Informant - San Diego Police Officers Association

Page created by Ryan Allen
Informant - San Diego Police Officers Association

                               The Official Publication of the San Diego Police Officers Association
                               Volume XL, No. 12                                    December 2020

                 > Member Spotlight:
In this Issue:

                   Officer Elias Rodriguez
                   Pg. 6
                 > Pension Corner:
                   2021 DROP Interest Rates
                   Pg. 11
                 > Unit Highlight:
                   SDPD Media Services Unit
                   Pg. 12
Informant - San Diego Police Officers Association
San Diego Police Officers Association
                                  8388 Vickers Street      858.573.1199 (Office)
                                  San Diego, CA 92111         858.573.1574 (fax)

                      Jack Schaeffer              Tom Bostedt                   Jared Wilson               Terry Hoskins
                        President                Vice President                  Secretary                   Treasurer

        Brian Avera                Kayla Evans                    Jim Mackay               Keelan McCullough                Paul Paxton
         Director                    Director                       Director                    Director                      Director

 SDPOA Committees and Committee Chairs                                                   Editorial and Advertising Information
Legal		                Bostedt/ Evans (Co-Chairs)
Political Action               McCullough (Chair)                                                    Erika Vroom, Editor
Retirement		                      Hoskins (Chair)
Business & Governance              Wilson (Chair)
   Bylaws & Policy                                                                                     Editorial Policy
   Administration                                                              The views or opinions expressed in The Informant are not
   Parliamentarian                                                             necessarily the opinions of the San Diego Police Officers
                                                                               Association, the San Diego Police Department or any official
Member Relations Bostedt/ McCullough (Co-Chairs)                               body or agency of the City of San Diego.
   Member Communication                                                        We encourage article ideas and photographs about or of
   Member Services                                                             interest to our members. Article abstracts, photos, story
Public Relations      Paxton/ Mackay (Co-Chairs)                               ideas, suggestions, letters to the editor, commentaries and
                                                                               information may be submitted in person, by mail or by
   Informant                                                                   e-mail to the editor.
   Website                                                                     Freedom of expression is assured within the bounds of good
Special Events/Scholarship Bostedt/ McCullough                                 taste and the limits of available space.
                                       (Co-Chairs)                             Our target audience is law enforcement, specifically POA
                                                                               members of the San Diego Police Department.
Budget & Finance		                Hoskins (Chair)                                                         Deadline
Labor Management                    Wilson (Chair)                             All copy and advertising must be submitted by the tenth of
Armed Services       Hoskins/ Paxton (Co-Chairs)                               the month prior to the anticipated publication month; e.g.
                                                                               July 10 for the August issue. Content submitted after that
                                                                               date may be considered for a later issue.
      SDPOA Charity Fund Committees
          and Committee Chairs                                                 © San Diego Police Officers Association. All rights reserved. No part
Charity Fundraising                                Mackay (Chair)              of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form
                                                                               without the prior written permission of the publisher.
Memorial                                            Evans (Chair)
Budget & Finance                                   Hoskins (Chair)
Informant - San Diego Police Officers Association
Connect with us!
                                                                      In this Issue
                                                                      President’s Message		                                                                                                               5

                                                                      Member Spotlight: Officer Elias Rodriguez                                                                                           6

                                                                      Manager's Report							                                                                                                             9

                                                                      Pension Corner                                                                                                                     11

                                                                      Unit Highlight: SDPD Media Services Unit                                                                                           12

                                                                      Chaplain's Corner                                                                                                                  15
                                                                      SDPOA Discounted Tickets		                                                                                                         16

                                                                      SDPOA Store                                                                                                                        17
                                                                      UC-7: Shawarma Guys                                                                                                                19

         @SanDiegoPOA                                                 On the Road                                                                                                                        25

                                                                      Recent Member Retirements                                                                                                          27
                                                                      Board Minutes                                                                                                                      28                                     In Remembrance                                                                                                                     29

                                                                      Foundation Minutes                                                                                                                 30
    Cover Photo Courtesy Of:
       SDPD Media Unit                                                Classifieds                                                                                                                        31

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                                                                                                                                                                                          December 2020 | 3
Informant - San Diego Police Officers Association
                                                   The next Board Meeting is scheduled for
                                                         Thursday, December 10, 2020
                                                     at 9:00 a.m. in the POA Board Room.
If you have a specific topic you would like to address with the board, please email Khristina at
                             by Thursday, December 3, 2020 to be added to the agenda.
                If you’d like to sit in and listen to the discussion, but do not have a specific topic, please feel free to drop in.

                                 San Diego Police Officers Association Staff

   Khristina Smith                                 Erika Vroom                                                            Arni Page                                                Crystal Millburn
        Manager                        Communications Coordinator                                                          Store Clerk                                                Receptionist
    Executive Assistant                   Editor, The Informant

