ENGENDERING AGRICULTURE - Improving women farmer's access to agricultural information - Digital Green

Page created by Amy Williamson
ENGENDERING AGRICULTURE - Improving women farmer's access to agricultural information - Digital Green
          Improving women farmer’s access to agricultural information

                                                                                              percent of over 10,000 cashew cultivators there
In India, nearly one of every two self-employed
                                                                                              are women. Much like their male counterparts, they
farmers is a woman1. Yet, they own only 13 percent of
                                                                                              lacked knowledge resources, communication and
all cultivated land2. Women-headed household plots
                                                                                              linkages with agencies to provide them guidance on
are 23 percent less productive than male household-
                                                                                              crop production. Worse still, agriculture extension
headed plots3. Besides having smaller and less fertile
                                                                                              services often bypass women smallholder farmers.”
land holdings than men, they also lack secure access
                                                                                              As the growing migration of men from rural to
to credit, irrigation and drinking water. Smallholder
                                                                                              urban areas brings more and more women into
women farmers are often deprived of access to
                                                                                              the mainstream agricultural roles as cultivators,
agriculture extension, agronomic information,
                                                                                              entrepreneurs and laborers, there is an increasing
markets, key assets, and inputs, and are frequently
                                                                                              need for mainstreaming gender in the agriculture
excluded from decision-making. As a result,
appropriate technology that can make crops more
climate resilient, nutritious and high yielding does
not reach the women farmers. Reflecting on the                                                  Making agriculture
challenges of smallholder women farmers, Pritam                                                 extension women friendly
Kumar Nanda, State Head (Andhra Pradesh and
Telangana), Digital Green says, “When we began our                                            Engaging women’s collective for agricultural
project of providing farm level agronomic advisories                                          extension is not a new approach to Digital Green,
to cashew producers in north coastal Andhra                                                   as it is an integral part of the organization’s mission
Pradesh, we held several rounds of consultations                                              to empower smallholder farmers to lift themselves
with smallholder farmers. We found that nearly 52                                             out of poverty by harnessing the collective power of

   Oxfam India. Move over 'Sons of the soil': Why you need to know the female farmers that are revolutionizing
   agriculture in India. Published on 15 Nov 2018. Accessed on 20 March 2021.
   Center for Land Governance. State of Land Report. 2020. Accessed on 22 March 2021
   Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. The State of Food and Agriculture. 2010-11.
                                                                                                                     CASE STUDY                    1
ENGENDERING AGRICULTURE - Improving women farmer's access to agricultural information - Digital Green
“   We were never considered farmers, even when we would
    work long days in our orchards. The men farmers of
    our community never involved us in agriculture related
    decision making. When they (Digital Green) came to
    our village, they called us and gathered us to watch the
    videos on farming. We found a space to discuss our
    farming practices and learn more. I got more women
    from my neighborhood to watch the cashew videos.
    I also tried some of the practices they showed in the
    videos. After a long time now, I feel motivated and
    purposeful when I go to my cashew orchard.

     - B Kumari, a woman cashew farmer in East Godavari district
ENGENDERING AGRICULTURE - Improving women farmer's access to agricultural information - Digital Green
technology and grassroots-level partnerships. Under
its project in the four north coastal, cashew producing
districts of Andhra Pradesh, i.e., Visakhapatnam,
Vizianagaram, East Godavari and Srikakulam, to
provide farm level agronomic advisories enriched
with local weather data, soil nutrition information and
farm-level data, Digital Green’s extension services are
gender intentional.

From the initial stage of the Walmart Foundation
supported project, Digital Green established
data collecting protocols that gathers gender
disaggregated data on content uptake and adoption
of recommendations, ease of access to unified
content, the number of farmers reached with
targeted, localized extension services and the number
of extension agents trained. K Archana, Deputy State
Head (Andhra Pradesh and Telangana State), Digital
Green says, “Breaking down project outreach and
data by gender helps us assess the situation, develop
appropriate, evidence-based responses and track
changes. For example, our village level meetings
where we used community-based video approach
gradually shifted towards those times of day when
more women farmers could participate after finishing
not only their farm work but also their household
chores. We observed women farmers' participation
increase in our meetings, and an increase in their
knowledge and adoption of community natural
farming methods.”

