of Transylvania, Bessarabia,    the understanding of disability issues      Human Rights in 1948. This document
                                        and Bukovina with the Romanian             and promoting opportunities for           enshrined the rights that every human
25   26   27    28    29   30   31   Kingdom. Military parades are a major             people with disabilities.                      being is entitled to.
                                                feature of the day.
1    2    3     4     5    6    7

                                     18-26                                       21          Wednesday                      25             Sunday

                                                    Hanukkah                               Dōngzhì Festival                                Kwanzaa
                                                 Religion, Jewish                   Culture, East & South East Asian                    Culture, African

                                     A Jewish festival commemorating the         The Winter Solstice Festival celebrates       A celebration of African-American
                                       rededication of Jerusalem’s Second           the shortest day of the year. First       culture, Kwanzaa focuses on Nguzo
                                         Temple. Lasting eight days, the         observed during the Han Dynasty, this       Saba (the Seven Principles), with one
                                     festival is celebrated by lighting of the    festival combines traditional worship      principle for each day of the festival
                                     Menorah candles, as well as traditional        with food and family gatherings.         – including Unity, Creativity and Self-
                                                   food and gifts.                                                                      Determination.

                                     25               Sunday                     26             Monday                      31            Saturday

                                                    Christmas                                  Boxing Day                               New Year’s Eve
                                                Religion, Christian                        Religion, Christian                             General

                                     Christmas is the Christian celebration          Boxing Day originated with the            New Year’s Eve marks the final day
                                     of the birth of Jesus Christ. The day is     tradition of the wealthy ‘boxing up’       of the year in the Gregorian Calendar.
                                     celebrated through the giving of gifts,       gifts to give to those less affluent.    Traditions vary, from the colourful party
                                     symbolising the tributes made to the        Nowadays, it’s primarily celebrated as      of Hogmanay (Scotland) to the ringing
                                      infant Jesus by the Three Wise Men.        a continuation of the family festivities           of temple bells (Japan).
                                                                                               of Christmas.
Culture                                                                  Gender
    Cultural days are the moments celebrated by a particular culture         The days listed as ‘Gender’ in this calendar focus on
    throughout the year. These celebrations often began as religious         representation of different genders, including cisgender,
    holidays and can be specific to a particular culture.                    nonbinary, transgender and genderfluid people.

    Martin Luther King Jr. Day, January 17                                   International Women’s Day, March 8
    Burns Night, January 25                                                  HeForShe, September 20
    Sadeh, January 30                                                        World Menopause Awareness Day, October 18
    Black History Month (CA and USA), February                               International Men’s Day, November 19
    Chinese New Year - Year of the Tiger, February 1
    Tet (Vietnamese Lunar New Year) - Year of the Tiger,
    February 1                                                               General
    Seollal (Korean Lunar New Year) - Year of the Tiger,
                                                                             We are using ‘General’ to mark universally celebrated holidays
    February 1
                                                                             that are embedded into society.
    Setsuban-sai (Japanese New Year), February 3
    Yuan Xiao (Lantern Festival), February 15                                New Year’s Day, January 1
    International Mother Language Day, February 21                           Valentine’s Day, February 14
    St David’s Day, March 1                                                  Mother’s Day (UK), March 27
    Losar (Tibetan New Year), March 3                                        Earth Day, April 22
    St Patrick’s Day, March 17                                               Mother’s Day, May 8
    Nowruz (Persian/Kurdish New Year), March 20                              Breast Cancer Awareness Month, October
    Kha b-Nisan (Assyrian New Year), April 1                                 Global Diversity Awareness Month, October
    Qingming Festival, April 5                                               World Values Day, October 20
    Songkran (Thai New Year), April 13-15                                    Halloween, October 31
    Pi Mai/Songkran (Lao New Year), April 14-16                              International Human Rights Day, December 10
    Sinhalese and Tamil New Year, April 14                                   New Year’s Eve, December 31
    Pohela Boishakh (Bengali New Year), April 15
    Easter Monday, April 18
    St George’s Day, April 23
    Dutch Kingsday, April 27
    Africa Day, May 25                                                       LGBTQ+ is an abbreviation for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender,
    Juneteenth, June 19                                                      and queer (or questioning). The “+” at the end symbolises
                                                                             inclusivity of other sexual orientations or gender identities.
    Keti Koti, July 1
    NAIDOC Week, July 3-10
                                                                             LGBT+ History Month, February
    International Day of the World’s Indigenous People
                                                                             International Day Against Homophobia, Transphophia
    (United Nations), August 9
                                                                             and Biphobia, May 17
    Mid-Autumn Festival (Mooncake Day), September 10
                                                                             LGBTQ+ PRIDE Month, June
    Dutch Prince’s Day, September 20
                                                                             Coming Out Day, October 11
    Black History Month, October
    Canadian Thanksgiving, October 10
    Day of the Dead, November 2
    USA Thanksgiving, November 24
    St Andrew’s Day, November 30                                             National holidays are celebrated throughout a nation and often
    Dōngzhì Festival, December 21                                            focus on commemorating the birth or independence of a country.

