GGI World Conference in Vienna, Austria - News and Information for Members and Friends of GGI

Page created by Craig Douglas
GGI World Conference in Vienna, Austria - News and Information for Members and Friends of GGI

                               GGI World
News and
for Members
and Friends
of GGI
                               in Vienna,
Issue No. 90 | July 2017
© 2017 - GGI Global Alliance
                                GGI INSIDER | No. 90 | July 2017
GGI World Conference in Vienna, Austria - News and Information for Members and Friends of GGI
2                    CONTACT | EDITORIAL | CONTENT

                                       Dear GGI Members,
                                       Dear Friends,

                                          We have put together a great variety   tween GGI members Horizon Group
                                       of news items and interesting articles    (China) and ACN Acender Capital
                                       – just in time for the summer holidays.   Network (Chile) at the latest GGI Lat-
                                       In addition to providing you with brief   in American Conference. Nörenberg
                                       reviews of the successful GGI North       Schröder are also updating their brand
                                       American Regional Conference in Van-      for the next generation with a name
                                       couver, the GGI Australian Business       change to nbs partners.
                                       Summit in Sydney, and the GGI French-        As the Trump presidency is still a hot
                                       Speaking Chapter in Paris, we also hope   topic, we explore the effect it has had
                                       to pique your interest in a few other     on Canada. We also have articles from
Contact                                upcoming events: GGI’s Nordic-Baltic      India, the Netherlands, France and Ar-
                                       Meeting in Leiden, the Netherlands;       gentina, covering everything from his-
GGI Geneva Group International AG      the German-Speaking Chapter in Kas-       toric elections and their consequences,
Schaffhauserstrasse 550                sel, Germany; the GGI North American      ultimate beneficial owners and inclu-
8052 Zurich                            Best Practices & Developing Leaders       sive leadership.
Switzerland                            Conference in Pittsburgh, PA, USA; the       Our Practice Groups continue to be
T: +41 44 256 18 18                    GGI World Conference in Vienna, Aus-      well represented, with articles encom-
E:                        tria; and the GGI Litigation & Dispute    passing a recent bankruptcy bill in Ma-
W:                         Resolution Practice Group Extraordi-      laysia, Spain and the golden visa, trusts
W:                    nary Meeting in Miami, FL, USA.           and their impacts in Brazil, and an
                                          There are also some wonderful          overview of the Indian Real Estate Act,
                                       achievements from our members, in-        2016. We also look at the long-awaited
                                       cluding: Lesley Gregory and Nick Da-      adoption of the New York Convention
                                       vis from Memery Crystal, who were         on the recognition and enforcement
Disclaimer                             recently selected for inclusion in The    of foreign arbitral awards by Angola,
                                       Best Lawyers™ in the United Kingdom       a new apprenticeship levy in England,
The information provided in this       2017; FPS, who accomplished a great       and HM Revenue & Customs introduc-
INSIDER came from reliable             ranking in the German legal journal       tion of a new ‘requirement to correct’
sources and was prepared from          ‘JUVE’. There was also cause for cele-    for offshore tax matters in the UK.
data assumed to be correct; how-       bration for GGI member firms in Paris        We hope that you enjoy reading this
ever, prior to making it the basis     and Orlando, when LBME Avocats and        wonderful summer edition of INSID-
of a decision, it must be double-      Rosenfield & Company, PLLC, both          ER.
checked. Ratings and assess-           added partners.
ments reflect the personal opinion        News includes the collaboration be-      Your GGI Team
of the respective author only. We
neither accept liability for nor are
we able to guarantee the content.
This publication is for GGI internal
use only and intended solely and
exclusively for GGI members.

If you wish to be removed from
the mailing list, send an email to Alternatively, let us
know what you think about INSID-
ER. We welcome your feedback.

GGI World Conference in Vienna, Austria - News and Information for Members and Friends of GGI

Contents                                                                                                                                      Diary
    EDITORIAL, CONTACT, DISCLAIMER......................................................................... 02
                                                                                                                                             ➜ 08-10 September 2017
    DIARY...............................................................................................................................03     GGI German-Speaking Chapter
  UPCOMING GGI EVENTS                                                                                                                          Kassel, Germany
  ➜ GGI German-Speaking Chapter, Kassel, Germany | 08-10 September 2017............ 04                                                       ➜ 15-16 September 2017
  ➜ GGI Nordic-Baltic Meeting, Leiden, The Netherlands | 15-16 September 2017........05                                                        GGI Nordic-Baltic Meeting
  ➜ GGI Best Practices and Developing Leaders,                                                                                                 Leiden, The Netherlands
		 Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA | 21-23 September 2017��������������������������������������������� 06                                     ➜ 21-23 September 2017
  ➜ GGI World Conference, Vienna, Austria | 19-22 October 2017������������������������������������07
                                                                                                                                               GGI North American Best
  ➜ GGI Litigation & Dispute Resolution Practice Group
		 Extraordinary Meeting, Miami, Florida, USA | 03-06 November 2017 ����������������������10                                                  Practices & Developing
                                                                                                                                               Leaders Conference
    REVIEW OF GGI EVENTS                                                                                                                       Pittsburgh, PA, USA
    ➜ GGI North American Regional Conference, Vancouver, Canada ������������������������������11                                            ➜ 19-22 October 2017
    ➜ GGI Australian Business Summit, Sydney, Australia�������������������������������������������������13
    ➜ GGI French-Speaking Chapter, Paris, France������������������������������������������������������������ 14                               GGI World Conference
                                                                                                                                               Vienna, Austria
    GGI NEW MEMBER FIRMS������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 16                       ➜ 03-06 November 2017
  GGI INTERNAL NEWS                                                                                                                            GGI Litigation & Dispute
  ➜ Collaboration between GGI Members in Asia-Pacific and Latin America ............. 19                                                       Resolution PG Meeting
  ➜ Nörenberg Schröder becomes nbs partners........................................................................ 20                         Miami, FL, USA
  ➜ Does size matter? – Positive Ranking of FPS...........................................................20                                 ➜ 10-12 November 2017 (TBC)
  ➜ Myla Remer becomes first female partner of Rosenfield and Company, PLLC ..... 21                                                           GGI EasyMeet
  ➜ Memery Crystal's CEO and Chairman recognised by
                                                                                                                                               Milan, Italy
		 The Best Lawyers™ in the United Kingdom 2017................................................ 22
  ➜ LMBE adds two new partners ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 23                         ➜ 30 November-03 December 2017
                                                                                                                                               GGI Asia-Pacific
  COMMON INTEREST                                                                                                                              Regional Conference
  ➜ Inclusive Leadership.................................................................................................24                    Bali, Indonesia
  ➜ Moving Skilled Workers to Canada – An Appealing                                                                                          ➜ 02-04 February 2018
		 North American Alternative in the Trump Era........................................................ 25                                      GGI PG Chairpersons Meeting
  ➜ Ultimate Beneficial Ownership in the Netherlands...............................................27                                          Zurich, Switzerland
  ➜ Macron’s Marvellous Medicine...............................................................................28
                                                                                                                                             ➜ 16-18 February 2018 (TBC)
  ➜ Argentina, on the Path to Investment.....................................................................30
                                                                                                                                               GGI Middle East & Africa
  GGI PRACTICE GROUP PAGES                                                                                                                     Regional Conference
    DEBT COLLECTION, RESTRUCTURING & INSOLVENCY                                                                                                Marrakech, Morocco
		 Bankruptcy Bill 2016, Malaysia................................................................................ 32                         ➜ 22 February 2018 (TBC)
    GLOBAL MOBILITY SOLUTIONS                                                                                                                  GGI Indirect Taxes PG Meeting
    The ‘Golden Visa’ for Spain...................................................................................... 33                       Marbella, Spain
    INDIRECT TAXES                                                                                                                           ➜ 22 February 2018 (TBC)
    HM Revenue & Customs Introduce a New ‘Requirement to Correct’
		 for Offshore Tax Matters – Who Will this Affect?.......................................................34                                   GGI Global Mobility Solutions
    LABOUR LAW                                                                                                                                 PG Meeting
    The Apprenticeship Levy in the UK: What Is It?....................................................... 35                                   Marbella, Spain
    LITIGATION & DISPUTE RESOLUTION                                                                                                          ➜ 22-25 February 2018 (TBC)
    Angola approves its accession to the New York Convention.................................. 37                                              GGI ITPG Global Tax Summit
    REAL ESTATE                                                                                                                                Marbella, Spain
		 Overview of the Indian Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Act, 2016...... 38
                                                                                                                                             ➜ 23-25 February 2018 (TBC)
		 Trusts and Their Impacts in Brazil...........................................................................39                             GCG Capital M&A
                                                                                                                                               Dealmakers Meeting
    BOOK REVIEW................................................................................................................ 41             Marbella, Spain
                                                                                                                                               Please refer to our website
                                                                                                                                               for actualised information
                                                                                                                                               and additional events:
                                                                                                                                      > Events.

