GRADE 4 Curriculum Guide 2020-2021 - Our Mission: To develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring - Shanghai ...

GRADE 4 Curriculum Guide 2020-2021 - Our Mission: To develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring - Shanghai ...
                         Curriculum Guide

Our Mission: To develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring
 learners who contribute positively to their communities.
GRADE 4 Curriculum Guide 2020-2021 - Our Mission: To develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring - Shanghai ...
Message from                                                       Table of
  the Grade 4 Team
    Dear Parents of Grade 4 Students,                                   I. Message from the Grade 4 Team
                                                                        II. Grade 4 Procedures
    Welcome to Grade 4. We trust that                                            • Expectations
    you will find this guide informative and
                                                                                 • Code of Conduct: Class Essential
    helpful. It is intended to give you an                                         Agreements
    overview of what to expect in Grade 4
                                                                                 • Homework Guidelines
    and to help you and your child prepare
                                                                                 • Portfolios
    for and settle into this grade level.
                                                                                 •     Technology in Grade 4
    As the Grade 4 Homeroom Teachers,                                            • Assessment
    we will communicate with you on a                                   III. International Baccalaureate
    regular basis throughout the year. We                                   Primary Years Programme
    will also be inviting you to visit the                                  (IBPYP)

    school to celebrate your child’s learning                           IV. The Programme of Inquiry for
                                                                           Grade 4
    and progress at regular intervals.
                                                                        V. Grade 4 Subjects
    Please do not hesitate to contact us if                                      • English Language Arts
    you have any need for clarification or                                       • English as an Additional Language
    further information. It is our hope that                                     • Mathematics
    we can build a partnership this year
                                                                                 • Science
    through keeping all channels between
    home and school as open as possible.                                         • Social Studies
                                                                                 • Mandarin
    We look forward to working closely                                           •     Visual Arts and Performing Arts
    with you this year.                                                          • Information Communication
                                                                                   Technology (ICT) Seesaw
                                                                                 • Physical Education

    The Grade 4 Team

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Part II              Grade 4 Procedures

                                                                                                  Assessment is an integral part of
                                                                                                  the teaching and learning process
                                                                                                  at SCIS. Teachers will work to
                                                                                                  ensure that assessment is relevant
                                                                                                  to the curriculum, as well as
                                                                                                  accurate, fair and appropriate for
                                                                                                  all students. Assessment is natu-
                                                                                                  rally integrated into the teaching
                                                                                                  and learning cycle within each
                                                                                                  classroom and serves as a means
                                                                                                  to provide useful information to
                                                                                                  teachers, students and parents.
                                                                                                  Teachers draw from a wide
                                              One of the biggest indicators of                    range of evidence and learning
                                              academic success for students is daily              experiences to assess students.
Students are expected to find ways
                                              reading for pleasure, and that the                  Assessments at the Lower School
to take ownership of themselves,
                                              quantity of reading being undertaken                are designed to be manageable
academically and socially. It is an
                                              by students directly correlates to                  for teachers and students.
expectation that by the end of the
year students will be taking full             positive academic gains. For these
                                              reasons, daily reading will remain the              Assessment tools may include
responsibility for their learning.
                                              core of our home learning practices                 but are not limited to
Students are expected to come with
a positive attitude, ready to learn every     and expectations. We ask that parents
                                              please ensure that students are                     • Student-teacher conferences
day. Students will actively contribute
to their learning community.                  reading or being read to, every day.                • Checklists
                                                                                                  • Anecdotal Notes
Code of Conduct: Essential                    Student Portfolios
                                              Parents will be able to access digital              • Quizzes and tests
In Grade 4, each class collaboratively        portfolios via Seesaw at any time                   • Portfolios
agrees to a set of essential agreements.      during the year. Parents are able to
                                              discuss and reflect on portfolio entries            • Projects and Presentations
These rights and responsibilities are
created, reviewed and decided upon            with their child.                                   • Oral evaluations
by the Grade 4 students and teacher.                                                              • Student self-assessments
They are then published and publicized        Technology Use                                        and reflections
in the classroom as reminders of              Students are expected to read and
appropriate behavior.                         follow the SCIS-Pudong Lower
                                              School Acceptable Use of Technology
Homework Guidelines                           Policy. Each student will have a
In addition to what is stated in              personal blog to communicate with
the Lower School Parent-Student               the community. Parents are able to
Handbook (section 3.7) on Home-               access their child’s blog at any time.
work, we aim to give students as              The classroom blog which parents
much choice and control over their            will also be able to access at any
learning as possible, and this includes       time will include updated information
the independent learning they do at           related to curriculum notices and
home. We also want to work with               special events.
the students and their parents to
ensure that well-being and balance
is maintained.

