IDEX 2019: Celebrating a Quarter Century of Success

IDEX 2019: Celebrating a Quarter Century of Success
A Specialized Journal on Military & Strategic Affairs - 47 th Year - Issue No. 566 March. 2019

                            IDEX 2019: Celebrating a
                            Quarter Century of Success

                             Arnold Defense                                  Rostec Debuts New
                             Demonstrates                                    Kalashnikov and
                             FLETCHER                                        Pantsir-ME
Issue No. 566 March. 2019

                             Tawazun Economic                                 The Radars of the
                             Council Commits to                               Future
                             Further Development
IDEX 2019: Celebrating a Quarter Century of Success
Courtesy of General Atomics Aeronautical Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.


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IDEX 2019: Celebrating a Quarter Century of Success

                                                          The products of the national companies that participated in
                                                          IDEX 2019 are comparable in quality and efficiency to those of
                                                          the world’s leading companies operating in defence, military
                                                          and technological domains. It is a matter of pride that these
                                                          industries are based mainly on national cadres and expertise,
                                                          and they are also keeping abreast of what is new in the field of
 IDEX 2019 Conveys                                        advanced technology. To develop their products, many national
 Important Messages                                       companies are now relying on the outputs of Artificial Intelligence
                                                          (AI) technology, in line with the UAE’s strategic vision 2071 and
                                                          the Fourth Industrial Revolution. This paves the way for a new
                                                          stage in the development of national defence industries and the
                                                          enhancement of their competitiveness in international markets.
                                                          The 14th edition of IDEX 2019, which coincided with its Silver
                                                          Jubilee, established its position on the map of defence exhibitions
By:                                                       around the world. It also emphasised its importance as an effective
Staff Lieutenant Colonel /                                platform in promoting partnerships in the defence and military
Yousef Juma Al Haddad                                     manufacturing sector. Many cooperation agreements were
Editor in Chief                                           signed between a number of national companies and the largest                                         international companies in many fields. At the same time, the
                                                          exhibition bolsters the country’s foreign relations, as it provides
                                                          an opportunity to hold discussions with official delegations and
 T    he recently concluded successful editions of
 IDEX and NAVDEX 2019 is not only a testimony
                                                          defence ministers from the participating countries. As such, it
                                                          strengthens defence and military relations with the outside world.
 to the UAE’s leadership in the industry and              The success of IDEX, since its inception in 1993, is undoubtedly the
 organisation of exhibitions at the regional and          product of the strong support by the UAE’s wise leadership, led
 international levels, but it also highlights the level   by His Highness Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan, President of
 of sophistication of the country’s national defence      the UAE and Supreme Commander of the UAE Armed Forces. It is
 industries and their ability to compete effectively      also the result of the unlimited support that His Highness Sheikh
 in international markets.                                Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and
                                                          Deputy Supreme Commander of the UAE Armed Forces, is keen
                                                          to make available to the exhibition through continuous follow-up
                                                          and a series of meetings with heads of State, as well as the heads
                                                          of delegations and representatives of international exhibitors.
                                                          The great success achieved by IDEX 2019 highlights a number
                                                          of important messages. First, it has become an international
                                                          testimony to the soft power of the UAE. Second, it emphasises
                                                          the confidence in the UAE’s stands and attitudes towards regional
                                                          and international issues and appreciation for its active role in
                                                          promoting security and stability in the region and the world. Third,
                                                          IDEX has become an honourable front for the UAE and a reflection
                                                          of the development and progress achieved in the country in
                                                          various fields. The exhibition also reflects the great developmental
                                                          ambition of the UAE, which transcends the local to the regional
                                                          and global, and embodies its superiority and continuous efforts
                                                          to take the lead and become a regional and international hub and
                                                          the best in the world in all fields.
IDEX 2019: Celebrating a Quarter Century of Success
Issued By UAE Armed Forces.
       Established In August 1971.
                       A Specialized Journal on Military & Strategic Affairs - 47 th Year - Issue No. 566 March. 2019

    IDEX 2019: Celebrating a
    Quarter Century of Success

     Arnold Defense                                  Rostec Debuts New
     Demonstrates                                    Kalashnikov and
     FLETCHER                                        Pantsir-ME

     Tawazun Economic                                 The Radars of the
     Council Commits to                               Future
     Further Development

                                                                                                                                                    NAVDEX 2019
                                                        566                                                                                         End on a High
General Supervisor
Chairman of the Administrative
Staff General\
Salem Saeed Ghafan Al Jaberi
Vice Chairman of the Administrative
Brigadier General\ Dr. Abdulla Rashid
Al Neyadi

Editor in Chief
Staff Lieutenant-Colonel \
Yousef Juma AL Haddad
Editorial Manger
Major \ Jamil Khamis Al Saadi
Editorial Secretary
Husain Al Mannaee                                                                                                                                 EDCC Opening
Layout & Design
Moza Al Ali                                                                                                                                       New Horizons
Ahmed Mahmmoud
Ismael Mohammed Alblooshi
Sakha Pramod

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     Shield Journal are not necessar-                                                                                    IFC
     ily shared by, nor should they                                                                                      13    VELING TAYARA
     be taken as the views of Nation                                                                                     23    UMEX
     Shield Journal.                                                                                                     33    DUBAI AIRSHOW
O    The publication of advertise-
     ments does not in any way im-
     ply endorsement by the Nation
     Shield Journal.
O    All rights reserved.
IDEX 2019: Celebrating a Quarter Century of Success
30     Otokar: Countering Threats with Tailored Solutions

48                                       58
                                  Celebrating a Quarter
                                   Century of Success

Boeing Celebrates 74
Years of Partnership
With Middle East

    Down A Drone
                                Innovation and
                                Combat Performance:
                                The New VARTA APC
IDEX 2019: Celebrating a Quarter Century of Success
6               ISSUE 566 MARCH 2019    Events

*%&9 /"7%&9
T   he 2019 editions of the Interna-
tional Defence Exhibition (IDEX) and
                                           Minister of UAE and Ruler of Dubai,
                                           and His Highness Sheikh Mohamed bin
                                                                                      ficial Spokesperson of NAVDEX 2019,
                                                                                      Humaid Matar Al Dhaheri, Group CEO
Naval Defence and Maritime Security        Zayed Al Nahyan, Crown Prince of Abu       of the Abu Dhabi National Exhibitions
Exhibition (NAVDEX) held during Feb-       Dhabi and Deputy Supreme Command-          Company (ADNEC), and Saeed Al Man-
ruary 17-21, 2019 ended on a hugely        er of the UAE Armed Forces, attended       souri, Director of IDEX.
successful note with deals worth over      the opening of IDEX.                       HE Staff Major General Pilot Faris Khalaf
AED20.05 billion signed by the UAE         Also present during the opening were       Al Mazrouei, Chairman of the Higher
Armed Forces.                              Sheikh Hasina, Prime Minister of the       Organising Committee of IDEX and
Sixty-five per cent of the deals signed    People’s Republic of Bangladesh; Ibra-     NAVDEX 2019, told a press conference
over five days of the dual events were     him Kasuri Fofana, Prime Minister of       on the last day of the event: “Bringing
awarded to international companies,        the Republic of Guinea; Rustam Min-        together international and national
while the remaining 35 per cent were       nikhanov, President of the Republic of     decision-makers, experts and special-
bagged by national companies.              Tatarstan; and Ramzan Kadyrov, Head        ists, IDEX and NAVDEX 2019 further re-
The expo attended by high level del-       of the Chechen Republic.                   inforced the UAE’s leading global status
egations from several countries and the    The event had the participation of His     in attracting and hosting major defence
world’s top defence companies was held     Excellency Major-General Staff Pilot       and marine conferences and exhibi-
under the patronage of His Highness        Ishaq Saleh Al Balushi, Deputy Chair-      tions. Both exhibitions demonstrated
Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan,        man of the Higher Organising Com-          the nation’s best-in-class defence, secu-
President of the UAE and Supreme Com-      mittee of IDEX and NAVDEX 2019,            rity and military capabilities that seam-
mander of the Armed Forces. His High-      General Mohammed Al Hassani, Official      lessly integrate advanced technologies.”
ness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid            Spokesperson of IDEX 2019, Naval Staff     HE Major-General Staff Pilot Ishaq Saleh
Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime       Colonel Fahad Nasser Saif Al Thehli, Of-   Al Balushi said the IDEX and NAVDEX
IDEX 2019: Celebrating a Quarter Century of Success

