Doctor guide - Momentum Provider

Page created by Billy Garcia
Doctor guide - Momentum Provider
doctor guide

Doctor guide - Momentum Provider
2   Introduction

4   Healthcare Product Range

6   Primary Care Networks

    8    Management of benefits

         10   Primary billing codes and reimbursement levels
         11   List of minor procedures covered

    12   GP as coordinator of care

         13   Profiling and peer review

    14   Operational processes

         14    Claims
         15    Chronic registration process
         18    Chronic registration form
         20    Medicine formularies
         48    Specialist referral process
         49    Specialist referral form
         50    Pathology applicable codes
         53    Pathology request form
         54    Radiology applicable codes
         58    Radiology request form
         59    List of hospitals

62 Momentum - Health4Me

65 Momentum Add-on Products

69 Why Momentum Health?

72 Provider support
Doctor guide - Momentum Provider
Introduction                                        The purpose of this guide is to share
                                                        details of Momentum Health and
                                                        Momentum products with you, to help
                                                        you serve our members.

                                                        Momentum Health will no longer be
                                                        using the services of Prime Cure and
                                                        CareCross for benefit management on
                                                        our Ingwe and Access options. Instead,
        Ingwe an
                d Acces
                       s non-s
                                                        these services will be provided by the
                              tudent m
                                                        administrator of Momentum Health.

                                                        We also include details on Momentum’s
                                                        newly launched healthcare cover for
                                                        low-income employees, Health4Me.

              Ingwe and Access student members

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Doctor guide - Momentum Provider
Healthcare Product Range
Healthcare Product Range

                                Product range   Health4Me                            Ingwe Option                         Access Option
                                                Insurance-based Cover                Major Medical Benefit                Major Medical Benefit
                                      Benefit   Accident cover: In-hospital and      Specialists covered up to 100%       Specialists covered up to 100%
                                                emergency transport                  of Momentum Health Rate              of Momentum Health Rate
                                                Daily hospital benefit               Hospital accounts covered in full    Hospital accounts covered in full
                                                Functional impairment benefit        at negotiated rate                   at negotiated rate
                                                Funeral benefit                      Limited to R950 000 per family       No overall annual limit applies
                                                                                     per year

                                     Provider   Only accident related emergency      Ingwe Network or State               Access Network hospitals
                                                treatment - Any hospital             hospitals

                                                Chronic Benefit                      Chronic Benefit                      Chronic Benefit
                                      Benefit   5 conditions covered on the          26 conditions - no annual limit      26 conditions - no annual limit
                                                Comprehensive Option                 applies                              applies

                                     Provider   Momentum Primary Care                Ingwe Primary Care providers         Access Primary Care providers
                                                Day-to-day Benefit                   Day-to-day Benefit                   Day-to-day Benefit
                                      Benefit   Primary care (such as doctors        Primary care (such as doctors        Primary care (such as doctors
                                                visits, prescribed medicine, etc.)   visits, prescribed medicine, etc.)   visits, prescribed medicine, etc.)
                                                Secondary care (Specialist visits)   Secondary care (Specialist visits)   Secondary care (Specialist visits)

                                     Provider   Momentum Primary Care                Ingwe Primary Care providers         Access Primary Care providers
                                                HealthSaver                          HealthSaver                          HealthSaver
                                      Benefit   Not applicable                       Members can add more                 Members can add more
                                                                                     cover for medical expenses           cover for medical expenses
                                                                                     by choosing to contribute an         by choosing to contribute an
                                                                                     additional amount that suits         additional amount that suits
                                                                                     their needs and pocket               their needs and pocket

Doctor guide - Momentum Provider
Healthcare Product Range
Custom Option                       Incentive Option                    Extender Option                     Summit Option
Major Medical Benefit               Major Medical Benefit               Major Medical Benefit               Major Medical Benefit
Associated specialists covered      Associated specialists covered      Associated specialists covered      Associated specialists covered
in full                             in full                             in full                             in full
Other specialists covered up to     Other specialists covered up to     Other specialists covered up to     Other specialists covered up to
100% of Momentum Health Rate
Hospital accounts covered in full   200% of Momentum Health Rate        200% of Momentum Health Rate        300% of Momentum Health Rate
at negotiated rate                  Hospital accounts covered in full   Hospital accounts covered in full   Hospital accounts covered in full
No overall annual limit applies     at negotiated rate                  at negotiated rate                  at negotiated rate
R1 000 co-payment applies           No overall annual limit applies     No overall annual limit applies     No overall annual limit applies

Any or Associated hospitals         Any or Associated hospitals         Any or Associated hospitals         Any hospital

Chronic Benefit                     Chronic Benefit                     Chronic Benefit                     Chronic Benefit
26 conditions - no annual limit     26 conditions - no annual limit     26 conditions - no annual limit     26 conditions - no annual limit
applies                             applies. Additional 6 conditions    applies. Additional 36 conditions   applies. Additional 36 conditions
                                    limited to R7 000 per family        limited to R7 000 per family        accumulate to the overall
                                                                                                            day-to-day limit of R17 700 per

Any , Associated or State           Any , Associated or State           Any , Associated or State           Freedom-of-choice

Day-to-day Benefit                  Day-to-day Benefit                  Day-to-day Benefit                  Day-to-day Benefit
The HealthSaver can be added        Savings 10% of total                Savings 25% of total                Paid from risk benefit, subject to
to provide cover for day-to-day     contribution                        contribution plus Extended          overall day-to-day limit of
healthcare needs                                                        Cover                               R17 700 per beneficiary.
                                                                                                            This is a combined limit
                                                                                                            incorporating both day-to-day
                                                                                                            cover and cover for the 36
                                                                                                            additional chronic conditions.

Any, if HealthSaver available       Any                                 Any or Associated                   Freedom-of-choice

HealthSaver                         HealthSaver                         HealthSaver                         HealthSaver
Members can add more                Members can add more                Members can add more                Members can add more
cover for medical expenses          cover for medical expenses          cover for medical expenses          cover for medical expenses
by choosing to contribute an        by choosing to contribute an        by choosing to contribute an        by choosing to contribute an
additional amount that suits        additional amount that suits        additional amount that suits        additional amount that suits
their needs and pocket              their needs and pocket              their needs and pocket              their needs and pocket

Doctor guide - Momentum Provider
Primary Care
Primary Care Networks

Doctor guide - Momentum Provider
Momentum Health has launched                         The main objectives of our primary care networks are to:

                                                        — Instil the GP as the primary caregiver, providing the appropriate
   its own Primary Care Networks                          level of care and coordinating all related healthcare needs.

                                                                                                                                  Primary Care Networks
   for the Ingwe and Access                             — Ensure seamless, standardised integration of Momentum Health’s
                                                          benefits for our members.
   Options. In order to achieve the                     — Lower the existing administration burden on your practice and to
                                                          ensure quick payment turnaround times.
   goal of quality and cost effective
                                                        — Establish different GP reimbursement levels, linked to appropriate
   care, you as our network doctor                        levels of care and treatment outcomes.

   become the primary coordinator
   of care for these patients.

The Momentum Health commitment:
— Weekly claims reimbursement
— Performance based reimbursement
       –   Fee per consultation for dispensing providers, inclusive of the
           dispensing of acute medication
       –   Fee per consultation for non-dispensing providers that are required to
           prescribe according to the Momentum Acute Formulary
       –   An additional fee will be payable for consultations where minor
           procedures were performed - a specific tariff code is to be used in these
       –   Chronic registrations are also reimbursed once-off per patient
— Less admin hassle through electronic member validation, claim submission,
  payment reconciliation, chronic registration and specialist referrals, etc.
— Resolve all network practice enquiries effectively, within a 48-hour timeframe

What is your responsibility as the doctor?
— To provide clinically appropriate and cost-effective treatment to members
                                                                                        Please note:
— Where clinically indicated, to operate within the Scheme’s protocols,                 1. Doctors are accommodated
  formularies and referral processes, and the Scheme’s benefit structures                  whether they are dispensing
                                                                                           doctors or scripting doctors. The
— To submit all claims in the electronically prescribed format to the applicable
                                                                                           reimbursement structure differs
  destination with the relevant tariff codes and ICD-10 codes
                                                                                           per option and per service type
— To bill according to the agreed fee and to undertake not to balance bill or              (higher rate for scripting doctors).
  charge members any additional fees outside this agreed fee structure for the             Doctors are also paid for any minor
  services covered by the Momentum option                                                  procedures performed in their
— To abide by Momentum DSP arrangements with other healthcare disciplines                  rooms inclusive of the consultation.
  and/or benefits
                                                                                        2. A doctor cannot belong to both
— To obtain the necessary authorisation where applicable according to the                  networks at the same time,
  Momentum protocols                                                                       however, Ingwe doctors are allowed
— To prescribe medication within the Momentum formularies, unless prior                    to see Access members. Access
  authorisation has been obtained from Momentum, and to inform any member                  doctors may not see Ingwe patients.
  requesting any medication or benefits that fall outside the applicable benefits
                                                                                        3. Both parties agree to a written
  that it will be for his/her personal account
                                                                                           termination notification of three
Members are entitled to primary, secondary and tertiary care (refer to detailed            calendar months.
benefit structure online).

