Friends, Inc. (in Christ) - SW PA Synod

Page created by Vernon Adkins
Friends, Inc. (in Christ) - SW PA Synod
Friends, Inc.                                             (in Christ)

         Newsletter of the Southwestern PA Synodical Women’s Organization
               Women of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
 Volume XXX No. 1                                                                                   Winter 2018
President’s Report
          As you read this winter edition on a cold, snowy day, we are beginning a new year and in the middle of
the season of Epiphany. We are a month past Christmas. Our tree, decorations, lights and wrapping paper are
all put away, All the cookies have been eaten and all the gifts have been exchanged, opened and being
          But wait, have you opened ALL the gifts you have received? Might there be one forgotten gift. Look
really hard and you may find one gift left:
                     The tag reads: To: You From: God.
           Yes, God has given you a gift, a unique gift, just for you. It’s a gift that maybe you have not opened
yet, opened it but put it aside, or you’re not sure how to use it. God gives each of us a gift of skills and talents
that make us special. When and how we use them is left up to us. God doesn’t want us to return it, exchange
it, re-gift it or waste it. He wants us to use it. How disappointing it must be to God to see these special gifts He
gave us go unused. How might you use your God given gifts this year?
          We are looking forward with much anticipation to 2018 as W/ELCA celebrates 30 years as a community
of women called to discipleship. Our May 18 th and 19th convention at Bishop Connare Center should be
exciting. At our convention we will be electing a new vice president, secretary and board members. Here might
be a place for you to use those special gifts you were given. Please give thought and prayer to placing your
name up for nomination to fill these positions. Nomination forms are in this newsletter.
          Our convention will begin Friday evening with a celebration dinner with Bishop Kusserow as our guest
and a Lighting of Remembrance Candles Ceremony. Bishop Kusserow will lead us in our worship service that
evening. More details about this exciting weekend are included in this newsletter.
           The theme of the convention is “Women Blessed by God”. I think we are surrounded by many women
blessed by God in our Lutheran church and thank God every day that we are blessed by their presence among
us. We have a publication “In Your Light I Grew” that journals the thoughts and stories about special women
some of you have known. We are adding to the publication in this anniversary year. If you would like to add
your own thoughts, thanks or story of a woman who has been a special light in your faith journey submit your
write up to Rosie Henrickson.
          January also begins our support of the 2018 Designated Outreach, Ready Yourself Youth Ranch
located in New Brighton. A pamphlet with their mission, goals and needs is included in this newsletter.
          This newsletter is packed with information for you. Please read it all from front to back so you are aware
of all the happenings of your SWO.
          Let the 30th anniversary celebration begin!
          God Bless you in your boldness
          Betty Albright, President
Winter 2018                                      SWO Newsletter                                        Page |2
Vice President’s Report
        The year of our Lord 2018 has begun. The 500th Anniversary of the Reformation is behind us. We are
now looking forward to 2018 events. The psalmist says, “This is the day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice
and be glad in it.” Let us rejoice and be glad in this new year and rejoice as it unfolds with lives of joyful
        In W/ELCA that means planning for spring and fall cluster events, convention and retreat programs that
inspire us to live our lives of faith in Jesus Christ.
Spring Cluster Meetings (information available)
Date and place to be announced: Cluster #1&6,Cluster #2
Cluster #3 –Hebron, Leechburg – date to announced
Cluste #4 – Salem Lutheran Church, Delmont April 21, 2018
Cluster # 5&6 – St. John Mark, Homestead April 21, 2018
The Nominating Committee for the 2018 Convention Elections will be meeting sometime in late February to
work on a slate of nominees.
To be elected in May – Vice President, Secretary and 4 Board Members. We should have 2 nominees for each
position. Please consider running for a position on the SWO Board. Nomination forms are included in his
newsletter. Prayerfully consider running for these important positions.
          Respectfully submitted,
          Joan Orr, Vice-President

Nominating Ballot
        Each year at convention we have some women unfamiliar with the nominating ballot process. We use
this means of selection for our president and vice-president. This eliminates “unintentional politics” and gives
us a clear way for God to help us choose our next leader.
        This is the way it works-on the first ballot you may write the name of anyone you feel is ready for the
task of vice-president. Every name on the first ballot is nominated for Vice-President. The second ballot is cast
using only the names from the first ballot. Voting continues until someone emerges as the choice. No names
can be added to the ballot after the first ballot.

