EVENTS COMMITTEE - Meetings, agendas, and minutes

Page created by Jerome Manning
Public Document Pack

                                                                               7 July 2022

Dear Councillor

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Meeting of the Events Committee at which your
attendance is summoned, will be held at The Manor House, Old Town Street,
Dawlish, EX7 9AP on Tuesday, 12th July 2022 at 7.00 pm to transact the business
specified in the Agenda as set out.

Events, Projects and Tourism Officer

Distribution: The Mayor and Members of Events Committee as follows:

Cllr Goodman-Bradbury (Chairman)
Cllr Heath (Deputy Chairman)
Cllr Tamlyn
Cllr Taylor
Cllr Wrigley
Cllr Mayne (ex-Officio)
Cllr Dawson (ex-Officio)

The Mayor and Deputy Mayor are ex-officio Members of all Council Committees.

                                       Page 1
For information – to be taken as read:

1     Declarations of Interest – Members are reminded that they should declare any
      interest in the items to be considered and are also advised that the timescale to
      alter their stated interests with the District Council’s Monitoring Officer is 28

2     Items requiring urgent attention – to consider those items which, in the
      opinion of the Committee Chair, should be considered by the meeting as matter
      of urgency (if any). To be taken at the end of the meeting.

3     The Freedom of Information Act 2000 deems that all information held by this
      Council should be freely available to the public unless it falls under one of 23

4     The Data Protection Act 2018 precludes this Authority from publishing the
      names, addresses or other private information of individuals unless written
      permission is given by the individual for such details to be made public.
      Therefore, where necessary, personal details have been removed from the
      papers attached to ensure that information held is available, but individuals are

5     Mobile telephones Councillors and members of the public are requested to
      ensure that mobile phones are switched to ‘silent’ during the meeting to avoid

6     Recording this meeting may be filmed or audio taped.

7     Public Participation:
      Members of the public will be given an opportunity to address Councillors
      present at this meeting regarding agenda items, at the discretion of the
      Chairman. Members of the public will also be given an opportunity to discuss
      Town Council activities not on the current agenda after the close of the
      meeting. The comments of members of the public and electors of the parish
      who speak before the start of the meeting or following the close of the meeting
      will not form part of the Minutes of the meeting.

                                         Page 2
(Open to the Public)

1.     Apologies for absence

       To receive, note, and where requested approve, the reasons for apologies for absence.

2.     Agreement of the Agenda between Parts I and II

3.     Declarations of Interest

       To declare any disclosable interests relating to the forthcoming items of business (if any).

4.     Dispensations

       To receive and consider requests for dispensation (if any).

5.     Minutes (Pages 5 - 8)

       To approve and sign the minutes of the Events Committee held on 10th May 2022.

6.     Event Expenditure (Pages 9 - 14)

       To receive and approve the expenditure reports for the Platinum Jubilee and Events
       Expenditure 2022.

7.     Events 2022

       To receive and note updates about remaining planned events for 2022.

          •   Classic vehicles on the Lawn and Strand – 17th July (DTC)
          •   Brass on the Grass (on the Lawn)– 24th July (DTC)
          •   Punch and Judy at the Warren (27th July, 3rd August, 10th August, 10th August, 24th
              August and 31st August)
          •   Dawlish Celebrates Seaside Fun on the Lawn (28th July, 4th August, 11th August and
              25th August)
          •   Family Funday on the Lawn 30th July (Dawlish Ladies Hockey Club)
          •   Teignbridge District Council Charity Day on the Lawn 6th August
          •   Dawlish Celebrates Carnival 13th to 19th August
          •   Saturday 3rd September Merchant Navy Day flag raising at 2.30pm at the Piazza
              (DTC and RBL)
          •   Teignbridge District Council Charity Day on the Lawn Saturday 3rd September

                                              Page 3
•   Bike and Trikes (Armed Force Bikers) on the Lawn– 4th September
          •   Friday 9th September Emergency Services Day flag raising at the Piazza at 2.30pm
          •   Dawlish Walking Festival – 24th September to 2nd October (Sustainable Dawlish)
              part of the Great Big Green Week activities.
          •   Saturday 15th October eat:Festival Food Festival 10am to 4pm
          •   1st to 14th November Dawlish Poppy Wall
          •   Friday 11th November 11am silence at the Poppy Wall
          •   Sunday 13th November – Remembrance Sunday (DTC and RBL)
          •   Christmas Light Switch On and Christmas Markets on the Lawn and Strand – 25th to
              27th November (DTC)

8.     Torchlight Procession

       To consider and approve outline arrangements for a torchlight procession as part of Dawlish
       Town Council’s Christmas events in 2022.