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  4 | The Informant
Informant - San Diego Police Officers Association
President’s Message
                           I hope you had a wonderful
                             Thanksgiving spent with
                             family and loved ones. I
                         would like to thank all of the
                         volunteers who helped at the
                                                               ranges from a high of 8% (we will never see that number
                                                               again) to a low of 1.8%. For more information on this,
                                                               go to SDCERS website and/or read the Pension Corner
                                                               articles by Lou Maggi that are printed in The Informant
                                                               each month.
                         SDPOA Thanksgiving Meal
                         as well as once again thank           For more than two years the SDPOA Board of Directors
                         the SDPOA Advisory Board              has been working on a child care project. We identified
                         for underwriting the event.           the potential benefit to many of our members and we
                         It is incredible how fast 2020        spent countless hours researching the topic. Recently,
                         managed to pass us by! With           some members have inquired about the project and its
                         the end of this year comes            progress. After going into partnership with KinderCare
                         the holiday rush as well as           months ago, we have a solid business plan. That part is
                         the continuance of what was           done. KinderCare has also agreed to pay for up to $1.4
interrupted due to the pandemic.                               million for building upgrades once we have a building.
                                                               The next phase is fund raising. If this is ever made a
To begin, negotiations have been a hot topic. I am happy       reality, it will not be cheap. Before starting, we will need
to announce that we have just started negotiations             to secure enough money to fund the child care facility, at
back up with the City for a new contract. An eblast            a 50% reduction in price to our members, for three years.
was sent from the SDPOA in late November asking                This means we must raise approximately $5.5 million in
the membership for input and ideas. We have received           donations (minus building upgrades, which KinderCare
financial forecasts from the City, and though they are         will provide). Things were looking promising early this
not good we still intend on securing a contract that will      year. Our state had a $41 billion surplus and I had several
address as many of our issues as possible. We have hired       great conversations with members of the Assembly and
experts to assist us in not only letting us know where we      Senate, as well as Congress. We were possibly going to
are in the market, but also helping us identify the reality    receive $2 million from both the state and the federal
of the City’s financial situation. It is our primary goal to   government. Things were looking good until COVID
bring you the best contract we can.                            arrived and all the discussions ended. It is critical that
                                                               we get initial seed money from the government to make
We had a lot of success in local political races this year.    this successful. With government support, many wealthy
We won 4 of the 5 local races we endorsed in. This is a        donors will feel more confident in the program. This
vast difference from what happened in 2018. It is our          will likely lead to more donations, which will support the
hope that the new City Hall will be more moderate and          program going forward. As I promised when this project
reasonable than the one we have had for the past two           kicked off, no dues money will be used to fund this
years. We have been in contact with all of our newly           program. All of the funding will come from donations,
elected representatives as well as the ones who remain.        grants, and tuition from members who use the facility.
This will be important going forward to ensure that            Child care is still a goal of the Board, but it will likely be
decisions are not made with a one-sided approach.              years before we open doors to a facility, if it ever happens.
Besides our next contract, we will be negotiating policies,    My opinion is if there are enough members who will
ordinances, and regulations that effect our officers, with     actually use the facility, we will eventually succeed. We
this group of elected officials.                               will keep you informed on progress.

Recently, I was contacted by several members about             In closing, I would like to wish everyone and their
the DROP interest rate being reduced. To be clear, the         families a safe and happy holiday season. I hope you have
interest rate while you are in DROP is merely a bonus.         a chance to spend some time with family and friends,
The benefit of DROP is that you earn your current              whether virtually or in person. Merry Christmas and
rate while you can save your entire retirement payments        Happy New Year!
for up to 5 years. The only people who would really be
negatively affected by this change are the people who          Take care,
are getting out of DROP in early 2021 and are leaving
their DROP money with SDCERS Annuity. For those
members, leaving after December 31 would change their
annuity rate from 3.1% to 2.1% for as long as they are         Jack Schaeffer
with the SDCERS Annuity. For the rest of us, the rates
adjust at the end of each year. Historically rates have
                                                                                                       December 2020 | 5
Informant - San Diego Police Officers Association
Member Spotlight
             By Erika Vroom, Editor

                       Officer Elias Rodriguez

A        life dedicated to service is an admirable
         one. There are certain people who feel that
         service is their calling from a very young
age. This is the case for Officer Elias Rodriguez,
who has not only served his country as a member
                                                       Detection and Ranging (RADAR). Little did he
                                                       know, the knowledge of usage for this technology
                                                       would come in handy in his future career. Four years
                                                       into his time with the Navy, Elias decided to join
                                                       the United States Navy SEAL Team. He worked
of the United States Navy and Navy Reserve, but is     as a Navy SEAL for five years active duty. In total,
currently serving his community as a police officer.   Elias actively served for seventeen years until leaving
                                                       active duty and immediately becoming a reservist.
Elias was born and raised in New Jersey. At the
young age of 16, he made the choice to enlist in the   It was only two weeks later when Elias made the
United States Navy. After graduating high school       choice to join the San Diego Police Department
at 17, Elias went through boot camp and soon           (SDPD). Though he had walking pneumonia, he
thereafter became an Aviation Anti-Submarine           managed to graduate at top of his Academy class
Warfare Operator (AW). During his time as an AW,       and held the Academy Agilities Course records for a
two of those years were spent stationed in Japan       handful of years.
aboard the USS Midway, an aircraft carrier that is
now out of commission and is currently docked as       Out of the Academy, Elias was assigned to SDPD’s
a museum in San Diego. His duties as a crew chief      Northeastern Patrol. He then transitioned to
on the SH-3H Sea King helicopter included hunting      Western Patrol and Northern Patrol, while assigned
submarines, conducting search and rescue missions,     to the Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) Primary
and working with tactical equipment such as Sound      Response Team (PRT). In addition to PRT, Elias
Navigation and Ranging (SONAR) and Radio               was a member of the Crisis Response Team (CRT),
6 | The Informant
Informant - San Diego Police Officers Association
which involved utilizing less lethal force in a de-
escalation situation. During his first six years with
SDPD, the September 11th terrorist attacks took
place and Elias was one of the first three officers
from the department to leave on a presidential recall
as a member of the Navy SEAL Team as part of the
Mobility Unit.

