Page created by Dwayne Pham
Wednesday, August 10, 2022
at Cedar
City's Air
Base                COUNTY
Vol. 14 No. 37                                                                               Wednesday, August 10, 2022

   4   Opinion              Michael
   7   Showcase            Doherty:
                          Making people
                          laugh at                                      IRON

         F i r e F ly e r s                                                                                                                       cedar city airport

            An inside look at Cedar City’s busy
          Air Tanker Base during wildfire season
by Gabrielle Costello                  firefighting helicopters, which look     at the same stoplight as you, calling     heat, low-level topography, and other
 Cedar Cit y PIO                       significantly different than SUU’s       Cedar City home for a minimum             hazardous expert-level conditions to
                                       flight school aircraft that we see       of 90 days at a time (per contract)       drop retardant and slow the spread
   CEDAR CITY — Every summer,          more regularly.                          spending time away from their             of wildfire.
the Cedar City Regional Airport            These specialized aircraft cover     families, staying in our hotels, dining      The Boise Smoke Jumpers, an elite
experiences increased activity due     a major portion of the southwestern      in our restaurants, and frequenting       crew of 12 parachuting firefighters,
to wildfire season and the Cedar       United States and can stage at our       our stores.                               also travel to Cedar City every
City Interagency Air Center which      airport until being called to their          These pilots have a variety of        summer from the Bureau of Land
operates from the Air Tanker Base at   next fire assignment, or as a pit stop   backgrounds, leading them to where        Management (BLM) Smokejumper
the airport. Flying over Cedar City,   loading up on fuel or fire retardant.    they are today taking direction           Base in Idaho. Their goal is to be
you’ll see smaller Single Engine Air   Driving on our roads, you may never      from Air Attack at the Cedar City         readily available for fires in remote
Tankers (known as SEATs), Large Air    know that pilots and support staff       Interagency Center, navigating diffi-
Tankers (known as LATs), as well as    from all over the United States, are     cult conditions such as wind, smoke,                   see Tanker Base » 2
2 Wednesday, August 10, 2022                                                   news                                                                 Iron County Today

tanker base
« Continued from page 1

areas or ones caused by lightning during our July/
August monsoon season.
   All of these “tools” serve a unique purpose and
are national resources through BLM and the USDA
Forest Service, meaning they can be called any-
where in the United States at any time to render
aid for wildfires.

  “When speaking with the
  pilots and smokejumpers,
    it was unanimous that
   Cedar City is at the top
  of everyone’s bidding list
 during fire season because
 of the location, beauty, and
        small-town feel.”
                                                                                                                                                               cedar city airport
    But what makes Cedar City unique for these           Cedar City Airport is literally a hot spot hub for training and preparing several firefighting agencies to be ready
operations? With our unique elevation and central-                                           to render aid for wildfires across the country.
ized location compared to surrounding airports,
Cedar City offers these resources convenient               Safety is their number one priority on the                 Country District Fire and Aviation Program, and
lodging and food, as well as fuel and retardant         job, not only for one another but for the life and            we are proud to have them call Cedar City home
that is loaded onto aircraft based on elevation and     property they vow to protect every day. It all comes          during the summer months.
several other factors.                                  together like a well-oiled machine at the Cedar
    When speaking with the pilots and smoke-            City Interagency Air Center, from dispatch to air
jumpers, it was unanimous that Cedar City is at         attack commanders to the fleet of aircraft that we            Information regarding the City and the many
the top of everyone’s bidding list during fire season   see in the sky.                                               programs and services provided to the community
because of the location, beauty, and small-town            We are thankful for the partnerships they foster           can be found at, as well as via
feel.                                                   across the United States as part of the BLM-Color             Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
Iron County Today                                                                news                                                   Wednesday, August 10, 2022       3

Experience Cedar City under the full moon at the Moonwalk & 5K Run
by Gabrielle Costello                                                                                                               based on age groups. The ticket
 Cedar Cit y PIO                                                                                                                    price also includes a commemora-
                                                                                                                                    tive t-shirt to wear during or after
    CEDAR CITY — Are you looking                                                                                                    the event. Cedar City is excited
for one last summer event to kick off                                                                                               to partner once again with Iron
the school year? Experience Cedar                                                                                                   County Care & Share for this event
City's beauty under the full moon                                                                                                   and will be donating thirty percent
on Saturday, August 13th, 2022, at                                                                                                  of all entry fees to support their
the Moonwalk and 5K Run event!                                                                                                      efforts in the community.
Participants are given the choice to                                                                                                    “This year we are thrilled to offer a
walk or run the 3.1-mile course along                                                                                               new course for the participants,” said
Cedar City’s East Bench Trail under                                                                                                 Brooke Twitchell, Cedar City’s Events
the light of the sturgeon moon.                                                                                                     Director. “We have a lot of new things
    The race is open to ages 8                                                                                                      added this year that I think everyone
through 100 and begins at 9:30 p.m.                                                                                                 will really enjoy. We are looking
Participants will have an hour and                                                                                                  forward to a great event!”
a half to complete the course with                                                                                                      Cedar City guarantees an out-
plenty of extra fun along the way                                                                                                   of-this-world experience for par-
including live music, cosmic desserts,                                                                                              ticipants of all ages! To sign-up for
bounce houses, photo opportunities,                                                                                                 this unforgettable event, visit www.
and a chance for friends and families                                                                                     
to create lasting memories.
    Walkers and runners will have
separate lanes to accommodate the                                                                                                   Information regarding the City and the
different skill levels. The Moonwalk                                                                                                many programs and services provided
ticket price is $17 per person and                                                                                                  to the community can be found at www.
the 5K Run ticket price is $27.                                                                                           , as well as via Facebook,
Runners will be timed and awarded                                                                                  courtesy image   Twitter, and Instagram.

                                     public & health
   Are collagen supplements an
 important part of a healthy diet?
by Sara Fausett                                            for bias in the study results.
 Registered Dietitian Nutritionist, Cedar Cit y Hospital       » Preventing collagen breakdown in the body
                                                           may be a more effective strategy to prevent skin
    Collagen drinks and powders have become                aging and support joint health. Fausett encourages
a common dietary supplement found in most                  people to choose healthy lifestyle and diet habits
grocery and big box stores. With all the anti-aging        such as:
hype surrounding collagen, are collagen supple-                o Getting enough sleep.
ments important to include in a healthy diet?                  o Avoiding high sugar intake, which can
    “Research is unclear if the benefits                    damage existing collagen.
some people have from collagen                                     o Eating a healthy diet including vitamin C
protein comes from collagen itself,                              and sulfur-containing foods (citrus, straw-
or from consuming more protein                                     berries, broccoli, onions) to aid in collagen
in general,” said Sara Fausett, a                                   production in the body.
registered dietitian nutritionist at
Intermountain Cedar City Hospital.                                      “Overall, as careful consumers, people
                                                                     should be wary of the claims surrounding
Here are a few points to                                             collagen supplements and focus more
help people decide whether                                           on whole food, quality protein sources,
collagen supplements are                                              as well as other beneficial whole foods
right for them:                                                       to limit the negative effects of aging,”
    » Like all proteins consumed,                                      Fausett said.
collagen is broken down in
the digestive system to be
used wherever the body                                                             More information can
most needs protein. This                                                            be found at https://
means that collagen                                                                   intermountainhealthcare.
cannot be absorbed                                                                      org/services/
whole. Instead, it is                                                                     nutrition-services
absorbed as the smallest
components of protein.
    » Most research on
collagen has been con-
ducted using industry
funding, which means
there is a potential
          Courtesy Sara Fausett
4 Wednesday, August 10, 2022                                                                                  news                                                                                     Iron County Today

From the Editor                                                                                                                                                                                    quote
                                                                                                                                                                                                   of the
 Time, our                                                                                                                                                                                         week
  greatest                                                                                                                                                                                         "There
investment                                                                                                                                                                                         are many
                                                                                                                                                                                                   things that
I     t never ceases to amaze me how
      fast the days are going by! As the
      editor of this newspaper and
for our amazing staff, it can seem
like there are no breaks in between
                                                                                                                                                                                                   will never be
                                                                                                                                                                                                   done if you do
                                                                                                                                                                                                   not do them."
publications. It seems like I was just                                                                                                                                                             Charles D. Gill
here writing last week’s letter and
columns. I’m not complaining, just
explaining that if we focus too much
on the pace of life, it can deprive us
of the peace in life. With that being
said, it is becoming more apparent
                      (not cliché) that
                        our time is even