9.     Storage

       To receive and note a verbal report on storage of the council equipment (within the
       Council’s allocated budget for equipment storage of £2,500).

10.    Training

       To receive and note a verbal update on volunteer marshal training.

11.    Online consultation for Events 2023

       To consider and decide whether to hold an online and in print consultation for suggestions
       for Dawlish Town Council Events in 2023.

12.    Teignbridge District Council Officers Resorts Update

       To receive and note information from the Resorts Officer about forthcoming events in
       Dawlish, in addition to the events listed for 2022:

       23rd-30th July David Rowland.

Items which may be taken in the absence of the Public and Press on grounds that Exempt
Information may be disclosed as defined in the Local Government Act 1972 and / or the Public
Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960.


                                             Page 4
Agenda Item 5

                               DAWLISH TOWN COUNCIL

                             Minutes of a Meeting of the
                                 Events Committee
            held at The Manor House, Old Town Street, Dawlish, EX7 9AP on
                         Tuesday, 10th May 2022 at 7.00 pm


Cllr Heath (Deputy Chairman)
Cllr Tamlyn
Cllr Taylor
Cllr Mayne (ex-Officio)

Community interest group and other representatives present:

Anne Leigh, Churches Together in Dawlish and District; Richard Hayward, Dawlish Branch of
Royal British Legion; and Dave Hutton, Dawlish Against Plastic and Wildlife Warden.

In attendance:

Angie Weatherhead, Events, Projects & Tourism Officer


       Apologies were received from Councillor Goodman-Bradbury, Councillor Wrigley and
       Councillor Dawson.
       Apologies were received from Sue Lavender Dawlish WI.

       RESOLVED: that the apologies were noted.


       There was no Part II.


       There were no declarations of interest.



                                            Page 5
No members present required a dispensation to discuss items on the agenda.


    Members present received the minutes of the previous meeting of the Dawlish Town
    Council Events Committee held on Tuesday 8th March 2022.

    RESOLVED: that the minutes be agreed and signed as a true record of the meeting.


    RESOLVED: that the events expenditure for 2022 and the Platinum Jubilee be approved as
    set out in the paper.

7   EVENTS 2022

    Standing orders were suspended.

    In addition to the dates given the Events Guide had been published with wider events
    information. The new electric charging points in the Barton Hill Car Park would be able to
    be used from the end of May and could be paid for by swipe card. The next vaccination
    clinic on the Lawn was on Friday 13th May and it would be returning every three weeks with
    the one in June coinciding with the Jubilee Celebrations on Friday 3rd June.

    Chapter 8 training would be offered to town council and community volunteers on
    Saturday 18th June.

    ·   Teignbridge District Council Charity Day on the Lawn 7th May

    ·   Platinum Jubilee Celebrations 2nd to 5th June on the Lawn

    ·   Falklands 40 flag raising at the Piazza

    ·   Armed Forces Day – Parade 25th June organised by DTC

    ·   Teignbridge District Council Charity Day on the Lawn 2nd July

    ·   Alice in Wonderland adaption Sunday 10th July

    ·   Classic vehicles on the Lawn and Strand – 17th July

    ·   Brass on the Grass (on the Lawn)– 24th July 2022

    ·   Teignbridge District Council Charity Day on the Lawn 6th August

                                          Page 6
·    Dawlish Celebrates Carnival 13th to 19th August

    ·    Saturday 3rd September Merchant Navy Day flag raising at the Piazza

    ·    Teignbridge District Council Charity Day on the Lawn Saturday 3rd September

    ·    Bike and Trikes (Armed Force Bikers) on the Lawn– 4th September

    ·    Friday 9th September Emergency Services Day flag raising at the Piazza

    ·    Dawlish Walking Festival – 24th September to 2nd October.

