EARTH DAY 2022 A CLOSER LOOK AT CANADA - Public opinion on climate change - Ipsos

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EARTH DAY 2022 A CLOSER LOOK AT CANADA - Public opinion on climate change - Ipsos
Public opinion on climate change
                     A CLOSER LOOK AT CANADA

April 2022
Ipsos Global Advisor

© Ipsos | Earth Day 2022 | April 2022 | Version 1 | Public
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EARTH DAY 2022 A CLOSER LOOK AT CANADA - Public opinion on climate change - Ipsos
The public ask: “What is the plan?”
                                     Despite not being the top worry for the Canadian public, concerns about climate change remain. Canadians are
                                     concerned about the impacts of climate change at home and abroad. Yet, there is a lack of faith that we have the
                                     necessary plans in place and will make significant progress in tackling climate change in this next decisive decade.
                                     Relatively few said that they had heard of COP26, and of those who were aware, only a minority said they had heard
                                     about the commitments that countries had made.

                                     Only 30% agree that the Canadian government has a clear plan in place for how the government, businesses and
                                     people are going to work together to tackle climate change. Canadians are more pessimistic than optimistic about
                                     whether their country – or other countries around the world – will make significant progress on mitigating climate change
                                     in the next ten years.

                                   Canadians believe in a shared responsibility among government, businesses and individuals to tackle climate
                                   change, but they place more emphasis on government and business than on individuals. Some business sectors are
                                   seen as having greater responsibility for reducing their contribution to climate change – particularly energy companies,
                                   car manufacturers, airlines and public transport providers.

                                    Little progress has been seen in intentions to take individual action and there is still confusion about which actions
                                    make the most impact in tackling climate change.

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EARTH DAY 2022 A CLOSER LOOK AT CANADA - Public opinion on climate change - Ipsos
are we?

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EARTH DAY 2022 A CLOSER LOOK AT CANADA - Public opinion on climate change - Ipsos
Canada: Overall

Amongst the                                                              Area of concern                  A great deal / fair amount

things that                                                         Your health and your family’s
                                                                                           health          52%

Canadians worry                                                  People behaving in a way that is
                                                                      nuisance / disrespectful to…         50%

about, climate                                                        Not having enough money              47%

change is                                                                         War or terrorism         45%

somewhere in the                                                        The COVID-19 pandemic              43%

middle of the list.                                                   Inequality or discrimination         36%

                                                                                   Climate change          34%
                                                                     Education and prospects for
                                                                      children and young people            33%

                                                                                              Crime        30%
                                                                         Protecting children from
Q. Here is a list of some things                                     pornography on the internet           29%
that some people worry about
                                                                                        Growing old        29%
these days. To what extent, if at
all, have you worried about each                                                    Unemployment           27%
one in the last 2-3 weeks?
                                                                    How things are going at work           27%

                                                                      Relations with your partner          21%

                                                                        Drink and drug problems            17%
    © Ipsos | Earth Day 2022 | April 2022 | Version 1 | Public
4   use                                                             Base: 22, 534 online adults aged 16-74 across 30 countries, 18 Feb – 4 Mar 2022.
EARTH DAY 2022 A CLOSER LOOK AT CANADA - Public opinion on climate change - Ipsos
Climate change is                                                                   Country         A great deal / fair amount                               A little          Not at all

a regular concern                                                Global Country Average

