Directory of Wellbeing CPD for Post Primary Schools

Page created by Paul Lambert
Directory of Wellbeing CPD for Post Primary Schools
Directory of Wellbeing CPD for Post Primary Schools


 There are many professional learning opportunities available to support teachers and school leaders to engage with aspects of wellbeing. This document
 provides an overview of the CPD supports provided by the Department of Education (DE), its agencies, support services, other Government Departments
 and their agencies and includes information on how to access these supports. The CPD is set out under the four key areas of wellbeing promotion: Culture &
 Environment, Curriculum (Teaching & Learning), Policy & Planning and Relationships & Partnerships.

Prepared by the Department of Education

The table below outlines each topic and which of the four key areas of wellbeing promotion the topic is linked to. Some topics are relevant to more than one
key area of wellbeing promotion. The topics are listed in alphabetical order.
                                       Key area 1            Key area 2                  Key area 3                Key area 4
Topics                                 Culture and           Curriculum (teaching        Policy and Planning       Relationships and
                                       Environment           and learning)                                         Partnerships
Anxiety Prevention                                                      X
Child protection                               X                         X                          X                          X
Critical incident                              X                                                    X                          X
CSPE                                                                     X
Guidance Counselling                                                                                X                          X
Healthy Eating                                                           X
Junior Cycle Wellbeing                                                   X                          X                          X

Mental Health                                  X                                                                               X

Physical Education/Physical activity           X                         X                          X                          X
RSE                                            X                         X                          X
School Leadership                              X                                                    X                          X

School                                         X                                                    X                          X
Staff Self Care and Wellbeing
Social and emotional skills                                              X                                                     X

Special Educational Needs                                                X

SPHE                                           X                         X                          X

Student Support Teams   X       X   X

Substance abuse             X
Wellbeing promotion     X   X   X   X

Post Primary

I am looking for      Wellbeing Key Area      Target              Title           Description                                   Offered by   How to access the support
training/support in                           Group

Anxiety                  CURRICULUM          Post Primary        My FRIENDS     Online Friends Youth training in over three    NEPS         NEPS will communicate with all schools
                                              teachers in         Youth Training live webinars. This is an evidence-based                    during the year on the roll out of this
Prevention                                    particular SPHE                    anxiety prevention and resilience building                  training in their geographical area.
                                              teachers and
                                                                                 programme run by teachers in 10 classroom
                                              Counsellors                        sessions. This programme is most suited to
                                                                                 students in Junior Cycle

Child                    CULTURE &         DLPs, DDLPs and      Child Protection Three e-learning programmes, focusing on       PDST
Protection                ENVIRONMENT       whole school staff                    the role and responsibilities of the DLP/DDLP.             learning
                         POLICY & PLANNING                                       In addition, to a Child Protection E-learning
                         RELATIONSHIPS &                                         programme for whole staff training

                         POLICY & PLANNING New and existing      Personal Safety This seminar will address ways of educating PDST 
                         RELATIONSHIPS &   Junior Cycle SPHE     Seminar         young people about personal safety,
                          PARTNERSHIPS      teachers                              protection and abuse and provide an
                                                                                  opportunity to gain familiarity with the Child
                                                                                  Protection Procedures for Primary & Post-
                                                                                  Primary Schools 2017 and the PDST Personal
                                                                                  Safety lessons developed for Junior Cycle.

Critical                  POLICY & PLANNING School Critical   Responding to   This 3-4 hour eLearning course allows self-     NEPS          NEPS will communicate with all schools
Incidents                                    Incident          Critical        directed learning by school staff at a time                   during the year on roll out of this training
                                             management team   Incidents in    that suits them. Aimed specifically at the                    for their geographical area.
                                                               Schools:        school’s Critical Incident Management
                                                               eLearning       Team, but open to all interested staff.
                                                               Course          Downloadable resources and a follow up
                                                                               presentation to share with staff provided.

