Page created by Erik Parker

                                    Impacts and POTENTIAL
                                    benefits of autonomous
                                    FROM an international context TO Grand Paris

                                    octobre 2018
© Apur

         Atelier parisien d’urbanisme                                    
Directrice de la publication : Dominique ALBA
    Étude réalisée par : Florence HANAPPE et Annie HUDSON
    Sous la direction de : Patricia PELLOUX
    Cartographie : Jennifer POITOU
    Photos et illustrations : Apur sauf mention contraire
    Mise en page : Apur
    Avec la participation de : Pierre Musseau                                            18P040104

Impacts and potential benefits of autonomous vehicles


                      Overview �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 4

                      1. Regulation������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 6
                              Regulatory context in France: a nascent question��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 6
                              European context��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 7
                              Other levers ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 8

                      2. Technology and impacts transport systems����������������������������������������������������������������� 10
                              Autonomous technology������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 10
                              Vehicles and transportation systems ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 12
                              Adapting the city ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 16

                      3. Case studies����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 18
                              Gothenburg, Sweden ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 19
                              Singapore������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 20
                              Wageningen, Netherlands��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 22
                              Helsinki, Finland����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 24
                              Phoenix-area, USA ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 26
                              Paris, La Défense, France����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 28
                              Rouen, France��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 30
                              Shenzhen, China����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 32
                              Sion, Switzerland ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 34

                      4. Autonomous vehicles and the city��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 36
                              Potential benefits for urban areas��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 36
                              Potential negatives ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 39
                              Municipal levers for preventing projected negative impacts��������������������������������������������������������������������� 40
                              Conclusion����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 43

                      5. An approach to experimentation in Grand Paris��������������������������������������������������������� 44
                              Priorities for Paris with regards to AV experimentation ��������������������������������������������������������������������������� 44
                              Autonomous mobility and guidelines for the future of Grand Paris... ����������������������������������������������������� 48

Atelier parisien d’urbanisme                                                                                                                                                                     3

Autonomous vehicles (AVs) have the          while simultaneously taking an active        Institute of Technology’s Urban
potential to transform urban living.        role in shaping the form of their cities     Mobility Lab. Over the course of several
By offering the opportunity for safe,       for the future, pursuing an urban form       months, collaborators interviewed key
efficient, accessible and affordable        that is efficient, livable, equitable and    actors in the Parisian context, including
transportation they promise not             sustainable.                                 (among others):
only a novel system of mobility, but                                                     • Mairie de Paris
also a novel approach to the urban          In order to capitalize on this               • Navya
lifestyle. Yet these benefits are far       opportunity, however, cities need to         • Easymile
from guaranteed. In fact, scholars have     develop an extensive understanding           • Renault
shown that AVs have the potential           of the technology as it exists today,        • Uber
for numerous negative impacts in            the challenges that it presents and the      • Mobotiq
contraposition to their positive            potential benefits that can be realized.     • Spirops
potential, depending, of course, on the                                                  • Ile-de-France Mobilités
form of their implementation. They          This study strives to offer a primer         • SANEF
could combine with other growing            on international autonomous vehicle          • IFSTTAR
trends in the mobility space (such as       development and regulation as applied
shared use or mass electrification) to      to the context of Grand Paris. It aims       The interviews contributed to the
introduce a positive rupture in today’s     to provide the region and the city           development of the content of the study
mobility system, or, conversely, they       with the understanding, insights and         as well as to the case studies themselves.
could exacerbate existing trends            tools it needs to enact pertinent policy
towards congestion and climate              measures today. In pursuit of those          The contents of the study notably build
change, further entrenching the             goals, the study includes:                   on work conducted by MIT’s Automated
negative aspects of today’s status quo.     • An overview of the regulatory context      Mobility     Policy  Project   (AMPP)
                                              in France                                  combined with APUR’s expertise on
Compounding this duality is a lack of       • A ‘state of the union’ of autonomous       Grand Paris. The primer applies MIT’s
clarity regarding when AV services will       vehicle technology                         research to the Parisian context to
be available for public use. Reports from   • A series of international case studies     build a deeper understanding of today’s
experts in autonomous technology              that offer creative ideas for managing     pertinent technological and regulatory
evince a wide range of dates for the          AV experiments and technological           developments and their applicability to
arrival of the technology, with some          development                                the City of Light.
averring high levels of autonomous          • An overview of the potential
technology available for widespread           advantages       and      disadvantages    This study is part of a larger series to
use within the next 2 years and others        presented by the arrival of autonomous     be published by APUR on emerging and
professing that full autonomy can never       vehicles                                   innovative mobilities that will examine
be fully achieved.                          • Insights into pertinent regulatory and     the potential (and potential drawbacks)
                                              extra-regulatory levers                    of developments within the mobility
This uncertainty cannot lead to             • Opportunities         for        further   space, ranging from the sharing
inaction. There is a unique opportunity       experimentation in Grand Paris.            economy to mass electrification.
today to redefine the mobility system
before the technology solidifies its        Launched in the summer of 2018, this
own path. Cities have the opportunity       study is the result of a collaboration
to be at the forefront of innovation        between APUR and the Massachusetts

Impacts and potential benefits of autonomous vehicles

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     y Office of Naval Research from Arlington, United States (161012-N-
                                                                                     y Christopher Down – CC BY 4.0 from Wikimedia Commons

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    JE250-047) – CC BY 2.0 via Wikimedia Commons

Man and delivery robot waiting at pedestrian crosing in Redwood City, California                                                              Military drone

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   © By Patrick Despoix – CC BY-SA 4.0 from Wikimedia Commons
                                                                                   © By Grendelkhan – CC BY-SA 4.0 from Wikimedia Commons

Waymo self-driving car side view, Googlebil                                                                                                   La Rochelle (France), experimental autonomous shuttle without driver
                                                                                   © By Steve Jurvetson – CC BY 2.0 via Wikimedia Commons

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   © By N509FZ - CC BY-SA 4.0 via Wikimedia Commons

Uber OTTO autonomous driving truck                                                                                                            Autonomous-rail Rapid Transit train, already in experimental operation in Zhuzhou.