Upon his return to SDPD, Elias decided he wanted
to try out for the K-9 Unit. He started preparing
by taking bites. Unfortunately, when he was ready to
apply, budget and team cuts began taking place, so he
did not have the chance to do so. Elias then decided
to go on a ride-along with SDPD’s Air Support Unit
and loved it! He joined the unit in 2007. He spent
the first five years as a Tactical Flight Officer (TFO),
learning the ins and outs to being in the “right seat”.
By building this foundation of knowledge, Elias
was able to connect his familiarity of the SONAR
and RADAR technology from his active military
days to his current profession. He feels that a law
enforcement aircraft is a “force multiplier”. In
becoming a pilot, Elias understood exactly what his
TFO would need and how they could work together
as a team to combat crime and keep fellow officers
and community members safe, from the air. He
states, “I get to fly a $5 million helicopter with top
of the line technology while catching criminals. It’s
pretty cool stuff.” Elias views his job to be extremely

When he is not on duty, Elias stays busy with his own
business called Structured K9 Training. Through his
business, he specializes in dog obedience and dog
rehabilitation. To Elias, it is not work, but instead a
passion. Further, Elias has three adult children. He
enjoys his down time and going off-roading in his
pride and joy: his Jeep! Of course, he has three dogs
of his own that are his permanent passengers.

Overall, Elias is the epitome of dedication to service.
From serving his country and his community in
more ways than one, both with the badge on and off,
he has taken the reigns and does not plan on slowing
down anytime soon.
                                                           December 2020 | 7
Informant - San Diego Police Officers Association
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8 | The Informant
Informant - San Diego Police Officers Association
SDPOA Manager’s Report
2   020 has been a year of total unexpectedness. Who would’ve thought we would be
    living during a time that mirrored the 1918 flu pandemic with the Spanish flu. The
    COVID-19 virus has instigated much change. Luckily, the SDPOA was for the
most part able to maintain the status quo to ensure our members’ needs were still met.

Though our awards events looked a little different this year, we would like to congratulate
the officers who achieved their 25 year milestone with the San Diego Police Department
and the San Diego Police Officers Association. This accomplishment does not go
unnoticed. On that note, we would also like to congratulate the officers of the past
two shifts. The exemplary work these members have accomplished is a true reflection
of America’s Finest police department. We thank you all!

About a month ago, the SDPOA building’s parking lot received a new face! The asphalt
was removed, replaced, and given all new striping. This job was long overdue and has
given our property a fresh new look.



As we wrap up 2020, we were able to hold another successful Thanksgiving Meal for our membership. Though we
were in the Purple Tier, we were able to celebrate safely outside. We would like to thank the SPDOA Advisory Board
who underwrote the entire event. Along with their generosity with the meal, the SDPOA was able to hold a holiday
gift raffle amongst our membership with their donated funds. We are very appreciative of their continued support!

With Christmas around the corner and all of the celebration and shopping to be done, please remember to be safe.

From me and my family to you and all of yours, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Looking forward to a brighter

Be safe,

Khristina L. Smith

                                                                                                  December 2020 | 9
Informant - San Diego Police Officers Association
10 | The Informant
   PensiO n
        N                                       2021
        E                                DROP Interest Rates
        R             By Lou Maggi
                      SDCERS Trustee

At November’s meeting, SDCERS’ Board           compared to the current rate of 3.1%.
of Administration voted to approve new         This interest rate will be factored into the
DROP account and DROP annuity interest         calculation of a DROP retiree’s monthly
rates, which will be effective January 1,      DROP annuity, if they DROP retire
2021. The DROP account rate is the             between January 1 and December 31,
annual interest rate used by SDCERS while      2021 and choose to annuitize their DROP
a Member is in DROP and the DROP               account. Unlike the DROP account
annuity rate is the interest rate used by      interest rate, the DROP annuity rate will
SDCERS to annuitize the DROP monies            not change for an individual member – the
of a Member who has exited DROP and            rate that is in effect when a member DROP
retired. These rates are calculated annually   retires is the rate that will be applied to
using publicly available indexes as of         their annuity, regardless of whether or not
September 30 of each year.                     the DROP annuity rate changes in future
                                               years. If you are nearing the end of your
Effective January 1, 2021, the DROP            five-year DROP participation period,
account annual interest rate will be 1%,       your decision to exit DROP before or
compared to the current rate of 2.5%.          after the New Year may be affected
This interest rate will be compounded          by the Board’s decision regarding the
quarterly and applied to all active DROP       DROP annuity interest rate. However,
participants’ accounts as long as the          if you do not plan to annuitize your DROP
participant is actively employed by the City   account upon exiting DROP, then the
on the last day of each quarter. This rate     DROP annuity rate changes will not affect
is subject to change annually, which means     you; instead of annuitizing your account,
a DROP participant’s account may receive       you also have the option to take your
a different interest rate every year during    DROP funds as a lump sum or rollover to
their participation period, depending on       a qualified plan (e.g., 401(k), IRA).
the Board’s actions.
                                                                            Continued on Pg. 20...
Also beginning January 1, 2020, the
DROP annuity interest rate will be 2.1%,
                                                                          December 2020 | 11
Unit      SDPD
        Highlight Media Services Unit
       By Erika Vroom, Editor