Doctor guide - Momentum Provider
Management of benefits
                        Primary care benefits                                             The reimbursement structure
Primary Care Networks

                        Primary care benefits include the following:                      As the general practitioner, you can be reimbursed for one of
                                                                                          the following services:
                        — Medication (acute and chronic) – a formulary applies (see
                          page 20 for more details)                                       — Consultation only (including medication if self-dispensing)
                        — GP visits                                                       — Consultation with small procedure tariff (including
                               –   You are required to obtain an authorisation where        consumables)
                                   the same member visits within 4 days of the            — Chronic registration
                                   previous visit                                         Your claims will be reviewed and a quarterly adjustment could
                               –   You are required to obtain authorisation after the     be made to the profile category, which in turn may affect the
                                   10th visit of a member                                 level of reimbursement of claims.
                        — HIV benefits
                        — Health Platform benefits are not additional, but included in
                          the standard primary care benefits.                             Provider website
                        — Pathology benefits – a specific list applies (see page 50 for
                          the applicable codes)                                           The updated provider web address is
                        — Radiology – a specific list applies (see page 54 for the
                          applicable codes)
                                                                                          Please visit the Momentum Health provider website and
                        — Dental benefits                                                 logon as a provider. You will have access to all the information
                        — Optical benefits                                                previously available, plus the new features relevant to the low
                                                                                          cost delivery system, i.e.:
                        — Out of area or after-hours emergencies (allow out of
                          network claims)                                                 — Member/Beneficiary validation
                                                                                          — Benefit checking/booking
                                                                                          — Formulary checking
                                                                                          — Authorisation request
                                                                                          — Chronic registration
                                                                                          — Requesting blood work for a patient
                                                  The GP                                  — Referral of the member for x-rays
                                                                                          — Referral to a specialist
                                                   is the                                 — Information on how to join the Momentum Health primary
                                                coordinator                                 Care Network for non-contracted doctors

                                                  of care                                 Email queries
                                                                                          You can email any queries to

                                                                                          Telephonic queries
                                                                                          You can contact the call centre on 0860 11 78 59

Doctor guide - Momentum Provider
Disease management/chronic registration
Secondary and tertiary care

                                                                                                                                      Primary Care Networks
                                                                    Normal disease management principles will apply whereby
benefits                                                            members are registered for a condition and the relevant
                                                                    treatment plan is generated. The treatment plan will not
                                                                    include benefits that fall outside the network arrangements as
As GP, you are responsible to refer members to the specialist       well as the relevant formularies.
where required. In the case of hospitalisation, the member/
provider is required to obtain an authorisation.                    Chronic patients will have to select a GP for chronic treatment
                                                                    and scripts for the condition can only be prescribed by this
Key principles
                                                                    Associated specialist
Doctor nomination                                                   Momentum Health has negotiated with certain specialists,
                                                                    referred to as Associated specialists. These specialists
Members are required to nominate a GP as their preferred GP.
                                                                    charge the Momentum Health Rate and do not balance bill
These nominations:
                                                                    our members. Logon to to
— are stored to use in the profiling of the doctor                  search for Associated specialists per discipline and town.
                                                                    Alternatively, you can call the provider call centre on
— don’t restrict the member to only that doctor
                                                                    0860 11 78 59.
— don’t expire

Pre-authorisation and referrals
You are required to obtain authorisation for members:

— who already had 10 visits
— who visit them within 4 days of a previous visit regardless
  of the reason for the visit.

As the coordinator of care, you will remain responsible for all
services provided to the member. The profiling of the practice
will be done on this basis.

— You may refer the member for blood work.
  This referral can be done in numerous ways, based on
  your preference. The laboratory will supply a request form
  with a bar code/number that can be used, or you can
  submit the request directly to the lab through your practice
  management software. Refer to the Pathology Request
  Form on page 53.
— The referral of a member for x-rays is still very much
  paper based, however the targeted systems can potentially
  be enhanced to also cater for electronic referrals. We
  provide you with a referral form for radiology (see page 58),
  however the majority of doctors use their normal scripting
  pads to refer members for x-rays.
— When it comes to referring a member to a specialist, it is
  preferable that the referral is to an Associated specialist. It
  is in the member’s interest to visit an Associated specialist
  as these specialists charge the Momentum Health Rate
  with no balance billing.

Doctor guide - Momentum Provider
Primary billing codes and reimbursement levels
                        Ingwe Primary Care Network doctors
Primary Care Networks

                                                                                         Profiling level 1
                                                Consult Tariff                    Consult & Procedure Tariff        Chronic Reg Tariff
                        Dispensing Doctor       R265.00                           R505.00                           R60.00
                                                                 Tariff: 181001                    Tariff: 181002                   Tariff: 181003
                        Non-dispensing Doctor   R200.00                           R440.00                           R60.00
                                                                                         Profiling level 2
                                                Consult Tariff                    Consult & Procedure Tariff        Chronic Reg Tariff
                        Dispensing Doctor       R250.00                           R490.00                           R60.00
                                                                 Tariff: 181001                    Tariff: 181002                   Tariff: 181003
                        Non-dispensing Doctor   R185.00                           R425.00                           R60.00
                                                                                     Profiling level 3, 4 and 5
                                                Consult Tariff                    Consult & Procedure Tariff        Chronic Reg Tariff
                        Dispensing Doctor       R235.00                           R470.00                           R60.00
                                                                 Tariff: 181001                    Tariff: 181002                   Tariff: 181003
                        Non-dispensing Doctor   R170.00                           R405.00                           R60.00

                        Access Primary Care Network doctors

                                                                                         Profiling level 1
                                                Consult Tariff                    Consult & Procedure Tariff        Chronic Reg Tariff
                        Dispensing Doctor       R340.00                           R580.00                           R60.00
                                                                 Tariff: 181001                    Tariff: 181002                   Tariff: 181003
                        Non-dispensing Doctor   R250.00                           R490.00                           R60.00
                                                                                         Profiling level 2
                                                Consult Tariff                    Consult & Procedure Tariff        Chronic Reg Tariff
                        Dispensing Doctor       R320.00                           R560.00                           R60.00
                                                                 Tariff: 181001                    Tariff: 181002                   Tariff: 181003
                        Non-dispensing Doctor   R230.00                           R470.00                           R60.00
                                                                                     Profiling level 3, 4 and 5
                                                Consult Tariff                    Consult & Procedure Tariff        Chronic Reg Tariff
                        Dispensing Doctor       R300.00                           R535.00                           R60.00
                                                                 Tariff: 181001                    Tariff: 181002                   Tariff: 181003
                        Non-dispensing Doctor   R210.00                           R445.00                           R60.00

List of minor procedures covered

                                                                                                              Primary Care Networks
 Stitching of wound
 Stitching of soft-tissue injuries, stitching of wound (with or without local anaesthesia) including normal

 Additional wounds sutured

 Excision and repair
 Excision and repair by direct suture; excision nail fold or other minor procedures of similar magnitude

 Drainage of subcutaneous abscess and avulsion of nail
 Drainage of subcutaneous abscess and onychia, paronychia, pulp space or avulsion of nail

 Removal of foreign body superficial to deep fascia
 Removal of foreign body to deep fascia (except hands)

 Long limb cast (excluding after-care)
 (modifier 0005 not applicable)

 Flow Volume test

 Repair nail bed

 Drainage external thrombosed pile

 ECG bicycle

 ECG multistage treadmill

 Spinal (lumbar) puncture
 For diagnosis, for drainage of spinal fluid or for therapeutic indications

**Please note that only the procedures indicated above will be allowed when claiming 181002.
Any other procedures such as wound care, out patient antibiotics etc. will require
pre-authorisation from Momentum Health.

The GP as coordinator of care
                                                                                               hospitals, specifically for chronic patients.

                        Primary care is being shaped incrementally by external                 Analysis of the Momentum Health membership has indicated
                        pressures, in particular the need to contain costs and                 that the admission of several patients to a tertiary setting in a
                        demonstrate improved quality and outcomes. As a result, one            given year can be avoided by the diligent involvement of the GP
Primary Care Networks

                        of the key philosophies of Momentum Health is to support               in coordinating the care and engaging with a multi-disciplinary
                        the general practitioner to optimally manage a patient in a            team to map out the optimal clinical pathway and treatment
                        coordinated manner to attain the core principles of managed            plan for the patient. A large element of patient uncertainty
                        care, which include not only the provision of primary care but         can be effectively dealt with by the GP through the process of
                        also playing the role of the gatekeeper.                               education and partnering with Momentum Health’s team of
                                                                                               wellness coaches.
                        Although there are many definitions of managed care,
                        generally the term describes a continuum of arrangements               A fundamental component is then the availability of

                        that integrate the financing and delivery of healthcare. The           information which provides a snapshot of the patients profile
                        general practitioner is usually the patient’s initial contact point    in a manner which is succinct yet holistic. Momentum
                        for medical care and referrals. The Momentum Health benefit            Health will be engaging with you during the course of 2013 to
                        design is therefore structured in a manner that supports the           explore your role as the coordinator of care to achieve quality
                        principles of the GP as the coordinator of care and becomes            healthcare delivery to patients. We will also share our vision
                        the base from which a referral is generated. In the absence of         for supporting you with the information and systems to play
                        a GP referral (as an example), the patient/member attracts a


                        The GP’s role is core to change the manner in which
                        healthcare is delivered by coordinating and navigating
                        the complex journey of patient needs and education
                        as well as working with multi-disciplinary teams.
                                                                                         A large
                        The outcomes of the current network of GPs are           element of patient
                        measured by means of a robust profiling system           uncertainty can be
                        which provides an indication of the cost and
                        quality of the outcomes delivered by a given GP.     effectively dealt with by the
                        This profiling outcome determines the GP’s re-       GP through the process of
                        imbursement level,
                        with GPs showing the most favorable outcomes
                                                                              education and partnering
                        from a cost and quality perspective receiving         with Momentum Health’s
                        the highest possible remuneration rate.                   team of wellness
                        With each member selecting a GP practice, it is                       coaches.
                        possible to promote accountability in the downstream
                        cost, to the benefit of those GPs that focus on quality,
                        cost-effective treatment of chronic patients in particular.
                        The profiling system not only focuses on the direct treatment
                        cost of primary care, but also on the downstream treatment
                        costs generated by other disciplines, such as specialists and

Profiling and peer review
this very complex, yet much needed role in the South African Healthcare system.

