IOSH Ireland conference - Strategic direction for the contemporary workplace in Ireland 08.00-15.40 Thursday 06 September 2018 Castleknock Hotel ...

Page created by Joseph Moss
IOSH Ireland conference - Strategic direction for the contemporary workplace in Ireland 08.00-15.40 Thursday 06 September 2018 Castleknock Hotel ...
IOSH Ireland
Strategic direction for the contemporary workplace in Ireland

Thursday 06 September 2018
Castleknock Hotel, Porterstown Road, Castleknock,
Dublin 15, D15 WNR7, Ireland

                                       In partnership with
IOSH Ireland conference
Strategic direction for the contemporary workplace in Ireland

Delegate information
08.00–15.40, Thursday 06 September 2018
Castleknock Hotel, Porterstown Road, Castleknock, Dublin 15, D15 WNR7, Ireland

Overview                                          - provide guidance on workplace health
IOSH Ireland’s conference will focus on               promotion and support for employers
workplace safety and workplace health             - discuss the objectives of European
promotion. It will look at how the disciplines        Safety Week and its focus on Managing
can complement each other to support                  Dangerous Substances
health and safety professionals and provide       -   examine forthcoming approaches for
knowledge and skills that can be taken back           workplace health promotion and the
to their organisations.                               HSA’s strategy for 2019–2021
Part of the day will focus on workplace           -   Provide excellent networking opportunities
health promotion. Practical advice and                with like-minded people.
techniques will be provided on how to build       Who should attend
employee resilience, looking at patterns          This event is open to anyone with an
of behaviour, emotional reactions and             interest in workplace safety and health and
expectations in the workplace.                    workplace health promotion, including:
An exciting range of speakers includes Healthy    - IOSH members and non-members
Ireland and the HSA. The HSA will provide         - health and safety professionals
information on European Safety Week and           - health promotion professionals
the topic for the next two years – Managing       - human resources professionals
Dangerous Substances. They will also discuss      - managers
the themes of their 2019–2021 strategy.           What you need to know
There will be an exhibition at the conference,    Exhibitor opportunities are available. If you
where companies will showcase their safety        would like to promote your organisation,
and health products or services, offering         raise awareness of your brand or showcase a
delegates ideas for improving safety and          new product or service, please email Louise
health in their workplace.                        Griffin (IOSH Event Coordinator) or call
                                                  +44 (0)116 257 3373 for more information.
What’s in it for you?
This conference will provide you with             Lunch and refreshments will be provided
updated knowledge and skills, including           throughout the day. Please note that booking
practical expertise to use in your organisation   is essential.
and personal life. The day will:
- create awareness of how employers can
  play a role in improving the health and
  safety of their workers
IOSH Ireland conference
Strategic direction for the contemporary workplace in Ireland

Programme information
08.00–15.40, Thursday 06 September 2018
Castleknock Hotel, Porterstown Road, Castleknock, Dublin 15, D15 WNR7, Ireland

08.00 Registration, exhibition                 12.00 Improving productivity
      and networking                                 in the workplace
                                                     Professor Peter McBride
08.45 Open and welcome
                                                     Group Chief Executive, Inspire
      Richard McIvor, Chair, IOSH Ireland
      Regional Coordinating Committee          12.45 Open discussion forum with
                                                     the morning speakers
08.50 Introduction
      Herbert Mulligan, Conference             13.00 Lunch, exhibition
      Chair and Editor, Health and                   and refreshments
      Safety Review
                                               14.00 EU-OHSA 2018–2019 campaign:
09.00 How to build resilience                        Healthy Workplaces Manage
      in the workplace                               Dangerous Substances
      Shane Martin, Psychologist,                    Brenda O’Brien, Manager, Brussels
      Moodwatchers                                   liaison office, European Agency
                                                     for Safety and Health at Work
09.45 Update on Healthy Workplace
      Biddy O’Neill, Healthy Workplaces        14.30 Health and Safety Authority
      Project Lead, Healthy Ireland,                 Strategy 2019–2022
      Department of Health                           Peter Claffey, Programme Manager
                                                     Health and Safety Authority
10.30 Refreshments, exhibition
      and networking                           15.15 Open discussion forum with
                                                     the afternoon speakers
11.00 Breathing new life into
      occupational health                      15.30 Summary and thanks
      Nicola Monson, Deputy Chief                    Herbert Mulligan, Conference
      Executive, Health and Safety                   Chair and Editor, Health and
      Executive for Northern Ireland                 Safety Review
                                               15.40 Close
11.30 What the evidence tells us –
      work-related stress, anxiety and
      depression in Ireland
      Bertrand Maitre, Senior Research
      Officer, Economic and Social
      Research Institute (ESRI)

                                            Note: The programme details may be subject to change
IOSH Ireland conference
Strategic direction for the contemporary workplace in Ireland

Booking information
08.00–15.40, Thursday 06 September 2018
Castleknock Hotel, Porterstown Road, Castleknock, Dublin 15, D15 WNR7, Ireland

Event fees
IOSH members: €80 / £70.15 + VAT = £84.18 | Non-members: €100 / £87.70 + VAT = £105.24
The fee includes lunch and refreshments.