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GRADE 4 Curriculum Guide 2020-2021 - Our Mission: To develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring - Shanghai ...
Part III               International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme (PYP)

At SCIS-Pudong we are authorized to             • Collecting data and reporting findings;         • Who We Are
teach the International Baccalaureate
                                                • Clarifying existing ideas and                   • Where We Are in Place and Time
Primary Years Programme (IBPYP).
                                                  reappraising perceptions of events;
The IBPYP is an integrated curriculum                                                             • How We Express Ourselves
that is relevant, challenging and               • Deepening understanding through
                                                                                                  • How the World Works
engaging for learners from Nursery                the application of a concept;
to Grade 5. It is an inquiry-driven                                                               • How We Organize Ourselves
                                                • Making and testing theories;
concept-based curriculum frame-                                                                   • Sharing the Planet
work that actively encourages                   • Researching and seeking
students to ask questions and seek                information;
                                                                                                  All of the units of inquiry which the
answers to the world around them.               • Taking and defending a position;                students learn about are together
                                                  and                                             known as the Programme of Inquiry.
Inquiry-based learning involves:                                                                  All curriculum areas are integrated
                                                • Solving problems in a variety
                                                                                                  where appropriate however single
                                                  of ways
• Exploring, wondering and                                                                        subject teaching also occurs separately.
  questioning;                                                                                    In all grade levels the homeroom
                                                Much of the curriculum is arranged
• Experimenting and playing with                                                                  teacher teaches most of the subjects
                                                and taught through large cross-
  possibilities;                                                                                  however, the children attend
                                                curricular units of study known as
                                                                                                  specialist lessons for the Arts, World
• Making connections between previ-             units of inquiry. Throughout the
                                                                                                  Languages (Mandarin), Physical
  ous learning and current learning;            Lower School these units are
                                                                                                  Education and Library.
                                                arranged under six themes. These
• Making predictions and acting                 same themes are repeated at every
  purposefully to see what happens;             grade level. The themes are:

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As IB learners we strive to be:

                                       We nurture our curiosity, developing skills for inquiry and research.
          Inquirers                    We know how to learn independently and with others. We learn with
                                       enthusiasm and sustain our love of learning throughout life.

                                       We develop and use conceptual understanding, exploring knowledge
   Knowledgeable                       across a range of disciplines. We engage with issues and ideas that have
                                       local and global significance.

                                       We use critical and creative thinking skills to analyze and take responsible
           Thinkers                    action on complex problems. We exercise initiative in making reasoned,
                                       ethical decisions.

                                       We express ourselves confidently and creatively in more than one
   Communicators                       language and in many ways. We collaborate effectively, listening carefully
                                       to the perspectives of other individuals and groups.

                                       We act with integrity and honesty, with a strong sense of fairness and
          Principled                   justice, and with respect for the dignity and rights of people everywhere.
                                       We take responsibility for our actions and their consequences.

                                       We critically appreciate our own cultures and personal histories, as well as
     Open-minded                       the values and traditions of others. We seek and evaluate a range of points
                                       of view, and we are willing to grow from the experience.

                                       We show empathy, compassion and respect. We have a commitment
            Caring                     to service, and we act to make a positive difference in the lives of others
                                       and in the world around us.

                                       We approach uncertainty with forethought and determination. We work
          Risk-takers                  independently and cooperatively to explore new ideas and innovative strategies.
                                       We are resourceful and resilient in the face of challenges and change.

                                       We understand the importance of balancing different aspects of our lives—intellectual,
           Balanced                    physical, and emotional—to achieve well-being for ourselves and others.We recognize
                                       our interdependence with other people and with the world in which we live.

                                       We thoughtfully consider the world and our own ideas and experience.
          Reflective                   We work to understand our strengths and weaknesses in order to support
                                       our learning and personal development.

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Part IV                GRADE 4 Programme of Inquiry

WHO WE ARE?                                      WHERE WE ARE IN                                  HOW WE EXPRESS
                                                 PLACE AND TIME?                                  OURSELVES?

