UNIVERSITY of YORK - Undergraduate Prospectus 2024

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UNIVERSITY of YORK - Undergraduate Prospectus 2024
UNIVERSITY of YORK - Undergraduate Prospectus 2024
VISIT                                  CONNECT              DISCOVER                     uniofyork              uniofyork  
                                           University of York

    Semester 1
    16 September 2024 to 31 January 2025
    Semester 2
    3 February 2025 to 6 June 2025
    Christmas vacation
    16 December 2024 to 3 January 2025
    Easter vacation
    7 April 2025 to 21 April 2025

UNIVERSITY of YORK - Undergraduate Prospectus 2024
CONTENTS                                                                           FIND OUT MORE
                                                                                   If you would like a
                                                                                   large-print copy of this
                                                                                   prospectus, or you
                                                                                   would like to enquire
                                                                                   about other formats,
                                                                                   please contact:
                                                                                   +44 (0)1904 323529

 Meet the Vice-Chancellor        2   International community          28   Studying at York
 Meet the Chancellor             4   Student view: international      30   Learn from the experts              52
 Get to know us                  6   Facilities and services          32   Faculty of Arts and Humanities     54
 Welcome to York                 8   Learning opportunities           34   Faculty of Sciences                56
 Taught by York                 10   Beyond academic borders          36   Faculty of Social Sciences         58
 York in pictures               12   Careers                          38   Our courses                        60
 A university for public good   14   Student views: careers           40   Course listings                    64
 Green campus                   16   Global opportunities             42
 Accommodation                  18   How to apply                     44   Other information
 Our colleges                   20   Fees, funding and scholarships   46   Index                              96
 Your students’ union - YUSU    22   The cost of living               48   Campus map                         98
 Sport and fitness              24   Student view: cost of living     50   Getting to York                    100
 Support and wellbeing          26
UNIVERSITY of YORK - Undergraduate Prospectus 2024

    “Every year, it seems, our country   At York we often speak about         purpose. It permeates all that we     more inclusive and equitable
    and our planet find themselves       the need for ‘bright minds like      do, whether that’s supporting our     society. Using our collective
    facing new and unforeseen            yours’. It’s for good reason. Each   city through the darkest days of      power to turn independent
    challenges. The turbulence           new generation of students           the pandemic, providing funding       thought into action to tackle
    created by global conflicts and      surpasses those that went before:    to students struggling through the    the challenges we all face.
    climate change. The health of our    in your willingness to understand    economic crisis, or offering a safe
    people and politics. As each new     others, your eagerness to            haven to scholars whose countries     United, we stand as a powerful
    test comes our way, we’re tasked     learn, your open-minded              have been torn apart by war.          force for good. Stand with us.”
    with an ever-greater need to         outlook and your commitment
                                                                              When we act together, we              Professor Charlie Jeffery
    adapt and find answers. With time    to making a difference. You’ll
                                                                              can achieve amazing things.           Vice-Chancellor and President
    rarely on our side, and critical     learn from us, but we’ll learn
    issues slipping down the global      just as much from you.               At York, you’ll become part
    agenda, we must find new ways                                             of a network of thinkers and
    to work together and champion        You dream big. But dreams            doers, striving together to
    change. Education is integral to     unshared are dreams unrealised.      make a difference. Shaping
    that endeavour.                      At York, you’ll find a community     our future through innovative
                                         united by a sense of collective      ideas and research. Building a

UNIVERSITY of YORK - Undergraduate Prospectus 2024
Top in the Russell
               Group Universities
               for Academic Support
               National Student Survey, 2022

               A UK top 20
               Times Good University
               Guide, 2023

               Top 50 in
               the world for
               QS Sustainability Rankings,

FOR THE PUBLIC GOOD                            3
UNIVERSITY of YORK - Undergraduate Prospectus 2024

UNIVERSITY of YORK - Undergraduate Prospectus 2024
                                              FEEL LIKE THEY'VE GOT THE
                                              OPPORTUNITY TO THRIVE
                                              IN OUR UNIVERSITY”
“When I first came to York, I was    Throughout my career, I’ve          If you join us at York, you’ll        stories of triumph. Your degree
heartened to find a university       advocated for inclusion. I chair    become a member of a                  will take you on your own journey.
so focused on driving social         the Chartered Management            community that recognises             But at York, it’s a journey you
change. York’s commitment            Institute’s CMI Women network,      strength in diversity. Through        won’t walk alone.”
to empowering people from            I’m a patron of Women in            connection and collaboration, by
all backgrounds is opening           Banking and Finance, and in         welcoming different perspectives      Dr Heather Melville OBE
opportunities for a wider range      2017 I received an OBE for          and immersing yourself in new         Chancellor
of creators, innovators and future   services to gender equality.        ways of thinking, you’ll achieve
trailblazers than ever before. The   Now as Chancellor, I represent      more than you ever could in
support we offer is shaped by the    York – regionally, nationally and   isolation.
diverse needs of our students,       globally – as a university for
letting each make the most of        public good. I am very proud to     No two degrees are alike. Every
their time here.                     support the University’s goals      student brings unique hopes,
                                     and ambitions, and to champion      unique skills and unique anxieties,
                                     a culture of inclusivity.           and transforms them into unique

UNIVERSITY of YORK - Undergraduate Prospectus 2024
Visit us

    GET TO
    York is amazing! But don’t
    just take our word for it.
    Experience it for yourself.
    Chat to staff and students
    and discover what life
    at York is all about.
                                  “I loved the campus, it is really beautiful, and I love
                                  the college system. The whole campus feels safe
                                  and there’s so much going on. York has so much
                                  to offer, and I found myself imagining myself there
                                  throughout the day. Wish I could go there already!”
                                  Open Day attendee, July 2022

