Page created by Edward Hanson
Issue 53 Spring 2021

  A magazine full of news and information to support your work with families

                                                             Putting families
                                                             We’ve been working to
                                                             support families during
                                                             2020, including:
                                                             ● Helping parents to
                                                               support their children
                                                               with blended learning at
                                                               home and school
                                                             ● Providing parenting
                                                               advice, including
                                                               evening and weekends
                                                               support for parents in
                                                             ● Tackling food insecurity
                                                             ● Supporting shielding
                                                               families with serious
                                                               health conditions
                                                             ● Encouraging play during
                                                               lockdown linked to our
                                                               work to promote the
                                                               importance of play with
                                                               the launch of the Play
                                                               Charter (see pages
                                                             We will continue to help
                                                             families adjust and build
                                                             resilience to the ‘new

2-9	Parental Engagement Team            29-30   Health and Wellbeing
10-17  Play                              31-34   Parent Voice
18-21	Early Years and School            35-36   Community
22-28  Parent Support and Safeguarding   37      Useful Contacts
2    Parental Engagement Team

Welcome to the                     Working with families?
spring edition of
                                   Join the Parental Engagement Team’s network mailing list
Families Matter
                                   If you work with families in the borough, sign up to the Parental
Over the past year, we have all    Engagement Team’s network mailing list to receive the latest news
had to adapt in the face of the    and information. Encourage your colleagues to sign up too.
pandemic and the changes we        Email parentalengagement@towerhamlets.gov.uk
made were not something we
could have easily prepared or
planned for. It has been a steep
learning curve and as we got       Families Matter Bitesize
to grips with lockdown, Zoom,
Microsoft Teams and virtual        E-bulletin
meetings, it was amazing to        In addition to our
see how much families and          termly magazine, we      Families Matter
professionals could adapt.         publish a monthly        Bitesize E-bulletin
                                   e-bulletin which
                                                            Parental Engagement

The Parent and Family Support
                                                            School Transition

Service worked hard so             provides regular         SEND
                                                            Local Offer

                                   updates, information,

services could be delivered                                 Support
                                                            Holiday Childcare

safely and online while            advice and support       Parent Voice

maintaining telephone support      for parents in Tower                 Messages from the Parent and Family Support Service
and advice for families. The       Hamlets. Parents
Holiday Childcare Scheme was       can sign up via the
still running and parent groups    council’s resident
including the Somali Network,      subscriber list by       The Parent and Family Support
SEND Ambassadors and the           choosing ‘children
                                                            Service’s advice is really on point
Parent and Carer Council           and education’ as
moved meetings online. We          their preferred topic    and easy for parents to access
also launched a monthly            after closing the        and understand. They provide a
Families Matter Bitesize           initial pop-up box       fantastic service and are dedicated
E-bulletin.                        and completing the       to ensuring our children and families
                                   form on the sign         get the best deal.
As we start the new year, we
                                   up page at www.
will continue with our online                               Dawn Pritchard, Assistant Headteacher
activities and provide many                                 and SENCO, Shapla Primary School
opportunities for parents
to come together, share
experiences and access
information, which in turn          This magazine is produced by the Parental Engagement Team
supports their children.            within the Parent and Family Support Service, Children and
This edition is packed with         Culture Directorate. To share news in future editions of Families
information and dates for           Matter magazine contact
your diary, so sign up for one      Fiona Stokes
of the parenting courses and        Tel:   020 7364 6049
learn something new or join an      Email: fiona.stokes@towerhamlets.gov.uk
online parent group to share
                                    References to ‘parents’ describes any caregiver responsible for
experiences in 2021.
                                    the care, protection and upbringing of a child or young person,
Best wishes,                        including foster parents or connected persons, grandparents,
Jill McGinley                       sibling or other family members.
Head of Parent and Family
                                    References to ‘SEND’ as used in some articles is the abbreviation
Support Service
                                    of Special Educational Needs and Disabilities.
Parental Engagement Team              3

Parent and Family Support Service
We provide relevant up-to-
date information and support to
                                    Statistics for 2020
help parents in Tower Hamlets
to feel more confident in their
                                    10,500+              11,242                 46,695
role as parents, have the           Parents              Calls                  User
knowledge and confidence to         accessed             received by            sessions
support their child’s learning      Parent and           the Family             recorded
and have sufficient emotional       Family Support       Information Service    by the
resilience, skills and capacity     Services                                    Local Offer
to provide warm, responsive
and safe parenting. We do this
by providing early intervention,
prevention and targeted             500                  342                    130
support within schools, early
years settings and the wider        Play and activity    Parents                Parents
community.                          bags were            were                   received
                                    distributed to       referred to            one-to-one support
Just as we were about to hold       children who were    a parenting            based on evidence-
our annual parent conference        shielding            programme              based parenting
last March, the country went into                                               strategies
lockdown. We informed the 180
parents who booked that the
conference would not be taking      168                  67                     14
place. It was a very sad day.
                                    Parents              Parents                Dads
Since then we have adapted our      attended             attended               and male carers
services, launched the Families     Healthy Families     the first virtual      attended the Dads’
Matter Bitesize E-bulletin,
                                    programmes           Parent and Carer       Network meeting on
developed an online parenting
                                                         Council meeting on     Zoom
support offer and established a
virtual online network through
the Parent Carer Council, SEND
Ambassadors, Somali Network
and schools’ ‘Let’s Talk/Platform
                                    352                  410                    787
to Talk’ activities to ensure       New referrals        Parents                Parents
parents continue to have the        received by          attended               attended
information and support they        SENDIAS Team to      transition             curriculum &
need.                               support families     information sessions   information
 The Parent and Family
 Support Service includes:
 ● Parental Engagement Team
 ● SEND Information, Advice         667                  700
   and Support (SEND IAS)           1-1 support          Children of working parents,
 ● Parenting, Schools and           school-              key workers and vulnerable
   Families                         based family         families were supported by the
 ● Transition Service               support              Tower Hamlets Holiday Childcare Scheme
 ● Family Information Service       interventions took
 ● Local Offer
 ● Holiday Childcare Scheme
4    Parental Engagement Team

