ISSUE 15 | 2022 - Portfolio North

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ISSUE 15 | 2022 - Portfolio North
ISSUE 15 | 2022

ISSUE 15 | 2022 - Portfolio North
ISSUE 15 | 2022 - Portfolio North
ISSUE 15 | 2022 - Portfolio North
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ISSUE 15 | 2022 - Portfolio North
Fifteen editions. How did that happen? Time has flown...
And number 16 will soon follow – a                    I recently read an article in The Times   convinced otherwise by any inconvenient
special Yorkshire version for our friends        by David Milner, Chief Executive Officer       distractions. It’s creating an attraction
and colleagues in Leeds and surrounding          at £100m+ turnover a year bakery St            instead of the tedious challenge of
areas. It’s currently in the works and will      Pierre Group, titled ‘When the going gets      chasing which makes the process more
be available in May, which is another very       tough, tough businesses get going’. He         efficient and successful.
exciting step for both Portfolio North and       said; “But now is not the time to hide or            My clients will know what my advice
our Bradley Hall Leeds operation which           retreat. So, what should we do? We need        always is. Strategy and consistency are
continues to go from strength to strength        to be courageous and decisive, not just        an absolute necessity. One of the first
since launching two years ago.                   to overcome the immediate problems             questions I ask those who partner with
     In all honesty, when I started my role      confronting businesses, but also to            Portfolio North – what is your marketing
at Bradley Hall four years ago and took          continue making the sort of decisions vital    and communications strategy? I ask this
over Portfolio as it was then, it didn’t enter   for delivering success in the years ahead.     because I want to know how I can help you
my mind that it could become what it is          Only then can we hope to survive and           – how I can support your plan and how to
today. 35,000 readers – that’s enough            prosper.”                                      fully utilise this platform for the business
people to fill a stadium three times over.            This is a message which we at             I work with. When the going is tough, we
Over 40,000 people viewing Portfolio and         Portfolio North and Bradley Hall have          need to make sure we’re making the right
Bradley Hall online every month, millions        been championing for quite some time.          steps, using our expertise to support one
of views across advertising screens and          Although the uncertainty of Covid has          another and protect our future.
over 200,000 people per month who see            dissipated, there is still a worrying fog            This is one of the reasons why I
us on organic social media.                      which surrounds our potential future           wanted to launch Portfolio North’s
     Sorry that was one of my ‘pinch me’         economic performance. We must continue         Contract Publishing arm. I’ve experienced
moments. I’ll come back down with a              to build the foundations of our businesses,    first hand how Portfolio North has elevated
bump now that I need to reflect on slightly      ensuring they are earthquake proof             the Bradley Hall brand. We’ve created a
darker times. One of the difficult impacts       against the aftershocks which we are all       look and feel to the publication which has
of the pandemic was isolation. We were           bracing for.                                   helped to further cement Bradley Hall
forced to stay home, cutting out family               Not to claim that I know them all, far    as a leader in its field and a firm which
and socialising time, commuting time             from it, but from what I do know there are     is best in class. We are also proud to sit
and the obligations which tend to fill up        seemingly many elements which create           alongside other businesses of a similar ilk
our evenings and weekends. That gave             an aseismic structure for a business - and     and reputation, and include articles based
some of us the time to spend thinking,           one of those is a strong and sustainable       on the affinity categories our clients are
and doing, things which we wouldn’t              brand. A brand is intangible, something        interested in.
have otherwise had time for. I must              which cant be seen or touched. It’s the              I’ve learnt a lot in the last four years,
acknowledge that doesn’t include those           perception of your business, it’s the          more than I could ever have imagined
who were keeping already established             personality, the image, the way a brand        – and I want to use this knowledge and
businesses afloat or home-schooling and          makes everyone who comes into contact          experience to support other businesses
entertaining children (or both!).                with it feel. It’s the combination of its      too. I hope you all enjoy reading the
     Lockdown allowed me the time to             values, mission and voice – the stories it     magazine and its variety of property,
unlearn and learn what it would take to          tells and the information it shares. With      business and lifestyle features. I feel
really develop Portfolio North in order          people, it’s not the words you say that        privileged to have worked with all of the
to make it stand on its own two feet             your friends, family and acquaintances         featured businesses, organisations and
and to create a platform for North East          especially remember, it’s how you make         the people behind them to create another
businesses. Admittedly, I don’t come from        them feel – and that concept it true for       edition of the region’s property, business
an academic or business background               business too.                                  and lifestyle magazine. Thank you all for
– quite the opposite in fact which is                 This is something which, as a             your continued support and here’s to the
something I will always be proud of. I am,       marketeer by trade, I am very conscious        next 15 editions and more.
however, lucky to have met and to be             of. In my position of head of marketing
surrounded by hardworking, intelligent,          at Bradley Hall, I know the process of         My sincerest thanks.
and commercially minded people who               acquiring new clients is not an overnight
teach me lessons and give me inspiration         task. With high value items such as
every day. For those of you who follow           property, it can perhaps take months
me on LinkedIn, you will see how proud           or years for a new client to require our                                    Cassie Moyse
I am of my younger sister also owns a            services. But what is important is that they                                Director
business – a national award winning gym          instinctively want to use our expertise                                     Portfolio North
which prides itself on providing a holistic      to provide a solution to their challenge
approach to health and wellbeing. We’re          at the right time. We are at the forefront
the only two in our family to have done so.      of their mind and they shall not be

15 : 2022                                                                                                                                   5
ISSUE 15 | 2022 - Portfolio North
    Cassie Moyse
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                                            DIRECTOR OF            CONTENT                   DESIGN
                                            PORTFOLIO NORTH        EXECUTIVE                 WeAreKen
                                            Cassie Moyse           Sophie Swift
                                                                   MOTORING EDITOR           The Manson Group
    Front cover photography by                                     Adam Gray
    John Handley Dropzone Images

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ISSUE 15 | 2022 - Portfolio North
Contents                                        8

Business                                             11

8-9          plan for the transformation
            of Riverside Sunderland
11 - 15	News in brief from across the region