for fewer                                                                          Chile
                                                                                 Mexico                68%                                                               27%       3%
Canadians than                                                                Argentina                63%                                                            26%          7%
                                                                                    India              63%                                                           24%           8%
citizens of most                                                           South Africa
other countries.                                                                    Peru
                                                                                                       54%                                                       29%
                                                                                                                                                                    29%            9%
                                                                                   Brazil              53%                                                        32%             11%
                                                                               Malaysia                50%                                                       38%               7%
                                                                                 Poland                49%                                                      27%               15%
                                                                                Hungary                46%                                                     31%                15%
                                                                                 France                45%                                                     31%                15%
                                                                           South Korea                 45%                                                     37%                14%
                                                                            Switzerland                45%                                                    29%                 18%
Country data
                                                                                Belgium                42%                                                   37%                  16%
Q. Here is a list of some things                                                 Ireland               41%                                                  36%                   20%
                                                                           Saudi Arabia                39%                                                      31%               10%
that some people worry about
                                                                                Sweden                 39%                                                 36%                    20%
these days. To what extent, if at                                         United States                38%                                              28%                       29%
all, have you worried about each                                               Australia               36%                                              32%                       27%
one in the last 2-3 weeks?                                                     Germany                 36%                                                38%                     18%
                                                                                Canada                 34%                                             32%                        27%
Climate Change                                                             Great Britain               34%                                             34%                        26%
                                                                                  Japan                34%                                                38%                     18%
                                                                            Netherlands                31%                                             38%                        24%
                                                                                 Russia                29%                                            38%                         26%
                                                                                  China                28%                                             46%                        20%
    © Ipsos | Earth Day 2022 | April 2022 | Version 1 | Public
5   use                                                            Base: 22, 534 online adults aged 16-74 across 30 countries, 18 Feb – 4 Mar 2022.
I am concerned about the impacts of climate change
However, six-in-                                                                                    that are already being seen in my country
                                                                                                    Agree                                                Disagree
ten Canadians are
concerned about                                                  Global Country Average                68%                                                  27%

the impacts of
climate change in                                                                     Canada           60%                                                  32%

their country and
other countries
(although lower
                                                                                                      I am concerned about the impacts of climate change that are
than the global                                                                                       already being seen in other countries around the world
country average).
                                                                 Global Country Average                70%                                                  25%

                                                                                      Canada           64%                                                  29%

    © Ipsos | Earth Day 2022 | April 2022 | Version 1 | Public     Base: 23,577 online adults across 31 countries, 18 Feb – 4 Mar 2022. NB surveyed
6   use                                                            adults aged 16-74 in 30 countries, adults aged 16-99 in Norway.
What is the plan?
Who should act to combat
climate change?

7   © Ipsos | Earth Day 2022 | April 2022 | Version 1 | Public use
Awareness of                                                                        Country         Agree                                              Disagree

government plans                                                 Global Country Average

to tackle climate                                                          Saudi Arabia
                                                                               Malaysia                46%                                                27%
change in Canada                                                            Switzerland                44%                                                22%
                                                                                 Ireland               43%                                                25%
is low, and lower                                                          South Korea
than in most                                                                       Brazil
other countries.                                                                   Chile
                                                                           Great Britain
                                                                                Sweden                 38%                                                30%
                                                                                 Turkey                38%                                                29%
                                                                               Australia               37%                                                36%
Q. To what extent do you agree or                                                   Peru               36%                                                37%
                                                                               Colombia                36%                                                38%
disagree with the following:
                                                                               Germany                 36%                                                28%
[COUNTRY]’s government has a                                                       Spain               36%                                                31%
clear plan in place for how                                                      France                34%                                                28%
                                                                                 Poland                32%                                                37%
government, businesses and people                                                Russia                31%                                                15%
themselves are going to work                                               South Africa                31%                                                41%
together to tackle climate change                                           Netherlands                30%                                                32%
                                                                                Canada                 30%                                                36%
                                                                                  Japan                30%                                                25%
                                                                                Hungary                29%                                                33%
                                                                          United States                27%                                                40%
                                                                                Belgium                26%                                                35%
                                                                              Argentina                25%                                                44%
    © Ipsos | Earth Day 2022 | April 2022 | Version 1 | Public     Base: 22, 534 online adults across 30 countries, 18 Feb – 4 Mar 2022. NB excludes
8   use                                                            Norway due to methodological differences in how question was asked.
Canadians are                                                                                       Your country will make significant progress in reducing climate change in
                                                                                                                                the next 10 years
divided, and leaning                                                                                   Agree                                                     Disagree
towards pessimism
in predicting the                                                    Global Country Average                 57%                                                     36%