                                                                            Receiving mixed massages
                           more precious,
                             when it
                              seems to
                              be going by                   Bryan Gray is a syndicated contributor                     Typically, we don’t open our wallets                       $5 million fine. Professionals who
                             quicker and                    and not an employee. His opinions                          to pay people for lying.                                   treat sex abuse victims thought
                            quicker.                        are solely his own and not those of the                        But that is what Watson claims.                        this was far too skimpy of a penalty
         Corey                 Which                        Editor or Iron County Today.                               To him, the women were “gold                               considering that Colin Kaepernick
   Baumgartner brings me to my

                                                                                                                       diggers” who saw him as a cash                             was effectively “banned” for life by
     Managing Editor      point—thank                                n old adage claims that for                       box. He admits sexual actions with                         simply refusing to salute the flag. But
                          you for making                             justice to be effective, it                       only three of them, all of whom, he                        a mediator studied the case, agreed
the time to read the Iron County                                     must not only be done, but                        says, consented. He also notes that                        that Watson committed the acts,
Today. I hope that you will continue                        also be seen by the public that it                         two previous grand juries in Texas                         noted that Watson “lacked remorse”
to find the information and inspira-                        is done. Therefore, if justice really                      refused to indict him on criminal                          for his actions, and handed down her
tion within that makes you smile and                        occurred last week in the                                                                                                     stern punishment:
is worth your while. And if there’s                         celebrated case of a National                                                                                                     “Suspension for six games”
something you’d like to see more of,                        Football League quarterback,                                                                                                  and any future massages
or even to contribute, let me know.

                                                            I suppose that the public and                                                                                                 must be done by a therapist
    Yes, it’s difficult to not be able to                   myself were blindfolded.                                                                                                      approved by his new team,
cover all the news, catch every story,                          We’ve all heard of wrong-                                                                                                 the Cleveland Browns.
or have room for every contribution,                        doers getting a mere slap                                                                                                         No wonder Watson is
but know that we are each grateful                          on the hand. In the case of                                                                                                   smiling after his “tough
for your support and will continue                                                                Bryan Gray
                                                            Deshaun Watson, he received                                                                                                   punishment”. For not playing
to do our best to be worthy of and                                                      
                                                            not a slap but a wispy nudge                                                                                                  these six games, he will
worth your investments of time,                             by a feather.                                                                                                                 lose some $345,000. But
talent and treasure.                                            Unless you live on Mars, you            complaints. (But if that is the case,                                     considering that the Browns are
                                                            probably are at least slightly aware        why pay the women for their silence?                                      paying him a fully guaranteed $230
                                                            of Watson’s antics. A resounding 24         Maybe a better explanation is that                                        million over the next five years, the
                                                            female massage therapists accused           people living in the football-fe-                                         loss of income is laughable. To put
Word of the week                                            him of sexual assault or harassment,
                                                            with most cases involving sexually
                                                                                                        vered state of Texas care more for
                                                                                                        Watson’s passing statistics than they
                                                                                                                                                                                  it in perspective, instead of a $1,000
                                                                                                                                                                                  fine you would be forking over $1.45.
OODLES                                                      explicit acts while “relaxing” on a         do the dignity of women.)                                                 I don’t think Watson will be forced
A large quantity                                            massage table. You can’t be the judge          Despite the grand jury dismissal,                                      to take out a second mortgage on his
While one may feel the need for                             of what actually happened – but             however, the National Football                                            home or purchase store-brand soup
oodles of noodles, poodles, or even                         you can also get a fair idea of the         League knew Watson was a blemish                                          instead of Progresso!
doodles, may we each create and                             accusers’ credibility since Watson          on the game and sought to suspend
maintain oodles of happy moments.                           made settlements with 23 of the 24.         him for a full year along with a                                                                     see cyclops » 5

                                            Administration                        Advertising                           Editorial                             Layout/Design                        Circulation, cont.
  COUNTY                                    R. Gail Stahle                        Scott Stahle                          Corey Baumgartner                     Devin Christ                         Justyn Gallego
                                            Publisher                             Sales Representative                  Managing Editor                       Creative Director                    N. Cedar City/Enoch
      389 N 100 W, Suite 12                                                       801.755.5999                          435.867.1865 Ext. 6                                                        435-704-8330
     Cedar City, Utah 84721                 Elise Swenson                                                                                                     Circulation
       Ph: 435-867-1865                     Office Manager                        Patti Bostick                         Tom Zulewski                                                               Wendy Hanson
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  Iron County Today is distributed free of charge, thanks to our advertisers. It is hand-delivered to over 14,000 households in Cedar City, Enoch and Parowan and is available in several rack locations in Iron and Beaver Counties.
Iron County Today                                                                  news                                 Wednesday, August 10, 2022   5

     Senators Lee, Romney denounce
    so-called “Inflation Reduction Act”
    Washington, D.C. — Sen.                  U.S. Senator Mitt Romney          the bill.
Mike Lee (R-UT) recently                (R-UT) called it yet another reck-         Sen. Crapo (R-ID) said, “It's too
denounced Senate Democrat's             less taxing-and-spending spree         many taxes, too much spending,
passage of the so-called Inflation      being touted as “anti-inflation”       too big of a burden on American
Reduction Act. The bill spends          legislation.                           people across all income cate-
hundreds of billions of dollars and          “In March of last year, the       gories. if anything, the taxes will
raises taxes at a time when infla-      Democrats passed their $1.9 trillion   drive prices up. Madam president,
tion has grown to 9.1% nationally       American Rescue Plan. Predictably,     I encourage all of my colleagues to
and nearly 15% in Utah.                 it contributed to the inflation        reject this reckless bill.”
    Democrats passed President          we are seeing today. Americans             Sen. Lankford (R-OK) said, “It
Biden's legislation through what's      are falling further and further        doesn't reduce the deficit. They
known as the budget reconciliation      behind as they face skyrocketing       joined in the chorus talking about
process, meaning the bill could         prices on everything from food         the beauty of the emperor's new
pass with a simple majority rather      to energy and medicines. Today,        clothes. I'm willing to say what a
than the sixty votes customarily        Democrats returned to their same       lot of people in this room know in
needed to advance legislation.          tired playbook to raise taxes,         their gut but they're afraid to say, it
    The non-partisan Joint              spend more money, and expand           doesn't reduce inflation, it doesn't
Committee on Taxation estimates         the size of government. Every          reduce the deficit, the emperor has
that the Inflation Reduction Act        single Republican senator fought       no clothes. Let's reject this bill.”
will raise taxes by $313 billion        to stop their one-sided, partisan          Sen. Blackburn (R-TN) said,
over the next ten years. The Penn       bill. Democrats called it an act       “These hundreds of billions of
Wharton budget model broke this         to combat inflation. It does the       dollars will serve a purpose, but
down and concluded that this bill       opposite.                              not to reduce inflation or bring
has no deficit reduction until at            “Rather than listening to the     relief. Blue states, unions, radical
least 2027.                             American people who are suffering      activists will once again come
    Sen. Lee was joined by all of his   from inflation, Democrats have         out on top. Meanwhile, families,
Republican colleagues in rejecting      voted for a liberal wish list. It      working hard to make ends meet,
the legislation.                        reduces oil and gas production,        workers, business owners, local
    Of the bill, Sen. Lee said, "You    it raises taxes that companies         leaders are still on the verge of
shouldn't judge a book by its           will pass on to consumers, and it      losing everything.”
cover, and you certainly shouldn't      doubles the number of IRS auditors         Sen. Portman (R-OH) said,
judge this bill by its title. Despite   in order to audit more Americans.      “The nonpartisan joint committee
its name, this bill will not reduce          “The American people, who are     on taxation, not a partisan group,
inflation." Sen. Lee continued,         drowning in debt and inflation,        nonpartisan, says this will hurt
"American families cannot afford        needed a life preserver and            Americans in every tax bracket.
the Biden administration's latest       Democrats gave them a bag of           They say more than half of the
tax and spend scheme. If the            hammers,” stated Romney.               burden of the over $300 billion in
definition of insanity is doing the          Also, ahead of the late-night     new taxes will fall on folks making
same thing and expecting different      kickoff of the amendment process       less than $400,000 a year. Well,
results, then spending more money       known as vote-a-rama, various          that directly contradicts promises
and increasing taxes to reduce          GOP Senators took to the Senate        made not to increase taxes on
inflation meets that definition."       floor to voice their opposition to     Americans at that level.”

