Healthy planet, healthy people: climate change and health

Page created by Peggy Hodges
Healthy planet, healthy people: climate change and health

Healthy planet, healthy people:
climate change and health
In brief
Climate change affects people’s health directly and                 consumption of healthy, predominantly plant-based diets
indirectly. The magnitude of these impacts will increase            can reduce GHG emissions from the global food system.
over time and their severity will depend on the actions
that are taken to mitigate and adapt to climate change.             Effective adaptation and resilience strategies are
                                                                    also needed to protect health as far as possible
Drivers of climate change, such as fossil fuel combustion,          in the face of climate change. These include the
also have negative impacts on human health, for example             development of health systems better able to cope
because air pollutants are co-emitted with greenhouse               with extreme events and disease outbreaks.
gases. Well-targeted actions can therefore simultaneously
benefit human health and accelerate progress towards the            Beyond the near-term health benefits of climate
target of net zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 2050           adaptation and mitigation actions, the benefits
and to the goal of the Paris Climate Agreement. Replacing           of a net zero transition will accrue over decades
fossil fuels with clean renewable energy has health                 by reducing the risks from climate change.
benefits such as reduced air pollution, while increasing


 • A
    ctions taken to mitigate and adapt to climate                 • ‘Nature-based solutions’ that support mitigation of,
   change will benefit health in the near and                         and adaptation to, climate change can also have
   longer term through multiple pathways.                             multiple benefits on physical and mental health.
 • P
    romoting wider uptake of more sustainable                     • T
                                                                      ransdisciplinary research into the health benefits
   and affordable dietary choices and reducing                       and trade-offs of climate mitigation and adaptation
   food waste can improve human health                               strategies can identify opportunities to save lives,
   and protect the natural environment.                              reduce inequities and GHG emissions, while
                                                                     supporting aspirations for development.
 • S
    pecific actions to reduce GHG emissions by using
   renewable energy, zero-emission vehicles, and well-             • A
                                                                      daptation strategies include monitoring and
   designed interventions to promote more efficient                  early warning systems to protect communities
   energy use will also support health co-benefits from              from extreme weather and infectious diseases.
   reduction of air pollutants. Walking and cycling also
                                                                   • T
                                                                      he healthcare system can play important
   yield health benefits from increased physical activity.
                                                                     roles in adaptation and mitigation actions.