18 – 19     A Worthwhile Investment
24 - 25	Real progress towards thousands of
         jobs across Teesside, Darlington and
         Hartlepool                                  18

38 - 39	
        North East Commercial Property
        ‘Very Much in Demand’

40           3.25m Morpeth Development
            Opportunity comes to Market         38
42 - 43	Heightened office activity supports    42
         strong comeback for Leeds economy

62 - 63     New Homes Developments


Lifestyle                                       98
70 - 71     Premium Driving Redefined

72 - 73 	Mallorca: the ultimate superyacht
          destination this summer

80 - 81 	A setting of romance, beauty and                     80
          unique style, Wynyard Hall

98 - 99 	A modern transformation with
          Callerton Kitchens

15 : 2022                                                            7
ISSUE 15 | 2022 - Portfolio North

  A plan for the
   of Riverside
By 2024, Sunderland’s cityscape
will be undergoing the most rapid
period of change in living memory.
The UK’s most ambitious regeneration         2024, there will be undeniable change
project, Riverside Sunderland, is            right across the site, from the former
gathering pace. New buildings are            Vaux Brewery site at the heart, to the
rising from the ground while the city’s      Crowtree site and from Farringdon Row
unpolished gems – heritage buildings         to Sheepfolds. The whole footprint of
that had fallen into disrepair – are         this important city centre site will be
shining once again.                          changing.”
     Now, the city sets its sights on the         Peter is confident. And he has
projects it intends to take forward by       every right to be. In 2019, the council
2024, as Riverside Sunderland moves          revealed it had the backing of Legal &
into its next phase.                         General, to the tune of £100m, which
     Just a few short years ago, the         would deliver three important buildings
former Vaux Brewery site stood barren.       on the Riverside site. First, City Hall,
A gaping hole in the city centre, having     which now stands as a remarkable
once been an industrial heart, where         flagship. And then two further
beer that was pumped out in bars             commercial buildings, Maker and
around the world was brewed.                 Faber, set to open their doors in 2024.
     Now, it’s a new inviting landscape           “2024 is a key moment for us,” says
that is beginning to form. A cityscape       Peter, who leads the team behind the
befitting of the ambitious place             city’s transformation.
Sunderland now is, two striking                   “We’ll see new office buildings
buildings stand proudly on the site,         opening, we’ll see new pedestrian
piercing the skyline and marking the         routes bringing communities together
intent of the council as it drives ahead     and an extension of the city centre, as
with its plans. But this is merely the       well as health buildings, leisure spaces,
start.                                       and homes appearing that will make
     Riverside Sunderland – led by           this the most exciting place to live work
the council – has aims unlike any            and play. And these are all committed
masterplan seen before in Sunderland.        investments that we know will be
And unlike those of the dim and distant      underway or in train within the next
past, this is a vision that is delivery-     three years. 2024 will be a milestone
focused and - for the most part –            for us, with a huge amount of visible
funded.                                      change.
     “The investment is there and the             “All of this investment will create
vision is there,” explains Peter McIntyre,   thousands of new jobs for people in
executive director of city development.      Sunderland as well as a city centre to
     “This is a delivery plan – not a        be proud of.”
masterplan. It’s happening now, and by

ISSUE 15 | 2022 - Portfolio North
1.	Vaux Neighbourhood and Expo               8.	The Yard - in a prime location
                Sunderland – The first of Riverside           next to Keel Square, the striking
                Sunderland’s new neighbourhoods               former Gilbridge Police Station is
                will deliver 132 homes by 2024.               being refurbished by the North
                They will be the focal point of Expo          East developer Hanro to create a
                Sunderland, a festival which will             modern business centre. The Yard
                showcase the city living lifestyle –          will offer units ranging from 500 to
                healthy, green and sustainable – that         6,000 sq feet; it will cater for start-
                Riverside Sunderland will offer.              ups, growth companies and SMEs,
                                                              complementing new-build office
            2.	New Wear Crossing – a spectacular             space in the central business district,
                new bridge for walkers and cyclists           and boosting Sunderland’s business
                will span the River Wear between              birth rate.
                Vaux and Sheepfolds, linking Keel
                Square to the Stadium of Light.           9.	Culture House - this outstanding
                                                              80,000 sq ft building designed by
            3.	The Stables - the Grade-II listed             architects FaulknerBrowns will open
                North Eastern Railway Stables will            in 2024, creating “a living room in
                be restored, creating 8 units for             the heart of city”. This spectacular
                food, drink and shopping arranged             cultural venue will include a new city
                around two courtyards which will host         library, as well as a range of spaces
                concerts, pop up events, markets and          for learning, making and creating in a
                other activities.                             unique, immersive environment.

            4.	Housing Innovation & Construction         10.	Sunderland Eye Hospital - the
                Skills Academy – delivered by the             new facility will be the only stand-
                City Council in partnership with              alone eye hospital in the north east,
                Sunderland College and the Ministry           and one of only a few specialist
                of Building Innovation + Education            ophthalmology centres in England.
                (MOBIE), in collaboration with the            The new building, designed by Ryder
                Offsite Alliance and a range of other         architects following extensive public
                industry and regional partners, HICSA         consultation, has to meet exacting
                will create a purpose-built, zero-            clinical requirements and will also
                carbon learning centre to promote             make a positive contribution to the
                the development and practical                 Riverside Sunderland townscape.
                application of modern methods of
                construction (MMC) in new homes,          11.	Farringdon Row South – the former
                retrofitting of existing housing stock,       industrial site on the west side of
                and the use of sustainable energy             Galley’s Gill will be home to the
                and smart technology.                         second residential neighbourhood
                                                              in Riverside Sunderland and will be
            5.	Maker & Faber - Work on the                   connected to Vaux by the refurbished
                prestigious Maker & Faber office              Gill Bridge. A development of 163
                development will get under way in             homes is proposed, with views
                2022. Together, the two buildings             across the Wear and the regenerated
                will deliver 200,000 sq ft of Grade           Riverside Park. A 650-space multi-
                A space on an outstanding site                storey car park will be built on land
                overlooking the River Wear.                   immediately to the south, catering
                                                              for residents, business and leisure
            6.	St Mary’s Boulevard - strengthening           visitors.
                the connection between the
                core retail area, Keel Square and         12.	Galley’s Gill - The 13.7 hectare
                new developments in Riverside                  Riverside Park will be created on
                Sunderland, St Mary’s will be                  former industrial land on both banks
                transformed into a stylish city street,        of the River Wear. It comprises the
                using reclaimed road space to create           valley of Galley’s Gill, as well as the
                a linear park and establish a sense of         deep gorge that drives through
                enclosure.                                     the heart of the city and areas of
                                                               established woodland.
            7.	Keel Square Hotel - A 120-room,
                4-star Holiday Inn will open in 2022,
                bringing life back to a long-derelict
                site on the east side of Keel Square.     To find out more about this
                Developed by the Cairn Group, the         committed investment and wider
                new hotel – which will have ground        plans for the city centre, visit
                floor units for cafes and restaurants –
                will animate the square and improve       to see the newly published update
                the connection to High Street West.       to the Riverside Sunderland
                                                          investment plan.

