Impact of Covid-19 and Information Technology as a helping hand to fight Pandemic

Page created by Stanley Christensen
JMSCR Vol||09||Issue||08||Page 147-152||August                                                2021
                                                                     ISSN (e)-2347-176x ISSN (p) 2455-0450

  Impact of Covid-19 and Information Technology as a helping hand to fight

                                              Vandana Malik1
                Ph.D. scholar, Department of Computer Science Himachal Pradesh University, Shimla

 First case of COVID-19 surfaced in China in                     Senior citizens are the most affected as they
 December 2019 and three months later The World                  have week immunity and co morbidities
 Health Organization declared COVID-19 as                        which make them vulnerable and their
 pandemic on March 11, 2020. Complete                            mortality rate is high. According to WHO
 lockdown was necessary Total covid-19 cases                     95% of death due to covid-19 is of people
 since then there have their jobs and businesses etc.            above 60 years of age[3].
 Amides of all this chaotic situation information                Impact of covid-19 on women can be clearly
 technology has played major role in all aspects of              seen as many women working in unorganized
 life. Impact of pandemic on Socio-economic                      sectors lost their jobs. During lockdown
 conditions of people, change in behavior and                    household work, care work with limited
 cultural practices can be observed. During                      finance has amplified their problems. Women
 complete lockdown in 2020 people used internet                  are facing issues of domestic violence,
 and information technology from getting health                  inequality, early marriage and dropping out of
 facility to groceries. Technology has been boon to              school and colleges. According to UN report
 mankind and a helping hand in defeating COVID-                  pandemic will push 96 million people into
 19[2].                                                          extreme poverty and out of which 47 million
                                                                 are women and girls living on USD1.90 or
                                                                 Impact of Covd-19 on children, since 2020
                                                                 schools and colleges are closed and education
                                                                 is being imparted online. Weaker sections of
                                                                 society who are unable to access internet,
                                                                 who have limited resources are being left
                                                                 behind even though free and compulsory
                                                                 education to children from 6 to 14 years of
 Social                                                          age is a fundamental right under the Article
 Impact of Covid-19 can be seen on every section                 21A. Digital inequalities, gender biasness and
 of society.                                                     digital divide is increasing day by day [5]..
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     Exams are not being conducted which is                the domestic needs for vaccines, oxygen,
     again hampering the career prospects of many          ventilators, medicine and PPE kits.[9]
     aspirants. Children are online for long time          Maximum use of online payment mode was
     which impacts their physical and mental               observed because currency notes and coins
     health. 6 to 7 million children below 5 years         were considered as virus carries so termed as
     of age are suffering malnutrition, wasting and        dirty money. People preferred safe and secure
     stunting due to poverty [6].                          online payment methods.[10]

