First half results 2021 - Domino's pizza group plc 3 August 2021 - Domino's Pizza Group plc

Page created by Holly Lane
First half results 2021 - Domino's pizza group plc 3 August 2021 - Domino's Pizza Group plc
first half results 2021
    Domino’s pizza group plc
      26 weeks ended 27 June 2021

           3 August 2021
First half results 2021 - Domino's pizza group plc 3 August 2021 - Domino's Pizza Group plc

1. Overview – Dominic Paul, CEO

2. Financial performance – Neil Smith, CFO

3. Strategic & operational update – Dominic Paul, CEO

4. Q&A
First half results 2021 - Domino's pizza group plc 3 August 2021 - Domino's Pizza Group plc
First half performance
    • Strong trading performance in the first half
    • Translated into good earnings, cash generation and shareholder returns
            – Interim dividend of 3.0p
            – Additional £35m share buyback announced – totalling £80m announced since March ‘21
    • Disposal of non-core international businesses – nearing completion

    • Executing on our strategic objectives
            – System sales up 20%
            – UK&I online represents 92% of system sales
            – New integrated media campaign ‘Domin-Oh-Hoo-Hoo’
            – New App launched with Group Ordering, Deal Wizard & In Car Collection
            – 13 new store openings – plans for up to 30 this year
            – New supply chain centre in Cambuslang, Scotland

3   Half year results 2021
First half results 2021 - Domino's pizza group plc 3 August 2021 - Domino's Pizza Group plc

1. Overview

2. Financial performance – Neil Smith, CFO

3. Strategic & operational update

4. Q&A
First half results 2021 - Domino's pizza group plc 3 August 2021 - Domino's Pizza Group plc
    Strong trading delivering underlying earnings growth

    Underlying, £m                                    H1 21        H1 20           FY 20
    UK & Ireland EBITDA                               69.5           57.6          120.8    • UK&I EBITDA growth of £11.9m
                                                                                              assisted by:
    Depreciation & Amortisation                       (7.8)           (8.1)        (16.5)
                                                                                                – Covid-19 related costs reduced to
    UK & Ireland EBIT                                  61.7          49.5          104.3          £1.5m (H1 20: £6.2m)
    German Associate EBIT                               2.2            1.9           4.7        – VAT benefit of £3.7m (H1 20: nil)
    Finance costs                                      (3.1)         (3.8)          (7.8)
                                                                                            • Underlying PBT growth of £13.2m
    Profit before tax                                 60.8           47.6          101.2
                                                                                            • Underlying EPS of 10.7p, up 23%
    Taxation                                          (11.0)         (7.7)         (16.9)
    Profit after tax                                  49.8           39.9           84.3

    Underlying basic EPS (p)                           10.7           8.7           18.2

    Adoption of IFRS 16 applied in all reporting periods – see Appendix slide 33

5   Half year results 2021
First half results 2021 - Domino's pizza group plc 3 August 2021 - Domino's Pizza Group plc
    Included within underlying items

    £m                               H1 21   H1 20   FY 20
    Supply chain operations           0.9      2.1     4.6   • Covid-19 related costs significantly
                                                               reduced in H1 21
    Franchisee support                0.3      3.4     3.7
                                                                 – Expected to decline further in H2
    Charges to supply chain EBITDA     1.2     5.5     8.3
    Community                         0.3      0.7     0.7   • UK VAT rate reduction since July
                                                               2020 generated benefit sufficient to
    Total                              1.5     6.2     9.0     more than offset Covid-19 costs in H1
    VAT benefit                       3.7     0.0      3.6       – Expected to decline in H2 as VAT
                                                                   rate due to increase to 12.5% from
                                                                   1 October 2021
                                                             • No government loans or funding; no
                                                               furlough; repaid business rates on
                                                               corporate stores

6   Half year results 2021
First half results 2021 - Domino's pizza group plc 3 August 2021 - Domino's Pizza Group plc
    Strong performance