                                                                                                                                       Primary Care Networks
Profiling is the quarterly process of running one year’s claim data through an analyser which compares each practice’s actual
cost in 5 expense categories to target or expected cost, as derived from the practice’s patient demographics and epidemiology.
These categories are:

— The Consultations cost per claiming beneficiary per annum
— The Procedure cost per claiming beneficiary per annum
— The Special Investigation cost per claiming beneficiary per annum
— The cost of Medicine in Acute Patients expressed per claiming beneficiary per annum
— The cost of Medicine in Chronic Patients per claiming beneficiary per annum

The variance or spread in each category is converted to points (i.e. negative if above target and vice versa) based on a pre-defined
percentage variance as can be seen in the table below.

 Performance                                                                          Score                    Medicine Score
 Within Budget                                                                        2                        3
 Exceed Budget by between 0% and 10%                                                  1                        1.5
 Exceed Budget by between 10% and 25%                                                 0                        0
 Exceed Budget by between 25% and 50%                                                 -1                       -1.5
 Exceed Budget by between 50% and 75%                                                 -2                       -3
 Exceed Budget by between 75% and 100%                                                -3                       -4.5
 Exceed Budget by 100%                                                                -4                       -6

The points are accumulated to determine the overall category level (1 to 5) and rate per consultation the practice is entitled to in
the following three months.

It must be noted that the profile is an evaluation tool designed to rate practices against their peers. It highlights anomalies and
raises questions that can only be answered by drilling into the source of the information or by the investigative skills of the peer

 Score                    Category                 Performance
 8.5 and 12               I                        Good Control
 5 to 8                   II                       Acceptable Control
 -3.5 to -24              III                      Warning Lights/Evaluate Practice

Additional expense categories focused on downstream costs and outcomes will be introduced over time. We believe in giving back
to the provider in the form of enhanced consultation fees in return for providing appropriate, cost-effective care.

Operational processes
                        Routing of claims                                                Medicine claims
Primary Care Networks

                        2012 Service date claims should remain routed to either          — Only where a non-dispensing GP is the prescriber, a
                        Carecross or Prime Cure. Claims with a 2013 service date           medicine script will be allowed.
                        should be routed to the Momentum Health administration. To       — The same formulary applies for both acute and chronic
                        ensure that there is no confusion on the side of the provider,     scripts
                        new option codes linked to the new destination have been
                        created.                                                         — A member may not go outside the formulary and only
                                                                                           where members have HealthSaver and have given the
                                                                                           necessary consent, may out of formulary items be funded
                         MediSwitch                                                        from HealthSaver
                         For practices using SwitchOn/MediSwitch:                        — Any medication prescribed by a specialist that the member
                         MHEA0007                                                          was referred to should also be in line with what is available
                                                                                           on the formulary
                         For practices using QEDI: 822P
                                                                                         Pathology claims
                         healthbridge                                                    — Pathology claims can be submitted by any laboratory and
                         Momentum Ingwe State                                              are paid at the agreed Momentum Health Rate
                         HB code : 91866                                                 — Any pathology tests not on the list of applicable codes will
                         Switch 822P                                                       be rejected and the member needs to be informed upfront
                                                                                           (see page 50 for the list of codes)
                         Momentum Ingwe Network
                         HB code : 91859
                         Switch 822P                                                     Radiology claims
                         Momentum Access                                                 — Radiology claims are submitted by any of the radiologists
                         HB code : 90778                                                   and paid at the agreed Momentum Health Rate
                         Switch 822P                                                     — Any x-rays or ultrasounds not on the list of applicable
                                                                                           codes will be rejected and the member needs to be
                                                                                           informed upfront (see page 54 for the list of codes)

                        GP claims
                                                                                         Payment to the provider
                        — The GP will either be classified as a dispensing or non-
                          dispensing (scripting) doctor.                                 — Network GPs will be paid weekly
                        — The claim may be for either one of the following scenarios     — Statements/eRA’s will be available for each payment
                          (Refer to the detailed reimbursement rates on page 10)
                               –   Consultation only (including medication if
                                   dispensing GP)
                               –   Consultation with minor procedure (including
                                   consumables and including medication if
                                   dispensing GP)
                               –   Chronic Registration (with one of the above)
                        — The applicable tariff codes are as follows:
                               –   181001 (consult)
                               –   181002 (procedure - see list on page 11)
                               –   181003 (once-off registration of chronic patient)
                        — Follow-up consultation with the same ICD10 code within a
                          four day period will be rejected, unless authorised

Chronic registration process
Chronic benefits are subject to registration and approval. The standard 26 CDL
conditions, including HIV, are covered.

                                                                                                                                       Primary Care Networks
                                                                                       Q What if the prescribed chronic
How to register for chronic medication                                                   medication needs to change or
                                                                                         additional medication is required?
1. The treating doctor or pharmacist needs to contact the provider call centre on
   0860 11 78 59 and select the option for chronic registration                           A   The treating doctor or Medipost
                                                                                              needs to contact the provider call
2. The chronic benefit consultant will approve the benefit telephonically, as per
                                                                                              centre. The change will be done
   clinical protocols
                                                                                              telephonically and approval is given
3. Additional information, such as test results, may be required in order to                  immediately, subject to criteria
   complete the chronic registration process                                                  being met.

4. Chronic medication can only be be obtained from Medipost
                                                                                       Q What if a new chronic condition is
5. A repeat script is needed after six months                                            diagnosed?

                                                                                          A   The member can check if the new
                                                                                              chronic condition is covered. The
Information needed when calling for an authorisation:                                         treating doctor or Medipost needs
— the membership number, and the name and details of the patient                              to contact the provider call centre.
— the diagnosis code (ICD–10 code)                                                            The additional authorisation will be
                                                                                              done telephonically and approval is
— the name and practice number of the treating GP/specialist, where relevant.                 given immediately, subject to criteria
Please note Momentum Health provides its members with an HIV programme,                       being met.
which is managed by LifeSense. Members must be registered on the programme
to access the benefits. Contact LifeSense on 0860 50 60 80.

Chronic medication will be dispensed by Medipost. The medication will be
delivered to your office/rooms for collection by the member. It can also be
delivered directly to the patient if needed. It is important to ensure that Medipost
has a copy of the member’s script.

For all your chronic medication needs!
     Medipost is the leading national pharmacy in the country with a market share of more than
     50% of the industry. Since 1991, Medipost offers exceptional experience and a reliable,
     specialised, fast and nationwide service to all patients. Currently 400 000 satisfied patients
     obtain their medication from Medipost on a monthly basis.

     Why choose Medipost Pharmacy for                                  Quality
     your patients?                                                    Our staff is specially trained to provide patients and doctors
     During 2012, Medipost introduced a specialised department         with information, advice and offer private and confidential
     of pharmacists and pharmacists’ assistants focusing on            consultations.
     delivery of chronic medication to doctors’ practices. Dedicated
     communication options are made available to doctors and
     their practice managers. This enables Medipost to provide a       Affordable
     unique service to all doctors and their patients. Furthermore,    No administration fees, no delivery fees and competitive
     Medipost has formed a partnership with MediLogistics to           professional fees
     enhance the delivery process of chronic medication to doctors’
     rooms and monitor patient compliance.
     Longer lasting medication benefits                                Free delivery to your patients, to your practice or any delivery
                                                                       address of their choice, including holiday destinations within
     Your patients will enjoy extended annual medication limits        South Africa
     (where applicable) and receive advice on what medication to
     use that will assist in making their benefits last longer while
     getting the same therapeutic effect.
                                                                       Improved compliance
                                                                       A new and exciting initiative, in partnership with MediLogistics,
     Personal assistance                                               will deliver chronic medication to your practice and monitor
                                                                       each parcel until it is in the patient’s hands.
     We remind your patients when a new repeatable prescription is
     due and can facilitate the process to obtain a new prescription
     from you.

     We look forward to being of assistance to you! For more information, please contact us:

     Telephone number:        012 404 4523

Dear Doctor,
MediLogistics is proud to bring you a new and exciting initiative that will form an
integral part of many doctors’ practices in the future. Together with Medipost Pharmacy,
MediLogistics offers you and your patients the opportunity to ease the delivery of chronic
medication to each patient. The initiative entails the delivery of chronic medication to your
practice where the patients can conveniently collect it from your practice staff.