15 : 2022                                                                                            9
ISSUE 15 | 2022 - Portfolio North
News                                                                                       Fenwick
                                                                                           announced 140

in Brief                                                                                   year anniversary
                                                                                           events, all new in
                                                                                           store experiences,
                                                                                           and much more
                                                                                           Since 1882, Fenwick has welcomed
                                                                                           its discerning shoppers with style
                                                                                           and savvy, glamour, and grace. This
                                                                                           year, Fenwick celebrates 140 years of
                                                                                           inspiring you to join the circus of life
                                                                                           with a non-stop parade of covetable
                                                                                           collaborations, exclusive events, and
                                                                                           thrilling activities.
                                                                                                Fenwick 140 invokes founder
                                                                                           John James Fenwick’s visionary ability
                                                                                           to attire women for modern life and
                                                                                           his son, Arthur Fenwick’s lifelong
                                                                                           passion for the daring and dazzle of
                                                                                           the circus, casting a spotlight on the
                                                                                           circus’s spirit of curiosity, discovery,
                                                                                           playfulness, and individuality.
                                                                                                Fenwick Newcastle is hosting a
                                                                                           programme of events including a
                                                                                           spectacular live circus performance;
New premises for Newcastle                                                                 Exhibition 140 – an exhibition
                                                                                           documenting the past through the
                                                                                           inclusion of pieces from the Fenwick
digital product studio                                                                     archive as well as and looking to
                                                                                           the future; and Café 140 serving
                                                                                           contemporary dishes drawing
Newcastle creative digital product studio,   KOMODO’s Andy Greener said “Since             inspiration from Fenwick’s rich history
KOMODO has moved to a new home               2003, we’ve designed and crafted digital      of hospitality and dining experiences.
with the help of Mincoffs Solicitors.        products for a variety of businesses               A collaboration with fashion
     Founded in 2003 by Managing             and organisations. Our clients range          students from Northumbria University
Director Andy Greener, KOMODO has            from start-ups looking to revolutionise       creating bespoke pieces for the
grown from a small design and web            an industry sector through to large           modern day inspired by the rich
company to a fully-fledged digital           corporate or public sector organisations      Fenwick archive and brand story.
product studio. In the 19 years since,       seeking to refine digital experiences for          There is also celebratory exclusive
KOMODO has built an impeccable               their users. We take pride in delivering      brand collaboration collections from
reputation as a trusted partner to           digital products that solve complex           the likes of Edeline Lee and Rixo to
its clients, working in the heart of         problems and facilitate long-term             Paul Smith and Never Fully Dressed.
the Newcastle’s exciting tech scene.         commercial growth.                            As well as a podcast series entitled
KOMODO uses understanding,                         With state of the art video             ‘The Woman Who…’narrated by
creativity and intelligence alongside a      conferencing hardware, we now have an         actress Zawe Ashton celebrating
                                                                                           women past and present who
5-step process to produce exceptional        increased and greatly enhanced capacity
                                                                                           embody female empowerment
digital products that deliver better         to hold client product workshops either
                                                                                           through the circus of life.
user experiences to support growth           in-person or online. The increased studio
for ambitious clients across the UK and      space and bespoke fit-out provides a
beyond.                                      perfect environment for collaborative and
     The company recently relocated          creative working for our team and clients.
from its office on Westgate Road where       It is a strategic investment to support our
it has been based since 2013 and took        ambition and continued growth.”
occupation of a bespoke, renovated                 Solicitor Jordan Down in Mincoffs’
office space in the historic and beautiful   Real Estate team who advised on the
Cathedral Buildings on Dean Street.          terms of the lease commented: “It was
     Cathedral Buildings is Grade A          a pleasure to act on behalf of Andy and
mixed-use office, retail and leisure space   the team at KOMODO to help get them
in central Newcastle, totalling around       the right premises for their business as
10,000 sq. ft. and provides the perfect      they continue to grow. Komodo are a
base for the KOMODO team as the              successful and ambitious business at the
company continues to grow its client         forefront of the fast-growing Newcastle
base and expand its service proposition.     tech scene and it is always a pleasure to
     Commenting on the move,                 work with them”.

15 : 2022                                                                                                                         11
in Brief

                                           Haines Watts strengthens incentives and
                                           reliefs team with new capital allowances arm
Joint Venture
Confirmed For                              Haines Watts has bolstered its tax
                                           incentives and reliefs team, with a newly
                                                                                         allowances offering within the Haines
                                                                                         Watts network, to provide market-leading
                                           launched capital allowances offering.         specialist advice to clients.”
£500m Newcastle                                 David Holroyd will head up the team,         Jonathan Scott, Tax Partner at Haines
                                           with over 35 years’ experience providing      Watts, added: “Whilst most businesses
Scheme                                     capital allowances consulting services.       and accountants will be aware of capital
                                                David said: “Capital allowances          allowances, it requires a different skillset
                                           have never been as complicated or as          to survey qualifying assets and truly
                                           generous, and many businesses need            maximise the value of a claim.
                                           specialist assistance to take advantage of        “Our multi-disciplinary team
                                           this valuable relief.                         combines a deep knowledge of tax
                                                “I am delighted to be joining an         legislation with a proficient surveying
                                           outstanding team and am looking               process that captures costs that would
                                           forward to further developing the capital     generally go unnoticed.”