    £m                                   H1 21    H1 20    FY 20
    Supply chain centre EBITDA           52.6     48.4      99.3    Key impacts on EBITDA are:
    Net royalties                         21.1     17.7     37.8    • Supply chain EBITDA includes £1.2m
    Net overheads, realty & incentives   (15.1)   (14.3)   (31.9)
                                                                      of Covid-19 related costs
    UK corporate stores                    2.1     0.3       1.6    • Increase in net royalties from 19.6%
    UK investments                        5.4       1.9      6.1      increase in system sales
    IFRS 16 leases                        3.4       3.6      7.9    • Net overheads increase driven by
    Underlying UK & Ireland EBITDA       69.5     57.6     120.8        – Investments in people to add
                                                                          capability and expertise
                                                                        – Investment in data analytics and
                                                                          marketing effectiveness
                                                                    • Corporate stores and JVs trading
                                                                      well through year with some
                                                                      support from VAT reduction

7   Half year results 2021
First half results 2021 - Domino's pizza group plc 3 August 2021 - Domino's Pizza Group plc
    Healthy profits for the system
                                      H1 21*      H1 20*   FY 20*
    Store level                                                     • Franchisees and their teams continue to
                                                                      operate effectively and safely in
        Average EBITDA               £154k         £85k    £229k
                                                                      constantly changing environment
        EBITDA margin                 25%            16%    20%
                                                                    • VAT rate cut in UK in July 2020
    Franchisee level
                                                                      continues to assist profitability – effect
        Average EBITDA               £134k         £66k    £191k      will diminish from October 2021
        EBITDA margin                  21%           12%     17%
                                                                    • Strong community support and job
    * UK only

    Source: Extracted from submissions from franchisees
    Not subject to audit by DPG or externally

8   Half year results 2021
First half results 2021 - Domino's pizza group plc 3 August 2021 - Domino's Pizza Group plc
    Reported system sales growth aided by effect of UK VAT reduction

    £m                                           H1 21         H1 20   % change
    UK system sales                             716.5          597.0     20.0%    • UK system sales up 20.0% to £716.5m,
                                                                                    including c. £87m benefit from VAT
    Ireland system sales                         35.8           31.9      12.2%
    Total system sales                          752.3          628.9      19.6%
                                                                                  • LFL sales growth across UK & Ireland of 19.3%
                                                                                    excluding splits
    Supply chain revenue                         183.1         170.8       7.2%
                                                                                       – adjusting for VAT impact LFL sales growth
    Royalty, rental & other revenue              40.8           33.2     22.9%           was 5.5% excluding splits
    Corporate stores revenue                      17.7          15.4      14.9%
                                                                                  • Supply chain revenue up 7.2% as a result of
    NAF & eCommerce                              36.2           27.5      31.6%     increased volume
    Total DPG reported revenue                  277.8          246.9      12.5%
                                                                                  • Royalty, rental and other revenue increased
                                                                                    by 22.9% due to increased royalty revenue, in
    UK & Ireland EBITDA                          69.5           57.6                part from VAT rate reduction
    Reported EBITDA margin % of                                                   • Corporate stores revenue of £17.7m up 14.9%
                                                 9.2%          9.2%                 year-on-year
    system sales

    UK VAT reduction from 20% to 5% effective from July 2020
                                                                                  • Reported EBITDA margin as % of system sales
                                                                                    remained consistent
9   Half year results 2021
    Strong system sales; order count helped by recovery of collection
            Delivery & collection analysis                       Quarterly profile

                Total sales
                                          £51.3m       £752.3m

                                            +79.8%      +19.6%          18.5%           20.0%                  19.3%
                                          COLLECTION                                            13.5%
                £628.9m                                                                                                 3.5%
                               DELIVERY                                    Q1   -5.2%       Q2                     H1
                  H1 2020                              H1 2021
                                                                  LFL exc Splits Growth         Total Order Count Growth
                Total orders
                                            1.5m       33.7m
                                                                 • H1 total sales growth of 19.6%; LFL growth of 19.3%,
                                                                   assisted by VAT rate reduction
                                                                 • H1 order count growth of 3.5% as collection rolling
                               (0.4m)     COLLECTION               closures last year
                               DELIVERY                               – Delivery business -1.5% orders
                                                                      – Collection business +27.1% orders
                  H1 2020                              H1 2021