Central idea:                                    Central idea:                                     Central idea:
Individuals grow and improve                     Exploration leads to discovery                    Examining art lets us understand
through systematic approaches                    and develops new understandings.                  the lives of people in different
to learning.                                                                                       times, places, and cultures.
                                                 An inquiry into:
An inquiry into:                                 • The impact of explorations                      An inquiry into:
• How mindset helps our brains                   • Reasons for exploration                         • Art as a window to the past
  grow and change                                  (historical and personal)                       • Art as an expression of identity
• How documenting our learning                   • The forms of exploration                          and culture
  provides evidence of thinking                                                                    • Symbolism and metaphors
• How reflections share about                                                                        in art
  ourselves and others

HOW THE WORLD                                    HOW WE ORGANIZE                                  SHARING THE
WORKS?                                           OURSELVES?                                       PLANET

Central idea:                                    Central idea:                                     Central idea:
Exploring the properties of light                Marketplaces depend on the ability                Living things share and impact
and sound enables us to use them                 to produce goods and supply                       the environment.
for dramatic effect.                             services that can be exchanged.
                                                                                                   An inquiry into:
                                                 An inquiry into:                                  • The components of ecosystems
An inquiry into:                                 • Mediums of exhanges in various                  • How living things within an
• The characteristics and                          marketplaces (trading systems)                    ecosystem are interdependent
  properties of light and sound                  • Interconnectedness of                           • The consequences of • human
• How people have/are innovating                   economies through supply                          impact on ecosystems
  and using light and sound                        and demand
• How light and sound are used                   • Ethics of the marketplace
  for dramatic effect

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Programme of Inquiry                           English Language Arts

                                                                                                The English Language Arts standards
                                                                                                are organized by grade level, domain
                                                                                                and strands. The following domains
                                                                                                and accompanying strands are
                                                                                                addressed in English Language Arts:

                                                                                                I. Reading – Literature
                                                                                                   • Key Ideas and Details
                                                                                                   • Craft and Structure
                                                                                                   • Integration of Knowledge
                                                                                                     and Ideas
                                                                                                   • Range of Reading and Level of
                                                                                                     Text Complexity

                                                                                                II. Reading – Informational Text
                                                                                                   • Key Ideas and Details
                                                                                                   • Craft and Structure
The English Language Arts (ELA)                growth and ensuring that students                   • Integration of Knowledge and
program at SCIS prepares students              are reading books at their “just                      Ideas
to become effective communicators,             right” levels. In this way, instruction             • Range of Reading and Level of
critical thinkers, and active contributors     is differentiated to meet the needs                   Text Complexity
to a global society. The ELA program           of learners at different ability levels.
develops the essential literacy skills         Literacy skills are supported in class-          III. Reading – Foundational Skills
that students need for success at              rooms that visibly display a language               • Print Concepts
school and in life, including the use          rich environment. Teachers employ                   • Phonological Awareness
and understanding of various media             a varied approach to instructional                  • Phonics and Word Recognition
formats. Teachers guide students in            delivery, including but not limited to,             • Fluency
developing an appreciation for the             small group, whole group, shared, and
English language and help them build           independent instruction.                         IV. Writing
confidence in their English skills. The                                                           • Text Types and Purposes
program aims to excite students                SCIS implements the Common Core                    • Production and Distribution of
about English Language Arts while              State Standards for English Language                 Writing
developing essential communication             Arts (http://www.corestandards.
                                                       http://www.corestandards.                  • Research to Build and Present
and collaboration skills.                      org/ELA-Literacy/) for students
                                               org/ELA-Literacy/                                    Knowledge
                                               in Kindergarten through Grade 5.
Throughout the Lower School,                   The concepts, knowledge and skills               V. Speaking and Listening
developing positive attitudes towards          embedded in the ELA standards are                  • Comprehension and Collaboration
reading and writing is essential.              designed to provide students with                  • Presentation of Knowledge
Teachers collaboratively plan units            a solid literary foundation, as well                 and Ideas
and assess students using common               as the higher-level thinking skills and
pre-assessments and summative                  strategies necessary to be successful            VI. Language
assessments. Units are integrated into         in life outside of the classroom. The             • Conventions of Standards English
the Transdisciplinary Themes of the            K–5 ELA standards articulate what                 • Knowledge of Language
Primary Years Programme where                  students should understand and be                 • Vocabulary Acquisition and Use
appropriate. Careful attention is              able to do by the end of each grade.
placed on tracking students’ reading

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Programme of Inquiry                             English as an Additional Language (EAL)