A joint venture set to bring forward a
major Newcastle masterplan, which
will transform a former general
hospital site and create a host of jobs
in the city, has been confirmed.
     Genr8 Kajima Regeneration has
formed a partnership with Newcastle
University to develop the Newcastle
Campus for Ageing and Vitality, which
will regenerate the former general
hospital site into a centre for research
and innovation.
     The mixed-use scheme will
integrate research, living, workspace
and health uses to create a destination
which will examine new approaches
to the way we live and how these
can relate to improved health and          Tees Valley To Become Home Of World’s First
     The 29-acre site, which is owned      Centre For £25bn Digital Trade Industry
by Newcastle University, aims to
become the UK’s leading development        A world-first centre dedicated to             bring together initiatives and expertise
of an exemplar neighbourhood,              accelerating the digitalisation of            and enable industry to develop the
including the provision of homes           international trade is to be set up in Tees   latest technologies and approaches to
enabling people to live longer and         Valley, driving forward the government’s      frictionless trade and remove barriers to
healthier lives.                           ambition for the UK to become the global      growth.
     The scheme will also create new       leader on digital trade.                           The aim is to make the UK the first
jobs, and new models of integrated             The Centre for Digital Trade and          country in the world to establish the
care for the City of Newcastle.            Innovation will be coordinated by the         private sector infrastructure which will
The establishment of the joint venture     International Chamber of Commerce UK          lead research and pilot and test new
follows outline planning permission        and supported by the Tees Valley Mayor        approaches to trade. It will bring together
for the site being granted in February     and Combined Authority, industry and          industry experts and thinkers to work
2022.                                      government.                                   alongside the government to nurture a
                                               Working closely with the Teesside         pipeline of opportunities to further digital
                                           Freeport it will provide a focal point to     trade growth.

                                                                                                     in Brief

Innovative Approach To Develop                                                                  People Focus
The Region’s Next Top Chefs                                                                     Pays Off For Fast-
Growing restaurant company 21                   Programme, under the expert guidance
                                                                                                Growing Recruiter
Hospitality Group has teamed up with            and watchful eye of Terry and his
one of the North East’s leading colleges        professional team, trainees are exposed
to offer a unique traineeship for aspiring      to all aspects of the sector and what
chefs.                                          they’ll likely face in the day-to-day role of
     Celebrated chef and restaurateur           a chef.
Terry Laybourne has worked closely                  It’s a groundbreaking venture
with Gateshead College to develop a             between Gateshead College and the
pioneering and innovative programme             hospitality sector which is keen to
to create the next generation of highly-        establish a highly bespoke and tailored
skilled, creative chefs, helping to bridge      approach to the development of its
the skills shortage in the catering and         future workforce, while also helping bring
hospitality sector.                             more culinary success to the region’s
     Called the Culinary Traineeship            restaurants.

                                                                                                A recruitment consultancy born out
                                                                                                of the pandemic has announced
                                                                                                ambitious plans to boost its own
                                                                                                headcount after only nine months in
                                                                                                     Gillespie Recruitment, set up by
                                                                                                consultant-turned- entrepreneur
                                                                                                Laura Gillespie in May, has relocated
                                                                                                to a new office three times the size of
                                                                                                its original space as it looks to create
                                                                                                jobs of its own in the coming months.
                                                                                                     Laura, who has more than 30
                                                                                                years’ experience in recruitment,
                                                                                                media sales, marketing and
                                                                                                fundraising, launched the business
                                                                                                while working from home and
                                                                                                becoming disillusioned with the
                                                                                                traditional way of working across the
Lowes Financial Management                                                                           She said: “Recruitment has
                                                                                                traditionally been seen as a very
expands with new Teesside operation                                                             stressful industry and I wanted to
                                                                                                change that, so I set out to really turn
                                                                                                the sector on its head by focusing
Leading North East financial advisory           chapter. We intend to cement Lowes              more on our company culture rather
firm, Lowes Financial Management,               as the largest and best IFA in the North        than company profit.
is embarking on its next 50 years by            East.”                                               “By fully embracing flexible
expanding their office presence across              Lowes advises clients across a              working, we’ve been able to ensure
the region. With the support of Mayor           wide range of financial aspects such as         our employees benefit from the
Andy Preston, Lowes has opened a new            inheritance tax planning, investment            best possible work-life balance
office in Teesside, in the prestigious          management, pensions, tax mitigation,           and create a workplace culture that
Commerce House building on Exchange             long term care and other general                champions personal and professional
Square. Its new office will further develop     financial planning issues helping clients       development, by really caring and
its national and regional profile.              and their families to secure their financial    catering for their needs, be it training
     Ian Lowes, MD of Lowes Financial           future.                                         and upskilling or opportunities to
Management, said: “For a successful                 For more details about the firm visit       grow within the business.”
business with a 50-year history under 
our belt, it’s time to start writing the next

15 : 2022                                                                                                                              13
in Brief

First Look At
Skyscraping 37-Storey
                                            Swapping Forces For
Building Which Is Set
To Become Tyneside's
                                            Courses – Firm Puts
Tallest Tower                               Veterans Into Classrooms
Gainford Group said the building in
Newcastle city centre would become          A specialist recruitment company that         opportunity to benefit from paid work-
the North East's tallest structure - and    matches schools and teachers is helping       based learning in local schools, with a
create 500 jobs.                            ex-service personnel go from troops to        view to permanent employment.
     Stunning images have been              teaching assistants, after devising its own        Mike said: “I was speaking to one of
released showing how a £50m                 fast-track internship course.                 my good friends who has just come out
skyscraping structure would look as part         Sunderland-based Premier Teachers,       of the army and he told me about the
of developers’ city centre plans.           which provides teachers and support           careers support available to ex-service
     Gainford Group last year unveiled      staff to schools, colleges and academies      personnel. A lot of people coming out of
plans to create what could become the       across the North East, is working with the    the forces don’t have any qualifications
region’s tallest building at the site of    Career Transition Partnership to pilot a      that enable them to go into other sectors
the former Premier Inn on New Bridge        new 12-week internship that has been          and they often get pigeonholed, working
Street, Newcastle. 			                      designed to support personnel leaving         in the likes of security roles.
     The Chester-le-Street company,         the armed forces to make a successful              “We’re a solution focussed business
which owns bars, hotels and restaurants     transition into employment.                   and we’re always looking to innovate and
in the city including the Vermont                Founded by experienced                   think of new ways to solve the challenges
Hotel, Aveika, Livello and the County       teacher Mike Donnelly in 2013, the            candidates and schools face. We are also
Hotel, snapped up the former hotel          recruitment company will be launching         in talks with teacher training organisations
in 2019, and started plotting a grand       the streamlined, fast-track course in         to develop a progression route from
transformation of the site.                 April, giving ex-service personnel the        teaching assistant to teachers.”