UNIVERSITY of YORK - Undergraduate Prospectus 2024
“I think, if possible, all     Meet us in person                                        FIND OUT MORE
prospective students should    Meet us on campus
                                                                                        Open Days
come to an Open Day. They                                                     
                               Our Open Days are the best
give you an experience of      way for you to get a real feel
                                                                                        +44 (0)1904 324000
                               for the University. Explore our
what your life at university   colleges, accommodation and
                               facilities, and picture yourself as
could potentially be           a student in the city of York.
like. You can check out        You’ll have the chance to chat to our
the campus, meet staff         academics about your options, and
                               to our current students about what
and students and (most         they really think of the University.
importantly) get a feel of     Explore our full range of
the atmosphere at York!”       events and book your place
Beth, BA History                                                            •   Get the inside view on life at York
                                                                                from our current students’ blogs:
                               Meet us closer to home
                               Get to know more about the
                               University and our courses at UCAS           International students
                               exhibitions and higher education
                               fairs around the country. Find dates         Meet us in your country or chat
                               and details at           online with our international support
                                                                            team. Find out when we’re visiting
                               Meet us online                               at
                               •   Find out more about university life
                                   online with York Virtual Visit: york.
                                                                            Connect with us
                               •   Explore York in your own time            Follow our social channels for the
                                   with our self-guided campus and          latest news and updates. Through our
                                   city tours, narrated by current          channels, you can join student Q&As to
                                   students. On Google Play or the          get answers to your burning questions
                                   Apple App Store, search ‘visit UoY’.     and enjoy a glimpse into life at York.
                               •   Chat to our students online to find
                                   out what it is really like to live and        uniofyork          @UniOfYork
                                   study in York:               uniofyork           UoYstudentvlogs

UNIVERSITY of YORK - Undergraduate Prospectus 2024
City of York

    York is a contemporary, student-friendly city,
    renowned for its rich history and heritage.

    Explore 2,000 years                      Explore the world-famous Shambles,
                                             one of the best preserved medieval
                                                                                         Discover creative                          venues that showcase aspiring
                                                                                                                                    musicians and established acts.
    of history                               shopping streets in Europe. From            hotspots and impressive                    The city is also home to a range of
                                             ghost merchants to Greek food, this                                                    museums and galleries, as well as
    York's history is inextricably linked
                                             charming cobbled street offers you a        venues                                     numerous theatres and a choice of
    to the wider world. The city has
                                             unique shopping experience. Around          York’s lively cultural scene offers lots   cinemas.
    gone from a multicultural Roman
                                             two-thirds of York’s businesses are         to get involved with. The city hosts
    settlement, to centre of Viking trade,
    from a key city of the Medieval
                                             independent, so you can find one-of-        a diverse range of festivals, such as      Tour Yorkshire’s
                                             a-kind bargains while supporting the        JORVIK Viking Festival, the largest
    church to a hub of the industrial
                                             local economy.                              of its kind in Europe; Aesthetica
                                                                                                                                    beaches, hills and cities
    revolution. Our heritage binds us
                                             York offers some unique foodie              Short Film Festival, a celebration of      York is in the heart of the UK, with
    to international networks and we
                                             experiences, with a thriving food           independent film from around the           direct rail links that can take you to
    remain a popular destination for
                                             scene and quirky coffee shops on            world; the University-run Festival of      London, Edinburgh and Manchester
    people from all over the world.
                                             every corner. With eateries for halal       Ideas, and fiestas of food and drink,      in two to three hours. There are
                                                                                         fireworks, hot air balloons, music
    Shop high-street                         and vegan diners, whatever your
                                                                                         and more.
                                                                                                                                    plenty of reasons to stay in Yorkshire,
                                                                                                                                    too. We’re surrounded by beautiful
                                             dietary preference may be you’ll find
    favourites and enjoy                     first-rate restaurants and cafes to suit.   York offers more attractions
                                                                                                                                    countryside, with castles, outdoor
                                                                                                                                    adventure activities and natural
    cosy cafes                               York has over 200 pubs, and many
                                             offer great student deals, so you’ll be
                                                                                         per square mile than any other
                                                                                                                                    beauty. York is close to the sandy
                                                                                         destination in the UK, so there’s
    York’s iconic medieval streets           spoilt for choice.                                                                     beaches of Scarborough and coastal
                                                                                         always something just around the
    are lined with major retail chains,                                                                                             towns like Whitby – the inspiration
                                                                                         corner. From quirky pubs to popular
    independent stores and market stalls,                                                                                           for Bram Stoker’s Dracula.
                                                                                         clubs, York has a diverse mix of
    so you’ll have plenty to choose from.

Purple Flag
“York is one of the most                       accreditation for being
                                               a safe, entertaining
culturally vibrant cities in the               and thriving
                                               destination after dark
UK. It’s a great city to enjoy with            Association of Town and City
friends, show off to visitors from             Management, 2022

home, or simply to unwind in
                                               Safest city-based
after a busy day at university.”               university in England
Charaspat, BA English and Related Literature   and Wales
                                               Complete University Guide, 2020

                                               Britain’s most
                                               popular city
                                               YouGov Survey (Q3), 2021

                                               Best night out
                                               in the UK
                                               Get Licensed Study, 2022

                                               FIND OUT MORE
                                               York city guide

City of York

     BY YORK
     Choosing to study at York
     means your learning will
     go beyond our campus.
     Learn from the city of
     York and be inspired by
     your surroundings.

Pioneers of the arts                       Leaders of social reform                  Industry innovators                       FIND OUT MORE
and media                                  Historically, York has led the way for    York has a long history of industry.
                                           social reform and human rights.           The city played a key role in the
York is the UK’s first and only                                                      development of the UK's railways          Hear from our
UNESCO Creative City of Media Arts,        For 2,000 years, York has served
                                                                                     and was a 19th-century centre for         students on what
inspiring the cutting-edge of artistic     as a melting pot for people of
innovation. With York’s nickname as        different cultures and traditions,
                                                                                     chocolatiers and confectioners.           they love
                                                                                     Its innovators have been driven by
the ‘City of Festivals’, there’s always    from the Romans and Vikings to
                                                                                     principles of social purpose, to reduce
something unique going on.                 our current cosmopolitan city.
                                                                                     inequality, poverty and disadvantage.
                                           Seebohm Rowntree’s investigation
York Minster has one of the UK’s           of poverty in York in 1900 changed        Today, our business partnerships
leading cathedral choirs; you can          public perceptions of low-income          are powering inclusive economies
hear the best of the English choral        families and paved the way for            and social enterprise. Our research
tradition by going to Evensong or a        our modern welfare state.                 into safe autonomous systems is at
carol service at Christmas. York is also                                             the heart of a responsible robotics
home to the National Centre for Early      York is a City of Sanctuary, meaning
                                                                                     and AI revolution. We’re supporting
Music (NCEM), which hosts high-class       we actively work with refugee
                                                                                     a flourishing community of digital
performers from around the world.          families by providing shelter and
                                                                                     creatives, and our entrepreneurial
                                           accommodation. We are also the UK’s
                                                                                     hub provides support to social
Heritage hub                               first Human Rights City, championing
                                                                                     change startups across the city.
                                           a vibrant, diverse, fair and safe city.
York is a hotbed for English history.      This includes focus on five key human
Our city was founded by the Romans         rights chosen by York residents;
in 71 AD, captured by the Vikings in       housing, education, health and
866, and later was home to Henry           social care, standard of living, and
VIII’s Council of the North. York          equality and non-discrimination.
Minster is one of the largest Gothic
cathedrals in Europe, and sits
alongside fabulous museums, historic
                                           Science and society
buildings and impressive architecture.     York has impressive infrastructure
                                           and a thriving community of over
York has significant remains from the      7,500 science-based businesses.
Roman, Viking and Medieval periods.
York’s architectural heritage makes        Our scientists are working closely
it one of the best places to develop       with local organisations to transform
your knowledge of the archaeology          our region’s economy. For example,
and conservation of buildings.             our BioYorkshire initiative aims to
                                           transform York and North Yorkshire
                                           into the UK’s first carbon negative
                                           region, becoming a hub for green
                                           innovation, skills and development.