Language Acquisition at SCIS                    monitored by EAL and homeroom                        literacy and English Language Arts
SCIS creates a multi-lingual learning           teachers, and students do not receive                standards
environment in which the language               direct support from EAL teachers.
                                                                                                  d) Ensure assessments and lesson
of instruction is English, while also                                                                activities are differentiated and
fostering other languages, including            1. Pull-Out Model (Stage 1):
                                                                                                     scaffolded to target students’
mother tongue. The acquisition of               Within the Lower School, students in
                                                                                                     English proficiency levels.
additional languages provides students          grades 1-5, who are considered new
the opportunity to thrive within our            English learners in stage 1 receive               e) Ensure the domains of reading,
culturally rich community. The ability          instruction from an EAL teacher                      writing, speaking and listening
to communicate in a variety                     during an EAL Pull-Out period every                  are represented in all stages of
of modes in more than one language              day or every other day. The New                      planning, teaching and assessment.
is essential to the concept of an               English Learners groups are small, and
international education that                    the instruction is specifically targeted          3. Monitoring (Stage 3):
promotes intercultural understanding.           for their “entering” level needs.                 EAL and Homeroom teachers
                                                                                                  continue to monitor English learners
English as an Additional Language               2. Co-Teaching Model (Stage 1                     once their academic English proficiency
(EAL) at SCIS:                                  and Stage 2):                                     nears grade level proficiency for
Our EAL program follows research                English learners in stages 1 and 2                one complete academic school year
and evidence-based best practices               receive EAL support in the Co-Teac                (e.g. Jan-Jan; Aug-Aug). However,
in academic language acquisition; is            hing Model. In the Co-Teaching                    the EAL teacher no longer provides
guided by WIDA’s English Language               Model, EAL Teachers collaborate to:               direct instruction. Effective monitor-
Development standards; and is                                                                     ing includes collaborative analysis of
aligned with IB PYP philosophies.               a) Co-plan, co-teach, & co-assess                 classroom formative and summative
Through our program, our EAL                       with the homeroom teachers                     assessments; NWEA MAP test results;
and homeroom teachers maximize                     during English Language Arts and/               and Fountas and Pinnell reading
co-planning and co-assessing time                  or the Units of Inquiry in the                 assessments. If it is determined that a
to integrate content, language, and                homeroom classrooms                            student is not continuing to prog-
literacy instruction effectively, which                                                           ress, an English language proficiency
                                                b) Play an integral role in curriculum
accelerates academic language                                                                     assessment may be used to determine
                                                   development through the
development.                                                                                       if the student receives stage 2
                                                   development of the PYP Units of
                                                                                                  support again. Once the student is
                                                   Inquiry with homeroom teachers
Pudong Lower School                                                                               performing at grade level, the student
                                                   and the PYP Coordinator
EAL Program:                                                                                      is exited from the EAL program, and
SCIS had adopted to EAL program                 c) Ensure teaching and unit                       parents are notified.
models to support the various                      development addresses content,
proficiency levels of our students
acquiring academic English: A Pull-out
Model and a Co-Teaching Model.
All students acquiring English, i.e.
English Learners (ELs), participate
in the Co-Teaching Model. New
English learners, i.e. English learners
at WIDA’s “Entering” level of English
Language Development, also
participate in Pull-Out EAL every day.
The EAL Program support is divided
in stages. Stage 1 provides pull-out
and co-teaching support. Stage 2
provides co-teaching support.
In stage 3, ELs’ performance is

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Programme of Inquiry                          Mathematics

