Fashion Revolution Quiz 2018 Answers

Page created by Emily Bowman
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                      Quiz 2018

Quiz 2018 | Answers

The answers to the     —— All answers are definitive and final.
                       —— They can be fact checked using the links
quiz are revealed in      associated to each question.
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                          to cheat and spoil the fun!
                       —— We’d love to hear your feedback about
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                          for next year.

                          Thanks for joining the Fashion Revolution!
Quiz 2018 | Answers2

Round One | Who Made My Clothes?
                                                                        7.    In January 2017, brothers Erwin and Krystian Markowski were
1.   24 April 2018 will be the ___ anniversary of the Rana Plaza              jailed for six years for trafficking men to work in a clothing
     garment factory building collapse in Bangladesh                          warehouse. In which country was that warehouse located?

     ‡‡    10th                                                               ‡‡    Argentina

     ‡‡    5th                                                                ‡‡    Israel

     ‡‡    2nd                                                                ‡‡    Turkey

     Source:           ‡‡    UK
     lapse                                                                    Source:
2.   100 days after the Rana Plaza collapse what kind of
     memorial did injured workers, family members and workers’          8.    According to Textile Exchange, which of the following
     rights activists put in place at the site to commemorate this            countries had the most organic cotton farmers in 2015-16?
     tragic event?
                                                                              ‡‡    USA (58)
     ‡‡    a statue of two fists thrust to the sky grasping a hammer
           and sickle                                                         ‡‡    China (3,043)

     ‡‡    a stone column listing the names of the 1,134 people who           ‡‡    Uganda (6,000)
           died there                                                         Source:
     ‡‡    a mockup of a High Street fashion store with photos of the         ic-cotton-market-report/
           dead in the windows
                                                                        9.    In December 2017, the government in Mauritius changed the
     Source:           minimum monthly wage in the country to MUR8,140 (US$241)
     lapse                                                                    per month. This was a significant increase for workers in
                                                                              the textile sector whose wages had previously averaged
3.   How many people engaged with Fashion Revolution Week                     MUR4,000 per month. In 2014, how much did the IndustriaALL
     events in 2017?                                                          global union estimate the living wage to be in the country?
     ‡‡    200,000                                                            ‡‡    MUR14,500 per month
     ‡‡    2,000,000                                                          ‡‡    MUR8,000 per month
     ‡‡    20,000,000                                                         ‡‡    MUR4,000 per month
     Source:                  Source:
4.   The top scoring brands in Fashion Revolution’s 2017
     Transparency Index were Adidas and Reebok. What score              10.   According to a 2017 Deloitte / Oxfam report, how much would
     were they given out of 100?                                              the price of a $20 T-shirt have to increase for brands to
     ‡‡    89                                                                 afford to pay its makers a living wage?

     ‡‡    69                                                                 ‡‡    $0.02

     ‡‡    49                                                                 ‡‡    $0.20

     Source:             ‡‡    $2.00
     transparencyindex2017?e=25766662/47726047 (p.22).                        Source:
5.   Which brands scored 1 out of 100 in Fashion Revolution’s                 to-garment-workers-oxfam
     2017 Transparency Index?
     ‡‡    Chanel and Matalan                                           Round Two | Be Curious
     ‡‡    Dior and Amazon
                                                                        1.    According to Fashion Revolution’s 2017 Loved Clothes Last
     ‡‡    Prada and ASOS                                                     fanzine, how can you tell if your clothes are well made?
     Source:             ‡‡    Look at the seams: if they’re neat, tidy, smooth, lay flat
     transparencyindex2017?e=25766662/47726047 (p.22).                              and the stitches are close together, that item of clothing
                                                                                    will last
6.   In October 2017, shoppers in the USA were expected to spend
                                                                              ‡‡    Look at the label: if it’s made in Europe or North America,
     how much money on Halloween costumes that would only
                                                                                    it must be of better quality that clothes made elsewhere
     be worn for one night?
                                                                                    in the world
     ‡‡    $34 million
                                                                              ‡‡    Look at the brand: if it’s an internationally recognised
     ‡‡    $3.4 billion                                                             designer brand, the extra money that you pay for it is the
                                                                                    sign of true quality
     ‡‡    $34 billion
     Source:                           (p.37).
Quiz 2018 | Answers3