                                                                               Option of a follow-up live webinar with
                                                                               NEPS staff for schools who would like
                                                                               additional face to face input.

CSPE                      CURRICULUM         CSPE teachers    Support for the A one day online CPD support for teachers of JCT    
                                                               CSPE Short      the Junior Cycle CSPE Short Course.
                                                               Course          ‘Exploring student-centered learning,
                                                                               teaching, assessment and reporting in the
                                                                               CSPE Short Course’ (Strand 3 in Focus)

Guidance Counselling      CULTURE &         Guidance          Developing a    Webinar on mindfulness and mindful              Dublin City
                           ENVIRONMENT       counsellors       Mindful         practices including an exploration of the       University
                          POLICY & PLANNING                   Approach in     ethical issues of mindful based interventions   (DCU)
                                                               Guidance        and the ‘McDonaldization of Mindfulness’.
                                                               Care for Self
                                                               and Others

   CULTURE &         Guidance              'Settling Back In Webinar on Guidance Counsellor resilience in NCGE
    ENVIRONMENT       Counsellors and all   and Self Care challenging contexts.                            & Spectrum
   POLICY & PLANNING school staff          for the                                                        Life
   RELATIONSHIPS &                         Guidance
    PARTNERSHIPS                            Counsellor'

   POLICY & PLANNING Guidance            ‘Guidance and Live webinar will run on 15th Feb.                NCGE 
   RELATIONSHIPS &   Counsellors, School Wellbeing’    Recording will be available on
    PARTNERSHIPS      Management and all       after the live event
                      school staff

   CULTURE &           Guidance            Green            Live webinar will run on 15th Feb.           NCGE 
    ENVIRONMENT         Counsellors, School Guidance at a    Recording will be available on
   POLICY & PLANNING   Management and      local level after the live event
   RELATIONSHIPS &     school staff

   CULTURE &         Guidance              Guidance        Professional support via five two-hour        Monaghan
    ENVIRONMENT       counsellors           Counselling     supervision sessions per academic year, in    Education      programmes/supervision-for-guidance-
   POLICY & PLANNING                       Supervision     person or online.                             Centre and
   RELATIONSHIPS &                                                                                       branch network
    PARTNERSHIPS                                                                                          of the IGC

Healthy Eating      CURRICULUM          Teachers              Healthy Food       1 day training to support teachers to deliver HSE Health and Book your place at
                                                               Made Easy          a 6 session programme Healthy Food Made Wellbeing  
                                                                                  Easy.The programme is designed to help
                                                                                  young people understand the principles of
                                                                                  healthy eating and give them skills to
                                                                                  include healthier food every day.

Junior Cycle        CULTURE &                                 Embedding an       Implementing the Junior Cycle Wellbeing          JCT
Wellbeing            ENVIRONMENT         School leadership     effective Junior   Guidelines (NCCA 2021) for the Whole                       hop_embedding_an_effective_junio
                    CURRICULUM
                                         team                  Cycle              School, online 90 minute sessions.
                    POLICY & PLANNING                         Wellbeing          Workshop 1 – The updated NCCA Wellbeing
                                         Principals and
                    RELATIONSHIPS &                           programme in       guidelines 2021.
                                         Deputy principals
                     PARTNERSHIPS                              your school
                                                                                  Workshop 2 – Effective leadership &
                                                                                  management of the planning for the teaching,
                                                                                  learning, assessment & reporting in the Junior
                                                                                  Cycle Wellbeing programme.

                    CULTURE &         Whole staff             Whole-school       Implementing the Junior Cycle Wellbeing    JCT   
                     ENVIRONMENT                               ongoing            Guidelines (NCCA 2021) for the Whole
                    CURRICULUM                                planning and       School. Two-hour support may be offered to                 Contact the relevant Regional JCIS Team
                    POLICY & PLANNING                         development        a school following a meeting with a Junior                 Leader via the link above
                    RELATIONSHIPS &                           of a Coherent      Cycle Implementation Support (JCIS) Team
                     PARTNERSHIPS                              Wellbeing          Leader.