10 Half year results 2021
    Materially reduced charges
    £m                                                H1 21   H1 20
    Discontinued International trading performance
                                                                       • Focused on removing burden of
       Iceland                                         0.6      0.5      International on Group cash flow
       Norway                                             -    (3.3)       – Trading losses now negligible
       Switzerland                                     0.5     (1.4)   • Norway disposal completed
       Sweden                                         (0.9)    (2.4)     May ’20 - loss of £10.8m
    Central costs                                     (0.8)    (0.7)
                                                                       • Sweden disposal completed May
    Total trading loss                                (0.6)    (7.3)     ’21 – loss of £0.4m
    Loss on disposal of Iceland                       (6.6)       -
                                                                       • Iceland disposal completed May ‘21
    Loss on disposal of Norway                            -   (10.8)     - £13.5m of cash received - book
    Loss on disposal of Sweden                        (0.4)       -      loss of £6.6m
    Finance costs & tax                                   -    (1.2)   • Other non-underlying charges of
    Total charge from discontinued operations         (7.6)   (19.3)     £0.9m relate primarily to legal and
    Non-underlying charges                                               professional fees
                                                      (0.9)    (1.6)
    Total charge from non-underlying & discontinued   (8.5)   (20.9)

11 Half year results 2021
    Strong generation of free cash flow from the business

    £m                               H1 21    H1 20    FY 20
    Continuing operations EBITDA      71.7    59.5     125.5    • Strong free cash flow of £51.3m in
                                                                  the first half
    Discontinued operations EBITDA    0.2      (4.3)    (4.2)
    Remove contribution from                                    • Working capital in the prior year
    investments                      (7.6)     (3.8)   (10.8)     benefitted from timing inflow of
                                                                  £20.7m from the end of 2019
    IFRS 16 – net lease payments     (5.0)     (8.4)   (11.0)
    Working capital                   3.5      17.2     29.1    • IFRS 16 outflow of £5.0m relates to
                                                                  cash payments and receipts for
    Dividends received                 2.6      1.5      2.5
                                                                  leases now not presented as part
    Net interest                      (2.2)    (1.2)    (4.4)     of EBITDA
    Tax                              (10.2)   (11.3)   (23.1)
                                                                • Tax cash outflows decreased by
    Other                             (1.7)    (2.3)    (4.6)     £1.1m as a result of timing of UK tax
    Free cash flow                    51.3    46.9     99.0       payments during the year

12 Half year results 2021
    In the first half we have distributed £70.7m to shareholders

    £m                               H1 21    H1 20    FY 20    • Total capital expenditure of £7.8m primarily
    Free cash flow                    51.3    46.9     99.0       relates to SCC (Cambuslang) and IT/Digital
    Capex                             (7.8)    (7.1)   (19.4)
    Share receipts                       -        -     13.4    • Acquisitions and disposals primarily reflects
                                                                  the £13.5m of proceeds from the Iceland
    Acquisitions & disposals          11.6     (6.4)    (6.4)     disposal
    Receipts from German associate     9.2        -        -
                                                                • £9.2m of receipts from our German associate
    Other                                -      2.0      4.6
                                                                  primarily relate to MAF
    Net cash generated               64.3     35.4      91.2
                                                                • Dividend paid of £42.3m represents the FY 20
    Dividend paid                    (42.3)       -    (25.6)
                                                                  Final dividend of 9.1p paid in May '21
    Share transactions               (31.3)       -        -
                                                                • Share transactions include £28.4m of the spend
    Forex on RCF                       3.5     (4.9)    (4.8)
                                                                  to date of the £45m ongoing share buyback
    Total movement in net debt        (5.8)   30.5     60.8       programme and £2.9m of EBT purchases
                                                                • Total cash generated in H1 of £64.3m
                                                                • Closing net debt at £177.6m

13 Half year results 2021
   £48.8m of cash generated in H1 to be distributed to shareholders

                 PRIORITIES FOR CAPITAL            PHILOSOPHY                        OUTCOMES FOR H1 21
                 Invest in the business to drive   Returns-based approach to         Capital investment of £7.8m
                 long-term organic growth          investment in core business       to support business growth

                 Sustainable &                                                       Proposed H1 21
                 progressive dividend              Annual EPS cover of at least 2x
                                                                                     dividend of 3.0p (£13.8m)

                                                   Board to take disciplined         Divestment of sub-scale
                 Investment in additional
                                                   approach to assessing organic     international businesses and
                 growth opportunities
                                                   and inorganic opportunities       focus on the core business

                 Surplus cash                      Return surplus cash to our        Incremental £35m share
                                                   shareholders                      buyback – total £80m

