DOG GROOMING Royal Adelaide Show

Page created by Lance Washington
DOG GROOMING Royal Adelaide Show

                                  COMPETITION SCHEDULE

        4 - 12 SEPTEMBER 2021 |
DOG GROOMING Royal Adelaide Show
                                            IMPORTANT INFORMATION

                                       CLOSING DATE OF ENTRIES
                                         FRIDAY 23 JULY 2021
Dog Grooming will be held in the Pet Centre which is on the ground floor of the Stirling Angas Hall at the Adelaide
Showground. Only dogs accepted for competition will be permitted onto the Showground.

Dogs may enter the Showground between 7.00 am and 8.45 am on the day they are to be judged.
Dogs must enter the Showground via the Railway Gate off Rose Terrace. Cooke Terrace Gate will be also be
open from 7.30 am until 9 am daily.

Please refer to DEFINITIONS for class eligibility
Friday 10 September 2021
730am to 8.30am Setup and Pre Judge
8.30am to 11am Gundogs

12.30pm Pre Judge
1pm to 3.30pm Asian Fusion

4pm Pre Judge
4.30pm to 6.45pm Terriers

Saturday 11 September 2021
8.00am to 8.30am Setup and Prejudge
8.30am to 11am Purebred Scissor, Salon Styling

1.00pm Pre Judge
1.30pm to 4.30pm Poodles
5pm Presentation
5.30pm BIS

 The Royal Agricultural & Horticultural Society makes every effort to ensure that all information contained within this
 schedule is correct at the time of printing, however the RA&HS reserve the right to change such details as may be

 This competition will be run under the Rules and Regulations of the Royal Agricultural and Horticultural Society of
  South Australia Incorporated in conjunction with the Constitution, Rules and Regulations of the South Australian
  Canine Association Incorporated. It shall be a condition of entry that all persons lodging an entry agree to be and
shall be bound by the above Rules, Regulations and Constitution, by the General Regulations hereinafter mentioned
                               and by the Special Regulations hereinafter appearing.

DOG GROOMING Royal Adelaide Show
CLOSING DATE OF ENTRIES                                       details of recipients to enable distribution of their
The following conditions will strictly apply;                 voucher/product prizes.
 • All entries must be in the Society’s possession at
     its Administration Office by 5.00 pm (CST) but           GENERAL REGULATIONS
     the above closing date.                                  Exhibitors are reminded that the Society’s General
 • Entry forms by facsimile or email will not be              Regulations apply to all sections of the Show. A copy
     accepted.                                                of the General Regulations can be obtained from the
 • A late entry option is available under the following       Society’s website at or from the
     conditions;                                              Society’s Administration Office.
    o Late entries may only be submitted online and           Exhibitors should note that the General Regulations
         will be accepted 7 days after the official           contain a number of provisions relevant to
         closing date (by 5.00 pm CST)                        competitions and this Schedule including but not
    o An additional fee equivalent to three times the         limited to, offences, penalties, prohibited drugs. As
         standard entry fee is paid.                          those conditions apply in addition to the regulations
Absolutely no exceptions to the above conditions              contained within this schedule, Exhibitors should
will be made to an exhibitor under any                        familiarise themselves with the General Regulations.
                                                              ENTRY PASSES
ONLINE ENTRIES                                                Exhibitors entering:
Please go to                                • One exhibit to receive one admission pass
                                                               • Two exhibits to receive two admission passes
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF ENTRIES                                     • Three & Four exhibits to receive three admission
Entries submitted online will be acknowledged via                 passes
email.                                                         • Five & Six exhibits to receive four admission
ENTRY FEES (GST INCLUDED)                                      • More than six exhibits; one pass for every other
Entries: $45 per class                                            two exhibits entered
Novice Classes: $10 per class
                                                              WITHDRAWALS/FAILURE TO EXHIBIT
PAYMENT OF FEES                                               All withdrawals must be made in writing and can be
When paying fees by cheque or credit card, exhibitors         sent via email to
must ensure that sufficient funds are available at the Emailed
time of entry. Failure to do so may result in non-            withdrawals must include “Withdrawal” in the subject
acceptance of entries.                                        line and the section (eg Dog Grooming section)
                                                              exhibitor name, class number/s, exhibit number (if
REFUNDS                                                       known) and exhibit name (if applicable).
No refund of entry fees will be made after the
closing date of entries.                                      TRANSFERS
                                                              Please ensure exhibits are entered in the correct class
MEMBERSHIP                                                    at time of entry. No incorrect exhibit will be transferred
Exhibitors need not be members of the RA&HS                   to another class after the closing date of entries.
Membership fees: Adults $175, Juniors $59 (under              In a class or competition level where there is less than
18).                                                          3 contestants, those contestants may, at the judge’s
Membership of other Royal Show Societies does not             discretion, be offered a choice of moving up to the
entitle exhibitors to a reduced rate of entry fees.           next level or down to the next level (provided they are
                                                              within the criteria for that level).
RA&HS – Dog Grooming Section                                  PAYMENT OF PRIZE MONEY
PO Box 108, GOODWOOD, SA 5034                                 All prize money won during the Royal Adelaide Show
Email                       will be paid by Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) only.
Phone: (08) 8210 5211 Between 9.00 am - 5.00 pm
Monday to Friday                                              PRIZE MONEY WILL BE PAID BY THE END OF
Website:                                   OCTOBER.
Convenor: Marianne Suckling                                   Any trophy, prize or prize money not claimed by 11
Phone: 0455 292 020                                           December of the current year. shall be deemed
Facebook:                                                     forfeited by the exhibitor and the RA&HS shall no               longer be liable to pay or provide the prize.
                                                              PRIZE MONEY AND GST
YOUR PRIVACY                                                  Prize money as stated in the Prize Schedule does not
If you do not want your details to be made available to       include GST.
other parties, please tick the box Keep Private on your       The prize money which we pay to successful
online account. Your personal information will then           exhibitors depends on information provided to us. If
only be used by the RA&HS to maintain contact with            you confirm that you are GST registered and provide
you and allow us to manage your entries. The RA&HS            your Australian Business Number (ABN), we will pay
reserves the right to inform prize sponsors of the            the appropriate prize money plus 10% GST. We will