How will the collection counter work?                              What are the minimum requirements for a
— Medipost will dispense chronic medication parcels each           practice to be part of this initiative?
  month. Each parcel will contain one or more prescriptions        — Sufficient clean and cool storage space
  (depending on the number of dependants on chronic
  medication)                                                      — Systematic storage system for easy collection of parcels
Parcels are collected by an external courier company or            — Fridge availability for cold chain products
MediLogistics and delivered to different practices throughout      — Internet connectivity
South Africa

— A software program will be installed at the practices who        How will my practice benefit from this
  become part of this initiative. MediLogistics will provide all
  software and training required to. Practice staff will then
  use software provided by MediLogistics to:                       — Compliance reports will be given to participating doctors
       –   Record the arrival of each parcel (scan in)               on all their patients receiving parcels from Medipost
                                                                     Pharmacy, even if the patient prefers an alternative
       –   Record that the parcel has been collected by the
                                                                     delivery method than the doctor’s room.
           patient (scan out)
                                                                   — Better control and management of patient compliance.
— When the patient has collected the parcel and the parcel
                                                                     This includes contacting patients that did not collect their
  has been scanned out, an electronic proof of delivery will
                                                                     medication from your practice to remind them of their
  be generated and sent to MediLogistics
— MediLogistics will reimburse the doctor with an amount of
                                                                   — Extra revenue for your practice
  R18.60 (incl. VAT) per parcel for every successful proof of
  delivery received electronically. (This entails the scanning     — Exciting products to follow with increased revenue
  in and scanning out of a parcel)                                 If you are interested in participating in this initiative, please
— The innovative MediLogistics software is therefore used to       contact one of the MediLogistics Network Managers who will
  track and record the end to end process of each parcel and       organise the registration of your practice on the MediLogistics
  improve patient compliance.                                      system.
— There are no legal constraints to this initiative

Contact Details:

Network Manager:       Glenton Naidoo       083 555 2284
Area Manager:          Corlee Herbst        074 149 1141

     Primary Care Networks

                             Chronic form
     Primary Care Networks
Formularies for chronic and acute medication
                        For members on Momentum Health Ingwe and Access Options as well as Health4Me members.
Primary Care Networks

                        Medicine Name                   Active Ingredient                                        Pack Size   NAPPI Code

                        ACICLOVIR SANDOZ 200MG T        ACYCLOVIR TAB 200 MG                                     25          717370001
                        ACICLOVIR SANDOZ 400MG T        ACYCLOVIR TAB 400 MG                                     70          717371001
                        ACIDOWN 200MG TABS              CIMETIDINE TAB 200 MG                                    60          796735018
                        ACITAB-200 DT                   ACYCLOVIR TAB 200 MG                                     25          704778001
                        ACITAB-400 DT                   ACYCLOVIR TAB 400 MG                                     60          704779001
                        ACITOP 5% CREAM                 ACYCLOVIR CREAM 5%                                       2           873551001
                        ACTAMOL 120MG/5ML SYRP          PARACETAMOL ELIXIR 120 MG/5ML                            100         792101006
                        ACTAMOL RED (UN-BOXED)          PARACETAMOL ELIXIR 120 MG/5ML                            100         704093001
                        ACTIVIR PUMP CREAM              ACYCLOVIR CREAM 5%                                       2           823473007
                        ACULAX 3.3G/5ML SYRUP           LACTULOSE SOLUTION 10 GM/15ML                            150         708722001
                        ACULAX 3.3G/5ML SYRUP           LACTULOSE SOLUTION 10 GM/15ML                            500         708722002
                        ACULOID 12.5MG/5ML SYRP         CYCLIZINE HCL SYRUP 12.5 MG/5ML                          50          792225015
                        ACULOID 50MG TABS               CYCLIZINE HCL TAB 50 MG                                  20          792217004
                        ACUZOLE 200MG TABS              METRONIDAZOLE TAB 200 MG                                 500         792284011
                        ACUZOLE 400MG TABS              METRONIDAZOLE TAB 400 MG                                 250         792292014
                        ACUZYRT 10MG TABS               CETIRIZINE HCL TAB 10 MG                                 10          712890001
                        ACUZYRT 10MG TABS               CETIRIZINE HCL TAB 10 MG                                 30          712890002
                        ACUZYRT 5MG/5ML SYRP            CETIRIZINE HCL SYRUP 1 MG/ML (5 MG/5ML)                  150         712889001
                        ADCO CETIRIZINE 1MG/ML SY       CETIRIZINE HCL SYRUP 1 MG/ML (5 MG/5ML)                  150         707224001
                        ADCO PREDNISOLONE 15MG/5M       PREDNISOLONE SYRUP 15 MG/5ML (USP SOLUTION EQUIVALENT)   50          716381001
                        ADCO-ACYCLOVIR 50 CREAM         ACYCLOVIR CREAM 5%                                       2           824674006
                        ADCO-ACYCLOVIR 50 CREAM         ACYCLOVIR CREAM 5%                                       10          824674014
                        ADCO-ACYCLOVIR TABS             ACYCLOVIR TAB 200 MG                                     25          827282001
                        ADCO-ALZAM 0.25MG TABS          ALPRAZOLAM TAB 0.25 MG                                   30          821071009
                        ADCO-ALZAM 0.25MG TABS          ALPRAZOLAM TAB 0.25 MG                                   100         821071017
                        ADCO-ALZAM 0.5MG TABS           ALPRAZOLAM TAB 0.5 MG                                    30          821098004
                        ADCO-ALZAM 0.5MG TABS           ALPRAZOLAM TAB 0.5 MG                                    100         821098012
                        ADCO-ALZAM 0.5MG TABS           ALPRAZOLAM TAB 0.5 MG                                    250         821098020
                        ADCO-ALZAM 1MG TABS             ALPRAZOLAM TAB 1 MG                                      30          821101005
                        ADCO-ALZAM 1MG TABS             ALPRAZOLAM TAB 1 MG                                      100         821101013
                        ADCO-AMOCLAV 375MG TABS         AMOXICILLIN & K CLAVULANATE TAB 250-125 MG               15          893218006
                        ADCO-AMOCLAV 625MG TABS         AMOXICILLIN & K CLAVULANATE TAB 500-125 MG               15          893224007
                        ADCO-AMOCLAV BD 1000MG          AMOXICILLIN & K CLAVULANATE TAB 875-125 MG               10          703229001
                        ADCO-AMOCLAV S                  AMOXICILLIN & K CLAVULANATE FOR SUSP 125-31.25 MG/5ML    100         899097006
                        ADCO-AMOCLAV SF                 AMOXICILLIN & K CLAVULANATE FOR SUSP 250-62.5 MG/5ML     100         899100007
                        ADCO-AMOX 125MG SUSP            AMOXICILLIN (TRIHYDRATE) FOR SUSP 125 MG/5ML             100         829099018
                        ADCO-AMOX 250MG CAPS            AMOXICILLIN (TRIHYDRATE) CAP 250 MG                      500         785229027
                        ADCO-AMOX 250MG CAPS            AMOXICILLIN (TRIHYDRATE) CAP 250 MG                      15          785229035
                        ADCO-AMOX 250MG SUSP            AMOXICILLIN (TRIHYDRATE) FOR SUSP 250 MG/5ML             100         829102019
                        ADCO-AMOX 500MG CAPS            AMOXICILLIN (TRIHYDRATE) CAP 500 MG                      15          811440001
                        ADCO-BETAMETHASONE CR           BETAMETHASONE VALERATE CREAM 0.1%                        15          827290004
                        ADCO-CETIRIZINE 10MG TABS       CETIRIZINE HCL TAB 10 MG                                 10          703491001
                        ADCO-CETIRIZINE 10MG TABS       CETIRIZINE HCL TAB 10 MG                                 30          703491002
                        ADCO-CIMETIDINE 200MG TAB       CIMETIDINE TAB 200 MG                                    60          811459004
                        ADCO-CIMETIDINE 400MG TAB       CIMETIDINE TAB 400 MG                                    60          800252004
                        ADCO-CO-TRIMOXAZOLE TABS        SULFAMETHOXAZOLE-TRIMETHOPRIM TAB 400-80 MG              500         780464028
                        ADCO-CYCLIZINE 50MG TABS        CYCLIZINE HCL TAB 50 MG                                  20          808954008
                        ADCO-CYCLIZINE 2.5MG SYRP       CYCLIZINE HCL SYRUP 12.5 MG/5ML                          50          808962019
                        ADCO-DICLOFENAC 25MG TABS       DICLOFENAC SODIUM TAB DELAYED RELEASE 25 MG              30          786594004
                        ADCO-DICLOFENAC 25MG TABS       DICLOFENAC SODIUM TAB DELAYED RELEASE 25 MG              500         786594012
                        ADCO-DICLOFENAC 50MG TABS       DICLOFENAC SODIUM TAB DELAYED RELEASE 50 MG              21          788597019
Medicine Name               Active Ingredient                                        Pack Size   NAPPI Code

ADCO-ERYTHROMYCIN 125 SUS   ERYTHROMYCIN ESTOLATE SUSP 125 MG/5ML                    100         786608005
ADCO-ERYTHROMYCIN 250 CAP   ERYTHROMYCIN ESTOLATE CAP 250 MG                         250         780561015
ADCO-ERYTHROMYCIN 250 CAP   ERYTHROMYCIN ESTOLATE CAP 250 MG                         20          780561031
ADCO-IBUPROFEN 400MG TAB    IBUPROFEN TAB 400 MG                                     100         780596005