                                                                                                     GGI INSIDER | No. 90 | July 2017
GGI World Conference in Vienna, Austria - News and Information for Members and Friends of GGI
4                           UPCOMING GGI EVENTS

Kassel, Germany

Kassel, Germany | 08-10 September 2017

GGI German-Speaking
Chapter: GGI and Art
continue to go hand-in-hand
   This year’s event will be held in Kas-     includes a private guided tour of this      capital of the Brothers Grimm's Fairy
sel, Germany, and is kindly hosted            year’s exhibition.                          Tale Route due to the wonderful compo-
by GGI member firm FACT GmbH                     Another option for those attending       sitions from Wilhelm and Jacob Grimm.
Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft.              is a guided tour of the Wilhelmshöhe        The brothers published their first book
   In addition to informative presenta-       mountain park, a UNESCO World Heri-         of fairy tales over two hundred years
tions, the fringe social events offer a       tage site since 2013. It is surely one of   ago; wonderful stories that are still
superb opportunity to meet fellow GGI         the most impressive experiences that        loved today, such as Rapunzel, Hansel
members and strengthen relationships          can be had during a visit to Kassel. The    & Gretel, Snow White, and Little Red
with existing contacts.                       architecture and landscape are a breath-    Riding Hood, to name a few.
   If you’re planning to join us in Kassel,   taking combination. Once reserved for          GGI members may register online
you will be lucky enough to be visiting       princes, the castle, which was one of       using the online registration link pro-
the city during the fourteenth edition        the few remaining buildings left stand-     vided in the internal area of the GGI
of the documenta. The documenta is            ing after Kassel was razed by British       website ( > Log In > GGI
the world's leading contemporary art          bombers in 1943, and the park are now       Events > Upcoming Events > Locate
exhibition, an occasion of great dis-         a favourite destination for those seeking   the Event > external link). The detailed
tinction and a showcase for the latest        relaxation. Fantastic views and insights    draft programme for the meeting is also
trends in international art. The option-      make this tour a real pleasure.             available here. Register soon as remain-
al programme on Saturday afternoon               During the 1800s, Kassel became the      ing spaces are limited!

GGI World Conference in Vienna, Austria - News and Information for Members and Friends of GGI

Leiden, The Netherlands | 15-16 September 2017

GGI Nordic-Baltic Meeting:
TeekensKarstens is the host!
   The fifth GGI Nordic-Baltic Meeting
will be held in Leiden, kindly hosted
by GGI member firm TeekensKarstens
advocaten notarissen.
   The meeting promises to be a su-
perb opportunity for GGI members
from the Nordic-Baltic region to con-
nect or reconnect, to find out more
each other’s key competencies, op-
portunities and challenges. The meet-
ing is also open to those from outside
the region but who have business in-
terests or would simply like to explore
opportunities in the area.
   Yes, we do realise the Netherlands
isn’t part of the Nordic-Baltic region.
However, TeekensKarstens have had
extensive experience with Nordic cli-
ents and two lawyers fluent in Swedish
help to man TK’s Nordic desk. They
are fully equipped to act as an active
partner to Nordic clients contemplat-
ing entry to the Dutch market, as well
as Dutch companies that do business
in the Nordic markets.
   Only 30 minutes away from Am-
sterdam, Leiden is home to the oldest
and most prestigious university in the
Netherlands (Einstein was a regular
professor), as well as Rembrandt’s
birthplace. Certainly, this is is one of
the Netherlands' great cities. Leyden
in Dutch, it was the place America’s
pilgrims raised money for the May-
flower that sailed them to the New
World in the 17th century. The city is
a charming community located in the          Leiden, The Netherlands
tulip-growing district of the Nether-
lands.                                       are invited to join in the optional pro-   tion link provided in the internal area
   The programme we have planned is          gramme, which includes a boat cruise       of our website ( > Log In
a short one, officially starting on Friday   with lunch, a sailing regatta on Lake      > GGI Events > Upcoming Events >
morning, 15 September, at the offices        Kagerplassen, and dinner in a local        Locate the Event > external link). The
of TeekensKarstens and ending just           restaurant.                                draft programme for the meeting is
after noon on Saturday, 16 September.           GGI members who would like to           also available here. We look forward
Those with a little more time to spare       register should use the online registra-   to welcoming you to Leiden!