DOG GROOMING Royal Adelaide Show
provide you with a Recipient Created Tax Invoice                TROLLEYS AND GROOMING TABLES
which you will need to submit to the Australian                 Trolleys and grooming tables are to be kept within the
Taxation Office.                                                boundary of the judging area. They are not permitted
If you confirm you are registered for GST, in entering          to be kept in the walkways.
the competition, you acknowledge your agreement to              Due to risk management obligations, the use of
the following:                                                  cordless equipment is encouraged. Power will be
     • You will not issue a tax invoice to the RA&HS            available. No hydraulic tables. Electric tables
         in respect to prize money received;                    permitted.
     • You will notify the RA&HS if you cease to be
         registered for GST.                                    DEFINITIONS
If you provide your Australian Business Number but              Novice/Beginner
are not registered for GST, we will pay the prize               A groomer who has less than two years' experience in
money as detailed in the Prize Schedule without                 grooming which is defined as any groomer who has
reference to the GST.                                           used grooming equipment including but not limited to,
If you confirm you are entering as part of a private            clippers, scissors, stripping equipment or any other
recreational pursuit or hobby, we will pay the prize            type of grooming equipment. Any person who has
money as detailed in the Prize Schedule without                 been or is a bather/brusher technician for more than
reference to GST.                                               two years but has used the listed equipment for under
                                                                two years still qualifies as a novice. A novice groomer
IMPORTANT                                                       must move up to open when they have two years or
It is important that you either:                                more experience as per this definition or have won at
      • Confirm you are entering as part of a private           novice level competing against four or more
         recreational pursuit or hobby, or                      competitors. This applies to each class competed in.
      • Confirm you are entering as a GST registered            Attention Novices - if you are a beginner then Salon
         business and supply your ABN                           Styling may well be the class for you! No pressure and
Failure to do either of the above will cause the                you can do a groom that you are very comfortable
RA&HS to withhold 48.5% of your prize money in                  with whether you work in a salon, have a mobile or
accordance with Australian tax legislation.                     just starting out after completing a grooming course.
The RA&HS is not a tax consultant and therefore                 Open
assumes no liability for actions taken as a result              Groomers who have won a novice class or have over
of these guidelines. In any instances where an                  two years experience or a novice who voluntarily
entrant or sponsor is uncertain of the tax                      chooses this class. An open groomer must move up to
implications of their involvement, they should                  masters when they have won at this level competing
consult their own accountant or tax advisor.                    against four or more competitors. This applies to each
The Society makes every endeavour to ensure all                 class competed in.
prizes listed are accurate at the time of publishing.           Masters
Should a cash prize be withdrawn by a sponsor                   Groomers who have won in the open class or a first
subsequent to publishing, the prize will revert back to         place in the creative class or voluntary chooses this
the competitions default amount where applicable.               class (Certified Master Groomers do not have to enter
Vouchers, product or trophies withdrawn by a sponsor            at this level, they may choose open or masters level)
subsequent to publishing will not be replaced. It is the        TIME ALLOCATED
responsibility of the prize winner to follow-up with the        Groom out and tidy .......................... 1hr -1hr 30min
Society any sponsored prize (cash, voucher, product,            Full clip .................................. 1hr 30min – 1hr 45min
trophy) they believe they are entitled to prior to 30
November in the year of the prize being awarded. The            JUDGING TIMING SCHEDULE
Society will not follow-up prize sponsors after this date       Pre judging all classes - 30 minutes
or review any prizes that may have been incorrectly             Salon Freestyle/Asian Fusion
awarded.                                                        Under 30.4cms (12") .................................. 1hr 30min
                                                                30.4cms to 58.4cms (12" to 23") .................... 2 hours
POWDER                                                          Over 58.4cms (23") .................................. 2hrs 15min
The use of grooming powders inside the pavilion is              Gundog
not permitted.                                                  Under 40.6cms (16") .................................. 1hr 30min
                                                                Over 40.6cms (16") ........................................ 2 hours
LEADS                                                           Under 58.4cms (23") ..................... 2hrs for hand strip
Dogs must be brought to the Showground secured                  Over 58.4cms (23") ............ 2hrs 15min for hand strip
with a suitable lead no longer than 2m and                      Purebred Scissor Class
Owners/Handlers of exhibits shall maintain control              Under 30.4cms (12”) .................................. 1hr 30min
over exhibits at all times during the Show.                     30.4cms to 58.4cms (12” to 23”) .................... 2 hours
                                                                Over 58.4cm (23”) .................................... 2hrs 15min
EXERCISE PERIOD                                                 Hand Scissor (No blocking in with clippers)
Dogs may be exercised during the designated lunch               Bichons ........................................................... 2 hours
break at a time to be determined each day, depending            Kerry Blue ................................................. 2hrs 15min
on the progress of judging.                                     Terrier More
Dogs must be exercised only in the designated areas.            Under 40.6cms (16") .................................. 1hr 30min
                                                                Over 40.6cms (16") ........................................ 2 hours
                                                                Under 58.4cms (23") .................... 2hrs for hand strip
                                                                Over 58.4cm (23") ............. 2hrs 15min for hand strip