                                                 Strong balance sheet:
                                Normalised net debt / EBITDA leverage range of 1.5x - 2.5x
14 Half year results 2021
Current trading & outlook
    For FY 21 we expect:
    • Execution of new strategy is delivering further growth in earnings
    • We expect to incur Covid-19 related costs of c. £2.5m in the year (FY 20: £9.0m). The VAT benefit for the
      full year is estimated at c. £6m (FY 20: £3.6m)
    • Underlying depreciation & amortisation of £16m to £18m

    • Underlying interest (excluding foreign exchange movements) of £4m to £6m
    • Underlying effective tax rate of c. 18% for the full year

    • UK & Ireland capital expenditure of c. £15m

    • Net debt at FY 21 year-end around £200m

15 Half year results 2021

1. Overview

2. Financial performance

3. Strategic & operational update – Dominic Paul, CEO

4. Q&A
    Our flexible and robust business model is incredibly agile and can
    adapt quickly to changing market conditions
    • Our agile business model has proved to be a real advantage
            – Vertically integrated ownership of supply chain
            – 100% ownership of customer relationship
            – Franchised model enables rapid response to changing market conditions

    • Delivery market grew rapidly through Covid-19 back drop
            – Focused on retaining customers won through Covid-19 and maintaining momentum

    • Collection market is recovering
            – Expect to recover towards order count levels in line with 2019 by the end of the year

    • Agile business model able to mitigate some inflationary pressure and labour availability

17 Half year results 2021

    delivering a better future through food people love

                      1                   2                      3                  4                    5                     MEDIUM TERM ambition
                            Nobody            Turbo-charge          Amplify our        Uphold our                Model
                          delivers like       our collection      product quality   industry-leading         excellence as a
                           Domino’s             business             & value        scale economics            franchisor      £1.6bn to      Add 200
                                                                                                                                £1.9bn        New stores
                                                   VALUES                                                                                       in UK&I
                                                                                                                               System sales
                                                                                                       We grow
                                                   We do the      We are     We love     We are
                                                                                                        and win
                                                   right thing   one team   customers     bold

18 Half year results 2021
Clear roadmap on our strategy execution
    Multiple initiatives driving our strategic programme

           In 2021                                                   2022 and beyond
       1    Personalise web platform &    Driving improved           Launch new web platform
            deploy CRM                    marketing effectiveness
            Launch new mobile App

      2     Roll out In Car Collection    Targeted promotion of
                                          collections                Introduce on-the-go menu items

      3     Relaunch full menu offering   Drive loyalty via          Attract new consumers through
                                          pizza innovation           differentiated innovation

      4     Utilise cages & dollies for   Install scan & dispatch
                                                                     Deploy dynamic distribution routing
            SC efficiencies               supply system

      5     Stronger business             Bolster our capabilities
                                                                     Roll out new store formats
            review process                (e.g. in data)


19 Half year results 2021
Nobody delivers like domino’s
                       Driving engagement through new App & functionality

                                         • Both iOS and Android App live, with CRM capability
                                           built in
                                         • Group Ordering and Deal Wizard functionality added
                                           and performing in-line with expectations
                                         • Significant improvement in sales metrics post launch
                                         • Great customer feedback with 4.8 stars on App Store
                                           & 4.6 stars on Google Play
                                         • Implemented 'Braze' CRM, omni-channel customer
                                           engagement platform

20 Half year results 2021
Turbocharge our collection business
                       Rolling out In Car Collection to grow share of carry out

                               • New ordering channel representing a growing % of digital carry-
                                 out orders
                               • 300 stores at end June, potential for over 450
                               • Rollout across web and App ordering
                               • Regional advertising test planned in Q3 to drive local awareness
                               • Strong customer feedback at 4.5 stars

21 Half year results 2021
Amplify our product quality and value


22 Half year results 2021
Uphold our industry-leading scale economics
                       Accelerating franchisee new store openings
    • New store opening incentive launched at end of Q1 driven
      by franchisees wanting to seize market opportunity
            – New stores: £100k - 3 annual instalments
            – Split stores: £150k - 3 annual instalments
            – Similar package for Ireland

    • Offers best-in-class returns for franchisees
    • Strong appetite across franchisees, from largest to
      smallest, to open stores
    • 13 stores opened in H1 (+8 vs LY). Plans for 2021 store
      opening target of up to 30 vs. 19 in 2020
    • Early trading of new stores above expectations
    • Pipeline building for 2022

23 Half year results 2021
Model excellence as a franchisor
                       Investment in supply chain, opened SCC, Scotland