    ·    Saturday 15th October eat:Festival Food Festival 10am to 4pm

    ·    1st to 14th November Dawlish Poppy Wall

    ·    Friday 11th November 11am silence at the Poppy Wall

    ·    Sunday 13th November – Remembrance Sunday

    ·    Christmas Light Switch On and Christmas Markets on the Lawn and Strand – 25th to
    27th November.

    RESOLVED: that the item was noted.


    Discussion focused on the Great Big Green Week for 2022 and for future years with an
    issue being the ability of groups involved to have the capacity to organise the event. No
    other proposals were presented for potential events in 2023.

    RESOLVED: that the item was noted.


    The Cofton Car Show was on the 25th June at the Warren. Officer to check the
    arrangements with Cofton regarding vehicles parading round the town as the Armed Forces
    Day parade was on the same day.

    RESOLVED: that the item was noted.

    Standing orders were resumed.

                                         Page 7
The meeting was closed by Chairman at 7.39 pm

Signed ...............................................................

Dated …………………………………………………………….

                                                                    Page 8
Agenda Item 6

                                      EVENTS COMMITTEE

 DATE:                            6th July 2022

 REPORT OF:                       Events, Projects and Tourism Officer

 SUBJECT:                         Platinum Jubilee Event and Events Expenditure


To receive and approve the expenditure reports for the Platinum Jubilee and Events
Expenditure 2022.


The budget for the Platinum Jubilee was £12,632 (2022 Reserve) and £10,000 from the Events
budget for 2022/23. The Events budget is £24,000 for all other events in 2022.

Events Budget 2022
The excel spreadsheet shows the current expenditure with all items in yellow which are presented to
be approved at this meeting. Anomalies with the nominal ledger record are being resolved with the
finance officer. There is still significant expenditure for Christmas events to be incurred but this
should be within budget allowing for income from stalls etc.

The events budget funds in 2022:

    •    Easter Egg Hunt (Mayoral contribution to Easter Eggs)
    •    Armed Forces Day parade
    •    Outdoor theatre – Alice in Wonderland (July)
    •    Brass on the Grass (24th July)
    •    Classic Vehicles Gathering (17th July)
    •    Christmas switch on and weekend (excluding tree and lights)
    •    Various flag raising events – Merchant Navy Day, Emergency Services Day etc.
    •    Remembrance poppy wall, service and parade infrastructure (not band as separate budget)

                                                  Page 9
•   Punch and Judy at the Warren (5 dates)
    •   Seaside Fun on the Lawn (4 dates)
The Events budget supports:

Drive it Day - Crashbox car club event April – Music costs

Bikes and Trikes – Armed Force Bikers – Music and PA costs

In-house support (time)

Dawlish Walking Festival

Platinum Jubilee Budget

The total budget for the Jubilee was £22,632. The excel spreadsheet shows the current expenditure
but income is still coming in as programmes and postcards are on sale at the museum and through
some local outlets as souvenirs. All items presented for approval are in yellow.

The Jubilee budget not only covered the 4 days of events, but the planting of a Jubilee tree and
portable beacon for use at future events. We loaned the equipment needed for road closures for
some street parties.

The feedback has been overwhelmingly positive with many local organisations involved across the
four days - but especially on the Turn the Tide Day (organised in conjunction with the Wildlife
Wardens) and the Refreshers Fair and Jubilee Market on the Friday.

Over the four days a core team of about 10 volunteers were integral to the overall success of the
event along with all the paid contractors. The expenses for the volunteers to have drinks and food
was a fraction of the event costs.

The budget is overspent at the current time taking income (£2,184.78) excluding Mayoral collections
against expenditure:

    •   By approximately £3,432.91 – £2,900 of this is due to the Community Screen which was
        hired for the event but was not working. A replacement screen had to hired on the Tuesday
        evening before the Jubilee. Negotiations are on-going with the District Council regarding
        reimbursement of the cost and a positive outcome is hoped for at the time of writing.
    •   The £532.91 overspend after income should reduce as income from stalls and programmes
        is still coming in.
        Angie Weatherhead
        Events, Projects & Tourism Officer