City of York

     YORK IN
     Discover why you’ll love living in York.
      uniofyork    /universityofyork   uniofyork

Temi, BA Sociology with
Social Psychology, 2021

                  Scan to see what
                  you could be
                  getting up to in
                  York next year.

Public good

     Let’s create. Let’s innovate.
     Let’s build a brighter future, together.

We want our students to work,            •   Access to dedicated spaces on
                                                                                    Research                               FIND OUT MORE
study and live in an inclusive               campus for prayer and reflection.
community, reflecting our shared         •   Giving talented prospective            We’re contributing to global efforts
values and allowing every student            students routes into higher            through groundbreaking research,
to realise their full potential. We          education, so they can realise         an example of which has resulted
encourage our students to make a             their full potential, whatever their   in changes to laws around sexual
real difference on a local, national         background:       orientation equality in Europe and
and global level, to drive forward           access                                 the UK. York researchers are also
an innovative agenda for change.                                                    exploring how sleep can improve
                                         Health                                     memory, resilience and mental
Equality                                                                            health:
                                         •   Inclusive facilities for all members
•   Celebrating diversity by getting         of our diverse campus community.       Sustainability
    involved in events throughout the
    year, including Pride, Disability
                                         •   Providing access to mental
                                                                                    We’re exploring ecosystems and
                                             health support from professional
    History Month, Black History             practitioners, online communities      sustainable concepts to combat
    Month, International Women’s Day,        and our student-led information        the effects of climate change
    Mental Health Awareness Week,            and support service, Nightline.        and environmental impact.
    and more.                                                                       Find out more about our green
                                         •   Through Hull York Medical School
•   Creating an inclusive learning and       (HYMS), our joint partnership
                                                                                    campus on pages 16 and 17.
    living environment that challenges       with the University of Hull, we
    inequality for under-represented         are training the next generation
    communities.                             of healthcare professionals with
                                             exceptional medical education:

“The amount of support available at York is vast. If you
are thinking about whether or not university is right for
you, you should consider what it offers and if you can see
yourself being there. York is a great place to be!”
Nick, BA Sociology with Education

Nick completed the Shine programme, one of our pre-16
programmes aimed at raising the aspirations and achievement of
students from underrepresented backgrounds.

Green campus

     Our beautiful parkland
     campus has everything
     you need to get the most
     out of university life.

To achieve the extraordinary at
                                          A sustainable campus                     •   One Planet Week: Our annual
                                                                                                                              DISCOVER MORE
university, you’ll need access to                                                      event spotlights sustainability
an exceptional and sustainable            for a sustainable future                     research and the practical steps
campus and its facilities. York is                                                     that we can take.
a university with both local roots        •   Green Flag campus: Since 2013,
                                                                                   •   Cycle-friendly campus: We’ve
and global reach, at the leading
                                              we’ve held the benchmark national
                                                                                       received a gold award from             8th in the UK for
                                              standard for publicly accessible
edge of research, and sustainability                                                   Cycling UK for being a cycle-          Sustainability
                                              parks and green spaces in the UK.
is a key element of our values.                                                        friendly employer. York is one of      QS Sustainability Rankings, 2023
                                          •   100% divestment from fossil
                                                                                       the UK’s most cycle-friendly cities.
Our campus landscape                          fuels: We are proud to say that we
                                              no longer have investments in the    •   Environmental Sustainability
                                                                                       Academy at York (ESAY): Provides       Learn more about
Our campus is set within 500 acres of         fossil fuel industry.
                                                                                       students with the opportunity to       sustainability on
award-winning parkland, with lakes,       •   Reducing single-use plastics:
                                                                                       learn about, research and work on      campus and how
wetlands and landscaped gardens.              our reusable cup lending scheme,
                                                                                       sustainability issues. See more:       to get involved:
It is home to an abundance of water           YORCUP, has saved over 1 million
birds, including ducks, geese, swans          disposable coffee cups from
and herons. You’ll also notice other          landfill.                            •   Carbon neutral campus: we are
                                                                                       committed to becoming a carbon         uoysustainability.
wildlife on campus, including hares,      •   Renewable energy: All our
                                                                                       neutral campus by 2030.
water voles, rabbits, squirrels, foxes,       purchased electricity is from                                         
and, on rare occasions, otters!               renewable sources, with 80 solar
                                              panels installed across campus.

“One thing I love about York is the fact that it’s a
campus uni, meaning that everything is so close
together. Especially in the summer, it’s so pretty
it literally feels like you’re walking through a park
when you’re walking between lectures.”
George, BA Business of the Creative Industries

               Scan to see more on what George has to say about our
               amazing campus environment.


     AT YORK
     Choose from
     accommodation across
     campus, right at the
     heart of the action.

