How are INDCs and NAMAs linked? - A discussion paper on the links between INDCs, NAMAs and LEDS by the GIZ TUEWAS NAMA Working Group in ...

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How are INDCs and NAMAs linked?
A discussion paper on the links between INDCs, NAMAs and LEDS
by the GIZ TUEWAS NAMA Working Group in collaboration with the
UNEP DTU Partnership
How are INDCs and NAMAs linked?
A discussion paper on the links between INDCs, NAMAs and LEDS by the GIZ TUEWAS NAMA
Working Group in collaboration with the UNEP DTU Partnership

July 2015

Published by
Deutsche Gesellschaft für
Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH                 UNEP DTU Partnership
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Responsible                                              Responsible
TUEWAS NAMA/MM Working Group                             Dr. Sudhir Sharma
(                           (

Daniela Boos, Hauke Broecker, Tobias Dorr, Heiner von Luepke, Sudhir Sharma

Acknowledgement for Comments and Support
Shikha Bhasin, Kundan Burnwal, Stephan Hoch, Mathias Honegger, Steffen Menzel, Axel Michaelowa,
Philipp Munzinger, Alexandra Neubert, Frauke Röser, Enrico Rubertus, Anna Pia Schreyoegg, Friedel Sehlleier,
Xander van Tilburg, Klaus Wenzel, Sebastian Wienges, Inga Zachow

Mayank Bhatnagar

Tobias Dorr

July 2015
How are INDCs and NAMAs linked?
A discussion paper on the links between INDCs, NAMAs and LEDS by the GIZ TUEWAS NAMA
Working Group in collaboration with the UNEP DTU Partnership

Daniela Boos, Hauke Broecker, Tobias Dorr, Heiner von Luepke, Sudhir Sharma

The findings and conclusions expressed in this document do not necessarily represent the views of the GIZ,
UNEP DTU Partnership BMZ, IKI/BMUB or other supporting Ministries. The information provided is without
warranty of any kind. The authors accept no liability whatsoever to any third party for any loss or damage arising
from any interpretation or use of the document or reliance on any views expressed therein.

Introduction                                                                             Page 1

Background: Evolution of climate change architecture                                     Page 3
  – Pre-2020                                                                             Page 3
  – Post-2020                                                                            Page 4

Concept fact sheets                                                                      Page 5
  – NAMAs                                                                                Page 5
  – LEDS                                                                                 Page 6
  – INDCs                                                                                Page 7
  – Overview of mitigation concepts                                                      Page 8

Analysis                                                                                Page 10
  - Are INDCs and NAMAs different?                                                      Page 10
  - How could the NAMA process in countries be leveraged for
    INDC preparation and implementation?                                                Page 11

Illustration of the relationship between NAMAs and INDCs on the basis of
a country’s energy efficiency programme                                                 Page 13

Key recommendations to policy-makers                                                    Page 15

References                                                                              Page 16

                                                       How are INDCs and NAMAs linked? > Contents

In light of the urgent need to hold the increase in                     participate in the global effort, albeit in line with their
global average temperature below 2°C above pre-                         respective capabilities and responsibilities, but also in
industrial levels, the 17th Conference of the Parties                   relation to what they perceive as fair and ambitious.
(COP17) to the United Nations Climate Change
                                                                        The COP20 in Lima resulted in the so-called ‘Lima
Convention (UNFCCC) agreed upon the negotiation
                                                                        Call for Climate Action’ which comprises different
of a comprehensive climate regime, including all
                                                                        options for a draft negotiating text. With regards to
Parties, by 2015. While the exact form and scope of
                                                                        INDCs, the document clarifies that Parties are also
the new climate agreement is still under negotiation,
                                                                        invited to “consider communicating their undertakings
the initiated process presents an opportunity to
                                                                        in adaptation planning or [...] an adaptation
assess and review past commitments and pledges to
increase short-term ambitions in the run up to 2020                     component”3. Previously, the scope of INDCs was
and to initiate process to increase collective emission                 left open and many understood INDCs solely as a
reductions in the long-term for post-2020 period.                       tool to communicate mitigation targets/goals only.
                                                                        The formerly envisaged concept of providing more
The 19th Conference of the Parties (COP19) to the                       detailed up-front information on the INDCs (COP19,
UNFCCC called upon every member state, regardless                       Warsaw) was replaced by a short paragraph listing
of its development status, to prepare an ‘intended                      suggestions for information that could be part of a
nationally determined contribution’ (INDC) for the                      country’s INDC. The content, format and level of
post-2020 period by the end of the first quarter of                     details of the INDCs are left up to the individual
20151. The scope of such INDCs was undefined,                           member states to decide, which makes a comparison
but the intent was to initiate national processes to                    between the different INDCs difficult. While it might
define mitigation targets and goals at a relatively early               be perceived as an obstacle that clear guidelines for
stage. They were also intended to give a first overview                 INDCs preparation are missing, the experiences and
of whether the aggregate efforts of the Parties’                        lessons-learned gained through NAMAs and LEDs
contributions to mitigate greenhouse gas (GHG)                          development might provide valuable assistance in
emissions are significant enough to minimise the
                                                                        order to develop transparent INDCs.
global average temperature increase and whether they
are consistent with the latest scientific findings of the               The Ad hoc Durban Platform (ADP) negotiations at
5th Assessment Report of the IPCC2. At the COP19                        a forum held in February 2015, limited the “different
in Warsaw, member states also agreed to submit a                        options for a draft negotiating text” to one, on the
draft decision on INDCs to the COP20 in Lima,                           basis of which the COP21 in Paris will convene. In
Peru as a basis for Parties to submit their INDCs.                      regards to INDCs, the text4 still leaves many options
The information provided to the countries should                        open in regard to technicalities and which group of
increase the clarity, transparency and understanding                    countries should aim at what level of mitigation,
of the INDCs in order to enable an assessment of                        thereby reflecting the various positions of the
the collective efforts. All countries are expected to                   negotiating groups and Parties to the UNFCCC.