Story Homes Maintains Five-Star Customer Satisfaction Rating
                                           Story Homes have been awarded a                     In addition to this impressive result,
                                           five-star customer satisfaction rating by      Story Homes have achieved two further
                                           leading bodies in the housebuilding            accolades for customer service from
                                           industry.                                      ‘In-house’ – the customer satisfaction
                                                The results from the national new         research body for the residential property
                                           homes customer satisfaction survey             sector.
                                           – carried out by the Home Builders                  The firm received a ‘Gold’ rating
                                           Federation (HBF) and the National House        after 97% of customers said they would
                                           Building Council (NHBC) – confirm that         recommend Story Homes, and achieved
                                           Story Homes has received a five-star           an ‘Outstanding’ award, which is
                                           satisfaction rating, with more than nine in    accredited to those classed as the very
                                           10 customers recommending the firm to a        best in the industry with world leading
                                           friend.                                        customer service.

And Promotions
Across The North
Castle Building Services, Bradley Hall
Chartered Surveyors and Estate Agents,
and O. Agency are among a collection of
businesses which have announced new                                  O. Agency – Kirsty Ramsey, managing director, Kari Owers,
senior appointments.                                                 Robin Owers, director of finance and operations, Fran Ratliff
                                                                     associate director, and Lauren Regan, associate director

                                                                     Kirsty Ramsey has been appointed as Managing Director, with
                                                                     founder Kari Owers moving to the role of CEO and co-owner
                                                                     Robin Owers as Director of finance and operations.
                                                                         Fran Ratliff moves from her Head of Client Services role to
                                                                     Associate Director of the corporate client team and is joined by
                                                                     former Creative Director Lauren Regan as Associate Director of
                                                                     the consumer team.
                                                                         Founder Kari Owers said: “Our management team was
                                                                     formed just before the pandemic and have been instrumental in
                                                                     supporting us as we navigated through to achieve growth again
                                                                     in 2021, hiring ten new people in recent months.
                                                                         “Their management experience has been supercharged in
                                                                     the last couple of years, so we are very excited to now see them
                                                                     oversee delivery across our client portfolio and develop our
                                                                     talented and growing team.
                                                                         “Collectively they bring a wealth of strategy experience to
                                                                     our client portfolio and as they have all worked with us for many
Bradley Hall Chartered Surveyors and Estate Agents                   years, they will ensure our award-winning culture remains at the
                                                                     heart of our agency as I focus on our continued future growth.”
– Catherine Affleck, group operations director,
Laura Walker, head of property management

Property experts, Bradley Hall has announced the appointment
of Catherine Affleck to full time Group Operations Director,
and the promotion of Laura Walker to head of property
      The firm has experienced exponential business expansion
and has made multiple strategic appointments to the property
management team in recent months to bolster further growth
to the department and to meet new client demand.
      Neil Hart, group managing director at Bradley Hall said: “As
the business has grown and needs capacity to support all areas,
including our recent expansion to Leeds, it is an appropriate
time to promote some of our strongest members of staff to
support the business as we continue to evolve.
      “Catherine is taking her role as group operations director
full time which will allow her to concentrate on various             Castle Building Services - Andrew Dawson, Managing Director
aspects of fundamentally important areas of the business.
Her appointment will help to facilitate further growth as we         Castle Building Services, has announced the promotion of
continue to expand and grow our various teams and services.          Andrew Dawson to managing director.
      “Laura is also talking the helm in our property management         Andrew has been with the firm for 12 years and has
department which continues to grow year on year.                     stepped up to the new role after seven years as the company’s
      “It has been a very exciting time at Bradley Hall and I am     commercial and financial director.
sure both Catherine and Laura will continue to be dedicated          Andrew said: “I want to build upon the solid foundations
and integral members of the team while growing their own             already established over the years, which includes completing
responsibilities and supporting the business.                        our projects on programme, within budget and to an
      Catherine Affleck said: “This is an incredibly exciting time   exceptional standard. The last two years has seen many
at Bradley Hall as the business continues to grow its client         businesses in unchartered territories due to the pandemic and
base and subsequent teams in various service lines across the        the focus now is very much on stability and sustained growth.
firm. I am delighted to take on the role as full time operations         “Continual improvement across the business is something
director.”                                                           that I am passionate about. I joined as a mechanical estimator,
      Laura Walker said: “I started at Bradley Hall when I was an    became commercial and financial director and I am now
18-year-old admin assistant and during my eleven years here,         managing director. I look forward to developing and retaining
it is safe to say I have continuously been offered opportunities     our exceptional team from apprentices through to senior
to learn and progress. I am incredibly excited for my next           management and to building on the very strong relationships
challenge at Bradley Hall.”                                          we have with our clients.”

15 : 2022                                                                                                                            15

              Straight talking,
     hard working and forward thinking.
                Since 1948.