« Continued from page 4

   Some of the Cleveland fans are also rejoicing.
At a pre-season practice last week, one fan cried
out, “We got your back, Watson!” According to
24 women, his back is not the body part they are
concerned with.

  “I don’t think Watson
will be forced to take out
  a second mortgage on
  his home or purchase
store-brand soup instead
      of Progresso!”
   An attorney representing the women said the
accusers were brave to speak out. “None of this
would have happened except for one brave voice.
One person can make a difference.”
   Unfortunately, it appears it wasn’t much of one.
6 Wednesday, August 10, 2022                                                   news                                                            Iron County Today

                            Southern Utah University                                                                                Bookings
                                                                                                                                    Below are book-         Jason G
                                                                                                                                    ings as reported        Theobald

 Graphic Designer joins SUU Art & Design faculty
                                                                                                                                    by the Iron             Enoch, UT
                                                                                                                                    County Sheriff’s        Intoxication, Criminal
                                                                                                                                    Department and
                                                                                                                                    Cedar City Police       Braxton A
                                                                                                                                    Department.             Turner
                                                                                                                                    Those arrested          Cedar City, UT
                                                                                                                                                            Drug Court zViolation
from Kol Gibson                                                                          raphy and letterpress printing. Her        are innocent until
                                                                                                                                    proven guilty.
 SUU College of Performing & Visual Arts                                                 sophisticated creative practice involves                               AUG. 4
                                                                                         the study of symbols and experimental          AUG. 1              Tacy L Byrd
    Southern Utah University’s                                                           processes in photographic film which                               Cedar City, UT
                                                                                                                                    Dalton R                Prob/Parole Violation
Department of Art & Design is pleased                                                    bring a unique perspective to the          Bradshaw                Donata
to announce Susanna Herrmann its                                                         classroom. Graphic wit - how designers     Salina, UT
new Assistant Professor of Graphic                                                       utilize visual language to make puns                               Cedar City, UT
                                                                                                                                    Michael J               DRUG – Poss C/S,
Design. Herrmann comes to SUU                                                            or engage with viewers in a witty way      Cowley                  Paraphernalia
from her hometown of Bloomington,                                                        - is Susanna’s favorite thing to teach     Cedar City, UT
                                                                                                                                                            Jesse J Fay
Indiana, where she has taught at                                                         because of how influential it can be                               Beaver, UT
                                                                                                                                    Tilee J                 Poss Dangerous
Indiana University’s Eskanzi School                                                      to the viewer. She enjoys seeing how       Thornton-Tilley         Weapon by
of Art, Architecture + Design since                                                      student engage their own senses of         Paragonah, UT           Restricted, False ID
                                                                                                                                    Retail Theft
2019. Susanna holds a Master of Fine                                                     humor in their work.
Arts in Graphic Design from that same                                                         “One of the most interesting              AUG. 2                  AUG. 5
institution and a Bachelor of Arts in                                                    things about graphic design is how         Tanner P Giles          Tracy L Byrd
German and Philosophy, cum laude                                                         all-encompassing and dynamic it            Enoch, UT
                                                                                                                                    Prob/Parole Violation
                                                                                                                                                            Cedar City, UT
                                                                                                                                                            DRUG – Poss w/
from Georgetown University.                                                              is,” continues Herrmann. “Everyone                                 Intent to Dist
                                                                                                                                    Jason R Cloud
    “We are delighted to have                                                            engages with design, even if they aren’t   Cedar City, UT          Tiffany D
Susanna joining the Art & Design                                                         aware of it at the moment. Graphic         Assault                 Richins
                                                                                                                                                            Cedar City, UT
faculty,” remarks Jeffrey Hanson, Art                                                    design is a visual language that can be        AUG. 3              Intoxication, Abuse/
                                                                                                                                                            Neglect of Disabled
Department Chair and Professor of                                         Courtesy SUU
                                                                                         used to communicate about anything,        Chasen S Myers          Child
Graphic Design. “Her energy and                      Susanna Herrmann                    and each project offers a new challenge    Cedar City, UT          Coy R Vincent,
intellect will help students to master                                                   for communicating effectively and          Assault, Criminal
the complexities of client-based design    and those who are simply interested in        individually.”                                                     Cedar City, UT
                                                                                                                                                            Intoxication, Abuse/
                                                                                                                                    Lindsi M Myers
practice and prepare them for their        the field,” she says. “I am also excited           Susanna will begin teaching in        Cedar City, UT          Neglect of Disabled
future careers.”                           to work with and learn from SUU’s             SUU’s fall semester which beings           Assault, Criminal
    SUU’s focus on student develop-        excellent faculty.”                           on Wednesday, August 31, 2022. For                                     AUG. 7
                                                                                                                                    Anthony J
ment is what drew Susanna to the              Ms. Herrmann brings an extensive           more information about the SUU             Snyder                  Dustin A Sargent
university. “I look forward to working     background to the Art & Design                Department of Art & Design, visit          Cedar City, UT
                                                                                                                                                            Cedar City, UT
                                                                                                                                                            DUI w/BAC At/
with students who are studying design      program, with experience in typog-                                                 Over .08
Wednesday, August 10, 2022                                                                                                                          7

Arts + Entertainment in Iron County

      Michael Doherty
                                          Making People Laugh
                                           by Liz Armstrong                              country to act. “I was able to learn on
                                            For Iron Count y Today                       the job and hone my skills by people
                                                                                         taking a chance on me in a smaller
                                                Actor Michael Doherty has been           community,” Doherty said.
                                           making audience members fall off                  Returning for his fifth season this
                                           their seats with laughter even before         year, Doherty first came to the Utah
                                           he began acting professionally in             Shakespeare Festival in 2015, playing
                                           2008. In third grade, Doherty acted           three comedic roles: Lord Fancourt
                                           in Pinocchio at his school; calling it        Babberley in Charley’s Aunt, Tranio in
                                           his “actor origin story,” it was at this      The Taming of the Shrew, and Speed in
                                           young age that Doherty discovered             The Two Gentlemen of Verona. Since then
                                           he could use acting to bring humor to         he has played such roles as Charlie
                                           those around him.                             Baker in The Foreigner, the Narrator
                                                “I was an odd little boy and when I      in Every Brilliant Thing, The Joneses in
                                           did my callback in front of my peers it       The Comedy of Terrors, and Dromio of
                                           was the first time I heard people laugh-      Syracuse in The Comedy of Errors.
                                           ing at me in a way that I was in control          This season he is delighting Festival
                                           of,” Doherty said. “It felt like everything   patrons as Mr. Green in Clue, Lavatch
                                           that made me weird and different was          in All’s Well That Ends Well, and Jonas
                                           utilized as a kind of superhero—I could       Fogg in Sweeney Todd.
                                           make people feel things.”                         “Mr. Green is giving me the most
                                                Although Doherty participated in         exploration in the realm of [physical
                                           community theatre in middle and high          comedy],” Doherty said. “I feel like it is
                                           school, it wasn’t until several intensive     such an amazing form of expression that
                                           summer programs that he discovered            doesn’t require me to be a technically

                                      “It felt like everything that made me weird and
                                         different was utilized as a kind of superhero
                                                      —I could make people feel things.”
                                               that acting was something he              proficient dancer but will still let me
                                                could take incredibly seriously.         totally explore my fullest range of
                                                   “I applied to be a musical            motion in order to tell the story.”
                                                theatre major at a few colleges,             Doherty noted that this role in Clue
                                                got into almost none of them and         is some of the most fun he’s ever had
                                               was going to pivot again when I           onstage. “It’s going to go down as one
                                                      got into the University of         of my favorite shows I’ve ever done for
                                                         Arts in Philadelphia and        sure,” Doherty said.
                                                            learned about regional           His role as Lavatch in All’s Well
                                                             theatre,” Doherty           That Ends Well is fun, but a chal-
                                                             recalled.                   lenge. Lavatch has been known as
                                                                  In his junior year     Shakespeare’s most “expendable
                                                             of college, Doherty         and lascivious” clown. “I love a
                                                             began working at            Shakespearean clown—I love the
                                                             Philadelphia theatres,      marriage of physical comedy and
                                                             living there for fifteen    language,” Doherty said.
                                                              years while also
                                                               traveling all over the                               see Doherty » 9
                                                                                              Photos by Karl Hugh. Copyright Utah Shakespeare Festival
8   Wednesday, August 10, 2022   showcase   Iron County Today
Iron County Today                                                                              showcase                                          Wednesday, August 10, 2022     9