                                                               GGI INSIDER | No. 90 | July 2017
GGI World Conference in Vienna, Austria - News and Information for Members and Friends of GGI
6                         UPCOMING GGI EVENTS

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA | 21-23 September 2017

GGI North American
Best Practices & Developing
Leaders Conference
   This September, GGI is proud to        turning to lead the Developing Lead-       Conference will be held at a hotel wor-
continue the tradition of the combined    ers programme in Pittsburgh as well as     thy of the history of Pittsburgh. The
Best Practices & Developing Leaders       an interactive joint leadership session    Omni William Penn Hotel sits directly
Conference in Pittsburgh. This is the     between both groups of participants.       in the centre of the city and has played
4th year of this one-of-a-kind-event,     The GORUCK programme still stands          a significant role throughout its history.
and it will be one of the most engaging   as one of the most memorable team-         The hotel is known for hosting movie
programmes we have put together to        building programmes run at a GGI           stars, heads of state and leaders of in-
date. The host firms, Cohen & Grigsby     event. Needless to say, we are thrilled    dustry, and has just completed a reno-
and Grossman Yanak & Ford, are ac-        to welcome John back.                      vation to honour its 100th anniversary.
tive members of GGI and are looking          We will also continue to build on          This event will no doubt be one to re-
forward to welcoming participants to      the momentum established at the Best       member. GGI members who would like
their historic city.                      Practices session at last year’s Confer-   to register may still do so via the inter-
   Professor Barbara Tannebaum, from      ence with regards to the exchange and      nal area of our website (
Brown University, will be a featured      presentation of firm measurables in          > Log In > GGI Events > Upcoming
speaker during this event. She is a re-   the Benchmarking session led by the        Events > Locate the Event > external
spected authority on various forms of     Best Practices Special Interest Group.     link). The detailed draft programme
communication and how they play a            These are only some of the high-        for the meeting is also available here.
key role in our everyday lives.           lights of the planned programme. You       Pittsburgh is going to be great fun! See
   John Croft of GORUCK will be re-       might also want to take note that the      you there!

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA

GGI World Conference in Vienna, Austria - News and Information for Members and Friends of GGI

Vienna, Austria

Vienna, Austria | 19-22 October 2017

GGI World Conference:
Vienna waits for you!
   Just over 250 delegates have already
registered to join us in Vienna for the an-
nual GGI World Conference. Hosted by
four GGI member firms (Austin | BFP,
Contax, Hasberger_Seitz & Partner, and
Tramposch & Partner), we promise you
that this will be a spectacular event.
Billy Joel wasn’t off the mark when he
crooned, “When will you realise, Vienna
waits for you?”

Keynote Speakers
   Our two Keynote Speakers, H.E. Ben-
ita Ferrero-Waldner and Prof Dr Hans-
Werner Sinn, will no doubt engage and         H.E. Benita Ferrero-Waldner               Prof Dr Hans-Werner Sinn
challenge you.
   H.E. Benita Ferrero-Waldner – We are       American & Iberian Regional Conference       A career diplomat, H.E. Benita Ferre-
delighted to welcome H.E. Benita Ferre-       in Madrid, and provided much food for     ro-Waldner has been Secretary of State
ro-Waldner back as a Keynote Speaker.         thought as she discussed “Latin America   and Minister of Foreign Affairs in her
She was with us at last year’s GGI Latin-     and the European Union Relations”.                          page

                                                               GGI INSIDER | No. 90 | July 2017
GGI World Conference in Vienna, Austria - News and Information for Members and Friends of GGI
8                           UPCOMING GGI EVENTS

native Austria, and Commissioner of
the European Union (2004-2008). She
began her professional career in the pri-
vate sector in the 1970s and entered the
Austrian diplomatic service in 1984. In
1995, she was Head of Protocol to the
Secretary General of the United Na-
tions, Boutros Boutros-Ghali, and from
1995 to 2000, Secretary of State for For-
eign Affairs. In early 2000, H.E. Ferrero-
Waldner became Minister of Foreign
Affairs, a post she maintained until
October 2004. In 2000, she was also
President of the Organization for Secu-
rity and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE).
   She has published numerous ar-
ticles, essays and books, including
‘Charting course in a changing world’
and ‘Development Cooperation - Chal-
lenges and Visions’ (‘La Cooperación
para el Desarrollo-retos y visiones’).
She has a doctorate in Law from the
Paris-Lodron University of Salzburg
(Austria) and an Honorary Doctorate
from the Lebanese American Univer-
sity (Beirut).
   Prof Dr Hans-Werner Sinn – Hans-
Werner Sinn was President of the Ifo
Institute and Professor of Econom-           Vienna – Saint Stephen's Cathedral
ics and Public Finance at the Univer-
sity of Munich until April 2016. He is       of the International Institute of Public     highlight of the event. We plan to pub-
a member of the Council of Economic          Finance (IIPF).                              lish the meeting summaries in the next
Advisors to the German Ministry of              Sinn holds honorary doctorate de-         edition of INSIDER. If you are interest-
Economics as well as former president        grees from the Universities of Magde-        ed in taking part in one of the meet-
                                             burg, Helsinki and HHL Leipzig Gradu-        ings, please email the Chair running
                                             ate School of Management and has been        the meeting at the event. The following
                                             honoured with the Maximilian Order.          Practice Groups are planning to meet:
                                             His fields of interest include the eco-         Auditing, Reporting & Compliance
                                             nomics of transition, risk and insurance,       Business Development & Marketing
                                             natural resources, monetary trade theory        Corporate, Commercial & IP
                                             and public finance. In these areas, he has      Debt Collection, Restructuring & In-
                                             published more than 300 scholarly and           solvency
                                             policy articles. He has published a dozen       Global Mobility Solutions
                                             monographs with more than 30 editions           Governmental Affairs & Public Pro-
                                             in six languages. They include titles such      curement
                                             as ‘Can Germany Still Be Saved?’, ‘Casi-        Indirect Taxes
                                             no Capitalism’, ‘The Green Paradox’ and         International Taxation (ITPG)
                                             ‘The Euro Trap’.                                Labour Law
                                                                                             Litigation & Dispute Resolution

                                             Practice Group
                                                                                             Real Estate

                                                                                             Trust & Estate Planning

                                                                                            The following Special Interest
Vienna – “Fiaker”, horse-drawn carriages       As usual, GGI Practice Groups and          Groups are also planning to meet:
for city tours                               Special Interest Groups will be a major        Best Practices for Professional Ser-

GGI World Conference in Vienna, Austria - News and Information for Members and Friends of GGI

  vice Organisations
  Corporate Governance & Compli-
  Tax Controversy & Tax Audit Defence

GCG Capital M&A
Dealmakers Meeting
   The second GCG Geneva Capital
Group M&A Dealmakers Meeting, a
meeting for all Geneva Capital Group
members (plus any GGI members in-
terested in M&A), will also take place    Vienna – Town Hall
at this Conference on the Saturday
morning, 21 October 2017.                 na's artistic and musical masterpieces
                                          alongside its cafe culture and vibrant

                                          epicurean scene. In Vienna, the coffee
                                          house isn’t just a place to hang out,
                                          but more of an institution. According
  We welcome suggestions from to UNESCO, a morning spent with
members with regards to 90-minute a newspaper, a pastry and a strong
workshops on the Saturday morning. If espresso drink is officially a Viennese
you have a topic that you believe will cultural pastime. In order to help you
be of interest to our members, please enjoy this beautiful city to its fullest, we
email your suggestion to Linda Soriton have added a spectacular social pro-
(, Head of Confer- gramme that includes:
ences & Events, as soon as possible.         The Romantic Danube Valley,