                                             Page 10
Expenditure 2022 Name of           Reason for Expense                Event date               Type                     Committee          Paid (on      To be        Provisional Notes
Provider/service                                                                                                       Decision date      ledger)       incurred (ex estimate
TDC                                Booking Lawn                      16th April               Easter                           08/03/22                                     £55.00   Booking fee
TDC                                Booking Lawn                      25th June                Armed Forces                     08/03/22                                     £55.00   Booking fee
TDC                                Booking Lawn                      2nd to 5th June          Platinum Jubilee                 08/03/22                                     £55.00   Booking fee
TDC                                Booking Lawn                      25th June                AFD                              08/03/22                                     £55.00   Booking fee
TDC                                Booking Lawn                      9th and 10th July        Wimbledon                        08/03/22                                     £55.00   Booking fee
TDC                                Booking Lawn                      17th July                Classic Vehicles                 08/03/22                                     £55.00   Booking fee
TDC                                Booking Lawn                      24th July                Brass on the Grass               08/03/22                                     £55.00   Booking fee
TDC                                Booking Lawn                      25th to 27th November    Christmas                        08/03/22                                     £55.00   Booking fee

TDC                                Electric Lawn                     All                                                       08/03/22                                   £280.00 Estimate water £14 per day £14 per electric per day
999 day org                        Flag                              Lawn                     Emergency Services Day                           £69.99
999 day org                        Flag                              Manor House              Emergency Services Day                          £175.00
Pro sounds solutions               PA                                17th July                Classic Vehicles                 10/05/22       £255.50         £255.50                Down by £1k estimate £510 total
ITUS Event Support Services Ltd    Security and first aid            17th July                Classic Vehicles                 10/05/22                                   £250.00
Robin Fox                          Festive Foxley                    26th November            Christmas                        08/03/22                                   £475.00
Faces Glitz and Glam               Face painter                      27th and 28th November   Christmas                        08/03/22       £400.00
Wrecked again                      Band                              Jubilee and Xmas                                          08/03/22                                     £85.00
                                   Christmas Crackers and balloon
Ozzy D                             models                            27th November            Christmas                        08/03/22                                   £700.00
ITUS Event Support Services Ltd    First aid                         16th April               Easter Egg Hunt                  08/03/22        £67.00                                Now £67 from £134
SW Comms Band                      Band                              25th June 2022           Armed Forces                     08/03/22                                   £175.00
   Page 11

                                                                                                                                                                                   up to £595 from £450 as cancellation by own band
GT via Verne Allen Agency          Band                              24th April               Drive it Day                     10/05/22       £595.00                              booking
                                                                                                                                                                                   Agree with chair 25 April 2022 and vice chair replace
Common players                     Play                              10th July                Alice in Wonderland              10/05/22                                  £1,400.00 Wimbledon as no screen
Music Licence                      Events 2021 and 2022              All                      Licences                         10/05/22       £804.50                              Down from £928.52 will be recoded to licences
Mother Brown                       Posters                           July events              Publicity                                       £150.00
Swing boats                                                          26th and 27th November   Christmas                        08/03/22                                   £750.00
Inflatables                                                          27th and 27th November   Christmas                        08/03/22                                   £750.00
ITUS Event Support Services Ltd    First aid                         24th July                Brass on the Grass               10/05/22                                   £170.00 Estimate
Torbay Brass Band                  Band                              24th July                Brass on the Grass               08/03/22                                   £300.00 Estimate
South West Comms                   Band                              24th July                Brass on the Grass               08/03/22                                   £300.00 Estimate
Gala Tents                         2 gazebo weights                  All                      Infrastructure                                                               £77.48
H and S Hire                       Propane gas                       All                      Infrastructure                                                               £41.99
Start Safety                       4 corner diversion signs          All                      Infrastructure                                  £138.30                             Updated road signs
Start Safety                       Stop works signage                All                      Infrastructure                                                              £208.96 Updated road signs
Online retailer                    Correx for road signs             All                      Infrastructure                                  £133.50                             Updated road signs
Online retailer                    Plates                            All                      Infrastructure                                  £101.94                             Updated road signs
Online retailer                    Napkins                           All                      Infrastructure                                   £50.00
Online retailer                    Wooden stirrers                   All                      Infrastructure                                   £13.34
Online retailer                    Disposable compostable cups       All                      Infrastructure                                  £186.24
Mg means good UK - Amazon          Forks                             All                      Infrastructure                                   £17.13
Street Solutions UK                Road signs                        All                      Infrastructure                                  £217.16
M Ginn                             Wood for bandstand ramp           All                      Infrastructure                                  £191.97
Castaway Devon                     Building of ramp                  All                      Infrastructure                                                              £200.00
M Ginn                             Paint for bandstand - spruce up   All                      Infrastructure                                  £273.30                              volunteer hours to paint and anti-slip paint
60s Explosion Band - Verne Allen   Band                              Bikes and Trikes         Entertainment                                                               £495.00 As per budget up to £1000 total
Pro sounds solutions SW            PA                                Bikes and Trikes         Entertainment                                   £235.00         £235.00              As per budget up to £1000 total - line above
ITUS Event Support Services Ltd    Security and first aid            26th and 27th November   Security                                                                   £1,200.00 Provisional 2021 figure quoted.
Pro sounds solutions               PA                                25th to 27th November    PA                                                                         £1,450.00 Provisional 2021 figure quoted.
Pete Milsom                        Punch and Judy                    Dawlish Warren           Entertainment                                                              £1,300.00 As per budget agreed Nov 2021
Prom Prom                                     4 sessions                Piazza                     Entertainment                          £2,400.00 As revised proposal agreed 2021 budget
Black Swan                                    Banner                    17th and 24th July         Publicity         £97.00
Black Swan                                    Event banners             All                        Publicity        £199.00