The Mathematics program at SCIS              the five essential elements of the                Process Domains:
provides constructive opportunities          PYP: knowledge, concepts, skills,                 1. Make sense of problems and
for students to be challenged and            attitudes and actions, inform planning,             persevere in solving them
supported to think deeply about              teaching and assessing of mathematics
                                                                                               2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively
the problems they are solving. Our           throughout the SCIS Lower School.
program supports the development             Through an inquiry-based workshop                 3. Construct viable arguments and
of critical thinking, problem solving,       approach, teachers seek to provide                  critique the reasoning of others
and collaboration skills, as students        opportunities for all students to                 4. Model with mathematics
are continually encouraged to                have access to the highest quality
explore, extend, explain and evaluate        mathematics teaching and learning.                5. Use appropriate tools strategically
their mathematical thinking through          SCIS implements the Common                        6. Attend to precision
open-ended problem solving and               Core State Standards for Mathemat-
questioning. Students are expected      
                                             ics (                7. Look for and make use of structure
to use a variety of strategies and           Math/) for students in Kindergarten
justify their answers explaining the         through Grade 5. The K–5                          Content Domains:
processes they used. Through a               mathematics standards articulate                  I. Counting and Cardinality
differentiated, student-centered             what students should understand                   II. Operations and Algebraic Thinking
approach, students of all levels and         and be able to do by the end of each
                                                                                               III. Number and operations in
abilities are engaged, supported and         grade. The standards are organized
                                                                                                    Base Ten
challenged.                                  according to process standards and
                                             content standards. The following                  IV. Number and Operations
Mathematics is imbedded into the             process and content domains are                       – Fractions
Primary Years Programme (PYP)                addressed within the mathematics                  V. Measurement and Data
Units of Inquiry, as well as taught in a     curriculum:
subject specific context. In addition                                                          VI. Geometry
to the IB Learner Profile attributes,

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GRADE 4 Curriculum Guide 2020-2021 - Our Mission: To develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring - Shanghai ...
Programme of Inquiry                             Science

The Science program at SCIS                     students understand the nature of                 Program units of inquiry. The units
provides constructive opportunities             science and scientific concepts. They             of inquiry are based on six
to nurture students’ curiosity about            also understand that science tells us             Transdisciplinary Themes: How
the physical and natural world. Our             about the world, but not what we                  the World Works, How we Express
program supports the development                should do with this knowledge. So,                Ourselves, Sharing the Planet, Who we
of critical thinkers, who are skeptical         we foster the shared responsibility               Are, Where we are in Place and Time,
and seek evidence to support                    for the ethical practice of science and           and How we Organize Ourselves. The
claims. Students are encouraged to              use of scientific knowledge.                      standards are organized into the
see themselves as scientists, who                                                                 following four domains.
understand that collaboration and               SCIS implements the science
social construction of knowledge are            standards from the Ontario Ministry               I. Life Systems
essential aspects of this discipline.           of Education for students in Kinder-              II. Structures and Mechanisms
Through inquiry and assessment,                 garten through Grade 5. The science               III. Matter and Energy
we nurture and support a sense of               standards within the Lower School                 IV. Earth and Space Systems.
perseverance and resilience. Our                are embedded into the Primary Years

 Our Mission: To develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring learners who contribute positively to their communities.             Page 10
Programme of Inquiry                         Social Studies

                                                                                              Standard 2: Connections
                                                                                              and Conflict
                                                                                              • Students will understand causes
                                                                                                and effects of interaction among
                                                                                                societies, including trade, systems
                                                                                                of international exchange, war, and

                                                                                              Standard 3: Geography
                                                                                              • Students will understand the
                                                                                                interactions and relationship
                                                                                                between human societies and their
                                                                                                physical environment.
                                                                                              Standard 4: Culture
                                                                                              • Students will understand cultural
                                                                                                and intellectual developments and
                                                                                                interactions among societies.

                                                                                              Standard 5: Society and Identity
                                                                                              • Students will understand social
Within the Lower School, Social              rounded curriculum complete with
                                                                                                systems and structures and how
Studies is embedded into the Primary         planning, teaching and assessing.
                                                                                                these influence individuals.
 Years Program units of inquiry. The         Evidence of student learning can
units of inquiry are based on six            be seen through various avenues,
                                                                                              Standard 6: Government
Transdisciplinary Themes: How the            however the most notable being
                                                                                              • Students will understand why
World Works, How we Express Ourselves,       the students’ willingness and ability
                                                                                                societies create and adopt systems
Sharing the Planet, Who we Are, Where        to take action to make a positive
                                                                                                of governance and how they
we are in Place and Time, and How we         difference in the world.
                                                                                                address human needs, rights,
Organize Ourselves. Using an inquiry
                                                                                                responsibilities and citizenship.
-based methodology, teachers and             SCIS implements the Social Studies
students explore a wide range of             standards developed by the                       Standard 7: Economics
significant, relevant and engaging           “American Education Reaches Out”                 • Students will understand
social studies themes and topics.            (AERO). Grade level performance                    fundamental economic principles
Teachers and students work together          indicators guide the Social Studies                and ways in which economies are
to develop enduring understandings           curriculum. The curriculum                         shaped by geographic and human
that are conceptual in nature and            emphasizes concepts, skills and                    factors.
substantial enough to lead to                content related to: Time; Continuity
in-depth inquiries. Teachers encourage       and Change; Connections and Conflict;            Standard 8: Science and Technology
students to formulate an                     Geography; Culture; Society and Identity;        • Students will understand how
understanding of their personal and          Government; Economics; and Science                 societies have influenced and
cultural identities, as well as those        and Technology.                                    been influenced by scientific
of others in order to promote                                                                   developments and technological
intercultural awareness and respect          Standard 1: Time, Continuity,                      development.
for individuals, their values and            and Change
traditions. Emphasizing the IB learner       • Students will understand patterns of
profile attributes, as well as the five        change and continuity, relationships
essential elements of the program              between people and events through
(knowledge, concepts, skills, attitudes        time, and various interpretations of
and action), helps ensure a well-              these relationships.

