First georeferenced record of Amphisbaena fuliginosa Linnaeus, 1758 for the State of Ceará, northeastern Brazil (Squamata, Amphisbaenidae)

Page created by Oscar Jackson
First georeferenced record of Amphisbaena fuliginosa Linnaeus, 1758 for the State of Ceará, northeastern Brazil (Squamata, Amphisbaenidae)
Herpetology Notes, volume 14: 639-643 (2021) (published online on 10 April 2021)

    First georeferenced record of Amphisbaena fuliginosa Linnaeus,
      1758 for the State of Ceará, northeastern Brazil (Squamata,

         Igor Joventino Roberto1,*, João Rafael Muniz Silva2, Thieres Pinto3, and Robson Waldemar Ávila1

  Amphisbaena fuliginosa Linnaeus, 1758 is a large-               by a colouration pattern fitting A. f. wiedi. However,
sized stout-bodied amphisbaenian, characterised by                there were no specific localities associated with these
a maximum total length of 500 mm, 6–10 precloacal                 specimens. Vanzolini (2002) included additional
pores, 190–220 body annuli, 23–30 tail annuli, and a              specimens from the Cerrado biome of Central Brazil,
brindled colour pattern varying between a yellowish               but did not include the individuals from Ceará. In this
to purplish background and with different degrees of              paper, the author mentioned that A. f. wiedi had a wider
dark spots (Vanzolini, 1951, 2002). This species has a            distribution south of the Amazon River. Ribeiro et al.
wide geographic distribution from Panamá throughout               (2012) provided a record of A. fuliginosa from the
the Amazon, with disconnected populations in the                  Chapada do Araripe, southern Ceará, and mentioned
Cerrado biome in Central Brazil, the Atlantic Forest in           a specimen from the São Paulo collection (MZUSP
northeastern Brazil, and an isolated population in the            7059), but this specimen is only listed with Ceará State
state of Ceará, in the Caatinga biome (Vanzolini, 2002;           as a general locality (Roberto and Loebmann, 2016).
Costa and Bérnils, 2018).                                         Costa and Bérnils (2018) tentatively assigned the
  Amphisbaena fuligionosa is considered a polytypic               populations of central and northeastern Brazil to A. f.
species, composed of five subspecies, including A. f.             wiedi, including the populations in Ceará State, based
fuliginosa Linnaeus, 1758, A. f. amazonica Vanzolini,             on geographic distribution. Nevertheless, it appears that
1951, A. f. bassleri Vanzolini, 1951, A. f. varia Laurenti,       so far, no specific geographic locality is associated with
1768, and A. f. wiedi Vanzolini, 1951 (Vanzolini,                 Ceará populations of A. fuliginosa. We here provide
1951, 2002). However, morphological characters                    such a record.
overlap significantly between these taxa, making their
identification difficult. During his taxonomic review
of A. fuliginosa, Vanzolini (1951) included three
specimens from Ceará State. Two of these had 214
body annuli, 24–25 tail annuli, 8–10 pores, and 22/24
to 24/24 segments at the midbody annulus, fitting in
the range of variation for A. f. amazonica, whereas the
third individual had 203 body annuli, 27 tail annuli, and
20/20 segments at the midbody annulus, accompanied

  Departamento de Biologia, Universidade Federal do Ceará,
    Avenida. Mister Hull s/n, Pici, Fortaleza, Ceará 60455-760,
  Instituto Centro de Ensino Tecnológico, Rua Silva Jardim 515,
    José Bonifacio, Fortaleza, Ceará 60040-260, Brazil.
  Sertões Consultoria Ambiental e Assessoria, Avenida Oliveira    Figure 1. Individual of Amphisbaena fuliginosa, photographed
    Paiva 2797, Fortaleza, Ceará 60821-740, Brazil.
                                                                  while crossing a dirt road at São Felix, Viçosa do Ceará
  Corresponding author. E-mail:
                                                                  Municipality, Ceará State, northeastern Brazil. Photo by João
© 2021 by Herpetology Notes. Open Access by CC BY-NC-ND 4.0.      Rafael Muniz Silva.
First georeferenced record of Amphisbaena fuliginosa Linnaeus, 1758 for the State of Ceará, northeastern Brazil (Squamata, Amphisbaenidae)
640                                                                                                     Igor Joventino Roberto et al.