CLIMATE CHANGE : SCIENCE AND SOLUTIONS HEALTHY PLANET, HEALTHY PEOPLE                                                         1
Healthy planet, healthy people: climate change and health
1. Health and climate change
                        1.1 Impacts of climate change on health               	A systematic review showed that the risk
                        The impacts of climate change on health                 of premature birth and stillbirth generally
“	Throughout the
                        fall into three broad categories:                       increased with temperature, particularly
   21st century,                                                                in heatwaves, and the impacts were
                        i. Direct impacts eg heat and extreme events
   climate change                                                               higher in low income populations7.
   is expected to       ii. Indirect impacts via eco-systems eg
                             undernutrition and changes in vector-borne       	As another example, the incidence and
   lead to increases
                             disease transmission.                               severity of wildfires has increased in some
   in ill-health in                                                              regions due to climate change related factors
   many regions         iii. Indirect impacts via socio-economic systems
                                                                                 such as increases in temperature and wind
                              eg increased poverty and migration2.
   and especially                                                                speed, and rainfall anomalies. Health impacts
   in developing        The World Health Organization (WHO)                      include burns, consequences of air pollution
   countries with       has estimated that climate change is                     exposure, and long-term effects on mental
                        expected to cause approximately 250,000                  health. Wildfire smoke contains a range of
   low income as
                        additional deaths per year between 2030                  pollutants, including particulate matter (PM);
   compared to a                                                                 carbon monoxide; nitrogen oxides (NOx);
                        – 2050 from four health impact categories:
   baseline without                                                              and volatile organic compounds (VOCs)8.
                        undernutrition, malaria, diarrhoea, and
   climate change.”1    heat stress3. However, this is probably a                It may be more harmful than urban PM, for
                        major underestimate as climate change has                example with a larger effect on exacerbations
	IPCC Global Warming
                        other health-related impacts, ranging from               of asthma. The higher average temperatures
  of 1.5°C, 2018.
                        physical injuries sustained in climate-related           also narrow the opportunity for deliberate
                        disasters to mental health outcomes.                     burning which must take place during cooler
                                                                                 temperatures to reduce the risk of wildfires.
                        i. D
                            irect impacts
                           These include increasing heat exposure             ii. Indirect impacts that are mediated
                           and injury, death and disease resulting                 through eco-systems
                           from extreme weather events, such as                    These include vector-borne diseases,
                           droughts, floods, fires, and intense storms.            such as malaria and dengue fever that
                           Increasingly, techniques that detect and                are transmitted by mosquitoes.
                           attribute climate change-related factors
                                                                              	The climate’s suitability for transmission of
                           are being applied to health outcomes. For
                                                                                vector-borne diseases has increased due to
                           example, recent research using empirical
                                                                                shifts in temperature and rainfall, for example,
                           data from 732 locations in 43 countries
                                                                                in between 1950 and 2018, the global
                           estimated that over a third of heat-related
                                                                                climate suitability for dengue transmission
                           deaths were attributed to anthropogenic
                                                                                by Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus
                           (human-caused) climate change4. Increased
                                                                                increased by about 9 – 15% respectively5.
                           mortality was evident on every continent,
                           with the elderly being at particular risk5.        	Other indirect impacts include climate-
                           Increasing temperatures were responsible             mediated declines in agricultural productivity
                           for an additional 100 billion potential work         and the nutritional quality of crops. For
                           hours or more lost globally in 2019 compared         example, yields of African maize fall 1% for
                           to in 2000, with India’s agricultural sector         each degree above 30°C under optimal
                           among the worst affected and Cambodia                rainfall conditions and even more (1.7%) under
                           having the largest per capita losses6.               drought conditions9. Increasing childhood
                                                                                stunting, particularly severe stunting in Sub-
                                                                                Saharan Africa and South Asia, is likely10, with
                                                                                long term impacts on cognitive function and
                                                                                life prospects. Climate change, in conjunction
                                                                                with declines in freshwater and other
                                                                                environmental changes, will reduce yields of
                                                                                vegetables, legumes, fruit, nuts and seeds11, 12.

2                                                            CLIMATE CHANGE : SCIENCE AND SOLUTIONS HEALTHY PLANET, HEALTHY PEOPLE
Healthy planet, healthy people: climate change and health

Impacts of climate change on health2.

Increasing levels of carbon dioxide                  RISING                         RISING                 INCREASING EXTREME
 and short-lived climate pollutants               TEMPERATURE                     SEA LEVELS                 WEATHER EVENTS

  Demographic, socioeconomic, environmental, and other factors that influence the magnitude and pattern of risks

  Geography                                                         Warning systems
  Ecosystem change                                                  Socioeconomic status
  Baseline air and water quality                                    Health and nutritional status
  Agricultural and livestock practices and policies                 Access to effective health care

                                                         EXPOSURE PATHWAYS

    Extreme               Heat              Air             Water quality        Food supply            Vector           Socioeconomic
 weather events          stress            quality          and quantity          and safety         distribution            factors
                                                                                                     and ecology

                                              EXAMPLES OF HEALTH OUTCOMES

• Injuries         • Heat-related    • Exacerbations     • Campylobacter    • Undernutrition    • Chikungunya         • Physical and
                      illness and        of asthma            infection                                                     mental health
• Fatalities                                                                   • Salmonella       • Dengue
                      death              and other                                                                          effects of
                                                           • Cholera              food poisoning
• Mental health                         respiratory                                               • Encephalitis          increased
                                                                                  and other
   effects                               diseases          • Cryptosporidiosis                        (various forms)       poverty, violent
                                                           • Harmful algal                        • Hantavirus            conflict and
                                      • Respiratory                              diseases
                                                              blooms                                  infection             forced migration
                                                                               • Mycotoxin                                 (complex
                                      • Cardiovascular    • Leptospirosis        effects          • Lyme disease           and context-
                                         disease                                                   • Malaria                specific risks)