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Programme of Inquiry                             Mandarin

Multiple development levels of                  technical development. Knowledge                  and work comfortably with the
Mandarin ranging from Novice                    and skills development tends to                   content in the abstract and make
to Advanced are offered at each                 involve expanding repertoire of                   connections in completely unfamiliar
grade-level for non-native Mandarin             conceptual understandings and skills              settings. The learning opportunities
speakers. The context of the topics             through varied practice and study.                focus on challenging conceptual
is determined based on the student                                                                understandings and effective skill
abilities and learning outcomes, as             Intermediate Low                                  application. Knowledge and skills
well as prior language experience.              The student works independently                   development tends to involve
Students for whom Mandarin is not               with the content and has command                  discriminating between closely
their native language are placed in             of several key aspects. The learning              related concepts and perfecting skills
one of the following groups:                    opportunities focus on depth of                   through conscientious scrutiny and
                                                understanding and flexibility of                  concise use.
Novice Low                                      application. Knowledge and skills
The student has little or no previous           development tends to involve                      Students for whom Mandarin is their
exposure to conceptual knowledge                refining skills and gaining deeper                native language or are near native
and skills associated with the                  conceptual understanding through                  speakers are placed in the native
content. The learning opportunities             strategic use of conceptual                       / near native Mandarin class. The
are designed to build familiarity.              knowledge and skills.                             curriculum parallels the standards
Knowledge and skill development                                                                   from the Shanghai Ministry of
tends to involve developing                     Intermediate Mid                                  Education, as well as content related
fragments of understanding and                  The student is able to recognize                  to the grade level Units of Inquiry.
limited independent ability through
repeating systematic processes,
following examples and exploring

Novice Mid
The student recognizes the content
and can make associations. The
learning opportunities are designed
to widen the scope of familiarity.
Knowledge and skill development
tends to involve developing cohesive
understanding and independent
abilities centered around specific
concepts or skills through focused
practice and study.

Novice High
The student has working knowledge
and skills associated with the content.
The learning opportunities focus on

 Our Mission: To develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring learners who contribute positively to their communities.            Page 12
Programme of Inquiry                          Visual and Performing Arts (Music and Art)

                                                                                               these differentiated experiences,
                                                                                               students learn to communicate
                                                                                               ideas of personal, regional or cultural
                                                                                               significance in a variety of forms and
                                                                                               modes. They also make connections
                                                                                               within and among the arts, and with
                                                                                               other disciplines. This allows them to
                                                                                               develop a deeper understanding and
                                                                                               appreciation of their own identity
                                                                                               and culture, as well as other ideas
                                                                                               and cultural contexts that can be
                                                                                               explored through the arts.

                                                                                               The program aims to recognize and
The Visual and Performing Arts                are in an environment where they                 nurture artistic abilities, as well as
(VPA) program at the Lower                    are encouraged to take risks and                 other skills and competencies related
School aims to build a lifelong ability       learn new things, therefore, we aim              to this domain. Therefore, in addition
to interact with, respond to, and             to not only develop technical and                to the confidence and personal
appreciate the arts. We believe that          expressive competencies, but to                  expressive skills that students
the arts are an essential part of a           build confidence so that students                develop, other skills are nurtured
balanced and effective education.             see themselves as capable artists,               through participation in our rich
A strong arts education enhances              performers and musicians.                        VPA program. These include but are
academic performance in other                                                                  not limited to: creative thinking skills,
disciplines, and impacts a range of           The VPA program at SCIS gives                    empathy, self-reflection, how to give
important developmental skills and            students the opportunity to express              and receive feedback, technical skills,
understandings. We also believe               ideas and emotions that cannot be                cooperation and collaboration skills,
that students learn best when they            expressed in words alone. Through                and self-discipline.