We Continue to Pray
We continue to pray each week for the ministries of the Women of the ELCA and those who lead them.

Jan. 21-27: Becky Shurson, Churchwide Board Vice President
Jan. 28-Feb. 3: Elizabeth Hunter, Gather Magazine Editor
Feb. 4-10: Women’s Congregational Unit at Mt. Zion Lutheran Church in Donegal
Feb. 11-17: Sue Hage, Cluster Planner for Cluster 1 & 6
Feb. 18-24: Synodical Women’s Organization of Saint Paul Area
Feb. 25-Mar. 3: Betty Albright, Synodical Board President
Mar. 4-10: Lydia Davila, Churchwide Board Member
Mar. 11-17: Audrey Novak Riley, Churchwide Staff for Stewardship and Development
Mar. 18-24: Women’s Congregational Unit at Christ Lutheran Church in Charleroi
Mar. 25-31: Patty Newton, Cluster Planner for Cluster 3
Apr. 1-7: Ready Yourself Youth Ranch, 2018 Designated Outreach Organization
Apr. 8-14: Synodical Women’s Organization of South-Central Synod of Wisconsin
Apr. 15-21: Barb Frey, Synodical Board Member
Apr. 22-28: Karen Voris, Churchwide Board Member
Winter 2018                                       SWO Newsletter                                          Page |3

The Growth Committee Report
         The Growth Committee was invited to attend a special meeting at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church in
Greensburg. Approximately 20 women attended, 9 of whom do not attend W/ELCA meetings in their
congregation. Betty Albright and Joan Orr presented a program on the aims, ideals and structure of the
organization. A super-duper supper was provided by the women and Karen Gesalman (of the Synodical
Archive Committee and a member of Good Shepherd) arranged a phenomenal display of pictures and
programs from past W/ELCA activities at Good Shepherd and a separate display of Cluster #4 and Synodical
         If your congregation would like a visit from the Growth Committee, please call Joan Orr to make
         Grants for the May 2018 Convention are available. Please get in touch with Donna Earnest.

Spring 2018 Bible Studies are available in Gather magazine.
Multiple Meanings: Learning from Other Interpretations by Mark Allan Powell
January – Session 1 – Washing Hands with Distant Hearts (Mark 7:1-12)
February – Session 2 – Prepare the Way of the Lord (Luke 3:3-17)
March – Session 3 – The Good Samaritan (Luke 10:30-37)
April –Session 4 – The Prodigal Son (Luke 15:11-31)
May – Intergenerational Devotion by Jule A. Kanarr – Welcome and Hospitality for All
        The Growth Committee
        Donna Earnest, Joan Orr

Action Committee
        We continue to work with Grace Youth and Family Foundation (GYFF) in Butler until the end of the
year. As the cold weather arrives, our gifts have helped provide needed items for the relief center program for
those needing help during our cold winters. We received a thank you letter from Bill Halle, CEO and President
of GYFF, relating how our gifts allowed them to care for many people in need. He thanked our women for their
generous gifts.
        We have been working on a brochure for our 2018 Outreach Designee, Ready Yourself Youth Ranch
(RYYR) located in New Brighton. The brochure will contain information on who they are and what they do. It
will provide us with a list of their needs. This is a “Christian ministry that connects horses in need of rescue with
children dealing with challenges and difficulties, who need to learn about hope and healing”. We will begin
collecting for them starting in January 2018.
        We are now looking for candidates for our 2019 Outreach Designees. If you know an organization that
can be considered, please notify the Action Committee so we can get an application out to them. We will vote
for our Designee at our May Convention.
        We continue to receive requests for aid for areas struck with disasters and for help with food banks who
care for those who are hungry. God needs us to be His hands and to do His work. The Women of the ELCA
hear the call and answer.
        Peace and love,
        Action Committee
        Dorothy Fazenbaker, Rosie Henrickson
Winter 2018                                      SWO Newsletter                                        Page |4
Community Committee
        In the year 2017, we have been celebrating 500 years since Martin Luther nailed the 95 Theses on the
door of Castle Church in Wittenberg, Germany. Our Bishop Kusserow had challenged the Women of ELCA to
collect 500 items in each quarter of this year. We have far exceeded his challenge.
                1st quarter, we collected over 4,000 paper products and donated to the food bank.
                2nd quarter, we collected bras and boxers---- 1,243 items
                       498 bras, 661 boxers, 26 women briefs 42 pairs of socks, 9 under shirts,
                       7 handkerchiefs and toiletries where donated to Abiding Ministries.
                3rd quarter, we collected a total of 327 gift cards from Walmart or Target's for Human Trafficking
                       for a total value of $5,315.00. GOOD JOB LADIES!!!!!
                4th quarter(still going on at newsletter deadline) we are to collect canned goods for your food
                       pantry. Which you are to keep a count and notify Barb Frey 412-741-4522, Vera
                       Harencame 724-265-2856 or Eldora Crist 724-837-1032.
        The Women of ELCA continues to support Katie's Fund. Katie's Fund supports ministries in three
areas. They are: 1, leadership development, 2, global connections, and 3, living theology. Donations can be
made online at:

