Generative AI: A New Frontier in Artificial Intelligence

Page created by Jeremy Blair
Generative AI: A New Frontier in Artificial Intelligence
Generative AI: A New Frontier in Artificial Intelligence

                                                                                                   Continuous Learning Example
Generative AI can provide businesses with new opportunities to improve                             Generative AI can create outputs in various            continues to learn based on user feedback (as
their products and services, automate repetitive tasks, and create new                             forms, including text, images, video, and audio.       outlined in the example below) the models
                                                                                                   For instance, OpenAI has developed ChatGPT,            are continuing to be developed. For example,
and innovative customer experiences. For example, the marginal cost of                             which generates natural and human-like                 GPT3.5, which is what ChatGPT is built on, has
producing initial versions of knowledge-intensive content, such as IT code,                        responses to user queries, and Dall-E2, which          passed the legal bar in the 10th percentile,
marketing copy, and creative design, can fall to approximately zero.                               creates images based on user descriptions. You         while the updated version, GPT4.0, now passes
                                                                                                   can try ChatGPT and Dall-E2. While ChatGPT             the bar in the 90th percentile.

                  What is Generative AI | artificial intelligence that creates original content
                  across various modalities (e.g., text, images, audio, code, voice, video) that
                  would have previously taken human skill and expertise to create
                                                                                                                            Training                                                          User input prompt
                                                                                                                            ChatGPT learns from any information                               Just as you would in Google
                                                                                                                            on the web including Wikipedia, web                               Search, type in what you’d
                                                                                                                            pages, etc. and excluding most recent                             want to know/do for you
                                                                                                                            data after 2021                                                   E.g., “How do I make pancakes?”
                                                                                                                                                                                              “Write a poem for valentine’s day
                                                                                                                                                                                              in the tone of Woody Allen”
                  How does it work | Generative AI is powered by foundation models such as
                  OpenAI’s GPT-3 and NVIDIA’s Megatron, which are trained on vast amounts of                                             GPT output
                  data and computation to perform a broad range of downstream tasks
                                                                                                                                         GPT will answer your question/request
                                                                                                                                         E.g., “First you put 100g of flour…”
                                                                                                                                         “Roses are red…etc”

                  Why now | innovations in machine learning and the cloud tech stack, coupled                                                                       User feedback
                  with the viral popularity of publicly released applications, such as ChatGPT
                                                                                                                                                                    Specify or modify the prompt or give a thumbs
                  and DALL-E2, have propelled Generative AI into the zeitgeist                                                                                      up/down feedback to rate the output.
                                                                                                                                                                    E.g. “How do I make pancakes for a calorie
                                                                                                                                                                    conscious mom with no eggs in the fridge?”

                                                                                                                            User edit/judgement                                               GPT updated output
                  Who is involved | Big Tech is building and enabling access to foundation
                                                                                                                            Make the judgement on the                                         GPT will provide you with,
                  models; start-ups are developing user applications on these underlying                                    quality of content (text, image                                   hopefully, an answer closer
                  models; and companies are beginning to adopt                                                              etc.) and modify the prompt                                       to what you want
                                                                                                                            again if/as needed
Generative AI: A New Frontier in Artificial Intelligence
What it does                                                                                          What it means for you
Generative AI promises improved efficiency        potential to facilitate the creation of new ideas   Generative AI will augment existing roles and                   Even as new use cases emerge at an
and a new benchmark for productivity for          and information at a faster rate, and potentially   create new jobs.                                                accelerating pace, we believe the market will
organisations. Generative AI has the potential    of higher quality, than what could be achieved                                                                      unfold in six ways:
to reduce the marginal cost of generating         through human effort alone. The below are
knowledge-intensive content to zero. It has the   examples of how generative AI can be used.

                                                                                                                         Today, there are ethical concerns with Generative AI,
                                                                                                                         including its potential for workforce displacement.
       Text/Code               Image/Video             Speech/Audio                    3D                                However, like previous generations of AI, this            command a premium due to the dependence on
                                                                                                                         technology will likely primarily augment human            proprietary data. As such, data will be a currency,
                                                                                                                         performance. Indeed, AI could be commonplace              creating new economies for access to proprietary
                                                                                                                         in worker’s toolkits, like Workspace among analysts,      and synthetic data.
                                                                                                                         GitHub among coders, or Creative Cloud

                                                                                                                         among marketers.

   Generate                  Generate                  Produce high           Generate 3D objects
   text that can             abstract or hyper         quality speech         given text prompts
   summarise                 realistic images                                 /2D inputs
   existing content          and videos
                                                                                                             Regulatory actions will likely vary
                                                                                                             in speed, reach, oversight, and                                                                 Generative AI. However, data-rich
                                                                                                             reporting requirements across                                                                   sectors (e.g., banking, retail,
                                                                                                             major markets (e.g., US AI Bill                                                                 hospitality) or those whose
                                                                                                             of Rights, EU AI Act, China                                                                     products leverage data (e.g.,
 • ChaptGPT by            • Dall-E 2 by OpenAI     • Vall-E by Microsoft     • Point E by OpenAI             Cyberspace Administration ). As                                                                 information services) may move
   OpenAI                                                                                                    such, vendors and enterprises will                                                              —and should move—faster.
                          • Imagen by Google       • Avatar Cloud            • Get3D by NVIDIA

                                                                                                             need to proactively establish                                                                   Conversely, those based on
 • Luminous by                                       Engine by NVIDIA

                          • DreamStudio by                                   • DreamFusion by                practices that ensure data                                                                      judgment (e.g., law, medicine)
   AlephAlpha               Stability AI           • MusicLM by Google         Google                        quality, transparency, fairness,                                                                may be more cautious about
 • Bloom by BigScience                                                                                       safety, and robustness, which will                                                              adopting but nevertheless see
                          • MidJourney v4 by                                                                 be critical to Trustworthy AI.
 • ChatLLaMA by             MidJourney                                                                                                                                                                       synthesis of prior knowledge.

                                                                                                                         Text-based use cases will be commercialised               Given the shift away from low-interest rates, costs will
                                                                                                                         first, but the potential cost and productivity             increase, pushing enterprises to invest in use cases with
                                                                                                                         gains may be greater when commercialising                 clear ROI. As such, use cases that directly impact cost
                                                                                                                         higher-order tasks as these skills can be more            (e.g., chatbots), productivity (e.g., search), or revenue
                                                                                                                         expensive to recruit, take longer to train, and           (e.g., marketing copy) could have greater adoption than
                                                                                                                         are right-brain (creative) versus left-brain              those that eliminate humans.
                                                                                                                         (logical), making success subjective.
Generative AI: A New Frontier in Artificial Intelligence
Contact us:
We’d love to chat to you more about
Generative AI and the value it can bring
for your business.

                                                   How to Start
                                                   Organisations can start using Generative AI by leveraging open-API
                                                   or SaaS foundation models to tune industry-agnostic use cases (e.g.,
                                                   contracting, IT, marketing) and industry/sector-specific use cases, all
                                                   built on top of advanced GPU architecture.

Emmanuel Adeleke                                   Like all AI models, there are fundamental challenges that require
                                                   careful consideration, including user privacy, transparency and
Partner, Consulting
                                                   explainability of outcomes, accountability, robustness, and reliability.                               The Technology Trust Ethics Framework can be leveraged to assess a
                                                   model’s fairness and impartiality, social and ethical responsibility, as
                                                   well as safety and security implications.

Martin Mannion
Partner, Consulting

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