FEBRUARY 2022 - St Andrew's Roundhay

Page created by Ramon Burns
FEBRUARY 2022 - St Andrew's Roundhay
FEBRUARY 2022 - St Andrew's Roundhay
February 2022
     Rev Tim Lowe                            269 7002
    Sheila Telfer           churchsecretary@standrews.cc

    Colin McIlwain                           266 2501
   Claire Westgarth              magazine@standrews.cc

   Pam Clark                                  293 7441
  Sheana Dudley                    pastoral@standrews.cc

   Sheila Telfer
    Anna Moger                 annakatmoger@gmail.com

   Celly Rowe                   m.rowe103@ntlworld.com

    Janet Johnston                           289 2219
  Claire Westgarth                  notices@standrews.cc

   Pam Clark                                  293 7441
    Jeanette Payne                           266 3363
    Hillary Owens                             2664551
FEBRUARY 2022 - St Andrew's Roundhay
February 2022

        “Transforming our ordinary”
Back in January, in our all-age worship service, we heard the story of
Jesus’ very first miracle, according to the gospel writer John (John
2.1-11). It all happens when he and his mother, Mary, are guests
celebrating at a wedding party and the wine runs out. Jesus is
nudged by his mum to help out in tricky situation, and so he tells the
servants to fill six huge containers with water. Much to everyone’s
astonishment, as the liquid is poured out of the jugs ,what comes out is
the finest wine, and all those who know what’s happened are amazed!

Our theme was about transformation, not just of wine at your average
party celebration, but also in our own lives and our community. Sheila
got us thinking about how we transform ourselves for a special
occasion or a party. Mark told us about the wonderful transforming
work going on unnoticed around us with recycling in Leeds everyday.
Where do you see God doing extraordinary things in our ordinary lives?
Where are the everyday miracles and how is God transforming us
into something beautiful?

                The world was saddened recently with the news of the
                death the courageous priest who fought to transform a
                nation – Desmond Tutu. Surely he is a hero to so many?
                An ordinary man who let himself be transformed by
                God so that he might help transform others:
                 • He inspired many to take a stand against apartheid in
                   South Africa.
                 • He walked a hard line of non-violent protest.
                 • He fought for reconciliation and forgiveness, for
                   justice and freedom.
                 • He was transformed by a chance encounter with anti-
                   apartheid campaigner and priest, Trevor Huddleston,
                   who became his lifelong mentor and friend.
                • He was transformed also by his time spent training to
  be a minister in England.
• Nelson Mandela said of him: “Sometimes a student, often a teacher,
  never afraid, seldom without humour, Desmond Tutu will always be
  the voice of the voiceless.”
FEBRUARY 2022 - St Andrew's Roundhay
February 2022

But, best of all, despite his influence as the first black leader of the
Anglican church in South Africa, Archbishop Desmond Tutu was
ordinary! And he cared about ordinary people. Most recently he called
on all South Africans to get vaccinated.
In December and January cases of Coronavirus reached scary levels
again. Although the number of people in hospital was not as high as this
time last year, staff are stretched to the limit in the NHS. Many of us are
feeling uncertain and anxious. This time around we all know too many
people who have the virus. As part of our ongoing daily prayers we have
become used to offering all this up to God in prayer.
Living through this pandemic will inevitably change us. The question is,
what kind of change will it be? One of the phrases in George Herbert’s
poem, ‘Prayer (no.1)’, speaks of a ‘heart in pilgrimage’. The poem goes
on to reflect on ‘heaven in ordinary’. Can we view this time as a
pilgrimage, and allow our hearts to be guided deeper into the heart of
God’s love? At the wedding in Cana, the miracle happens once the wine
has run out. It is when our resources are depleted, and we are face to
face with our own weakness, that we know our need for God’s love.