    Kwanzaa, December 25
                                                                             Australia Day, January 26
                                                                             New Zealand National Day, February 6

    Dis(ability)                                                             International Day for the Elimination of Racial
                                                                             Discrimination, March 21
    A disability is any condition that can make it difficult for a           Israel Independence Day, May 4
    person to navigate a world built for non-disabled people. Days
                                                                             Dutch Remembrance Day, May 4
    of celebration cater to both visible and invisible conditions.
                                                                             Dutch Liberation Day, May 5
    Global Accessibility Awareness Day, May 19                               Norway Consititution Day, May 17
    Learning Disability Week (UK), June 20-26                                Denmark Constitution Day, June 5
    International Day of Sign Languages, September 23                        Portugal Day, June 10
    International Day of Persons with Disabilities, December 3               Canada Day, July 1

If you spot a day that has been miscategorised, please reach out to our ID&B team:
National, continued                                                      Religion, continued

    Bastille Day, July 14                                                    Raksha Bandhan, August 11
    Colombia Independence Day, July 20                                       Nayrouz (Coptic New Year), September 11
    Belgium National Day, July 21                                            Rosh Hashanah, September 26
    Swiss National Day, August 1                                             First day of Navrati, September 26
    Slovakia Constitution Day, September 1                                   Yom Kippur, October 4
    Brazil Independence Day, September 7                                     Diwali, October 24
    Bulgaria Independence Day, September 22                                  Bandi Chhor Divas, October 24
    Spain National Day, October 12                                           All Saints’ Day, November 1
    Austria National Day, October 26                                         Remembrance Day (UK), November 13
    Poland Independence Day, November 11                                     Start of Interfaith Week, November 13
    Remembrance Sunday (UK), November 13                                     Hanukkah, December 18-24
    Great Union Day, December 1                                              Christmas, December 25
                                                                             Boxing Day, December 26

    Neurodiversity refers to various differences in individual brain
    function and behavioural traits, diversity and variation in social       Wellbeing is about supporting your mental health so you feel
    behaviour, learning, attention and other mental functions.               empowered to live your healthiest, happiest life. JET employees
                                                                             can visit the wellbeing hub for support and more information.
    Autism Awareness Day, April 2
    World Dyslexia Awareness Day, October 3                                  Blue Monday, January 17
                                                                             Time to Talk Day, February 3
                                                                             World Compliment Day, March 1
                                                                             World Sleep Day, March 18
    Religion                                                                 International Day of Happiness, March 20
    Religion is faith in a God or Gods and the activities that are           Stress Awareness Month, April
    connected with this belief. In this calendar we’ve included the          World Mental Health Day, October 10
    main religious holidays celebrated by people at JET.
                                                                             Movember, November

    Eastern Orthodox Christmas, January 7
    World Religion Day, January 16
    Parinirvana Day, February 15
    Phalguna Chaumasi Chaudas, March 17
    Holi, March 18
    First day of Ramadan, April 2
    Palm Sunday, April 10
    Vaisakhi, April 14
    Mahavir Jayanti, April 14
    Good Friday, April 15
    Lord’s Evening Meal, April 15
    Pesach / Passover, April 15-23
    Easter Sunday, April 17
    Groundation Day, April 21
    Pascha (Easter Sunday), April 24
    Last day of Ramadan & Eid-Al-Fitr, May 1
    Vesak Day or Buddha Day, May 8
    Ascension of Bahá’u’lláh, May 29
    Pentecost / Whit Sunday, June 5
    Whit Monday, June 6
    Saka Dawa, June 14
    Day of Arafah, July 8
    Eid-al-Adha, July 9
    Dharma Day, July 13
    Birthday of Haile Selassie, July 23

If you spot a day that has been miscategorised, please reach out to our ID&B team:
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