    • Opened new Scotland facility in April 2021
    • 92 stores now supported from Cambuslang with
      capacity to serve 150 stores
    • Facility was built to allow our new store distribution
      method of food baskets, Cages & Dollies
    • Availability and accuracy of 99.9% and 99.8%
    • Cages & Dollies deliveries across over 200 stores
    • Further investment in Supply Chain infrastructure
      planned for Ireland

24 Half year results 2021
Franchisee Alignment
    We are stronger together
    • Our world class franchisees continue to work hard in challenging and variable market
      conditions, with strong momentum maintained in H1
    • We are engaged with our franchisees to drive profitable system growth
    • We continue to have open dialogue with Domino's franchisee representatives and
      the offer made, to align their objectives with ours, remains in discussion
    • Where it makes economic sense to do so, we are implementing components of the offer
            – New store incentives
            – Investment in capabilities
            – Investment in Supply Chain and Digital capabilities
    • We are getting on with delivering the strategy to our mutual benefit

25 Half year results 2021
SUMMARY & Outlook

    • We have great foundations for future growth
            – Asset light business model generating strong cash flow

    • Excellent progress with clear building blocks in place to deliver our medium-term
            – System sales of £1.6bn to £1.9bn
            – Over 200 new stores

    • Trading in first half of the year has been strong
            – Enabling transparent and strong cash returns to shareholders

    • Second half has started well

26 Half year results 2021
                                            LFL Inc Splits (YOY Growth)                      Total (All Stores)
                                                      Items Per
                                         Orders            Order   Product Mix                           YOY Order
    UK & ROI                  Sales    (Volume)       (Volume)       (Volume)      Price   Orders (m)      Growth

    Q1                       17.7%       (5.9)%           7.3%           2.1%      14.1%       16.6m         (5.2)%
    Q2                       19.2%        12.2%         (7.9)%           1.9%     13.0%         17.1m         13.5%
    H1                       18.4%         2.5%         (0.3)%           2.7%     13.6%        33.7m           3.5%
    Delivery only
    Q1                       24.7%         5.9%           1.9%           3.9%      13.1%       13.3m           6.8%
    Q2                          1.1%     (9.7)%         (2.4)%           0.7%     12.5%         13.1m        (8.7)%
    H1                        11.7%      (2.5)%         (0.3)%           1.7%     12.8%        26.4m         (1.5)%
    Collection only
    Q1                      (12.0)%     (35.1)%          13.2%         (2.2)%      12.1%        3.3m        (34.5)%
    Q2                      1391.5%     488.8%           19.8%        378.3%     504.5%         4.0m         494.7%
    H1                        77.8%      25.7%            11.9%          11.7%    28.6%         7.3m           27.1%

    • Average discount 40.4%, with 92.4% of orders sold on promotion

28 Half year results 2021

       UK system sales £m                                                     ROI system sales £m
       +20.0%                                                                 +12.2%
                                               7.1       (3.9)                            3.9         0.0       0.0        0.0
                        114.1       2.2
                                            Immature    Split                                         New     Immature    Split       35.8
                                    New              territories     716.5                            store     store  territories
                                    store     store
                                             growth                                                  growth    growth

         597.0          LfL                                                    31.9       LfL
                     exc. Splits                                                       exc. Splits

     2020 H1                                                       2021 H1   2020 H1                                                 2021 H1

29 Half year results 2021
UK & IRELAND LFL SALES growth - 2021
                              Q1      Q2      H1
   LFL sales growth         2021     2021   2021
   Excluding splits
      UK                    18.8%   20.5%   19.7%
      Ireland               8.2%    14.5%   11.3%
   UK & Ireland combined    18.5%   20.0%   19.3%
   Including splits
      UK                    17.9%   19.6%   18.8%
      Ireland               8.2%    14.5%   11.3%
   UK & Ireland combined    17.7%   19.2%   18.4%

30 Half year results 2021
UK & IRELAND LFL SALES growth - 2020
                              Q1       Q2       Q3      Q4      FY
   LFL sales growth         2020     2020     2020    2020    2020
   Excluding splits
      UK                    4.0%     5.6%     18.3%   15.2%   10.9%
      Ireland               (1.7)%   (5.4)%   2.0%    0.2%    (1.2)%
   UK & Ireland combined    3.5%     5.2%     17.5%   14.6%   10.3%
   Including splits
      UK                    2.8%     4.7%     17.3%   14.6%   9.9%
      Ireland               (3.3)%   (6.6)%    1.5%   0.2%    (2.1)%
   UK & Ireland combined    2.2%     4.2%     16.5%   14.1%   9.3%

