Interior design official undergraduate degree in - ESDi

Page created by Ben Foster
Interior design official undergraduate degree in - ESDi
official undergraduate
                                               degree in


retail design
stage design
lighting design
smart spaces design
rehabilitation projects

window display design
ephemeral project design
office and workspace design
adapting homes and other spaces
ideas for virtual & holographic environments
Interior design official undergraduate degree in - ESDi
we are design                                                    degrees
30 years of experience training designers.
                                                                                               Moda    Fashion
1st university in Spain to impart the Official Undergraduate                                           Design
Degree in Design. Centre affiliated to Ramon Llull University.    Grado Oficial                                               Official
                                                                                             Gráfico   Graphic
                                                                  Universitario                                             UG. Degree
                                                                   en Diseño                                                 in Design
we strive for innovation                                                                  Producto     Product
1st university to promote a Double Degree in Design +
Bachelor in Smart Design and the Official Undergraduate                                   Interiores   Interior
                                                                      Doble                            Design                 Double
Degree in Design in English. Only centre to offer 6                Titulación:                                                Degree:
specialties: Fashion, Graphic, Audiovisual, Product,             Grado en Diseño        Audiovisual    Audiovisual          UG. Degree in
                                                                    + Bachelor                         Design              Design+Bachelor
Interior Design and Design Management.                               en Smart                                                  in Smart
                                                                      Design               Gestión     Design                   Design
                                                                                         del Diseño    Management
we are international
Campus with students and professors from over 25
countries. Exchange programmes for studies and in-
ternships, during which you can be trained and work
abroad at prestigious international universities and
companies.                                                       bachelor

                                                                 ↘ Bachelor in Digital Humanities (SPA)
cutting-edge facilities
Historic building (a former textile factory) located in the
centre of Sabadell. More than 14.000 m2 of facilities
equipped with specialized workshops and tech labs
focused on additive manufacturing and 3D printing, im-
mersive and holographic virtual reality (HP), and digitali-
                                                                 master and postgraduate degrees
zation of textile design and manufacturing.
                                                                 Master’s Degree       Styling, image and Fashion Communication (SPA)

                                                                                       Fashion Management (SPA/ENG)

                                                                                       UI/UX Design (SPA/ENG)

                                                                                       Digital Art Curatorship (SPA)

                                                                 Postgraduate          Advanced Footwear Design (SPA)

                                                                 vocational education (cfgs)

                                                                 ↘ Pattern-making                      ↘ Bespoke and
                                                                   and Fashion (SPA)                     Show Costumes (SPA)

                                                                 ↘ Personal and Corporate              ↘ Design
                                                                   Image Consultancy (SPA)               in Clothing Styling (SPA)


                                                                 ↘ Design and creativity intensive courses

                                                                 SUMMER CAMPUS
                                                                 ↘ Taste of               ↘ Programming                 ↘ Design &
                                                                   Fashion (SPA)            with Arduino (SPA)            Creativity (SPA)

                                                                 more info?
                                                                 Contact us and discover our scholarships and discounts:
Images: Final Degree Project “Punt i seguit” by Júlia López � (+34) 93 727 48 19 � WhatsApp: (+34) 661 97 28 45
Interior design official undergraduate degree in - ESDi
are you a spatial thinker?
If you often find yourself hypnotized by buildings, you choose a                      We look at the industry from
restaurant for the way it’s designed rather than for the menu, and you                a 360˚ perspective: our
spend hours browsing furniture catalogs, we have it more than clear:                  curriculum includes subjects in
interior design is your thing.                                                        communication, marketing, and
                                                                                      management, introducing you to
At ESDi you can turn your passion into your profession. By pursuing an                the entrepreneurial aspects of an
Official Undergraduate Degree in Interior Design you’ll be able to express            interior designer’s career.
your creativity through shaping functional, emotional and aesthetic
spaces. We introduce our students to the history of architecture, as well             Welcome!
as the ins and outs of materials, finishes, lighting, or acoustics.

Environments should ensure the wellness of those who share them, and
establish a deep emotional connection with them. At our classrooms and
studios, you will learn how to design digitized spaces and make use of
the latest technologies corresponding to virtual design.

