Page created by Gladys Oliver


             IF THE PRICE IS RIGHT
                   JULY 2014 | www.skagenfunds.com

    Sit tight and
    enjoy the ride                                                                                                     DISRUPTIVE

    At the time of writing, under the Norwegian midsummer’s night sun, our equity
    funds are setting unit price records, the bond funds are delivering very strong
    results and most of the global economic indicators are pointing upwards. This
    is a moment one should allow oneself to enjoy, since just three months ago
    we were asking clients to sit tight.

It is also important to remember that we have           do not necessarily create value for sharehold-                IF THE PRICE
not done anything differently from before. But          ers. The market constantly seems to forget this,                IS RIGHT
it is during times like these that we are better        with the outcome that hot listed stocks are often
rewarded for our investment philosophy. The             overpriced. Moreover, it is also interesting to see    We like to invest in creative,
global equity markets continued their upward            that a lot of innovation is happening within well      good quality companies, but
trajectory in the second quarter delivering a return    established businesses.                                not if we have to pay too much
of 5.7 percent in euro terms. Unlike the previ-                                                                for them. We are currently living
ous quarters, and contrary to what newspaper                                                                   in exciting times of rapid tech-
headlines had predicted at the start of the year,       Picking corporate bonds from the global orchard        nological development and no
emerging markets have performed equally well            The new bond fund SKAGEN Credit is our latest          one yet knows where this will
so far this year (+6.8% in euro) having made up         innovative contribution, where we offer our cli-       lead us. But as was the case
a lot of the ground lost in the second quarter.         ents the opportunity to invest in global corpo-        during the Internet bubble at
    The second quarter was also eventful on the         rate bonds. Since capital requirements for the         the beginning of the 2000s,
political front. The most significant occurrence        world’s banks have increased over the last couple      we must keep a cool head and
was the election victory of Narendra Modi and           of years, we have seen that the bond market has        know that we are investing in
his BJP party in India. The Indian stock market is      changed. It has become more common for compa-          real and affordable innovation.
up 25 percent so far this year, so expectations         nies to prefer to lend money directly in the capital
of reform and economic development have left            markets instead of going through banks, which
their mark on the market. Now it is up to Modi and      has led to more investment opportunities. To
his government to deliver. Further to the east in       benefit from these opportunities, SKAGEN Credit
Thailand, the military took power, but the stock        offers easy access to a well-diversified portfolio
market continued its rise. This was the twelfth         across sectors and regions. The fund follows the
coup d’état since the establishment of a consti-        same investment philosophy as our other funds
tutional monarchy in 1932, so in a sense, it was        and selects the best bonds irrespective of credit
business as usual. Read more about the general          quality, sector or country. Since companies are
markets and their impact on our portfolios from         at the heart of the investments, the managers
page 16 onwards.                                        are also able to take advantage of the combined
                                                        experience and analysis of SKAGEN’s equity fund
Real and affordable innovation                          managers. Read more about the fund on pages
The theme of this market report is “disruptive          12 and 13.
innovation - if the price is right.” This chimes well
with our value-based investment philosophy. We          Wishing you a great summer!
typically like to invest in creative, good quality
companies, but not if we have to pay too much for
them. We are currently living in exciting times of
rapid technological development and no one yet
knows where this will lead us. But as was the case
during the Internet bubble at the beginning of the
2000s, we must keep a cool head and know that
we are investing in real and affordable innovation,
and not in just more ‘emperor’s new clothes’. We                                                                       – Casper Meussen
have seen that companies that change the world                                                                       Head of International


  LEADER                                                           DISRUPTIVE                                                         PORTFOLIO
  Sit tight and enjoy the ride                           >2        INNOVATION                                                         MANAGERS´
  Casper Meussen
                                                                   Some solar stocks will shine
                                                                   Comment by Søren M. Christensen
                                                                                                   >5                                 REPORT

  SKAGEN NEWS                                                      Technological quantum leap
                                                                   creates hopes and dreams                              >6
  SKAGEN funds’ performance                              >4        Trends in the digital era                                          An eventful quarter                               > 16
  Fund returns 2Q 2014
                                                                   Creating value through destruction > 8
  He who works hardest wins                            > 11        Investing in breakthrough companies                                EQUITY FUNDS
  Interview with Johan Swahn                                       – only if the price is right                                       SKAGEN Vekst                                      > 20
                                                                                                                                      A record quarter
  Who would you lend your money to?> 12                            More than communication                             > 10
  New corporate bond fund,                                         Design and technology in                                           SKAGEN Global                                     > 23
  SKAGEN Credit                                                    emerging markets                                                   A good quarter

  Notices                                              > 14                                                                           SKAGEN Kon-Tiki                                   > 26
  New year’s conference 2015
  and people moves
                                                                   FINANCIAL                                                          Best in almost 4 years
                                                                   STATEMENT                                                          SKAGEN m²                                         > 29
                                                                   Half year accounts                                  > 43           Adjustment paid off

                                                                                                                                      FIXED INCOME
                                                                                                                                      Fixed income report                               > 32
   SKAGEN seeks to the best of its ability to ensure that          The report should not be perceived as an offer or                  Stronger measures needed
   all information given in this report is correct, how-           recommendation to buy or sell financial instru-
   ever, makes reservations regarding possible errors              ments. SKAGEN does not assume responsibility                       SKAGEN Tellus                > 33
   and omissions. Statements in the report reflect the             for direct or indirect loss or expenses incurred
                                                                                                                                      Good performance, good outlook
   portfolio managers’ viewpoint at a given time, and              through use or understanding of the report. SKA-
   this viewpoint may be changed without notice.                   GEN recommends that anyone wishing to invest in
                                                                   our funds contacts a qualified customer adviser
                                                                   by telephone on +47 51 80 38 58 or by email at

  6                                                              20
Serial founder Elon Musk is one of the foremost exponents        The second quarter was an eventful one on the political front. The election victory of Indian prime minister Narendra
of disruptive innovation. Pictured here in front of a model of   Modi brings hope of less bureaucracy and economic growth. The Indian market is up 25 percent year to date.
his Space Taxi.

                                                                                                                               S K A G E N F U NDS H A LF Y E A R RE PORT | J U LY 2 0 1 4

    The following tables show the returns for SKAGEN’s funds
    versus their respective benchmarks in euro. The figures are
    updated as of 30.06.2014

            Equity Fund                 Fixed Income Fund

    SKAGEN GLOBAL                                                                      SKAGEN VEKST

    Manager: Kristian Falnes Start: 7 August 1997                                      Managers: Ole Søeberg och Geir Tjetland Start: 1 December 1993

    Return past 12 months                       Average annual return since start       Return past 12 months                       Average annual return since start

    30                                            30                                    30                                          30

                                                                                                  19.7%         18.9%
    20          16.9%                             20                                    20                                          20
                             16.4%                          15.5%                                                                             14.9%
    10                                            10                                    10                                          10

     0                                             0                                     0                                           0

    -10                                          -10                                   -10                                          -10

    * The benchmark index prior to 1/1/2010 was the MSCI World Index                   * The benchmark index prior to 1/1/2010 was OSEBX and prior to 1/1/2014 it was
                                                                                          OSEBX / MSCI AC (50/50).