A        ccording
         to       studies,
         Facebook and
YouTube are two of
the top used social
                                                                                                        Scott         Lockwood,
                                                                                                        Yovanna Gonzalez, and
                                                                                                        Darius “DJ” Jamsetjee.
                                                                                                        In 2019, when Sergeant
                                                                                                        Matthew Botkin joined
media outlets for adults                                                                                the Media Services Unit,
in America. Through                                                                                     the team was operating
the utilization of social                                                                               at four officers – two of
media, information and                                                                                  which were leadership.
marketing has become                                                                                    When a greater need for
easier to        disperse                                                                               media services became
amongst        a     large                                                                              apparent, an additional
audience, all with the                                                                                  officer was added. It
tap of a keyboard or                                                                                    was at that time the
from an application on                                                                                  team felt SDPD’s social
a smart phone. Similar                                                                                  media platforms could
to a living organism,                                                                                   be utilized to a greater
social media is always                                                                                  degree.
growing, changing, and
evolving. While many of us who have social media platforms        In order to do so, each member plays an instrumental role.
can see how influential a person can be by creating a post        Officer Lockwood is considered to be the team’s “MacGyver”.
that is intriguing and even insightful, imagine how the use of    For instance, Officer Lockwood found an innovative way to
social media could assist law enforcement agencies in solving     create and disperse information using the resource he had
crimes and humanizing the badge! Well, the San Diego Police       while in the field: his Apple iPhone’s iMovie application. In
Department’s (SDPD) Media Services Unit has set out to do         the few moments it took for Sergeant Botkin to get the facts
just that. In short, their mission is to educate, advocate, and   of the scene, Officer Lockwood was already prepared with
continue to build a platform that explains why officers do        the short video. Further, Officer Gonzalez is seen as the story
what they do.                                                     teller and people person. She consistently refers back to her
                                                                  time as a Community Relations Officer (CRO), where her
The SDPD Media Services Unit has greatly evolved over             role was based on interaction with the community. Officer
time. Historically, as in prior to smart phones and WiFi,         Gonzalez finds interesting stories to write about and ensures
Media Services was comprised of a large team with resources       positive rapport is made with the public, even in her role with
limited to typewriters in order to create documents with          Media Services. As the newest member to the team, Officer
the department goings on, as well as actual, physical film to     Jamsetjee brings a knowledgeable understanding of current
present      information                                                                                and emerging media
to news media outlets.                                                                                  platforms. He is also
Additionally,         the                                                                               adept to capturing
utilization of a video                                                                                  breathtaking      photos
camera allowed the unit                                                                                 that are both intriguing
to create informative                                                                                   and fun for the public
videos      that    were                                                                                to view. Both Officers
placed onto DVDs                                                                                        Gonzalez and Jamsetjee
and dispersed to news                                                                                   bring a youthful crowd
media outlets. Fast                                                                                     of officers with them,
forward and the age of                                                                                  as they are the youngest
digital media has greatly                                                                               members       of      the
evolved.                                                                                                team. Next, Sergeant
                                                                                                        Botkin’s role is on the
Currently, the team                                                                                     engagement side of
consists   of     five                                                                                  things. His main goal
members: Lieutenant                                                                                     is to ensure the unit is
Shawn        Takeuchi,                                                                                  letting the public know
Sergeant      Matthew                                                                                   what SDPD officers are
Botkin, and Officers                                                                                    doing and the reasoning
12 | The Informant
the important stuff and that combination is key.”

                                                                                So what does all of this growth look like? Let’s
                                                                                talk numbers. In the last year and a half, the Media
                                                                                Services team has built their social media platforms
                                                                                up accordingly:

                                                                                -     Twitter followers rose from 61,000 to 79,000
                                                                                (30% growth)
                                                                                -     Instagram followers rose from 14,000 to
                                                                                29,000 (107% growth)
                                                                                -     Facebook followers rose from 75,000 to
                                                                                92,000 (23% growth)
                                                                                -     NextDoor followers rose from 300,000 to
                                                                                388,000 (29% growth)

                                                                                These increases were achieved by the unit’s ability
                                                                                to effectively work together. Their future also holds
                                                                                possibilities to fully use platforms such as TikTok,
                                                                                YouTube, Reddit, and even the gaming streaming
behind it all. Lastly, Lieutenant Takeuchi provides for his team                service Twitch.
and allows them the creative freedoms needed to both grow
and learn on SDPD’s social media. By having a trusting leader,        In closing, the unit prides themselves on focusing on how to
the team can run with new ideas that they see as a best next          give out the facts in a truthful, efficient, and sometimes fun
step.                                                                 manner. Although 75% of people will never have a personal
                                                                      interaction with law enforcement, the first impression can set
When it came time to revamp SDPD’s social media platforms,            the tone for future encounters and views of law enforcement
the team made a slew of changes. The changes include                  officers. By positively influencing all generations through
educating the public, advocating for the law enforcement              social media platforms, the Media Services Unit will be able
profession as well as humanizing police officers, and ensuring        to ensure the community and the officers continue to have
that the department has a multitude of platforms to be used           a virtuous relationship through excellence, innovation, and
in different ways. A few examples of the utilization consist of       responsiveness. After all, one of the SDPD’s TikTok captions
crisis intervention, warnings of active shooter occurrences, as       states it best… “We don’t make San Diego America’s Finest
well as notification of traffic incidents, so as to encourage the     City. You do.”
public to avoid the area. In addition, the Media Services Unit
often works with Crime Stoppers Coordinator, SDPD Officer
Mark Herring. By joining efforts, Crime Stoppers can notify
the public of unsolved felony crimes and ask for their help in
finding wanted criminals on the SDPD platforms. This greatly
extends the audience who is reached with the information.