Estate Sold
For £8m
                     Andrew Ward purchased the site in               Neil Hart said: “The Merrington
Merrington           the first investment for his new firm      Industrial Estate is a fantastic
Industrial Estate    Ward Group Investments, which was
                     set up following the sale of Workwear
                                                                investment opportunity to purchase
                                                                a fully occupied industrial estate in
in Spennymoor,       Express for £50m in 2021. Andrew has       a prime position. Not only will this
                     also developed an extensive property       transaction support a range of local
County Durham has    portfolio throughout his career, and       businesses and their employees, but it
been purchased       is an experienced developer and
                     landlord. The firm is set to invest in a
                                                                also demonstrates that the commercial
                                                                market in the North East is buoyant for
by a North East      diverse range of properties including      significant purchases and investment
                     industrial, retail, office, leisure and    opportunities.”
entrepreneur for     student accommodation across the                The site comprises 10 units, all
                     North East.                                of which are currently occupied by
£8,000,000 in             Mr Ward said: “The acquisition        tenants including companies such as
a deal facilitated   of Merrington Industrial Estate is
                     the first under the new Ward Group
                                                                Engineered Foam Products Limited, NE
                                                                Logistics, UK Storage Vaults Ltd, and
by property firm     Investments brand. We are looking for      Stiller Warehousing & Distribution Ltd.
                     a range of opportunities across the        Bradley Hall associate director, Joseph
Bradley Hall.        North East. I am looking forward to        l’Anson will be managing the industrial
                     operating the firm as a family business,   estate on behalf of Merrington Lane
                     with my son and daughter also being        Limited.
                     appointed to key roles within the firm.         Joseph l’Anson, associate director
                          “I am passionate about investing      at Bradley Hall who will continue
                     in the North East, in creating new and     to manage commercial units at
                     quality job opportunities and retaining    Merrington Industrial Estate said:
                     business and enterprise within the         “Bradley Hall offers a full service
                     region. I saw great success in creating    approach to commercial property in
                     a multi-million pound business from        terms of service charge administration
                     roots in Durham which created              and rent collection whilst also assisting
                     hundreds of job opportunities along        with any other property requirements
                     the way and I hope to see more of our      each client may have.
                     region’s businesses thrive.”                    “I am very much looking forward to
                     Bradley Hall’s group managing              working with Andrew to manage this
                     director, Neil Hart, acted on behalf of    site, as well as maintaining relationships
                     Northumberland Estates Limited during      with existing tenants and I am confident
                     the acquisition by Andrew Ward, owner      that other investment opportunities
                     of Ward Group Investments.                 such as this will appear in the future.”

15 : 2022                                                                                              17

A Worthwhile
                      Maintaining the pristine, factory-fresh look     ULTIMATE FUSION™
If you want to        on your vehicle is no easy feat, but it’s        ULTIMATE FUSION ™ is an optically clear,
keep your vehicle     possible with the right amount of TLC – and
                      paint protection film (PPF).
                                                                       high gloss, self-healing film that protects
                                                                       vehicles from stone chips, scuffs and light
looking as new             PPF is a means of safeguarding your         scratches.
                      paint from the elements, stone chips and             Developed with a hydrophobic top
as possible, then     key marks with an invisible layer of plastic,    coat, the films naturally slick surface helps
you can wash it       the idea that you save on regular visits to
                      or from the scratch repair man by investing
                                                                       repel water, making protected surfaces
                                                                       easier to wash and stay clean.
regularly and even    in a product that forms a barrier over your          Signature features of ULTIMATE
                      vehicle’s paintwork, protecting its looks and    FUSION ™ include:
get a ceramic         residual value in the process.
                           PPF is generally made from a
coating done, but     tough, clear, flexible acrylic, urethane or
                                                                       •	Hydrophobic properties – repels water,
                                                                          dirt and road grime
if you want to take   polyurethane film which is applied to a
                      car’s surfaces to protect from stone chips,      •	Self-healing – advanced top coat
it a step further,    environmental contaminants, bird lime,              properties eliminate fine scratches and
                      insects, scratches and minor abrasions.             swirl marks when exposed to heat
then you get it            Whilst it is possible to fit smaller
                                                                       •	Protection from the elements –
wrapped in paint      sections yourself, with some companies
                      selling pre-cut kits for DIY application, it’s      formulated to protect against
protection film.      generally best left to the professionals such       damaging oxidisation, insect acids,
                                                                          corrosion and contaminants
                      as Performance 28, an authorised installer
                      of XPEL PPF.                                     •	Improved surface clarity – increases
                                                                          colour depth, leaving PPF with a
                      Depending on your requirements there are            smooth and slick finish
                      several XPEL PPF options to choose from,
                      including:                                       •	Flawless fit – industry-leading design
                                                                          patterns specified for each make and

ULTIMATE PLUS ™                                STEALTH ™
Available in three different thicknesses,      As smooth as satin, whether your vehicle
to offer you the protection you need for       is matte or magno, frozen or frosted, self-
exterior and interior surfaces, ULTIMATE       healing STEALTH ™ will keep it looking
PLUS ™ is one of the most advanced PPF         effortlessly pristine.
films on the market.                                When exposed to heat, the enhanced
     When exposed to heat, its enhanced        clear coat properties eliminate fine
clear coat properties eliminate fine           scratches and swirl marks over time. With a
scratches and swirl marks over time. Road      unique satin finish, STEALTH ™ helps match
grime, bird lime, insects and environmental    most factory flat paint jobs and virtually
contaminants will never leave the film         disappears on most surfaces.
stained or yellow, unlike lower quality             With a finish that’s uniformly smooth,
alternatives.                                  you can add STEALTH ™ to your matte or
     Built to last, ULTIMATE PLUS ™ is         gloss paint job for a unique satin finish. Flat
backed by a comprehensive ten year             finishes are notoriously difficult to maintain
warranty, ensuring your vehicle looks          and even harder to repair, but STEALTH ™
its best for years to come. The entire         enables you to easily wash and dry your car
ULTIMATE PLUS ™ PPF line up is virtually       without damaging its sheen.
invisible, providing protection from                STEALTH ™ features the same superior
everyday damages including scuffs,             impact protection as XPEL’S ULTIMATE
scratches, chips and more.                     PLUS ™ PPF, backed by an industry-leading
     Great for interior and exterior           ten year warranty.
applications, ULTIMATE PLUS ™ 7 protects            For custom applications, STEALTH ™
and restores surfaces, concealing existing     can be utilised to accentuate gloss aero
damage and providing a renewed finish          or carbon fibre, and protect factory flares,
that’s protected for even longer. No matter    splitters and trim pieces.
where the road leads you, ULTIMATE PLUS
™ 10 PPF is a rugged urethane layer that
protections painted surfaces from the
harshest environments.                         If you have any questions about how best
     ULTIMATE PLUS ™ BLACK is an opaque        to protect your vehicle with the application
layer of urethane film that transforms and     of PPF, get in touch with the Performance
protects any paint colour with a deep, gloss   28 team by calling 0191 389 7103 or
black finish that’s made to last.              emailing

15 : 2022                                                                                        19

       for growing
          A FAST-GROWING digital group
           has expanded its smart range
          of services, with the creation of
            a rapidly expanding business
            providing telecoms solutions.