                                                                                                              Primary Care Networks
ADCO-IBUPROFEN 400MG TAB    IBUPROFEN TAB 400 MG                                     1000        780596013
ADCO-INDOMETHACIN 25 CAPS   INDOMETHACIN CAP 25 MG                                   500         701106026
ADCO-KIDDIPAYNE             PARACETAMOL-PROMETHAZINE W/ CODEINE SYRUP 120-6.5-5      100         894289006
ADCO-LINCTOPENT SYRP        METAPROTERENOL-BROMHEXINE SYRUP 5-4 MG/5ML               100         827304005
ADCO-LINCTOPENT SYRP        METAPROTERENOL-BROMHEXINE SYRUP 5-4 MG/5ML               200         827304013
ADCO-LIQUILAX SYRP          LACTULOSE SOLUTION 10 GM/15ML                            100         878707018
ADCO-LIQUILAX SYRP          LACTULOSE SOLUTION 10 GM/15ML                            2500        878707042
ADCO-LOPERAMIDE SYRP        LOPERAMIDE HCL SYRUP 1 MG/5ML                            50          811467007
ADCO-LOPERAMIDE TABS        LOPERAMIDE HCL TAB 2 MG                                  300         792071026
ADCO-LOPERAMIDE TABS        LOPERAMIDE HCL TAB 2 MG                                  6           792071115
ADCO-MEFENAMIC ACID         MEFENAMIC ACID CAP 250 MG                                18          883102004
ADCO-MEFENAMIC ACID         MEFENAMIC ACID CAP 250 MG                                250         883102012
ADCO-METRONIDAZOLE 200MG    METRONIDAZOLE TAB 200 MG                                 250         742872009
ADCO-METRONIDAZOLE 400MG    METRONIDAZOLE TAB 400 MG                                 100         701076003
ADCO-NAPAMOL 500MG TABS     PARACETAMOL TAB 500 MG                                   20          716045001
ADCO-NAPROXEN 250MG TABS    NAPROXEN TAB 250 MG                                      250         785245014
ADCO-OMEPRAZOLE 20MG CAPS   OMEPRAZOLE MAGNESIUM TAB CR 20 MG                        28          703543001
ADCO-PARACETAMOL ELIX       PARACETAMOL ELIXIR 120 MG/5ML                            100         894281003
ADCO-PAYNE TABS             PARACETAMOL-MEPROBAMATE-CAFF-COD TAB 320-150-32-8 MG     500         894282006
ADCO-SALTERPYN SYRP         PARACETAMOL-PROMETHAZINE W/ CODEINE SYRUP 120-6.5-5      100         807583006
ADCO-SALTERPYN TABS         PARACETAMOL-MEPROBAMATE-CAFF-COD TAB 320-150-32-8 MG     500         809055008
ADCO-SINAL CO TABS          PHENYLPROP-PHENYLTOLOX W/ COD-APAP TAB 25-22-15-300 MG   20          791148009
ADCO-SUFEDRIN 30MG/5ML SY   PSEUDOEPHEDRINE HCL SYRUP 30 MG/5ML                      100         796964009
ADCO-SUFEDRIN 60MG TABS     PSEUDOEPHEDRINE HCL TAB 60 MG                            20          796972001
ADCO-WORMEX 500MG TABS      MEBENDAZOLE TAB 500 MG                                   1           704656001
ADCO-WORMEX TABS            MEBENDAZOLE TAB 100 MG                                   6           703063003
AGAROL LACTULOSE 3300MG/5   LACTULOSE SOLUTION 10 GM/15ML                            150         713232001
AHA FERROUS SULPH 30MG      FERROUS SULFATE TAB 30 MG                                100         705532001
AHA FOLIC ACID 5MG TABS     FOLIC ACID TAB 5 MG                                      100         709874001
ALBENDAZOLE 200MG CAPS      ALBENDAZOLE TAB 200 MG                                   2           080179001
ALCHERA 7.5MG TABS          ZOPICLONE TAB 7.5 MG                                     30          874728002
ALCOPHYLLIN 80MG/15ML       THEOPHYLLINE SYRUP 80 MG/15ML                            100         701750006
ALCOPHYLLIN 80MG/15ML       THEOPHYLLINE SYRUP 80 MG/15ML                            200         701750014
ALCOPHYLLIN 80MG/15ML       THEOPHYLLINE SYRUP 80 MG/15ML                            2500        701750022
A-LENNON AMOXYCILLIN 250M   AMOXICILLIN (TRIHYDRATE) FOR SUSP 250 MG/5ML             100         893409006
A-LENNON DOXYCYCLINE HCL    DOXYCYCLINE HYCLATE CAP 100 MG                           1000        893402006
A-LENNON FLUOXETINE 20MG    FLUOXETINE HCL CAP 20 MG                                 28          703391001
ALLECET 10MG TABS           CETIRIZINE HCL TAB 10 MG                                 30          703315001
ALLECET 10MG TABS           CETIRIZINE HCL TAB 10 MG                                 10          703315002
ALLECET SYRUP               CETIRIZINE HCL SYRUP 1 MG/ML (5 MG/5ML)                  150         703313001
ALLERGEX 2MG/5ML SYR        CHLORPHENIRAMINE MALEATE SYRUP 2 MG/5ML                  50          702145009
ALLERGEX 2MG/5ML SYR        CHLORPHENIRAMINE MALEATE SYRUP 2 MG/5ML                  100         702145010
ALLERGEX 4MG TABS           CHLORPHENIRAMINE MALEATE TAB 4 MG                        100         702072052
ALLERGEX 4MG TABS           CHLORPHENIRAMINE MALEATE TAB 4 MG                        30          702072125

Medicine Name               Active Ingredient                                            Pack Size   NAPPI Code

                        ALLERGIN EXPECT             DPH-AMCL-SOD CITRATE-MEN SYR 28.1-273.9-113.7-2.5 MG/5ML     150         702080004
                        ALLERMINE 10MG TABS         CETIRIZINE HCL TAB 10 MG                                     10          703821001
                        ALLERMINE 10MG TABS         CETIRIZINE HCL TAB 10 MG                                     30          703821002
                        ALLMOX 250MG CAPS           AMOXICILLIN (TRIHYDRATE) CAP 250 MG                          1000        704443001
                        ALLMOX 250MG CAPS           AMOXICILLIN (TRIHYDRATE) CAP 250 MG                          500         704443002
Primary Care Networks

                        ALLMOX 500MG CAPS           AMOXICILLIN (TRIHYDRATE) CAP 500 MG                          500         704444001
                        ALLMOX S 125MG/5ML SUSP     AMOXICILLIN (TRIHYDRATE) FOR SUSP 125 MG/5ML                 100         714179001
                        ALLMOX SF 250MG/5ML SUSP    AMOXICILLIN (TRIHYDRATE) FOR SUSP 250 MG/5ML                 100         714180001
                        ALSAN 2% CREAM              PYRILAMINE MALEATE CREAM 2%                                  25          897334011
                        ALTOSEC 10MG CAPS           OMEPRAZOLE MAGNESIUM TAB CR 10 MG                            28          703988001
                        ALTOSEC 20MG CAPS           OMEPRAZOLE MAGNESIUM TAB CR 20 MG                            28          703987001
                        ALUMAG D SUSP               ALUMINUM HYDROXIDE-MAG OXIDE SUSP 400-200 MG/10ML            200         703640001
                        AMDOCIN 25MG                INDOMETHACIN CAP 25 MG                                       100         701891001
                        AMDOCIN 25MG                INDOMETHACIN CAP 25 MG                                       500         701891002
                        AMDOCIN 25MG                INDOMETHACIN CAP 25 MG                                       1000        701891003
                        AMETHOCAINE CREAM           TETRACAINE HCL CREAM 1%                                      25          799211028
                        AMGEL SUSP                  ALUM HYDROX-MAG OXIDE-DICYCLOMINE SUSP 400-200-5             200         700771001
                        AMGEL SUSP                  ALUM HYDROX-MAG OXIDE-DICYCLOMINE SUSP 400-200-5             100         700771003
                        AMOCAS 250MG CAPS           AMOXICILLIN (TRIHYDRATE) CAP 250 MG                          15          706950001
                        AMOCLAN BID 1000MG TABS     AMOXICILLIN & K CLAVULANATE TAB 875-125 MG                   10          704484001
                        AMOCLAN FORTE TABS          AMOXICILLIN & K CLAVULANATE TAB 500-125 MG                   15          707185001
                        AMOCLAN S SUSP              AMOXICILLIN & K CLAVULANATE FOR SUSP 125-31.25 MG/5ML        100         707186001
                        AMOCLAN SF SUSP             AMOXICILLIN & K CLAVULANATE FOR SUSP 250-62.5 MG/5ML         100         707187001
                        AMOCLAN TABS                AMOXICILLIN & K CLAVULANATE TAB 250-125 MG                   15          707184001
                        AMOXAPEN (NAMIBIA ONLY) 2   AMOXICILLIN (TRIHYDRATE) CAP 250 MG                          500         712933001
                        AMOXICAPS 250MG CAPS        AMOXICILLIN (TRIHYDRATE) CAP 250 MG                          500         704401001
                        AMOXIL S 125MG SUSP         AMOXICILLIN (TRIHYDRATE) FOR SUSP 125 MG/5ML                 100         829145001
                        AMOXIL SF 250MG SUSP        AMOXICILLIN (TRIHYDRATE) FOR SUSP 250 MG/5ML                 100         829153004
                        AMSTIL TABS                 PARACETAMOL W/ CODEINE TAB 500-8 MG                          1000        700742002
                        AMYN 250MG CAPS             AMOXICILLIN (TRIHYDRATE) CAP 250 MG                          500         714185001
                        AMYN 500MG CAPS             AMOXICILLIN (TRIHYDRATE) CAP 500 MG                          500         714184001
                        AMYN S 125MG/5ML SUSP       AMOXICILLIN (TRIHYDRATE) FOR SUSP 125 MG/5ML                 75          714182001
                        AMYN S 125MG/5ML SUSP       AMOXICILLIN (TRIHYDRATE) FOR SUSP 125 MG/5ML                 100         714182002
                        AMYN SF 250MG/5ML SUSP      AMOXICILLIN (TRIHYDRATE) FOR SUSP 250 MG/5ML                 100         714183001
                        AMZOLE 400MG TABS           METRONIDAZOLE TAB 400 MG                                     1000        702148011
                        ANAEROBYL 400MG TABS        METRONIDAZOLE TAB 400 MG                                     1000        715866001
                        ANETHAINE CREAM             TETRACAINE HCL CREAM 1%                                      25          703591002
                        ANETHAINE CREAM             TETRACAINE HCL CREAM 1%                                      40          703591010
                        ANTALGIC 500MG TABS         PARACETAMOL TAB 500 MG                                       1000        805467009
                        ANTALGIC 500MG TABS         PARACETAMOL TAB 500 MG                                       5000        805467017
                        ANTHISAN CREAM              PYRILAMINE MALEATE CREAM 2%                                  25          703834002
                        ANTIPYN FORTE TABS          PARACETAMOL-MEPROBAMATE-CAFF-COD TAB 320-150-32-8 MG         500         786780029
                        ANUGESIC 10MG/GM OINT       PRAMOXINE HCL RECTAL OINT 1%                                 25          704083019
                        ANUSOL OINT                 PRAMOXINE W/ ZINC OXIDE IN MINERAL OIL RECTAL OINT 1-12.5%   25          826375006
                        ANUSOL SUPP                 *HEMORRHOIDAL ANESTHETIC COMPOUND - SUPP***                  10          704148005
                        APEX-ACYCLOVIR 200MG TABS   ACYCLOVIR TAB 200 MG                                         30          717157001
                        APEX-ACYCLOVIR 400MG TABS   ACYCLOVIR TAB 400 MG                                         70          717158001
                        APEX-CLAVUTIN 375MG TABS    AMOXICILLIN & K CLAVULANATE TAB 250-125 MG                   15          707663001
                        APEX-CLAVUTIN 625MG TABS    AMOXICILLIN & K CLAVULANATE TAB 500-125 MG                   15          707665001
                        APEX-CLAVUTIN SF            AMOXICILLIN & K CLAVULANATE FOR SUSP 250-62.5 MG/5ML         100         707666001
                        APEX-FLUCONAZOLE 150MG CA   FLUCONAZOLE CAP 150 MG                                       1           707684001
                        APEX-FLUCONAZOLE 150MG CA   FLUCONAZOLE CAP 150 MG                                       4           707684002
                        APEX-RANITIDINE 150MG TAB   RANITIDINE HCL TAB 150 MG                                    60          717160001
                        APEX-RANITIDINE 300MG TAB   RANITIDINE HCL TAB 300 MG                                    30          717159001
                        A-POR CREAM                 CLOTRIMAZOLE CREAM 1%                                        20          826952003
                        A-POR VCR                   CLOTRIMAZOLE VAGINAL CREAM 1%                                50          826960006