An update from the Parental
Engagement Schools and Families Team
Due to the pandemic, the team’s
mode of delivery had to change
overnight and practitioners
quickly developed new ways
to support families. These
included moving sessions online,
developing a range of blended
learning opportunities using
Zoom for group and one-to-
one sessions and implementing
Covid-secure in person sessions
for targeted families.
Schools and family practitioners
also quickly put together
resources and a list of
recommended websites to
support families with home
learning. These were sent
directly to schools as well
as placed on the Local Offer
website. The team worked
closely with family support
practitioners to identify areas   Since the information sessions
where families needed support.
They then developed a
                                  for parents with children who
                                  would be starting in the Early
                                                                    online sessions from March
programme of online workshops.    Years Foundation Stage were
                                                                    to November

                                  no longer taking place, the
Supporting parents to             team devised online sessions to
navigate the new learning prepare families. Parents really          parents attended
landscape                         valued the opportunity to ask
Sessions ranged from supporting questions and to find out what to
children’s learning in maths,     expect once their child started   of parents said they found
reading and writing to navigating school and how to prepare their   the sessions useful*
online learning.                  child over the holidays.
Experienced practitioners                                           of parents had a greater
guided parents through the                                          understanding of the topic
process so that they felt           It’s been really useful         as a result of attending*
confident accessing their child’s
online learning. Practitioners
                                    listening to the advice
                                    about preparing my son for
were also used as a source for                                      of parents discovered
reliable information given the      school. The team were so        something new to try
amount of misinformation that is    helpful and I learned a lot.    at home as a result of
online – they provided families     Parent                          attending*
with safe websites they could
                                                                    *of parents who completed an evaluation
use to support learning at home.
Parental Engagement Team              5

                                                               Virtual parent
                                                               sessions for 2021

#YourDigitalFamily –
join the fun                                                   Following a very successful
Does your family know its TikTok                               programme of virtual sessions
from its Twitter, Deliveroo from                               for parents in 2020, the Parental
Discord or Bieber from Baby
                                     Thank you all. It was     Engagement Team has launched
Shark?                               honestly such a nice      a new schedule of sessions for
                                     evening with kids to      2021.
The Parental Engagement
                                     do this quiz.
Team have recently launched                                    The sessions have proved to be
a fun new family quiz event                                    an invaluable source of support
which will test your family’s tech   Was great to be off       for parents at a time when they
knowledge.                           the telly and have        may be struggling to navigate
                                                               the new learning landscape.
The online quiz is suitable for      some fun with other       100% of the parents who
parents and secondary school-        families and meet         attended and completed an end
aged children who can take part      some new people :)        of session evaluation said they
from the comfort of their own        Parent                    would recommend the sessions
                                                               to other parents.
                                     I enjoyed this very
All you need to join is an
internet-enabled device, such as     much I hope we can        The spring term timetable of
                                     do it again, it was fun   parent sessions can be found on
a smartphone, tablet or laptop.
                                                               pages 6-7.
                                     debating with family
Friday 5 and 12 February,            and having an overall     For information on the
7pm - 9pm, via Zoom                  good time.                courses, upcoming dates and
                                     Parent                    how to book visit the www.
Prizes to be won!
For more details and to sign up      Great energy Parental     blog_articles/2811-support-
Email: parentalengagement@           Engagement Team!          children-s-learning-with-free-
towerhamlets.gov.uk                  Parent                    virtual-sessions-for-parents.
Tel: 020 7364 6398                                             Email: parentalengagement@
                                                               Tel: 020 7364 6398
6    Parental Engagement Team

Parent sessions to support
children’s learning and wellbeing
The Parental Engagement Team has launched a new schedule of online sessions for 2021. The
sessions have proved to be an invaluable source of support for parents at a time when they may be
struggling to navigate the new learning landscape.
From information about new learning approaches including ‘blended learning’ to tips on supporting
learning at home and staying healthy, the sessions provide a safe space for parents to share their
experiences, ask questions and pick up some handy tips from experienced practitioners.
To accommodate parents who may be busy home-schooling or working, weekend and evening
sessions are now being offered.

 Date/time      Session                Description
 Thursday        Learning in the       In this workshop for parents of nursery and reception class
 28 January      early years           children, you’ll find out about the Early Years Foundation
 10 - 11am                             Stage and discover how you can use every day experiences
                                       to enhance your child’s learning.

 Monday          Supporting your       This is an uncertain time for everyone. Children are often
 1 February      child’s wellbeing     more aware of what’s going on than we think. They might not
 10 - 11am       and mental health     understand the news, but that doesn’t mean they can’t sense
                                       that something is up. You might not be sure how best to talk
                                       about what’s going on, but it’s important we pay attention to
                                       their mental health.

 Friday          Digital Family Quiz   Does your family know its TikTok from its Twitter, Deliveroo
 5 February      #YourDigitalFamily    from Discord or Bieber from Baby Shark? Take part in this
 7 - 9pm                               fun family quiz night and test your family’s tech knowledge.
                                       Suitable for parents and secondary school aged children.
                                       Prizes to be won!

 Saturday        Support with          This workshop, which is delivered through Zoom, will give you
 6 February      online learning       an opportunity to look at examples of school websites as well
 1 - 2.30pm                            as on-line learning portals such as Google Classroom and
                                       Purple Mash, to name a few.

 Monday          Platform to Talk –    With exams being cancelled, some young people are feeling
 8 February      keeping teens         there is little point to online lessons. This timely session
 10 - 11am       motivated to learn    for parents of secondary school children will explore what
                                       parents can do to motivate teens and help prepare them for
                                       their future.

 Thursday        E-safety and          With children learning at home, online safety has never
 11 February     learning              been more important. This workshop looks at practical steps
 10 - 11am                             parents can take to safeguard children and explains the latest
                                       social media and gaming apps children may be using to
                                       communicate online.
Parental Engagement Team                    7
Date/time     Session               Description
Friday        Digital Family Quiz   Does your family know its TikTok from its Twitter, Deliveroo
12 February   #YourDigitalFamily    from Discord or Bieber from Baby Shark? Take part in this
7 - 9pm                             fun family quiz night and test your family’s tech knowledge.
                                    Suitable for parents and secondary school-aged children.
                                    Prizes to be won!

Monday        Learning in the       In this workshop for parents of nursery and reception class
1 March       early years           children, you’ll find out about the Early Years Foundation
10 - 11am                           Stage and discover how you can use every day experiences
                                    to enhance your child’s learning.

Tuesday       Mindfulness           Mindfulness is about developing awareness and being in
2 March                             the present moment. With the unpredictability of the current
5 - 6pm                             times we find ourselves in, children may be more anxious
                                    than usual. Join the session to pick up some useful strategies
                                    that may help to create a sense of calm.