Atelier parisien d’urbanisme                                                                                                                                                                                                   5
1.                         Regulation

                                                   Regulatory context in France :
                                                   a nascent question
                                                   Albeit not one of the first countries         emergence and development of the
                                                   to regulate autonomous vehicles               technology. It aims to help France
                                                   internationally, France has since made        position itself in the dynamic AV market
                                                   the development of autonomous                 while simultaneously meeting the
                                                   vehicles a national priority both with        challenges posed by their introduction.
                                                   regards to industrial recovery and urban      Figures 1 and 2 as included in the
                                                   living. In 2018, the French national          strategy document provide a brief
                                                   government published a strategy for           overview of the regulatory timeline in
                                                   autonomous       vehicle    development       France and in the EU more generally,
                                                   within its borders, addressing the issues     with a particular emphasis on the years
                                                   raised by autonomous vehicles and             of 2017 and 2018 which have exhibited
                                                   presenting a series of ten proposed           a particular uptick in action both at the
                                                   actions aimed at facilitating the             national and international scales.

    AV regulation in the United States

    The United States offers a unique              a data recorder for the review of incidents   roads (some estimates are above 600),
    case study for the regulation of AVs in        and accidents ex post facto; similarly, the   its regulatory measures regarding AVs
    its juxtaposition of varied regulatory         state requires that companies regularly       are nearly non-existent. After California
    preparedness across different states           report the number of disengagements           limited the ability of Uber to operate
    in combination with extensive testing          they experienced throughout their             and test on its streets in 2016, Governor
    experience. The National Highway Traffic       experimentation process. Despite the          Ducey of Arizona invited the company to
    Safety Administration (NHTSA) has              comparatively stringent measures, the         come to the Copper State instead. The
    released guidelines for the safety, testing    state has over 50 AV companies working        Governor has since asked the State’s
    and data management of autonomous              within its borders and over 400 vehicles      DMV to “undertake any necessary steps
    vehicles, but, to date, most regulatory        registered to be tested on public roads. In   to support the testing and operation of
    activity has occurred at the State level.      2018, California became one of the first      self-driving cars.” The lack of restrictions
                                                   locations globally to allow for testing on    combined with AV-friendly weather have
    In 2012, California became the second          public roads without a driver present.        made the State a popular destination for
    State to allow for testing of autonomous       Nonetheless, the State has come under         many companies to test their technology,
    vehicles on its roads. Refined in 2018, the    criticism for its regulations that some       but also, significantly, resulted in a fatal
    state boasts one of the most extensive         companies see as misplaced and others         AV accident in early 2018. The State
    regulatory systems for the management          see as excessively stringent.                 temporarily suspended Uber’s activities
    of AV experimentation and testing on an                                                      there following the crash, but has not
    international scale. The state requires, for   While Arizona boasts a similar number of      adopted any additional regulatory
    example, that all vehicles be equipped with    autonomous cars operating on its public       measures since.

Impacts and potential benefits of autonomous vehicles

 The ten national priorities:                                                                                                  European context
 1 - Develop the necessary framework to allow for the circulation of autonomous cars,
      public transport and logistics in France by 2022.                                                                        As a member of the European Union,
                                                                                                                               France is also working with the Union
 2 - Establish a national regulatory framework for experimentation.
                                                                                                                               and other member states to establish
 3 - Integrate cybersecurity into regulatory framework.                                                                       a transnational framework to regulate
 4 - Define rules for data sharing.                                                                                           and support the development of
                                                                                                                               autonomous vehicles. The European
 5 - Develop a national program for experimentation of all forms of autonomous vehicles.
                                                                                                                               Union has outlined a series of goals
 6 - Build a framework to encourage the exchange of vehicle data by 2019.                                                     with the intent to establish Europe
 7 - Prepare one or more connected infrastructure deployment plans.                                                           as a global leader in connected and
                                                                                                                               automated mobility in pursuit of
 8 - Encourage the development of digital mapping.
                                                                                                                               safer roads and reduced emissions
 9 - Establish the framework for an impact analysis of autonomous vehicles.                                                   and congestion. In pursuit of those
 10 - Conduct a detailed analysis of the impact of autonomous vehicles on employment.                                         goals, the EU has proposed several
                                                                                                                               categories in which to lend support
                                                                                                                               and expertise:
Figure 1 — france and eu context
                                                                                                                               • Funding for research on autonomous
                                                                                                                                 vehicle technology and connected
                                                                                                                               • Establishing a security approval
                                                                                                                                 process for vehicles and infrastructure
                                                                                                                                 that is flexible yet strong.
                                                                                                                               • Ensuring coordination across member
                                                                                                                                 states to establish traffic rules and
                                                                                                                                 infrastructure development.
                                                                                                                               • Regulating liability concerns.
                                                                                                                               • Data Management.
                                                                                            © DICOM-DGITM/B/18029 – May 2018

                                                                                                                               • Analyzing the socio-economic and
                                                                                                                                 environmental impacts of driverless

                                                                                                                               Significantly, there are also efforts
                                                                                                                               to coordinate an approach to
                                                                                                                               experimenting      with    autonomous
                                                                                                                               vehicles across EU member states.
Figure 2 — Government action on AVs in France                                                                                  Countries have agreed to concentrate
                                                                                                                               their efforts on a cadre of coherent
                                                                                                                               and complementary projects that
                                                                                                                               allow for a deeper understanding of its
                                                                                                                               technology and its applications. To that
                                                                                                                               effect, France recently opened a call for
                                                                                                                               autonomous vehicle projects.
                                                                                            © DICOM-DGITM/B/18029 – May 2018

Atelier parisien d’urbanisme                                                                                                                                          7
Other levers
In addition to traditional regulatory        heavily dependent on road markers to
measures that govern the safety of           ensure that they remain in their lanes
vehicles and testing on public roads,        and follow the pertinent traffic rules,      Governments today
it is important to note that there           requiring clear and high-quality road
are many other potential actions             networks. There is also consensus            have the opportunity
that governments can take into               that the growing connectivity of
consideration when determining their         vehicles     (whether       autonomous       to prioritize the
role in preparing for a new global           or otherwise) will require next-
mobility system. Albeit not exhaustive,      generation mobile networks in                development of
as part of this study, we outline several    the form of 5G. Governments today
other pertinent levers at the level of the   have the opportunity to prioritize the       infrastructures
state that can be used to incentivize        development of these infrastructures to
experimentation, to limit potential          ensure the sustainability of AVs, but also   to ensure the
deleterious impacts and to even help         to incentivize experimentation within
determine the shape of the final product.    their borders. The Netherlands has           sustainability of AVs
The application of several of these          prioritized this route of action, with a
levers can be found exhibited in the case    commitment to infrastructure in a wide       and to incentivize
studies found in chapter 3. At end of this   variety of forms. Its road infrastructure
report, we apply this research to the        is rated among the best in the world by      experimentation
city-specific context, looking into both     the World Bank, it boasts the highest
the regulations and other levers that        density of AV charging stations and          within their borders.
cities themselves possess that can be        enjoys a strong wireless network as well.
used to shape the arrival of autonomous
vehicles onto urban streets. The goal of     Fiscal support
this report is to offer insights into best   Funding in support of research and
practices for applying and engaging          experimentation for AVs can come in
with those levers. It is important to note   a wide variety of forms. Most directly,
that these factors can be applied to the     governments have the opportunity to
adoption of new technology within the        fiscally support experiments of vehicles