Digital Green creates spaces that welcome women
farmers by ensuring that both men and women
extension agents are trained in understanding gender
dynamics, encouraging women’s participation in
groups, or creating women-only spaces. Nearly 42
percent of the 21,000 extension agents Digital Green
has trained globally are women. In India, Digital Green
works through women’s Self-Help Groups (SHGs),
making women nearly 90 percent of the smallholder
farmers it reaches. In Andhra Pradesh’s cashew-
producing belt, it collaborated with two community-         Women cashew farmers in north coastal Andhra Pradesh
                                                          preparing Dravajeevamrutham, a community natural farming
based organizations (CBOs) that have a history of         (CNF) practice to protect their crop from pests and diseases
working with women’s SHGs as well as farmer producer
organizations (FPOs), the Kovel Foundation and the
Velugu Association. Most of its extension agents are      of recommended practices. Women extension agents
young, educated women from the same community             also meet the women farmers when they are home,
as cashew farmers. “We observe that engaging              engaged in household chores, and have more inter-
women from the community as extension agents              personal communication,” observes K Archana as she
has improved access of women farmers to extension         shares the gains the project had on recruiting women
services when compared to women farmers who               for extension work.
work with men extension agents. Women farmers,
who have women for extension agents, participate          The agronomic and weather advisories are produced
more regularly in extension activities, are more          by Digital Green as videos and audio files in the
engaged in the discussions and have better adoption
                                                                                    CASE STUDY                       3
ENGENDERING AGRICULTURE - Improving women farmer's access to agricultural information - Digital Green
regional language, tailored to be locally relevant
and easy to comprehend, while still maintaining                Seeding change:
scientific accuracy. The content is made gender                mainstreaming gender in
responsive by incorporating the particular interests           agronomic advisories
of women and men, including women as role models
and decision-makers, and demonstrating dialogue               Global evidence shows that women have lesser access
within households and the decision-making process             to actionable information due to poorer accesses to
between spouses. T Surender, Program Manager,                 resources than men. When provided equal access,
Digital Green, shares, “People have a tendency to             as with Digital Green's interventions with cashew
learn and bond with things that they share mutually.          cultivators in north coastal Andhra Pradesh, there
We use this element of deep similarity to allow better        are indications that the use of multiple channel, like
learning and engagement with women farmers. In                videos and IVRs, was more effective for women, as it
other words, the women farmers are better able to             shows higher effects compared to men farmers for
relate to the actors in the video or the voice message        knowledge, adoption, and production gains. While
sent through the interactive voice response (IVR)             one may attribute it to lower baselines among women
system because they are also women, who come                  farmers than for men, an independent evaluation
from the same community, and perhaps even the                 by IDinsight also shows that women farmers who
same village. In our experience, this has been more           received advisories through videos as well as IVRs in
effective in engaging women farmers rather than               this project had 38 percent higher production when
having a video of a subject matter expert advising            compared to women who received advisories only
them on agronomic practices.”                                 through videos.