  platforms have helped review and bet-         UAE Armed Forces Sign Deals            120mm mortar system. It is an indi-
  ter understand the latest defence and             Worth AED20 billion                rect fire support system that can also
  security technologies.                                                               be used for self-defence thanks to its
  Exhibitor highlights                        Day1: 33 deals worth AED4,971,082,582    direct fire capability. The system can
  Mohamed bin Zayed Inaugurates               Day 2: 24 deals worth AED7,019,428,577   fire Multiple Rounds Simultaneous Im-
  Ajban Vehicle                               Day 3: 28 deals worth AED4,878,756,832   pact (MRSI) fire missions where up to
  His Highness Sheikh Mohamed bin             Day 4: 29 deals worth AED2,781,671,116   five grenades hit the target simultane-
  Zayed Al Nahyan, Crown Prince of Abu        Day 5: 14 deals worth AED135,128,916     ously. Patria also showcased CANDL, a
  Dhabi and Deputy Supreme Com-                                                        compact data link for air-to-air and air-
  mander of the UAE Armed Forces, inau-                                                to-ground applications requiring high
  gurated the ‘Ajban 447A’, a 4x4 ballistic   Patria Exhibits Armoured Wheeled         reliability, dynamic networking with
  and blast protected light tactical patrol   Vehicles                                 several members and long communi-
  vehicle.                                    Patria featured the Patria AMV product   cation ranges, such as Unmanned Aer-
  The new Abjan 447A incorporates the         family that combines a high payload      ial Systems (UAS), Manned-Unmanned
  latest technologies with off-road ca-       capacity with the latest technology.     Teaming (MUMT) operations, Intra-
  pabilities designed for harsh environ-      These features enable simultaneous       Flight Data Links (IFDL) and Live Virtual
  ments. Its modular nature allows it to      integration of a high level of protec-   Constructive training (LVC) systems.
  be configured to suit a variety of opera-   tion with heavy weapon systems           ARIS is a remote operable Electronic In-
  tional roles.                               without compromising mobility of the     telligence (ELINT) system used to inter-
  He said he was delighted to see local       vehicle.                                 cept, record and analyse radar signals.
  industries capable of providing ad-         Another innovation included Patria       With ARIS, customers can master stra-
  vanced military mechanisms.                 Nemo, a turreted, remote-controlled      tegic ELINT in today’s complex signal
IDEX 2019: Celebrating a Quarter Century of Success
8                ISSUE 566 MARCH 2019      Events

                                                                                         can also serve in urban and peacekeep-
                                                                                         ing missions, high and low intensity
                                                                                         conflicts, counter attack operations,
                                                                                         counter insurgency operations, sur-
                                                                                         veillance and reconnaissance missions,
                                                                                         and unconventional warfare on differ-
                                                                                         ent terrains.
                                                                                         Collins Aerospace’s Virtual Reality
                                                                                         Training Settings
                                                                                         With more than 50 years’ experience
                                                                                         in simulation systems, and near-eye
                                                                                         products, Collins Aerospace brought
                                                                                         decades of expertise in engineering,
                                                                                         manufacturing, implementing and
                                                                                         supporting training technologies for
environment and make fast updates to          SAFA is a multi-role tracked armoured      military and commercial applications
ELINT databases.                              vehicle with superior features. Accord-    worldwide to the show.
BAE Systems Commits to Upgrades               ingly, SAFA can be used for various mis-   Integrating the components of a
At IDEX, BAE Systems highlighted its          sions, performing as a medium tank         mixed-reality system for military and
selection by Lockheed Martin to mod-          with 105 mm weapon system, or as an        commercial training environments
ernise head-up displays (HUD) on F-16         infantry fighting vehicle for troops op-   is no easy task, according to Collins
aircraft for the UAE Armed Forces. The        erating in a high-treat environment.       Aerospace.
HUD, which sits directly in a pilot’s line    With its superior mobility features,       The Collins Aerospace vision is for a
of sight, is a see-through display that       SAFA operates in challenging terrains      flexible, cost-effective system capable
presents real-time, flight-critical infor-    and difficult climate conditions and       of fully immersing students into virtual-
mation without obstructing the view
of the outside world.
The fully digital system reportedly has
the potential to reduce life-cycle costs
by 20 per cent and offers at least four
times the reliability of legacy analogue
systems. The DLE HUD features high-
resolution symbology that is viewable
under any flight condition, and it is
designed to accommodate future ad-
vancements in symbology and video.
BAE Systems has been a leader in
HUD development and production for
more than 60 years, a position gained
through continuous investment in
technology and innovation.
Al Jasoor Highlights SAFA Tracked IFV
Al Jasoor’s tracked vehicle SAFA is a
new generation multipurpose plat-
form with superior mobility and high
level of protection, capable of operat-
ing in a wide range of challenging ter-
rains and climatic conditions.
IDEX 2019: Celebrating a Quarter Century of Success

reality training scenarios across air, land
and sea domains that also simultane-
ously enables users to interact with real
objects and people.
With its new coalescence mixed reality
system, Collins Aerospace also moves
away from the traditional need for
large bespoke training device facilities
and allows the use of classrooms and
easy deployment.
Collins Aerospace is one of the leaders
in technologically advanced and intelli-
gent solutions for the global aerospace
and defence industry.
PAL Aerospace: Force to Reckon With
PAL Aerospace featured its newest long-       PAL Aerospace has operated over           dent of International Strategic Devel-
range on demand Intelligence, Surveil-        250,000 flight hours for Special Mis-     opment for GA-ASI said: “Providing
lance and Reconnaissance (ISR) aircraft       sions over 40 years of Fixed Wing Op-     greater endurance at lower operating
dubbed the ‘Force Multiplier’. The Spe-       erations and Surveillance Experience.     cost, SeaGuardian is ideally suited to
cial Mission platform is equipped with        This operator knowledge of surveil-       complement manned maritime patrol
two full mission system suites from           lance missions uniquely qualifies PAL     aircraft in performing wide area mari-
CarteNav and Thales, which will accom-        to bring this new platform to market      time surveillance.”
modate a diverse range of ISR applica-        with a focus on client needs and future   Elettronica Exhibits High Tech
tions utilising the Thales Searchmaster       requirements.                             Solutions
radar and other ISR sensors.                  PAL Aerospace Services Aircraft Main-     Elettronica can be considered one of
                                              tenance LLC is an Emirati-owned com-      the main EW providers of the UAE, hav-
                                              pany based in Abu Dhabi and is part of    ing supplied sophisticated strategic
                                              the PAL Group of Companies.               surveillance capabilities as well as self-
                                              GA-ASI’s Signature Maritime ISR           defence and electronic attack systems
                                              Takes Centre Stage                        for decades.
                                              General Atomics Aeronautical Systems,     Massimo Antonio de Bari, Head of UAE
                                              Inc. (GA-ASI) showcased its innovative    Office and Business Development Gulf,
                                              products at the show. This includes       Elettronica, said the company repre-
                                              SeaGuardian, the maritime version of      sents a major success story in the UAE.
                                              the MQ-9B SkyGuardian. MQ-9B is an        Bari highlighted that one of the new
                                              advanced Remotely Piloted Aircraft        solutions is the Group’s ADRIAN (Anti
                                              (RPA) and has been selected as a sole     Drone Interception Acquisition Neu-
                                              source RPA for the UK Royal Air Force     tralization). This anti-drone system,
                                              (RAF) as the Protector RG Mk1, as well    specifically designed to manage mini
                                              as for Belgium.                           and micro drone threats, is intended
                                              Countries such as Italy and France also   primarily to counter the growing secu-
                                              have GA-ASI MQ-9A systems in their        rity risks posed by lightweight civilian
                                              inventory, and the UAE operates the       micro-mini drones at public events and
                                              Predator RPA. Spain and the Nether-       in civil airspace.
                                              lands have MQ-9 systems on order, and     MUROS (Multirole Operations Support
                                              discussions are ongoing with several      Vehicles) are another recent develop-
                                              other countries.                          ment. They are modular, fully-integrat-
                                              Jim Thomson, Regional Vice Presi-         ed Sensor Suites for stationary and mo-
IDEX 2019: Celebrating a Quarter Century of Success
10                 ISSUE 566 MARCH 2019       Events