    SKAGEN KON-TIKI                                                                    SKAGEN m²

    Manager: Kristoffer Stensrud Start: 5 April 2002                                   Managers: Michael Gobitscheck and Harald Haukås Start: 31 October 2012

    Return past 12 months                       Average annual return since start      Return past 12 months                      Average annual return since start
    30                                            30                                     30                                           30

    20                                            20                                     20                                           20
                15.9%                                       15.9%

    10                       8.9%                 10                        8.0%         10                                           10                        7.5%
      0                                            0                                      0                                               0

    -10                                           -10                                   -10                                          -10

    SKAGEN TELLUS                                                                   Unless otherwise stated, all perfor-          The half year financial statement was
                                                                                    mance data in this report relates to          originally prepared in Norwegian. The
    Manager: Torgeir Høien Start: 29 September 2006                                 class A units and is net of fees.             translated version is published with
                                                                                                                                  reservations regarding possible errors
    Return past 12 months                       Average annual return since start
                                                                                    Unless otherwise stated all figures           and omissions as well as erroneous
    10                                           10                                 quoted in this report are in euro, except     translation. In case of conflict between
                                                                                    for the half year financial statement,        the Norwegian accounts and the En-
                                                            5.81%                   which is in Norwegian kroner.                 glish translation, the former shall pre-
      5        3.39%                               5                       3.91%                                                  vail. The Norwegian version of the half
                             1.57%                                                  SKAGEN Funds only has authorisation           year financial statement is available at
      0                                            0                                to market its money market funds SKA-         www.skagenfondene.no
                                                                                    Institusjon in Norway and SKAGEN
     -5                                           -5                                Krona in Sweden. SKAGEN Avkastning
                                                                                    has a limited market area. Information
                                                                                    regarding these funds is included in
    -10                                          -10
                                                                                    the official accounts but is excluded

    * The benchmark index prior to 1/1/2013 was Barclay’s
      Capital Global Treasury Index 3-5 years.


  Some solar stocks will shine
  On the whole, solar energy stocks have performed well over the past 12 months, and there
  are good indications that this development will continue.
  – Søren Milo Christensen
       Portfolio Manager

The costs associated with producing solar energy have fallen             Sun on sale
sharply and will continue to fall. At the same time, the number          The enthusiasm for solar shares abated faster than share prices
of markets where this type of energy is competitive is growing           fell. The consensus in the market was that the industry would
rapidly – without subsidies. Solar energy is still an extremely          forever be dependent on subsidies and would never create value
small part of the overall energy market, however, which presents         for shareholders. This pessimism pushed the valuation of solar
opportunities for significant growth.                                    stocks right down, while at the same time creating opportunities
    As value investors we are undeniably tempted when we see             for those of us who maintained a value-based philosophy. Solar
that opportunities for substantial growth among manufacturers            stocks started selling at sales prices in 2013.
with a sustainable cost advantage do not appear to be fully priced           The interesting thing about solar stocks is, of course, that after
in to the current share price. That is when these stocks can be          several years of extremely strong growth, solar energy continues
perceived as being undervalued.                                          to remain a negligible proportion of global energy consumption.
                                                                         Production costs for solar energy continue to fall, driven by tech-
Value calculator                                                         nological developments – this has been precisely the case for
Strong growth is rarely synonymous with high equity returns.             other products such as IT. At the same time, efficiency continues
For investors equipped with a value-based calculator it is seldom        to rise. Oil, which is often used as a frame of reference for energy
attractive to invest in shares with extremely high growth reinforced     sources, is its polar opposite as it becomes increasingly more
by a good story. The reason is not that there is anything wrong with     expensive to extract new resources.
high growth per se, just that the market generally has a tendency            This dynamic is very interesting given that solar energy is
to over-price this type of stock.                                        already competitive in a number of regions –entirely without the
   The most classic mistake the market makes is to forget what it        need for subsidies.
costs companies to produce growth. Companies with a low return
on investment and high growth will – sooner or later – be forced         Starting to see the light
to obtain new capital to finance future growth. This in turn dilutes     Although many stocks in the sector have already increased in
existing shareholders.                                                   value, there is still a great deal of scepticism priced in. There are
                                                                         still interesting opportunities to be found as long as one steers
Cloudy skies                                                             clear of the parts of the value chain where new capacity takes time
High growth was also the norm among solar-related companies              and where it is possible to have a cost advantage. It is worthwhile
prior to 2011. Profitability was unnaturally high, driven by sub-        remembering that the pricing of individual stocks varies greatly
sidies which lifted demand quicker than new production could             and many companies have high risk as a result of high debt levels.
appear. As expected the high profitability eventually led to new             One example of a company where the opposite is true is OCI,
capacity. The result was a drop in the price of polysilicon, for         a Korean polysilicon manufacturer. The company appears to be
example, which is a central component in solar panels.                   in the right part of the value chain, has the right cost structure
   The same thing happened to earnings, share prices and thereby         and manageable debt. Not bad when seen alongside its attrac-
the valuation of a large number of polysilicon manufacturers. One        tive valuation.
such example is the Korean company, OCI.

  POLYSILICON PRICE ($/KG)                                                     SHARE PRICE VERSUS BOOK EQUITY FOR OCI
  80                                                                       80

  60                                                                       60

  40                                                                       40

  20                                                                       20

  0                                                                        0
       Jan. 11             Jan. 12   Jan. 13         Jan. 14   Apr. 14          Jan. 11        Jan. 12               Jan. 13                Jan. 14    Apr. 14

                                               Source: Bloomberg                                                                        Source: Bloomberg

                                                                                                S K A G E N F U NDS H A LF Y E A R RE PORT | J U LY 2 0 1 4

    Technological quantum leap
    creates hopes and dreams
    Technological breakthroughs and successful digital products give rise to the conviction that companies
    will need to operate in an entirely new way in future.
    – Christian Jessen
      Communication Manager