                                                                                                   • Rift Valley fever
                                                                                                   • West Nile virus
                                                                                                   • Zika virus

CLIMATE CHANGE : SCIENCE AND SOLUTIONS HEALTHY PLANET, HEALTHY PEOPLE                                                                          3
iii. Indirect impacts mediated via                     1.2 Impacts of climate change drivers on health
                          socio-economic systems                            Human health is also affected by many of
WHO estimates
                          These include those resulting from increased      the same activities that drive climate change,
that ambient
                          poverty, population displacement, and conflict.   particularly within the world’s energy and
(outdoor) air             The World Bank has estimated that, in the         food systems.
pollution is              absence of effective action, between 30
responsible for           and 130 million people could be forced into       Energy use and air pollution
about 4.2 million         extreme poverty by 2030 as a result of climate    WHO estimates that ambient (outdoor) air
                          change13. These impacts are particularly          pollution is responsible for about 4.2 million
deaths annually.
                         marked in Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia.       deaths annually20, 21, 22. The burning of fossil fuels,
                                                                            including in power plants, vehicles, and heating
                    	Migration is a complex phenomenon with                systems, is the main human-related source of
                      multiple drivers. Sudden-onset hazards                ambient air pollution. One estimate suggests
                      such as floods and droughts or slow-onset             it accounts for around 3.6 million premature
                      hazards such as sea level rise, declines              deaths per year, with more recent research
                      in agricultural yields, or extreme heat               suggesting much higher estimates however with
                      exposure preventing labour outdoors may               wide uncertainty ranges21, 23. Besides generating
                      contribute to population displacement. The            GHGs, coal, oil and gas also emit pollutants which
                      health impacts of migration are likely to vary        affect air quality, including varying amounts of
                      depending on whether the movement is                  particulates (particularly PM2.5 including black
                      a planned adaptive strategy, which could              carbon) and nitrogen oxides (NOx), volatile
                      improve health prospects, or whether it is            organic compounds (VOCs), carbon monoxide
                      due to forced displacement, where negative            and sulphur dioxide (SO2). A recent estimate
                      health impacts may predominate14. A study             suggests that around 3.5 million incident asthma
                      of EU asylum applications found applications          cases in children and adolescents globally
                      increased when average temperatures in the            (~14% of the total age specific incidence) can be
                      source country’s growing season deviated              attributed to nitrogen dioxide exposure annually.
                      from an agricultural optimum of around 20°C.          Land transport is the leading global contributor
                      It projected asylum applications would rise           to nitrogen dioxide emissions (~44%)24. Methane,
                      by between 28% and 188% this century                  NOx and VOCs react in sunlight to produce
                      as a consequence of climate change15.                 ozone which is also a GHG and has been
                                                                            associated with increased premature mortality
                    	Long-term impacts on mental health                    through effects on the respiratory system. One
                      of exposure to floods, droughts, and                  estimate suggested over a million premature
                      wildfires, have been documented, with                 deaths annually can be attributed to tropospheric
                      evidence that children and adolescents                ozone exposure25.
                      are particularly vulnerable16, 17, 18, 19.
                                                                            Household air pollution, generated largely
                                                                            by burning of solid fuels such as wood, crop
                                                                            waste, dung, or coal, causes around an
                                                                            estimated 1.5 – 3 million premature deaths
                                                                            annually, mainly in low- and middle-income
                                                                            countries, and more than half of them children
                                                                            under five26. However, since 2010, there has
                                                                            been an 11% overall reduction in proportion of
                                                                            the global population relying on solid fuels for
                                                                            cooking and around a 15 – 30% decrease in
                                                                            deaths attributed to household air pollution27, 28.