One of the prayers that we use at communion reminds us that Holy
Communion is a meal where humanity meets God, where heaven
becomes ordinary – heaven in bread and wine. That wedding in Cana
was a celebration, a party, where Jesus and his mother were invited as
ordinary guests. Yet Jesus turned a regular wedding celebration into
something extraordinary. Do we look for the extraordinary in the
ordinary? Do we want the extraordinary, the so-much-richer life that
Jesus offers us? Or are we happy trudging along with the ordinary?
Look for where Jesus is doing the extraordinary in our lives and in our
Desmond Tutu was not a big man, physically, but his heart was huge!
He let God transform him to do big things through him! People of his
calibre might be rare, but there are people with hearts just like his doing
things on a smaller local scale! Be one of them! Let God transform
                   Let God transform your ordinary.

FEBRUARY 2022 - St Andrew's Roundhay
February 2022

         Pastoral News as of 28 January 2022
Congratulations to:
John Westgarth on his 50th birthday in December
Barbara Mary on her 80th birthday in January

Unwell in recent weeks or recovering at home:
David Blackburn, Brenda Casey, Tony Jowitt, Ann Moore, Angela
Ndow, Anushka Nicholas, Jane Dixon’s mum Judy, Gaynor Rhodes
and Kath Wolfe

Sadly missed:
Tony Breckin, Donald Cockx, Eddie Ingall and Tom Young,
Rev Ruth Crofton who amongst other pastorates, served at Christ
Church Halton in Leeds

                           Dear Lord

 A new year dawns: for some this feels exciting and
  exhilarating, for others daunting and frightening.
     However we feel, we can be sure that God
understands our feelings – rejoicing with us in our joy
        and weeping with us in our sadness.
Help us to look out and support those with particular
 fears and anxieties who may be struggling to cope
         and are feeling lonely and unloved.


FEBRUARY 2022 - St Andrew's Roundhay
February 2022

                                 Karen Lamb would like to
                                 thank everyone for their good
                                 wishes as she recovers from

I would like to say a very big thankyou for the many messages of
sympathy, lovely memories of Tony, prayers and love that our
family have received since Tony’s death in early December. We
have been truly touched and helped by the support so generously
We are well blessed and appreciate the enduring love of the
St. Andrew’s Church family, previously Roundhay Congregational
Church, which has been such a special part of Tony’s life.
With my love and deep thanks

Elizabeth Breckin

    Prayer Times
    Tuesday Evening Prayer Time
    7 for 7.15pm via Zoom
    Meeting ID: 892 9702 1135
    Passcode: 973783

    Thursday Morning Prayer Time
    10 for 10.30am via Zoom
    Meeting ID: 827 1953 9585
    Passcode: 426039

FEBRUARY 2022 - St Andrew's Roundhay
Prayer forFebruary
                        Change  2022

      printed simultaneously in the magazines of
  Lidgett Park, St Andrew’s and St Edmund’s churches