The Media Services Unit has been hard at work partnering with
local consultants to assist in further growing the department’s
platforms. Thanks to the San Diego Police Foundation, the
unit has obtained funding for new equipment and advisors to
assist with their growth.

Cole Pro Media, transparency engagement advisors, has
guided the unit by showing trends and what works in making a
thorough and honest connection with the public. One lesson
learned by the team embraces the concept that building an
analytic profile and engaging with followers or subscribers is
much more important than putting out new posts. That said,
Sergeant Botkin explains that officers who are out working
amongst the public are building relationships day in and day
out. The unit is essentially doing the same thing, through the
use of technology. Since San Diego is such a great, large city,
the goings on in the community are important to show. One
video posted by Media Services has gone viral. It includes
an SDPD officer racing a community member to an uphill
foot race. The unit believes this feel-good moment is a prime
example of humanizing the badge and is meant to be shared!
Also, it expels rumors that all police officers do is write tickets
and discharge their firearm. Sergeant Botkin states, “If we’re
not putting out the light-hearted stuff, then we are putting out
                                                                                                             December 2020 | 13

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14 | The Informant
O                                    By Mike McBride
                                   San Diego Police Department
                                                                       The Gift of Gratitude

R                                           Chaplain
                                                                 light shined” (Isaiah 9:2). Hope flickered on and off

                                                                 for centuries after Isaiah wrote these words. The
                                                                 people knew darkness. They knew difficulty, suffering
                                                                 and waiting. But they had a promise, a promise from

                                                                 God. The promise was for a gift, a gift that would
                                                                 surpass all other gifts. Eight Hebrew words describe
                                                                 this gift in an array of beauty, goodness, and power.

                                                                 Two of them are relational. He is both a counselor
                                                                 and a father. He is full of compassion and love.
                                                                 Another inexplicably suggests that this human child

                                                                 will be God himself, God incarnate. And a fourth
       erry COVID Christmas. Add protests, an                    describes him as a prince, that is, a commander.
       election, and a barrage of anti-police rhetoric
       over recent months and it would seem that                 The gift becomes even more brilliant when those four
Scrooge and the Grinch have indeed finally stolen                things are described. He is a wonderful counselor,
Christmas. Sometimes I wonder if we should we greet              full of wisdom and insight for choosing well. He is a
each other with a humbug this year. But then I’m                 strong warrior of a God, the literal meaning of Mighty
reminded that there is reason for joy, and Christmas is          God. He is so mighty that he brings an enduring
designed to show us just that.                                   peace, destroying the blood-stained battle clothes
                                                                 because they are needed no more. He is a father that
Gift giving is at the heart of Christmas. Even in                lives forever, that cares for his children with no end.
these times, I suspect almost all of us will give and            Some might ask how he is both a child and a father.
receive numerous gifts this holiday season. Gifts                Of course, every father was once a child. But also the
are beautiful things. They remind us that we are                 father is one who knows his children deeply, cares for
loved; that we are known. The gift giver is enlivened            them and nurtures them, encourages and strengthens
through her generosity and the thought process of                them (along with mothers in human households). In
finding a gift. The gift recipient is enlivened by the           these eight words we find a description of a savior
affection received, and his feeling of gratitude. Gift           that is a gift beyond imagination. All our gifts this are
giving and receiving restores our hope and renews                a reflection of this great gift. And this great gift is a
our joy. Gratitude, it turns out, is inextricably tied to        model for our gift giving, because in it, God gives not
joy. One writer put it this way, “Joy is the simplest            out of his abundance, but of his very self.
form of gratitude.” I’d like to suggest that the path
to joy in this holiday season is through our giving and          Let’s not end there, however. Because most of us
receiving of gifts, and particularly in our expressions          are probably pretty good gift givers. What challenges
of gratitude and joy that come from these gifts.                 most of us, being the self-sufficient law-enforcement
                                                                 types, is gift receiving. We smile, say thank you, and
Gift giving is the original theme of Christmas. One              often fail to let a gift impact us deeply, with gratitude
of the first passages in Scripture predicting the birth          and joy. I want to challenge us this Christmas to
of Christ uses the language of gift giving.                      deepen our gratitude as we practice our gift receiving.
 “For to us a child is born, to us a son is given;               A good friend recently asked me why he needed God.
 and the government shall be upon his shoulder,                  Things are going well in his life. He can solve most
 and his name shall be called Wonderful                          of his own problems, sometimes with the help of
 Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father,                      friends and family. Why complicate things by adding
 Prince of Peace” (Isaiah 9:6).                                  God into things? I think he asks a fair question. It’s
                                                                 an honest question. Let me suggest this as a start
It may seem strange to think of a child as a gift. This          to an answer. One place to start practicing our gift
is not a material gift, like chocolate or jewelry, to be         receiving this Christmas season, is by considering
consumed or even just admired. This is a living,                 how we receive the various gifts God gives us, and
human gift, like a child born to parents, parents who            particularly the gift described in Isaiah 9:6.
had to wait a long time to see their dreams of having
children realized. The expression of gratitude for               May the Lord shower you with his gifts this holiday
such a gift overwhelms the body and soul, and joy                season.
bursts out with childlike excitement.
Isaiah tells us a little more about the condition of the         Mike McBride is the founding pastor of Parkside Church in
world when this gift would be given. “The people                 South Park. He is one of the chaplains assigned to Central
who walked in darkness have seen a great light; those            Division.
who dwelt in a land of deep darkness, on them has
                                                                                                     December 2020 | 15
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18 | The Informant
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And so we are toward the end of mammoth                   assured this was a salad made to be a meal, not a sad
year. Here’s to hoping January 1st does not say to        diet plate. I was impressed and very full!
December 31st, “Dude that looked craaaazy! Hold
my beer!” Say, 2020 and 2021, how about a smooth          Jacob D had the Chicken Shawarma Plate with
and speedy passing of the baton whilst moving             Hummus and Tabouli on the side ($15.00). I was
forward with a swift touch on solid ground. And may       allowed to sample the chicken and it was every bit
that ground be bathed in sunlight and thunderous          as delicious and tender as the beef. The hummus
rain, so the year brings grace and a bountiful heart      had the lively texture that only comes from being
to our homes. At the end of the day this the most         homemade, not drenched in too much olive oil.
important thing of all. Gather around your table.         The tabouli, which is personal favorite, was light and
                                                          savory with a healthy sprinkling of diced tomato to
This month landed me in a few overtime shifts,            offset the stoic parsley. Jacob D purchased a side of
and thus happily at the Shawarma Guys food truck          Falafel ($5.00), which was absolutely on point. Made
located at 3012 Grape Street, (619) 340-1234. They        to order, the texture was airy, and the seasonings used
are open Monday-Saturday 11-8. Shawarma Guys              in the Falafel were Shawarma Guys own concoction
takes cards, and there is parking nearby. Since it’s      of spices. For the vegetarians (or non-vegetarians!)
a food truck, all orders are to-go. For those unsure      out there, treat yourself to some of the best Falafel
about food trucks, they are held to same grading          in town.
standards as a brick and mortar restaurants. Jacob
D and I ate here one time for this article, but I have    Shawarma Guys has been nationally recognized for
already returned at least 3 times in the past two         their food and after a few visits, I can say the hype
weeks.                                                    is real. The quality of their food is excellent, and
                                                          the service is welcoming. This is the perfect choice
Not all Shawarma is created equal, and now I am           for a family dinner or a squad lunch. I am giving
officially spoiled because Shawarma Guys has upped        Shawarma Guys an enthusiastic 5 badges.
the ante in San Diego. I had the Greek Salad with
Beef Shawarma ($12.00) which blew me out of the
water. Their beef is top quality and seasoned just
enough to let the natural flavors do the heavy lifting.
The meat was wonderfully tender and generously
portioned. The greens were crisp and fresh and
topped with their vinaigrette made in-house. Rest
                                                                                             December 2020 | 19
Pension Corner
...Continued from Page 11
For example, if your DROP account balance              January 1, 2021; you should consider your
is $250,000 on December 31, 2020, and you              personal circumstances (including your flexibility
choose to DROP retire at this time and annuitize       regarding the timing of your eventual retirement,
your account over 20 years, your monthly DROP          the amount of additional funds your DROP
annuity would be approximately $1,400, which           account will accrue if you continue working
factors in the current DROP annuity rate of            during 2021, and your financial situation) and
3.1%. By the end of the 20 years, the total interest   weigh them against the possible financial benefit
added to your DROP annuity payments would              of exiting DROP before the end of the year.
be $85,770. Therefore, you would receive a total       Also, for those of you who will not reach the
of $335,770 from your DROP account over the            end of their five-year DROP period in 2021,
course of the 20-year annuity.                         remember we have no way of knowing what the
                                                       DROP rates will be in 2022.

