Franklin Elementary Fall Book Fair Nov 16-20, 2020

Page created by Jeanne Kramer
Franklin Elementary Fall Book Fair Nov 16-20, 2020
Franklin Elementary
    Fall Book Fair
   Nov 16-20, 2020
Elk Grove's family-owned bookstore, A Seat at the Table Books, is
hosting Franklin Elementary School's Fall 2020 Online Book Fair!

 By November 20, shop online at
with code FESPTA and Franklin's library will receive 15% of your
entire purchase. This applies to everything on our site, but we've
 highlighted some great books in this catalog to get you started.

                 You can also shop in person at
    A Seat at the Table's booth at the NeighborGood Market
 on Nov. 5 or 19 and we'll apply your purchase to the book fair!
            The market is from 4 to 7 at District56
     (8230 Civic Center Dr.). We'll be near the food trucks.
Franklin Elementary Fall Book Fair Nov 16-20, 2020
                   Picture Books
Shop at with code FESPTA and we'll give 15% to the library!

                   This moving story by                      Lupita Nyong'O draws on
                   Matthew A. Cherry                         her own experience in this
                   celebrates the power of                   beautiful book about self-
                   family, fatherhood, and                   acceptance, family, and
                   ritual while also                         the importance of
                   providing insight into                    celebrating all skin tones.
                   the Black experience.

                 Supreme Court Justice                       This masterful and
                 Sonya Sotomayor teaches                     moving book, inspired by
                 us to celebrate different                   children the author met
                 abilities and feel confident                through UNICEF, is a
                 asking questions so we can                  visually comprehensive
                 understand and support                      guide to the earth filled
                 each other.                                 with warmth and humor.

                  Prima ballerina and                       Mo Willems' books are
                  bestselling author Misty                  funny, engaging reads for
                  Copeland shares how she                   all ages and teach important
                  discovered her love of                    social and emotional skills.
                  dance. An inspiring tale for              You'll love them as much as
                  anyone looking for the                    your kids do. We have a list
                  courage to try something                  of his books here.
                   If you want dragons at
                   your party, serve tacos!        Do your kids love books
                   But where there are tacos,
                                                   about their favorite TV &
                   there is also salsa. And if a
                   dragon eats spicy salsa . . .   movie characters? Find a
                   you're in trouble. Laugh         list of character books
                   together as you read this
                   tale of friendship.                   under $10 here.
Franklin Elementary Fall Book Fair Nov 16-20, 2020
Our Favorite
                   Picture Books
Shop at with code FESPTA and we'll give 15% to the library!
                   When Julián sees women                   The art in this book
                   dressed up as mermaids,                  inspired by the author's
                   he decides to imitate                    own immigration story
                   them. His abuela's                       will draw your child into
                   acceptance and support                   this tale about the
                   just might bring you to                  inclusive power of books
                   happy tears! A sequel was                and libraries. Also
                   just published.                          available in Spanish.

                 This endearing story about                Ruby's brothers don't help
                 a girl’s first experience                 her build her fort and can't
                 with the great outdoors                   enjoy the fruits of her labor.
                 reminds us that opening                   When they help her in other
                 your mind to new                          ways, they get to play. This
                 experiences, no matter how                twist on The Little Red Hen
                 challenging, can lead to                  teaches boundaries as well
                 great memories.                           as how to make amends.

                   Explore the topic of autism                This Native American
                   with an empowering story                   food story depicts the
                   and adorable illustrations.                diversity of indigenous
                   The SEN Superpowers                        peoples, role of continuity
                   series celebrates the                      between generations, and
                   positive traits associated                 adaptation of people,
                   with common special                        place, and tradition over
                   needs diagnoses.                           time. An instant classic.

                   In this captivating picture
                   book about gender,             We love picture books for
                   identity, and acceptance,      family read-alouds, early
                   Miu Lan faces questions
                   about who they are and        readers, and getting young
                   could be. But no matter       kids interested in reading.
                   what, their mother will
                   love them just the same.
                                                       Find more here.
Franklin Elementary Fall Book Fair Nov 16-20, 2020
Board Books &
Shop at with code FESPTA and we'll give 15% to the library!
                     Indestructibles live up                    Did we mention how
                     to their name: your                        tough Indestructibles
                     little one can do                          are? You can even
                     anything to them and                       throw them in the
                     they'll be as good as                      wash if you need to.
                     new! Take this one in                      Love You, Baby is so
                     the bath!                                  sweet and is also
                                                                available in Spanish.
                     Play peek-a-boo on the                    Part of the bestselling
                     farm! Spot frisky goats                   Baby Loves series, this
                     bleating in the garden,                   cute and clever
                     little lambs baaing in                    introduction to
                     the fields, and many                      political science and
                     other animals and their                   democracy is accurate
                     babies being woken up                     and simple enough for
                     by the roosters crow.                     babies and toddlers.