Medicine Name               Active Ingredient                                        Pack Size   NAPPI Code

APP BENZYL BENZ LOT         BENZYL BENZOATE EMULSION 25%                             500         707716004
APP BENZYL BENZ LOT         BENZYL BENZOATE EMULSION 25%                             100         707716012
APP BENZYL BENZ LOT         BENZYL BENZOATE EMULSION 25%                             2500        707716020
APP BENZYL BENZ LOT         BENZYL BENZOATE EMULSION 25%                             100         841080003
APP BENZYL BENZ LOT         BENZYL BENZOATE EMULSION 25%                             2500        841080011
APP BENZYL BENZOATE         BENZYL BENZOATE EMULSION 25%                             100         700205001

                                                                                                              Primary Care Networks
ARTHREXIN 25MG CAPS         INDOMETHACIN CAP 25 MG                                   100         704725002
ARTHREXIN 25MG CAPS         INDOMETHACIN CAP 25 MG                                   500         704725010
ARTHREXIN 50MG CAP          INDOMETHACIN CAP 50 MG                                   100         704733005
ASCABIOL EMULSION           BENZYL BENZOATE EMULSION 25%                             100         704857006
ASPEN CETIRIZINE 10MG TAB   CETIRIZINE HCL TAB 10 MG                                 10          704188001
ASPEN CETIRIZINE 10MG TAB   CETIRIZINE HCL TAB 10 MG                                 30          704188002
ASPEN CETIRIZINE 5MG/5ML    CETIRIZINE HCL SYRUP 1 MG/ML (5 MG/5ML)                  150         713231001
ASPEN FLUCONAZOLE 150MG C   FLUCONAZOLE CAP 150 MG                                   1           703624002
ASPEN FLUCONAZOLE 150MG C   FLUCONAZOLE CAP 150 MG                                   4           703624003
ASPIRIN TABS                ASPIRIN TAB 300 MG                                       1000        704645001
ASTHAVENT 2MG/5ML SYRP      SALBUTAMOL SULFATE SYRUP 2 MG/5ML                        100         824186001
ASTHAVENT 2MG/5ML SYRP      SALBUTAMOL SULFATE SYRUP 2 MG/5ML                        150         824186002
ATERAX 25MG TAB             HYDROXYZINE HCL TAB 25 MG                                100         705462005
ATERAX 2MG/ML SYR           HYDROXYZINE HCL SYRUP 10 MG/5ML                          100         705446018
ATHRU-DERM 1% LOT           DICLOFENAC SODIUM LOTION 1.08%                           50          852201001
ATROPINE 1% 5ML EYE DROP    ATROPINE SULFATE OPHTH SOLN 1%                           1           705632008
AUGMAXCIL 375MG TABS        AMOXICILLIN & K CLAVULANATE TAB 250-125 MG               15          861936019
AUGMAXCIL 625MG TABS        AMOXICILLIN & K CLAVULANATE TAB 500-125 MG               15          861944003
AUGMAXCIL S                 AMOXICILLIN & K CLAVULANATE FOR SUSP 125-31.25 MG/5ML    100         861952006
AUGMAXCIL SF                AMOXICILLIN & K CLAVULANATE FOR SUSP 250-62.5 MG/5ML     100         861960009
AUGMENTIN 375MG TABS        AMOXICILLIN & K CLAVULANATE TAB 250-125 MG               15          705691004
AUGMENTIN 1000MG BD         AMOXICILLIN & K CLAVULANATE TAB 875-125 MG               10          853542007
AUGMENTIN BD S SUSP         AMOXICILLIN & K CLAVULANATE FOR SUSP 200-28.5 MG/5ML     70          704069001
AUGMENTIN BD SF SUSP        AMOXICILLIN & K CLAVULANATE FOR SUSP 400-57 MG/5ML       70          704068001
AUGMENTIN S SUSP            AMOXICILLIN & K CLAVULANATE FOR SUSP 125-31.25 MG/5ML    100         829269002
AUGMENTIN SF SUSP           AMOXICILLIN & K CLAVULANATE FOR SUSP 250-62.5 MG/5ML     100         829277005
AURO-AMOXICLAV 1000MG TAB   AMOXICILLIN & K CLAVULANATE TAB 875-125 MG               10          713383001
AURO-AMOXICLAV 375MG TABS   AMOXICILLIN & K CLAVULANATE TAB 250-125 MG               15          713381001
AURO-AMOXICLAV 625MG TABS   AMOXICILLIN & K CLAVULANATE TAB 500-125 MG               15          713382001
AURO-AMOXYCILLIN 250MG CA   AMOXICILLIN (TRIHYDRATE) CAP 250 MG                      500         713363001
AURO-AMOXYCILLIN 500MG CA   AMOXICILLIN (TRIHYDRATE) CAP 500 MG                      100         713364001
AURONE 15ML EAR DROPS       ANTIPYRINE OTIC SOLN 5%                                  1           705780007
AUSTAC 150MG TABS           RANITIDINE HCL TAB 150 MG                                60          712134001
AUSTAC 300MG TABS           RANITIDINE HCL TAB 300 MG                                30          712135001
AUSTELL CETIRIZINE 10MG     CETIRIZINE HCL TAB 10 MG                                 10          704359001
AUSTELL CETIRIZINE 10MG     CETIRIZINE HCL TAB 10 MG                                 30          704359002
AUSTELL CIPROFLOX 250MG T   CIPROFLOXACIN HCL TAB 250 MG (BASE EQUIV)                10          704353001
AUSTELL CIPROFLOX 250MG T   CIPROFLOXACIN HCL TAB 250 MG (BASE EQUIV)                100         704353002
AUSTELL CIPROFLOX 500MG T   CIPROFLOXACIN HCL TAB 500 MG (BASE EQUIV)                10          704351001
AUSTELL CIPROFLOX 500MG T   CIPROFLOXACIN HCL TAB 500 MG (BASE EQUIV)                100         704351002
AUSTELL CIPROFLOX 750MG     CIPROFLOXACIN HCL TAB 750 MG (BASE EQUIV)                100         704352002
AUSTELL CIPROFLOXACIN 250   CIPROFLOXACIN HCL TAB 250 MG (BASE EQUIV)                14          704353003
AUSTELL FLUCON 150MG CAPS   FLUCONAZOLE CAP 150 MG                                   1           704357001
AUSTELL FLUCON 150MG CAPS   FLUCONAZOLE CAP 150 MG                                   4           704357003

Medicine Name               Active Ingredient                                        Pack Size   NAPPI Code

                        AUSTELL-AMOXICILLIN 250MG   AMOXICILLIN (TRIHYDRATE) CAP 250 MG                      500         707499001
                        AUSTELL-AMOXICILLIN 500MG   AMOXICILLIN (TRIHYDRATE) CAP 500 MG                      500         705637001
                        AUSTELL-CITALOPRAM 20MG T   CITALOPRAM HYDROBROMIDE TAB 20 MG (BASE EQUIV)           30          707398001
                        AUSTELL-CO-AMOXICLAV 375M   AMOXICILLIN & K CLAVULANATE TAB 250-125 MG               15          707407001
                        AUSTELL-CO-AMOXICLAV 625M   AMOXICILLIN & K CLAVULANATE TAB 500-125 MG               15          707408001
Primary Care Networks