Optional Tours
                                             Historical Vienna through Schloss
                                             Schönbrunn, including a ‘Viennese
                                             Strudel Show’;                          Vienna – monument of Johann Strauss,
  Ornate and elegant streets and im-         Jewish Vienna;                          the “Waltz King”
perial palaces set the stage for Vien-       The History of the White Horses;
                                                            On the Trails of Great   the Sunday and Monday evenings are
                                                         Musicians;                  included, as well as a group visit to a
                                                            Life and Death of the    local vineyard for lunch and a wine-
                                                         Habsburg Dynasty, in-       tasting on Monday. Delegates may
                                                         cluding a tour through      transfer to Das Eisenberg with the
                                                         Vienna Coffee Houses;       “Impressions of Burgenland” tour on
                                                            Belvedere Palace;        Sunday. Alternatively, a free shuttle to
                                                            Vienna, City of Music;   the hotel from Vienna will be provid-
                                                         and, last but not least,    ed around noon on Sunday (only for
                                                            Impressions of Bur-      pre-registered participants). A return
                                                         genland (this last tour     shuttle back to Vienna will also be
                                                         will end in Das Eisenberg   provided around noon on Tuesday, 24
                                                         on Sunday evening).         September 2017.
                                                            As an added bo-             If you haven’t already registered for
                                                         nus, Claudio G. Cocca       the Conference, please do so as soon as
                                                         warmly invites all GGI      possible using the online registration
                                                         members to visit his ho-    link provided in the internal area of the
                                                         tel, ‘Das Eisenberg’, in    GGI website ( > Log In >
                                                         Burgenland as part of       GGI Events > Upcoming Events > Lo-
Vienna – great ferris wheel at the Prater amusement GGI’s Extended Social            cate the Event > external link). “When
park                                                     Programme. Dinners on       will you realise, Vienna waits for you?”

                                                            GGI INSIDER | No. 90 | July 2017
GGI World Conference in Vienna, Austria - News and Information for Members and Friends of GGI
10                             UPCOMING GGI EVENTS

Miami, Florida, USA | 03-06 November 2017

GGI Litigation & Dispute
Resolution Practice Group
Extraordinary Meeting
   The Litigation & Dispute Resolution          an outside cabin with an ocean view as     of USD 25 per person per day, compli-
Practice Group would like to continue           well as an outside cabin with a balcony.   mentary use of two beach chairs, an
to build on its momentum of growth by              Since the cost of the cabin would       umbrella and beach towels per day,
holding another Extraordinary Meeting           already be covered with one registra-      complimentary in-room wireless inter-
in Miami during 3-6 November 2017.              tion, those who would like to bring an     net, 20% discount on all other food and
This year, in a change to the usual ho-         Accompanying Person may do so for a        beverages (excluding happy hour and
tel set-up, the Practice Group will hold        nominal fee of USD 5. Alternatively, if    breakfast), and a waived resort fee.
its meeting aboard a 3-day cruise from          two delegates are prepared to share a         We hope you will be able to join us
Miami to the Bahamas and back again.            cabin, the second delegate’s registra-     for this event in Miami. Practice Group
   If you are interested in playing a part      tion is substantially reduced.             members and any other GIG member
in the programme, please contact the               As there are several PG members         interested in Litigation & Dispute Reso-
PG Global Chairperson, Johan Lange-             who will be flying in from other states    lution are welcome to join. Please log
laar (                         or even countries, we have also organ-     into the internal area of the GGI web-
   The fee for this will be identical to last   ised group rates at the Tides Hotel on     site to register ( > Log In
year’s registration fee plus three nights       South Beach. With amongst the larg-        > GGI Events > Upcoming Events > Lo-
in the hotel, and this time the registra-       est standard rooms in Miami Beach,         cate the Event > external link). The Early
tion covers accommodation in an inside          their oceanfront studio rooms with a       Bird Registration Deadline is Friday, 1
double cabin. Upgrades are available for        King Bed also include a breakfast credit   September 2017.

GGI EVENTS REVIEW                                       11

Vancouver, BC, Canada | 22-25 June 2017
GGI North American Regional Conference

A Conference with a View
   It was a tale of trains, planes and au-
tomobiles for over 140 delegates to get
to the beautiful city of Vancouver, BC, for
the GGI North American Regional Con-
ference held on 22-25 June 2017. This
event was hosted by GGI member firm
Walsh King Chartered Professional Ac-
   The event was held at the Fairmont
Hotel Vancouver, a historic luxury hotel
known as the ‘Castle in the City’ that
stands out in the young (just 131 years
old), modern city of Vancouver. On
Thursday afternoon, the International
Taxation Practice Group (ITPG) kicked
off the start of the Conference, with sev-
eral informative presentations focused
on the possible changes looming for           View from the Vancouver Convention Center
the US tax system and the implications
this may have for cross-border transac-          GGI’s Canadian members met a little ate how we view multiple generations in
tions with Canada. In addition, Jeffery       bit before the official Welcome Recep- the workplace. Eric emphasised that the
L. Mowery (Mowery & Schoenfeld LLP)           tion, in order to get to know each other future of work is about people and creat-
and Dennis L. Nerland (Shea Nerland           a little better. As usual, Adam Crowson, ing a life that each of us can enjoy while
Calnan LLP) highlighted the process           GGI CEO North America, introduced doing the work that we do.
and criteria for becoming a partner at        several new members and candidates          The second keynote, delivered by Er-
their respective firms and emphasised         who were attending a GGI Regional Con- ick C. Christensen and Alexander Russell
the importance of growing and develop-        ference for the first time.              from Protiviti, focused on ‘Navigating
ing young talent.                                Friday opened with a Presidential Financial Intelligence in Today’s World.’
                                              Welcome from Claudio G. Cocca, Chair- They highlighted the challenges of man-
                                              man and Founder of GGI, followed by a aging the ever-changing landscape of
                                              welcome speech by the host firm, Walsh compliance requirements and regulatory
                                              King Chartered Professional Accountants, risks, and underscored the importance
                                              represented by Kevin Walsh. Kevin took of building effective and sustainable
                                              the opportunity to welcome everyone to compliance programmes. page
                                              Vancouver and to provide
                                              some insight on the con-
                                              ference venue and its resi-
                                              dent ghost, the infamous
                                              ‘Lady in Red.’
                                                 The morning featured
                                              two timely keynote speech-
                                              es. Eric Termuende, a local
                                              thought-leader on opti-
                                              mising workplace culture,
                                              started things off with his
                                              speech ‘Rethink Work’ and
Keynote speaker Eric Termuende                challenged us to re-evalu- Elegant Welcome Dinner

                                                                GGI INSIDER | No. 90 | July 2017
12                              GGI EVENTS REVIEW

Host firm Walsh King Chartered Professional Accountants at the Gala Dinner at the Vancouver Art Gallery

