Hip Dysplasia International Symposium - SOLVING A WORLDWIDE PUBLIC HEALTH CRISIS nyulmc.org/hipdysplasiacme - Audio-Digest Foundation

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Hip Dysplasia International Symposium - SOLVING A WORLDWIDE PUBLIC HEALTH CRISIS nyulmc.org/hipdysplasiacme - Audio-Digest Foundation
NYU School of Medicine
Continuing Medical Education

Hip Dysplasia

Thursday, September 13, 2018

New York, NY

Hip Dysplasia International Symposium - SOLVING A WORLDWIDE PUBLIC HEALTH CRISIS nyulmc.org/hipdysplasiacme - Audio-Digest Foundation
Hip Dysplasia International Symposium

COURSE DIRECTORS                                               REGISTRATION
Pablo G. Castañeda, MD                                         nyulmc.org/hipdysplasiacme
Elly and Stephen Hammerman
Professor of Pediatric Orthopedic Surgery                      After 12 pm on September 11, 2018, only onsite registration
Chief, Division of Pediatric Orthopedic Surgery                is available, provided the course has not reached capacity.
NYU School of Medicine                                         Onsite registrants will incur an additional $20 charge.
New York, NY                                                   Registration is non-transferable.

Wudbhav N. Sankar, MD                                          ELECTRONIC SYLLABUS
Associate Professor of Orthopedic Surgery
Associate Director, International Hip Dysplasia Institute      Course syllabus will only be distributed electronically.
Director, Hip Disorders Program                                A link will be sent the week of the course where you
and Young Adult Hip Preservation Program                       can view, download or print course information and
Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia                            presentations in advance. This link will also allow you to
Perelman School of Medicine at the                             view the course syllabus on your smartphone, tablet,
University of Pennsylvania                                     or laptop during the course. Course presentations
Philadelphia, PA                                               remain available for one year after the course.
COURSE DESCRIPTION                                             REFUND POLICY
This symposium will highlight the major challenges             Submit your request for a refund of course fees more
facing providers who deal with patients who have hip           than $75 no later than 7 days before the course start
dysplasia by using a case based approach to common             date. No refunds will be issued for cancellations or
problems. Attendees will learn the fundamentals of             no-shows after that time. To request a refund, email
ultrasound enhanced physical exam of the infant hip,           cme@nyumc.org. A $75 administrative fee will be
strategies to improve the non-operative treatment, as          deducted.
well as the basics of when surgery is needed and how
outcomes can be improved.                                      COURSE CANCELLATION POLICY
EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVES                                         If a course is cancelled due to inclement weather,
                                                               insufficient enrollment, or any other reason, NYU
After participating in this activity, clinicians should be     SOM will refund registration fees in full. NYU SOM
able to:                                                       will provide at least two weeks’ advance notice if
• Describe how to detect hip dysplasia in infants using        cancelling due to insufficient enrollment and as soon
  ultrasound enhanced physical exam of the hip                 as possible in all other circumstances. NYU SOM is
• Identify infant patients who are at risk for                 not responsible for any airfare, hotel, or other non-
  presenting hip dysplasia and recognize when an               cancellable costs incurred by the registrant.
  ultrasound enhanced physical exam will improve
  their outcome                                                CONTACT INFORMATION
• Apply modern, non-operative treatments for hip               NYU School of Medicine
  dysplasia systematically to ensure best outcomes             Phone: 212-263-5295
TARGET AUDIENCE                                                Fax: 212-263-5293
                                                               Email: cme@nyumc.org
Orthopedic surgeons, pediatric orthopedic surgeons,
pediatricians, neonatologists, family medicine                 CME ACCREDITATION STATEMENT
physicians, nurses, nurse practitioners, physician             This activity has been planned and implemented in
assistants, and physical therapists                            accordance with the accreditation requirements and
LOCATION                                                       policies of the Accreditation Council for Continuing
                                                               Medical Education through the joint providership of
NYU Langone Health                                             the NYU School of Medicine and the International
Alumni Hall                                                    Hip Dysplasia Institute. The NYU School of Medicine
550 First Avenue                                               is accredited by the ACCME to provide continuing
New York, NY 10016                                             medical education for physicians.
COURSE FEES                                                    CREDIT DESIGNATION STATEMENT
Full: $249                                                     The NYU School of Medicine designates this live
Reduced*: $149                                                 activity for a maximum of 7.5 AMA PRA Category 1
NYU Langone Faculty and Staff: $119                            Credits™. Physicians should claim only the credit
Residents and Fellows: $49                                     commensurate with the extent of their participation in
* Reduced fee applies to physicians employed by the           the activity.
  Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center; full-time
  active military personnel; retired physicians; advanced      Jointly provided by the NYU School of Medicine and
  practice providers; and all other non-physician healthcare
                                                               the International Hip Dysplasia Institute (IHDI)
  Please note: This course is eligible for NYU School of
  Medicine Alumni discount.
AGENDA | Thursday, September 13, 2018