31 Half year results 2021
                                            27 June    27 Dec    29 Dec
   £m                                          2021     2020       2019
    UK                                        1,158     1,147     1,130
      Franchise                               1,123      1,110    1,094
      Corporate                                  35        37       36
    ROI                                          54       54        54
    UK & ROI total                             1,212    1,201     1,184
    Discontinued International operations
    Switzerland                                 20        20         21
    Norway                                      NA        NA        56
    Iceland                                     NA         23       24
    Sweden                                      NA         14        13

32 Half year results 2021
   Income Statement (underlying)                                           Balance sheet
                                                 IFRS 16
    £m                            Pre-IFRS 16    impact    Post-IFRS 16    £m                    H1 21
    Revenue                            265.0        12.8         277.8     Right of use asset     21.5
    Costs excl. depreciation         (201.0)       (9.4)        (210.4)    Lease receivable     201.4
    Contribution of investments          4.3           -           4.3     Lease liability      (224.7)
    EBITDA                              68.3        3.4            71.7    Net assets impact      (1.8)
    Depreciation                         (4.9)     (2.9)           (7.8)
    EBIT                                63.4        0.5           63.9
    Net finance costs                    (2.2)     (0.9)           (3.1)
    Profit before tax                    61.2      (0.4)          60.8
    Taxation                            (11.0)         -          (11.0)
    Profit after tax                    50.2       (0.4)          49.8

33 Half year results 2021
    Net debt broadly unchanged

                                                                                            Net debt /
                                                                 Net debt /
                                                                                        Reported EBITDA
                                                             Continuing EBITDA
                                                                                        Inc Discontinuing
                                                             (Excl IFRS16): 1.36x
                                                                                       (Excl IFRS16): 1.39x

                                      (7.8)        9.2
                            51.3                             (42.3)

                                                                           (31.2)          13.5        (2.4)     0.5     3.4      (177.6)

       OPENING              FCF       Capex   Receipts from Dividends      Share         Iceland      Sweden     Other   Forex   CLOSING
       NET DEBT         (pre capex)              German        paid     transactions     disposal     disposal                   NET DEBT

34 Half year results 2021
                                    27 Jun   27 Dec
    £m                                2021    2020
    Intangible assets                 32.2    30.5
    Property, plant and equipment    90.7       91.1
    Right-of-use assets               21.5     20.1
    Lease receivables                201.4   204.7
    Trade and other receivables      54.0      57.4
    Inventory                         12.7     11.0
    Market Access Fee                  8.7     15.3
    Investments                       56.1     51.7
    Cash and cash equivalents         36.8     63.4
    Deferred consideration             5.1      5.7
    Tax assets                         1.9      3.2
    Assets held for sale               8.7     38.1
    Total Assets                    529.8     592.2

35 Half year results 2021
                                  27 Jun    27 Dec
    £m                              2021     2020
    Lease liabilities             (224.7)   (226.5)
    Trade and other payables       (94.1)    (90.3)
    RCF                           (217.4)   (243.6)
    Share buyback obligation       (16.7)
    Other financial liabilities     (0.4)        -
    Tax liabilities                 (2.9)     (3.6)
    Provisions                     (13.4)    (13.5)
    Liabilities held for sale       (7.7)    (23.5)
    Total liabilities             (577.3)   (601.0)

    Net liabilities                (47.5)     (8.8)

36 Half year results 2021
   Item                     Definition
   AWUS                     Average Weekly Unit Sales
   ASPA                     Average Sales Per Address
   eCommerce fund           The fund used to recharge costs for the development and maintenance of our eCommerce platform with franchisees

   German associate         Represents our 33% associate investment in the trading operations of Domino’s Pizza Germany (also referred to as Daytona JV)

   HFSS                     High fat, salt, or sugar
   International            Represents our former businesses in Norway, Sweden, and Iceland, the business in Switzerland and our share of the German
   London                   Relates to the corporate stores held following the acquisition of SMP and HMF and subsequent corporate store openings and
   corporate stores         closures
   NAF                      National Advertising Fund
   Shorecal                 Represents our 15% interest in the trading operations of Shorecal Limited, a franchisee group which operates stores in the
                            Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland.