  God our creator and sustainer we live in a world that faces many
                   problems and much hardship.
 We pray for all those affected by the Pandemic. Those coming to
  terms with the loss of loved ones. Those whose livelihoods have
   been ruined and who are now caught in a cycle of debt. Those
   coming to terms with the long-term effects of the virus on their
 health, both physical and mental. There are many who are anxious
 and afraid. There are those who have lost belief in themselves and
hope for the future. We ask you to be with them and to sustain them
                           in their struggle.
We pray for those in our world who are unable to claim the benefits
we have, who have no access to vaccines, who lack basic medicines
and clean water, who live in overcrowded accommodation and who
  are unable to provide for themselves and their families. Help the
world to find a way of sharing resources justly and fairly for the good
                                 of all.
  We pray for all those currently affected by our unpredictable and
changing climate who are facing fire, flood and drought. We ask that
the governments of the world may be bold enough to act swiftly and
   decisively to create a more sustainable economy and a world in
 which we take care of our planet and its many and varied creatures.
  Help them to have the vision and determination to ensure that we
  pass on to our children and grandchildren all the blessings of your
 We pray for all those areas of our world where hatred, conflict and
 oppression are in the ascendency. Places where human life is not
 given its value, where cruelty and injustice abound. Help the world
  to understand that such places are not part of your kingdom. We
   pray that your Holy Spirit will enlighten the minds and hearts of
   those responsible and lead them to a more just and fair society.
As Christians we know from the life and teaching of Jesus the shape
of the world that you intend. Help us always to keep this in view and
to do all we can in our daily lives to remind those around us of what
                             this requires.
FEBRUARY 2022 - St Andrew's Roundhay
     February 2022 BRECKIN (TONY)
20 JANUARY 1943 -13 DECEMBER 2021
Tony was born during the War to parents Sydney and Louie. His father was
stationed in India and, like many other youngsters, when he came home Tony
didn't really know him. Family life was restored in the mid 40's when sister
Anne was born for whom he was a protective big brother. During the ministry
of Arthur Briggs, Tony was Baptised, at the then Roundhay Congregational
Church, where three generations before him had worshipped.

Much of Tony's childhood was spent at church with lifelong friends Michael
Herne and Derek Evans, attending Tuesday Cub Night. Later in Scouts, he
particularly enjoyed a Camp at Barnard Castle, travelling there on the back of
an ancient lorry and playing many games of cricket. Tony was part of the A.S.F.
(After Service Fellowship) for young people on a Sunday evening, and a leader
in the group when it became Sunday Youth in the mid 60's. Tony loved playing
tennis on the church court, where the Car Park now is, and at the Canal
Gardens. In later life he enjoyed Badminton.

Tony attended Talbot Primary School and later Roundhay Boys Grammar
School where he joined the Air Cadets. After school Tony went to work at the
Westminster Bank. To progress in the bank he studied and attained his A.I.B
(Associate of the Institute of Bankers). People mattered to Tony; if it was in his
power to help someone, he did. Tony felt banking wasn't all about
debit/credit and finance; his concern was listening to people and trying to
help them. He worked in various branches, enjoying meeting lots of
colleagues and customers.

In his very early twenties, Tony and Derek, along with other young people
began to lead worship. Tony thought very seriously about a Calling to the
ministry. After much prayerful heart-searching he felt the Call to ordained
ministry wasn't strong enough and that he could do God's work in a different

Through the bank he also started his interest in the Prince's Trust - going to
schools to talk about banking and work ethics. He loved working with small
businesses and mentoring folk to achieve qualifications they thought they
could never gain. All his work brought amazing encounters, experiences,
adventure and he relished it all.

During the ministry of Geoffrey Tillison, Tony was involved with the group of
people in creating RoCo Dramatic Society. In later life he was Honorary VIce
President of RoCO and always took a great interest in what was happening,
8 when he couldn't be there in person.
February 2022

Tony was involved in Junior Church and in the mid 60's was one of the group
of young people who went at 9am every Sunday with Geoffrey Tillison, to
Wigton Moor to help start the Church there. The services were held in homes
and the school before the church was built. After the service there, they
returned to Roundhay in time for our morning worship.

Tony became a Deacon of the then Roundhay Congregational Church and
later an Elder in 1972 when the church became St Andrew's Roundhay United
Reformed Church. Tony felt deeply about the responsibility to the role and
challenge of Eldership. To be authorised to preside at Communion was an
immense and treasured privilege for him and later when he was authorised to
act as Registrar at weddings at church. For some years he held the post of Self
Assessment Secretary.

Tony was convenor of the very successful StAR Fund Raising years and
following that the Centenary celebrations. Over many years Tony led quite
a few services at St Andrew's and other places, he felt that to be a very special
part of what God Called him to do.