                                                                                            80 bil. $
transportation system more generally,        that exhibit characteristics most in
but is being applied specifically to the     line with their priorities for the future
case of autonomous vehicles in this          of transportation. The city of Helsinki,
circumstance.                                for example, has clearly outlined
                                             emissions reduction goals for 2030 and          Estimated investment
Infrastructure                               has thus been involved in supporting           in autonomous vehicle
AVs will require a wide variety of novel     AV experimentations that promise to          technology between 2015
infrastructures. Although it remains         reduce emissions by encouraging more
                                                                                           and 2017 as determined
unclear who will be responsible for          wide-spread public transportation use.
building      those     infrastructures—                                                       by The Brookings
and in some cases what form the              Regulatory clarity                                   Institution 1
infrastructure itself will even take—        Beyond the content of the regulations
there are certain actions that can be        themselves, governments have control
taken today in order to prepare for          over the clarity of the regulatory content
and in some cases shape the future of        and the complexity of the process to
AVs. To ensure the sustainability of the     navigate those regulations. Several of
vehicles and to reduce their impact on       the interviewees that we spoke to as part
the environment, for example, there is       of this study indicated that they would
widespread agreement that AVs should         be supportive of regulations targeted at
be electric. That requires an increased      shaping the introduction of autonomous
density of electric vehicle charging         vehicles onto city streets, but were eager   1 —
stations. Similarly, many AVs are            for those regulations to be outlined in      investment-in-self-driving-cars/

Impacts and potential benefits of autonomous vehicles

                                                   a clear and comprehensible manner to            was one of the first governments to
                                                   ease the corporate navigation thereof.          establish a legal structure for the
                                                   Significantly, this also applies to the         testing of autonomous vehicles in
                                                   approval process for AV experiments             2012 and has refined several aspects
                                                   on public roads: countries that have a          of the law since to incorporate new
Countries that                                     clearly defined process even if rigorous        developments. In 2018, for example,
                                                   have an advantage in encouraging                the state added a legal structure under
have a clearly                                     experimentation and thus have the               which companies can test without a
                                                   opportunity to develop a greater                driver present in direct response to
defined process                                    familiarity with the technology and its         developments within the industry.
                                                   potential impacts. Singapore, for example,
even if rigorous                                   has very clearly defined milestones that        Coordination across levels
                                                   companies have to achieve in order              of Government
have an advantage                                  to be eligible for experimentations of          Building on the need for regulatory
                                                   growing complexity and in more complex          clarity, there is often a conflict of
in encouraging                                     environments within the city. Helsinki,         responsibility across different scales
                                                   meanwhile, has created the position of          both nationally and internationally.
experimentation                                    Chief Design Officer in the city responsible    In the United States, for example, each
                                                   for applying design knowledge to ease and       level of government has overlapping
and thus have the                                  encourage a culture of experimentation          responsibilities with regards to city
                                                   across companies and city agencies              streets, including in the fields of
opportunity to                                     within Helsinki. This new role is unique        safety, security and sustainability.
                                                   and innovative in its attempt to centralize     Based on research conducted at MIT,
develop a greater                                  and innovate coordination across bodies,        lower levels of government in the
                                                   thus easing key regulatory processes for        United States are hesitant to engage in
familiarity with the                               corporate entities, as well as any internal     several pertinent regulatory measures
                                                   bureaucratic confusion at the city level.       out of concern of being preempted by
technology and its                                                                                 higher levels of government on the
                                                   Regulatory responsiveness                       matter at a later date. Governments
potential impacts.                                 Autonomous         and       connected          that can coordinate across scales thus
                                                   technologies continue to rapidly                have an advantage in establishing
                                                   develop     and    evolve,    requiring         greater clarity, but also in ensuring
                                                   an approach to policy that is                   that all necessary aspects of regulation
                                                   responsive and open to evolution.               have been covered.
                                                   Today, governments are in many
                                                   ways establishing regulation for                Other
                                                   autonomous vehicles ‘in the dark,’              There are a wide range of factors
                                                   attempting to ensure such necessities           that affect a nation’s willingness to

            94 %
                                                   as safety and cybersecurity without             experiment with new technology as well
                                                   yet    fully    comprehending       the         as its agility in managing and shaping
                                                   technology itself. As the technology            the introduction of that new technology.
                                                   and its potential continue to become            In addition to the above enumerated
    Crashes in the United                          better understood, there is a need              elements, it also important to take
      States attributed                            for consistent refinement of those              consumer acceptance and innovation
      to human error 2                             rules. Governments that have the                culture into account. The former can
                                                   ability to be highly responsive to              be encouraged through widespread
                                                   these changes in technology both to             experimentation and engagement with
                                                   support its further evolution and to            a new technology, for example. The
                                                   ensure that it remains on a positive            latter, meanwhile, can be developed
                                                   path throughout its evolution have an           through fiscal support for innovative
                                                   advantage in attracting experiments             enterprises, clarity of regulations
                                                   and ensuring greater (and continuing)           regarding new businesses and other
2 —   safety and livability for citizens and          related activities that encourage
ViewPublication/812115                             residents. California, for example,             entrepreneurial pursuits.

Atelier parisien d’urbanisme                                                                                                                 9
Technology and impacts
                                                 transport systems
                                                                             Autonomous technology
                                                                             According to SAE International, an         is important to note that the technology
                                                                             engineering     standards   developing     will not necessarily progress in a step-
                                                                             organization, there are five levels of     wise fashion from level to level. In fact,
                                                                             automation. As outlined in Figure          several companies are experimenting
                                                                             1 below, the levels begin with very        with Level 4 automation today and
                                                                             limited driver assistance and progress     propose to skip Level 3 automation
                                                                             gradually towards full automation in       altogether. Significantly, as a result of
                                                                             which a steering wheel and driver are      the low turnover rate of vehicles, there
                                                                             no longer required. Most vehicles on       will be a mix of levels of autonomy in
                                                                             the road today contain technology of at    vehicles on the road for the foreseeable
                                                                             least Level 1 autonomy and many boast      future, creating a unique challenge in
                                                                             Level 2 autonomous features as well. It    the transitional period.

