INFORMATION 2018 2019 - International School San Patricio Toledo

Page created by Allen Vaughn
INFORMATION 2018 2019 - International School San Patricio Toledo
2018 – 2019
INFORMATION 2018 2019 - International School San Patricio Toledo
1. TIMETABLE                                           • 17:30h - 21:30h:     Sunday. Free time
                                                       • 21:30h - 23:00h:     Sunday. Dinner / Bedtime
An example of the daily routine
(Monday to Friday term-time):
• 07:30h - 08:45h:    Breakfast                        2. OPENING AND CLOSING OF THE
• 09:00h - 11:40h:    Classes                          		RESIDENCE
• 11:40h - 12:10h:    Break
• 12:10h - 13:50h:    Classes                          The exact opening and closing time for the Boarding
• 13:50h - 14:50h:    Lunch break                      School will vary according to the school calendar.
• 14:50h - 17:00h:    Classes                          Christmas Holidays: As a general rule the residence
• 17:00h - 17:30h:    Snack                            will be closed.
• 17:30h - 19:00h:    Free time/ Sports activities /   Easter Holidays: As a general rule, the residence
                      Cultural / Workshops / CAS /     will be open.
                      Language immersion course
                                                       Summer Holidays: As a general rule, the residence
• 19:00h - 21:00h:    Study time
                                                       will be closed.
• 21:00h - 22:00h:    Evening meal
• 22:00h - 23:30h:    Free time / Cineforum /
                      Study / Organization             3. TIEMPO LIBRE/ SALIDAS
• 23:00h:             Bedtime

Example of a weekend / bank holiday or free day        In order to leave the residence, students must ask for
programme (if the student has not opted for the        permission from the Head of the Residence, having
optional programme)                                    previously gained permission from their parents to
                                                       do so. This should be done 48 hours before the
• 09:00h - 11:00h:    Breakfast
                                                       requested date. If permission is not granted, the
• 10:00h - 11:00h:    Study time                       student will not be allowed to leave. Parents should
• 11:00h - 13:30h:    Activities                       send an e-mail authorizing their child’s absence.
• 13:30h - 15:30h:    Lunch and break                  The school has the following installations at the
• 15:30h - 17:00h:    Study time                       students’ disposal.
• 17:00h - 17:30h:    Snack                            • Library
• 17:30h - 22:00h:    Saturday. Free Time              • Theatre / Cinema
• 22:00h - 00:00h:    Saturday. Dinner / Bedtime       • Indoor gymnasium
                                                       • Football field
                                                       • Athletics track
INFORMATION 2018 2019 - International School San Patricio Toledo
INFORMATION 2018 2019 - International School San Patricio Toledo
• Football field                                       4. FOOD
• Athletics track
• Volleyball court                                     The school has its own kitchen and canteen where
• Outdoor swimming pool (25 metre)                     menus that are adapted to the students are prepared.
                                                       If there is a special dietary requirement and / or the
• Indoor swimming pool for aquatic skills              student has any allergy, parents should inform the
• Fitness Gym                                          school during the admissions process bringing with
                                                       them the relevant medical certificates etc.
• Arts centre:
                                                       The Health department creates the menus for those
  - Photography studio and blackroom (analogue         with special dietary requirements.
    and digital)
  - Visual art room
  - Music school                                       5. TRANSFER SERVICE

Alongside the school there is Health club and Spa
which has:                                             The school offers transfer between Madrid and
  - A completely equipped gym                          Toledo (both to and from) for the following services:
                                                       the airport, trains station, the bus station and so on.
  - Rooms prepared for classes such as: aerobics,      This service is optional and the price depends on
    fitness, spinning, pilates, body control, yoga,    where the student is to be taken to.
    karate, rhythmic gymnastics zumba etc.
  - Indoor swimming pool
  - A specialised physiotherapist.
                                                       6. COMMUNICATION PLATFORM

  - Sauna
                                                       The school has an online platform for communication
  - Outdoor saline pools for adults and children
                                                       with parents called ‘Clickedu’
  - Tennis courts
                                                       Through this platform, parents are able to have
  - 12 paddle tennis courts                            access to all the relevant information about their
  - Multisport courts for football, basketball and     children by using a username and password that will
    tennis                                             be provided by the school. In this way, parents have
                                                       access to:
  - Indoor lounge with table games, colours,
    handcrafts etc.                                    • Their child’s tutor

We have a team of technicians that are highly          • School secretary
qualified to give you a collection of sports classes   • School marks
and joint activities adapted to your needs.
• Official school calendar       • Bills                  9. MEDICAL INSURANCE
• San Patricio Calendar          • Activities

• Timetable                      • Photos                 Students are covered by private medical insurance
                                                          which covers sickness and repatriation. This
                                                          insurance is covered in the price.