bile platforms designed to enable tacti-        Security and Defence Systems
cal operations and special missions.            Leonardo exhibited its wide portfolio
Embraer is Driven by Innovation                 of aerospace, security and defence ca-
As Embraer prepares to mark its 50th            pabilities at the show. It promoted its
anniversary this year, the company’s            new generation pilot training systems
President and Chief Executive Officer,          that cover the entire flight training syl-
Jackson Schneider, spoke to Nation              labus: from basic training, with the new
Shield about its focus at IDEX. Driven          M-345 – which will replace Italian Air
by innovation and excellence, Embraer           Force MB-339s starting from 2020 – to
is bracing itself for the next 50 years,        advanced and lead-in fighter training,
with an array of advanced, state-of-the-        with the M-346, which was presented
art capabilities, set to revolutionise the      in its Fighter Attack version.
transportation aircraft sector.                 For the first time in the region, Leon-
While Embraer has capabilities across           ardo presented its Counter UAS (Un-
the defence sector, the focus for IDEX          manned Aerial Systems) capabilities
and the region was the new KC-390.              based on an ‘open systems’ architec-
Embraer’s KC-390 is a tactical transport        ture, which enables the selection and
aircraft setting new standards in its cat-      integration of an appropriate sensor
egory while presenting the lowest life-         and effector mix for a specific scenario.
cycle cost of the market. It can perform        Leonardo C-UAS capabilities are al-
a multitude of missions, such as trans-         ready operational with the Armed
port and deployment of cargo and                Forces of Italy and the UK, and they are
troops, air-to-air refuelling, medical          available to be quickly and easily de-
evacuation, SAR, and aerial fire fighting.      ployed in a civilian context at airports
Capable of operating in all weather, 24         or major events all over the world.
hours a day, and even on unpaved run-           Defence is another sector in which           configured with either a 105/52 mm
ways, this multi-mission tactical airlift is    Leonardo showcased its systems, for          rifled gun or a 120/45mm smoothbore
fast, reliable, rugged and affordable to        both land and naval applications.            low-recoil-force gun.
operate and maintain.                           These include the HITFACT MkII light-        At NAVDEX, an interactive display of a
-FPOBSEPT "EWBODFE "FSPTQBDF                weight, modular turret, which can be         ship’s bridge demonstrated Leonardo’s
                                                                                             innovative ‘naval cockpit’ showing the
                                                                                             capabilities of a fully-integrated naval
                                                                                             operations and combat system.
                                                                                             Hensoldt Showcases Sensor Solutions
                                                                                             Hensoldt presented its wide range of
                                                                                             sensor technologies and for the first
                                                                                             time displayed its newly developed
                                                                                             PrecISR airborne multifunction radar,
                                                                                             as well as the extended portfolio of its
                                                                                             Xpeller counter-UAV system.
                                                                                             The software-defined airborne radar
                                                                                             named PrecISR (derived from ‘precise’)
                                                                                             translates latest achievements in ac-
                                                                                             tive array and digital receiver technol-
                                                                                             ogy into a scalable high-performance
                                                                                             sensor, which can be installed aboard
                                                                                             helicopters, UAVs and fixed-wing mis-
                                                                                             sion aircraft. Its superior precision and

                                                                                       mission is to detect small drones so as
                                                                                       to protect critical infrastructure, large
                                                                                       events or military facilities.
                                                                                       In addition, the company showed its
                                                                                       ARGOS-II HD multi-sensor system to
                                                                                       be used for intelligence, surveillance
                                                                                       and reconnaissance (ISR) missions from
                                                                                       the air. The MILDS (Missile Launch De-
                                                                                       tection System) self-protection sensor
                                                                                       for helicopters and wide-body aircraft
                                                                                       detects attacking missiles and initiates
                                                                                       ADSB and Leonardo sign MoU
                                                                                       Abu Dhabi Ship Building and Leonardo
                                                                                       signed a Memorandum of Understand-
                                                                                       ing to enhance their collaboration in
                                                                                       the naval sector, at the show. Building
                                                                                       on years of positive partnership for
                                                                                       the development of UAE naval capa-
                                                                                       bilities, under the new MoU, Abu Dhabi
                                                                                       Ship Building and Leonardo will jointly
                                                                                       work to create a Combat Management
                                                                                       System (CMS) Integration Laboratory
                                                                                       capable of testing, maintaining and
                                                                                       evolving the software of Leonardo’s
target accuracy make it the sensor of       signals from radio or TV stations so as    CMS system operational on many of
choice for surveillance of large sea and    to create a recognised air picture (RAP)   the UAE’s ships.
coastal areas against piracy, trafficking   within a radius of more than 200 kilo-     This marks an important step in the
or illicit intrusion.                       metres in real time. Another exhibit was   path to deliver to the country the
Together with this airborne radar,          the Xpeller counter-UAV system, whose      necessary expertise and know-how
Hensoldt displayed its latest develop-
ments in land-based and naval radar.
The TRML-4D is a land-based multi-
functional radar ensuring rapid detec-
tion and tracking of approximately
1,500 targets in a radius of up to 250
km and at an altitude of up to 30 km. It
uses the latest AESA (Active Electroni-
cally Scanned Array) radar technol-
ogy, which enables the acquisition of
targets after just one rotation of the
antenna, thus improving the response
time and hit probability. The naval ra-
dar TRS-4D belongs to the same prod-
uct family. It is designed to support
anti-air and anti-surface operations.
Hensoldt also presented its TwInvis pas-
sive radar, which analyses the echoes of
12                ISSUE 566 MARCH 2019     Events