   To conclude the morning, Adam           and explore new practice areas. In the     enjoyed a delicious meal and cheerful
Crowson presented the Management           Business Development & Marketing           conversations with old and new friends
Report North America and News from         Practice Group Meeting, Bhavik R. Pa-      as the sun set over our shoulders to
GGI, including an overview of the ef-      tel (Sandberg Phoenix & Von Gontard        close a fantastic evening.
forts GGI is making to grow this region.   P.C.) welcomed guest presenters Cheryl        Saturday morning offered the attend-
   The afternoon featured two sessions     Bame (BAME Public Relations) and           ees a third round of Practice Groups and
of Practice Group Meetings during          Jonathan Fitzgarrald (Equinox Strategy     special interest Workshops on the Glob-
which delegates had the opportunity        Partners) to lead in lively discussions    al Automotive Industry with Kenneth
to share technical insights, experiences   on how to connect PR and business de-      Rosenfield (Rosenfield and Company,
                                           velopment opportunities.                   PLLC) and a look at where the Global
                                               Friday was topped off with cocktails   Opportunities are for your Clients with
  GGI member firm                          and dinner a short walk away from the      Valerie Kozikowski (PRA Global). Adam
  Walsh King                               hotel at the Vancouver Convention Cen-     Crowson (CEO of GGI North America)
  Chartered Professional Accountants       tre. The space overlooked the breath-      led the workshop for candidates and
  Advisory, Auditing & Accounting,         taking Vancouver Harbour, Stanley Park,    new members with colourful commen-
  Tax                                      and the North Shore Mountains. The         tary by Randall Leff (Ervin Cohen & Jes-
  Vancouver, BC, Canada                    first stop for all delegates and guests    sup LLP). During these sessions, some
  T: +1 604 687 20 03                      was to the panoramic windows for pic-      of the accompanying guests engaged in
  W:                     tures of the iconic Vancouver view and     outdoor yoga on the Vancouver Court-
  Jennifer Reid                            to watch the seaplanes take off and        house concourse.
  E:                   land while sipping local wines and craft      The morning was capped off with an
                                           beers. As the live band played, everyone   insightful keynote speech, ‘Creating Ac-

                                                                Daniel Stover challenging attendees to communicate with
More smiles at the Welcome Dinner at the hotel                  emotional intelligence


countability with Passive-Aggressive
and Aggressive Communication,’ by
Daniel Stover of Integrated Leadership
Systems. Daniel had the entire room
engaged in exercises and discussions
relevant to the topic of communication.
Trigger questions included: ‘What are
some of the challenges of effective com-
munication?’, ‘What is your communica-
tion style when in a stressed state?’, and
‘How can you communicate differently?’
He challenged attendees to make a com-
mitment to hold themselves more ac-
countable at home and at work and to         Dinner at the Vancouver Convention Center
continuously strive to communicate in
an emotionally intelligent manner.           taking views of the city.                  the event with an impassioned speech
   The afternoon offered delegates the          The Conference concluded with a         about Canada and his late father that
opportunity to get out and explore the       Gala dinner at the Vancouver Art Gal-      had everyone laughing, crying and
beautiful city of Vancouver. Many joined     lery. The new Claude Monet’s Secret        laughing again.
an organised city tour, others rented        Garden exhibit was open for the at-           The next GGI North American Re-
bikes and rode around the famous             tendees’ private enjoyment before          gional Conference is scheduled to take
Stanley Park seawall, and some took          the group headed up to the roof for a      place in Denver, CO, USA, on 21-24 June
on ‘Mother Nature’s Stairmaster’ (the        gourmet meal, rousing conversation         2018. We hope that you will be able to
Grouse Grind) followed by some well-         and a full dance floor. Michael Reiss      join us there. Online registrations will
earned snacks, drinks and more breath-       von Filski, Global CEO of GGI, closed      be available before the end of 2017.

GGI Australian Business
Summit in Sydney, Australia
                                                McCabes Lawyers hosted the GGI          looked at the changes and impact the
                                             Australian Business Summit on 15-17        technological revolution is having on
                                             June 2017 in glorious Sydney, Austra-      professional services firms, and what
                                             lia.                                       opportunities are available to services
                                                The three-day event was attended        organisations.
                                             by nine member firms, and was held            The second speaker for the event
                                             in the McCabes’ offices in Sydney’s        was former Wallaby (Australian Rugby
                                             Central Business District.During the       Union), Pat McCabe. Pat addressed
                                             event, members were treated to some        the audience over a boardroom lunch,
                                             of Sydney’s finest dining locations,       sharing his experiences with resilience
                                             with the closing dinner was held at        in the professional sporting arena and
                                             Bennelong restaurant, located inside       making the transition to becoming a
                                             the Sydney Opera House.                    lawyer.
                                                The keynote speakers covered two           Pat also provided valuable insights
                                             current issues that are affecting pro-     into what motivates junior legal profes-
                                             fessional services: technology and         sionals and what he learnt about lead-
                                             leadership. Ian Marshall presented         ership and functioning as a team dur-
Pat McCabe, former Wallaby                   the topic, ‘Short fuse big bang’, which-   ing his professional sporting career.

                                                               GGI INSIDER | No. 90 | July 2017
14                            GGI EVENTS REVIEW

   Members attended a Rugby Union
match at the close of the eventful sum-
mit: Australia v Scotland. Although the
match was a bitter disappointment for
the Australians, it was an enjoyable af-
   The event was a great opportunity
for member firms to discuss and share
common issues and successes within
the professional services environment.
It also reinforced the relationships that
have been previously developed within
the alliance.

GGI French-Speaking Chapter | Paris, France, 6-8 July 2017

Paris is always a good idea!
                                                             A total of 40 French-Speaking GGI
                                                          members from all over Europe and
                                                          Canada joined us at the first ever
                                                          French-Speaking Chapter (“Sommet
                                                          Francophone”) which was held in the
                                                          fabulous city of Paris.
                                                             The meeting was held at the Westin
                                                          Paris-Vendôme Hotel, close to Place de
                                                          la Concorde and the Tuileries Garden.
                                                          A fabulous central location, minutes
                                                          away from the Louvre Museum, the Av-
                                                          enue des Champs-Elysées, and many
                                                          other attractions. page


Georges Troy                                                       Jean-Yves Larangot and Michael Skaarup