2.   In December 2017,, TK Maxx, Miss Bardo and             6.   In response to a suggestion during Fashion Revolution’s 2017
     Amazon UK were exposed by Sky News for selling bobble                  ‘Who Made My Clothes’ online course that it was a Western
     hats, scarves, shoes, coats and earrings made of fake faux             value to impose higher wages on garment workers in non-
     fur. What was it made from?                                            Western countries, what did ethical fashion entrepreneur
                                                                            Kalkidan Legesse say?
     ‡‡   hedgehog, clam, porcupine and centipede
                                                                            ‡‡    It is a Western value to want to be paid fairly for the work
     ‡‡   cat, dog, mouse and rat                                                 that you do
     ‡‡   fox, rabbit, chinchilla and mink                                  ‡‡    During the West’s Industrial Revolution factory workers
     ‡‡   lab-grown human hair                                                    were paid terrible wages. So we shouldn’t interfere with
                                                                                  the natural economic process of development
     ‡‡   all of the above
                                                                            ‡‡    Paying garment workers more than other people in their
     Source:                     communities inevitably changes their culture and value
     maxx-among-online-retailers-selling-real-fur-labelled-as-                    system
                                                                            ‡‡    It’s not a Western value to want to be paid fairly for the
3.   Which fashion brand announced that it would no longer use                    work that you do
     fur starting in 2018?                                                  Source:
     ‡‡   Canada Goose                                                      hOl5Ov/?hl=en&taken-by=fash_rev_mooc

     ‡‡   Dior                                                         7.   According to Fashion Revolution’s Loved Clothes Last
     ‡‡   Gucci                                                             fanzine, ‘In North America, ___ million tons of clothing
                                                                            is sent to landfill every year. That’s about _____
     ‡‡   Speedo                                                            _________________________.’ What are the missing numbers
                                                                            and words?
     ci-fur-free-commitment-italian-fashion-brand-designer-ani-             ‡‡    10.5, 30 times as heavy the Empire State Building
                                                                            ‡‡    105, the total weight of every person living in Toronto
4.   Why might garment manufacturers in China secretly have                 ‡‡    501, half the weight of the burden of existence in an eter-
     some of their clothes ‘Made in North Korea’?                                 nally recurring world
     ‡‡   labour is cheaper and UN sanctions on North Korea to              Source:
          punish its government for nuclear weapon testing do not           tus/920247800973144070
          include bans on clothing and textile exports
     ‡‡   workers are more disciplined that those in China because     8.   Fashion Revolution’s 2017 Loved Clothes Last fanzine says
          they are not working for the money but for their country          how long it takes different clothing materials to decompose
          and leader                                                        in landfill.

     ‡‡   the North Korean city of Dandong where garment factories          ‡‡    Polyester dress, 200+ years
          are located is only 2 hours by train from the Chinese port        ‡‡    Nylon Tights, 30-40 years
          city of Dalian
                                                                            ‡‡    Denim Jacket, 10-12 months
     ‡‡   all of the above
                                                                            ‡‡    Viscose T-shirt, 1-6 weeks
     china-clothing-may-have-actually-been-made-in-north-kore               ‡‡    Linen sleeveless top, 2 weeks
                                                                            ‡‡    all answers are correct
5.   According to an International Trade Union workers’ rights
     report released in 2017, which countries’ ‘leaders and                 Source:
     business communities continue the race to the bottom to                (p.101).
     expand their garment sectors to compete with and undercut
     the terrible conditions in Bangladesh and India’?                 9.   In 2017, Fashion United listed the richest people in Fashion.
     ‡‡   Macedonia and Cameroon                                            The wealthiest had estimated assets of $71.3 billion. Who
                                                                            was it and what brands have earned him this wealth?
     ‡‡   Madagascar and Canada
                                                                            ‡‡    Bernard Arnault (Céline, Dior, Fendi)
     ‡‡   Myanmar and Cambodia
                                                                            ‡‡    Hegemon Thasos (Céline Dion, Homies, Trap)
     ‡‡   Malicuria and Costa Luna
                                                                            ‡‡    Amancio Ortega (Zara, Pull&Bear, Massimo Dutti)
     pdf (p.23).                                                            Source:
Quiz 2018 | Answers4