7:00 am    Registration and                       11:30      How Do I Follow a Patient in a
           Continental Breakfast                             Harness (Practical Steps and
                                                             Live Demonstration)
Part 1: Primary Care: Initial Encounter                      Simon Kelley, MD
Introduction                                      11:40      Discussion and Question
7:30       Why is Hip Dysplasia a Problem?                   and Answer Session
           (Is it Such a Big Problem?)            12:00 pm   Lunch
           Wudbhav N. Sankar, MD                  Understanding Non-Operative Treatment
7:40       Causes: Update on                      1:00       Practical Aspects of
           Etiology and Pathogenesis                         Non-Operative Treatment
           Stuart L. Weinstein, MD                           Emily R. Dodwell, MD, MPH, FRCSC
7:50       Risk Factors in 2018: What Do We       1:10       Evaluation of Treatment with Imaging
           Know and Why is This Important?                   Jonathan G. Schoenecker, MD, PhD
           Charles T. Price, MD
                                                  1:20       Results of Treatment: The IHDI Study
8:00       Baby Wearing and Other Practical                  V. Salil Upasani, MD
           Issues: The Parents Point of View
           Joanna McNeilly                        1:30       What To Do if Non-Operative
                                                             Treatment is Not Working
8:10       Discussion and Question                           Wudbhav Sankar, MD
           and Answer Session
                                                  1:40       Discussion and Question
Making the Diagnosis (Spotlight on Screening)                and Answer Session
8:30       Diagnosis (Review of Physical
           Exam and its Limitations)              Part 2: Orthopedic Surgery: Basics
           Mihir M. Thacker, MD                   Initial Surgical Treatment
8:40       What About Universal Screening?        2:00       What Is the Role of Closed
           Why is Ultrasound Useful?                         Reduction and How Do I Do It?
           Carlos A. Vidal Ruiz, MD                          José A. Herrera-Soto, MD
8:50       Strategies for Screening in            2:10       When and How Do We Use
           Resource Challenged Countries                     Advanced Imaging in the OR
           (Usefulness of X-Rays)                            Simon Kelley, MD
           Kishore Mulpuri, MBBS, MS, MHSc        2:20       When to Consider
9:00       The AAP’s Point of View on Screening              an Open Reduction?
           Benard P. Dreyer, MD                              Martin Gargan, MA, BM, BCH, FRCS
9:10       Discussion and Question                2:30       Discussion and Question
           and Answer Session                                and Answer Session
Nuts and Bolts of Infant Hip Ultrasound           2:50       Coffee Break
9:30       Using Ultrasound as a Clinician:       Surgical Treatment: Next Steps
           The Bare Necessities                   3:20       When to Consider an
           Pablo G. Castañeda, MD                            Osteotomy in Infants
9:40       The Next Step: Radiologist                        Eduardo N. Novais, MD
           Point of View                          3:30       Which Osteotomy?
           Nancy R. Fefferman, MD                            Ira Zaltz, MD
9:50       Live Patient Examination               3:40       Long-Term Results
           with Video Stream                                 Stuart L. Weinstein, MD
           Pablo G. Castañeda, MD and
           Nancy R. Fefferman, MD                 3:50       Discussion and Question
                                                             and Answer Session
10:10      Discussion and Question
           and Answer Session                     Consequences
10:30      Coffee Break                           4:10       Dealing with Redislocation
                                                             V. Salil Upasani, MD
Initial Treatment
                                                  4:20       Dealing with AVN
11:00      These Hips Do Not Need Treatment,
                                                             Ira Zaltz, MD
           It’s Just Immaturity!
           Travis H. Matheney, MD, MLA            4:30       Dealing with Residual Dysplasia
                                                             Ernest L. Sink, MD
11:10      This Hip Needs Treatment!
           Here is Why                            4:40       Discussion and Question
           Joshua E. Hyman, MD                               and Answer Session
11:20      Principles of Brace Treatment          4:50       Wrap-Up Discussion
           Perry Schoenecker, MD                             Pablo G. Castañeda, MD and
                                                             Wudbhav N. Sankar, MD
                                                  5:00 pm    Adjourn
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Hip Dysplasia                                                PAID
                             NYU School of Medicine       New York, NY
                             550 First Avenue, MS1 195    Permit #8167
                             New York, NY 10016

September 13, 2018
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