                    CULTURE &           Teachers in Special   Whole-school Implementing the Junior Cycle Wellbeing                JCT
                     ENVIORONMENT        Schools with          ongoing        Guidelines (NCCA 2021) for the Whole
                    CURRICULUM          students              planning and   School.                                              
                    POLICY & PLANNING   experiencing the      development
                    RELATIONSHIPS &     Level 1 or Level 2    of a Wellbeing
                     PARTNERSHIPS        Learning              Programme

   CULTURE &         Whole staff           Spring and      Webinars on some topical issues regarding JCT
                    ENVIRONMENT                             Autumn Online the Junior Cycle Curricular Wellbeing
                   CURRICULUM                              Learning Events Programme
                   POLICY & PLANNING
                   RELATIONSHIPS &

Mental Health      CULTURE &         All Teachers          START – Online Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper Training . 90      NOSP   Accessed by linking with local Resource
                    ENVIRONMENT                             Suicide        minute self-directed online training programme.         Officer for Suicide Prevention, link to
                   RELATIONSHIPS &                         Prevention                                                             contact details below:
                    PARTNERSHIPS                            Gatekeeper                                                   
                                                            Training                                                               mental-health-services/connecting-for-
                                                                           Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper Training                  life/training/upcoming-
                                      All Teachers          SafeTALK       Internationally recognised 3.5 hour face to face        training/#Other%20contact%20details%2
                                                                           training programme that supports participants           0for%20your%20area
                                                                           to identify and engage with people who have
                                                                           thoughts of suicide and connect to help.

                                      Those in a pastoral                   Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper Training
                                                            ASIST           2 day face to face training programme
                                                                            that equips participants for an
                                                                            effective suicide intervention role.

                   CULTURE &         Guidance             Understanding 1 day face to face training programme to         NOSP     Accessed by linking with local Resource
                    ENVIRONMENT       Counsellors, Year    Self-Harm -   reduce the stigma of self-harm, improve                   Officer for Suicide Prevention, link to
                   RELATIONSHIPS &   Heads and those in a               individual awareness and sensitivities to                 contact details below:
                    PARTNERSHIPS      pastoral role.                     self-harm and promote effective care for        
                                                                         those who self-harm.                                      mental-health-services/connecting-for-

   CULTURE &         All Teachers         Introduction to A two hour online workshop to develop                  NOSP   Accessed by linking with local Resource
                         ENVIRONMENT                            Self-Harm       participants knowledge and understanding                      Officer for Suicide Prevention, link to
                        RELATIONSHIPS &                                        and the reasons underlying of self-harm.                      contact details below:
                                                                                  .                                                           training/#Other%20contact%20details%2
                        CULTURE &         Teachers undertaking Providing     A one day face to face training or            NOSP              Accessed by linking with local Resource
                         ENVIRONMENT       a pastoral role in the support to 5 hours training that supports participants to                   Officer for Suicide Prevention, link to
                        RELATIONSHIPS &   school environment. those bereaveddevelop knowledge and understanding of                           contact details below:
                         PARTNERSHIPS                             through    the grieving process and to enhance their              
                                                                  suicide.                                                                    mental-health-services/connecting-for-
                                                                             skills in supporting people bereaved by
                                                                             suicide                                                          life/training/upcoming-
Physical                CURRICULUM        All PE Teachers     Basketball             This practical workshop will revisit the core    PDST
Education/Physical                                             Clinic - Review        skills and tactics associated with basketball.
activity                                                       of Skills and

                        CURRICULUM        All Senior Cycle PE Health Related         This practical workshop will introduce       PDST
                                           Teachers            Activity - Using       participants to the key concept of fitness
                                                               Fitness                monitoring in Physical Education through the
                                                               Monitoring in          Senior Cycle PE Curricular Model of Health-
                                                               PE                     Related-Activity.