10.   In 2017 Louise Ashcroft invited herself to be an artist in           4.   According to a Penn State news release, ‘Someday,
      residence in London’s Westfield Shopping Mall and created                 ________________________ _____________________may
      a game called Mallopoly for shoppers to play there. How did               prevent farmers from exposure to organophosphate
      it suggest that players could get closer to Zara’s CEO?                   pesticides, soldiers from chemical or biological attacks in
                                                                                the field and factory workers from accidental releases of
      ‡‡   stuff the pockets of Zara clothes with wads of fake money            toxic materials.’ What are the missing words?
           with his face on, then steal it because it’s your wealth
                                                                                ‡‡    binding global regulations passed by the World Health and
      ‡‡   touch the fabrics in the Zara store and imagine you’re                     World Trade Organisations
           feeling his leathery torso, the tufts of hair around his
           drooping nipples, the vascular swelling behind his knee-             ‡‡    populations of beneficial insects like Ichneumon Wasps,
           cap, because you’ve paid for that body                                     Ladybugs and Praying Mantes
      ‡‡   print a photograph of him on his superyacht on a plain               ‡‡    chemically protective suits made of fabric coated in
           white t-shirt with the slogan ‘Broken Morals’, take it into a              self-healing, thin films
           Zara store, hang it on a rail, and leave it there
                                                                                ‡‡    all of the above
      ortega.jpg                                                                blog/2017/10/sdg-media-zone-sustainable-fashion/

                                                                           5.   Which of the following films provide vivid insights into the
       Round Three | Find Out                                                   lives of garment workers?
                                                                                ‡‡    The True Cost
1.    According to Stella McCartney’s Clevercare advice series,
      what percentage of the carbon footprint of clothes comes                  ‡‡    Living Wage Now
      from the way we care for them.’ What is the missing                       ‡‡    Tears in the Fabric
                                                                                ‡‡    Clothes to Die For
      ‡‡   10%
                                                                                ‡‡    all of the above
      ‡‡   15%
                                                                                Source: a) b)
      ‡‡   25%                                                                  com/watch?v=PxFwA-jw3X4 c)
      ‡‡   52%                                                                  watch?v=TiPm0tfdZ6w d)

      ‡‡   100%                                                            6.   A Chinese garment company is investing $20 million in a
                                                                                factory that will produce 800,000 Adidas T-shirts a day in
                                                                                Little Rock, Arkansas, USA. Who will make the T-shirts?
                                                                                ‡‡    migrant labourers from Mexico and El Salvador
2.    According to Fashion Revolution’s Loved Clothes Last
      fanzine, ‘There are ________ clothes left unworn in the                   ‡‡    recently laid off newspaper and medical school workers
      wardrobes of ______ citizens, a ______ ___ items per person’.             ‡‡    former detainees of Pulaski County Jail
      What are the missing numbers and words?
                                                                                ‡‡    sewbots
      ‡‡   thousands of dressing up, Canadian, embarrassing 12
      ‡‡   3.6 billion, American, whopping 57                                   bot-to-make-800000-adidas-tshirts-daily/
      (p.14).                                                              7.   Why did thousands of garment factory workers in Ashulia,
                                                                                Bangladesh making clothes for Gap, Zara, H&M and other
                                                                                brands go on strike in December 2016?
3.    Which Nobel laureate supported Fashion Revolution in 2017,
      and for what did they win their Nobel Peace Prize?                        ‡‡    to protest rising food and housing costs and wages so low
                                                                                      they could not afford these necessities
      ‡‡   Professor Mohammed Yunus, for his ‘efforts to create
           economic and social development from below.’                         ‡‡    in response to dozens of their colleagues, union leaders
                                                                                      and a TV reporter being arrested and charged with unfair
      ‡‡   Al Gore, for his ‘efforts to build up and disseminate greater
                                                                                      or apparently fabricated criminal cases
           knowledge about man-made climate change.’
                                                                                ‡‡    because they learned for the first time what their rights
      ‡‡   Malala Yousafzai, for her ‘struggle against the suppres-
                                                                                      were as workers, after completing an NGO survey about
           sion of children and young people and for the right of all
                                                                                      their knowledge of these rights in November 2016
           children to education.’
      tus/861166504892669952 and
Quiz 2018 | Answers5