DOG GROOMING Royal Adelaide Show
Poodle                                                                •   Dye or colouring is not permitted. In salon
Under 30.4cms (12”) ................................. 1hr 30min           freestyle/Asian Freestyle class, glitter sprays and
30.4cm to 58.4cms (12” to 23”) ..................... 2 hours              a small amount of coloured chalk can be used for
Over 58.4cms (23”) ................................. 2hrs 15min           example blushed cheeks. Bows and neck attire
                                                                          can be fitted after groom is completed.
SPRAY UP                                                              •   All dogs must be on a lead or in a crate.
Spray up time is allocated to Scandinavian/Lion,                          Contestants will be held responsible for any
Continental and English Saddle trims. 15 mins will be                     damage caused by their dog.
added to total time. (Spray time inclusive, does not                  •   The ring steward’s role is to assist competitors
need to be done in 15 mins, done when suits groomer                       and ensure the competition runs on time and to
within the total time                                                     the rules specified. The ring steward is restricted
 • Competitors must provide their own equipment,                          from influencing any competitor.
     including tables, cordless clippers etc. (Please                 •   It is the Exhibitors responsibility to clean up after
     note that power is provided, but Exhibitors are                      your dog both inside and outside the venue, this
     encouraged to use cordless clippers.)                                includes faeces and hair removed from dog when
 • Competitors should have their dogs ready for the                       competing.
     judge’s inspection 30 minutes before their class
     begins.                                                          STRICTLY PROHIBITED IN THE RING
 • In fairness to other contestants, contestants who                   • No electronic devices of any type - this
     are late will not be allowed to compete.                             includes mobile phones, iPads and headsets
 • The judges will examine the dogs prior to the                       • Beverages not in spill proof containers, no
     start of the various classes to determine overall                    glass.
     cleanliness and the general condition of the coat.                • There is to be strictly NO coaching by anyone
     At this time, dogs with insufficient coat growth (6-                 at any time during the competition, including
     8 weeks), dogs with parasites or dogs that have                      toilet breaks and toileting of dogs
     been excessively pre-trimmed may be dismissed                     • Alcohol is not permitted on the Showground
     from the ring or allowed to continue but will not                    and may only be consumed in licenced areas.
     be included in the final judging.                                Groom requirements
 • A toilet break (for all) will be offered through the                • Groom out and tidy: Coat is to be fully groomed
     competition. The break will be chaperoned by the                     out, knot free and fluffed. Undercoat removed if
     judge/s.                                                             double coated or a shedding breed. Feet need to
     Contestant toilet breaks may be taken at any                         be trimmed, between eyes and fringe to be
     time, but the judge/s must be informed, and no                       trimmed to remove any hair impacting eyes and
     extra time will be allowed for grooming (dog must                    vision. Hair around the ear canal to be trimmed if
     remain in the ring with a replacement handler)                       required. Ear length to be neatened or trimmed if
 • Please follow the judge's instructions at all times.                   needed. Hygiene area to be clipped, anus area to
 • All dogs must be on a lead or in a crate. Dogs not                     be trimmed.
     participating in the Show will not be permitted in                • Full clip: Coat is to be trimmed all over, using
     the exhibit hall and should be left at home.                         clippers with a blade or attachment comb, length
     Contestants will be held responsible for any                         must be suitable for the breed/coat type. Feet
     damage caused by their dog.                                          need to be trimmed, between eyes and fringe to
General Rules                                                             be trimmed to remove any hair impacting eyes
 • In a class or competition level where there are                        and vision. Hair around the ear canal to be
     less than three contestants, those contestants                       trimmed if required. Face to be shaped with
     may, at the judges discretion, be offered a choice                   clippers, scissors and/or blenders. Ear length to
     of moving up to the next level or down to the next                   be neatened or trimmed if needed. Hygiene area
     level (provided they are within the criteria for that                to be clipped, anus area to be trimmed.
     level)                                                           Competition Dogs
 • Placings - the judge reserves the right to award                    • Dogs should not be left unattended when on
     placing on the merit of the grooms in front of                       tables.
     them (ie) if the judge feels the quality of the                   • Dogs should appear healthy and free of disease
     groom does not warrant a first place, they can                       and parasites and should show no signs of
     award a lesser placing or no placing at all.                         aggression.
 • No business establishment shall display its name                    • All dogs must have a minimum of six weeks
     in the ring.                                                         growth. Adequate coat, therefore, will be defined
 • Competitors will be ineligible to compete if                           as follows: the coat must be sufficient to allow the
     employed, coached or instructed by any judge                         groomer to make a distinct change in the dogs
     within the 12 weeks preceding the competition.                       appearance.
 • Photographs of contestants and/or dogs taken at                     • All dogs must be shampooed and brushed, nails
     the competition may be used for publication.                         clipped, ears cleaned and free from hair and
 • All clipping, scissoring, stripling or plucking                        genital areas pre-trimmed prior to the class
     should be done in the ring during the time frame                     starting (please inform the judge with a reason if
     given and not after time is called. No coaching                      any of the above cannot be performed)
     and/or comments/discussion from ringside are                      • Foot pads (underneath feet) may be pre-trimmed
     allowed and may result in the disqualification of                    and with Poodles, only the entire foot may be
     the exhibitor.                                                       clipped.