Dates to remember:
 February 14: Valentine's Day
 February 14: Ash Wednesday
 March 2:      World Day of Prayer
 March 11:     Daylight saving time begins
 March 25      Palm Sunday
 March 30:     Good Friday
 April 1:      Easter
        God bless,
        Community Committee
        Barb Frey, Vera Harencame, Eldora Crist

Stewardship and Finance Committee
         The year has mostly come to a close which means we are wrapping up Grace Youth and Family
Foundation as our Designated Outreach. As of the writing of this article our total monetary contribution to them
is $3,563.00. Thank you ladies for your generous contributions of monetary donations as well as all the gift items
donated at Convention and Retreat. This donation to date is $1,000.00 short of last year's contributions, so if
you still have contributions for Grace Youth and Family Foundation, please send them in right away.
         The end of my second term is quickly coming to a close and our new Treasurer, Susan Brown will be
taking over beginning February 1 st. You should still send your contributions to me until January 31 st then after
that time they should be sent to the newly elected Treasurer, Susan Brown.

**This paragraph is very important so be sure to retain and pass info on to your Treasurers****
       Remittance forms are available and can be found on the website and may be
copied as often as needed. Continue to send all offerings along with Form A to the Treasurer, Janet Fishovitz,
227 Brewer Road, Freedom PA 15042 along with checks made payable to SWPA Women of ELCA. (This
is through January 31, 2018). Beginning February 1st 2018 ; you should send your contributions and forms
to: Susan Brown, 341 Godfrey Road, Leechburg, PA 15656. Please remember to make sure your Cluster
number is included on your remittance form, this is extremely helpful as there are numerous churches with the
same name!
       It has been an honor and a privilege to have served my fellow women of faith the past four years. Happy
New Year to all and looking forward to seeing your smiling faces and welcome your participation in the coming
       Your sister in Christ,
       Janet Fishovitz
Winter 2018                                     SWO Newsletter                                        Page |5
2018 SWPA Women of the ELCA Convention
May 18-19,2018
Bishop Connare Center
        Women Blessed by God is our theme. The scripture is Luke 1:45...Blessed is She who believed, for
there will be a fulfillment of those things which were told her from the Lord. The theme hymn is For All the
Faithful Women.
        Our Friday schedule has been adjusted for the 30th Anniversary of the ELCA with dinner at Giannilli’s II
at 6:30pm. After dinner we will have Lighting of Remembrance Candles and conversation with Bishop
Kusserow. We will return to Bishop Connare for Vesper Services in the Chapel at 9:00pm with Bishop
Kusserow leading us.
We will be busy during our business sessions on Saturday electing a Vice President, Secretary and Board
Members, adopting the 2019 Budget, Amending the Constitution and voting on the 2019 Designated Outreach
Organization. We will have Fair Trade there so we can shop too!
        On Saturday afternoon we will have 2 workshops.
            1. Jewelry making with Teresa O’Malley
            2. Rock Painting with Robin VanDyke
        Your 2018 Convention Committee
                Deb Wright, Vera Harencame, Mary Lou Millward, Robin VanDyke