progress Canada or
other countries will                                                                        Canada          51%                                                     39%
make against climate
change this decade.
                                                                                            Other countries around the world will make significant progress in reducing climate
Canadians are more                                                                                                     change in the next 10 years

pessimistic in
comparison to the                                                    Global Country Average                 57%                                                     34%

global average.
                                                                                            Canada          40%                                                     50%
Q. How likely or unlikely do you
think it is that each of the following
will have made significant progress
in reducing climate change in the
next 10 years?
     © Ipsos | Earth Day 2022 | April 2022 | Version 1 | Public   Base: 23,577 online adults across 31 countries, 18 Feb – 4 Mar 2022. NB surveyed
9    use                                                          adults aged 16-74 in 30 countries, adults aged 16-99 in Norway.
Canada: Overall

                                                                                          Sector        Responsible                                       Not Responsible
Canadians see high-
profile carbon                                                             Car manufacturers               82%                                                      13%

emitting sectors, like                                                              Energy
                                                                                                           81%                                                      14%
energy and
automotive, as having                                              Public transport providers              77%                                                      17%

a higher responsibility
                                                                                           Airlines        77%                                                      17%
for reducing their
contribution to climate                                                       Tech/electronics
                                                                                                           74%                                                      18%
                                                                             Manufacturers of
                                                                                                           72%                                                      21%
                                                                             household goods

                                                                        Clothing and fashion
                                                                                                           66%                                                      27%
Q. Now think about some specific
business sectors. How much                                                             Hospitality         59%                                                      34%
responsibility, if any, do each of the
following have to reduce their
contribution to climate change by                                                   Online retail          57%                                                      34%
reducing carbon emissions?
                                                                  Financial service providers              48%                                                      43%

     © Ipsos | Earth Day 2022 | April 2022 | Version 1 | Public        Base: 23,577 online adults across 31 countries, 18 Feb – 4 Mar 2022. NB surveyed
10   use                                                               adults aged 16-74 in 30 countries, adults aged 16-99 in Norway.
What is
      is the
         the plan?
prepared to do?
Who should act to combat
climate change?

11   © Ipsos | Earth Day 2022 | April 2022 | Version 1 | Public use
        © Ipsos | Earth Day 2022 | April 2022 | Version 1 | Public use
The public perceive combatting climate change as
    a shared responsibility
                             The public believes that governments, businesses and individuals need to play their part, although
                                          they place more emphasis on business and government than individuals

Canada: Overall

                      68% feel that individuals                            76% feel that businesses    76% feel that government
                      have a responsibility                                have a responsibility       has a responsibility

                      Vs Global Country avg 74%                            Vs Global Country avg 76%   Vs Global Country avg 77%

    12    © Ipsos | Earth Day 2022 | April 2022 | Version 1 | Public use
Canada: Overall

Canadians are still                                                  Avoiding products which have a lot of packaging                           52%

least likely to                                                                                    Avoiding buying new goods                   51%

                                                                                                           Saving water at home                46%
behaviours which
would have the                                                                                           Saving energy at home                 47%

most impact.                                                              Recycling materials such as glass, paper and

                                                                  Walking, cycling or using public transport instead of
                                                                                            driving a car or motorbike

Q. Thinking about things you might do                             Not flying, or replacing some flights with train or bus
in order to limit your own contribution
to climate change, how likely or                                      Eating less meat, or replacing the meat in some
unlikely would you be to make the                                                                                                              29%
                                                                                meals with alternatives such as beans
following changes within the next
year?                                                                     Eating fewer dairy products or replacing dairy
                                                                           products with alternatives such as soya milk