  On 11 February 2019 at 08:08 h, JRMS observed an                     more mottled colour pattern (see Figs. 1–4 in Vanzolini,
individual of A. fuliginosa (Fig. 1) crossing a dirt road              2002; Lemos and Facure, 2007; Nogueira-Costa et al.,
at São Felix, Viçosa do Ceará Municipality, Ceará State,               2013) than the Santa Maria and this Ceará population.
Brazil (3.428°S, 41.184°W). This locality is within the                Based on the colouration pattern and the distribution
boundaries of the Área de Proteção Ambiental Serra                     (see Table 1, Fig. 2), we consider this record in Ceará as
da Ibiapaba (APA – Environmental Protection Area                       A. fuliginosa wiedi. However, a taxonomic assessment
of Ibiapaba Mountain Range). The vegetation of the                     of A. fuliginosa is still needed to verify the validity of
area is a transition between humid forest and degraded                 the subspecies within this species complex (Costa and
arboreal Caatinga, with a dark red latosol (Loebmann                   Bérnils, 2018).
and Haddad, 2010).                                                       The Planalto da Ibiapaba harbours several reptile
  We were, unfortunately, unable to collect the individual             and amphibian taxa with Amazon origin (Roberto
to access meristic data and compare it to the subspecies               and Loebmann, 2016). An Atlantic coast northeastern
of A. fuliginosa, mostly because of the lack of collection             corridor during the Pliocene–Pleistocene can be a
permits and absence of good photographic equipment.                    possible dispersal route for A. fuliginosa from the
The individual has a more melanistic colour pattern (Fig.              eastern Amazon to the Atlantic forest as demonstrated
1) similar to the population of A. f. wiedi from Santa                 for amphibians (Fouquet et al., 2012) and lizards (Prates
Maria, in southern Bahia State (see Plate 2, Figs. 9–10                et al., 2017).
in Vanzolini, 1951). The Cerrado populations have a

Figure 2. Geographic distribution map of Amphisbaena fuliginosa. Records based on Chalkidis, 2000; Chalkidis et al. 2002;
Vanzolini, 2002, Lemos and Facure, 2007; Silveira, 2007; Nogueira-Costa et al. 2013. A. f. amazonica (green triangles);
A. f. bassleri (light blue crosses), A. f. varia (black squares), A. f. wiedi (red circles = bibliographic records; red star = this study).
First georeferenced record of Amphisbaena fuliginosa, State of Ceará, Brazil                                                                       641
Table 1. Geographic distribution of the Amphisbaena fuliginosa subspecies, with the respective coordinates and bibliographic
 Table 1. Geographic distribution of the Amphisbaena fuliginosa subspecies, with the respective coordinates and bibliographic reference.