Wednesday     Reading at Key        Gain an insight into how reading is taught at school. Discover
3 March       Stage 2               how to motivate reluctant readers and how you can support
5 - 6pm                             your child’s reading development at home.

Friday        Reading at Key        Gain an insight into how reading is taught at school. Discover
5 March       Stage 1               how to motivate reluctant readers and how you can support
10 - 11am                           your child’s reading development at home.

Thursday      E- safety and         With children learning at home, online safety has never
4 March       learning              been more important.This workshop looks at practical steps
6 - 7.30pm                          parents can take to safeguard children and explains the latest
                                    social media and gaming apps children may be using to
                                    communicate online

Wednesday     Healthy Families      Is your family snacking too much or finding it difficult to be
10 March                            active? In this workshop, you’ll have the chance to share your
10 - 11am                           concerns, pick up some ideas for quick, easy meals and
                                    discover ways to get the family more active!

Wednesday     Maths at Key          Gain an insight into what your child is learning in Maths at Key
17 March      Stage 2               Stage 2 and discover how to use the internet and other tools
5 - 6pm                             to encourage mathematical thinking and motivate reluctant

Friday        Maths at              Gain an insight into what your child is learning in Maths at Key
19 March      Key Stage 1           Stage 1 and discover how to use the internet and other tools
5 - 6pm                             to encourage mathematical thinking and motivate reluctant

     For more details or to join a session email parentalengagement@towerhamlets.gov.uk
             stating the session and date you would like to attend along with your
                                    school’s name and child’s age
8    Parental Engagement Team

Parental engagement professionals
network meeting
The parental engagement             Staff agreed communication was          Interesting and informative,
professionals network meeting       key, and with information in the        thank you.
provides those who work with        media changing daily, working           Janice Hill Kocoglu
parents in schools with an          in partnership with parents is          Family Learning and Parental
opportunity to network, consider    crucial to ensure families engage       Engagement Coordinator
the challenges when working         with schools and children are           Shadwell and St Katharine’s
with families and share best        kept safe.                              Collaborative of Schools
                                    Through the network, staff also
Recent meeting themes include       receive Covid-19 updates from
‘keeping families informed                                                 meeting see the information
                                    Katie Cole, Associate Director,
– engaging parents during                                                  and training for professionals
                                    Public Health and updates on
Covid-19’ and discussions                                                  timetable below.
                                    the changes to SEND provision
around supporting play during
                                    from Christine McInnes,
the pandemic with the launch                                               For more information or to
of the new Tower Hamlets Play       Divisional Director, Education
                                                                           register your place
Charter.                            and Partnerships.
                                                                           Email: parentalengagement@
Staff are given the chance to     To view the date of the next             towerhamlets.gov.uk
discuss how they are supporting
                                     For ideas to promote play and information on the Play Charter
families through school closures,
                                           which sets out the importance of play to children’s
financial hardship, food poverty
                                              learning and development see pages 10-17.
and other challenges.

Parent and Family Support Service –
information and training for professionals
 Date/time        Description
 Wednesday        Parenting Exchange (delivered virtually)
 3 February       The Parental Engagement Team will facilitate a parenting exchange group to bring together
 3 - 4.30pm       different organisations in Tower Hamlets to explore current parenting provision and establish
                  an information sharing network. If you are interested, please email your name, role and
                  organisation to parenting@towerhamlets.gov.uk
 Wednesday        Annual Parent and Carer Conference (delivered virtually via Zoom)
 17 March         Save the date – further information on how to book places for parents will be available
 10am - 2.30pm    shortly.
 Wednesday        Parental engagement professionals network meeting (delivered virtually)
 12 May           Provides an opportunity for all staff working with parents in schools to network, consider the
 10 - 11.30am     challenges when working with parents and share best practice.

For more information, charges or to book a place, contact Husna Begum.
Email: parentalengagement@towerhamlets.gov.uk
Tel:   020 7364 1952
No course charge applies to schools/settings that have a Service Level Agreement with the Parent
and Family Support Service for 2020-21.
All places will be confirmed one week before the course/session.
Late or no notice of cancellation may result in a charge to your school or setting.
Parental Engagement Team                  9

‘Platform to Talk’ virtual sessions for parents
Now more than ever parents
need a safe space to come
together, share their experiences
and get reliable information.
That’s why the Parental
Engagement Team have
recently launched regular
‘Platform to Talk’ sessions, led by
experienced practitioners from
the Schools and Families Team.

The virtual sessions will cover a
range of topical issues, such as
health and wellbeing, family life,
parenting and school.
                                      The next ‘Platform to Talk’
The first session was on the          session for parents of secondary
topic of ‘Growing Up’ with            school children will be ‘Keeping
parents of children aged four         Teens Motivated to Learn’. With         I really enjoyed
to 17 years old. Parents shared
                                      exams being cancelled, some             listening and talking to
their concerns that children
                                      young people are feeling there is       you all. I feel as though
                                      little point to online lessons. This    I am not alone in this.
were becoming more isolated           timely session will explore what
and reliant on devices and their      parents can do to motivate teens
                                                                              Some great advice.
worries around home schooling         and help prepare them for their         Thank you.
and children falling behind in        future.                                 Parent
their learning.
                                      Keeping Teens Motivated
Practitioners shared helpful          to Learn
advice on children’s changing         Monday 8 February
                                                                             To find out more, book your
emotions as they grow up and          10 - 11.30am
                                                                             place or suggest themes
strategies to encourage open          Future sessions
and positive communication                                                   for future sessions email
                                      Monday 8 March
between parents and their             Monday 12 April                        parentalengagement@
children.                             10am - 11.30am                         towerhamlets.gov.uk

 Family fun resource to support learning,
 play and wellbeing
 Children learn best through ‘hands-on’ experiences. Since they are spending more leisure and
 learning time online, it’s important they have a break from ‘screen time’ to have fun and to explore
 real life materials. This is why the Parental Engagement Team have developed a series of family fun
 sheets which will be sent fortnightly to all primary schools in the borough. The sheets are packed
 full of creative ideas that will support learning, play and wellbeing. See page 10 for the first sheet in
 the series.