                                                       Every issue, I work with SDCERS staff to craft
                                                       “Pension Corner,” which is meant to pass on relevant
                                                       information to department members and respond to
                                                       frequently asked questions. If you have a topic you would
                                                       like to read about, please email me at MaggiL@sdcers.
                                                       org. If you have specific questions about your personal
                                                       pension benefits, please contact SDCERS directly at
                                                       (619) 525-3600, open Monday-Friday from 9:00 a.m.
                                                       to noon, and 1:00 to 4:00 p.m. (PST).
In this same hypothetical, if you choose to
DROP retire on January 1, 2021, your DROP
balance would increase to $251,562 because

                                                           Support San
your account would receive interest for the last
quarter of 2020. However, if you then choose
to annuitize your account over 20 years, your
monthly annuity would be calculated using the
2021 DROP annuity rate of 2.1%, giving you a
lower monthly DROP annuity of approximately
$1,285. In this case, your total DROP annuity
                                                            Diego Law
interest would add up to $56,732, making your
total DROP payments over the 20-year annuity
approximately $308,295.
                                                           En orcement
                                                          Buying or Selling your Home?
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As you can see from the above examples, your                          REALTOR®
monthly DROP annuity could be lower if you                            BRE #01945714
DROP retire in 2021 compared to if you exit                           Phone | 619-630-8826
in 2020. However, this does not necessarily                           Email |
mean you need to rush to exit DROP before                             Web |

20 | The Informant
December 2020 | 21
We appreciate you protecting our families.
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22 | The Informant

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                                                                                                  December 2020 | 23
                        - VOTE -
      Voting for the SDPOA Board of Directors
              Election is Coming Soon!
   There are three seats up for election this year. Please take the
          time to review the candidate statements on the
              SDPOA Website in the Member Forum.
       Voting will be conducted electronically through the
                     SDPOA Website beginning
                     0001hrs on Monday, November 30th
                      1700hrs on Friday, December 4th
                        Please contact the POA office with any questions.

24 | The Informant
                                                                                          Proudly Presented by
                                                   On the

                                                                          Retired Officer Barry Johnson
                                                                            and his wife Kathy in Raja
                                                                             Ampat, Indonesia while
                                                                          snorkeling with Whale Sharks.