8.    According to the World Wildlife Fund’s 2017 Changing              2.   In September 2017, Abercrombie & Fitch published its
      Fashion report, how many tonnes of CO2 does the clothing               rainforest free fabric policy. A year earlier, how had 50
      and textile industry emit every year?                                  activists from the Rainforest Action Network put pressure on
                                                                             the company to commit to it?
      ‡‡   0.7 trillion
                                                                             ‡‡    infiltrated a fancy event in a New York City hotel where an
      ‡‡   1.7 billion                                                             Abercrombie & Fitch executive was meeting company
      ‡‡   71 million                                                              shareholders to distribute a report detailing rainforest
                                                                                   destruction and human rights abuses in the company’s
      Source:                     supply chains
      09/2017-09-WWF-Report-Changing_fashion_2017_EN.pdf (p.3).
                                                                             ‡‡    performed a rainforest themed flashmob at a Hollister
9.    According to University of Chicago research scientist Joshua                 store in Detroit, Michigan and placed stickers on its cloth-
      Elliott, climate change could mean that, in 50-100 years                     ing that read “Warning: This item may contain rainforest
      time:                                                                        destruction.”

      ‡‡   our clothes will include higher percentages of synthetic          ‡‡    entered the company’s annual 5K charity run near its
           fibres like polyester whose manufacture emits less                      corporate headquarters in Columbus, Ohio as #teamrain-
           greenhouse gasses than natural fibres like cotton                       forest to directly engage with its executives, employees
                                                                                   and families.
      ‡‡   our clothes will contain lower percentages of organic
           cotton because it is outperformed by conventional cotton          ‡‡    used social media to encourage their friends and family
           when it comes to climate change mitigation                              members to leave 1 star reviews for the company’s
                                                                                   mobile shopping app on iTunes.
      ‡‡   there will be a northward shift of US crop belts so that
           parts of Iowa could be growing cotton and the Deep South          Source:
           – where cotton is currently grown – will probably be too
           hot to grow anything                                         3.   The Bangladesh Accord comes to an end in May 2018. In
                                                                             June 2017 companies, NGOs and unions agreed that it will
      Source:           continue. What is the Bangladesh Accord?
                                                                             ‡‡    a three door hatchback now being manufactured by for-
10.   According to a Pulitzer Centre report on the Bangladesh                      mer garment workers after the Bangladesh government
      tannery industry, what does chromium sulphate do to the                      decided to diversify exports in 2014
      leather hides that are tanned and the skin of the people who           ‡‡    the Accord on Fire and Building Safety in Bangladesh
      tan them?                                                                    which aims to ensure that the country’s garment factories
      ‡‡   turns them green, and removes their hair                                are made safe and stay safe

      ‡‡   turns them blue, and causes serious skin and respiratory          Source:
           irritation                                                        new-accord-2018/