                     Where does Baby                            Every single book by
                     Hedgehog live? How                         Todd Parr is
                     does he find a tasty                       affirming, creative,
                     treat? Follow along with                   funny, and highly
                     the attached finger                        re-readable. We love
                     puppet as Baby                             this book all about
                     Hedgehog experiences                       kindness and
                     his world.                                 empathy.

                     Your kids will love
                     learning about ten               Board books and
                     trailblazing women in      Indestructibles help foster
                     this book, which has
                     short rhymes for              a love of books in the
                     everyone plus              youngest members of your
                     additional info for the
                     bigger kids.
                                                  family. Find more here.
Franklin Elementary Fall Book Fair Nov 16-20, 2020
Bestselling K-3rd
                 Grade Chapter Books
Shop at with code FESPTA and we'll give 15% to the library!
                 Series are great for early              This goofy graphic novel
                 readers, who can find                   series follows super spy
                 characters they love and                alligator duo the
                 stick with them. Narwhal:               InvestiGators as they travel
                 Unicorn of the Sea is the               through the sewers and fight
                 first in the highly popular             the forces of evil. Book 1 is a
                 Narwhal and Jelly series.               great introduction to graphic
                                                         novels for younger readers.

                Young readers often fall in              The Junie B. Jones books are
                love with reading thanks to              wildly popular because they
                books about their favorite               are so funny and relatable to
                hobbies and interests. Enter             young readers. This boxed
                the Minecraft Woodsword                  set is perfect for holiday
                Chronicles! In Book 1, five              gifting, and we love how
                kids find themselves inside              book series keep kids coming
                the game they love.                      back to reading.

               Magic Tree House blends                    Delight your Magic Tree
               magic, adventuring, and                    House fan with this survival
               education in one popular                   guide, complete with a
               series with dozens of books.               built-in compass. Learn how
               Get your reader hooked and                 to survive lots of scary
               you'll know exactly what to                situations, such as sharks,
               gift them for every occasion:              earthquakes, fires,
               more Magic Tree House books!               shipwrecks, and more!
               2nd through 4th graders will
               love this classic story of      Early chapter books are
               resilience and hope by           crucial to getting your
               Newberry Medal winner Kate
               DiCamillo, author of Because    child hooked on reading
               of Winn-Dixie.                      independently.
Franklin Elementary Fall Book Fair Nov 16-20, 2020
Our Favorites for
                        1st-4th Graders
Shop at with code FESPTA and we'll give 15% to the library!
                Our youngest has all 8 books                    The 8th book in the Princess
                in the Princess in Black series                 in Black series sees our hero
                nearly memorized. The                           teaming up with a diverse
                humor and quick storytelling                    team of 12 princesses (all in
                make this series a winner!                      disguise, of course) and a
                This first book introduces                      boy who calls himself the
                Princess Magnolia, our                          Goat Avenger. Silly, clever,
                masked superhero.                               and engaging!

               Barefoot Books' Stories from                   Another favorite in the
               Around the World series                        Stories from Around the
               combines beautiful                             World series, Masha and the
               illustrations and tales from                   Bear, retells the Russian story
               around the globe that teach                    of a young girl who uses her
               kids important lessons.                        cleverness to get out of a
               Grim, Grunt, and Grizzle-Tail                  difficult situation.
               is a Chilean folktale.
               Prince of Fire is both the                     No family bookshelf is
               perfect introduction to and                    complete without Frog and
               retelling of the story of Diwali,              Toad, the classic series
               the Hindu festival of lights.                  celebrating the power of
               Nonstop action, courageous                     friendship. Frog and Toad
               heroes, and a dastardly villain                Are Friends, the first of the
               will keep 2nd-5th graders on                   series, has been a universal
               the edge of their seats.                       favorite for 50 years.
              The award-winning Zoey and
                                                     Do you love Barefoot Books?
              Sassafras series has
              illustrations, accessible               We do too, and we can get
              writing, magic, animals,             anything they sell! You can also
              science, and mystery. In
                                                   browse their site and email any
              Dragons and Marshmallows,
               the first of the series, the girl         special requests to
              and cat help a sick dragon.
Franklin Elementary Fall Book Fair Nov 16-20, 2020
Bestselling 3rd-
                  7th Grade Books
Shop at with code FESPTA and we'll give 15% to the library!
               Jerry Kraft's New Kid was the                The babysitters are back with
               first graphic novel to win the               an updated series of graphic
               Newberry Medal. He's back in                 novels! Book 1 sets the stage
               a companion book about                       with all the drama and
               Drew, who is navigating the                  humor of the original series
               complexities of friendship                   and an updated look and
               and privilege. Laugh-out-loud                story. Look for the new show
               funny, moving, and powerful.                 on Netflix, too!