 Economy                                               Culture
    Due to pandemic and lockdown businesses                Covid-19 has changed the way people greet
    like tourism and hospitality has suffered alot.        and meet each other with elbow bumps
    Supply Chain was broken as international               instead of handshakes. People are using
    borders were closed no import or export                elbow bumps at workplace, politicians uses
    waspossible                                            elbow bumps to depict the way we can
    Petrol prices in 2020 went down drastically            prevent virus from spreading and it is a
    because of lockdown there was restriction on           constant reminder of following Covid-19
    movement and people did not travel therefore           appropriate behavior.[11]
    demand of petrol was less. Middle East                 Big fat Indian wedding turned into private
    countries major export of natural gas and              and small parties because huge gathering acts
    crude oil faced economic crisis during                 like super spreading events.
    pandemic[7].                                           Trami –Centuries old Kashmiri tradition of
    Millions of people lost their jobs.                    eating food from one plate in wedding is not
    Migration of people from urban areas to rural          being followed due toCovid-19.[8.3]
    areas was heart breaking event to see. Where           Temples, mosques, churches were closed for
    people walked for 300Km to reach their                 public gathering,prayers.[12]
    native places. Migrants were potential carrier         Festivals celebrations were allowed but only
    of disease to rural areas[8.1].                        in home premises without huge gathering in a
    Agriculture sector faced shortage of labors            peaceful manner.[13]
    during harvesting and sowing season.
    Farmers switched towards cotton from rice          Environment
    cultivation because of it being labor intensive.    Origin of Covid-19 is still unclear but many
    It could have affected our food security[8.2].         scientists believe that it has been transferred
    Manufacturing sector also faced a major blow           from animals to human. As human animal
    as demand of products decreased and                    interaction has increased because of forest
    factories were closed. Positive growth was             area converted into agricultural land and
    seenin pharmaceutical and medical equipment            residential area. Humans have encroached
    industries when India tried to manufacture             into forest, animal habitat which used acts as
    PPE kits (personal protective equipment) and           buffer between humans and animals and
    vaccination for Covid-19 (Covishield and               forest used to contain and hold different types
    Covaxin). India had failed to anticipate the           of viruses and bacteria’s away from humans.
    arrival of second wave which disrupted the             Animal based diet, wild and exotic animal
    delivery of vaccines to foreign countries. As          available in wet market of China as food,
    very small population of India was vaccinated          frozen contaminated food are considered
    when the second wave of Covid-19 hit India             some reasons for origin of the coronavirus.[14]
    and all the resources where directed to meet        Air quality improved during Lockdown all
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     around the world as carbon and green house          were education related videos; software and
     gas emission was limited. Delhi Pollution           learning apps are being designed.[18]
     Drops by 49% During Lockdown and India's            Virtual Reality: can help in improving
     CO2 Emissions Fall for First Time in                learning experience and enhancing the
     40Years[15]                                         content delivered to the children that can help
  Biodiversity was thriving with limited human          them understand concepts better. It can help
     interference during lockdown like Gangetic          in Speech training, Skill enhancement in
     dolphins were found in Mahananda river of           medical education can be done by gaining
     Bihar. As water pollution was less due to           practical knowledge through experiencing
     closed factories, sewage and untreated              real environment in 3D. Virtual field trips like
     industrial waste was not contaminating the          exploring ocean depth, solar system and
     river water.[16]                                    experience historical events for better
  Negative impact of Covid-19 pandemic on               understanding.[19]
     environment is that lots of biomedical waste        Aarogya setu: is a mobile application used
     is generated which needs to be disposed             for contact tracing of covid-19
     properly so that it may not lead to                 COWIN app: registration for getting
     contamination. Guidelines are provided by           vaccinated for coronavirus.
     the government for proper disposal of               Chat bot: government issued a number where
     biomedical waste. Plastic waste, glass waste        people can get correct information and
     from millions of vaccine doses manufactured,        answer     to     their   queries     regarding
     masks , gloves, face shield and PPE kit is          coronavirus.
     hazardous to ours environment.[17]                  Tele medicine: provide virtual healthcare to
                                                         people living at remote location by using
                                                         various communication methods so that
  Information technology assisted us to fight
                                                         everyone gets health care services. It also
  Covid-19 in the following ways
     Information dissemination: as SARS-COV-             prevented spreading of viruses by avoiding
     2 was a new virus and limited information           mass gatherings at hospitals and in keeping
     was available therefore in order to provide         medical staff safe from risk of getting
     correct and reliable information various            exposed to virus. [21]
     online platforms were used. Social media was        Mental and psychological health: covid-19
     used to spread information and Covid-19             has impacted in number of ways during
     appropriate behavior. To spread awareness           lockdown people were alone facing
     among masses internet has played a major            depression, financial crises, many lost their
     role.[2]                                            near and dear ones which disturbed them
     Policy Making: data analysis helps                  mentally      and      emotionally.    Physical
     government take informed decision and build         distancing, isolation is worsening the
     a strategy to deliver food, essential services to   condition of elderly people. Many helpline
     people during lockdown and maintained               numbers were started where people could
     supply chain.[2]                                    discuss their problems and online sessions
     Onlinen Education: school and colleges              were conducted, counseling was provided.[22]
     were closed since March 2020 and 1.2 billion        Work from home: IT Sector and many
     Children are out of classrooms. Students are        businesses shifted to online mode when
     studying online and teachers taking Classes         pandemic started. It helped in breaking the
     on digital platform like Zoom, Google meet          chain of spreading corona virus. Work from
     etc. Rise of edtech companies can be seen           home has become the new normal where

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    people are in safe environment, running              spread awareness.[1]
    businesses, conducting meeting on various            E-Courts: During pandemic supreme court
    platforms      and    performing      economic       and other high courts were providing justice
    activities. Many IT employees went back to           by conducting proceeding online
    their native places, to small towns and              Digital Governance: governments are
    working from their without any problem.              providing services which can be availed from
    People are working with flexible schedule,           anywhere by using internet and visiting
    giving time to their family and are safe from        official portals to get benefit of welfare
    corona virus. If companies allow their               scheme and it also ensures accountability and
    employees to work from any location post             clear demarcation of work. It prevents
    pandemic it will cut down the cost of                corruption in government sector because of
    infrastructure,       transportation       and       automation of tasks where people cannot
    maintenance.                                         work according to their whims and fancies.[2]
    Surveillance: Drones can help in providing           Online      Summits:        governments       and
    security and surveillance. Robots can do             international organizations across the worlds
    screening of people by checking their                are engaging through online platforms and
    temperature in public places and at airports.        cooperating with each other and developing
    Drones will help in monitoring streets,              relationships and strategies to curb
    disinfect contaminated places and help               coronavirus.
    deliver medical supplies to remote                   SAARC 2020, BRICS Summit 2020, G-20
    locations.[2]                                        Leaders’ Summit 2020, Association of
    3D Printing: help in making protective               Southeast Asian Nation (ASEAN) 2021 were
    medical supplies like masks, face shields and        conducted virtually to discuss pandemic and
    surgical instruments, PPE kits, testing devices      other issues around the world. Virtual Aadi
    like nasopharyngel (NP) swabs, training and          Mahostav in Madhy Pradesh was organized
    visualization aids like medical manikins and         by ministry of tribal affairs in order to
    bio models etc.[24]                                  celebrate spirit of tribal culture, craft, cuisine
    Research and Development: information                and commerce.
    technology helped scientists to collaborate,         Online Campaigning: to avoid mass
    ICT helps in collecting data, sharing data,          gathering and by following social distancing
    analyzing data and developing efficient              norms of pandemic election campaigns could
    results.[25] Genome sequencing of SARS-              be conducted online and politicians can
    COV-2 virus to study different variants and          connect to the citizens and ask for their votes
    mutations taking place in them to upgrade our        by digital modes like social media.
    vaccines.[26]                                        E-Commerce: online shopping and grocery
    Rise of OTT platform: During pandemic                purchase have increased during pandemic.
    people moved to OTT (over the top) platform          New online businesses have started growing
    for entertainment. Where they can watch              and providing employment to people.
    movies, web series, online gaming etc of their       Providing people with all the necessary thing
    own choice. It provided job opportunities to         at home in order to keep themindoors.
    people when economic crunch. [27]
    Social media: played a major role in              Limitation of Information technology
    connecting people to their friends and            Privacy and Security Issues: data on digital
    families during lockdown. It was a major          platforms is not secure it can be hacked, accessed
    source of information and a platform to           by unauthorized users, data manipulation can