37 Half year results 2021
                                                                                                                          Location in release of
   Item                                      Definition                                                                   reconciliation to GAAP measure
   Non-underlying items                      Items that are material in size, unusual or infrequent in nature, and are    Group income statement, note 5
                                             disclosed separately as non-underlying items in the notes to the accounts.
   Group operating profit before tax         Group operating profit before tax excluding non-underlying items             Group income statement, note 3
   excluding non-underlying items
   Net interest before non-underlying items Group finance costs excluding non-underlying items                            Group income statement, note 3
   Underlying profit before taxation         Group profit before tax excluding non-underlying items                       Group income statement, note 3
   Underlying profit for the period          Group profit after taxation excluding non-underlying items                   Group income statement
   Earnings before Interest and Tax (EBIT)   EBIT is directly comparable to underlying operating profit                   Not applicable
   Non-underlying items                      Items that are material in size, unusual or infrequent in nature, and are    Group income statement, note 5
                                             disclosed separately as non-underlying items in the notes to the accounts.
   Underlying basic EPS                      Group EPS excluding non-underlying items                                     Note 7
   Last 12 months (LTM) EBITDA               LTM EBITDA for the period from 29 June 2020 to 27 June 2021 based on         Not applicable
                                             underlying activities including share of profits from associates and joint

38 Half year results 2021
                                                                                                                      Location in release of
   Item                               Definition                                                                      reconciliation to GAAP measure
   System sales                       System sales represent the sum of all sales made by both franchised and
                                                                                                                      Not applicable
                                      corporate stores to consumers.
   Like-for-like (LFL) sales growth   LFL excluding splits sales performance is calculated for UK & Ireland
   excluding splits                   against a comparable 26 week period in the prior year for mature stores
                                                                                                                      Not applicable
                                      which were not in territories split in the year or comparable period. Mature
                                      stores are defined as those opened prior to 29th December 2019.
   Like-for-like (LFL) sales growth   LFL including splits sales performance is calculated for UK & Ireland against
   including splits                   a comparable 52 week period in the prior year for mature stores, including      Not applicable
                                      those which were in territories split in the year or comparable period.
   Net debt                           Group cash less bank revolving credit facility and other loans                  Not applicable
   Free cash flow                     Free cash flow comprises cash generated from operations less dividends
                                      received, net interest cash flows and corporation tax. Free cash flow
                                                                                                                      Not applicable
                                      before non-underlying cash items represents the free cash flow before the
                                      inclusion of the cash impact of items recognised as non-underlying.

39 Half year results 2021
    These interim results, our Annual Report and the Domino's Pizza website may contain certain "forward-looking statements" with respect to Domino's Pizza
    Group plc and the Group's financial condition, results of operations and business, and certain of Domino's Pizza Group plc’s and the Group's plans, strategy,
    objectives, goals and expectations with respect to these items and the economies and markets in which Domino's Pizza Group plc operates.

    Forward-looking statements are sometimes, but not always, identified by their use of a date in the future or such words as "anticipates", "aims", "due",
    "could", "may", "should", "expects", "believes", "intends", "plans", "targets", "goal" or "estimates". By their very nature, forward-looking statements are
    inherently unpredictable, speculative and involve risk and uncertainty because they relate to events and depend on circumstances that will occur in the
    future. Many of these assumptions, risks and uncertainties relate to factors that are beyond the Group's ability to control or estimate precisely.

    There are a number of such factors that could cause actual results and developments to differ materially from those expressed or implied by these
    forward-looking statements. These factors include, but are not limited to, changes in the economies and markets in which the Group operates; changes in
    the legal, regulatory and competition frameworks in which the Group operates; changes in the markets from which the Group raises finance; changes in
    interest and exchange rates; the impact of legal or other proceedings against, or which affect, the Group; changes in accounting practices and
    interpretation of accounting standards under IFRS; and changes in our principal risks and uncertainties.

    Any written or verbal forward-looking statements made in these our interim results, our Annual Report or the Domino's website, or made subsequently,
    which are attributable to Domino's Pizza Group plc or any other member of the Group or persons acting on their behalf are expressly qualified in their
    entirety by the factors referred to above. Each forward-looking statement speaks only as of the date of these interim results or our Annual Report, or on
    the date the forward-looking statement is made. Domino’s Pizza Group does not intend to update any forward-looking statements.

40 Half year results 2021
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