                                     Experts in the digital economy     properties. By way of comparison, it has taken Hilton 93 years to
                                     are again emphasising that the     accrue similar capacity in the hotel market.
                                     growth of the internet is lead-        Some companies look upon marketing as something only weak
                                     ing to radically different busi-   companies do. WhatsApp, for example, profiles itself as never
                                     nesses which are closer to the     having spent a penny on marketing. According to David Rowan,
                                     customer, faster to market and     WhatsApp maintains that if you have the right product at the right
                                     without any suffocating ties to    time, it can be sold on the web without the need for crutches and
                                     the past.                          support.
                                         SKAGEN is following the            The cult of the entrepreneur as the genius innovator who
                                     developments closely. Still, our   exceeds all set boundaries has once again taken off. According
                                     perception is slightly different   to Rowan many of the tech millionaires he knows have a number
                                     from that of the most fervent      of things in common.
David Rowan interviewed about advocates, which you can read                 “Dyslexia and a certain degree of Asperger’s are often involved.
trends in the digital era.
                                    more about on the next page.        They don’t see rules, but rather opportunities,” says Rowan.
                                        David Rowan is editor of the        Possibly infected by the enthusiastic mood in his domain,
most influential British technology magazine, Wired. During a           he emphasises that Google also pays for exceptionally talented
recent visit to SKAGEN, he spoke about the successes, failures          engineers and designers when they buy technology companies.
and what it is that drives successful global entrepreneurs both         Sceptical equity analysts from the ‘old’ world can already start
directly and indirectly.                                                to calculate the exorbitant price tag on each and every engineer
   “The rug is being pulled out from under the feet of the compa-       in companies like Nest Lab and Deepmind.
nies that you are invested in,” states Rowan. “There is exponential         The ultimate example is serial founder, Elon Musk, who always
growth in technology. Reality and truths are changing much more         starts by setting himself high and extremely visionary goals. He
quickly than previously.”                                               earned a fortune on the payment service PayPal and is currently
   A company like Airbnb, which rents out private homes to trav-        revolutionising the world with the electric car, Tesla, and cutting
ellers, claims that in just four years it has secured 650,000 rental    edge battery technology.

                                                                        According to Christensen it is      a more precise term than Dis-
                                     disruptive                         notoriously difficult for estab-    ruptive Technology.
                                     investing                          lished companies to reinvent            It is only once a new tech-
                                                                        themselves radically. They are      nology has been converted
                                      The terms Disruptive Tech-        created to develop and opti-        into one or more commercial
                                      nology, Disruptive Innovation     mize the market in which they       innovations that the actual shift
                                      and Disruptive Investing are      are already present, focusing on    occurs. Many of the most highly
                                      used interchangeably and have     the coming year’s results.          regarded companies have not
                                      gained a footing in business          “Institutions try to preserve   invented the technology, but
                                      and technology literature. The    a problem where they are the        they use the new technology
                                      term disruptive technology was    solution,” says David Rowan.        for commercial breakthroughs.
                                      coined in 1995 by Professor           The term Disruptive Invest-     The invention of the car occurred
                                      Clayton M. Christensen from       ing is used about investments       gradually before the year 1900.
                                      the Harvard Business School.      that are made to be part of the     But it wasn’t until Henry Ford
                                         Disruptive in this context     latest trends and to be ahead       mass produced the lower priced
                                      stands for something new,         of the game when entirely new       Ford Model T in 1908 that the
                                      which suddenly and wholly puts    industries emerge. Disruptive       market for horse drawn vehicles
                                      a stop to something else.         Innovation is considered to be      was disrupted.

Photo: Courtesy of Airbnb
                                                                       The rise of the room-letting website Airbnb is testament to the growing
                                                                       popularity of ‘collaborative consumption’ – sharing, swapping and renting
                                                                       your possessions. They got headquarters to match.

                                    In January Nest Labs was sold      The background for the numer-              It actually feels like 1999
the exorbitant                      to Google for USD 3.2 billion      ous transactions is the faith              when you read newspapers
price of company                    dollars. The company man-          and knowledge that an abun-                and follow these markets in
                                    ufactures self-learning ther-      dance of innovations and tech-             2014. However, as always,
acquisitions                        mostats and was founded by         nological quantum leaps, par-              something real is happening
There has been news almost          two former Apple engineers,        ticularly within mobile internet,          behind the headlines. This was
daily this year regarding yet       one of whom, Tony Fadell, is       is creating entirely new mar-              the case in 1999 too; Amazon,
another mobile technology           known as one of the fathers of     kets and gives consumers pos-              for example, has proved to be
company bought for a mil-           the iPod. The company is cur-      sibilities that were previously            extremely adept at surviving.
lion-dollar, billion-dollar or      rently in the process of find-     unthinkable.                               Many spectators are point-
even multi-billion dollar sum.      ing an intelligent way to link        Does all this sound famil-              ing out that the unthought-of
   Below are three of the larg-     homes and the digital world.       iar? If we look back 15 years              possibilities that the internet
est transactions that have              During its spending spree      to 1999, for example, recently             created are finally becoming a
occurred this year, as selected     in January, Google also bought     established internet compa-                reality, which the most vision-
by David Rowan from Wired           British company Deepmind,          nies with an operating loss                ar y investors were already
Magazine:                           which does not yet have any        were trading at astronomical               seeing back in 1999. All this
   In Februar y, Facebook           products. The company’s            sums. Established companies                is occurring via mobile broad-
bought WhatsApp for USD 19          founder and figurehead is          were merging left, right and               band, tablets and GPS-based
billion. The company’s turn-        genius Demis Hassabis who is       centre in order to survive in the          services.
over is just a fraction of this,    counted among the world’s 50       new business world and the
but it has 450 million users,       best researchers within arti-      ingenious entrepreneurs were
particularly in emerging mar-       ficial intelligence and neuro      hailed in glossy magazines.
kets. The app provides mobile       research. Google allegedly         Subsequently the bubble in the
messages and is the most pop-       paid USD 400 million for the       stock markets burst entirely
ular service in the world.          company.                           from April 2000 onwards.

  NOKIA                                                                                         2007             TOUCHSCREEN
 BLOCKBUSTER                                                                 1999          STREAMING
  KODAK                                                     1975       DIGITAL IMAGE
                                    An engineer employed by Kodak      In 1999, the US provider of                Nokia had the technology to make
3 dead companies                    invented the world’s first digi-   home movie rental services                 touchscreen phones, but accord-
                                    tal camera in 1975. This did not   Blockbuster was contacted by               ing to Rowan they were more con-
History is full of companies that   suit the company which made        the development department                 cerned about producing robust
have been wiped out because         its living from manufacturing      of another company which sug-              phones that could tolerate being
they did not exploit technolog-     film. Last year Kodak went out     gested that Blockbuster start to           dropped from a height of two
ical opportunities sufficiently     of business after a long and       stream films for rent. This would          meters. The rest is history.
to create commercially viable       painful struggle.                  prove costly initially, so Block-
goods. David Rowan highlights                                          buster declined. Several years
three well-known examples:                                             later, Netflix took over the mar-
                                                                       ket and later a number of other

                                                                                               S K A G E N F U NDS H A LF Y E A R RE PORT | J U LY 2 0 1 4

    CRISIS AS USUAL                                                                                     Something new. Often with worse
                                                                                                        performance than existing prod-
                                                                                                        ucts but with new functions. Exam-
                                                                                                        ple: Tablet computers are replacing
                                                                                                        personal computers.

                                                                                                        Develop existing innovations, such
                                                                                                        as curved flat-screen televisions,
                                                                                                        which build upon existing flat-
                                                                                                        screen televisions.