30th Anniversary Celebration Banquet
         On Friday, May 18th before the start of our SWO Convention, we are planning a banquet at Giannilli’s II,
Greensburg (just a few minutes from Bishop Connare Center) starting at 6:30pm. The archives committee has
been putting together a lovely dinner and program to be enjoyed by all. We will be honoring Lutheran women
in our lives that have inspired us to write about them for our booklet update of “In Your Light I Grew”. There
will also be a revival of the RH Factor to entertain us. The menu is a choice of Entrée – Stuffed Pork Chop,
Chicken Marsala, or Crab Lump Alfredo with tossed salad, bread & butter, oven roasted potatoes & vegetable
medley (pasta dinner will not receive potatoes & vegetable). Dessert will be cake & ice cream. Within this
newsletter are directions to Giannilli’s II and please choose your dinner entrée option on the registration form.
Thank you & we hope to see you there.
       Archives Committee

Additions to “In Your Light I Grew”
        Five years ago, we collected your stories of women in your lives who mothered, supported, guided,
mentored, listened, advised &/or inspired you. At this time, we are requesting that if you have anyone you
would like to add to this collection of wonderful women we will be expanding our booklet. Maybe there is
someone in your life that you wish you had previously included or something has happened in the last few
years that really touched you. Please share something about this woman (or 2) with us. We are requesting
just two paragraphs – one about her (sort of a bio) & the second about why she is important to you & others. It
is important that we remember these women and they are not forgotten.
        Additionally, we are especially requesting any special thought or memories you may have of the women
who have served with us in outstanding leadership positions and have recently passed, especially: Alice Hilty,
Phyllis Smith, Jane Taylor, Virginia Strobeck, Vera Sindorf Maxwell for examples. We want your stories
shared so they will not be forgotten.
        We will then honor these women at the banquet Friday, May 18 th at Giannilli’s II. Everyone who attends
the banquet will receive the new story booklet. If you never got an original booklet or have lost yours, we will
have a few available at the convention & banquet for $1. Please share your stories by submitting them by
March 1, 2018 to: Rosie Henrickson; 5133 Lougean Avenue; Pittsburgh, PA 15207;
Winter 2018                                     SWO Newsletter                                        Page |6
                                     Deadlines for Convention Forms
                                              Please Note!
This Convention Newsletter Contains numerous forms for participating in the 2018 SWO Convention. Please
duplicate forms, if necessary, as some forms are printed on the back of another form to save printing costs.

Delegate Form: To Betty Albright by April 1, 2018

Board Members & Secretary Nomination Form: To Joan Orr by April 1, 2018

Designated Outreach Nomination Form: To Dorothy Fazenbaker by April 1, 2018

SWO Convention Grant Form: To Donna Earnest by April 1, 2018

Registration Form: To Roberta Herrington by April 23, 2018

Resolution Form: To Betty Albright no later than 8:30am Saturday, May 19, 2018

                                          Convention Information

         Each CU/ICU should send a delegate to the convention. Please also name an alternate delegate and
complete the necessary information on the form included in this newsletter and return it to Betty by April 1,
         Delegates must be present at all sessions and be seated for the beginning of the first business session.
Any delegates not seated at the first business session will not be able to serve as a delegate at the other
business sessions.
         Inform the Registrar, Roberta Herrington, of any delegate or alternate delegate changes prior to the
start of the convention.

Convention Offerings
       Regular Offerings received at the convention are designated as follows:
              ½ to Churchwide Organization
              ½ to Synodical Women’s Organization
       The “Love Offering” will go to the Designated Outreach program
              “Ready Yourself Youth Ranch” of New Brighton

       Any business to be brought before the convention may be made by a motion or presented as a
Resolution. A Resolution would require the signature of three delegates and must be presented to the
Resolutions committee before 8:30am on Saturday May 19, 2018.
       A Resolution form is included in this newsletter. We encourage you to prayerfully consider your
concerns and present them to the convention by way of a Resolution.