4                                                         CLIMATE CHANGE : SCIENCE AND SOLUTIONS HEALTHY PLANET, HEALTHY PEOPLE
Impacts of the food system                            Other health impacts of climate change drivers
The world’s eating habits, particularly those         Other human actions driving climate
                                                                                                       The IPCC has
of high- and middle-income countries,                 change also have health impacts. For
                                                                                                       estimated that
are another driver of both climate change             example, deforestation, which releases
and adverse health outcomes. The IPCC                 GHGs and removes carbon sinks, affects           the global food
has estimated that the global food system             health through raised local temperatures         system accounts
accounts for 21 – 37% of global GHG emissions         that affect workers’ productivity and may        for 21 – 37%
or 11 – 19 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide           contribute to increases in vector-borne          of global GHG
equivalent per year (GtCO2e), mainly from             diseases such as malaria in some regions.        emissions.
agricultural production. These include methane
from ruminants, rice paddies and wetlands,            Fossil fuel production and use can also have
carbon dioxide from land-use change, and              some direct impacts on health, in addition
nitrous oxide largely from fertilisers.               to those resulting from climate change or
                                                      air pollution. For example, people living
This environmental burden is being                    close to coal plants can suffer exposures
generated to serve a food system that is              to a range of heavy metals and radioactive
creating health risks of its own. Nearly one          isotopes in coal ash with consequent
billion people lack sufficient food, while            increases in adult and infant mortality32.
in 2016, more than 1.9 billion adults were
overweight, of whom over 650 million were
obese29. Unhealthy diets pose a greater risk
to morbidity and premature mortality than
alcohol, drug and tobacco use combined30.

Agricultural activity also contributes to air
pollution, largely as a result of ammonia
leakage from fertilisers and livestock waste
and contributes to the formation of secondary
particles, constituting a substantial proportion
of PM2.5 in some regions31. Methane, a
highly potent GHG, is also key precursor
of tropospheric ozone (see page 4).

CLIMATE CHANGE : SCIENCE AND SOLUTIONS HEALTHY PLANET, HEALTHY PEOPLE                                                    5
2. Climate action for health
    Research shows that there are many                    have reduced dramatically36. The evidence
    actions that have benefits both for the               base for good adaptation practice is still
    global and local environment and for                  emerging, and well-targeted research is
    human health. These range from effective              important and urgent. Existing studies highlight
    adaptation strategies and the phasing out             steps such as helping farmers minimise time
    of fossil fuels, to specific sectoral policies        spent in the fields, for example through better
    such as for food systems, transport, urban            crop storage facilities or use of early warning
    development, and healthcare systems.                  systems and preparation plans, as used in
                                                          the Indian city of Ahmedabad in Gujarat37, 38.
    These actions can be operationalised                  (See briefing 8: Weathering the storm: how
    through a wide range of policies and                  science can contribute to improving global
    incentives, many of which may command                 climate resilience through adaptation.)
    greater public support by being seen as
    joint solutions for heath and the climate.            Climate services for health are increasingly
                                                          used to predict and prevent infectious disease
    2.1 Adaptation to climate change                      outbreaks. One example is the development
    Actions to promote adaptation and resilience          and use of a dengue early warning system in
    to climate change can reduce health impacts33.        Ecuador39. Researchers have set out ways in
    Such strategies include the use of early              which such monitoring could be accelerated
    warning systems for extreme weather and               and enhanced by integrating remote sensing,
    infectious disease outbreaks. The WHO                 satellite imaging, crowdsourcing, cloud
    proposes that climate resilient health systems        computing, smartphones, networks, robotics,
    should address 10 key areas (Figure 2).               artificial intelligence, and social media40.
    However, of 101 countries surveyed in 2020,           (See briefing 8: Weathering the storm: how
    only 48 had assessed national vulnerability           science can contribute to improving global
    and adaptation for health; and while 51               climate resilience through adaptation.)
    had developed national health and climate
    change strategies or plans, only four reported        Nature-based solutions (NBS) are “actions that
    adequate funding for implementation5.                 involve working with nature to address societal
    Effective adaptation strategies need to avoid         goals” from creating green areas in cities to forest
    unintended adverse consequences such as               and landscape restoration41, 42. Potential health
    increasing disease risks, as in the case of           benefits include the reduction in all-cause
    malaria associated with irrigation and dams34, 35.    mortality associated with living in proximity
                                                          (500 metres) to green space43. Residential
    Adaptation to climate driven extreme weather          green space exposure can also improve
    can be modelled on learning from past                 mental health and is associated with reduced
    disasters. For example, Bangladesh has                risk of psychiatric disorders from adolescence
    improved cyclone management through a                 into adulthood44, 45, 46. (See briefing 9: Climate
    range of measures, including: greater public          change and land; and 8: Weathering the storm:
    understanding assisted by rising literacy,            how science can contribute to improving
    especially among women; early warning                 global climate resilience through adaptation.)
    systems; community engagement; and a
    network of shelters8. Consequently, death tolls