Booking and payment
By email: Please send your completed booking form to and we will
contact you to arrange secure payment.
By post: Please post your completed booking form to the Bookings team, IOSH, The Grange,
Highfield Drive, Wigston, Leicestershire, LE18 1NN, UK. Either you can enclose a cheque with
this, or we will contact you to arrange secure payment.
By phone: Simply ring the Bookings team on +44 (0)116 257 3197 and register your
place using your credit or debit card.

Payment terms
Full payment must be received before the event to secure your place. If payment hasn’t been
made in full by Thursday 30 August 2018, your booking will be cancelled.

Cancellation policy and refunds
Please let us know in writing if you need to cancel your booking by sending an email to, or a letter to the Bookings team, IOSH, The Grange, Highfield Drive,
Wigston, Leicestershire, LE18 1NN, UK.
Cancellations are subject to the following terms:
- Cancellations received within seven             -   Cancellations between four and eight
  working days of booking (a ‘cooling off’            weeks (20–39 working days) from the
  period) will receive a full refund                  event will receive a 25 per cent refund
- Cancellations received at least eight or more -     Cancellations less than four weeks (19
  weeks (40 or more working days) from the            working days) from the event will not
  event will receive a 50 per cent refund             receive a refund.
If we have to cancel an event, we will always endeavour to give a full refund of your event fee
or, if you prefer, transfer your booking to a similar event. We cannot reimburse you for any
associated expenses booked, eg travel, accommodation.
The full terms and conditions of our cancellation and refund policy can be found at
IOSH Ireland conference
Strategic direction for the contemporary workplace in Ireland

Delegate information
08.00–15.40, Thursday 06 September 2018
Castleknock Hotel, Porterstown Road, Castleknock, Dublin 15, D15 WNR7, Ireland

Delegate details (your event/joining instructions will be sent electronically)
 Title                    First name*                                        Surname*

 Job title*

 Organisation name and address*

 Tel                                                                         Fax

 email (we need this for providing confirmations and event details)

 Are you a member of IOSH? yes                             no                Membership number

 If you have any dietary/special requirements, please list them

 How did you hear about this event?
    Brochure          Connect            IOSH Magazine              Website         Email        Social media           Other ..................
*As you want them to appear on your badge and the delegate list

Sorry, we can’t accept bookings after Thursday 30th August 2018.

When we’ve received your registration and taken payment in full, we’ll confirm your booking and
send you more details by email. We must receive your payment at least five working days before
the event. If you haven’t received your paperwork by Thursday 30th August 2018, please contact
the Bookings team on +44 (0)116 257 3197 or email

Further information
If you have any questions about the event, please call the Events team on +44 (0)116 257 3100
(option 3) or email Visit for regular updates.

Your data: By entering your details on this form to register for this event, you agree to allow IOSH to contact you, by email or phone, about
this event and your booking. Please note: your name, job title and organisation will be added to the delegate list and shared with the
venue, delegates, exhibitors and sponsors registered for the event. No other information will be shared. Special requirements are also shared
anonymously with the event venue.
IOSH members: Your personal data contained within our system will be used to fulfil our contractual obligations to you. Our full General Data
Protection Regulations (GDPR) can be found on our website
Past delegates list: If you would like to be added to the past delegates list and receive information about this event (or events on a related
topic) in future years please tick the box.
All information provided in the progamme is correct at the time of going to print. IOSH reserves the right to make appropriate changes as
This document is printed on chlorine-free paper produced from managed, sustained forests.
IOSH is the Chartered body for health and safety
professionals. With over 47,000 members in more
than 130 countries, we’re the world’s largest
professional health and safety organisation.

We set standards, and support, develop and
connect our members with resources, guidance,
events and training. We’re the voice of the
profession, and campaign on issues that affect
millions of working people.

IOSH was founded in 1945 and is a registered
charity with international NGO status.

IOSH                  t +44 (0)116 257 3100
The Grange  
Highfield Drive
LE18 1NN       


Institution of Occupational Safety and Health
Founded 1945
Incorporated by
Royal Charter 2003
Registered charity in England and Wales No. 1096790
Registered charity in Scotland No. SC043254
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