   GGI member firm and host LMBE              by a very interesting presentation com-    Boutique des Vins, apparently a favou-
Avocats warmly welcomed all partici-          paring M&A market trends in France         rite local hangout of Jean-Yves Laran-
pants with a reception at their offices       and Canada delivered by Stéphanie          got.
located in the heart of the city. After       Roy and Jean Sébastien Lebrun. Our            GGI plans to continue running this
some great conversations with old and         Keynote Speaker, Prof Michel De Wolf       event, and will be emailing all French-
new friends, everyone hopped on the           (from GGI member firm DGST Révi-           speaking members in due course to
metro for a short underground trip            seurs d'entreprises in Brussels) talked    solicit opinions with regards to pre-
avoiding the busy streets of Paris to the     about the opportunities for GGI mem-       ferred locations and dates. Sugges-
river Seine. Here, we boarded Le Calife       bers following on from Brexit.             tions for 2018 include running the
for a private dinner cruise on the Seine,        There were additional presentations     event alongside the GGI Best Practices
which allowed delegates to see many           by Georges Troy and Richard Monnier,       & Developing Leaders Conference in
of Paris’ familiar sights from a different    but perhaps one of the unexpected          Quebec City.
perspective . . . including the Eiffel Tow-   highlights of the day was the interac-
er’s night-time light show. The food,         tive speed-networking session that
needless to say, was delicious.               took place after lunch. Not only did         GGI member firm
   The meeting began on Friday morn-          delegates have the opportunity to pres-      LMBE Avocats
ing with a GGI Welcome by Michael             ent their firms and expertise personally     Law Firm Services
Reiss von Filski, Global CEO of GGI.          within small groups, they could also         Paris, France
Representing the host firm LMBE Avo-          discuss current business opportuni-          T: +33 1 43 12 80 80
cats, Jean-Yves Larangot and Michael          ties.                                        F: +33 1 43 12 80 90
Skaarup, also extended a warm wel-               The event closed on Friday evening,       W:
come to the group. This was followed          with wine-tasting and dinner at La

Speed networking                                                   Dinner at La Boutique des Vins

                                                                GGI INSIDER | No. 90 | July 2017
16                         NEW MEMBER FIRMS

Canada                               Chile                                Colombia

Labranche Therrien                   BML Consultores                      FRG Auditores
Daoust Lefrancois Inc.               Rosario Norte 31, Las Condes         y Consultores S.A.S.
1190, Place Nobel, bureau 100        Santiago                             Calle 5 No. 38 - 25 Oficina 114
Boucherville, QC                     Chile                                Edificio Plaza San Fernando
Canada J4B 5L2                                                            760042 Cali, Valle del Cauca

T:   +1 450 449 3930                 T: +56 2 2981 5416                   T:   +57 514 50 33
F:   +1 450 449 3978                 E:        F:   +57 514 50 33
E:           W:             E:
W:                                                          W:

Company languages: English,          Company languages: English,          Company languages: English,
French                               Spanish                              Spanish
Contact person: Yves Labranche       Contact person: Igor Bórquez         Contact person: Julián Ricardo Ri-
Services: Advisory, Auditing & Ac-   Services: Advisory, Auditing & Ac-   vera Ríos
counting, Corporate Finance, Tax     counting, Tax                        Services: Advisory, Auditing & Ac-
Additional offices: Laval (QC),                                           counting, Corporate Finance, Tax
Montreal (QC), Trois-Rivières

Yves Labranche                       Igor Bórquez                         Julián Ricardo Rivera Ríos



Italy                                Iraq                                 UAE

Campagnola                           DaVinci Consulting                   Assurance Corporate
Advisers Services SRL                Jaddriyah, District 925,             Management Consultancy
Via Francesco Caracciolo 17          Street 34, Villa 26                  Mezzanine Floor, behind NBAD
80122 Naples                         Baghdad                              Securities Building, Corniche Road
Italy                                Iraq                                 Abu Dhabi

T:   +39 081 2461730                 T: +964 7901 441 306                 T:   +971 555 267 257
F:   +39 081 2461722                 E: haitham.elboukhary                F:   +971 262 808 81
E:           E:
W:        W:       W:

Company languages: English, Ital-    Company languages: Arabic, Eng-      Company languages: Arabic, Eng-
ian                                  lish                                 lish
Contact person: Dr Aldo Campag-      Contact person: Haitham El-          Contact person: Abbas Qaiser
nola                                 Boukhary                             Services: Advisory, Auditing & Ac-
Services: Advisory, Auditing & Ac-   Services: Advisory, Auditing & Ac-   counting, Corporate Finance, Fi-
counting, Corporate Finance, Tax     counting, Tax                        duciary & Estate Planning, Tax

Dr Aldo Campagnola                   Haitham El-Boukhary                  Abbas Qaiser


                                                     GGI INSIDER | No. 90 | July 2017
18                        NEW MEMBER FIRMS


Hopkins & Carley
The Letitia Building
70 South First Street
San Jose, CA 95113

T: +1 408 286 9800

Company languages: English
Contact person: Brendan Lund
Services: Corporate Finance, Law
Firm Services
Additional office: Palo Alto, CA

                                              Searching for
                                           GGI member firms
                                           all over the world?

Brendan Lund


GGI INTERNAL NEWS                                         19

Richrd He (CEO of Horizon Group) and Antonio Castilla (Chair-      Antonio Castilla, Carlos Alvarez and Daniela Sirner
man of ACN) exchanging the logos that will be displayed in the
offices in Santiago and Beijing

Collaboration between
GGI Members in Asia-Pacific
and Latin America
   Over the course of the last decade,           ACN is a holding company founded in      in 1997 and joined GGI in 2008. It is one
China has successfully built strong com-      1992 that brings together professionals     of the largest professional organisations
mercial and investment relationships          with a specialised approach to services     in mainland China. Horizon Group's
with Latin American and Caribbean             in the areas of corporate finance, trans-   headquarters is in Beijing and it has 20
countries.                                    actions, administration of funds and        branches and more than 600 staff.
   In June, GGI member firms Hori-            administration of assets, among others.        With their practical knowledge of do-
zon Group and ACN Corporate Finance           They have more than 30 years of expe-       ing business in the China and taking ad-
made the joint decision to invest in          rience in the local and regional market,    vantage of our business and professional
these footholds. At the recent GGI Lat-       participating in more than 200 trans-       network in Hong Kong, mainland China
in American Conference in Santiago de         actions in the region, advising clients     and Taiwan as well as overseas, they pro-
Chile, they signed a cooperation agree-       around the world, and in a variety of in-   vide diversified professional services for
ment, benefiting Chinese investors with       dustries. Horizon Group was established     clients.
a view to investing in Latin America. This
agreement establishes a joint platform
between ACN and Horizon Group to                GGI member firm                             GGI member firm
seek, evaluate and recognise investment         ACN Acender Capital Network                 Horizon Group
opportunities and provide assistance to         Advisory, Corporate Finance, Tax            Advisory, Auditing & Accounting,
each other and support their clients.           Las Condes, Chile                           Corporate Finance, Fiduciary &
   This unification will channel approxi-       T: +56 22 263 8800                          Estate Planning, Tax
mately USD 2 billion of investment              W:                               Beijing, China
over the course of the next five years. The     Antonio Castilla                            T: +86 106 655 33 66
focus will mainly be towards Latin Amer-        E:                  W:
ica in various sectors and industries,                                                      Richard He
overall benefiting clients in both Latin                                                    E:
America and China.