Convention Snacks
       Anyone who would like to share some snacks during the Convention are asked to bring packaged
snacks only. Please respect Bishop Connare Center’s policy and bring only small packaged snacks.
       A donation basket will be available to help defray the costs of drinks.
Tentative Convention Schedule
Friday May 18, 2018
3:00-5:30 pm Registration at the Dorms                      Report of the Treasurer
6:30pm.      Dinner at Giannillis II                        Report of Conduct of Elections Committee
             Conversation with Bishop Kusserow              Second Ballot for Board Members
9:00pm.      Vesper Services in the Chapel                  Adoption of 2019 Budget
             at Bishop Connare Center                       Report of Archives Committee
             With Bishop Kusserow                           Report of SW & NW Weekend Retreat
Saturday May 19, 2018                                       Reports of Committees
7:30am         Registration in Dining Hall                           Action
7:45-8:30am Breakfast                                                Community
8:30-9:00am Orientation of Delegates & Committees                    Communications
9:00-10:30am Business Session I                                      Growth
       Opening of Convention                                         Finance
       Opening Prayer                                       Unfinished Business
       Call to Order                                        Final Report of Convention Committees
       Report of Credentials Committee              Installation of Vice President, Secretary &
       Adoption of Rules and Procedures                     Board Members
       Adoption of Agenda                           Closing of Convention
       Announcement of Convention Committee
       Introduction of Synodical Board
       Report of Conduct of Elections Committee
       Nominating Ballot for Vice President
       Report of Resolutions Committee
       Presentation of Proposed Budget for 2019
       Report & Recommendations of the Board
       Report of Conduct of Elections Committee
       Second Ballot for Vice President
       Report of the Nominations Committee
10:30-11:15am Bible Study
11:15-Noon Work Shops
Noon-1:00pm Lunch
1:15pm         Business Session II
       Opening Prayer
       Call to 0rder
       Report of Churchwide Representative
       Report of President
       Report of Vice President
       Love Offering - Ready Yourself Youth Ranch
       Presentation of Proposals for 2019
               Designated Outreach
       Election of 2019 Designated Outreach
       Report from 2018 Designated Outreach
               Ready Yourself Youth Ranch
       Report of Conduct of Elections Committee
       Report of the Nomination Committee
       Ballot for Secretary
       Reading of Amendment to the Constitution
       Report of the Nomination Committee
       First Ballot for Board Members
       Report of the Secretary

To be presented at the Synodical Convention in May. Can be submitted now by mail to SWO President, Betty
Albright, or email to:

A resolution is an expression of a view and/or proposal by a delegate and/or congregational unit and includes
the reasons for the proposal and a suggested action to be implemented. The Resolution must be presented in
writing and signed by the congregational unit delegate. A Resolution submitted now needs only the signature
of the delegate. A Resolution presented at the convention requires the signature of three delegates and must
be submitted by 8:30am on Saturday May 19, 2018.

                                         Convention Resolution – 2018
                               Southwestern PA Synodical Women of the ELCA
Please type your resolution using the proper form in the space below. Keep a copy of the resolution for your
files. Send your resolution by mail to Betty Albright; 216 Roxburg Dr.; Greensburg, PA 15601 or email to: or present to the Resolution Committee at the Convention.







                                      2018 CONVENTION – MAY 18-19, 2018
                              BISHOP CONNARE CENTER, GREENSBURG, PA 15601

Name:                                                                               Phone No.


Email Address:


Location:                                                                                    Cluster No:

First Time Participant?

Delegate              Alternate Delegate                   Participant                Guest             Board Member
(Each Affirmed CU/ICU is EXPECTED to have a delegate. It is strongly urged that each unit pay for the expenses of the delegate.)

                                                    REGISTRATION EXPENSES
                           (Check appropriate expenses – EVERYONE MUST PAY A REGISTRATION FEE)

Early Registration Fee:               28.00
Registration after April 15h          30.00
Friday Lodging:                       40.00
Friday Dinner(held at Giannilli’s II) 25.00
        Please Pick One Entrée: Chicken Marsala:                         Stuffed Pork Chop                    Lump Crab Alfredo
Saturday Breakfast:                   12.00
Saturday Lunch:                       15.00
Commuter Fee                          7.00
         (Not staying overnight)
Round-Up Donation to SWPA SWO

(If you would like to make a donation, please add it to your registration and mark the amount of donation on the line above.)
         (Full time spending the night registration is $120.00)

Payment MUST accompany registration. Make checks payable to: Women of the ELCA of SWPA. Each attendee must complete a
registration form – duplicate as needed. Please complete both sides of this form