                                                          10. IN CASE OF SICKNESS
As students are minors, they should always travel
with parents’ permission. Furthermore, they should
always travel with the following documents: Their         In the case of mild sickness, students will be
acceptance letter from the school, health insurance       attended by the school nurse. Were any medication
certificate.                                              to be necessary, the family’s authorization must be
Families should inform the school of any trips that are   given, and were there to be the need for a prolonged
to be taken during the school year with a minimum         period of medication or that exceeds occasional
of one month in advance, thus giving the school time      administration, the family should pay for it.
to organize the relevant paperwork and avoiding any       In the most serious cases, or when necessary, we
possible problems with timing etc.                        will transfer students from school to hospital in order
                                                          to be attended by one of the insurance company’s
8. VISAS                                                  Were the student to need any particular medicine, it
                                                          is necessary for the school to know the medicine’s
                                                          components in Spanish (including generic name,
Students from outside the EU need a visa in order to      treatment, duration, and dose prescribed by the GP
study here. The application process can be carried        with the accompanying medical report) No medicine
out in the Spanish consulate in the student’s home        will be given to any student without this previous
country. The consulate will be responsible for the        information.
study visa, they will be able to provide you with up
to date information and be able to respond to any         In case of illness parents will be duly informed.
question that you might have about the process.
11. UNIFORM AND DRESS CODE                                12. OTHER CLOTHING AND BELONGINGS

Use of school uniform is obligatory and the following     Students should bring the following belongings:
rules must be followed. The school will provide the
                                                          -   3 pairs of pyjamas
uniform upon students’ arrival, and will consist of the
following items according to the package bought:          -   Enough underwear
The school uniform pack does not include tights           -   Lounge wear for weekends and for day to day
/ panties (4 pairs are recommended) nor black                 life in the residence
laced shoes or moccasins (at least one pair is
                                                          -   Sports clothes
                                                          -   Personal hygiene products
The sports kit does not include: white sports shoes
(one pair is recommended) nor sports socks (3 pairs       -   Hair dryer
are recommended)
                                                          -   1 backpack or bag for school material
En el kit deportivo no se incluyen: zapatillas de
                                                          The residence has a washing service which takes
deporte blancas (se recomienda 1 par) ni calcetines
                                                          care of washing and ironing students’ clothes. It
de deporte (se recomiendan 3 pares).
                                                          does not include a dry cleaning service and takes no
Boys:                                                     responsibility for any possible deterioration of any
                                                          item without due proof of the school’s responsibility
Green trousers                               2
                                                          in the washing process.
                                                          Students are required to be adequately dressed at
Green knee length skirt                      2            all times.
Boys and girls:
Long sleeve square patterned shirt           2
                                                          13. POCKET MONEY
Short sleeve patterned shirt                 2
Blue jumper with school’s logo               2
                                                          The school recommends that students do not have any
Fleece                                       1            more than 150€ per month for the personal expenses..
Sports kits for boys and girls:
                                                          If any student would like to buy anything at additional
White polo neck with school’s logo           1            cost, this should be authorised by the family and the
Tracksuit shorts                             1            school must be informed.

Tracksuit bottoms                            1
Sweater                                      1
School swimming trunks                       1
14. CONTRACT                                           15. CONTACT

Families will sign a contract with the school where    The school is situated in Toledo. IT is half an hour to
all the necessary details of school services will be   Madrid in the High Speed Train (AVE) and one hour by
together as follows:                                   car.
- Administrative rules                                     International School San Patricio Toledo
- Boarding school norms                                           Calle de Juan de Vergara, 1
                                                              Urbanización La Legua. 45005 Toledo

                                                                     SCHOOL SECRETARY:
                                                                       (00 34) 925 280 363
                                                                        SKYPE: tictoledo

                                                                                          Versión Enero 2018
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