WHO operational framework for building climate resilient health systems47.

                                                                and governance

                                                                   and governance
                     Financing                                                                Health workforce
                         Climate and                                                            Health workforce
                         health financing

                                                      Building blocks of
                                                       health systems

      Service delivery                                                                                 Health information systems

         Emergency preparedness                                                                           Vulnerability capacity
         and management                                                                                   and adaptation assessment

         Climate-informed                                                                                 Integrated risk monitoring
         health programmes                                                                                and early warning

         Management of environmental                                                                      Health climate research
         determinants of health

                                                                Essential medical
                                                                products and technologies

                                                                   Climate resilient and
                                                                   sustainable technologies
                                                                   and infrastructure

CLIMATE CHANGE : SCIENCE AND SOLUTIONS HEALTHY PLANET, HEALTHY PEOPLE                                                                  7
2.2 Phasing out fossil fuels                           cooking, could prevent additional deaths from
    Well-designed actions to reduce emissions              household air pollution and deliver modest
    from fossil fuel sources have multiple benefits        climate benefits, such as from reduced
    including improved air quality, better housing,        firewood harvesting, although there are
    healthier diets, and more physical exercise48.         uncertainties around the extent of such benefits51.

    Reducing fossil-fuel use to a level that would         Research has calculated the potential effect
    keep the global temperature rise to 1.5°C rather       of pricing fossil fuels to reflect the costs
    than 2°C, could also lead to more than 100             of air pollution as well as climate impacts.
    million avoided premature deaths over the 21st         According to an International Monetary Fund
    century due improvements in air quality, with          estimate, efficient fossil fuel pricing in 2015
    around 40% of the benefit occurring during             would have reduced global carbon emissions
    the next 40 years49. The estimated benefits of         by 28% and fossil fuel air pollution deaths by
    these avoided deaths could in monetary terms           46%, while increasing government revenue
    offset either a large portion or all of the initial    by 3.8% of GDP52. Well-designed carbon
    mitigation costs depending on assumptions50.           taxes can be redistributive mechanisms,
                                                           improving health, reducing inequity, and
    Use of transitional fuels, such as liquified           contributing to mitigation of climate change53.
    petroleum gas (LPG) replacing firewood for

     B OX 1

                                                                                                              © VichienPetchmai.
      Co-governance – tackling climate change and air quality together
      Several countries are addressing climate             tripled as wind and solar power capacity grew
      change and air quality through ‘co-governance’       25 times in the 2008 – 2018 decade. More
      approaches that treat them as closely linked         than 30% of all electricity in China now comes
      challenges with common solutions. A 2019             from non-fossil fuels. Between 2013 and 2017,
      UN report showed how China had made                  concentrations of PM2.5 in the Beijing-Tianjin-
      co-governance of the issues a key part of its        Hebei region were cut by 40%. China has also
      climate and clean air strategy with comparable       launched a coal-cap policy, setting limits on
      approaches being taken in Chile, Finland,            coal use, starting in the most polluted regions.
      Ghana, Mexico, Norway, and the UK54.
                                                           In the UK, one aspect of the co-governance
      The Chinese government has designed                  approach has been expert assessment of
      policies to limit the use of fossil fuel through     the air quality impacts of policies to achieve
      an optimised energy structure, clean energy,         net zero emissions by 2050 by an Air
      and energy efficiency. The amount of electric        Quality Expert Group of the Department for
      power generated from renewable sources               the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs.