DOG GROOMING Royal Adelaide Show
•     Poodle's faces may be trimmed up to three                 glitter/bows, decorations, accessories, colouring -
      weeks before the competition but must be "fuzzy"          other than to enhance the natural colour of the dog's
      enough to demonstrate proper line set and                 coat, candling.
      clipper expertise. In the Creative Class, only the        Permitted - Holding sprays (provided the judge can
      feet and face may be pre done.                            comb through the coat), holding sprays and chalk for
 • A 3" x 3" (7.6 cm x 7.6 cm) printed picture without          the head to achieve breed profile (the judge will take
      writing is permissible in the contest ring.               this into account), chalk (provided the chalk does not
 • Any dog jumping or falling onto the floor or any             rub off on the judges hands in final judging). Sprays,
      minor cuts may result in disqualification but may         styling gels and chalk are limited to what is usually
      continue for critique only after the judge has            used in the conformation show ring and they can be
      deemed the dog is ok to continue.                         used prior and during the time allocated for the
 • Rough handling of any dog will not be tolerated              grooming competition only.
      and may result in immediately disqualification.           Grooming techniques permitted - clipping, snap on
Contestants                                                     combs, scissoring, thinning, hand stripping (see hand
 • Contestants must not have any conversation with              stripping rules to qualify), plucking and carding.
      any other person during the competition. If you           Hand stripped dogs - contestants may use clippers
      are finished within your timeframe, respect the           on the heads and ears of certain breeds if they wish,
      competitors who are still grooming and keep               but the body must be hand-stripped or plucked to
      quiet.                                                    acquire the hand stripping time limit for the height of
 • If assistance is needed, please notify a ring                the dog.
      steward.                                                  Hand stripped dogs must be hand stripped with the
 • Utmost respect for your fellow competitors must              appropriate tools or finger and thumb; visible pink or
      be shown at all times.                                    bald patches afterwards is undesirable. The hair must
                                                                always be removed with the lay of the coat and
 • All contestants must show sportsmanship
                                                                without pain. Rotated coats on hand-stripped dogs are
      towards all competitors, judges and show
                                                                acceptable, however the work done in the ring must
                                                                be sufficient to allow the groomer to make a distinct
 • Contestants will be required to wear closed toe
                                                                change in the dog's appearance. Thinning shears may
      shoes and dress appropriately in professional
                                                                be used to achieve desired look but not to excess.
      grooming clothing. Bringing your own grooming
                                                                Gundog Class
      jacket is suggested.
                                                                Not permitted - decorative objects, colour sprays,
What will the Judge/s be looking for?
                                                                glitter/bows, decorations, accessories, colouring -
     • Profile of the dog - emphasis on balance,                other than to enhance the natural colour of the dog's
          symmetry, on the dog’s profile, style and             coat.
          overall finished appearance.                          Permitted - Holding sprays (provided the judge can
     • Technical use and finish, the quality of the             comb through the coat), holding sprays and chalk for
          finish when using your equipment such as              the head to achieve breed profile (the judge will take
          clipping, scissoring, thinning, hand stripping,       this into account), chalk (provided the chalk does not
          plucking and carding.                                 rub off on the judges hands in final judging). Sprays,
     • The degree of difficulty, this can be based on           styling gels and chalk are limited to what is usually
          anything the judges sees from the start to the        used in the conformation show ring and they can be
          finished style. For example, correction of            used prior and during the time allocated for the
          faults, coat, type.                                   grooming competition only.
At the end of the Competition                                   Grooming techniques permitted - clipping, snap on
Contestants must stop all grooming procedures,                  combs, scissoring, thinning, hand stripping (see hand
except for combing, at the end of the competition.              stripping rules to qualify), plucking, carding and flat
Sprays or chalk may be applied, in small amounts,               irons.
after the competition time frame. Contestants should            Hand stripped dogs - contestants may use clippers
remove all hair, equipment and products from the                on the heads and ears of certain breeds if they wish,
grooming table. A comb should be placed on the table            but the body must be hand-stripped or plucked to
in front of the dog for the judge to use during the             acquire the hand stripping time limit for the height of
technical evaluation. Contestant should stack his/her           the dog.
dog to present to the judge. A table cloth can be               Hand stripped dogs must be hand stripped with the
placed on the table. Contestants may comb their dogs            appropriate tools or finger and thumb; visible pink or
before and after the judge has evaluated their dog/s.           bald patches afterwards is undesirable. The hair must
Best in Show, Runner Up in Show and Shining                     always be removed with the lay of the coat and
Star Award                                                      without pain. Rotated coats on hand-stripped dogs are
Best in Group winners from each class are required to           acceptable, however the work done in the ring must
come back for the judging of Best in Show and Best in           be sufficient to allow the groomer to make a distinct
Show Runner Up, all competitors are eligible for the            change in the dog's appearance. Thinning shears may
Shining Star Award. BIS line up contenders will be              be used to achieve desired look but not to excess.
allocated 10-15min to freshen up their grooms before
judging. During this time, combing, spraying, thinning
and scissoring is allowed but no clipping or stripping is
to be done.
Terrier & More Classes
Not permitted - decorative objects, colour sprays,