 Subespecies         Locality                                 State/Province      Country         Latitude       Longitude     Reference
 A. f. wiedi         Açailandia                                 Maranhão           Brazil        -5.783333        -47.6915     Vanzolini, 2002
 A. f. wiedi         Alto Paraíso                               Rondônia           Brazil        -9.616667        -63.459      Vanzolini, 2002
 A. f. varia         Apiaú                                       Roraima           Brazil         2.666667      -61.253167     Vanzolini, 2002
 A. f. wiedi         Aripuanã                                  Mato Grosso         Brazil        -10.333333     -59.391667     Vanzolini, 2002
 A. f. amazonica     Balbina, UHE (Usina Hidroelétrica)         Amazonas           Brazil        -1.915426      -59.517443     Vanzolini, 2002
 A. f. varia         Barauana, Rio, at Highway BR-210            Roraima           Brazil         1.466667      -60.870333     Vanzolini, 2002
 A. f. amazonica     Belém                                         Pará            Brazil        -1.433333        -48.488      Vanzolini, 2002
 A. f. amazonica     Berurí                                     Amazonas           Brazil           -3.9          -61.3735     Vanzolini, 2002
 A. f. wiedi         Canindé, Rio Gurupí                           Pará            Brazil           -2.55       -46.522833     Vanzolini, 2002
 A. f. amazonica     Cucuí                                      Amazonas           Brazil        -1.216667      -66.837167     Vanzolini, 2002
 A. f. varia         Cujubim, Rio Catrimani                      Roraima           Brazil           1.75        -62.286833     Vanzolini, 2002
 A. f. wiedi         Humaitá                                    Amazonas           Brazil        -7.516667      -63.043667     Vanzolini, 2002
 A. f. amazonica     Itapiranga                                 Amazonas           Brazil        -2.733333        -58.023      Vanzolini, 2002
 A. f. wiedi         Jacareacanga                                  Pará            Brazil        -6.448325      -57.885281     Vanzolini, 2002
 A. f. wiedi         km 1 Highway RO-399                        Rondonia           Brazil           -12.7       -60.192833     Vanzolini, 2002
 A. f. wiedi         km 5 Highway RO-399                        Rondonia           Brazil        -12.733333     -60.276167     Vanzolini, 2002
 A. f. wiedi         km 93 Highway BR-010                          Pará            Brazil           -2.2        -47.572333     Vanzolini, 2002
 A. f. wiedi         Kukoinhokren, Serra de                        Pará            Brazil        -7.833333      -51.927333     Vanzolini, 2002
 A. f. amazonica     Manaus                                     Amazonas           Brazil        -3.116667        -60.0065     Vanzolini, 2002
 A. f. varia         Maracá, Ilha de, Rio Uraricoera             Roraima           Brazil         3.416667      -61.669333     Vanzolini, 2002
 A. f. wiedi         Mesa, Serra da                               Goiás            Brazil          -14.25       -48.592667     Vanzolini, 2002
 A. f. wiedi         Oriximiná                                     Pará            Brazil        -1.766667      -55.855167     Vanzolini, 2002
 A. f. varia         Pacaraima, Vila (border-marker BV-8)        Roraima           Brazil            4.5          -61.152      Vanzolini, 2002
 A. f. wiedi         Piracanjuba                                  Goiás            Brazil           -17.3         -49.027      Vanzolini, 2002
 A. f. wiedi         Porto Walter                                  Acre            Brazil        -8.266667        -72.742      Vanzolini, 2002
 A. f. wiedi         Santa Barbara                              Rondonia           Brazil        -9.166667      -63.075667     Vanzolini, 2002
 A. f. wiedi         Santa Maria Eterna                           Bahia            Brazil          -15.85         -39.4265     Vanzolini, 2002
 A. f. amazonica     Tabatinga                                  Amazonas           Brazil        -4.233333        -69.924      Vanzolini, 2002
 A. f. wiedi         Tarauacá                                      Acre            Brazil        -8.166667      -70.776667     Vanzolini, 2002
 A. f. varia         Tepequém                                    Roraima           Brazil           3.75          -61.7525     Vanzolini, 2002
 A. f. wiedi         Tomé Açu                                      Pará            Brazil           -2.4          -48.156      Vanzolini, 2002
 A. f. wiedi         Vista Alegre, Rio Negro                    Amazonas           Brazil        -0.406526      -64.463788     Vanzolini, 2002
 A. f. wiedi         Cumari                                       Goiás            Brazil        -18.263056     -48.151111     Lemos & Facure, 2007
 A. f. varia         village of Santa Rosa, Santarém               Pará            Brazil        -2.433333         -54.7       Chalkidis, 2000
 A. f. fuliginosa    Amana Sustainable Development              Amazonas           Brazil        -2.701333      -64.618306     Chalkidis, 2002
                     Reserve, Tefé
 A. f. wiedi         Araguari                                  Minas Gerais        Brazil         -18.5575        -48.0675     Nogueira-Costa et al.2013
 A. f. wiedi         João Pinheiro                             Minas Gerais        Brazil        -17.761056     -46.194306     Silveira, 2007
 A. f. fuliginosa    Laranjal do Jari                             Amapá            Brazil         0.578314      -52.326769     Costa-Campos et al. 2014
 A. f. wiedi         Viçosa do Ceará                              Ceará            Brazil          -3.428         -41.184      this study
 A. f. bassleri      Avila                                        Napo            Ecuador        -0.633333        -77.421      Vanzolini, 2002
 A. f. varia         Baños                                       Pastaza          Ecuador           -1.4        -78.421167     Vanzolini, 2002
 A. f. varia         Bucay                                       Guayas           Ecuador        -2.166667      -79.122167     Vanzolini, 2002
 A. f. bassleri      Canelos                                     Pastaza          Ecuador        -1.583333      -77.738167     Vanzolini, 2002
 A. f. varia         Daule, Rio                                  Guayas           Ecuador        -2.166667      -79.869667     Vanzolini, 2002
 A. f. varia         Guayaquil                                   Guayas           Ecuador        -2.166667      -79.869667     Vanzolini, 2002
 A. f. varia         Loja                                          Loja           Ecuador            -4         -79.173667     Vanzolini, 2002
 A. f. bassleri      Loreto                                       Napo            Ecuador        -0.633333        -77.3185     Vanzolini, 2002
 A. f. bassleri      Pastaza, Rio                                Pastaza            Peru         -4.916667      -76.407833     Vanzolini, 2002
 A. f. varia         Peña Lisa                                    Chocó           Colombia          5.01          -76.625      Vanzolini, 2002
 A. f. varia         Pichilingue                                 Los Rios         Ecuador           -1.1        -79.468667     Vanzolini, 2002
642                                                                                                   Igor Joventino Roberto et al.