2.3 Food system-driven emissions reductions           production to increase yields of foods with
Changes in food production and consumption            lower footprints and reducing waste, have
can both improve health and mitigate                  been estimated to have potential to reduce
climate change. Science has demonstrated              agricultural GHG emissions by up to 90% by
that there would be major benefits in both            205029. However, research has noted that such
areas if humans shifted to diets containing           diets, with high levels of fruit and vegetables,
plentiful fruit, nuts, seeds, vegetables, and         may be currently unaffordable or impractical
legumes, which tend to have relatively low            for many and individual requirements may
GHG footprints, along with, in high consuming         differ59. Uptake requires policy action in fields
countries, more modest intakes of red meat            such as social protection, infrastructure, and
and dairy, which have high GHG emissions29.           public procurement. (See briefing 10:
Diets of this nature, plus changes in food            Nourishing ten billion sustainably.)

 BOX 2

                                                                                                     © Tsvetan Ivanov.

  Heath impacts of non-fossil fuels
  Non-fossil fuels are not without health risks.      Manufacturing of photovoltaics can give
  For example, accidents at nuclear power             rise to some toxic occupational exposure,
  stations, such as those at Chernobyl in             for example from emissions from copper
  1986 have led to high levels of exposure to         processing and silicon refinement but these
  radioactive material, fatalities, and illness55.    can be reduced by regulation and are minor
  Following the tsunami at Fukushima in               compared with those arising from fossil fuels57.
  2011 the levels of radiation were 100 times
  lower than at Chernobyl but increases in            Extensive biofuel use could lead to increase
  obesity and related non-communicable                food prices if this involves competition
  diseases from reduced outdoor exercise              for land between food (including animal
  were described and impacts of displacement          feed) and fuel. Safeguarding food
  on mental health were observed56.                   production should be the first priority58.

CLIMATE CHANGE : SCIENCE AND SOLUTIONS HEALTHY PLANET, HEALTHY PEOPLE                                                    9
2.4 Healthy ‘green’ buildings                      2.5 Sustainable healthy cities
                      About 40% of primary energy is used                Cities are responsible for about 70 –
Improved home
                      for buildings. Certification schemes that          75% of GHG emissions and much of the
energy efficiency
                      reduce energy use and improve the indoor           world’s economic activity. Integrated action
could lead to         environment can yield a range of health            across sectors can help cities to reduce
2,200 quality         improvements. A study of LEED (Leadership          emissions and adapt to climate change as
adjusted life years   in Energy and Environmental Design)                well as improving health and equity62.
(QALYs) gained        certified buildings in six countries estimated
                      energy cost savings of $7.5bn, together with       The transport sector for example offers major
per 10,000 people
                      substantial reductions in air pollution and        potential opportunities for progress, including
over 50 years.                                                           transition to low emission vehicles, greater use
                      GHG emissions. The economic value of the
                      health benefits arising from these emission        of public transport, and walking and cycling.
                      reductions were almost equal to the value          A study of England and Wales suggested there
                      of the energy savings in the USA and much          could be substantial reductions in the burden
                      higher in low- and middle-income countries60.      of ischaemic heart disease, stroke, dementia,
                                                                         diabetes, depression, and some cancers, as
                      A major strategy for reducing GHGs from            well as healthcare savings, if urban-dwellers
                      homes in temperate regions is to reduce            adopted European best practice for walking,
                      demand for heating through improved energy         cycling, and reduced car use47, 63. Research
                      efficiency by improving insulation, preventing     has estimated the annual cost of adverse
                      air leaks, replacing windows, and improving        health impacts associated with transport
                      heating systems. However, modifications            emissions at around $1 trillion globally64.
                      should be accompanied by efficient ventilation
                      systems to prevent increased household air         Cities tend to be hotter than surrounding regions
                      pollution exposure such as radon and PM2.5         – the ‘urban heat island effect’, partly due to the
                      from cooking, fires, or smoking. In England,       lack of tree canopy and green space, and the
                      modelling suggests improved home energy            presence of large roadways and buildings. One
                      efficiency could lead to 2,200 quality adjusted    example of climate change adaptation is the
                      life years (QALYs) gained per 10,000 people        use of ‘green infrastructure’ such as parks and
                      over 50 years; but if ventilation was reduced      trees65. This can also lessen energy requirements
                      beyond regulations, around a third of those        for cooling and thus contribute to mitigation.
                      QALYs could be lost due to increased
                      levels of indoor generated pollutants47.

