Human-centric Machine Learning - A Human-Machine Collaboration Perspective - White Paper - fortiss

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Human-centric Machine Learning - A Human-Machine Collaboration Perspective - White Paper - fortiss
White Paper

Machine Learning
A Human-Machine Collaboration Perspective
Human-centric Machine Learning - A Human-Machine Collaboration Perspective - White Paper - fortiss
Human-centric Machine Learning –
A Human-Machine Collaboration Perspective

Machine Learning Lab * | Human-centered Engineering *


Dr. Yuanting Liu
fortiss GmbH,
Guerickestr. 25
80805 Munich

Dr. Hao Shen
fortiss GmbH,
Guerickestr. 25
80805 Munich

* Equal contribution
   fortiss GmbH. Correspondence to

 Machine Learning Lab (MLL):
 Human-centered Engineering (HCE):

Human-centric Machine Learning - A Human-Machine Collaboration Perspective - White Paper - fortiss

      Abstract                                           4

      Motivation                                         5

      Framework                                          6

      Research Topics and Research Questions             7
          Human-Centered System and Interaction Design   7
          Trustworthiness                                8
          Algorithmic Capability                         8

      An Integrated Approach at fortiss                  9
          HCE                                            9
          MLL                                            11

      References                                         13

      Imprint                                            14

Human-centric Machine Learning - A Human-Machine Collaboration Perspective - White Paper - fortiss
Engineering of reliable, safe and trustworthy tech-           a way to engineer ML systems which enables
nical systems has entered a new era with recent               smooth collaboration between humans and
advances in Machine Learning (ML) technology.                 machines. In this white paper, we outline a high-
Such technological progress provides engineers of             level framework for the human-centric engineering
this generation with tools of great potential, but also       of ML systems. We derive a number of general
significant new challenges. Advanced automation               research topics and more specific research ques­
as enabled by ML has to respect social norms and              tions from this framework, and describe how the
ethical standards. High levels of human control to            joint effort of two fortiss competence fields can
safeguard such technical systems is therefore of pa-          lead to an innovative approach for the engineering
ramount importance, but difficult to achieve. Thus,           of ML-driven software systems.
it is critical to place the focus of future research on

Human-centric Machine Learning - A Human-Machine Collaboration Perspective - White Paper - fortiss
Motivation                                                          Low robustness against perturbed input data
                                                                    The performance of intelligent ML-based sys-
                                                                    tems depends heavily on the quality of the input
Software and systems engineering generally strive                   data. Even small manipulations of input data,
to empower humans in their ability to carry out                     such as pixel-by-pixel perturbations, can lead
their tasks. These systems have to be reliable, safe                to serious disturbances of the system outputs.
and trustworthy in order to fulfil their purpose. As                The poor robustness to small changes in input
simple as this statement is, engineering of such                    data raise additional concerns when ML-based
systems has turned out to be extremely challenging                  intelligent data processing is widely deployed in
and complex, which already has led to an abun-                      critical areas such as autonomous driving. On
dance of research for traditional systems that pre-                 a higher level, input data may contain certain,
dictably follow well-understood algorithms. We are                  sometimes unknown biases, which conse-
currently experiencing the introduction of a new                    quently are mirrored by the ML system.
wave of power­ful technology, based on algorithms
which can learn from given data and adapt them-                     Miscalibration of trust
selves to optimize their solutions, i.e., Machine Learn­            Due to the unpredictable behaviour of an ML
ing (ML). Specifically, remarkable achievements                     system and the high effectiveness of these sys-
have been made in well-defined domains where                        tems in many cases, humans can be tempted
huge amounts of data are available with pre-defined                 to accept technical systems as human-like
interpretation of the data, obtained by supervision                 partners (anthropomorphization) and to trust
and labeling. However, the apparent success in pro-                 the systems more than it was adequate for
ducing seemingly intelligent deci­sions brings along                their actual capabilities, or humans may under-
a number of dangerous causes for misunderstan-                      trust systems exhibiting unexpected behavior.
dings in the communication be­tween humans
and machines. If we compare the behavior of ML                      Low level of human control and involvement
systems and humans in decision making, significant                  Most ML algorithms rely on either a hypothetical
differences are obvious. ML essentially provides effi-              model of the distribution of data or concrete
cient algorithmic solutions for optimizing a well-de-               interpretation (labeling) of data. Such construc-
fined target function, enabling the learning of task-               tions have become one major hurdle to ena-
and data-specific patterns from a huge amount                       bling ML systems with high levels of human
of samples or observations. In contrast, a human                    control, such as human-like reasoning and ge-
would rather make decisions based on ground-truth                   neralization. Specifically, it is rather difficult to
rules like causality and can transfer known solutions               find the right level of human control on which
to new situations and domains. Although both types                  the system can effectively communicate with
of decision making can be called forms of general-                  humans to obtain such input.
ization, the human way of decision making is a har-
der form of generalization, sometimes termed hori-             To tackle these challenges from a systems enginee-
zontal, strong, or out-of-­distribution generalization.        ring perspective, we are introducing Human-Centric
Human decision making takes advantage of hetero-               Machine Learning (HCML), a new paradigm in sys-
geneous information sources such as interventions,             tem construction taking a human-machine collabo-
domain shifts and temporal structures, which ML                ration perspective. In this white paper,
typically discards or even fails to model in learning
processes. This shortcoming leads to a number of               •   we provide a general framework for understan-
challenges in designing reliable, safe and trustworthy             ding the specific problems in human-machine
systems based on ML for human users:                               interaction for ML systems;