1 The decision text calls for submission ahead of the COP in 2015, and by the end of the first quarter of 2015 for those who are in position
to do so.
2 UNFCC, 2014a
3 UNFCCC 2014b
4 UNFCC, 2015

How are INDCs and NAMAs linked? > Introduction                                                                                             1
Many developing countries are currently preparing                       pathways development trajectories as LEDS, and they
and implementing Nationally Appropriate Mitigation                      therefore continue to play a role. The authors hence
Actions (NAMAs) as part of their national efforts to                    perceive LEDS as still relevant due to their long-term
address climate change. NAMAs are mitigation actions                    nature and strategic importance in defining country-
taken in the context of sustainable development which                   specific mitigation options embedded in sustainable
are measurable, reportable and verifiable (MRV).                        development trajectories and decided to include them
They can be supported through financial resources,                      in this discussion paper.
technology transfer and capacity building from the
                                                                        The discussion of these concepts raises questions
international community. When NAMAs were first
                                                                        over the relationship between NAMAs, INDCs and
introduced at the COP13 in Bali in 2007, the Parties’
                                                                        LEDS and policy makers demand clarification on the
aim was to increase mitigation activities in developing
                                                                        concepts and their respective linkages.
(non-Annex I) countries. The Cancun Agreement
(decided at COP16 in Cancun) also encouraged                            The objective of this discussion paper is to look at the
the Parties to develop low emission development                         debate on INDCs from a mitigation-perspective5.
strategies (LEDS) to identify sustainable pathways                      It aims to discuss the framework set out above in a
for decoupling sustainable economic growth from                         pre- and post-2020 context, highlighting the political,
GHG emissions. Today, LEDS are no longer explicitly                     technical and institutional facts on NAMAs, INDCs
mentioned in UNFCCC decisions, but countries                            and LEDS, analyse their linkages and finally conclude
still refer to their overall low-carbon, long-term                      with a set of key messages.

5 Bearing in mind that many countries seek to include other aspects in their INDCs, such as adaptation, finance and technology

2                                                                             How are INDCs and NAMAs linked? > Introduction
Background: Evolution of
Climate Change Framework

                                                         NAMAs – particularly for those with higher
Pre-2020                                                 capabilities – will only partly be provided by
                                                         international sources. Along with international public
Before addressing the linkages between the concepts
                                                         funding, different sources of financing, including
of INDCs with NAMAs and LEDS, it is important
                                                         private and domestic public sources, now play a role.
to first understand the evolution of mitigation
                                                         Thus, as opposed to developed countries, who are
responsibilities, as outlined in the UNFCCC’s concept
                                                         expected to take on economy-wide emission reduction
of common but differentiated responsibilities (CBDR)
                                                         targets with reference to a base year (under the second
for reducing GHG emissions. Since the adoption
                                                         commitment period of Kyoto Protocol), developing
of the UNFCCC, member states’ responsibilities to
                                                         countries are in the process of taking mitigation
address climate change have evolved over time as the
                                                         actions to reduce their emissions below a business-as-
understanding and urgency of climate change has
                                                         usual (BAU) scenario.
increased (see Table 1) and since many countries have
rapidly developed into newly industrialised countries.   After the Copenhagen Accord and the Cancun
An important turning point in the discussion was         Agreement, many developing countries submitted
COP13 in Bali, during which the Parties agreed on        NAMAs or more overarching pledges to the
the Bali Action Plan (BAP) in recognition of the         UNFCCC Secretariat. Some developing countries,
increasing urgency to address climate change and the     especially those with larger capacities, submitted
increasing capability of developing countries6. The      pledges in the form of national goals, for instance a
invitation to developing countries to develop their      target to reduce emissions below the BAU scenario,
own mitigation measures was a key component of the       whereas others, such as the least-developed countries
BAP. This resulted in developing countries agreeing      (LDC), submitted a list of individual actions/
on the possibility to implement NAMAs. Prior to the      policies to address GHG emissions7. Over time, the
BAP, developing countries were only encouraged to        interpretation of NAMAs shifted towards a more
submit measures to mitigate GHG emissions in order       policy- and programme-related approach, and even
to receive support from the Convention’s financial       single projects (e.g. bus rapid transit systems (BRT) in
mechanism. For instance, mitigation action taken as      the transport sector) are considered under the term
part of the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM)            NAMA. The understanding of NAMAs being pledges
was entirely voluntary and the emission reductions       is widely acknowledged to be outdated.
were sold as offsets used by developed countries to
                                                         Furthermore, it was anticipated that developing
fulfil their own mitigation targets. Prior to the BAP,
                                                         countries with greater capacities might also implement
there was no “obligation” for non-Annex I countries
                                                         NAMAs using only their own resources, so-called
to mitigate GHGs.
                                                         unilateral NAMAs (see Cancun agreement), that could
In the Bali Action Plan, NAMAs were defined as           additionally be supported in order to achieve a more
mitigation actions taken in the context of sustainable   ambitious goal. For example, Indonesia has indicated
development and supported by financial resources,        that its domestic actions will contribute to a GHG
technology and capacity development. The implicit        emission reduction of 26% below BAU by 2020,
understanding is that financial assistance for           and that if international support is made available up