                                                                                                        Challenge established players by
                                                                                                        organising more efficiently by, for
                                                                                                        example, creating central logistics,
                                                                                                        new low-cost alternatives, etc.

    Creating value
    through destruction
    Companies that change the world do not necessarily create value for sharehold-
    ers. The market constantly forgets this and the outcome is that hot listed compa-
    nies are often overpriced. However, sometimes breakthrough companies do make
    it through the sluices into SKAGEN’s equity fund portfolios – if the price is right.
    – Jonas A. Erikson
      Communication Manager

From an investor’s perspective, it is often prob-    Yes to change and growth – if the price is right      IF THE PRICE IS RIGHT
lematic that listed companies that turn the          You do not find many disruptive companies in
industry upside-down become so popular that          SKAGEN’s equity funds. Most often, the risk is     Corporate history is paved with
their valuation can no longer be recouped. For       too high and potential returns too low. SKAGEN     disruptive events. These include
example, many regarded the Japanese mobile           focuses on identifying undervalued and often       innovations such as the tablet
operator NTT DoCoMo, the world’s first broad-        slightly misunderstood companies in unpop-         computer which replaces the
band operator, as a pioneer in its industry          ular sectors and regions with the potential to     clunkier personal computer.
segment around the turn of the millennium.           increase in value. But there are exceptions.       Or it might be the refinement
Why was the company valued at 18 times its              “We like investing in fast-growing companies    of existing products, such as
book value in the early 2000s? Well, that was        and navigating changing environments. But the      curved flat screen TVs based
pretty difficult to explain. Especially because      price tag must be right and there must be good     on traditional flat screen TVs.
the company was operating in a market with low       arguments that back up the company narrative,”     But it might also be a company
entry barriers for competitors. When the market      says Søren Milo Christensen, portfolio manager     that makes products or provides
realised this, the stock price fell sharply. Today   of SKAGEN Global.                                  services less expensively and
that particular company is valued at a more rea-                                                        more efficiently, such as low-
sonable 1.3 times its book value.                                                                       cost airlines that challenge the
                                                                                                        traditional carriers.

disrupting the                         becoming less popular in the          GEN’s portfolios when the stock            transformative process with their
automotive                             US, private car use is exploding      was on sale at the height of the           intelligent technology solutions,
industry                               in fast-growing Asia with China       financial crisis in 2009.                  such as speed control, collision
                                       and India leading the way. That           The dream of self-propelled            safety and traffic sign recogni-
Carmaker Hyundai Motors and            is something that South Korean        cars is fast becoming a reality.           tion.
tyre manufacturer Continental          carmaker Hyundai Motors is            By 2015, the German tyre man-                 “Many see Continental as a
are SKAGEN holdings in industry        benefitting from. The company         ufacturer Continental estimates            tyre company. I see it as a hi-tech
segments and markets undergo-          has followed Toyota’s lead: They      that we will see fully automated           company. A stock that still has a
ing rapid changes.                     began in the discount segment         automobiles on the roads. About            long way to go and that trades
    In two decades, the number of      and have since moved upwards.         90 percent of all car accidents are        at a relatively modest 13 times
19 year olds with a driver’s licence   With competitive prices, good fuel    a result of human error. Self-pro-         expected earnings,” says Geir
fell from nearly 90 to c.70 percent    economy and excellent warranties      pelled cars are therefore expected         Tjetland, portfolio manager of
in the US – a country that lives       for new vehicles, the company has     to reduce the number of automo-            SKAGEN Vekst.
and breathes cars. In big cities       become the world’s fourth largest     bile accidents drastically. This              In the same way that micropro-
like Boston, New York and Wash-        automaker. It is not just show-       will change not only the general           cessor manufacturer Intel is asso-
ington, one third of all residents     ing high growth sales figures in      insurance industry and health              ciated with “Intel inside”, Conti-
no longer have a household car         fast-growing emerging markets         services, but also the entire trans-       nental wants you to associate it
and carpooling is booming.             but also in countries like the US.    portation industry. Continental is         with cars of the future—”Conti
    While travelling by car is         Hyundai Motors first entered SKA-     determined to be a leader in this          inside”.

high-flying low-                       However, if the price is right,       economy and no expensive leg-               Another similar airline company
priced companies                       there is no reason not to invest      acy structures and bureaucracy.             in SKAGEN’s portfolios is Malay-
                                       in airline stocks. The Norwegian      An efficient Internet-based book-           sian Air Asia. Like Norwegian,
Investing in airline stocks has        airline Norwegian is featured in      ing service, inexpensive tickets,           the company is led by a visionary
generally been notoriously bad         several SKAGEN equity funds. In       and a ‘you get what you pay for’            CEO, Tony Fernandes, who owns a
for investors. But that does not       2001, the company, founded by         attitude have also been import-             quarter of the company. Together
mean that all investments in the       former fighter pilot and lawyer       ant factors in challenging SAS’s            with Irish Ryanair, Air Asia has the
industry are poor.                     Bjørn Kjos, consisted of a fleet      de facto monopoly. So far, Nor-             lowest costs in the world among
    Investment guru Warren Buf-        of Fokker aircraft without pas-       wegian seems to be winning.                 airlines and is expected to grow
fett is known for his aversion         sengers. This was after the airline       “You can find winners – also            its market share significantly
to airlines. He is said to have a      Braathens terminated its service      in the airline industry. Compa-             when the ASEAN countries open
Post-It note in his breast pocket      agreement with Norwegian when         nies with good cost structure               up the aviation market to com-
reminding him never to invest in       it was acquired by SAS. Thirteen      and focus, like Norwegian. Nor-             petition in 2015. The company
airlines. Virgin Atlantic’s eccen-     years later, Norwegian is far more    wegian’s shares have generated              will also benefit from increased
tric founder Richard Branson           profitable than SAS - and on its      an average annual return of 24              travel from China. More than
perhaps put it best: “The fastest      way to becoming just as big.          percent since the company went              100 million Chinese people went
way to become a millionaire is to          Norwegian’s recipe for suc-       public in 2003,” says Knut-Har-             abroad on vacation in 2013 and
start out as a billionaire and then    cess includes a fleet of modern       ald Nilsson, portfolio manager              that number is expected to dou-
invest in an airline.”                 aircraft which provides better fuel   of SKAGEN Kon-Tiki.                         ble by 2020.