Total                                                                                                              £4,370.87   £490.50   £13,448.43
Planned budget £34000 - 10,000 (PJ)                              £24,000
Paid and incurred                                              £4,861.37
Estimates                                                     £13,448.43
Difference planned budget minus expenditure                    £5,690.20 Underspend
Stalls etc                                                      £300.00
Income to date                                                      £300
Total                                                             £5,990 underspend after income
   Page 12
Platinum Jubilee Expenditure Name of   Reason for Expense                        Type                            Committee       Paid (on    To be        Provisional Notes
Provider/service                                                                                                 Decision date   ledger)     incurred (ex estimate
Peninsula Marquees                     Marquee                                   Infrastructure                  08/03/22        £3,350.00
Waggle Events                          Operating screen                          Screen                          08/03/22        £940.48                             Budgetted for £285 encanto £1691 screen
PXL screens                            Screen hire                               Screen                                          £3,950.00                           Agreed Mayor LGB and JP on 31st May
Plymouth Pipe and Drums Band           Piper                                     Entertainment                   08/03/22        £230.00
ITUS Events Ltd                        Security and overnight                    Infrastructure                  10/05/22                    £1,224.00               £2000 allowed for £1224 cost
ITUS Events Ltd                        First aid                                 Infrastructure                  10/05/22                    £1,915.00               £1000 allowed
Pro Sound Solutions                    PA                                        Infrastructure                  08/03/22        £2,005.00                           Deposit paid
H and S Hire                           Barriers, lighting and 2 toilets          Infrastructure                  10/05/22                    £468.00                 2 toilet £65+ vat chapter 8 £6 each £210 tower + £60
                                                                                                                                                                     transport. So up £500 allowed in March but now
                                                                                                                                                                     includes gas
Teignbridge Distrcit Council           Events bins                               Infrastructure                                              £155.00
Glitz and Glam                         Face painter                              Entertainment                   08/03/22        £175.00                             Refund of xmas against invoice - budgeted higher

Liberty Sisters                        Music                                     Entertainment                   10/05/22        £500.00                             Now £500 up £50
Sandy Sparkle                          Music                                     Entertainment                   08/03/22                    £175.00
Pete Milsom                            Punch and Judy at the Warren and Lawn -   Entertainment                   08/03/22        £400.00
                                       2 days
Double decker bus for transport        Transport                                 Entertainment                   08/03/22                    £500.00                 50% cost Teignmouth meeting 50% £1000 in total