     Low explainability                                       •   we outline an approach to the design of intelli-
      The decision-making mechanism used by an                     gent assisting systems which augment human
      ML system cannot be made fully transparent to                capabilities instead of reducing the human to a
      humans due to their nature of learning. Conse­               controlling instance;
      quently, behaviors of such systems become diffi-
      cult to interpret for humans. Although there have        •   we define a number of relevant research topics
      been some recent efforts in providing some                   and research questions which fit fortiss’
      explanation to humans, such as in the area of                capabilities;
      image recognition, these approaches are far
      from being generally applicable, and even worse          •   we suggest new directions of research in
      so when it comes to respecting human norm and                ML systems which integrate the efforts of two
      value systems.                                               fortiss labs.

Human-centric Machine Learning - A Human-Machine Collaboration Perspective - White Paper - fortiss
Framework                                                                         verall system design
                                                                                 ML models need to be integrated purposefully,
                                                                                 following a clear idea of how they can support
Several high-level frameworks for Human-Centric                                  users. Designs that treat humans as fallbacks
Artificial Intelligence (HCAI) have been recently                                for imperfect ML models should be avoided.
published. These frameworks aim to create a balan-                               System design is dominated by control loops
ce between human abilities and system capabilities                               that take humans and machines in a single
in order to empower humans with powerful tools,                                  closed loop.
but not to deprive them of control over the task
being carried out.                                                               Interaction design
                                                                                  The machine has to present its inner workings
                                    ents the m
                             augm              a                                  on an appropriate level of abstraction such
                  m    an                          ch
               Hu                                                                 that humans can interpret it and influence
                                                                                  what is going on.

                                                                                Algorithm design
                                                                                ML algorithms need to be designed in a
                                                                                way that input coming from humans can be
                             A symbiotic
   HUMAN                                                      MACHINE
                             relationship                                         dvanced machine learning principles
                                                                                 In order to achieve a better match to human
                                                                                 decision making, ML needs to take into
                                                                                 account higher level concepts like causality.