                                                                                       The recent edition
                                                                                       of IDEX/NAVDEX
                                                                                       witnessed record-
                                                                                       breaking numbers
                                                                                       of national and
                                                                                       exhibitors and

to ensure operational availability of       tending the capability of the regional     for the digitised battlefield. This was no
its fleet as well as better serving other   defence sector. We look forward to         “box on a truck” design but a purpose
regional customers. The new MoU will        working together to build the market       built, true 5-seat, 4x4 military tactical
also explore the development of a joint     for the B-250 across the Middle East       vehicle conceived from the outset to
logistic support solution for preventive    and North Africa.”                         provide class leading protection, mo-
and corrective maintenance and a local      Calidus LLC is a defence-technology        bility, payload and C4I capabilities.
spare parts inventory for Leonardo na-      development and manufacturing com-         The Hawkei design is unique in a num-
val systems.                                pany founded in 2015.                      ber of ways: The engine and transmis-
Calidus Signs MoU with GDC on               )BXLFJ  %FTJHOFE GPS UIF %JHJUJTFE    sion sit side-by-side in a parallel config-
Light Attack Aircraft                       Battlefield                                uration. This approach compartmen-
Calidus LLC of Abu Dhabi has signed an      From inception Hawkei was developed        talises the entire power-pack forward
MoU with GDC Middle East of Riyadh to       as a protected tactical vehicle designed   of the cabin negating the need for any
establish a joint corporation to explore
the market in the MENA region for the
Calidus B-250 light attack aircraft and
to develop in-house capabilities.
The B-250 has multi-role capabilities in-
cluding close air support (CAS), Coun-
ter-Insurgency (COIN) and intelligence,
surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR)
for modern and asymmetrical warfare.
It can also serve as a trainer.
Its innovative frame is made entirely
of carbon fibre, reducing weight and
operating costs while increasing ma-
noeuvrability and service life. Major
General (retired) Abdulla Alsayed Al-
hashmi, Calidus senior vice-president,
said: “Our agreement with GDC Middle
East is another important step in ex-

transmission tunnel to intrude into the crew cabin. This
provides better protection, more internal volume and a
lower overall profile. This approach also allows for the
crew cabin to be optimised for both protection and
The Hawkei cabin utilises a sophisticated belly design
that both absorbs and redirects blast energy away from            With up to 11 hours of endurance, exceptional STOL and
the crew. Along with the internal floating floor and
blast mitigating seating arrangements, these design               rough field performance, flexible quick-change interior to
elements all work in synergy to minimise the effects of
                                                                  suit multiple mission profiles, and low-speed loiter
under-belly mine and IED blasts.
WesCom Defence Makes Show Debut                                   capability, the Twin Otter Guardian 400 is equipped to
WesCom Defence, part of WesCom Signal and Rescue,
a specialist in pyrotechnic products for signalling, illu-        handle the most challenging missions. When compared
mination, minefield breaching and training and simula-
                                                                  to traditional helicopter or large turbo prop options, the
tion, was at the show.
WesCom Defence displayed a selection of key prod-                 significantly lower maintenance costs, fuel burn, and
ucts from its current range, showcasing the highest
quality of specialist pyrotechnic products for the de-            acquisition cost of the Guardian 400 makes it a true force
fence industry and latest developments in pyrotech-
nic technology. These include the ManPAD Simulator,
MERS Illumination Rocket and the first fragment-free
impact simulator, MECoSt Simulator Impact/ Thun-
derflash. Key personnel briefed visitors about the
company’s capabilities in a variety of solutions from
pyrotechnic flares for illumination to Portable Explo-
sive Minefield Breaching Systems.
Looking Forward To Next Edition
For his part, Humaid Matar Al Dhaheri, Group CEO of
ADNEC, said: “ADNEC has played a crucial role in devel-
oping the meetings, incentives, conferences and exhi-
bitions (MICE) sector in the UAE and the wider region.
This is evident in the hosting and organisation of the
distinguished defence and naval exhibitions over sev-
eral years. In realising the objectives of the Abu Dhabi
Economic Vision 2030, ADNEC’s world-class facilities,
services and infrastructure supported the success of
the latest editions that drew the participation of inter-
national, regional and local exhibitors.”
Al Dhaheri added: “Coinciding with the silver jubilee
of IDEX, the current edition of both exhibitions wit-
nessed record-breaking numbers of national and in-
ternational exhibitors and visitors. Over the five days,
IDEX and NAVDEX attracted more than 118,000 visi-
tors, as well as 1,213 media representatives from 42
countries, or an increase of 16 per cent compared to
the 2017 edition.” Al Dhaheri said bookings for the
2021 edition have already reached 70 per cent.
14             ISSUE 566 MARCH 2019    News

             DRS Cements Ties with UAE

            L  eonardo DRS will support the UAE
               defence forces with the signing of
               a recent agreement with the Inter-
                                                     Vice President, Middle East, Corpo-
                                                     rate Business Development. The
                                                     company’s land electronics business
                                                                                                As part of the agreement, Leonardo DRS
                                                                                                will establish a new engineering and
                                                                                                support facility in IGG’s Industrial Park
            national Golden Group (IGG) and this     unit signed a teaming agreement            in Abu Dhabi to assist new projects and
            new partnership will add significant     with the IGG, which brings together        also in the hiring and training to fill new
            resources to the UAE, said Michael       one of the UAE’s premier defence           high-tech manufacturing positions.
            Coulter, President, International,       company with a leading U.S. technol-       Coulter said, “We have announced a
            Leonardo North America and DRS           ogy firm to deliver wide ranging proj-     partnership with IGG where we are tak-
            technologies Inc. and Joe Rahbany,       ects for the country’s military.           ing part in the new facility to support
                                                                                                the UAE military in communications.
                                                                                                We have an evolving cooperation in
                                                                                                sustaining electro optical systems at
                                                                                                CERT (The Centre of Excellence for Ap-
                                                                                                plied Research & Training).”
                                                                                                Rahbany further added: “Communica-
                                                                                                tions, crossbanding of radio, moving
                                                                                                data, are some areas where we have
                                                                                                key products. We think our mission sys-
                                                                                                tems on land vehicles of Oshkosh JLTV,
                                                                                                MATV and Nimr and electro optical
                                                                                                systems have the biggest market in the
                                                                                                UAE and Saudi Arabia.”

      Polaris Wireless and Al Hamra Trading
      Bring 3D Solution
                                                                                                Polaris Wireless 3D
      P     olaris Wireless, a provider of
            high-accuracy, software-based
            wireless location solutions, and
                                                    Allegra, the CEO and Founder of Polaris
                                                    Wireless. "By combining our award-
                                                    winning software with Al Hamra Trad-        location utilises all
      Al Hamra Trading Est. have partnered
      to bring a high-accuracy 3D location
                                                    ing’s proven expertise in hardware and
                                                    services, and knowledge of the market,      available signals
      solution to public safety agencies in
      the Middle East.
                                                    we have created an innovative and ad-
                                                    vanced solution for the region."
                                                                                                and sensors to
      This enhancement enables public safe-
      ty agencies to locate and track emer-
                                                    Public safety agencies face a growing
                                                    number of security and logistical chal-
                                                                                                generate accurate
      gency callers, first responders, and oth-     lenges that require them to continually     location
      ers via any wireless device, in real time     improve their capabilities to include
      and indoors and in high-rise buildings,       the latest state-of-the-art technologies.   to keep citizens and themselves safe.
      with floor level accuracy.                    One of the most important priorities is     Polaris Wireless 3D location utilises all
      "We are excited to partner with Al            for first responders, police, and others    available signals and sensor measure-
      Hamra Trading to bring the benefits of        to be able to maintain a high level of      ments to combine with the company’s
      3D location to the public safety com-         situational awareness, in order to both     patented algorithms to generate high-
      munity in the Middle East," said Manlio                                   Zephyr
                                                    do their jobs more efficiently     S as
                                                                                    as well     ly accurate 3D location.