 Keep an eye out for these resources in your school newsletter or you can request your own by
 emailing parentalengagement@towerhamlets.gov.uk
10 Play

   Family Fun!
                                                                           Ideas to support
                                                                           learning, play and

   Junk modelling
   Don’t throw waste packaging away - children can use it to
   create models! In these times where it may be difficult to access
   art materials, it’s a great way to keep them busy while allowing
   them to create and innovate. You don’t need to ‘teach’ them
   how to make something, instead allow them to explore the
   materials and let them come up with their own ideas.
   Encourage them to talk about their creations afterwards!

                               Writing commands
                               Having lots of scrap paper and things like post-its around the
                               house can really encourage children to write. Writing doesn’t
                               have to be in an exercise book - using unusual materials like post
                               its can motivate even reluctant writers. Children need
                               opportunities to do different types of writing- stories, instructions
                               and commands. Encourage them to use post-its to write their
                               own commands and place them all around the home. They could
                               be commands like ‘Take off your shoes’ or ‘Turn off the lights!’

   Rainbow breaths
   Stand with your feet apart, arms resting by your side.
   Raise your arms and take a deep breath in. Breathe in
   until your hands reach each other over your head.
   Breathe out slowly while lowering the hands. Visualise
   the rainbow you are making. Each time you breathe in
   imagine you are adding another colour to your
   rainbow. Once your rainbow is done, open your eyes.

                               Ditch the dip!
                               Ditch high fat dips like mayonnaise and create your own healthy
                               alternative. Just mix some low-fat yoghurt together with a clove
                               of finely chopped garlic and season with a little salt and pepper.
                               Try it with some roughly chopped, crunchy vegetables- delicious!

   Produced by
   The Parental Engagement                                         Subscribe to our e-bulletin
   Schools and Family Team                      www.towerhamlets.gov.uk/parentfamilysupport
Play     11

Launch of new Play Charter
The new Tower Hamlets Play            Play is fundamental to a child’s
Charter was developed over            development. It helps them to
many months with partners             learn about the world around
from across the borough. It           them, make friends, be healthy        Play is fundamental to
sets out the partnership’s vision     and have fun.
                                                                            a child’s development,
for play in Tower Hamlets. It
calls on residents, businesses,       We hope you enjoy reading             helping them to learn
voluntary organisations and           the Play Charter and will use its     about the world around
                                      principles and commitments to
charities, providers of childcare                                           them, make friends, be
and education, the council and        create opportunities for play in
                                      the work of your organisation.        healthy and have fun.
developers to be imaginative
and create initiatives, or build on   To view the Play Charter visit        Play Charter
existing projects, which embed        www.localoffertowerhamlets.
play into the daily lives of our      co.uk/documents/1402-tower-
children and young people.            hamlets-play-charter.pdf

The Play Charter has 5 principles

        1                      2                     3                      4                5
 Prepared to             Learning                Inclusive                Outdoor          Play for
    learn              through play                play                    play               all

 Play Charter working group
 A Play Charter working group has been formed to support
 implementation of the charter and bring together different
 organisations from across Tower Hamlets who are passionate about
 play and what it has to offer children and families.
 If you are interested in being part of this group, contact Jill McGinley
 Email: jill.mcginley@towerhamlets.gov.uk
12   Play

The importance of play
An overview by the Holiday Childcare Team
The United Nations Convention        Charter which was approved           during Covid-19. Our holiday
on the Rights of the Child           by the Children and Families         schemes have been open during
(UNCRC) lists 54 articles            Partnership Board in November.       the pandemic with rigorous risk
(www.unicef.org.uk/wp-               The Parent and Family Support        assessments and COVID-secure
content/uploads/2019/10/             Service will facilitate a play       measures in place.
UNCRC_summary-1_1.pdf)               working group with leaders from
                                     the voluntary and the third sector   In August we hosted a play day
covering all aspects of children’s
                                     who deliver play activities and      event for children who attend the
rights which all member states
                                     services.                            summer scheme – children took
excluding the United States have
                                                                          part in an exciting sports day
accepted. In 1992 the convention     The Holiday Childcare Team
was ratified by the United                                                event. Usually we would have
                                     is committed to play and the         organised daily trips for children
Kingdom.                             five principles listed in the Play   to gain new experiences,
                                     Charter:                             however, we adapted and
 Article 31:                                                              instead offered virtual trips for
                                     1.   Prepared to play
 Every child has the right to                                             children to explore places such
                                     2.   Learning through play
 relax, play and take part in a
                                     3.   Inclusive play                  as the Eiffel Tower, NASA, Mexico
 wide range of cultural and
                                     4.   Outdoor play                    City and the Cincinnati Zoo.
 artistic activities.
                                     5.   Play for all
                                                                          Our scheme newsletters provide
Tower Hamlets is supporting          The Holiday Childcare Team has       further information on how we
children’s rights through the        been crucial in ensuring that        promote play within the service
launch of our very first Play        children have access to play         and holiday schemes.
Play     13

Leading the way...
Quality in Play                                      Sanctuary Award
The Holiday Childcare                                The scheme also
Scheme underwent                                     received a Sanctuary
an accreditation                                     Award, making it the
process in 2020 to                                   first holiday club in the
obtain Quality in Play                               UK to be recognised
status, which is awarded for demonstrating           in this way. The award
quality and value for money whilst creating          from Sanctuary City UK recognises networks,
and maintaining excellent staffed play               groups and organisations which foster a
environments.                                        welcoming and inclusive culture for people
                                                     who are fleeing violence or persecution.
Accreditation involves producing a portfolio         The scheme has a long tradition of inclusive
of evidence covering 11 quality areas,               practice and we are pleased to be recognised
ranging from the physical play environment           as a leading holiday club on inclusive practice
to workforce development. Following an               in the play sector.
inspection of our February 2020 scheme, we
were awarded a Certificate of Confirmation.
Mick Conway, Quality in Play Assessor,
said: “The organisation of the portfolio was
meticulous following the ‘commitment,
action, review’ format for each quality area. I
was particularly impressed by how children’s
feedback on previous schemes is built
into forward planning and procurement
of equipment, materials and trips out. For
example, cooking and baking sessions had
been introduced following requests from the
children after a couple of trial sessions which
were very popular. There is a specific focus
on ‘non-gendering’ play activities across the
scheme and I noted that a number of boys
were very proud of the cushions they had
made and sewed.”