Table 1. Continued.

Subespecies        Locality                         State/Province      Country        Latitude    Longitude    Reference
A. f. varia        Riobamba                          Chimborazo         Ecuador       -1.666667     -78.655     Vanzolini, 2002
A. f. varia        Santo Domingo de los Colorados     Pichincha         Ecuador       -1.083333    -79.487333   Vanzolini, 2002
A. f. bassleri     Turula, Rio Upano                  Morona –          Ecuador       -2.216667    -78.189167   Vanzolini, 2002
A. f. bassleri     Charobamba                           La Paz           Bolivia      -14.616667   -68.744167   Vanzolini, 2002
A. f. bassleri     Sorata                               La Paz           Bolivia      -15.783333   -68.677667   Vanzolini, 2002
A. f. bassleri     Tipuani                              La Paz           Bolivia        -15.55     -68.011167   Vanzolini, 2002
A. f. bassleri     Yungas                               La Paz           Bolivia      -16.166667   -67.511333   Vanzolini, 2002
A. f. varia        Andagoya                             Chocó           Colombia         5.1        -76.675     Vanzolini, 2002
A. f. varia        Barrancabermeja                    Santander         Colombia         7.05        -73.87     Vanzolini, 2002
A. f. varia        Honda                                Tolima          Colombia         5.2       -74.751667   Vanzolini, 2002
A. f. varia        Las Animas, Caño                     Chocó           Colombia      5.333333      -76.725     Vanzolini, 2002
A. f. amazonica    Leticia                            Amazonas          Colombia        -4.15      -69.957167   Vanzolini, 2002
A. f. varia        Medellin                           Antioquia         Colombia         6.25      -75.608333   Vanzolini, 2002
A. f. varia        Muzo                                Boyacá           Colombia      5.533333     -74.113333   Vanzolini, 2002
A. f. varia        Paime                            Cundinamarca        Colombia      5.366667     -74.181667   Vanzolini, 2002
A. f. varia        Peña Lisa                            Chocó           Colombia         5.01       -76.625     Vanzolini, 2002
A. f. varia        Rio Frio                           Magdalena         Colombia         10.9       -74.185     Vanzolini, 2002
A. f. varia        San Pedro                        Valle del Cauca     Colombia          4         -76.219     Vanzolini, 2002
A. f. varia        Villavicencio                         Meta           Colombia         4.15      -73.618833   Vanzolini, 2002
A. f. fuliginosa   Christiaankondre                                     Suriname      5.716667     5.716667     Vanzolini, 2002
A. f. fuliginosa   Georgetown                                            Guyana       6.783333     -58.188333   Vanzolini, 2002
A. f. fuliginosa   Kaieteur Falls                                        Guyana       5.166667      -59.4685    Vanzolini, 2002
A. f. fuliginosa   Kalacoon                                              Guyana       6.383333       -58.64     Vanzolini, 2002
A. f. fuliginosa   Kamakusa                                              Guyana       5.933333       -59.91     Vanzolini, 2002
A. f. fuliginosa   Maccasseema                                           Guyana          7.25      -58.718333   Vanzolini, 2002
A. f. fuliginosa   Marudi River                                          Guyana       2.116667       -59.57     Vanzolini, 2002
A. f. fuliginosa   Nappi, Kanuku Mts.                                    Guyana       3.416667      -59.5695    Vanzolini, 2002
A. f. fuliginosa   Paramaribo                                           Suriname      5.083333     -55.173333   Vanzolini, 2002
A. f. fuliginosa   Saint Laurent du Maroni                            French Guiana      5.5       -54.040333   Vanzolini, 2002
A. f. bassleri     Boca Santiago                      Amazonas            Peru          -4.45      -77.640833   Vanzolini, 2002
A. f. bassleri     Cashiboya                            Loreto            Peru          -6.85      -74.741667   Vanzolini, 2002