                                                                     Change your household heating system to a low
                                                                        carbon heating system such as a heat pump

     © Ipsos | Earth Day 2022 | April 2022 | Version 1 | Public     Base: 23,577 online adults across 31 countries, 18 Feb – 4 Mar 2022. NB surveyed
13   use                                                            adults aged 16-74 in 30 countries, adults aged 16-99 in Norway.
True rank for

The public                                                                      Canada: Overall
                                                                                                                                                                                               reducing emissions

perceive many                                                                                                            Recycling           49%                                                             60
actions as having a                                                                                              Less packaging              34%                                                             38
far greater impact                                                        Buying fewer items, or more durable items                          26%                                                             46
on reducing                                                            Switching to purchasing renewable electricity                         20%                                                             4
emissions than                                                           Refurbishing and renovating housing for
                                                                                                                                             19%                                                             6
they actually do.                                                  More energy efficient cooking equipment, using
                                                                                                                                             17%                                                             9
                                                                                cleaner fuel or renewable energy

                                                                                   Growing or producing your own food                        17%                                                             23

                                                                                                      Shift to public transport              16%                                                             5
                                                                       Fuel efficient driving practices (e.g. using the                                                                                      34
                                                                              correct gear, and driving more slowly)

                                                                                                                   Living car-free           13%                                                             1
Global Country Average
Q. Which three of the following actions, if                                                                Having a vegan diet               6%                                                              7
any, do you think would have most impact                            Having smaller living spaces / or co-housing to
on reducing greenhouse gas emissions?                                                              fill empty rooms
                                                                                                                                             6%                                                              31
                                                                                                                 Not having pets             3%
                                                                  Base: 23,577 online adults across 31 countries, 18 Feb – 4 Mar 2022. NB surveyed adults aged 16-74 in 30 countries, adults aged 16-99 in
     © Ipsos | Earth Day 2022 | April 2022 | Version 1 | Public   Norway. *Source: Ivanova et al., 2020. Quantifying the potential for climate change mitigation of consumption options. Available here:
14   use                                                
Canadians are                                                                Canada: Overall

more likely to
overestimate than
how much the
                                                                                                        True value: 1
earth has warmed                                                                                       degree Celsius
– although many
simply don’t

                                                                                    6%                          17%                          15%                          15%                          42%

Q. How much do you think the climate of                                    0-0.75 Celsius               1-1.75 Celsius               2-2.75 Celsius                 3-4 Celsius                  Don't know
the Earth has warmed since 1850, if at all?

                                                                  Base: 23,577 online adults across 31 countries, 18 Feb – 4 Mar 2022. NB surveyed adults aged 16-74 in 30 countries, adults aged 16-99 in
     © Ipsos | Earth Day 2022 | April 2022 | Version 1 | Public   Norway.*Source: IPCC, Special Report: Global Warming of 1.5 degrees Celsius – Chapter 1. Available here:
15   use                                                
What was the
impact of

16   © Ipsos | Earth Day 2022 | April 2022 | Version 1 | Public use
Only a minority of Canadians are aware of COP26
Q. Before this interview, had you heard or not heard of COP26, the UN Climate Change Conference that took
place in the UK between 31 October to 13 November 2021?

I had heard of COP26
                                                27% 23% 42% 44% 35% 26% 27% 42% 26% 29% 20% 56% 68% 20% 11% 26% 34% 17% 22% 11% 17% 20% 19% 29% 21% 15% 8% 27% 35% 13% 16%

I might have heard of COP26 but I am            24% 24% 19% 17% 26% 17% 23% 26% 34% 32% 26% 22% 12% 19% 24% 29% 25% 28% 31% 27% 28% 27% 19% 22% 29% 29% 21% 25% 23% 24% 21%
not sure
I have not heard of COP26
                                                37% 46% 31% 31% 32% 45% 37% 25% 24% 34% 46% 10% 15% 48% 62% 27% 29% 36% 29% 43% 37% 48% 53% 38% 43% 44% 63% 42% 32% 38% 53%
Don’t know
                                                11% 7% 8% 9% 8% 13% 14% 7% 16% 6% 9% 12% 5% 13% 4% 17% 12% 20% 18% 20% 18% 5% 8% 11% 7% 12% 9% 6% 9% 26% 9%