             Technological Independence
            D       igital sovereignty and tech-
                    nological independence are
             extremely crucial for government
             customers with security-critical
             applications. Keeping this in mind,
             Rohde & Schwarz presented its
             SOVERON solution at IDEX.
             SOVERON gives government cus-
             tomers a secure, high-performance        in house so that users are indepen-   as SOVERON WAVE and third-party
             network architecture consisting of       dent of third-party technologies      legacy waveforms to be ported to
             state-of-the-art, innovative hard-       and solutions.                        the radios, protecting customers'
             ware and software, cryptology and        The key feature of SOVERON is the     investments and providing back-
             intelligent routing. It takes into ac-   Rohde & Schwarz software defined      ward compatibility with legacy ra-
             count their security and national        radio (SDR) technology based on       dio systems. Since customers can
             interests and enables them to            the Software Communications Ar-       create and modify the embedded
             achieve information superiority.         chitecture (SCA). SOVERON SDRs        encryption as well as the wave-
             SOVERON ensures simple, platform-        are implemented as open platforms     forms, they can set up secure com-
             independent integration of exist-        with strict separation between        munications channels to provide
             ing and new systems and products.        hardware (radios) and software        interoperability between different
             Rohde & Schwarz develops and             (waveforms). This design allows       branches of the armed forces and
             manufactures the key components          both SCA-based waveforms such         between nations.

AMMROC and BAE Systems Collaborate
T     he Advanced Military Mainte-
      nance Repair Overhaul Center
(AMMROC) and BAE Sytems’ Electronic
                                             us to bring the in-country value to the
                                             F16 and to bring the capabilities at the
                                             UAE level,” said Abdulhakeem AlMuflahi,
Systems have announced plans to work         Chief Executive Officer at AMMROC. “It’s
together on aviation maintenance re-         about building the capabilities within
pair and overhaul opportunities. The         the UAE, and making sure that we don’t
agreement, will allow both companies         have dependency on a third party, man-
to better support the UAE, working           ufacturer or sub suppliers of the F16 be-
closely together on multiple projects.       cause of this important platform. So we
Such initiatives will include testing and    need to make sure we have the in-coun-
repair services to manufacturing, sup-       try capabilities for certain components,
port, and product installation.              for elements engaged with BAE.”
Potential projects could also include        According to Paul Markwardt, Vice Presi-    bring forward are the F16 ground sup-
BAE Systems’ avionics, communication,        dent and General Manager of Surviv-         port equipment, the IFF (Identification
display, sensor, and survivability prod-     ability, Targeting and Sensing Solutions    Friend or Foe) license production, and
ucts. “This is a strategic partnership and   at BAE Systems, “We’re going to support     also the Digital Light Engine Head-Up
the continuation of an old relationship      AMMROC with the F16 initiatives – some      Display (DLE HUD) license production,
between both companies, enabling             of the potential products we’re going to    when that product is finalised.”
16               ISSUE 566 MARCH 2019     News

                 Russia’s Mi-26T2V
                 Successfully Completes Trials
             R    OSOBORONEXPORT, a subsidiary
                  of the Rosteс State Corporation, is
                  the sole state company in Russia
                                                           variant of the world’s heaviest transport
                                                           helicopter Mi-26 (NATO reporting name:
                                                           Halo), Director General of the Russian
                                                                                                       Program for 2018-2027 (GPV-2027) stip-
                                                                                                       ulates the deliveries of the rotorcraft to
                                                                                                       the Russian military.
             authorised to export the full range of        Helicopters, Andrey Boginskiy, shared       Jordan has become the latest customer
             defense and dual-use products, tech-          the development recently.                   for the Mi-26T2, having ordered a total
             nologies and services. ROSOBORONEX-           The Mi-26T2V made its maiden flight in      of four platforms. The first updated Halo
             PORT is ranked among one of the lead-         mid-August 2018 at a test-flight station    rotorcraft was delivered to the country
             ers of the global arms market and ac-         of the Rostvertol plant (a subsidiary of    in January 2018, and the Royal Jordanian
             counts for over 85 per cent of Russia’s       the Russian Helicopters). According to      Air Force took the delivery of the second
             annual arms sales. The company coop-          the holding’s CEOs, the State Armament      helicopter of the type last December.
             erates with more than 700 enterprises
             and organisations of Russia’s defence
             industrial complex. Russia maintains
             military-technical cooperation with
             over 100 countries worldwide.
             Russia’s sole manufacturer of rotary-
             wing aircraft, JSC Russian Helicopters
             (a subsidiary of Rostec State Corpora-
             tion), has finished the factory trials of
             Mil Mi-26T2V rotorcraft that is the latest

                 Hensoldt to Equip Norwegian Coast Guard
TRS-3D and IFF

                 H       ENSOLDT will equip the new
                         Arctic Coast Guard Vessels in
                 the P6615 Program of the Norwegian
                                                           will deliver three TRS-3D radars includ- for automatic identification of vessels
                                                           ing the latest solid-state technology and aircraft, which is essential to avoid
                                                           and signal processing software and will friendly fire and to establish a compre-
                 Coast Guard with the latest version of    deliver them from 2021, in parallel to hensive situation picture. It is used for
                 its TRS-3D naval radar and MSSR 2000 I    the building program of the new ves- automatically locating and tracking all
                 IFF System. The TRS-3D and IFF Systems    sels. The TRS-3D includes a secondary types of air and sea targets and safe
                 are currently in operation onboard the    radar MSSR 2000 I for Identification- guidance of on-board helicopters.
                 three “Nordkapp” offshore patrol ves-     friend-or-foe (IFF). It operates all current
                 sels. The systems will be decommis-       IFF modes, including the latest “Mode S
                 sioned, upgraded and then re-installed    / Mode 5” standard, which is a precondi-
                 on the Arctic Coast Guard Vessels. Fur-   tion for joint operations with NATO and
                 thermore, the contract includes an op-    allied forces.
                 tion for the upgrade of the TRS-3D and    TRS-3D is a three-dimensional multi-
                 IFF Systems of the “Svalbard” vessel.     mode naval radar for air and sea sur-
                 Under a contract worth more than €20      veillance. It includes the ability to cor-
                 m awarded by the Norwegian Defence        relate plots and tracks of targets with
                                                                                          NH-90 Norway
                 Materiel Agency (NDMA), HENSOLDT          the MSSR 2000 I identification system

              The First and Only EMC Chamber
              in MENA Commissioned

              N     IMR Automotive LLC,
                    a member of the Emir-
                    ates Defence Industries
                                                    tion facility in Abu Dhabi.
                                                    The state-of-the-art EMC chamber,
                                                    commissioned in January 2019, is
                                                                                               NIMR delivers highly capable
                                                                                               wheeled military vehicles that are
               Company (EDIC), continues to         the first and only of its kind in the      designed for the harshest environ-
               expand on indigenous engi-           MENA region. It is capable of accom-       ments, across a diverse scope of
               neering capability through the       modating wheel military vehicles           mission requirements. Its range of
               commissioning of a vehicle           up to the size of an 8x8 platform          desert-proven 4x4 and 6x6 vehicles
               Electro-Magnetic Compliance          and calibrated for testing to MIL-         are available in armoured or non-ar-
               (EMC) chamber at its produc-         STD 461. This adds to NIMR’s already       moured configurations, with modu-
                                                    impressive capability and includes         lar configurable crew capacity and
                                                    a dedicated vehicle test-track de-         payload, where protection and mo-
                                                    signed to dynamically test and eval-       bility is the focus of design activities.
                                                    uate mobility characteristics.             Through engineering innovation,
                                                    The EMC chamber can perform ra-            comprehensive testing and imple-
                                                    diated emissions tests on wheeled          mentation of the highest standards
                                                    vehicles with the following specifi-       in design and manufacturing, NIMR
                                                    cations: maximum vehicle weight:           provides exceptional vehicle reliabil-
                                                    30t; maximum weight per wheel:             ity and best-in-class desert perfor-
                                                    7t, and maximum vehicle dimen-             mance to ensure the protection of
                                                    sions: 9m (Length), 3.5m (Width),          the vehicle crews that use them.