                        AUSTELL-PARACETAMOL 500MG   PARACETAMOL TAB 500 MG                                   10          713153001
                        AUSTELL-PARACETAMOL 500MG   PARACETAMOL TAB 500 MG                                   20          713153002
                        AUSTELL-TRAMADOL 50MG CAP   TRAMADOL HCL CAP 50 MG                                   20          710250001
                        AUSTELL-TRAMADOL 50MG CAP   TRAMADOL HCL CAP 50 MG                                   100         710250002
                        AUSTELL-ZOPICLONE 7.5MG T   ZOPICLONE TAB 7.5 MG                                     30          712508001
                        AZOR 0.25MG TABS            ALPRAZOLAM TAB 0.25 MG                                   100         823244008
                        AZOR 0.5MG TABS             ALPRAZOLAM TAB 0.5 MG                                    100         823252019
                        AZOR 1MG TABS               ALPRAZOLAM TAB 1 MG                                      100         823260003
                        AZYCLOVIR CO PASTE          ACYCLOVIR CREAM 5%                                       8           080194001
                        BABA C SYR                  *VITAMIN MIXTURE SYRUP**                                 100         831514019
                        BABA C SYR                  *VITAMIN MIXTURE SYRUP**                                 2500        831514027
                        BACTRIM DS TABS             SULFAMETHOXAZOLE-TRIMETHOPRIM TAB 800-160 MG             10          706442008
                        BACTRIM TABS                SULFAMETHOXAZOLE-TRIMETHOPRIM TAB 400-80 MG              20          706434005
                        BACTROBAN CREAM             MUPIROCIN CALCIUM CREAM 2%                               15          702504003
                        BACTROBAN TOPICAL OINT      MUPIROCIN OINT 2%                                        15          706493001
                        BACTROBAN TOPICAL OINT      MUPIROCIN OINT 2%                                        100         706493036
                        BAN PAIN SYRUP              PARACETAMOL-PROMETHAZINE W/ CODEINE SYRUP 120-6.5-5      100         710248001
                        BARRS COMP SYR COCILLANA    COCILLANA-TERPIN HYDRATE SYRUP                           100         717186001
                        BARRS PARACETAMOL 120MG/5   PARACETAMOL SYRUP 120 MG/5ML                             100         717187001
                        BARRS POVIDONE IODINE       POVIDONE-IODINE OINT 10%                                 25          702549001
                        BARRS POVIDONE IODINE       POVIDONE-IODINE OINT 10%                                 500         702549002
                        BARRS POVIDONE-IODINE 10%   POVIDONE-IODINE OINT 10%                                 25          717217001
                        BAYER ASPIRIN TABS          ASPIRIN TAB 300 MG                                       100         706930002
                        BAYER ASPIRIN TABS          ASPIRIN TAB 300 MG                                       10          706930010
                        BAYER ASPIRIN TABS          ASPIRIN TAB 300 MG                                       30          706930029
                        BAYER ASPIRIN TABS          ASPIRIN TAB 300 MG                                       50          706930037
                        BECLATE AQUANASE 50MCG 15   BECLOMETHASONE DIPROPIONATE NASAL SOLN 0.05%             1           820709018
                        BECLATE1:ATROV.BETA2        BECLOMETHASONE DIPROPIONATE NASAL SOLN 0.05%             1           080201001
                        BECONASE AQ 50MCG           BECLOMETHASONE DIPROPIONATE NASAL SOLN 0.05%             1           707198003
                        BELEX 500MG CAPS            CEPHALEXIN CAP 500 MG                                    100         706327001
                        BE-METRAZOLE 200MG TABS     METRONIDAZOLE TAB 200 MG                                 500         821705016
                        BE-METRAZOLE 400MG TABS     METRONIDAZOLE TAB 400 MG                                 500         788708023
                        BENCOLE SUSP                SULFAMETHOXAZOLE-TRIMETHOPRIM SUSP 200-40 MG/5ML         50          795070004
                        BENCOLE SUSP                SULFAMETHOXAZOLE-TRIMETHOPRIM SUSP 200-40 MG/5ML         100         795070012
                        BENDEX 400MG TABS           ALBENDAZOLE TAB 400 MG                                   1           840262019
                        BENYLIN CHESTY              METAPROTERENOL-BROMHEXINE SYRUP 5-4 MG/5ML               100         862037018
                        BENYLIN CHESTY              METAPROTERENOL-BROMHEXINE SYRUP 5-4 MG/5ML               200         862037026
                        BENYLIN WET COUGH           GUAIFENESIN SYRUP 100 MG/5ML                             50          704178001
                        BENYLIN WET COUGH           GUAIFENESIN SYRUP 100 MG/5ML                             100         704178002
                        BENYLIN WET COUGH MENTHOL   GUAIFENESIN SYRUP 100 MG/5ML                             50          895150007
                        BENYLIN WET COUGH MENTHOL   GUAIFENESIN SYRUP 100 MG/5ML                             100         895150015
                        BENZAC AC 5 GEL             BENZOYL PEROXIDE GEL 5%                                  40          807842028
                        BENZAC-AC 5 GEL             BENZOYL PEROXIDE GEL 5%                                  15          807842029
                        BENZYL BENZOATE APPL        BENZYL BENZOATE EMULSION 25%                             100         885588007
                        BE-OXYTET 250MG CAPS        OXYTETRACYCLINE HCL CAP 250 MG                           1000        787434035
                        BE-TABS ANTACID             CAL & MAG CARB-MAG TRISILICATE SUSP 250-250-500 MG/5ML   100         839035004
                        BE-TABS ANTACID             CAL & MAG CARB-MAG TRISILICATE SUSP 250-250-500 MG/5ML   2500        839035012
                        BE-TABS ASPIRIN 300MG TAB   ASPIRIN TAB 300 MG                                       100         798533005
                        BE-TABS ASPIRIN 300MG TAB   ASPIRIN TAB 300 MG                                       1000        798533013
                        BE-TABS ASPIRIN 300MG TAB   ASPIRIN TAB 300 MG                                       5000        798533021
                        BE-TABS FOLIC ACID 5MG      FOLIC ACID TAB 5 MG                                      1000        810967006
                        BE-TABS FOLIC ACID 5MG      FOLIC ACID TAB 5 MG                                      5000        810967014
Medicine Name               Active Ingredient                                       Pack Size   NAPPI Code

BE-TABS FOLIC ACID 5MG      FOLIC ACID TAB 5 MG                                     100         810967015
BE-TABS NAPROXEN 250        NAPROXEN TAB 250 MG                                     250         799459011
BE-TABS PREDNISONE 5MG TA   PREDNISONE TAB 5 MG                                     1000        788783009
BETACIN 25MG CAPS           INDOMETHACIN CAP 25 MG                                  500         787833010
BETACLAV 1000MG TABS        AMOXICILLIN & K CLAVULANATE TAB 875-125 MG              10          714704001

                                                                                                             Primary Care Networks
BETACLOMIN GEL              ALUM HYDROX-MAG OXIDE-DICYCLOMINE SUSP 400-200-5        200         707899001
BETACLOMIN GEL              ALUM HYDROX-MAG OXIDE-DICYCLOMINE SUSP 400-200-5        350         707899028
BETACLOMIN GEL              ALUM HYDROX-MAG OXIDE-DICYCLOMINE SUSP 400-200-5        100         707899044
BETACLOPRAMIDE 10MG TABS    METOCLOPRAMIDE HCL TAB 10 MG                            500         787817023
BETADINE 100MG/GM OINT      POVIDONE-IODINE OINT 10%                                25          707945003
BETADINE 100MG/GM OINT      POVIDONE-IODINE OINT 10%                                500         707945011
BETADINE GARGLE             POVIDONE-IODINE MOUTHWASH 1%                            200         707937019
BETAGESIC 200MG TABS        IBUPROFEN TAB 200 MG                                    20          708186009
BETAGESIC 200MG TABS        IBUPROFEN TAB 200 MG                                    100         708186010
BETAMOX 250MG CAPS          AMOXICILLIN (TRIHYDRATE) CAP 250 MG                     500         788155024
BETAMOX 500MG CAPS          AMOXICILLIN (TRIHYDRATE) CAP 500 MG                     500         788546023
BETAMOX S 125MG/5ML SUSP    AMOXICILLIN (TRIHYDRATE) FOR SUSP 125 MG/5ML            100         829358005
BETAMOX SF 250MG/5ML SUS    AMOXICILLIN (TRIHYDRATE) FOR SUSP 250 MG/5ML            100         829366008
BETAMYCIN 125MG SUS         ERYTHROMYCIN ESTOLATE SUSP 125 MG/5ML                   100         793329019
BETAMYCIN 250MG TABS        ERYTHROMYCIN STEARATE TAB 250 MG                        100         707437001
BETANOID 0.5MG TABS         BETAMETHASONE TAB 0.5 MG                                20          826928005
BETANOID 0.5MG TABS         BETAMETHASONE TAB 0.5 MG                                100         826928013
BETANOID 0.6MG/5ML SYR      BETAMETHASONE SYRUP 0.6 MG/5ML                          100         826936008
BETAPAM 5MG TABS            DIAZEPAM TAB 5 MG                                       1000        708062024
BETAPECT SUSP               KAOLIN-PECTIN SUSP 6-0.45 GM/30ML                       100         799408018
BETAPECT SUSP               KAOLIN-PECTIN SUSP 6-0.45 GM/30ML                       2500        799408026
BETAPEN 125MG/5ML SYR       PENICILLIN V POTASSIUM FOR SOLN 125 MG/5ML              100         751111015
BETAPEN 250MG TABS          PENICILLIN V POTASSIUM TAB 250 MG                       100         780081005
BETAPEN 250MG TABS          PENICILLIN V POTASSIUM TAB 250 MG                       1000        780081013
BETAPERAMIDE 2MG TABS       LOPERAMIDE HCL TAB 2 MG                                 10          792691008
BETAPHLEM 250MG/5ML SYR     CARBOCYSTEINE SYRUP 250 MG/5ML                          200         708151019
BETAPHLEM 250MG/5ML SYR     CARBOCYSTEINE SYRUP 250 MG/5ML                          2500        708151027
BETAPROFEN 400 FC           IBUPROFEN TAB 400 MG                                    1000        701975001
BETAPROFEN 200MG TABS       IBUPROFEN TAB 200 MG                                    1000        787426016
BETA-VIRA 5% CREAM          ACYCLOVIR CREAM 5%                                      2           713942001
BETEK 10MG TABS             CETIRIZINE HCL TAB 10 MG                                10          707885001
BETEK 10MG TABS             CETIRIZINE HCL TAB 10 MG                                30          707885002
BETNOVATE 1MG/GM CREAM      BETAMETHASONE VALERATE CREAM 0.1%                       15          708313019
BETNOVATE 1MG/GM OINT       BETAMETHASONE VALERATE OINT 0.1%                        15          708348009
BEVISPAS 135MG TABS         MEBEVERINE HCL TAB 135 MG                               100         822019019
BEVISPAS 135MG TABS         MEBEVERINE HCL TAB 135 MG                               20          822019035
BILTRICIDE 600MG TAB        PRAZIQUANTEL TAB 600 MG                                 10          708607004
BILTRICIDE 600MG TAB        PRAZIQUANTEL TAB 600 MG                                 1000        708607012
BINDOCLAV 1000MG TABS       AMOXICILLIN & K CLAVULANATE TAB 875-125 MG              10          716126001
BINDOCLAV 375MG TABS        AMOXICILLIN & K CLAVULANATE TAB 250-125 MG              15          716124001
BINDOCLAV 625MG TABS        AMOXICILLIN & K CLAVULANATE TAB 500-125 MG              15          716125001
BIO-AMOKSIKLAV              AMOXICILLIN & K CLAVULANATE FOR SUSP 250-62.5 MG/5ML    100         865559007
BIO-AMOKSIKLAV 1000MG TAB   AMOXICILLIN & K CLAVULANATE TAB 875-125 MG              10          708387002
BIO-AMOKSIKLAV 625MG TABS   AMOXICILLIN & K CLAVULANATE TAB 500-125 MG              15          865524010
BIO-AMOKSIKLAV TABS         AMOXICILLIN & K CLAVULANATE TAB 250-125 MG              15          865532001
BIO-AMOKSILAV               AMOXICILLIN & K CLAVULANATE FOR SUSP 125-31.25 MG/5ML   100         865540004
BIO-CIMETIDINE 200MG TABS   CIMETIDINE TAB 200 MG                                   60          886978002
BIO-CIMETIDINE 200MG TABS   CIMETIDINE TAB 200 MG                                   150         886978009
BIO-CIMETIDINE 400MG TABS   CIMETIDINE TAB 400 MG                                   14          887003015