                          Figure 1 — Levels of Autonomy
                                                                                                    Direction,                      Fallback          System
                                                                                                   acceleration    Monitoring     performance         capacity
                                                                                                       and             of         of Dynamic         for driving
                                                                                                   deceleration   environment     Driving Task         modes

                                      Full Automation
                                      All functions performed by the vehicle without the need      System         System          System               All
                           Niv.       for a human driver.

                                      High Automation
                                      Automation fully possible in most road conditions without
                                      human intervention; steering wheel still in place in case
                                                                                                   System         System          System             Some
                                      of emergency.

                                      Conditional Automation
autonomous transport
 Actual level of tested

                                      The vehicle handles most functions in mapped locations.
                                      The human driver must intervene and manage the vehicle
                                                                                                   System         System           Human             Some
                                      in certain scenarios.

                                      Partial Automation
                           Niv.   2   The vehicle is able to manage at least two simultaneous
                                      autonomous tasks in specific scenarios.
                                                                                                   System         Human            Human             Some

                                      Driver Assistance
                           Niv.   1   The vehicle is capable of managing at least two concurrent
                                      standalone tasks in specific scenarios.
                                                                                                   Human          Human            Human             Some

                                      No Automation
                                                                                                                                                                   © Apur 2018

                           Niv.   0   A human driver performs all the necessary functions.
                                                                                                   Human          Human            Human             Some


FIGURES 2 —                                          Most     companies       experimenting       The structure of service can of course
LEVELS OF AUTONOMY MOBILITY                          with automation today rely on                be varied as project partners see fit.
                                                     Deep Learning to do so. A subfield           Routes can either have defined stops
                                                     of Artificial Intelligence within the        or offer on-demand service based on a
                                                     family of Machine Learning, machines         user’s location, for example. Similarly,
                                                     that apply Deep Learning ‘learn by           AV systems can run on a set schedule
                                                     example,’ relying on extensive data          (similar to public transportation)
                                                     collection to develop ever more              or offer service in response to user
                                                     complex and hierarchical algorithms          requests. Further, cities can decide to
                                                     for understanding the world around           offer a lane dedicated specifically to
                                                     them. Thus, AVs require not only             the autonomous vehicle, reducing the
                                                     software development to improve the          number of obstacles encountered by the
                                                     technology used, but also experience         vehicle on a regular basis, or allow the
                                                     driving on roads in order to develop         vehicles to operate instead in regular
1 — Street, planning route connected                 greater familiarity with a wide variety      traffic. A dedicated lane notably raises
                                                     of scenarios and obstacles. Figures 2        questions regarding the prioritization
                                                     represents a natural progression of          of autonomous vehicle technology vis-
                                                     learning and thus experimentation            à-vis other modes of transportation.
                                                     based on the Deep Learning paradigm.
                                                                                                  Service is also affected by the location of
                                                     Today, the vast majority of experiments      the route itself: it could either be within
                                                     within the field of autonomous vehicles      a city in a dense, pedestrian-heavy area
                                                     are fixed single-route experiments           (more complex to navigate with an
                                                     as exhibited in picture 1. Vehicles          increased number of obstacles) or less
                                                     equipped with complex autonomous             dense, suburban areas. Experiments
                                                     software learn a specific route by           notably vary across public and private
                                                     traversing it routinely throughout a         property with the latter presenting
2 — Higtway connected                                test phase and, once the route is fully      fewer regulatory limitations.
                                                     learned, expand the service to the
                                                     general public. This approach applies        As the technology continues to develop,
                                                     to AV truck testing on highways as well.     a growing number of questions have
                                                     Trucks are able to learn and execute a       arisen regarding data ownership,
                                                     fixed route for freight movement—            exchange and security. Albeit largely
                                                     usually straight and unencumbered            outside of the scope of this primer,
                                                     (picture 2).                                 there are numerous approaches to
                                                                                                  exchanging data and experience
                                                     As the vehicles develop added                to support the development of the
                                                     experience and thus a greater familiarity    software and technological capabilities
                                                     with their surroundings through              beyond the individual company unit.
                                                     additional miles driven, it is possible      The value of blockchain as a transparent
3 — Urban district connected                         to expand the fixed route approach to        and secure decentralized ledger for data
                                                     a fixed district approach (picture 3).       arose several times during interviews
                                                     Today’s robotaxis, for example, apply        conducted. Nonetheless, blockchain
                                                     Deep Learning to a full district within      challenges the proprietary and private
                                                     an urban environment: vehicles collect       nature of data as approached today.
                                                     extensive miles driven in a specific
                                                     district, allowing them to accurately
                                                     map the area and better understand
                                                     the pertinent obstacles. Robotaxis
                                                     are subsequently able to offer service
                                                     throughout the district. The final stage
                                                     is to apply this approach to a much
                                       © Apur 2018

                                                     broader area—perhaps to a whole city
                                                     (picture 4).
4 — Street network connected

ATELIER PARISIEN D’URBANISME                                                                                                               11
Vehicles and transportation systems
To date, autonomous vehicle technology
has been combined with diverse systems         Albeit smaller than buses, several ongoing

to serve in a wide variety of contexts. We     experiments are exploring the value of
discuss the forms these experiments have       shuttles as a demand-responsive form of
taken briefly below. They are notably          mass transportation. These experiments
explored in-depth in a series of case          apply the concept of platooning to expand
studies presented in Chapter 3.                capacity in periods of high demand.              Individuals generally fit
                                               Platooning, in short, allows vehicles to           in an autonomous
Mass of public transportation                  travel closely together in a convoy by                   shuttle
The form of autonomous vehicle most            communicating with each other using
widely used for ongoing tests and              connected vehicle technology. Thus,
experimentations is the autonomous             vehicles can be added or subtracted based
shuttle. The two most prolific hardware        on demand at any given stop at any given
firms for autonomous shuttles are              time.

notably both based in France: Navya
and Easymile. Navya boasts over 120            The majority of autonomous shuttle
and Easymile boasts over 170 shuttles          experiments today are fixed-route.
in circulation. The shuttles range in          This notably fits well with the initial
size, fitting generally between 12 and         conception of the value of autonomous           Passengers generally fit
15 individuals and, although they are          vehicles: the shuttles serve specific               in a Robotaxi
able travel at varying speeds, are largely     routes that are either underserved or
limited to a walking pace of between           perhaps not ideal for larger-scale public
7 km/h and 10 km/h as a result of              transportation. For this purpose, the
technological limitations in dense areas.      shuttles only have to develop experience
                                               with one specific route, which, during the