Do you want half a set of bagpipes? We can help
by Mary Anne Andersen                                     didn’t go out and buy half a set of          dance performance. Nobody else has     of their pow wow. I confess to not
 Cedar Cit y Arts Council                                 pipes, but he did receive about half         matched that.                          keeping good track of this one, what

                                                          the cost of a whole set. When asked              Two years ago, in September of     with COVID cancellations and all,
       very six months the deadline                       how he intended to make up the               2020, we helped Amalia buy a new       but it is true that we have never had
       for a new term of Cedar City                       difference in the cost, he said he had       stove/oven. Amalia was giving baking   another request for funds to present
       Arts Council Artists’ Mini-                        been selling his blood plasma and            lessons, and her oven wasn’t as pro-   an authentic pow wow. I hope we
Grants applications comes                                        had several hundred dollars           fessionally adequate as she wished.    helped with the next one that came
around—late winter (Feb.                                            saved up. In 14 years, that        So, we helped her get a new one. I     along.
28) and late summer                                                   request and the extreme          was touched to hear her accounts           Sue asked for a heavy-duty paper
(August 31). As I read                                                 measures taken to
over the grants’ history                                                achieve the goal were
document, I find some                                                   the only ones of its           “No matter how singular your request might
similarities from term
to term. There are
                                                                            During the same              be, what have you got to lose by asking?”
always requests for                                                    time frame, we helped
artists’ supplies, often                                              Alyssa purchase a portal         of diligently looking for sales and    cutter for her handmade books in
requests for travel expenses                                       tap dance floor. You know           how excited she was to have a fancy    March 2019. The Sugar House Review
to workshops, often requests for                                how the board of a board game          new appliance. She had to wait a few   had help with bringing a poet to
help with venue rental for exhibits                       folds up to fit in the box? That             months to resume classes because       Cedar City five and a half years ago.
or performances. But I thought you                        wooden floor is sort of like that. She       of COVID, but she must be back in      I remember that night in a packed
might be interested in some of the                        arrived at an Arts Council social car-       business, because she is selling her   Artisans’ Gallery venue.
more singular requests of the past                        rying what looked like a briefcase,          fabulous quiches at the farmers            So, no matter how singular your
few years.                                                maybe. She unpacked it, unfolded             market every Saturday.                 request might be, what have you got
    For instance, a year ago we                           it to about the size of a card table             In March of 2020, we granted the   to lose by asking? Your wish can’t be
awarded Joseph the funds to buy                           top, and turned on her music. Voila!         Native American Student Association    any more unusual than half a set of
half a set of bagpipes. Of course, he                     She was able to give us her best tap         on campus funds toward the costs       bagpipes!

doherty                                                   is always some physical bit I end up
                                                          doing in the shows that I’ve never
« Continued from page 7                                   attempted before,” Doherty said. “Last
                                                          season I had to do a suitcase trick
     In regards to Sweeney Todd, Doherty                  where I did half a split while grabbing
said that it may contain his most                         the suitcase with my teeth.”
favorite musical score ever written, so                        The trick to successfully executing
“it’s been exciting to experience and                     physical comedy for Doherty is
listen and sing through each night.”                      remembering to be safe and build
     A heartwarming and talented actor,                   those physical moments in a way that
Doherty is perhaps most known for                         is repeatable. “Like so much of acting,
bringing physical comedy to the stage.                    it is an imperfectible exercise,” Doherty
A patron of the Festival laughingly                       said. “It’ll never be right every time,
recalled Doherty in The Foreigner, when                   but you try and get as close as you can
he “melted off a chair.” This season, one                 which taps you into that in-the-mo-
of his most comedic feats is dodging,                     ment kind of theatre.”
in slow motion, the falling chandelier                         Perhaps most important, though, is
in Clue.                                                  being honest with audience members.
     “When I come to the Festival, there                  Doherty explained that there is a huge
                                                          difference in trying to be funny and
                                                          authentically executing that humor by
                                                          continually raising the stakes. “That
                                                          line is interesting to ride. [I was told
                                                          once] to stack the deck for yourself.”
                                                          Doherty said. “That’s stuck with me
                                                          the most . . . just knowing those marks
                                                          you have to hit . . . but then letting all
                                                          of that go and executing that in a way
                                                          that feels very grounded and authentic
                                                          and true to your natural emotion.”
                                                               Doherty explained that as an
                                                          actor, if he can raise the stakes high
                                                          enough, if the emotions and the fear
                                                          and the sweat becomes real enough,
                                                          “it becomes funny, regardless of the
                                                          circumstances—like if people are dying
                                                          all around you in Clue.”
                                                               Comedy has always been important
                                                          to Doherty because of what it brings to
                                                          the stage. “As soon as you start to add
                                                          that sense of play and mischief into the
                                                          equation, that’s what makes theatre
                                                          magical and brings it to the next level,”
    Karl Hugh. Copyright Utah Shakespeare Festival 2015
                                                          Doherty said.
   Michael Doherty as Lord Fancourt                            To see Doherty’s talent onstage and
   Babberley in the Utah Shakespeare                      to enjoy his humor, purchase tickets at
 Festival’s 2015 production of Charley’s Aunt.   or call 800-PLAYTIX.
 10                                                                                                                                  Wednesday, August 10, 2022

                                                                                                          Community + Personal Interest in Iron County

                                    Museums and Art Galleries:

      doorways & windows into the past
      by May Hunter                                There are several museums in       City through an extensive horse-      F. Jones and several other well-
       For Iron Count y Today                  Iron County to visit. These muse-      drawn wagon collection which          known artists.

                                               ums all feature different ways of      belonged to Gronway Parry, historic
               ne of the great benefits of     showing history. The four museums      buildings, Native Heritage exhibit,   Welcome to the Daughters
               visiting museums and art        discussed here are open, easy to       sawmill, and replica blast furnace,   Of The Utah Pioneers
               galleries is that they invite   find and ready for you to explore.     just to name a few items you will     Memorial Museum:
      you to change your perspective           They are all free to visit, except     find here.                                Located in the Iron Country
      and place yourself in the shoes of       the Frontier State Park, which has                                           Visitor Center. The DOP are dedi-
      the artists and those who left us a      a small fee, but it’s well worth the   Welcome to the Southern               cated to preserving the history and
      part of their lives. They are a great    ticket to take a tour of the past      Utah Museum Of Art:                   artifacts of its pioneer ancestors.
      way to learn more about your city        and discover the pioneer and early         On the campus of Southern         The Museum is noted as the world’s
      while appreciating its local art and     industrial history of southern Utah.   Utah University, SUMA features        largest collection of artifacts,
      history and can also increase our                                               artwork of regional artists known     displaying the memorabilia from
      sense of wellbeing, help us feel         Welcome to Frontier                    for their landscapes. This includes   when the earliest settlers entered
      proud of where we have come from,        Homestead State Park                   faculty and student artists, as       the valley; as early as May 10th,
      inspire challenge and stimulate us       Museum:                                well as distinguished artists from    1869. As you enter the Pioneer
      to action, and even make us feel            Discover the pioneer and            around the country. A must visit to
      healthier.                               early industrial history of Cedar      ponder and enjoy the art of Jimmie                 see doorways » 13

    With so many
    beautiful and
 historical places to
visit in Iron County,
southern Utah's history
  and legacy lives on.

                                                                                                                                                     photos by May Hunter
Iron County Today                                                                   life                                               Wednesday, August 10, 2022              11

                                                                        “The Spirit of Education”
                                                            I    t never ceases to amaze me how fast the
                                                                 summer goes by! For many students, teachers
                                                                 and parents, it seems like summer-break just
                                                            started and now it’s already time to head back
                                                            to the classroom. I hope that each of you have
                                                                                                                     the    rut
                                                            rested up, recuperated and enjoyed some amazing
                                                                                                                      Less Traveled
                                                            moments. I also hope that you are ready to experi-       Corey Baumgartner
                                                            ence even more amazing moments.                
                                                                Looking at the face of the boy in this photo, I
                                                            don’t think he is too optimistic about trading his         Yet, this world is the greatest classroom of all
                                                            days of sleeping in and leveling up his avatars, for   and life is one of our greatest teachers. Each day
                                                            a dusty desk and inconveniencing homework. If          there are choices to be made and lessons to be
                                                            this is his mother, her smile—while proud of her       learned. Some will be difficult, while others will be
                                                            son—may also be concealing a sigh of relief that       welcomed and appreciated—though perhaps not
                                                            school is back in session. It seems Rockwell has       until later years. Because receiving an education,
                                                            captured at least two different expressions of the     while perceived as a detour and detriment, even
                                                            “Spirit of Education."                                 a rut we get stuck in, can be the very catalysts to
                                                                It's true that in the moment education may         catapult us out of future ruts and even avoid them
                                                            seem like a rut that must be endured more than         altogether.
                                                            endeared. We can feel intimidated by a new school,         What things are you (or your children) doing
                                                            new classroom, new teachers, learning new things       to prepare for a successful school year? I’m sure
                                                            and even making new friends. Ask most adults           there are conversations about clothes and supplies.
                                                            and I’m pretty sure they wouldn’t want to go back      Perhaps there are special shopping trips to acquire
                                                            and have to experience everything from their early
                                         norman rockwell
                                                            school years again.                                                                       see Education » 13