                                                       DEFINITION OF TERMS
Delegate-One(1) person from each congregational/Inter-congregational unit with voice and vote.
Alternate Delegate-Substitute for delegate
Participant-All registrants who are no delegates or guests
Guest-Person with specific duties such as Bible study leader, Worship leader, Bishop, CWO Reg, Nurse, etc.
Board Member-Elected member of the SWPA SWO board who is not serving as a delegate from their CU/ICU

Refunds shall be made in total to all persons canceling reservations before the deadline. Refunds shall be made of all pre-payments
except the Registration fee to all persons canceling their reservation after the deadline, but before the final count is given to the
institution (one week prior). NO REFUNDS SHALL BE made to persons canceling their reservations after the final count is given to the
institution.* (*Note: Exceptions may be made to this rule by written request to the SWO Administrative Board.) Onsite registration will
take place Friday at the dorms and Saturday in the dining hall.
                                        Please return above portion no later than April 23, 2018
                                              To:       Roberta Herrington
                                                        578 Allendale Rd.
                                                        New Brighton, PA 15066
“Women Blessed By God”
                           Workshop Selection (45 Minutes) – Please Choose One

          Jewelry Making – Presented by Teresa O’Malley

          Rock Painting – Presented by Robin VanDyke


                     TO:       Roberta Herrington
                               578 Allendale Rd.
                               New Brighton, PA 15066

                                      KEEP FOR YOUR INFORMATION

The workshop I am attending at the 2018 Convention:

          Jewelry Making presented by Teresa O’Malley

          Rock Painting presented by Robin VanDyke

Mailed Registration form on:                              Check #:

                   2018 Convention – SWPA SWO Women of the ELCA May 18-19, 2018
Directions to
                                            Bishop Connare Center
                                            Greensburg, PA 15601

From Pittsburgh and Points Northwest:
        Take the PA Turnpike to Exit 67(Route 30) Irwin Interchange. Follow Route 30 East approximately 11.5
miles to Bishop Connare Center.
        Take Route 22 and follow to the Turnpike Route 66 Extension Exit. Take Route 66 South to the Route
30 exit, then travel East on Route 30 approximately 6.5 miles to Bishop Connare Center.

From Points North and Northeast:
        Take Route 22 and follow to the first of either Route 819 or Route 119. Travel south to Business Route
30 (Pittsburgh Street) in the City of Greensburg. Turn left onto Pittsburgh Street and travel East to Route 30
approximately 3 miles to Bishop Connare Center.
        For a quicker route from 119 South, instead of proceeding into Greensburg, turn left onto Cameo Lane
(marked with a small street sign at the Hannastown Family Health Center), approximately 5 miles south of
Route 22. At the first stop sign at a “T” intersection, turn right; then immediately bear left at a “Y” intersection.
Proceed for 2 miles to the traffic light at Route 30, and then travel East (left) for one mile to Bishop Connare

From Points South and Southwest:
       Travel to the New Stanton Interchange via I70 or Route 119N. Continue North on Route 119
approximately 8 miles. Upon seeing Hoss’s Restaurant on the right, move into the left lane, which provides
access to Route 30 East entrance ramp at the stop light. Turn left onto the ramp and take Route 30 East
approximately 5 miles to Bishop Connare Center.

From Points East and Southeast:
      Take the PA Turnpike and follow to Exit 75 New Stanton. Proceed as directed for points South and
      Travel to Route 22 and proceed as directed for points North and Northeast.

If coming directly to the Banquet at Giannilli’s:
        Travel on Route 30 East to the stop light after Bishop Connare Center. Make a U-Turn and return on
Route 30 West. Giannilli’s is 0.02 mile on the right before you reach the entrance to Bishop Connare Center.
Park in the rear and use the banquet entrance to the restaurant.

                                                   See Drawing
Women of the ELCA
                        Southwestern Pennsylvania Synodical Women’s Organization

                                    2018 Biographical Information
                            Nomination Form for Secretary or Board Member



Home Phone:                                            Cell Phone:

Name of Congregation:

Address of Congregation:

Cluster #:

I am running for:   Secretary                   Board Member

EXPERIENCE-Beginning with the most recent, list significant experiences in each area over the last
five years.