Nigerian AF Opts for Embraer’s                                                                     A-29s
E    mbraer Defense & Security and its
     partner Sierra Nevada Corpora-
     tion (SNC) were recently awarded
                                              around the world. It has more than
                                              46,000 combat hours and more than
                                              360,000 total flight hours. With the Ni-
                                                                                            contiguous U.S. interim contractor sup-
                                                                                            port, outside of continental U.S. (OCO-
                                                                                            NUS) contractor logistic support and
a contract to deliver 12 A-29 Super Tu-       geria order, the A-29 is the choice of 14     field service representatives for OCONUS
cano light attack aircraft to the Nigerian    air forces worldwide.                         support. The aircraft will be produced
Air Force.                                    In addition to its combat record, the         in Jacksonville, Florida, and modified in
Taco Gilbert, Senior Vice President of ISR,   A-29’s robust landing gear and en-            Centennial, Colorado, U.S. The aircraft are
Aviation and Security (IAS) at SNC said:      hanced clearance enable take-off and          expected to be delivered to Nigeria in
“The combat-proven A-29 is designed           landing in even the most austere field        line with the contract timelines, as part
and built for the mission in Nigeria. It’s    conditions. The aircraft also offers ex-      of a larger more comprehensive training
the most reliable and cost-effective so-      ceptional dependability and accuracy          and support package.
lution for basic and advanced flight and      in weapons delivery, making it highly
combat training, close air support op-        effective in the light attack role.
erations, ISR (Intelligence, Surveillance,    The contract for the Nigerian Air Force
and Reconnaissance), counterinsurgen-         includes ground training devices, mis-
cy and irregular warfare scenarios.”          sion planning systems, mission debrief
The A-29 is conducting combat mis-            systems, spares, ground support equip-
sions on a daily basis in theatres            ment, alternate mission equipment,
18               ISSUE 566 MARCH 2019     Reports

                 Demonstrates FLETCHER
Arnold Defense

                 A  rnold Defense, the St Lou-
                    is based manufacturer of
                    2.75-inch rocket launch-
                                                 London’s DSEi Exhibition. The weapon
                                                 system has completed rigorous test-
                                                 firing protocols, with laser target desig-
                                                                                              tion assets. The company’s evolution
                                                                                              has FLETCHER using advanced rocket-
                                                                                              guidance technology to utilise ground-
              ers, showcased the FLETCHER        nation from both ground and air plat-        based launch platforms, meeting the
              Laser Guided Rocket Launcher,      forms, and is now in initial production.     demands of modern, vehicle-mounted
              at IDEX 2019. The FLETCHER         With FLETCHER, Arnold Defense has            and dismounted asymmetric warfare.
              2.75-inch/70mm weapon sys-         made a departure from the traditional        FLETCHER’s unique design allows for
              tem was mounted on NIMR’s          concept of use for 2.75-inch rocket          ease of operation, maintenance and
              AJBAN Long Range Special Op-       systems; that of an area suppression         sustainment. It employs an existing
              erations Vehicle (LRSOV).          weapon ordinarily delivered by avia-         suite of guidance modules, rock-
              On the sidelines of the show,                                                   ets and warheads, already used in
              Jim Hager, President and CEO,                                                   well-known programmes and read-
              told Nation Shield: “We are                                                     ily available to global forces. The
              at IDEX in a partnership with                                                   weapon system recently successfully
              NIMR to showcase the FLETCH-                                                    completed a four-round live firing
              ER launcher for a surface-to-                                                   using multiple airborne laser plat-
              surface role in anti-armour, an-                                                forms, confirming the ability to use
              ti-personnel, and to show our                                                   laser designation from ground and
              support for NIMR. Exhibiting                                                    air from various angles and offsets to
              FLETCHER in partnership with                                                    a distance nearly 6km.
     NIMR demonstrates the wide scope                                                         Following interest expressed in FLETCH-
     and utility of our concept and we look                                                   ER, Arnold Defense is also developing a
     forward to maximising the opportuni-                                                     number of supplementary ground and
     ties that IDEX will offer to deepen re-                                                  maritime-based concepts. These excit-
     lationships with regional government                                                     ing new concepts will expand FLETCH-
     departments, defence and security                                                        ER’s utility into the arena of Unmanned
     agencies and international businesses.”                                                  Ground Vehicles (UGV), naval and littoral
     Arnold Defense’s FLETCHER weapon              Jim Hager, President and CEO               platforms. It is anticipated that the first
     system was first unveiled in 2017 at                                                     of these integrated systems will be un-

                                                                                                     Arnold Defense FLETCHER rocket
                                                                                                     system fitted to a NIMR LRSOV


FLETCHER’s unique design allows for ease of operation, maintenance and sustainment

veiled within months.                      rine environments with FLETCHER has          We probably have around 500 launch-
“Since launching FLETCHER, Arnold De-      been a natural progression and will pro-     ers here that are for rotary wing and
fense has exhibited the system widely      vide these forces with a completely new      fixed wing aircraft.”
on the international market, where it      capability.”                                 A team of global defence industry com-
has garnered significant interest, espe-   He added: “The response to the FLETCH-       panies supports FLETCHER, collaborat-
cially from military special operations    ER has been overwhelming. It is a prod-      ing under Arnold Defense’s leadership
units,” Hager highlighted. “Our rocket     uct that we have needed for the military     to combine their expertise.
launchers are already well-established     for a long time. For us, the UAE is a very   In conclusion he shared: “We are work-
internationally on airborne platforms,     important market and we have a long-         ing on a partnership that may allow us
so transitioning into the land and ma-     standing relationship with the country.      to work directly with the UAE.”

                               Customised Systems
    Arnold Defense has manufactured more than 1.1 million 2.75-inch rocket launchers since 1961 for the U.S. Army, U.S.
    Navy, U.S. Air Force and many NATO customers. It is one of the world’s largest suppliers of rocket launchers for military
    aircraft, vessels and vehicles. Core products include the 7-round M260 and 19-round M261 commonly used by heli-
    copters; the thermal coated 7-round LAU-68 variants and LAU-61 Digital Rocket Launcher used by the U.S. Navy and
    Marines; and the 7-round LAU-131 and SUU-25 flare dispenser used by the U.S. Air Force and worldwide. The rocket
    launchers now include the ultra-light LWL-12 that weighs just over 60 pounds (27 kg.) empty and the new Fletcher (4)
    round launcher. Arnold Defense designs and manufactures various rocket launchers that can be customised for any
    capacity or form factor for platforms in the air, on the ground or even at sea.
    The company maintains the highest standards of production quality by using extensive testing, calibration and in-
    spection processes. Its employees’ focus on quality, which earned Arnold Defense the prestigious ISO-9001-2015
    certification, from the International Organization for Standardization in Quality Management, and it has maintained
    annual recertification consecutively since 2003.
    The company employs professional fabricators, welders, electronic engineers and quality control experts who manu-
    facture thousands of rocket launchers annually and earned the “Small Business of the Year” award from Lockheed Mar-
    tin in 2013. It is committed to manufacturing reliable and affordable rocket launchers, through innovation, integrity,
    dedication, technical expertise and warfighter-first focus.
20           ISSUE 566 MARCH 2019         Reports