6 UNFCCC, 2007. Decision 1/CP.13
7 See Sharma and Desgain, 2014 for more details

How are INDCs and NAMAs linked? > Background                                                                    3
to 41% GHGs below BAU in 20208 could be                               finally resulted in the decision that INDCs may also
achieved through internationally supported NAMAs.                     contain adaptation, financial assistance, technology
Hence, in the pre-2020 context NAMAs could be                         transfer or capacity building components.
seen as nationally and voluntarily determined
                                                                      The mitigation component of INDCs is equivalent
mitigation actions that are partially enabled through
internal support.                                                     to national commitments for addressing GHG
                                                                      emissions over a defined period of time (5 or 10

Post-2020                                                             years period, e.g. from 2020-2025 or 2020-2030).
                                                                      Although the new climate agreement applies to all
In Durban (COP17), Parties launched a new round                       Parties, there is an inherent understanding that it does
of negotiations for a 2015 climate agreement to be                    not imply that national commitments are identical
adopted at COP21 in Paris under the Ad hoc Durban                     for all countries, but rather that developing countries
Platform (ADP 9 ) to be implemented post-2020 10.                     undertake mitigation efforts in accordance with the
The new agreement will be ‘applicable to all’ implying                CBDR principle. There has been no formal agreement
– unlike the Kyoto Protocol which included binding                    on this yet, but a number of proposals11 have been
emission reductions targets only for Annex I countries                submitted, outlining that commitments could range
only – that the provisions of the new agreement will                  (no explicit distinction between the two categories
be “binding” for all Parties to the Convention. At                    of countries) from quantified absolute economy-
COP19 in Warsaw, Parties to the UNFCCC agreed                         wide targets (compulsory for developed countries) to
to prepare a draft negotiating text in 2014, covering                 GHG intensity reduction targets or deviations from
all key elements, mitigation, adaptation, finance,                    the BAU scenario (for developing countries with
technology development and transfer, capacity-                        higher capability and responsibility), to other types of
building and transparency of action and support.                      commitments, such as policy objectives, and renewable
At last, countries decided to develop and submit                      energy/energy efficiency targets for developing
their INDCs, which will include actions each country                  countries. Countries can also submit more than one
will take to address climate change domestically. The                 goal/target, including those mentioned above to
main point of contention over the past year was                       allow for realistic goals/targets and more ambitious
the scope of INDCs: i.e. whether they only include                    voluntary targets, as well as short-term and long-term
mitigation actions and/or adaptation, and the means                   goals/targets.
of implementation (financial assistance, technology
transfer, capacity-building). Developed countries are                 The nature and scope of mitigation action taken by
mainly of the view that INDCs are for mitigation                      developed countries and its terminology have changed
actions only, whereas, most developing countries                      over time. The table below outlines the mitigation
(excluding LDCs) hold that INDCs need to cover all                    “commitments” of Annex I and non-Annex I
elements of climate-related action. COP20 in Lima                     countries over time.

Table 1: Development of mitigation action per group of UNFCCC member states over time.

    Timeline                 1992 – 1997                1997 – 2010                2010 – 2020                Post 2020

                             Limit GHG
    Annex 1                                             Economy Wide GHG Reduction Targets                    INDC/NDC

                             Take measures to mitigate emissions
    Non-Annex 1                                                                    NAMAs                      INDC/NDC
                             through CDM

8 See GOI, 2013, for more details on the institutional set-up of NAMAs in Indonesia
9 ADB has two work streams: WSI to develop a new agreement that will be effective post 2020; and, WSII to enhance the ambition of
mitigation action to close the pre-2020 mitigation gap and delivery of agreed provision of USD 100 billion by 2020.
10 See UNFCCC, 2012
11 For instance, from the European Union:

4                                                                           How are INDCs and NAMAs linked? > Background
Concept Fact Sheets

                       Approaches                                             Pledge

                                        Policies and           Projects

       “Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions by developing country parties in the context
         of sustainable development, supported and enabled by technology, financing and
               capacity-building, in a measurable, reportable and verifiable manner.”