   CURRICULUM   LCPE Teachers        LCPE Update & This online two- hour workshop will provide PDST
                                            Q & A with    attendees with the latest updates on LCPE,
                                            LCPE Teachers while also looking at the components of both
                                                          performance and health related fitness. What
                                                          components of fitness are, how they are
                                                          measured and how they impact on
                                                          performance will all be addressed.

         CURRICULUM   Senior Cycle PE      Planning for     This webinar aims to support teachers in        PDST
                       Teachers             SCPE             understanding and planning towards the
                                                             provision of Senior Cycle PE in schools. An
                                                             overview of the six curricular models as well
                                                             as teaching and learning methodologies for
                                                             the Senior Cycle PE Framework will be

         CURRICULUM   Class teachers of    Support for the A one day CPD support for teachers of the      JCT
                       Junior Cycle PE      PE Short Course Junior Cycle PE Short Course with a focus on
                                                            Considering how we might support a diversity            CPD will be delivered online between
                                                            of learners to achieve their potential in               January and March 2022
                                                            Physical Education and understanding how
                                                            we can develop learning experiences which
                                                            are as accessible as possible to students with
                                                            additional needs.

RSE      CURRICULUM   New and existing      Senior Cycle    This seminar will outline curriculum content PDST
                       teachers of Senior    RSE             for senior cycle RSE. Best practice teaching,
                       Cycle RSE                             learning and assessment methodologies will
                                                             be explored to develop teacher confidence in
                                                             addressing sensitive issues with students.

School Leadership      RELATIONSHIPS &   Post Primary        Bespoke          Sustained mentoring support from an           CSL             Email:
                        PARTNERSHIPS      Principals          Sustained        experienced principal who has engaged in
                                          experiencing        Mentoring        advanced training in mentoring skills

                       RELATIONSHIPS &   Post Primary          Coaching       1:1 and Team Coaching for principal’s and the CSL             Information application at:
                        PARTNERSHIPS      Principals and school                school’s leadership team from trained               
                                          leadership teams                     executive coaches                                             principals/information-about-csl-

                       POLICY & PLANNING Newly Appointed     Critical         This module as part of the Misneach and         PDST & NEPS
                                          Principals and      Incident         Tánaiste programme provides participants            
                                          Deputies            Management       with an opportunity to reflect and prepare for
                                                              – Tánaiste and   critical incidents in their school with a focus
                                                              Misneach         on the development of effective planning as
                                                                               well as sharing of practice examining
                                                                               challenges and opportunities for schools in
                                                                               this area.
                       RELATIONSHIPS &   Newly Qualified Post 1:1 Mentoring 1:1 mentoring support for newly appointed       CSL             Email:
                        PARTNERSHIPS      Primary Principals                 principals from an experienced and trained
                                                                             post primary principal, leading a school
                                                                             with a similar context.

   RELATIONSHIPS &   Leadership Teams     Development     A series of modules for school leadership     PDST and
    PARTNERSHIPS      in Forbairt          of trust in     teams, as part of the Forbairt programme,     external
                                           schools and     examining the importance of developing trust consultants.
                                           organisations   in schools. Provide both reflective space and
                                                           practical suggestions in developing trust
                                                           within schools.

   RELATIONSHIPS &   Assistant Principals Self-care       Module on self-care and self-management as PDST   
    PARTNERSHIPS      1 and 2                              part of the Comhar programme Includes
                                                           examining approaches to time management
                                                           and providing strategies for management of
                                                           stress and work management.

   RELATIONSHIPS &   Newly Appointed Self-care –          This module as part of the Misneach and        PDST
    PARTNERSHIPS      Principals      Tánaiste and         Tánaiste programmes provides participants
                                      Misneach             with reflective opportunities in relation to      
                      and Deputies
                                                           their care and their self-management while
                                                           working as a school principal or deputy. It
                                                           presents approaches to stress management
                                                           and provides opportunities to share practice
                                                           in this regard.