Medicine Name               Active Ingredient                                         Pack Size   NAPPI Code

                        BIO-CIMETIDINE 400MG TABS   CIMETIDINE TAB 400 MG                                     56          887003016
                        BIOCIP 250MG TABS           CIPROFLOXACIN HCL TAB 250 MG (BASE EQUIV)                 10          704459001
                        BIOCIP 500MG TABS           CIPROFLOXACIN HCL TAB 500 MG (BASE EQUIV)                 10          704460001
                        BIOCORT CREAM               HYDROCORTISONE ACETATE CREAM 1%                           500         807834017
                        BIOCORT CREAM               HYDROCORTISONE ACETATE CREAM 1%                           20          807834018
Primary Care Networks

                        BIOHIST LOT                 DIPHENHYDRAMINE-CALAMINE-PHENOL LOTION 1-15-0.4%          100         794120008
                        BIOHIST SYR                 PROMETHAZINE HCL SYRUP 5 MG/5ML                           100         786837012
                        BIO-METRONIDAZOLE 400MG     METRONIDAZOLE TAB 400 MG                                  500         707242004
                        BIO-METRONIDAZOLE 400MG T   METRONIDAZOLE TAB 400 MG                                  14          707242002
                        BIO-NAPROXEN 250MG TABS     NAPROXEN TAB 250 MG                                       140         715831001
                        BIO-NIFEDIPINE 5MG CAPS     NIFEDIPINE CAP 5 MG                                       100         826863019
                        BIOTECH CIPROFLOXACIN 250   CIPROFLOXACIN HCL TAB 250 MG (BASE EQUIV)                 10          713792001
                        BIOTECH CIPROFLOXACIN 500   CIPROFLOXACIN HCL TAB 500 MG (BASE EQUIV)                 10          713793001
                        BIOTECH CIPROFLOXACIN 750   CIPROFLOXACIN HCL TAB 750 MG (BASE EQUIV)                 10          713794001
                        BISKAPECT SUSP              KAOLIN-PECTIN-BISMUTH CARBONATE SUSP 8-0.25-0.2 GM/30ML   100         708976018
                        BISKAPECT SUSP              KAOLIN-PECTIN-BISMUTH CARBONATE SUSP 8-0.25-0.2 GM/30ML   2500        708976026
                        BISMA-REX POWDER            AL HYD-BIS ALUM-CA CARB-MG CARB-MG TRISIL-NA BICARB       450         709776002
                        BISMA-REX POWDER            AL HYD-BIS ALUM-CA CARB-MG CARB-MG TRISIL-NA BICARB       150         709776001
                        BISOLVON LINCTUS            METAPROTERENOL-BROMHEXINE SYRUP 5-4 MG/5ML                100         710032005
                        BISOLVON LINCTUS            METAPROTERENOL-BROMHEXINE SYRUP 5-4 MG/5ML                200         710032013
                        BODY BALANCE FERROUS SULP   FERROUS SULFATE TAB 75 MG                                 1000        713558001
                        BODY BALANCE FERROUS SULP   FERROUS SULFATE TAB 75 MG                                 5000        713558002
                        BRAZEPAM 3MG TABS           BROMAZEPAM TAB 3 MG                                       30          796999007
                        BRAZEPAM 3MG TABS           BROMAZEPAM TAB 3 MG                                       100         796999015
                        BRAZEPAM 6MG TABS           BROMAZEPAM TAB 6 MG                                       30          800066006
                        BRAZEPAM 6MG TABS           BROMAZEPAM TAB 6 MG                                       100         800066014
                        BREN 400MG TABS             IBUPROFEN TAB 400 MG                                      1000        708290001
                        BRISCOPYN TABS              PARACETAMOL-MEPROBAMATE-CAFF-COD TAB 320-150-32-8 MG      1000        800325044
                        BROMAZE 6MG TABS            BROMAZEPAM TAB 6 MG                                       100         821616005
                        BRONCHETTE 250MG/5ML SYRP   CARBOCYSTEINE SYRUP 250 MG/5ML                            200         710520018
                        BRONCHOLIN EXPECT           GUAIFENESIN SYRUP 100 MG/5ML                              100         887966001
                        BRONCLEER SYRP              DIPHENHYDRAMINE-AMCL-SOD CITRATE SYRUP 14.07-137-57       100         710636008
                        BRONCOL                     DEXTROMETHORPHAN-AMCL SYRUP 15-90 MG/5ML                  200         710652003
                        BRONCOL COUGH SYRP          DEXTROMETHORPHAN-AMCL SYRUP 15-90 MG/5ML                  100         710652004
                        BRONKESE CO SYRP            METAPROTERENOL-BROMHEXINE SYRUP 5-4 MG/5ML                100         710687001
                        BRONKESE CO SYRP            METAPROTERENOL-BROMHEXINE SYRUP 5-4 MG/5ML                200         710687028
                        BRUFEN PAED SUSP            IBUPROFEN SUSP 100 MG/5ML                                 100         710857004
                        BRUNACOD SYR                EPHEDRINE-PROMETHAZINE-CODEINE SYRUP 7-3-9.2 MG/5ML       100         710881002
                        BRUNACOD SYR                EPHEDRINE-PROMETHAZINE-CODEINE SYRUP 7-3-9.2 MG/5ML       2500        710881010
                        BRUNAZINE 5MG/5ML           PROMETHAZINE HCL SYRUP 5 MG/5ML                           100         710873018
                        BRUNAZINE 5MG/5ML           PROMETHAZINE HCL SYRUP 5 MG/5ML                           500         710873034
                        BRUNOMOL 120MG/5ML SYRP     PARACETAMOL ELIXIR 120 MG/5ML                             100         789526018
                        BRUNOMOL 120MG/5ML SYRP     PARACETAMOL ELIXIR 120 MG/5ML                             2500        789526026
                        BUSCOPAN 10MG TABS          SCOPOLAMINE N-BUTYLBROMIDE TAB 10 MG                      10          711276005
                        BUSCOPAN 5MG/5ML SYRP       SCOPOLAMINE N-BUTYLBROMIDE SYRUP 5 MG/5ML                 100         797413006
                        BUSCOPAN CO TABS            DIPYRONE-SCOPOLAMINE BUTYLBROMIDE TAB 250-10 MG           20          711292019
                        BUSCOPAN CO TABS            DIPYRONE-SCOPOLAMINE BUTYLBROMIDE TAB 250-10 MG           100         711292027
                        CALCIPREG TAB               *PRENATAL VITAMIN TAB**                                   60          704600001
                        CANALBA CREAM               CLOTRIMAZOLE CREAM 1%                                     20          796336008
                        CANALBA VCR                 CLOTRIMAZOLE VAGINAL CREAM 1%                             50          831875003
                        CANDACIDE SUSP 20ML         NYSTATIN SUSP 100000 UNIT/ML                              20          701100001
                        CANDACIDE SUSP 30ML         NYSTATIN SUSP 100000 UNIT/ML                              30          701100002
                        CANDASPOR CREAM             CLOTRIMAZOLE CREAM 1%                                     20          788554018
                        CANDASPOR VCR               CLOTRIMAZOLE VAGINAL CREAM 1%                             50          831883006
                        CANDIZOLE CREAM             CLOTRIMAZOLE CREAM 1%                                     20          797006001

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