                                                               Bali Road Map (2007: Decision 1/CP.13, Para 1b (ii))

      Key Criteria and Facts:
      • Voluntary actions: NAMAs generally support          • 3 types of NAMAs: unilateral, supported and
      sustainable development as interpreted by the         credited* NAMAs which can involve financing,
      implementing country                                  technology transfer and capacity building
      • Broad NAMA definition; defined more by              • Financing through domestic, bi-lateral and
      experience and practice than by rules set up by       multi-lateral resources: public finance needed in
      the UNFCCC                                            order to mobilise private sector investment
      • Aimed at achieving a deviation in emissions         • Accurate, complete and conservative MRV
      compared to ’BAU’ emissions in 2020 and beyond        methodology crucial

                                                 *There are no credited NAMAs so far and the concept of a credited
                                                     NAMA is neither confirmed nor discussed under the UNFCCC

      149 NAMAs and 29 feasibility studies in 42 countries**
      • 137 NAMAs under development                         • 60% comprise a strategy or policy
      • 41% of NAMA activities in Latin America,            • Main sectors addressed: Energy supply (39%),
      25% in Africa and Middle East, 24% in Asia,           Transport (15%), Buildings (13%) and
      10% in Europe                                         Waste (11%)

                                                                             ** (May 2015)

How are INDCs and NAMAs linked? > Concept Fact Sheets                                                                 5
Green Growth /
                                                      LEDS                             Energy
                CC Strategy                                                           Strategy

                                 National                                  National
                               Development                               Sustainability
                                   Plan           Technology             Development
                                                    Needs                  Strategy

        Developing countries are encouraged “to develop Low-carbon Development
              Strategies or Plans in the context of sustainable development”

                                                                Cancun Agreement (2010: Decision 1/CP.16, Para. 6)

    Key Criteria and Facts:
    • National, high-level, comprehensive, long-              • Should contain voluntary national mitigation
    term, holistic strategy developed and endorsed            commitment, e.g. emissions below BAU or base
    by countries, with the aim to decouple                    year, climate neutrality, etc.
    economic growth and social development from               • Basic elements:
    greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions growth; can                  - Long-term strategic vision
    also contain adaptation elements                            - Baseline GHG emissions
                                                                - Mitigation opportunities and costs
    • Long-term, dynamic, cyclical process that                 - Key mitigation sectors and measures
    should continue for years or decades                        - Identification of policies and measures

    LEDS activities under the LEDS Global Partnership in 116 countries,
    supported by 77 organisations*
                                                              • Many countries with >10 LEDS related
        Activities Under the LEDS GP by Region                programmes
                    5%                   South Asia           • Major topics: policies, programmes, pathways
               6%         12%
                                         East Asia            analysis and implementation, financing, GHG
                 Activities              South East Asia      inventory and market analysis
                 under the               Latin America
        32%      LEDS GP         12%     and Carribean
                 by region               Africa
                                         Others                                          *Currently 450 activities
                                                                  ( (April 2013))

6                                                          How are INDCs and NAMAs linked? > Concept Fact Sheets
                      Absolute,                                                        NAMAs
                    Economy-wide                                                     (Policies &
                      Emissions                                                     actions that
                        Target                                                      measure and
                                Deviation                Intensity target         quantify emission
                                From BAU                  (e.g. GHG/GDP,              reduction
                                 Scenario                  GHG/Capita)                impacts)

         Parties to the UNFCCC decided “to invite all Parties to initiate or intensify
       domestic preparations for their Intended Nationally Determined Contributions
        […] and to communicate them well in advance of the twenty-first session of
            the Conference of the Parties in a manner that facilitates the clarity,
               transparency and understanding of the intended contributions.”
                                                                     COP Warsaw (2013: Decision 1/CP.19, Para. 2b)

      Key Criteria and Facts:
      • May contain a mitigation goal which may               • INDCs may consider fairness and the
      eventually be transformed into a legally binding        CBDR&RC principle as well as reflecting
      mitigation commitment in the 2015 agreement             national circumstances
      • Should be transparent, quantifiable,                  • Short-, medium- and long-term timeframes
      comparable, verifiable and ambitious                    are possible, may involve a pledge as well as the
                                                              corresponding action
      • Can also comprise elements that address
      adaptation, finance, technology and capacity            • To be submitted until 1 October 2015, followed
      building                                                by an assessment of the aggregate level of effort
                                                              and a resulting synthesis until 1 November 2015)

      Potential success factors for INDC preparation
      • Comprehensive domestic process:                       • High level of ambition: ambitious targets
      e.g. cross-ministry coordination combined with          as inspirational goal and guiding signal for all
      consultative and research process                       stakeholders
      • High level of transparency: INDC related              • Tracking sustainable development co-
      data is clearly presented to national and               benefits and the potential for transformational
      international actors                                    changes
      • Comprehensive content: INDC includes an               • Adequate formulation of the target: e.g.
      overall mitigation target as well as sub-targets        target linked to GDP/capital/BaU scenario/
      and activities                                          base year

                                                       *Source: International Partnership on Mitigation and MRV (2014):
                                  Discussion Paper - Intended Nationally Determined Contributions under the UNFCCC

How are INDCs and NAMAs linked? > Concept Fact Sheets                                                                     7
Table 2 provides an overview on the main international concepts related to mitigation mentioned in the above
part in a synoptic way. Kindly note that the definitions and information are mostly the author’s own elaborations
as the official UNFCCC reference is scarce in some cases and rather found in a number of ways outside of the

Table 2: Overview of Mitigation Concepts

                      LEDs                MRV /                REDD+              NAMAs               INDCs

    Date of Origin    2008                2007 Bali Action     2005               2007 Bali Action    2013 / 2014
                      Copenhagen          Plan                                    Plan                Lima Call for
                      Accord                                                                          Climate Action