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  take place. Recently we have seen many cases of       get maximum benefits. India needs data
  malware, ransom ware which affect businesses.         protection and localization laws to secure data of
  Mobile application takes personal information         its citizens. As ICT have helped mankind and
  which helps in contract tracing and potential risk    promoted ease of living. Therefore we can say a
  of getting exposed to get covid-19 but this           friend in need is a friend in deed and technology
  information can be misused. Cybercrimes, scams,       has proven to be our friend and a helping hand at
  phishing attacks have increased Zoom data leak,       the time of crises. By continuous research and
  solar wind hack cyber attack on US                    development we can keep evolving and
  government.[28]                                       improving our heath infrastructure and
  Digital divide: Pandemic has highlighted the          technology which will enable us to defeat corona
  inequalities that exist in our society where may      virus.
  people are not yet ready to embrace technology
  and are lacking behind because they cannot            References
  afford it. Online education in rural India is            1.
  difficult because of limited resources and limited       2.
  access to the internet. Senior citizens are unable          ad/publication/un-desa-policy-brief-61-
  to get along with technology therefore left                 covid-19-embracing-digital-government-
  behind. Gap between digital have and have not’s             during-the-pandemic-and-beyond/
  needs to be reduced by providing children with           3.
  ICT devices and internet access so that children            les/the-impact-of-the-covid-19-pandemic-
  can continue studying and learning while schools            on-older-adults#Old-age-and-preexisting-
  are closed because of pandemic.[29]                         health-conditions
  Fake News: As internet is available to all and           4.
  social media was used to spread fake news and               s/2020/9/feature-covid-19-economic-
  misinformation during pandemic and people                   impacts-on-women
  trying to cure disease at home with remedies seen        5.
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  Cases of spreading misinformation about                     education-divide-in-india/
  vaccines developed against corona virus were             6.
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  can put people at risk and losing their lives.[30]       7.
  Deep fakes: manipulated images videos and                   re/2020/06/08/the-global-economic-
  audios circulate around to build perception and             outlook- during-the-covid-19-pandemic-
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  Children are online for many hours which is              8. [8.1]
  impacting their health condition and it’s difficult         onal/returning-migrants-a-threat-to-rural-
  to keep track of their online activities. Children          areas- mha/article31446313.ece
  face cyber bullying which cause psychological               [8.2]
  issues.                                                     onal/other-states/punjab-could-see-more-
  We should be wise and responsible while dealing             areas-under-cotton-
  with technology as it is a double edged sword.              cultivation/article31440214.ece
  India needs to build its infrastructure and                 [8.3]
  capacity in order to provide benefit of technology
  to the last person in the last village. People need         other-states/pandemic-puts-on-hold-
  to learn and increase digital literacy in order to          kashmiri-wedding-tradition-of-eating-

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         plate/article32655494.ece                    23.
     9.         gazines/panache/work-from-home-has-
         covid-19-on-indias- manufacturing-               been-successful-during-covid-19-
         sector                                           lockdown-what-
     10.         next/articleshow/75470580.cms.
         s/PMC7280123/                                24.
     11.        020-00234-3
         w-bumps-handshake-amid-coronavirus-          25.
         outbreak/story?id=69434364                       ation-technology/role-of-ict-in-research-
     12.          information-technology-essay
         ies/nation/2020/mar/19/covid-19-impact-      26.
         here-are- the-temples-in-india-that-have-        /03/31/how-genome-sequencing-is-
         been-shut-down-102803.html                       aiding-vaccines-variant-tracking/
     13.      27. https://telecom.economictimes.indiatimes
         irus/celebrating-festivals-and-occasions-        .com/news/pandemic-redefined-ott-space-
         during- lockdown                                 online-gaming-becomes-a-new-sunrise-
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