                                                                            A more detailed framework for HCAI is defined by
                       hin                        m      an                 Ben Shneiderman (Shneiderman, 2020b) which
                             e au              hu
                                  gments the                                stresses the fact that human control and computer
                                                                            automation are not opposites, but two dimensions
Figure 1. IBM high-level AI framework. Source: IBM.                         of a design space. We illustrate this framework here
                                                                            for the application of a decision support system
An example of a very high-level framework is provi-                         helping humans to act in a complex situation with
ded by IBM1 which views intelligent systems as part                         a huge amount of information sources of varying
of an overall ecosystem and stresses a symbiotic                            reliability (Figure 2). A concrete example would be
partnership between human and machine (Figure 1).                           a system supporting the command of a complex
This point of view makes it very obvious that the                           rescue operation. The figure shows that human
design of systems based on ML needs to take the                             control and computer automation are independent
human user into account from the beginning. Taking                          dimensions, and that we can design systems that
this point of view as the basis for system design, we                       aim to perform well in both dimensions (upper right
see a number of consequences at several levels:                             corner). In the case of a decision support system
                                                                            in a rescue operation, this means the system keeps
     Development process                                                   the human operator in full control but improves the
      The development of the system has to follow                           basis for their deci­sions and eases the execution of
      a human-centered design (HCD) approach,                               decisions. This is in contrast to fully automated sys-
      since the ultimate design goal is the com­bined                       tems like in the lower right corner, where the role
      power of human and machine to address hu­                             of the human is reduced to check system decisions
      man needs. This type of process will be simi-                         for sanity (which is neither what the human nor
      lar to the well-known User-Centered Design                            what the system are easily capable of).
      (UCD) method.. However, for ML systems, the
      development process needs to explicitly in-
      volve considerations for training data and the
      human impact of all data-related decisions
      and development activities.


                                             EXCESSIVE HUMAN CONTROL

                                                                                                                          EXCESSIVE AUTOMATION
                             Advanced visualization                   Human interpretation of presented data
                                        +                                               +
Human control

                     High-level choice of decision strategies           Automated decision suggestions

                             Pure data presentation
                                        +                                        Automated decisions
                              Low-level commands

   Low                                                                                                                  High
                                                      Computer automation

  Figure 2. HCML design space, based on Shneiderman’s HCAI framework (Shneiderman, 2020b)

  Research Topics and                                                Research Topic 1

  Research Questions                                                 Human-Centered System
                                                                     and Interaction Design
  In this section, we list a number of high level re-
  search topics for the outlined research field (Figure 3),          The current advances in ML are rapidly pushing the
  together with examples of more concrete research                   boundaries of what computing systems are capa-
  questions.                                                         ble of, both in terms of their ability to make sense
                                                                     of and act upon their environment, as well as the
    HCE                                                              possibility to adapt to their human users. However,
                                                                     while ML algorithms are making great strides, it is
                                                                     often unclear how to design ML systems such that
                                                                     they live up to their promises in the real world. For
                                                                     all their potential, ML systems also create significant
                                SYSTEM AND
                            INTERACTION DESIGN        MLL            challenges for the human-machine interaction as
                                                                     they often violate established usability principles like
                                                                     predictability and consistency. Much more research
                                                                     is necessary to understand how to employ the pre-
                                                                     dictive and adaptive power of ML in a way that is
                                                                     aligned with human needs.

                TRUSTWORTHINESS            ALGORITHMIC               Examples of research questions
                                                                        	What are appropriate methods, frameworks,
                                                                          metaphors or patterns for designing ML systems
                                                                          around human needs from the ground up?

                                                                        	How to model human cognitive processes and
                                                                          human behavior to optimize user-adaptive
  Figure 3. High level research topics for human-centered                 systems for intuitive and efficient human-ML
  machine learning. While all three topics are distinct, there
  is also some overlap and interaction. HCE tends to focus
  on Human-Centered System and Interaction Design,
  while MLL tends to concentrate on Algorithmic Capa-                    How to generate semantic (structural) knowl­
  bilities. Trustworthiness is the main intersection of the               edge from observations/data in a specific
  two competence fields, but there are interactions in the                domain, in order to facilitate the design of
  other two topics as well.                                               human-centered systems and actions?