2018 TO:
                                           Joan Orr
                                           201 South 5th St.
                                           Youngwood, PA 15697
                                      SWPA SWO WOMEN OF THE ELCA
                                             NOMINATION FORM
                                         (Please type or print clearly)

Name of Organization:


Contact Person:                                                        Phone No.:

What is the purpose of your organization/project?:

Is this organization/project affiliated with or receiving support from the ELCA?
         Yes            If so what Church                               Synod
         Congregation (list name)

       No              If not how is it supported/by whom?

Does this organization/project help support women and children living in crisis/or need? (Women of the ELCA
Churchwide focus)     Yes            No

Please list various specific needs of organization/project (ie: materials, volunteers, food, etc.)

Signature:                                                    Phone No:

Return form by April 1, 2018 to:       Dorothy Fazenbaker
                                       340 Fosterville Rd.
                                       Greensburg, PA 15601

At the 1995 SWPA SWO Convention, the following resolution was passed:

Whereas: Women of the SWPA Synodical Organization would gain insight and understanding of various
outreach programs going on in the Synod; and

Whereas: Women of the SWPA SWO would be encouraged to think of ways for outreach and evangelism in
their own neighborhoods, therefore be it

Resolved: that the SWPA SWO focus on, highlight, and promote awareness of one outreach program in their
prayers, in-kind gifts, volunteer time, and special designated offering.

Our 2017 Designated Outreach recipient was Grace Youth and Family Foundation of Butler and our 2018
Designated Outreach recipient is Ready Yourself Youth Ranch of New Brighton. In order to vote for the
Designated Outreach Program for 2019, we need nominations for organizations/projects which will help us as
a SWO to fulfill our mission as Women of the ELCA.

If you would like to nominate a local worthy organization/project, please complete the nomination form on the
reverse of this page in its entirety and mail to Dorothy Fazenbaker before April 1, 2018 at 340 Fosterville Rd,
Greensburg, PA 15601.

Also, please be prepared to give a brief verbal description if called upon at convention. A representative from
the organization/project will be asked to give a talk at convention on Saturday May 19, 2018 around 1:15pm.
The convention is held at the Bishop Connare Center located at 2900 Seminary Dr., Greensburg, PA 15601.

If you have any questions about the nominating process, please call Dorothy Fazenbaker at 724-837-5007.
                                   SWPA SWO – WOMEN OF THE ELCA
                                  (To be mailed back before April 15, 2018)




Phone No:                                    Email Address:




Phone No:                                     Email Address:

Name of Church:

Location:                                                          Cluster No:

                                      DELEGATE TO A CONVENTION

            •     Be well prepared for the convention by becoming familiar with pre-convention materials,
                  including information on nominees for election.
            •     Attend all convention sessions on time and be seated in the area specified for delegates.
            •     Speak clearly for or against issues from the convention floor.
            •     Take notes that will assist in reporting the convention to your Unit.
            •     Orally share insights, facts, and ideas gained at the convention with members of your Unit.
            •     Provide a copy of your oral report to the secretary/recorder of your Unit.

                                           Please mail form to:
                                               Betty Albright
                                              216 Roxbury Dr.
                                           Greensburg, PA 15601
                                             By April 15, 2018
                                    2018 CONVENTION GRANT

                 Grant Amount – up to one-half of the fulltime registration fee
                       Grant Application to be returned by April 1, 2018

                                        To: Donna Earnest
                                         945 Old Route 66
                                       Greensburg, PA 15601

Name:                                                Phone
Name of Congregation:
Name of Congregation Unit Leader:
Activities You Participated in—Church and

Why would you like to receive this grant?

1. Total number of Grants to be issued will depend on the availability of funds and may not be awarded to
   the same person more than twice in a three-year period.
2. The monetary amount of each Grant is up to one-half of the fulltime cost per event to one member from
   each Cluster.
3. Qualifications will be based on:
   a) Written response on application
   b) Consideration for first time participants
4. After the deadline, award decisions will be made by the Growth Committee based on the guidelines.
5. Grant applicants will be notified of award of Grant within two weeks of the application deadline.
6. Grant recipients must mail their registration, along with the adjusted fee, to event Registrar.
7. Grant recipient names will not be published.
                                   CONTACT PERSON

       Please complete this form when there is a change in your contact person.
Cluster #__________               Effective Date of Change_____________________

Name of Church_____________________________________________________________________