A. f. bassleri     Rio Cenipa                         Amazonas            Peru          -4.65      -78.174333   Vanzolini, 2002
A. f. bassleri     Contamana                            Loreto            Peru        -7.333333    -75.041833   Vanzolini, 2002
A. f. bassleri     Cushabatay, Rio                      Loreto            Peru          -7.15      -75.141833   Vanzolini, 2002
A. f. bassleri     Iquitos                              Loreto            Peru        -3.787267    -73.223333   Vanzolini, 2002
A. f. bassleri     Pampa Hermosa                        Loreto            Peru           -7.2       -75.3085    Vanzolini, 2002
A. f. bassleri     Pucallpa                            Ucayali            Peru        -8.383333    -74.558833   Vanzolini, 2002
A. f. bassleri     Reforma                              Loreto            Peru        -6.733333     -74.975     Vanzolini, 2002
A. f. bassleri     Reforma                              Loreto            Peru         -5.06875    -73.891333   Vanzolini, 2002
A. f. bassleri     Roaboya                              Loreto            Peru           -7.8      -74.775167   Vanzolini, 2002
A. f. bassleri     San Gaban, Rio                        Puno             Peru        -13.416667    -70.305     Vanzolini, 2002
A. f. varia        Panamá city                                          Panamá        9.012081     -79.548144   Vanzolini, 2002
A. f. varia        Frijoles                                             Panamá        9.173888     9.173888     Vanzolini, 2002
A. f. varia        Barro Colorado                                       Panamá        9.173888     -79.847094   Vanzolini, 2002
A. f. varia        Monte lirio                                          Panamá        8.795141     -82.804762   Vanzolini, 2002
A. f. varia        Gatun                                                Panamá          9.2709     -79.909061   Vanzolini, 2002
A. f. varia        Chagres River                                        Panamá        9.281204     -79.476275   Vanzolini, 2002
A. f. varia        Canal Zone                                           Panamá        9.130613     -79.740784   Vanzolini, 2002
A. f. varia        Bohio                                                Panamá        8.956241     -79.549046   Vanzolini, 2002
First georeferenced record of Amphisbaena fuliginosa, State of Ceará, Brazil                                                    643
Acknowledgments. We acknowledge the financial assistance of           Nogueira-Costa, P., Aguiar, F.V.O., da Silva, G.R., Afonso, M.C.,
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico            Baldine, J.T.B., Venâncio, M.F. (2013): Reptilia, Squamata,
(CNPq) for a postdoctoral fellowship to IJR (PDJ 159999/2019-            Amphisbaenidae, Amphisbaena fuliginosa wiedi Vanzolini,
7) and research fellowships to RWA (PQ# 303622 / 2015-6,                 1951: distribution extension. Check List 9(1): 167–168.
305988 / 2018-2). María Camila Vallejo-Pareja and Marcelo             Prates, I., Rivera, D., Rodrigues, M.T., Carnaval, A.C. (2016):
Menin reviewed earlier drafts of this manuscript and assisted            A mid-Pleistocene rainforest corridor enabled synchronous
with the English.                                                        invasions of the Atlantic Forest by Amazonian anole lizards.
                                                                         Molecular Ecology 25: 5174–5186.
References                                                            Roberto, I.J., Loebmann, D. (2016): Composition, distribution
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  Orrico, V.G.D., Lyra, M.L., et al. (2012): From Amazonia to the        6. On the geographical distribution and differentiation of
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Lemos, F.G., Facure, K.G. (2007): New record of Amphisbaena              Amphisbaenidae), with a consideration of the forest refuge
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                                                                                            Accepted by Timothy Colston
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