    Objective         Low-Emission        Measure,             Reducing           Nationally          Intended
                      Development         Report, Verify       Emissions from     Appropriate         Nationally
                      Strategies          and Accounting       Deforestation      Mitigation          Determined
                      are forward-        of data on           and Forest         Actions are         Contributions
                      looking national    emissions,           Degradation        aimed at            submitted by
                      development         mitigation           and the role of    achieving a         all Parties aim
                      plans that          actions and          conservation,      deviation in        at tracking
                      encompass low-      support is           sustainable        emissions           progress and
                      emission and/or     a concept            management         relative to         achieving a
                      climate-resilient   to create            of forests and     business as         collective and
                      economic            transparency         enhancement        usual emissions     progressive
                      growth              and enhance          of forest          in 2020 and         ambition level
                                          confidence           carbon stocks      beyond              sufficient to
                                          among Parties        in developing                          limit global
                                                               countries                              warming to
                                                                                                      below 2°C
                                                                                                      relative to pre-
                                                                                                      industrial levels

    Time Frame        Long-term           Development          Development        Development         Development
                      strategy over       and                  and                and                 pre-2020;
                      several decades     implementation       implementation     implementation      Implementation
                      (15-30 years)       pre-2020             pre-2020           pre-2020            starting 2020
                                          (no UNFCCC           (no UNFCCC                             with undefined
                                          decision)            decision)                              end year

    Scope of          LEDS can            All measures         a) Reducing        NAMAs can           • Many different
    Activities        comprise            which states         emissions from     comprise            types, with
                      any national        take to              deforestation;     pledges,            no sectoral
                      mitigation          collect data                            strategies,         restrictions;
                      activities,         on emissions,        b) Reducing        policies,
                      strategies,         mitigation           emissions          programs            • Shall include
                      policies,           actions and          from forest        and projects        a mitigation
                      programs            support, to          degradation;       aiming at GHG       goal that can
                      and projects        compile this                            mitigation and      be submitted as
                                                               c) Conservation                        different types
                      aiming at GHG       information in       of forest carbon   sustainable
                      mitigation and      reports and                             development in      (e.g. economy-
                                                               stocks;                                wide emission
                      sustainable         inventories, and                        all sectors
                      development in      to subject these     d) Sustainable                         target, intensity
                      all sectors         to some form         management of                          target, set of
                                          of international     forests;                               policies and
                                          review or                                                   actions);
                                                               Enhancement of
                                          analysis             forest carbon                          • Can include
                                                               stocks                                 adaptation

    Political Level   National,           International,       International,     National            a) Politically
                      high-level          national,            national,          government,         driven top-down
                      strategy that       regional and         regional and       possibly in         process
                      is developed        local                local              cooperation
                      by domestic                                                 with regional or    b) Technically
                      stakeholders                                                local authorities   driven bottom-
                                                                                                      up process

                                                                                               Continued on Next Page >

8                                                            How are INDCs and NAMAs linked? > Concept Fact Sheets
LEDs                MRV /                REDD+             NAMAs               INDCs

 Sectoral Scope    Not restricted      Not restricted       Forestry,         Not restricted      Not restricted
                                                            agriculture and
                                                            other land use

 Financing         Domestic            Domestic             a) Results        a) Multilateral     a) Domestic
 Sources           budget and          budget and           based finance     funds               Budget
                   International       International        (mostly through                       (unconditional
                   support             support              funds)            b) Unilateral       INDC)
                                                            b) Domestic                           b) International
                                                            budget &          c) Inter-           support
                                                            resources         nationally          (conditional
                                                            (incl Private     supported           INDC)
                                                            investments)      NAMAs

                                                            c) Bilateral      d) Credited
                                                            support           NAMAs
                                                                              (So far not
                                                                              under UNFCCC

 Technical         Technical           Depends on           Technical         General, official   Technical
 Requirements      requirements for    subject of MRV:      requirements      guidelines for      requirements
                   data collection     availability         for FREL/FRL      the MRV of          for upfront
                   and analysis,       of data and          and MRV to        NAMAs are to        information to
                   establishment       information          receive results   be developed by     quantifiable
                   of baseline and     related to           based finance     the Parties to      information on
                   GHG-scenarios,      mitigation           and report to     the UNFCCC          the reference
                   identification      actions              UNFCCC                                point (including,
                   of mitigation                                              Accurate,           as appropriate,
                   options and                                                complete,           a base year),
                   policies, the                                              conservative        time frames
                   prioritization of                                          MRV                 and/or periods
                   options and the                                            methodology,        for imple-
                   development                                                especially in       mentation, scope
                   of detailed                                                the case of         and coverage,
                   implementation                                             internationally     planning
                   roadmaps                                                   supported           processes,
                                                                              NAMAs               assumptions and
                                                                                                  approaches incl
                                                                                                  for estimating
                                                                                                  and accounting
                                                                                                  for GHG
                                                                                                  emissions and

 Legal Character   Not prescribed      • Depending          Legal character   NAMAs are           • Feeds into
                                       on national          is not            voluntarily:        an eventually
                                       agreement            prescribed by                         legally binding
                                       regarding legal      the UNFCCC:       • BAP remains       mitigation
                                       character of                           unspecific on       commitment
                                       MRV                  • Reference       the definition      under the 2015
                                                            to anchoring      and further         agreement;
                                       • Internationally:   REDD+ in a set    indications of
                                       national reports     of policies and   NAMAs               • Must be
                                       and/or the           measures by                           transparent,
                                       timetable for        countries, that   • Concept of        quantifiable,
                                       their submission     include the       NAMAs is rather     comparable,
                                       shall be in          legislation       defined by          verifiable and
                                       accordance with                        experience and      ambitious
                                       the principle        Implementation    practice than by
                                       of common but        of this           rules set up by
                                       differentiated       requirement       the UNFCCC
                                       responsibilities     differs widely
                                                            from country to