DOG GROOMING Royal Adelaide Show
What will the judge be looking for in clipping/                  Grooming techniques permitted - clipping, snap on
thinning?                                                        combs, scissoring, thinning, flat and curling irons.
 • The suitability of the trim and how it conforms to            Salon Styling
      the accepted breed standard and profile.                   This class is for you to show your salon grooming
 • The quality of the clippers work, whether the                 talent. This is a free for all class with the idea of
      clipped areas have been clipped with the                   styling your dog in a salon trim or NOT in its own
      appropriate blade, whether they are neat and               breed standard. You may style a purebreed to look
      smooth and any clipper lines are straight.                 like another breed or you can make your crossbreed
 • The quality, uniformity and smoothness of the                 look like a purebreed. Use a combination or be
      scissoring and/or thinning.                                creative with your teddy trims eg Poodle styled like a
 • On scissored breeds, whether the finish is plush              Kerry Blue, Poodle x Maltese styled like a Bichon or a
      velvet and free of scissor marks and whether the           Bichon styled in a teddy trim - the choice is yours.
      legs are scissored evenly and if sufficient fullness       Trims must be based on what you would do in the
      to balance the dog, whether the head is properly           salon every day. Poodles can be entered in this class
      trimmed and balanced.                                      if a trim is being done based on a pet style and must
 • On breeds with eyebrows or falls and beards,                  not resemble the accepted trims in the poodle class.
      whether the trimming is correct and points up the          Not permitted –Decorative objects, such as bows,
      distinctive features which characterise the breed.         beads and glitter are not permitted, airbrushing,
 • On Spaniels and other sporting breeds, if all                 precolouring, full body colour, bleaching or colour
      other criteria are equal preference will be given to       lifting, heavy use of product such as chalks, holding
      backs that are carded and thinned rather than              sprays, mousse, gels etc
      clipped.                                                   Permitted – mixed breed and purebred dogs, Small
 • The overall finished appearance with emphasis                 amount of holding sprays (limited use, no more than
      on balance, symmetry and the smoothness the                what you would use on a pet in a salon environment),
      originality and execution of the clip and its              blo pens and coloured chalk may be used in the
      suitability to the dog's conformation.                     competition to change or highlight a breed trim that is
                                                                 different to the true breed of the dog being used eg. A
 • If clippers are used, the quality of work and
                                                                 white dog can be given natural colour to create a
      whether the clipped areas look neat and smooth.
                                                                 traditional pattern in line with the breed standard of
 • If scissors or thinning shears are used, the
                                                                 the chosen breed trim.
      quality, uniformity and smoothness of the work.
                                                                 Grooming techniques permitted - clipping, snap on
 • The overall finished appearance, emphasis on                  combs, scissoring, thinning, hand stripping, plucking,
      balance, symmetry and smoothness of finish.                carding, flat and curling irons.
All Other Purebred Class                                         Asian Fusion
Dogs must be groomed to fit breed profile such as                Asian Fusion grooming, also referred to as ‘Asian
what you would see in the conformation ring. For                 Freestyle’, is a creative grooming style that has
example, Shih Tzu is to be styled as per the show ring           displays a unique and charming cut that seeks to give
but not as a scissored teddy bear trim or pet trim (you          our pets a fun-loving look like that of a stuffed teddy
would enter this in the Salon Freestyle). All terriers           bear. Asian fusion options also include spiral patterns,
without wire hand stripped coats are to be entered in            carving, flared legs, mushroom heads, donut muzzles,
this class. Non hand-stripped coats (ie) Kerry Blue,             koala ears, cone heads, blushed cheeks, top knots
Soft Coated Wheaten terrier, Lagotto Romagnolo,                  and curled ears etc. Trims in this class must have
Portuguese Water Dog and Irish Water Spaniel.                    obvious Asian influenced elements.
Times for Bichon Frise - for a complete hand scissor,            Not permitted – Full coat colouring, anything that
meaning no snap on combs or blades to be used at all             restricts the dog’s movements.
except for the eye area, groin and anus. Time allowed            Permitted – Mixed breed and purebred dogs, holding
Bichons- 2 hours, KBT – 2 hours 15 minutes. For all              sprays (provided the judge can comb through the
others (ie) snap on combs and blades as well as                  coat), Glitter sprays and a small amount of coloured
scissors used, the time allowed is allocated based on            chalk can be used for example blushed cheeks, Dyed
height. The judge must be notified of your intentions            ears and tails. Bows, bowties, clothing and neck attire
prior to the start of the competition.                           etc can be fitted after groom is completed. Props may
Not permitted - Decorative objects, such as bows,                be used for judging presentation but must not interfere
beads and glitter are not permitted with the exception           with the judge or the dog.
of those permitted in the conformation show ring for             Grooming techniques permitted - clipping, snap on
the drop coated breed head piece, such as the                    combs, scissoring, thinning, hand stripping, plucking,
Yorkshire Terrier, Maltese and Shih Tzu. Colouring,              carding, flat and curling irons.
other than to enhance the natural colour of the dog's            Poodle Class
coat.                                                            Sizes permitted: Toy, Miniature and Standard
Permitted - Holding sprays (provided the judge can               Trims permitted: Continental, Historically Correct
comb through the coat), holding sprays and chalk for             Continental (HCC), English Saddle,
the headpiece to achieve breed profile (the judge will           Scandinavian/Lion trim, German, Modern.
take this into account), chalk (provided the chalk does          Not permitted: decorative objects, colour sprays,
not rub off on the judges hands in final judging).               glitter/ bows, decorations, accessories, colouring,
Sprays, styling gels and chalk are limited to what is            other than to enhance the natural colour of the dog’s
usually used in the conformation show ring and they              coat.
can be used prior and during the time allocated for the
grooming competition only.