One of the reasons that these vehicles         early days of experimentation with the
are widespread is their ideal size for         technology, allows for earlier deployment
a variety of transportation system             and familiarity with the technology and
solutions. Since autonomous vehicles           its capabilities.
have the potential to be less expensive                                                         Trucks hauling freight
than their chauffeured bus brethren,           There ongoing experiments with other               could be replaced
many view shuttles as an ideal solution        forms of mass transportation as well,           by 1 autonomous truck
for replacing routes that are either not       perhaps most notably with buses. The
as highly trafficked or not as well-suited     experiments are targeted at replacing
for traditional public transportation.         the existing fleet of buses with the novel
Shuttles also have the potential to serve      technology.
as the solution for the first-mile/last-mile
conundrum: they offer an on-demand             Robotaxis
form of transportation that can connect        Robotaxis promise to address a different
individuals with the closest public            transportation need. The size of a regular
transportation stop, thus encouraging          passenger vehicle, such taxis are limited
greater public transportation use.             to 4 or 5 passengers, making them ideal
Shuttles also present an ideal solution        for more individualized requests, similar
for transportation on campuses that            to today’s TNCs. Applying the Deep
are perhaps less trafficked, but are           Learning approach, many companies
                                                                                                                                                 © By Diablanco CC BY-SA 3.0

nonetheless in need of transportation          engaged in the pursuit of a robotaxi
options to ease movement throughout            service are collecting thousands of miles
the area. Thus, many of the shuttle            of experience in order to be able to serve
experiments have been conducted on             a district with point-to-point on-demand
university campuses, in business districts     service. Several cities, such as Singapore
and in other similar zones of activity.        and Boston, have offered access to specific   Uber’s self-driving car test driving in San Francisco

Impacts and potential benefits of autonomous vehicles

Public transport

                                                                                                                          © Suslov

                                                                                                                                                                                                                  y Maximilian Dörrbecker (Chumwa) – CC BY-SA 2.0 from Wikimedia
Autonomous shuttle, new expectations for nightly
public transport
                                                   © Michaël Gounon – Navya

Digital screen in Navya vehicle                                                                      Easymile autonomes shuttle, Fahrzeug Bad Birnbach


New service of robotaxi
                                                   © By Grendelkhan – CC BY-SA 4.0 from Wikimedia

                                                                                                                                                                                                                © Michaël Gounon – Navya

Googlebil interior by David Castor                                                                   Navya autonomous cab in Paris

Atelier parisien d’urbanisme                                                                                                                                                                                  13
districts within their borders for robotaxis   rest permitted throughout the trip as the   Autonomous trikes
to develop experience and familiarity with     autonomous system takes over.               With fewer accidents in an autonomous
the eventual goal of offering commercial                                                   vehicle future, is there still the need for
service to the public.                         From the urban perspective, there are       a large-scale passenger vehicle? Several
                                               a large number of municipal and other       companies are challenging that notion
Although their limited size makes them         freight vehicles that travel along fixed    with the introduction of the autonomous
less ideal for the fixed-route, mass           routes and traditionally advance at a       trike. Boston’s MIT has introduced what
transportation service offered by today’s      slow, deliberate pace, thus satisfying      it calls its Persuasive Electric Vehicle
autonomous        shuttle    experiments,      the preconditions for today’s levels of     (PEV) and a company called Mobotiq
some experts view them as compatible           autonomous technology capabilities.         has been testing its own version in
with and a possible extension of public        More directly, the autonomous vehicle       Romania. These technologies offer a
transportation. In Rouen, for example, as      technology of today could be applied        more individualized, small-scale solution
explored more in depth in a case study in      to vehicles such as garbage trucks to       to passenger transportation—one with
Chapter 3, a group of partners is exploring    ease the manpower required and to           a smaller environmental footprint.
the value of the Robotaxi for servicing        reduce emissions. As explored more          Although it might be difficult to imagine
business parks. Typically areas not            in-depth in Chapter 3, Hamburg has          these vehicles replacing a full mass
dense enough to justify the investment         recently announced plans to introduce       transit system, they might, according to
of public transportation, business parks       autonomous garbage trucks into its fleet    MIT, “constitute a new and indispensable
are still in need of transportation within     in early 2019.                              category of vehicles in the emerging
the area to discourage workers from                                                        constellation of mobility systems.”
bringing their personally-owned vehicles       This logic could be applied to other
by offering an alternative way to get          areas within the field of logistics, such   Autonomous drones
around once in the park. Others profess        as freight parks, airports and logistics    Uber has made public plans to actively
the value of platooning for individual         centers. Several companies are already      investigate air taxi service. While scaling
vehicles as well, arguing that a platoon of    experimenting (or have proposed             back on its autonomous vehicle program,
individual vehicles could also serve mass      experimenting) with vehicles to service     the company has instead announced
transportation needs.                          these areas, but experimentation within     research into a program it has dubbed
                                               this area is still relatively inchoate.     Uber Elevate, with demonstration
Today, there can be found a wide variety                                                   flights planned for 2020 and commercial
of actors within this space, experimenting     Delivery robots                             operations for 2023. The company
in locations across the globe. Many have       In 2015, start-up company Starship          has partnered with other key actors in
announced plans to make the service            Technologies introduced the novel           the air space to start developing the
public by the end of 2018.                     concept of autonomous delivery robots.      infrastructure and technology required
                                               The robots are capable of delivering        to make autonomous aerial ride-hailing
Freight and municipal services                 goods from their initial location to a      a reality. Similarly, Airbus is currently
The field of freight has a wide variety        convenient point as determined by           conducting experiments whit arial taxis in
of functions that are ripe for the             the consumer. After testing the robots      sevent cities as well. While still in its early
introduction of autonomous technology.         in 20 countries across the globe, the       stages, these announcements portend a
Highways are notably straight and involve      company announced earlier this year         very different future from ground-based
relatively few obstacles, making them          that they would be conducting their         autonomous vehicles.
prime candidates for first generation,         first commercial rollout in 2018.
fixed-route experimentation. Several           Combined with the arrival of drone          In fact, one can find a wide variety of
companies have been conducting tests to        technology, these robots have the           innovative ideas within the field of
that effect, ranging from Uber’s Otto to       potential to upend the field of last-       autonomous vehicles that present images
Volvo to Waymo. Nonetheless, highway           mile delivery for both freight and          of the future that are widely divergent
entry and exit and the navigation of           consumer goods. They could reduce           with the vehicles and systems that we
complex city streets remain challenging        the need for store fronts as individuals    have in place today across the globe.
for the autonomous technology of today,        rely increasingly on goods delivery and     These conceptions serve as a reminder
limiting the experiments to partial            they also call into question the need       that the future of AVs might not be as
freight routes. Initial studies have shown     for delivery trucks and larger-scale        predictable as it might seem at first blush.
that the introduction of autonomous            freight movement within the urban           Nonetheless, experimentations of widely
technology to this effect would allow the      context as they offer a smaller-scale,      divergent vehicles today are still quite
same manpower to be applied to triple          more personalized alternative.              limited in number.
the number of trucks as a result of the