Most first-year students choose
to live on campus in one of our
                                        Accessible rooms                         What’s included?                         FIND OUT MORE
                                        We have accessible rooms and a
friendly colleges. These each                                                    •   Study-bedroom, shared kitchen,
                                        variety of facilities to help meet the
provide a ready-made community                                                       and an ensuite or shared bathroom    accommodation@
                                        needs of those with physical and
to help you settle in and meet
                                        mental health requirements. For          •   Electricity, heating, water, and
people. Find out more about our                                                      contents insurance
                                        example, you may need a room with                                                 +44 (0)1904 322165
colleges on pages 20 and 21.
                                        wheelchair access, in a particular       •   Wifi and wired internet access in
With study areas, social spaces,        location, or with bathroom and               every bedroom
shops and sports facilities on your     catering options to help manage a        •   24-hour campus security presence               Get the tour: scan
doorstep, you’ll have everything        particular condition.                    •   Cleaning of shared kitchens once a             to watch a playlist
you need. A variety of room                                                          week, and daily cleaning of shared             of student videos
                                        If you have any additional                                                                  about living on
types and options are available                                                      bathrooms, Monday to Friday.
                                        requirements due to health, welfare                                                         campus.
to suit you and your budget.
                                        or mobility, let us know as soon as
                                        possible. Find out more on how we        How do I apply?
What are my room                        can help:       Apply online in spring 2024
options?                                Families and couples                     after you have accepted an offer
                                                                                 from York. You can find details
Location                                We have a small number of flats and
                                                                                 of the application process, as
Choose from college rooms on            houses suitable for couples and
                                                                                 well as prices and deadline dates
Campus West and Campus East. All        families. We can’t guarantee that
are located within easy reach of the    family housing will be available, but
                                        we will do our best to accommodate
Library, shops and sports facilities.
                                        your needs:           Private sector
Ensuite or shared bathroom              families                                 There is also a wide selection of
Our rooms are either ensuite or have    Costs                                    private-sector accommodation
access to shared bathroom facilities.                                            within walking distance of campus
                                        Single self-catered rooms cost           should you prefer this option.
Catered and self-catered                from £99 to £200 per week.               Wherever you choose to live,
We offer catered and self-catered       Catered rooms cost from                  you’ll be a member of one of our
accommodation options. All rooms        £136 to £206 per week.                   colleges and will have access to
have access to a shared kitchen.        These prices are for 2022/23             all the benefits they provide.
Let lengths                             entry and may change for
                                        your year of entry.
We offer let lengths of 40 weeks
(covering both semesters and the        Rent is usually paid in three
Christmas and Easter vacations) or      instalments over the year, which
44 weeks (extending four weeks          coincide with your student loan
into the summer vacation). Other        payments (if applicable).
let lengths are also available.


     York is one of a handful of universities with a college
     system. Enrich your university experience and find
     your community in one of our lively colleges.

     What is a college?                       activities, including live music, pub
                                              quizzes, arts and music programmes,
                                                                                      College music                          Dedicated support
     Colleges are the heart of student        day trips and more. You could dress     Our College Music Scheme gives         network
     life at York. Each has its own           up with friends for annual formal       you access to our music facilities,
                                                                                                                             Our colleges are a safe space to try
     history and character, but they’ll all   meals or dance all night at ceilidhs.   instrument lending library and
                                                                                                                             new things, to challenge yourself and
     provide you with a distinct sense                                                equipment hire. By signing up,
                                              You’ll be a valued college member                                              to flourish.
     of community. Whether you live on                                                you’ll also receive invitations to
                                              and able to attend events whether
     or off campus, your college will be                                              events and activities, such as         Colleges have a dedicated team
                                              you live on campus or not.
     your home away from home. Each                                                   choirs and music workshops.            of staff who are always happy to
     college has a dedicated network                                                                                         chat and help you make the most of
     of support, making the transition        College sports                          Leadership and                         college and university life.
     to university much easier. Your
     college is your foundation for
                                              If you’re new to sports or don’t
                                              fancy university-level competition,
                                                                                      volunteering                           College facilities
     getting involved in campus life          college sports offer a great way to     Each college has an elected student
     and a gateway to exploring the                                                                                          Your college provides you with much
                                              make friends and keep fit. Every        committee. Your committee foster a
     wider university community.                                                                                             more than a room. You’ll have access
                                              week colleges compete in over 20        sense of community by representing
                                                                                                                             to social spaces, music facilities, and
                                              sporting leagues, including the only    student voices, organising events
     College events                           inter-university college competition    and activities and promoting
                                                                                                                             bars and cafes where you can relax
                                                                                                                             with friends.
                                              in the UK, against Durham University.   wellbeing.
     Colleges bridge the gap between
                                              Regular training and coaching is
     living and learning, giving you the                                              All colleges get involved in
                                              available for all team members,
     chance to find new passions and                                                  fundraising for various charities.
                                              from beginners to seasoned pros,
     make friends outside the lecture                                                 You could volunteer in roles related
                                              meaning that you can take part
     theatre. Each college is a bustling                                              to social justice, sustainability,
                                              whatever your sporting ability.
     hub for student-led events and                                                   community projects and more.

                                                           College life

“It’s really amazing to be part of a college because
you get a pre-built community of wonderful people
and support systems. My college committee has been
a huge part of my uni experience. I’ve met so many
people and really improved my skills. I am so glad to be
part of a community that welcomes a push for diversity
and inclusion.”
Zara, Chair of Derwent College Committee, BA Education

Students’ Union

                  “Societies are one of the greatest things York has
                  to offer! They allow you to connect with new and
                  interesting people. I have even been involved in
                  setting up a new society, Yordevs, which has taught
                  me new ways of thinking and improved my academic
                  and professional skills.”
                  Adam, MEng Computer Science with Artificial Intelligence (with a year in industry)
                  Treasurer of York Web and App Development Society (Yordevs)

We’re investing
                                                                                                                           in a new student
                                                                                                                           centre, offering
The University of York Students’ Union (YUSU) is the                                                                       purpose-built
                                                                                                                           facilities for our
voice of all students at York. YUSU exists to represent                                                                    community.
and campaign for you.                                                                                            

What is YUSU?                            Volunteering and                          Societies and sports                    FIND OUT MORE
YUSU is a not-for-profit charitable      fundraising                               YUSU has over 200 student-run 
organisation that’s separate to
                                         With YUSU, you can help to make a
                                                                                   societies and more than 60 sports
the University. It’s led by elected                                                clubs for you to get involved in.
                                         difference, whether you’ve got an
representatives, all of whom are                                                   Societies are run by students
                                         hour or a week to spare. You can
York students or recent graduates.                                                 who plan activities around shared
                                         take part in fun Raising and Giving
They run university-wide campaigns                                                 interests, hobbies, religions,
                                         (RAG) activities on and off campus in
to pioneer positive change, and                                                    nationalities and cultures. At
                                         aid of good causes. You could run a
represent different groups. YUSU has                                               York, this could be anything from
                                         fundraising event, get involved with
over 400 academic representatives,                                                 astronomy to aerobics, and politics
                                         a volunteering project, or take part in
who campaign to improve your                                                       to poetry – there’s always plenty to
                                         charity challenges.
academic experience.                                                               choose from. Joining a society is a
                                                                                   fantastic way to meet new people, to
Events and activities                    Representation and                        indulge your existing passions, or to