                             Qualification registered in the framework of the European Higher Education Area.
Interior design official undergraduate degree in - ESDi
re-organize it.
                                          them. all.

at ESDi you will learn to
create pop-up spaces
use 3D modeling and printing techniques
meet usability requirements
create maquettes and prototypes
rehabilitate spaces
design virtual environments
design smart spaces

you will participate in
visits to studios
masterclasses and workshops
presentations and exhibitions
projects developed with companies
cultural trips: Bauhaus
interior design contests

where will you design?
virtual Lab by HP
self and 3D printing lab
modelling and prototype workshop
stamping workshop
industrial workshop
photo and video set
projects and materials studio
Interior design official undergraduate degree in - ESDi
Official Undergraduate Degree in Design                           Double Degree
240 ECTS | 4 years                                                Official Undergraduate Degree in Design
                                                                  + Bachelor in Smart Design
                                                                  286 ECTS | 4 years

↘ The Official Undergraduate Degree in Design is divided into
4 years. The first two years are formed by compulsory and
basic training courses, during which the students develop
projects and activities corresponding to the different spe-       ↘ At ESDi, we offer the possibility to obtain a Double Degree:
cialties. Elective subjects are taught from the third year on,    Official Undergraduate Degree in Design + Bachelor in Smart
with the purpose of deepening the theoretical and practical       Design (ESDi-specific degree), adding 46 credits to the same
knowledge specific to each itinerary respectively.                4 years. These studies deepen into the technological side of
                                                                  design, with subjects on 3D printing, programming, e-com-
                                                                  merce or 3D animation.

training programme
1st Year                                                credits
                                                                  training programme
Art Theory and History I                                     6    Fundamentals of Digital Culture                              4
Design Theory and History I                                  6    Smart Objects & Digital Fabrication                          6
Sociology                                                    6
Representational Drawing                                     6
Technical Drawing I                                          6    Smart Design                                                 6
Project Basis		                                              4    3D Animation and Holography                                  4
Computing I				                                              6    Digital Creation                                             4
Photography I				                                            6
Form Theory and Workshop			                                  6
Introduction to Projects                                     6    Dynamic Data Programming                                     6
                                                                  Internet of Things                                           6

2nd Year                                                          Smart Projects
Art Theory and History II                                    6
Design Theory and History II                                 6
Communication                                                6
Literature and Communication                                 3
Business I: Organization and Processes                       6
Projects I                                                   8
Comprehensive Projects I                                     8
Profession Ethics                                            5
Materials and Technology I                                   6
Computing II                                                 6

3rd Year
Projects II                                                  8
Comprehensive Projects II                                    8
Design Issues                                                6
Business II: Organization and Processes                      6
Materials and Technology II                                  6
Elective Subjects:                                          26
  Scale Models and Prototypes		                              4
  Computing III			                                           4
  History of Architecture		                                  3
  Installations I		                                          4
  Book and Project Presentation                              4
  Lighting and Acoustics		                                   3
  Design of Exterior Spaces		                                4
  Departmental Intensification                               4

4th Year
Internships                                                 14
Final Degree Project                                        16
Elective Subjects:                                          30
  Computing IV			                                            4
  Materials and Finishes		                                   4
  Design and Adaptability		                                  3
  Projects III			                                            6
  Installations II			                                        6
  Rehabilitation			                                          4
  Stagecraft and Lighting                                    3
  Departmental Intensification                               4
  Elective Workshops and Seminars                            2
Interior design official undergraduate degree in - ESDi
“Becoming a finalist in both CODIC and IE ARQUITECTURA+ Awards gave me great
                                    confidence to face my future as a professional. I’ll always be grateful to ESDi for showing
                                    me the tools I needed to achieve my goals.”

                                    Finalist in CODIC and IE Arquitectura+ Awards 2016,
Vanessa Navarro                     Interior Designer at T’ajudem SBD

                                    “Choosing ESDi when diving into the realm of design was the best choice since I learned
                                    to approach work in a new way and observe the world from a different perspective, while
                                    also gaining skills for my future as a professional.”

Sonia Marín                         Interior Designer and Renderer at Mediapro Exhibitions

ESDi alumni have studied abroad at international universities such as...
Savonia University (Finland), Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e), Centro de Estudios Superiores de Diseño de Monterrey (Mexico).

ESDi alumni have worked for both national and international companies such as...
Santa & Cole, Simon, Kenay Home, Ofiprix, Thomas Jundt, Marga Rotger Interiorisme, Moorsee, Salas Plushabit, Aprotecnic, Mobel Linea, G4 Group,
Eva Save Studio, Estudi CAT, Tai Smart Factory, Laia Ubia Studio, AP Interiorisme, Mediapro Exhibitions, The Hedonist Magazine, T’ajudem SBD, R
Interior Design Studio, etc.

career services (internships and job pool)
At ESDi, we have collaboration agreements with relevant companies within the interior design sector, both on a national and international level.
Our Career Services help to facilitate the process of entering the job market and improve the career trajectory of our students and alumni, throu-
gh personalized attention, orientation courses, recruiting sessions with companies, and the use of a virtual platform.

                        ESDi Escola Superior de Disseny / EFPA Escola de Formació Professional Avançada Sabadell Campus C Marquès de Comillas 81-83
                        EATM Escola d’Arts i Tècniques de la Moda Barcelona Campus Passeig de Gràcia pral 114
Interior design official undergraduate degree in - ESDi Interior design official undergraduate degree in - ESDi
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