Address of Church_____________________________________________________________________

Present Contact Person____________________________________________________

New Contact Person _____________________________________________________
Phone #: Best _____________________________Alternate_______________________

Please return this form to:       Lori Ashton, Secretary
                                  237 Woodstock Avenue
                                  Hopwood, PA 15445

A copy of this form should also be sent to:
      1.) Your Cluster Planning Committee Coordinator (CPC)            –and –
      2.) Newsletter Editor: Jennifer Schaefer, 1210 Beech Drive, Latrobe, PA 15650

                   Please copy on colored paper(other than white) if possible
PA Synodical Women’s Organization                                            Calendar of Events
             2017-2018 Officers and Board Members
Officers:                                                                   2018
President: Betty Albright, 216 Roxbury Dr., Greensburg, PA 15601            February 14:                 Ash Wednesday &
          724-834-2677                                                   Valentine’s Day
V. President: Joan Orr, 201 South 5th St., Youngwood, PA 15697              February 16-18:              Conference of
          724-420-7864                                                          Synodical Presidents
Secretary: Lori Ashton, 237 Woodstock Ave., Hopwood, PA 15445
                                                                            March 2:                     World Day of Prayer
                                                                            March 10:                    Board Meeting at
Treasurer: Janet Fishovitz, 227 Brewer Dr., Freedom, PA 15042
          724-728-0356                                                         Trinity Lutheran Church
Treasurer Elect: Susan Brown, 341 Godfrey Rd., Leechburg, PA 15656                                       in Ellwood City
          724-845-8258                           March 11:                    Daylight Savings
Board Members:                                                              March 25:                    Palm Sunday
Eldora Crist, 903 Redmont Place, Greensburg, PA 15601                       March 30:                    Good Friday
          724-837-1032                            April 1:                     Easter
Donna Earnest, 945 Old Rt. 66, Greensburg, PA 15601                         April 21:                    Cluster 4 Meeting at
          724-834-5849                                                      Salem Lutheran Church
Dorothy Fazenbaker, 340 Fosterville Rd., Greensburg, PA 15601
                                                                                                         in Delmont
                                                                                                         Cluster 5 & 6 Meeting
Barb Frey, 105 Sewickley Heights Dr., Sewickley, PA 15143
          412-741-4522                                                          at St. John Mark
Elvira Harencame, 2074 Saxonburg Blvd., Gibsonia, PA 15044                                               Lutheran Church in
          412-999-3540                                                          Homestead
Rosemarie Henrickson, 5133 Lougean Av., Pittsburgh, PA 15207                May 18-19:                   Synodical Convention
          412-461-8619                   June 2:                      Reorganizational Board
Mary Lou Millward, 115 True Ln., New Stanton, PA 15672                                                   Meeting at Harold-Zion
          724-635-0218                                                      Lutheran Church in
Robin Van Dyke, 1530 Mars-Evans City Rd., Evans City, PA 16033                                           Greensburg
Debra Wright, 543 Church Rd., Harmony, PA 16037

                                                Newsletter Information
The SWPA Synodical Women’s Organization Newsletter is published four times a year following Board Meetings. Each Board
Member, Officer, Cluster Planning Committee Member, and Congregational Unit receives a complimentary issue.

We welcome submissions to the Newsletter of activities or news items which you would like to share. We reserve the right to
reject any material deemed unsuitable as submitted and we will edit as necessary. Due to space limitations some items may not
be included.

Deadline for sending articles for the next issue is March 15, 2018.
Subscription Rate: $5.00 per year – All subscriptions begin September 1 each year. Checks for subscriptions and/or donations for
the newsletter are to be made payable to: SWPA Synod Women of the ELCA and are mailed to: Jennifer Armstrong-Schaefer;
1210 Beech Dr.; Latrobe, PA 15650

Please use this form to sign up for a subscription or renew your subscription. Form may be duplicated.

                                                                      Phone No.

           New                     Renewal                            Amount Enclosed
SWPA Synodical Women’s Organization
                                              Non-Profit Organization
c/o Prince of Peace Lutheran Church
                                              US Postage PAID
1325 Mission Rd.                              Latrobe, PA 15650
Latrobe, PA 15650                             Permit #173

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                               CONVENTION ISSUE
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