Millie’s Mark                                          in paediatric first aid.
The scheme also achieved the Millie’s Mark           The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)
accreditation from National Day Nurseries            guidelines, which childcare settings in England
Association.                                         are required to follow, currently state that
Millie’s Mark is awarded to nurseries, early years   just one person with a current paediatric first
and childcare settings where:                        aid certificate must be on the premises and
                                                     available at all times when children are present
● all staff members who work with children are       or on outings.
  qualified in paediatric first aid and have well-
  deployed first aid processes
● individual policies and procedures evidence
  exemplary practice
● providers go above and beyond minimum
  requirements by having 100% of staff trained
14   Play

children’s play
Children play naturally as a
way of learning about the
world around them. Play
is not wasted time – when
children play, they are learning
important skills. Parents and
those working with children
                                   The benefits of outdoor play
can give them a better start       Busier family lives, combined        a world packed with directed
in life by providing more          with an increased sense of fear      activities, simply running around
interesting and varied play in     in society as well as Covid-19       without direction can be a stress
the early years.                   restrictions, means that children    reliever.
● Play is messy                    today have fewer opportunities
                                   to play and learn outside.           Helps intellectual
  Young children love to play
  with water, sand, paint          There are concerns that this
● Play is sociable                 could be hampering children’s        A child’s intellectual
  Children learn to make           social skills as well as risking     development can be enhanced
  friends and to work together     stifling their long-term physical    when they experience using
● Play is good for health          and emotional development            all of their senses as well as
  Children exercise and            and wellbeing. Spending time         their bodies and minds. Being
  develop control of their         safely outdoors (as part of our      outdoors requires children to
  bodies which is important.       daily exercise allowance) can        use their sense of touch, sight,
                                   boost our wellbeing, especially      sound and smell, along with their
Support children’s play by:        during the winter months when        major muscle groups, which
● Having a playful approach        we have less exposure to             increases the chances of quality
  with them                        sunlight.                            learning.
● Listening to them and            Helps physical development           Helps children deal with
  valuing what they say                                                 change
                                   Some physical skills are much
● Valuing friendships and
                                   easier for children to develop       Unstructured outdoor play
  children’s time with each
                                   outside – running, jumping,          not only leads to additional
                                   throwing, catching and skipping      cognitive development, but it
● Letting them initiate their      are some of the large motor
  own play and play on their                                            can also build self-confidence.
                                   skill activities that are best       Children who play outdoors in
  own                              developed outdoors.                  varied environments are more
● Building on their interests
                                   Being outside encourages             comfortable outside of the
● Talking to them about their
                                   movement which, in turn,             confines of their home. These
                                   reduces the risk of obesity. It is   children can transition better
● Allowing them to take risks      reported that outdoor play also      into new settings and are more
  in their play.                   reduces tension and stress. In       confident in dealing with change.
Play     15

The importance of risk in play
Risk taking is an essential feature
of play. Children need the
chance to encounter acceptable
risks as part of a stimulating
learning environment. They need
to take risks in order to explore
limits, try new experiences and
develop their capacities.
Experience of managing risk
helps keep children safe. It
is important for families and
professionals working with
children to strike the right
balance between keeping
children safe and allowing             At a time when play and social     know their limits. Most children
them the freedom they need. If         interaction may be restricted,     know when to stop before it
children learn about managing          it’s important to remember that    gets dangerous, so it’s important
risk from an early age, it will give   risk in play is a crucial aspect   parents and those working with
them more confidence to do             of children’s learning and         them don’t stifle their sense of
this throughout their childhood.       development – it helps children    adventure.

 Play and the Covid-19 pandemic
 Practitioners and parents
 observing children’s play
 during the pandemic have a
 unique chance to contribute
 to an archive that will inform
 future generations about how
 children’s play experiences
 changed due to Covid-19.
 Researchers from the University
 of Reading are compiling an
 archive for future generations.
 The Pandemic Play Archive
 will be an online collection of       – for example, the virus,          Practitioners and parents may
 memories depicting examples           social distancing, lockdown,       only upload materials that they
 of children’s play.
                                       medical procedures or where        are happy to be shared openly
 The researchers are keen              the circumstances have led         with a public audience. For
 to hear from parents and              children to play in novel or       copyright reasons, only parents
 practitioners who have                unique ways.                       or guardians can submit
 observed interesting play                                                photographs of children.
 during the pandemic. They             The written descriptions,
 would like written descriptions,      drawings and/or photographs        More details at
 drawings and/or photographs           can be created by adults who       https://merl.reading.ac.uk/
 of play where the theme of the        have observed children’s play      merl-collections/research-
 play is related to the pandemic       or by children themselves.         projects/pandemic-play/
16 Play

                                                                           Playing with
                                                                           Children are natural mark-
                                                                           makers. From very early on
                                                                           they make marks on surfaces.
                                                                           It may look like they are ‘just
                                                                           playing’, but in fact, they are
                                                                           developing skills for writing.
                                                                           Mark-making is so much more
                                                                           than pencil on paper, so when
                                                                           you are working with children,
                                                                           be experimental and make
                                                                           sure they have access to a
                                                                           wide range of materials.

Glamis Adventure Playground                                                Play with marks by:

supports local families                                                    ● Making marks with shaving
                                                                             foam, cornflour slime or
Glamis Adventure Playground,         site into different areas. Once         sand
managed by Shadwell                  the online register and booking       ● Pressing fingers or objects
Community Project (SCP), used        system was on the website, they         into playdough to create
the March lockdown to support        opened their gates for summer           marks
the community in different ways,     play and ran a full summer
                                                                           ● Making marks with water
make changes to the project and      project with no Covid-19 cases.
                                                                             using paint-brushes or
plan for their re-opening.           When government guidelines
                                                                             cotton buds  
                                     allowed, the project continued to
Through immediate contact            book in bubbles.                      ● Painting using an easel and
with local families, the project                                             large brushes
discovered that they needed          The second lockdown in                ● Using chalks to mark the
devices to access online             November brought new                    ground
schooling and screen-based           challenges but as outdoor play
                                                                           ● Making rubbings of rough
learning activities for children.    is so important, now more than
While directing families to          ever, they quickly re-focused
available services, SCP made         their attention on the needs of       ● Creating your own mark-
funding applications for tablets     local families who lack outside         making tools using things
and delivered play parcels.          space. Creating family bubble           like twigs and feathers.
                                     play sessions, the project
Refurbishments made to the           welcomed groups of six for an
site during lockdown included        hour, three days a week, in line
a fixed zip wire, sand and water     with the social distancing rules
play opportunities. These new        at the time.
additions complement the big
swings, treehouse, boat as well      With all that Glamis Adventure
as the playworker led creative       Playground has done to support
activities. With the improvements    local families through the
in place, Glamis set its sights on   pandemic, it’s no wonder that
opening safely for the summer.       Cllr Rabina Khan has nominated
They reviewed all procedures         the vital play facility for a well-
and risk assessments, sourced        deserved ‘Covid Hero’ award!
new food suppliers, re-inducted
staff, put signs and sanitiser       More details, visit: www.
dispensaries up and marked the       shadwellcommunityproject.org
Play 17