   Programme of Inquiry                          Information Communication Technology (ICT)

The lower school technology                   students as well as a digital portfolio          tools ensure that all parents,
program seeks to integrate                    for each student during their tenure             regardless of language background
technology skills with authentic              within the Lower School at SCIS-                 can feel connected and part of their
classroom content and activities.             Pudong.                                          child’s learning journey at school.
Students will have the opportunity to
utilize computers and iPads as tools          Seesaw’s child-friendly, student-                Seesaw empowers students to
for learning, research, communication         centered design and simple layout                independently document and share
and creative expression. This includes        allows students to easily navigate the           their learning with an authentic
students being active innovators and          program and capture their learning               larger audience, while receiving
designers that engage in authentic            in multiple forms including photos,              positive and timely feedback from
learning experiences which allow              videos, drawings, text, and links.               teachers, parents, peers and family
them to create original designs,              Additionally, Seesaw encourages                  members around the globe. Seesaw
products and devices.                         families to be part of the learning              is accessible from any device (i.e. iOS,
                                              process, as they regularly are able to           Android, Kindle Fire, Chromebooks)
Seesaw                                        view updates to their child’s Seesaw             and it easily allows students, teachers
Seesaw (
              journal and provide positive and                 and parents to review progress over
serves as the primary communication           timely feedback and encouragement.               time and recognize student growth in
tool for parents, teachers and                Plus, Seesaw’s built-in translation              all core and specialist subject areas.

 Page 13                 Our Mission: To develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring learners who contribute positively to their communities.
Programme of Inquiry                             Physical Education

The Physical Education program                     elements and/ or criteria and can              What to Wear:
is based upon the Personal, Social                 communicate feelings, emotions                 Grade 4 students are expected to
and Physical Education (PSPE)                      and ideas (for example, gymnastics,            wear their PE uniform to school on
Scope and Sequence from the                        dance*, martial arts). 

                      the days that PE occurs for their
International Baccalaureate Primary                                                               class. The uniform includes:
Years Programme. PSPE is focused                • Games: Recognizing the
on the development of individual                  challenges presented by games;                  • Appropriate sports shoes
well-being through the integration of             the importance of manipulating                    (sandals, crocs or flipflops are not
specific concepts, knowledge, skills,             space; the categorizing of games;                 acceptable PE shoes)
and attitudes within the PE units.                identifying and developing                      • An SCIS PE Shirt
Students will participate in balanced             appropriate skills and strategies;              • Appropriate SCIS shorts or
PE program during the course of                   recognizing the importance of rules               trousers
the year that includes the following              and how they define the nature of               • A labelled water bottle
experiences:                                      a game; modifying existing games                During Swimming units (Fall and
                                                  and creating new games; teamwork.                 Spring) students should bring:
• Individual pursuits (Athletics                                                                  • A one-piece swimsuit and a towel
  and Swimming): The development                • Adventure challenges: A                           (please ensure they are labelled
  of basic motor skills and the body’s            variety of tasks requiring the use                with the child’s name)
  capacity for movement through                   of physical and critical-thinking               • Goggles
  locomotor and manipulative skills               skills by individuals and/or groups;            • A swim cap is compulsory for
  and/or experiences; the techniques,             challenges that require groups                    swimmers with medium to long
  rules and purpose of a range of                 to work together collaboratively                  hair.
  athletic activities (for example,               in order to solve problems and
  track and field, swimming, skating,             accomplish a common goal;                       Sickness and/or medical concerns
  skiing); recognizing a high level of            recognizing the role of the                     Please send a medical certificate if
  achievement and how to improve a                individual in group problem solving.            your child is unable to participate in a
  performance.                                                                                    PE lesson.
                                                • Health-related fitness:
• Movement composition:                           Recognizing and appreciating
  Recognizing that movements can                  the importance of maintaining
  be linked together and refined                  a healthy lifestyle; the body’s
  to create a sequence of aesthetic               response to exercise including the
  movements. Movements can be in                  interaction of body systems and
  response to stimuli or performance              the development of physical fitness.

 Our Mission: To develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring learners who contribute positively to their communities.            Page 14
Pudong Campus
 198 Hengqiao Road, Kangqiao,
Pudong, Shanghai, China 201315
    Phone: 86-21-5812-9888
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