Tony and Elizabeth first met at church and it is where they were married in
1966. Tony loved, cherished and was very proud of their family, daughters,
Sarah and Helen, their husbands Jeremy and Eric, and grandchildren Adam,
Harry, Emily and Daniel. Tony and Elizabeth loved travelling and thoroughly
enjoyed holiday adventures to amazing places around the world. Joining with
others from church they went on Pilgrimages and in 2010 to Oberammergau
to see the Passion Play.

Tony loved life, loved meeting people, was so caring and full of fun and
laughter. Many of us at church were privileged to have Tony as a good and
loyal friend.

To quote a line from an article Tony wrote for our magazine quite few years
ago "Apart from a few years when my job took me away from Leeds,
St Andrew's has been and remains a vital part of my life - not as a building, but
as a fellowship of God's people going about His Work". We give thanks for all
that Tony gave in commitment and service to St Andrew's and the wider
community. He lived out his life as a true disciple of Christ.

Carol Parfitt with acknowledgement to Elizabeth
February 2022
                                                             is very excited to announce

      on Saturday 12th February from 3.30 – 5.30pm
St Andrew’s Roundhay URC, ShaEesbury Avenue LS8 1DS
   (commencing in the Roundhay room, entrance via the car park).

Family worship, fun filled acOviOes for all ages followed by
                  a simple family meal.

      but donaOons towards food and acOviOes are welcomed.

Please note all children must be accompanied by an adult.
     10   (Messy Church is part of The Bible Reading Fellowship (BRF), a Registered Charity. brf.org.uk)
February 2022

                   STOP PRESS!!!!
Exciting news from Leeds Partnership:

On the weekend of 12-13 February a candidate is coming to Preach
with a View. This candidate will be part of the Leeds Ministry
Partnership Team, serving alongside Tim, other ministers and lay
leaders in Leeds.

It is REALLY important that members of St Andrew’s attend:

Saturday:     Coffee morning at Stainbeck URC 10.30-12.30 when
              you can meet and chat to the candidate.


       •      10.45 service at South Leeds café style worship

       •      3pm service at St Andrew’s which will be

       •      Joint Church meeting to follow at 5pm. This is open
              to all members of the churches in the Partnership, but
              with the stipulation that they had been present
              (physical or virtually) at one of the services in the

The vote to issue a call will be done by secret ballot.

     Front cover photograph taken by Claire Westgarth in the
              church garden. Used with permission.

February 2022

Bassenfell Manor Christian Centre
December 2021
Following the postponement of our St Andrew’s Church weekend from
April 2020 due to Covid, we rebooked for December 2021 in the hope
that life would be more back to normal.
However, it turned out that 3-5 December was just too close to
Christmas for many people and the anticipated take-up numbers were
not achieved. It was therefore looking like cancellation and losing our
deposit for nothing. Then, a thought, why not just go to Bassenfell for
a weekend away?
And so it was that 11 of us travelled to Bassenfell, sharing cars and food
for a weekend of fellowship, faith and fun. In a venue amply able to hold
60+, 11 of us had space aplenty and all had the luxury of each having our
own en-suite bedrooms. Some of the function rooms were huge, far
more than we needed, but this was one of the advantages of going with
fewer people!
To avoid spending hours in the kitchen cooking food, a few of us took
prepared dishes and this worked out well. After finding our rooms and
making our beds, we sat around one large table for dinner together on
Friday evening.
We noticed that once a Catering Convener, always a Catering
Convener or at least that seemed to be case for Anna who was often to
be found in the kitchen. Anna and John worked out how to use the very
efficient dishwasher in a large well-equipped kitchen.
                              Lots of chatting and coffee drinking took
                              place in the “bar” afterwards (not the
                              alcoholic type) and we had evening
                              vespers and a bit later headed for bed.