How are INDCs and NAMAs linked? > Concept Fact Sheets                                                                 9

                                                                       target, similar to the Copenhagen pledges submitted
Are INDCs and NAMAs                                                    by developing countries after the Copenhagen
                                                                       and Cancun COPs. According to the current
different?                                                             understanding of NAMAs as a policy instrument, they
                                                                       can serve as an implementation tool that translates the
• In the Cancun Agreement, NAMAs were seen as
                                                                       short- and medium-term goals into action plans for
mitigation actions taken by developing countries in
line with their capacities and national circumstances.
NAMAs, in this context, were mainly interpreted as                     • Country-specific pledges13 applied the principle
a developing country’s pledge to address its GHG                       of common but differentiated responsibility
emissions in line with its capacities, for instance                    (CBDR). Thus, developing countries with advanced
the Mexican pledge to reduce GHG emissions by                          capabilities submitted their mitigation goals in the
36% below BAU12. After COP17 in Durban, the                            form of economy-wide goals (reduction below
meaning of NAMAs changed, and since then the                           BAU, reducing national GHG intensity, etc.). Other
term is frequently used for policy instruments to                      developing countries expressed their mitigation goals
implement specific mitigation actions. INDC can                        as a collection of policies/programmes/mitigation
be understood as a medium- to long-term goal or                        activities. This approach is similarly reflected in

Fig. 1: Relationship of LEDS, INDCs and NAMAs as well as other mitigation actions

             Strategy                                                     LEDS

         Commitment                  Pledge                    NDCs                     Mitigation Target

                                N           R              N       R           N         R          N         R
                                      M     E     e            M   E      e         M    E     e         M    E    e
            Activity /          A
                                M     M     D              M   M   D           M    M    D          M    M    D
              Tool                          D     c                D      c              D     c              D    c
                                A                          A                   A                    A
                                            +                      +                     +                    +

12 For further explanations see Sharma and Desgain, 2013
13 UNFCCC, 2011

10                                                                             How are INDCs and NAMAs linked? > Analysys
the current discussions on differentiation based
on the different responsibilities and development            How can the NAMA
status of developing countries in terms of their
INDC preparation. Thus, the principle of ‘national           process be leveraged for
appropriateness’ at the core of NAMAs actively
reflects the CBDR principle and demonstrates                 INDC preparation and
differentiation in terms of mitigation action levels (e.g.
targets vs. policies/activities) and is now embedded in      implementation?
INDCs as well.
                                                             • National capacities (institutional or individual) to
• Similarly, the mitigation component of an INDC,            develop and implement mitigation actions through
which will be applicable for the 2020-2025 or 2020-          NAMAs can assist countries in preparing INDCs.
2030 period, should contain nationally determined
                                                             • The processes used by developing countries to
actions in line with each country’s capabilities and
                                                             determine their pledges for the pre-2020 period can
circumstances to address national GHG emissions.
                                                             be a starting point for preparing INDCs if the NAMA
After the COP20 in Lima, countries are free to choose
                                                             development shown a good level of political support.
the range, level of detail and format of their INDC
                                                             Some countries used a top-down approach to identify
submission since no minimum parameters were agreed
                                                             individual NAMAs, while others used a bottom-up
upon. Ideally, INDCs should be a comprehensive
measure to embrace the different (planned) mitigation
elements, plans and strategies and therewith                 – Top-down: LEDS -> NAMA as pledge ->
consolidate the ambition from LEDs, NAMAs and/               implementation NAMA,
or other efforts, such as REDD+. In this context,
                                                             – Bottom-up: NAMA as pledge designed based on
INDCs should be aligned with national development            sectors/local governments identifying the mitigation
planning and respective mitigation actions. Hence,           opportunities.
it can be seen as a medium-term goal/target for
implementing a LEDS (if the respective country has a         • Increased domestic efforts, for instance through
long-term goal in the form of a LEDS).                       unilateral NAMAs, are probably the most relevant
                                                             contribution to increase mitigation ambition in the
• Thus, the nature of the relationship between               pre-2020 period and in the post-2020 period under
NAMAs and INDCs can be summarized as                         a new climate agreement. The pioneering role that
follows (see also Figure 1): existing pledges made           emerging economies, like China or India, can play in
by developing countries under the UNFCCC after               ambitious domestic action is significant. International
the Copenhagen Accord can be the basis for the               support provided through different funding schemes
mitigation component of a country’s INDC. They               and technical support can upscale the domestic
should contain enhanced mitigation ambitions. INDCs          mitigation ambition in the case of emerging
should be aligned with the member state’s LEDS (if           economies, and provide substantial contributions to
applicable) and facilitate its implementation. At the        parties with less capabilities.
same time, INDCs form an umbrella for NAMAs
when they are used as policy instruments and                 • As part of the identification, development and
implementation tools to achieve the set mitigation           implementation of specific mitigation actions,
                                                             member states have developed national approaches
targets. This relationship is displayed in Figure 1, in
                                                             for NAMA preparation and implementation. These
which the various efforts of a member state, such
                                                             could facilitate the identification of other, possibly
as NAMAs, market mechanisms (MM), REDD+ or
                                                             more ambitious opportunities and potentials for
others, feed into a pledge or INDC which ultimately
                                                             mitigation, as well as feeding into the preparation and
informs the long-term vision of a LEDS. Naturally,
                                                             submissions of INDCs.
this is only one representation and other constellations
are possible. INDCs will be applicable for a period          • INDCs can be in the form of goals/targets. Member
from 2020 to 2025 or 2020 to 2030. Hence intended            states can make use of NAMAs as implementation
nationally determined contributions become nationally        tools to achieve these goals/targets. Thus, the MRV
determined contributions.                                    systems developed and implemented for NAMAs