Hungry Little Minds
Hungry Little Minds is a              reinforces key messages from        Words Together. These evidence
campaign from the Department          the Every Tower Hamlets Child       -based programmes aim to
of Education (DfE) in response        a Talker (ETHCaT) programme,        reduce the number of children
to the government’s pledge to         which the Early Years Integrated    still entering school below
reduce the number of children         Service has been delivering
                                                                          age related expectations for
who finish Reception without          since 2013.
                                                                          communication and language.
the communication, language           Other local early intervention
and literacy skills they need to      programmes that support the         For more details
thrive. The campaign is aimed         home learning environment           Email: charlotte.herxheimer@
at parents and carers and             are Bookstart Corner and Early      towerhamlets.gov.uk

Calling Tower Hamlets young musicians!
Tower Hamlets Arts & Music            online throughout this past year,
Education Service (THAMES)            including performing online
are looking for new members           concerts and creating music
to join their music centres and       videos.
ensembles.                            For more information or
From orchestras and choirs            to register, visit thames.
to inclusive ensembles and            towerhamlets.gov.uk
bands, there’s a broad range of       For general enquiries:
opportunities for young people
aged 7-18 of all musical abilities.   Email: THAMES.admin@
Music activities have continued       Tel: 020 7364 0431

 Music Centres and Ensembles
 Saturday Music Centre Saturdays, 9am - 12.30pm
 Wednesday Music Centre Wednesdays, 4 - 6pm
 Primary Choir Mondays, 4.30 - 5.30pm
 Youth Orchestra School holiday courses
 Soundbox Inclusive Ensemble Saturdays (fortnightly), 10.30am - 1pm
18 Early Years and School

Message from
Danny Hassell
Despite the ongoing pressures
from Covid-19, our services
for children and families
have continued. We remain
committed to supporting
our community during these times. Our schools
have been doing a fantastic job of keeping our
children safe at school, acting where needed and
continuing to provide a strong educational offer.
The excellent work of our schools has been
recognised in the Sunday Times. Mayflower
Primary School was named as primary school
of the year (for the second time). Several other
Tower Hamlets schools – St Edmund’s, Sir William
Burrough, Blue Gate Fields Junior, Bigland Green
and English Martyrs – also appeared in the top
500 list. Congratulations to you all!
We have also secured a £100m plus package of
capital investment for our secondary schools –
releasing funding for new secondary schools at
London Dock and Westferry and for a rebuild of          Children’s centres
                                                        are open during
George Green’s School. This investment into high-
quality secondary school buildings will ensure our
children have state-of-the-art facilities to support
their learning.                                         lockdown
Last term the council continued with its roll out of    All 12 children’s centres in Tower Hamlets
over 2,000 laptops for Year 10 children in receipt of   will remain open throughout lockdown for
free school meals and those children with a social      vulnerable children. Health and safety remains
worker. This will help improve digital inclusion        a top priority – for staff, families and the
across the borough and support home learning.           community. The children’s centres have adapted
Other charities and schools are also supporting         their services to be ‘Covid-secure’ and they will
laptops for more of their families too. We have         continue to offer:
also supported families with food costs over the        ● Health appointments
Christmas break with £25 supermarket vouchers
                                                        ● Early learning for two-years-olds
for 18,000 children in the borough.
                                                        ● Face-to-face support for vulnerable, and
Whilst there has been such positive news with the         newly vulnerable, parents.
start of a vaccine roll-out, we all need to continue
to play our part to help keep our community safe        The centres will be following the latest
over the coming months. This means following            government guidance, which means timetables
the government guidelines, getting tested and           and services are subject to change.
isolating if you (or someone you live with) have        Please make an appointment before you visit by
symptoms and remembering ‘hands, face, space’.          phoning your local children’s centre.
Cllr Danny Hassell                                      For up to date information, visit
Cabinet Member for Children and Schools                 www.towerhamlets.gov.uk/childrenscentres
London Borough of Tower Hamlets
Early Years and School 19

Razia Begum, parent, collecting books for her son    Kate Wheeler, William Davis Teacher reading for
during lockdown                                      pupils during an online story session

Working together to uphold a love of
reading during Covid-19
A message from Annika Eadie, Headteacher, William Davis Primary School
             This month I           Tower Hamlets Schools Library       promoting family story times,
             took part in the       Service ensures that schools        could have real impact.
             Association of         have up-to-date fiction and
             Senior Children’s      nonfiction; they run exciting       At William Davis we continue
             and Education          events to engage our children       to look for creative and flexible
Librarians (ASCEL) national         as readers. Tower Hamlets           solutions to make sure that
conference. As part of this, I      public libraries and Idea Stores    reading stays centre stage.”
reflected on the challenges         encourage reading for pleasure;
and creative solutions required,    they engage children through
particularly around reading,        events e.g. the Summer Reading
during Covid-19 times.              Challenge.
Parents, schools and library        There remain challenges for the
services all work together          library service during Covid-19.
to ensure that children love        Our families require greater
reading. At William Davis we        access to online resources and
believe learning to read is the     additional support to overcome
most important thing every child    language and literacy barriers.
will learn at school. We want all   But creative solutions such
children to love reading – and to   as increased access to audio
want to read for themselves.        books, online story sessions, and   Annika Eadie, Headteacher
                                                                        William Davis Primary School
20 Early Years and School

Craft bags for        Learning packs at
children at St John’s Stephen Hawking
Children learn best through hands-on                   When parents have a good relationship with
experiences. Since they are spending more              their child’s school and are involved in their
leisure and learning time online, it’s important       learning, children have the best outcomes.
that they also have opportunities to handle real       That’s the guiding principle behind the Parental
life materials. Exploring materials and expressing     Engagement Team’s work and one that is shared
themselves through arts and crafts can provide an      by Stephen Hawking School. They have been
emotional release and help reduce anxiety.             working in partnership providing learning packs
                                                       to support children’s home learning during the
Rashina Begum and Denise Foster, family support        holidays or when they cannot attend school.
partners, have been working tirelessly to ensure
all early years and Key Stage 1 children (as well as   The packs, which are themed according
isolating families) at St John’s Primary School had    to the season, feature activities devised by
a stimulating craft bag to keep them busy over the     specialist teachers at the school. The Parental
festive period.                                        Engagement Team have been sharing Some
                                                       of their emotional wellbeing resources for
With generous donations from the Bromley by            the packs. This approach reflects the school’s
Bow Centre and supplementary literacy resources        ethos of building relationships with families and
provided by Pyjamarama Books, the children were        partners to ensure that children attending the
set for a creative holiday.                            school achieve their full potential.