     Retired Detectives Mel Lofftus and
   Steve Bernier on top of Mt. Whitney at
   14,508 feet while section hiking in the
    Eastern Sierras along the Pacific Crest

        If you have recently taken your copy of The Informant on the road with you, please share your pictures!
If your picture is featured, the member who sends in the photo will receive a pair of movie tickets and our appreciation!
              Active and retired SDPOA members should send submissions to Erika at
PROMISE                                                                                                     Jeannine J., Class of 2009

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professionals/civilians and their dependents, such as:
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Congratulations, Retirees!
Thank you to all of our members who recently retired between
      October 16, 2020 and November 15, 2020
               for your dedication and service.
      We wish you the best in your new chapter in life!

             Officer Troy Gibson
            Hired February 2, 1990 ~ Retired October 20, 2020

 Detective Sergeant Ronald Bailiff
             Hired June 27, 1994 ~ Retired October 30, 2020

             Officer Alvin Thach
            Hired February 5, 2001 ~ Retired November 6, 2020

        Detective Natalie Fortier
          Hired November 12, 1991 ~ Retired November 12, 2020
SDPOA Board Minutes
                                                       Board of Directors Meeting
                                                            October 8, 2020

Directors present: Schaeffer, Bostedt, Mackay,       out to members working during pre-                 long-term planning committee. This
Wilson, Hoskins, Avera, McCullough, Paxton           planned protesting. Unanimous. 9-0.                committee will work to incorporate
(excused 1245), Evans (arrived 0943, excused         • M/S Avera/Hoskins to donate $250                 DROP RNT and medical benefits, and
1359)                                                for Jaime Conti’s Celebration of Life.             all long- term planning within the
                                                     Unanimous. 8-0-1.                                  SDPOA. Absent Paxton. Unanimous.
Directors excused: None.                                                                                8-0-1.
                                                  6. LABOR/MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE                         • Mackay investigated the 2 cases where
MEMBERS IN ATTENDANCE:                                • Chief Charlot reported the Chief ’s office      members claimed the POA deleted their
T. Charlot                                            is working on a protest policy.                   posts on the POA forum. The POA did
                                                      • Discussion occurred regarding a pay             not delete the posts and Mackay followed
OTHERS PRESENT:                                       issue.                                            up with the members and found the
B. Fields, K. Smith (recorder)                                                                          members realized their posts where not
                                                  7. LEGAL                                              deleted.
OPENING OBSERVANCES                                   • Report in closed session.
President Schaeffer called the meeting to order                                                      14. ARMED SERVICES
at 0900 hours and Director McCullough led         8. SPECIAL EVENTS/ SCHOLARSHIP                         • Hoskins and Avera suggested having the
all present in the Pledge of Allegiance. There    COMMITTEE                                              cake for the Marine Corps birthday at the
was a moment of silence for the Officers killed       • Due to COVID-19 there will not be a              POA.
in the line of duty in the past. There were 15        2020 SDPOA Annual Charity Christmas
officers killed in the line of duty Nationwide        Party. The events committee is working         Adjourned the general meeting into the
since the September board meeting. In the             on discounted rooms for members for the        Foundation meeting at 1038.
history of the SDPD there were 3 San Diego            first weekend in December. The POA will
Police officers killed in the month of October.       inform the membership when this has been       Adjourned Foundation meeting into the
Freddie Edwards (10/07/1971), Walter                  completed.                                     general meeting at 1044.
Holcomb (10/21/1918), and Christopher                 • Thanksgiving meal is still on track to
Wilson (10/28/2010).                                  happen at the POA.                             Adjourned the general meeting into the
                                                                                                     Foundation meeting at 1410.
  • None.                                             • M/S McCullough/Bostedt to approve            Adjourned Foundation meeting into the general
                                                      the September treasurer’s report. Absent       meeting at 1422.
1. MEMBER PRESENTATIONS:                              Evans, Paxton. Unanimous. 6-0-1-2.
    • None.                                           • M/S Hoskins/McCullough for up to             Adjourned meeting 1428.
                                                      $15,000 for the Capital improvement to
2. PAC                                                upgrade the POA board room. Paxton
     • Discussed in closed session.                   absent. Unanimous. 8-0-1.

a. Informant:                                     COMMITTEE
    • The unit highlight for December will be     a. Administrative:
    Media Services. The member spotlight for          • There was 1 email poll.
    December will be Ruben Hernandez.                 • Schaeffer/Wilson for POA to cover the
    • The unit highlight for January will be          2021 premium increase of the employee
    Delta Unit. The member spotlight for              ALADS health plan. Paxton absent.
    January will be Tom Bostedt.                      Unanimous. 8-0-1.

b. Website:                                       b. Minutes:
    • No report.                                     • M/S McCullough/Wilson to accept
                                                     the September 2020 Meeting Minutes.                        SDPOA Non-Members:
c. PR:                                               Paxton, Hoskins absent. Unanimous. 8-0-                      Albrektsen, Sandra
    • Discussion occurred regarding an ad            1.                                                          Allahwardy, Deshnay
                                                                                                                    Casciola, Chloe
    request.                                                                                                      Crumb, Katherine
                                                  11. MILESTONE REPORT                                              David, Antonio
4. RETIREMENT                                         • No report.                                                  Heil, Cassandra
                                                                                                                    Humes, Maria
    • SDCERS is still doing online retirement                                                                       Ingram, Henry
    seminars.                                     12. OLD BUSINESS                                                   Irwin, Wade
                                                      • None.                                                         Iversen, Pia
                                                                                                                    Slater, Thomas
5. MEMBER RELATIONS                                                                                                 Sterling, Trevor
   • Mackay/Avera for up to $5,000 for            13. NEW BUSINESS                                                   Turner, Todd
                                                                                                                 Vaccarello, Courtney
   POA to send a food truck, once per week,           • M/S Avera/McCullough to start a

28 | The Informant
        Robert F. Bowers

  End of Watch: 12 December 1955             Robert L. Everitt
 Officer Bowers was killed during a
         high-speed pursuit.