Research Topic 2                                             Research Topic 3

Trustworthiness                                              Algorithmic Capability

Given that ML enables higher degrees of automa-              As the core component of ML pipelines, feature ex-
tion for more complex tasks, the trustworthiness             tractors trained in a pure data-driven manner rather
of ML-driven systems is crucial. This concerns both          than considering high-level task abstraction, fail
the model development and the user-facing system             to infer when given out-of-distribution input. Poor
design. Models need to be as robust and as bias-             gen­eralization, therefore, leads to low robustness
free as possible, which relies heavily on the training       and poor user experience due to the lack of human
data and advanced ML algorithms. Furthermore,                involvement (Madry et al., 2017). While many re-
these models need to be integrated into system de-           search efforts have been established to improve the
signs that facilitate appropriate trust of human users       model robustness against out-of-distribution data,
towards machines to avoid both misuse and disuse.            the major research direction, however, neglects
                                                             human needs from a system design perspective.
Examples of research questions                               Instead of hard-coding the entire system with off-
                                                             the-shelf machine learning algorithms, exploiting
   	Under which conditions and in which form                interactive patterns towards better knowledge in-
     should explanations be provided to users to             tegration provides a further opportunity for HCML
     calibrate their trust in ML systems? What are al-       development. To overcome the challenges of low
     ternatives to explanations for trust calibration?       robustness and poor user experience caused by the
                                                             lack of human involvement, we essentially focus
   	How to develop high-level automated ML                  on two perspectives, namely task-driven adaption
     algorithms, so as to respect trustworthiness            of ML systems with respect to human needs and
     requirements in a dynamic working environ-              human-centered learning algorithm design. The
     ment?                                                   former perspective suggests the adaption of ML al-
                                                             gorithms by extending the algorithmic capability of
                                                             user understanding, personalization and interaction.
                                                             The latter perspective emphasizes the development
                                                             of novel learning algorithms that are capable of
                                                             efficiently abstracting and leveraging human knowl­

                                                             Examples of research questions

                                                                	What are the proper abstractions of human
                                                                  knowledge using graph representation

                                                                	How to design domain-dependent multi-­
                                                                  modality interaction patterns for smooth
                                                                  integration of human knowledge?

                                                                	How and to which degree can human
                                                                  knowledge or human-oriented metrics have
                                                                  an impact on the capacity of ML algorithms
                                                                  in terms of automation, generalizability, and

An Integrated                                                                     ML for human augmentation
                                                                                  For one, we explore how to apply ML algorithms to

Approach at fortiss                                                               augment human skills. Today’s ML system designs
                                                                                  are usually centered around the ML model that is
                                                                                  designed to solve a human task as automatically as
The aim of our development of HCML is to design                                   possible. In these systems, HCI issues are usually
ML-based intelligent systems that (a) empower hu-                                 only considered to get the human “back into the
mans with ML techniques and (b) simultaneously                                    loop” as a fallback for shortcomings of the ML mo-
achieve high levels of human control and high le-                                 del. A common example are explanation interfaces
vels of ML automation. Since both HCE and ML are                                  for trust calibration in decision support systems.
well-established scientific disciplines which have                                Here, the explanations are designed to help users
their distinct perspectives, the uniqueness of our                                notice when they need to override erroneous mo-
approach is to integrate progress in both HCE and                                 del outputs. Another example is interactive machine
ML to facilitate and enhance the development of                                   learning (iML), where the objective is often to im-
the structure of HCML. Our approach as illustra-                                  prove the ML model through user inputs.
ted in Figure 4 can be viewed as an iterative, agile
method. On the one hand, HCE benefits from both                                   We want to take a step back and design ML systems
high levels of human control and high levels of ma-                               around humans rather than models. We therefore
chine automation to empower human capabilities.                                   prefer to think of ML-in-the-loop rather than the
On the other hand, ML adapts to the requirement                                   popular human-in-the-loop. For instance, for a deci-
of empowering humans to construct advanced ML                                     sion support system, our vision would be a “mental
paradigms.                                                                        prosthesis” rather than an automated decision ma-
                                                                                  king machine with explanation interface (Zhang et
                                                                                  al., 2021). The goal of the former is to contextually
                                                 Human-centered Engineering

                                                                                  augment the human-led decision-making process,
                                                                                  while the latter means that users either follow a
  Machine Learning

                                                                                  machine decision or make a decision on their own.
                                                                                  To this end, we try to understand the actual con-
                                                                                  cerns, needs and tasks of humans before designing
                                                                                  solutions or judging the quality of solutions, such as
                                                                                  through interviews or contextual inquiries (RQ 1.1).