Impacts and potential benefits of autonomous vehicles

Freight trucks and transport services

                                                                                 © By Linneakornehed – CC BY-SA 4.0 by Wikimedia Commons

                                                                                                                                                                                                                  © Uber
The T-pod in front of San Fransisco, March 2018                                                                                             Uber Elevate project, skyport design

Delivery robots

                                                                                                                                                                                                                  © Boston

Illustration of delivery robot ans connected urban logistic                                                                                 Illustration of delivery by drone

Connected streets and infrastructures
                                                                                 © Metamorwork/

                                                                                                                                                                                                                  © Scharfsinn/

Illustration of connected environment with adapted traffic lights and vehicles                                                              Illustration of artificial intelligence technology

Atelier parisien d’urbanisme                                                                                                                                                                                    15
© Mairie de Paris/Christophe Belin
Autonomous shuttle experiment between Austerlitz and Lyon train stations (Paris)

Adapting the city
Although it is perhaps simplest to think              EV infrastructure                            then they should start thinking today
of autonomous vehicles in isolation,                  When experts discuss AVs today, they         about densifying and incentivizing the
the technology in fact requires a                     generally do so under the umbrella of        necessary infrastructure.
variety of infrastructural investments                connected, autonomous and electric. It
to support its inception in addition                  is frequently assumed that the future will   There is notably much innovation going
to the technology within the vehicles                 invariably be electric because the fossil    on in this space that runs parallel to the
themselves. While this field is still                 fuel schema of today is not sustainable      innovation happening on autonomous
shifting as the technology and its                    in the long-term—and electricity is one      vehicles themselves. Nonetheless, as
requirements continue to develop,                     of the most promising alternatives. Yet      AV technology moves rapidly forward,
there are several areas of infrastructure             the infrastructure hurdles that must         it should not be assumed that electric
that are sure to face changes and, in                 be overcome to realize a future of           vehicle development will keep pace
many cases, significant investment                    electricity are considerable. An electric    without     additional    support     and
and adaptation. The private sector                    future requires first and foremost           incentives.
has a significant interest in expanding               a high density of electric charging
connected infrastructure in particular                stations that offer routine (and speedy)     Connected infrastructure :
to support their experimentations and                 recharging options. It also, notably,        networks
efforts developing new technology.                    requires an increase in reliable and         One of the biggest challenges facing
Nonetheless, governments have a                       sustainable power provision. Should          AV development and governments
significant role to play in supporting                governments wish to encourage the            today is the role and form of connected
experiments,     coordinating      across             adoption of electric vehicles in tandem      infrastructure. As AV technology has
platforms and ensuring standardization.               with the adoption of autonomous ones,        evolved, so too has the approach to

Impacts and potential benefits of autonomous vehicles

connectivity. The challenge lies in how       vehicle technology. Companies have an          Nonetheless, connected infrastructure
to coordinate connectivity requirements       interest, after all, in strengthening the      is still largely in its experimental phase
across a wide variety of companies            network in urban areas where demand            and, while network standardization has
working on a wide variety of projects.        is highest and less of an interest in          begun, standardization of messaging
And, significantly, governments are           ensuring full equity in access to the          exchanged between vehicles and
asking themselves what connected              network. Thus, experts are looking to          infrastructure remains a challenge to be
infrastructure should be invested in,         a range of solutions to ensure broader         addressed.
and by whom.                                  connectivity such as mesh networking,
                                              strengthened Wi-Fi, Li-Fi and more.            There is a need for good infrastructure
Connected       infrastructure      notably                                                  beyond connectivity. Cities and
requires an effective network for             Connected infrastructure : roads               companies should be weary of focusing
vehicles and infrastructure to connect        Beyond the networks themselves,                solely on technological developments
quickly, securely and reliably. There         connectivity will require novel physical       to the detriment of their existing
is a debate raging today as to what           infrastructure. First-generation V2X           ‘low-tech’     infrastructure.   Today’s
form that connection should take.             (vehicle-to-everything)      experiments       autonomous vehicles, for example, are
ITS G5 has emerged as a frontrunner           are already underway as both companies         still heavily reliant on lane indicators
for the near-term: it does not require        and governments equip infrastructure           for the accuracy of their routes.
extensive infrastructure build-out to be      with technology to communicate                 Countries that have strong existing road
deployed, it doesn’t require a licensed       with nearby cars. For traffic lights,          networks have already been proven to
spectrum and it is readily available.         the systems are able to warn vehicles          be at an advantage in the number of AV
However, ITS G5 is also much more             in advance as the lights change, for           experiments being conducted on their
susceptible to interference and raises        example, or to detect obstacles on the         roads.
numerous cybersecurity concerns.              road that might impede a vehicle’s
Thus, many are looking to 5G, the             progress. Such technology could be             It is above all important to note that
next-generation mobile network to             embedded within a wide variety of              investment in infrastructure—who
address the weaknesses of today’s ITS         infrastructural forms, ranging from            does so and where—raises myriad
G5 system. 5G offers greater security,        buildings to roads to even toll booths (for    equity issues for the proliferation of the
longer range, higher speed and low            more on Sanef’s toll booth experiments         technology and its promised benefits
latency. Nonetheless, its build-out is        in partnership with Renault, see Box           as well as its potential disadvantages.
more expensive and more complex,              2). This connectivity is seen as a way         It is important that cities follow these
begging the question of its availability      to supplement the autonomy of the              developments closely and determine
(at least initially) in rural or less-dense   vehicle, offering additional information       their appropriate role therein.
areas. Limited availability in the near-      in advance of the vehicle’s arrival on the
term could significantly affect access        scene via short-range communication,
to and the structure of autonomous            thus easing the vehicle’s route.