transformational                       took over as the company’s head       two years, the stock price has              is active within the media and
e-commerce                             and now chairs Kinnevik’s board.      doubled. Still, SKAGEN Kon-Tiki             e-commerce is the South African
                                       She recently noted that Kinnevik      manager Kristoffer Stensrud                 media company Naspers. The
The Swedish investment com-            should be seen as an opportu-         believes that the company is                company’s focus, like Kinnevik’s,
pany Kinnevik is a typical exam-       nistic and flexible investment        undervalued.                                is entrepreneurial acquisitions
ple of a company that thrives in       company; one that does not seek          “If you look at Kinnevik as a            with good market positions in
disruptive environments. With          a balanced portfolio regardless       traditional Swedish investment              several emerging markets. One
super-entrepreneur Jan Stenbeck        of industry or region.                company, it is not undervalued.             advantage of operating primarily
at the helm, Kinnevik challenged          The transformation of Kinne-       However, if you look at it as an            in emerging markets is that you
and defeated several institu-          vik into a leading online player,     investment company with a                   put your products and services
tions, including the Swedish tele-     with holdings in e-commerce           diversified portfolio of e-com-             directly on mobile without mak-
vision and telephone monopo-           company Zalando and busi-             merce businesses, it is signifi-            ing a detour through personal
lies with TV3 and Comviq/Tele2.        ness incubator Rocket Internet,       cantly less expensive,” says                computers as is the case in many
After Stenbeck’s death in 2003,        amongst others, has proved to         Stensrud.                                   more developed countries (read
his daughter Christina Stenbeck        be successful. Over the past             Another SKAGEN holding that              more about Naspers on page 10)

                                                                                                      S K A G E N F U NDS H A LF Y E A R RE PORT | J U LY 2 0 1 4
During a trip to the island of Zanzibar off the coast of Tan-
                                                                                              zania a few years ago, a fisherman enthusiastically
                                                                                              explained to me how much his life had changed. Thanks
                                                                                              to his mobile phone, he was now able to keep track of
                                                                                              weather forecasts and locate fish stocks. Not least, he
                                                                                              could receive price inquiries from buyers in different ports
                                                                                              while at sea and thereby optimise his sales price, catch
                                                                                              and margins

                                                                                              New business models
                                                                                              The trend ever since has been developing at a furious pace. Since
                                                                                              the turn of the millennium the number of mobile subscribers
                                                                                              south of the Sahara has grown fortyfold from 16.5 million to
                                                                                              650 million in 2013, something that has opened the eyes of
                                                                                              foreign investors.* The US software giant Microsoft, for exam-
                                                                                              ple, (2.12 percent of the SKAGEN Global portfolio) which has
                                                                                              offices in fourteen African countries, launched a mobile phone
                                                                                              specifically designed for the African market last year. For many
                                                                                              Africans their mobile phone is also their first computer and thus
                                                                                              the world has shrunk yet a few more sizes. Using their phone’s
                                                                                              internet connection, for example, African students can suddenly
                                                                                              take advantage of free lectures from leading US universities or
                                                                                              speeches from world-leading entrepreneurs.
                                                                                                 Africa’s mobile revolution has given rise to a range of new
                                                                                              services and businesses. One SKAGEN holding that has not been
                                                                                              slow to capitalise on the developments is South African media
Photo: Shutterstock

                                                                                              and e-commerce company, Naspers (1.47 percent of SKAGEN
                                                                                                 Naspers is a company with an entrepreneurial acquisition
                                                                                              focus and good market positions in Africa, Brazil, China, Russia
                                                                                              and other parts of Eastern Europe. The company owns several

                         More than
                                                                                              internet businesses and has a strong position in the fast-growing
                                                                                              pay-tv segment in a number of African countries. One benefit of
                                                                                              primarily operating in emerging markets with high mobile pene-

                                                                                              tration is that Naspers can operate directly on mobile services
                                                                                              without having to detour via personal computers.

                                                                                              Phones that shrink the world
                        While in the Western world we look forward to the                     Financial services too have developed rapidly. Instead of bank
                        latest design and technology from companies like                      accounts and plastic cards, a lack of cash and few local bank
                                                                                              branches have fuelled demand for mobile bank services or e-wal-
                        Samsung and LG, the perspective is often different
                                                                                              lets. Innovations have not come from the financial sector, how-
                        for those living in the world’s emerging markets.                     ever. The Kenyan mobile operator Safaricom (a former holding
                        – David Reiser                                                        in SKAGEN Kon-Tiki) is a world leader in mobile banking with
                           Client Advisor                                                     its M-Pesa service. Similarly, the Indian mobile operator Bharti
                                                                                              Airtel (2.50 percent in SKAGEN Kon-Tiki), with a large presence
                      Innovation and technology have been rapidly changing every-             in Africa, launched a cooperation for mobile payment services
                      day life for people in several African countries over the past 15       with West African Ecobank in the autumn of 2013.
                      years. Africa’s telecommunications network, for example, was                What started out as a communications medium has therefore
                      chronically dysfunctional for decades. But following great strides      quickly become so much more. During a trip to the island of Zanzi-
                      and cost efficiency within mobile technology, the continent has         bar off the coast of Tanzania a few years ago, a fisherman enthusi-
                      gradually been catching up since the turn of the millennium and         astically explained to me how much his life had changed. Thanks
                      in some cases has even overtaken the West. Investments in fixed         to his mobile phone, he was now able to keep track of weather
                      line telephony have been rejected in favour of cost-effective and       forecasts and locate fish stocks. Not least, he could receive price
                      flexible base stations for mobile telephony. As a result, not only      inquiries from buyers in different ports while at sea and thereby
                      do they have coverage, but Africa has also stepped right into the       optimise his sales price, catch and margins. Naturally he was
                      internet-based mobile era with all the possibilities it has to offer.   able to manage payments via mobile, much to the bank’s chagrin.

                                                                                                                                          *Source: World Bank
                      10   SKAGEN FU NDS HALF Y EA R REPORT | JULY 2014

                                                                      ”Working in Stavanger is not all that different
                                                                      from working in Gothenburg. In both places,
                                                                      the noise of the ocean and rain drowns out
                                                                      the noise of the financial world. There are
                                                                      fewer distractions and it is simpler to pursue
                                                                      your own path.”