School                   CULTURE &         All school staff                   Spectrum.Life the Employee Assistance        Spectrum Life
Staff Self Care and       ENVIRONMENT                                          Service (EAS) provides advice to all school                employee-assistance-service/
Wellbeing                POLICY &                                             staff and family members (aged 18 years +
                          PLANNING                                             living at home) by trained therapists on a
                         RELATIONSHIPS &                                      range of issues including: wellbeing, mental
                          PARTNERSHIPS                                         health, legal, financial, bereavement,
                                                                               conflict and mediation. Case Managers who
                                                                               work on the 24/7 phone lines, sms and
                                                                               whatasapp are all qualified and accredited
                                                                               counsellors and psychotherapists.
                                                                               The EAS also provides advice and support
                                                                               to managers and school leaders and
                                                                               delivers interventions to help them deal
                                                                               with health and wellbeing issues in the
                                                                               workplace. The EAS provides with a digital
                                                                               gym, health and wellbeing webinars,
                                                                               workshops and a monthly digital wellbeing
                                                                               series on the platform and app completely
                                                                               free of cost.

Social &                 RELATIONSHIPS &   Post-primary       Get Up! Stand   30 minute online training for teachers on    NEPS         Teachers send an email to
                          PARTNERSHIPS      teachers           Up!             Get Up! Stand Up! (Version 2), a 7 session       with their name
Emotional Skills                                                                                                                         and school name and address and they
                                                                               social skills learning programme for young
                                                                               adolescents (6th class and 1st years)                     will be forwarded:
                                                                               developed by NEPS. It covers themes such
                                                                               as ‘Friendship’, ‘Dealing with Teasing and                   a link to a 30 minute
                                                                               Intimidation’ and ‘Resilience and Coping’.                    information/training video
                                                                                                                                            a copy of the manual

   CULTURE &         All teachers   Behaviour   NCSE Teacher Professional Learning      NCSE
    ENVIORONMENT                     Support     seminars and webinars to support with          learning
   CURRICULUM                                   social, emotional behavioural needs

   CURRICULUM         Senior Cycle Teachers MindOut2     Teaching social and emotional learning at HSE Health and Book your place on
                                                                                senior cycle.MindOut2 is suitable for         Wellbeing
                                                                                Transition Year or 5th year pupils and is
                                                                                designed to be implemented within a single
                                                                                35-40 minute class period over 12 weeks,
                                                                                using interactive learning methods. This 1
                                                                                day training will support teachers to deliver
                                                                                this programme in their schools.
                         POLICY & PLANNING Whole school staff   Resilience,    This webinar explores how to help young        NCGE & 
                                                                 character      people develop resilience and how it           Psychological
                                                                 building and   relates to stress and wellbeing. The webinar   Society of
                                                                 identity       highlights the importance of resilience and    Ireland (PSI)
                                                                                the development of mental toughness in
                                                                                supporting one’s ability to cope with
                                                                                uncertainty, changing and potentially
                                                                                distressing situations.

Special Educational      CULTURE &         All teachers         Teacher        NCSE Teacher Professional Learning CPD NCSE          
needs                     ENVIORONMENT                           Supports       opportunities to support students with                         learning
                         CURRICULUM                             for            additional needs and from diverse groups.
                         POLICY & PLANNING                      students
                         RELATIONSHIPS &                        with
                                                                 needs and

SPHE                     CURRICULUM         Class teachers of    Support for    A one day CPD support for teachers of the     JCT
                                             SPHE                 the SPHE Short Junior Cycle SPHE Short Course with an
                                                                  Course         emphasis on planning

                         CURRICULUM         New and existing     Mental Health This seminar focuses on the curricular aspects PDST
                                             SPHE teachers        Seminar       of positive mental and emotional health
                                                                                development within the SPHE curriculum.
                                                                                Participants will engage with best practice
                                                                                lessons that promote teaching, learning and
                                                                                assessment within the SPHE class.