February 2022

                              Saturday morning shortly after
                              breakfast, most of us were keen to get
                              physical with Lisa, by that I mean,
                              getting on the floor to do a Pilates
                              class under her instruction! After that,
                              we went outside to explore the
                              grounds and facilities and a few
                              people walked down to the village. By
                              late morning, the rain was on and
showed no signs of stopping so we opted for a games session during
the afternoon – Rummikub and Uno to name but two.
Saturday dinner had to be early, in order for some people to watch
Strictly on TV - it was the quarter-finals after all! Others opted to watch
a film.
After our entertainment, we all got on our warm outdoor gear to walk
the 30m to the Yurt, a circular tent which had been warmed up by
lighting the wood burner earlier. The image I’d had of us all sitting in the
Yurt drinking hot chocolate topped with squishy cream, mini-
marshmallows and popping candy in candlelight then came true.
Inwardly, I think several had doubted the merits of doing this at 9.30 pm
at night but the warmth, cosiness and candlelight, changed their
minds. We played a “Guess who?” game followed by singing several
Christmas carols and it was a rather magical, special time.
Sunday morning dawned as a clear day and with good views over the
valley. We opted for an in-house time of worship with several of us
contributing prayers and meditations and we all joined in singing some
Advent carols. We then had to clear up everything and pack up our
cars ready to go home. Having decided not to cook our own Sunday
lunch, we dined at a local pub instead.
And so, our time together came to a close and we drove back to Leeds.
We had enjoyed a weekend being away from normal life and
pressures in a beautiful location. Even just this short time had been
both relaxing and a blessing.
Sheana Dudley

February 2022

Barbara Mary had a great day
celebrating her big Bithday

                                This blanket was made by the Wool
                                and Waffle group which meets at
                                St Andrew's during Messy Church
                                sessions. It was recently delivered to
                                a local homeless person. If you
                                would like to join us to knit or crochet
                                squares, hats, jumpers, teddies or
                                anything for local charities, please
                                come along.

                                Helen Lewis

February 2022
   A Women Led, Global, Ecumenical Movement

Every year is special when a different country
prepares the service, but this year 2022, maybe more
so because it is Christian women of England, Wales and Northern
Ireland who have prepared the service for 2022.
Date of the World Day of Prayer is the first Friday in March - Friday
4 March 2022
This year’s theme is: “I know the plans I have for you” – how significant
a theme is that in these challenging times!
These words from Jeremiah, chapter 29 reassure us that the Lord’s
plans are for us to prosper, to give us hope and a future.
Can I invite you to come along to one of the services on Friday
4 March: there are several taking place around Leeds during the day:
Leeds Minster                       10.30 am
St Agnes, Burmantofts               1.45 pm
St Martins, Potternewton            2 pm
Stainbeck URC                       2.30 pm
St Andrew’s Roundhay URC            6.30 pm

Hopefully, one of those times suits you!
The service at St Andrew’s will have ladies from St Edmund’s and
Lidgett Park taking part.
Refreshments are served at the end of every service.
Offerings at the services go towards many different charities both in
the UK and abroad.
Maybe you have not heard of the World Day of Prayer before?
It’s the day when the whole world is encircled in a global wave of prayer.
People in every country of the world join in thinking about the country
that has prepared the service, reading the same readings, praying the
same prayers and singing the same songs and hymns and
contemplating the theme “I know the plans I have for you”.
If you are interested in finding out more, or baking a Victoria Sponge for
our refreshments, please do get in touch.

Sheana Dudley
St Andrew’s Roundhay World Day of Prayer Representative
February 2022

                   Let’s vote joyfully
When we got married, my wife and I had the choice of four churches:
the family church of each of us in Luton, plus the churches we would
go to in the places we lived in London; but even today, almost eight
years since marriages of same-sex couples were legalised, it is
unlikely any of our cousins or friends in same-sex relationships would
be so fortunate

In a forthcoming church meeting we can change that. We can vote to
remove the artificial obstacle to same-sex couples making their
marriages in God’s house, to receive His blessing and the love of the
church. I hope we will.