                                                                                                                                                               Photo: David Reiser
  He who works
  hardest wins
  With an abundance of investment ideas            has managed to turn around sales and is now
  and an iron-clad faith in facts and hard         expanding the company’s footprint in several                about johan
                                                   emerging market countries.
  work, SKAGEN Global’s new Swedish                                                                            – Started reading economics almost
  team member has already left his mark.           Quiet knowledge                                             in secret, after abandoning his
                                                                                                               ‘actual’ majors in journalism and
  – Anna Marcus                                    “As an investor, I am extremely facts driven. For           technology at Chalmers and trans-
     Communication Manager                         example, it’s easy to be blinded by analysts’               ferred to University of Gothenburg
                                                   earnings forecasts but, most often, these fre-              School of Business, Economics and
                                                                                                               Law. “I realised that finance was the
In order to illustrate SKAGEN’s value-based        quently fail miserably when you look a couple               world’s most fun job.”
investment philosophy, we usually sum up our       of years into the future. For that kind of horizon,
goal as buying companies for 50 cents on the       it’s far more interesting to look at what the com-          – About the position at SKAGEN:
                                                                                                               “A colleague at my previous job at
dollar. SKAGEN Global’s new portfolio manager      panies have actually delivered and gather the
                                                                                                               Stena spotted an ad for the posi-
Johan Swahn would add ‘… and sometimes it          data yourself,” he notes.                                   tion of senior portfolio manager in
makes sense to buy three-dollar companies for          He believes that, in order to be a skilled              Dagens Industri.”
two dollars.’ In other words, some quality com-    investor, you need to be aware of your own
                                                                                                               – Why SKAGEN? “I’ve always liked
panies that might seem expensive right now are     prejudices and also of human psychology. Our
                                                                                                               SKAGEN’s approach and already had
likely to become even more expensive over time.    brains play tricks on us. For example, we tend              my own retirement account invested
    Borrowing a term from the investment god       to be more afraid of losing ten dollars than we             in SKAGEN’s funds. Of course, we
Warren Buffet, Johan Swahn calls these compa-      are grateful when we earn the same amount.                  also have a phenomenal track
nies compounders. They are enterprises that, for       Facts and a certain distance are what work
long periods of time, provide exceptional return   best in the analysis phase. However, during the             –On commuting to Stavanger: “It
on capital and shareholders with cumulative        idea process, it is intuition – or one’s aggregate          works out great thanks to good
value over time – a kind of interest-on-interest   ’quiet’ knowledge based on years of experience              flight connections from Gothen-
                                                                                                               burg. I work incredibly intensively
effect.                                            – that is in control.                                       for the three days of the week I’m
    As an example of this, he mentions the US          “Well, there’s no shortage of ideas. The                in Stavanger. The other two days I
medical technology company Varian, whose           more you read, the more hunches you get. The                work out of SKAGEN’s Gothenburg
stock has long been traded at high valuations.     trick is to have the energy to follow up on those           offices and can be closer to my wife
                                                                                                               and three boys (aged 8, 4 and 2).”
However, the company has excellent products        hunches. It’s a matter of verifying, reading up
that will likely continue to generate income far   on the company’s cash flows, checking what                  –Started working at SKAGEN in
into the future. The US clothing chain, Gap, is    management is doing, calling your contacts.                 March 2014.
another of Johan Swahn’s investment ideas.         For, in the end, it is he who works hardest who
He believes it has a bright future; the new CEO    wins,” he says with a wink.

                                                                                            S K A G E N F U NDS H A LF Y E A R RE PORT | J U LY 2 0 1 4

                     SKAGEN Credit – who would
                     you lend money to?
                      Who would you lend your money to? That is the question that the portfolio managers of
                      SKAGEN Credit must ask themselves every day when selecting investments for the newly
                      launched corporate bond fund. The answer isn’t as simple as some may think.
                      – Trygve Meyer
                        Communications Advisor, Portfolio

                   SKAGEN Credit follows the same investment philosophy as our                  risk profile, or a real change in the same company’s risk profile, will
                   other funds and selects the best bonds irrespective of credit qual-          therefore result in excess return in the fund. The fund’s primary
                   ity, sector or country. Since companies are at the heart of the              source of return will derive from taking company-specific credit risk
                   investments, the managers are also able to take advantage of                 by selecting corporate bonds that have the potential for a price
                   the combined experience and analysis of SKAGEN’s equity fund                 change or those that have a high stable running yield relative to
                   managers.                                                                    the risk entailed.
                       Drawing on their own experience and knowledge, the portfolio                The aim in selecting the bonds is, of course, to deliver the best
                   managers of SKAGEN Credit identify companies where the mar-                  possible risk adjusted returns to unit holders in the fund.
                   ket price of the debt is disproportionate to the risk we believe is             During the first month, the fund has invested in around 30 dif-
                   involved when lending money to a specific company. The result                ferent companies from countries as diverse as the US and Asia, and
                   may either be a mispricing of the loan or that one gets yield on             from sectors ranging from transport to energy. The following are
                   the money one lends.                                                         two examples of corporate bonds the fund has invested in so far.
                       An improvement in the market’s understanding of the company’s            For more information about the fund, please visit our web pages.

                                                                                                operating as one company under       ments are wholly independent
                                                                                                Indian Tata Motors.                  of the ownership structure. The
                                                                                                  Jaguar Land Rover has a solid      company has a moderate debt
                                                                                                market position and is well          burden and a good cash flow,
                                                                                                diversified in terms of existing     which is important for debt
                                                                                                and new models. This is a good       investors as this reflects the
                                                                                                basis for delivering margins.        company’s ability to be able
                                                                                                  For Tata Motors, Jaguar Land       to service outstanding debt.
                                                                                                Rover constitutes almost 90              Based on current results
                                                                                                percent of its profits and three     and the debt situation in Jaguar
                                                                                                quarters of its sales, indicating    Land Rover, the company
                                                                                                that the company has a strong        should have an investment
                                                                                                position both as a global brand      grade rating (BBB from S&P).
                                                                                                and within its parent company.       However, due to the fact that
Photo: Bloomberg

                                                                                                  Tata Motors is planning on         the British car manufacturer
                                                                                                further expanding Jaguar Land        is owned by Indian Tata, they
                                                                                                Rover, including by increasing       have a high yield rating (BB
                                                                                                production in order to take          from S&P). Jaguar Land Rover
                                                                                                advantage of demand in devel-        cannot have a higher rating
                   investment case 1                                                            oping markets such as China          than its parent company and
                   british pride and spice                                                      and Brazil. There is a great deal    Tata is being pulled down due
                                                                                                of growth potential for luxury       to country risk.
                   Not many products are deemed                From the 1940s right up to the   cars in these markets.                   In short, a bond holder gets
                   to be more typically British than        present day, the two companies                                           better paid than the compa-
                   cars from Jaguar or Land Rover.          have been through a myriad of       Mother, did it need to be so         ny’s risk might indicate. This
                   Both car brands have a long his-         changes and mergers, includ-        high?                                in itself should be a good eno-
                   tory, something that piqued the          ing being subsidiaries of Ford      Jaguar Land Rover is an inde-        ugh reason to invest.
                   interest of the portfolio manag-         and BMW. Since the financial        pendent company whereby the
                   ers of SKAGEN Credit.                    crisis in 2008, they have been      interest rates and debt pay-

                   12 SKAGEN FU NDS HALF Y EA R REPORT | JULY 2014
sive and with lower margins               bonds in a Brazilian company
                                                                                                          than is the case for more easily          and benefit from attractive inter-
                                                                                                          accessible production.                    est rates.
                                                                                                              As a result of its activities,            “It is not unusual for large
                                                                                                          Petrobras has a significant               companies from emerging
                                                                                                          investment program that is                markets to want international
                                                                                                          financed amongst other things             financing,” says Tomas Nordbø
                                                                                                          by borrowed money, including              Middelthon, who manages SKA-
                                                                                                          bonds. The company is regarded            GEN Credit. “This provides us
                                                                                                          as extremely creditwor thy                with opportunities. Particularly
                                                                                                          locally and has a national AAA            when the market price does
                                                                                                          rating (S&P).                             not correlate with the risk we
                                                                                                              At the same time the inter-           believe we take with an invest-
   Photo: Bloomberg