                                                                GGI INSIDER | No. 90 | July 2017
20                              GGI INTERNAL NEWS

Nörenberg Schröder
becomes nbs partners
   For 40 years, Nörenberg • Schröder        Harald Schröder, were the starting           of litigation, capital market related is-
in Hamburg has stood for a high level        point of the company’s success.              sues, investment funds, company law
of expertise and trustworthy, long-term         The company is now slowly being           and inheritance law.
collaboration. The company’s found-          transferred to the next generation of           Furthermore, nothing has changed
ers, attorney-at-law Frank Nörenberg         partners. In this context they have de-      about their commitment to being your
and public auditor and tax consultant        cided to introduce a new name, new           loyal and highly responsive GGI part-
                                             logo and new website without giving          ner firm in Germany. For further infor-
                                             up their long history, well-established      mation please visit their new website
                                             client relationships and the achieve-        ( or contact
                                             ments of their founders.                     Boris Michels (michels@nbs-partners.
                                                In 2017, Nörenberg • Schröder be-         de) directly.
                                             came nbs partners. The letters nbs re-
                                             late to their founding partners and at
                                             the same time allow them to show their
                                             international approach as well as their        GGI member firm
                                             cooperative way of working together            nbs partners
                                             with clients, other GGI members and            Auditing & Accounting, Law Firm
                                             as a team.                                     Services, Tax
                                                The focus of their work remains in-         Hamburg, Germany
                                             ternational accounting and auditing,           T: +49 404 419 60 01
                                             tax compliance / structuring and in-           F: +49 40 44 19 60 55
                                             ternational taxation, eg. cross-border         W:
                                             structuring or transfer pricing docu-          Boris Michels
                                             mentation. Their legal department has          E:
Boris Michels                                proven strong expertise in the areas

Does size matter?
Positive Ranking of FPS
   Does the size of a law firm really mat-   would we perceive the biggest one as            However, it is also true that the size
ter when it comes to the quality of its      providing the best quality? Probably not     of a law firm proves that a consider-
services? This was the question posed        …                                            able number of clients place their con-
by Michael Reiss von Filski in the March        The above is definitely true! Everybody   fidence in the respective firm and that
edition of this magazine. His conclu-        knows small entities with excellent, re-     they trust its legal performance (‘So
sion is that – with respect to quality of    nowned lawyers. This is also proven on       many clients trust them, they must be
services – the size of a law firm is over-   a daily basis by GGI members. Further-       good’). This applies, in particular, to
estimated by far. When we think of res-      more, the services rendered by a large       law firms specialised in advising and
taurants, hotels, shopping malls etc.,       law firm do not always justify their fees.   representing small and mid-size com-


panies, as they are dependent on many       terms of turnover (52 million EUR in
more clients compared to law firms          2016). Based on the number of law-
specialised in advising multinationals      yers, FPS was ranked 12th (117 lawyers,
and companies with thousands of em-         expressed in full-time equivalents) and
ployees.                                    was even ranked second in terms of av-
   For the first time, the leading German   erage turnover per lawyer.
legal journal ‘JUVE’ has published a           FPS lawyers learned from this rank-
size-based ranking of German law firms      ing that they obviously – at least now
specialised in advising small and mid-      and then – do a great job!
size enterprises.                              Let me return to Michael Reiss von
   The ranking turned out to be very        Filski: in his article, he stated that he
positive for FPS: Out of the 50 biggest     enjoyed one of the best steaks tartare
of such law firms, FPS ranked 11th in       he had ever had in a small restaurant
                                            in London. Congratulations! I think we
                                            can all relate to this and share similar
  GGI member firm                           experiences.
  FPS                                          However, in view of the number of
  Dusseldorf, Frankfurt, Berlin &           Burger King restaurants globally, it        Dr Reinhard Nacke
  Hamburg, Germany                          seems to me that people are generally
  T: +49 211 302 01 50                      happy with the fried steak tartare served   of 89 restaurants. This shows a certain
  W:                         in huge restaurant chains. If they are      public control over entities which due
  Dr Reinhard Nacke                         not happy, this may result in a press de-   to their size are in the public interest.
  E:                       bacle, boycott and, as happened in Ger-     In this respect, size matters to a certain
                                            many in 2014, the immediate closure         degree.

Myla Remer becomes first
female partner of Rosenfield
& Company, PLLC
   ‘It is with great pride and pleasure     technical ability are one of our firm’s        She joined Rosenfield & Company,
that we announce the admission of           greatest assets! We greatly look for-       PLLC, in 2011 and was promoted to
Myla Remer to the partnership of our        ward to her new role in our firm and        her current position in 2012.
firm. Myla has been responsible for         to watch her develop even more lead-           Myla has a breadth of experience
the structure and growth of our firm’s      ers!’ – Ken Rosenfield, CPA, Managing       working with auto dealerships. Pro-
Attest Team which has grown from            Partner.                                    viding not only preparation of finan-
one full time staff to seven in just a         Myla is a California-licensed CPA        cial statements, Myla has worked on
few short years. Myla is the first fe-      and member of AICPA with over a de-         complex debt structures and equity
male member of our firm, and the first      cade of experience in public account-       transactions for some of the nation’s
to go through our formal Partner De-        ing, specialising in audit and attesta-     largest dealership groups. Myla has
velopment programme. It has been a          tion services. After receiving her MBA      also provided such consulting servic-
joy to watch her career with our firm       in Accounting, with honours, from           es as Internal Control and Accounting
blossom from a senior staff member          Hawaii Pacific University, she began        Process Reviews. She has led audits of
to our Attest Team Leader in such a         her public accounting career with a         dealerships with USD 100 million to
short time. Her leadership skills and       Big Four firm.                                               page

                                                              GGI INSIDER | No. 90 | July 2017
22                            GGI INTERNAL NEWS

billions in revenue, including complex     State University in Ukraine.
enterprises with dozens of related en-        ‘It is both deeply humbling and ex-
tities.                                    tremely gratifying that my hard work
    At Rosenfield & Company, PLLC,         and contributions to the firm have
Myla provides a full spectrum of as-       been recognised by being awarded a
surance services from traditional au-      partnership. I am very excited to begin
dit and review services to compila-        this next phase of my career, and am
tions, employee benefit plan audits,       more committed than ever to provide
consulting and fraud investigation.        the best possible service and results
Highly detail-oriented, Myla is known      to our clients.’ – Myla Remer, CPA,
as a creative problem solver, who de-      MBA, Partner.
livers innovative solutions to clients        Since 1996 Rosenfield & Company,
to reduce risk and improve operating       PLLC (one of the first accounting firms
procedures and profitability.              to specialise in the automotive indus-
    A native of the former Soviet Union,   try), has continually strengthened its
Myla is also fluent in Russian and has     skillset in several niche accounting
a Masters in Biophysics from Kharkov       industries. Their unique expertise and
                                           deep bench strength sets them apart       Myla Remer
                                           from other CPA firms, making them
  GGI member firm                          one of the leading CPA firms serving      and efficient work to clients while still
  Rosenfield & Company, PLLC               Automobile Dealerships, Manufac-          offering access to the same resources
  Advisory, Auditing & Accounting,         turers and Distributors, Publishing       provided by large international firms.
  Tax                                      Companies, Broker/Dealers, Cruise         Their dedication and expert abilities
  Orlando, FL, USA                         Lines and other businesses and high       keep them agile and attuned to meet-
  T: +1 407 985 2585                       net worth individuals. In addition,       ing your company’s business needs.
  W:               they have staff certified in Business     As a CPA firm, their services are offered
  Tara Carapellucci                        Valuations and in assisting in Complex    globally to clients, with offices located
  E:              Litigation and Bank Workout matters.      in Orlando, Florida; New York City; and
                                           They take pride in providing precise      Florham Park, New Jersey.