The URC decided in 2016 that same-sex couples can marry in URC
churches, but general assembly – with the support of St Andrew’s and
a majority, if not an unanimity, of URC churches – voted to leave it to
each church meeting to decide whether to allow this in their church.

Despite St Andrew’s church meeting agreeing years ago to offer
services to bless civil partnerships, we have been slow to have this
vote. There were various reasons, including the change of minister,
the welcome project, St Andrew’s financial crisis, Covid and probably
other things. None of these can explain why we have kept our doors
closed when we could have opened them.

I know there are mixed views in St Andrew’s. For some people, this is
a matter of equality, not just in society but in the Christian family,
removing discrimination imposed by people, not God. Others are
uncertain, or neutral and will probably listen at the church meeting and
decide then. Some are opposed, quoting scripture without heeding
profound biblical scholars like Desmond Tutu, or fearing for what
people outside may think of the church, or wondering why existing
arrangements are not enough, or for other reasons.

February 2022

That is part of the point. Same-sex couples will continue to get
married. The question is: can they marry at St Andrew’s? Will
St Andrew’s end the unworthy discrimination in Christian
marriages within its sanctuary? Jesus did not to discriminate and
neither should we. He taught us to ignore what people said about
us. He also taught us to tear down anything that put a barrier
between people and God.

I hope we will vote joy and praise to welcome same-sex couples
to getting married at St Andrew’s. I hope we will advertise this
welcome, not hide it away.

I hope we will not impose inquisitions to test people’s faith,
whether same-sex or opposite-sex. If God has brought them to our
door, whether they realise it or not and whether they go to church
or not, we should not care if they express that as liking the building
and grounds as good places for photographs, or whatever else
might not sound like a good reason for coming to St Andrew’s.

After all, Jesus did not vet people.

So, let us vote without delay to admit same-sex couples to
marriage at St Andrew’s.

Ian MacFadyen

     Thank you to everyone who has contributed to this
      edition of St Andrew’s magazine. The deadline for
     contributions to the March magazine is 20 February
              please. Articles may be emailed to
      For handwritten or typed articles please contact the
       Editor (Claire Westgarth) - details in the directory

February 2022

                Worship Dates

                  February 2022
Sunday 6 10.30am         Family Worship, Holy Communion
                                               Rev Tim Lowe
Saturday 12 3-5pm        Messy Church
Sunday 13 10.30am        Family Worship        Rev Tim Lowe
            3pm          Leeds Partnership ‘Preach with a
                                               View ‘Service
            6.30pm       Reflective Evening Service
                                               Rev Tim Lowe
Sunday 20 10.30am        Family Worship      Claire Downing
                            (Moderator of General Assembly)
Sunday 27 10.30am        Family Worship        Rev Geoff Ellis

                  March 2022
Sunday 6 10.30am         Family Worship, Holy Communion
                                               Rev Tim Lowe
Saturday 12 3-5pm        Messy Church
Sunday 13 10.30am        Family Worship        Rev Tim Lowe
            6.30pm       Reflective Evening Service
                                               Rev Tim Lowe
Sunday 20 10.30am        Family Worship        Rev Tim Lowe
Sunday 27 10.30am        Family Worship
                                     Rev Samantha Sheehan

        Views expressed by groups and individuals in this
    magazine are personal and do not necessarily reflect the
   official policy of the United Reformed Church, St Andrew’s
   Roundhay United Reformed Church, or any member of the
18                         editorial team.
February 2022

   Stephen Welburn                               07954 184 521

    Jane Murray (Guide Leader)                         212 0279


    Sheila Hartley                    sheila.hartley@ntlworld.com

    Jill Marston
    Max Dudley                                        237 0389
   Mary Shalvey

  bookings@standrews.cc                          07584 269535

    Anna Sweeney                                       266 9141

   Claire Westgarth                        claire2207@icloud.com

    Elaine Weston                                07565 807907

     Eileen Belverstone                                    19
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