                                                                                                          national rating is lower, but it          ment.”
                                                                                                          is still investment grade (BBB                Petrobras has said that it
                                                                                                          from S&P). The reason for the             aims to increase production and
                                                                                                          lower international rating is             reduce net debt over the next
                                                                                                          simply because the company is             few years. This will reduce the
                      investment case 2                                                                   domiciled in Brazil, which is an          risk level, which is favourable
                      brazilian oil debt                                                                  emerging market.                          for bond owners.
                                                                                                                                                        The conclusion is therefore
                      “O petroleo e nosso!” (the oil     international oil company.                       Samba at waltz tempo                      that lending money to Petro-
                      is ours), was the slogan coined       Around 90 percent of the                      Petrobras has numerous bonds              bras bodes well for good yield
                      when Brazil’s largest company      reserves are in Brazil at a depth                issued in the US in dollars. This         relative to the risk of default.
                      was launched in 1953. Since        of as much as 6-7000 metres.                     is favourable since as an inves-          A reduction in debt will reduce
                      then, Petroleo Brasileiro SA,      The company has good current                     tor you are thereby subject to            the risk further, to the benefit of
                      or Petrobras as it is commonly     earnings, but the extraction of                  US law. At the same time you              bond owners.
                      known, has grown into a large,     reserves is fairly capital inten-                have the possibility to purchase

                      The SKAGEN Credit portfolio
                      managers draw on their own
                      expertise in the fixed income
                      markets, as well as SKAGEN’s
                      equity fund managers’ long-
                      standing experience of suc-
                      cessful stock-picking. They
                      have complementary experience
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Photo: SKAGEN

                      ranging from fixed income man-
                      agement, corporate analysis,
                      risk management and trading.

                      TOMAS NORDBØ MIDDELTHON                                                             OLA SJÖSTRAND
                      Tomas Nordbø Middelthon has worked in SKAGEN since 2010, both                       Ola Sjöstrand has worked in SKAGEN since 2006 as portfolio man-
                      as a risk manager and more recently as portfolio manager of SKA-                    ager of SKAGEN’s fixed income funds. He launched and has been
                      GEN’s fixed income funds. Before that Tomas worked within financial                 responsible for running the SKAGEN Krona fund amongst others.
                      services in Statoil implementing financial risk management tools                    Before joining SKAGEN Ola worked as portfolio manager at the
                      worldwide. Tomas holds an MBA within Finance and is a Certified                     Swedish Soya Group. A combination of strong analytical skills and
                      Financial Analyst. He has strong analytical skills and a background                 investment experience applying SKAGEN’s investment philosophy
                      from financial risk management. The combination of risk manage-                     puts Ola in a strong position to find good investment cases for the
                      ment and technical expertise is valuable in the screening and anal-                 fund. Ola holds a BSc in Business Administration and Economics.
                      ysis of corporate bonds and portfolio construction.

SKAGEN Credit has a master feeder fund structure and SKAGEN Credit EUR, SKAGEN Credit GBP,
SKAGEN Credit SEK and SKAGEN Credit NOK are feeder funds. The feeder funds are currency hedged
in the currencies indicated and place at least 85% of their assets in the master fund. More information
about the master feeder structure can be found in the funds’ prospectuses.                                                       S K A G E N F U NDS H A LF Y E A R RE PORT | J U LY 2 0 1 4

                                                                                                        SK AGEN is plea sed to
                                                                                                        announce the strengthening
                                                                                                        of its SK AGEN Vekst team
                                                                                                        with the appointment of Erik
                                                                                                        Bergöö as a new portfolio
                                                                                                        manager from 1 September
                                                                                                        Erik will join SKAGEN from
                                                                                                        Danske Bank Markets (equity
                                                                                                        research) in Copenhagen
                                                                                                        where he has been a senior
                                                                                                        analyst covering transporta-
                                                                                                        tion and industrials. He has
                                                                                                        received rapid recognition
                                                                                                        among top Danish mutual

                                                                                                        New challenges
                                                                                                        At the same time, Peter Alm-
                                                                                                        ström has decided to leave
                                                                     From top: Erik Bergöö and          SKAGEN to seek new chal-
                                                                     Peter Almström.                    lenges. His last day will be
                                                                                                        30 June 2014. During his two
                                                                                                        years at SKAGEN, Peter has
new year´s                                                                                              been part of the team which
conference 2015                                                                                         established and now manages
                                                                                                        SKAGEN m2, a global fund
Please save the date for SKAGEN’s New Year’s Conference 2015.                                           which invests in listed prop-
SKAGEN will be holding its New Year’s Conference for interna-                                           erty companies.
tional clients in three European cities in January 2015. The con-                                       SKAGEN m2 is led by Michael
ference will take place on 8 January in Copenhagen, Denmark;                                            Gobit schek and Har ald
on 14 January in London, UK and on 22 January in Amsterdam,                                             Haukås, both SKAGEN veter-
the Netherlands.                                                                                        ans of a combined 17 years.
Further information about speakers and the full conference
program will be available on our webpages from September.
Please visit our website to find information about previous years’

skagen launches corporate
bond fund
On 30 May 2014, SKAGEN launched SKAGEN Credit, a global cor-         The fund is managed by Ola Sjöstrand, who has been managing
porate bond fund. The fund’s objective is to deliver the best pos-   SKAGEN’s money market funds since he joined SKAGEN in 2006. It
sible risk-adjusted return by investing in the growing corporate     is co-managed by Tomas Middelthon, who has also been a portfolio
debt market.                                                         manager of the money market funds for the past 2 and a half years.
Building upon SKAGEN’s successful investment philosophy and          For further information about the fund, please read pages 12-13
combining our global company understanding with our proven           of this report, or visit our webpages: www.skagenfunds.com/
bond market experience, SKAGEN Credit is actively managed and        SKAGEN-Credit.
invests in undervalued, under-researched and unpopular corporate
bonds from around the world.

Photo: Jiri Havran

  Save the date!
  On 17 September 2014, SKAGEN will be holding an extraordinary electoral
  meeting and a unit holder meeting at the Stavanger Concert Hall.