               So many graphic novels are                   Winner of the Asian / Pacific
               bestsellers because they                     American Award for
               engage a wide range of readers               Children's Literature. "Mia's
               and bring stories to life. Based             writing and power grow
               on a true story, When Stars                  through letters she sends to
               Are Scattered brings kids into               remedy injustices. A swiftly
               the experience of growing up                 moving plot and a winsome
               in a refugee camp.                           protagonist..." -SLJ

               Now a movie on Disney+! This                 No book fair is complete
               unforgettable novel inspired                 without Diary of a Wimpy
               by a true story celebrates the               Kid. The latest book in the
               transformative power of                      series is the #4 book in the
               unexpected friendship. This                  country! Books let us escape
               illustrated book is told from                the pandemic by taking us to
               the point of view of the gorilla             new places; join Greg and his
               nmaed Ivan himself.                          family on a camping trip.
               Roald Dahl has drawn in young
               (and old) readers for decades        We can get in 17 million
               because of his unique ability to   titles, including bestselling
               tap into the experiences and
               imaginations of young people.        middle grade books! See
               The Witches just got a new           more popular books for
               movie adaptation. Also
               available as a graphic novel.
                                                  your 3rd-7th graders here.
Franklin Elementary Fall Book Fair Nov 16-20, 2020
Our Son's Favorite
                3rd-6th Grade Books
Shop at with code FESPTA and we'll give 15% to the library!
               This is the first book in the                  The Mr. Penguin series is so
               Wings of Fire series. My                       funny! This is the first book
               mom and I are both hooked                      of the series. I liked how the
               on this series. I really enjoy                 illustrations added to the
               the element of surprise and                    story, which is clever and
               suspense in every book.                        unpredictable. This is a fun
               These books are also available                 one for family read-alouds.
               as new graphic novels.
                 Racism can be hard to                       Coming December 1, Girl
                 understand if you haven't                   Giant and the Monkey King is
                 experienced it. You might                   amazing! It's about a super-
                 not even know where to                      strong girl who makes a deal
                 start! I've learned a lot about             with an ancient trickster, but
                 racism in the past few years                it also relates to real life. I
                 and this book is really                     couldn't stop reading this one
                 helpful.                                    until I finished it!

               Alex Gino is one of my                         This is the sequel to George,
               favorite authors of all time.                  and trust me, you need both
               They're a great writer and                     books! This book is about
               show that everyone, including                  friendship and figuring out
               LGBTQ+ people, should be                       who you are. It hooked me
               included. This story can help                  right away and I could not
               anyone understand why                          put it down.
               LGBTQ+ people matter.
                 If you enjoy mysteries and
                 spy stories, you'll love this     For reluctant readers, highly
                 book! Candy is outlawed,           engaging books are a must.
                 but smugglers still sell it in
                 secret. The story moves            Check out our list of Middle
                 quickly and I liked getting       Grade Books They'll Actually
                 to know the characters.
                                                           Want to Read.
Franklin Elementary Fall Book Fair Nov 16-20, 2020
Games, Toys,
                  and Other Gifts
Shop at with code FESPTA and we'll give 15% to the library!
                    Create a Story Cards                        eeBoo's games are
                    engage your child's                         designed to be fun and
                    creativity and foster                       educational. They're
                    their imagination. We                       also sustainably made
                    have two types: Fairytale                   and high quality! We
                    and Volcano. By mother-                     love Candy Matching.
                    owned, sustainable
                    company eeBoo.

                     Although we can't                          Spottington is a new
                     currently travel, this set                 game every time you
                     of travel games is great                   play it because of its
                     for at-home fun, car                       seven double-sided
                     rides, or keeping at                       game board segments.
                     Grandpa's house.                           Fun for the whole
                     Compact, engaging, and                     family!