 Families really valued the craft bags – at              These packs help keep the children
 a time when children are spending more                  busy when they are not at school and
 time indoors, they were a great way to                  are encouraging children and parents to
 keep them busy over the holidays.                       learn new skills and interact together.

 Denise Foster, PET Family Support Partner               Danella Field
 St John’s Primary School                                Pupil Resource Coordinator
Early Years and School 21

Could your school host the Childcare
Holiday Childcare Scheme? survey 2020
The Tower Hamlets Holiday                                             The Childcare Survey 2020,
Childcare Scheme is Ofsted                                            produced by Coram Family
registered and provides                                               and Childcare, shows a mixed
childcare for children aged 3 to
                                                                      picture for families in Britain.
13. It is held at schools in Tower
                                                                      Over the last few years many
Hamlets and runs during the
school holidays (excluding the                                        parents have been able to
Christmas break) from 8am -                                           get more free childcare for
6pm (for working parents) or                                          their three and four year olds.
9am - 5pm.                                                            Others who are not entitled to
                                                                      free childcare still face very
The scheme supports working
parents and offers places to                                          high prices.
children who need additional
                                  To find out more about hosting      The survey shows that the
support. In partnership with
                                  the Tower Hamlets Holiday           system is too complicated and
Tower Hamlets schools, the
scheme has provided critical      Childcare Scheme to provide         calls for action to make sure
                                  easy access to childcare for        that every family is able to
childcare provision for families
                                  working parents in your school,     access high quality childcare.
during the pandemic.
                                  headteachers and school
The scheme are looking for        leaders can contact:                Read the full report at
new school sites to join its pool Selina Tamana                       www.familyand
of schools. It provides highly    Holiday Childcare Team              childcaretrust.org
qualified and experienced staff,  Manager
all equipment and covers school Email: selina.tamana@
cleaning costs.                   towerhamlets.gov.uk

 Tower Hamlets Transition Anti-bullying and
 Support Service          behaviour support
 The service provides impartial advice,             Need advice on how to deal with bullying and
 information and assistance to support children,    behaviour issues?
 young people and their families during key         You can get support by attending a virtual
 points of transition.                              workshop for parents delivered by experienced
                                                    Parent and Family Support Service Transition
 The service is available to all Tower Hamlets      Officers. It will provide tips about what to do if
 families and can be accessed via self-referral     you’re worried about bullying and behaviour and
 or referral from professionals with consent. We    will explore ways to help you talk to your child
 can help with a range of school issues including   and your child’s school about these concerns.
 school admissions, managed moves, school
 exclusion and bullying.                            Friday 29 January 2021, 10 – 11.30am

 For more information contact Tower Hamlets
 Transition Support Service                         Anti-bullying support workshops will be
                                                    delivered on a monthly basis. Future dates can
 Tel:   020 7364 1533                               be found on page 33.
 Email: transitions@towerhamlets.gov.uk
                                                    Tel:   020 7364 1533
                                                    Email: transitions@towerhamlets.gov.uk
22 Parent Support and Safeguarding

                                                                       Exchange Group
                                                                       Whilst Covid-19 has
                                                                       dominated the past year,
                                                                       the delivery of parenting
                                                                       programmes and support for
                                                                       parents has continued.
                                                                       New parenting programmes
                                                                       have been introduced and
                                                                       existing evidence-based
                                                                       parenting programmes
Parenting support during                                               adapted so they can be
                                                                       delivered virtually online.
the pandemic                                                           Although this initially brought
                                                                       challenges, there were also
The Parent and Family Support        ● Talk through tried and tested   positives, with more flexible
Service recognise that this is         behaviour management            delivery and improved access
a potentially worrying time            strategies                      for working parents and
for parents and carers as they       ● Signpost to online resources    parents at home isolating/
juggle the needs of the family         and services.                   shielding or home schooling.
with the additional pressure of
                                                                       During the spring term,
spending more time at home.
                                                                       the Parental Engagement
The parenting team provide                                             Team will facilitate a
flexible support and advice           I feel that I am a lot calmer    Parenting Exchange Group
via telephone, text, email, and       when making request of           to bring together different
video calls to parents and            my teenager now. I have          organisations in Tower Hamlets
professionals.                        learnt a lot of things and       to explore current parenting
                                      I’m happy the session is         provision and establish an
Experienced practitioners are                                          information sharing network.
on hand to provide parenting          online.
advice based on extensive             Parent                           The meeting will take place on:
knowledge of strategies proven
to work. English, Bengali and
                                                                       Wednesday 3 February
Somali speaking practitioners
                                                                       3 - 4.30pm
are available where possible.                                          If you are interested in being
                                                                       part of this group, please
Practitioners can:
                                     I feel happy to attend a          send your name, role and
● Offer parenting tips for parents   programme delivered               organisation to
  of children of all ages from       in my own language,               parenting@towerhamlets.
  toddlers to teens                  practitioners really              gov.uk
● Advise on how to talk to           helped me to improve my
  children who may be worried        relationship with my son.
  about Covid-19                     Parent

To book a place on an online parenting programme or to attend a
virtual parenting group contact the Parenting Team.
Email: parenting@towerhamlets.gov.uk
Tel:    020 7364 6398
Parent Support and Safeguarding 23

Virtual parenting sessions
Although the parenting team are currently unable to offer group parenting programmes in the
community, they are offering a range of virtual parenting groups.
The parenting groups focus on key topics such as encouraging positive behaviour, getting teens to
cooperate and an introduction to the Strengthening Families Strengthening Communities (SFSC)