Notice of extraordinary electoral meeting                              Proposal for new deputy director/board member
We would like to welcome unit holders in SKAGEN Funds to an            The election committee is seeking candidates for the board to
extraordinary electoral meeting on 17 September 2014 at 6pm.           be nominated at the election which will take place at the unit
                                                                       holder electoral meeting at the Stavanger Concert Hall on 17
Agenda                                                                 September 2014. The main criteria for candidates are as follows:
• Election of one chairperson and two unit holders to sign the
  minutes – for discussion                                             • Experienced person of good standing
• Election of one board member to the board of SKAGEN AS –             • Insight into and understanding of the savings and capital markets
  for discussion                                                       • Managerial experience and market orientation, with an under-
• Election of one deputy director to the board of SKAGEN AS –            standing of the need for competence development as a pre-
  for discussion                                                         requisite to success
                                                                       • International knowledge and preferably international experience
The recommendation of the election committee and other nec-            • Prior board experience an advantage
essary information will be published on our webpages www.              • Committed individual who can and wants to contribute to
skagenfunds.com ahead of the meeting for advance voting.                 board work in SKAGEN

Advance voting                                                         We seek a good balance between genders on the board. While we
Unit holders may cast votes in advance via My Page (login from         are seeking female candidates in particular, all applications will be
www.skagenfunds.com) after 1 September. Alternatively you may          treated equally. High demands are placed since SKAGEN’s board of
send in your votes by email to contact@skagenfunds.com or by           directors should act both as a driving force as well as fulfil a good
post to SKAGEN, P.O. Box 160, 4001 Stavanger, Norway. Advance          control function in a company which is extremely active interna-
votes must reach SKAGEN by 12 September at the latest. Your            tionally. Suggestions should be sent to the head of the election
units as of 12 September will constitute the basis for the calcu-      committee, Sigve Erland, by email sigve.erland@norsco.no, or
lation of the number of votes. If you have voted in advance, you       by phone +47 906 02 873. Suggestions may also be sent to Tone
do not need to register on arrival at the meeting.                     Willoch Rettedal, email twr@skagenfondene.no, by 10 August.

Unit holder meetings: estab-        unit holders meeting on 17         SKAGEN Tellus. The new unit               Provided that the unit holder
lishment of institutional unit      September.                         classes will replace the dis-             meetings approve the estab-
classes                                The establishment of insti-     count models currently applica-           lishment of unit classes, the
                                    tutional unit classes was          ble for institutional investors in        proposal for the change will be
SKAGEN wishes to establish          approved by SKAGEN’s board         SKAGEN Kon-Tiki and SKAGEN                sent to the Norwegian Financial
unit classes for institutional      of directors on 12 June 2014.      Tellus.                                   Supervisory Authority for final
investors, by changing the          The change relates to the equity      Notice of a unit holders               approval. Information will be
funds’ articles of association.     funds SKAGEN Vekst, SKAGEN         meeting will be sent out to               published on SKAGEN’s web-
Changes to the articles of asso-    Global, SKAGEN Kon-Tiki and        unit holders in the above-men-            pages with regard to when the
ciation will be dealt with at the   SKAGEN m2 and the bond fund        tioned funds.                             changes are to take effect.

                                                                                              S K A G E N F U NDS H A LF Y E A R RE PORT | J U LY 2 0 1 4
Portfolio Managers’ report

                                                                                            > GLOBAL ECONOMIC INDICATORS
                                                                                             are pointing upwards, but there are speed
                                                                                             bumps along the way

                                                                                            > THE SECOND QUARTER was character-
                                                                                             ised by major political events, most notably
                                                                                             in India

                                                                                            > WIDESPREAD POLITICAL UNCERTAINTY
                                                                        Photo : Bloomberg

                                                                                             often gives rise to attractive valuations

The election of Narendra Modi continued to push India’s stock markets
                                                                                            > T HERE ARE FEWER cheap companies,
upwards on the hope of needed reforms.
                                                                                             but opportunities can still be found

       16 SKAGEN FU NDS HALF Y EA R REPORT |             JULY 2014
An eventful quarter
Low volatility in the global financial markets in the second quarter may have
given the impression that summer had come early. On the contrary, the
past few months have been very eventful, particularly on the political front.

The global equity markets continued their    market, lower corporate tax and better         economic arrows are pointing upwards,
upward trajectory in the second quarter      corporate governance are all important         but we do not want to end up seeing wil-
delivering a return of 5.7 percent in euro   factors for improvement.                       lingness to reform dulled by less pressure
terms. Unlike the previous quarters, and        From an investor viewpoint, sentiment       on government finances.
contrary to what newspaper headlines         is an important factor in the Japanese            In Africa there was official clarifica-
had predicted at the start of the year,      equity market. It has been almost 25           tion that South Africa is no longer Africa’s
emerging markets delivered higher            years since the market peaked in a specu-      largest economy. Now that calculation
returns (+7.5 percent) than developed        lative bubble. The subsequent crash left       methods have changed, Nigeria’s gross
markets (+5.5 percent).                      deep marks, and allocation to equities is      domestic product rose 89 percent over-
                                             still low both among private and institu-      night to USD 510 billion.
Speed bumps                                  tional investors. However, this situation
During the second quarter we found out       appears to be changing.                        Political movements
that US GDP had fallen by 2.9 percent                                                       The second quarter was eventful on the
from the year before. The figure was a       Low interest rate climate                      political front. The most important event
downwards adjustment of previous esti-       The European Central Bank (ECB) was the        was the election victory of Narendra Modi
mates, but was mainly attributed to the      first major central bank to introduce nega-    and his BJP party in India. As former Chief
extreme winter weather conditions in the     tive deposit rates. The aim is to stimulate    Minister of Gujarat, Modi had worked
US. Subsequent industry, property mar-       the loan market, and to reach its inflation    hard to remove bureaucracy and pave
ket and consumer indicators suggest that     target of “around two percent”. In order to    the way for economic growth. His ambi-
activity levels are continuing to pick up.   succeed, the ECB will likely have to follow    tion is to do the same at national level.
   In Japan consumption fell sharply         up with stronger measures (see the fixed       The landslide election victory gave him a
after value added tax was increased          income comment on page 32).                    strong mandate, but he will need this in a
for the first time in 17 years (from 5 to        In peripheral Europe, Greece issued its    culturally and religiously heterogeneous
8 percent). The increase is part of Prime    first long-term government bond in four        society with a population of more than
Minister Abe’s plan to improve central       years, and this was positively received        1.2 billion.
government finances; and herein lies one     by investors. The yield on the ten-year            The Indian stock market is up 25 per-
of his greatest challenges.                  Greek government bond has now fallen           cent so far this year, so expectations of
   Japan must get its government finan-      from almost 40 percent when the crisis         reform and economic development have
ces in order at the same time as it speeds   was at its worst in the autumn of 2011 to      left their mark on the market. Now it is up
up economic growth. Measures that may        below 6 percent currently.                     to Modi and his government to deliver.
be favourable for one objective – for            We see similar developments in other           It was less positive that the ANC party
example, higher taxes – are not neces-       peripheral European governments, and           won yet another victory in South Africa. Whi-
sarily good for the other. So far there      this has been favourable for unit holders      le society and the economy struggles with
are grounds for careful optimism since       in SKAGEN Tellus, which has investments        high unemployment and large economic
consumption increased in May and the         in Greek, Italian, Portuguese and Slove-       differences, president Jacob Zuma has
government is continuing its work on         nian government bonds. It is positive          been involved in corruption scandals and
structural reforms. A more open labour       that the pressure is diminishing and the       accusations relating to the use of public

                                                                                           S K A G E N F U NDS H A LF Y E A R RE PORT | J U LY 2 0 1 4
You can also read