                      These 36-piece puzzles                These Star Wars Folded
                      are small enough for an               Flyers will speed through
                      elf and come in four                  your living room as well
                      cute designs. Let us                  as they do in outer space.
                      know when you order if                And they look as great as
                      you want Unicorn,                     they fly because they're
                      Traffic, Narwahl, or                  made from full-color,
                      Dinosaurs.                            custom-designed paper

                    What's better for your
                    LEGO fan than a book            We'll have scratch-off
                    packed with creative          stickers, glow-in-the-dark
                    ideas, specialized LEGO
                    bricks, and step-by-step        buildable dinos, adult
                    instructions? LEGOs are        puzzles, and more eeBoo
                    great for encouraging
                    screen-free fun.
                                                  magic at our market booth!
Franklin Elementary Fall Book Fair Nov 16-20, 2020
Adult Fiction
                       Because parents deserve
                           good books, too!
Shop at with code FESPTA and we'll give 15% to the library!
              Addie LaRue is 23 when she                     N. K. Jemisin is one of the
              makes a deal with the darkness                 greatest voices in
              to get out of her forced                       contemporary fiction. The
              wedding. For 300 years, not                    City We Became is the first
              one person can remember                        of a bestselling series about
              her... but then a bookseller                   culture, identity, magic, and
              recognizes her. Powerful,                      myths.
              creative, and surprisingly real.

              One of the best new books of                  A work of magical realism, The
              2020! This first novel in a                   Resurrection of Fulgencio
              trilogy weaves a tale of dark                 Ramirez brings together the
              magic, family bonds, loyalty,                 past and present as Fulgencio
              empire, and identity in a richly              strives to succeed in America,
              developed world with floating                 break a family curse, and
              islands and an emperor who                    restore a doomed youthful
              can't be trusted.                             romance. Also in Spanish.
               Make sure the kids are busy                   This luminous debut
               before you get too far into                   collection grounds its stories
               Legendborn, because as the                    in the landscapes and
               story deepens, you will not be                lifeworlds of the Native
               able to put this incredible debut             Northwest, exploring the
               novel down. Magic, history, and               inventive pattern of Native
               legend come together into a                   American life in the
               thoroughly contemporary tale.                 contemporary world.

               A richly woven, devastating,
               and wonderful novel by an           There's nothing like a novel
               international leader. With             to free you from your
               five protagonists, Adichie
               weaves a heart-wrenching             immediate circumstances
               story about the Biafran              and restore your soul. See
               Revolution in Nigeria that
               resonates today.
                                                    our fiction favorites here.
Shop at with code FESPTA and we'll give 15% to the library!
              Fairy tales from the Brothers                 Flying Free is the story of how
              Grimm to Disney influence our                 Cecilia Aragon, the first
              expectations and behavior                     Latina pilot to secure a place
              about disabilities. Learn how                 on the United States
              the quest for disability rights               Unlimited Aerobatic Team,
              connects to new kinds of                      broke free from expectations
              stories that celebrate                        by combining her passion for
              difference.                                   flying with math and logic.

               Spanning more than four                      In this simultaneously
               hundred years, this classic                  hilarious and eye-opening
               bottom-up peoples’ history                   memoir by a young lawyer,
               reframes US history from an                  you'll have a front-row seat to
               indigenous perspective and                   the daring, exhilarating,
               ends the silences in our                     painful, and hilarious journey
               narrative. Also available in a               that is group therapy.
               young adult edition.
               Nothing is more essential to                 This book, one of Ryan's
               our wellbeing than breathing,                favorites, will teach you how to
               but we've forgotten how to do it.            reduce stress and increase
               Learn how making even slight                 happiness. The author's quest
               science-based adjustments to                 started after a very public
               the way we breathe can                       panic attack, so his study of
               transform our athletic ability,              neuroscience, spirituality, and
               physical health, and more.                   more is very relatable.

                    Whether you're a lifetime
                    sourdough baker, a             We personally curate all of
                    pandemic convert, or           the recommendation lists
                    interested in the basics,
                    this book is for you. Emily    on our site. Check out our
                    has and loves this book           nonfiction list here.
                    (and the family is glad she
Thank you!
Our family-owned business is honored to host Franklin's
fall book fair and to support our school's library. Children
    who are avid readers tend to have stronger skills in
   everything from social connection, imagination, and
communication to schoolwork and standardized tests. By
  investing in your children's literacy through this book
 fair, you are supporting their present and future health,
  investing in your local community, and strengthening
               our school's library all at once.

Remember to reach out at
or 916-538-3482 if you have any questions! You can also
  find us on Facebook and Instagram. Finally, join our
   email list if you want to stay updated on our store's
        events and progress (and get a coupon!).

                     Happy Reading!
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