                                               Connected infrastructure : tolls

                                               In June 2016, Renault and Sanef               communicate with cars a kilometer
                                               announced a partnership to explore            before arriving with pertinent details for
                                               how connected technology could be             the vehicle such as which toll booths are
                                               applied to and enhance the existing           open. Cars are thus able to reduce speed
                                               infrastructure of the French toll system.     as directed and more easily navigate the
                                               They subsequently developed a system          toll booth area. The experiment is being
                                               that would allow communication                conducted on a highway in the Normandy
                                               between the toll infrastructure and           region of France and has been proven
                                               oncoming vehicles using a short-range         highly successful thus far.
                                               Wi-Fi network. The system is able to

Atelier parisien d’urbanisme                                                                                                          17
3.   Case studies
         Autonomous vehicles present the               a strong incentive to experiment with
         unique policy challenge of planning for a     autonomous vehicles today and to learn
         technology that does not yet exist in its     from that experience. Notably, learning
         final form. While we have many theories       also comes from the observation of other
         and proposals for how autonomous              cities conducting similar experiments
         vehicles should be introduced onto city       and studies in pursuit of the same goals.
         streets, the result will ultimately depend
         on the final form that the technology         In the past several years, there has
         itself takes. It thus behooves policymakers   notably been a growth in autonomous
         to develop a familiarity with and an          vehicle experiments taking place across
         understanding of the technology itself; to    the globe. Chapter 3 highlights a wide
         experiment with its implementation on         variety of those experiments, aiming to
         city streets. The more that policymakers      consolidate the insights and knowledge
         learn about autonomous vehicles,              gained through diverse experiences.
         including the functionality of the            Each case study included in Chapter 3
         technology, the response of citizens          was selected for specific a reason: each
         to its use, and its ability to integrate      one evinces either a unique approach,
         into larger transit systems, the more         a unique set of insights or a unique
         prepared they will be to help shape an        scenario itself. Cities highlighted (and
         autonomous vehicle future. There is thus      their defining features) include:

         „ AV garbage trucks, Sweden
            The future of municipal services?

         „ Singapore
            Wide-spread testing of diverse technologies.

         „ Wageningen, Netherlands
            Fixed-route shuttles for last-mile solutions.

         „ Helsinki, Finland
            A targeted, Smart City approach to AVs.

         „ Phoenix-area, United States
            Limited regulations and a car-focused approach.

         „ Paris, France
            Strong consumer feedback in a pedestrian-friendly area.

         „ Rouen, France
            A ride-hailing car service to supplement public transportation.

         „ Shenzhen, China
            An eager interest in new technologies combined with a high consumer acceptance.

         „ Sion, Switzerland
            A tourist attraction in a dense, pedestrian-heavy area.

Impacts and potential benefits of autonomous vehicles

AV garbage rucks, Sweden
The future of municipal services?
„ Location ————                                                                           „ Testing dates ————                               „ AV mode ————
  Gothenburg, Sweden                                                                        May - December 2017

Overview                                                                                  Context

In mid-2018, Volvo unveiled its next-                                                     In addition to human transportation,               Summit in Brussels, the vehicle is parked at
generation autonomous garbage trucks.                                                     autonomous technology presents a                   the top of a street and subsequently backs
The vehicles have the opportunity                                                         unique opportunity for the hauling of              up slowly as the garbage man walks ahead
to improve the efficiency, safety and                                                     freight in a wide variety of use cases.            and deposits the various receptacles into
sustainability of waste management in                                                     The context of highway driving in fair             the vehicle as it progresses down the
cities. As a low-speed, traditionally fixed                                               weather conditions has been perhaps                road. The concept thus saves time (and
route, garbage trucks are notably ripe for                                                the most widely discussed: while human             physical impact) for the garbage man
early adoption of autonomous technology.                                                  drivers are limited in the hours they are          who no longer has to continuously climb
Volvo’s designs offer insights into the                                                   permitted to work, an autonomous truck             up into the driver’s seat between bins;
potential of autonomous technology                                                        could theoretically drive itself while the         Volvo also anticipates that the vehicle will
for freight within the urban context                                                      driver rests. Under some calculations,             be able to reduce emissions by offering
specifically beyond to the much-discussed                                                 an autonomous truck combined with a                a smoother trip along the street with
opportunity for autonomous trucks on                                                      human driver could complete the work of            more limited braking and acceleration.
straight, long-distance highways. From                                                    three non-autonomous trucks. Similarly,            The truck uses LIDAR sesors to detect
may to december 2017, Volvo Group,                                                        auonomous trucks on highways could                 obstacles in its environment, but Volvo
together with Swedish waste and recycling                                                 serve as a prime use case for the concept          has announced that initial prototypes will
specialist Renova, tested during 6 months                                                 of platooning: decreasing the distance             operate in areas where the company has
a pioneering autonomous refuse truck that                                                 between trucks in order to improve gas             fully mapped the streets that make up the
has the potentiel to be used across the                                                   mileage and streamline travel on roads.            truck’s route. Despite the many potential
urban environment. This refuse truck could                                                Eased by the autonomous technology                 positive impacts, concerns remain about
enhance efficiency of municipal service,                                                  and connected infrastructure, several              the vehicles’ ability to navigate dense
reduce urban congestion and improve                                                       trucks could drive in short succession             urban contexts, particularly when moving
safety and working conditions.                                                            to increase the load delivered while               against the flow of traffic.
                                                                                          decreasing emissions and congestion.
                                                                                          Beyond the much-discussed highway                  AV actor spotlight
                                                                                          use cases, however, autonomous trucks
                                                                                          show much promise for urban context as             • Volvo
                                                                                          well, particularly for slow-moving vehicles        Volvo has been bullish with its ambitions
                                                                                          (such as garbage trucks) or vehicles with          for autonomous vehicles for several years.
                                                                                          a fixed, pre-determined route.                     The company announced its Drive Me
                                                                                                                                             pilot program in 2014 with the intent to
                                                                                          Project spotlight                                  provide 100 self-driving cars to the public
                                                      © © Suslov

                                                                                                                                             by 2017. While the company has scaled
                                                                                          In May of 2017, Volvo introduced its radical       back its ambitions in recent months,
                                                                                          new idea of an autonomous garbage truck            Volvo continues to experiment with a
                                                                                          tested in Gothenburg in Sweden with                wide variety of vehicles including, notably,
                                                                                          Renova. According to the concept, debuted          trucks. The company has conducted
                                                                                          later that year at the Volvo Innovation            several highway tests in recent years (on
A garbage autonomous truck
                                                                                                                                             the Triange Expressway in the United
                                                                                                                                             States for example) and is looking into
                                                                                                                                             the technology’s application in urban
     10 %                         3¨1                                                         4 000                 50/70 %
                                                                                                                                             environments and other contexts as well.
 up to 10 % reduction        trucks hauling freight                                         trucks accidents in                              Volvo is testing large-scale trucks for other
                                                                                                                      of trucks drivers
   of fuel use as a            could be replaced                                           2012 in US, of which
                                                                                                                     could be replaced
                                                                                                                                             purposes such as mining, for example, in
    result of truck            by 1 autonomous                                               90 % were human
      platooning                     truck                                                         error                   by 2030           the Kristineberg Mine in northern Sweden.