YUSU organises regular events and        support                                   try something completely new.

socials, including performances,         YUSU’s officers help to ensure that
charity fundraisers, sporting events     everyone’s voice is heard. They’re
and festivals that cater for a variety   here to protect the interests of
of tastes. The highlights of YUSU’s      Black, Asian and minority ethnic
social calendar include Roses,           students, disabled students, working-
the largest inter-university sports      class students, mature students,
tournament in Europe (against            female and non-binary students,
Lancaster), and the annual Freshers’     international students and LGBTQ+
Festival, which often includes           students. They also campaign
food stalls, rides and live music.       for environmental and ethical
                                         issues, and support fundraising
                                         and volunteering activities.

Sports and fitness

     “Volleyball is truly inclusive and accessible and has introduced
     me to a range of people of diverse nationalities, ages and skill
     levels. I’ve developed my leadership skills and travelled to
     national competitions and sport events. As an Italian student, I’ve
     benefitted from the close-knit international community at York.”
     Sofia, BA Politics, Philosophy and Economics, University of York Volleyball Club

University sports clubs                   High-performance sports Sporting events
We provide you with a sporting            With our support, our students              Our sporting highlight of the year
environment that engages, supports        meet their full sporting potential.         is the annual Roses tournament
and inspires you, regardless of           Our individual sports scholarship           against Lancaster University.
your ability. The University of York      scheme will help you achieve                Roses is a memorable weekend
Students’ Union runs more than            at the highest level.                       of fun and exciting competition,
60 sports clubs, many of which                                                        whether you’re taking part in
represent York at a national level. Our   Sports facilities                           the action or supporting our
colleges provide inclusive, accessible                                                talented athletes. There are also
and enjoyable opportunities for all       Our award-winning sports facilities,        opportunities to get involved
through their diverse sports teams.       recognised as some of the best in           backstage as a student volunteer.
From cheerleading and fencing,            the region, offer you the chance to
                                          de-stress and stay fit and healthy.         We also host other sporting
to surfing and volleyball, there’s
                                          Elite athletes, clubs and national          events including a weekly park-
something for everyone at York.
                                          teams regularly use our campus              run on campus, the annual
                                                                                      York Triathlon, the Yorkshire
College sports                            facilities to assist their performance.
                                          The University was even selected            Marathon and schools events.
College sports are open to everyone       as a training site for competing
and provide an engaging, inclusive,       nations in the 2021 Rugby League
and affordable opportunity to play        World Cup. Facilities include a
against other York colleges. Our best     competition-standard swimming
college teams represent York and          pool, floodlit 3G football pitches, an
compete against Durham University’s       Olympic-sized outdoor velodrome, a
college teams.                            floodlit road cycle circuit, an athletics
                                          stadium, the York Sport Arena and
                                          39 acres of grass playing fields.

Support and wellbeing

     NEED US
     Our dedicated network of
                                      “There is nowhere I’d rather be than York -
     support services will help
                                      the support and opportunities that I have
     you to get the best from your
                                      been granted have been invaluable to me
     time at York. Help is there if
                                      as a disabled student.”
     you need it, whether you’re      Chloe, BA English and Related Literature, 2021
     studying online or on campus.

Academic supervisor                       Healthcare services                        International students                   FIND OUT MORE
                                                                                     Our International Student Support
Every student at York has a personal      The health centre closest to                                                        Student support
                                                                                     Team provide specialist support
academic supervisor. They’re an           campus is Unity Health. It offers GP       and advice on everything from visa
excellent first point of contact if you   appointments, a repeat prescription
need help. They’ll guide you through      service and walk-in clinics. You
                                                                                     advice to adjusting to life in the UK
                                                                                     and studying in another language.
your studies, advising you on your        can register online or in person. If       They also provide opportunities
academic progress and supporting          you take any medication or have            for you to meet other students
your personal development.                a long-term health condition, we                                                    Request a buddy
                                                                                     from all over the world. Find out
                                          recommend that you contact them            how we can help you:         Our Student Buddying
College team                              before you arrive so that they can         internationalsupport                     Scheme helps new
                                          help you to make a smooth transition.                                               students settle into
Staff at your college can provide                                                    Discover more about support              university life and study.
confidential support and will help you
manage the transition to university
                                          Faith, spiritual and                       services for international students on
                                                                                     pages 28 and 29.
life. Your college team is there to       cultural support                                                                    Get a Step Ahead
help you settle in and represent your
interests in our community, whether       You can access a number of                 Student communities                      Our Step Ahead programme
                                          dedicated spaces for prayer and            We champion and support                  is designed to support new
you live on or off campus.
                                          reflection on campus. Our chaplains        the specific needs of student            undergraduate students with
                                          can provide information on places                                                   your transition to university
Here to listen                            for worship both on and off campus.
                                                                                     communities including:
                                                                                                                              life, giving you the best
•   Student Advisers give you general     We also have a number of student           •   Black, Asian and minority            possible start at York.
    guidance and support on a range       societies that can offer spiritual and         ethnic students
    of practical matters.                 cultural support to people of all faiths   •   Care leavers and estranged
•   YUSU’s Advice and Support             and none.                                      students
    Centre offers impartial advice on                                                •   First generation students
    topics such as academic issues,       Support for your needs                     •   Mature students
    exceptional circumstances for
                                          Students with a disability                 •   Refugees
    assessments, and your health and
    wellbeing.                            We can arrange academic support            •   Students from military               Scan to watch current
                                                                                         backgrounds                          students talk about York’s
                                          and adjustments if you have a
•   Our Sexual Violence Liaison
                                          disability or long-term health             •   Students living at home              support services and how
    Officers provide ongoing                                                                                                  they have benefitted.
    confidential support to students.     condition. Our Disability Advisers         •   Students with caring
                                          will offer you support, advice and             responsibilities
•   Open Door, a team of mental
                                          guidance.                                  •   Students with children
    health practitioners and student
    wellbeing officers, provide           If you have a disability or a specific     This may include financial support,
    support if you’re experiencing        learning difficulty, please contact        accommodation support, study
    mental health difficulties.           our Disability Team before you arrive:     skills support and support for your

International students

     Discover life at York as part of our
     diverse community of students
     from over 150 countries.