                                                              “While these results are definitely very encouraging
                                                              and demonstrate the value of bringing more gendered
 COVID-19 changed the                                         content and making the delivery mechanism more
 engagement dynamics                                          gender sensitive we would like to interpret them with
                                                              caution. We will be interested in testing this approach
                                                              with a larger group of women farmers and with more
Disasters and pandemics like COVID-19 further
                                                              diverse use case to build a robust framework and
marginalize the communities who are already at the
                                                              toolkit for enhancing gender quotient in agriculture
margins of the society. As a countrywide lockdown
                                                              extension!” says Sanjeev Kumar, Head, Monitoring
was imposed from March 2020 due to growing cases
                                                              and Evaluation – Asia, Digital Green. Digital Green
of COVID-19, Digital Green had to stall its village level
                                                              is adopting Gender Transformative Approaches
meetings. As Digital Green increased the frequency
                                                              (GTAs) in its interventions to enable smallholder
of its advisories through interactive voice response
                                                              farmers. Digital Green’s alternative approach to
(IVR) and short messaging services (SMS), the
                                                              agriculture extension will further strengthen its
gender divide in access to communication technology
                                                              collaboration with community-based organizations
became starker. Pritam says, “The mobile network
                                                              (CBOs) working with women’s collectives and
penetration in north coastal Andhra Pradesh, which is
                                                              address structural divide between men and women
hilly, largely tribal and poorly connected, is, in general,
                                                              in agriculture by addressing the underlying causes of
bad. As less than 10 percent of all smallholder cashew
                                                              gender inequality.
farmers have smart phones, we knew that video
messages over mobile would have limited reach.
As many women smallholder farmers did not own                  The Way Forward: gender
mobile phones, their access depended on when their
                                                               transformative agriculture
husband and children, who had the phones, would be
home. Therefore, we improvised! We converted our               extension
advisories into IVR messages and broadcasted them
during different times of the day, so that the women          Digital Green is collaborating with various
farmers get an opportunity to listen to the agronomic         stakeholders that are working to transform the social
advisories. The extension agents also interacted with         relations of gender to be more equitable in decision-
those family members who owned mobile phones to               making, access to resources and how women and
encourage them to get the woman farmer to listen to           men are relatively valued in agriculture. To achieve
the advisories.”                                              this, Digital Green will be implementing the Women’s

 4                   CASE STUDY
ENGENDERING AGRICULTURE - Improving women farmer's access to agricultural information - Digital Green
Female cashew farmers in north coastal Andhra Pradesh preparing Girijana Panchagavya for use to promote
                            nutrient absorption, fast fruit production and deter tea mosquitos

Empowerment in Agriculture Index, which has been                 COVID-19 has shown that pandemics and any large-
developed and promoted by International Food                     scale humanitarian crisis can break decades of
Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), Oxford Poverty and            advances made in making societal structure more
Human Development Initiative (OPHI), and USAID’s                 gender equitable. Digital Green is initiating efforts
Feed the Future initiative.                                      to secure its interventions that engender agriculture

                                                                                            CASE STUDY              5
extension. These efforts include updating gender                     among others, the agricultural productivity could
policies, staff training, and help-aids with special                 increase by 20-30 percent. Digital Green’s efforts
attention to the new COVID-19 conditions.                            to engender agriculture extension is an evidence
                                                                     to this. It is important that increasing adoption of
                                                                     technology and agronomic advisories among women
                                                                     farmers could result in improving food security and
Conclusion                                                           bring social and economic benefits to the family,
                                                                     community and to the country. This is not just a
According to FAO, if smallholder women farmers have                  challenge, but also a huge opportunity to bring in the
access to land, technology, and financial services,                  next revolution in Indian agriculture.

            Digital Green creates spaces that welcome women farmers by encouraging women's participation in groups, or
          creating women-only spaces. A women-only group of cashew farmers at a village level meeting with Digital Green's
                                           extension agent to discuss agronomic advisories

                              About Digital Green                   Address                            Supported by:

                              Digital Green is a global             New Delhi
                              development organization that         India HQ
                              empowers smallholder farmers to
                              lift themselves out of poverty by     Avanta Business Centre,
                              harnessing the collective power of    Office no. 1208, 12th Floor,
Connect                       technology and grass roots-level      Ambadeep Building, KG
                              partnerships.                         Marg Connaught Place, New
                                                                    Delhi - 110006, India
                              https://www.digitalgreen.org          +91 11 41881037
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