Permitted: Holding sprays (provided the judge can             •     Whether the groomer has used a blade
comb through the coat) Holding sprays and chalk for                 complimentary to the coat (if there is no pattern
the headpiece to achieve breed profile (the judge will              and the body is clipped overall)
take this into account) chalk (provided the chalk does         • Whether the feet, face and tail are clipped with
not rub off on the judge’s hands in final judging).                 the appropriate blade.
Sprays, styling gels and chalk is limited to what is           • Whether the clipper lines on the face are straight
usually used in the conformation show ring and they                 and the clipper work is smooth with no tufts of
can be used prior and during the time allocated for the             hair around the lips or eye corners.
grooming comp only.                                            • Whether the feet are clipped clean between the
Face: can be clipped during the competition                         toes and pads.
Feet: the entire foot can be clipped before the class.         • The quality, uniformity and smoothness of the
Topknots: Scissored or banded topknots are                          scissoring, whether the finish is like that of plush
permitted. Banded spray ups are required for the                    velvet, free of scissor marks. Whether the legs
Scandinavian/Lion, English Saddle and Continental                   are scissored evenly and are of sufficient fullness
trims. All banded topknots can be banded prior to the               to balance the dog. Whether the topknot and tail
time frame of the competition. Completion of the                    are properly shaped and in balance to each
head/spray up to be completed during the timeframe.                 other.
15 minutes will be added to times when spray up is             • The degree of difficulty of the clip. This does not
required.                                                           mean that fancy patterns should necessarily take
What will the judge be looking for?                                 precedence since scissor trims can be just as
 • The suitability of the trim to the dog's                         difficult with certain coat textures.
     conformation and breed profile.                          The dog's overall finished appearance with the
 • The quality of the clipper work.                           emphasis on balance, symmetry and smoothness of
 • Whether the pattern is placed correctly and                finish. The trim should hold together when a comb is
     evenly and clipped with the appropriate blade.           passed through the coat
 • Whether the clipped lines are definite and straight
     and neatly bevelled where they meet the body


                                               TERRIERS & MORE
          Terrier & More, Novice.                                        Terrier & More, Master.
          First: Ribbon; Second: Ribbon; Third: Ribbon                   First: Ribbon; Second: Ribbon; Third: Ribbon
          sponsored by Mojo's Grooming Shed                              sponsored by Mojo's Grooming Shed

          Terrier & More, Open.                                BEST IN GROUP - TERRIER AND MORE
          First: Ribbon; Second: Ribbon; Third: Ribbon         Product ($76.15) sponsored by Elanco Animal Health
          sponsored by Mojo's Grooming Shed

          Asian, Novice.                                                 Asian, Master.
          First: Ribbon; Second: Ribbon; Third: Ribbon                   First: Ribbon; Second: Ribbon; Third: Ribbon
          sponsored by Mojo's Grooming Shed                              sponsored by Mojo's Grooming Shed

          Asian, Open.                                         BEST IN GROUP - ASIAN
          First: Ribbon; Second: Ribbon; Third: Ribbon         Product ($76.15) sponsored by Elanco Animal Health
          sponsored by Mojo's Grooming Shed

                                   ALL OTHER PUREBREDS - SCISSOR
          All Other Purebreds Scissor Class, Novice.                     All Other Purebreds Scissor Class, Master.
          First: Ribbon; Second: Ribbon; Third: Ribbon                   First: Ribbon; Second: Ribbon; Third: Ribbon
          sponsored by Mojo's Grooming Shed                              sponsored by Mojo's Grooming Shed

          All Other Purebreds Scissor Class, Open              BEST IN GROUP - ALL OTHER PUREBREDS SCISSOR
          First: Ribbon; Second: Ribbon; Third: Ribbon         Product ($76.15) sponsored by Elanco Animal Health
          sponsored by Mojo's Grooming Shed

         Poodle, Novice.                                                Poodle, Master.
         First: Ribbon; Second: Ribbon; Third: Ribbon                   First: Ribbon; Second: Ribbon; Third: Ribbon
         sponsored by Mojo's Grooming Shed                              sponsored by Mojo's Grooming Shed

         Poodle, Open                                          BEST IN GROUP - POODLE
         First: Ribbon; Second: Ribbon; Third: Ribbon          Product ($76.15) sponsored by Elanco Animal Health
         sponsored by Mojo's Grooming Shed

                                                SALON STYLING
         Salon Styling, Novice.                                         Salon Styling, Master.
         First: Ribbon; Second: Ribbon; Third: Ribbon                   First: Ribbon; Second: Ribbon; Third: Ribbon
         sponsored by Mojo's Grooming Shed                              sponsored by Mojo's Grooming Shed

         Salon Styling, Open.                                  BEST IN GROUP - SALON STYLING
         First: Ribbon; Second: Ribbon; Third: Ribbon          Product ($76.15) sponsored by Elanco Animal Health
         sponsored by Mojo's Grooming Shed


         Gundog, Novice.                                             Gundog, Master.
         First: Ribbon; Second: Ribbon; Third: Ribbon                First: Ribbon; Second: Ribbon; Third: Ribbon
         sponsored by Mojo's Grooming Shed                           sponsored by Mojo's Grooming Shed

         Gundog, Open.                                      BEST IN GROUP - GUNDOG
         First: Ribbon; Second: Ribbon; Third: Ribbon       Product ($76.15) sponsored by Elanco Animal Health
         sponsored by Mojo's Grooming Shed

                                              SPECIAL AWARDS
Product ($131) sponsored by Elanco Animal Health            THE ELANCO ANIMAL HEALTH PRIZE
                                                            SHINING STAR AWARD
THE ELANCO ANIMAL HEALTH PRIZE                              Product ($131) sponsored by Elanco Animal Health
Product ($50) sponsored by Elanco Animal Health             OWNER OF "IN SHOW" GROOMED DOG




                Elanco Australasia
               Mojo’s Grooming Shed

           You can too!
        For as liTTle as $50.
            To find out more please contact:
        Karen Holthouse, Sponsorship Manager

Ph: 08 8210 5255 or visit
Animal Exhibitors Public Liability Insurance (Explanation )
WHEREAS The Royal and Horticultural Society of South Australia Inc. has agreed to effect a Public Liability insurance
for certain Animal Exhibitors at the 2021 Adelaide Show, the following applies:-

Insured Party                Animal and Livestock Exhibitors participating in competitions and events

Period of                    From seven days prior to the Show until seven days thereafter

Insured Activities           All activities undertaken whilst within and from the confines of the event venue consistent
                             with the Insured’s livestock exhibit activity including setting up and removal

Description of Cover Insurance in respect of the Insured Party’s liability to pay costs and compensation in respect
                             of loss of or damage to third party property and death of or injury to third party persons
                             caused by and arising out of the Insured activities, all subject to the RAHSSA’s policy terms,
                             conditions, exclusions and warranties, etc.