Atelier parisien d’urbanisme                                                                                                                                                           19
Widespread testing of diverse technologies


                                                                                                                                                                                     Known as one of the world’s most
                                                                                                                                                                                     autonomous vehicle-friendly countries,

                                                                                                         © Stamen Design, under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY 3.0) license
                                                                                                                                                                                     Singapore has allowed testing of
                                                                                                                                                                                     autonomous vehicles on its streets
                                                                                                                                                                                     since 2015. The city has expressed
                                                                                                                                                                                     itself open to experimentation with a
                                                                                                                                                                                     wide variety of autonomous vehicle
                                                                                                                                                                                     formats ranging from autonomous taxi
                                                                                                                                                                                     fleets to buses to shuttles serving both
                                                                                                                                                                                     private use and public transportation.
                                                                                                                                                                                     Its strong and diverse partnerships and
                                                                                                                                                                                     extensive testing offer unique insights
                                                                                                                                                                                     into the juxtaposition of a wide variety
                                                                                                                                                                                     of potential technologies and system
     Location of Test City   NuTonomy AV Taxi Tests    Proposed Test Sites

„ Location ——————— Singapore

„ Testing dates ———— 2015 - present

„ AV mode ———————

       67 km                                     10+                                         15 %                                                                                                           2
       of trial routes                    companies testing                             car ownership rate                                                                                          hectares test city
      on public roads                         vehicles                                      within city                                                                                            complex dedicated
                                               in city                                                                                                                                                 to testing           © 2017 Energy Research Institute, Nanyang Technological University
                                                                  © 2017 nuTonomy

NuTonomy vehicle                                                                    Nanyang Technology University’s Centre of Excellence for Testing & Research
                                                                                    of Autonomous Vehicles (CETRAN)

Impacts and potential benefits of autonomous vehicles

Context                                                                                     AV actor spotlight

Singapore is well-positioned for the         provide the government with extensive          • NuTonomy
introduction of autonomous vehicles          insights into the state of autonomous          The first private company to receive
into a larger transportation system. Car     capabilities today and serves as one           approval for public road testing,
ownership rates for the city state are an    of the most articulated plans for AV           nuTonomy vehicles have been on public
impressively low 15 percent as a result      integration into a public transportation       roads in Singapore since 2016. An MIT
of the taxes and fees associated with        system to date.                                spin-off, the company became the
ownership. A wide-range of alternative       Significantly, the city has a wealth of        world’s first company to offer invite-
mobility options is a thus high priority     partnerships and companies operating           only driverless taxi rides and has since
for the city and its citizens. Officials     on its streets and testing grounds,            partnered with ride-hailing company
view autonomous vehicle fleets as            allowing for a wide variety of concepts        Grab to make hailing driverless rides a
an opportunity to increase access to         and experiments including individual           reality in the country in the coming years.
affordable transportation for citizens       vehicles, on-demand shuttles, freight          The company is owned by software
while     simultaneously      establishing   and utility operations such as street          supplier Aptiv.
the city-state at the forefront of           sweeping. The majority of these tests          • SMART (Singapore-MIT Alliance for
international innovation. Similarly, the     are still being conducted in a cordoned-         Research and Technology)
country sees autonomous vehicles as          off test city that closely mimics the          Testing autonomous golf carts since
a key opportunity to reduce congestion,      cityùs roads, but several can be found on      2010, the SMART partnership produced
address labor shortage within several        public streets One North District.             the second autonomous vehicle
key industries and to reduce the cost        NuTonomy, an MIT spin-off, has been            approved for circulation on public roads.
of municipal activities such as street       running tests of an autonomous ride-           • A*STAR’s Institute for Infocomm
sweeping. To that effect, the country has    hailing taxi service in Singapore in             Research
engaged in a wide variety of partnerships    partnership with Southeast Asian ride-         One of the original players in the field of
and has established itself as a hub for      hailing services company Grab. The             autonomous vehicles in Singapore, I2R
the testing of a wide variety of AVs.        tests are currently being conducted            produced the first vehicle approved for
In addition to opening up specific           on public roads and the companies              public road testing in Singapore in 2015.
neighborhoods for testing on public          have announced plans to introduce a            ST Kinetics
roads, the city also has an extensive test   commercial version of the service by the       ST Kinectics has partnered with
city specifically dedicated to AV testing.   end of this year.                              Singapore’s Land Transport Authority
The city has developed an extensive                                                         to develop a 40-seater bus that is both
regulatory system consisting of              Future trajectory                              autonomous and electric with the
milestones required for testing at various                                                  intent of offering a larger scale public
locations throughout the city.               The city has made it a clear priority to       transportation supplement.
                                             be at the forefront of AV technological        • Other
Project spotlight                            innovation and implementation. As              The city has on-going partnerships
                                             a result of their strong and varied            with Toyota and Scania to develop
In 2017, Singapore released a Request for    partnerships, the city has truly become        technologies for effective platooning,
Information designed to inform a future      one of the world’s most AV-friendly            as well with Katoen Natie to develop
Request for Proposals. The city intends to   cities. The city’s RFI notably established     autonomous trucks and other heavy-duty
operate fleets of autonomous vehicles in     a clear intent to integrate AVs into public    vehicles including city service vehicles
the form of buses or on-demand shuttles      transportation, but the technologies that      for such tasks as street sweeping. More
in three districts (Punggol, Tengah and      are currently testing in Singapore would       than ten companies are now testing
the Jurong Innovation District (JID))        indicate that the city will be a hotbed for    vehicles at the country’s Nanyang
by 2022. The extensive RFI included          a wide variety of services, both public        Technological University AV testing
a wide variety of questions regarding        and private. As a result, all eyes are on      facility, including French firm Navya.
data, mobility networks, infrastructure      Singapore for the best way to handle the
requirements, vehicle design, business       dangers and address the technological
model and integration with existing public   needs for AVs, ranging from connected
transportation systems. The RFI will         infrastructure to safety regulations.

Atelier parisien d’urbanisme                                                                                                         21
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