How are INDCs and NAMAs linked? > Analysis                                                                            11
might also enable countries to transparently report       capacities, as well as the respective donor’s (bilateral
on progress of implementing actions to achieve the        or multilateral) choice. Furthermore, developing
goals of INDCs. Synergies with the preparation of         countries with higher capabilities may outline goals/
Biannual Update Reports (BUR) and Parties’ National       targets in their INDCs in addition to those that they
Communications (NATCOM) should be explored.               can implement using domestic resources. The clear
                                                          articulation of goals/targets that require international
• The call for the development of NAMAs and
                                                          support prevent double accounting in this regard. A
the respective momentum that was created has
                                                          number of innovative funding streams are emerging
increased developing countries’ ambitions in the
                                                          and Parties are invited to submit project proposals that
field of sustainable development, leading to the
                                                          have transformative potential. However, clear globally
identification of mitigation actions that reflect
                                                          agreed criteria are required in order to select activities
national circumstances. INDCs may be implemented
                                                          for support and those that should be undertaken
through NAMAs and boost their development and
implementation in the case of economy-wide or
sectoral targets. Many of the planned NAMAs may be        • The coherence of plans and ambitions can be
implemented over a timeframe beyond 2020, as they         assessed internationally, but comparing them remains
are often framed in a way that enhances the long-term,    a major challenge due to varying interpretations of
transformational process of a sector. The institutional   INDCs, format differences and unclear measures for
landscape, national climate policies and domestic         assessing ambition.
action should be maintained and built upon in the
                                                          • INDCs provide the opportunity to follow a more
context of INDCs.
                                                          integrated approach by aligning past commitments
• It is expected that all developing countries will       and actions through LEDS, NAMAs and REDD+
receive support for achieving parts of the goals/         activities. In this context, INDCs can enhance
targets outlined in an INDC. However, this depends        coordination on climate change at the national and
on each member state’s development level and              sub-national level.

12                                                                How are INDCs and NAMAs linked? > Analysys
Illustration of the Relationship Between
NAMAs and INDCs on the Basis of a
National Energy Efficiency Programme

As outlined above, in the context of LEDS, NAMAs                             and applying various instruments, such as NAMAs,
and INDCs, LEDS represent a long-term strategy                               REDD+ and corresponding support policies.
that contains long-term mitigation and development                           Finally, by defining an INDC, all these instruments
goals and sets out the strategic framework for a
                                                                             are aggregated and leveraged towards a country’s
country’s mitigation policies and actions. Within this
                                                                             mitigation target, which should ideally have a higher
framework, a country develops different sectoral sets
                                                                             aggregated mitigation effect when all the related
of programmes and activities with a potential for
GHG mitigation and designs national monitoring                               sectors are included (see Fig. 2). Correspondingly,
and evaluation systems. The mitigation effect can                            MRV systems will have to be developed further in
be enhanced by scaling up existing programmes                                order to monitor the INDC implementation process.

Fig. 2: Expanding programmes can lead to increased ambition

                                                                                                             + Upscaled existing
                                                                                    Upscaled existing        program
                                                                                    programme                + NAMA/REDD
                                                                                    + NAMA/REDD              + Support policies
                                                             Upscaling existing
                                                             programmes             + Support policies
                                     Upscaling               + NAMA / REDD
                                     existing                + Projects
          Existing                   programmes
          EE /RE/Forestry &
          land use, waste

           NATIONAL MONITORING AND EVALUATION                          MRV                MRV              INDC ACCOUNTING / MRV

                    Transport                         Transport                                                          EE
             Building                                                   EE
                         RE                                            RE
                                                        Waste                                     Waste             RE
                                                              LULUCF                                  LULUCF

         EXISTING PROGRAMMES                       PRE-2020 AMBITION                        POST-2020 GLOBAL AGREEMENT


How are INDCs and NAMAs linked? > Illustration                                                                                       13
The transition from existing sectoral programmes and activities to an INDC with aggregated GHG reduction
effects and a more ambitious mitigation level is shown below using the fictitious example of a public lighting
programme in the energy efficiency sector (see Fig. 3):

Fig. 3: A national energy efficiency programme to illustrate the relationship between domestic action,
a supported NAMA and an INDC

                                          …what does it take to develop                                          INDC
                                          an energy efficient policy/measure                                     + An upscaled EE
                                          into a NAMA and INDC?