Amount of Cover              $10,000,000 any one occurrence

Deductible                   $10,000 any one occurrence

Geographic                   At and from the event venue

Claims Payable               Worldwide excluding claims made USA and Canada

Insurer(s)                   Primary – $10,000,000                           Lloyds of London

Important                    The Insured Party must exercise reasonable care to maintain all premises, fittings and plant
                             in sound condition.

                             The Insured Party must take all reasonable precautions to prevent injury and damage to
                             persons and property.
                             The Insured Party must give immediate notice of an incident which may give rise to a claim
                             or of receipt of advice of a claim.
                             The Insured Party must not make any admission, offer or promise in connection with any
                             claim and must not any time admit liability.

                             The Insured Party must made themselves aware of and comply with the following Notices:-

                              Duty of Disclosure Before you enter into a contract of General insurance with an insurer,
                              you have a duty, under the Insurance Contracts Act 1984 as amended, to disclose to the
                              insurer every matter that you know, or could reasonably be expected to know, is relevant
                              to the insurer's decision whether to accept the risk of the insurance and, if so, on what
                              You have the same duty to disclose these matters to the insurer before you renew,
                              extend, vary or reinstate a contract of General insurance.
                              Your duty however, does not require disclosure of matter:-
                                  that diminishes the risk to be undertaken by the insurer
                                  that is of common knowledge
                                  that your insurer knows or, in the ordinary course of his business, ought to know.
Non-Disclosure If you fail to comply with your duty of disclosure, the insurer may be
    entitled to reduce his liability under the contract in respect of a claim or may cancel the
     If your non-disclosure is fraudulent, the insurer may also have the option of avoiding
     the contract from its beginning.
     Average Provision The insurer will pay legal expenses in addition to the sum insured, if
     however, the total amount of the loss (less legal expenses) ultimately paid to the
     claimant(s) exceeds the sum insured then insurers will only pay (in addition to the sum
     insured) that proportion of the legal expenses as the sum insured bears to the loss.
     Third Party Interests This policy will only provide cover for your interest and does not
     cover the interests of any third party (e.g. financiers, lessors, etc) unless the interests of
     the third party are noted in the policy.
     Waiver of Insurer's Rights You must not enter into any agreement without the
     written authority of the insurer whereby any of their rights to which they become
     entitled as your insurer after settling or agreeing to settle a claim are prejudiced or
     limited in any way otherwise all benefit under the policy will be forfeited.

NOTE      1.    All enquiries to be referred to Arthur J Gallagher Insurance Brokers

                Tel. no. (02) 9424 1888
          2.    CLAIMS
                (a)    No admission of liability or fault may be made in any form to a claimant.
                       To do so may breach the policy conditions and enable insurers to avoid
                (b)    Any notice of a potential or actual claim must be referred immediately to
                       Arthur J Gallagher Insurance Brokers
          3.    Nothing herein shall be construed to alter in any way the scope of insurance
                policy, its terms, conditions or exclusions, issued by insurers.
          4.    RAHSSA is not liable to the Insured Party in the event a claim is not paid or
                payable by Insurers unless RAHSSA fails to take reasonable steps to advise that
                the cover is or is likely to be cancelled or not renewed.
          5.    RAHSSA is not an Australian Financial Services (AFS) Licence holder. RAHSSA
                is not providing financial product advice, has not considered the particular needs
                of the Insured party and no statement is intended to influence a person or
                persons making a decision in relation to any insurance cover. You should
                consider obtaining your own financial product advice from person holding an AFS
          6.    This insurance only applies to insured parties entering competition in accordance
                with the general regulations.

The details listed above are not comprehensive and are provided as an outline of the
policy only. Extracts from the policy are available for inspection on request at RAHSSA’s
Registered Offices during office hours.
Royal Agricultural & Horticultural Society of SA
                Competitive Exhibitor – Royal Adelaide Show
                                           Conditions of Entry
Competitors must notify the Area/Pavilion Supervisor or the Venue Control Centre immediately of any
hazards detected. Hazards are any situation which has the potential to cause:
1. Injury, illness or death to people or animals either immediately or in the future
2. Damage or destruction to property

Competitors must notify the Area/Pavilion Supervisor or the Venue Control Centre immediately an incident
occurs which has resulted in:
1. The injury, illness or death of any person or animal
2. The damage, destruction or loss of property
3. A near miss incident that could have resulted in the consequences listed in 1 and 2

All waste including liquids must be disposed of responsibly and placed in the appropriate bin or receptacle.
Storm drains must not be used for the disposal of any waste.

All areas must be kept in a clean and tidy order with clearly defined and available access and exit routes at
all times. Build-up of combustible waste must be avoided.
Care must be taken to minimise trip hazards and obstacles that people may walk into.

The RA&HS are to be advised of all hazardous materials that are brought onto the Showground.
Appropriate warning signs and Safety Data Sheets (SDS) will need to be provided before allowing these
materials on site. SDS are to be available onsite and provided immediately upon request by an RA&HS

Any public comment on emergencies, incidents or other venue matters should only come from the RA&HS.
The key media spokesperson for the RA&HS is the Marketing Manager.