                                              family                                                                                   people
               Death by snack prep                                                                                          Birth

I     read a joke this week that read “Summer              knew I had been busy all day long. Does this sound         Theo Augustus
      has gone by so fast it should get a speeding         familiar?                                                      Hand
      ticket,” and I couldn't agree more. It seems             As a mom of young kids I often hear that I               Theo Augustus Hand
that we were just celebrating the last day of school       shouldn't worry about having a spotless house               was born July 21, 2022,
                                                                                                                      in Abilene Texas. He was
yesterday, yet Back To School night is this week!          because the chores will still be there after my            born at 4:14 pm, weighed 7
     Most of me is dreading my kids splitting up to        babies have grown. I agree, but there are things a        lbs. 8 oz., 21 inches long and a
various schools and leaving the proverbial nest            mom has to get done. While it may not be spotless,         full head of dark hair. He is loved
five days a week, and there is a small part of me          I believe that a happy home does require some               and adored by his parents Steven and Jessica Hand,
that is relishing the idea of preparing fewer snacks       semblance of order.                                         big brothers Eli and Easton Hand, also doggy Cash of
                                                                                                                     Clyde, Texas. He is spoiled by his Grandparents Ray and
throughout the day.                                            My answer to this frustrating circumstance            Cori Adams of Parowan, UT., Brian and Sylvia Wright of
     When summer began I had an excellent system           goes back to my original snack system that I was            Hiddenite North Carolina ,Mark and Chelsea Boxwell
down for the four little bottomless pits that are my       reminded of after a tedious week of the snack             of Enoch UT, Bryan Hand of Taylorsville North Carolina.
children’s stomachs. It required about 15 minutes          scramble. I had previously devised a plan to                        Welcome Theo, we love you so much!
of preparation and saved me a combined two                 provide my kids with all of the nutrients necessary
hours of uninterrupted                                                                   to thrive between the
chores throughout the                                                                    hours of breakfast
day.                                                                                     and dinner, without
     As summer wore
on my system gradu-
ally deteriorated and
the last two weeks
                                                                                         my having to open the
                                                                                         fridge door or cut the
                                                                                         crust off bread in the
                                                                                         middle of a load of
                                                                                                                                                         Elder Tanner
have been a chaotic             by Weslie Stratton                                       laundry.                                                       Elder Tanner Esplin has
scramble of boredom                                                                          After breakfast                                           successfully completed
                                contributor                                                                                                          his mission and returned
snacking. All of the fun                                                                 has been eaten and                                           home on August 11th.
summer activities have                                                                   cleaned up, I set out                                    He served in the Paraguay,
lost their appeal, the kids are starting to argue and      a buffet of snack bags and paper sacks along with                                Asunción North and Nevada, Reno
I am hearing, "I'm hungry," every 30 minutes or so.        crackers, fruit, sandwich makings and a frozen            missions. He is the son of Nate and Lindsay Esplin. Elder
                                                                                                                     Esplin will speak in the Hillcrest Ward on August 14th at
     The mom in me has been complying without a            GoGurt. I fill each sack with about double of what          9:00 a.m. at 2830 West 546 South in Cedar City, Utah.
second thought. It seems like common sense that            each of my kids would eat in one sitting and
if your kids are hungry, you feed them.                    distribute them when the first kid decides they are
     The following schedule went on for several            “hungry.”
days before I realized how worn down I was                     They know that they have what is inside their
feeling:                                                   snack sack from the time I distribute them until          There is no charge for birth, first birthday, mission, Eagle
                                                                                                                        Scout, 50th anniversary (and up), wedding and 80th
     Half-load the dishwasher, slice an apple, finish      I call them for dinner. Inevitably one or three of           birthday (and up) announcements. Submissions can
the dishes, open a cheese stick for one kid, walk          them come claiming starvation within the hour              be made online at, or emailed to
into the laundry room, go back to the kitchen for          and I simply remind them of their snack sack.     or brought to 389 N 100 W,
another kid's cheese stick, half load the washing              Voila! Snack scramble resolved I can finally set      #12, Cedar City, Utah 84721. The deadline is Friday at noon
                                                                                                                      for the following week’s issue. Announcements should
machine, fill up a sippy cup.                              order to our home before bedtime and wake up to            be 100 words or less. Please call 435-867-1865 ext. 5 for
     After a solid week of living on this non-sched-       a fresh slate the next morning. In a perfect world I                 pricing for all other announcements.
ule I was looking around the house wondering why           would also have time for a manicure and facial, but
it looked like I had accomplished nothing when I           that's a topic for another week!
12     Wednesday, August 10, 2022                                                                           life                                                                        Iron County Today

    Wed, August 10                                           Sat, August 13                                     your bike out, (pedal or motor) we reward you
                                                                                                                with premium parking and 10% off! Info: (435)            Wed, August 17
                                                                                                                865-6792 or Facebook: /RedAcreFarmCSA. There
          UPDATE YOUR BIO DAY                                      LEFTHANDER’S DAY                             is no fee to come listen to the band and you do               AWESOME BRO’S B-DAY
                                                                                                                not have to purchase food. We do ask that you
CEDAR CITY SMALL BUSINESS NETWORK                       RED ACRE: SUNRISE FARM FLOW YOGA                        NOT bring any food from off-site and tipping the     SUMA: CREATE PLAYDATE (10-11am) @
(9:30am) @ Pastry Pub (86 W University Blvd,            (7-8am) @ Red Acre Farm (2322 W 4375 N, Cedar           band is encouraged. You’re welcome to bring          Southern Utah Museum of Art (13 S 300
Cedar City). FREE. No long-term commitment.             City). Class is donation-based (suggested               along blankets, lawn chairs, umbrellas.              W, Cedar City, (435-586-5432). Admission
Come connect, interact, build relationships.            $5-$10). Proceeds go to Red Acre Center for Food                                                             FREE. A special story time [The Many Colors
INFO:                and Agriculture. All are welcome! Let us know           CVCT: Fall Carnival Fundraiser is held               of Harpreet Singh, by Supriya Kelkar] and
                                                        you’re coming at                    6:00 pm – 9:00 pm in the Cedar City Main Street      hands-on creative activity in performing and
CHARACTER SKETCHES (Weds, 6:30-8:30pm)                                                                          Park (200 N Main St, Cedar City). Admission          visual arts. Geared toward preschool children
@ Cedar City Library (303 N 100 E). Weekly              SWEET PEA FARM BREAKFAST (8am-Noon,                     is $7 general admission or a $30 family pass         (ages 3 to 5) and their parents/guardians.
drawing/painting sessions using live models             Saturdays) @ Sweet Pea Farm & Orchard (136 S            (6 admits). Join the Cedar Valley Community
as characters from art, literature, books,              600 W, Parowan) all summer long.                        Theatre Fundraiser for bounce houses, cotton         CHARACTER SKETCHES (Weds, 6:30-8:30pm)
movies, TV, video games. INFO: 435-586-6661.                                                                    candy, games, face painting, and more.               @ Cedar City Library (303 N 100 E). Weekly
                                                                                                                                                                     drawing/painting sessions using live models
                                                                                                                CEDAR CITY MOONWALK & 5K RUN (9:30pm)                as characters from art, literature, books,
 Thurs, August 11                                                                                               @ 1120 W Greenslake Dr (LDS Church parking
                                                                                                                lot, Cedar City) on the East Bench Trail. Finishes
                                                                                                                                                                     movies, TV, video games. INFO: 435-586-6661.