Parenting Programme Timetable Spring Term (delivered virtually)
January – March 2021
 Programme               Age           Additional info                                     Delivery dates
                                                                                           Rolling programme
                         Birth-18      A five-week shortened version of SFSC adapted
 SFSC*                                                                                     Tuesday, Wednesday,
                         years         for virtual delivery. Delivered in Bengali.
                         Birth-18      A five-week shortened version of SFSC adapted       Tuesday (evening)
                         years         for virtual delivery. Delivered in English.         Wednesday
 Triple P Group Teen
                         12-18 years   Delivered in English.                               Tuesday
                         18 months -
 Triple P Group                        Delivered in English.                               Tuesday or Friday
                         18 years
 Triple P Seminars –
                         18 months -   One-off session introducing positive parenting
 The Power of Positive                                                                     Rolling programme
                         18 years      strategies.
 Triple P Group and
                         18 months -   Topic specific sessions covering a range of         Dates TBC
 Teen Discussion
                         18 years      parenting concerns. Delivered in English.           (one-off sessions)
 Group Series
                                       NEW for January 2021. For parents who are
 Triple P Family         Birth-18
                                       experiencing personal distress from separation      Thursday
 Transitions             years
                                       or divorce which is impacting on their parenting.
                                       For parents of a child with a diagnosis of
 ADHD – The Parent
                         5-18 years    Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).    Dates TBC
                                       Delivered in English.
                                       Parents’ Emotional First Aid (EFA)
 Emotional First Aid                                                                       Friday
                                       programme. Delivered in English.
                                       An individual online programme for parents
                                                                                           Flexible - at the
                         18 months-    to access and complete at their own pace.
 Triple P Online                                                                           convenience of the
                         18 years      Practitioner support and guidance to complete
                                       the programme is available on request.
* Strengthening Families, Strengthening Communities

Get in touch
The parenting team look forward to receiving enquires from parents, carers, early help and social
care colleagues, school staff and other agencies in the borough. For advice, to book a place on the
online parenting programme or to attend a virtual parenting group contact the Parenting Team
Email: parenting@towerhamlets.gov.uk Tel: 020 7364 6398
24 Parent Support and Safeguarding

Parental engagement – support
for the RSE curriculum
Speakeasy – a course for parents and carers
Today’s children and young         can talk to their children more
people are growing up in a         confidently about body changes,
complex world and living more      feelings, relationships and sex.       The Parental Engagement
of their lives online. Although                                           Team have worked hard
this presents many exciting        The course allows parents
                                   to come together in a non-             to adapt the Speakeasy
opportunities, it also poses
                                   judgemental environment to             course to make it
many challenges and risks. In
this environment, children and     share their experiences and learn      accessible for parents via
young people need to know          together through discussions,          Zoom. Parents have been
how to be safe and healthy and     games and role-play.                   using the tools they’ve
how to manage their academic,      Delivered by accredited                picked up, which have been
personal and social lives in a     practitioners from the Parental        invaluable, this year more
positive way.                      Engagement Team, who                   than ever.
Relationships Education is         continuously update the material
                                   to ensure its relevance, the           Aysha Begum
now compulsory in all primary
                                                                          Parental Engagement and
schools in England and             course now features the latest
Relationships and Sex Education resources produced by the                 Central Foundation
compulsory in all secondary        NSPCC, Child Exploitation and
                                                                          Girls School
schools. Parents are the prime     Online Protection (CEOP) and the
educators and have a key role to Department for Education (DfE).
play in delivering this, but many Covering some of today’s most
may feel embarrassed or unsure challenging issues including              aims to equip parents with the
how to fulfil this responsibility. social media pressures, child
                                                                         knowledge and strategies to
The Speakeasy course               sexual exploitation (CSE), sexting,
                                                                         keep their children safe.
addresses this by increasing       female genital mutilation
parents’ knowledge, so that they (FGM) and gangs, the course             Continued on page 25
Parent Support and Safeguarding 25

 Course content                    parents to speak to individual
                                   schools about resources
 ● Physical and emotional          they will be using with their          Absolute eye opener for us.
   changes taking place at         children
                                                                          Every parent should attend
   puberty                       ● Speakeasy helps parents
                                   understand how they can
                                                                          this course – I want it in
 ● Sex education in the context
                                   support their child’s school-          school.
   of family life
                                   based learning at home                 Parent
 ● Identifying and responding to
   the age-appropriate needs of ● Where Speakeasy is
   children                        delivered in schools, SRE/
                                   PHSE teachers/leads
 ● Societal and cultural
                                   contribute to the programme
   attitudes towards sex and
                                   and are invited to speak to
   sexuality as it relates to
                                   parents usually during week
                                   4, giving them an opportunity
 ● Information on sex and                                                 This course was amazing.
                                   to discuss the curriculum,
   relationships education in      resources used and to dispel           It encouraged me to
   schools                         myths and playground ‘mis              have these difficult
 Additional information            talk’                                  conversations with my
                                 ● The programme provides                 children.
 ● The Speakeasy course            opportunities for parents to           Parent
   informs parents about           ask questions, for two-way
   the curriculum, provides        dialogue between home and
   opportunities to discuss the    school and to strengthen
   changes and encourages          home school relationships.

     To find out more about the Speakeasy course and how it can be delivered by Service Level
               Agreement in your school email denise.de-goze@towerhamlets.gov.uk

Young people accused of ‘Sadfishing’
‘Sadfishing’ is being reported        comments on social media,
by young people as a growing          messaging apps or even face-to-
trend which they are finding          face. This rejection can damage
difficult to manage. The social       their already fragile self-
media phenomenon emerged              esteem and leave them feeling
after some celebrities were           disappointed by not getting the
accused of posting exaggerated        support they need online.
claims about their emotional
problems to generate sympathy         In addition, groomers can also
and publicity. What’s worrying is     use comments that express a
that young people with genuine        need for emotional support as a
mental health issues who seek         platform to connect with young
support online can often be           people and gain their trust, only
unfairly accused that they are        to try and exploit it at a later
‘sadfishing’.                         point.

There have been increased             To find out more about
reports of young people who           ‘sadfishing’ and other
have been bullied for ‘sadfishing’.   online trends, visit www.
The bullying is usually through       digitalawarenessuk.com
You can also read