Our international campus community
brings together scholars from all
                                           during your studies and our Careers
                                           and Placements team offer skills and
                                                                                   courses have three length options: 6,
                                                                                   12, and 16 weeks. The course you need
                                                                                                                                FIND OUT MORE
over the world. You'll be exposed          employability support.                  to take depends on your current level
to new ideas and get a truly global                                                of English, and the English language           uniofyork_international
perspective.                               Study options                           requirements for the degree which
                                                                                   you wish to study. If you have an
Meet interesting people and enjoy a        Undergraduate degree                                                                 Recruitment Team
                                                                                   unconditional offer but would still like
vibrant social life through a variety of   programmes                              to practise your English language skills,
activities on campus. There are over
                                           Choose from over 250 undergraduate      you could take our four-week course.
200 social, cultural, international and
                                           courses in arts, humanities, sciences                                                +44 (0)1904 324 000
religious student-led societies and                                                For more information, visit:
                                           and social sciences. Most of our
over 60 sports clubs to choose from.                                               presessionals
                                           degrees last for three years, with a                                                 Scan to explore life as an
                                           number of four and five-year courses    Visiting students                            international student at York.
Preparing for your arrival                 available, including our integrated     We welcome visiting students from
We provide a range of services             Masters programmes. Many offer the      across the world through various
to ensure your move to York is as          option of a work placement or study     partnerships and programmes. If
straightforward as possible and            abroad scheme to help you to expand     you’re already studying at another
to help you prepare for your new           your skills and experiences.            university, you can apply to study at
life in the UK. If you need a visa         Find out more about the courses         York for up to one year as a visiting
to study in the UK, we are here            available on pages 64 to 95.            student before returning to your
to help guide you through with                                                     own university to complete your
expert assistance and advice.              Pathway courses                         qualification.
                                           Our specially designed courses can
Welcoming you to York                      help you prepare for undergraduate      Explore the UK
                                           study at York. If you complete
We offer a free collection service         the course to the required level,       York is a great base for exploring other
from Manchester Airport in                 you’ll be guaranteed a place            UK and European cities. We are on
September, a Welcome Week                  on your chosen undergraduate            the main train line between London
programme for new students, and            degree. Study on campus at our          King’s Cross and Edinburgh, and so
English language courses and               International Pathway College, or in    trains to these locations are fast and
workshops. We also provide an              London at our partner institution,      frequent. There are also direct services
Immigration Advice service, as             Kaplan International College.           to other major UK cities, including
well as other specialist support                                                   Birmingham, Bristol, Liverpool, Leeds
services for international students,       Find out more:           and Manchester. The beautiful Yorkshire
and facilities for practising                                                      countryside and coastline are also right
                                           Pre-sessional English
your faith on campus.                                                              on your doorstep.
                                           language courses
During your studies                        These courses are for international
                                           students who need to meet an
                                                                                   Discover more on where you can explore
                                                                                   and typical travel times on page 100.
You’ll be offered English language,        English language condition for
literacy and communication support         entry to their chosen degree. The

International students

                                                                                                                                  Get the student view

Meet Biology student Navin, from India.
What I love about                           Adjusting to life in the UK              it's not a matter of if you’ll get culture
                                                                                     shock, but a matter of when. But give
studying at York                            Growing up in Goa, culturally and        it time: you’ll soon meet people on
                                            geographically distinct from the UK,     your wavelength.
One of my top concerns as an                my first few weeks here felt entirely
overseas student arriving in the UK –                                                The UK is a fantastic place to pursue
                                            foreign to me. But everyone I met,
and that of my parents – was safety.                                                 your education. The quality of
                                            fellow students and university staff,
For me, the University of York met                                                   education is practically unmatched,
                                            was friendly and welcoming. The
all the criteria. It’s situated in one of                                            and the research prospects are
                                            activities on offer helped me form
the safest cities in the UK and has                                                  enormous. I have been surrounded
                                            strong connections with people from
a stunning, expansive campus.                                                        by some of the warmest people in
                                            my college and course.
                                                                                     the world. I’m positive that I wouldn’t
The international recruitment team          I soon got to know interesting           be the independent, self-confident
provided excellent assistance               people from around the world and         person I am now if I hadn’t travelled
during the application process,             developed a strong friendship            all the way to the UK.
from promptly answering my emails           network, which has lasted to this day.
and taking my calls to helping with         I feel as if I have found a home away
the VISA procedure. It made me              from home. At York, I have never felt
confident that I would have that            alone.
support once I got to university.
                                            What would you say to
Even during the peak of the covid
pandemic, the University was
looking out for me, checking up
                                            someone considering                                             “I FEEL AS IF I HAVE
via email and hosting virtual events
so I could meet people in my
                                            studying in the UK?
                                            I am glad I chose to study in the UK.
                                                                                                            FOUND A HOME AWAY
                                                                                                            FROM HOME.”
department and in my college. My
academic supervisor even offered            That feeling of being understood
to do my grocery shopping when              by people from different reaches of
I had to isolate for a few days.            the world makes you feel as if you
                                            are part of something bigger. I’ll be
                                            honest, as an international student,

Facilities and services

     OUTSTANDING LEARNING                                                                                                       Connecting on campus
                                                                                                                                You’ll have little issue
                                                                                                                                getting connected

                                                                                                                                with our extensive free
                                                                                                                                Wifi across campus.
                                                                                                                                Not bringing your own
                                                                                                                                laptop? Don’t worry,

     Get the resources you need to study
                                                                                                                                you can use one of our
                                                                                                                                networked computers, or

     effectively, progress academically and                                                                                     borrow a laptop from us.

     strengthen your employability

     Your library                              archaeology. You'll also have access
                                               to York Minster Library, the largest
                                                                                        Boost your academic
     Our central library is open 362 days      cathedral library in the country.        skills
     a year, from 8am until midnight, and
                                               Each department has an online            You can access guidance, resources
     24/7 during exam periods. It provides
                                               Subject Guide and subject-specific       and activities to assist with your
     over 1,200 study and social learning
                                               Academic Liaison Librarian to help       studies through our Academic Skills
     spaces, including contemporary
                                               you find the most relevant resources     Community. You can boost your skills
     study rooms and flexible furniture, as
                                               for your studies. We offer online        with online resources, workshops and
     well as traditional silent study zones.
                                               support (including 24-hour live chat),   one-to-one advice and guidance.
     You’ll find other dedicated study
                                               and workshops to help you develop
     areas all over campus.                                                             Workshops are on offer throughout
                                               your academic skills, including
                                                                                        the year. There are sessions focused
     The Library is home to the impressive     researching, coding and creating
                                                                                        on academic reading, writing and
     Borthwick Institute for Archives,         interactive media.
                                                                                        research, communication, digital
     one of the largest and most varied
                                                                                        and data skills, self-development and
     archives of any university in the UK.
                                                                                        much more. Find out more at:
     Our King’s Manor Library in the city
     centre has specialist collections
     relating to architecture and