                                                                           Base: 23,577 online adults across 31 countries, 18 Feb – 4 Mar 2022. NB surveyed adults
17    © Ipsos | Earth Day 2022 | April 2022 | Version 1 | Public use       aged 16-74 in 30 countries, adults aged 16-99 in Norway.
Only four-in-ten                                                                                           And how much, if at all, would you say you had heard about the
Canadians who                                                                                              commitments countries made to tackle climate change at COP26?
                                                                                                           A great deal / fair amount                             Not very much               Nothing at all
were aware of
COP26 had also                                                          Global Market Average                 52%                                                                   42%                        5%

heard about
Canada’s                                                                                      Canada          41%                                                             52%                             6%

                                                                                                 Do you think the commitments made by countries to tackle climate change
And only one-                                                                                    at COP26 will have a positive or negative impact on climate change around
                                                                                                 the world, or will it make no difference?
third are                                                                                                      Positive                                                                                  Negative
optimistic about
                                                                        Global Market Average                 58%                                                                                             6%
the impact of the
commitments.                                                                                  Canada          35%                                                                                             6%

     © Ipsos | Earth Day 2022 | April 2022 | Version 1 | Public   Base: 6,995 online adults who had heard of COP26 across 31 countries, 18 Feb – 4 Mar 2022. NB surveyed adults aged 16-74 in 30 countries,
18   use                                                          adults aged 16-99 in Norway.
These are the findings of the Global Advisor wave 167 (GA
167) an Ipsos survey conducted between February 18 and
March 4, 2022.
The survey instrument is conducted monthly in 31                      with the exception of Argentina, Belgium, Chile,           The samples in Brazil, Chile, mainland China,
countries around the world via the Ipsos Online                       Colombia, Hungary, India, Ireland, Malaysia, Mexico,       Colombia, India, Ireland Malaysia, Mexico, Peru,
Panel system.                                                         the Netherlands, Peru, Poland, Russia, Saudi               Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa and Turkey are
The countries reporting herein are Argentina,                         Arabia, South Africa, South Korea, Sweden,                 more urban & educated, and/or more affluent than
Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, mainland China,                   Switzerland and Turkey, where each have a sample           the general population. They are not nationally
Chile, Colombia, France, Great Britain, Germany,                      of approximately 500+. The precision of Ipsos online       representative of their country. The survey results for
Hungary, India, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Malaysia,                      polls are calculated using a credibility interval with a   these countries should be viewed as reflecting the
Mexico, the Netherlands, Norway, Peru, Poland,                        poll of 1,000 accurate to +/- 3.5 percentage points        views of the more “connected” segment of their
Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, South Korea,                      and of 500 accurate to +/- 5.0 percentage points.          population.
Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey and the United                     For more information on the Ipsos use of credibility
States of America.                                                    intervals, please visit the Ipsos website.
For the results of the survey presented herein, an
international sample of 23, 577 adults aged 18-74 in                  18 of the 31 countries surveyed online generate
the US, Canada, Hong Kong, Malaysia, South                            nationally representative samples in their countries
Africa, and Turkey, aged 16-99 in Norway and age                      (Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Canada, France,
16-74 in all other countries, were interviewed.                       Germany, Great Britain, Hungary, Italy, Japan, the
Approximately 1000+ individuals participated on a                     Netherlands, Norway Poland, South Korea, Spain,
country-by-country basis via the Ipsos Online Panel                   Sweden, Switzerland and United States).

19   © Ipsos | Earth Day 2022 | April 2022 | Version 1 | Public use

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