      ‡‡   turns them red, and causes persistent dry coughs             4.   During 2017’s Fashion Revolution week in Brazil, how did
      Source:           activists draw public attention to the question ‘Who made
      ic-tanneries                                                           my clothes?’
                                                                             ‡‡    dress Porto Alegre’s iconic statue of O Laçador (the las-
Round Four | Do Something                                                          sooer) in a white tshirt asking ‘Quem fez minhas roupas?’
                                                                             ‡‡    float giant letters spelling out ‘Quem fez minhas roupas?’
1.    According to the Rainforest Action Network, how were                         down the iconic canals of Santos, São Paulo and post
      Abercrombie & Fitch helping to destroy rainforests and                       aerial photos on Instagram
      threaten the livelihoods of the indigenous people who live in
      them?                                                                  ‡‡    float a giant sign saying ‘Quem fez minhas roupas?’ over
                                                                                   the Iguazu Falls during a live TV broadcast of Ryan Pyle’s
      ‡‡   rainforest wood pulp is used to make materials like rayon,              ‘Tough Rides: Brazil’.
           viscose and modal in Indonesia and other countries
      ‡‡   rainforests are cleared to create grazing land for cattle         en-by=fash_rev&hl=en
           whose hides are used to make shoes in Brazil and other
           countries                                                    5.   Which mobile social shopping app has Orsola de Castro
      ‡‡   rainforests are cleared to build garment factory Export           praised for helping young people trade rather than trash their
           Processing Zones in Egypt and other countries                     unwanted clothes?

      Source:                                ‡‡    Depop
                                                                             ‡‡    Clash Royale
                                                                             ‡‡    Tweetpee
Quiz 2018 | Answers6

6.   In October 2017, Zara shoppers in Istanbul found extra labels       10.   How do Rebecca Earley and Kate Goldsworthy imagine a
     in clothes that said ‘I made this item you are going to buy,              future in which clothing and textile waste is no longer a
     but I didn’t get paid for it’. Who wrote them and why?                    problem?
     ‡‡    Zara CEO Amancio Ortega as part of the company’s edgy               ‡‡    we wear and share clothes via clothing libraries and an
           ‘Bravo’ advertising campaign which aimed to attract                       Airbnb style wardrobe service
           fashion revolutionaries to shop in their stores
                                                                               ‡‡    all large volume factories have effective disassembly
     ‡‡    People working in a factory owned by the Bravo Corpo-                     units in which surplus garments can be regenerated,
           ration in Turkey that had closed overnight and left them                  reused or upcycled
           with 3 months of unpaid back pay and no severance
                                                                               ‡‡    food waste will be made into clothes: grape leather from
     ‡‡    Members of the Turkish craft activist Bravo Squad who                     wine industry waste, jersey-like fabric from leftover milk,
           encourage people to write and add messages to clothes                     silky materials from orange peels
           in stores to alert shoppers to factory conditions in gar-
           ment supply chains                                                  ‡‡    all of the above

     Source:                            Source:
     772b118a9cb947/Unpaid-Turkish-clothes-makers-tag-Zara-                    (p.117)

7.   According to Elizabeth L Cline, which country is the world’s
     largest exporter of used clothing and which is the largest
     ‡‡    USA and Pakistan
     ‡‡    Japan and Malaysia
     ‡‡    Germany and Kenya
     ‡‡    China and Hungary

8.   Burundi, Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda have recently
     implemented bans on the importation of used clothes and
     shoes in order to encourage local garment production. Why,
     according to Andrew Brooks, is this policy unlikely to work?
     ‡‡    it goes against the principles of free trade meaning
           that consumers will have to buy more expensive locally
           made clothes
     ‡‡    new clothes which will be cheaper than locally made
           clothes can still be legally imported
     ‡‡    neither of the above

9.   How do South Korean fashion brand RE;CODE design waste
     out of their clothes?
     ‡‡    use industrial waste materials including seat covers,
           airbags and car interior fabric to make jackets, bags and
           laptop cases.
     ‡‡    collect decommissioned Korea Fire Service hoses and
           reclaimed leather to make bags, belts and phone cases
     ‡‡    mix discarded fishing nets, plastic bottles, tyres and cof-
           fee grinds to make swimsuits, sneakers and accessories
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