                                                                                                                at West Canyon Park. Shuttle Service included        NEW MIDVALLEY FARMERS MARKET (4-7pm)
              MOUNTAIN DAY                                                                                      with registration. Come walk or run and howl         @ 780 Midvalley Rd (Enoch). Live music, jump
                                                                                                                at the moon. This run/walk has plenty of extras,     house, face painting, and more. This is a Project
LUNCH AT SUMA (11:30am-1pm) @ SUMA (13 S                                                                                                                             of The PEACE Guild. INFO: Text: (760) 580-0116.
                                                                                                                including live music, moon pies, bounce house,
300 W, Cedar City). Join SUMA and Red Acre Farm
                                                                                                                photo ops, and tons of out-of-this-world fun.
for a pop-up lunch series. Seasonal goodies,
                                                                                                                INFO: (435) 865-5108 or visit
sandwiches, salads, pastries, pies, and more.
Starting at just $5! Sit and eat with friends on
                                                                                                                Proceeds benefit Iron County Care & Share.            Thurs, August 18
the plaza or take your lunch on the go.
                                                        CEDAR CITY FARMERS MARKET (9am-1pm)                                                                          SUU GUIDED TOURS (7pm) @ Front of Old
MOMS FOR AMERICA (7pm) @ Cedar City
Visitors Center (581 N Main). Keep Liberty Alive in
                                                        @ IFA parking lot (summer) (10am-1pm) @                      Sun, August 14                                  Main on SUU Campus (351 W University Blvd, Cedar
                                                        inside IFA (winter) (905 S Main St, Cedar City),                                                             City). Guided by Ryan Paul, Assistant Professor of
your heart and home by being part of our local                                                                                   LIZARD DAY                          History at SUU. Admission FREE. Approx. one hour
                                                        admission FREE. Come for the farmers, food,
group! Together we can heal our nation from the                                                                                                                      and stroller friendly. This tour will explore the
                                                        and artisans as well as drawings, bingo, and
inside out! INFO: Kami Merrill 435-592-4152, email                                                              “I wish I had a dollar for every time I              history of SUU as told by the buildings standing
                                                        more! INFO: Facebook, Cedar Saturday Market,                                                                               spent a dollar, because then, Yahoo!, I’d have       and by those gone but not forgotten.
                                                        or Nancy (435) 463-3735.
61ST ANNUAL UTAH SHAKESPEARE FESTIVAL                                                                           all my money back.” Jack Handey
                                                        FESTIVAL CITY FARMERS MARKET (9am-1pm)
(Matinee and Evening performances) in three
grand theaters. FREE nightly Greenshow (summer)
                                                        Summer. (10am–1pm) Winter. @ Behind I/G
                                                                                                                                                                          Sat, August 20
at 7:10 pm, backstage tours, seminars, and play
orientations. Plays featured this season in rep-
                                                        Winery (45 W University Blvd / Center St, Cedar
                                                        City). Admission FREE. Festival City Farmers                Mon, August 15
                                                        Market offers the bounty of local farmers and                                                                FREE SUMMER YOGA SERIES (8am) @ West
ertory are: ‘All's Well That Ends Well’, ‘King Lear’,                                                                   WORLD GREATNESS DAY                          Canyon Park (151 S 400 E, Cedar City). All ages
                                                        backyard gardeners who grow organically. Shop
‘Sweeney Todd’, ‘The Sound of Music’, ‘Trouble in                                                                                                                    and abilities are welcome. Bring your own
                                                        locally produced and grown fruit, vegetables,
Mind’, ‘Clue’, ‘The Tempest’, ‘Thurgood’ (Thru Oct 9)                                                           PATCHES 4 PATRIOTS (11am – 4pm) @ Cedar              mat or towel.
                                                        cheese, jam, bread, eggs, honey, farm products,
& Words Cubed (August 13 - 28). Tickets and INFO:                                                               City Visitor’s Center (581 N Main) Iron County’s
                                                        and more. Get your free goodie bag to celebrate
1-800-PLAYTIX (752-9849) or visit                                                                 Quilt of Valor. To nominate a Service Member
                                                        Back-to-School Week and National Farmers
                                                        Market Week. Ask for yours at the Info Booth!           or Veteran that has been touched by war go to
                                                                                                                the Quilts of Valor website https:/www.
      Fri, August 12                                    MILITARY APPRECIATION DAY (9am-6pm) @
                                                        Frontier Homestead Museum (635 N Main,
                                                                                                                INFO: Esmeralda Carter 757-438-2371.

                                                        Cedar City). FREE admission for all current and
                                                        past military members. Regular admission $4
                                                        per person. Enjoy a self-guided scavenger hunt
                                                                                                                    Tues, August 16
Fri-Sat) @ Frontier Homestead State Park (635           around the museum inside and out! INFO: (435)
                                                        586-9290 or visit                       AUTHENTICITY DAY                          CEDAR BREAKS HISTORY FESTIVAL (Daily)
N Main St. Cedar City). Admission $4 per person.
Three artists and one musician will perform/                                                                                                                         @ Cedar Breaks National Monument (Hwy
                                                        COLOR COUNTRY ROCK SHOW (10am-4pm)                      SUMA: EXHIBITS (11am-6pm, Mon-Sat) @
demonstrate from Memorial Day Weekend (Thru                                                                                                                          148). Visitors of all ages are invited to come
                                                        @ Cedar Rock & Bead Shop (718 W 400 N #1).              SUMA (13 S 300 W, Cedar City). Exhibits
Labor Day Weekend (Sept 3rd). To participate                                                                                                                         and celebrate. Enjoy interpretive displays
                                                        Admission FREE. Vendors and Customers                   include, I'm Walkin' for My Freedom, The
call Jana (435) 865-1441. INFO: (435) 586-9290.                                                                                                                      illustrating the unique history of the Southern
                                                        wanted! Rocks, Minerals, Crystals, Beads,               Space Between, and Jeanne Jo. Admission is
                                                                                                                                                                     Paiute, Mormon Pioneers, Utah Park’s
                                                        Metaphysical, Jewelry, and more. Drawings               Free. INFO:
CEDAR CITY ARTISANS FAIRE (Noon-8pm)                                                                                                                                 Company, and Civilian Conservation Corp.
@ Ramada Inn (1575 W 200 N, Cedar City).                for prizes, must be present to win. INFO: (435)                                                              INFO: (435) 586-0787 or
                                                                                                                CEDAR BREAKS BIOBLAST – (DAILY) @ Cedar
Admission FREE. Locally crafted, one-of-a-kind,         275-4445 or
                                                                                                                Breaks National Monument (Hwy 148). Visitors
never before see jewelry, wall art, sculpture,                                                                                                                       RED ACRE – FARMER TO FORK (6-9pm) @ Red
                                                        CEDAR CITY ARTISANS FAIRE (Noon – 8pm)                  of all ages are invited to join rangers in
home decor, ceramics, and more.                                                                                                                                      Acre Farm (2322 W 4375 N, Cedar City). Tickets
                                                        @ Ramada Inn (1575 W 200 N, Cedar City).                celebrating all of the park’s incredible wildlife.
                                                                                                                                                                     $105, available at Inspired
                                                        Admission FREE. Enjoy a day of locally crafted,         There will be ranger-led programs, wildlife
SOUTHERN UTAH BOOK ART & COLLAGE                                                                                                                                     over a decade ago, this Farmer to Fork is
                                                        one-of-a-kind, never before see jewelry, wall art,      activity tables, children’s art activities, and
ARTISTS (July 1 thru Aug 31) @ Cedar City Library                                                                                                                    different because the chef is also the farmer.
                                                        sculpture, home decor, ceramics, and more.              more. Park admission fee $10 per person. INFO:
in the Park (303 N 100 E) A group exhibition of                                                                                                                      Sara lets the land dictate the menu, keeping
                                                                                                                (435) 986-7120 or
the Guild’s recent work. Everyone is welcome.                                                                                                                        guests engaged with new dishes supplied by
                                                        BURGERS, BIKES & BANDS (5:30pm – 8pm) @
                                                                                                                COWBOY POETRY WESTERN MUSIC OPEN                     what’s close and in season. Several courses are
CEDAR BREAKS AT NIGHT 1/2 MARATHON                      Red Acre Farm (2322 W 4375 N, Cedar City). Join
                                                                                                                MIC (3rd Tues, 6:30 pm) @ Mt. View Ranch             served farm style (or family-style.) Offerings
(Fri 7pm, Sat 6am) @ Brian Head. A high-ele-            for music, burgers, frosty lemonade, made
                                                                                                                Museum (10 S 600 W, Parowan). All are                include a vegetarian option and grass-fed meat
vation mixed terrain course with pavement,              from scratch pies and good company. Family-
                                                                                                                welcome to participate and/or enjoy this             dishes. A farm tour, discussion and questions
trail, and dirt road. INFO:          friendly event and fun for all ages. If you ride
                                                                                                                Western Unwind. Admission free.                      from the guests will be encouraged.
Iron County Today                                                                                                  life                                                          Wednesday, August 10, 2022      13