     Opening New Horizons

                            T    he Emirates Defense Companies Council
                            (EDCC) has been designated to be one of the
                                                                                Industry Association. The agreements entail
                                                                                knowledge transfer; workshop sessions; service
                            primary communication platforms between             and product inductions; and introduction to
                            industry players both local and international, as   potential investment opportunities.
                            well as strategic government stakeholders. The      Sultan Abdulla Al Samahi, Acting General Man-
                            council aims to facilitate effective networking     ager of the EDCC, confirmed that the council
                            and partnership development of UAE business-        (founded in 2014) aims to increase the number
                            es abroad through the UAE Defense Pavilion.         of national companies it hosts (currently 63) by
                            EDCC is an initiative of Tawazun Economic           30 per cent by the end of 2019.
                            Council (Tawazun), and it recently signed three     At IDEX, EDCC had a massive stand where local
                            new agreements with global councils and or-         companies demonstrated the best of ‘Made in
                            ganisations during IDEX 2019. The agreements        UAE’. Below is a round up of all the exciting de-
                            aim to develop the defense and security sectors     velopments highlighted by the different com-
                            in the various countries involved, and states       panies of the council that participated in the
                            that each of these parties will support one an-     show.
                            other and commit to knowledge transfer; offer-      Autonomous Solutions
                            ing national companies with investment op-          Safe City Group comprises a group of compa-
                            portunities; and creating interactive platforms     nies specialised in public safety sector by pro-
                            for companies.                                      viding solutions for smart and safe city projects.
                            Stemming from its commitment to expand its          At IDEX, the Group displayed the UAE’s first au-
                            global network, EDCC signed agreements with         tonomous car that has artificial intelligence (AI)
                            French Aerospace Industries Association (GI-        technologies.
                            FAS); the (TEDAE); and the Estonian Defence         Nidal Almalla, Marketing Manager, Safe City

Group said: “The iconic car is fully de-    by NATO Codification Bureau and all        while reducing its energy costs by 50
signed in the UAE and is a collaboration    products meet the highest of military      per cent. We were able to achieve this
between Safe City Group and W Motors.       standards. IDEX brings people from all     by employing a method that can bio-
The AI recognises your face and will up-    over the world to enhance military and     metrically prove that you are in the
load all of your data from the cloud and    security industry and therefore being a    office. Our aim was to ensure that the
will display it on the car’s smart glass.   part of it was very important for us.”     building is ready for you, when you
Plus, the chairs can turn 360-degrees! In   World-class Engineering Support            arrive. This ensures that no unwanted
the future, it can be customised for the    A joint venture between QinetiQ plc        source is able to enter your network.
security industry.” He added that the       and Middle East General Enterprises,       The response to RG105 at IDEX has
Group supports security and defence         Houbara delivers world-class science       been very good and we saw a num-
solutions and therefore it made their       and engineering support to the UAE.        ber of officials express interest in the
participation at IDEX a must.               The company supplies a range of Qin-       product.”
Showcasing Non-lethal Products              etiQ’s defence and security products to    Local Expertise
Located in Tawazun Industrial Park,         the UAE and the wider GCC market.          Milectria Middle East Cables is a UAE-
Advanced PyroTechnics is a partner-         Leveraging the technological and sci-      based manufacturer for military-spec-
ship between Tawazun Dynamics and           entific expertise from both parties, the   ified cables and builds them in Abu
MP3 International Agencies and was          JV will invest in the UAE to build and     Dhabi. The company also offers instal-
established in 2016. Abdulraheem Ali        develop specialist engineering and         lation, maintenance, and after sales
Alhosani, Head of Commerical Dept,          manufacturing capability in country,       support for these products. These in-
Advanced PyroTechnics said: “The            providing an opportunity to recruit        clude intercom equipment for military
company’s objective is to design and        and develop UAE technicians and            vehicles, hybrid generators, and CBRN
manufacture non-lethal and less-than-       graduates.                                 software, among others.
lethal products. These include smoke        Smart Security Systems                     Tomi Kaukonen, Chairman, CEO, Milec-
grenades, coloured smoke, stun gre-         Alsaher specialises in mission critical    tria said: “We have signed a few agree-
nades, signal cartridges, 40MM low          security and spent a year and a half de-   ments at IDEX with companies that
velocity ammunition, among others. In       veloping its smart building access con-    represent high-tech products, so that
the coming years, we are planning to        trol system, RG105, before launching it    we can locally build more products in
launch non-lethal tear gas.                 at IDEX.                                   the UAE. There is a big need for a manu-
“All our products are used in differ-       Mohamed Seddiq AlMutawa, CEO, Al-          facturer to build these cables locally
ent security related operations. The        saher said: “Our goal was to increase a    and we are here to meet those needs.
company is registered and qualified         military camp’s security by 90 per cent    IDEX was a good place for us to be as
                                                                                       we could connect with the big players
                                                                                       in the defence field.”
                                                                                       Multi-disciplinary Learning
                                                                                       Rabdan Academy provides a future
                                                                                       class multi-disciplinary learning en-
                                                                                       vironment of choice for the continu-
                                                                                       ing development and integration of
                                                                                       safety, security, defence, emergency
                                                                                       preparedness and crisis management
                                                                                       professionals. The academy aims to
                                                                                       develop individual and organisations
                                                                                       to future-class standard that ensures
                                                                                       a highly specialised, multi-disciplinary,
                                                                                       coherent, robust and sustainable na-
                                                                                       tional capability for protection of the
                                                                                       international community, its people
Falco with the United Nations                                                          and its asset. Plus, it offers state-of-
22                 ISSUE 566 MARCH 2019      Reports