                                                                                                                 + MRV system
                                                                                                                 + NAMA support
                                                                                             An upscaled EE
                                                                                             + MRV system
                                                                        An upscaled EE       + NAMA support
                                                                        project/programme    policies
                                                                        + Initial NAMA
                                                    An upscaled EE      projects and MRV

                                 An EEE project /

                                                            ENHANCED ENERGY EFFICIENCY + MITIGATION

• It can start with a basic energy efficiency                                      with the objective of boosting energy efficiency
programme, such as a public lighting programme,                                    through improved public street lighting from a
in which LED light bulbs are used to replace                                       climate policy perspective. This means that energy
conventional bulbs that are less energy efficient.                                 efficiency is not only enhanced for energy security
This requires limited public funding and human and                                 and cost concerns, but also with a view to further
institutional capacities, and is implemented based                                 reducing GHG emissions. An associated MRV system
on the Government´s policies to increase energy                                    is developed in order to measure and report on the
efficiency, modernise of street lighting and reduce                                GHG emission savings.
expenditures on energy. In terms of the development
                                                                                   • If the Government now decides to transform the
of climate mitigation policy, this can be a baseline
                                                                                   NAMA initiative from the project level into a sector-
scenario, since the intervention is not based on a
                                                                                   wide approach by introducing appropriate policies
climate policy perspective.
                                                                                   (for example through a carbon labelling system for
• If the basic energy efficiency programme is scaled                               street lighting or a specific target standard for energy
up, for example by expanding the programme to other                                efficiency in different regions and local Government),
regions and local Governments (second column on                                    the accumulated mitigation effect will be even higher.
the left), then the accumulated effect and impact in
                                                                                   • The column on the far right is the INDC scenario,
terms of increased energy efficiency and reduced
                                                                                   in which the country decides to scale up its efforts
GHG emissions (mitigation impact) is higher than
                                                                                   in the energy efficiency sector in combination with
pre-scale up. However, implementation is mainly
                                                                                   energy security targets and explicit climate mitigation
based on national energy security concerns and related
                                                                                   targets. This INDC would be a significant step
energy efficiency policies and programmes, rather than
                                                                                   forward in terms of the increasing ambition levels
climate policy interventions.
                                                                                   involved, compared to just expanding the NAMA
• The third column shows a scenario in which the                                   initiative. This INDC would be communicated to
ongoing energy efficiency programmes are enhanced                                  UNFCCC in the context of the expected global
further through initial NAMA projects, implemented                                 climate change agreement as a result of the COP21.

14                                                                                          How are INDCs and NAMAs linked? > Illustration
Key Recommendations to

1. INDCs do not replace NAMAs or LEDS. On the               implementation of NAMAs, including MRV, should
contrary, they bring them into a national context and       be utilized to develop INDCs and implement suitable
integrate them. LEDS identify a country’s long-term         mitigations actions.
perspective, while INDCs and mitigation targets/
                                                            4. MRV of INDC will not necessarily constitute an
goals indicate a country’s ambition and expected
                                                            additional task for Parties, since it can be harmonised
global contribution post-2020. NAMAs are a key
                                                            with existing reporting schemes, such as BURs or
tool for implementing GHG reductions, while also
contributing to sustainable development pre- and            NATCOMs.
post-2020.                                                  5. The level of ambition contained in the submitted
2. INDCs are a vehicle for countries to define and          INDCs will likely depend on the availability and
communicate their goals/targets for mitigation (and         allocation of international climate financing. However,
adaption, if wanted):                                       the member states themselves should be in control
                                                            of the process and should demonstrate this by taking
a. In the case of developed countries, these would
                                                            unilateral action. In this regard, it is expected that
most likely be in the form of absolute economy-wide,
                                                            many INDC will entail both an unconditional and a
sector-wide or GHG-specific reduction targets.
                                                            conditional target that clearly identifies where and how
b. Developing countries with higher capabilities will       international support is needed. The transformative
most likely take on economy-wide goals, such as             potential of a specific sector/measure under an INDC
reductions compared to the BAU scenario or GHG              will most likely play a key role in terms of attracting
intensity reductions compared to a base year.               international funding.
c. Other developing countries will most likely pursue       6. An appropriate and clear national process with
policy/sectoral goals to facilitate the estimation of the   regards to leadership and responsibilities is crucial
impact of emission reductions.
                                                            for the preparation of INDCs. It should combine
3. National capacities and institutions that were           cross- and inter-ministerial consultations with (public)
built up for the identification, development and            advisory services and research.

How are INDCs and NAMAs linked? > Key Recommendations to Policy-Makers                                            15

GOI, 2013, Indonesia’s Framework for Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions. Government of Indonesia.

Sharma, Sudhir and Desgain, Denis, 2014, Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Action: a NAMA cycle. UNEP
Risø Centre.

UNFCCC, 2011, Ad Hoc Working Group on Long-term Cooperative Action under the Convention “Compilation
of information on nationally appropriate mitigation actions to be implemented by Parties not included in Annex
I to the Convention” FCCC/AWGLCA/2011/INF.1.

UNFCCC, 2014a, DRAFT TEXT on ADP 2-6 agenda item 3 Implementation of all the elements of decision
1/CP.17 “Intended nationally determined contributions of Parties in the context of the 2015 agreement”.

UNFCCC, 2014b, “Lima call for action”, Decision 1/ CP.20.

UNFCCC, 2015, Ad Hoc Working Group on the Durban Platform for Enhanced Action Second session, Part 8,
Geneva, 8–13 February 2015 “Negotiation Text” FCCC/ADP/2015/1.

16                                                             How are INDCs and NAMAs linked? > References
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