Memery Crystal's CEO and
Chairman recognised by
The Best Lawyers in the

United Kingdom 2017
                                                                                        Memery Crystal is delighted to an-
  GGI member firm                          W:                  nounce that Lesley Gregory and Nick
  Memery Crystal LLP                       Nick Davis                                Davis were recently selected by their
  Law Firm Services                        E:               peers for inclusion in The Best Law-
  London, UK                               Lesley Gregory                            yers™ in the United Kingdom 2017.
  T: + 44 (0) 207 400 3217                 E:                Lesley was selected in the practice
                                                                                     area of Corporate Finance Law and Nick


was selected for Corporate Finance Law
and Mergers & Acquisitions Law.
    Their inclusion in the sixth edition is
a testament to the continued high pro-
file work that Lesley, Nick and their cor-
porate team are involved in.
    Memery Crystal is a specialist inter-
national law firm based in London with
a well-established history of acting for
clients in the corporate sector.
    As an industry-leading advisor in
AIM, Memery Crystal has again been
included in ‘Band 1’ in the most recent
edition of the Chambers UK legal direc-
    Furthermore, the corporate team
is also ranked in ‘Band 2’ for M&A in
Chambers UK.                                  Nick Davis                                Lesley Gregory

LMBE Avocats
adds new Partners
   LMBE law firm renews its digi-             based on the evolution of its position    panies in the areas of the industry,
tal universe with a new website and           as reflected in its new logo, ‘LMBE -     telecommunication, publishing distri-
strengthens its Litigation/Insolvency         Legal Minds Business Experts’.            bution, logistics, financial institutions
department with the arrival of Céline             Céline Dilman joined LMBE, the Pa-    and real estate.
Dilman and its M&A and Financial              risian independent one-stop law firm,        Stéphanie Roy joined LMBE in Feb-
Law departments with the addition of          in January 2017. She is an experienced    ruary 2017 as M&A Partner. Stéphanie
Stéphanie Roy.                                litigator and, as such, represents her    is primarily active in the field of merg-
   The firm updates its digital uni-          clients before both civil and commer-     ers and acquisitions, private equity,
verse with a brand new website (www.          cial courts. She focuses on commer-       investments funds and securities law. and its image                cial and corporate matters, as well       Her vision and experience is highly
                                              as alternative dispute resolution. She    sought after in litigations relating to
                                              has also developed expertise in mat-      such areas of law. She advises a clien-
  GGI member firm                             ters relating to reorganisations and      tele of listed and/or family groups in
  LMBE Avocats                                insolvencies of distressed companies.     the areas of consumer goods, indus-
  Law Firm Services                           In this context, she assists and repre-   try, telecommunications, real estate
  Paris, France                               sents not only distressed companies,      and financial services.
  T: +33 1 43 12 80 80                        but also their creditors and potential       Stéphanie is often described as a
  M: +33 6 85 90 35 95                        investors. Her practice is focused on     lively person and sharp professional.
  F: +33 1 43 12 80 90                        commercial real estate matters, both      She favours a tailor-made strategic
  W:                      on the transactional side (negotiation    approach integrating anticipation, pi-
  Celine Dilman                               and drafting of commercial leases)        loting and follow-up in order to pre-
  E:                  and on the litigation side (commercial    serve to a maximum extent the time
  Stéphanie Roy                               lease renewal, eviction indemnities,      and interests of her clients. Stéphanie
  E:                     and termination clauses). She advises     is involved in training in the field of
                                              a clientele of French groups and com-     	                    page

                                                                GGI INSIDER | No. 90 | July 2017
24                              COMMON INTEREST

contract law and business law. She
also uses her expertise for innovation,
being involved in the new crowdfund-
ing regulation, lobbying efforts for
legal reforms, and is also involved in
think tanks for economical and legal
   In 2017, LMBE includes 40 attor-
neys and lawyers among whom are 16
partners, qualified to practice in all ar-
eas of business law.
   Its organisation in different clus-
ters allows the needs of its French and
international clients to be addressed
pragmatically and efficiently based on
local market understanding.
   LMBE law firm has a tailor-made
approach, of which its utmost priori-        Stéphanie Roy                              Celine Dilman
ties are:
   Providing a high-quality service in         innovative legal tools, such as debt     purpose of capping financial penalties
   every legal field it serves;                investment funds, blockchain or          for companies sued by dismissed em-
   Maintaining great flexibility and           crowdfunding; and                        ployees and to allow businesses more
   reactivity in order to promote the          Having a flexible and competitive        flexibility to define internal working
   strategic interests of its clients;         billing policy, accompanying the         rules; in other words, to make it easier
   Developing long-term relationships          long-term developments and suc-          to hire and fire people. This fresh ap-
   personally with its clients;                cesses of its clients.                   proach should soon be strengthened
   Performing an in-depth follow-up            LMBE stands ready to answer the          by other reforms expected for the end
   through the personal involvement          needs that should arise from the           of 2017, in the areas of tax (a decrease
   of its partners;                          awaited economic reforms and growth        in the tax rate on capital gains result-
   Providing high value-added support        announced by the new President of          ing from the sale of securities) and
   as a tailor-made approach driven by       the French Republic, Emmanuel Ma-          the French retirement regime. A major
   seasoned partners;                        cron. By the end of August, French la-     improvement in French financial regu-
   Steadily driving its expertise onto       bour law should be reformed for the        lations should follow soon as well.

Inclusive Leadership
          By Akshya Chandra                    reacting, matters the most. Imagine         is no right or wrong approach, the
                                               a situation in which you have gone          only difference is being conscious
   Among all the different roles played        out for a day-long offsite trip with        towards the situation.
by a person, one of the most important         your team. There is fun and enjoy-       2. The capability to let go of what one
is that of leader. A person has to en-         ment throughout the day, and as the         knows the best: After working for over
act leadership both in their personal as       day proceeds to an end the team             a decade or more, every one of us de-
well as their professional life. However,      starts winding up. The place is all         velops some expertise and strengths.
only those who are inclusive leaders           clean, however as you begin to leave        At this stage, again, there are two op-
earn respect and attract followers.            you find a paper napkin lying on the        tions: firstly to restrict oneself to this
   Let us understand what it takes to be       ground. This paper napkin holds             expertise, and secondly to train oth-
an inclusive leader:                           no relevance in your life. You could        ers in whatever one knows the best.
1. An ability to respond: There are situ-      react to this situation by just ignor-      In other words, creating a replica of
   ations day in and day out where how         ing it and moving on, or picking it         oneself not only at the skill level but
   you are responding to it, rather than       up and throwing it in a bin. There          also at the attitude level. The second

You can also read