     Over a million print
   books and thousands of
      online resources

  A creativity lab with high-
spec gaming PCs, augmented
  and virtual reality kits, and
 powerful software and tools

      A library cafe and
     kitchen to help you

                                  “I prefer to work outside of my room and go to one of my
                                  favourite study spaces on campus and around York city centre.
                                  On campus, I tend to book a study room in the Library, or
        Unique special            go to the Church Lane building, where there is a range of
    collections, and over
     a thousand years of          amazing study spaces and a Starbucks!”
    history in our archives       Rhiannon, BA Business and Management

Learning opportunities

     Experience our remarkable teaching with free
     short courses and events before you start at York.
     Free online courses                      MOOC examples                           Subscribe to our YouTube channel
                                                                                      and get the latest videos from York
     Everyone is welcome to join our
                                              •   Next Steps to University
                                                                                      Festival of Ideas, YorkTalks and
     free massive open online courses         •   Tackling Environmental Challenges
                                                                                      dozens of other events designed
     (MOOCs). Designed by our                 •   Digital Wellbeing                   to educate, entertain and inspire:
     academics, they include videos,          •   Exploring Everyday Chemistry
     quizzes and discussions that provide     •   Discover the Hidden History
     an insight into our exciting subject         of York                             Short online courses
     areas.                                   •   Lights, Camera, Computer-Action!
                                                                                      As you prepare to begin your degree,
     •   Gain confidence in how to adapt to   •   Introduction to Nursing
                                                                                      we’ll invite you to our short online
         university life.                                                             courses. These are a great way to
     •   Kick-start a deeper understanding    York Ideas                              find support while starting at York,
         of a subject you are passionate      Feed your curiosity with free           and will prepare you to hit the ground

         Find new interests and discover
                                              open lectures on a huge range of        running.
                                                                                                                               “I really enjoyed
                                              topics. Meet our star researchers
         the careers you could unlock.        and renowned guest speakers on
                                                                                      These free courses are designed to
                                                                                      make your journey into university        volunteering
     •   Pick up top tips on ways to boost    campus or online. Get involved
         your UCAS application.               with research demonstrations
                                                                                      as smooth as possible. You’ll have
                                                                                      the chance to engage with staff
                                                                                                                               at the Festival
     MOOCs have no entry requirements,
                                              or help out front of house.             and students from our students’
                                                                                      union, colleges, societies and
                                                                                                                               of Ideas and
     so you can give them a go before         You can also expand your
     you start your degree with us.           horizons at events like YorkTalks,      support services. Discover what to       sharing my love
                                                                                      expect when you join our academic
     Courses typically last around two
     to four weeks, and cover all sorts of
                                              our annual research showcase,
                                              or the city-wide York Festival          community and what life as a             for physics with
     subjects. For more information, visit
                                              of Ideas:              student in York is really like.
                                                                                                                               the rest of York.”
                                                                                                                               Jack, BSc Physics

Our Exploring
                                                              Everyday Chemistry
                                                              course won a Royal
                                                              Society of Chemistry
                                                              2021 Horizon Prize
                                                              for groundbreaking
                                                              innovation in

                                                              FIND OUT MORE

 “This course was full to the brim with information to
make the transition to university much smoother and
less daunting. I absolutely love the interactive nature and
informative videos throughout, which definitely gave it a
community-like feel. I can’t recommend it enough!
Thank you so much!”
Amy, Next Steps to University, 2021

Learning opportunities

                                                                              Discover more about
Step outside your degree programme and                                        elective modules:

expand your knowledge with elective modules.                        

Studying modules from other
departments lets you broaden your
                                       York Language Electives
knowledge, make unique academic        Learning a language can broaden
connections and boost your             your horizons and deepen your
employability.                         knowledge of different cultures. In
                                       a globalised and interconnected
Most of our courses give you the
                                       world, it can give you a competitive
option to take interdisciplinary
                                       edge. You can choose from a
modules or languages modules,
                                       wide range of modules, at levels
which count towards your degree.
                                       from beginner to advanced.
You’ll need to check with your
                                       Options are likely to include:
department to find out what’s
available to you.                      •   Arabic
                                       •   Classical Latin
York Interdisciplinary                 •   Chinese
Modules                                •   French
                                       •   German
York Interdisciplinary Modules give
you the opportunity to develop key
                                       •   Italian

skills across different disciplines.   •   Japanese
You’ll be taught by academics          •   Medieval Latin
from different departments and         •   Polish
work in groups with students from      •   Russian
across the University. Examples        •   Spanish
are expected to include:

•   The Sustainability Clinic
•   Climate Crisis Action Lab
•   Future of Food


     Enhance your career prospects with exciting
     opportunities that will help you stand out from the crowd.
     You can access our careers                  We can then offer you funding and     •   Apply for the York Award and        •   fast-track you to a graduate job
     support from day one. Our training          work spaces to make your start-up         gain a formal award celebrating     •   build your professional network
     programmes, careers fairs,                  business ideas a success.                 both personal and professional
                                                                                                                               •   give you insight into the workplace.
     internships and enterprise advice       •   Gain paid internships with local          development within and outside
                                                                                                                               Year abroad
     will support you towards graduate           employers through our Student             your programme of study.
     employment or further study.                Internship Bureau.                    •   Broaden your leadership and         Take the opportunity to gain