Smart Media Group, based in                     Just months after setting up, Smart    whether that’s advertisers tapping into
Sunderland, launched Smart                  Communications already have nearly         its network of outdoor advertising
Communications in June 2021, a new          50 clients signed up to its services and   screens, or clients booking media
telecommunications company that             has hired a team as it prepares to ramp    through the Smart Media and Outdoor
offers business telecommunications          up for expansion. Telecoms engineers       businesses.
such as broadband, cloud telephony,         and sales executives are now on board,          “The company was built on the
Microsoft Teams integration, business       as the business prepares to service a      principle of doing the right thing by
mobiles and business wi-fi to corporate     growing number of accounts. Robert,        customers – building trusting and
clients.                                    who struck up a business partnership       long-lasting relationships because we
    The new business has been               with Mark having supported Smart           provide them with excellent support
launched by IT professional Robert          with a former employer, expects Smart      that aligns to their business goals.
Webster, who has more than 25 years’        Communications to employ more than         That’s what we’re doing with the
experience in senior telecoms roles,        a dozen people within the next 12          communications business too.”
and is the latest addition to Smart         months and is projecting significant            He added: “Being a Smart business
Media Group of businesses, which            profits in its first year of trading.      was a great fit, because we’re a group
includes Smart Outdoor, a business              He said: “The ethos of Smart Media     that is founded on great values and
that boasts a network of 290 digital out-   Group is about maximising insight to       on the power of digital innovation.
of-home advertising screens.                deliver better outcomes for clients,       Adding to it with the Communications

business was a natural expansion and      Smart Media, which offers media             success we have seen is testament to
I’m really pleased to be leading a part   buying services across the UK and           that. With new staff, this is a business
of the business that I know will be a     internationally; Smart Vision, which        that will go from strength to strength
great success. We’re still only months    provides digital screens for hire for       and I’m looking forward to working with
into the journey and very rapidly         events; and Smart Sanitiser, a sister       him to drive the growth of this business
expanding. It’s really exciting to be     company launched this year, that            over the coming months and years.”
driving this.”                            integrates high-impact digital screens
     Smart Communications is one of       into sanitisation stations that are now
five companies that are either fully or   being rolled out across the country.
part-owned by Mark Catterall, who             Mark Catterall, who now employs         To find out more about
founded his first Smart business in       25 people across his businesses, said:      Smart Communications, visit
2019. Connected by a commitment           “I’m delighted to welcome Rob to the
to support clients with insight-led       group and to be working with him to         or call 0191 260 0403.
solutions and a customer-focused          deliver a successful Communications
approach, the group also includes         business that fits brilliantly with the
Smart Outdoor, which reaches five         wider services we offer to customers.
million consumers a week with its             “Rob is a consummate professional
growing network of digital screens;       and an expert in his field, and the early

15 : 2022                                                                                                                  21


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Inspiring the
next generation
On Monday 8th March, to mark
International Women’s Day,
Newcastle-based chartered
accountancy and business
advisory firm UNW celebrated
with a lunch hosted by partners
Fern Rivett and Anne Hallowell.
     Some Sixth Formers about
to set off on their career path
were invited to the event to hear
inspiring stories from successful
local business women and to join
in with the discussion.
     Reflecting on the event, Fern
said: “After two years of very few
face-to-face events, it was great
to be back in person to hear
some remarkable stories from
successful local business women.
In true UNW style we decided to
do something a little different for
International Women’s Day this
year and we’re delighted that the
students who came along got so
much out of the event.”

15 : 2022                             23

Real progress
of jobs across
Darlington and

2022 is our year of construction.
Getting here has taken years of
hard work and preparation, but
we’re now seeing spades in the
ground, cranes in the sky and
progress on key developments
happening like we’ve never seen
before right across Teesside,
Darlington and Hartlepool.