                                                             calendar                                                                                               doorways
                                                                                                                                                                    « Continued from page 10

ongoing opportunities                                                                                                                                               Memorial Museum, you walk into history. Here
                                                                                                                                                                    are the belongings of a hardy pioneer people
                                        Hope for Today (Family Groups)         Arthritis Foundations                      Motivational Mondays                      who migrated 2,000 miles west across the
    Government                          Thurs, 6 pm • (435) 559-3333           Exercise                                   Mon, 6:30-7 pm • Cedar Yoga Space         plains from Nauvoo, Illinois and from all parts
                                        Alzheimer's Caregiver                  Time TBA, Cedar Senior Center, 489         (736 N Main, North Entrance).
Cedar City Council                                                             E 200 S • 435-586-0832. FREE. Trained      New and fun way to add a                  of the world seeking freedom and a better life.
Wed (except 5th), 5:30 pm • City        Online Meetings: 2nd Fri, 5:30 pm,                                                positive mindset and experience
                                        4th Mon, 5:30 pm • RSVP to (435)       instructors. Range-of-motion
Hall, 10 N. Main St (435) 586-2950
                                        238-4998 x8773        exercises, endurance-building              Cognomovement. Leave feeling              Welcome to The Daughters Of The
Enoch City Council                      Alzheimer's/Dementia
                                                                               activities, relaxation techniques,
                                                                               and health education topics.
                                                                                                                          more balanced, energized, and
                                                                                                                          motivated to live your best life. No      Utah Pioneers Museum (Parowan):
1st & 3rd Wed, 6 pm • City Hall, 900                                                                                      mat needed. $12 drop in/first time
E Midvalley Rd • (435) 586-1119         Tues, 5:30-6:30 pm • Cedar Library
                                                                               Book Club                                  to studio is Free. 541-291-7856.
                                                                                                                                                                        After fifty-two years of use, the Daughters
                                        (303 N 100 E). Learn about/access
Enoch Planning                          resources, connect with others         2nd Thurs, 6 pm • Cedar Library 303                                                  of the Utah Pioneers obtained the site; located
                                        for support. Contact Lauren Willie     N 100 E.                                   Rock Club                                 in the Old Rock Church in Parowan. They
Commission                              435-359-4819, for                                                1st Thurs, 6 pm • Gateway Academy,
2nd & 4th Tues, 5:30 pm • City Hall,    info and Zoom link.                    Boy Scout Troop 1848                       201 W Thoroughbred Way, Enoch.            worked to restore it to its original condition
900 E Midvalley Rd • (435) 586-1119                                            5th–17 yrs • Thurs 6:30 pm • Old           Learn about geology, find gems,           and converted it into a museum. Step back in
                                        ARP—Addiction Recovery                 School Library, upstairs, west door,       fossils and minerals. Learn to
Iron County Commission                  1st Wed, 7 pm • Parowan Seminary                                                  cut and polish and make jewelry.          history as you enter this unique museum. A
2nd & 4th Mon, 9 am • Commission                                               next to Enoch City Business office.
Chambers, 68 S 100 E, Parowan
                                        building, Main & 300 N, Parowan
                                        Sun 7:30 pm • 85 N 600 W, Cedar
                                                                               Text Bryan Fanton 435-327-1214                     must visit.
                                        City, Rm. 102 – LDS bldg. Back         Cedar Chest Quilters’                      Senior Yoga Classes
Iron County Democrats
3rd Sat, 10 am-11:30 am • Cedar City
                                        entrance. 435-218-9578                 Guild                                      Mon, 10-11 am & Wed, 1-2 pm •             Welcome to the Frehener Museum of
Library, 303 N 100 E                    Caregivers                             Thurs, 10 am • Cedar Senior                Cedar City Senior Center (489 E 200       Natural History:
                                                                               Center, 489 E 200 S. Projects for          S). Easy to do. Please bring own
                                        1st Tues, Noon • Five County                                                                                                    This Museum in housed on the Southern
Iron County Republican                  Aging Offices, 585 N Main, Ste. 1,     all abilities. Block of the Month.         mat. (435) 586-0832
Women                                   Cedar City                             Make friends, improve skills &             Sewing Group                              Utah University campus, and displays taxi-
3rd Wed, 11:30 am.                                                             have fun. Visitors welcome. Info:
Tickets $20, https://www.               Celebrate Recovery                     Ms. Ronnie Badgett. 435-477-2243.
                                                                                                                          Wed 9-2:30 pm • Cedar Senior              dermy, specimens, shells, plants, minerals,           (Christian 12-Step) Wed 6:30 pm                                                   Center (489 E 200 S). Bring machine,      dinosaur tracks, and fossils. To understand
                                        • True Life Center, 2111 N Main,                                                  cord, projects, supplies. No fees. All
Parowan City Council                    Cedar. Through Christ we can be        Cedar City ESL                             abilities welcome. Annie Anzalone         the natural history of southern Utah, visit this
2nd & 4th Thurs, 6 pm • City Hall, 35   victorious over any hurts, habits,     Wed, 7 pm • Free tutoring for              (702) 232-0063.                           Museum.
E 100 N • (435) 477-3331                hang-ups (Phil. 4:13) • Jeff J 801-
                                        638-1800, Gary D. 702-303-5662.
                                                                               English as 2nd Language. Cedar City        Southern Utah                                 If you’re ready to walk (or run) through
                                                                               Library (303 N 100 E).                     Woodturners
                                        Helproom                                                                                                                    these historical doorways, here’s where to find
  Service groups                                                               Cedar City Toastmasters                    2nd Sat, 9 am, Cedar High School
                                                                                                                                                                    these incredible Museums.
                                        Fri, 2-3 pm • Free online support                                                 wood shop, 703 W 600 S.
                                                                               Thurs, 7 am • Cedar City Visitor
American Legion Post 74                 group for survivors of Domestic
                                                                               Center, 581 North Main. Find your                                                    »»Frontier Homestead State Park Museum, 635
                                        Violence, Sexual Assault. Safe to                                                 StrongBoard Classes
2nd Mon, 6pm, Cedar Library, 303        communicate, feel supported,           voice, shape your future. Be the           M-W-Fri, 9 am • IFS Studio, 2390
                                                                                                                                                                      N Main Cedar City. (9AM-8PM)
N 100 E. Veterans invited to learn
about benefits, opportunities and
                                        share perspectives on healing,         leader & speaker you want to be.
                                                                               (603) 731-0116
                                                                                                                          UT-56 #9, Cedar City. Improve core        »»Southern Utah Museum Of Art, 13 S 300 W
                                        recovery. Join:                                              strength, balance, stability. All
fellowship. Honor Guard provides        helproom/canyoncreekservices.                                                     fitness levels welcome. Class size
                                                                                                                                                                      Cedar City. (10AM-6PM)
military honors at Veterans funerals.                                          Cedar Professionals                                                                  »»Garth & Jerri Frehener Museum of Natural
• Post Commander Darrin Duncan          Multiple Sclerosis                     Tues, 7:30 am • Springhill                 limited to 8. Call (661) 436-0259 to
(435) 704-1466.                         3rd Thurs, 6-8 pm • Cedar Visitor’s    Suites, 1477 S Highway 91, Cedar
                                                                                                                          register/reserve your spot.                 History, 300 W 162 S Cedar City. (10AM-6PM)
Bikers Against Child                    Center, 581 N Main. Caregivers
                                        and those with MS
                                                                               City. Organization of business             Tae Kwon Do Class                         »»Daughters Of Utah Pioneers Museum, Cedar
Abuse                                                                          people. Stimulate business
                                                                               through exchange of ideas,
                                                                                                                          Wed, 7-8:30 pm • Cedar City Aquatic         City Visitor Center, 581 N Main. (10AM-4PM)
2nd Thurs 7 pm • Courtyard Marriott,    Narcotics Anonymous                    information, referrals. visit www.
                                                                                                                          Center, 2090 W Royal Hunte Dr. $25/
                                                                                                                                                                    »»Daughters Of Utah Pioneers Museum/
1294 S Interstate Dr (Cedar Breaks                                                            mo., ages 5+, any experience level
Conference Room)                        • (435) 635-9603                                  (435) 865-9223. Helps benefit Canyon        Old Rock Church Museum, 59 S 100 W
                                        KKCB Club (203 E. Cobblecreek Dr,      Cedar Radio Control Club                   Creek Crisis Center.
Elks Lodge #1556                        Cedar City) unless otherwise listed
111 E Freedom Blvd. Cedar City, (435)
                                        Basic Text Study • Mon, 8 pm
                                                                               4th Thurs, 7 pm • Cedar City Library,      Tai Chi For Health                            Museums make you feel good, make you
586-8332                                                                       303 N 100 E.                               Wed & Fri, 9:30-10:30 am • Cedar
                                        Just for Today • Wed, 8 pm                                                        Senior Center, 489 E 200 S. FREE
                                                                                                                                                                    smarter, provide effective ways of learning,
Lion’s Club                             Hope Without Dope • Thurs, 8 pm        Color Country Winds                        low-impact, health benefitting            inspire, great ways to spend time with friends
Tues, 12 pm • Call Pres. Roger Shurtz   Live and Let Live • Fri, 8 pm          Wed • Come brush up on your band           Seniors. Helps coordination, balance,
for mtg. info. Everyone welcome!        Candle Light Mtg • Sat, 9:30 pm        skills to share with the community.        flexibility, more. Maria Bailey,
                                                                                                                                                                    and family. Have fun on your adventures!
(435) 590-2896                          (Small room)                           Call Debbie at (435) 559-9609 for          435-673-3548 x103. Pre-registration not       “A Visit To A Museum is a search for beauty,
                                                                               time and location.
Marine Corps League                     Women Only • Sun, 11 am                                                           required. Space limited.                  truth, and meaning in our lives. Go to muse-
                                        Dopeless Hope Fiends • Sun, 8          Cub Scout Pack 1848
Detachment 1315, 2nd Wed, 6:30 pm
                                        pm • Meeting Hall, 1067 S Main,                                                   Take Action for Freedom                   ums as often as you can.” Maira Kolman
Cedar City Library (303 N 100 E)                                               K-5th • Thurs, 5 pm • Old School
                                        Cedar (877) 865-5890                                                              Wed, 7 pm • Stahli West 600 N.
Rotary Club                                                                    Library, upstairs, west side door,         Airport Road, Cedar • Preserve
Tues, 12:15 • Southwest Tech, 757 W
                                        Nicotine Anon (12-Step)                next to Enoch City Business office.        Constitution, Republic, voting laws,
                                        Fri 6 pm • KKCB 203 Cobble Creek       Text LaRee Kurtz 435-559-211.              medical freedom, education, 1st &
800 S, Cedar City • (435) 233-0244