     Discover your strengths                 •   Use our careers platform,                 organisational skills through our   language skills, improve your
                                                 Handshake, to discover                    volunteering programmes.            confidence and develop your
                                                 internships, placements and jobs.                                             interpersonal skills.
     Join a York Strengths Development
     Session to discover your professional   •   Our student fundraising platform
                                                                                       Grow your professional
     strengths and how to demonstrate            YuStart has generated over            network                                 Ace your interview
     them effectively.                           £250,000 for hundreds of
                                                                                       •   Engage with our global alumni       •   Take advantage of our online tool,
                                                 creative and entrepreneurial                                                      Shortlist.Me, to practise mock
                                                                                           network and find a career mentor
     Explore your options                        projects. See what we’ve
                                                                                           through the York Profiles and
                                                                                                                                   interviews with employers and get
                                                 achieved:                                                      useful tips.
     •   Meet employers at careers                                                         Mentors platform.
         fairs and find out about work       Boost your employability                  Broaden your horizons
                                                                                                                                   Use CareerSet to get informative
                                                                                                                                   feedback on your CV. Find out
         experience opportunities.
     •   Book an appointment with
                                             •   Our employability programme,
                                                                                       Placement year
                                                 York Futures, offers you tailored
         our careers team to make a                                                    At York, you can take a placement
                                                 support and advice, so you’ll gain
         personalised plan.                                                            year and demonstrate a strong work
                                                 confidence and career focus.
     Gain valuable experience                •   Develop your leadership skills with   ethic to employers. A placement year
                                                 our York Leaders programme,           could:
     •   Connect with business advisers          which partners with various
         at Student Enterprise Space and         employers.
         develop your own business ideas.

                                                 of York graduates enter
                                                 work or further study
                                                 within 15 months of
                                                 HESA Graduate Outcomes
                                                 Survey 2018/19, UK graduates

                                                 FIND OUT MORE

“My placement year at Warner Bros. has
been one of the most rewarding experiences
I can remember. I gained insight into the
complexities of the entertainment industry,
worked on exciting projects, and grew both
personally and professionally. I had fantastic
opportunities like attending film premieres,
but it was the brilliant team I worked with
that made my time there so special.”
Erhard, BSc Film and Television Production


     Whatever your career aspirations,
     we can help you stand out from the
     crowd. With our support, you can
     make the most of experiences outside
     the classroom.

“The Ghana International Study          FIND OUT MORE
                                                                  Learn more about how
                         Centre was a fantastic opportunity       you can expand your
                         to meet new people, learn about a        skill set at York:
                         new culture and develop an interest

                         in topics which extended beyond my
                         undergraduate studies, such as global
                         welfare issues. My experience in
                         Ghana inspired me to study a Masters
                         in Social Policy at York, where I was
                         able to learn about welfare systems in
                         countries all over the world.”
                         Annie, BA History and Politics, 2021

“My favourite thing about my internship with Inclusive-
Learning@York was the fact I felt I was making a
difference, in my own time. The research skills I developed
in the internship have been a vital part of my postgraduate
applications. They don’t just help me here at York, but will
help me to go further in the future.”
Meely, BA History

Study abroad

     Broaden your horizons, boost your
     employability and explore the world.                                                                                    George Mason University, USA

     Prepare for your future career by
     studying, working or volunteering
                                             Some departments offer a credit-
                                             replacing year. Your degree will
                                                                                    Support available to you
     abroad. Take the chance to discover     remain the same length, and you will   Whether you’re going abroad for
     new cultures, learn in different        travel abroad in your second year.     the first or hundredth time, the
     surroundings, make new friends,         Some departments may also offer        Global Programmes team can help.
     and experience a new way of life.       single-semester exchanges.             We advise on many aspects of your
     Employers are looking for people                                               planning and time abroad, allowing
                                             See the opportunities available
     with international experiences, and                                            you to make the most out of any
                                             for your subject of interest:
     our global opportunities can give you                                          opportunity.
     a competitive edge.
                                                                                    Free language courses
     You don’t need to commit here           Go for the summer
     and now. You can apply to add an                                               Join a course and build up your skills
     international experience to your        Summer programmes are the              and cultural knowledge before you
     degree after starting at York.          perfect way to discover the world      go:
                                             in a short time. We can help you to
                                                                                                                             Summer School, South Africa
     Go for a year                           explore life-changing experiences
                                             through volunteering, internships
     Many of our courses offer an optional   and summer schools, soaking            Whether you want to study or work
     year studying or working abroad with    up the culture of a new country.       abroad, you’ll need to research the
     a partner university or an employer.                                           cost of the programme and budget
     This is usually an additional year,                                            accordingly. You can apply for
     taken after your second year at York.                                          funding to help towards these costs.

                                                                                                            Centre for Global
                                                                                                            +44 (0)1904 323654

                                                                                                                  GoGlobalUoY #GlobalYork

                                                                                                      University of Konstanz, Germany

“Life in Seoul is so fast-paced, yet efficient. While
it’s hard to plan in advance, the subway system,
convenience stores on every street, and high-
tech services make anything possible and easy.
I’m definitely becoming more of a spontaneous
person! My time in Korea has made me a lot more
confident and independent, given the completely
different language and culture. Learning Korean is
a skill I am grateful to have gained.”                            University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Rebecca, BA Social and Political Sciences (with a year abroad),
Seoul National University, South Korea

How to apply

                               1.                              2.                               3.
     STEPS                     Choose a course
                               Explore over 250
                                                               Check the entry
                                                                                                Get to know us
                                                                                                Find out what living and

     TO YORK
                               undergraduate degrees                                            studying at York is really
                                                               Check that you meet the
                               across arts and humanities,                                      like, and make sure that
                                                               entry requirements for
                               sciences and social                                              York is the right choice for
                                                               your chosen course. We
                               sciences. Subjects are                                           you before you apply:
                                                               consider a wide range
                               listed on pages 64 to 95.
                               For full details and            of UK and international          •   Join us for an Open Day
                                                               qualifications and look at all       on campus or online:
     Four simple steps for a
                               availability, please see:
                                                               aspects of your application
                                                               to assess your suitability.      •   Take a campus tour:
     smooth application.                                       This includes your         

                               4.                                                               •
                                                               academic qualifications,             Download our app for a
                                                               personal statement,                  virtual visit:
                                                               academic reference and               visit-uoy
                                                               any additional and relevant
                                                                                                •   Consider a free online
                               Apply online                                                         moocs
                               Complete an online                                               •   Sign up for updates by
                               application via UCAS (the                                            email:
                               Universities and Colleges                                            email-updates
                               Admissions Service) through
                               your school or college, or
                               You will need our institution
                               code to complete your

                               •   University of York: Y50
                               •   Hull York Medical School:
                               You will also need your
                               course’s four-character
                               UCAS code. Search for
                               your course and code at:

You can also read