It is important to ensure your own safety and that of all other site personnel, visitors and general
public at the Adelaide Showground.

All competitors have a “Duty of Care” to avoid exposing themselves or other people to situations which
could lead to injury. This “Duty of Care” extends to the prevention of damage to property.

1. Release
    Entry to and remaining on the Showground is entirely at the risk of the Exhibitor and to the maximum
    extent permitted by law, the Exhibitor releases the Society (which term includes in this clause the
    Society’s officers, employees, members and agents), from all claims and demands of every kind
    resulting from any accident, damage or injury occurring at the Showground, and without limitation, the
    Exhibitor acknowledges:
       a) the Society has no responsibility or liability for any loss, damage or injury to or caused by any
       b) the Society has no responsibility or liability for any loss, damage or injury to or caused by any
            Exhibitor, his or her family, invitees and Agents;
       c) the Society has no responsibility or liability for any loss, damage or injury to a Motor Vehicle or
            any of its contents whilst it is located on the Showground; and

June 2020                                              1
d) without limiting Regulations 1 (a) and 1 (b) above, the Society has no responsibility or liability for
             any loss, damage or injury resulting from the sale, treatment, failure to treat, destruction,
             disposal or other dealing with any Exhibit, or for loss, damage or injury to any personal
             belongings, equipment or property brought onto the Showground.
2.   Indemnity
     To the maximum extent permitted by law, the Exhibitor must indemnify and keep indemnified the
     Society and its officers, employees, members and agents from and against all actions, claims,
     demands, losses, damages, costs, expenses and liabilities including without limitation, consequential
     loss and loss of profits for which the Society is or may be or become liable in respect of or arising from:
        a) loss, damage or injury to any person in connection with the Exhibit or the relevant Event;
        b) without limiting Regulation 2(a), loss, damage or injury to any other Exhibit or Exhibitor, his or
             her family, invitees, Agents, or to the property of the Society, or its members, or to the general
             public, caused or contributed to or by any act or omission of an Exhibit of the Exhibitor or by the
             Exhibitor, his or her family, invitees or Agents; and
        c) without limiting Regulation 2(a), loss, damage or injury to the Exhibit, or the Exhibitor, his or her
             family, invitees, or Agents caused or contributed by an act or omission of an Exhibit of the
             Exhibitor or by the transportation, feeding or housing of an Exhibit of the Exhibitor.
3.   Removal from Showground
     Without prejudice to any other provision in these Regulations, where the Society, its officers,
     employees, members or agents removes an Exhibit, or causes an Exhibit to be removed from the
     Showground, the Exhibit is removed or caused to be removed entirely at the risk of the Exhibitor. The
     person or persons removing the Exhibit will be deemed to be the agent of the Exhibitor, and his or her
     acts and omissions will be deemed to be the acts and omissions of the Exhibitor.
4.   Insurance
     The Society will arrange Animal Exhibitors Public Liability insurance cover for all Exhibitors of Exhibits
     being animals. The Exhibitor is bound by the terms and conditions of this insurance and by Statutory
     Duties as defined under the Insurance Contracts Act (1984). Details of the Animal Exhibitors Public
     Liability insurance are set out in the Relevant Schedule. The Society does not insure first party loss,
     damage or injury to Exhibits, and Exhibitors should consider purchasing insurance if required.
5.   Personal effects
     The Society has no responsibility or liability for any loss or damage caused to personal belongings,
     equipment or property which is brought onto the Showground by an Exhibitor, his or her family, invitees
     or Agents.

Emergency information and Emergency Assembly Points for the various animal pavilions and
stables will be included with Exhibitor List of Entries and Notice to Exhibitor notifications.
Competitors should be familiar with these plans.

During the Royal Adelaide Show, St John provides First Aid Services but it is suggested that competitors
have a basic First Aid kit for minor medical requirements.
St John is not in attendance after public hours.
For emergency contact details, check Notice Boards for onsite assistance or dial 000 for a medical

Firefighting and other emergency equipment must not be removed or used for any other purpose. Missing
or unserviceable equipment should be reported to the Venue Control Centre immediately.

The Royal Adelaide Show is a smoke free event. Smoking is only permitted in designated locations.

The RA&HS Traffic Management Policy imposes restrictions within the Showground. Maximum speed for
all vehicles on the Showground is10 km/h or as indicated by staff, permits or signs.
Permitted vehicles to only be driven on the Showground during public hours in exceptional circumstances
as detailed on approved vehicle permit.
Conditions of entry will be provided with the issue of Vehicle Entry Permits.

June 2020                                               2
1. All electrical cords and electrical appliances should be tested and tagged as per Australian Standards
2. Removal of all untagged electrical equipment will be required or costs levied to exhibitors regarding
   any equipment without a current inspection tag.
3. Power boards with overload protection and appropriate tagging can be used.
4. The use of double adaptors is strictly prohibited.
5. Appliances and power cables must not be used or laid through any area that may become wet.
6. Power cables must not be laid across walkways, paths, roads or any area where damage could occur
   to the cable.
7. Bar (resistance) heaters are strictly prohibited.
8. Light sockets must not be used for any other purpose
9. In external areas only, extension leads that are Heavy Duty Rated may be used.

For further information regarding conditions of entry to the Adelaide Showground please click on the link


June 2020                                            3

     A rewarding and meaningful legacy
        that will benef it generations of
               South Australians

For further information
please contact the Society on
(08) 8210 5211 or visit
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