 Support Groups
                                        Dr. Ste. 201 (North Room), Cedar •
                                        (435) 559-0394                         DAR – Bald Eagle
                                                                                                                          2nd Amendment Rights, ed. on CRT
                                                                                                                          & boarder illegal immigration, local/
                                                                                                                          county/state Legislature
                                        Porn Addiction Recovery                2nd Tues, 4 pm • Cedar City Library,                                                 « Continued from page 11
                                        for Men                                303 N 100 E                                Top Bar Hive Bee
AA—Alcoholics                           Thurs, 7:30pm • Canyon View                                                       Keeping
Anonymous                               seminary building (54 W 1925 N).       Explorer Bible Club                        1st Tues, 7 pm • Cedar City Library       all the necessary components? Or maybe
(435) 635-3603 •        North entrance.                        Wed, 6:30-8 pm • 4yrs. to 6th grade,
Helpline: John (702) 802-1332, Kara                                            Valley Bible Church (4780 N Hwy 91,
                                                                                                                          303 N 100 E. (435) 586-6661               that’s just “old-school” because nowadays
(702) 232-6829
                                        Pregnancy, Infant Loss                 Enoch). 435-586-0253                       TOPS – Take Off Pounds                    everything can be ordered online. Even edu-
KKCB Club (203 E. Cobblecreek Dr,       1st Wed, 7:30 pm • Share
                                        Families of So. Utah • 565 N           Folk Dancing Class                         Sensibly                                  cation can be ordered online! Which brings us
Cedar City) unless otherwise listed                                                                                       Wed • Weigh-in 9 am, mtg 9:30 am.
Speaking From The Heart • M – Sa,
                                        Main Street, Ste. 6, Cedar • www.      1-2 pm • Cedar Senior Center               • Cedar City Library, 303 N 100 E.
                                                                                                                                                                    to a different, and perhaps more demanding
Noon                                                                           (489 E 200 S). Come to your first          Lose weight affordably. • 586-3233        phase of our educational experiences,
Steps and Traditions • M – Su, 7 am     Senior Blind/Visually                  International Folk Dancing Class!          (a.m. mtg)                                homeschooling.
Red Road to Sobriety • Mon, 6           Impaired                               Teaching included. Easy to learn,
pm Paiute Tribe, 440 N Paiute (435)     3rd Thurs, 1:30 pm • Cedar City        fun, free for all ages. (626) 808-6129     Water Aerobics Class                          Let’s not get stuck in the rut of discussing
586-1112 Ext. 307                       Library                                                                           Tues, Thurs, 9 am • SUU pool, 2-56        all the pros and cons, but rather emphasize
Misfits • M – F, 6 pm
                                                                               Hatha Yoga                                 N 600 W., Fun, up-tempo workout
Cedar Group • Tues, 8 pm
                                        Southwest Parkinson’s                  Tues 6 pm, $10, Retro Fitness (929         to music. Intensive cardio, full body     that the home is where we learn our greatest
                                        Alliance                               S Main St, Cedar City) • Fri 7:30          muscle toning. Any fitness level.         lessons. For better or worse, the greatest tests
The Great Fact • T, F, Noon. True       2nd Tues, 1 pm. • Cedar City           pm, $13, Cedar Yoga Space (736 N           All ages. $3/class, including pool
Life Center 2111 N. Main. • (702)       Senior Center, 489 E 200 S • Kristy    Main, Cedar City). Connect body,           admission. (435) 327-2091 (no text)       and the most difficult but rewarding home-
802-1332 or (702) 533-7856              435-559-9681.
Red Creek Group • Wed, 7 pm • 685
                                                                               mind, & breath through movement
                                                                                                                          Wellness Place                            work we will ever accomplish will be within
                                                                               & meditation. Mats provided, all
N 300 E, Parowan • (435) 477-8925       Widows Support Group                   levels welcome. Kirsti 435-327-1200.       583 S Main Suite #5, Cedar                the walls of our own homes.
Women’s Meeting • Sat, 10:30 am         2nd Sat, 11-1pm • Sonrise Church.                                                 City. (435) 592-5308. Classes:                While some may not feel that way about
My Story • Sat, 8 pm                    These Free meetings begin              Hey Cedars Square                
Thank God it’s Sunday Spiritual •
                                        January 8th. Questions? 435-586-       Dance Club                                 upcoming-classes
                                                                                                                                                                    their childhood or even their current home, I
                                        3640 or             Mon, 6-8 pm • Cedar City Aquatic                                                     hope we will each have an opportunity to live
Sun, 11 am
What a Way to Start the Day • Su,                                              Center, 2090 W. Royal Hunt Dr.             Wellness Wednesdays
                                                                               Class caller is Susan Howard. $5.00        Wed Noon-1 pm • Create Better
                                                                                                                                                                    in and/or to create a home that not only has
W, F 7-8 am • All are welcome
                                           Classes, Clubs                      per person. INFO: Neil 909-477-9795.       Health. ZOOM Mtg ID: 841 6308 8990,       the Spirit of Education, but one of learning,
Al-Anon                                     & Activities                                                                  PW: health, Info: Kristi Sharp (435)      one of sharing and one of loving. And for those
KKCB Club (203 E. Cobblecreek Dr,                                              International Folk                         986-2564,
Cedar City) unless otherwise listed     Adult Barre/Modern Dance               Dancing                                                                              who already have such a home, may you be
Al-Anon • 1st, 3rd Tues, 7-8 pm •       Wed, 11 am-noon, Spirit Wellness       Fri, 1-2 pm • Cedar City Senior            To add your ongoing                       a bright torch for others who have known
Call for info: (435) 704-8984           Club, 1615 N Main, Cedar City •        Center (489 E 200 S). Free. All ages       opportunity to our calendar,
Easy Does It • Tues, 7-8 pm • (435)     All levels, Free to members, or $8     welcome. Teaching included. INFO:          call 867-1865, ext.6 or email             neither a home nor a school that cared about
559-3333                                drop-in fee.                           (626) 808-6129                                     or carried them beyond their grades.
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