Student Support Teams    POLICY & PLANNING Post-primary         Student Support Setting up and running a Student Support      NEPS      Post-primary schools can discuss this
                         RELATIONSHIPS &   teachers who                         Team to improve coordination for wellbeing.             with their NEPS psychologist
                          PARTNERSHIPS                           Teams           This includes in school support, workshops
                                            may be involved
                                                                                 and group consultations to review and/or
                                            with the student
                                                                                 establish support structures in school to
                                             support team
                                                                                 promote wellbeing.
Substance use            CURRICULUM         SPHE teachers        Know the Score This 1 day training supports teachers to  HSE Health and Book your place at
                                                                                 deliver the Know the Score programme. The Wellbeing
                                                                                 programme supports young people to make
                                                                                 conscious and informed decisions about
                                                                                 drugs and alcohol.

   CURRICULUM          New and existing   Substance Use This workshop explores attitudes towards   PDST
                                    SPHE teachers      Evening       substance use and examines methodologies
                                                       Workshop      which facilitate teachers to address these
                                                                     issues with students.

Wellbeing      CULTURE &         Whole staff          In school         Tailored Support and Development              NEPS   Schools agree with their assigned NEPS
                ENVIRONMENT                                                                                                   psychologist based on the school
Promotion                         attendance           support is        programmes for individual schools in specific        population and context.
               CURRICULUM                             available in      areas, identified through consultation with
               POLICY & PLANNING
                                                       varied areas.     NEPS.
               RELATIONSHIPS &

               CULTURE &         All school leaders   An Introduction   This webinar provides an introduction to the PDST
                ENVIRONMENT       and teachers         to the            Wellbeing Policy Statement and Framework
               CURRICULUM                             Wellbeing         for Practice. It is available should schools wish
               POLICY & PLANNING
                                                       Policy            to watch this in advance of the seminar.
               RELATIONSHIPS &
                PARTNERSHIPS                           Statement and
                                                       Framework for

               CULTURE &         School leaders       Wellbeing         Subject to public health advice the PDST will PDST
                ENVIRONMENT                            Policy            deliver a full day seminar which will enable
               CURRICULUM
                                                       Statement and     participants to explore how to use the
               POLICY & PLANNING
               RELATIONSHIPS &                        Framework for     Wellbeing Policy Statement and Framework
                PARTNERSHIPS                           Practice          for Practice document to engage in wellbeing
                                                       Webinars          promotion In addition to the seminar event,
                                                                         schools will be invited to apply for two
                                                                         optional sustained support visits from a PDST
                                                                         advisor following attendance at the seminar.

    CULTURE &         All teachers          Wellbeing      A recording of a Teaching Council hosted The Teaching  
                             ENVIRONMENT                                            webinar where the theme of wellbeing was Council                 /en/research-croi-/using-research-in-
                                                                     webinar                                                                         our-school/wellbeing/
                            CURRICULUM                                             discussed by the panelists
                            POLICY & PLANNING
                            RELATIONSHIPS &

                            CULTURE &             Teachers,         Various        A range of Local, Regional and National     ESCI       
                             ENVIRONMENT                                            Wellbeing courses tailored to support the
                                                   Leaders, SNA’s,
                            CURRICULUM                                             identified needs of school communities.                          CPD Courses for Irish Primary and
                            POLICY & PLANNING     School Staff,                                                                                     Post Primary Teachers Ireland
                            RELATIONSHIPS &       Parents,BOM’s                                                                                     (

       Face to face CPD is subject to public health guidelines.

       Due to PDST advisors providing sub cover, capacity to provide some CPD support may be impacted.

       Substitution cover may be available for some CPD listed. More information on substitution can be found through the contacts link provided.

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