zero by 2050. The project is set to         something we’ll never lose sight of. But
                                            create thousands of new jobs during         it’s an asset that is much bigger than
                                            the construction and operational            just a terminal building and runway.
                                            phases, but will also help safeguard        It’s location, accessibility, and the
                                            thousands more existing jobs in the         hundreds of acres for business and
                                            chemical ls and processing sector           commercial development as part of
                                            by decarbonising our chemicals and          Teesside Freeport are unrivalled. That’s
                                            processing industries.                      why we’re putting plans in to action
                                                  There’s no reason that we can’t go    and ensuring that we maximise those
                                            even further and solidify our position      non-aviation-based opportunities
                                            on the global stage as well. Just           that will provide rental income for the
                                            last month we secured £1 billion of         airport, income streams that will grow
                                            investment from Saudi Arabian firm          bigger and bigger as we develop both
                                            alfanar to develop sustainable aviation     the Northside and Southside of the site
                                            fuel at scale – a UK first. The leading     as even more new businesses begin to
                                            role our region is playing in net zero      call it home. This will be a key driver in
                                            technology means we’ll continue to          it returning to profit within the next few
                                            welcome massive investments like this.      years and will support our wider plan.
                                            It’s exactly because we’re grasping               Raising aspirations and creating
                                            opportunities such as these with both       new opportunities is key to making
                                            hands that we’re seeing real change.        our region a fantastic place to live
                                            In just a few months, work will begin       and work. In March 2021, the Treasury
                                            on SeAH’s £300m offshore wind               announced that Darlington was to
                                            monopile manufacturing facility on          become home to a new Northern
                                            Teesworks, rising to a height of 40m        Economic Campus. Since then, 6
                                            and transforming the local skyline.         more key government departments
                                            Massive investments that we’ve secured      and agencies have announced plans
                                            like this will also be for the benefit of   to move senior Civil Service roles out
                                            local firms in the supply chain, which      of Whitehall and up to Darlington.
                                            means even more money in pockets            We’re now set to welcome over
                                            of local workers. Net zero ambitions        1,700 senior Civil Service roles to the
                                            and economic regeneration go hand in        region. These aren’t back-office jobs
                                            hand.                                       in regional department outposts, they
Now is exciting time for our region               Work to transform Teesside Airport    are high-level jobs working at the very
because we are at the heart of the          is also continuing. Not only are we         heart of Government. Already we’re
Government’s policy agenda like never       seeing roles for the taking airside at      seeing the Chancellor and senior
before. Innovative policies like Freeport   Teesside Airport at places like the         Government Ministers set up office
status present enormous opportunity         recently-returned World Duty Free,          here in Darlington and we’ve got 110
to an area like ours with a rich history    or at the new bars, restaurants and         individuals already in post, 80% of
of advanced manufacturing and that’s        shops that we’ve created as part of the     which are local recruits.
exactly why I pushed so hard for the        terminal redevelopment, but because               Creating new opportunities for
Government to implement one here.           our Airport is still operational, we’re     local people is at the heart of all the
Now, we’re the UK’s largest and first       securing significant investment from        developments we’re pushing forward,
fully operational Freeport.                 firms like Draken, who are set to create    from the airport to the Freeport. This
     We’re also establishing our region     up to 30 new high-skilled roles in the      year we’ll see transformation across
as the go-to place to develop ground-       defence sector.                             every part of Teesside, Darlington and
breaking net zero technology which is             We’re also capitalising on our land   Hartlepool. It’s after years of hard work
crucial to our return to prosperity. Take   and property assets as the airport          to secure investment and put Teesside
Net Zero Teesside for example – it’s        enters the next phase of its business       on the map that we’re seeing tangible
the world’s first industrial scale carbon   plan. Our airport is a fantastic asset      progress on construction and towards
capture, utilisation and storage facility   and provides people with quick and          thousands of good-quality, well-paid
which will be crucial to achieving the      easy access to holiday destinations,        jobs.
Government’s ambition to reach net          and worldwide connectivity and that’s

15 : 2022                                                                                                                     25
   Luxury Property, Business and Lifestyle
                                                                                      Cleaning Firm
                                                                                      On Multiple
                                                                                      Contracts Amid
                                                                                      A North East based
                                                                                      commercial and residential
                                                                                      services firm has secured
                                                                                      multiple new contracts
                                                                                      – resulting in significant
                                                                                      expansion for the company.

Belvedere Commercial & Residential         We’ve all worked very hard to create           equipment, and cleaning consumables
Services, is celebrating several new       bespoke and professional services              required to be able to deliver a top-
and major contracts for the company        which provide our clients with exactly         quality job of the highest standards
including to complete both the             the service they need.                         & specification. Along with all the
Builders Clean & Sparkle Clean of 49            “The growth of the firm has               risk assessments, method statements
apartments at the new Shepherds Quay       allowed us to create dozens of jobs            and associated insurance policies to
development on Clive Street North          and I am incredibly proud of the team          be HS&E compliant. Our staff are all
Shields, contract cleaning at the Clarke   which we have grown. Each of our               very, very presentable, well trained,
Mairs Newcastle city centre offices        team members are dedicated and                 conscientious, well mannered, well-
and Nautical Management Services           professional, delivering a high-quality        spoken and are also most importantly
Facilities, Turner & Townsend and          service which our clients have been            well paid! We pay our staff way above
Gunner House.                              impressed with. We have found that             the minimum wage as I expect a hell
    The firm, which was established        most companies currently have a                of a lot more than the minimum out
in 2020 by Katie Owens, is an              cleaning contract in place but are not         of them. If you pay the minimum, like
independent commercial cleaning            satisfied with the standard of service         sadly so many cleaning companies do,
company covering commercial,               currently being delivered. We pride            then you can only expect the minimum,
industrial and domestic cleaning.          ourselves on delivering excellence             and that no way near good enough for
Under Katie’s leadership and thanks to     and a far superior service to anything         Belvedere or any of my clients.”
the hard work and sterling reputation      currently on the market                             Belvedere’s services include
of the firm, it has now secured many            “We understand that we are not            bespoke cleaning, after build initial
of the region’s leading businesses as      the cheapest cleaning contractor on            clean, deep clean and sparkle prior
clients.                                   the market, and nor do we want to be.          to the keys being handed over to the
    The contract wins add to a wide        We are, however, the best cleaning             client, new owners or tenants. Along
range of clients which include;            contractor on market. We take cleaning         with ongoing routine maintenance
Malhotra Group, BoConcept York,            very seriously and have a proven track         cleaning of communal areas, industrial
Tolent Construction, TrucTyre, Metnor      record of delivering excellence. We            compounds, factories, offices and
Construction, Callerton Kitchens & GKC     have discovered that most clients aren’t       more.
Interiors Ltd, Aston Martin Silverlink,    looking for cheap, what there looking
Fentimans, Cussins and more.               for is value for money, and a service          For more information please don’t
The firm has also been appointed by        provider that works with them, for             hesitate to call Katie on 07947453398
Metnor Construction to work on the         them and understands their individual          Email:
£43m Market Quarter scheme in Rugby.       bespoke requirements.                          if you would like to discuss your
    Katie said: “I am delighted to              “All of our team are CRB checked          requirements in more detail, we are
welcome more clients to Belvedere.         and fully qualified in infection control       here to help and provide you with the
Since launching in 2020 we’ve              and COVID 19 prevention and we                 best service and a cleaning solution
experienced rapid and substantial          provide all material which are of              & schedule that works best for your
growth to become one of the leading        the highest standard. The Company              business and operational requirements.
companies of our kind in the region.       have the manpower, plant, tools,

15 : 2022                                                                                                                    27
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