                                                                                  A key concern in our approach is the impact of
                                                                                  inevitable model errors on the human-machine
                                                                                  interaction (Zhang & Hußmann, 2021) and how to
Figure 4. A spiral model of HCML interaction                                      design ML systems such that model errors are de-
                                                                                  tectable, correctable and non-critical. To achieve
HCE                                                                               such designs that are tolerant of model errors, we
                                                                                  adopt a holistic view of the design space of human-­
According to a simplified view suggested by Shnei-                                ML interaction. For instance, we look beyond ex-
derman (Shneiderman, 2020a), AI researchers                                       plainability to design trustworthy ML systems, taking
pursue two grand goals: the emulation goal and                                    into consideration more interactive system designs
the application goal. The emulation goal denotes                                  as well (RQ 2.1) (Zhang et al., 2021).
the desire to emulate and to surpass human capa-
bilities with computers, while the application goal                               ML systems understanding their human users
is concerned with deploying AI into real-world                                    Further, we conduct research into ML systems that
applica­tions. Today’s impressive advances in ML al-                              have a better understanding of their human users.
gorithms are primarily driven by the emulation goal.                              The basic idea is to build models of human behavi-
How­ever, this also has the effect that real-world                                or (general models and individually specific models)
ML applications nowadays are shaped much more                                     with the goal of integrating them into systems that
strongly by the emulation goal perspective than                                   are then able to adapt to their users and interact
by the application goal. As a consequence, human                                  smoothly with humans (RQ 1.2).
factors are often not adequately considered in ML
application designs.                                                              To address this challenge, we build a tool to learn
                                                                                  formal models of human behavior. In such a sys-
The HCE competence field approaches HCML from                                     tem, we let the user experience different stimuli and
the application goal perspective. More specifically,                              record the resulting human reaction. This enables
our approach focuses on the elements listed below.                                us to build a system that can understand the human

black box, based on human analytics and reasoning       and algorithms in the learning process and conti-
of the users’ experienced stimuli and the users’ re-    nuously offers hints. Typically, those hints, such as
sulting reactions. As a first concrete example, we      causal relation, must be invariant to noise and data
currently focus on human behavior influenced by         perturbation. Han et al., 2020 shows that a recom-
stress. We have developed virtual reality (VR) expe-    mender benefits from sequential relationships, with
riences which that the user on a journey involving      an attention mechanism learning the effective­ness
different stimuli. By observing user behavior and       of fed human knowledge. As we approach HCML
physiological data, we try to understand which sti-     mainly from an application perspective, it is neces-
muli causes which reaction of the user and build        sary to study the task-dependent multi-modal inter-
a corresponding model. This is currently being          action design (RQ 3.2). As an example, a DIP-based
studied for stress detection and control, but the       (Ulyanov et al., 2018) inpainting tool for a human-
long-term goal is to tailor a personalized experience   machine collaborative ML system was developed
to the user that enables smooth collaboration bet-      for the area of image restoration (Weber et al.,
ween intelligent system and human by making the         2020). The proposed approach translated human
system understand its user.                             painting intuitions into pixel-wise modifications that
                                                        can be seamlessly refined by our system. Finally,
Human-computer collaboration in joint learning          yet importantly, we plan to address the out-of-dis-
situations                                              tribution generalization problem by leveraging ac-
In addition, we investigate two common compo-           quired human knowledge such as graph-structured
nents and one major issue of human-computer col-        data, which is insightful but intractable to learn in
laboration in a joint learning setting, where a human   a pure data-driven fashion. Our first step here is to
is enabled to influence the decision-making results     design textual queries for scene grounding. Our
either directly or indirectly. The first component is   aim is essentially to embed causation into queries
the proper knowledge abstraction (RQ 3.1) which         for a more robust and explainable scene grounding
is considered as a medium that connects humans          (RQ 2.2).