                                       End of Watch: 7 December 1964
                                        While laying flares at a traffic
                                      accident, Sergeant Everitt was hit
                                            and killed by a truck.
                                                                                     James P. Lewis

                                                                             End of Watch: 29 December 1970
                                                                           Officer Lewis was shot and killed by
                                                                           a fugitive while off-duty and helping
                                                                             a citizen check false IDs at a bar.
SDPOA Board Minutes
                                                         Foundation Meeting
                                                           October 8, 2020

        Directors present:                       M E M O R I A L COMMITTEE:               NEW BUSINESS:

        Schaeffer,       Bostedt,           Avera,         • No report.                     • None.
        Mackay,        Wilson,         Hoskins,
        McCullough, Paxton (excused FUNDRAISING:                                          OLD BUSINESS:
        1245), Evans (excused 1359)
                                                           • Bosanac updated regarding      • None.
        Directors excused:                                 fundraising   during     the
                                                           Thanksgiving holiday season.
        None.                                                                             Adjourned the general meeting
                                                        MINUTES:                          into the Foundation meeting
orney at Law
        MEMBERS IN                                                                        at 1038.
        ATTENDANCE:                                        • M/S Hoskins/McCullough
                                                           to accept the September        Adjourned Foundation meeting
        OTHERS PRESENT:                                    Foundation          meeting    into the general meeting at
                                                           minutes. Absent Paxton,        1044.

        (recorder)      PROBATE
        B. Fields, A, Bosanac, K. Smith                    Evans. Unanimous. 7-0-2.
                                                                                          Adjourned the general meeting

        MEMBER  TRUST/ WILLS                            BUDGET-FINANCE:                   into the Foundation meeting
                                                                                          at 1410.
        PRESENTATIONS:                                     • M/S Schaeffer/McCullough
               Retired Deputy Sheriff/ Discount to Law Enforcement
                                                           to approve the September       Adjourned Foundation meeting
                     RONALD A. HAUSER
           • No report.                                    treasurer’s report. Absent
                                  Attorney at LawPaxton, Evans. Unanimous.
                                                                                          into the general meeting at
        PRESENTATIONS: (619) 206-38117-0-2.

           • No report.          (619) 319-5171
               ♦ Family Law QDROs & DROs $700 ♦
        CHARITY REQUESTS:                           • No report.

           • Reported in Closed Session

            Pkg      LIVING TRUST
                       Law Enforcement Price
ed                In-Home Appointments Available
                Includes Wills and Powers of Attorney
                       RONALD   A. HAUSER
                          Attorney at Law
                                (619) 206-3811
                                (619) 319-5171
               ♦ Family
                 PROBATELawSERVICES DROs $700 ♦
                            QDROs &AVAILABLE
        30 | The Informant
Classified Ads and
                        Vacation Rentals
                              Lake Havasu City, Arizona
   New vacation home in the heart of Lake Havasu City. The home has three bedrooms and
two baths with an additional detached guest house furnished as a second master suite, making
 it perfect for two couples plus kids/guests. Amenities include full granite kitchen, in-ground
    pool and Jacuzzi, fireplace, 50” TV & entertainment center, BBQ, and lots of off-street
  parking. The home is 5 minutes from all attractions including London Bridge and the lake,
        golf, desert sports, and shopping! Available by the day or get the week discount.
 Great law enforcement rates. Call J.K. Hudgins, CIU 858-208-7828, or Chuck Arnold, ICAC

                                Rosarito Beach, Mexico
     Just steps from the beach, beautiful ocean view with spectacular sunsets. Gate guarded,
 located at K38, a world-renowned surfing spot and only 20 minutes from the border. Outside
   fire pit and sun deck, living room, family room both with fireplaces. Two bedrooms, sleeps
eight, two bathrooms. Enjoy the clear skies and stars at night, smell the ocean air and listen to
the waves. Reasonable rates, come relax and enjoy! Only $75-95/ night! Call Sandy Redding at
                               619-444-9174. DirecTv/ WiFi available.

                         North Clairemont Home For Rent
   North Clairemont home for rent. Close to everything. Ideal for small family or retirees. 3
  bedrooms and 2 baths, freshly renovated including the kitchen. Large back yard and lovely
  patio. Newly carpeted and freshly painted inside and out. Comes with inside house washer
and dryer, electric stove and fridge. Garage is not available, but plenty of off-street parking is.
 Reduced rate for qualified law enforcement tenant. Please contact retired Sgt. Art Turman at

                             Point Loma Vacation Condo
 Point Loma Studio with a workout room, BBQ and a beautiful bay view from the swimming
   pool deck, for rent, (day, week or month) located in the Shelter Island area, short walking
distance to shops, restaurants, and scenic bay areas. Having some relatives visiting town or just
      want to get away. L.E. discount. Contact Alan or Donna Hayward at 619-504-9355.
The Informant                                                      NONPROFIT ORG.
                                                                     U.S. POSTAGE
  San Diego Police Officers Association                                  PAID
  8388 Vickers Street                                                 San Diego, CA
  San Diego, CA 92111-2109                                           PERMIT No. 2029

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