Brian Hodge                            Merlin                                    Entertainment                   08/03/22        £300.00
Friday contingency - acts Prom Prom    Lawn/Strand                               Entertainment                   08/03/22        £2,800.00
CASK                                   Band                                      Entertainment - Turn the Tide                               £49.00                  New cost (total turn the tide agreed at £1500)
Jolly Roger                            Band                                      Entertainment - Turn the Tide   10/05/22        £423.70                             up from £400
    Page 13

True Strays                            Band                                      Entertainment - Turn the Tide   10/05/22        £350.00
Samantics                              Band                                      Entertainment - Turn the Tide   10/05/22        £300.00
Suthering                              Band                                      Entertainment - Turn the Tide   10/05/22        £150.00
Davey Malone                           Band and forge                            Entertainment - Turn the Tide   10/05/22        £400.00
Marvellous adventures                  Stilt walkers - 2 days                    Entertainment                   08/03/22        £720.00
Red Rock Entertainment                 Songs music for singalong                 Entertainment                                   £45.77                              New
Teignmouth and Dawlish Rock Choir      Music                                     Entertainment                   08/03/22        £125.00
Robin Fox                              Sherlock Holmes and hunt                  Entertainment                   08/03/22        £425.00     £175.00
Tree planting                          PJ Tree                                   Marking Jubilee                 08/03/22        £267.07
The Rockeries Band                     Music                                     Entertainment                   08/03/22        £105.92
Volunteer expenses                     Food and drink                            Entertainment                   08/03/22                                £169.70     Down from 200
Mother Brown                           Posters etc                               Advertising                     10/05/22        £300.00                             Down from £500
Poetry Competition prizes                                                        Other                           10/05/22                    £120.00                 £40 funding from Dawlish Water Rotary
Paul the Gas Man                       Beacon inspection                         Infrastructure                  10/05/22        £95.00
21CC Group                             Portable gas beacon                       Infrastructure                  10/05/22        £490.00
Havills                                Electrics                                 Marquee                         10/05/22        £336.82                             336.82 up from £261.82 as on call service
Teignbridge District Council           Temporary event notice                    Infrastructure                                  £21.00                              Strand and Lawn
Teignbridge District Council           Temporary event notice                    Infrastructure                                  £21.00                              Brunswick
Wrecked again                          Shanty band                               Entertainment - Turn the Tide   10/05/22        £70.00
Insurance                              Wet weather insurance                     Insurance                       08/03/22        £1,014.00                           Full insurance for event extra £500 and wet weather
                                                                                                                                                                     (est £500)
Amazon                                 Tablecloths                               Infrastructure                                  £73.04
Amazon                                 Flags                                     Infrastructure                                  £79.95
Tesco                                  Petrol for van                            Infrastructure                                              £30.34
One stop                               Chocolate prizes cyclists                 Prize                                                       £6.00
Sasha Moyes                            Performer                                 Entertainment                                                                       Now playimg at Xmas - cost in events budget
2 PJ Flags                             Flags - Piazza and Manor house            Advertising                     10/05/22        £116.97
Ben Birdsey                            road signs                                Signage                         10/05/22        £83.93
Teign vehicle rentals                  Van                                       Infrastructure                  10/05/22        £300.00                             Van and towing bar
Swift print                            Programme                                 Design and print programme      10/05/22        £1,795.00                           May be less in price - 2000 copies agreed
Black swan printing                         Postcard                Postcard        10/05/22   £503.00                               Include in programme agreed Chair and Mayor
Buncara Irish Band                          Music                   Entertainment   08/03/22                       £0.00
Total                                                                                             £23,262.65   £4,817.34   £169.70
Total expenditure planned and provisional              £28,249.69
Planned budget in Events Expenditure                      £10,000
Reserve                                                £12,632.00
Budget and reserve                                     £22,632.00
Balance to date no income                              -£5,617.69

Additional income grant / stalls / rides
Refund booking bagpiper                                    £50.00
Programmes                                              £1,266.00
DCT refreshments                                           £63.71
DAY and Assist Teignbridge refreshments                    £60.00
Shaftesbury Theatre refreshments                           £30.07
Dawlish WI refreshments
Dawlish Rotary Club                                        £40.00
Inflatables                                               £250.00
Pin badge stall                                            £80.00
Stalls                                                    £345.00
Total                                                   £2,184.78
Difference                                             -£3,432.91
Over spend after screen deduction                        -£532.91
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