MLL                                                       observations aligned with human preferences or
                                                          values, to enable development and automation of
MLL focuses mainly on two research challenges             effective and efficient ML algorithms. One concrete
                                                          challenging scenario is that humans often deploy
Enhancement of human control with automated               a relatively small amount of samples and negative
ML techniques                                             examples for learning. We thus propose to develop
In order to enhance human control over an intelli-        human-centered representation learning algorithms
gent system, it is crucial to have effective and effi-    in order to automate ML solutions in intelligent sys-
cient ways to 1) understand human intentions and          tems. In this context, we will focus on the following
2) interpret the environment or situation around the      paradigms:
human. One challenge to understanding human
intention lies in the fact that human thinking is often   •   Self-supervised learning
structural and implicit. We thus propose employ-              This is a technique for learning representations
ing ML paradigms that are capable of dealing with             from typically high-dimensional signals by pre-
structural data to extract human intentions (RQ 1.3).         dicting a derived signal, such as the reordering
                                                              of a shuffled audio sequence. Instead of manual
•   Neural structural generative models                       labels, this technique relies on general informa-
    Knowledge that is perceivable or understan-               tion that applies to the data, such as temporal
    dable to humans is mostly structural, such as             coherence in the previous example. The learned
    graphs, relations and networks. Thus, in order            structure makes it easier to solve downstream
    to enable efficient high-level human control              tasks (more efficiently than based on the origi-
    over ML systems, it is important to require the           nal raw data) and allows for better visualizations
    ML techniques to be able to represent or ge-              that facilitate understanding of the data.
    nerate new knowledge from data in a human-
    under­standable format.                               •   Contrastive learning
                                                              Also known as ”learning by comparing”, this is
•   Causal representation learning                            closely related to self-supervised learning.
    Arguably, a core problem for AI is causal re-             However, instead of predicting some auxiliary
    presentation learning, such as the discovery of           signal, contrastive learning makes use of general
    high-­level causal factors from low-level obser-          relations between data instances. For example,
    vations. As a central property of human intelli-          shifting an audio signal by a short time will not
    gence, causal representation learning is expec-           significantly change the content or the speaker
    ted to enable better understanding of machine             identity. This allows a user to encode high-level
    deci­sions, so as to promote high-level human             information.
    con­trol in ML systems.
                                                          •   Continual learning
To the second task, original observations of the en-          User-facing machine learning algorithms need
vironment are generally far too overwhelming for              to self-evolve together with humans. For exam-
humans to interpret quickly. Therefore, authentic,            ple, wearable devices should fit better with
human-level annotations or instructions are critical          their unique owners because of more collected
to facilitating high levels of human control (RQ 1.3).        user-specific data, or an autonomous driving
Candidate ML concepts to be developed further in              system can become familiar with the daily
this topic are                                                commute traffic. Such adaptations come not
                                                              only from self-supervised learning, but there are
•   Question answering                                        also strict requirements from continual learning
    In order to facilitate high levels of human con-          which avoid the so-called catastropic forgetting
    trol in ML systems, it is crucial to equip the ML         of previously learned abilities.
    techniques with the capability of semantic un-
    derstanding. With such a functionality, an HCML       The focus on these frameworks allows us to seam­
    system takes semantic inquiries from humans,          lessly integrate another concept referred to as
    interprets human intentions automatically, and        Knowledge­-Augmented Machine Learning, which
    finally empowers humans with high-level out-          aims to transfer purely data-driven approaches to-
    comes from the ML methods.                            wards knowledgeable systems that can easily adapt
                                                          to new scenarios and environments (RQ 3.3).
Automation of ML techniques with implicit human input
As discussed above, human intention is often impli-
cit, or even subtle. Hence, the most essential task
is arguably to extract a reliable representation from

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fortiss                                 Titel: adobe stock © sdecoret                         Seite 4: adobe stock © lassedesignen
© 2021                                  Seite 8: adobe stock © Deepak
                                        Seite 10: adobe stock © Sikov
Authors                                 Seite 12: adobe stock © faraktinov
Dr. Yuanting Liu                        Seite 14: fortissGmbH ©Kathrin Kahle
Dr. Hao Shen

Sonja Taut

Daniel Hawpe

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ISSN Print		            ISSN Online
2699-1217		             2700-2977

1. Edition, September 2021

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