                                                                                           At IDEX , EDCC
                                                                                           had a massive
                                                                                           stand where
                                                                                           local companies
                                                                                           demonstrated the
                                                                                           best of ‘Made in
the-art facilities and systems, which of-     Siham said: “We are specialists in Navy      stream industry, TIP attracts industries
fer a safe and secure environment for         guns but this time we moved a step           from other related core sectors as well.
the protection of personnel, facilities,      ahead to serve the army as well. We          A TIP representative told Nation Shield:
equipment and information.                    are highlighting projects for the army       “We showcased our entire portfolio of
Ammunition Arsenal                            such as Saluki on-road/off-road vehicle.     products and services at IDEX. TIP offers
Tasleeh focuses on the defence indus-         Another project is the Ghibili, which        comprehensive world-class infrastruc-
try and works closely with the govern-        is a light dual gun remotely operated        ture in an enhanced secure and safe
ment and private sector.                      stabilised weapon station that enables       area and is strategically located off the
Salem Al Matroushi, Founder & CEO,            gunners to accurately engage targets.”       Abu Dhabi-Dubai highway with easy
Tasleeh highlighted: “We are showcas-         Shaping the Industrial Sector                sea, air and land accessibility from and
ing different weapons and training            Tawazun Industrial Park (TIP), an inte-      to not only all emirates but the region
systems. We have launched a smart             grated industrial zone, offers compre-       and the world.”
gun here that works with a chip that          hensive focused and secure infrastruc-       TIP’s product portfolio includes highly
is programmed with the gun and is             ture, professional customer relation-        specialised manufacturing/assembly
dedicated for the police. We are also         ship, and convenient onsite services to      and storage facilities for defence re-
showcasing the Simgun system, which           key strategic industrial sectors.            lated products (arms & ammunitions),
is a training vest, as well as a hat. It is   UAE’s capital Abu Dhabi is one of the        Industrial land, built-to-lease facilities;
very light so the soldier doesn’t need        fastest growing hubs for advanced            factories/workshops; warehouses; light
to carry a lot of weight. Also, it has a      technologies and expertise. Its focus        industrial units; incubators; offices; on-
sticker which vibrates and gives the          on hi-tech manufacturing and knowl-          site staff accommodation.
body a shock when you get hit. This           edge-based industry is shaping a dy-         Established in 2012, Tawazun Industrial
prepares the police and the soldiers          namic local industrial sector and TIP        Park is already home to several manu-
to be ready for a real life scenario. We      serves as an effective tool contributing     facturing entities. Its current key clients
also build shooting ranges and pro-           towards the nation’s vision of econom-       are BARIJ Munitions, NIMR automo-
vide military equipment to our clients        ic diversification.                          tive, EDIC Precision Industries, BARIJ
in the UAE and GCC. A number of com-          Creating comprehensive integrated            Dynamics, EDIC Caracal, Advanced
panies here have expressed interest in        clusters is key to TIP’s strategy in order   Turbine Technologies, IGG, Raytheon,
what we have to offer.”                       to support its primary focus to the de-      HARRIS, Qinetic, SAAB, Rockford Xel-
Bridging the Gap                              fence and security manufacturing sec-        lerix, Halcon Systems, Advanced Pyro-
Siham Alkhaleej Technology focuses on         tor. In order to create complete clusters    technic, National Centre of Meteorol-
the military naval domain operating in        around the defence and security indus-       ogy, Remaya, Al Hosn, ProofHouse, and
the MENA region. Yousif Al Hosani from        tries, covering downstream and up-           Emirates Training Technologies.
Strategic Partner
24               ISSUE 566 MARCH 2019     Reports

  Nexter Meets the
       exter, a partner of the French      the Emirates Army was present at the      to interventions in the most difficult en-
and Emirati Armies, showcased its          company’s stand at the show, equipped     vironments, this armoured vehicle with
know-how in the field of land combat       with a modernisation kit and a micro-     extreme mobility can be controlled re-
systems, artillery, weapons and robot-     UAV. Artillery systems were also fea-     motely by its crew.
ics systems, as well as ammunition, at     tured with a virtual demonstration of     Nexter Group’s participation as a key
IDEX 2019. The company’s mission is to     the CAESAR8x8 self-propelled howit-       vendor for the SCORPION Programme
meet the needs of armies all around the    zer and the presence of models of the     and the main supplier of combat sys-
world, through the design, develop-        105LG1 towed howitzer and a CAESAR.       tems to the French Army, was also
ment and production of high-end de-        These systems are used by many armies     highlighted. The GRIFFON multi-role ar-
fence systems, artillery and armoured      and are particularly appreciated for      moured vehicle, the JAGUAR armoured
vehicles for land forces. Its expertise    their robustness and accuracy. Comple-    reconnaissance and combat vehicle, the
also covers the supply of weapons sys-     menting this offer, the TITUS armoured    SERVAL 4x4 light multi-role armoured
tems to air forces and navies.             vehicle in its mission orchestration      vehicle and the upgraded LECLERC
Illustrating Nexter Group's expertise in   version was on exhibit, featuring a re-   MBT (XLR) were also on display.
armoured vehicles, a LECLERC MBT of        mote-control system. Perfectly suited     Nexter also demonstrated its know-

LECLERC MBT equipped with a
modernisation kit and a micro-UAV

          Needs of Armies
how in the equipment field. As an         featured the unmanned T40 turret and        This truck-mounted artillery system
architect of robotic systems, the com-    the CT40 AHS cannon. These weapons          is fitted with a 155 mm/L52 howitzer,
pany exhibited a NERVA multi-mission      can be mounted on several types of ar-      which is capable of direct and indirect
mini-robot and an OPTIO-X20 robot         moured vehicle and allow for accurate       firing. The CAESAR 8x8 has a brand new
armed with a 20mm cannon. In terms        firing with a wide range of effects.        fully automated ammunition loading
of digital systems, demonstrations of     As the third largest ammunition suppli-     system. A crew of 2-3 people can oper-
the FINDMP touch-table decision sup-      er in Europe with one of the most com-      ate it. Maximum rate of fire is six rounds
port system and the FINDEAGLE system      prehensive product catalogues, Nexter       per minute.
were given throughout the exhibition.     Group also presented a selection of its     The CAESAR 8x8 fires all standard
VIPER perimeter vision solutions, as      extensive product line ranging from         NATO 155 mm ammunition, including
well as the Virtual Maintenance Trainer   20 to 155mm. In particular, the artillery   ordinary and rocket-assisted HE-FRAG
system for CAESAR, LECLERC MBT and        shell of the future 155mm KATANA was        rounds, cargo rounds with anti-tank or
TITUS vehicles rounded out the range      on display, along with tank and infantry    fragmentation bomblets, smoke and
of combatant support systems on           ammunition from 90 to 120mm and na-         illumination rounds. It is also capable
exhibit. In addition, the Nexter stand    val ammunition up to 127mm calibre.         of firing BONUS or SPACIDO precision-
                                          Some of its other products include the      guided anti-tank munitions. The BO-
                                          FINDART fire control system and forma-      NUS round carries two smart anti-tank
                                          tion and training simulators for the fir-   sub-munitions to a range of 34 km.
                                          ing crew, both physical (CAESAR Crew        Maximum range of fire is 42 km with
                                          Training System) and digital (tutorials,    rocket-assisted HE-FRAG projectile and
                                          3D simulators).                             55 km with a VLAP projectile. Range of
                                          Nexter was also present in the naval        direct fire is up to 2 km.
                                          domain with its NARWHAL20A. Already         Furthermore, the CAESAR 8x8 is ca-
                                          equipping the French Marine Natio-          pable of Multiple-Round Simultaneous
                                          nale and numerous other navies in the       Impact (MRSI) firing. It can launch a
                                          world, this weapon system has become        couple of projectiles, each in different
                                          a reference. Thanks to the 20M621           trajectories, so that all of the shells ar-
                                          cannon, the NARWHAL is particularly         rive on target at the same time. A single
                                          adapted to surveillance and maritime        artillery system can land on target with
                                          police missions. It can also fulfil very    no warning multiple shells. Such way of
                                          short-range self-defence missions           firing can be very effective.
                                          against drones and light vessels.           Also, the CAESAR 8x8 has a brief in and
                                          CAESAR 8X8: Full Spectrum Solution          out of action times and can be used
                                          Designed by Nexter, the Caesar 8x8 is       on shoot-and-scoot missions in order
                                          an upgraded version of the 6x6 Caesar       to avoid counter battery fire. It report-
                                          wheeled self-propelled howitzer using       edly takes only 60 seconds to prepare
                                          155/52 caliber cannon. In March 2017,       this artillery system for firing or leave
                                          Nexter, was awarded a contract by the       the firing position. Within two minutes
                                          Danish Defence Acquisition and Logis-       the CAESAR 8x8 can fire six rounds
                                          tics Organization (DALO) for the supply     and leave its position. Plus, an Airbus
                                          of 15 (plus 6 as an option) 8x8 CAESAR      A400M, Boeing C17 Globemaster III, or
                                          artillery systems to the Danish Army. It    Ilyushin Il-76 military transport aircraft
                                          will replace the 32 U.S.-built M109A3       can airlift this artillery system.
                                          self-propelled howitzers.                   The CAESAR 155mm wheeled self-pro-
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