                      Approaches such as reflective roofs,
                      external shutters and passive ventilation
                      can reduce indoor exposure to extreme
                      heat without increasing energy demands.
                      A modelling study in the UK showed that
                      external window shutters could reduce
                      heat-related mortality by 37 – 43%61.

10                                                      CLIMATE CHANGE : SCIENCE AND SOLUTIONS HEALTHY PLANET, HEALTHY PEOPLE
2.6 Supporting development policies                   SDG3 (Health) will be helped by adaptation
Decarbonising the global economy can                  and mitigation measures. SDG7 addresses
help advance human development,                       access to clean renewable energy and
particularly in low- and middle-income                SDG11 envisages sustainable cities. A more
countries, in line with the UN Sustainable            comprehensive mapping is needed to
Development Goals69, 70. For example, the             demonstrate the full extent of synergies
achievement of SDG2 (Zero Hunger) and                 between health and climate action.

 BOX 3

  Decarbonising healthcare – the case of the UK’s NHS                                              © georgeclerk.

  Healthcare systems are themselves                   It has already reduced direct emissions by
  responsible for about 4 – 5% of global GHG          more than 60% since 1990. A new baseline
  emissions and providers worldwide are               of NHS England’s carbon footprint has now
  committing to targets for reductions66, 67.         been quantified by combining bottom-up
  As one example, the UK’s National Health            measurements such as on-site fossil fuel use,
  Service (NHS) was the first national healthcare     transport, and anaesthetic gases with top-down
  system to make a net zero commitment,               modelled estimates for indirect emissions
  pledging in 2020 to achieve net zero                such as those from the upstream energy
  emissions from all sources by 204568.               system and pharmaceutical procurement.

CLIMATE CHANGE : SCIENCE AND SOLUTIONS HEALTHY PLANET, HEALTHY PEOPLE                                               11
3. Conclusion
                                  The COVID-19 pandemic has provided a                            adapt to climate change will reduce multiple
                                  graphic demonstration of the costs of a global                  associated adverse impacts on people’s health,
                                  health emergency. Research reinforces                           particularly if they address inequities. Science
                                  the fact that climate change and its drivers,                   can help policy-makers and individuals identify
                                  such as fossil fuel use and the global food                     beneficial actions, trade-offs and priorities,
                                  system, also have severe long-term impacts                      from measures to improve air quality to more
                                  on human health. On the positive side, well                     climate-friendly behaviours such as healthy
                                  designed actions taken to mitigate and                          and more sustainable dietary choices.

     This briefing is one of a series looking at how science and technology can support the global effort to achieve net zero
     emissions and adapt to climate change. The series aims to inform policymakers around the world on 12 issues where
     science can inform understanding and action as each country creates its own road map to net zero by 2050.
     To view the whole series, visit
     To view contributors to the briefings, visit

     The text of this work is licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License which permits unrestricted use, provided the original
     author and source are credited. The license is available at: Images are not covered by this license.
     Issued: June 2021 DES7639_10 © The Royal Society

12                                                                           CLIMATE CHANGE : SCIENCE AND SOLUTIONS HEALTHY PLANET, HEALTHY PEOPLE
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